Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH 9000 Laurence Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website: OUR CREDO No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color; No matter what your self-image or esteem; You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and physical well-being of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service. Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education. PARISH LITURGY SCHEDULE MALLIA’S MOMENTS By Fr. Joe Mallia Weekend Masses Congratulations to all of the fathers as we share in the joy of celebrating the role of Father and not simply a biological reality. Let us not forget that St. Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus, yet he loved him as his own and took on the role of “father” to Jesus by loving him, caring and providing for him and even training him as a carpenter. All of the things that St. Joseph did for Jesus was firmly grounded in his desire to be a loving and caring father to the extent that he could. That is why being a father requires the desire to assume the responsibility for raising children in faith, to provide for their wellbeing, to teach them values that will benefit them for their lives and to love them. That does not come from biology and further, respect does not come from position. If a man wants the respect of a father, then he can’t simply demand it based upon his position. It must be earned, as all respect is. In today’s world, people demand respect and even demand it, but that is not how it works. It drives me crazy when I hear athletes talk about how they do not feel respected by other teams or by the Saturday Evening 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am 12:00 noon & 7:00pm Daily Mass Monday - Saturday at 8:30am Confession Tuesday 7:30pm (see pg. 8) Saturday 4:00pm Holy Day Masses As scheduled in Bulletin Rectory Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm) Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED owners of the team because they were offered what they feel a low offer on their contract. I would love for someone to “disrespect” me for $20 million a year – I think I could get over that feeling pretty quickly. Respect takes time to nurture and is based upon a history of good things, not the occasional kind gesture. Men who want to be fathers must seek to live a life that is exemplary in love, that provides a sense of security for his family and is based on his relationship with God. As we celebrate this day, let us honor the men in our lives who have lived lives worthy of the title and challenge other men to live up to these standards. Fathers are not ‘baby daddy’s” or any other title that refers to biology or legal status. They are men who have entered into a sacred bond with children based upon the example of St. Joseph. So gentlemen, pray to St. Joseph and make him your role model. See this day not as a day to celebrate you as a person but a day that reminds you why it is you do what you do each day and the value of your sacrifice. And children, honor the men in your life who live up to the example of St. Joseph and thank God that you have a man who loves you, provides for you and has set your feet on the path of faith. Happy Father’s Day! Page 2 (continued) Festival News: We will give you a full wrap up of the festival as soon as all the bills are paid and we know exactly how much the profit was for this year’s event. We had a very good Friday, a slow Saturday because of the heat and a very good Sunday, so all indications is that it was a good money maker, though not as good as last year. Please continue to support the festival in the future. Our profits will increase if we can sell more raffle tickets and more people are willing to sponsor booths by purchasing some of the food items needed for the festival. Please think about doing that next year. One of the best things that happened though was the number of people who again this year spoke about how they were helped by the parish or attended various events here or have come back to mass recently. There were many good comments about our parish and our school and the experiences people have had of our community. That is why we put the signs up to remind people that if they “like our festival”, they “will love our parish”. Thank you to Jo Dauzet and her family, to Martha Hancock and her family, to all the chairpersons and volunteers, to our students who helped pick up trash and set up at the beginning and clean up at the end and to all of you who donated, helped and came to the festival. The festival is a special event that we do here at Cabrini so please don’t see it as a burden but a blessing to so many. Thank you for your support and kindness. Funny note: People love to tell me the rumors they hear about our parish and school, one of the best was that I was told that they heard that the archdiocese was going to sell our high school. I laughed out loud. People clearly don’t know that the bishop can’t close a school. The pastor must request a schools closure and I have not asked for that and I know that Fr. Tim has no plans on closing the school. I will say that dealing with rumors about the demise of our school will be one thing I will not miss. God bless you all. 2016 St. Frances Cabrini Festival WINNERS!!!! 