May/June 2013 - East High School - Madison Metropolitan School
May/June 2013 - East High School - Madison Metropolitan School
MADISON EAST HIGH SCHOOL Parent Newsletter May / June 2 0 1 3 (Revised) Greetings East High School families! May / June Calendar 2-3 Final Exam Schedule 4 East High Office Contacts 5 Attendance-Who do I call? 6 Infinite Campus 7 Blood Drive 7 AVID Validation 8 East High United 9 August Registration (Revised dates) 10 Admin Team Updates 10-12 Senior Activities & Graduation Information 14-15 Honor Roll Students 16-19 Senior Picture & Tribute Info for 2013-2014 20-21 Athletics 22-25 Department News 27 MSCR 36 The 2013 MMSD Recognition Ceremony was held at La Follette High School on Monday, April 15th. East celebrated with the following staff and students as they were recognized for all their hard work and dedication. Awa Fofana —Joe Thomas Community Service Award for Students Myles Strong —Joe Thomas Community Service Award for Students Kristen Waters Guetschow — Support Personnel Evan Gnam — High School Teachers Langston Evans — Community PartnerPartner-Boys and Girls Club Congratulations, we are so very proud of you! Go EAST! East High School began working hard to become an AVID National Demonstration School. Only 2% of all schools implementing AVID successfully achieve this status. An AVID Demonstration School is one that uses AVID strategies with a high degree of fidelity across the curriculum resulting in improved outcomes for students. East will now serve as a national teaching and learning center for the implementation of AVID. This is a tribute to the entire staff, students, AVID site team and our wonderful community partners. This is a great accomplishment. Please read more details in this newsletter on page 8. Also, the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, an accreditation division of AdvancED was here on April 15 and 16. The AdvancED External Review Team examined artifacts, collected and analyzed data from interviews with staff, students, community members, and community partners. They visited classrooms, reviewed lesson plans and evaluated the learning environment. We are pleased to report that we will be recommended for accreditation from AdvancED. Several of our powerful practices included that students, parents and community members all expressed appreciation for the warm and caring environment of East High School. The school climate and culture embraces diversity through appreciation, accommodation and acceptance of the various cultures represented in our school. It was also noted that in their investigations they learned that each student is well known by at least one adult, and that adult would advocate for them and support students in reaching their academic goals. What a great tribute to our staff! EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 2 MAY 2013 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 Spring Play 3 Spring Play 4 Spring Play 5 6 Tower TV 7 Blood Drive 8 NHS 9 EHU 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Choral Pops Concert 18 19 20 Latino Parent Group 21 Service E 22 Band Concert 23 24 25 26 27 Memorial Day (No School) 28 29 30 Orchestra Concert 31 Community Dinner M AY 2 0 1 3 — I M P O RTA N T D AT E S 6, 13 & 20 2, 3 & 4 7 8 8 9 17 20 20 21 22 27 30 31 Early Release @ 2:24pm Spring Play—Animal Farm, MWT 7pm, 2pm Saturday Matinee Blood Drive, Room 142 9am-2pm Staff Breakfast (Sponsored by East High United) National Honor Society Ceremony, MWT 7pm East High United, LMC Reading 7pm Choral Pops Concert, MWT 6:30pm & 7:45pm Senior Purgolder Time Latino Parent Group, LMC Reference Side 5:30pm Service E Ceremony, LMC Reference Side 8am Band Concert, MWT 7:30pm Memorial Day—No School (Building Closed) Orchestra Concert, MWT 7:30pm Spring Carnival & Community Dinner, Cafeteria 4pm (dinner at 5:30pm) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 3 JUNE 2013 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 3 Tower TV 4 5 Senior Brunch Senior Awards 6 7 8 ACT Exam 9 10 Final Exams 11 Final Exams 12 Final Exams 13 Make up Exams 14 Graduation Kohl Center 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Summer School Begins 25 26 27 28 29 30 J U N E 2 0 1 3 — I M P O RTA N T D AT E S 5 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 24 Senior Brunch, Cafeteria 8:30am Senior Awards Night, MWT 7pm ACT Exam Final Exams (Periods 1, 2 & 7) Final Exams (Periods 3 & 4) Final Exams (Periods 5 & 6) Make up Exams—Last Day of School Graduation, Kohl Center 5pm Summer School Begins EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 4 20122012-2013 School Calendar May 6, 13, 20 Middle & High School Early Release 2013 27 No School - Memorial Day 12 Early Childhood and 4K – Last day of school 13 Last day of school – Morning Early Release – Elem. 9:15 or 10am ( All Middle Schools except Wright dismiss @ 9:05; Wright dismissal @ June 9:45 a.m.; High school dismissal times vary - check individual school 2013 calendars) End of 4th Quarter ( 48 days ) & 2nd Semester ( 91 days ) 24 First day of Summer School East Side Players Present: George Orwell’s Animal Farm May 2, 3 & 4 Margaret Williams Theatre, 7pm (Saturday Matinee, 2pm) Tickets: $2 Students, $5 Adults FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE JUNE 10 June 11 June 12 Period 1: 8:30—10am Period 2: 10:15—11:45am Lunch 11:45am—12:25pm Period 7: 12:30-2pm Period 3: 8:30—10am Period 4: 10:15—11:45am No Lunch Period 5: 8:30—10am Period 6: 10:15—11:45am No Lunch June 12th is the last day of school for students who have completed their exams. If a student will not complete their exams by June 12th, they should make arrangements to schedule a make up exam with their teacher for June 13th. June 13th is reserved for make up exams only— only—no regular classes will be held. held EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 EMAIL MARY KELLEY, PRINCIPAL Kristi Vitale-Gerhardt, Admin Asst Gloria Thering, Admin Asst—Finance Michelle Galarowicz, Main Office Asst 204-1605 204-1669 204-1746 204-1733 12th GRADE—ROOM 1027 BRIAN BOROWSKI, ASST PRINCIPAL Ruth Drifke, Admin Asst Shelley Day, Admin Asst 204-1608 204-1558 204-1614 11th GRADE—ROOM 1027 RANDI KUBEK, ASST PRINCIPAL Shelley Day, Admin Asst 204-1615 204-1614 10th GRADE—ROOM 1027 BEA BONET, ASST PRINCIPAL Ruth Drifke, Admin Asst 204-1557 204-1558 9th GRADE—ROOM 1023 MIKKI SMITH, ASST PRINCIPAL Jessica Penning, Admin Asst 204-1620 204-1613 10th—12TH DEAN OF STUDENTS—ROOM 1027 ALEX THOMPSON 204-1620 REGISTRAR—ROOM 1040 Kristi Meyer 204-1745 New Student Registration, Student Withdrawals, Transcripts (former students) ATHLETICS—ROOM 1030 DAVID KAPP, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR 204-1720 Judith Parish, Admin Asst 204-1604 Coaching Concerns , Fees & Waiver Information, Physical Requirements , Schedules HEALTH—ROOM 1029 Jackie Tomberlin Maria Vasquez Laura Wade 204-1619 204-1622 204-1621 STUDENT SERVICES—ROOM 2031 Darlene Vitzthum 204-1638 Academic Concerns, Counselors, Psychologists & Social Workers, Scheduling Concerns, Transcripts (current students) OFFICES 9th DEAN OF STUDENTS—ROOM 1023 MIKE LOVENBERG 204-1625 HIGH PHONE EAST MAIN OFFICE—ROOM 1037 PAGE 5 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 6 A B S EN C ES : W H O D O YO U C A L L ? ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES FULL DAY ABSENCE REPORTING: 204-1650 PARTIAL DAY ABSENCES (EARLY RELEASE OR LATE ARRIVAL): If YOUR STUDENT IS IN: GRADE 9: JESSICA PENNING, 204-1613 GRADES 10 & 12: RUTH DRIFKE, 204-1558 GRADE 11: SHELLEY DAY, 204-1614 TELEPHONE MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS Telephone messages received from parents for their child can become a very big problem for school office staff and teachers alike. Each time a parent calls to leave a message for a student, office staff must answer the telephone, write up the message, and leave the office to take the message to a classroom. This procedure is very disruptive to the classroom learning process. Parents can assist by confining their requests to EMERGENCY situations only. Proper planning and communication would be greatly appreciated. PERMISSION TO LEAVE SCHOOL Parents! Remember that students may not leave school without a pass from their grade level office. If your student has an appointment, he or she must check out and check back in to their grade level office. If your student is ill, he or she MUST go to the nurses’ office. Proper parent notification and check out will happen at that time. Students who leave school without a pass will be marked unexcused. the left or send a note with their child the day before the absence, if possible. Students then go to their grade level office to pick up a blue pass excusing them from class early. Students coming in late should have been called in or have a note from a parent, doctor, or dentist. REQUESTS for HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS may be done by accessing the listing of all staff on the East website and e-mailing your student’s teachers directly. Phone remay be Early release for quests done through the medical appointments: P a r e n t s grade level offices. should call the appropriate number to BLOOD DRIVE AT EAST HIGH SCHOOL WHEN: Tuesday, May 7th 9am—2pm WHERE: Room 142 SPONSORED BY: HOSA, BSU & Student Congress Students—sign up at lunch or see Mrs. Winger in room 135. All others may visit: PrePre-register by Thursday, May 2nd if possible EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 7 The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where you can get current information about your child's school attendance and grades. P A R E N T P O R TA L Do you use the Portal? Have you established access to this information? If not, here’s why you should and how you can get access. NOTE: You can sign up for Infinite Campus in person in Room 1023 (The Freshman Office) at East High School and must show a valid driver’s license or state ID. If you have questions or issues after the initial set-up, we can verify your identity over the phone and assist with issues. What is Infinite Campus? Today, all K-12 school districts use some sort of database system for managing student information and maintaining their records. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, test scores, and other information about the students in the MMSD. In 2007-08, Infinite Campus replaced another system the MMSD had used since the late 1980's. What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal? The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where parents and guardians can get current information about their child's school attendance and grades. What information is included in the Portal? What do I use it for? When you, as a parent or guardian, log-in, you have access to information about all of the students for which you are associated. Class schedules, assignments and grades can be viewed. E-mail hyperlinks facilitate communication with classroom teachers. In addition, schools post important information on the home page, such as events, notices, etc. Attendance information is also available. The Parent Portal allows report cards to be viewed online and printed. Through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, MMSD provides an online communication tool which can help you as a parent or guardian stay current with your student's progress. From an Internet connection at home, the workplace or any public library, you can view up-to-date informa- tion about your student's attendance and grades. How do I first use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal? You must set up a user account in order to use the Portal. Your child's school provides you with a Parent Portal activation code. By using this code and following the instructions in the Parent Portal User Setup Guide, you can setup your own user account for the Parent Portal. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is located at: http://infosvcweb.madison.k12. We recommend you "bookmark" this location after you get your account enabled. After you go through the process of creating your user name and password, write them down and keep them in a place where you can refer to them at a later date. The user name and password will allow you to see student information, but only for those children for whom you are a parent or guardian. If you have questions, contact Jessica Penning at 204-1613 or EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 East High School’s AVID Program Recognized as National Model. East High Validated as National AVID Demonstration School. organizational strategies, study skills, critical thinking, tutorial support, and career and college awareness. In MMSD, AVID is partnered with the Teens of Promise (TOPS) program through the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County. TOPS provides full-time student coordinators in each of the four high schools, summer internships, after-school mentors, funding for more than 40 tutors during the elective course, and a variety of college and career field trips. The Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) announced today that East High School has been validated as a National AVID Demonstration School, a distinction given only to the top 2% of schools implementing the college prep program across the country. East High will now serve as a national teaching and learning center for the implementation of AVID. Students in the AVID/TOPS program in MMSD are achieving “Not only is East High’s AVID/ higher GPAs, enrolling in more TOPS program making a differ- advanced placement courses, ence for our students, but it is and scoring higher on tests, acalso a national model for suc- cording to a recent analysis of cess,” Superintendent Jennifer the programs provided by the Cheatham said. “Congratulations Wisconsin Center for the Adto the staff and students at East vancement of Postsecondary and our partners at the Boys & Education (WISCAPE). Girls Club who have made this program successful.” “It is a tremendous honor to be AVID or Advancement Via Individ- selected as a demonstration ual Determination, is a college school,” East High Principal Mary readiness system that includes Kelley said. “We are proud of our an elective course focused on AVID/TOPS program and our PAGE 8 school as a whole. Our mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and career, and AVID/TOPS has been critical in helping us move forward. I’d like to thank the Boys & Girls Club for being such a valuable component in this successful program.” The partnership between the Boys & Girls Club and MMSD is not only unique among the 4,000 Boys & Girls Clubs nationwide, but it is also the only such partnership for AVID implementation in districts across the country. “We are honored to partner with the district for the AVID/TOPS program,” Michael Johnson, CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County said. “This partnership and program plays an instrumental role in the lives of so many young people and being a demonstration site will help other communities across the country learn from our collective work.” Congrats Eastside! Students, Parents, Staff and Community Partners-we are truly making a difference and we look forward to continuing our journey together. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 9 The next EHU meeting is scheduled for May 9th at 7pm. Meetings are held in the East LMC and usually end by 8:30pm. The meeting on Thursday, May 9 will be the last EHU meeting of the 2012-2013 school year. Principal Mary Kelley will present her usual informative update, which will include information on East’s recent designation as an AVID Demonstration Site— and there will be a chance to talk with EHU Co-Coordinators for the 2013-2014 school year, Laura Chern and Lisa Newman, about the future of East High United. Thanks for another good year! 2012-1013 EHU co-coordinators, Helena Tsotsis (246-0036, & Ann Lacy (249-0231, Let’s show East’s great staff how much we appreciate them! During national Teacher Appreciation Week, East High United is sponsoring a Staff Appreciation Breakfast, on Wednesday, May 8th The breakfast will be set up in the LMC (Reference side) starting at 7am. There will be coffee from East’s own “MUGS”, and EHU will provide bagels and cream cheese. Parents, we need lots of tasty treats: fruit, breakfast casseroles, muffins, cookies, fruit salads, sweet rolls, juice, egg dishes, flowers… Pans and other dishes will be available for pickup in the main office later in the day—label with your name if possible! If you would be available to help set up that morning, or if you have any questions about the breakfast, please contact Ann Lacy (249-0231, EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 G R A D E 9 PAGE 10 9th Grade—Assistant Principal Mikki Smith, 204-1557 Parents/Guardians; It is hard to believe the end of the school year is just around the corner. September 4th seems like a decade ago. Last week, as I was supervising freshman lunch, I couldn’t help but notice how far our freshmen have come since the beginning of the school year. Thinking back to last September, I recall how intimidated our freshmen seemed; by the size of the building, the amount of homework, and just the newness of it all. I am truly impressed with how they’ve learned to navigate East and how they have begun to find their niche within the school community. They are surely maturing. With the final quarter underway, and summer fast approaching (hopefully the weather will cooperate), it is only normal for students (and teachers) to start getting antsy for summer vacation sleeping late and no homework. Please help us remind them to keep their head in the game and to finish strong. There is still a lot of work to do. Your child took the EXPLORE test or PLAN test right before spring break. We recently mailed your child's results home. We are in the process of making plans for teachers to review the results with your child. This review should take place in the next few weeks. If you have specific questions about your child’s score, please contact their guidance counselor. If you have any questions or concerns after school breaks for the summer, please do not hesitate to contact me. While I will be in the office a good deal of June and July, I will not have set days. Therefore, email is the best way to get a hold of me. Have a great summer break. See you in the fall, Mikki Smith 2013-2014 AUGUST REGISTRATION DATES AT EAST HIGH SCHOOL August 16: *New Students to MMSD 8am—12pm and 1—4pm (*this does not include incoming freshmen from Black Hawk, O’Keeffe or Sherman Middle Schools) August 20 & 21: **All Grades 8am—12pm and 3—6pm (**New freshmen from Black Hawk, O’Keeffe & Sherman Middle Schools and returning East 10-12 graders) No registration between noon & 3pm—arrive timely as registration closes at 6pm! Students do not have to be accompanied by an adult, but they must have the completed on-line registration form with parent/guardian signature. August 27***: All Grades 1—4pm, tion available on this date. No counselors, photo IDs or extracurricular informa- Registering on the 20th or 21st helps ensure your student has a schedule and knows where his/her classes are the first day of school. ***Students who do not register on one of the above designated dates must wait until September 3rd to register. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 G R A D E 10 PAGE 11 10th Grade—Assistant Principal Bea Bonet, 204-1557 Salutations Sophomores and Families I can't believe the year is almost over and this is the final Newsletter of 2012-13 School Year! This year sure has flown by - what great accomplishments so many of our sophomores have made this year! From getting their drivers license or permit, obtaining their first job, making honor roll and receiving recognition for it, acting in the award winning one act play, scoring that final basket in basketball game or performing a fantastic number at Cabaret. this sophomore class truly is gifted and talented in so many ways, from academics, to leadership on Congress, to amazing talent in Show Choir or East Side Players. Yes I am very proud of each and every one of my sophomore - soon to be juniors! That being said - we will soon be Juniors and with Junior year comes more focus on grades and school work, college visits and ACT's, more independence but more responsibilities. I expect great things from all of you your Junior year and beyond - you have two short years remaining at east High School - make the most of them! Join that club you always wanted to try, take that hand drumming or guitar class - think outside the box and try something totally different - this is your chance to do that. By trying new classes and things you'll get an idea of what career path you want to go on once you leave East - be it military, vocational school, an apprenticeship or a prestigious University In closing, make sure you've talked with your counselor and signed up for the classes you need to if you have to do summer school - if you've got a job make sure you also sign up for work credit during the summer - every bit helps if you are credit deficient and summer school isn't that long. If you have all your credits in order you may still be looking for a job this summer, it will give you fiscal responsibility and get you meeting new people and learning great skills that will carry you through life. I'll be in and out of the office most of the summer so please don't hesitate to call me at 204-1557 should you have any questions or concerns. Have a safe, relaxing and fun filled summer! See you all back here in September! Best Regards, Beatriz Bonet G R A D E 11 11th Grade—Assistant Principal Randi Kubek, 204-1615 Prom: Junior Prom took place at Monona Terrace on April 27 and it was absolutely fabulous! Juniors worked hard during the weeks leading up to Prom, helping to make sure that everything was ready to create memories for East Juniors. They should be commended for their focus and energy. ACT update: Individual ACT results from the March 19 EPAS district testing date should have been received at your homes by mail. If your student tested during the April 2 makeup test date, those results have not yet been mailed and you should look for them within the next 1-2 weeks. Anyone who did not receive their individual score reports should contact ACT at Students will need to use their ACT ID number or their social security number to create an online account. East High School counselors have access to scores in a whole-school format; they do not have individual student reports. In the weeks to come, East will use the ACT scores, as well as all EPAS test scores, to identify curricular gaps and to help determine curricula in our classrooms. We continue to remain focused on learning benchmarks and will use this most recent data to help inform areas of need. Students wishing to re-take the ACT, or take it for the first time (in cases where they did not participate at East on either March 19 or April 2), the remaining test date is Saturday, June 8. Students should see their counselors for registration information, or go to for registration information. Randi Kubek EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 G R A D E 12 PAGE 12 12th Grade—Assistant Principal Brian Borowski, 204-1608 We have finally made it to the end. I just want to thank Senior Parents and Guardians for such a great experience with your students. I have truly enjoyed working with them and getting to know them. As graduation approaches, please stay on your students regarding attendance and maintaining their efforts in school. If they start sliding now, it will be more difficult for them to get back into the routine of school/work as they move forward in their lives. That being said, I am truly going to miss having this group of seniors in our school. They are respectful, kind, challenging, adventurous, and most of all, they are what makes East High School what it is. Good luck graduates and thank you parents and guardians for getting them to graduation. Seniors, please thank someone at East for your success. Staff would truly appreciate a kind word or note as you head off to your future endeavors. Lockers: Lockers will need to be cleaned out by noon Wednesday June 12th. All locks need to be left on lockers or East will charge $5 for a replacement. Please have your students make sure that they have all items out of their locker and books are returned to teachers. PBS (Positive Behavior Supports) Update: Tardies: 48,296 last year at this time (April), 38,224 this year (21% reduction). The culture is shifting this area and it is because of staff’s hard work and your encouragement and support. We still have a great deal of work to do in this area. Attendance: Too many of our students are missing school at an alarming rate. We all need to encourage our students to come to school and stay in school as much as possible. 43% of our seniors have missed 5 days in the last 45 school days. Senior parents, please help to get these kiddos to school. It helps with graduation rates, Department of Public Instruction concerns (School Report Card) additionally, we enjoy seeing all of our students being successful. Next Year: I will be looping down to pick up the current 9th Grade students. I will be with them for 3 years (until their Senior year). Current 9th grade parents/guardians, please feel free to contact me over the summer with any of your concerns regarding your students. Thanks again for a great ride Seniors. Mr. Borowski GRADUATION CEREMONY ACCOMODATIONS The Madison Metropolitan School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Reasonable accommodations shall be made for qualified individuals with a disability in order to ensure equal access to the Madison East High School graduation ceremony. To request accommodations, please contact Ruth Drifke, Madison East High School, 2222 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53704 or call 608608-204204-1558. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 13 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 14 CLASS OF 2013 EAST HIGH SENIOR ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Class Colors: Colors: Purple & Gold Class Motto: Motto: “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” - Pericles Class Song: Song: TBD Obligations: 204--1558 to find out what obligations are Obligations: All obligations will be posted, or parents may call Ruth at 204 owed. Obligations must be taken care of before grads will receive their diplomas. It is preferable to take care of these as soon as possible as the last few weeks of school become very busy and we don’t want any returned books to be overlooked. Payments can be taken to Room 1027. Checks are to be made out to Madison East High School. Please call 204-1558 with any questions. Yearbooks: Yearbooks: Ordered yearbooks will be handed out the first week of June. Announcements will be made closer to the date. After January, the cost increased to $50. Jostens Graduation Orders (Gowns/Announcements): (Gowns/Announcements): Caps, Gowns and Stoles are required to participate in the commencement ceremony. Stoles will be handed out at the rehearsal on June 12th and will be collected after the ceremony. Students will not be charged for stoles. Contact Ruth at 204-1558 with questions. If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, you will need to contact Jostens directly at 437-7323. Early and on-time orders will be delivered on Friday, May 3rd from 9:30am to 1pm in Room 1041C. You should receive a postcard and email with your balance information. Service E Awards Breakfast: Breakfast: Tuesday, May 21st at 8am in the LMC. Invitations will be sent to participants. Senior Brunch and DressDress-Up Day: Day: *Wednesday, June 5th from 8:30-10:45am in the cafeteria (*date change!). change!) Seniors are encouraged to wear appropriate attire for the day. Seniors do not come to school until Brunch. They will be excused for morning classes, but are expected to attend classes for the rest of the day. ALL GRADUATING SENIORS may attend the brunch. There will be no charge to students. Senior Awards Night: Night: *Wednesday, June 5th at 7:00pm in the Margaret Williams Theater (*date change!). change!) Reception will follow in the cafeteria. Invitations will be sent out to participants. Senior Party: Party: Senior parents sponsor the Senior Party. This year’s theme: Hollywood Nights! Parents, there is still time to volunteer to help out. Contact Julie Herfel at or Kari Douglas at You won’t want to miss the opportunity to make this a memorable night for your graduating student! (Senior Activities, continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 15 (Senior Activities, continued) Class Picture and Rehearsal: Rehearsal Wednesday, June 12th from 12:00-2:00 p.m. in the Spectator gym. You have to be at rehearsal to participate in the graduation ceremony. ceremony Students are to bring their GOWN ONLY – NOT THE CAP. CAP. Bring your Honor Cord or Congress Cord if you have one. Please be on time and remember, do not bring caps. caps. Final Exams: Exams Monday, June 10th 8:30-10:00 Period 1 Exam 10:15-11:45 Period 2 Exam 11:45-12:25 Lunch 12:30-2:00 Period 7 Exam Tuesday, June 11th 8:30-10:00 Period 3 Exam 10:15-11:45 Period 4 Exam NO LUNCH SERVED Wednesday, June 12th 8:30-10:00 Period 5 Exam 10:15-11:45 Period 6 Exam NO LUNCH SERVED Thursday, June 13th (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL) 8:30-10:00 Make-up Exams (must be pre-arranged with teacher) NO LUNCH SERVED Photography: Photography: This year Empire Photography will again be taking individual graduate pictures at graduation. There will be a space designated just for picture taking for families attending at the Kohl Center on Friday, June 14th. Please provide your parent’s current email address to Ms. Drifke in room 1027 as soon as possible as the photographer will send graduation picture info via email. Graduation Video: Video: Graduation videos will be available through MMSD Media Department. You will receive the video order form in the near future. Dress Code: Code: Boys are to wear a