The Sea Gull -


The Sea Gull -
The Sea Gull
November 2014
Lakeside Terrace, 24 Sunrise Lane, Fruitland Park, Fl 34731
Exercise Class 7AM
Water aerobics 10 AM
Wii Bowling Noon
Bingo 5:15 PM
Exercise class 7 AM
Water Aerobics 10AM
Sew Birds 10AM-2 PM
1 PM
Poker 6:20 PM
Exercise class 7 AM
Water aerobics 10 AM
Boat trips as scheduled
Card games 6:20 PM
Computer Club 09:30 AM
BP checks (1st & 3rd) 10 AM
Golf 1PM
Mah Jongg 1:50 PM
Euchre 1:00 PM
Cribbage 6:20 PM
Poker 6:20 PM
Line Dancing 10-12 Noon
Shuffleboard 1:30 PM
Mah Jongg 1:50 PM
Tripoli & Games 6:20 PM
Poker 6:20 PM
Coffee & doughnuts 7:45 AM
Various games 6:00 PM
Euchre 6:20 PM
Mah Jongg 6:20 PM
The Sea Gull
Managers Corner
Linda Nier
Yes! I am so excited about this first
issue of the Seagull for the winter
months. I don't know why but,
maybe it's just because I like to get
important messages out there to
you as soon as possible.
Some of our winter residents have
come back to us a little earlier than usual and we are
all looking forward to when we have all of our
friends and family back home with us.
So! Lets get started!
This summer has been exciting at least for me and
Jeff. You may have noticed there are two water
fountains in the community now, one at the entrance and one at the Clubhouse. I think they look
fabulous and Jeff did a great job making it happen
for you. Jeff also installed a divider in the clubhouse
to shield the stacked clubhouse chairs in the back of
the clubhouse. He has painted, he has worked on
getting the shuffleboard courts ready for the winter.
He has moved bolder's, planted flowers, and worked
for you.
The dance floor in the clubhouse has been stripped
and made ready for line dancing, the carpet in the
Clubhouse and in the library has been cleaned. The
poker table has been completely recovered and remade. The pool deck has new pavers, the pool spa
has been acid washed and the inlay has been replaced. We have added a couple of higher lounge
chairs, new umbrellas, additional chairs and much
The wii bowling has taken off and movie night is
growing with viewers, don't forget to look at the
movie library and make suggestions as to what you
would like to see. Sewing club has started back up,
there is so much going on, it is exciting to watch.
The marina was dredged, a tree fell into the marina
and it had to be removed, and of course last but not
Page 2
least for this issue we have a new trash collection
company. Waste Management is no longer a vendor
for us and Progressive Waste Solutions has taken
over. It is a $20.00 a month fee for the service with 2
pickups per week. For those of you who will arrive
later in the year, you can get the information from
Carole Kolbe or from the office and pick up your paperwork in the clubhouse to sign up. It is in the Prospectus that Waste Disposal is part of the expected
participation from each resident.
I want to remind you of just some of the issues I
have noticed while driving the community. I have
seen pets not on there leash, and there poo not being picked up, I have noticed vehicles parked on the
grass, I have noticed furniture and items on your
driveways, so please take a moment and remember
if it is only going to be for a day or so, just notify the
office or Jeff so that when we do receive the not so
much complaints as it is "Have you Noticed"? That I
can address it at that time and not have to come to
you. You know I don't like having to come to you.
Also, behind your homes, I have noticed mowers,
rakes, ladders etc. Please remove them if this pertains to you. It does not look nice and it is against
the rules. I wanted to suggest to you the resident, if
it is not going to cost you any additional money to
ask your lawn care company to please start edging
the front of the curb on your property and down the
driveway. It would look so nice, so please think
about it.
Jeff is working on replacing mulch, we will be shaping the palm trees soon, putting more rock down at
the marina and there is more to come.
I know I have been ill and out of the office on some
days and leaving early on others, however, I am feeling better and as our winter residents arrive please
stop by and say hello!
Linda Nier, Community Manager
Equity Lifestyle Properties (NYSE ELS)
Lakeside Terrace # 5242
24 Sunrise Lane
Fruitland Park, Florida 34731
Page 3
Homeowners Association
A letter from your editors
Hello everyone from the
(HOA). Now that Fall is here
and more and more snowbirds
are returning every day, the
full-timers’ solitude is definitely over.
