backstage - African American Children`s Theatre
backstage - African American Children`s Theatre
BACKSTAGE Volume 2 Number 4 Thaddeus Smith portrays the young Stevie Wonder in the AACT production of “Flashback to Motown”. Thaddeus won in the 5th/6th grade category in Milwaukee’s 2010 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest. Spring 2010 Everyone starts somewhere. For the past 20 years, the African American Children’s Theater (AACT) has been the place to start. Children from Milwaukee get their big break as they learn the skills of the theatre stage – building and preparing for the stage of life. Under the direction of Constance Clark and other area artists, AACT grew from a response to personal tragedy and developed into a doorway of opportunity for the youth in our community. Currently, AACT provides after school programs and school residencies which allows children an opportunity to come together and demonstrate their talent through acting and singing. Past productions like 2009’s “Follow the Drinking Gourd” help the youth recall their history and understand the struggles that have led to the successes of today. Paying attention to the basics allows them to excel and build confidence on stage. The resulting end products are engaged youth getting ready for the next big stage of life. The mission of AACT is to provide opportunities for young people to explore their gifts and talents through the arts. AACT helps shape future leaders through their exposure to the arts. Youth develop confidence and stage presence which helps them excel in other areas of learning. The program provides a safe place to take risks and recognize that there is no such thing as failure – just another opportunity to succeed. More information on the company can be found at Or call AACT at 414461-5771. Motown’s girl groups are reinvented by AACT youth. Quantaae Lenyard (front) is backed up by (l to r) Raven Tribune, LaMiracle Manago, Ciera Robbins, and Matia Williams. ~ Antoinette Mensah, Board Member African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 Cast Bios Wanyah Frazier – Michael Jackson I currently attend Golda Meir Elementary in the 7th grade. I have recently joined AACT and it has been an enjoyable experience. I am an active ballroom dancer and am performing for Danceworks in Mad Hot Ballroom. When I get older I plan to become an actor and as a back up (in case things don’t go as planned), I would like to become a lawyer. A’Raeya Gatson – Kim Sledge I am 8 years old and attend Elm Creative Arts School and dance and act. I also like math, art and reading. When I get older, I would like to be a doctor and a mom. Jacquel Jolly and Raven Tribune rehearse their lines with Thaddeus Smith for “Flashback to Motown”, the February 27 production by African American Children’s Theatre. Selene Hightower – Kathy Sledge I attend Hartford University School in the 3rd grade. I might be tall, but I am only 8 years old. I have a book buddy in school named Lydia. I also go to MYAC for other activities. I play piano, violin and harmonica and sing in the choir at my church. Jacquel Jolly – Show introduction and Ray’s back up singer I am 8 years old and I attend I.D.E.A.L. school. I like to play with my friends outside. La Miracle Lenyard – Debbie Sledge and Ray’s back up singer I am 9 years old and go to Harambee Community School and I read to the other kids at my school. I have a sister and a brother. I like to sing and dance. When I grow up I want to be a lawyer. 2 African American Children’s Theatre Qwantae Lenyard – Florence Ballard I am 7 years old and attend Harambee Community School in the 2nd grade. This is my first year with AACT. I sing in the church choir and like to sing and dance. I would like to be a singer and dancer when I grow up. I like the AACT! Anthony Mensah – Marvin Gaye My full name is Anthony James Kwabena Yakapoe Mensah. I am 13 years old and attend YMCA Young Leaders academy where I reside in 7th grade for the gifted and talented. I am a veteran member of the AACT and consider myself a cultured intellectual who loves to act, sing and fulfill my passion. Over all, this has been an amazing experience and I happy to be a part of it. Ciera Robbins – MC Ciera and Joni Sledge My life is about a normal 11year old 6th grader. I always want to do the best no matter what. In my spare time I like to dance, draw, read and talk on the phone. I love music and I play piano and viola. I love school and have a 3.9 GPA attending Lafollette Middle School. My favorite subject is math. When I was 7 I had a poem published and received an award from President George W. Bush. Imani Smith – Patti Labelle and Mary Wilson I attend Milwaukee School of languages where I compete in forensics. I am also acting in “The Wiz” with First Stage. This is my 4th year in AACT, and I think this show will be FANTASTIC! 