June - OASFiS
June - OASFiS
Volume 25 Number 1 Issue 295 A WORD FROM THE EDITOR June 2012 Metrocon June 15-17 Tampa Convention Center 333 S. Franklin Street Tampa, FL. $60 for 3 days at the door Guests: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn(voice actor) Richard Epcar (voice actor Crispin Freeman (voice actor) Scott McNeill (voice actor) Doug Smith (voice actor) David Stanworth-Snafu Comics PickaBellChu (cosplay guest) Ashley Clark (web comic creator) www.metroconventions.com This month saw the successful launch of a private space vehicle. The Dragon capsule went to International Space Station and returned safely to the Earth. The Orlando Fringe Festival had several science fiction/fantasy plays including 2013 Finding Love in the Zombie/Cannibal Apocalypse, AAAAGHHH ZOMBIES: Because Zombies Sell, A Long Time Ago: The Eighties Strike Back, Dog Powered Robot and the Subsequent Adventure, Dirk Darrow NCSSI, Eunice and Ernie’s Storytime for Grown-Ups, Happy Zombie Girl, Kirkou and the Sorceress, and Little Shop of Horrors. The month ended with OASIS 25 Thanks to Walter Bryan and Mark Wingenfeld for their photos. Florida Supercon June 29-July 2 Events 711 NW 72nd Ave, Miami FL. Rapier $50 for 3 Days and $55 for 4 days June 8-10 Guests: Clarion Hotel Conference Center Neal Adams (comic artist legend) 2101 Dixie Clipper Drive • Carmine Infantino (comic artist legend) Jacksonville, FL 32218 George Perez (comic artist legend) $25 for the weekend, $10 for Fri & Sat, Denny O’Neill (comic writer legend) $5 for Sunday Roy Thomas (comic writer legend) Gaming Bill Sienkiewicz (comic artist) http://www.rapiercon.com Howard Chaykin (comic writer) Alex Kingston (River Song, Doctor Who) Birthdays Billy West (voice actor) and many more Roger Sims– June 8 www.floridasupercon.com/ Arthur Dykeman - June 10 OASFiS Event Horizon Vol 24, Issue 283, June 2011. Published Monthly by the Orlando Area Science Fiction Society (OASFiS). All rights reserved by original Authors and Artists. Editor: Juan Sanmiguel, 1421 Pon Pon Court, Orlando, FL 32825. Subscriptions are $12.00 per year and entitle the subscriber to membership in the Society. Attending Memberships are $25.00 per year. Extra memberships to family members are $7.00 per year when only one newsletter is sent to the household. To subscribe or join OASFiS, send a check or money order to: OASFiS, PO Box 592905, Orlando, FL 32859-2905. To submit Articles, Artwork or Letters of Comment to the Event Horizon, send them to the Editor's address above or sanmiguel@earthlink.net. For additional information, call our Voice Mail at (407) 823-8715. OASFiS is a state chartered not for profit corporation whose goal is the promotion of Science Fiction in all its forms. All opinions expressed herein are solely those of the Author(s) and in no way represent the opinions of the Society or its members as a whole. Page two June 2012 OASFiS People June OASFiS Calendar OASFiS Business Meeting Sunday, June 10 1:30 PM, Brick and Fire Pasta and Pizza Parlor (Downtown Orlando, 1621 South Orange Ave Orlando, Florida 32806) 32801,407-835-7323). Steve Cole Susan Cole Arthur Dykeman SciFi Light Saturday June 16, see the film Once at the Garden Steve Grant Theater (160 West Plant Street • Winter Garden, FL) at 7PM and have dinner at Al Fresco (146 W. Plant St Winter Garden, FL) at 5:30PM. For more info contact Steve Grant Mike Pilletere David Ratti To contact for more info: OASFiS Business Meeting 407-823-8715 Juan Sanmiguel Patricia Wheeler 407-275-5211 stevepcole@hotmail.com 407-275-5211 sacole@mindspring.com 407-328-9565 adykeman@bellsouth.net 352 241 0670 stevegrant@embarqmail.com mike-sf@webbedfeet.com 407-282-2468 dratti@eudoramail.com 407-823-8715 sanmiguel@earthlink.net 407-832-1428 pwheeler11@cfl.rr.com Nebula Awards Winners (source Locus website) Any of these people can give readers information about the The 2011 Nebula Awards winners were announced on club and its functions. To be included in the list call Juan Saturday, May 19st during the 2011 SFWA Nebula 4/11) Awards Weekend, held in Arlington, VA Novel Among Others, Jo Walton (Tor) Novella “The Man Who Bridged the Mist”, Kij Johnson (Asimov’s 10-11/11) Novelette ‘ ‘What We Found’’, Geoff Ryman (F&SF 910/11) Short Story “The Paper Menagerie”, Ken Liu (F&SF 3- Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation Doctor Who: “The Doctor’s Wife” Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy Book The Freedom Maze, Delia Sherman (Big Mouth House) Octavia Butler and John Clute received the Solstice Award. Bud Webster received the SFWA Service Award. The Nebula Winners Back Row (left to right) Delia Sherman, Geoff RymanNeil Gaiman, Joe Haldeman,(for John Clute) Jamie Todd Rueben (for Ken Liu), Col. Michael Fincke USAF NASA, Front Row Jo Walton, Bud Webster, Cynthia Felice (for Octavia Butler), Connie Willis, John Kessel (for Kij Johnson) Photo by Mark Wingenfeld Page five June 2011 OASIS 25 Top Row: Writer Guest of Honor David Weber with Hall Costumers Writer Guest of Honor L.E. Modesitt Jr. Artist Guest of Honor Janny Wurts Middle Row Fan Guest of Honor Pat Sims Fan Guest of Honor Roger Sims Bottom Row: Masquerade participants. Photos by Walter Bryan SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION IN ORLANDO Hotel Info: May 24-26, 2013 To be announced Guest of Honor Seanan McGuire Weekend Memberships: $30 until 1/1/13, $35 until 4/30/13, $40 at the door. Make checks payable to: OASFiS Author Signings, Costume Contest, Live Music and Comedy, Anime and Video Programs, Art Show and Auction, Informative Panel Talks, Artist Demos Books, Cool Stuff for Sale, Fun and Games Charity Auction Joe Fan 123 Sesame Street Orlando, FL 32805 OASFiS P.O. Box 592905 ORLANDO, FL 32859-2905
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