1st Prize $12,000 #53818 P.J. Tomsic 2nd Prize $ 1,500 #44250 Lisette Selva 3rd Prize $ 1,000 #10337 John Henson 4th Prize $ 750 #21217 Janet Daniel 5th Prize $ 500 #05040 Kevin Rourke 6th Prize $ 100 #38912 Richard Mazur Bond/Tuition #0211 Rosalinda Guerra Dinners on the Town 1 Prize #0525 A. Bartal 2nd Prize #1448 Sandy R. st Wheelbarrow of Cheer 1st Prize #1710 A. Barta 2nd Prize #0309 B.R. DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IN THE CONTACT IS FRIDAY MORNING BY 10:00 AM. ‘Going Away’ gatherings for Fr. Joe For the past 12 years, Fr. Joe has supported us along our faith journey, and now it is our turn to do the same. His last weekend with us is June 25/26 and he plans to preside at all liturgies. There will be a special reception for Fr. Joe in Cabrini Center after the 5:00pm and Noon liturgies for parishioners to wish him well. Please join him for Mass and stop in at the reception, sending forth Fr. Joe with your support and appreciation as he embarks on a new road in his faith journey. Advertiser of the Week Total Tree Service Page 3 Athletic, Parish & School News CABRINI ATHLETICS ~ Dean Allen, Athletic Director Please see (listed under Cabrini High School) for up-to-date game times for both CYO & High School student-athletes. You can also contact the Athletic Department at (313) 388-0576. The new High School athletic website is at Bus drivers for afternoon athletic routes are still needed. Contact Debbie Norman at (313) 388-0576. CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGES: See what’s happening at our school! Jacob Brithinee is awarded first Jim Dalla Vecchia Memorial Hockey Award At the Senior Banquet held at Crystal Gardens on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, Violet Dalla Vecchia and son-in-law Devin Newell presented Jake Brithinee with a plaque for display in the Hockey Showcase at Cabrini High School and a check for $1,000. As a devoted and enthusiastic supporter of the Cabrini Monarch Hockey Program for over 30 years, the family wished to establish an award in Jim Dalla Vecchia’s memory, to be presented annually to a graduating Senior, who exhibited good sportsmanship and strived for success on the ice, in the classroom, and in the parish community. There were seven seniors on the hockey team, and the winner was selected after Jim’s family consulted with coaches, the principal, Christian Service, the Athletic Department and Fr. Joe Mallia. Congratulations Jake, and our very best wishes for success in future endeavors. Violet Dalla Vecchia Daughters Jill, Laura & Jennifer Son-in-law Devin Looking for past Cosgrove Award Winners We are attempting to purchase bricks for the Athletic Field for eleven of the past Cosgrove Award winners, but we are missing some winners. If you have received the Cosgrove Award, which is the Booster of the Year, please email us and let us know what year that you received your award. Our plan is to have a brick for each winner that will be placed at the High School in support of Friends of Cabrini. Email us at Upcoming Events 14th Annual Golf Outing Saturday, July 30th The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are invited to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and check us out. Our next meeting is August 3 (no July meeting). To become a member, register online for $25. Any questions or if you need more information, please email us at: Our website: Facebook: Athletic Boosters We would like to congratulate the new board members for the 2016-2017 School Year. President - Vince Boscheratto 1st VP - Mark Misovich 2nd VP - Luke Heath Treasurer - Larry Homiak Secretary - Sam Knapik Trustee - Jordan Hancock, Cris Matton, Ron Molter and Nancy Misovich Sergeant of Arms - Andrew Knapik The Montessori Giving Tree Academic Preschool still has some openings for the fall. Please call (313) 386-5573 or visit for more information. We would love to be a part of your little ones education experience! Children must be 3 years of age and toilet trained to attend. COACHING VACANCIES Cabrini is seeking a Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach for the 2016 fall season and a Head Varsity Girls Soccer Coach for the spring of 2017. We are also seeking a Freshman Boys Basketball Coach. Interested candidates should email their resume and a cover letter to Athletic Director Dean Allen at Please call (313) 388-0576 with any questions about the position. Page 4 Christian Service June Parish Service Day All Saints Soup Kitchen Nourishing the hungry Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Volunteers are needed to help us cook and serve more than 150 men, women and children who depend on All Saints for lunch. If you would like to join us on this day at All Saints please call Kathy Bates at (734)324-0944. We meet outside Holy Family House at 9 a.m. to carpool and are back at Cabrini around 1:30 p.m. We also provide desserts to complement the meal. If you would like to donate goodies please call the parish office at (313) 381-5601, and leave a message with the staff. Baked goods need to be store bought and delivered to the parish office by Tuesday, June 28 no later than 5:00pm. Sr. Judie Ann Lunch Ministry On Thursday, July 7 we will again join Sr. Judie Ann in her ministry to serve those in most need in the Eastern Market neighborhood. If you would like to assist in this ministry by donating needed items please drop them off to the Rectory office by Tuesday, July 5. If you have questions please call Therese Tardiff at (313) 381-5601 or email Some items needed this month are: water bottles, individually wrapped cookies, chips, lunch size fruit cups/apple sauce, napkins, zip lock sandwich bags, men’s and women’s white socks, underwear and tshirts, and monetary donations. Franciscan Facts St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) grew up in a wealthy merchant family, expec!ng to take over his father’s business one day, but his conversion during military service and cap!vity in an enemy prison focused his a'en!on on following Christ. He soon le* behind his privilege and possessions and spent the rest of his life establishing monas!c communi!es and encouraging the faith of his followers. St. Francis is s!ll fresh and relevant in a modern world struggling with extremes of materialism and poverty. He ar!culates a !mely need to prac!ce a stewardship that reflects God’s inten!on for crea!on. He reminds us what is most important--simplicity, reverence, and a lively faith. The Secular Franciscans invite you to follow Francis for the next several weeks to meditate