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 AACT Staff Constance Clark Artistic/Executive Director Thaddeus Smith – Caroline Lenyard Grantwriter Stevie Wonder I am 10 years old and attend Elm Creative Arts School. I ballroom dance, play basketball and am very busy. When I am an adult, I want to be an astronaut or an actor. This is my second year with AACT. Markellis Steele – Ray Charles I am 15 years old. I like to play football, rap, and play video games. After school I like to go to my Dad’s office and fix computers. Isaiah Taylor – Assistant Stage Manager I am 10 years old and go to Highland Community School. I am a talented person and play soccer and basketball. I also play with Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra. Wallace Cheatham Music Director Jason Drake-Hames – Choreographer Martin Gregory and Wanyah Frazier rehearsimg Michael Jackson moves. Raven Tribune – Show introduction and Ray’s back up singer I attend Wilson Elementary in the 3rd grade. I am 8 years old and like to play Wii with my brother Julius. I also like to sing and dance. I have lots of friends and read to my book buddy. I was in a play in my church. Jaela Wilder – Diana Ross I am 10 years old, and I attend Craig Montessori School. I also work with Mad Hot Ballroom when I am not working on this show. When I have spare time, I like to hang out with friends and listen to music. I am also a Junior Girl Scout in Troop 1675. Matia Williams – Anthony Mensah asks “What’s Going On” as Marvin Gaye. Anthony was a winner in the 2009 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest. MC Matia I am 11 years old, turning 12 in September. I play the violin, flute and drums. I used to be in gymnastics and love to sing, dance and act. Photos by Sue Borges Vliet Stage Director I am 32 years old and a graduate from UW-Milwaukee with a BFA in Film and Theater. Along with theater, I pursue video making, music, poetry and anything else that promotes creativity and community. I am beyond happy to be working for an organization like African American Children’s Theater. The kids have been a pleasure to instruct and direct and being able to help foster their creativity has been a joyful and challenging endeavor. I would like to thank Constance, Martin, Amy and especially Kasia for all their help, support and love in making this show possible. Amy Turk – Stage Manager I am most comfortable behind the scenes of any production. I founded and ran a youth theatre group in Waterford, WI where I directed, produced, managed, (and even acted... once) in plays with casts of all ages... sometimes with 100 actors on stage! Since moving to Milwaukee, I have missed being a part of that theatre magic. I feel truly honored to be a part of AACT’s “Flashback to Motown!” It has been amazing to see the progress in these past few months, to see how dedicated and talented this group is, and to watch them shine. African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 3 Did you know? Black Blues Queens Gertrude “Ma” Rainey, from Georgia, was the “Mother of the Blues,” and lived from 1886–1939. She was the first woman to incorporate blues into her act of show songs and comedy. In 1902, she heard a woman singing about the man she’d lost, and quickly learned the song. From then on at each performance, she used it as her closing number calling it “the blues.” She recorded over 100 songs and wrote 24 of them herself. “Bessie Smith (and all the others who followed in time), wrote jazz historian Dan Morgenstern “learned their art and craft from Ma, directly or indirectly.” Young women followed Ma Rainey’s path in the tent show circuit, since black performers were not allowed to be in venues. Eventually most singers were booked on the T.O.B.A. (Theatre Owners Booking Association) circuit. Mamie Smith, “America’s First Lady of the Blues,” was the first black woman to record the blues in 1920. Harlem songwriter/music publisher, Perry Bradford, brought Smith by the Okeh studio to get his songs heard. Sophie Tucker was ill on the day of her session and Okeh allowed Smith to record. They recorded two non-blues songs but were brought back into the studio to record a blues song six months later. All of the recording band members claimed different titles for the song that became known as “Crazy Blues.” The song sold over 17,000 copies in its first month. This affected the recording industry so that hundreds of black female singers began being scouted, booked and recorded. ~ from Register for fall classes Tuesday, Sept. 21 and Wednesday, Sept. 22 4:00 to 5:00 pm Please register in person Parent must accompany child Classes start Tuesday, September 