07-09-15 - Cedar Springs, Michigan
07-09-15 - Cedar Springs, Michigan
REGULAR MEETING CEDAR SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday, July 9, 2015 6:15 p.m. Workshop 7:00 p.m. Meeting Cedar Springs City Hall 66 S. Main St. Cedar Springs, Michigan 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. ROLL CALL: Mr. Daniel Clark Mr. Perry Hopkins Mrs. Molly Nixon Mrs. Rose Ellen Powell Mr. Robert Truesdale Mrs. Pamela Conley, Mayor Pro Tem Mr. Gerald Hall, Mayor _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. PUBLIC FORUM. The Council welcomes and encourages the public to speak during the public comment and public hearing portions of the agenda. However, Council policy is to hear the public comment, not to act on the public comment at that time. Concerns brought before the Council during the Public Comment portion of the agenda will be referred to the City Manager for action. If, after communicating with the City Manager, no resolution is reached, the concern will be elevated to the Mayor and eventually to the Council for action Those citizens wishing to speak on agenda and non-agenda items will be allowed a maximum of four minutes each to address their concerns. This is the only time during the Council meeting that citizens are allowed to address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. 4. PUBLIC HEARING. A. Motion to open a public hearing on a request to add a parcel to an existing Industrial Facilities Tax District for Display Pack located at 680 West Street. 1. Staff Comments. 2. Public Comments. 3. Motion to close the Public Hearing. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. 6. CONSENT AGENDA. Council Members may request that any or all items be removed from the consent agenda. A motion is then in order to adopt all items not removed from the Consent Agenda. Requesting the removal of an item from the consent agenda is a prerogative afforded each council member and does not require the support of other council members. A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 11, 2015. B. Approval of the Checks Paid Prior #s 37830 - 37876 totaling $84,463.90; the July Accounts Payable #s 37877 - 37890 totaling $54,431.13 and Electronic Transfers totaling $1,124.81. The total of all checks and transfers is $140,019.84. 7. CORRESPONDENCE. A. Right Place Newsletter. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. A. Motion to not exercise a Right of First Refusal and allow property at 288 N. Main Street to go to auction. (2nd Consideration) B. Motion to consider a proposed agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and the Red Flannel Festival. (3rd consideration) C. Motion to consider a proposed trademark agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and the Red Flannel Festival. (3rd consideration) D. Skinner Field Update. E. Mayoral Business Matters: 9. NEW BUSINESS. A. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on adding a parcel to an existing Industrial Facilities Tax District for Display Pack located at 680 West Street at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve the addition of a parcel to an existing Industrial Facilities Tax District for Display Pack located at 680 West Street. B. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on an option to purchase a City strip of land by Hansen Realty LLC at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve an option to purchase a City strip of land by Hansen Realty LLC. C. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on the Nelson Township Fire Agreement at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve a Fire Agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and Nelson Township for fire services. D. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on Resolution No. 2015 – 23, a resolution to amend the City of Cedar Springs’ 2015/16 Budget at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve Resolution No. 2015 – 23, a resolution to amend the City of Cedar Springs” 2015/16 Budget. E. Motion to approve Policy No. 14, a policy regarding the public inspection of Assessing Records. (1st consideration) F. Motion to approve a license agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and Yankee Zephyr Racing Promotions. (1st consideration) G. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on Resolution No. 2015 - 24, recognizing the 2015 Red Flannel Festival as a Community Event at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve Resolution No. 2015 – 24, approving the 2015 Red Flannel Festival as a Community Event. H. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on waiving all fees for the 2015 Red Flannel Festival. 1. Motion to waive all fees for the Red Flannel Festival: Parade Fees, Peddler’s Fees, Escrow Fees and any other fees. I. Discussion regarding waiving sidewalk display, permit and bench fees. J. Motion to waive Policy No. 12 to act on Resolution No. 2015 – 25, recognizing the Chamber of Commerce’s August and September Sidewalk Sales and Movies in the Park as Community Events at first consideration. 1. Motion to approve Resolution No. 2015 – 25, approving the Chamber of Commerce’s August and September Sidewalk Sales and Movies in the Park as Community Events. 10. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT. A. General Information and Special Projects. 1. City Council Goal Update B. Monthly Department Reports. 1. Department of Public Works. a. Infrastructure Alternative’s operational and maintenance report. 2. Police Department. 3. Fire Department. 4. City Clerk. 5. Finance Officer/Treasurer. a. Cash Summary Report. b. Revenue/Expenditure Report. 6. Professional Code Inspections. 7. Code Enforcement Log. (not in packet) 8. Boards and Commissions: a. June 15, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes. b. June 26, 2015 Industrial Facilities Tax Advisory Board Minutes. c. May 26, 2015 Library Board Minutes. 11. COUNCIL COMMENTS. 12. ADJOURNMENT. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE JUNE 2015 CHECKS TO BE PAID Check Date 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/10/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 Check 37830 37831 37832 37833 37834 37835 37836 37837 37838 37839 37840 37841 37842 37843 37844 37845 37846 37847 37848 37849 37850 37851 37852 37853 37854 37855 37856 37857 Vendor Name APPLIED IMAGING AT&T BLOOM, SLUGGETT, MORGAN CARMEUSE LIME (CANADA) LIMITED CEDAR SPRINGS POST, INC. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CONSUMERS ENERGY DICKINSON WRIGHT PLLC FAMILY FARM AND HOME G. NIEL DIRECT MAIL INC GALLS, LLC J.I.S. TIRE SERVICE KENT COUNTY TREASURER LAMAR COFFEE SERVICE LAW WEATHERS LOWE'S MICHIGAN METER TECHNOLOGY GROUP NORTH CENTRAL LAB. OF WI. INC. O'LEARY PAINT RICHARD NAWROCKI ROBINSON EQUIPMENT SHRED-IT USA STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS VERIZON WIRELESS APOLLO FIRE EQUIPMENT APPLIED IMAGING CARDMEMBER SERVICE CENTURYLINK Description COPIER/FAX/SCANNER SERVICE CONTRACT PHONE SERVICE LEGAL SERVICE FEES CHEMICALS EXPENSE/ WWTP LEGAL DOCUMENT PUBLISHING MONTHLY INTERNET SERVICE ELECTRIC SERVICE WWTP 2015 SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS RED EXTENSION CORD/F.D. POSTER GUARD 1 YEAR STATE/FED RENEWAL FIRE SAFETY VESTS MOWER TIRE C.S. MOBILE ESTATES TRAILER TAX MAY 2015 COFFEE SERVICE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT MATERIALS/SUPPLIES METER READER EQUIPMENT WWTP SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PAINT/STREETS/TRAFFIC SERVICE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 03/01/15- 06/30/20 TRIMMER PAPER SHREDDING SERVICE MATERIALS/ SUPPLIES CELL PHONE SERVICE/F.D./DPW 2 BATTERIES BLACK & CYAN TONER MATERIALS/SUPPLIES MONTHLY PHONE SERVICE Amount 562.63 650.19 4,261.00 3,167.29 360.00 99.99 7,586.99 15,500.00 79.98 69.99 386.24 222.00 660.00 30.50 206.00 445.42 16.51 V 440.66 846.20 261.63 17,463.12 76.77 246.60 154.85 267.01 10.75 929.07 13.32 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/18/2015 06/22/2015 06/22/2015 06/24/2015 06/24/2015 06/24/2015 37858 37859 37860 37861 37862 37863 37864 37865 37866 37867 37868 37869 37870 37871 37872 37873 37874 37875 37876 CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS CONSUMERS ENERGY DTE ENERGY FTC&H KENT COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION MICHIGAN METER TECHNOLOGY GROUP NUQ NETWORKS, LLC. O'LEARY PAINT CO PITNEY BOWES RESERVE ACCOUNT PREIN & NEWHOF RHOADES MCKEE SYNAGRO CENTRAL LLC WEBB CHEMICAL SERVICE CORP ZACHARY DOERR STATE OF MICHIGAN STATE OF MICHIGAN AT&T CONSUMERS ENERGY DTE ENERGY WATER/SEWER BILL - 79 W. MAPLE ST. ELECTRIC EXPENSE - 375 PINE ST. GAS EXPENSE - 374 CEDAR ST. USDA RD SANITARY AND WATER PROJECT ELECTRIC EXPENSE 6 METERS/WATER DEPT. MONTHLY WEBSITE SERVICE YELLOW PAINT/ STREETS POSTAGE MACHINE CHEMICALS/WATER TESTING REDEVELOPMENT OF WWW CAMPUS SLUDGE DISPOSAL WWTP/ CHEMICALS F.D. EXAM FEE/ FIRST RESPONDER/EMR FILING FEE FOR WATER BONDS FILING FEE FOR SEWER BONDS INTERNET SERVICE/ F.D. ELECTRIC EXPENSE - 164 N. MAIN ST. GAS EXPENSE - 355 PINE ST. SUBTOTAL Less 1 Void Checks: TOTAL CHECKS PAID PRIOR 6,482.75 2,253.20 440.43 4,920.90 95.74 1,204.38 15.00 529.25 500.00 120.00 687.50 6,540.00 3,429.94 65.00 186.20 430.40 45.00 1,275.05 244.96 84,480.41 16.51 84,463.90 ACCOUNTS DUE FOR PAYMENT Check Date Check Vendor Name Description 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 37877 37878 37879 37880 37881 37882 CEDAR SPRINGS MILL & SUPPLY ELHORN ENGINEERING COMPANY HYDRO-DYNE ENGINEERING, INC J & K CLEANING INC. KENT COUNTY TREASURER MARTY FRASER STREET MAINTENANCE/MATERIALS CHEMICALS EXPENSE/ WATER DEPT. WWTP/ MATERIALS-SUPPLIES MONTHLY CLEANING SERVICE- JUNE 2015 KC LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE MAY 2015 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Amount 56.25 540.00 171.54 360.00 44,013.13 61.81 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 37883 37884 37885 37886 37887 37888 37889 37890 MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MOORE MEDICAL LLC PITNEY BOWES INC PLUMMERS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE QUALITY TREE SERVICE OF MI, LLC SHOOK ASPHALT CO. SUPERIOR BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ZYLATECH, LLC EDUCATION ONSITE TRAINING PROGRAMS MEDICAL GLOVES RED INK/ POSTAGE MACHINE WWTP/ INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER TREE REMOVAL SERVICE 2.5 TON TOP MIX/STREETS 2015 TAX DOCUMENTS/ENVELOPES MONTHLY MAINTENANCE/ COMPUTER SERVICE SUB TOTAL Less 0 Void Checks: TOTAL CHECKS TO BE PAID 1,646.65 117.69 122.38 204.75 6,700.00 150.00 239.43 47.50 54,431.13 0.00 54,431.13 ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Check Date 06/05/2015 06/12/2015 06/19/2015 06/26/2015 06/30/2015 Check 268(E) 269(E) 270(E) 271(E) 272(E) Vendor Name FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES SUBTOTAL Less 0 Void Checks: TOTAL EFT PAYMENTS TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE JUNE 2015 Description FUEL SERVICE 05/18/15- 05/24/2015 FUEL SERVICE 05/25/15- 05/31/2015 FUEL SERVICE 06/01/15- 06/07/2015 FUEL SERVICE 06/08/15- 06/14/2015 FUEL SERVICE 06/15/15- 06/21/2015 Amount 324.37 77.82 149.20 375.76 197.66 1,124.81 0.00 1,124.81 140,019.84 June 2015 Right Place News 06.24.15 MLive: 91 new jobs, $10.7M investment announced by food processor Hearthside Food Solutions plans to add at least 91 new jobs and invest $10.7 million over the next three years at its processing facility at 3225 32nd Street SE in Kentwood. Hearthside, the nation's largest privately owned bakery and one of the nation's largest contract food manufacturers, has operated in the former auto parts plant since 2009. Read the full story... 06.22.15 Area Development: Leading Locations for 2015 - Creating a Track Record of Economic Success, Grand Rapids Ranks Third in the Nation The Right Place, Inc. will now have another powerful statistic to share with companies looking to expand or relocate to the area, thanks to this week's announcement from Area Development Magazine that ranks the Grand Rapids-Wyoming MSA is the third best area in the country for businesses to prosper. Read the full story... 06.17.15 MiBiz: Herbruck's invests $43 million in expansion Ionia-based Herbruck's Poultry Ranch Inc. plans to expand its production facility to add additional egg-laying and pullet growing capacity. The company will invest $43 million and create 50 additional jobs with the expansion Read the full story... 06.12.15 GRBJ: MEDC funding cut would disarm Michigan Economic developers and Business Leaders for Michigan are sounding the alarm in response to legislation that passed the Michigan House that will divert almost half of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. budget next year to restore Michigan's dilapidated roads. Read the full story... 06.03.15 MiBiz: Terryberry invests $2.6 million, adds 53 jobs at Grand Rapids location Grand Rapids-based Terryberry Co. LLC will invest approximately $2.6 million into its facility at 2033 Oak Industrial Drive, said company officials today at a press conference. The manufacturer and designer of employee recognition products also plans to hire an additional 53 workers through 2017 as a direct result of the expansion. Read the full story... Other Economic News 06.21.15 MiBiz: Focus on corporate wellness, worker mobility shapes office furniture industry Employee wellness initiatives are changing the way corporate America makes decisions about office furniture. According to executives at this year's NeoCon trade show in Chicago, that push for employee health and wellness is largely driving office furniture manufacturers to strike a balance between offering both private, productive spaces and open, collaborative environments. Read the full story... 06.21.15 MLive: Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell honored in San Francisco Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell was awarded the first place prize at the U.S. Conference of Mayors/USA Funds National Education Pathways with a Purpose Awards. Heartwell is being honored for his 100 Campaign, which aims to help local businesses offer employment to the city's youth population. Read the full story... 06.21.15 MiBiz: Concerns over cyber security reach corporate boardrooms of Michigan manufacturers As industry extends its global reach and has come to rely more on digital data, cyber criminals have likewise become more innovative, adopting techniques previously reserved for cyber warfare between nation states. That's according to experts and industry insiders who say concerns over cyber security have shifted from the confines of manufacturers' I.T. departments to the corporate boardrooms. Read the full story... 06.18.15 MiBiz: MSU breaks ground on $88.1 million Grand Rapids Research Center Michigan State University began construction this morning on an $88.1 million biomedical research center in downtown Grand Rapids that will provide an anchor to the west end of the city's Medical Mile. When complete in two years, the Grand Rapids Research Center will become the centerpiece of the Grand Rapids Innovation Park that MSU hopes will rise on the former Grand Rapids Press property at the intersection of Michigan Street and Monroe Avenue. Read the full story... 06.14.15 MLive: How can Grand Rapids solve its persistent social and economic problems? This is one of the biggest questions facing an increasingly prosperous West Michigan, which has in recent years enjoyed swift and plentiful economic and quality of life gains. Grand Rapids has landed on list after list: best place to raise a family, best place to retire, third-best labor market and so on. Read the full story... CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS, MICHIGAN RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL AGREEMENT This Red Flannel Festival Agreement is made as of _______________, 2015 ("Effective Date"), between the City of Cedar Springs, a Michigan municipal corporation, the principal business address of which is 66 South Main Street, Cedar Springs, MI 49319 (the “City”), and the Red Flannel Festival, Inc., a Michigan non-profit corporation, the principal business address of which is 18 South Main, Street, Cedar Springs, MI 49319 (the “RFF”) where both the City and RFF may be collectively referred to herein as "the Parties". RECITALS A. The City and RFF have historically cooperated in providing a location for and organization of the Cedar Springs Red Flannel Festival, an event which generates significant economic and other benefits to the community and its citizens (the “Festival”). B. The Festival is held annually in the City’s downtown during the last weekend in September and/or the first weekend in October. C. The Festival is a large undertaking, requiring expertise in coordinating the many events, participants and functions associated with it. The RFF has, over many years of voluntary service, developed the expertise to run and operate a successful Festival. D. In response to reduced revenue due to economic circumstances beyond the parties' control, the parties entered into a Prior Agreement which apportioned certain costs and expenses between the City and the RFF with respect to the operation of the Festival. E. Implementation of the Prior Agreement has proven difficult, resulting in confusion as to the parties’ responsibilities with respect to structuring, scheduling, operating and paying for the Festival. The parties desire to more clearly delineate their mutual understandings with respect to all matters associated with the Festival, and intend to memorialize their understandings in this Agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payment of Public Services by the City and the licensing of RFF trademarks to the City (Attachment A), as well as other good an valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Termination of Prior Agreement. Effective upon the execution of this Agreement by both parties, the Prior Agreement is terminated and no longer in effect. 2. Operation of Festival. Consistent with the terms of this Agreement, the RFF shall be responsible for organizing and planning the Festival during the term of this Agreement. A. Permits and Licensing. It is the intent of the parties to clarify and simplify to the extent reasonably possible the planning for, and operation of, the Festival in order to lower costs and simplify its administration. To this end, the parties agree that annually the Festival will be planned, scheduled and approved consistent with the following: (1) Not later than July 15 of each year during the term of this Agreement, the RFF shall prepare and submit, on such forms as reasonably requested by the City, a Rev 5/5/2015 written application for that year’s Festival approvals, along with a site plan, in such detail as reasonably requested by the City, sufficient to enable the City to determine what public services and resources will be necessary to the Festival, as well as the anticipated impact of the Festival on adjacent areas (the “Plan”). (2) Not later than 30 days after the RFF has submitted the application for permits and the Plan as set forth above in subsection 2.A.