navjivan programmes - Navjivan Renewal Centre


navjivan programmes - Navjivan Renewal Centre
It has four components: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The psychosomatic, eco-social, religious-spiritual dimensions of life are integrated through
yoga, vipasana, ARM (awareness-relaxation-meditation), positive thinking,
guided group meditation, contemplation of nature and personal experience of
Jesus, the sacrament of new life. One emerges from this retreat-experience, like
a beautiful butterfly flying out of its cocoon, with new energy and enthusiasm in
his/her life and ministry.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
16. NEW WAY OF BEING SCHOOL (Workshop for School Principals)
Tom Kunnunkal SJ (June 26) [Sun] [non-res.] [9 am – 5 pm]
Many would-be “Kalpana Chawlas” lie buried in our school campuses because
they remained undiscovered and hence undeveloped. In our recent history, just
1 percent of Indians was able to put India on the world map. How to reinvent
our schooling strategies to empower the young to create a new India? We
live in a knowledge-intensive society. Possessing competence has become a
nonnegotiable requirement. In workshop format, we will explore the kinds of
competences that the young in school will need to acquire, which will lay the
foundation for winning in life later.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 250) (Food: Rs. 150) (Total Cost = Rs. 400) {40 seats}
17. ANNUAL EDUCATION MEETING (for Delhi Jesuits & their Collaborators)
John Ravi SJ (Jun 27) [Mon] [non-res] [8.30 am - 4.00 pm] {50 seats}
N.B. The amount for Board & Lodge given at the end of each Programme is for
a single room and simple food. A room with two beds will be less costly per
person but an AC room will cost more (cf. Chart A. below).
(for Participants of NRC Programmes):
To register for a programme, please send to the Administrator: 1) the (duly
filled in) “Application Form” (which can be downloaded from the NRC website: or can be obtained from NRC Office), and 2) the Reg. & Course
Fee (as given at the end of the Programme) by DD (Demand Draft) in favour of
“Navjivan” or by NEFT (cf. Application Form for BANK DETAILS).
BOARD & LODGE (for Participants of NRC Programmes):
A. Types of Rooms:
Single Room
AC Single Room
Room with 2 Beds
AC Room with 2 Beds
Rs. 150/day
Rs. 400/day
Rs. 100/person/day
Rs. 300/person/day
Vision: The vision of Navjivan Renewal Centre (NRC) is the promotion of holistic
human wellness (integral well-being of body, mind, heart and spirit) of people.
Mission: Inspired by the Ignatian magis and reading the signs of the times, the
mission of NRC is to promote new life or renewal/transformation of life of people
(individuals, institutions, families, communities and society at large) so that they
become life-giving in their contexts. So NRC is missioned:
1. to be an energizing catalyst for all the ministries (spiritual, intellectual, pastoral,
educational and social action) in the Province
2. to answer the psycho-spiritual needs of the Laity, Clergy and Religious in the
National Capital and in the neighbouring states
3. to assist Catholics/Christians (especially in Delhi and surrounding States) to
become “Good News” persons with a sense of mission today
4. to create awareness of today’s ecclesial, priestly, Religious, inter-religious, casteist,
gender, ecological issues of North-West India
5. to network with life-promoting NGOs in India and especially in Delhi and to
collaborate with peoples’ movements for justice, equality, freedom and dignity
particularly for the poor and the marginalized (Dalits, Tribals, women, children,
slum-dwellers, etc.)
6. to dialogue and cooperate with the followers of all religions for the humanization of
society for a harmonious human living in the National Capital Region (NCR)
7. to help in the formation of new cross-border human communities, imbued with the
values of justice, liberty, equality, love and fellowship.
Navjivan Renewal Centre (NRC) is in the large
campus of “St. Xavier’s School” (next to “Gujarati
Samaj”), less than one km from Civil Lines” or
“Kashmiri Gate” Metro Stations & ISBT (InterState Bus Stand). From there a cycle rickshaw
will take only five minutes (Rs. 20/-) to reach
St. Xavier’s (4 Raj Niwas Marg).
Old Delhi, New Delhi and Nizamuddin Railway
Stations are about 4, 10 and 14 kms respectively
from NRC. Prepaid autos and taxis (to “Gujarati
Samaj” [near Kashmiri Gate]) are available from all
the Railway Stations and Airports.
From METRO Stations & ISBT to NRC:
Civil Lines Metro Station
Raj Niwas Marg
St. Xavier’s
Kashmere Gate
Metro Station & ISBT
B. Food: Rs. 200/day. N.B. BOARD & LODGE may be paid on arrival at NRC.
N.B. 1. To enquire about any Programme in NRC, please contact the Director
(George Mlakuzhyil SJ). Email:; Mob: 09958652549;
09968289942; Tel: (011) 23990097.