on a brief quote by St. Francis, a related Scripture passage, a prayer, and a suggested prac!ce meant to cul!vate renewed thinking and to help you put faith into ac!on. Star!ng with next week’s ar!cle may St. Francis inspire you to live a life of joyful simplicity, deep faith, and compassionate care of others. (Thirty Days with St. Francis of Assisi). For more informa!on, contact Pat at (313) 381-1916. Tuesday Travelers Next day trip is Holy Door pilgrimage and historic church tour The Tuesday Travelers group is taking reservations for its August 23 pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a personal journey through eight Holy Door Stations inside and outside the Cathedral. The pilgrimage is being offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, in union with major basilicas in Rome and cathedrals throughout the world. The day trip also will include guided tours of Old St. Mary’s and Sweetest Heart of Mary, two of the most beautiful, historical Catholic churches in Detroit, the early parish communities of German and Polish immigrants. Lunch will be at Fishbone’s Rhythm Kitchen Café. Cost is $70, which includes lunch. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 9:15 a.m. and returns at 4:15 p.m. Call Therese in the Parish Office to reserve a seat (313)381-5601. FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN 5th Week of the Month Club Coed Breakfast Scrambler Marie’s, Canton On months with 5 weeks we will enjoy a coed breakfast and camaraderie at various restaurants in the area. All widowed men and women are invited to join us Friday, July 1, 2016 at 9:30 am at Scrambler Marie’s, 43225 Ford Road at Morton Taylor in Canton. Come meet new friends, have good food and great conversation in a safe and friendly setting. Order off the menu, separate checks. No walk ins please. RSVP by June 27 to Tom N. at 734-927-0610. Widowed Friends is a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website at Dearborn Heights Senior Co-Op 16600 W. Outer Drive Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (313) 539-7241 Christmas in July Bazaar July 8th 10am - 5pm July 9th 10am - 5pm July 10th 12 Noon - 5pm Crafts ~ Vendor Tables ~ Food Court ~ Raffles Page 5 Christian Service / Nurse’s Notes / Festival JUNE FOOD COLLECTION JULY FOOD COLLECTION All Saints Food Pantry Our Lady of the Angels Christian Women Well, we have completed another successful year of our planned events and can now relax, except for two events that are on-going year around. First, the Sewing Guild that meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1:00-3:00pm in the Wayne Wesenberg Wing. So, if you can crochet, draw or cut, you are needed. Call Ruth Lawson at (313)928-3215 and offer your help. The second group makes, bags and delivers 150 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for St. Aloysius Church on the 3rd Friday of the month. The next meeting is Thursday, June 16. If interested, please call Dorothy Trader at (313) 3812448 and she will set up teams of six and notify you when it is your turn to help. This program is costly as indicated by the chart below. As you can see, it takes $62 each month. As they do for the Festival, you can buy an item or make a donation to help defray the cost. Thank you for your consideration and your offer to make sandwiches or send a donations. Please send your donations to the Rectory marked “Nancy Trela/PBJ Sandwiches.” Have a great summer! See you Fr. Joe’s Going Away Reception!!! ITEM Bread (white) Bread (wheat) Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Bags QUANTITY COST PER 8 loaves (Sam’s) $2.85 / 2pk 8 loaves (Sam’s) $3.48 / 2pm 2 jars (GFS) $9.99 each 2 jars (GFS) $6.49 each 300ct box (GFS) $7.99 Monthly Total EXPENSE $11.40 $13.92 $19.98 $12.98 $ 4.00 $62.28 NURSE’S NOTES Make sure to check the Nurse’s corner in the narthex for your health educaon. Topics currently displayed are heart health, nutri!on and distracted driving. As always, if there is a topic you would like to see, please contact Megan Pierrel in the rectory. Megan Pierrel, RN, BSN, CPN 313-381-5601 ext. 1052 June 19, 2016 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us that “whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” This week, know that you will bring hope to the poor by your generous gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Cabrini Card Club We are in need of card players when our games start again in September and play until April. For more information, please call: BRIDGE: Peggy Lupton EUCHRE: Joyce Feher PINOCHLE: Tony & Gaye Olah Home: (313) 382-5746 Cell: (517) 404-7102 Home: (313) 928-8058 Home: (313)382-0210 Questions? Please call Joyce Feher (313) 928-8058 SVDP BUNDLE WEEK at St. Frances Cabrini JUNE 18 –23 10:00AM – 6:00PM Please bring your used clothing, linens, household items, gently used furniture & working electronics and small appliances to the Tot Lot Parking Lot (First Driveway on Laurence off Englewood) beginning June 18 at 10:00 a.m. to the St. Vincent DePaul Truck. Bags for clothing are available in the Narthex. Helpers will be on hand to help you unload your items. Please note: We will be unable to accept paint, chemicals, tires or wheels, guns, food, grills, picnic tables, lawn furniture, gas powered tools, swimming pools or sandboxes, swing sets, golf clubs or bags, tents or air mattresses, mattresses and box springs, exercise equipment, broken furniture, large desks, console tv or computers or large appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc. We also cannot accept any underwear, baby bottles, car seats, mesh playpens, cosmetics or toiletries, medical equipment. Thank you for supporting the St. Vincent DePaul mission. The Alumni Association of St. Francis Xavier School (Ecorse) not the parish, will be awarding six (6) $500.00 scholarships for the 2016-2017 school year to students who will be attending any Catholic high school. Students are eligible if