Bren Light Machine Gun - Description Use and Mechanism
Bren Light Machine Gun - Description Use and Mechanism
THE BREN LIGH DESCRimON, USE MACHINE GUN AND MECHANISM EXTERIOR VIEW OF GUN SECTION OF GUN SHOWING INTERIOR MECHANISM IU<'IlONlO-~If OAU 6 POLOIN UHI'RD, AI.DUSHOT ' '''e 1/- net (rer Pon 1/1) I THE GUN IS GAS OPERATED Som of tit ps, form by the .xploslon of the cartrlclga, puJ.G throe~gh the GAS REGULATOR and operates the pl"on 3 IT l5 FED BY A MAGAZINE holding 30 Rounds AMMU mON Is removed from chat~ua GAS REGULATOR 2 The MAGAZINE an be fill d by hand In 40 SkOnds JT IS AIR COOLED AAtt flrlltJ ten m1pnncs u th RAPID rac. the blrrd ahould boa d•1ngad. This operuloll takes a trained mMI 6 to 8 seconch. or by the FlUE~ In 20 MCOnd• 4 LOADING ls a SIMPLE OPERATION Th• front end Cl( the mapllne b l~rud pressed downw dJ till the catch •np&u 5 THE nt and then GUN is shoulder controlled and normally fired from the BIPOD The TR IPOD can quickl y made Into a scabfe A.A. MOUNTING b~ 6 IT IS EASY TO STRIP 8UTT C~OUP To a NEXT J.•move PISTON GP.OUP &MA El 600Y C OUP (TopVI w) ASSEMBLE IN THE REVERSE ORDER JT CANNOT BE ASSEMBLED INCORRECTLY 7 lt is practically 8 immune from STOP· THERE IS ONLY ONE "IMMEDIATE ACTION" PAGES provided the firer atte nds to If the cu n la tu to fir or ' 01» ll Ill- the points in "PREPARE FOR ACTION" PULL BACK COCKING HANDLE MAGAZINE OFF PRESS T1liGGER MAGAZINE ON• COCK GUN , AIM AND FIRE which areEXAMINE Fores &hr, GAS REGULATOR, 81pod, Barrel Nut Catch and IIKksiJht. • Th. magulne which tw been removed Is exam ned to ste If noc, that tho top rounda aro corr«tty pocltloned. If the roanda In the mapdne lro corr a and lt Is re:uot1ably full, tht same magulne will be usecl. If. altarapplyln& I.A., the sun flres ont orcwo round and ttop• 'I llPull bade coclclng lruldlt and remove matazlne, preu trtner, coc:lt &un, dlaconnect the barrel, and adjun the ps reculator to the next larsest hole-r1!place tht barrel -PI- mi(Ulne on. aim and nMD. rr empty : TEST m chanhm to emure frM worlcln&. EX AMINE. EACH MAGAZINE to see that the top cart r dCt la correctly pol loned. IMPOAT.WT-f.mure that ca.rtrldfes u C~kECT n~ rim behind rim. II I ICOIUlECT ELEVATION Is obtained by tumlng th 500 -~~ RANGE DRUM REMEMBER! IT IS LIGHT, MOBILE AN 9 Jt is capable of firing u I0 BURSTS .. or .. SINGLE ROUNDS " THE MECHANISM IS SIMPLE I. Backward Action. Some of the cues fo!Jow n& th pu1 th rouah the lal V nt d ps r u la tor Into th ps cylind r . This forus c.ho piston to tlte rear and com presses t he r " "' •pri ng until th piston la stopped by the piston b ufF r . The empty QSe, beln: .tripped by the utractor, ls cu td to the rur on the face et the breect. blodc until tu base mL< ts t he ejector. The cue If then jectlon slot In t he pl•ton. eJected dow!IWllrda through t 1. Fo rwa rd Action. The pl1ton, arrylfl! • br edl blodt , having ~~~ \top~d by the pisto n butrer 11 forc:ed forward by the neurn sprlna. The f ed piece tnf!@ts t he bas of c, e fim round In e map:dn and fon:es it forward Int o the chamber, the tractor dosing ov r the rim. The piston post In Tu final move forw~ rd drlv~ the firing pi n agalnn the a p ol the arttid&e. thus flrln& the round. l. Trtner A ction. With the c~nt• lever a t " A utom atic " p sure on the trlger cfiAn&<~gu the sear from the bent 011 the plnon, and the piston IS allowed CO &0 (orward. AJ IOfll as me tr l~er ll pressed t he filii w ill connue eo fire. out I the tnuer b- ~leased the bent wlll '-"PlO Wi t h the sear the next me pilton QOmes eo che re:ar stopplnt lu forward movement. W lch tfle chante lenr at " Rounds " the tr muat be prossed caech t me a s oc Is to be 1red, b!!GUSll the plJtOn h held ba after dl round. W it die chance leYer at " W e " t e t rigger ls dtunga&ed from t~ sear, and tht cun cannot bo fl red. If prenure on rhe t riger b malna.lned while c dtana lev r ls tered from c 4NU u £A " S;afe " to " A uto- bull by moving the change lever to " A " or .. R " OS) " 5" lS SAFE The NORMAL rate of AUTOMATIC ts S bursts of -4 or 5 rounds, or one MAGAZINE per minute. SINGLE ROUNDS are used eo economise ammunftJon and conceal the presence of an AUTOMATIC weapon. RAPID FIRE (Four MAGAZINES per minute) Is only for EMERGENCIES. ) PRIMARILY A "ONE n er matic " and h n rel~ued •nd trig r p~ed 111, cun wlfl Mt fire. The chan&e I r?. <NE~ Q er, therefore. w 11 not ~ alt red lie th trill r Is prustd. MAN ra~u - WEAPON "
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