28 Milwaukee Youth Arts Center, 325 W. Walnut Street Session runs 4 - 6 pm Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Sept. 2010- May 2011 414-461-5771 4 2010 Board of Directors Maya J. Peterson, President Legacy Bank Antoinette Simon, Vice President Pyramax Bank Dominique Smith, Secretary Milwaukee Public Schools Sue Press, Treasurer The Brewery Works, Inc. Susan Disbrow Whitefish Bay Schools Antoinette Mensah YMCA African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 The original Hitsville USA building, once frequented by the likes of the Temptations, Diana Ross and the Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, and other Motown royalty to record their first hits. Looking very much like it did in the 1960’s, the building was one of the original eight structures owned by Motown’s Berry Gordy on Detroit’s Grand Avenue to house his sprawling music empire before the record company moved to its downtown Detroit headquarters. Cast MC Ciera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciera Robbins Show introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacquel Jolly MC Matia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matia Williams Show introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raven Tribune Marvin Gaye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Mensah Stevie Wonder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thaddeus Smith Diana Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaela Wilder Florence Ballard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qwantae Lenyard Mary Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imani Smith Ray Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markellis Steele Ray’s back up singer . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacquel Jolly Ray’s back up singer . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raven Tribune Ray’s back up singer . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . La Miracle Lenyard Patti Labelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Imani Smith Michael Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wanyah Frazier Joni Sledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciera Robbins Kim Sledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A’Raeya Gatson Kathy Sledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selene Hightower Debbie Sledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Miracle Lenyard Crew Stage Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jason Drake-Hames Choreographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Gregory Costumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becky Peelen Stage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amy Turk Assistant Stage Manager (Student) . . . . . . . .. . . . . Isaiah Taylor Stage Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kasia Drake-Hames Make-Up and Hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toni Martin Right: Imani Smith flying through the music of Patti Labelle. Far right: Anthony Mensah and Wanyeh Frazier discussing their roles. African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 5 Major Donors 2-Story Creative African American Women’s Fund African Hut Restaurant African World Festival America’s Black Holocaust Museum, Inc. Arts@Large, Inc. Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Milwaukee Chapter AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Helen Bader Foundation Brico Fund Betty Brinn Foundation Century Fence, AW Bryant Rodney Coubbie Attorneys City of Milwaukee Arts Board Delta Memorial Endowment Fund Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Lambda Alpha Chapter Einhorn Charitable Family Trust Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals Ralph Evinrude Foundation Fellowship Open 2003 Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc. Harley Davidson Foundation Herzfeld Foundation In Their Best Interest Joy Global Jewish Community Foundation Legacy Bank Lena’s Foods Marquette University Upward Bound Faye McBeath Foundation Milwaukee Arts Board Milwaukee County CAMPAC Milwaukee Employment & Training, Inc. Milwaukee Community Journal Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Diversity Council Milwaukee Links Special Projects Milwaukee Public Schools Northwestern Mutual Foundation OYAM Community Institute Milton & Lillian Peck Foundation Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Potawatomi Foundation Mr. Perkins Restaurant Meyer & Norma L. Ragir Foundation Redwood Insurance Jack & Lucy Rosenberg Charitable Funds Senator Herbert Kohl Stackner Family Foundation, Inc. Sulli & Associates United Performing Arts Fund United Way of Greater Milwaukee U.S. Cellular Voluptuous Secrets WE