Summer 2014 TILLegram


Summer 2014 TILLegram
Summer 2014
Toward Independent Living and Learning, Inc.
From the President
The last twelve months have been filled
with exciting new projects for TILL. Our
collective advocacy has also resulted in the
passage of Chapter 257, a law requiring
contract rates to be reviewed every two
years. For the past seventeen years, private
providers have been operating under rates
which have not seen any increases. We
are most appreciative of the advocacy
of all of our employees and families, and to our legislators
who have approved the passage of this bill. It is not yet fully
implemented and we continue to work to ensure that all
programs receive rate increases. TILL has been able to increase
health care and retirement benefits as well as implement salary
raises for many positions. We want to recognize the important
work of human service professionals who provide the daily
operations and management of community based programs.
We are proud of our Living legacy project which evolved from
our partnerships with families as we learned from them the
power of persistence and the unwillingness to accept the status
quo. This oral history video preserves and shares families’
histories and describes the richness of the lives of people we
support. It has proven to be a wonderful way for staff to better
understand the past so that they can shape the future.
We look forward to the coming year as we celebrate our 35th
anniversary and continue to work in partnership with our
families, employees, individuals and friends.
Dafna Krouk-Gordon
Founder and President, TILL, Inc.
Walk for Hunger... page 7
One of the greatest challenges we have as a society is to
create varied and individualized residential and vocational
arrangements which evolve as people mature, age, and need
different supports. In the 70’s, large institutional care was
the norm. Over the past four decades we have created an
impressive array of models in the community. We need to
continue with our creativity as people live longer and expect
to be involved in all aspects of their communities. To this end,
we are building a 61 unit integrated supportive apartment
building in Charlestown which will also be home for a staffed
group residence in its midst. Our new farmstead in Stow was
developed in concert with Sage Crossing Foundation whose
families had a vision of farm life providing meaningful work
for their sons and daughters on the autism spectrum.
Cultural Festival... page 8
TILL Games... page 2
Walk for Hunger... page 7
Save the Date!
Join us for a Celebration
of TILL’s 35 Years
May 2, 2015, 5:00-8:00p.m.
UMass Boston’s Campus Center
Moving TOWARD the future with innovation,
promoting INDEPENDENT empowered lives,
creating a LIVING legacy together,
continually LEARNING from each other.
TILL Games 2014
n September 2013, over 200 athletes came together at the
annual TILL Games event to challenge themselves and
their peers, cheered by family and friends.
TILL Games is a track and field event for athletes of all ages and all
abilities. Individuals, staff, family members and even grandchildren
participate in the fun spirit of competition in this track and field
event. Athletes prepare through
training and practice at local
tracks, leading to year-round
fitness and promoting an active
lifestyle for everyone.
This year’s 20th Annual TILL
Games promises to be even
bigger. Mark your calendars
for TILL Games 2014 on
Saturday, September 6th at
the Reggie Lewis Track!
TILL’s Wellness Initiative (TWI)
TILL’s Wellness Initiative (TWI) is an agency-wide inclusive
health and wellness program which encourages the participation of
everyone, both TILL employees and the people we serve, to promote
wellness education, healthy choices and an active lifestyle to improve
and maintain good health. By encouraging this partnership, we
stress a healthy lifestyle for everyone, across work and home settings.
Over the past year, TILL’s Wellness Initiative has offered Wellness
Events and a series of contests to challenge all participants to become
more active by tracking exercise and rewarding their success through
prizes and recognition. The participation and excitement has been
TWI-NGO! Played like BINGO, TWINGO encouraged
participants to cheer on the Olympic Athletes and shake off those
winter blues while TWIng out some great activities! TWI PICK
A PEAK challenged participants to scale 8 virtual, vertical peaks in
8 weeks by tracking their exercise minutes which were converted
to vertical feet on the virtual mountain range. Over a two month
period 194 individuals and staff tracked a total of 159,302 exercise
The next challenge
sends participants to
travel the Great Wall
of China on their
journey to personal
fitness and a healthy
Grow with Springboard
ILL’s Springboard Social Club gives members great
opportunities to meet new people and try new
Springboard-Plus Clubs include Cooking, Art,
Theatre, Sports and our newest – Travel Club. This fall, Springboard
Travel Club members will tour Rome and surrounding cities in
Italy. Travelers have been preparing for
their adventure, meeting to learn about
the history, language and culture, while
creating a fabulous travel itinerary. Buon
Springboard group events and trips take
full advantage of all New England has to
offer from exhilarating zip lining in the
White Mountains to a riverboat dinner
cruise. In June, over 250 Springboard
members, family and friends enjoyed a
catered barbeque, softball and socializing
at beautiful Larz Anderson Park at the
Annual Family Picnic.
