Chapter Chats - Assistance League
Chapter Chats - Assistance League
Chartered as the 81st Chapter of National Assistance League® May 13, 1992 Chapter Chats Celebrating 27 Years of Vol XXIII Ed 1 June 2016 Caring and Commitment in ACTION Elective Board 2016/2017 Officers President - Ginny Wetzel VP Membership - Mary Lindholm VP Philanthropic Programs - Denise Lanier VP Finance - Dorcas Shaktman VP Fund Development - Open Secretary- Marilyn Rule Treasurer - Shelley Diamond Elective Standing Committees Assisteens® Liaison - Rita O'Neill Bylaws - Suzanne Dechert Chapter House Manager - Cindy Jasperson Education - Electra Demos Public Relations - Joan Price Strategic Planning - Arne Chandler Thrift Shop Manager - Diana Elizondo Appointive Standing Committees Assistant Treasurers Debbie Cox - Diane Sitar Circle Representative - Amy Garrett Grants - Open Historian - Jaye Devendra Hospitality - Char Lent Newsletter Editor/Web Site Administrator Electra Demos Operation Bear Hug - Trudy Lenz Operation Couture Closet - Open Operation Community Outreach - Open Operation Foster Youth - Wendy Bradshaw Operation Nonprofit Partnerships Annette Sheehy Operation Scholarships - Connie Harris Operation School Bell® -Diane Koirth Chapters for Children - Ann Reese Save Our Students (SOS) - Joan Price Operation SHADES - Dorcas Shaktman Orientation - Carol Inman Parliamentarian - Sally Haserot Placement/Hours - Carol Inman Risk Management - Open Sunshine - Trudy Lenz Thrift Shop Scheduling - Ann Reese Assisteens® Leticia Plummer - Coordinator Zach Fruehe - Chairman L President’s Message et me start by saying, Happy New (Fiscal) Year! With this “new year” brings change, including changing jobs. Change isn’t the easiest thing for some, so I’m wishing you good fortune in the coming year as you express yourself through your new commitments. It isn’t unique to Assistance League to change roles every couple of years, but it does feel almost contradictory to stop doing a job just when you feel you have it mastered. Be positive (I’m telling myself), it’s growth and development. In a way, I feel like it’s also graduation. This time of year graduations and promotions are going on all around us. Every day the news has another keynote address from a political leader, a television personality or business executive. The wisdom being imparted to our young graduates feels almost like a call to action: “Do great things”, “Make a difference”, “Find your purpose and live that purpose” and my personal favorite from Charlie Rose, “Be crazy, be humble, dream big.” Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, told Berkeley graduates, “When the challenges come, I hope you remember that anchored deep within you is the ability to learn and grow.” I’m taking these speeches as a personal invitation to be inspired, to learn and grow, and do new things. As I embark on my first year as Chapter President I welcome and embrace the change, the newness, the excitement and the unknown that lies ahead. There are so many things we can accomplish when an organization comes together and continues to make a difference while living our purpose. I look forward to sharing our accomplishments this year and hope you will join me in making them happen! Ginny Wetzel 2016 Leadership Conference June 2016 Page 2 June Calendar Mary Russell (4) Patrice Haynes (6) Bette Barnes (11) Marilyn Rule (11) Mary Ann Wynne (14) Donna Swartz (15) Pam Fraleigh (18) Cathy McDermott (18) Joan Price (19) Cheryl Martin (20) Kathy DiMaggio (26) Jennifer Randel (26) Bill Sheehy (26) Ann Reese (28) Vickie Benedict (29) REMEMBER to PROMOTE the Vehicle Donation Program Keep spreading the word about our Vehicle Donation Program. It will only benefit the chapter if the community is aware of it. There are cards with directions you can distribute in the workroom. Take a handful so you always have some with you. You never know when the opportunity will arise to promote the program. Every Monday Opening register training Every Friday Opening & Closing register training (Contact Diana Elizondo) Every Tuesday Opening register training-1st Shift (Contact Mary Ellen Stobba) June 21st Closing Training (Contact Cheryl Martin) 7 Regualr Mtg.; 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Social; 10:00 a.m. meeting; CH RM 6 Thrift Shop Committee mtg.; 10:00 a.m.; BRD RM 8 Philanthropic