Energies Employee Giving Campaign WellPoint Associate Giving Campaign Wisconsin Arts Board Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc. Women’s Club of Wisconsin Friends of AACT Anonymous Adekola Adedapo Lillian Alford Alfred & Joyce Altman Mr. & Mrs. Steven Anthony Barb Armstrong K. A. Baillargeon Stanley Battle Joseph Becker Mr. & Mrs. William Beckett Linda Beckstrom Monique Bell Georgia Berndsen Kelly C. Bishop Yvonne A. Bowenn Angela Boyd William B. Boyd Michelle Brock Audrey Brooks Christy Brown Gail & Chester Brown A.W. Bryant Jessie L. Burks Dr. & Mrs. Wallace Cheatham Benjamin Clark Constance Clark Dolly Clark Sheila Cochran Thomas & Malena Copeland Rosemary Coris Alicia Danielle Crawford Mary Crouther Randy & Joann Crump Louise Cruther Rodney L. Cubbie Giles & Polly Daegar Danae Davis 6 African American Children’s Theatre Jerry Dean & Christina Parsons Cory Dod Judith Drink Tyrone Dumas Tracy Edwards Nancy & Stephen Einhorn Joyce Enrhardt Elizabeth Estes Marcia E. Facey Virginia Finn-Lenhard Thelma R. Friedman Pam Garvey Cecilia Gilbert Beverly Goudy & Family Sheena Carey Gransberry Inez Green Laverne Green Eve Hall Pam Halter Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Harpole, Jr. Ellen A. Hayward Tague Hobert Ruth A. Hoenick Leona Holt Virginia Hutchins Gwen Jackson Jenene James David Joles & Elizabeth Flores-Joles Harry T. Kemp Joan Kessler Mae D. Killebrew Julily Kohler Kulliki Kuningas Deirdre Lafford Lamara Lampkins Lathen, Lathen-Harris Caroline Lenyard Martha Love Rose M. Lue-Hing Bruce A. MacIntyre Phillip & Kirsten Matthews Margaret & Michael McGuire Peggy McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Lafayette McKinney Venora W. McKinney Marilyn Nowak Joan Michaels-Paque Linda S. & Sheppard Mollick Verona L. Morgan Fujie Moses Mardon Murphy Rhoda Mykies Sheila Payton Mr. & Mrs. David H. Peters Nailz by Pica Claire Pfleger Marvin & Dianne Pratt Susan L. Press Rev. & Mrs. R. B. Nabors Marilyn Nowack Udette Quinn Carol Richards Atty. Bettie Rodgers Redonna Rodgers Terry Rozga William Sanders James S. Scherer Kristin Schultz Thelma Sias Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sims Cathy Simpson Lucy Smith Mr. & Mrs.Thaddeus Smith Gina Spang Rose Spang Barbara A. Stein Marcia Stephens Monica Street Teri L. Sullivan John L. Touchett Edith Wagner Dr. Steven M. Waldman, FACFAS Adolphus Ward Chris Ware Elsie Warr Ella & W. Herold Washington John White Carolyn White-Travanti & Leon Travanti Dionne Lea Williams Ralph & Marlena Williams In recognition of Lillie M. Harris Fran & Ron Lee In memory of Brian Lenyard Jeff Clark Edmund Clark Floyd Campbell In honor of Margie Sutton Carolyn & Samuel Nakasian Barbara M. Weigner Kathleen D. Wild Thank you to the parents! 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 Here’s a very easy way to support AACT. Register your Pick’n Save shopper’s card at the customer service desk. African American Children’s Theatre: 18125 It only takes 5 minutes of your time but will help provide hours of theatre fun and education for our children. Theatre that changes hearts and minds The mission of the African American Children’s Theatre is to provide all children of the metro Milwaukee area with opportunities to express their creativity, to nurture their individuality, and to guide them in the learning and acquiring of leadership and performance skills while producing quality art. AACT Programs Academy of Theatre Training and Leadership Program After school program for children ages 8-14 at Milwaukee Youth Arts Center, with public performances scheduled periodically. Artist in Residency with Milwaukee Public Schools AACT’s We Are The Dream program is taught weekly in Milwaukee Public Schools and private school classrooms. Behind the Curtain Children and their parents attend professional local theatre companies’ productions and are taken on special Behind the Curtain tours. Your support is important to the youth of our community. Please mail your tax-deductible donation to our administrative office: African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. King Drive, Suite 213 G Milwaukee, WI 53212 Donor Name ___________________________________________________ Company Name ________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City __________________________________ State ____ Zip____________ Phone ________________________E-Mail ____________________________ Total Donation Amount Enclosed: $ ___________ African American Children’s Theatre 1915 N. M.L. King Dr., Suite 213G, Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-461-5771 7 Administrative Office 1915 N. M.L. King Drive Suite 213 G Milwaukee, WI 53212 Jack and Lucy Rosenberg Charitable Funds
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