TILL New Hampshire
TILL’s New Hampshire programs enjoyed their annual Camping and Deep Sea Fishing Weekend,
May 27-29, 2014. Perfect weather followed the campers from the Exeter Elms Riverside Campground
to their chartered boat which left from Hampton, NH for a day of fishing and sightseeing. The group
relaxed in the campground pool and shared tales of the ones that got away. Maybe next year!
Here We Grow Again!
he Don Guanella Respite Center in Chelsea provided
services under the management of the Daughters
of Saint Mary of Providence since 1982. With the
retirement of the sisters, the center was slated to close this summer.
In order to maintain the continuity of these necessary services, TILL
has purchased and assumed management of the Center on Nichols
St. in Chelsea. We look forward to offering emergency and planned
respite services to provide support to individuals and their families.
TILL’s programs are planned and developed to address the specific
needs of the people we serve, taking into account age, life experiences,
interests and vision. TILL is proud to announce the opening of
our new home in Lexington for young adults transitioning into
adult services and our newest home in Canton which will provide
supports for adults with acquired brain injuries.
TILL Inclusive Fitness (In-Fit)
Center Now Open
Thanks to the generous support of our friends from the Belmont
Savings Bank Foundation and Eastern Bank Foundation, TILL’s
inclusive and welcoming fitness space for people of all abilities
opened its doors on April 6, 2014. Utilizing the 2nd floor area of
the newly built Watertown Day Program Center, the program offers
adapted exercise and fitness activities taught by certified instructors
and personal trainers.
Our Open House invited families and supporters to “Move, Groove,
and Meet New Friends” as they practiced karate moves with our
certified black belt karate instructor.
Legislative Luncheon 2014
TILL individuals and staff were a visible presence at the Annual
Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP)
Legislative Luncheon honoring the 2014 Legislators of the Year,
Representative David Linsky and Senator Cynthia Creem. This
annual event brings together legislators and aides, self-advocates,
provider staff, family and members of the disability community to
celebrate and advocate for the disability services community.
Representatives from TILL’s
Hudson Day Program and TILL
Central Programs in Billerica,
Chelsea and Watertown took the
opportunity to visit the offices of
several Massachusetts Senators
and Representatives including
Sonia Chang-Diaz, Senator,
D-Boston, Cynthia S. Creem,
Senator, D-Newton and Marc
T. Lombardo, Representative,
R-Billerica, where they were
received with a warm welcome.
ETC Food Service
Ten students from TILL’s Autism Support Center recently completed
a 9 week “Karate Fundamentals” series and proudly received
their belts at the traditional graduation ceremony marking their
There are more exciting classes to come… yoga, Zumba, healthy
eating and of course, more karate!
Employment Milestone
In May 2014, William Flynn from Alden Road, was honored for
25 years of employment at Phillips Academy, a notable achievement
but especially significant - Bill’s success is due to his hard work and
dedication to Phillips Academy as well as the dedication and support
of Bill by the people at Phillips Academy. Congratulations, Bill.
Essence of Thyme and Cravings
Food Service (ETC) prepared and
delivered an unbelievable 533,607
breakfasts and lunches enjoyed by
school children in Massachusetts
and New Hampshire during the
2013/2014 school year, an increase
over last year’s production by a
whopping 51,875 meals!
This unique entrepreneurial business has offered employment
opportunities and culinary training for people with disabilities for
more than 25 years.
Living Legacy Project
oward Independent Living and Learning’s Living Legacy
Project preserves and shares the histories of four families
supported by TILL, each story documenting their past so as to shape
the future of human services, creating an innovative training for
TILL staff and a celebration of our shared mission.
Since our founding in 1980, families have been our true partners
as we work together to create opportunities in our communities.
Many have been with us from the start; families who blazed the trail
with us during a time when community based care was a radical
new approach. Now, those children who have participated in TILL
programming for decades are in middle age: and, in recent years,
their parents have wondered: Who will know their adult sons and
daughters with their life histories and stories, the families who love
them, and the people they’ve loved? Where communication barriers
challenge our ability to understand the full potential of these
individuals, what will happen when their family members are no
longer there to bridge that gap? How can we impart these stories
to human service professionals to understand that people they work
with are far more than what they present on the surface? TILL’s
Living Legacy Project responds to these questions through inspiring
oral histories.
Through the expertise and talents of a writer and oral historian, these
unique stories of four TILL residents and their families come to life
in this hour-long training video. Nicki Pombier holds a Master of
Arts in Oral History from Columbia University and draws on her
vast experiences to produce these life histories with sensitivity and
respect. Questions in the video encourage viewers to reflect on these
life histories as they relate to the individuals served by TILL.