their family is a registered and contributing member of a parish in the downriver Vicariate. For further information and a scholarship application, please contact: St. Francis Xavier Alumni Association c/o Barbara Rickman, Secretary 197 Haltiner River Rouge, MI 48218 (313)841-8627 E-mail: The deadline for applying is July 15, 2016 Memorial Garden Plaque We are still taking names for the next memorial plaque. We need approximately 105 names before we can send to the engraver. As of now, we are at 32, so it will take a weeeee bit more time! You do NOT have to be deceased to reserve a place on the plaque. Different fonts = different prices. Please call Janet at the Rectory at (313) 381-5601 if you have any questions. Page 6 Religious Education The following children were baptized on June 12, 2016 by Rev. Joseph S. Mallia. Noah James Berwick, child of Andrew & Danielle (Pelkey) Berwick Gianna Philomena Josephone DeMatteo, child of Joseph & Sueann (Bradley) DeMatteo Harrison William Dalessandro, child of Joseph & Tracee (McDaniel) Piazza WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF ST. FRANCES CABRINI Living Every Day With Passion & Purpose With Matthew Kelly Special Musical Guest Eliot Morris Friday, October 7, 2016 7:00 pm – 10:45 pm St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for more energy? A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? Join us for one of our Passion & Purpose events. It has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of people. Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose is presented by internationally acclaimed speaker and author Matthew Kelly and the incredibly talented Eliot Morris. Tickets can be purchased at St. Frances Cabrini, and at or call (859) 980.7900.Tickets are $39.00 & includes all retreat material. Welcome to Vacation Bible School ~ Deep Sea Discovery! Get ready for a life-changing adventure taking place right here at St. Frances Cabrini! Each day begins at Celebration Reef, where kids will sing, shout, praise, pray, and be introduced to a Bible story and the daily theme. Then after kids experience the other activities of the day, they gather back at Celebration Reef to be encouraged to love God and to be motivated to serve others. Other sites at Deep Sea Discovery include S.S. Discovery, where kids will explore the Bible story in a variety of interactive ways; Pelican Pier, where kids have time to move around, have fun, and fill up on snacks; Curiosity Cavern, where kids explore the mysteries of the sea through science and crafts; and E.C.H.O. Sea Sub, where kids are encouraged to serve others! All these fun activities connect to the Bible story, Bible Memory, and the truth that God is with us wherever we go! The staff is waiting for some brave deep-sea divers to join them in serving and having fun! Please pre-register. Registration forms available in the rectory. Walk ins are welcome on June 20th. Limited space. Date: June 20-23 – For ages 4 yrs through 11yrs $10 per child / $25 per family (3 or more) Payment must accompany Registration Form **No child will be turned away due to cost Place: St. Frances Cabrini Parish Time: 6:00-8:15 if pre-registered. Please arrive no earlier than 5:45 – singing and dancing start at 6pm. If not preregistered, registration is from 5-6 on June 20th. You must come in and sign your child out every night at 8:15. Contact: St. Frances Cabrini with questions: 313.381.5601 Rectory Summer Hours During the summer from June 20 thru August 7, the Rectory will close at 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Also, there will be no Tuesday Mass at 7:30pm throughout the summer. That Mass is tentatively scheduled to resume on Tuesday, September 6. Registration for the Religious Education Program for the 2016 -2017 school year for grades 1 - 8 began on May 2, 2016. Forms are available in the Rectory Office. The tuition is $150 per FAMILY and due in full at registration. If this is your child's first year, please bring a copy of their baptismal certificate. Please register early to ensure we order enough materials and have the catechists we need for each grade level. We also have Sunday Pre-School for ages 3-4 through kindergarten on Sunday morning during the 10:00am Mass. Tuition is $40.00 per child. During the Sunday Pre-School, nursery is available for younger toddlers at no charge. Page 7 Youth Ministry / Christian Service / Misc YOUTH MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth Ministry (313)381-5601 or Maria Wyatt: Middle School Youth Leader (734) 283-1929 or High School Youth Ministry News - June All high school aged teens are invited to any Youth Ministry sponsored activities and events Sunday, June 19 – Saturday, June 25 YNIA Kentucky Trip All those traveling to Kentucky are asked to meet in the Holy Family Hall parking lot at 6:30 am. Looking for a fun and faith filled place for your children or grandchildren to spend a week or two this summer? Want to help them unplug from technology and not even miss it? Look no further….Camp Sancta Maria located in Gaylord, Michigan provides wholesome recreation in an atmosphere of faith. This is a Catholic camp with one and two week sessions for boys and one-week for girls. Since 1933 CSM has provided countless youth with lasting memories. Activities while at camp include daily Mass, horseback riding, swimming, a high and low challenge ropes course, a fifty foot climbing wall, crafts, archery, various sports, a trip to Mackinac Island, and much more!!! Fun, faith, and friendships included at no extra cost! Check out our website to learn more. or call (248) 822-8199. Pilgrimages Prayer partners for the Salt and Light of the Church This weekend, the Youth Ministry Committee sends forth the first group of Young Neighbors in Action participants to Kentucky, and because the parish has been so supportive of their efforts to make the trip, we have one more simple request: Your prayers. Pray