The relaxation business - THERMARIUM SPA


The relaxation business - THERMARIUM SPA
Thermarium designed
the spa area of the Hotel
Schwarz in Mieming in
Tyrol, Austria
The design includes a central sauna area with an
ice fountain
The relaxation
In today’s fast-paced world, a trip to a spa is
like an excursion to heaven. Sweat out your
sorrows in a sauna. Let a Thai massage take
away your tension. Bid your problems goodbye in a Turkish bath. But to allow visitors to
soak in all the pleasures of a spa, the area
has to be designed and planned with care.
This is precisely the work of Thermarium
Bäder-Bau GmbH. The Austrian company
plans and builds spa and wellness areas to
give visitors all the relaxation they deserve.
It believes so strongly in its work that it supports Global Wellness Day, an initiative encouraging people to live more mindfully so
that they celebrate each day for a healthier
and happier life.
Interview with adrian egger is Ceo
of Thermarium Bäder-Bau and Global Wellness Day ambassador auSTrIa
Thermarium bases its portfolio on
three pillars, which are also the
three steps of spa realisation. Consulting is where a spa is developed
from the strategic concept to the
planning. Thermarium guides the
investor to make sure the spa is
planned and built economically.
The second step is manufacture.
“We build customized products,
such as saunas and steam baths
tailored to the target group,” says
The Hotel Sparkling Hill in Canada is a prime example of Thermarium’s work
tria and Switzerland are gaining
ground. Thermarium is one of the
CEO Adrian Egger, one of 25
chitects, project developers, plan-
of completing some really amaz-
world’s key players in spa plan-
Global Wellness Day ambassadors.
ners, hotel operators and private
ing projects,” the CEO enthuses.
ning and realisation. In the years to
“Everything is finished in the high-
people. As far as private customers
“There is often a lot of discretion
come, Mr. Egger seeks to strength-
est quality, including the installa-
are concerned, the main target
involved, however, such as when
en its position at the very top of
tion and after-sales service.” The
group is wealthy individuals. “Spas
we work for celebrities or Holly-
the industry still further. “We want
final pillar is spa management.
are an elite and very sensitive
wood stars.”
to have that vanguard position we
Though Thermarium does not
topic,” Mr. Egger points out. “A lot
operate the spas, it assists in set-
of knowledge is required to build
Thermarium was established in
want designs that make people
ting up and auditing the spa. “We
a great spa, and that knowledge
the early 1990s during the spa and
say, ‘They did it again!’ It won’t be
thought about what customers
has to be recognized.” Based on
wellness boom. In fact, the com-
easy, but our staff have the innova-
might need, and many of them
its communication strategy, Ther-
pany is credited with starting the
tive spirit to make it happen.”
have this question of ‘Who can I
marium focuses on know-how and
craze. It was created from another
ask?’ once things are up and run-
expertise transfer at trade shows
company that produced ceramic
ning,” Mr. Egger explains. “Most
and business-related conferences.
surfaces. The idea arose to revive
spa operators want three or five-
Among other things, the company
the culture of the Roman baths,
year contracts, but not all custom-
profits from word of mouth and, in
complete with thermal springs.
ers do. We train the customers’
this way, has gained an excellent
The popularity of this unique spa
staff – in hotels, for instance – and
reputation at an international level.
company skyrocketed, and it was
after a few months, they can oper-
Thermarium’s reference list is long
not long until Thermarium was
ate the spa themselves.” Custom-
and impressive, and the locations
working on an international stage,
ers are not expected to use all
truly span the globe. It includes the
installing spas in the UK, France,
three services. They are welcome
cruise liner Queen Mary II, the Burj
Russia and the Middle East. The
to use whatever suits their needs.
Khalifa in Dubai, the Hotel Spar-
company was a true trendsetter.
As such, Thermarium serves a
kling Hill in Canada and countless
Today 85% of its work is carried
diverse target group, including ar-
others. “We have had the pleasure
out abroad, though Germany, Aus-
Bäder-Bau GmbH
Bundesstrasse 154a
6220 Buch in Tirol
 +43 5244 65660
 +43 5244 6348919
had in the ‘90s,” he reveals. “We