For more information about TILL’s Living Legacy Project or to
find out how you can see this important video, please contact us at
Dafna Krouk-Gordon receives Award for Excellence
The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers,
(Providers Council), the statewide association of health and
human service agencies, recognized TILL President and
Founder, Dafna Krouk-Gordon as a leader and innovator on
a statewide and national level in developing services for people
with developmental disabilities and behavioral health needs, at
the 38th Annual Convention & Expo: Champions for Change
on November 6, 2013.
The Richard Bond Award for Excellence notes that since
founding TILL, Inc. in 1980 with a mission to create
community based residential, vocational and support services
to help people reach their full potential and attain an optimal
quality of life, Dafna has continued to guide the development
of and inspire new and innovative services for more than 34
years. Dafna takes pride in TILL’s ability to offer personal
attention to detail to meet the unique and changing needs of
the many people we serve and leads by example with her love
of innovation in our services. Through her guidance, TILL has
continued to develop in areas which are underserved, embrace
change and always ask how we might not just meet, but excel
in fulfilling our mission.
(L-R) Michael Weekes, Providers Council President; Dafna Krouk-Gordon, TILL Founder
and President; Andy Pond, Justice Resource Institute President at Champions for Change
2014 Top Fundraiser
ho exactly is this Daniel person? How is he raising
this many pledges? What is he doing differently? I
have received several inquiries from the other top
fundraisers looking to find out more about you. I have to say that
you are starting to create a bit of a fan club following. Not only are
you raising the needed donations for our emergency food programs,
you are inspiring my other top fundraisers to do more. Please tell the
rest of your teammates, your donors, your friends, and your family
members, thank you for their support. This world needs more people
like you…” Ryan – Project Bread
A recurrent theme in TILL’s April Madness is being a part one’s
local community and making it a better, safer, healthier place to
live. From Make A Wish programs to the local animal shelters, our
programs have found ways to make valuable contributions to many
local and national organizations. As each of the Quests vary from
year to year, one remains constant – Show us how you participate in
Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger.
Individuals and staff from TILL have shown countless ways to
participate. This year Team TILL’s participation and fundraising
efforts reached a record high – then Daniel’s sponsorships went
through the roof, making him Project Bread’s top 2014 individual
donor with a pledge contribution of $23,410!
So who is Daniel and how did he raise so many pledges?
Daniel has participated in the Walk for Hunger for many years but
this year, Residence Manager Stephanie helped set up an online
walker’s page where supporters could pledge and leave messages of
encouragement. Little did they anticipate the power of family and
social media when they sent the link to Daniel’s mother! Daniel’s
sister Sara shared the link with friends on both coasts and unleashed
an incredible outpouring of support for both Project Bread and
Daniel’s goal. In addition to the pledges, words of encouragement
and support from family, friends and total strangers multiplied.
• Walk proud Daniel - you are making a real difference!
• I am so touched by Daniel’s story
• Great job, Daniel- What an accomplishment-you should be very
proud of yourself.
• You are an inspiration! Go Daniel!
• Good luck Daniel! We’ll be cheering you on....
• Daniel: You are walking to raise money to provide food for those
who don’t have enough to eat. What a great thing to do! Well done!
Daniel lives at one of TILL’s Lexington residences and attends TILL
Central in Billerica. He is described by those who know him as
friendly and warm, and even casual acquaintances remember the tall
young man with the sunny smile, as evidenced by the greetings he
receives everywhere he goes.
The answer to the question is: Daniel is a man who has made an
impact on the lives of many people through the incredible generosity
of his wonderful circle of friends. Well done!
The Travelling Quilt
Team Vision
This beautiful handcrafted quilt, donated by an artisan for the TILL
Winter Ball raffle, was won by Joan Stracuzzi from Braintree. Joan
donated it to Rosie’s Place for their silent auction where Joan Engler,
our Dedham Receptionist, bid on and won the quilt. Joan Engler
donated the quilt to TILL once again, to be used for the Spring Gala
raffle. What a great Pay It Forward story!
TILL’s Residential and Day Program Managers, Coordinators and
Directors gather each year for their annual Team Building Day at
beautiful Salisbury Beach.
At last year’s gathering,
Linda Naclerio, VP of
Program Services, Ed
Castelli, Director of
Residential Services and
Stella Reis, Director of
Day Services spoke about
TILL’s Vision followed by
team building exercises
Stevens, Director of
Special Projects.
We Make a Difference
ur extensive volunteer efforts impact positively, building
connections within the communities where we live, work
and play.
