JIKA Cubito
JIKA Cubito
catalogue 2012/13 Contents Information .................................................................................................................................................2 Ceramic sets (series) CUBITO PURE ...................... NEW ...................................................................................................7 CUBITO ...................................................................................................................................................15 MIO ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 TIGO ........................................ NEW ................................................................................................ 97 OLYMP .................................................................................................................................................123 LYRA plus ...........................................................................................................................................147 ZETA......................................................................................................................................................177 Children’s bathrooms .................................................................................................................. 191 Barrier-free bathrooms ...............................................................................................................195 Mirrors Clear ...................... NEW ..............................................................................................201 Steel bathtubs .............................................................................................................................. 204 Shower trays ..................................................................................................................................207 Urinals ................................................................................................................................................ 212 Concealed modules ....... NEW .............................................................................................. 218 Special products ......................................................................................................................... 222 Single toilets......................................................................................................................................... 223 Sinks ......................................................................................................................................................... 225 Laboratory Sink....................................................................................................................................226 Pedicure bath .......................................................................................................................................226 Built-in and drop-in washbasins .................................................................................................226 Technical accessories and spare parts .............................................................................227 Warranty ..................................................................................................................................................232 JIKA benefits .........................................................................................................................................233 Numeric register .................................................................................................................................235 CONTENTS 1 Contacts JIKA brand – your source of inspiration Visit the JIKA brand website to see the latest list of products, retailers and news from the world of bathrooms and toilets. www.jika.eu Training INFO Take advantage of expert plumbers specially accredited for the Laufen CZ product line. The Laufen CZ company offers professional help for installation and maintenance. This offer applies to the complete Laufen, Roca and Jika range of sanitary ceramic products and bathroom accessories. Throughout the year the company holds two-day training sessions for plumbers at the Educational and Information Centre its Zjnomo factory, which include theoretical and practical installation instructions. Training is divided into two different training programmes: CVI 1, where 2 trainees obtain a certificate qualifying them for the assembly of Jika brand products and, after this, CVI 2, where trainees receive a certificate qualifying them for the assembly of Laufen and Roca brand products. Of course, Laufen CZ recommends these trained specialists to all customers who buy our products. Training, including accommodation a luxury hotel and catering, and catering are FREE. “At the Znojmo training facility, trainees are thoroughly introduced to all products and the manufacturing process, precise installation and well as final product inspection,” says Petr Čech, Director of the Laufen CZ Training Centre. Where you can find us Contacts Laufen Bathroom Gallery – customer service I. P. Pavlova 5 (entrance from Legerova Street), 120 00 Prague 2 Phone: +420 296 337 701, e-mail: galerie@cz.laufen.com www.galerie-koupelen.cz In 2004, the LAUFEN Bathroom Gallery was opened in Prague on I. P. Pavlova square. Yes, you are not mistaken: a gallery! This project is the first of its kind in the Czech Republic to showcase the complete Laufen, Roca and Jika product lines in an area of nearly 700 m2 . You can talk over a cup of coffee in the pleasant environment of the exhibition area without being persuaded by anyone to buy anything. The Bathroom Gallery does not sell the products; it is designed as a source of inspiration and a place you can visit when you are not sure about your bathroom, to discuss your “selection” with your partner or an architect or simply if you want to see what the world leader in bathroom ceramics has to offer. The welcoming staff are ready to answer all your questions and give advice on suitable products for your particular bathroom without you having to decide quickly what to buy. CONTACTS 3 How to familiarize yourself Explanatory notes How to work with the charts Article number Description yyy: 1 2 3 1234.5 xxx yyy Spare parts: 2345.6 000 000 spare part Optional: 3456.7 000 000 104 4 washbasin 1 article number 2 colour number 3 charge number – determines the technical version of the product 4 pictogram – graphic indication of the charge 5 items listed in this section are not included in the supply 121 x x installation kit 5 Understanding pictograms VARIO outlet allows for horizontal, vertical or oblique connection bottom inlet disabled sensor – automatic flushing of urinals side inlet 400 kg guaranteed load capacity 400 kg Example of a catalogue chart Article number 8.2371.6.xxx.000.1 8.2771.2.xxx.241.1 8.2771.3.xxx.242.1 Water inlet Description WC pan Mio WC cistern Mio WC cistern Mio Flushing mechanism included x x Outlet Installation kit included x x x x Optional: 8.9271.1.xxx.000.1 8.9271.2.300.000.1 duroplast seat and cover Mio with antibacterial treatment, with lowering system SLOWCLOSE duroplast seat and cover Mio with antibacterial treatment, fast-clamping steel hinges 8.9902. 8.9009. outlet elbow Vario for distances 220 – 350 mm outlet elbow Vario for distances 70 – 220 mm Sanitary porcelain – important information EXPLANATORY NOTES Sanitary porcelain is a ceramic substance with a compact, sintered, white shard, which is covered with white or coloured glazing. Sanitary porcelain is resistant to temperature differences caused by hot and cold water. The glazing is scratch-resistant, fade-resistant and resists aging. It is also resistant to acid, solvents, and caustic solutions commonly used as cleaning agents in households. 