(1), the City shall approve or deny the same in writing. If denied, the reasons for the denial and the changes required to receive the City’s approval shall be provided. (3) The Plan, as approved, shall identify anticipated public services required for the Festival. (4) The City shall waive, and no fee or charge shall be imposed by the City, for its review of the application and Plan. (5) The City shall take all steps legally required to effectuate this subsection 2.A. B. Costs of Festival. Without limiting the foregoing, the City’s costs for the provision of police, fire and medical services (hereinafter "Public Services") during the Festival shall be deemed an exchange of services for consideration: (1) The City will not impose or charge fees otherwise due which are associated with the City’s administration and planning expenses for the Festival. (2) The City will be responsible to pay all labor and benefit costs associated with the provision of Public Services necessary to the Festival’s operations. (3) Public costs not otherwise provided for or contemplated in this Agreement or in the approved Plan shall be separately negotiated between the parties. (4) Except as otherwise provided herein, the RFF shall provide and maintain, at its own expense, equipment, supplies and personnel necessary to plan, administer and operate the Festival as set forth in this Agreement. 3. Annual Report. Not later than three months after the completion of the Festival, the RFF shall prepare and present a report to the City, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, in summary form, identifying the overall success of the most recently completed Festival with particular focus on the number of attendees, any complaints received by the RFF with respect to the operation of the Festival, parking arrangements, and the economic impact of the Festival on the Cedar Springs area. 4. Insurance. A. General Liability. The RFF shall meet the requirements of a Community Event. 5. Term. This Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and shall automatically renew on an annual basis one year from the Effective Date. This Agreement shall terminate only upon a ¾ majority of 2 the RFF board members or the Cedar Springs City Council which shall be in writing where notice shall be given to the other party at least ninety (90) days before each annual renewal date. 6. Alterations of Public Areas. During the term of this Agreement, the RFF may, at its sole cost and expense, make additions, alterations and improvements to public areas owned or controlled by the City, useful for the operation of the Festival, with the prior written approval of the City. 7. Indemnification. The RFF shall meet the requirements of a Community Event. 8. Non-Assignability. Neither this Agreement nor any part of it shall be assigned by any party without the prior written consent of the other party. The RFF shall not delegate its performance or obligations under this Agreement to another party without the prior written consent of the City. 9. Interpretation. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and shall be deemed to supersede and cancel any other agreement between the parties relating to the transactions contemplated in this Agreement. None of the previous and contemporaneous negotiations, preliminary drafts or previous versions of this Agreement leading up to its execution and not set forth in this Agreement shall be used by any of the parties to construe or affect the validity of this Agreement. Each party acknowledges that no representations, inducements or conditions not set forth in this Agreement has been made or were relied upon by either party. This Agreement may be amended or terminated only by a written instrument executed by the City and the RFF. 10. Independent Contractor. In the performance of all duties and obligations pursuant to this Agreement, it is mutually understood and agreed that the RFF, its officers, volunteers, and employees are and shall be at all times acting and performing as independent contractors to the City. The City shall neither have nor exercise any control or direction over the methods by which the RFF’s personnel or volunteers perform the work and functions called for under this Agreement, except that the City agrees at all times to comply completely and fully with the provisions of this Agreement. 11. Miscellaneous. A. Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and either by mail or personal delivery. If by mail, notice shall be deposited in the United States mails, postage prepaid, first class mail, and addressed to the party to whom notice is directed. Notice shall be deemed effective on the date postmarked if by mail, or on the date of delivery, if personally delivered. B. Governing Law and Remedies. This Agreement is being executed and delivered and is intended to be performed in the State of Michigan and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of the State of Michigan. 3 C. Interpretation. The headings to the various paragraphs in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall to no extent affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The recitals, however, are intended to be an integral part of this Agreement. D. Waiver. No waiver of any claim or right of either party shall arise out of breach of this Agreement by the other party unless in writing, signed by the non-breaching party. E. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations. The RFF will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement. The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL, INC. By: By: ____________, Mayor , President By: ____________, Clerk 4 Summary of DPW Red Flannel Festival Activities Activitiy Description Average Wage 1 Fill water tank for lumberjacks** # of staff # of hours per staff Reg Hours 2 3 6 2 Barricades & Signage Assemble Barricades & take down Parking Setup & Take down 2 3 16 12 30 36 3 Trash Put out trash containers Pickup & dump trash 2 2 3 5 6 4 Cleanup Streets Blow debris into street 2 3 5 Parade Coordination Relocate barricades 4 0.5 1 6 Hang Festival Banner on Crosswalk 2 1 2 7 Setup DPW Garage for golf cart** Relocate trucks to WWTP 2 2 4 8 Deliver Beer Tent Barricades 1 2 2 87 *Requires use of City Motorpool **Task to be performed by DPW staff only Reg Cost 28.65 171.90 859.50 1,031.40 171.90 28.65 57.30 114.60 57.30 2,492.55 5/18/11 OT Hours 2 OT Cost 30.72 61.44 - 10 307.20 6 184.32 1 30.72 - 19 583.68 Total Cost 171.90 920.94 1,031.40 171.90 307.20 184.32 59.37 57.30 114.60 57.30 3,076.23 Required equipment* 1 truck 1 truck, 1 trailer 2 trucks, 1 trailer 1 truck, 1 trailer 1 truck, backhoe (1hr) 2 backpack blowers backhoe (1 hr) 2 trucks 1 bucket truck 1 truck, 1 trailer 2010 RED FLANNEL DAY EQUIPMENT RENTALS Equipment Police Cars Antique Fire Truck Back Pack Blower 96 Ford 4X4 2002 Trailer 2002 Ford 4X4 06 Ford 4X4 2010 Ford F250 Hours 44 7 4 5 24 26 2 7 Rate $7.66 $25.16 $4.04 $13.65 $13.66 $12.73 $13.65 $11.85 Total $ $337.04 $176.12 $16.16 $68.25 $327.84 $330.98 $27.30 $82.95 $1,366.64 DPW Regular Hours Worker 1 2 3 4 5 8.00 10.00 32.00 15.00 8.00 73.00 Average Rate Workers 2-5 Regular Rate $ $ $ $ $ 12.46 28.84 23.95 28.10 33.69 $ 28.65 Total Regular $ 99.68 $ 288.40 $ 766.40 $ 421.50 $ 269.52 $ 1,845.50 Overtime Overtime Hours Rate 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 48.00 $ $ $ $ 27.77 29.06 29.06 37.00 $ 30.72 Total Overtime Total Cost $ 333.24 $ 348.72 $ 348.72 $ 444.00 $ 1,474.68 $ 99.68 $ 621.64 $ 1,115.12 $ 770.22 $ 713.52 $ 3,320.18 Total Overtime Total Cost $ 1,517.31 $ 92.91 $ 108.20 $ 1,718.42 $ 154.75 $ 581.31 $ 1,517.31 $ 92.91 $ 108.20 $ 2,454.47 POLICE Regular Hours Officer 1 2 3 4 5 Regular Rate 12.50 $ 12.38 40.00 $ 14.53 52.50 Total Regular $ $ $ Overtime Overtime Rate Hours 154.75 581.31 736.06 36.50 $ 3.00 $ 2.50 $ 42.00 41.57 30.97 43.28 SUMMARY DPW POLICE EQUIPMENT RENTALS STREET SWEEPING PARADE FEES TOTAL COSTS $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,320.18 2,454.47 1,366.64 450.00 125.00 7,716.29 WAIVE PARADE FEES WAIVE EQUIPMENT RENTALS POLICE FEES PAID 2010 $ $ $ (125.00) (1,366.64) (1,000.00) TOTAL ADDITIONAL COSTS $ 5,224.65 Doesn't include salaried employees. Doesn't include salaried employees or reserves. Red Flannel Festival List of City Services required • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fill water tank for lumberjacks (not every year) Assemble Type 1 (pick up from County) and Type 2 barricades and take down, move when necessary Parking sign set up and take down (Marketplace and Carnival) Pick up/Place egress and Grand Parade Line Up No Parking Signs Put out and return all trash containers Pick up and dump all trash Street sweeper service for day after Festival Clean up streets (blow debris into street) day after Festival Hang Festival Banner on Crosswalk Set up DPW Garage for golf carts (relocate trucks to WWTP) Deliver beer tent barricades Pick up and return orange barrels to WWTP Antique Fire Truck on RF Day Hang and remove RF Wooden Placards All equipment rental for any equipment used Reference # ▾ RED001 T300 Client The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. RED001 T301 The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. RED001 T302 The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. RED001 T303 The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. RED001 T304 RED001 T305 RED001 T306 RED001 T307 RED001 T308 The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. The Red Flannel Festival, Inc. Description RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL THE RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL CEDAR SPRINGS-MICHIGAN (Word and Design) THE RED FLANNEL TOWN - Word Mark RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL CEDAR SPRINGS, MICHIGAN & DESIGN THE RED FLANNEL TOWN RED FLANNEL TOWN U.S.A. GIVING YOU A WELCOME AS WARM AS OUR RED FLANNELS! RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL CEDAR SPRINGS and DESIGN (Red Flannel Long Underwear) THE RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL Country United States Serial Number 85/371,056 Application Filing Date 07/14/2011 Registration # 4,141,591 Registration Date 05/15/2012 United States 85/371,060 07/14/2011 4,141,592 05/15/2012 United States 86/148,619 12/19/2013 4,583,849 08/12/2014 Michigan M06100 06/03/2005 Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan M06092 M11941 M06093 M06095 M06094 06/03/2005 06/27/2011 06/03/2005 06/03/2005 USPTO Status USPTO Status Date Attorney of Record Status Registered Registered Frank M. Scutch, III Registered Renewal Granted Renewal Granted Renewal Granted Renewal Granted Renewal Granted Renewal Granted Event Section 8 and 15 Declarations Section 8 and 15 Declarations End Section 8 and 15 Declarations Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Section 8 and 9 Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Section 8 and 9 Grace Period Section 8 and 15 Declarations Section 8 and 15 Declarations End Section 8 and 15 Declarations Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Section 8 and 9 Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Section 8 and 9 Grace Period Section 8 and 15 Declarations Section 8 and 15 Declarations End Section 8 and 15 Declarations Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Section 8 and 9 Grace Period Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal Section 8 Declaration and Section 9 Renewal End Renewal Event Date 05/15/2017 05/15/2018 11/15/2018 05/15/2021 05/15/2022 11/15/2022 05/15/2031 05/15/2032 11/15/2032 05/15/2017 05/15/2018 11/15/2018 05/15/2021 05/15/2022 11/15/2022 05/15/2031 05/15/2032 11/15/2032 08/12/2019 08/12/2020 02/12/2021 08/12/2023 08/12/2024 02/12/2025 08/12/2033 08/12/2034 06/03/2025 Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal Renewal 06/03/2025 06/27/2021 06/03/2025 06/03/2025 06/03/2025 Register Principal Principal Principal Live/Dead Indicator Live Live Live Goods & Services 041 - Entertainment services, namely, organizing community festivals featuring parades, golf outings 041 - Entertainment services, namely, organizing community festivals featuring parades, golf outings 041 - Entertainment services, namely, organizing community festivals featuring parades, golf outings s, wine tastings, showcases of Michigan artisans-at-work, running events, live music, dance, performing s, wine tastings, showcases of Michigan artisans-at-work, running events, live music, dance, performing s, wine tastings, showcases of Michigan artisans-at-work, running events, live music, dance, performing arts, artworks, car shows, firework shows and cuisine arts, artworks, car shows, firework shows and cuisine arts, artworks, car shows, firework shows and cuisine Attachment A TRADEMARK LICENSE AGREEMENT This Trademark License Agreement dated this _____ day of __________, 2015 (the "Effective Date"), between the Red Flannel Festival, Inc., a Michigan nonprofit corporation, of 18 South Main Street, Cedar Springs, Michigan (“Festival”) and the City of Cedar Springs, a Michigan municipal corporation, of 66 South Main Street, P.O. Box 310, Cedar Springs, Michigan 49319 (“City”) forms a part of and is incorporated by reference into the City of Cedar Springs, Michigan Red Flannel Festival Agreement (the "Agreement) attached hereto. RECITALS A. The Festival asserts ownership of right, title and interest to the trademarks and logos “RED FLANNEL TOWN”,) “RED FLANNEL TOWN U.S.A.”, along with the lamp post and long underwear symbols, and the clothesline with long underwear symbol, and accompanying text and variations thereof, as shown in this Exhibit A, which Exhibit is incorporated by reference (“Trademarks and Logos”). B. The City desires to use the above described Trademarks and Logos in promoting and identifying the City. C. The Festival desires to license such use on the terms and conditions set forth herein, consistent with its mission of celebrating the culture and history of the Cedar Springs area and enhancing the positive recognition of the Red Flannels. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth below, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which all parties acknowledge, it is agreed as follows: AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES 1. Terms. The Festival grants a royalty free, non-transferrable license to the City for the use of the Trademarks and Logos during the term of this Agreement. The license is for the City’s use of the Trademarks and Logos as limited herein, and not for any new or additional uses without the written permission of Festival. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with Section 7. 2. Ownership. The Festival shall remain the owner of the Trademarks and Logos. The City will not do anything to compromise Festival’s rights in and to the Trademarks and Logos, such as filing of legal action, opposition or filing of any identical or confusingly similar trademark applications. 3. Use. The Festival agrees that it will not, during the term of this Agreement, grant a license for the Trademarks and Logos to any third party without the consent of the City. 4. No Warranties. The Trademarks and Logos are provided to City on an “as is” basis and 1 Attachment A City is solely responsible for its use of the Trademarks and Logos. The Festival disclaims all warranties regarding the Trademarks and Logos, including warranties of noninfringement. The Festival shall not be liable and direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or relating to City’s use of the Trademarks and Logos. 5. Indemnification. City will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Festival against any losses, liability and/or exposure (including actual attorney fees) arising out of any claims or suits, whatever their nature or however arising, which may be brought or made against Festival because of City's use of the Trademarks and Logos in any manner except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. 6. Restrictions. a. Except as otherwise described herein, this license is non-exclusive. b. City shall not transfer or assign any right to use the Trademarks and Logos to any third party. c. City may use the Trademarks and Logos for identification and community enhancement purposes including, without limitation, identification of the City water tower, benches and City trucks, other vehicles, equipment, soft goods, personal property (e.g., key chains, coffee cups, etc.), stationary, envelopes and fixtures. The City may not, however, use the Trademarks and Logos for commercial, non-public purposes without the Festival’s prior written permission. d. City will not add any new or additional uses to the use of the Trademarks and Logos beyond those contemplated by this Agreement without the Festival’s written permission. e. City will, upon request of Festival, submit to Festival during the term of this Agreement reports of all its uses of the Trademarks and Logos, including its use on signage, on motor vehicles, at all locations, in print and electronic media, on stationary and business cards, and any other applications. 7. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate only upon termination of the Agreement between the Parties setting forth cost-sharing arrangements for the annual Red Flannel Festival; it being the intent of the parties that both the City of Cedar Springs, Michigan Red Flannel Festival Agreement and this Attachment A shall be and remain tie barred to one another. 2 Attachment A 8. Amendment. This Agreement shall not be amended or altered except by a writing executed by each Party. 9. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Michigan. 10. Headings. The paragraph headings used in this Agreement are included solely for convenience. 11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties; further, this Agreement shall supersede and/or replace any oral or written agreement(s) relating to this subject matter entered into by the parties before the date of this Agreement. 12. Binding Effect. This Agreement, inclusive of its terms and provisions, shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the respective successors and assigns of the parties. The parties have executed this Agreement on the date first written above. Red Flannel Festival, Inc., a Michigan nonprofit corporation By: , President City of Cedar Springs, a Michigan municipal corporation By: , Mayor By: , Clerk 3 Agenda Item Number: 9A City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve the addition of a parcel to an existing Industrial Facilities Tax district for Display Pack located at 680 West Street. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: The City of Cedar Springs Industrial Facilities Tax Advisory Committee met to consider a request from Hansen Realty Company, LLC to expand an Industrial Development District (IDD). Hansen Realty Company, LLC owns a parcel adjacent to the IDD and wishes to add it to the IDD. The IDD was established by a Council resolution on June 8, 1995. Attached is a copy of the resolution, with the requisite legal description, that created the IDD. Also attached is a map showing the IDD, cross hatched portion, and the relationship of the parcel, identified as Parcel D, that Hansen Realty Company, LCC wishes to add to the IDD. At the meeting Victor Hansen, owner of Hansen Realty Company, told the Committee that Parcel D will be important to the expansion and improvement of the former Wolverine World Wide building that his company owns. He related that Parcel D would be used for parking necessary for the new office addition he intends to construct on the south side of the building. By a unanimous vote of the members present, the Committee recommends to City Council that they approve the request of Hansen Realty Company, LLC for the addition of the parcel, shown as Parcel D on the attached map, to the IDD. Recommendation of the City Manager: Council Approval Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments None Agenda Item Number: 9B City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve an option to purchase a City Strip of land by Hansen Realty LLC. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: In August of 1995 the City of Cedar Springs, Wolverine World Wide, Inc. and 3 W Development Company entered in to a Development Agreement. On December 11, 2014, the aforementioned parties amended the agreement by approving a Second Amendment to the Development Agreement. The Second Amendment to the Development Agreement allowed 3 W Development Company the option to acquire a parcel of land described as the City Strip for $1.00. As allowed in the Second Amendment to the Development Agreement, 3 W Company has assigned its option for the City Strip to Hansen Realty Company, L.L. C. Hansen Realty Company L.L.C. is now requesting to exercise the option and acquire the City Strip. The City Attorney drafted an agreement for the purchase of the City Strip which is agreeable to Hansen Realty Company L.L.C. I recommend that Council approve the option for the City Strip and enter into a purchase agreement with Hansen Realty L.L.C. Recommendation of the City Manager: Approval Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments None Agenda Item Number: 9C City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve a Fire Agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and Nelson Township for fire services. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: The City’s fire service agreement with Nelson Township expired on March 31, 2015. For unknown reasons, neither party initiated an effort to take the necessary steps to renew the agreement. However, both parties wish to renew the contract for another year. The City has provided Nelson Township with the cost for the year, which they pay quarterly. The agreement is attached for Council’s review and contains no changes other than the term of the agreement, cost and the name of the mayor. During my discussion with Tom Noreen, Nelson Township Supervisor, we are going to meet to discuss the possibility of a multi-year agreement and a cost arrangement that would provide a smoothing arrangement for annual payments. His concern, rightfully so, is that annual costs can increase significantly due to equipment purchases. I recommend that Council approve the fire service agreement with Nelson Township as presented. Recommendation of the City Manager: Approval Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments Agreement FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT This agreement is made as of March 14 2015, between the CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS (the "City"), a Michigan municipal corporation, the address of which is 66 South Main Street, Cedar Springs, Michigan 49319, and NELSON TOWNSHIP (the "Township"), a Michigan general law township, the address which is Two Maple Street, Sand Lake, Michigan 49343. RECITALS A. The Township has requested that the City provide fire protection services to the portion of the Township specifically described within this Agreement. B. The City and the Township desire to enter into a written agreement which sets forth the terms and conditions of fire protection services provided to the Township. C. This Agreement is authorized by state law and the Charter of the City of Cedar Springs. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Township agree as follows: 1. Fire Protection Services. The City, through its volunteer fire department, shall provide fire protection services to the Township on the terms and conditions in this Agreement. As used herein, "fire protection services," means the response to all calls requiring the suppression of fire and/or the provision of emergency medical services as well as the need for fire inspection services that arise within the Designated Area, as described herein. 2. Data Furnished by Township. The Township shall furnish to the City all maps, street directories, addresses, lists of names, telephone numbers and other information requested by the City as may be deemed necessary by the City to provide fire protection services. The Township shall be responsible for updating these items from time to time as necessary to provide the City with information required to provide fire protection services. 3. Designated Area. As used in this Agreement, "Designated Area" shall mean the area described as follows: (a) The area enclosed by the following described borders: (1) South Border. The north side of 16 Mile Road between Northland Drive and Pine Lake Avenue. (2) East Border. All properties abutting the east side of Pine Lake Avenue between the 16 Mile Road and 19 Mile Road, including the Pine Ridge Bible Camp. (3) North Border. The south side of 19 Mile Road between Northland Drive and Pine Lake Avenue. (4) West Border. The west border consists of the following: (i) The east side of Northland Drive between the corporate limits of the City of Cedar Springs and 16 Mile Road. (ii) The east side of Cedar Springs Avenue between the corporate limits of the City of Cedar Springs and 20 Mile Road. (iii) That portion of the described area immediately east of the corporate limits of the City of Cedar Springs. (b) The following locations specifically described as follows: (1) All properties abutting Sunset Shores Drive, on either side, between Pine Lake Avenue and 17 Mile Road. (2) All properties abutting 17 Mile Road, on either side, between Pine Lake Avenue and Sunset Shores Drive. (3) All properties abutting the east side of Cedar Springs Avenue between 19 Mile Road and 20 Mile Road. 4. 24 Hour Service. The City shall provide fire protection services to the Township 24 hours a day, every day of the year, during the term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the City does not warrant against temporary interruptions in service resulting from mechanical or equipment breakdowns, acts of God, or other emergencies. 5. Priority During Mutual Fire Emergencies. In the event a fire, or other call or demand, within the City limits of the City of Cedar Springs occurs contemporaneously as a fire within the Designated Area, the parties agree that the City is entitled to prioritize its response, giving priority to the situation within the City limits. In the event the City of Cedar Springs Fire Department is unable to respond to a fire protection service call, the City shall make reasonable requests for assistance to other fire departments and emergency personnel in accordance with its mutual aid agreements. A temporary interruption in the service as described in this Agreement shall not affect the obligations of the City pursuant to this Agreement. 6. Indemnification. The Township will hold the City harmless from, indemnify the City for all; defend the City (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to the City) against all claims, expenses, judgments, losses, demands, damages, payments, recoveries, legal proceedings, orders and decrees including, without limitation, costs and attorney fees, arising from, pursuant to or as a result of any fire protection service provided under this Agreement except if the same arises exclusively from the affirmative acts of the City. As used in this paragraph, the term "City" includes the City of Cedar Springs and its officers, employees and agents. Nothing herein shall be deemed or interpreted as a waiver of the City’s entitlement to rely on governmental immunity and, to this end, the parties acknowledge and agree that the City’s provision of fire protection services as provided for herein constitute a governmental function for purposes of state law. 7. Costs Paid By Township. The average cost per fire run will be calculated based on the City’s actual Fire Department expenses (minus hydrant rental) in the City’s previous fiscal year. The average cost will be multiplied by the number of actual runs to determine the township’s annual cost. The annual fee paid will be an average based on the three previous fiscal years annual costs, which totals $26,826.26. The Township shall pay the City an annual fee for fire protection services in quarterly payments prior to June 30, September 30, December 31, and March 31. 8. Term: Termination. (a) The term of this agreement shall begin April 1 of each year and continue until March 31 of the succeeding year. (b) This Agreement shall continue in effect until March 31, 2016, unless and until earlier terminated by either party, with or without cause, upon six (6) months written notice. 9. Designation of Code Official. The Township hereby designates as the Fire Code Official for the Designated Area the City of Cedar Springs Fire Department and its officers and employees and delegates to them all authority permitted or required by law necessary to perform the services called for herein. 10. Fire Insurance Withholding Program. In the event it has not already done so, the Township will take all steps reasonably necessary to establish and require escrow accounts for fire insurance settlements pursuant to Act No. 218 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended. 11. Miscellaneous. (a) This contract sets forth the entire agreement between the parties and may not be amended except in writing signed by both parties. It shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. (b) Any written notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be given by first class mail addressed to the other party at the address written above or such other address as either party may substitute by written notice to the other party. (c) The rights and duties and obligations under this Agreement may not be assigned or delegated by either party. (d) No waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement shall be construed as waiver of any other term or condition nor shall a waiver of any default or breach be deemed to constitute a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. The parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered to their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first written above. CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS Date: __________, 2015 By:_______________________ Gerald Hall, Mayor By:________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk NELSON TOWNSHIP Date: ___________, 20145 By:_________________________ Tom Noreen, Supervisor By:__________________________ Laura Hoffman, Township Clerk 547655.3 Agenda Item Number: 9D City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve Resolution No. 2015 - 23, a resolution to amend the City of Cedar Springs’ 2015-2016 annual budget. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: Request approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $4000.00 for financial support to the Cedar Springs Historical Museum. The council approved an agreement to provide this support with the Cedar Springs Historical Museum at the June 11, 2015 meeting. The money for the addition of this line item to the budget will be taken from the general fund balance. ($4000.00) from 101-000-000-400.100 – Appropriation from Fund Balance $4000.00 to 101-730-000-886.000 – Community Promotions-Historical Museum Deb Brunett Deb Brunett, Finance Director Recommendation of the City Manager: Council discretion. Thad Taylor Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments Resolution 2015 – 23 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS Kent County, Michigan RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 23 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS' 2015-2016 ANNUAL BUDGET Whereas, from time to time the City Council finds it necessary to add or reduce funds to the City's annual budget; and Whereas, the City Council finds it appropriate to amend the City's Budget for the 20152016 fiscal year; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City Council provides to amend the following departments: FUND/DEPT. 2015-16 ORIGINAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT 101 - GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: 730 - Community Promotions Total 12,825.00 4,000.00 16,825.00 - 12,825.00 4,000.00 16,825.00 YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RESOLUTION NO. 2015 Dated July 9, 2015 2015-16 PROPOSED BUDGET ______________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk CERTIFICATION I certify that this is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Cedar Springs City Council at a regular meeting held on March 12, 2015 and that public notice of that meeting was given pursuant to Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended. _______________________________ Dated: July 9, 2015 Linda Christensen, City Clerk Agenda Item Number: 9E City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve Policy No. 14, a policy regarding the public inspection of assessing records. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: MCL 211.10a requires all property assessment rolls and property appraisal cards to be available for inspection and copying during customary business hours (defined as 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..) The State Tax Commission requires those municipalities whose assessors only work a limited number of hours per week to adopt a policy on how the public can inspect those records when the assessor is not available. Having such a policy is also subject to audits by the Michigan State Tax Commission and is one of the items that must be on file during an audit of minimum assessing requirements – which is slated for Cedar Springs this year. The policy under consideration has been supplied by the City Assessor and is similar to those used in other jurisdictions he works in. Linda Christensen Linda Christensen, City Clerk Recommendation of the City Manager: Approval. Thad Taylor Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments Policy No. 14 City of Cedar Springs Standard Operating Policy SUBJECT: Policy Regarding Public Inspection of Assessing Records Policy Number: 14 Effective Date: PURPOSE: Section 211.10a of the General Property Tax Act States: All property assessment rolls and property appraisal cards shall be available for inspection and copying during the customary business hours. POLICY: The City of Cedar Springs is open during customary business hours which are considered Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The assessment Roll(s) are located on the counter behind the front office. They are available for inspection and copying anytime the office is open. The Assessor is in the office limited hours each week. If the Assessor is in the office, the Assessor will assist any member of the public in inspecting a record card and making the cards available for copying. In the absence of the Assessor, other City employees are able tol assist the public in inspecting record cards and making the cards available for copying. The City of Cedar Springs is also utilizing internet services from BS&A software. The public may, at any time, look up assessment information using this service. The link to the internet services is on both the Assessor’s and Treasurer’s page of the City’s website at www.cityofcedarsprings.org. Agenda Item Number: 9F City of Cedar Springs City Council Meeting July 9, 2015 Agenda Item Report Description: Motion to approve a license agreement between the City of Cedar Springs and Yankee Zephyr Racing Promotions, Inc. Summary Comments with Regard to Agenda Item: Yankee Zephyr Racing Promotions, Inc. is asking for City Council approval to host a snowmobile racing event February 26 and 27, 2016. Last year’s event was successful, even with little time for promotion. He believes that an event in 2016 will bring more people to the community and be extremely successful. The proposed changes to the 2016 event are: • • • • Two days rather than one. Addition of snow cross track and race. Moving the site westerly from the former location. The proposed site would be west of West Street extended, however would not use the flying club grounds. A map is attached for review. Smoothing of the drag strip portion of the site. I discussed this with the City’s environmental attorney and she is comfortable so long as no ground cover is disturbed beyond a six inch depth. City staff will be on-site during the process to ensure compliance. Attached is a license agreement drafted by the City Attorney for Council’s review. Yankee Zephyr Racing Promotions will pay the City $500 for the use of the property and will contract with the City for the appropriate medical first responders and medical unit. Last year’s event went extremely well and did not cause any problems for the City. Accordingly, I recommend the City approve the license agreement. Recommendation of the City Manager: Approval Thad Taylor, City Manager Attachments Site Map LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (“Agreement” or “License”) is made ____________, 2015, between the CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS, a Michigan municipal corporation, of 66 South Main Street, Cedar Springs, Michigan 49319-0310 (“Cedar Springs”) and YANKEE ZEPHYR RACING PROMOTIONS, INC., a Michigan corporation, of 13401 Olin Lakes Drive, Sparta, Michigan 49345 (“Licensee”). RECITALS A. Cedar Springs owns certain real property located within its boundaries, generally known as a portion of the City’s former sewage lagoon (PP No. 41-02-36-300-003) (“Property”). B. Licensee desires to use the Property to stage a two-day snowmobile racing event in the location shown an attached Exhibit A, which exhibit is incorporated by reference (“Project”). C. Pursuant to Cedar Springs City Council authorization of ______________, 2015, Cedar Springs approved the grant of a license to Licensee to operate the Project on the Property. D. Cedar Springs and Licensee desire to memorialize their understandings and agreements with respect to operation of the Project on the Property. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals (which are incorporated by reference) and the parties’ covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Cedar Springs grants Licensee a license to use and operate a two-day snowmobile drag racing event on the Property on February 26 and 27, 2016, consistent with the attached Exhibit A and the terms of this Agreement. Licensee’s right to use the Property under this Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted to be a grant of any interest in the Property or other property of Cedar Springs. Cedar Springs shall not have any responsibility to repair or maintain the Project or the Property under this License. Licensee shall be solely responsible for the operation, use and maintenance of the Project and maintaining the condition of the Property as provided for herein. 2. a. Licensee acknowledges that the Property is a closed wastewater treatment facility subject to regulation under state and federal law. The Property contains lagoon sludge material which may contain hazardous substances. The lagoon sludge has been encapsulated below grade under an engineered sand and clay cap. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (“MDEQ”) has approved the encapsulation and capping of the sludge material pursuant to a Designation of Inertness under applicable environmental laws as part of the City’s closure of the former lagoons. Licensee, on behalf of itself, its officers, employees, invitees and agents, acknowledges the existence of a protective cap over the Property (“Cap”) and the need to maintain that Cap. As a condition of that closure, the Property is subject to a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant dated October 29, 2012 that contains, among other provisions, a prohibition against removal of the Cap, except as otherwise provided therein (“Covenant”). Pursuant to the Covenant, grading, filling, excavating, drilling, mining or other alteration of the Property which would result in the removal of sludge material or disturbance of the soil at depths greater than twelve inches (12”) below grade level is prohibited, and Licensee shall not engage in nor F:\Council\2015 Agenda Packets\7-9-15 Agenda Packet\9F Yankee Zephyr Use Agreement.Docx:rm allow or permit any such activity, unless specifically authorized in writing by the City. Licensee shall comply with the Covenant. b. As a result of the former wastewater discharges, one or more hazardous substances, including iron, manganese, arsenic, vanadium, antimony, barium, chromium, selenium, silver, zinc, ammonia and nitrates, is present or was present in soils, biosolids and/or groundwater on the Property in concentrations exceeding their respective generic residential cleanup criteria promulgated under Michigan’s environmental remediation statute, Part 201 of Public Act 451 of 1994, as amended (“Part 201”). As such, the Property is a “facility” as defined in Part 201. Additional information about the nature and extent of the hazardous substances is contained in the Closure Plan, a copy of which the City has provided to Licensee. 3. As consideration for this License, Licensee shall pay the City $500 at the time of the execution of this License. In addition, Licensee shall pay any costs and fees incurred by the City associated with the Project (including without limitation reasonable maintenance and repair costs related to the Project if Licensee fails to repair the Property after the Project’s completion, whether such costs be paid by Cedar Springs to third parties or otherwise). Licensee acknowledges that (A) it takes the Property “AS IS” in its existing condition including, without limitation, the environmental conditions and subject to the Covenant and the Cap described above, and that Cedar Springs makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the Property or its suitability for Licensee’s intended use of the same and (B) the Property, including the Cap, and the improvements thereon may not to be damaged in any way by the Project, the presence of the Project, or by Licensee’s activities as to the Project, and that any and all such damage is Licensee’s responsibility to repair and restore. Accordingly, subject to the terms of this License, Licensee will, at its cost, modify, repair and restore the Property and all improvements thereon, at the reasonable direction of the City, should the same in any way be damaged for a reason associated with the Project. As to the foregoing, Licensee must restore the Property and improvements to an as good or better condition than the same existed immediately prior to any such damage or disturbance. 4. Licensee shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals in connection with the operation of the Project and shall obtain the approval by all affected Cedar Springs departments (as determined by Cedar Springs’ City Manager). Such review and approval shall not place design, inspection, or maintenance responsibility on Cedar Springs, which responsibility shall at all times remain solely with Licensee and its agents and representatives. 5. Licensee shall obtain, continuously maintain for the duration of this Agreement and provide Cedar Springs promptly upon execution of this Agreement with proof reasonably acceptable to Cedar Springs’ City Manager of general liability insurance coverage on a per occurrence basis and in an amount deemed acceptable to the City, naming the City of Cedar Springs as an additional insured party. Licensee’s insurance must contain comprehensive coverage to insure against any and all claims arising out of or attributable to the Project on the Property, regardless of whether Licensee or any of its officers, employees, or agents are negligent in any manner. The certificate of insurance must state that Cedar Springs will be provided with thirty (30) days’ prior written notice of cancellation, termination, nonrenewal, or material change in coverage of the insurance policy provided. 6. At the Licensee’s request, the City will provide to the Project two medical first responders and one medical response vehicle. The continuing presence of the medical personnel and vehicle at the Project will be at the direction of the Licensee. Licensee shall pay to the City $21 per hour for the medical first responders and $25 per hour (billed in quarter hour increments with a minimum one hour charge) for all time while the medical first responders and/or medical response vehicles are present at the Project or in transit. 2 7. Licensee agrees to save and hold Cedar Springs, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from, and defend and indemnify them against, any and all claims or lawsuits seeking recovery for damage or injury, including death, and against any other proceedings instituted against any of them, directly or indirectly, arising from the design, construction, improvement, use, or physical existence of the Project on the Property, or from Cedar Springs’ granting of permission to Licensee to operate and maintain such Project on the Property, or from Licensee or its agents’ maintenance of such Project, regardless of whether Licensee or any of its officers, employees, or agents are negligent, but except to the extent that the claims arise from the negligent or intentional acts of Cedar Springs. As to incidents occurring during the license period which would or do give rise to claims for damages, the obligations of Licensee under this Section shall survive the termination of the right to use the Property granted by this Agreement for a period of three (3) years. 8. Although any revocation, cancellation, or termination of this Agreement shall, as of its effective date, terminate the license of Licensee to maintain the Project within the Property, such revocation, cancellation, or termination shall not affect the obligation of Licensee under Sections 5 and 6, its obligation to pay costs contained in various other provisions of this Agreement, and any provision which expressly survives the termination of this License. 9. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their administrators, successors, and assigns. 10. This Agreement shall be effective upon the dated first above written and constitutes the full and complete understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement may be amended only by a written amendment signed by both parties. 110. This Agreement may be signed in two counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document. Any signature or counterpart of this Agreement or any document contemplated hereunder that is delivered by a party by facsimile transmission or electronic portable document format (PDF) shall be deemed to be an original for all purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands thereto as of the _______ day of ___________________, 2015. CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS, a Michigan municipal corporation By: _________________________________________ Gerald Hall, Mayor Attest _________________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk YANKEE ZEPHYR RACING PROMOTIONS, INC., a __________________________ By: _________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________________ Its: 3 a' Policy Number: 16985980 Date Entered: 6/22/2OL5 DATE (MM/DDTYYYY} CERTIFIGATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 6/22/2OLs THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH|S CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTMCT BETWEEN THE ISSUING TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endosed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subiect to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may requirc an endorsernent. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Gebhardt Insurance Agency 14 S Main St. P.O. Box 340 Cedar Springs, MI 49319 l'jl8\." .*,. (615) 695-9440 tNsuRERB.Auto-owners Insurance Reed INSURER C 8882 Cottonwood Ave. Howard City, MI iiA n",, (616) 696-1760 NAIC # INSURER(S} AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A : INSURED Kyle | E-MAIL ADDRESS: INSURER 49329 co- : D: INSURER E : INSURER F : CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSUMNCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY .LATMS-MADE X oaau* s 1, 000, 000 51'000,000 s 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LI[ilIT APPLIES PER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO BOOILY INJURY (Per peBon) ALLowNED AUTOS scneouleo f-.l I I AUTOS HTREDAUTOS I BODILY INJURY (Per a@ident) I AUTOS OCCUR CLAIMS.MADE ANDEMPLOYERS'LtABtLrrY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICERA/|EMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) lf yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below Y/N DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS , LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD t0l, Addltlonal Remarks Schedule, Additiona]. Insurecd CiLfr of cedar Springsf rts Officers EopJ.oyees 66 S !4aia st Cedar Spri.ngs, I"lI 49319 ACORD 25 (2014t011 my be attached il more spae is rcquired) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CAI{CELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DEL]VERED And IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PObICY PROVISIONS. \ @ 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Produed using Forms Boss Plus software w.FomsBoss @m; lmpressive Publishing 800-2081977 Request for Street Closings for RED FLANNEL DAYS 2015 Saturday, September 26– 5K Run – Same route as last year, except starting point moved to as far EAST on Maple as we can get. RACE BEGINS AT 9am Need Main & Oak closed at 8:45 am; Main Street clear by 8:45 am and all intersections closed along Main Street. 7th and 17 Mile needs police support at the White Pine Trail as runners cross there, and seems to be a concern from years past. Wednesday, Sept. 30 at noon: For Carnival Set Up Ash Street at Main Street to First Street; Beech Street at Main to Second Street; Beech at Main to First Street Friday, October 2 at 11:00 am – NO PARKING signs on streets and in Old Community Building Parking lot For Red Flannel Marketplace (Formerly Flea Market) Set Up 6 AM: Elm Street at First Street and Main Street – again at Main Street at Second Street. Saturday, October 3– RED FLANNEL DAY at 8:00 am Main Street and Muskegon Street and OAK STREET – CLOSE at 8 AM. Elm Street from First Street to Second Street Beech Street – East and West to First and Second Church Street – From First to Second Cherry Street from First Street to alley next to Post Office Ash Street from First St. to alley next to City Storage Building GRAND PARADE: Same Route as last year. KENT COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Lawrence A. Stelma – Sheriff Sergeant Jason Kelley – Cedar Springs Unit – Office: (616) 696-1330 Ext 308 Email: Jason.Kelley@Kentcountymi.gov Red Flannel Festival Special Event Estimate Cedar Springs June 3, 2015 From: Sergeant Jason Kelley, Cedar Springs Unit To: Red Flannel Festival Committee Subj: RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL COST ESTIMATE Deputy Cost/Hour: Traffic Squad Deputy Cost/Hour: $70.00 $0.00 Projected Night Patrol Projected Beer Tent Hours: Projected Carnival/Parade Hours: Projected 5K Hours: 15 15 41.25 13.75 TOTAL PROJECTED COST: $5950 Please see below tables for times, locations and hour estimate calculations. 5K RUN/WALK: September 26, 2015: Point On Point Time 0830 (2.5) End Time 1030 Location Deputy N Main/Maple Need One Traffic Squad None 0845 (2.25) 0845 (2.25) 0845 (2.25) 1030 1030 1030 Need One Need One Need One None Need One None Point 5 0845 (2.25) 1030 Need One Need One Point 6 Point 7 0845 (2.25) 0845 (N/A) 1030 S Main/Church Maple/Park W Muskegon/7th (point 3 becomes point 4) W Muskegon/White Pine Trl 5th/Beech W Cherry/White Pine Trl Need One None None Need One Point 1 OIC Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 NIGHT PATROL: October 2, 2015: Point Point 1 OIC On Point Time 1915 (7.5) Deputy End Location Time 0230 Outside Grounds – where Need One needed Traffic Squad Need One October 3, 2015: Point Point 1 OIC On Point Time 1915 (7.5) End Location Deputy Time 0230 Outside Grounds – where Need One needed Traffic Squad Need One BEER TENT: October 2, 2015: Point 1 Point 2 2015 (4.25) 2115 (3.25) 0030 0030 Inside Beer Tent Inside Beer Tent Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One October 3, 2015: Point 1 Point 2 2015 (4.25) 2115 (3.25) 0030 0030 Inside Beer Tent Inside Beer Tent CARNIVAL/PARADE: October 3, 2015 Point OIC Rover Motor1 Motor2 Point-1 Point-2 Point-3 On Point Time 10:00 11:00 Approximate End Time Location Deputy Traffic Squad 1800 (8) 1800 (7) Need One Need One None Need One 14:45 1800 (3.75) City Hall City Hall – Take reports and respond where needed As needed by OIC Need One None 14:45 1800 (3.75) As needed by OIC Need One None 14:45 14:45 14:45 1800 (3.75) 1800 (3.75) 1800 (3.75) W Muskegon/7th E Muskegon/1st S Main/Cedar Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One Need One Point-4 14:45 Point-5 14:45 1800 (3.75) 1800 (3.75) N Main/Maple W Muskegon/3rd Need One Need One None None Please understand these hours are only estimates and subject to change at the discretion of the Officer in Charge as needed. The event bill will reflect actual hours worked and is not confined to this estimate. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Sgt Jason Kelley Red Flannel Festival Community Benefit Statement The Red Flannel Festival, based on its 76 years of national brand identity, without question, plays a significant role in the positive promotion of the City of Cedar Springs and area businesses by consistently doing the following: • The Red Flannel Festival generates $500,000 (half a million) to $1 million dollars in positive economic impact to the City of Cedar Springs and the surrounding businesses. Please see the data, based on research from the Michigan Festival and Events Association, attached. • The Festival spends thousands of hours planning this community event, with ONLY volunteers. There is no paid staff. • The Festival spends $16,000 on advertising for the Festival that includes the City of Cedar Springs. Television commercials on WZZM TV 13. • Radio Commercials with Townsquare Media, including WGRD, WFGR, The River that reaches hundreds of thousands of listeners in the region. • Over 15,000 34-page full-color brochures that are distributed in 5 counties are also an integral part of the Festival Marketing Portfolio. • The Red Flannel Festival spends over $4,000 per year on the RFF Queen and Court Float, advertising the City of Cedar Springs, in over 20 appearances annually, including the televised Tulip Time and Coast Guard Festival Parades. • The Red Flannel Festival also benefits the local non-profit community, generating over $50,000 to date (approximately $5,000 in annual donations) through the Community Share Program. This does not include other non-profit organizations (American Legion, Rotary, Lions Club) that benefits from holding Red Flannel Festival events during that time. • The Red Flannel Festival has invested over $100,000 in two downtown buildings. 2015 Red Flannel Board of Directors Michele Andres President 64 South Street Cedar Springs, MI 49319 616-443-5007 - Cell mmandres@charter.net Laurie Nozal First Vice President 224 Ann Street Cedar Springs, MI 49319 LNOZAL1104@GMAIL.COM OR LAURIENOZAL@EDKOEHN.CO M Home (616) 696-0784 Cell (231) 519-0864 Brynadette Powell 2nd Vice President 12383 18 Mile Road Cedar Springs, MI. 49319 616-835-2624 – Cell brynny@pathwaynet.com Matt Andres Treasurer Oak Street Cedar Springs, MI 49319 616-302-3277 – Cell treasurer@redflannelfestival.org Liz Thorington Secretary 80 E. Beech Street PO Box 221 Cedar Springs, MI 49319 Home: 616-520-3227 miniredhawk@hotmail.com Trustees: Mark Laws PO Box 361 Cedar Springs, MI 49319 Phone: 616-263-7562 markdlaws@hotmail.com Steve McBride 139 N. 7th Street Cedar Springs, MI 49319 616-835-7088 – Cell deebsmcbride@gmail.com Randy VanDuyn 3050 Sir Charles Drive NE Rockford, MI 49341 925-457-0943 Vantastic23416@gmail.com Rick Knapp 121 South Street #1 Cedar Springs, MI 49319 616-255-3012 Raknappjr76@yahoo.com Schedule of Events – Red Flannel Festival 2015 Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015 READ TO RIDE PROGRAM Librarian Donna Clark invites all children K-8th grade to earn FREE coupons for carnival rides by reading “RED” books. Pick up reading logs at the Library after Sept. 1, or download one from redflannelfestival.org or cedarsprings.llcoop.org. CEDAR SPRINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY – 43 WEST CHERRY STREET Saturday, Sept. ? 