dress shirt with a collar and TIE (no Nehru or collarless shirts), dark dress pants, dark socks, and dress shoes. No tennis shoes or sandals allowed. Denim jeans of any color are unacceptable. unacceptable Girls are to wear an appropriate dress outfit and dress shoes/sandals. No flip flops. flops If you are dressed inappropriately, you will be asked to change or you will not be allowed to take part in the ceremony. Parking Fee: Fee: UW parking lots and parking areas around the Kohl center will be charging a $10.00 parking fee during graduation; a letter detailing this information will be coming in early June. Obligation Deadline: Deadline: Thursday, June 13th at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1027. NO OBLIGATIONS WILL BE SETTLED ON FRIDAY. Contact Ruth Drifke @204-1558 with fee questions. Graduation: Graduation: Friday, June 14, 2013 at 5:00pm at the Kohl Center. Tickets are not required. PAGE 16 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 Honor Roll Students for Semester 2 of 20112011-2012 school year and Semester 1 of 20122012-2013 school year Honors – 3.53.5-3.79 GPA per semester High Honors – 3.83.8-4.0 GPA per semester Students with * have achieved high honors in at least 1 of the last 2 semesters. GRADE 9 James Alexander-Young Ruben Arndt * Ethan Arneson Alexis Auman * Derek Bangert * Johnathan Barkei * Isaia Ben-Ami Sophia Blair * Nicholas Bosch Marina Brendel * Shelby Brendler * Diana Theresa Bulaong Nyika Campbell * Gaetane Cardarella * Carmen Chimal Aidan Coffin Ness * Serena Cook * Isaac Cwik * Saady Diallo Elizabeth Dornon Elise Drott * Hayley Elbe * Allison Elliott * Beatrice Elvord * Evelyn Fields * Savannah Figy Sirena Flores Madison Fuller * Joseph Gardner * Glenn Gavin Henry Gaylord Holly Graser * Shameka Gray * Joseph Grindrod * Maxwell Hansen Paige Hergenrother * Emma Holtan * James Hughes * Emma Huismann Jessica Inman Clare Johnson * James Kasel * Bailey Kellerhuis * Kelly Khamphouy Catherine Kiesler * Daley Koenig * Rowan Koester-Jess * Joshua Kohn Michael Lafayette Sarah Le Rette * Yee Lee Ze Lee Jack Ludkey Sebastian Maynard Jaden Mc Kiernan * Diana Moon Javon Moore * Aidan Nordbo * Sharon Nwankwo Andres Paredes * Jade Potter Kyra Raines * Mariela Ramirez Madison Redding Hannah Rittman * Jefry Rivera Prado Colton Rohde * Cecil Ross * Guadalupe Salmeron Heaven Sandlin Devin Sargent * Elizabeth Schneiderman Lillian Schroeder * Elias Schwalbe * Luke Schwendemann Destiny Scott * Olivia Scott-Lantz * Andrew Smith Elize Steinhoff Tyler Stuart-Ellis * Jaylin Stueber Qiang Sun Choua Thao * Dylan Thompson * Donovan Tomony Paqabzib Vang * Tahaun Watts * Samuel Wortley Sage * Javier Xelhua Maliwan Xiong * Pazee Xiong * Alyvia Yacuone EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 Grade 10 Brandon Alvarez-Carrera * Isis Apolinario De Mello Declan Baggot Emily Barry * Matthew Beslic Laura Bessenecker Michelle Blankenship * Aminata Bojang * Riley Boyce Talia Brown * Mackenzie Buell John Raffy Bulaong Courtney Burns * Sarah Burns * Paige Callen Seth Campbell * Margaret Caplan * Rachael Carlson Tania Castillo Andrade Vania Castillo Andrade Fatoumata Ceesay Taylor Cherek * Anna Cohen * Benjamin Converse Mitchell Deitz * James Doherty * Ann Dornon * Hannah Dudley Margaret Duffy * Ava Duren * Stephanie Dyer * Joshua Dykstra * Olive Earley * Noah Faingold Osamu Galligan * Joseph Garcia-Menocal * Gillian Gehri * Lydia Getman Hanah Gilmore * Chisato Glines Tabitha Grahn-Galloway * Spencer Halberg * Julian Halsey-Milhaupt * Linnea Halsten * Amanda Hamm * Aaron Handel-Kutz * Brianna Hanson * Jeffrey Harrington Finley Hay-Chapman * Anna Hestad * Arthur Hjertstedt Wendy Hoang * Alyssa Ivy * Charles Jetty * Greta Johnson * Emily Kendall * Zachary Killian Kari Kipp Robert Knauff * Tenzin Kunsel * Rachel Larson Mayryane Lee Andrea Lenius Albanric Marszal Maxwell Martin Mason Martinez * Eric Mattson * Sean Mc Carthy * Morgan Mc Elmurry * Dalton McGowan * Cassandra Mchugh * Corinne McKnight Ariana Mcmiller * Jaden Mcraven Eliza Merritt Jamie Meyers Julia Mielke * Rachel Mlatawou * Michelle Morency * Samantha Murphy * Alexander Nelson Victoria Nunez Robert Nwadinobi PAGE 17 Liam Olson * Duncan Peterson * Kynala Phillips Molly Pomarnke-Blake * Frieda Powell Joshua Ptak-Pressman * Natasha Reed Jasmyn Rheese Melissa Rice * Douglas Riedemann * Kalley Rittman * Rodney Rivera Prado Ari Rosenthal Jamie Rozzell Janette Rueda Gutierrez Zoe Sauve Declan Schlichting * Kate Silverthorne * Luke Soldner Joshua Spitzer-Resnick * Calli Steinhoff James Strebe * Bintou Suso Emma Swartz * Olivia Taschwer * Kongmeng Thao Pang Foua Thao * Sean Thiboldeaux * Robyn Thiede Adrian Thomas Manona Thompson Lexi Tiger * Nell Vanden Brook Elizabeth Watson * Alexa Wood * Michela Wood * Chelsea Yang EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 Grade 11 Dylan Bangert Maya Banks * Teresa Baymon Haley Bergstrom * Katelyn Blake-Leibowitz * Lindsey Borleske * Jessica Bowden * Rebecca Brokaw * Krista Brown Miles Buob Emma Carlisle * Calvin Carpenter * Mayra Ceballos * Tenzin Chonzin Adrian Conner * Taran Cordonhill * Hieu Dang Shayna Daveler Francesca Day Anna Dolphin Guangqin Dornon * Siv Earley Dominic Ebube Rafael Eguia Diaz Mackenzie Engel * Aidan Falk Desirae Fisher * Weston Foemmel Luke Geistlinger Jeromy Gotschall * Robert Grindrod Glorianna Hauge Nora Haugen-Wente Haley Havens * River Heisler * Samanike Hengst * Emma Hetzel * August Hoppmann Gavin Huismann * Shari Ilg * Madison Jagodinski * Hannah Johnson Annika Keillor * Evan Kind Brenna Kinney * Zoe Kjos * Josef Klafka * Zoe Koenig * Halle Kunzke-Anderson * Iaong Lee Aran Lenon Ching-I Liao Grace Litscher Carolyn Lynch * Madison Martin * Emily Massey * Ana Helena Mazon Corrochano Liana McClintock * Julian Mccown-Berndt * Umair Mehmood * Anna Mickle * Jackson Moberg Ingrid Moreno * Ian Murkve * Brennan Murphy * Kieran Nashold Isabella Newman * Ian Nielsen-Fox * Donna O'Kane * Jonathan Olsen Madalyn Olsen * Juliana Olsen-Valdez * Samual Olson PAGE 18 Ramon Ortiz * Jose Guadalupe Orzuna Mary Catherine Ottelien * Kristine Patzer * Hailey Paulson Johanna Pluymers * Annika Pohlman * Sloan Potter Stevie Rice Kaia Rubin Xavier Santana * Garrett Schueller Adrienne Schuster * Caitlin Smith * Erica Somerson * Mai Chong Thao * Madison Tomony * Emmarose Utevsky * Hloua Vang * Carina Vargas-Nunez * Sheila Waliaula Michael Wanke Duresa Wario Haley Watson * Jaia Werner * Cora Wiese Moore * Claire Wisniewski Baritan Yang Kia Yang Elias Zografi * EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 Grade 12 Aleya Albrecht Jennifer Arroyo-Olvera * Erin Barry * Noah Beavers * Anjali Beck Jacob Benford Molly Bertolacini * Mitchell Blankenship Sheriffo Bojang * Karley Bolz Rebekah Burns * Brandi Cherek * Kim Chung Cristian Claudio * Grace Coleman * Austin Coltharp Barett Decker Callie Desch Leon Dinh * Mary Dornon * Margaret Douglas Remington Finn Lydia Fletcher * Awa Fofana Laurel Fruehling * Samantha Gundlach * Olin Halsten * Nathan Hamm Alondra Harris * Emily Heck * Nina Herfel Kendra Hergenrother * Rudy Hernandez Elizabeth Hernandez-Acosta Elizabeth Hesse * Taylor Hill Sarina Hills-Blacks Kirsten Hines Ryen Hinze * Jed Hobson Charlotte Hudek * Kahyil Humbach * Theodore Huwe * Richard Julian * Daniel Karlin-Kamin Clara Katz-Andrade * Miles Kietzer Lily Klapper * Rachael Knobloch David Lafayette * Aidan Larson * Chao Lee * Seth Lesondak * Imani Lewis-Norelle * Ngawang Lhakyi Pichjarly Loch * Jose Manjarrez Kylie Markeland Marcelina Martinez Keraa Mc Cants * Patrick Mc Carthy * Kerry McCarthy * Ivy McCuaig * Alexander Mcmiller * Shelby Miller Nichole Muetz Angelica Murray Lima Nisar Brandon Nwadinobi * Allyson Opps Sophia Orner-Thompson Kishan Patel * Alexander Pingry * PAGE 19 Miriam Plane * Emily Ptak-Pressman * Kaili Rocha Brandon Rodriguez Chan * Teresa Rosas-Mora Mara Rosenberg Ricardo Ruiz Menjivar Kellen Rupert Maria Rybachek * Huck Sachse-Hofheimer Nora Sahel * Catherine Sanchez Ivy Sanderfoot Ricky Satyadi Emma Schaeffer * Kari Seeliger Dane Skaar * Scout Slava-Ross Jacklyn Slivicke Amelia Soth * Kiley Stafford Bethany Strong Liam Sunde * Grace Swenson * Shanell Thomas Jessica Tichenor Stephanie Ugalde Douantsais Vang Tsee Vang Addie Voorhees Sara Wagnitz * Lalonnie White Lucille Williams Meirah Williamson * Touyeng Xiong EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MARCH/APRIL 2013 PAGE 20 Honor Your 2014 Graduate with a Yearbook Senior Tribute! Purchasing a Senior Tribute is a great way for you to honor your graduate, or group of graduates (such as soccer team, group of best friends etc.) with photos and a special message that will last a lifetime. 2 0 1 4 S E N I O R T R I B U T E S Three sizes are available and our Yearbook staff will work with you to come up with the appropriate layout for your tribute. Complete the order form below and submit it along with photos (you may e‐ mail photos too) and instructions by October 25th. Please send all information to: Greg Rittman/Yearbook Adviser East High School 2222 East Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Phone: 608‐204‐1801 e‐mail: ______________________________________________________________ I would like to order a: ____ 1/8 page tribute ($50) ____ ¼ page tribute ($90) ____ ½ page tribute ($160) for (name of senior or group):_____________________________________ Purchased by: Name: ________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ Phone contact number(s):_________________________________ E‐mail address:__________________________________________ This year...Yearbook distribution will take place beginning with the senior brunch on June 5th. For those who have not already paid for a yearbook...a limited number will be available, "while they last", at distribution for $50 cash each. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MARCH/APRIL 2013 PAGE 21 2014 East High School “Tower Tales” Senior Picture Requirements: Senior Pictures are due to Room 1057E on October 18th, 2013 Please follow these requirements: *Photo must be vertical. No horizontal photos *No weapons or props that are offensive, illegal or inappropriate (based on the MMSD Student Code of Conduct) *No drawings *No inappropriate or suggestive poses or clothing *All photos are subject to editing based on content and appropriateness Submission options (choose one): *E‐mail appropriate photo to: *Turn in photo on cd to: Mr. Rittman, Room 1057 E, East High School *Turn in wallet‐sized photo to Mr. Rittman, Room 1057 E, photo will be scanned. (Photos will not be returned) *LifeTouch will be at East during Registration. These pictures can be used for your senior portrait *An area photographer donates his time for a day in October to take senior pictures for those students on free/reduced lunch. You must schedule a time on this day Contact Mr. Rittman about this option ASAP! *Mail or e‐mail submissions to: East High School Attention: Greg Rittman, Room 1057E 2222 East Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Label all submissions with student’s first and last name and ID number Photo Quality: *Vertical format only *Image must be 600 x 900 pixels at 300ppi (If you are not sure how to set the reso‐ lution, please submit a printed photo on photo paper so it can be scanned). *Cell phone or low resolution photos are not acceptable Contact Greg Rittman, 608‐204‐1801 or with questions. 2 0 1 4 S E N I O R P I C T U R E S EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 22 Boys and Girls Cross Country: Starting 6/17, morning runs will begin Monday thru Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. until the season begins. Mondays and Wednesdays, meet at Machinery Row, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Meet at the bottom of Olbrich hill. Boys and Girls Cross Country begins Monday, 8/19/13. Meet at 8am in the East High School forum. Bring all necessary forms from the Athletic Office and pay the fee before the season begins. A T Football The football program will have a sign-up meeting on Wednesday, May 29 at 4:15pm in the Randle Room. All athletes interested in playing football must attend this meeting to receive important information regarding scheduling and summer workouts. Summer workouts begin on Monday June 17th and end Friday August 3rd. Weight training is offered Monday—Friday from 7am—8am OR 4:30pm—5:30pm. Weight training is a must if we are going to compete in the Big 8 Conference. All athletes are encouraged to attend. "Open Fields" will take place on Sunday nights from 6—7pm on the practice field H Voluntary behind the field house. This will be an opportunity for our players to begin to install the of- L E fense and our defense with our captains. Athletes will learn our terminology and plays as directed by the athletes themselves. July 15—18 will be the 1st Annual Madison East Youth Camp. Students entering grades 5— 8 can attend a skills camp at a low cost from 8am—12pm. Camp registration forms are available on the Football page of the East website. T Sunday July 21—Thursday, July 25 will be our "Mini-Camp." We are allowed 5 contact days before the season starts and we will take this opportunity to coach the players and teach the skills and scheme that will prepare us for the upcoming season. This year the camp will be FREE! This is not mandatory; however, it is highly recommended that ALL football players attend. I Equipment issue will take place on Monday, August 5th from 8am—1pm in the field house. Seniors will receive equipment from 8am—9am, Juniors from 9am—10am, Sophomores from 10am—11am, and Freshmen from 11am—1pm. *All students must have a blue card in order to receive equipment. C s Two-a-day practices take place Tuesday, August 6—Thursday, August 23rd from 8am— 1pm. We will meet in the locker room each day at 8am to review the daily schedule. Any questions, please contact Steve Erato, Head Football Coach 414-507-4456 (cell) 608-217-1724 (school) Madison East Fitness Club: Weight Room Summer Hours: June 17—August 5, Monday through Friday 7—8am OR 4:30— 5:30pm. All students are also encouraged to become involved in the Madison East Fitness Club. A great way to get into shape and have fun! (Continued on next page) PAGE 23 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MARCH/APRIL 2013 (Athletics, continued) Boys Basketball Summer League Sign-up/Informational meeting for Boys Basketball, Wednesday, May 15— 4pm Randle Room. For more information contact Matt Miota at 3rd Annual Eastside Youth Basketball Camp: June 17-20 @ East High School Grades 2—5 @ 9—11am Grades 6—8 @ 12-2pm Sign up forms available in EHS Athletic office Summer Informational Meeting May 15 @ 4pm in Randle Room Boys Soccer I would like to welcome you to participate in the upcoming fall soccer program. My name is David Harris and I am the head boys’ soccer coach. Our season begins on Monday August 12th at 4:00pm at Demetral Field. Be sure to have your blue card from the Athletic Office at the first practice. You will not be allowed to participate unless you have your blue card. card We go into a very demanding schedule, playing a very difficult schedule, for all four teams, starting at That Prairie School in Racine on Saturday 17th against Racine Horlick, St Catherine’s and Case. On Tuesday, August 20th away to Heartland Arrowhead and on August 23 and 24 to play three games at Mukwonago. For us to prepare for these games the following programming is recommended for all players. July 27 & 28 we will participate in the 7 v 7 tournament at Reindahl and on August 5—9 the High School team camp in Oregon from 4—8pm. It’s very important that we get ready both mentally and physically for these very difficult games. We finished the season with 81 participants last fall, with four teams, varsity, JV purple and JV gold and a frosh team. Our practices will be 4—6pm at Demetral and all home games will be at Lussier and Warner Park. We have six returning seniors led by Keifer Kubly and Ian Nielsen-Fox who will be the Captains in the fall. They will be responsible for organizing Captain's practices beginning Monday, July 15 twice a week. There will be a player/parent meeting on June 5th @ 5pm in the cafeteria. If you have any questions please contact me at Thank you, David Harris. Wrestling The wrestling team will have open mats on Thursday nights from 5:30—7pm in Gym Y. This schedule will run through the end of the school year. All students are welcome. Summer open wrestling will run on Thursday nights during the summer time. The mats will be open from 6:15—8:45pm in Gym Y. Former wrestlers as well as guest clinicians will be in attendance to instruct athletes. All students are welcome to attend. Madison East and Madison Lafollette wrestling teams will be attending a dual meet tournament this summer as a joint team this summer at Lake Geneva Badger High School. This event will take place on July 19, 2013. Any questions please contact Head Coach Frank Zuerner at 608-669-5909 Cell or 608-204-1775 School (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 24 (Athletics, continued) Girls Tennis Practice beings on August. 13. Practice will be from 8—10am on Aug 13, 14, 15, 16th. Captain's practice will be Friday Aug 9 and Monday Aug 12 from 8—10am. Girls Volleyball OPEN GYMS Open play volleyball for incoming freshmen & up. Going on now: Tuesdays 7-9p Starting June 21: Fridays 4-6p *Fridays play may go to the sand courts at Demetral, weather permitting* CONTACT DAYS Skill specific instructional training, along with open gym play!!! Tuesday, June 18 *focus on HITTING Friday, June 21 *focus on passing/serving Tuesday, June 25 *focus on setting and team offense/defense Friday, June 28 *focus on HITTING Tuesday, July 2 *focus on game scenarios CAMP July 22—25, Monday—Thursday, 5:30—8:30pm Instruction provided Coach Angela Breunig. Only $60!! Includes a camp T-shirt! Prizes awarded daily!! TRY-OUTS Monday, August 19: 9:30—11:30am and 1:00—3:30pm Tuesday, August 20: 9:30—noon *Remember: you need a physical and certain athletic forms turned in to play. Contact the athletic office to make sure this is complete!!! Teams will be posted on the blog by 3pm Tuesday All teams will practice 3—6pm starting Wednesday PARENT MEETING: Wednesday, August 21 @ 6—7pm See our blog for more details: Head Coach: Sharon McLaughlin,, 608.318.3529 Girls Basketball *Open Gyms– Monday nights 5:45—7:30pm including speed /agility workouts/shooting/weight lifting (Starting May 13th—June 3rd) *Varsity Traveling League (Tuesdays Nights) June 11, 18th, 25th, July 9th *July 16th league tournament. Practice Monday Nights TBA *UW Milwaukee Team Camp: June 15th, 16th *Edgewood Summer League (Freshman/10th graders) *Reedsburg Scrimmage: July 17th *East Youth Camp Staff: June 24th—28th 2—4:30pm Please contact Coach Adams at for a registration form or for more information. (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 25 (Athletics, continued) Boys Volleyball Serve Pass, Set, Jump, Block, Dive, Dig, and Rally. If any of these words interest you, tryout for the Boys Volleyball team. We're always looking for energetic boys who want to work hard and have fun. No matter what your experience, skill level, height or speed are, Volleyball may be your sport, but you'll never know unless you try. Varsity Coach, Josh Schafer ( / 345-9828) JV Coach, Scott Kiley ( / 215-5384) Team website: Drop by the field house on any of the dates listed below from 6—9pm for OPEN GYM: June 5, 12, 19, 26 July 3, 10, 17 August 7, 14, 19—23 Practice Begins 8/26: 5—7 pm (Practice continues each weekday from 5—7pm through the season) *Remember: you need a physical and certain athletic forms turned in to play. Contact the athletic office to make sure this is complete!!! IMPACT TESTING Concussion safety is an important aspect of high school athletics. The ImPACT test is a computerized testing program that assists medical doctors, training staff, and other health professionals to better understand when it is safe for athletes to return to participate in sports. The test is administered on a computer to each student-athlete and measures brain functions like memory, reaction time, and attention span. The ImPACT test provides an individualized baseline record of brain functioning that is used to assess where a concussed athlete is in the recovery process and how quickly they can make a safe return to the sport. As concussions can have a variety of effects on different people, having individualized baseline knowledge of a student-athlete’s brain function allows medical staff to understand a concussion’s effects on that particular student. Madison East High School currently offers FREE team-wide testing at the beginning of the season for each of the following sports: Football Boys and girls soccer Wrestling Boys and girls basketball Hockey Gymnastics Softball Baseball Track and field (pole vault) The ImPACT test is also available at NO COST to any other East High School athletes that wish to take the test. Please contact athletic director Dave Kapp ( or athletic trainer Mandy Louderback ( for more information on the testing procedure. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 26 Open Your Door to the World with AFS Something extraordinary happens when you share your home and family with a high school student from another country. That’s why 13,000 families worldwide host students through AFS every year. You can help build bridges of intercultural understanding by sharing your home and daily life with an AFS high school exchange student. Founded by volunteer ambulance drivers after World War II, AFS has led high school student exchange for more than 65 years. Family life, eating meals together, going to the movies, and playing sports makes all the difference for a young visitor studying in the United States. Families of all kinds are needed to host high school students as well as teachers from around the world. AFS Volunteers support families and students during their stay. Host families provide a bed, meals, and guidance. There's no place like your home. Contact Julie Sanders, Volunteer Hosting Coordinator, Waupun: EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 27 D E P A R T M E N T N E W S 2012‐2013 EAST HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS AND CHAIRPERSONS BUSINESS, APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & AVIATION: David Kruchten, CROSS CATEGORICAL: John Rodin, and Bonnie Goeke‐Johnson, ENGLISH: Donald Hoaglin, ESL: Amy Piaskowski, and Leigh Vierstra, FAMILY and CONSUMER ED: Dottie Winger, FINE ARTS: Lori Merriam, MATH: Karen Paschke, and Phil Galarowicz, PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Rich Cleveland, SCIENCE: Erin Parker, SOCIAL STUDIES: Kevin Attaway, STUDENT SERVICES: Laura Gillis, and Pam Herman, WORLD LANGUAGES: Claudine Clark, EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 28 NOTES: NOTES BY BROOKSY BEILKE-SKOUG The District Solo/Ensemble Music Contest held March 9th at Memorial High School was a huge success for the many East band, choir and piano students that participated. Once again, East musicians have truly outdone themselves both in terms of record numbers of participants but also regarding the number of students sent on to the next level of competition. Musicians being awarded *1 awards and being sent on to the State Music Contest on April 27, 2013 held on the UW Platteville campus: Meirah Williamson Oboe solo Dane Skaar Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater Keraa McCants Vocal solo-Classical Noah Beavers Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater Miriam Plane Vocal solo-Musical Theater, Classical & Piano solo Lucy Williams Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater Bella Newman Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater Kylie Markeland Vocal solo-Classical Wendy Hoang Vocal solo-Musical Theater Ivy Sanderfoot Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater J.J. Hilliard Vocal solo-Classical & Musical Theater Logan Alexander-Young Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vanessa Brooks-Cobbins Vocal solo-Classical Samanike Hengst Vocal solo-Classical Randy Bland Vocal solo-Classical Corinne McKnight Vocal solo Classical Mac Doherty Piano solo Jeromy Gotschall Piano solo Jeromy Gotschall & Mac Doherty Piano Duet Logan Alexander-Young & Ivy Sanderfoot Vocal Duet Katelyn Blake-Leibowitz & Spencer Halberg Trumpet Duet Maya Banks & Spencer Halberg Piano Duet Jeromy Gotschall, Mac Doherty & Maya Banks Piano Trio Kate Silverthorne, Emma Utevsky-Rankin, Bailey Royston, Rebekah Burns, Vanessa Brooks-Cobbins, Evelyn Fields, Jamie Owen, Anjali Beck, Claire Wisniewski Vocal-Triple Trio Bella Newman, Kylie Markeland, Jesha Tichenor, Lucy Williams Vocal Quartet Musicians earning a Class A rating of 1st at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Mad City Swing Choir Anna Cohen Kate Silverthorne Emma Rankin-Utevsky Taylor Zeise Rebekah Burns Sophia Hansen Bailey Royston Maya Banks Margaret Duffy Vocal-Musical Theater Vocal –Classical Vocal-Musical Theater Vocal-Classical Vocal-Classical Vocal-Musical Theater Vocal-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical & Piano solo Vocal solo-Classical Bella Newman Kylie Markeland Jesha Tichenor Anjali Beck Jamie Owen Samanike Hengst Spencer Halberg Laura Bessenecker Carolyn Lynch Piano solo Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theater Trumpet Solo & Piano Solo Piano Solo Piano Solo (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 29 (Music, Continued) Musicians earning a Class A Rating of 2nd at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Alex Pingry Arjay Litscher Anna Cohen Emma Rankin-Utevsky Keraa McCants Alejandra Perez Rebekah Burns Sophia Hansen Bailey Royston Piano solo Parade Drum solo Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Kate Silverthorne Taylor Zeise Maya Banks Logan Alexander-Young Jesha Tichenor Wendy Hoang Michelle Morency Michelle Morency Camille Vocelka Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theatre Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Musical Theater Vocal solo-Classical Musicians earning a Class B Rating of 1st at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Halleigh Phillips Anna Hestad Claire Wisniewski Jordan Haarklau Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Vocal solo-Classical Cian Evans Grayson Vocal solo-Classical Ivy Sanderfoot Vocal Triple Trio Laura Bessenecker & Lucia Drake Piano Duet Musicians earning a Class B Rating of 2nd at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Marina Brendel Vocal solo-Classical Lydia Getman Vocal solo-Classical Marquita Fowler Vocal solo-Classical Spencer Thoni Vocal solo-Classical Lydia Getman Marimba or Xylophone solo & Concert Snare Drum solo Courney Bongard Bb Clarinet solo Lucija Drake Piano solo Aleya Albrecht & Trygve Roeder Vocal Duet Musicians earning a Class C Rating of 1st at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Madison Redding Piano solo Emma Schell Vocal solo-Classical Musicians earning a Class B Rating of 2nd at the District Solo/Ensemble Contest: Vanessa Brooks-Cobbins & Rebekah Burns Vocal Duet The Encore Show Choir, Show Band and Spoken Word proudly represented East High School at the MMSD Leadership Conference on April 23rd at Union South. MMSD Student Leadership Initiative sponsors were the Talented and Gifted Office and the Aristos Grand Committee. The Leadership Conference focused on raising awareness of what MMSD peers are doing, sharing the philosophies of these district opportunities and exploring resources available to MMSD students. This all-day event featured outstanding programs district wide (including East Encore and Spoken Word) in panel presentations and discussion. Lindsey Borleske and Bella Newman served as leadership speakers representing the Encore Show Choir. Accomplished East poets who performed under the direction of Don Hoaglin included Madison Tomony, Taylor Phillips, Molly Riedemann and Seth Bennett. East members of the MMSD Student Senate serving as presenters were Brianna Hanson, Dane Skaar and Kynala Phillips. The day concluded with a performance by the East Encore Show Choir/Band under the direction of Brooksy Beilke-Skoug and Jenna Mood. The performance received rave reviews!! Congratulations, Encore and all of the East High presenters!! Kudos to Brittany White!! Brittany placed first in the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated Talent Hunt Competition held at Oakwood Village on March 23rd. Kynala Phillips placed third. For her first place award, Brittany has been sent on to the second level of competition held April 20th in Chicago, received 30 hours of studio recording time and given the opportunity to perform her prize winning solo again on May 11th at the Overture Center!! Excellent work, Brittany and Kynala!! East High Bands, Choirs and Orchestras are gearing up for their end-of-the-year concerts. On May 17, beginning at 6:30pm, the Chorale, Women’s Treble Choir and Concert Choir will be featured. At 8pm, the Mad City Swing Choir and the Encore Show Choir will take the stage for the last time this year. On May 22nd the Band Concert will be presented in it’s final concert of the year at 7:30. The Orchestra will be presented in concert on May 30th concluding their season for the school year. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 30 FROM THE M A T H DEPARTMENT CYNTHIA CHIN Celebrating our Students Students in AP Calculus BC and AP Environmental Science recently completed collaborative research papers. papers Working in small, crossdisciplinary groups, students modeled species extinction, predatorprey interactions, the concentration of phosphorous in Madison lakes, and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Students submitted formal papers in a 'double-blind' process of peer review to simulate the experience of publishing a scholarly article. Four students—Zoe Koenig, Mary Ottelien, Jaia Werner, Cora Wiese Moore—submitted East’s first ever entry in the Moody’s Mathematical Modeling Challenge at the beginning of March. Their paper, one of 1054 entries nationwide (but not one of the 175 advancing to a second round), contained projections of plastic accumulation in landfills and recommendations on how to structure both rural and urban recycling initiatives. Results from all of these projects will be presented school-wide during Math Week, May 20-24. Other presenters during Math Week include faculty and students from UW-Madison, Madison Area Technical College, and ITT Tech, on topics ranging from “Whatever happened to the metric system?” and “Fair Division”, to “Digital Art”. Lakeview and Emerson Elementary Schools hosted Family Science Nights in April. April East Engineering Club students Erin Barry, Jacob Benford, Nyika Campbell, Alondra Harris, Ricardo Ruiz, and Myles Strong helped students and their adult friends to build geodesic domes and other model homes designed to resist the elements of heat, wind, rain, and snow. Did you know that IUPUI is a “Jeopardy” question? [What is the College with the Longest Name?— Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis!] Alondra Harris, JJ Hilliard, Tobias Pointer, and Josh Spitzer-Resnick spent three days attending academic and preprofessional workshops, and visiting both IUPUI and the Motor Speedway in Indianapolis at the end of March. They would be happy to tell you more about their experience as guests of NSBE (National National Society of Black Engineers), and what they learned from their robotics exhibition. East’s LEGO robot team (Alondra, Tobias, Josh, and Erin Barry, who could not attend) placed 8th out of 27 high school groups from around the country, earning high marks for the written report and powerpoint presentation. (The latter was distributed throughout NSBE’s Midwest Region last fall as a model for all teams to emulate. Other schools’ use of the East template was very noticeable in national competition. Now we get to step up our game and try to set the bar again next year!) Engineering, Math and History students raised $1708 in our annual February penny drive. drive $855 will go to a safe water project recently undertaken by the UW -Madison chapter of Engineers Without Borders in the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. The remaining funds assisted with travel to the NSBE conference in Indianapolis and helped East and future East students ( at BlackHawk) to attend the Engineering EXPO in mid-April. THANK YOU to everyone who participated! Upcoming Opportunities Three….. Point…..One-Four! The 14th Annual Pi Mile will take place at Warner Park on Saturday May 25th, with registration at 9am and the Run/Walk beginning at 10am. Join the East math community for a nice walk or run, and get a t-shirt plus pie. Proceeds pay for maintenance of the calculator rental program--replacement batteries as well as calculators. (Note: Donations of used calculators welcome anytime.) Registration forms available from any math teacher or math club student. Math club advisors are now accepting donated prizes for the end-of-race drawing. Co n ta c t Ph illip G a la ro wicz ( or 204-1603 x 41528). (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 (Math, Continued) Class of 2014! Use Your Powers of Math for Good! Rising seniors are invited to review their schedules and consider adding the Senior Math Teaching Assistant experience to their 2013-2014 plans. This is a great way to get to understand mathematics more deeply, learn how to learn, and investigate teaching as a possible career. Plus, you are rendering a valuable service to math students and teachers at East. TA’s are assigned to first and second-year classes to assist individual students, help prepare and present lessons, and design assessments. They also meet weekly with each other and a teacher-mentor, Mr. Somerson. Talk to Mr. Somerson (Rm 3022 and your counselor about this today! Participants can earn elective credit towards graduation or Service E volunteer credit. **All All East students are invited to apply for Summer “Makerships” at Sector67--free memberships for the PAGE 31 summer, which include access to technology and tools, plus money for lessons and supplies. The only application requirement is a brief description of what you’d like to accomplish, be it a new invention, a piece of art, or a computer project you’ve always wanted to try. Cont a c t C h r i s M e y e r 608-241( 4605) for more information. An application form appears elsewhere in this issue of Parent News. Here’s more about the Sector 67 Facility: index.php Nine East High School students competed at the state DECA competition in Lake Geneva from March 1919-21. These students qualified for this competition and competed in a variety of different marketing and business related events. They took written tests and also presented in front of judges. With over 1200 competitors, four east students were finalists in their events and were up on stage to receive medals! These students were Erin Barry, Charlotte Hudek, Haley Havens and Katelyn Blake-Liebowitz. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S To East High School students Charlotte Hudek, Huck Sachse-Hofheimer, Alex Pingry, Jed Hobson and Miles Kietzer. Along with Coach David Kruchten they competed at the State LifeSmarts Competition on March 1st. Students qualified for this competition which is an academic quiz bowl type of competition where students compete in various categories including Finance, Consumer Rights, Technology, Environment and Health/Safety. The East students knocked off the 3 time defending champions, had the only perfect round of the day, and took 2nd place! By gaining 2nd place they earned a $500 scholarship to any school they want and the host of the competition (Edgewood) gave them an additional $1,000 scholarship if they attend Edgewood. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 32 SCIENCE E R I N P A R K E R , S C I E N C E D E PA R T M E N T C H A I R Great Smoky Mountains National Park Trip 2013 The Science Department trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park took place April 19th-27th, with 27 seniors and 5 staff members participating. The kids ranked their week in the Smokies among their best weeks of high school, and staff appreciated the time to "do science" in the park with students. If your student (class of 2014) is interested in applying for the trip next year, information and applications will be available in November. New Course Offerings for 20132013-2014 Along with a re-vamped chemistry program for the fall (including AP Chemistry), the science department will also be offering two different one-semester courses on agriculture. Urban Agriculture 1 and Urban Agriculture 2 will focus on all aspects of gardening, farming, and growing food and flowers in an urban environment. Summer Science Opportunities for Students The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellites Studies (CIMSS) at the UW-Madison hosts a student workshop on Atmospheric, Satellite, and Earth Sciences for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. The workshop runs from June 23-27th, with applications due on May 6, 2013. For more information or to apply, please visit: The Science Department would also like to extend congratulations to physics teacher Evan Gnam on receiving a distinguished service award from Madison Metropolitan School District. $10 FOR THE TICKET AND HAT PACKAGE AND $33 FOR GENERAL ADMISSION DUCK BLIND TICKETS TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED THROUGH THE ONLINE PORTAL AND WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 24TH MADISON EAST HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT AT THE “DUCK POND” FRIDAY, JUNE TO PURCHASE TICKETS: GO TO: WWW.MALLARDSGROUPS.COM ENTER:: east ENTER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE CLICK BUY CHOOSE YOUR SEATS (GREEN ARE AVAILABLE) If you have questions on purchasing tickets please contact Tyler Isham at (608) 246-4277 or TYLER@MALLARDSBASEBALL.COM EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 33 2012-2013 Counselor Assignments (by student last name): Please feel free to contact us via phone or email Student Services Office—Room 2031 Ms. Vitzthum Student Services Secretary, 204-1638 9th Ms. Schuchardt 204-1637 9th grade A-J Ms. Arkin 204-1634 9th grade K-Z Ms. Gary (AVID Only Room 1046) 204-1647 AVID Students 10th 11th 12th AVID Students AVID Students AVID Students Ms. Gillis (10th – 12th) 204-1635 B, C B, C B, C, D, E, L, N Mr. Nash (10th – 12th) 204-1636 A, F, S, T, U, V A, F, S, T, U, V A, F, O, P S, T, U, V Ms. Callis (10th – 12th) 204-1631 H, I , J, K H, I, J,K H, I, J, K, M, W Ms. Olson (10th -12th) 204-1628 D, E, L, M, N, O, P, W D, E, L, M, N, O, P, W ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X, Y, Z ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X, Y, Z Mr. Nigh (ELL, 10th -12th) 204-1633 ELL 1, 2 ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X, Y, Z EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 STUDENT SERVICES 9th AND 10th TEAM PAGE 34 STUDENT SERVICES 11th AND 12th TEAM Kristen Guetschow – School Psychologist Michael OrRico – School Psychologist Jessie Cudney – School Social Worker Pam Herman – School Social Worker/AODA Tim Rietmann – Engagement Coordinator, Jackie Tomberlin – School Nurse, Laura Wade – School Nurse, Becky Peterson – Minority Services Coordinator, School/Home Communication Survey The Office of Community Engagement and Public Information is committed to developing a consistent, ongoing process for telling stakeholders what the district is doing, reporting progress, developing best practices for school - family communication that are sensitive to language, culture and literacy differences and building staff capacity to participate in the public communication process. By completing this short survey (approx 5 min) you will help us to better understand your information needs and preferences and improve school/home communication. You may have already received a copy of this survey via email. Please only take the survey once. If you have questions, call 608-663-1879. The survey will be available from Wednesday, April 24 through Wednesday, May 15. Thank you very much for your participation. (Printed copies of the survey are available upon request. Please have your student stop in the main office and see Kristi to obtain a copy) ¡Comuniquémonos! Ayúdenos a mejorar la comunicación entre los padres y el distrito escolar. Llene una encuesta corta (de 5 minutos) sobre las estrategias de comunicarnos de manera eficiente. La encuesta estará disponible entre el miércoles 24 de abril y el miércoles 15 de mayo. Busque una invitación para la encuesta en su correo electrónico. Para los que no revisan con frecuencia o utilizan el correo electrónico, ¡no se preocupen! También se distribuirá una versión impresa de esta encuesta a la oficina de cada escuela o puede hacer la encuesta por teléfono llamando al número 663-1879 entre las horas de 8 am a 4 pm de lunes a viernes. Esperamos ansiosamente escuchar su retroalimentación y sugerencias. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 35 WORLD LANGUAGES C L A U D I N E C L A R K , D E PA R T M E N T C H A I R WAATF Concours Oral participants all achieved the highest rating and are able to move on to the state competition. Congratulations to French students Josef Klafka and Bintou Suso (level 4), Anna Cohen (level 3), and Shelby Brendler, Diana Bulaong, Claire Burke and Bella Degner (level 2). Bonne chance at State! Kizuna Project students are planning a traveling art show in May between East, West and Madison Country Day schools to help spread awareness of the recovery process in Japan after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Tohoku region. More information will come home with students as details are finalized. Summer Opportunities There are only a handful of weeks before our students leave East High and the World Language Department, to pursue the work and academic opportunities that summer provides (not to mention all the laying around). Summer is a great time for our students to have more freedom in their schedules, and to just have some fun, but it is also a point in the year that their abilities as second-language learners regress, as they do not have the daily exposure and practice to the language that they are taking. So, whether or not our students would like to hear them, it is our responsibility as East High families to provide opportunities in which language learners can continue their practice to the second language during the summer, while having fun and interacting with many cultural influences. The East side of Madison is a wonderful place in this regard, because it offers a host of ways in which students can keep up with their languages during those months off. Take a look at the list of activities below, and feel free to contact the organizations directly, or to contact your student’s teacher for more information. In addition, remember that any volunteer work that your student does in the summer can count towards service E credits. French La Fête de Marquette: An actual festival dedicated to francophone culture and music. Fête de Marquette is sponsored by local businesses and all profit goes toward the Wil-Mar Community Center. This year’s celebration takes place July 11-14. French Students will participate in the taste testing for sponsors on Friday, July 12, and the brunch Sunday, July 14. Please contact AJay Lenz for more information. French Camp, UW extension: French camp is an annual summer day camp for kids hosted at the French House on the university campus. They are looking for volunteers to help with morning and afternoon classes, along with course preparation. The camp takes place the last two weeks of June, and you can contact Aaron Jossart for information. Spanish Volunteering at the Centro Hispano: Centro Hispano is a non-profit organization that works with Latina families in need of assistance. They always appreciate volunteers that can speak Spanish. Please visit their website at, and follow the links to volunteer. Volunteering with food assistance: The Madison & Dane county food resource guide lists organizations that have food pantries and provide meals for those in need. Bilingual volunteers are always appreciated. Look up ‘Madison Food Resource Guide’ on the web or contact Aaron Jossart for more information. Univisión: Univisión That’s right, Univisión. They have many of the same reality programs that we all know and love (Look Who Can Dance, The Biggest Loser, America’s Got Talent), and their website has a news section that contains a lot of information. Get you and your family hooked! All languages taught at East Madison language exchange: This website helps find conversation partners for second language learners, in order to have a conversation in English and a conversation in the target language, helping each native speaker better their second language. It is a reliable site that offers face-to-face interaction as well as audio and written communication. Like all internet connections, this site should be treated with caution when setting up interviews. It is an excellent way to keep up language and learn about another culture. Investigate the website at Concordia language villages: Concordia is a wonderful organization that brings immersion programs in all of our languages offered here at East. They have a variety of programs available, some from one day to others of six-weeks in length. Visit their website for more information, but summer is soon, so you would need to sign up pronto! Host a student: Open your home to a student from another country and really practice your language! Summer and full-year placements are available. Contact a World Language teacher for more information. So, do your students a favor and help them find an activity this summer so they can continue to practice their second language, and experience new cultural perspectives. Although they might not thank you right away, they will certainly appreciate it later. EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 36 PURGOLDER 101 One week summer program for incoming East High School Freshmen Learn what it takes to be an East High School Purgolder! Find out from upper class students, teachers and your peers what you need to know to make a successful transition to East High School. Select one Session: Dates: Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Location: Cost: $25 August 5 - 9 August 5 - 9 August 12 - 16 August 12 - 16 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Course # 42596 Course # 42597 Course # 42598 Course # 42599 East High School Library Make checks payable to MSCR Scholarships are available for those qualifying for free or reduced lunch Transportation is on your own. Metro Bus line: #6 stops right next to the school (bus tickets will be provided the first day of class for those who qualify for free or reduced lunch.) Contact information Principals: Mikki Smith Mary Kelley (608) 204-1605 Teachers: Jeremy Ashley Schuchart (608)204-1637 Buehl (608) 204-1808 MSCR Coordinator: Tauri Robinson (608)204-1752 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 37 You will be sent a confirmation letter and further registration materials upon receipt of your registration form. Please return your form and payment as soon as possible to reserve your spot at Purgolder 101. Student Info: First Name: ____________________Last Name:_________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ ID Number: ________________________Date Of Birth: ________________________ Middle School: ______________________Cell Phone: ____________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________ Parent Info: Name: _________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________ Email Address: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________ Emergency Contact Name: ______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone(s): ___________________________________________________ Relationship to Student: ________________________________________________________ Additional Info We Should Know About your Child? (Special needs, allergies, medications, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Session Selected: _____Session 1 (42596) _____Session 2 (42597) _____Session 3 (42598) _____Session 4 (42599) I hereby give permission for my child to participate in Purgolder 101. By registering or participating, the registrant understands that individual accident insurance is not provided for MMSD programs and agrees to adhere to program rules. I do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damages that I may have or that may hereafter accrue to me arising out of or, in any way connected with my participation in MMSD. Photos may be taken during program for educational and marketing purposes. I have read and agree to follow the registration policies. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Return Form to: MSCR – Attention Mary Gallagher 3802 Regent Street Madison, WI 53705 COURSE OUTLINE Sponsored by East High School and Madison School & Community Recreation Orientation to East ● Welcome by principals ● Tour of School/Scavenger Hunt ● Teambuilding/Community building activities ● High School Student Panel: What I wish I knew when I was a freshmen ● Questions and Answers Getting Involved ● Sports, clubs, tutor programs, other activities ● Learning and personality styles ● Social Skills/Conflict Resolution The East High Way ● Study, Organization & Time Management skills ● Calculating & Understanding Your GPA ● Panel Of Teachers & Counselors ● Setting Goals for the Future EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 PAGE 38 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—MAY/JUNE 2013 NOTES PAGE 39 Madison East High School 2222 E. Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Phone: (608) 204-1600 Fax: (608) 204-0388 Address Service Requested An electronic version of this newsletter is available on East High School’s website: Contact Michelle Galarowicz to receive a printed version of this newsletter (608) 204-1773 or Connect with Madison East High School on Facebook at www.facebook/purgolderpride Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Madison, Wisconsin Permit 1172