4 Care The glazing of the ceramic devices is resistant to acid, solvents, and caustic solutions contained in body care and cleaning agents, as well as cosmetics. If sanitary devices with a ceramic siphon (toilets, urinals, etc.) are exposed to freezing, a suitable anti-freeze agent must be added to the siphon water. Tolerance Dimensions, weights and colours are subject to common ceramic tolerances. Particularly during rough installation, one has to take into consideration the dif ferences in production dimensions and the dimensions listed in the cata- logue. Due to the characteristic properties of ceramic products, changes in the shape and dimensions as well as factor y settings are reserved without prior notice. Colours Lighting has a substantial effect on evaluating colour evenness. Please take into account that even under the same lighting and at the same distance from the light source, a subjective impression of different colour shades may occur as an effect of various shapes and shadows. How to familiarize yourself Explanatory notes Colours ceramics, bathtubs, WC seats, bathroom accessories Colour number xxx: JIKA PERLA 100 WHITE 000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • CUBITO MIO TIGO OLYMP LYRA plus ZETA Children’s bathroom Barrier-free bathroom Bathtubs and shower trays Urinals Special products BAHAMA PERGAMON 049 018 ÄGÄIS 050 • • • • • • • • • CHROME 004 • • Faucets Accessories Colours seats WHITE 000 Colour number xxx: • • • • • • • CUBITO MIO TIGO OLYMP LYRA plus ZETA Children’s bathroom BAHAMA 018 PERGAMON 049 ÄGÄIS 050 • • • • • • CURRY GELB 322 • Charges of washbasins yyy piktogram CUBITO MIO TIGO OLYMP LYRA plus ZETA 104 with big tap hole 109 no tap hole 121 hole for chain 105 hole on the left 107 two holes EXPLANATORY NOTES 106 hole on the right 5 NEW Bathroom series Bathroom series CUBITO PURE Important decisions are not only made on the spot. We wanted to create a space for you in which you will be able to get a flavour of timeless elegance and live for the future with us. This will involve simple solutions, clear lines, and an elegant appearance. 8 Bathroom series The practical Cubito Pure washbasins can be situated on a board, supplemented with a cabinet, or just hung on the wall and supplemented with a chrome-plated siphon tap. Whether you choose the basin (50, 60, 80 × 34.5 cm) or double basin (100 × 34.5 cm) with an asymmetrically situated water tap, you will always save space in your bathroom. CUBITO PURE 9 Bathroom series KÚPEĽŇOVÁ CUBITO PURE SÉRIA The photographs show washbasins with or without cabinets and with designed chrome-plated siphon. 10 Bathroom series White furniture may fill the bathroom with fine walnut shades. You can enjoy them every time you open the cabinets of the unique Cubito Pure bathroom set. Its luxury appearance is underlined by astutely located chrome-plated tailor-made handles handles, which, together with the ceramics, form an elegant combination. CUBITO PURE 11 Bathroom series Article number Description 8.1342. washbasin 50 cm, right 4.5580.1.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 50cm, with 1 drawer 4.5580.2.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 50cm, with 2 drawers 338 338 545 545 Washbasin 50 cm 480 480 Article number Description 338 338 545 Washbasin 60 cm 545 8.1342. washbasin 60 cm , right 4.5583.1.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm, with 1 drawer 4.5583.2.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm, with 2 drawers 580 580 Article number Description CUBITO PURE 12 338 Washbasin 80 cm 338 545 545 8.1342. washbasin 80 cm , right 4.5587.1.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 80 cm, with 1 drawer 4.5587.2.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 80 cm, with 2 drawers 780 780 Bathroom series Article number Description 8.1442. double washbasin 100 cm 4.5590.1.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 100 cm, with 1 drawer 4.5590.2.174.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 100 cm, with 2 drawers 338 338 545 545 Double washbasin 100 cm 980 360 980 Article number Description 350 884 4.5593.1.174.500.1 middle cabinet, 1 door left, 1 shelf 4.5593.2.174.500.1 middle cabinet, 1 door right, 1 shelf 350 Middle cabinet Article number Description 350 1730 4.5595.1.174.500.1 tall cabinet, 1 door left, 5 shelves 4.5595.2.174.500.1 tall cabinet, 1 door right, 5 shelfs 350 CUBITO PURE Tall cabinet 13 Bathroom series Product overview CERAMIC PRODUCTS CUBITO PURE CUBITO Cubito Pure washbasins may be combined with products of the Cubito series in addition to Cubito furniture. For wallhung toilet and bidet installations we recommend concealed JIKA modules. Please see page 218. 16 FURNITURE Product overview BATHTUBS AND SHOWER ENCLOBATH SCREENS SURES AND DOORS FAUCETS ACCESSORIES CUBITO DESIGN GENERIC CUBITO PURE CUBITO A complete range of shower trays is available on page 207. 17 Bathroom series CUBITO Asymmetric washbasins Cubito ideal solve the needs of atypical bathrooms. They can have the storage space right or left in accordance with the user´s needs. Offer of the small washbasin only 45 cm wide integrates the comfort washbasin 75 cm wide. 18 Bathroom series The purely geometrical shapes follow the most recent trends in bathroom layout. The simple and practical designs are sure to attract you at first sight. CUBITO 19 Bathroom series CUBITO The elegant pair of CUBITO wallhung toilet and bidet highlights modern geometric shapes. The toilet with TOTAL CLEAN feature (small channels all around the bowl) guarantees perfect flushing. Large bathroom interiors can be furnished with a Cubito double washbasin at the width of 130 cm (new in 2010). It is designed for both built-in and standalone installations. 20 Bathroom series White wooden decoration of Cubito furniture frame surface, with white painted doors. CUBITO 21 Ceramic products Article number Description 8.1042.2.xxx.yyy.1 8.1042.3.xxx.yyy.1 8.1042.4.xxx.yyy.1 8.1042.6.xxx.yyy.1 8.1995.1.xxx.028.1 washbasin 55 cm washbasin 60 cm washbasin 65 cm washbasin 85 cm siphon cover with installation kit (art. nr.: 8.9001. yyy: 104 109 x x x x x x x x Optional: 8.9034. installation kit for washbasins 3.7473. washbasin siphon Cubito 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs 125 Washbasin 85 cm CUBITO 650 22 485 75 200 Washbasin 55, 60, 65 cm Ceramic products Article number Description 8.1142.2.xxx.yyy.1 small washbasin 45 cm yyy: 104 109 x x Optional: 8.9034. installation kit for washbasins 3.7473. washbasin siphon Cubito 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs Small washbasin 45 cm Article number Description yyy: 105 106 8.1142.3.xxx.yyy.1 asymmetric small washbasin 45 cm, with installation kit, left 8.1142.4.xxx.yyy.1 asymmetric small washbasin 45 cm, with installation kit, right 109 x x x x Optional: 3.7473. washbasin siphon Cubito 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs Asymmetric small washbasin 45 cm 8.1242.1, left 8.1242.2, right Article number Description 8.1242.1.xxx.yyy.1 asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, left 8.1242.2.xxx.yyy.1 asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, right 8.1995.1.xxx.028.1 siphon cover with installation kit (art. nr.: 8.9001. yyy: 104 109 x x Optional: 8.9034. installation kit for washbasins 3.7473. washbasin siphon Cubito 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs x x Asymmetric washbasin 75 cm CUBITO 23 Ceramic products Article number Description yyy: 104 109 x x 8.1442.0.xxx.yyy.1 double washbasin 130 cm 8.1995.1.xxx.028.1 siphon cover with installation kit (art.nr.: 8.9001. Double washbasin 130 cm Optional: 8.9034. installation kit for washbasins 3.7473. washbasin siphon Cubito u 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs Double washbasin 130 cm with siphon cover Accessories 8.9034. installation kit for washbasins (for double washbasin order 2 pcs) 3.7473. Cubito washbasin siphon, 5/4” – 32 mm, chrome, brass 3.7242. Cubito angle valve 3/8” – 1/2” mm, chrome, 2 pcs CUBITO Washbasin siphon and angle valve 24 Ceramic products 180 180 120 100 325 215 120 325 Article number Description 8.3142.2.xxx.yyy.1 wallhung bidet Cubito 120 Ch. 304 Ch. 302 302 x x Optional: 8.9034.9.000.890.1 installation kit with white covers 8.9034.9.000.891.1 installation kit with chrome-plated covers 560 145 210 300 yyy: 304 Wallhung bidet CUBITO 360 560 400 60 60 190 120 190 120 400 560 180 135 560 400 Description 8.2042.2.xxx.000.1 wallhung WC Cubito 75 44 225 100 Article number Optional: 8.9271.1.300.000.1 duroplast seat and cover Mio with antibacterial treatment, fast-clamping steel hinges 8.9271.2.300.000.1 duroplast seat and cover Mio with antibacterial