Programs Committee mtg.; 10:00 a.m.; BRD RM 13 Public Relations Committee mtg.; 10:00 a.m.; BRD RM 13 Chapters for Children Committee mtg.; 11:30 a.m.; BRD RM 13 Assisteens Meeting; 5:00 p.m. Board Meeting, BRD RM; 6:00 p.m. regular meeting, CH RM 14 Membership Committee mtg.; 10:00 a.m.; BRD RM 16 Foster Youth Committee mtg.; 4:00 p.m.; BRD RM 17 Finance Commttee Meeting; 11:30 a.m.; Crush & Brew Old Town 20 Board Retreat Dinner.; location & time to be determined 21 Board Mtg.; 9:30 a.m.breakfast; Board mtg. 10:00 a.m.Haserot home Directory Changes If you have any changes in your directory information, please contact Electra Demos 951.541.4429 Actions by the Board Joint Board Meeting May 17, 2016 Submitted by Marilyn Rule, Secretary Treasurer Shelley Diamond made motions to delete and add the appropriate names to the chapter bank accounts and safe deposit box. Motions approved. Treasurer Shelley Diamond made motions to delete and add the appropriate names to the chapter credit card users. Motions approved. Special Board Meeting May 17, 2016 Submitted by Marilyn Rule, Secretary Moved to appoint Dorcas Shaktman as Vice President Finance for the fiscal year 2016-2017. Motion Approved Moved to appoint Paul Shaktman as Chapter House Manager for the fiscal year 2016-2017. Motion Defeated Moved to appoint Cindy Jasperson as Chapter House Manager for the fiscal year 2016-2017. Motion Approved Ann Reese Thrift Shop Scheduler FRONT DESK PERMANENT SHIFT SIGN-wUP CONTEST 2016/2017 Thrift Shop Calendar S ign ups are needed for permanent front desk shifts for the thrift shop. At the June 7th regular meeting, check with Ann Reese to sign up for one or more permanent front desk shifts. At that time, you will be entered into this contest. One or more permanent shifts will increase your chances. Winners announced at the meeting. Terminology 101 Tutorial #7 Do not use the acronym NAL National Assistance League is the legal name of the national organization. However, to more closely identify with its chapters, the national organization is referred to as Assistance League when possible and appropriate. National should be used instead of NAL when making certain direct references. Using the correct terminology helps new members, the public and the chapter’s recipients better understand the chapter and its role in the community. June 2016 Page 3 Philanthropic Programs Char Lent HOSPITALITY Needs Your Help! Happy June! Can’t believe summer is just around the corner! A time for relaxing and enjoying our beautiful West Coast weather. Your Hospitality Committee, on the other hand, is busy planning the upcoming year for great breakfast meetings and some special events along the way. This is where each of you come in! If everyone will sign up just once throughout the year to help with our breakfast meetings, the burden shall be light. At our next meeting we will be circulating monthly sign up sheets so please take time to decide which month works best for you. It is as simple as that. Thanks in advance for volunteering. A big shout out to Sharlyn Spates for planning our beautiful installation tea party. The venue was great and the decorations absolutely outstanding. So many talented ladies provided us all with a memorable experience. A great way to honor our outgoing Board while welcoming the 2016-17 Board. Thanks again to Sharlyn and her merry band of volunteers. I HHH Chapter House Manager A Cindy Jasperson nother year coming to an end. Where does the time go? Here are a few exciting chapter house updates: 3We replaced the back steel doors that were getting tired. 3Kitchen had a little makeover with new appliances and floor. It looks amazing. 3Furniture room finally will be cool for our shoppers this summer with two new air-conditioning units. 3Our meeting room that other non-profits in Temecula meet in looks great with new carpet and paint. When you give yourself, you receive more than you give. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Diana Elizondo & Bonnie Harrison Denise Lanier am excited to start my new role as VP of Philanthropic Programs. I have big shoes to fill, but, with the help of each and every one of my committee members, 2016/17 will be another successful year! We are still looking for an Operation Couture Closet and an Operation Community Outreach Committee Chairman. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Our next Philanthropic Programs Committee meeting is June 8th at 10:00 a.m. The more members who "get involved", the more fun we will have!! Thanks for all you do!! Thrift Shop All of this could not happen without grants and our continued increase in revenue. We are proud to provide a beautiful thrift shop for our customers to shop in and bring their donations to. The donations our community gives make all our philanthropic programs possible. Looking forward to another year as Chapter House Manager. We're on a roll! Let's keep the momentum going! A s we have reported all year, the thrift shop has exceeded its budget with a great deal of hard work from all our members. As I write this, our latest figures show a net income of approximately $411,320. In addition, we have given over $7,700 in Gift in Kind back to the community. Thank you to all our members, community volunteers, donors and customers for such a successful year! Now it’s time to look ahead. Our 2016/2017 budget calls for a 5% increase in thrift shop revenue. This is an achievable goal with all of us working hard and everyone doing their part. Here’s how you can help. 1. With our Assisteens working 2 Saturdays per month during the summer, we need an average of 44 shifts covered each month. With 4 people on each shift, counting our day managers, that is 176 workers per month. We currently have a total of 138 voting members and PALs. Please sign up for at least one permanent shift to keep our thrift shop open. 2. The sorting room has 23 departments with more than 45 members and community volunteers sorting, cleaning and displaying the donations we receive each week. Almost all of these members also work at the front counter. Even an hour or two of your time each week will help keep our shelves and racks full of beautiful merchandise. Please come join us for a little hard work and a lot of fun. With your help we know we can make this the best year ever! June 2016 Page 4 Philanthropic Give Away Annette Sheehy F Carol Inman irst of all, thanks for working with me this last year getting Vicnet started. I'm sure 2016-2017 will be much easier. Starting June 2016, there will be three areas to post your hours: ►Thrift shop - all hours worked in thrift shop ►Philanthropic Programs - hours you put in working in any philanthropic program ►Meetings - all meetings - every meeting you attend is put under 'Meetings'. M embers assembled 200 backpacks to be given to Menifee, Romoland and Lake Elsinore school districts. Included in those backpacks were pencils, pencil sharpeners and gel pens given to us by Every Child's Dream Foundation. Fifty journals were included in the middle and high school backpacks. Special counselors at the Temecula Valley School District were given 280 inspirational journals. These counselors work with foster youth, homeless and at risk students. They will use the journals as they work with students during special sessions. One of our foster family agencies took 48 journals for their children and the rest will go to group homes. The extra pens, pencils and sharpeners will go the Community Mission of Hope and St. Vincent DePaul as well as various schools; 768 children will receive all three items and over 2600 students will receive two pencils each. There will be a colored sheet on the table at the June meeting for you to fill out concerning your Skills & Interests and Flags (areas in which you have an interest to participate). This information will be helpful for chairmen to contact members who have an interest in their committee. It also will help you to get plugged in to where your interests are. I will input all information from the forms into Vicnet. The end of our fiscal year 2015/2016 is May 31st. I need all hours for 2015/2016 by June 25th. Ada Edwards Laughlin Award I presented by Carol Cole 2014/2015 Recipient n honor of Ada Edwards Laughlin, the co-founder, who worked “behind the scenes” to assist Mrs. Hancock Banning in establishing the National Assistance League, this award is given to a chapter member who has belonged to the organization for a significant number of years and has given outstanding service in an inconspicuous manner. The award is only presented once a year and only if warranted. The honoree is chosen by the past recipients; no gifts accompany this award, just