that these young teens, and their adult leaders, witness Christ in themselves and the people they serve while sharing their faith, talents and compassion with the Springfield , Kentucky community: Kelsey Boldiszar, Shannon Carr, Daniel Colgrove, Kevin Crawley, Jimmy Fister, Allie Foy, Alyssa Geschke, Jacob Godlewski, Kayla Hancock, Paige Harding, Madelyn Hughes, Emily Jones, Seth King, Teagan Lechnar, Joseph Misovich, Sydney Molter, Erin O’Neil, Rachel Pauline, Paul Ranspach IV, Jonah Sobczak, Madison Sukel, & Mikayla Trumbla (adult leaders) Tim Kozlo, Paula Morrisette, Ellen O’Neil, Mike Jones and Mark Misovich. This program is sponsored by the Center for Ministry Development, bringing together teens from across the country to help churches, social agencies and organizations. This could mean sprucing up properties inside and out or caring for children, veterans and senior citizens. Each week of service is a unique experience. In the coming weeks, two more groups will leave for Chicago, IL and St. Joseph, MI. We will let you know about their departures. Thanks again; Youth Ministry is blessed to have your support. New York & New Jersey Pilgrimage of Churches: From July 25-29, for five days and four nights, you are welcome to join Prayer Pilgrimages as we plan to visit eighteen historic churches in New York & New Jersey including Manhattan’s St. Patrick’s “New” & “Old” Cathedrals, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine, St. Joseph’s “Ground Zero” Catholic Memorial, St. Jean Baptiste Church with special evening Mass & Veneration of Relic celebrating the fest day of St. Anne; Brooklyn’s St. Joseph & St. James Cathedrals, Regina Pacis & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilicas; New Jersey’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart & Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s tomb at Blessed Sacrament Friary. Daily Holy Mass and ample free time including for a complete day and all evenings. Complete stay at Historic Hotel Belleclaire near downtown in upper Manhattan. Deluxe motorcoach departures & returns from Ss. Cyril & Methodius parish Center in Sterling Heights, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Plymouth, and Big Boy restaurant in Lincoln park. Total cost per person (transportation & lodging) is $950 (single), $650 (double), $550 (triple), & $475 (quad). To reserve or for more information contact Michael Semaan at (248) 250-6005 or Holy Land Pilgrimages: Terra Sancta Pilgrimages, with Franciscan friar Fr. Alex Kratz, will be leading a Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land October 3-17, 2016. This lifechanging experience walking in Jesus’ footsteps includes daily Mass and Rosary, biblical readings on site, time for prayer and spiritual guidance, and meeting local Christians. Cost is $4,299 (all expenses included, round trip from Detroit, 3 daily meals, all tips & taxes). $500 deposit due at registration. For more information, call (313) 727-0784 or Page 8 Week of June 20, 2016 Monday, June 20, 2016 8:30am Mass Church 6:15pm Vacation Bible School CC/Annex Registration begins @ 5pm Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:30am Mass 10:00am Al-Anon 6:15pm Vacation Bible School 7:00pm Baptism Prep 7:00pm PTG Meeting 8:00pm AA Church HFH Mtg#2 CC/Annex MCR CHSLibrary HFHBsmnt Wednesday, June 22, 2016 8:30am Mass 12:00pm Cabrini Seniors 6:15pm Vacation Bible School 7:00pm N.A. Church MCR CC/Annex HFH Bsmnt Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:30am Mass 5:00pm TOPS Program 6:15pm Vacation Bible School 9:30pm APPC Basketball Church CESLibrary CC/Annex CC Friday, June 24, 2016 8:30am Mass Church Saturday, June 25, 2016 8:30am Mass 1:00pm AA 2:00pm Private Party 2:00pm Private Party 4:00pm Confession 5:00pm Mass 6:00pm Farewell Fr. Joe Church HFH Bsmnt HFH MCR Church Church CC/Annex Sunday, June 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 26, 2016 Mass Mass Mass Farewell Fr. Joe YNIA arrive! Mass Church Church Church CC/Annex CHS / HFH Church Host an Exchange Student with PSE! Are you interested in other cultures and languages? Would you like to share your culture with a young person from another country? Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (PSE) is currently seeking families to open their homes and lives to an international exchange student. PSE strives to bring people together from around the world to share ideas and foster cross-cultural relationships and understanding. Our exchange students are eager to share their culture, customs and values with you, as well as learn about American culture by participating in your daily life and attending high school. It is only through kindness and generosity of families like yours that enables PSE students and families to share in an experience of a lifetime. Help promote international understanding and goodwill by hosting with PSE! Benefits of Hosting: • Expose your family to a new culture and language • Form a lasting international relationship • Enrich your community • Receive a monthly stipend to help assist with the costs of hosting PSE Exchange Students: • Want to learn about American culture and values • Have proficient English language skills • Bring their own spending money & insurance For more information, contact Theresa Ledesma at (248) 6704030; or HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT St. Frances Cabrini High School is planning to recruit through the council on Standards for International Educational Travel, CSIET, several international students for the next school year. We have been approached by agencies interested in assisting us with the international students studying at Cabrini High School in preparing for a college career at a U.S. university. In order to enroll international students, we need to identify Cabrini Catholic Parish or School families who would be interested in providing home-stay housing. As a host family, you will share your home