treatment, with lowering system SLOWCLOSE Wallhung WC CUBITO 360 For the Cubito series, we recommend floorstanding WC and WC combination Mio, see page 76. A water-repellent surface finish preventing water, dust and scale accumulation on ceramic surfaces. CUBITO TOTAL CLEAN system of flushing channels all around the toilet pan rim for perfect rinsing 25 Bathroom furniture Laufen CZ has resumed its cooperation with Ing. arch. Michal Janků, who brought forth a unique design concept of the CUBITO bathroom furniture. Stylish design, modern shapes and functional fl exibility are the results of our cooperation with this renowned specialist. The roller container with a large storage space can serve as a comfortable seat. The boxes may be supplied with aluminium adjustable feet. Even the smallest space under the small washbasin (45 cm) may be fully used. The massive aluminium handles help make the furniture look modern. The inbuilt linen basket offers an elegant answer to the question where to store dirty clothes before washing. The bottom part of the box with outward opening door is designed to store towels. In designing the furniture, we take into consideration the smallest details such as the need for limited space to accommodate the sundries which are likely to scatter. Two sizes of shelves may be used for storing many things of everyday use. CUBITO Elegant and pleasant bathroom light is an integral part of the furniture. 26 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.1.172.441.1 4.5011.1.172.442.1 4.5011.1.172.451.1 4.5011.1.172.452.1 4.5011.1.172.500.1 vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer, including handle fino Front colour white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x Vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.2.172.441.1 4.5011.2.172.442.1 4.5011.2.172.451.1 4.5011.2.172.452.1 4.5011.2.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer, including handle Front colour fino white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x Vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.3.172.441.1 4.5011.3.172.442.1 4.5011.3.172.451.1 4.5011.3.172.452.1 4.5011.3.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer, including handle fino Front colour white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x Vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm NEW CUBITO 27 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.4.172.441.1 4.5011.4.172.442.1 4.5011.4.172.451.1 4.5011.4.172.452.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 4.5011.4.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer, including handle fino Front colour white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.5.172.441.1 4.5011.5.172.442.1 4.5011.5.172.451.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 4.5011.5.172.452.1 4.5011.5.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer, including handle fino Front colour white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5014.1.172.445.1 4.5014.1.172.449.1 4.5014.1.172.451.1 Vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 4.5014.1.172.459.1 4.5014.1.172.500.1 vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with a drawer, including handle vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with a drawer, including handle Front colour fino white x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 28 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5012.1.172.445.1 4.5012.6.172.445.1 4.5012.1.172.447.1 4.5012.1.172.448.1 4.5012.1.172.449.1 Vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 4.5012.6.172.449.1 4.5012.1.172.455.1 320 4.5012.1.172.457.1 4.5012.1.172.458.1 130 330 320 670 4.5012.6.172.451.1 4.5012.1.172.459.1 4.5012.6.172.459.1 440 4.5012.1.172.500.1 Vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm, with 2 drawers 4.5012.6.172.500.1 4.9186. vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under small washbasin 45 cm 8.1142.2 with 2 drawers ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece fino Front colour white wenge x x x x fino x wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor white glossy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5012.2.172.445.1 4.5012.7.172.445.1 4.5012.2.172.447.1 4.5012.2.172.448.1 4.5012.2.172.449.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 4.5012.7.172.449.1 4.5012.2.172.455.1 4.5012.7.172.451.1 4.5012.2.172.457.1 4.5012.2.172.458.1 4.5012.2.172.459.1 4.5012.7.172.459.1 4.5012.2.172.500.1 4.5012.7.172.500.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm with 2 drawers 4.9186. vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 55 cm 8.1042.2 with 2 drawers ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece fino Front colour white wenge x x x x fino x wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor white glossy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 29 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5012.3.172.445.1 4.5012.8.172.445.1 4.5012.3.172.447.1 4.5012.3.172.448.1 4.5012.3.172.449.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 4.5012.8.172.449.1 4.5012.3.172.455.1 4.5012.8.172.451.1 4.5012.3.172.457.1 4.5012.3.172.458.1 4.5012.3.172.459.1 4.5012.8.172.459.1 4.5012.3.172.500.1 4.5012.8.172.500.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm, with 2 drawers 4.9186. vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 60 cm 8.1042.3 with 2 drawers ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece fino Front colour white wenge x x x x fino x wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor white glossy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5012.4.172.445.1 4.5012.9.172.445.1 4.5012.4.172.447.1 4.5012.4.172.448.1 4.5012.4.172.449.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 4.5012.9.172.449.1 4.5012.4.172.455.1 4.5012.9.172.451.1 4.5012.4.172.457.1 4.5012.4.172.458.1 4.5012.4.172.459.1 4.5012.9.172.459.1 4.5012.4.172.500.1 4.5012.9.172.500.1 Vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm, with 2 drawers 4.9186. vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with 2 drawers vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with a drawer and hinged doors vanity unit under washbasin 65 cm 8.1042.4 with 2 drawers ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece fino Front colour white wenge x x x x fino x wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor white glossy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 30 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5012.5.172.445.1 fino Front colour white wenge fino wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x x 4.5012.0.172.445.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with 2 drawers, including handles x x 4.5012.5.172.447.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x x 4.5012.0.172.449.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with 2 drawers, including handles x x 4.5012.5.172.455.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x x 4.5012.0.172.451.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with 2 drawers, including handles x x 4.5012.5.172.457.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles x x 4.5012.0.172.459.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with 2 drawers, including handles x x 4.5012.5.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with a drawer and hinged doors, including handles 4.5012.0.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm 8.1042.6 with 2 drawers, including handles ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece 4.5012.5.172.448.1 4.5012.5.172.449.1 4.5012.5.172.458.1 4.5012.5.172.459.1 4.9186. white glossy x Vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm x x x Vanity unit under washbasin 85 cm, with 2 drawers x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge fino 4.5014.2.172.445.1 vanity unit under washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with 2 drawers x 4.5014.2.172.449.1 vanity unit under washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with 2 drawers x 4.5014.2.172.455.1 vanity unit under washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with 2 drawers x 4.5014.2.172.459.1 vanity unit under washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with 2 drawers x 4.5014.2.172.500.1 vanity unit under washbasin 130 cm 8.1442.0 with 2 drawers 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece Front colour white wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x Vanity unit under double washbasin 130 cm, with 2 drawers NEW CUBITO 31 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.5021.6.172.441.1 4.5021.6.172.442.1 Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm 4.5021.6.172.451.1 4.5021.6.172.452.1 4.5021.6.172.500.