We understand
there has been the usual turnover of
homes this summer, so we’re anxious to
meet the newcomers – welcome to Lakeside Terrace. If you are new to our community and are a
home owner, you are automatically a member of
the HOA – best news – membership if FREE – no
Welcome back to all snowbirds and a special welcome to our new residents. As snowbirds we can
say it is good to be back with our second family.
This is our initial issue of the Seagull for the 20142015 season. We publish monthly from November
through April free of charge. We appreciate any
input from our residents to share what’s happening.
So send us photo’s, special or non special
events ,reviews of restaurants, great recipes, book
reviews, short stories, special deals. We welcome
any suggestion to improve our newsletter. This is
your newsletter, what would you like to see included? Just send the info to our e-mail address :
Jean Hatch, President
Our Board of Directors presently consists of five
Jean Hatch, President
Rich Bonnie, 1st VP
Bill Hoffert, 2nd VP
Mike Walker, Treasurer
Carole Kolbe, Secretary
HOA Bylaws require that a board member may only
serve for three (3) years; therefore, in January 2015
both Jean Hatch and Mike Walker will be leaving the
board. The HOA Nominating Committee will soon
be in the process of gathering nominations to replace these two (2) board members. If YOU are interested, ,please contact Barb Stodola, 262-5011351 Chairperson, Nominating Committee, The
term is for three (3) years; anyone who is a home
owner is eligible; there are approximately three (3)
meetings a year, depending on what business needs
to be conducted, and board meetings are normally
held monthly during the November – April time period. It’s rewarding, enriching, and you get to meet
just about everyone in our community.
Please think about becoming an HOA Board Member.
We can also use help with getting advertisers, delivering papers, writers, photographers. If you can
help see Patty Haimerl (1-614-832-4436) or Barb
Stodola (1-262-501-1351). So enjoy the Seagull.
Here’s a terrific way to make your postdinner clean-up a breeze: Remove cooked
on food from pots and pans effortlessly by
filling them with water, adding a tea bag,
and simmering. The tea’s acid will break
up the food.
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The Sea Gull
Social Club News
Debbie Porterfield
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful
summer. I am looking forward to another season
filled with lots of activities and events. If you are
new to Lakeside Terrace, welcome! The Social Club
meets on the first Tuesday of the months from October to April. You are welcome to attend the
meetings. We encourage you to join the Social Club
for $12.00 a year. This fee helps us provide entertainment and activities for the community. Here is a
list of some of things that the Social Club provides: Bingo on Mondays starting Nov 10th, Wii
Bowling is on Mondays at 12 noon,Ladies Luncheon
2nd Friday of the month, Bowling on Wednesdays at
1:00, Coffee and Donuts on Saturday at 7:45 starting
on Nov 4th, Boat trips on Fridays (check board for
dates), Line dancing on Thursdays at 10:30 starting
Nov 2, Sewing meets on Wednesdays at 10:00, Embroidery club meet on Tuesdays, Entertainment
(Check the board for upcoming shows), Water aerobics on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:00,
Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners are provided with no charge to Lakeside Terrace residents. In addition to all of this, there are several
games that are played in the clubhouse. You need
to become familiar with our Board in the clubhouse
and the Kiosk's which are located by all of the Mailboxes.
A big thank you goes out to June Hoffert for offering
to host Thanksgiving Dinner. Be sure to check the
board for information
November 29th we will be decorating the clubhouse
and community for Christmas. This requires a lot of
people so please come and join us. That evening,
Nov 29th we will be having a chili dinner. The
charge for this will be $5.00 per person. Look for
more details to come on this.
The annual Toys for Kids party will be on Dec
6th. This is a great event and is always very well
So as you can see we are off to a great start for the
season. I am looking forward to meeting all of our
new residents and seeing you at events.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate
to contact any of the Social Club Board. President
Debbie Porterfield, Vice President Patty Haimerl,
Secretary Darlene Stodola, Treasurer Bill Hoffert.
November Birthdays
Birthday greetings to Kate Bolle,
Rich Bolle, Ron Buyarski, Joel Carr,
Loren Foote, Shirley Hassom, Kenny Ratcliff, Allen Reeves, Mike
Schmelzer, Paul Valentino, and
Norm Wilson Party ’til you’re
pooped! (At our age, it shouldn’t take long.)”
November Anniversaries
Best wishes to Phil & Millie Banfill; Frank & Cheryl
Bishop; Rich & Kate Bolle; Richard & Maryanna Foster, and George & Phyllis Mosher .