the recognition for dedication and hard work in a less visible manner. The 2015/2016 recipient is Trudy Lenz who has been a member of Assistance League since 1998. Trudy worked at numerous jobs, served on a myriad of committees in addition to working countless hours at the front register and in Operation School Bell. Thank you, Trudy – you are a deserving member to receive this honor. June 2016 Page 5 GEARING UP FOR CHAPTERS FOR CHILDREN W e are gearing up, along with our sister Assistance League chapters, to provide school clothing for approximately 700 in need dependent children of Marines based at Camp Pendleton. Those of you who wish to volunteer for this event and meet these delightful military families, may contact Denise Rose to sign up for the training day and one of the clothing event dates listed below. More information will be announced at our June regular meeting. ♦Tuesday, June 7th, Sign up begins for those who want to volunteer for this event. ♦Monday, June 13th, 11:30 a.m., Board Room If you want to volunteer for this 2-day clothing event, you must attend this one-hour training day for volunteers. New security measures are in place on the base. Security Data, in writing, for each volunteer is due to the ALCO Coordinators by July 25th. Our chapter needs this information from you before that date. Substitution volunteers will be included on this security list. Please give security information to Denise Rose who is scheduling shifts for volunteers as soon as possible. It is now required that all volunteer participants for this event must participate in a training day prior to the August weekend, no exceptions. For your information: Beginning July 25th, Assistance League Capistrano Valley will post this event on their website. Camp Pendleton families will begin at that time to post their needed sizes for their children on ALCO’s Facebook page. Clothing Event Days: ♦August 13th, Saturday: 9:00am to 2:45pm ♦August 14th, Sunday: 12Noon to 2:45pm Thanks for all that you do! Ann Reese, Chairman Denise Rose, Chapters for Children Day Scheduler May 3rd Annual Meeting & Installation Luncheon hts g Galway Downs i l gh Hi Clockwise: ●Beautiful drawing baskets ●Chairman Sharlyn Spates and a beautifully decorated table ●Ginny's family ●Presidential paraphernalia ●Winners of the hat contest June 2016 Page 6 Operation Foster Youth O Wendy Bradshaw peration Foster Youth has been very busy for the last couple of months. As always, we have been filling duffle bags full of clothes for kids new to foster care. We have helped over 25 seniors with graduation expenses, whether that be grad night tickets, prom tickets, tuxedo rentals, prom dresses, caps and gowns or yearbooks. They have all enjoyed and are thankful for our help. We have also been busy working with the foster family agencies to help them with some summer fun for the foster kids. Kamali’i is a foster family agency that we work with and they had some great ideas that they needed some help with. We were able to help them with a lending library to keep the kiddos reading over the summer. With the help of the Assisteens, we provided over 200 books, a book shelf and incentives to help motivate the young readers.This is very important as most foster kids are significantly behind in school. We also provided supplies for them to hold three arts and craft classes for the kids this summer. One of the social workers at Kamali’i wanted to start a run/walk clinic once a week that would help the kids get some exercise. We supplied them with backpacks, water bottles, sunscreen and lip balm to help them get started. We also worked with the other three foster family agencies and provided activity gift cards that they will give out to the foster families to help with summer fun. We provided gift cards for Mulligans, Drop Zone, Castle Park, Get Air, Epic Rollertainment and the Temecula Children’s Museum. Last summer OFY helped send a foster youth to culinary camp and that sparked a desire to go to culinary school. He was accepted to The Johnson and Wales Culinary school this spring. Working with Bev Hoffman and Community Outreach, we were able to pay for this young man’s books for the entire first year of Culinary school. He is so excited to start this new chapter in his life and is very thankful for all of the help that Assistance League has given