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole left vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole left vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole left vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole left vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole left Front colour 462 fino 461 wenge white x 462 fino 466 beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5021.7.172.445.1 4.5021.7.172.447.1 Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm 4.5021.7.172.448.1 4.5021.7.172.449.1 4.5021.7.172.455.1 4.5021.7.172.457.1 4.5021.7.172.458.1 4.5021.7.172.459.1 4.5021.7.172.500.1 4.9186. vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x fino white wenge glossy fino wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor x x x x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 32 white glossy x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole left ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece Front colour Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.5020.8.172.445.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole left 4.5020.8.172.449.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole left 4.5020.8.172.451.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole left 4.5020.8.172.459.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole left 4.5020.8.172.500.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole left 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece Front colour 462 fino 461 wenge white glossy x 462 fino 466 beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.5011.6.172.441.1 4.5011.6.172.442.1 4.5011.6.172.451.1 4.5011.6.172.452.1 4.5011.6.172.500.1 vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, 1 drawer with one hole right 462 fino Front colour white x 461 wenge 462 fino 466 beige glossy white glossy x x x x Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm x x x x x NEW CUBITO 33 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.5011.7.172.445.1 4.5011.7.172.447.1 Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm 4.5011.7.172.448.1 4.5011.7.172.449.1 4.5011.7.172.455.1 4.5011.7.172.457.1 4.5011.7.172.458.1 4.5011.7.172.459.1 4.5011.7.172.500.1 4.9186. vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x fino Front colour white wenge fino wenge wenge fino fino beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass ALU glass glossy matt decor matt decor white glossy x x x x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right x vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with a drawer and hinged doors with one hole right ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece x x x x x x x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge fino Front colour white wenge fino beige glossy 4.5011.8.172.445.1 4.5011.8.172.449.1 4.5011.8.172.451.1 Vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm 4.5011.8.172.459.1 4.5011.8.172.500.1 4.9186. vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole right vanity unit under asymmetric washbasin 75 cm, with 2 drawers with one hole right ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece x x x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 34 white glossy Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.9212.1.172.461.1 deep cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9212.1.172.462.1 deep cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9212.1.172.500.1 deep cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate cover plate 462 fino 466 468 467 white beige ALU glass ALU glass glossy glossy decor BODY x doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle cover plate 461 wenge x 4.9180.1.172.466.1 4.9183.2.172.500.1 white glossy x 4.9180.1.172.462.1 4.9183.2.172.462.1 462 fino COVER PLATE Front colour x x x DOORS, TYPE „A“ x x x x x x DOORS, TYPE „B“ x x x x x Deep cabinet x NEW Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.2011.1.172.441.1 4.2011.1.172.442.1 4.2011.1.172.451.1 4.2011.1.172.452.1 4.2011.1.172.500.1 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cabinet with two drawers, including handles cabinet with two drawers, including handles cabinet with two drawers, including handles cabinet with two drawers, including handles cabinet with two drawers, including handles cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate fino COVER PLATE Front colour white glossy x wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x x x Cabinets with 2 drawers x x x NEW CUBITO 35 Bathroom furniture COVER PLATE Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge BODY ALU FEET DOORS, TYPE „A“ DOORS, TYPE „B“ 4.9212.2.172.461.1 deep cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 4.9212.2.172.462.1 deep cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 4.9212.2.172.500.1 deep cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 4.9181.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 462 fino Front colour white 461 wenge 462 fino 466 468 467 white beige ALU glass ALU glass glossy glossy decor x x x 4.9181.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NEW Deep cabinet COVER PLATE Article number Description Body colour wenge 4.3212.2.172.441.1 BODY WITH LAUNDRY BASKET 4.9183.2.172.461.1 deep cabinet with hinged door and laundry basket deep cabinet with hinged door and laundry basket deep cabinet with hinged door and laundry basket deep cabinet with hinged door and laundry basket deep cabinet with hinged door and laundry basket cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece 4.3212.2.172.442.1 4.3212.2.172.451.1 4.3212.2.172.452.1 ALU FEET 4.3212.2.172.500.1 Deep cabinet with laundry basket fino Front colour white glossy x wenge fino CUBITO white glossy x x x x x x x x x x x x x NEW 36 beige glossy Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.9212.3.172.461.1 semi-tall cabinet body, including 3 glass shelves 4.9212.3.172.462.1 semi-tall cabinet body, including 3 glass shelves 4.9212.3.172.500.1 semi-tall cabinet body, including 3 glass shelves 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece 462 fino COVER PLATE Front colour white 461 wenge 462 fino 466 beige glossy 468 467 ALU glass ALU glass decor white glossy x BODY x x x x x x ALU FEET x x x x LEFT DOORS RIGHT DOORS x x x x x x x x x x Semi-tall cabinet x x x x x x x x x x NEW CUBITO 37 Bathroom furniture COVER PLATE Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge BODY WITH LAUNDRY BASKET ALU FEET LEFT DOORS Semi-tall cabinet with laundry basket RIGHT DOORS 462 fino 4.3212.3.172.441.1 semi-tall cabinet body with laundry basket and glass shelf x 4.3212.3.172.442.1 semi-tall cabinet body with laundry basket and glass shelf x 4.3212.3.172.451.1 semi-tall cabinet body with laundry basket and glass shelf x 4.3212.3.172.452.1 semi-tall cabinet body with laundry basket and glass shelf x 4.3212.3.172.500.1 semi-tall cabinet body with laundry basket and glass shelf 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece Front colour white 461 wenge 462 fino 466 468 467 white beige ALU glass ALU glass glossy glossy decor x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 38 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.9212.4.172.461.1 tall cabinet body including 5 glass shelves 4.9212.4.172.462.1 tall cabinet body including 5 glass shelves 4.9212.4.172.500.1 tall cabinet body including 5 glass shelves 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9182.1.172.461.1 one-piece doors LEFT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.1.172.462.1 one-piece doors LEFT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.1.172.466.1 one-piece doors LEFT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.1.172.500.1 one-piece doors LEFT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.2.172.461.1 one-piece doors RIGHT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.2.172.462.1 one-piece doors RIGHT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.2.172.466.1 one-piece doors RIGHT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9182.2.172.500.1 one-piece doors RIGHT for cabinet 4.9212.4 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece 462 fino COVER PLATE Front colour white 461 wenge 462 fino 466 468 467 white beige ALU glass ALU glass glossy glossy decor x x x BODY x x x x x x x x ALU FEET x x x x x LEFT DOORS x RIGHT DOORS x x x x x x x x x x x x Tall cabinet x x x x x x x x x x NEW CUBITO 39 Bathroom furniture COVER PLATE Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.3212.4.172.441.1 4.3212.4.172.442.1 4.3212.4.172.451.1 BODY WITH LAUNDRY BASKET 4.3212.4.172.452.1 4.3212.4.172.500.1 ALU FEET LEFT DOORS RIGHT DOORS Tall cabinets with laundry basket tall cabinet body with laundry basket and 3 glass shelves tall cabinet body with laundry basket and 3 glass shelves tall cabinet body with laundry basket and 3 glass shelves tall cabinet body with laundry basket and 3 glass shelves tall cabinet body with laundry basket and 3 glass shelves 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.2.