Some examples of the volunteer efforts recognized at our 2014
Cultural Festival are:
•Supporting local food pantries through food drive parties
•Supporting the Wish Project of Lowell, Hope House, the
American Cancer Association, the American Diabetes
Association and the Epilepsy Foundation of Massachusetts
through participation in fundraising and donations
•Supporting Our Troops with packages and letters
•Baking dog biscuits; shredding paper for bedding; donating
blankets and food to animal shelters
•Lilac Court, Acton supports the Heiffer Foundation
•Peabody, Brookline, and Burley Street, Danvers residences
regularly combine their talents to serve meals at My Brother’s
Table in Lynn
•Pilgrim Church in Dorchester and the Greater Boston Food
Bank receive food pantry, soup kitchen, shelter assistance
from Brookline, Brighton, Dedham, Melville and Elm Lawn,
Dorchester residences
We make a difference, one contribution at a time!
Walk for Hunger
We are proud of TILL’s culture of giving and volunteerism that
provide opportunities for community involvement. Highlights of
this past year included:
All 51 of TILL residences attended the Walk for Hunger! We
congratulate the many houses who carpooled to Boston Common
or better yet- took the T!
Hat’s off to the mother/son team of
Barbara Jackins and Jack from Doris
Road who walked the entire 20 mile
course again this year!
• Great Ideas – 250A E. Main St.’s Elements
Massage Certificate Raffle; Alan of Doris Rd
personally collecting pledges in support of
housemate Jack’s Walk; Muzzey St. collecting
returnable cans/bottles & pledges
Team TILL pledges and donations far
surpassed this year’s goal of $3,000.
In addition to Daniel’s phenomenal
fundraising, our residential programs
creatively raised a total $4,011 for
Project Bread through:
• Bake Sales - Maynard’s unique Traveling Bake Sale; Middleton’s
Bake Sale and; Glide St.’s Easter Dessert party.
• Dinners and Themed Celebrations - Brookline’s
popular Take Out Jamaican Lunch; Burley
St.’s Cluster and Family dinners; Cluster VII 60’s Party; Hale St.’s
Cupcake/80’s Party; Andover St.’s Party; Alden Rd. and Forest St.’s
Pizza Parties, just to name a few.
Many thanks to all who
attended and contributed to
the success of these fundraisers,
gathered pledges from family
and friends, those who walked
and those who cheered on the
efforts of Team TILL.
ILL’s April Madness is an agency-wide celebration
of cultural and community connections and
personal achievements. This year’s theme challenged our
community residences to Learn from Yesterday, Live in the
Present, and Envision their Future. Examples of friendship,
old friends and new friends were a common thread
throughout the entire five weeks. Volunteer efforts continue
to rise and this year’s WOWs were thoughtful and creatively
TILL’s “Best in Show” was awarded to our Lynnfield
Residence. In addition, Jen Ferris, Residence Manager,
received the “I am Living the Dream” award for her moving
account of how she loves what she does.
The Stoughton Residence took a close second with their
beautiful and thoughtful journey through the Quests
culminating with their WOW (receiving the Most Wowable
WOW) - a moving tribute to their good friend, Mark, who
had recently passed away.
Melville Ave, Dorchester tied for third place with Muzzey Street
CLO Residence in Lexington. Melville Ave.’s video capturing their
community service project was a run-away hit at the Cultural Festival
while the “Gang at Muzzey Street”, as they called themselves, went
above and beyond in every way!
The many remarkable and creative WOWs included:
• Three individuals and two staff from our Newton house were
among 3000 people at the Sports Illustrated photo shoot at
the Boston Marathon Finish Line showing Boston Strong
-one year later.
• Francis Wyman St.’s professional photo shoot of Jane, Jen,
Sharon and Laurie was an exceptional portrayal of each
woman as a person first.
• The men from Alden Road took a fabulous “Photo Walk in
Boston” with advice from a professional photographer to set
up each incredible image.
• The Brookline house proudly showcases their acting/dance
abilities in their newest video.
• The ladies of Lilac Court traveled the entire Johnny Appleseed
Trail, documenting the journey with photos that clearly show
the great time they had!
• The folks at our Peabody house tried drum lessons and fell in
love with drumming! Drum circle anyone?
We believe that April Madness mirrors the mission, philosophy
and vision of TILL itself - Toward Independent Living and
Learning. April Madness is about Pride; pride in yourself and
what you can accomplish with a little imagination. We share
these accomplishments at our annual Cultural Festivals where we
celebrate our unique contributions.