Wishing all of you a happy anniversary and the enjoyment of many more years to come.
If we have missed your birthday or anniversary,
please call Patty Haimerl @(614)832-4436 or Barb
Stodola (262)501-1351 so we can update our records.
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The Sea Gull
The Last Tyme Out Band
Darlene Stodola
The Last Tyme Out Band is making a repeat performance here at Lakeside Terrace on November 13th
at 7pm. They were asked to come back after a
wonderful and fun performance last fall. They perform many types of music including: country, rock,
pop, gospel, and bluegrass. The band includes guitars, trumpet, fiddles, and drums. Last year’s audience had such a great time dancing, singing and
listening to lots of familiar tunes by this talented
Tickets are $8.00 and can be purchased by contacting Kathy Walden. Call 352-728-8607. You may
bring your own drinks and snacks. Come out for a
great evening of entertainment.
Toys for Kids
Darlene Stodola
The annual Toys for Kids event
will be held on Saturday, December 6th at the Clubhouse at 7pm.
This is such a nice event to help
needy children at Christmas time.
Those who attend are asked to bring an unwrapped
new toy for a boy or girl. Food is also collected for
the Pantry. So please also bring a can of food for
this worthy cause.
The evening includes hors d’oeuvres and desserts
and entertainment. There will be a sign-up sheet
on the events bulletin board. This has become a
wonderful tradition here at Lakeside Terrace sponsored by Sally Cannon and so much appreciated by
the community. This years’ event will be hosted by
Darlene Stodola. It is sure to put everyone in the
Christmas spirit.
Bingo begins again
Monday November 10th
promptly at 6:00PM. Doors
open at 5:15 to purchase your
bingo cards. The cookie jar will start out at $40.00,
with the carry over from last year. We invite our
new residents to join us. We have a new computerized bingo program that creates a variety of bingo patterns to challenge us.
Join us for a fun evening, you may bring your own
snacks, coffee and desserts are available for purchase. Get ready to yell “BINGO”
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The Sea Gull
Piccadilly Ladies of the Lake
Karen Keenan, Queen Mother
Thank you to Vice-Queens Sue
Greenwood and Barb Forman for
scheduling events during the summer months. Our Chapter events
are continuing to provide “fun and “frolic” for our
On September 13th members attended the Central
Florida Queen’s Council High Tea in Orlando, and
enjoyed our monthly breakfast on the 27th at Bob
Evans in the Villages. October provided three
events: Waterman Hospital Ladies of Legacy
Luncheon in Mount Dora on the 3rd, the monthly
breakfast at the Leesburg Cracker Barrel on the
27th, and lunch and a play at Royal Highlands on the
Upcoming plans include the following: The Central
Florida Queens Council “ Clowning Around” Event
on November 15th, the monthly breakfast on November 24th, a trip to the Hudson Show Place for
lunch and a presentation of The Christmas Story on
December 4th, our Chapter Christmas celebration
on December 16th at Moss Gate Bed and Breakfast,
and the monthly breakfast on December 22nd.
Clubhouse Bulletin Board
Karen Keenan
The following reminder is provided to all residents
who post notices on at the Clubhouse. The large
board in the main part of the Clubhouse is for posting
of events and notices pertaining the specific categories highlighted there. The smaller board located in
the hallway by the rest rooms is for information
about outside events and posting of items for sale,
rent, etc.
If you have questions regarding where posting should
go, please contact Karen Keenan at 65 Terrace Drive
352 365 2854. If postings need to be in a different
area, they will be moved as necessary.
Check the Clubhouse Bulletin Board for further information on these and other events.
Mike Bernd
Ladies of Leisure
Karen Keenan
Nineteen Ladies attended the October 10th luncheon at Texas Stockyards. These get togethers are
scheduled the second Friday of each month and all
ladies of the community are invited
to attend. Check the Clubhouse
Bulletin Board for the location of
the November 14th luncheon.
Golf is in full swing. The Sign-up
sheet is on the clubhouse bulletin board. We play at the Plantation Golf Course on Tuesday PM. We currently have tee times starting at
12:30. All you need to do to play, is a set of clubs
and be signed up by Sunday. It is open to all residence of Lakeside Terrace and their guests. If you
want more information contact Mike Bernd at or 352-365-2854.