2015 RED FLANNEL ART REVIEW Description of event here, need prices, times, etc. NEED LOCATIONS FINALIZED Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 WINE & MICROBREW TASTING – NEW DATE!! Local Craft Beer and Wine Tasting includes delicious, all you can eat appetizers and fabulous local entertainment of TRUE STORY! Only $20 per person or $35 per couple. Doors open at 7 pm. CEDAR SPRINGS AMERICAN LEGION GLEN HILL POST – FIRST STREET Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015 PRINCE and PRINCESS CONTEST Join area kindergarten students as the smallest Red Flannel Royalty is crowned. Free admission, refreshments by Tom’s Bakery in Sparta. Begins at 6:30 pm. HISTORIC KENT THEATRE – DOWNTOWN CEDAR SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WINDOW DECORATING CONTEST Show your Red Flannel Pride by decorating your windows! All schools welcome! Judging and trophy presentations week of Sept. 30! CEDAR SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS & CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ACADEMY RED FLANNEL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST Submit any photo of a Red Flannel event taken during the Festival by Oct. 20. CASH PRIZES! $100, $75 & $25. FREE to ENTER! EVERYWHERE – RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL WEEKENDS RED FLANNEL HOUSE DECORATING CONTEST Show your Red Flannel Pride by decorating your house! The more creative, the better! Welcome the 35,000+ visitors to Red Flannel Town! Judging Sept. 26. FREE to enter, applications on-line at www.redflannelfestival.org. CASH PRIZES for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! CEDAR SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS & CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ACADEMY Friday, Sept. 25, 2015 ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI DINNER AYCE Spaghetti, Salad & Fruit Bar at Cedar Springs Big Boy Restaurant! 5:30 pm to 10 pm CEDAR SPRINGS BIG BOY RED HAWK VARSITY FOOTBALL Cedar Springs Red Hawks vs. ???? at 7 pm. GAME IS AWAY at FOREST HILLS ????? Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015 RED FLANNEL 5K RUN AND WALK & KID’S FUN RUN 5K WALK/RUN starts at 9 am – KID’S FUN RUN starts at 9:45 am This is a FUN EVENT for the ENTIRE FAMILY as runners and walkers weave their way through the downtown course. Awards and Kid’s Fun Run to follow 5K. Best dressed Red Flannel Competition! RED FLANNEL OFFICE, 21 E. MAPLE STREET LUMBERJACK SUPPER A Red Flannel tradition since 1941! The CS Lions Club hosts a delicious lumberjack supper of ham, fresh side pork, boiled potatoes and all the trimmings! Dinner served 5-7 pm, immediately prior to Queen Scholarship Pageant. CEDAR SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA RED FLANNEL QUEEN SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT Enjoy the elegance and tradition of a signature event. Tickets on sale, 3 weeks prior, at Library, $10. Available at HS Box Office for $13 at 6 pm. Doors open at 7 pm, Pageant begins at 7:30 pm. CEDAR SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 CARNIVAL Quality carnival rides, games with Elliott’s Amusements! 5 – 9 pm ASH & BEECH STREETS RED HAWK VARSITY FOOTBALL Cedar Springs Red Hawks vs. ???? at 7 pm. GAME IS AWAY AT NORTHVIEW RED FLANNEL GRAND LODGE– AT AMERICAN LEGION!!! 5 pm to 12:30 am $5 Cover. Must be 21 or over. The BEST LIVE MUSIC in Cedar Springs! Enjoy Grand Rapids band, IN THE RED from 8 pm until midnight. Featuring Miller/Miller Lite, Leinenkugel’s and Smirnoff Ice products! AMERICAN LEGION, FIRST & BEECH STREET RED FLANNEL SPEED TRIVIA – NEW EVENT!! Speed Trivia Tournament hosted by BOJANGLES ENTERTAINMENT. Starts at 5 pm until 8 pm!! Cash and other prizes to winners! Teams of 1-6 people welcome to participate! $25.00 entry fee per team....15 team maximum so preregister early!! Visit Red Flannel Website for more information or check out Bojangles Entertainment on Facebook for updates. AMERICAN LEGION PARKING LOT, GRAND LODGE TENT, MAIN & BEECH STREET Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015 RED FLANNEL DAY FLAG RAISING CEREMONY 8:45 am. American Legion Glen Hill Post #287 Cedar Springs Middle School Marching Band RED HAWK STADIUM, CEDAR SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL FLAPJACK BREAKFAST All you can eat breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice, served from 7 am – noon. $8 – 12 and over; $6 – ages 5-12 and FREE for 5 years and under or Special family price $25. Half of profits to EASTERN STARS & MASONS OF ROCKFORD RED HAWK ELEMENTARY CAFETERIA TAKE THE TROLLEY! – RETURNING EVENT!!! Ride B&W’s beautiful, enclosed trolley on a route with stops at all of the exciting events! $1 for adults and children over 12; free for children under 12. DESIGNATED TROLLEY STOPS THROUGHOUT CITY BED RACE OBSTACLE COURSE In one of the zaniest events the Festival offers, five-person teams race beds around an obstacle course competing for the best time! Throw in Festival icon, Keystone Kops, and the result is a hilarious time for all! Bring your own bed, or rent one from the Festival! Check in begins at 10:30 am; Race begins at 11 am. $10 entry fee (per 5 person team) MAIN AND ASH STREET IN FRONT OF GRAND STAND RED FLANNEL CHILDREN’S PARADE Boys and girls decorate their bikes and wear costumes in their own parade! Please provide bicycle helmets! Parents are encouraged to walk with children! Parade begins promptly at 9 am! RED FLANNEL BUILDING, 21 E. MAPLE STREET; MAPLE & MAIN STREET RED FLANNEL CAR SHOW Come to enter your pride and joy, or just browse and admire! Admission is FREE. Cost $15 per entry, registration at 9:30 am. Show is from 10 am - 2 pm at Tractor Supply/Verizon Wireless Lot. Winners receive FREE Grand Parade entry! 17 MILE ROAD AT TRACTOR SUPPLY/WIRELESS ZONE PARKING LOT RED FLANNEL ANTIQUE FARM TRACTORS & ENGINES SHOW – AT CEDAR SPRINGS MUSEUM! Antique tractors and running farm equipment fill Morley Park! Museum tours from 10 am to 2 pm. FREE admission to tractor show and family events. MORLEY PARK CEDAR SPRINGS YOUTH FOOTBALL 7:30 am – 9 pm Games all day. SKINNER FIELD near MORLEY PARK RED FLANNEL MARKETPLACE Vendors of many different item types displayed all day! Browse and shop in beautiful downtown Cedar Springs! ELM STREET CARNIVAL Quality carnival rides, games with Elliott’s Amusements. All day! ASH AND BEECH STREET MARCHING BAND COMPETITION Area High School Marching Bands present half-time shows in competition. Begins 9 am. RED HAWK STADIUM, CEDAR SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL GIANT ARTS AND CRAFT FAIR Over 90 vendors of beautiful handmade items. 9 am. until 2 pm. $1 admission RED HAWK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AMERICAN LEGION BINGO-CARNIVAL STYLE 10 am. until 5 pm. – Everyone is welcome! AMERICAN LEGION HALL, MAIN & BEECH STREETS – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC POORMAN PULLERS MINI ROD TRACTOR PULL Weigh in begins at 10 am, pulling from 11 am – 2 pm. FREE Admission ELM STREET PULLING TRACK – behind the former FESTIDA FOODS AMERICAN MARTIAL ARTS INSTITUTE DEMONSTRATION The skilled FIRESTORM team performs to light up downtown! Begins at noon. FREE Admission. MAIN AND ELM STREET CEDAR SPRINGS ROTARY FAMOUS CHICKEN BARBECUE! Come and experience an EXCELLENT chicken dinner with all the trimmings at the Rotary Chicken barbecue from 11 am – 5 pm! CHERRY & MAIN STREET SCOTTVILLE CLOWN BAND See the FAMOUS Scottville Clown Band march in the Red Flannel Grand Parade with a concert to follow at the Grand Lodge from 5 pm until 7 pm. $5 per person admission to Grand Lodge. RED FLANNEL GRAND PARADE, GRAND LODGE, MAIN & BEECH STREET RED FLANNEL GRAND PARADE The Festival’s signature event, the FAMOUS Grand Parade draws thousands of people! Be sure to wear RED or the Keystone Kops will arrest you! More than 120 entries of floats, bands and entertainment. Marching band sponsored by INDEPENDENT BANK Parade begins promptly at 3 pm! MAIN & MUSKEGON STREETS RED FLANNEL PARADE GRANDSTAND Stop by and see Sue Harrison, who has been graciously donating her time to announce this parade for 23 years! MAIN & ASH STREETS GRAND LODGE – AT AMERICAN LEGION!! OPENS AT NOON! $5 Cover. Must be 21 or over. AMERICAN LEGION, MAIN & BEECH STREET 5th ANNUAL CORNHOLE (BEANBAG) TOURNAMENT Classic bean bag toss tournament with two divisions! Cash prizes! $40 per 2 person team or $50 day of contest. Check in between 11 am and noon. Begins at 12:30 pm. RED FLANNEL GRAND LODGE TENT, AMERICAN LEGION, MAIN & BEECH STREET EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Join the fun! Cash prizes! $15 per 2 person team or $20 day of contest. Check in between 11 am and noon. Begins at NOON. RED FLANNEL GRAND LODGE TENT, AMERICAN LEGION, MAIN & BEECH STREETS RED FLANNEL GRAND LODGE – EXPANDED! OPENS AT NOON! NOON to 12:30 am. $5 Cover. Must be 21 or over. The BEST LIVE MUSIC in Cedar Springs! Scottville Clown Band Concert 5 pm – 7 pm. Enjoy the IN THE RED BAND from 8 pm -midnight. MILLER/MILLER LITE, LEINENKUGEL’S & SMIRNOFF ICE products! RED FLANNEL GRAND LODGE TENT, AMERICAN LEGION, MAIN & BEECH STREET AMERICAN LEGION - BLACKJACK 6 pm - midnight. Everyone welcome. AMERICAN LEGION HALL – MAIN & BEECH STREETS - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC POWDER PUFF FOOTBALL Junior and Senior young ladies play flag football! Begins at 6:30 pm. RED HAWK STADIUM KEYSTONE KOPS The MOST FAMOUS ICON of the Festival, they arrest everyone not wearing RED! Be on the look out and prepared with $1 in “bail money” to “get out of jail”! KEYSTONE KOP JAIL at MAIN & ASH STREETS CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL Kent County, Michigan Councilmember ________________, supported by Councilmember __________________, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 24 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REQUEST OF THE RED FLANNEL FESTIVAL DESIGNATING ALL RED FLANNEL EVENTS AS “COMMUNITY EVENTS.” WHEREAS, the Red Flannel Festival has requested designation of the Red Flannel Festival as a Community Event; and WHEREAS, certain provisions of the City’s Ordinance can be waived if the event is designated as a “community event”; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. that the City Council agrees to designate all Red Flannel events as Community Events thereby exempting it from certain City Ordinances (where applicable.) YEAS: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ NAYS: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ABSENT: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ABSTAIN: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 24 DECLARED ADOPTED. Dated: July 9, 2015 ________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk Certification I certify that this is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Cedar Springs at a Regular Meeting held July 9, 2015 and that public notice of the meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended. Dated: July 9, 2015 ________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk Cedar Springs City Councilors Cedar Springs City Manager June 22, 2015 Dear City Officials: Attached please find all of the required forms and mandatory paperwork for the Red Flannel Festival Board of Directors to host the 76th Annual Red Flannel Festival in Cedar Springs and to have your vote that it qualifies for Community Event status. This year, the Festival theme is “There’s a New Sheriff In Town!” The Red Flannel Board of Directors is requesting the following: • Red Flannel Festival deemed a Community Event • Parade Fees Waived • Peddler’s Fees Waived • Any other fees that may be applicable be waived This year, the Festival has one new event, an inflatable obstacle course and old tyme photographs. There will not be a Lumberjack Show this year. Red Flannel Regards, Michele Tracy President Red Flannel Festival Board of Directors CITY OF CEDAR SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL Kent County, Michigan Councilmember ________________, supported by Councilmember __________________, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 25 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER SIDEWALK SALES AND MOVIES IN THE PARK AS COMMUNITY EVENTS. WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce has requested designation of its August and September Sidewalk Sales and Movies in the Park as Community Events; and WHEREAS, certain provisions of the City’s Ordinance can be waived if the event is designated as a “Community Event”; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. that the City Council agrees to designate the Chamber of Commerce’s August and September Sidewalk Sales and Movies in the Park as Community Events thereby exempting it from certain City Ordinances (where applicable.) YEAS: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ NAYS: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ABSENT: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ ABSTAIN: Councilmembers: ____________________________________________ RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 25 DECLARED ADOPTED. Dated: July 9, 2015 ________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk Certification I certify that this is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Cedar Springs at a Regular Meeting held July 9, 2015 and that public notice of the meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended. Dated: July 9, 2015 ________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk CITY MANAGER’S REPORT FOR THE JULY 9, 2015 COUNCIL MEETING 1. Contractor Payment for USDA Project: The City’s contractor will receive payment based on approval by the USDA and subsequent release of funds to the City by the USDA. The bills paid will be reported to Council in the regular manner. 2. Library and Shared Cost for FOIA Policy: The library elected to develop their own FOIA policy rather than using the City’s policy and sharing policy development cost with the City. 3. MERS Actuarial Valuation Report: We received the 2014 MERS actuarial valuation report and it contained very good news. First, our funded ratio increased from 88% in 2013 to 93% in 2014. Second, our unfunded accrued liabilities decreased by $150,677; from $368,876 in 2013 to $217,876 in 2014. Of the current unfunded liability ($217,876) we have $175,000 designate in fund balance for our unfunded liability in the pension system. In essence, at this time we have all but approximately $42,000 of the unfunded liability covered. Finally, in 2016 our monthly payment is projected to be reduced by about 50%. Deb Brunett had preliminary discussion about continuing our current rate of payment into 2016 in an attempt to further reduce our unfunded accrued liabilities. 4. Tax Roll: The City’s Assessor has found two organizations that own property in the City, the Red Flannel Festival and Hope Network, were not on our tax roll. According to the Assessor neither organization, per state law, are exempt from property taxes. He has and/or will put their properties on the tax roll. He has notified both organizations and explained to them the reasons for the change. As the Assessor becomes more familiar with our tax roll, there may be other similar changes. The Assessor and I are also working through a situation where an organization currently has exclusive use of City property and a proposed use of City property by an individual who will profit from his use of City property. According to the Assessor if an organization or individual has exclusive of City property, that property must be placed on the tax rolls. The same situation exists with an individual making a profit using City property. In these cases the property would be put on the rolls, with the City responsible for payment of taxes. We’re working through both situations with a goal of allowing use of City property with the City receiving a payment for use of the property that will, at a minimum, the same as the amount of taxes billed to the City. I will keep you informed of developments as they occur. 5. EDA Grant Application: I filed a preliminary, short form, grant application with the EDA for the extension of West Street to 16 Mile road, pavement of the access road to the waste water treatment plant from West Street to the White Pine Trail and the extension of water and sewer utilities along West Street extended to the south City limits. The application is requesting about $1.65 million from the EDA, about half of the projected project cost. The preliminary grant application is just that, very preliminary. The application basically puts the EDA on notice of our interest in a project, allows them to review, work with the City to refine the application and perhaps, approve it for the next step in the process. The application requests $1.65 million from the EDA, about half of the projected project cost. Victor Hansen, owner of Display Pack and Hansen Realty, indicated he would be willing to contribute to the project cost, however at this time he’s not certain as to the amount. I am working with The Right Place on state grant funding opportunities that may be applicable to this project. I’ll keep Council informed as more information is available. CITY COUNCIL GOALS --STATUS REPORT FOR MAY 14, 2015 A. Catalogue available City-owned properties for sale/development (Economic Development): • Identified all City owned properties. • Developed map showing location of all City properties. • Developing a chart that will show current use of each property and those that may meet criteria as eligible for sale/development. • Administrative Assistant continues to work on the chart, should be available in near future. • Information assembled showing all City properties by their current use and properties that may be appropriate for sale/development. • Information will be on Council’s October 9, 2014 agenda for discussion and possible action. • Per Council’s direction information to be placed on future agenda, possibly January or February 2015. • Information present to Council at the January 8, 2015 meeting for discussion. • Recommendation to Council to sell or donate property at 174 Pine Street to ICCF on February Agenda. • Recommendation to Council to sell or donate property at 174 Pine Street to ICCF on March Agenda • At the March meeting, Council declined to sell or donate 174 Pine Street to ICCF. I intend to bring another option(s) to dispose of 174 Pine Street at the June Council meeting. • Council agreed to “swap” City property at 116 N. Fifth St. for property owned by the CBDT at 158 Pine St. End result being the City would own to adjacent parcels on Pine St. that together might be attractive to a developer. I will bring Council a recommendation on disposal of the Pine Street property(s) once the property “swap” with CBDT is complete. B. Determine improvements needed to available City-owned properties to make property appropriate for development (Economic Development): • No action to date, waiting for completion of A above. • No action to date, waiting for completion of A above. • Information assembled and will be on Council’s October 9, 2014 agenda for discussion and possible action. • Per Council’s direction information to be placed on future