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.2.172.500.1 cover plate 4.9186. ALU feet, adjustable, 1 piece 462 fino Front colour white x 461 wenge 462 fino 466 beige glossy 468 467 white ALU ALU glass glossy decor glass x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 40 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge 4.9211.1.172.461.1 shallow cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9211.1.172.462.1 shallow cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9211.1.172.500.1 shallow cabinet body, including glass shelf 4.9180.1.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 462 fino white 461 wenge 462 fino 466 468 469 467 beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glossy decor mirror x x x x x 4.9180.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9180.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9180.2.172.467.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9180.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9180.2.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle cover plate Shallow cabinet x 4.9180.2.172.469.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle cover plate DOORS ALU/MIRROR TYPE „B“ x 4.9180.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9183.1.172.500.1 DOORS, TYPE „B“ x 4.9180.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9183.1.172.462.1 DOORS ALU/MIRROR TYPE „A“ x doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle cover plate DOORS, TYPE „A“ x doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9183.1.172.461.1 BODY x 4.9180.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.469.1 white glossy x 4.9180.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 32 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9180.1.172.467.1 COVER PLATE Front colour x x x x NEW CUBITO 41 Bathroom furniture COVER PLATE Article number Description Body colour 461 wenge BODY 4.9211.2.172.461.1 shallow cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 462 fino DOORS, TYPE „A“ DOORS, TYPE „B“ DOORS ALU/MIRROR TYPE „A“ doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.467.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.469.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.1.172.500.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „A“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.461.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 461 wenge 462 fino 466 468 469 467 beige ALU glass ALU glass ALU glossy decor mirror x x x x x x x x x DOORS ALU/MIRROR TYPE „B“ 4.9181.2.172.462.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9181.2.172.466.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle 4.9181.2.172.467.1 x doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9181.2.172.468.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9181.2.172.469.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle x 4.9181.2.172.50 0.1 doors 32 × 64 cm for body, type „B“, incl. handle Shallow cabinet 4.9183.1.172.461.1 cover plate 4.9183.1.172.462.1 cover plate 4.9183.1.172.500.1 cover plate x x x x CUBITO NEW 42 white glossy x 4.9211.2.172.500.1 shallow cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 4.9181.1.172.462.1 white glossy x 4.9211.2.172.462.1 shallow cabinet body, including 2 glass shelves 4.9181.1.172.461.1 Front colour 8.1042.4 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Colour 1280 8.1042.4 38 465 wenge 4.5015.1.172.445.1 washtop 128 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.1.172.451.1 washtop 128 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.1.172.500.1 washtop 128 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right x 4.5013. console for supporting washtop, adjustable, silver x Article number fino white x x Description Washtops with 1 cut-out NEW Washtops with 1 cut-out NEW Washtops with 2 cut-outs NEW Colour 8.1042.4 8.1042.4 38 465 1920 wenge 4.5015.2.172.445.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.2.172.451.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.2.172.500.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right x 4.5013. console for supporting washtop, adjustable, silver x Article number fino white x x Description Colour 1920 465 38 wenge 4.5015.3.172.445.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs left/right 4.5015.3.172.451.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs left/right 4.5015.3.172.500.1 washtop 192 cm for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs left/right x 4.5013. console for supporting washtop, adjustable, silver x fino white x x CUBITO Warning: Standalone washbasin counters must be fitted with sufficient supports (please see the mounting instructions). All washbasin counters with cut-outs can only be used in combination with Cubito 65 cm washbasin (8.1042.4). 43 Bathroom furniture Description 800–1280 Colour 38 Article number wenge Washtops without cut-out NEW 4.5020.1.172.445.1 atypical washtop 80–128 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.1.172.451.1 atypical washtop 80–128 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.1.172.500.1 atypical washtop 80–128 cm, without cut-out white x x Description 1281–1600 Colour 38 Article number fino x wenge Washtops without cut-out NEW 4.5020.2.172.445.1 atypical washtop 128,1–160 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.2.172.451.1 atypical washtop 128,1–160 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.2.172.500.1 atypical washtop 128,1–160 cm, without cut-out white x x x Description 1601–2100 Colour 38 Article number fino wenge Washtops without cut-out NEW 4.5020.3.172.445.1 atypical washtop 160,1–210 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.3.172.451.1 atypical washtop 160,1–210 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.3.172.500.1 atypical washtop 160,1–210 cm, without cut-out white x x x Description 2101–2500 Colour 38 Article number fino wenge CUBITO Washtops without cut-out 44 4.5020.4.172.445.1 atypical washtop 210,1–250 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.4.172.451.1 atypical washtop 210,1–250 cm, without cut-out 4.5020.4.172.500.1 atypical washtop 210,1– 250 cm, without cut-out fino white x x Into the text of the order, please indicate the length of the washtop in whole centimetres. x Bathroom furniture Colour wenge 4.5015.4.172.451.1 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.4.172.500.1 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right 4.5015.5.172.445.1 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs 4.5015.5.172.451.1 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs 4.5015.5.172.500.1 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 2 cut-outs min. 315 X white Y x x x 465 atypical washtop for washbasin Cubito 65 cm, 1 cut-out left/right fino 900–1600 x x x Warning: Standalone washbasin counters must be fitted with sufficient supports (please see the mounting instructions). All washbasin counters with cut-outs can only be used in combination with Cubito 65 cm washbasin (8.1042.4). 