Page 7
Progressive Waste Solutions
*(still some confusion on this. According to driver pick up on
Tuesdays )
Progressive Waste Solutions
New Trash Pick Up Provider
Linda was notified on Monday (10/6) by Progressive
that Waste Management (WM) was no longer
providing service to Lake County and Progressive is
now servicing Lake County.
Calls were made to Lake County & Waste Management to confirm this.
 WM said that notices were sent out but no one in
our park received one
 Residents will receive a refund from WM for any
money they were paid for services after their
last pick-up.
A meeting was held on Wednesday (10/8) with
Progressive Waste Management Solutions.
Questions were answered and paperwork handed out for residents to complete.
 You will be able to suspend your service when you
go back north with a written notice to Progressive
 Although they prefer quarterly payments you will
be able to pay on a monthly basis.
 Unlike WM who picked up everyone whether they
paid or not, Progressive will eventually only pick
-up trash/recycling/yard debris from paying customers.
Remember all residents need to sign up for
Trash service, forms are available in the clubhouse. Please direct all questions to:
Gary Pinkowski II
Territory Manager– Central Florida Area
Progressive Waste Solutions of FL, Inc.
1099 Miller Drive
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
T: 407-261-5064 or 352-323-0824
C: 407-619-2123
Payment: $60 every 3 months (payable in advance)
or can be set up for monthly payment.
Pick Up Days:
Please note yard debris needs to be in plastic
Big Items: Call Progressive to schedule pick up 352-323-0824
Please check your prospectus for info on waste disposal. (ck)
Remember to sign up now!
Forms in the clubhouse
Page 8
The Sea Gull
TV Cable/Satellite
Phone (landline only)
Homeowners’ Insurance
City of Leesburg
FGUA (Florida Gov Utilities)
Resident’s Choice
Progressive Waste Solutions
Century Link
Resident’s Choice
US Post Office-Fruitland Park
Resident’s Choice
407-261-5064 or
Snowbirds may want to know that you are able to terminate your water service when you leave for the
summer to avoid the monthly basic charge of $40+. When you are to return call FGUA to re-establish your
service. They will now accept a good credit report from the Leesburg Electric company which can be faxed
to FGUA in lieu of the $200 security deposit. There still will be the $25 charge to turn on the water.
Computer Club
Line Dancing
Carole Kolbe
ine dancing resumes every Thursday. Beginners are very welcome. Basic steps are taught
from 10-10:30 with the regular class starting at
10:30. The first half of the class will concentrate on
beginning dances and advance to intermediate
dances in the last hour. No excuses accepted for
two left feet! See you there!.
Mike Walker
The Computer club meets
each Tuesday at 9:30 AM in
the clubhouse library. We
have a great time discussing
the latest and greatest
things in Computers, Laptops, Tablets, iPads, iPhones
Smartphones, Internet connections, etc. Bring your
questions, problems, etc.
and we will do our best to solve them! New users,
expert users...all are welcome!!!
Page 9
The Sea Gull
Meet your new neighbor
By Darlene Stodola
One of our newest new
neighbors is Ron Grove
who lives at 38 Lakeview
Ron grew up in Columbus, Ohio and lived
there for 40 years. Ron
still has a brother and
sister and mom living in
Ron Grove
Ohio. He has 4 children and 3
grandchildren. One of his daughters has been living
in Florida for the last 20 years and encouraged her
dad to move to Florida. Ron lived in The Villages for
a few months and found our friendly park and
moved here in September.
Ron is the third generation to have worked at the
airplane building plant back in Columbus. His mom
and her dad each worked there for many years and
Ron worked there when he was first out of high
school. Ron says he has always loved airplanes and
has the same birthday as one our country’s greatest
aviators, Charles Lindberg on February 4th.
Ron received an associate’s degree in computer science in 1980 from Piqua Community College and
later became a teacher of computer science parttime for six years at the same college.
Ron has been part of the creation of bed-side computers for nurses at medical centers since 1991. He
worked for Blanchard Valley Hospital in Finlay, Ohio
for 10 years, and in Albany, Georgia with all clinical
computer applications for another 10 years.
He is going back to work full-time next week in
Freemont, California with a one-year contract for
computer tech/advisory work and will fly back here
every 2 weeks.
Ron enjoys a good bottle of wine, and has toured
over 50 wineries in Livermore Valley, California. He
brings back many bottles of his favorites. His other
interests include golfing and music/square and
round dancing and lighthouses.