agenda, possibly January or February 2015. • Information presented to Council at the January 8, 2015, meeting for discussion. • No further action, anticipate further information at the March Council meeting. • Working with MEDC, MDOT, KCRC, WMRPC, The Right Place and Display Pack to extend West Street to 16 Mile Road and extend city utilities to the south city limits. This project will take some time to put together and hopefully, will involve funding from State and Federal agencies, private sector and City. • Submitted a preliminary grant application with EDA for the project. Had a discussion with the owner of Display Pack and Hansen Realty, he is agreeable to contributing money towards the project. Finally, had a brief discussion with The Right Place about an idea to bring State funding to the project and will follow-up for more details. C. Façade Incentive Program (Community Image): • Identified Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) programs that might be appropriate for funding. • Determining if the MEDC programs use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. • If the programs use CDBG funds, do a cost/benefit analysis to determine if City should opt out of Kent County’s direct CDBG allocation program. • Meet with Ryan Kilpatrick, Michigan Economic Development Corporation to discuss their façade incentive program. • Administrative Assistant working to identify potential buildings in the DDA, contact the owners and gauge the level of interest in such a program. • Determined that City does not qualify as a low/moderate income community, thus Façade grants require one new full-time equivalent (fte) position for each $10,000-$15,000 in grant funding. Discussed this with one building owner and the requirement is too restrictive to pursue. Will explore further with other property owners. • No further action. • No further action, will add to DDA agenda in January 2015. • No further action at this time. • No further action at this time. • No further action at this time. • No further action at this time. D. City to set example with City-owned properties (Community Image): • Additional funds made available for a second trimming at Elmwood Cemetery. • Continue emphasis with employees of need to keep City property looking as good as it can. • No further action. • Select City streets scheduled for sweeping first week of September. • Select City streets swept, will explore funding for additional street sweeping in FY 15/16. • Continued emphasis on appearance of City property. • On-going goal; will continue to monitor appearance of City property. • On-going goal; will continue to monitor appearance of City property. • On-going goal; will continue to monitor appearance of City property. • Replace tile flooring in City Hall in May, expect to have funding In the FY 15/16 budget to replace the carpet in City Hall. • Funding in the FY 15/16 budget for City Hall carpeting and will go out for bids in the near future. E. Street needs assessment, develop prioritization plan, develop multi-year project plan, develop mechanism(s) for funding street improvements (Transportation): • • • • • • • • • • Met with City’s Engineer to discuss industry standards for street assessment and get input on appropriate manner to prioritize needs. Pavement Surface and Evaluation Rating (PASER) of all City streets will occur within the next 1-3 months. PASER is done by the Grand Valley Metro Council (GVMC) and is included in the City’s membership fee. PASER will evaluate our streets and the information will drive which are our priorities. No further action, waiting for PASER information. No further action, waiting for PASER information. No further action, waiting for PASER information. PASER information available by end of December, 2014. No further action, still waiting for PASER information from GVMC. PASER information received and reviewed internally, presentation included with the FY 2015/2016 budget workshop. Intend to have a special Council workshop to discuss overall infrastructure needs and options for funding. Anticipate the meeting occurring in early fall. PASER information given to the City’s engineering firm and asked for a report/recommendation on plan for addressing street needs based on PASER report, to include cost estimate. F. Water/ Sanitary Storm needs assessment, replacement/repair/creation prioritization, develop mechanisms for funding (Health/Safety/Welfare): • City applied for the SAW grant and is awaiting find out if we’re awarded a second round grant. If awarded the SAW Grant will information on the sanitary storm system needs. • No further action, still waiting for second round of grant funding. • No further action, still waiting for second round of grant funding. • No further action, still waiting for second round of grant funding. • Did not receive a grant in second round of funding, waiting for the third round. • No further action, waiting for third round of funding. • Per engineering firm, anticipated funding available in FY 2016/2017. • No new information. • No new information. G. Sewer System upgrade to include Wastewater Plant (Health/Safety/Welfare): • Council authorized approximately $3M to line selected portions of the sanitary sewer system and replace about 6 blocks of substandard sanitary sewer lines. • Assorted field work, coordinated by City Engineer, to gather information for design. • Started design phase. • Miscellaneous information exchange between DPW Superintendent, City Engineer, City Attorney and USDA in support of project. • Target for complete design is late fall/early winter. • Target for project bids is early 2015. • • • • • • • • Target for start of construction is Spring of 2015. Plan to have City Engineer at October or November Council meeting to provide status report on USDA project. City Engineer to update Council in November unless final design work is not completed. City Engineer presented project update at November 2014 Council meeting. Project set for bidding in early 2015, construction to begin in April/May 2015 and completion by end of September 2015. Reviewed bid documents, set to let bids in January 2015 with bids due mid to late February 2015. Letting bids on hold until we secure easements from several property owners. Initial bid letting resulted in bids exceeding budget. Changes made to plans with hopes of lower bids and packets out for bid. Bid opening is May 13 and anticipate bid award at the May Council meeting. Scope of project modified to meet the available funding, bids received and contractor selected and project slated to start on/or about July 20. H. Morley Park Pavilion (Recreational): • Kevin Galloway, Eagle Scout candidate, is coordinating the construction of a pavilion in Morley Park to fulfill his Eagle Scout requirements. The target cost is $17,000. • The City’s FY 2014-2015 budget includes $5,000 towards the construction of the pavilion envisioned by Kevin. • City will also provide additional, in kind work, as/if necessary. • Met with Kevin Galloway in late July for an update and to advise him of City’s $5,000 contribution. • Kevin is moving forward with the project. Plans are to begin construction in mid-2015. Intervening months devoted to project design, identifying partners and obtaining financial support. • No further action anticipated until early 2015. • No further action anticipated until early 2015. • No further action anticipated until early 2015. • No further action anticipated until early 2015. • Kevin on Council’s February agenda to provide an update, information is he’s nearing the funding goal. • Kevin reached his funding goal and held a ground breaking on April 24. He anticipates completion of gazebo by end of July. • Kevin is waiting delivery of the gazebo and also coordinating crew to construct the gazebo. I. City-wide Community Picnic (Recreational): • No action to date. • No action to date. • No further action anticipated until early 2015. • • • • • • J. No further action anticipated until early 2015. No further action anticipated until early 2015. No further action anticipated until early 2015. No further action anticipated until April 2015. No further action. No further action. Fiscal condition of City: ways to improve, meet our needs, etc. (Community Involvement): • City is exploring the option of contracting with the Kent County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services. • Developed and distributed approximately 1,500 surveys to citizens to gauge their position on contracting with Sheriff’s Department. Have received about 110 surveys to date, slightly more than half do not support contracting with Sheriff’s Department. • Held a special Council meeting in July as an opportunity for citizens to learn more about the proposal and ask questions. Approximately 40 individuals in attendance. • City Manager and Police Chief met with the Sheriff and his administrative team to discuss contract considerations deemed necessary/important from City’s perspective. • Update on events to date available for Council at the August 21, 2014 meeting. • Received email from Sheriff Stelma indicating that a draft agreement should be available on or around September 12. • Draft agreement for police services through Kent County Sheriff’s Department is on the October 9, 2014 agenda for discussion/consideration. • Kent County Sheriff’s Department assumed responsibility for City’s law enforcement needs on November 7th, 2015. • December 2014 Council authorized partnership with Solon Township for a study of ways the fire departments might cooperate and/or improve operational efficiency. • Solon Township is soliciting requests for proposals for the study, intent is to identify a consultant before March. • Solon Township accepted proposal beyond the original deadline due to no proposals received. Last communication indicated they received two proposals and were awaiting another. • Solon Township selected a consultant with an anticipated start date of end of June, first half of July. • I spoke with the consultant, he still anticipates a mid to late July start. K. Community Survey, i.e. what doing right, what doing wrong, what are perceived needs/wants, suggestions, etc. (Community Involvement): • No action to date. • • • • • • • • No action to date. No action to date. No action to date. Sent requests for resident email information in December tax bills, sheet asking same at front desk for walk-in customers and on City’s website. Intent is to develop a list of email addresses for a web-based community survey. Have received about 30 email addresses to date, need more to be effective. Will explore additional means to get residents to participate. Have received 40 email addresses to date, considering options to generate more interest. Also considering the cost of a traditional survey format. No additional email addresses received. Still evaluating options for a survey. No new action to date. L. Use of technology – opportunities to promote/communicate (Technology/Training Improvements): • No action to date. • No action to date. • No action to date. • No action to date. • • • • • • • City attempting to develop a list of resident’s email addresses in effort to communicate directly relative to alerts, general information, community issues, etc. Have received about 30 email addresses to date, need more to be effective. Will explore additional means to get residents to participate. Taping Council meetings and workshops and putting them on City’s website and/or YouTube is on the January 8, 2015 Council agenda for consideration. Purchased and installed a camera in Council Chambers, established a YouTube account and February meeting will mark the start of taping Council meetings. Technical difficulties with the Wi-Fi in Council chambers resulted in video being compromised. At March meeting will discuss with Council options going forward. Technical problems resolved, successful taping of March and April Council meetings. Funding in FY 15/16 budget for program that will significantly improve staff’s ability to generate necessary information for the State and access information from other communities for comparability studies. M. Continue planning for needs/wants (Technology/Training Improvements): • Continue the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to document needs and develop a timeline for funding the needs. • Administrative Assistant becoming acquainted with the CIP process, reviewing past documents and working on form/format for this year’s CIP. • Administrative Assistant beginning CIP process. • • • • • • • Department heads notified that their portion of the CIP must be completed by November 15, 2014. Goal is to have draft CIP ready for Planning Commission review in February or March of 2015. Information submitted, beginning the administrative review process. Draft CIP submitted, review with individual department heads in mid-January. Administrative Assistant working on final draft of CIP. Final draft will be presented to the Planning Commission in March for review/comment/approval and then to Council as part of the budget process. Final draft of CIP presented to the Planning Commission on March 3. Final adoption of CIP is by Council as part of the budget process. CIP slated for adoption at May Council meeting as part of FY 15/16 budget. Several CIP projects are included in the proposed budget. CIP and budget adopted with recommended CIP projects. Those projects will be completed during FY 15/16. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROVIDING THE HIGHEST QUALITY PUBLIC SERVICES SINCE 1959 June 2015 Department Report General Updates On Monday the 29th a 14” pipe tee ruptured in the basement of the Treatment Plant. Although we did get the leak stopped and the tank pumped out the tee will have to be replaced. This puts #2 Reactor out of service until this can be done. I’m expecting the cost for replacement to be around $5,000 We are still receiving numerous requests from citizens of the Prairie Run Development to remove dead ash trees from the right of way. These trees are infected with the Emerald Ash Boer and we are removing them when requested. Hopefully we can add funds to the next budget year for replacement. Sewer System improvements Construction is scheduled to start July 20th. I’d like to thank the entire City Staff for everything they have done make this project a reality. Elmwood Cemetery We had a total of 5 burials this month. Water & Wastewater The Wells produced 8.8 Million Gallons of water this month and The Treatment plant treated 25.8 Million gallons for a difference of 17 Million Gallons. This difference is mostly caused by groundwater infiltration. Year to date we have treated 158.9 Million Gallons which is 19.3 million gallons less than Last year. The Consumer Confidence Report is finished and on the City’s Web Site. I know I say this often but I can’t express enough what a fantastic job my Staff and the Treatment Plant Staff do every day and how much I appreciate them! Respectfully submitted by: Tom Thomas Stressman Department of Public Works Director KENT COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Cedar Springs Unit COUNCIL REPORT: June, 2015 • Sgt. Jason Kelley Sex Offender Checks: All sex offenders within City of Cedar Springs have been verified. Two offenders were found to be non-compliant and charges have been requested for their arrest. o All four Cedar Springs Deputies took part in this verification and did an excellent job. • Directed Patrol: The speed sign is no longer in the city. Speed areas are being assigned, case by case, directed patrol. A directed patrol is an assignment to a deputy for patrol in a specific area for traffic control. No significant issues have been located. ____________________________________________________ To: Mayor Hall and City Councilmembers From: Linda Christensen, City Clerk Subject: Clerk Report Date: ____________________________________________________ The United States Election Assistance Commission has released its summary report on the 2014 Election Administration and Voting Survey. Among the key findings are the following: • According to the data submitted by the States and territories, 81,133,122 individuals participated in the 2014 election. • Of the more than 81 million people who turned out to vote in 2014, over 60% voted at the polls, 17.5% voted a domestic absentee ballot, and 10.7% voted early (prior to Election Day). • States reported counting 98.2% of the domestic absentee ballots submitted. The most common reason for absentee ballot rejection was a missed deadline for returning the ballot, followed by invalid signatures. • A total of 892,202 provisional ballots were submitted according to the States and territories. 80.3% of those ballots were counted in whole or in part. Of the 171,443 that were not counted, the most common reason was because the voter was not properly registered. • In 2014, States operated 178,636 precincts and over 114,000 physical polling places. States employed almost 731,000 poll workers on Election Day. The largest number of poll workers ranged from 41 to 70 years of age. The report also covers data regarding the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA, or “motor voter”) and the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). From the release: NVRA: Key Report Findings • There were approximately 190 million total registered voters reported for the November 2014 midterm election. The number of registered voters in 2014 represents an increase of approximately 3.2 million voters since the 2010 midterm election cycle. • According to the responses to the survey and population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, 84.7% of American citizens of voting age were registered to vote in the 2014 elections. • 33 States reported receiving voter registration applications over the Internet. • Internet applications accounted for 6.5% of the total number received, up from 1.7% in 2010. • There were 16.6 million new applications in 2014, an increase in new applications as compared to the 2010 elections when there were 14.3 million new registrants. • States found invalid or otherwise rejected over 984,000 voter registration applications, a decrease from the 1.3 million voter registration applications that were rejected in 2010. In addition, nearly 3.5 million applications were duplicates of existing registrations. Altogether, 9.0% of registration applications were invalid or duplicates, a decrease from the 9.4% of registration applications that were invalid or duplicates in 2010. • States removed over 14.8 million voters from voter registration lists. The NVRA allows states to remove voters who have not voted in two consecutive federal general elections and failed to respond to a confirmation notice from an elections office. Other reasons include death, felony conviction, having moved from one jurisdiction to another, mental incompetence, or at the voter’s request … UOCAVA: Key Report Findings • States transmitted 420,094 ballots to UOCAVA-covered voters for the 2014 election, with just over half (51.4%) going to civilian citizens living overseas. Another 46.0% went to uniformed services members. • Of the UOCAVA ballots transmitted, 34.6% (145,509) were returned and submitted for counting, which is an increase from the 30.2% in 2010. • States reported counting 137,683 UOCAVA ballots, or 94.6% of the total submitted for counting. • States reported rejecting 8,492 ballots. The most common reason given for rejecting a UOCAVA ballot was that the ballot was not received on time; States reported that 48.9% of rejected ballots were rejected for this reason. • States reported that 1,934 voters submitted a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot, which is a sharp decrease from the 4,294 voters who submitted an FWAB in 2010. City of Cedar Springs MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Deb Brunett, Finance Director Date: July 9, 2015 Subject: Monthly Reports The summer tax bills have been mailed to residents! Tax information is also available on the city website. I have prepared a budget amendment to add $4000 to the budget for funding of the Cedar Springs Historical Museum. The annual Industry Facilities Tax report has been filed with the State of Michigan. June 30 was our fiscal year end so we are busy wrapping things up with final invoices and payroll numbers for the year. I hope to have an audit date scheduled soon. 