8.1042.4 8.1042.4 min. 315 X min. 315 Z Y 38 465 4.5015.4.172.445.1 8.1042.4 Description 38 Article number 1350–2200 Atypical washtops Body colour fino 4.5016.1.172.445.1 vanity unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5016.1.172.449.1 vanity unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5016.1.172.455.1 vanity unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5016.1.172.459.1 vanity unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5016.1.172.500.1 vanity unit 64 cm, 1 drawer white wenge fino beige glossy white x x x x x 465 wenge Front colour 8.1042.4 Description 320 Article number x 640 NEW Body colour wenge fino 4.5015.6.172.445.1 drawer unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5015.6.172.449.1 drawer unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5015.6.172.455.1 drawer unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5015.6.172.459.1 drawer unit 64 cm, 1 drawer x 4.5015.6.172.500.1 drawer unit 64 cm, 1 drawer Front colour white wenge fino beige glossy white 465 Description 320 Article number Under-counter vanity unit x x 640 x x x x Standalone under-counter vanity unit Description console for supporting washtop, adjustable, silver 420 Article number 4.5013. 140 NEW Warning: Standalone washbasin counters must be fitted with sufficient supports (please see the mounting instructions). All washbasin counters with cut-outs can only be used in combination with Cubito 65 cm washbasin (8.1042.4). CUBITO Console for supporting washtop 45 Bathroom furniture Article number Description Body colour wenge fino 4.5211.1.172.441.1 trolley with drawers, including handles x 4.5211.1.172.442.1 trolley with drawers, including handles x 4.5211.1.172.451.1 trolley with drawers, including handles x 4.5211.1.172.452.1 trolley with drawers, including handles x 4.5211.1.172.500.1 trolley with drawers, including handles Front colour white wenge fino beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x Trolley with drawers and a shelf 50 430 NEW Article number Description Body colour Front colour 600 wenge fino white wenge fino 465 420 320 30 4.5017.2.172.454.1 4.5017.1.172.445.1 trolley with drawer, including handle x 4.5017.1.172.449.1 trolley with drawer, including handle x 4.5017.1.172.455.1 trolley with drawer, including handle x 4.5017.1.172.459.1 trolley with drawer, including handle x 4.5017.1.172.500.1 trolley with drawer, including handle 4.5017.2.172.454.1 seat for trolleys, beige, artificial leather beige glossy white glossy x x x x x x x 640 NEW Trolley with drawer or a seat Article number Description Colour 461 wenge Shelves 4.9184.1.172.461.1 small shelf 4.9184.1.172.462.1 small shelf 4.9184.1.172.500.1 small shelf 4.9184.2.172.461.1 large shelf 4.9184.2.172.462.1 large shelf 4.9184.2.172.500.1 large shelf 462 fino x x x x x x CUBITO NEW 46 white Bathroom furniture Article number Description Colour 4.4011.1.172.570.1 mirror, horizontal/vertical 32 × 96 cm 4.4011.2.172.570.1 mirror, horizontal/vertical 64 × 96 cm 4.4011.3.172.570.1 mirror, horizontal/vertical 55 × 64 cm 4.5018. mirror, horizontal/vertical 128 × 64 cm Mirrors 4.4011.1 4.4011.2 20 640 1280 90° 640 1280 4.5018.5 4.4011.3 Lighting Cubito Article number 4.9186. Description halogen lighting, IP 44, 100 W Halogen lighting 595 70 25 Lighting Cubito Article number 4.5018. Description light, fluorescent, 24 W, chrome, IP 44 Lighting fluorescent CUBITO 47 Bathroom furniture 4.9186.2 4.9186.3 4.9187.1 Article number Description 4.9186. towel rail 26,5 cm recommended for cabinets 32 cm in depth and cabinets for small washbasins 45 cm 4.9186. towel rail, 33 cm, recommended for cabinets for washbasins 55, 60, 65, 75, 85cm and trolley 4.9187.1.999.000.1 handle 1 piece 18 × 18,5 × 32 mm (spare part) 4.9187.2.999.000.1 handle 1 piece 18 × 18,5 × 128 mm (spare part) 4.9187.3.999.000.1 handle 1 piece 18 × 18,5 × 136 mm (spare part) 4.5013. support for washbasin counters 4.5013. divider set for the bottom drawer of the vanity unit 130 cm 4.5013. divider set for the bottom drawer of the vanity units 60, 65, 75, 85 cm 4.5013. divider set for the bottom drawer of the vanity units 55 cm 4.9187.3 420 140 4.9187.2 CUBITO 4.5013.3.1720.000.1 48 4.5013.3.1720.000.1 Bathtubs and bath screens Article number Description 2.2042. bathtub 160 × 70cm, without support 2.2142. bathtub 160 × 75cm, without support 2.2242. bathtub 170 × 75cm, without support 2.2342. bathtub 180 × 80cm, without support With panel Without panel Capacity 190 l 212 l 242 l 267 l Optional: 2.9485. set of feet for bathtub 160 × 70 cm, for installation with panel 2.9485. set of feet for bathtub 160 × 75 cm, for installation with panel 2.9485. set of feet for bathtub 170 × 75 cm, for installation with panel 2.9485. set of feet for bathtub 180 × 80 cm, for installation with panel 2.9483. set of feet for bathtub 160 × 70 cm, for installation without panel 2.9483. set of feet for bathtubs 160 × 75, 170 × 75 cm, for installation without panel 2.9483. set of feet for bathtub 180 × 80 cm, for installation without panel 2.9649. front panel 160 × 50 mm, for bathtubs 160 × 70, 160 × 75 cm, including mounting kit 2.9649. front panel 170 × 50 cm, for bathtub 170 × 75 cm, including mounting kit 2.9649. front panel 180 × 50 cm, for bathtub 180 × 80 cm, including mounting kit side panel 70 × 50 cm, for bathtub 160 × 70 cm, 2.9649. including mounting kit side panel 75 × 50 cm, for bathtubs 160 × 75 cm, 2.9649. 170 × 75 cm, including mounting kit 2.9649. side panel 80 × 50 cm, for bathtub 180 × 80 cm, including mounting kit 2.9481. automatic overflow including siphon 40/50 mm, length 550 mm 2.9481. automatic overflow with inlet, including siphon 40/50 mm, length 550 mm NEW Areas shown in this colour that are not recommended for placing a bathtub outlet or a bathtub mixer outlet. These areas are recommended for placing a bathtub outlet or a bathtub mixer outlet. CUBITO Spare parts: 2.9483. mounting set for front panel 2.9483. mounting set for side panel Bathtub CUBITO 49 Bathtubs and bath screens One-piece bath screen with Cubito flower decor glass and JIKA perla GLASS. Hinge at the two-piece bath screen with 6-mm thick tempered safety glass. Seal gasket at the bath screen pivoting piece prevents water leakage during a bath. One-piece bath screen with transparent glass and JIKA perla GLASS finish. Stability is ensured by this support, a component of the two-piece bath screen. Clean All Bath screen decoration detail. The JIKA logo can be found on all bath screens bath screens. CUBITO 50 Conditioner We recommend using the specially-developed cleaning agents Clean All and Conditioner to significantly extend the life of the JIKA perla GLASS finish. Advantages: • Extended three-year warranty • CUBITO bath screens compatible with JIKA bathtubs (except RIGA and RIGA mini bathtubs) • Frameless structure and 6-mm safety glass • Solid profiles in silver colour • Special glass finish JIKA perla GLASS • Special cleaning products Clean All and Conditioner Polished silver profile of the bath screen (close-up). All the bath screens are exclusively supplied with the Jika perla GLASS finish. Bathtubs and bath screens Bath screen 75, LEFT/RIGHT, 1-piece, polished silver profile, 6-mm thick glass with flower decor and JIKA perla GLASS finish. 180° 750-770 693 Article number Dimension Height Thickness (mm) (mm) (mm) 2.5742.5.002.669.1 750 1400 6 2.5642.5.002.669.1 750 1400 6 left right Variant vyhotovenia skla flower decor flower decor charge 669 – flower decor right version One-piece bath screen with flower decor Bath screen 75, LEFT/RIGHT, 1-piece, polished silver profile, 6-mm thick transpar- ent glass with JIKA perla GLASS finish. Article number Dimension Height Thickness (mm) (mm) (mm) 2.5742.5.002.668.1 750 1400 6 2.5642.5.002.668.1 750 1400 6 left right Variant vyhotovenia skla transparent glass transparent glass charge 668 – transparent glass One-piece transparent bath screen Bath screen 115, LEFT/RIGHT, 2-piece, polished silver profile, 6-mm thick transparent glass with flower decor and JIKA perla GLASS finish. 