and family life with an international student as well as expose them to the best of American history and culture. Together, you will celebrate cultural differences and discover similarities with regards to values and beliefs. Most importantly, your family can make a difference in the life of an international student by fulfilling the dream of an American private educational experience and in providing a safe, Christian home away from home. For more information, please contact: FLAG Beyond Program at or PSE: Page 9 Please Pray For……….. JeffAdamczyk AliciaAtkinson ErikaBacha JosephBachleda JaninaBak AlanBarnasFamily IreneBarnas NickBeasanski MaryBeaubien DwightBehm BillBenson CindyBerg RobertBilling RonaldBloom MichaelBooth EricaBorn AlanBurch PatBurtka ByrneFamily DannyCain DeanCap MaeCap VirginiaCarter MarieCunningham KenCuthbert VincentD’Amico GloriaDaniels MarieDean RoccoDiGiulio ChelseaDobija MaryDow MaryDuley MaryanneFall EllenFarkas NormaFusco HermanGaines AlannaGehringer RonaldGeringII RonaldGeringIII KatherineTallon- Grundman CeciliaHaig FrankHansinger SteveHecmanczuk RinettaHerman TomHiggision TimHollman CarolHolley AnitaHoward VirginiaHolowecky DanHowe MaryHowe CatherineHumbles CatherineHusky PatriciaIrwin KathleenJackson BettyJoyce QuentinKastlan EddieKastl BonnieKawalec SteveKawalec TomKearn JanetKeeth JohnKepes&Family GayleKing FrankKing AliceKlenczar BrittanyKmita Christopher Krupinski KarinKozlo PaulKwasniewski Monica“Gerri” Lambert Candice“Candy” Lamborghini HarryLetinski JosephineLetinski JohnLiburdi DeeLipchik Shirley&Alfred Locker LucasMacLeod TammyMaguire MikeManor JulieMastin ConstanceMazur RoseMcGovern DoloresMcKernan RitaMegge CarlMollett WendyMollett TonyMuklewicz JenniferMussio MaureenMussio JosephNeal RosemarieNowacki RandyPearson BrucePerry CharlesReseter JackieRiopelle JackRochon BillSabo EmerySalamon,Jr ReneeSalamon JohnSanchez AnnSarich ClaireScalici TonySeguraII WaltShogren JacquelineSmith HelenSoter KathleenStauder KevinStauder GloriaStaley CarolStromberg SamSturgill RobertSucheck JoanSullivan CodyTerteling JudithTink MaryTirpak BradleyTrombley RhondaTurner EdVespa NancyVolk AlWilliams CarieWoodall JosephScott Zyskowski CABRINI 2016 VOLLEYBALL CAMP July 11 through July 13 Grades 4th – 6th 9:00 – 11:00 Grades 7th – 9th 12:00 – 2:30 CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL GYM COST: $ 45.00 Each camper will receive a t-shirt and individualized/ group instruction on hitting, setting, serving and passing skills. A great way to prepare for the upcoming season! The purpose of the camp is to introduce and refine different skills and increase the knowledge and complexity of the game of volleyball. __________________________________________________________ Registration Form Please place an “X” in your session choice and fill in the information completely Session I ____ grades 4 – 6 Session II ____ grades 7 - 9 Name:____________________________________________ Grade:_______ (in the fall) Address:__________________________________________ City:_____________ Zip Code:________ Phone___/_____/______T-Shirt Size: (adult size) S M L XL E-mail Address:_____________________________________ (confirmation will come through an e-mail message) The deadline for registration is JUNE 24th(cannot guarantee correct t-shirt size if registering after this date) Please make checks payable to Cabrini High School Send registration to: Cabrini HS c/o Cheryl Szczodrowski, Varsity Volleyball Coach 15305 Wick Allen Park 48101 For more information contact the Cabrini Athletic Office @ 313-388-0576 or e-mail Shro at Page 10 MASS INTENTIONS / READINGS Monday, June 20, 2016 8:30am Mass 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Psalm 60:3, 4-5,12-13; Ma'hew 7:1-5 Anthony Serafin (6th Anniversary) by Wife & Family Robert & Ruth Schiffer & Family, Living & Deceased Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:30am Mass Saint Aloysius Gonzaga 2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Psalm 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11; Ma'hew 7:6, 12-14 Phyllis Louzon by Family Mary & Andrew Matash by Family Anthony & Grace Vassollo by Daughter Chris Previch James & Emma Previch by Son Marty Previch Julie Ferry by Ferry Family 7:00pm Mass - Discontinued for the summer Wednesday, June 22, 2016 8:30am Mass Saints Paulinus of Nola, John Fisher and Thomas More 2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3; Psalm 119:33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40; Ma'hew 7:15-20 Bill Colasinski by Family Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:30am Mass 2 Kings 24:8-17; Psalm 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9; Ma'hew 7:21-29 Cecilia Orlowski by Richard & Pat Elliott Adam Dusik by Laura Colasinski Friday, June 24, 2016 8:30am Mass The Navity of Saint John the Bapst Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80 Emil & Michael Sporer by Family Saturday, June 25, 2016 8:30am Mass Lamenta!ons 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Psalm 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21; Ma'hew 8:5-17 Special Intentions for the Homeless Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and June 26, 2016 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Psalm 16:1-2, 5,7-8, 9-10, 11; Gala!ans 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9:51-62 5:00pm Mass Lector - TC Bates Commentator - Ellen Farkas Sacristan - T.C. Bates Altar Servers - Carson Sollars, Ryan & Megan Budai Cliff Hensley by Family Mary Bolduc by Husband Janet Grand by Family Jim Dalla Vecchia by Barb Bernas Bill Liphardt by Pat & Maureen McParland & Family Louis Alfred & Mary Jane Zan Bill Schwindel by Karol Schreiber Jean Hunwick by Bob & Shirley 8:00 am Mass Lector - Kate Zimnicki Commentator - Jeanne Salerno Sacristan - Robert Powell Altar Servers - Elaine, Nicole & Ava Teed Mary Walski Ames (5th Anniversary) by Family Michael harbulak by Edward Harbulak Jean Suzor