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number CH1CD ChoiceOne CDARS Account 101-000.000-003.190 202-000.000-003.190 203-000.000-003.190 226-000.000-003.190 250-000.000-003.190 260-000.000-003.190 271-000.000-003.190 280-000.000-003.190 475-000.000-003.190 480-000.000-003.190 481-000.000-003.190 590-000.000-003.190 591-000.000-003.190 661-000.000-003.190 711-000.000-003.190 Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 Choice One Certificates 101-000.000-001.140 203-000.000-001.140 226-000.000-001.140 250-000.000-001.140 255-000.000-001.140 260-000.000-001.140 271-000.000-001.140 280-000.000-001.140 481-000.000-001.140 590-000.000-001.140 591-000.000-001.140 661-000.000-001.140 711-000.000-001.140 CHOIC 101-000.000-003.150 202-000.000-003.150 203-000.000-003.150 226-000.000-003.150 250-000.000-003.150 255-000.000-003.150 260-000.000-003.150 280-000.000-003.150 1/6 Ending Balance 06/30/2015 Total Debits Total Credits 205,221.47 78,705.52 45,302.08 18,305.11 0.00 0.00 66,473.99 14,311.06 50,492.02 5,030.86 56,700.95 403,816.31 294,135.90 112,964.67 174,169.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205,221.47 78,705.52 45,302.08 18,305.11 0.00 0.00 66,473.99 14,311.06 50,492.02 5,030.86 56,700.95 403,816.31 294,135.90 112,964.67 174,169.58 1,525,629.52 0.00 0.00 1,525,629.52 ChoiceOne Investment Checking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking Cash in Bank-Choice One Cking 416,819.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199,587.07 42,611.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 416,819.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199,587.07 42,611.91 0.00 0.00 Choice One Certificates 659,018.07 0.00 0.00 659,018.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Description CDARS Investments-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank CDARS-ChoiceOne Bank ChoiceOne CDARS Account CH1CK Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates of of of of of of of of Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit - Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice One One One One One One One One 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number Description 475-000.000-003.150 480-000.000-003.150 481-000.000-003.150 590-000.000-003.150 591-000.000-003.150 661-000.000-003.150 711-000.000-003.150 Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Cleo2 COCD CHOICE ONE CD 471-000.000-003.120 GENER 101-000.000-001.110 101-000.000-001.120 301-000.000-001.400 301-000.000-001.500 301-000.000-001.700 301-000.000-001.800 Ind#1 Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 Ending Balance 06/30/2015 Total Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cleo Cowles Checking 145.39 0.00 0.00 145.39 Cleo Cowles Account - Independent 145.39 0.00 0.00 145.39 CHOICE ONE CD 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 CHOICE ONE CD 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 206,938.19 2,632.04 68,166.53 76,551.14 11,303.53 1,443.04 0.00 0.00 2,894.60 3,980.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,235.32 87,676.71 0.00 14,042.07 5,189.24 1,741.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56,754.96 0.00 7,247.84 2,181.33 1,169.50 9.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 237,859.94 2,632.04 74,960.76 79,559.05 11,875.21 1,433.66 0.00 0.00 2,894.60 3,980.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,235.32 of of of of of of of Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit - Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice One One One One One One One Cash in Bank - Police Reserves Cash in Bank- Police Recovered GGO Bond Payment CIB Spec Assmt Bond Paymt CIB Spec Assmt Bond Rcvg CIB GO Capital Impr. Bond Pmt 2003 General Checking - Independent Bank 101-000.000-001.100 101-000.000-001.111 202-000.000-001.100 203-000.000-001.100 226-000.000-001.100 250-000.000-001.100 255-000.000-001.100 260-000.000-001.100 280-000.000-001.100 301-000.000-001.100 301-000.000-001.410 301-000.000-001.510 301-000.000-001.600 301-000.000-001.710 301-000.000-001.810 2/6 Total Debits Cleo Cowles Account - Independent 271-000.000-002.100 Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 General Checking - Independent Police Reserves-Checking General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent General Checking - Independent GGO Bond Payment CIB Spec Assmt Bond Paymt CIB MI Transportation Bonds 06 Pmt FundBond Rcvg CIB Spec Assmt GO Capital Impr. Bond Pmt 2003 Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number Description 301-000.000-001.900 450-000.000-001.100 475-000.000-001.100 480-000.000-001.100 481-000.000-001.100 490-000.000-001.100 493-000.000-001.100 496-000.000-001.100 590-000.000-001.100 591-000.000-001.100 661-000.000-001.100 701-000.000-001.100 711-000.000-001.100 2007 Capital Impr. General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking General Checking - Ind#2 Ind#3 Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 Total Credits Ending Balance 06/30/2015 0.00 0.00 20,454.50 61,213.76 21,224.22 0.00 39,716.15 0.00 322,295.69 54,264.42 75,527.08 5,124.37 7,628.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66,751.89 41,122.15 21,986.07 977.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64,746.61 29,385.97 22,523.39 842.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,454.50 61,213.76 21,224.22 0.00 39,716.15 0.00 324,300.97 66,000.60 74,989.76 5,259.37 8,828.24 General Checking - Independent Bank 982,593.71 240,686.31 184,860.98 1,038,419.04 Independent Bank Checking - Grant Acct 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Independent Bank Checking - Grant Acct 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CDARS Deposit Checking Account 101-000.000-001.130 101-000.000-003.180 101-000.000-035.200 202-000.000-001.130 202-000.000-003.180 203-000.000-001.130 226-000.000-001.130 250-000.000-001.130 260-000.000-001.130 260-000.000-003.180 271-000.000-001.130 271-000.000-003.130 271-000.000-003.180 280-000.000-001.130 301-000.000-001.130 301-000.000-003.000 450-000.000-001.130 450-000.000-035.000 475-000.000-001.130 475-000.000-003.180 480-000.000-001.130 480-000.000-003.180 481-000.000-001.130 Total Debits 3/6 Bond Pmt Acct Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Independent Bank Checking - Grant Acct 101-000.000-002.200 Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificate of Deposit-Spaces Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Independent Bank Investment Acct Independent Bank Investment Acct Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Cowles Interest Earned Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Independent Bank Investment Acct West Side Special Assessment Rec. Invest Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificate of Deposit-Staging Area Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number 481-000.000-003.180 490-000.000-001.130 490-000.000-003.180 496-000.000-001.130 496-000.000-003.180 590-000.000-001.130 590-000.000-003.180 590-000.000-035.500 591-000.000-001.130 591-000.000-003.180 591-000.000-035.500 661-000.000-001.130 711-000.000-001.130 711-000.000-003.180 Ind#4 Ind#5 Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 Description Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Cert. of Dep.-Bond Reserve Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Cert. of Dep.-Bond Reserve Independent Bank Investment Acct Independent Bank Investment Acct Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk CDARS Deposit Checking Account CDARS Certificates Account 203-000.000-003.180 226-000.000-003.180 280-000.000-003.180 450-000.000-003.180 471-000.000-003.180 661-000.000-003.180 Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk Certificates of Deposit - Independent Bk CDARS Certificates Account Independent Bank Investment Account 101-000.000-001.170 202-000.000-001.170 481-000.000-001.170 590-000.000-001.170 591-000.000-001.170 661-000.000-001.170 711-000.000-001.170 Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Acct Acct Acct Acct Acct Acct Acct Independent Bank Investment Account INDEP Independent Bank Certificates of Deposit 101-000.000-035.000 202-000.000-035.000 203-000.000-035.000 226-000.000-035.000 250-000.000-035.000 255-000.000-035.000 Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate of of of of of of Deposit - Cossin Tree Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit 4/6 Ending Balance 06/30/2015 Total Debits Total Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,124.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,124.73 100,124.73 0.00 0.00 100,124.73 1,052.84 25,904.28 35,229.83 25,669.91 118.39 87.42 4,144.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,052.84 25,904.28 35,229.83 25,669.91 118.39 87.42 4,144.54 92,207.21 0.00 0.00 92,207.21 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number Description 260-000.000-035.000 271-000.000-035.000 271-000.000-035.100 280-000.000-035.000 475-000.000-035.000 480-000.000-035.000 481-000.000-035.000 496-000.000-035.000 590-000.000-035.000 590-000.000-035.400 591-000.000-035.000 661-000.000-035.000 711-000.000-035.000 Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate LibCD LibCk LIBRA 271-000.000-001.150 Total Credits Ending Balance 06/30/2015 0.00 13,725.00 21,149.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,725.00 21,149.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Independent Bank Certificates of Deposit 49,874.76 0.00 0.00 49,874.76 Certificate of Deposit-Friends of the Li Independent Bank Investment Acct James Charon Memorial Investment Mabie New Library 06 DonationInvestment Geenen Donation Dec 08-Investment Red Flannel Acres 09 Donation 10,590.73 4,125.96 22,255.78 336,758.68 30,896.17 51,153.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,590.73 4,125.96 22,255.78 336,758.68 30,896.17 51,153.97 New Library Fund CDARS @ ChoiceOne Bank 455,781.29 0.00 0.00 455,781.29 General Checking - Independent Bank Friends of the Library General Checking - Independent Bank 67,058.44 2,649.52 18,259.77 28,018.42 0.00 20.00 28,510.86 0.00 17,965.00 66,566.00 2,649.52 314.77 Library Main Checking Account 87,967.73 28,038.42 46,475.86 69,530.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sewer Debt Service CIB 53,737.41 0.00 0.00 53,737.41 WWTP Bonds Debt Payment ACCT 53,737.41 0.00 0.00 53,737.41 18,679.97 0.00 0.00 18,679.97 Cash in Bank-Friends of the Library Water Improvment Bonds 2002 PMT ACCT 591-000.000-001.200 Total Debits 5/6 Deposit Deposit-Cowles Deposit-USF Funds Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Dep - Sewer Ops Deposit Deposit Deposit WWTP Bonds Debt Payment ACCT 590-000.000-001.300 WATER of of of of of of of of of of of of of Library Main Checking Account 271-000.000-001.100 271-000.000-001.151 471-000.000-001.100 SEWER Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 New Library Fund CDARS @ ChoiceOne Bank 271-000.000-003.110 471-000.000-001.130 471-000.000-003.000 471-000.000-003.100 471-000.000-003.160 471-000.000-003.170 Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 Cash in Bank-Water Debt Servic 07/01/2015 02:26 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs Bank Code GL Number Page: CASH SUMMARY BY BANK FROM 06/01/2015 TO 06/30/2015 Description Water Improvment Bonds 2002 PMT ACCT TOTAL - ALL FUNDS Beginning Balance 06/01/2015 6/6 Ending Balance 06/30/2015 Total Debits Total Credits 18,679.97 0.00 0.00 18,679.97 4,150,859.79 268,724.73 231,336.84 4,188,247.68 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 1/17 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 101 - General Fund Revenues 0 Unclassified 4000 Property Taxes 4300 Federal Revenue 4400 State Shared Revenues 4500 Other State Revenue 4700 Charges for Services 4750 Fines and Forfeitures 4800 Interest Earned 4850 Rentals 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 0.00 1,094,708.00 26,119.50 315,000.00 5,395.00 132,125.00 6,200.00 3,500.00 19,400.00 35,995.00 41,083.00 30,256.88 1,031,061.06 26,119.50 258,730.00 3,785.48 134,319.66 3,497.09 1,757.18 0.00 65,279.17 0.00 0.00 30,038.89 0.00 48,501.00 0.00 9,608.18 0.00 74.11 0.00 (24.15) 0.00 (30,256.88) 63,646.94 0.00 56,270.00 1,609.52 (2,194.66) 2,702.91 1,742.82 19,400.00 (29,284.17) 41,083.00 TOTAL Revenues 1,679,525.50 1,554,806.02 88,198.03 124,719.48 13,200.00 25,440.00 3,800.00 4,300.00 24,405.00 78,000.00 37,755.00 1,050.00 93,110.00 15,950.00 68,720.00 54,435.00 655,511.00 208,825.00 26,335.00 26,850.00 7,000.00 36,500.00 23,164.50 14,775.00 57,200.00 25,200.00 178,000.00 13,049.92 21,148.76 2,707.07 4,255.00 24,060.56 72,425.25 34,556.43 748.00 81,977.34 14,190.03 66,255.90 48,410.67 556,010.33 136,229.96 27,874.16 24,222.13 0.00 31,474.18 23,164.34 6,335.18 50,398.08 24,615.94 211,385.07 4,752.21 1,558.74 0.00 0.00 1,890.16 4,714.50 2,292.82 0.00 4,980.46 479.99 10,521.76 10,763.02 44,100.51 7,253.66 2,810.14 2,800.55 0.00 2,754.35 0.00 242.50 7,905.13 17.71 0.00 150.08 4,291.24 1,092.93 45.00 344.44 5,574.75 3,198.57 302.00 11,132.66 1,759.97 2,464.10 6,024.33 99,500.67 72,595.04 (1,539.16) 2,627.87 7,000.00 5,025.82 0.16 8,439.82 6,801.92 584.06 (33,385.07) TOTAL Expenditures 1,679,525.50 1,475,494.30 109,838.21 204,031.20 87.85 Fund 101 - General Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1,679,525.50 1,679,525.50 0.00 1,554,806.02 1,475,494.30 79,311.72 88,198.03 109,838.21 (21,640.18) 124,719.48 204,031.20 (79,311.72) 92.57 87.85 100.00 Expenditures 101.000 172.000 191.000 202.000 209.000 210.000 215.000 247.000 250.000 258.000 265.000 276.000 301.000 336.000 371.000 401.000 446.000 448.000 729.000 730.000 751.000 851.000 999.000 Legislative-City Council City Manager Elections Accounting & Auditing City Assessor City Attorney City Clerk/Deputy Board of Review General Administration Computer Department City Buildings & Grounds Cemetery Police Department Fire Department Code Enforcement Planning & Zoning Storm Drains Street Lighting USEPA Grant Administration Community Promotion Parks & Rec Unallocated Employee Benefits Transfers Out 100.00 94.19 100.00 82.14 70.17 101.66 56.40 50.21 0.00 181.36 0.00 92.57 98.86 83.13 71.24 98.95 98.59 92.85 91.53 71.24 88.04 88.97 96.41 88.93 84.82 65.24 105.84 90.21 0.00 86.23 100.00 42.88 88.11 97.68 118.76 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 2/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 202 - Major Street Fund Revenues 4500 Other State Revenue 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 156,658.00 300.00 1,300.00 113,752.00 156,851.08 227.92 0.00 0.00 14,042.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 (193.08) 72.08 1,300.00 113,752.00 TOTAL Revenues 272,010.00 157,079.00 14,042.07 114,931.00 57.75 153,900.00 11,875.00 40,335.00 65,900.00 41,539.19 5,723.68 32,073.98 41,099.83 5,527.79 988.78 153.04 637.94 112,360.81 6,151.32 8,261.02 24,800.17 26.99 48.20 79.52 62.37 TOTAL Expenditures 272,010.00 120,436.68 7,307.55 151,573.32 44.28 Fund 202 - Major Street Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 272,010.00 272,010.00 0.00 157,079.00 120,436.68 36,642.32 14,042.07 7,307.55 6,734.52 114,931.00 151,573.32 (36,642.32) 57.75 44.28 100.00 Expenditures 463.000 474.000 478.000 483.000 Maintenance Traffic Services Winter Maintenance Administration 100.12 75.97 0.00 0.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Fund 203 - Local Street Fund Revenues 4500 Other State Revenue 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8000 Transfers In 8500 Budget Appropriations Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 3/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED 57,857.00 100.00 100.00 24,000.00 39,468.00 62,562.43 37.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,189.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,705.43) 62.32 100.00 24,000.00 39,468.00 108.13 37.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 121,525.00 62,600.11 5,189.24 58,924.89 51.51 66,850.00 3,825.00 20,925.00 29,925.00 18,768.73 1,269.94 17,189.77 18,608.11 1,390.38 563.01 67.61 311.48 48,081.27 2,555.06 3,735.23 11,316.89 28.08 33.20 82.15 62.18 TOTAL Expenditures 121,525.00 55,836.55 2,332.48 65,688.45 45.95 Fund 203 - Local Street Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 121,525.00 121,525.00 0.00 62,600.11 55,836.55 6,763.56 5,189.24 2,332.48 2,856.76 58,924.89 65,688.45 (6,763.56) 51.51 45.95 100.00 TOTAL Revenues Expenditures 463.000 474.000 478.000 483.000 Maintenance Traffic Services Winter Maintenance Administration 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 4/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 226 - Refuse Pickup & Disposal Fund Revenues 4000 Property Taxes 4700 Charges for Services 4800 Interest Earned 27,465.00 0.00 50.00 27,518.23 30.00 15.20 1,741.18 0.00 0.00 (53.23) (30.00) 34.80 100.19 100.00 30.40 TOTAL Revenues 27,515.00 27,563.43 1,741.18 (48.43) 100.18 27,515.00 26,667.09 1,169.70 847.91 96.92 TOTAL Expenditures 27,515.00 26,667.09 1,169.70 847.91 96.92 Fund 226 - Refuse Pickup & Disposal Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 27,515.00 27,515.00 0.00 27,563.43 26,667.09 896.34 1,741.18 1,169.70 571.48 (48.43) 847.91 (896.34) 100.18 96.92 100.00 Expenditures 528.000 Refuse Collection/Disposal 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 5/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 250 - Downtown Development (DDA) Revenues 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 0.00 1,500.00 65.