The TILL Cultural Festival for our residential programs was held on
Sunday, June 1st at the UMASS Lowell Inn & Conference Center,
with 360 people in attendance. The beautiful day began with a
bountiful, international feast followed by introductory remarks from
Dafna Krouk-Gordon and a special tribute to Maya Angelou.
Ninety kazoos were dispersed throughout the crowd to accompany
John Stevens on a rousing rendition of John Sebastian’s “What a Day
for a Day Dream”, a lively interactive musical moment.
Several videos were shown to the enthusiastic crowd and then
all residences were acknowledged and honored for their specific
Save the date for TILL’s Cultural Festival 2015 on Sunday, May
31st at the ICC-Lowell.
The TILL Day Program Cultural Festival was held on Friday, June
27, 2014, at the Courtyard Marriot in Billerica, MA. Over 250
people from TILL’s Billerica Day Habilitation Program, TILL
Central Billerica, Chelsea Day Habilitation Program, TILL Central
Chelsea, Hudson Day Habilitation
Program, Watertown Day Habilitation
Program, TILL Central Watertown and
many family members attended.
Guests feasted on an amazing display
of international dishes and desserts and
enjoyed musical performances by John
Stevens as well as the Watertown Chorus
with Harley Smith on keyboard. Programs
were recognized for their efforts and all were
justifiably proud of their achievements.
Congratulations to all who came together
to Dream a Little Dream with us!
Hawaiian Dreams
ILL’s International Ambassadors traveled to Hawaii
in May to share their expertise at the Pacific Rim
International Conference on Disability and Diversity.
April Madness 2014 – Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today,
Envision Tomorrow: Dream a Little Dream with Us. The presentation
highlighted the community involvement and volunteerism which
has become the hallmark of April Madness.
TILL’s International Ambassadors make connections wherever in the
world they go, and this trip was no exception. The Ambassadors
were invited to visit the Kahumana Community, a beautiful organic
farm with a mission to co-create a healthy, inclusive and productive
farm-based community addressing the needs of people with
disabilities, homeless families and youth. Kahumana Community
offers vocational training through their farm program as well as their
food service training in their café and hospitality services training in
their retreat center.
Dr. Sharon Kreder, VP Clinical and Support Services; Paula Aiesi,
Director of Community Connections; Joshua Lyons, Autism
Coordinator; and Aaron Kaufman, Speech-Language Pathologist,
offered a panel seminar titled Innovative Programming across the
Life Span for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, presenting a
variety of services for all ages and level of supports needed.
Kingsley Brown, Residence Manager, Brookline; Darleen
Adams, Residence Manager, Newton; and Paula Aiesi presented
TILL/SAGE Crossing at Three Boys Farm
TILL has partnered with SAGE Crossing Foundation and Frank Gesualdi of Three Boys Farm to create an
innovative farm program. This specialized, therapeutic program combines TILL’s expertise in providing
services to people with disabilities and SAGE Crossing’s mission to create farm-based programs for adults
with autism spectrum disorder, at this working family farm in Stow, MA.
Under Farmer Frank’s expert guidance, our farmer-interns prepare the soil; plant, nurture and harvest
produce; tend small animals; care for chickens and gather eggs; and work on
individualized social and community goals through this innovative and earthfriendly farmstead program. Three Boys Farm offers the perfect setting for this
farm-based alternative day program, offering ways to connect to the earth and to
the food we eat.
Spring and early summer have provided opportunities for food service trainees
from ETC in Hyde Park to make the food to table connection, and for people
from TILL Day Habilitation programs to expand on the skills learned in their
Community Gardens.
TILL is currently accepting referrals for the TILL/Sage Crossing at Three Boys
Farm in Stow, MA for this full year, day program opportunity. TILL services can
be funded through public or private arrangements.
Annual Fund Donations
We sincerely appreciate the generous donations made by our families, friends and supporters over the past year. Gifts made in memory of loved
ones, for specific purposes or programs and grants help to further TILL’s mission and provide necessary support for our innovative programs.
TILL General Donations
President’s Club
$10,000 and above
Saquish Foundation
For Recruitment and Training of TILL employees
Belmont Savings Bank Foundation, Inc.
For TILL’s Inclusive Fitness Center
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
For TILL’s Inclusive Fitness Center
Morgan-Worcester, Inc.
For Union St., Weymouth
Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation
For TILL’s Service Learning Abroad Program
The John A Scileppi Foundation
For TILL’s Adaptive Communication & Socialization Program
First Parish Unitarian Church
For TILL’s Adaptive Communication & Socialization Program
Jim and Carol Herscot
Sally O’Malley
In Memory of Kathleen White, For TILL Games
John and Maria MacDonald
For North Shore Spring Gala, Vacation Fund, Forest St., Danvers
Leigh Radtke
For Alden Road
Thomas and Deborah Flannery
For North Shore Spring Gala, Kensington Park residence and TILL programs
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
For TILL’s Inclusive Fitness Center
International Order of Alhambra Lugo
Caravan 113 Family Quarters
For Reed Road, Peabody residents
Howard and Deborah Reef
For Springboard
Fenimore Asset Management, Inc.