Ron’s phone numbers are 352-801-7919 and 229869-3439.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 27th
At 5 PM
Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy dressing, rolls,
butter, coffee and tea will be provided.
This year sign up for a table, which you can decorate
as you wish with your place settings. Bring your
choice of side dishes, dessert and beverage (coffee &
tea will be provided) to share at your table. Each
table should also provide one empty platter, three
serving bowls and utensils for the turkey, dressing,
potatoes etc. as the meal will be served family style.
There is no charge for residents,
Nonresidents: $ 4.00
Please Sign up by November 17th
Sign up sheet is on the Clubhouse bulletin board
Call June Hoffert 616-780-0533 with any questions.
Page 10
Trivia of the Month
In which U.S. city was the first
hospital opened in 1752
New York City
Saturday Night at the Movies
Phil Banfill
Movie Night has been a big
success during the summer months so we plan
to continue running it
throughout the year. Unless we have another event
planned, each Saturday will
be Movie Night.
There is a "Movie Board" located in the clubhouse with
possible viewings as well as video libraries that we
have available to us. We also have used Redbox for
renting newer releases. Netflix has been suggested
but that is something the Social Club would have to
decide upon (it would certainly open up our choices).
Start time is 6:45 pm - a cartoon or a serial lasting 15
-20 minutes with the main feature afterwards. Bring
a comfortable chair as well as your own refreshments - ELS has supplied popcorn and the microwaves are waiting for you to pop away.
Feedback is welcome and suggested (positive preferred) by using the Lakeside Terrace page on Facebook or you can contact me by mail at . See you at the movies.
Answer bottom of page 12
WII Bowling
Phil Banfill
Wii Bowling is on Monday if you
would like to participate. We have
two time slots at the present time Noon &
1:30. Each time slot can hold up to 16 bowlers. At
the present time, we need bowlers to fill out the
Noon time slot (1:30 slot is full). If necessary, we
will open an additional slot at 10:30 am.
Bowling is simple and easy, you can even sit while
you bowl (which several of us do), so come and join
us - only takes about an hour of your time. But let
me know ASAP if you plan to join us, that way I can
get you familiarized with the Wii controller as well
as get your character installed on all of our Wii machines.
Did I mention, this is FREE BOWLING! Look forward
to seeing you on the lanes and with our group contact Phil at .
Page 11
The Sea Gull
League Bowling
Summer fun @ the Moore’s
Kathy Walden
Our league is finally back to almost full. We are still waiting
for one more bowler to return.
We will still be down 2 bowlers
plus a whole team however. If
you are interested please contact Kathy Walden at
Rich Aniol had a 199 game (59 pins over) for a 493
series (73 pins over); Doug Rice a 204 game (+48)
for a great 583 series (+115); Dave Smales a 220
game (+46) for a 554 series (+32); Doug Puvogel a
192 game (+42) for a 519 series (+69); Richard Anderson a 212 game (+38) for a 532 series; and Mike
Schmelzer had a nice series of 319 which was 58
pins over his average. Great bowling!!!
Kathy Walden had a 204 game (+53) for a 528 series
(+75); Peg Aniol a 176 game (+41) for a 469 series
(+64); Shirley Schmelzer a 150 game (+33) for a 432
series (+81); and Trish Kedrowski had a 397 series
Bowling scores are coming up. Whatever we bowl a
good time is had by all. Of course going out to eat
nothing to do with
Dick & Rose
Debbie & Hubie
Marvin & Faye
Dennis & Gail
Joyce & Putter Bob
Ken & Penny
Updates to our pool
Page 12
The Sea Gull
Shirley Welch
Welcome back sewbirds and snowbirds! I hope everyone had a great summer.
Sewbirds will meet every Wednesday 10 AM until
2P.M. I have some fun new projects and we will be
having a jelly roll race - no not the donuts!!!!!! yes
there will be prizes. Everything is great for beginner
sewers, easy and lots of fun! More details at sewing group. Looking forward to seeing you there on
Wednesday. Shirley Welch 810-736-5624
(located at your mailboxes) & AT THE CLUBHOUSE
A Note from Harold & Char
Lakeside Terrace Websites
We would like to inform our new residents to
Lakeside Terrace of our community websites. Our
This page enables you to share anything with the
rest of our community or if anyone has any new
ideas or comments for the Lakeside Terrace web
page, please let me know and send it to me at and please include your name.