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (65.00) 1,500.00 TOTAL Revenues 1,500.00 65.00 0.00 1,435.00 4.33 1,500.00 712.13 9.38 787.87 47.48 TOTAL Expenditures 1,500.00 712.13 9.38 787.87 47.48 Fund 250 - Downtown Development (DDA): TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 65.00 712.13 (647.13) 0.00 9.38 (9.38) 1,435.00 787.87 647.13 4.33 47.48 100.00 Expenditures 740.000 DDA 100.00 0.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Fund 271 - Library Fund Revenues 4000 Property Taxes 4500 Other State Revenue 4600 Local Revenue 4750 Fines and Forfeitures 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 6/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED 63,135.00 2,500.00 50,000.00 25,791.00 450.00 500.00 0.00 62,333.61 5,575.78 49,044.16 24,293.18 1,183.88 6,218.27 17,965.00 754.17 2,760.62 348.00 721.95 12.53 5,206.15 17,965.00 801.39 98.73 (3,075.78) 223.03 955.84 98.09 1,497.82 94.19 (733.88) 263.08 (5,718.27) 1,243.65 (17,965.00) 100.00 142,376.00 166,613.88 27,768.42 (24,237.88) 117.02 142,376.00 159,882.79 28,260.86 (17,506.79) 112.30 TOTAL Expenditures 142,376.00 159,882.79 28,260.86 (17,506.79) 112.30 Fund 271 - Library Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 142,376.00 142,376.00 0.00 166,613.88 159,882.79 6,731.09 27,768.42 28,260.86 (492.44) (24,237.88) (17,506.79) (6,731.09) 117.02 112.30 100.00 TOTAL Revenues Expenditures 958.000 Disbursements 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 7/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 280 - Sidewalk Improvement Fund Revenues 4800 Interest Earned 0.00 30.37 0.00 (30.37) 100.00 TOTAL Revenues 0.00 30.37 0.00 (30.37) 100.00 Fund 280 - Sidewalk Improvement Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.37 0.00 30.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 (30.37) 0.00 (30.37) 100.00 0.00 100.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Fund 301 - GO Debt Revenues 8000 Transfers In Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 8/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED 254,780.00 254,726.57 0.00 53.43 99.98 254,780.00 254,726.57 0.00 53.43 99.98 254,780.00 254,726.57 0.00 53.43 99.98 TOTAL Expenditures 254,780.00 254,726.57 0.00 53.43 99.98 Fund 301 - GO Debt: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 254,780.00 254,780.00 0.00 254,726.57 254,726.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.43 53.43 0.00 99.98 99.98 0.00 TOTAL Revenues Expenditures 990.000 GO Bond Debt Expenses 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 9/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 471 - New Library Facility Gift Fund Revenues 4600 Local Revenue 4800 Interest Earned 0.00 3,000.00 1,385.00 4,781.97 20.00 0.00 (1,385.00) (1,781.97) 100.00 159.40 TOTAL Revenues 3,000.00 6,166.97 20.00 (3,166.97) 205.57 3,000.00 17,965.00 17,965.00 (14,965.00) 598.83 TOTAL Expenditures 3,000.00 17,965.00 17,965.00 (14,965.00) 598.83 Fund 471 - New Library Facility Gift Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 6,166.97 17,965.00 (11,798.03) 20.00 17,965.00 (17,945.00) (3,166.97) (14,965.00) 11,798.03 205.57 598.83 100.00 Expenditures 790.000 Library 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 10/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 475 - Sewer Equipment Replacement Fund Revenues 4800 Interest Earned 8000 Transfers In 100.00 9,350.00 42.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.97 9,350.00 42.03 0.00 TOTAL Revenues 9,450.00 42.03 0.00 9,407.97 0.44 9,450.00 0.00 0.00 9,450.00 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 9,450.00 0.00 0.00 9,450.00 0.00 Fund 475 - Sewer Equipment Replacement Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 9,450.00 9,450.00 0.00 42.03 0.00 42.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,407.97 9,450.00 (42.03) Expenditures 545.000 Sewage Treatment Plant 0.44 0.00 100.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 11/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 480 - Water System Equipment Replacement Fund Revenues 4800 Interest Earned 8000 Transfers In 100.00 74,015.00 4.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.80 74,015.00 4.20 0.00 TOTAL Revenues 74,115.00 4.20 0.00 74,110.80 0.01 74,115.00 0.00 0.00 74,115.00 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 74,115.00 0.00 0.00 74,115.00 0.00 Fund 480 - Water System Equipment Replacement Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 74,115.00 74,115.00 0.00 4.20 0.00 4.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,110.80 74,115.00 (4.20) Expenditures 445.000 Water Department 0.01 0.00 100.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 12/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 481 - Water Capital Improvement Fund Revenues 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8000 Transfers In 500.00 1,000.00 55,910.00 268.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 231.92 1,000.00 55,910.00 53.62 0.00 0.00 TOTAL Revenues 57,410.00 268.08 0.00 57,141.92 0.47 57,410.00 57,409.84 0.00 0.16 100.00 TOTAL Expenditures 57,410.00 57,409.84 0.00 0.16 100.00 Fund 481 - Water Capital Improvement Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 57,410.00 57,410.00 0.00 268.08 57,409.84 (57,141.76) 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,141.92 0.16 57,141.76 0.47 100.00 100.00 Expenditures 445.000 Water Department 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 13/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 590 - Sewer Fund Revenues 4700 Charges for Services 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 764,600.00 1,000.00 7,400.00 165,020.00 760,162.43 1,083.81 7,434.54 0.00 63,996.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,437.57 (83.81) (34.54) 165,020.00 TOTAL Revenues 938,020.00 768,680.78 63,996.44 169,339.22 81.95 87,720.00 830,675.00 19,625.00 68,867.68 691,359.06 0.00 21,035.97 42,445.29 0.00 18,852.32 139,315.94 19,625.00 78.51 83.23 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 938,020.00 760,226.74 63,481.26 177,793.26 81.05 Fund 590 - Sewer Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 938,020.00 938,020.00 0.00 768,680.78 760,226.74 8,454.04 63,996.44 63,481.26 515.18 169,339.22 177,793.26 (8,454.04) Expenditures 540.000 545.000 999.000 Collection Systems Sewage Treatment Plant Transfers Out 99.42 108.38 100.47 0.00 81.95 81.05 100.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 14/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 591 - Water Fund Revenues 4700 Charges for Services 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 493,100.00 1,000.00 7,720.00 92,550.00 442,348.15 357.66 7,765.58 0.00 37,896.06 0.00 38.49 0.00 TOTAL Revenues 594,370.00 450,471.39 37,934.55 143,898.61 75.79 461,570.00 132,800.00 374,366.21 0.00 26,730.19 0.00 87,203.79 132,800.00 81.11 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 594,370.00 374,366.21 26,730.19 220,003.79 62.99 Fund 591 - Water Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 594,370.00 594,370.00 0.00 450,471.39 374,366.21 76,105.18 37,934.55 26,730.19 11,204.36 143,898.61 220,003.79 (76,105.18) 75.79 62.99 100.00 Expenditures 445.000 999.000 Water Department Transfers Out 50,751.85 642.34 (45.58) 92,550.00 89.71 35.77 100.59 0.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 15/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 661 - Motor Vehicle Equip Fund Revenues 4700 Charges for Services 4800 Interest Earned 4950 Other Revenues 8500 Budget Appropriations 121,000.00 400.00 12,000.00 72,680.00 109,093.34 301.50 3,453.21 0.00 21,986.07 0.00 183.21 0.00 11,906.66 98.50 8,546.79 72,680.00 90.16 75.38 28.78 0.00 TOTAL Revenues 206,080.00 112,848.05 22,169.28 93,231.95 54.76 206,080.00 145,271.94 22,525.54 60,808.06 70.49 TOTAL Expenditures 206,080.00 145,271.94 22,525.54 60,808.06 70.49 Fund 661 - Motor Vehicle Equip Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 206,080.00 206,080.00 0.00 112,848.05 145,271.94 (32,423.89) 22,169.28 22,525.54 (356.26) 93,231.95 60,808.06 32,423.89 54.76 70.49 100.00 Expenditures 447.000 Motor Pool 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 16/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 701 - Trust & Agency Fund Revenues 4000 Property Taxes 0.00 300.00 0.00 (300.00) 100.00 TOTAL Revenues 0.00 300.00 0.00 (300.00) 100.00 Expenditures 000.000 0.00 4,539.28 0.00 (4,539.28) 100.00 TOTAL Expenditures 0.00 4,539.28 0.00 (4,539.28) 100.00 Fund 701 - Trust & Agency Fund: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 4,539.28 (4,239.28) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (300.00) (4,539.28) 4,239.28 100.00 100.00 100.00 07/01/2015 02:29 PM User: DEB BRUNETT DB: Cedar Springs GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PERIOD ENDING 06/30/2015 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE 06/30/2015 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 06/30/2015 17/17 AVAILABLE BALANCE % BDGT USED Fund 711 - Perpetual Care Revenues 4700 Charges for Services 4800 Interest Earned 5,000.00 800.00 3,000.00 170.85 1,200.00 0.00 2,000.00 629.15 60.00 21.36 TOTAL Revenues 5,800.00 3,170.85 1,200.00 2,629.15 54.67 5,800.00 0.00 0.00 5,800.00 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 5,800.00 0.00 0.00 5,800.00 0.00 Fund 711 - Perpetual Care: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 5,800.00 5,800.00 0.00 3,170.85 0.00 3,170.85 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 4,387,476.50 4,387,476.50 0.00 3,565,436.73 3,453,535.12 111,901.61 Expenditures 276.000 Cemetery 262,259.21 279,620.17 (17,360.96) 2,629.15 5,800.00 (3,170.85) 54.67 0.00 100.00 822,039.77 933,941.38 (111,901.61) 81.26 78.71 100.00 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Cedar Springs Planning Commission Meeting Monday, June 15, 2015 7:00 p.m. Cedar Springs City Hall 66 S. Main St. Cedar Springs, Michigan 1. The Meeting was Called to Order by Chairperson Craig Owens at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2. ROLL CALL: Ms. Lisa Atchison Mr. Dale Bray Mrs. Kathy Bremmer Mr. Clinton Conley Ms. Sherri Foster Mr. Jerry Hall Mr. Perry Hopkins Mr. Mark Laws Mr. Craig Owens, Chairperson Present Excused Present Excused Present Present Present Present Present 3. City Planner Carmine Avantini was recognized as being present. 4. Motion by Foster, supported by Atchison, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 2015. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. 5. Motion by Atchison, supported by Hopkins, to approve the agenda and moving New Business, Item B to first on the agenda under New Business. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS. Kurt Mabie, Community Building Development Team provided an update on the group’s activities. Phase I plans call for the construction of an amphitheatre, boardwalk, wetland restoration and rain gardens. The group is also working with the library on its construction plans and the North Country Trail as well as Trout Unlimited. Phase II calls for construction of a community building and a clock tower at Maple and Main Streets. 7. SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS. A. Motion by Bremmer, supported by Atchison to open a Public Hearing on the creation of a Planned Unit Development Overlay District for downtown Cedar Springs with amendment to Article 9, Planned Unit Development, including the creation of a Preliminary PUD Site Plan and PUD Design Guidelines for downtown Cedar Springs. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. The Public Hearing opened at 7:12 p.m. 1. Staff Comments: Avantini provided background on the proposed plan commenting it would provide flexibility for developers in the downtown area, he said. 2. Public Comments: Betty Towns, 40 E. Elm St., suggested language calling for no air conditioning units to be permitted in windows on Main Street to be added to the design guidelines. 3. Motion by Hopkins, supported by Atchison, to close the Public Hearing. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:17 p.m. B. Motion by Hopkins, supported by Laws, to open a Public Hearing on a request to amend the Planned Unit Development site plan and corresponding special land use for a 2.15-acre parcel known as The Pines Condominiums. Parcel No. 41-02-25-280-007. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. The Public Hearing opened at 7:18 p.m. Foster stated she was president of The Pines Association and felt she had a potential conflict of interest in voting on the proposal. Avantini asked if she had a financial interest. She indicated her position was not a paid position. Motion by Bremmer, supported by Hall, that Foster did not have a personal gain in the project and should not be recused from voting on the proposal. VOTE: 6 – 1, (Foster) Motion Carried. 1. Staff Comments: Avantini reviewed his letter dated May 25, 2015 (Item A) outlining his review of the submitted site plan for the project. The developer wished to amend Phase 2 of The Pines PUD development approved in 2001. The original plan consisted of 16 attached single family condominiums in three buildings. The amended plan calls for 10 attached condominium units in five buildings with each building having access directly onto Needlewood Drive. The original plan called for access onto a cul-de-sac road. 2. Public Comments: Bob Teis, 355 Needlewood, had no objections to the condominiums; but he did object to changing from access to a cul-de-sac to Needlewood Dr. This would mean five more cuts on the road, he said. There were a lot of children in the neighborhood. He also stated the association had oversight of any plans to build in the development and nothing had been brought to the association for its approval. Teresa Juarez, 376 Prairie Run Dr., said sidewalks were not done in the neighborhood and there was no place for people to walk but on the streets. Cindy Bittendorp, 105 Junco Ct., said both the condos and homeowners were one association. The developer had been keeping in touch with the condo association, she said. Christa Cook, 376 Needlewood, said she was worried about the number of driveways and the safety of children. Sue Wolfe, 15292 Tisdel, said she own property adjacent to the development. The developer had been open and honest and felt she had been kept informed. There were fewer homes planned than originally planned and what he built were quality homes. He was also providing barrier free housing and there was a need for that in the community. Josh Hill, 316 Needlewood, was concerned about the proposed trail to the White Pine Trail that ran alongside his property. The foot traffic would run very close to his house, he said. 3. Motion by Hopkins, supported by Bremmer, to close the public hearing. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:43 p.m. 8. NEW BUSINESS. A. Motion by Hopkins, supported by Atchison, to table approval of an amendment to the Planned Unit Development site plan and corresponding special land use for a 2.15-acre parcel known as The Pines Condominiums. Avantini stated the bylaws were pretty clear that any construction to take place needed to be approved by the association. That had not happened before the developer brought the site plan to the Planning Commission. The developer needed to get approval from the association before the Planning Commission could vote on the amendment. VOTE; 7 – 0, Motion Carried. B. Motion by Atchison, supported by Hopkins, to approve the creation of a Planned Unit Development Overlay District for downtown Cedar Springs with amendments to Article 9, Planned Unit Development, including the creation of a Preliminary PUD Site Plan and PUD Design Guidelines for downtown Cedar Springs. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS. A. Discussion regarding proposed changes to Planning Commission bylaws: Commissioners discussed adding language to Section 4A: absences caused by changes to the normal meeting date will not be counted as an absence under this section and vacancies on the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor. Approval of the changes to the bylaws will be on the agenda for the July meeting. 10. OPEN DISCUSSION FOR ISSUES NOT ON THE AGENDA. A. There was no correspondence. B. Staff Comments: The City Manager reported that the City-owned property the CBDT wants to use for its amphitheatre, boardwalk and rain gardens is zoned Industrial and they will need administrative approval to use the land for the stated purposes. C. Planning Commission Members: Owens thanked the committee members that worked on the bylaws as well as the entire Planning Commission that does an excellent job. 11. REPORT OF THE CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE. Hall reported there were a lot of exciting things happening with the Community Building Development Team. 12. REPORT OF THE PLANNING CONSULTANT. Avantini also reported the Community Building Development Team would need to meet all zoning requirements and pointed out that amendments to Planned Unit Developments as was on the agenda earlier in the evening was not uncommon 13. Motion by Hopkins, supported by Foster, to adjourn. VOTE: 7 – 0, Motion Carried. ______________________________ _____________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk Craig Owens, Chairperson Minutes of the Meeting of the Industrial Facilities Tax Advisory Committee Friday, June 26, 2015 10:00 a.m. Cedar Springs City Hall 66 S. Main St. Cedar Springs, Michigan 1. The Meeting was Called to Order by Mayor Jerry Hall at 10:10 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2. ROLL CALL: Mr. Gerald Hall, Mayor Mr. Robert Truesdale, Councilmember Mrs. Kathy Bremmer, Resident Mr. Jason Rosenzweig, Assessor Mrs. Deb Brunett, Finance Director Mr. Thad Taylor, City Manager Present Absent Excused Present Present Present 3. Motion by Taylor, supported by Brunett, to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2014 meeting. VOTE: 4 – 0, Motion Carried. 4. NEW BUSINESS. A. Consideration to add a parcel to an existing Industrial Facilities Tax District for Display Pack located at 680 West St. Taylor explained the parcel in question was an island surrounded by the existing IFT District. Victor Hanson, President of Display Pack, stated the company which is moving into the Wolverine World Wide building is currently in negotiations with regarding its eventual move from the site. Because of that things were “in flux” he explained and the parking situation for future employees was in question. There was a need to improve the area for parking. It was his intention to eventually merge all the parcels into one. Motion by Taylor, supported by Brunett, to recommend to the City Council to add the parcel to the existing Industrial Facilities Tax District for Display Pack located at 680 West St. Parcel No. 41-02-36-400-001. VOTE: 4 – 0, Motion Carried. 5. Motion by Taylor, supported by Rosenzweig, to adjourn. VOTE: 6. The Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. ___________________________________ Linda Christensen, City Clerk 4 – 0, Motion Carried.