180 1150-1170 530 560 Article number Dimension Height Thickness (mm) (mm) (mm) 2.5642.6.002.669.1 1150 1400 6 2.5742.6.002.669.1 1150 1400 6 45 Glass design left right flower decor flower decor charge 669 – flower decor right version Two-piece bath screen with flower decor Bath screen 115, LEFT/RIGHT, 2-piece, polished silver profile, 6-mm thick transparent glass with JIKA perla GLASS finish. Article number 2.5642.6.002.668.1 2.5742.6.002.668.1 Width (mm) 1150 1150 Height Thickness (mm) (mm) 1400 6 1400 6 Glass design left right transparent glass transparent glass charge 668 – transparent glass Two-piece bath screen transparent The Cubito bath screen can be combined with flat-edge bathtubs. CUBITO 51 Shower enclosures Massive polished silver shower enclosure profile with JIKA logo. Bearing tracks for easy opening and closing. CUBITO Advantages: 52 • Compatible with JIKA trays (Ravenna, Neo-Ravenna, Olymp, Sofia). • 6mm glass with Cubito flower decor. • Massive polished silver profile. • Special glass finish JIKA perla GLASS. • Special cleaning products – Clean All and Conditioner. •Magnetic seals for travelling doors. Minimalist shower door handles represent a distinctive design wwfeature. Pull-out system for more convenient maintenance. Magnetic strips provide for a perfect tightness. Shower enclosures Shower enclosure 800, 900, 1000 square, polished silver profile, 6 mm transparent glass or glass with flower decor and JIKA perla GLASS finish, handles chrome. A B C B D A C Article number 2.5142.1.002.668.1 2.5142.2.002.668.1 2.5142.3.002.668.1 2.5142.1.002.669.1 2.5142.2.002.669.1 2.5142.3.002.669.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent decor decor decor charge 668 – transparent glass charge 669 – flower decor Article number 2.5142.1.002.668.1 2.5142.2.002.668.1 2.5142.3.002.668.1 2.5142.1.002.669.1 2.5142.2.002.669.1 2.5142.3.002.669.1 Dimensional options (mm) A 770–790 × 770–790 870–890 × 870–890 970–990 × 970–990 770–790 × 770–790 870–890 × 870–890 970–990 × 970–990 Dimension (mm) B 316 366 416 316 366 416 Dimension (mm) C 415 465 515 415 465 515 Intake width (mm) D 399 470 541 399 470 541 Cubito shower enclosures are compatible with JIKA shower trays. CUBITO 53 CUBITO pure shower enclosures and doors New shower enclosures and trays in Cubito pure series are offered at the optimum height of 1950 mm and various widths. The closing mechanism can be selected to fit the layout of your bathroom. Simple and clean contours of enclosure profiles and the prominent handle. The pull-out system for more convenient maintenance. CUBITO Advantages: 54 • Extended five-year warranty. • Compatible with JIKA trays (Ravenna, Neo-Ravenna, Olymp, Sofia). • Solid profiles in silver colour (Cubito pure, Cubito and Mio). • Special glass finish JIKA perla GLASS. • Special cleaning products Clean All and Conditioner. • Shower enclosure height: 1950 mm. • Frame material is aluminum made by anodic oxidation Another practical handle in the shower enclosure interior. Detail of „arctic“ design glass of the shower enclosure. CUBITO pure shower enclosures and doors Shower doors 1000, 1200, 1400, LEFT/RIGHT, 1 sliding and 1 fixed segment, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.4224.3.002.668.1 2.4224.4.002.668.1 2.4224.8.002.668.1 2.4224.3.002.666.1 2.4224.4.002.666.1 2.4224.8.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 1000 1200 1400 1000 1200 1400 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Article number 2.4224.3 2.4224.4 2.4224.8 Dimensional options (mm) A 965–995 1165–1195 1365–1395 Shower door Dimension (mm) B 523 623 723 Dimension (mm) C 523,1 623,1 723,1 Intake width (mm) D 386,5 486,5 586,5 Single shower door 800, 900, 1000, LEFT/RIGHT, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.5424.1.002.668.1 2.5424.2.002.668.1 2.5424.3.002.668.1 2.5424.1.002.666.1 2.5424.2.002.666.1 2.5424.3.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Article number Shower pivot door Rozmerové možnosti (mm) do niky A 765–795 865–895 965–995 2.5424.1 2.5424.2 2.5424.3 Dimension (mm) B 673 773 873 Folding shower door, 800, 900, LEFT/RIGHT, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.5524.1.002.668.1 2.5524.2.002.668.1 2.5524.1.002.666.1 2.5524.2.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 800 900 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Article number 2.5524.1 2.5524.2 Dimensional options (mm) A 765–795 865–895 Intake width (mm) D 535 635 Dimension (mm) C 306 358 Shower folding doors CUBITO 55 CUBITO pure shower enclosures and doors Fixed shower screen 800, 900, 1000, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.9724.1.002.668.1 2.9724.2.002.668.1 2.9724.3.002.668.1 2.9724.1.002.666.1 2.9724.2.002.666.1 2.9724.3.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Fixed shower screen Cubito pure Article number Dimensional options (mm) A Dimension (mm) B 780–795 880–895 980–995 780–795 880–895 980–995 727 827 927 727 827 927 2.9724.1.002.668.1 2.9724.2.002.668.1 2.9724.3.002.668.1 2.9724.1.002.666.1 2.9724.2.002.666.1 2.9724.3.002.666.1 A combination of fixed Cubito pure screen and Cubito pure shower doors is recommended. Shower enclosure 800, 900, 1000, square, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic design glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.5124.1.002.668.1 2.5124.2.002.668.1 2.5124.3.002.668.1 2.5124.1.002.666.1 2.5124.2.002.666.1 2.5124.3.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Shower enclosure Cubito pure Article number 2.5124.1.002.668.1 2.5124.2.002.668.1 2.5124.3.002.668.1 2.5124.1.002.666.1 2.5124.2.002.666.1 2.5124.3.002.666.1 Dimensional options (mm) A 780–795 880–898 980–995 780–795 880–898 980–995 Dimension (mm) B 319 369 419 319 369 419 Dimension (mm) C 400,5 450,5 500,5 400,5 450,5 500,5 Intake width (mm) D 434,8 505,5 576,2 434,8 505,5 576,2 All the shower enclosures are exclusively supplied with the Jika perla GLASS finish on the inner side of the screen. CUBITO Clean All 2.9482. Volume: 0,5 l 56 We recommend using specially developed cleaning agents Clean All and Conditioner to signifi cantly extend the life of JIKA perla GLASS finish (for more information, see page 234.) Conditioner 2.9482. Volume: 0,5 l CUBITO pure shower enclosures and doors Shower enclosure 800, 900, 1000, quadrant, 540 mm radius, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. Article number 2.5324.1.002.668.1 2.5324.2.002.668.1 2.5324.3.002.668.1 2.5324.1.002.666.1 2.5324.2.002.666.1 2.5324.3.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Shower enclosure Cubito pure Article number 2.5324.1.002.668.1 2.5324.2.002.668.1 2.5324.3.002.668.1 2.5324.1.002.666.1 2.5324.2.002.666.1 2.5324.3.002.666.1 15 Dimension (mm) B 225 325 425 225 325 425 Dimension (mm) C 389 389 389 389 389 389 Intake width (mm) D 410 540 540 410 540 540 Shower enclosure 800, 900, 1000, LEFT/RIGHT quadrant, 540 mm radius, glossy silver-colour profile, 6 mm transparent glass or arctic glass with special JIKA perla GLASS treatment, chromed handles. A C Dimensional options (mm) A 780–795 880–898 980–995 780–795 880–898 980–995 R 540 15 B A Article number 2.5024.1.002.668.1 2.5024.2.002.668.1 2.5024.3.002.668.1 2.5024.1.002.66 6.1 2.5024.2.002.666.1 2.5024.3.002.666.1 Dimension (mm) 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Height (mm) 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Thickness (mm) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Glass design transparent transparent transparent arctic arctic arctic charge 668 – transparent glass charge 666 – decor arctic Article number 2.5024.1.002.668.1 2.5024.2.002.668.1 2.5024.3.002.668.1 2.5024.1.002.666.1 2.5024.2.002.666.1 2.5024.3.002.666.1 Dimensional options (mm) A 780–795 880–898 980–995 780–795 880–898 980–995 Shower enclosure Cubito pure Dimension (mm) B 665 719 689 665 719 689 Intake width (mm) D 505 523 513 505 523 513 17 Cubito pure shower enclosures are compatible with JIKA shower trays. 2 Article number 2.9471. 2.9471. 2.9471. Description glass spatula, chrome glass spatula with enclosure-hung holder, chrome glass spatula with wallhung holder, chrome 25 2.9471. 2.9471. CUBITO 2.9471. 57 Faucets and accessories Geometric shapes of Cubito bathroom faucets have been designed in line with the Cubito series. CUBITO Angle valves offered in the same design as Cubito faucets complete the stylish and modern bathroom environment. 