Lisa Birkdale
David and Tanya Mahoney
For TILL Games
Eleanor Faye
Barbara Jackins
For TILL Games
Christine Paulson
William Reid
Susan Staecker
Irving Fisher
Cliff Boehmer
Davis Square Architects, Inc.
Laurence and Paulette Wexler
In Honor of Marc Wexler
Frederick Foppiano
In Memory of Eileen Foppiano and In Honor of Stephen Foppiano
Sumner Fanger
Anita and Joseph Milano
Verizon Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Stephen Fay
Patricia Martin
For Middleton
Louisa Vandermerwe
Julian and Elsie Wierzbicki
Ann Butler Yos
For Dedham Office, TILL Central Billerica, In Honor of Sharon Kreder
Joan Mahoney and Kathleen Ferguson
For TILL Games
India Fuller
In Honor of Cora Fuller
William and Beverly Matarese
Diane McCormack and Thomas Taranto
For TILL Games
Scott and Gladys Olson
In Honor of Joshua
Esther Penta
Elliot and Alma Ring
For Springboard
John Roberts Jr
In Memory of Joanne Roberts
Bradford and Andrea Stokes
Richard and June Williams
John and Jennifer McGilvray
For TILL Games, For Yamello Drive,
In Honor of Manager and Staff
Super Flash T-Shirts
Robert and Nancy Brown
Felix Balder
Adeline Damonville
In Honor of ETC
Guy Marchmont
For Alden Road
Emery and Esther McKenzie
For Hudson Day Habilitation Program
Paul and Patricia Reynolds
In Memory of Patricia Kirk
Patricia Soriano-Lapon
In Memory of Maureen Frank
Gustav and Vibeke Christensen
For North Shore Spring Gala
Victoria Leblanc-Dillon and Steve Dillon
Malcolm and Mona Roberts
In Honor of Tabia Roberts
Bernard Thomas Resnick Trust
For Springboard, In Honor of 50th Anniversary of David and Erica Kahan
Controlled Systems HVAC, Inc.
Steve Goodman, Goodman Advisory
Group, LLC
Bernard and Patricia Barrows
In Memory of Mark Quirk,
In Honor of Steven Barrows
Judith Beningson
In Honor of Bill Flynn, Alden Road
Arnis Berger
Randall and Diane Bird
Gbalee Blamo-Slopadoe
Renee Brant
John and Cynthia Brown
Edward Capezzuto
Rosalyn Chefitz
In Honor of Tanya Amato, Flor Poueriet & Doris Rd. staff
Maurice Covino
Shirley Duggan
Jane Duncan
For Gibson Ave.
Joseph Gorman
Ardemis Handalian Special Needs Trust
Ruby Harrison
In Honor of the Wedding of Charles & Edith Upton
Rosemarie Hasenfuss
Joan Hill
Rudolph and Carol Isvak
David and Marianne James
Dorothy Katz and Harriet Uretsky
Elaine and Chuck Keefe In Memory of Mark Quirk
Sharon Kreder
In Memory of Elizabeth Waters
Andrew and Janice Krim
Juergen and Susan Nordhausen
Bernadette and Thomas O’Halloran
In Honor of Jack O’Halloran
Doug Reid
Gordon Reid
Steven and Miriam Ruggieri
Carl and Kathleen Russo
For Billerica Day Habilitation Program
Kenneth and Diane Saleski
Kathleen Slattery
Harriet and Joe Uretsky
In Memory of Anita Gordon
Jack Wallinger Sr
Frank Weber
Marsha Wilcon
Julie Williams
Under $100
Robert and Jean Lincoln
Carol Meaney
In Honor of Andrea Gaudette
Melanie Ranney
Martha Wilcon
Kathleen Ferguson
In Honor of Bill Mahoney
John Gajda
Ann Griffin
Isaiah and Olanike Anifowose
David and Diane Crusco
Dodson Family
In Honor of TJ
John and Kathleen Doucette
Joan and James Engler
Donald and Marilyn Garand
Constance and Daniel Keefe
In Memory of Mark Quirk
James Kolt and Sharon Hucul
Paul and Stephen Leclaire
Harry and Donna Leigh
Orazio and Frances Magazzu
In Honor of Lena Magazzu
Nancy Masserian
James McGunnigal
Claudia and George McKenna
Altina Moura
Dominic and Agnes Padula
In Honor of Grandson, Joseph Padula
Nancy and Ken Pondelli
Andrew and Elena Previte
Georgiy Pyatnitskiy
In Honor of Pavel Pyatnitskiy
Mary Reardon
Jacqueline O’Brien
Lionel and Betty Richard
Richard and Sandra Silverman
For Springboard
John and Marguerite Skehan
Patrick and Kathleen Slattery
Alexander Staniewicz
Paul Tomassini
Donna Yaroszewski
In Honor of Kimberly Baia
Elizabeth Warburton
Rosa Cacciola In Memory of Antonio Messina,