him. I think it is safe to say that we have definitely helped make a lot of foster kids summer a little better! Annual Meeting Awards & Recognitions 2015/2016 Volunteer of the Year Diane Koirth Operation Foster Youth is always looking for more members that want to help make the lives of foster kids just a little bit better, if you are interested in joining our committee, please join us on Thursday, June 16th at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room to learn how you can help, too. 10-year Anniversary Recognition Dot Jones, Carol Mulloy, Suzanne Dechert, Merrilee Batchelor 15-year Anniversary Recognition Rita O'Neill, Joan Price, Carol Cole, Margo Doski Page 7 June 2016 Annual Meeting Awards & Recognitions Certificates of appreciation were presented to our community supporters To Senator Jeff Stone Mary Ann Edwards & Debbie Herrera accepting To Supervisor Chuck Washington Sundae Sayles accepting To Gerald & Sumru Vance To Provident Bank with Marjorie Dillow accepting who in turn presented a check to Assistance League 2015/2016 Board of Directors Recognized Past & Present Ada Edwards Laughlin Recogition Recipients Barbara Dosta 2011/2012; Margo Doski 2014/2014; Pat Mauter 2003/2004; Carol Brady 2009/2010; Gwen Leevers 2010/2011; Trudi Lenz 2015/2016; Carol Cole 2014/2015 2016/2017 Board of Directors Installed June 2016 Page 8 Members at work & play Assistance League was represented at the 5th Annual Recycled Art and Fashion Show, May 13th at Monte de Oro Winery by Marilyn Rule, Ginny Wetzel and Joan Price A regular shopper won the beautiful Mother's Day Gift Basket Members have fun at the Garden Tour at Leticia Plummer's beautiful garden on May 18th. Bill Brumbaugh, General Manager/VP, John Hine Temecula Mazda/Subaru was unable to attend the Annual Meeting to accept our Certificate of Appreciation for his continuous support, so Sue Sampson, Dorcas Shaktman and Electra Demos delivered the certificate to him with our sincere gratitude. June 2016 Page 9 Assisteens Chairman Zach Fruehe Assisteens Thrift Shop Sales 2015/2016 $32,594.49 t May 28 $1,601.42 Bonnie Harrison Margo Doski Cadence Dougherty Victoria Anderson Cate Pinkerton May 21 $1,366.22 Rita O'Neill Raquel Plume Yijin Wang Victoria Seise Lexia Smith Zach Fruehe Kylie Herman Britney Newell Tabitha Plume May 14 $1,331.52 Cindy McClean Yesenia Meza Cadence Pinkerton May 7 Hello Assisteens, First, I want to thank the outgoing Chairman, Pauline McClean, for setting a great example for the 2016/2017 Assisteens Board and her dedication to the organization the past two years. I am truly humbled to represent a group of such mature students that want to make a difference in our community. We had a terrific turnout at our Annual Meeting. The warm atmosphere and great food encompassed our year's success. It was extra special to have Temecula Mayor Pro Tem Mary Ann Edwards walk us through City Hall including the Mayor's office! Going forward, I'm excited to see what new programs we can start up and how we can make traditional philanthropic programs even more successful. 2016 Annual Meeting Awards Dinner Senior Graduation & Board Installation Temecula Civic Center Conference Center Monday, May 9th 6:00 p.m. $1,169.71 Joan Price Leticia Plummer Gabriella Waltz Victoria Seise Denise Sy Kylie Herman Calendar Assisteens, parents, chapter members & guests enjoyed a delicious dinner and recognizing Assisteens achievements Kristi Piatkowski, Director of Development, Rancho Damacitas, spoke about their community partnership with Assisteens Meeting Monday, June 13th Board Mtg., 5:00 p.m. Board Room; Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Chapter Room Two (2) June Thrift Shop Saturdays 4th, 11th DARK JULY & AUGUST NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 12TH JUNE Andrew Tang (4) Alex Householder (10) Zach Fruehe (13) Justin Delara(23) July Reece Carpenter (13) Savannah Granic (15) Jake Downing (31) Denise Sy (31) August Victoria Seise (9) June 2016 Page 10 Leadership Conference June 19-21, 2015 Alyssa Rossi, Devon Rossi, Devon White, Makenna Downing, Jake Dowing, Zach Fruehe Most Meeting Attendance Hours Grace Jung, Pauline McClean, Gavin Schmidt Most Thrift Shop Hours Taylor Smith Yesenia Meza Special Presentations Michael McCracken, Council Member, City of Temecula t Alyssa Rossi, Jake Downing Devon Rossi