58 Sample of Cubito and Mio luxury faucet package in a grey canvas bag with the JIKA logo. Detail of Cubito shower set and bath screen with Cubito decor. Faucets and accessories Article number Description 3.1142. washbasin high spout faucet with Click-Clack waste, chrome-plated Optional: 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8“–1/2“, chrome, 2 pcs Click-Clack max. 415 Spare parts: 3.9171. washbasin waste Click-Clack, chrome-plated Washbasin faucet G5/4” G3/8” Article number Description 3.1142. washbasin high spout faucet with Click-Clack waste, chrome-plated Optional: 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8“–1/2“, chrome, 2 pcs Click-Clack Spare parts: 3.9171. washbasin waste Click-Clack, chrome-plated G5/4” G3/8” Washbasin high spot faucet Article number Description 3.4142. bidet faucet with pop-up, chrome-plated Optional: 3.7242. angle valve Cubito 3/8“–1/2“, chrome, 2 pcs G5/4” Bidet faucet G3/8” Article number Description 3.2242. bath/shower wall mounted faucet w/o shower set, chrome-plated Optional: 3.6042. shower set I. (hand shower Cubito I., 1 function, hand shower holder, shower hose 1.7 m), chrome 3.6042. shower set II. (hand shower Cubito II., 1 function, hand shower holder, shower hose 1.7 m), chrome 3.6042. shower set I. (hand shower Cubito I., sliding bar, shower hose 1.7m), chrome 3.6042. shower set II. (hand shower Cubito II., sliding bar, shower hose 1.7m), chrome Bathtub faucet without shower set CUBITO 59 Faucets and accessories Article number Description 3.3242. shower faucet without shower set, chrome-plated Shower faucet without shower set Optional: 3.6042. shower set I. (hand shower Cubito I., 1 function, hand shower holder, shower hose 1.7m), chrome 3.6042. shower set II. (hand shower Cubito II., 1 function, hand shower holder, shower hose 1.7m), chrome 3.6042. shower set I. (hand shower Cubito I., sliding bar, shower hose 1.7m), chrome 3.6042. shower set II. (hand shower Cubito II., sliding bar, shower hose 1.7m), chrome Article number Description 3.2042. concealed bath/shower faucet w/o shower set, chrome-plated Bath/shower concealed faucet Optional: 3.7142. 3.6342. 3.6142. 3.6271. 3.6271. 3.8473. G1/2” G1/2” 90-100 51 32x32 50x50 G1/2” 150 bathtub spout 1/2“, chrome elbow connection 1/2“, chrome hand shower, chrome shower hose 1.7 m, reinforced PVC, silver shower hose 2 m, reinforced PVC, silver hand shower holder G1/2” 300 Three positional switch. Attachment: hand shower or head shower. Bathtub water inlet by the bathtub outlet or outflow. G1/2” 3.6742. Article number 3.6742. 3.6742. 3.6742. 3.6642. Description head shower, chrome head shower, chrome head shower, chrome, NEW (available from May 2012) shower arm, chrome 230 230 G1/2” 3.6742. 60 250 NEW 250 3.6742. Head shower G1/2” G1/2” Article number 3.7242. 3.9171. Description angle valve Cubito 3/8”–1/2”, chrome, 2 pcs washbasin spout Cubito/Mio Click-Clack, chrome bathtub spout Cubito 1/2”, chrome G3/8” G1/2” CLICK/CLACK 66 max 47 CUBITO G1/2” 60 Angle valve, washbasin spout and bathtub spout G5/4” Faucets and accessories Article number Description 3.6142. hand shower Cubito I., chrome 3.6142. hand shower Cubito II., chrome, NEW (available from May 2012) 230 80 NEW 80 17 71 Article number Description 3.8473. hand shower holder, chrome 40 26 Hand shower holder CUBITO 55,5 55,5 G1/2” Article number Description 3.6342. elbow connection 1/2“, chrome G1/2” Elbow connection CUBITO Article number Description 3.6442. sliding bar with shower holder and soap dish, 680 mm, chrome 652 684 140 CUBITO Sliding bar CUBITO 61 Bathroom accessories Characteristic outlook of the popular Cubito bathroom can be highlighted by the accessories of the same product series, which are based on the pure straightlined geometric shapes. Pure lines of all these products emphasize their functionality and convenience, while still being a beautiful design detail. Article number Description CUBITO Description 3.8473. double glass tumbler holder wall model, complete, chrome Spare parts: 3.8871. glass cup 3.8871. plastic insert for cup holder, dispenser and soap dish Spare parts: 3.8871. glass cup 3.8871. plastic insert for cup holder, dispenser and soap dish Article number Article number Description 3.8473. soap basket, chrome Description 3.8473. glass soap dish wall model, complete, chrome 62 Article number 3.8473. glass tumbler holder wall model, complete, chrome Spare parts: 3.8871. glass soap dish 3.8871. plastic insert for cup holder, dispenser and soap dish Bathroom accessories Article number Description 3.8473. ceramic lotion dispenser wall model, complete, chrome Article number 3.8173. Description towel ring, chrome Article number Description Spare parts: 3.8871. ceramic soap dispenser bin 3.8871. plastic insert for cup holder, dispenser and soap dish 3.8373. toilet paper holder without cover, chrome Article number Description 3.8773. hook, chrome-plated Article number Description 3.8573. glass shelf, 500 mm, chrome Article number Description 3.8173. towel bar, 550 mm, chrome 3.8173. towel bar, 660 mm, chrome Spare parts: 3.8871. glass shelf, 500 mm 3.8871. bolts for fastening the glass shelves, 2 pieces Article number Description 3.8373. reserve toilet paper holder, chrome Article number Description 3.8173. double towel bar, 550 mm, chrome 3.8173. double towel bar, 660 mm, chrome Article number Description 3.8373. glass toilet brush set, wall model, complete, chrome Article number Description 3.8173. bathtowel rack, 570 mm, chrome Article number Description 3.8173. bathtowel rack with towel bar, 570 mm, chrome Spare parts: 3.8871. glass dish for WC set 3.8871. spare toilet brush for WC set, black 3.8871. plastic insert for dish holder, in WC set, Ø 86 mm Article number Description 3.8573. square wire magazine basket, chrome CUBITO 63 DESIGN bathroom accessories Article number Description 3.833C. glass soap dish wall model, complete, 11 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.853C. corner glass shelf, including handles, chrome Article number Article number Description 3.853C. glass shelf 60 cm, including handles, chrome Description 3.833C. glass lotion dispenser wall model, complete, chrome, volume 203 ml, chrome Article number 3.853C. Description glass shelf, 40 cm, chrome Article number 3.843C. Description double paper holder, 32,5 cm, chrome Article number 3.843C. Description left paper holder, 19,6 cm, chrome Article number 3.843C. Description right paper holder, 19,6 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.813C. hanger, 5 cm high, chrome Article number Description 3.813C. towel bar, 60 cm, chrome Article number 3.813C. Article number Description 3.813C.4.004.400.1 towel holder 20 × 15,5 cm, chrom Description towel bar, 40 cm, chrome CUBITO Article number Description 3.813C. towel holder 30x12,5 cm, chrom 64 NEW Design bathroom accessories available from May 2012. Article number Description 3.843C. glass toilet brush set, wall model, complete, 38 cm high, chrome NEW GENERIC bathroom accessories Article number Description 3.843D. wall toilet brush, 41 cm high, chrome Article number Description 3.843D. floor toilet brush, 41 cm high, chrome Article number Description 3.853D.3.004.300.1 grated container, 40 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.853D.3.004.500.1 left grated container 30 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.833D. countertop soap dispenser, volume 192 ml, chrome Article number Description 3.853D. corner grated container 25 × 25 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.833D. countertop soap dispenser, volume 192 ml, chrome Article number Description 3.893D. extensible clothesline, length 20 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.853D. grated container, 20 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.863D. Kleenex box, polished stainless steel Article number Description 3.853D. grated container, 30 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.853D. corner grated container 20 × 20 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.853D.3.004.400.1 right grated container 30 cm, chrome Article number Description 3.893D. trash basket, polished stainless steel, volume 5 l Article number Description 3.893D.3.004.300.1 trash basket, matt stainless steel, volume 5 l CUBITO Generic bathroom accessories available from May 2012. 65
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