For Lyman St., Westboro
Barry Flanagan and Margaret Anderson
Sharon Slapik
Datasys Corporation
Edward and Margaret Callahan
Michelle Cannon
Zelia and Paulo Chaves
Marian Decamp
Tom and Elizabeth Glick
Mary Griffin
In Honor of Bill Mahoney
Elizabeth and Vicki Haley
Sandra Harajovic
William Larkin
Anne Linn
Norman and Nancy MacVicar
Barbara Mancini
Tatiana and Daniel Mendieta
Dorothy Nuzzo
Doris Palmer
Andre and Linda Paquette
Ruby Perry
Louise Polk
Herbert and Nancy Schurian
For Billerica Day Habilitation Program
Edward and Catherine Simisky
In Honor of Dale Bortolotti
Kathleen Canavan
In Memory of Dana AppleFord
Samuel and Ann Needle
Donald Piscatelli
Raymond Shih
Lloyd and Lisa Bishop
Dorothy Butler
Anne Halidy
Kathleen Begley
Robert and Brenda Borr
Nora Bogot, Trustee for Ida Davidson
In Memory of Bruce Levine
Robert and Harriet Kahn
Richard and Judith Price
Hilda and Stan Miller
Myra Sallet
Janet Abrahamson
Ada and Ross Allen
Howard and Priscilla Alpert
Barry and Lynne Balan
Albert and Barbara Bernstein
Donald and Beverly Cancella
Bernadette Castellanos
Stanley and Delores Chaban
David and Donna Chedekel
Alice Cohen
Philip and Rosely Cohen
Michael and Susan Connolly
Joseph and Ruth Curran
Florence Feinson
Robert and Deborah Feinson
Arlene and Michael Flatto
Ben and Susan Frank
Ellen Frank
Adam and Amy Goldman
Stephen and Marcia Gross
Joel and Jane Kamer
Herbert and Ann Kazer
Marsha Lampert
Marie Larkin
David and Deborah Lefton
Donald and Heidi Levi
Temmie and Larry Levitan
Naomi Levy
Carl and Naomi Lopkin
Suzanne and Paul McNulty
Rita Nalebuff
Sydney and Arlene Newburg
Stanley and Beverly Parker
Chaya Perera
Above and Beyond
TILL’s Professional Development Committee awards a Certificate of Appreciation each month to employees who have gone that
extra step in the performance of their duties. Certificates are proudly displayed at TILL’s administrative office. Send us your story of
someone who has gone Above and Beyond so we can share their story with everyone.
TILL recognizes the following employees with thanks for all of their efforts:
Alisa Hamilton, Residential Support Professional, Marrett Road,
Carmen Cruz, Residence Manager, Alden Road, Andover
Casey Simpson, Residence Manager, Marrett Road, Lexington
Christopher Desjardins, Network Administrator
Clearsens Louis-Jeune, Relief
Cynthia Barnes, Artisan, ETC – Hyde Park
Dale Belcher, Springboard Manager
Doris Merizier, Relief
Emily Amezquita, Residence Manager, Stoughton
Flor Poueriet, Residential Coordinator
Gabriel Yeboah, Residential Support Professional - Night, School
St., Acton
Gedeon Nganga, Residential Support Professional - Night, School
St., Acton
Gina Shulimson, ETC Manager, ETC – Hyde Park
Gneba Kokoura, Residence Manager, Elmbrook Circle., Bedford
Jamie Dussault, Senior Day Support Professional, Billerica Day
Habilitation Program
Jessica Slayton, Community Nurse
Jimmy Nyandat, Residential Support Professional-Night, Alden
Road, Andover
Annual Fund Donations
Howard and Roselyn Price
Paul and Mary Provencher
Esther and Samuel Rosenzweig
Saldinger-O’Neil Family
Joel Saldinger
Paula Shaer
Herbet and Harriet Shanzer
Lisa and Albert Shay
Marie Shay
Shyavitz Family
Corey and Carol Surett
Evan and Jennifer Tobasky
Paul Waitze
Richard and Judy Wheeler
Jacqueline and Steve Winokur
Phillip and Arlene Wizwer
Robert and Joan Wolfe
Beth and Howard Swartz
Richard Rosenthal
In Memory of Ernest Penta
Elizabeth Clavell
Lilwen Ann Craig
Matthew Engler and Aleta Mustone
Angela Gaeta
Joseph and Phyllis Gilardi
Fran and Ronald Kehoe
Dorothy Landry Kehoe
Ronald and Joann Levaggi
Jennie Lopilato
Ralph and Denise Lopilato
Charles Muise
Roger and Lillian Mustone
Barbara and Barry Nelson
James and Joanne O’Neil
Ann Penta
Ronald and Nancy Penta