by Ann Lepidi Jim Dalla Vecchia by Joe & Nancy Trela & Family Elizabeth Devlin by Virgil & Nina DiMeglio Anthony & Grace Vassallo by Daughter, Chris Previch James & Emma Previch by Son, Marty Previch 10:00 am Mass Lector - Denny Connors Commentator – Jim Shannon Sacristan – Marge Wolber Altar Servers - Kaitlyn Jabczenski, Ben Maffesoli & Derek Ballas Joseph Mallia (3rd Anniversary) by Rectory Family Jesus Cavazos by Rose & Virginia Greta Fecker by Tim & Donna Roberts Judy & Vincent R. Hurley by Violet Dalla Vecchia Gerald Richards by Kathleen Gaty James Gearhart by Karen Prusak Shawn Bialkowski by Vicky & Roger Burrows 12:00 pm Mass Lector - Jeannine Little Commentator - Eric McCann Sacristan - Kim & Bruce Altar Servers - Ella Balogh, Emma Clemente & Jackie Lazarski Eleanor & John Scimeca (Anniversary Remembrance) by Family Special Intentions for Charles & Caroline Salliotte on their 75th Wedding Anniversary Richard Kaczmarek by Wife Ada Andreassi by Henry Bawol Harold Gass by Mary Brua Thomas Raiche (2nd Anniversary) by Wife, Ann 7:00 pm Mass Lector - Faith Strickland-Pelley Commentator - Ron Pelley Sacristan - Renee Oliva Altar Servers - Lily & Donnie Andrysiak **Need 1 server** For our Military Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed Candles 4th Friday Barbara Kostoff Towels 4thSunday Alice Klenczar Page 11 St. Frances Cabrini 9000 Laurence, Allen Park, MI 48101 Rectory Office / Religious Formation (313) 381-5601 Fax (313) 381-7837 Web: Rectory Office Hours (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to1:00pm) Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm Pastor Reverend Joseph Mallia Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores Budget Director Jill Ferraiuolo Director of Music Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator Nick Beasanski Dir. Religious Education Catherine Borsh Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry Therese Tardiff Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau Facilities & Calendar/ Bulletin Editor Janet Shea Summer Camp Job Opportunities Now Available Are you or someone you know looking for a summer job? We are accepting applications for 2016 summer camp! We have openings for camp counselors, camp activity specialists, team leaders, health officers, and food service staff at SVdP Camp Ozanam and CYO Camps, both located near Lexington, Michigan on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron. Working at a summer camp is the most meaningful job you’ll ever have! Share your faith, develop your leadership skills, and make a huge difference in the lives of children that need the Gospel message. Put your faith into action this summer at Camps Connect. More information about our camps and an application are available at: For questions, contact Caroline Krucker at or call (810) 622-8744. PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Please God, grant them courage when times are bleak. Grant them strength when they feel weak. Grant them comfort, when they feel all alone. And most of all, God, please…..BRING THEM ALL HOME!!! ST. FRANCES CABRINI COMMISSIONS Pastoral Commission Carolyn Sohoza Education Commission Catherine Borsh Christian Service Commission Therese Tardiff Worship, Finance & Vicariate Rep TBA Vicariate Website: Detroit Retrouvaille SACRAMENTS Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can begin, we require that you be a registered member or a baptized Catholic. Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office. Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple by contacting the Rectory Office at least six months before date of marriage. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00pm and upon request. PHONE NUMBERS Cabrini Elementary School Cabrini High School High School Attendance High School Athletic Office Extended Day Program Rectory Office Music Director CHS Campus Ministry Holy Family House Cabrini Center 928-6610 388-0110 388-2566 388-0576 928-6116 381-5601 381-5601 388-0110 928-4727 382-9784 We believe that every marriage deserves the opportunity to survive, be healed and thrive as a covenant of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we, as hurting couples, found hope. Retrouville is a Christian Peer Ministry focused on reaching out to hurting married couples longing for renewal and hope. Metro Detroit has multiple English and Spanish programs scheduled this year, each beginning with a weekend on the following dates: July 15 September 16 October 14 (Spanish) October 28 For more information or to register, please see our website: or call 1-800-470-2230. Please pray for those being joined in Holy Matrimony Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 2:00pm Andrea Camilleri & Elliott Vialkanos~St. Gerald’s Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 2:30pm Laurie Scarborough & Joseph Attard Page 12 Hiring / For Hire / For Sale / For Free / Tutoring / Needed~ Needed~Misc. ATTENTION PLEASE! I am trying to keep the ads in as long as there is room, but some of these ads have been in for a looooong time! Maybe it’s time to lower your price or possibly even donate your item ! Please remember to contact the Rectory at (313) 381381-5601 if your your item has sold, been donated or just would like to make changes. Ads can be dropped off at the Rectory or emailed to REMINDER: Home Care/Senior Care ads have been removed and no longer accepted. The ads below are posted as a courtesy to our St. Frances Cabrini parishioners. Cabrini is not affiliated with nor do we have any more information than what is stated in the ads. HIRING: Allen Park Electrical Contractor - Haddix Electric - is looking for a Licensed Electrical Journeyman. Minimum 3 years experience in commercial & residential. Please send resume to HIRING: Are you a certified ultrasound technician? We are a ProLife organization offering free ultrasounds for pregnant moms, especially those who are abortion vulnerable. You can