Recognition 2015/2016 Board t Devon White, Secretary; Pauline McClean, Chairman; Zach Fruehe, Membership Chairman; Claire Rahn, Public Relations; Makenna Downing, Resource Dev; Mary Ann Edwards, Western Office Director Senator Jeff Stone 28th Senate District Graduating Seniors presented with Member at Large Scholarships sponsored by Mary Ann Newport Most Philanthropic Program Hours Taylor Smith & Pauline McClean t 2016/2017 Board: Zach Fruehe, Chairman; Claire Rahn, Membership; Grace Jung, Philanthropic Programs; Logan 2015/2016 Chairman Pauline McClean Marquette, Resource Development; Anni Chai, Secretary; presented with her Chairman's Plaque Jake Downing, Public Relations Tour of City Hall with Mayor Pro Tem Mary Ann Edwards; New Board sitting at Mayor's desk! Thrift Shop June 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 AM Batchelor Garrett Thursday 2 AM PM Doski Reese Shadwick 6 Barnes Dechert Heike Jones Lamb PM 7 Getz / I Stobba /I Reid / Reid I I 14 Lynch Wasserburger PM I /O'Neill Dechert Heike Jones Lamb PM Getz / I I Wood / I I /Harrison AM 28 27 Barnes I Getz /Lent I PM I / Lindholm Wasserburger I I /O'Neill 9 Murphy Roland I I PM Turgeon AM PM I I SCHEDULER: I I I PM Assisteens Inman 17 AM I 23 Devendra Williams I I PM Mahtesian I PM 25 24 AM I Cox Martin Wasserburger I I PM I I I 30 I I PM Mahtesian I I June 20th SUBSTITUTE LIST Diane Koirth Cell 949.230.8429 Suzanne Dechert 302.0502 (Available Wednesday AM Shift) WORKER INSTRUCTIONS: Margo Doski Cell 501.9249 (Available Wed or Fri PM Shifts; will trade) 1. Do NOT remove your name until you have arranged for a sub. 2. Call a member to exchange or switch your day. 3. Call the thrift shop to have someone write in the change. Alternates: S. Reynolds C. Jasperson DEPARTMENTS ACCESSORIES: J. Wasserburger BABY/TODDLERS: C. Mulloy / F. Phillips / J. Murphy BASKETS: M. Batchelor I I I Monday D. Elizondo/C. Martin (AM) S. Diamond (PM) Tuesday B. Harrison (AM) - M. Doski (PM) Wednesday - D. Koirth Thursday S. Diamond (AM) - C. Inman (PM) Friday - D. Elizondo 1st Saturday - D. Koirth 2nd Saturday - A. Reese 3rd Saturday - S. Diamond 4th Saturday - OPEN (AM) J. Wasserburger (PM) 5th Saturday - OPEN BABY EQUIPMENT: S. Dechert / D. Jones I I AM I PM I I 18 I I I I I Assisteens Adult Open I Mahtesian Stobba 11 PM 16 AM PM I I I AM Assisteens Plummer Ewing Holmes Schlosser I I I 10 PM 29 AM I PM AM 4 Assisteens Price I Stobba Mathesian I AM Cox Inman Martin Wasserburger I I I 22 AM I I I I I 21 AM 20 I Fanelli Wasserburger I I Mathesian Stobba 15 AM I I Stobba / Lindholm PM AM 3 AM PM PM PM Condren Getz /Lent I AM I Holmes Schlosser 13 AM Batchelor Guiton Saturday Lenz Lyons Rose 8 AM AM PM Ewing Murphy Mulloy Wood Friday Fanelli Williams I AM Day Managers Carol Mulloy Cell 541.3992 (Available PM Shifts; flexible) Joan Price Cell 809.0704 (Available Thurs PM & Fri PM) BOOKS: B. Sheehy BOUTIQUE: S. Haserot / D. Koirth / D. Lynch/ C. Inman CHILDREN’S 7-18: S. Diamond / C. Harris CRAFTS: M. Doski / D. Koirth ELECTRONICS - EBay: E. Diamond FURNITURE: C. Jasperson HOUSEWARES: A. Jacobs / M. Schlosser / B.Ewing / R. Holmes / S. Kuebler / L. Koszowski JEWELRY: D. Swartz LINENS: S. Dechert / D. Jones / E. Sorenson / G. White / G. Heike MEN’S: A. & C. Reese OFFICE SUPPLIES: C. Cole PICTURES/FRAMES: L. Plummer / J. Mahtesian RECYCLING - EBay: D. Elizondo / E. Diamond SEASONAL/ALL OTHERS: B. Harrison/L. Smith/L. Senyshyn/C. McDermott SHOES: OPEN SPORTING GOODS: S. Smith T-SHIRTS/SWEATS: D. Elizondo TOYS: D. Guilin / R. Watson WOMEN’S: C. Martin Chapter Chats Assistance League of Temecula Valley 28720 Via Montezuma Temecula, CA 92591-2510 951.694.8018 ‘Caring and Commitment in Action’ Assistance League® of Temecula Valley Philanthropic Programs Operation School Bell® Operation Scholarships Operation Bear Hug Operation Foster Youth Operation SHADES Operation Couture Closet Operation Community Outreach Operation Nonprofit Partnerships Mission Statement Assistance League® of Temecula Valley, a chapter of National Assistance League®, is a nonprofit, volunteer philanthropic organization dedicated to serving the needs of families in the Southwest Riverside County. Vision Statement to be a regionally recognized organization empowering volunteers to provide leadership, stewaredship and resources to meet the changing needs of Southwest Riverside County.