David and Mimi Rice
Grace Richmond
Frank and Florence Sacco
Stephen and Jeanne Sacco
Robert and Angela Ventola
Franca Barricelli
John Mungai, Relief
Juan Lluberes, Residential Support Professional-Night, Alden Road,
Laura Molla, Clinical and Support Services Administrator
Lauris Jackson, Day Support Professional, Billerica Day
Habilitation Program
Lucy Wamichwe, Relief
Michelle Haley, Senior Day Support Professional, ETC – Hyde
Regina Kizzie, Residential Support Professional, Dana Ave., Hyde
Stephanie Wiggins, Residence Manager, Lexington
The Staff of Andover Street, Danvers
The Staff of Doris Road, Bedford
The Staff of Reo Road, Maynard
The Staff of Yemmallo Drive, Brockton
Toni Rose Hancock, Residence Manager, Fogg Road, Weymouth
Vladimir Alcindor, Residential Support Professional, Dana Ave.,
Hyde Park
Woody Myers, Day Support Professional, Billerica Day Habilitation
Celebrating Dedication
We are proud of attracting and retaining talented employees to
provide consistent quality services.
On August 27, 2014, we will recognize the dedication and experience
of 105 employees celebrating milestones of 5 to 35 years of service
with TILL.
In Memory of Jennifer Hussey
Ann Burnham
Linda and Jonathan Raymond
Fred and Martha Thompson
American Sewing Guild
Donald and Diane Chester
Robert Hussey
Philip and Lisette Cooper
Edmund and Judith Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Marchand
Nancy Studivan
Adrienne Cost
Beth Clelland
Eva Risotti
Elizabeth Waters
Elizabeth Waters, TILL’s Director of Support Services, passed away on
November 20, 2013. Elizabeth came to TILL in 1986, an Instructor at
TRASE, TILL’s After School Program, and In-Home Skills Trainer.
Elizabeth’s energy and talents working with children were evident as she first
managed the Braintree and Weymouth TRASE programs before moving to
the TRASE, Hyde Park program where she spent many years as Manager.
Elizabeth worked with the Recreation Department, organizing community
trips, seasonal parties and events. Her most memorable and innovative idea
was a camping experience where inner city children could experience rustic
living, dubbed “Elizabeth’s Magical Island”. The cabins, accessible only by
rowboat, made for incredible memories for students and leaders for several
Elizabeth worked with families through the Children’s Intensive Support
Services Program, providing vital support and training and used her endless
creativity developing North Shore “Club Med” Social Club. In her role as
Director of Family Support, Elizabeth expanded and developed programs to
bring families together through fun, inclusive activities such as CHAMPSS
Gym Program and family events.
Elizabeth’s positive view of the world, her warmth and her caring nature
made a difference in the lives of countless people. Her legacy lives on in all
who knew and were inspired by her.
Dancing the Night Away
Lantana’s in Randolph
was the site of TILL’s 2014
Winter Ball in January
with over 150 guests in
attendance at this semiformal event. After dinner
the guests hit the dance
floor, dancing for hours to
tunes spun by TILL’s Mike
the Ball’s King and Queen
were Carl Anderson from
Yemmallo Rd, Brockton and Karen Lincoln
from Easton.
TILL’s 2014 Spring Gala returned once more
to DiBurro’s in Haverhill, with over 200 people
in attendance at this popular event. The nonstop dancers inspired the addition of new award
categories: King and Queen of the Gala were Glen
MacVicar of Alden Rd., Andover and Meredith
Fuller of Forest St., Danvers; Best Dancers were
Bridget Morris of Forest St. and Larry Lovett of
Brighton; Outstanding Parents on Dance floor were
Ray Geraneo and Olivia Scileppi, and Outstanding
Staff on Dance Floor were Sheree Wynter from
Brookline and Hector Melendez from Forest St.