make your own schedule and we can offer $25 p/hr. If you are interested, please call Lennon Pregnancy Center at (313) 277-5637. HIRING: Symon Rental is looking for summer help. The duties would include loading, unloading and set-up and breakdown of tents, tables and chairs. Please call Colleen (734)283-5374. TUTORING: Teacher available for tutoring in Reading & Math. Call Ruth at (734) 934-1405 or email TUTORING: Tutoring in Math, Science & History or SATs for 5th grade and up. Working on teachers certificate. Call 549-6761. TUTORING: Math, Chemistry & Physics for high school & college students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini parishioner with a solid engineering & tutoring background. Reasonable rates and flexible scheduling. Contact Dan at TUTORING: Fluent native Spanish speaker available for tutoring. Wayne State Graduate in Spanish. Parishioner. Laura (313)5858650 or FOR HIRE: Seamstress~uniform hems to formal wear - I do it all. Custom sewing/Crocheting/Knitting. Allen Park resident & Parishioner. Call Robbie (734)626-4037. FOR HIRE: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy (313)982-7004. FOR HIRE: Light housecleaning & errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at $10.00 p/hr. Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria (313)389-5506. FOR HIRE: Rides to the doctor, store, errands & light housekeeping. Call Danielle (734) 497-4696. FOR HIRE: House cleaning, laundry & shopping for you! Cabrini parishioner, references available. Call Shirley (313)434-6027. FOR HIRE: Helping hand for you or your loved ones ~ all help from A to Z! Very experienced. Minimum 2 hours. Call Mary (734)6800812. BABYSITTER NEEDED: Full, part-time or on occasional basis. Two children, girls ages 14 & 11. Very active, Special needs. Please call Jen (313)320-2796. Must be honest, caring and patient. Full time benefits available. After school/weekend/evening. RENTER/HELPER: Semi-retired guy, Cabrini grad, seeks room to rent/house share in Allen Park. Has transportation and income. Neat, quiet, non-smoker. Can help with chores to reduce rent, if desired. Call Cal (313)587-1541 after 12pm. FOR SALE: Couch~ripe pear colored. Paid $800, will sell for $300. Call (313)381-3964. FOR SALE: Craftsman 3HP-1400PSI high pressure washer $190. 16” hanging ceiling lamp w/leaded & stained glass panels $30. Rocking horse $75. Call (734)287-6418. FOR SALE: Rocker recliner, brown, from Art Van $75. Call (734) 258-8166. FOR SALE: Smoker barbeque w/tank $500. Two bunk bed sets~5 pieces. Make reasonable offer. Call Mary (734)680-0812. FOR SALE: Exquisite Lenox fine china featuring a red rose w/24K gold trim. 8 place settings & 9 accessory pieces $1,000. Also Lenox crystal w/24K trim $300. Proud Cabrini parishioner. Call (734)5529597. FOR SALE: Floor tiles. Make offer. Call Mary (734)680-0812. FOR SALE: Traditional 8x11 wool rug w/fringe (red, black & gold) from Ethan Allen. Excellent condition. Professionally cleaned. $800 or best offer. Picture upon request. Call (313)421-1978. FOR SALE: One (1) cemetery plot at Our Lady of Hope. Section E46 #6. $1,100. Call John (734)309-3906. FOR SALE: Beautiful mahogany full length real mink coat size S/M. Fur vault @ Macy’s. Must sell $2,000/negotiable. Call Suzanne (313)561-1148 or (313)544-8070. FOR SALE: Three (3) plots at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Lot 21 of section 20 in old section. $1,200 each. Electric Toro power snow shovel, like new, $40. Call (734)282-3507. FOR SALE: Vintage late 50’s coffee table & two (2) end tables. Great condition, leather top. $75 for all 3. Call Marylou (734)4868564. FOR SALE: Wet/Dry ShopVac, 8 gallon $60. Big box floor fan $20. Contemporary Blonde sofa table $60. Call Valerie (313)381-0985. FOR SALE: Portable sewing machine, table sewing machine w/ chair and a like new ironing mangle. Make offer. (734)680-0812. FOR SALE: 1997 Lincoln Towne car Signature Series. 113,000 miles. Dark blue w/matching leather interior. Full power w/moon roof. Runs excellent. $3,500 or best. Call Mark (313)386-3044. FOR SALE: Georgia Boot Co. men’s size 9.5 8”brown insulated waterproof outdoor/hunting boots, like new $75. Vintage Zebco 33 spin cast reel w/new line and Southbend rod, like new $20. Call (313)587-1541 after 12pm. FOR SALE: Bread maker $20. Cuisinart blender/food processor $35. Call Dave (313)381-5717. FOR SALE: Brand new Charles Schneider hazelnut leather loveseat. $900. Call (313) 613-6100. FOR SALE: 92” dark brown, 2 cushion couch. One year old. $200. Call Kathy (313)292-9632. FOR SALE: 2012 Crest II 230 Pontoon Boat. 22’ total length, 25” pontoons. 25HP Mercury Outboard (2 years remaining on warranty). Bimini and playpen covers. Excellent condition. $13,000. Call Chuck (313)928-3961. FOR SALE: Vacation/retirement home near S. Higgins Lake State Park. Double wide trailer, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, large living room, 2 car garage on 1/2 acre. Call Larry (313)388-6831. FOR SALE: Electric hospital bed $2,500. Wheelchair $200. Walker w/wheels $75. Standup cane $10. Raised commode seat $75. Portable card table w/drink & chip inserts $50. Call Edgar (313)9103452. FOR SALE: Upright piano, $300. Call Theresa (734) 787-1227. WANTED: Someone to repair a Nintendo Wii U player. Please call Mary at (313) 381-3964. FOR SALE: Two (2) crypts/tandem. Trillium Gardens section at MI Memorial. Block 28C, Section 804, Row 3 (eye level). Crypts H&J. Paid $9750, will sell both for $6000. Call (734)981-3290. FOR SALE: Men’s Trek bicycle, 21 speed. Asking $150. Please call (313) 381-0891. FOR SALE: Beautiful mahogany mink coat. Size 16. Original cost $1500. Selling for $175. Call (313)231-0364. FUN-Raiser for Janet Dalton Bullock Sunday, June 26 Noon to 7pm B. Boomers 16006 Southfield Rd. Allen Park 50/50 Raffles ~ Food ~ Beer & Wine ~ Over 100 Prizes to Win ~ Live Entertainment by The Phoenix Theory
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