We publish our Seagull newsletter each month on
the webpage. If you would like to have the Seagull
Newsletter mailed to you (or removed from the
mailing list) just send me your email address and
name. We are also able to post if you have a home
for rent or for sale by owner ,just contact me to put
it on the website
We also have a social media site on Facebook that
is private just to our lakeside terrace family. This
allows us to share information, photo’s, news of
family and friends, changes in events, (gossip) etc.
Any information shared is only seen by our group.
If you would like to be added to our group, contact
Barb Stodola at 262-501-1351.
Hi to all. Thought you might like to
see the fall colors in Aurora, IL. Char
and I are doing well and are pretty
happy here. If you are in the area,
stop by and see us. We are right on
IL 31. As before,
I am active with
checking out entertainment for her. Having fun. Drop
an e mail to us at or call 630892-3364 Hope all are well. The Spences
Trivia Answer: Founded by Benjamin Franklin and
Thomas Bond, Pennsylvania Hospital was the first
hospital in the United States. It is also home to the
first surgical amphitheater and first medical library
in America. Pennsylvania Hospital was originally
conceived as an institution "to care for the sickpoor and insane who were wandering the streets of
Philadelphia." Speaking about the hospital's origins,
Franklin stated, "I do not remember any of my political maneuvers, the success of which gave me at
the time more pleasure…”
Rich Aniol
Page 13
The Sea Gull
In Sorrow
This summer we lost two of our residents William
Cannon and Ray Vigue. Our deepest sympathies
during this time of loss to Sally , Kelly & Ray and
their families. Please know that we are here for
you. With Love. The obituaries follow.
William A. Cannon, of Fruitland
Park, FL, a former longtime resident
of Springville died Tuesday May 27,
2014 at his home at the age of 76.
He was born February 15, 1938 in
Buffalo, the son of the late John and
Kathleen (nee English) Cannon. He
was a graduate of South Park High School in Buffalo
and was a veteran of the U.S. Army and the NYS National Guard. He was an original member of the
Springville Police Department when it was a part of
the Erie County Sheriff's Department and continued
to work for the Sheriff's Department when the two
were merged in the 1980's until his retirement.
He was a member of the American Legion Post #431,
Springville, the Gowanda Moose Lodge and enjoyed
boating, hunting, fishing and golf. He is survived by
his beloved wife - Sally (nee Rosier) Hayden Cannon;
two sons - Michael (Victoria) Cannon of Springville,
Mark (Christina) Cannon of Newport News, VA; a
daughter - Karen (Terrence) Murzynski of Orchard
Park; three step-sons - Daniel (Kelly) Hayden of Virginia, Donald (Sue) Hayden of Springville, Dennis
Hayden of Springville; a step-daughter - Dawn
(Boyd) Wible of Springville; four sisters - Betsy
Woodruff, Cathy Emery, Linda Rutherford, Peggy
Beard; two brothers - Leroy Snow & Matthew Snow;
eight grandchildren and several nieces, nephews,
aunts, uncles and cousins.
- Raymond
F. Vigue, lifelong
resident of Waterville, went to his
rest in the arms of Jesus on June
10, 2014, at the age of 101. He
was born on Feb. 25, 1913, in
Winslow, the son of Charles and
Josephine (Boucher) Vigue-Veilleux. Raymond was
married in 1940 to Marie Paule Bolduc, who died in
1998. They were blessed to have 57 years together
and three wonderful children. He was also blessed
to have shared 15 years of married life with Charlotte Boulet-Vigue, who passed away in 2013. He is
survived by his son, Raymond, and wife Kelly Veilleux, of Smithfield; his son in-law, Ronald Gilbert, of
Waterville; and stepsons Camille (Anna), Danny
(Anita) and Gerard (Julie) Dubois, all of Maine. He
enjoyed his 10 grandchildren, seven step grandchildren and his 24 great-grandchildren. Raymond often
said that his secret to longevity was "simply taking
life as it comes and trusting the Good Lord." He will
be remembered by many as a kind and gentle man
with the nice smile who loved to walk and be in nature. He enjoyed spending winters in Florida at Lake
Side Terrace mobile home park with his late wife
Charlotte and most recently with his caregivers Ray
and Kelly Veilleux.
We also offer our love and prayers to Bonnie &
Frank Hamilton on the loss of Bonnie’s son.
Words can't mend your heartache:
but those of us who care and
share your loss wish you
love, comfort and peace .
The Sea Gull
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