2. To register for a Programme or to book rooms, Auditorium, etc., kindly
contact the Administrator (George Peter SJ): Mob. 08447144890 or the
Assistant Administrator (Mr. Manish Tigga): Mob. 09990574875. Common
Email of both:
NRC Reception: Tel. (011) 23990096 NRC Website:
The Director
Navjivan Renewal Centre
4 Raj Niwas Marg, Delhi 110054
Mob: 09958652549, 09968289942
Tel: (011) 23990097
Administrator & Sectretary
Mob: 08447144890; Tel: (011) 23990096
Email (Admin.):
Email (Secretary):
Telephone (Reception): (011) 23990096
Fax: +91-11-23831706
NRC Website:
January-June 2016
A Jesuit Centre for Holistic Human Wellness
4 Raj Niwas Marg, Delhi 110054
Prayerful reflections, creative contemplations on the episodes and themes
in John’s Gospel guide the retreatants along the path of faith and love to the
fullness of life. By being constantly united with the life-giving Jesus, the believing
and loving disciple, like the fruit-bearing branch of the vine, becomes a joyful
“life-giver” today.
[NO PROGRAMMES in NRC on 1-26 January 2016]
INTIMACY WITH JESUS (Ignatian Retreat for Priests & Religious)
George Peter SJ (Jan 27-Feb 4) (8 days) [Wed: 6 pm - Thu: 2 pm]
Since a Retreat is a “Tactical Withdrawal” from active ministry in order to rediscover our strengths and the Enemy’s tactics, we need the grace of discernment
and greater self-awareness. We reflect on the vision and mission of Jesus our
Master and Role-Model so that we know him more intimately, love him more
intensely and follow him more closely. As consecrated and chosen Disciples of
Jesus, we have accepted His invitation to fight under His Banner of the Cross,
with a passion for MAGIS, by becoming his committed “Contemplatives-inAction” (as St. Ignatius puts it).
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
[NO PROGRAMMES in NRC during the Holy Week (Mar 20-27)]
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
PBVM Workshop (for PBVM Sisters)
Sr. Miriam PBVM (Feb 7-9) (3 days) [Sun: 8 am - Tue: 8 pm] {21seats}
DELHI PROVINCE BUDGET Meeting (for Superiors, Directors & Treasurers)
Fr. Varkey Perekkatt SJ (Feb 12-13) (2 days) [Fri: 6 pm - Sat: 8 pm] {30 seats}
“MY BELOVEDNESS” (Retreat for Priests & Religious)
Mathew Padayatty SJ (Feb 16-24) (8 days) [Tue: 6 pm - Wed: 2 pm]
God has loved us into being. We are His beloved. But often we are not aware of
this. We face many obstacles that prevent us from recognizing this gratuitous gift
of God. Through prayer and reflection we come to a deeper understanding of our
belovedness. Thus we will grow into the persons that God wants us to be.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
CHRISTIANS IN ‘HINDU RASHTRA’! (Workshop for Laity, Priests & Religious)
T. K. John SJ (Feb 26-28) (2 days) [Fri: 6 pm - Sun: 6 pm]
The idea of India is suddenly changing! India of ethno-religious pluralism,
secularism, and democratic socialism is being altered into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.
This was envisaged by V. D. Savarkar and M. S. Golvalkar, propounders of the
Hindutva ideology. The latter has stated that Christians and Muslims can “stay in
the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving
no privileges, far less any preferential treatment, NOT EVEN CITIZEN’S RIGHTS”
(We Or Our Nationhood Defined, p. 47). Hindus and Christians in Pakistan are
second class citizens! Indicators of the transition are many! Saffronization of
every sector is under way. It is a wakeup call for every Christian in India, for
everyone in Parish, School/College or Social Service.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 500) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 700) (Total Cost = Rs. 1200) {40 seats}
PBVM Meeting (for PBVM Sisters)
Sr. Miriam PBVM (Mar 1-4) (4 days) [Tue: 8 am - Fri: 8 pm] {9 seats}
BE A LIFE-GIVER (Johannine Retreat for Priests & Religious)
George Mlakuzhyil SJ (Mar 8-16) (8 days) [Wed: 6 pm - Thu: 2 pm)
This Retreat based on the Gospel of John assists Priests and Religious to
experientially discover Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God and the Life-Giver.
EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP (Workshop for Priests & Religious in Leadership)
Abe Puthumana SJ (Mar 30-Apr 9) (10 days) [Wed: 6 pm - Sat: 2 pm]
The ten-day workshop will impart leadership and management skills in the
context of religious governance and ministerial animation. It will also help them
to be effective animators and facilitators in their commitment to Christ and to the
people of God in their role as Servant-Leaders.
The main areas that the programme will focus on are: 1) Awareness of self
and awareness of others in interpersonal dealings, which will help a person to
take responsibility for one’s own feelings and deal effectively and constructively
with others and their feelings. 2) Planning will include time-management and
productive use of time, planning & implementation of projects and programmes
& their evaluation in the community, in educational, social, pastoral and
other ministries. 3) Building up and/or guiding organizations of various kinds
from grassroots-communities to that of the congregation at local, national and
international levels. It is hoped that the above process will help each one to
understand, acquire and make use of participative decision making as well
execution skills.
Hence the emphasis of the workshop will be on awareness, interpersonal skills,
planning, organization and partnership in decision making and evaluation through
a participative process of community discernment. All Superiors/leaders at the
local, provincial, national or congregational levels, Principals and teachers, social
workers and facilitators, Parish Priests and pastoral team members, grass-root
animators and others in position of responsibility are most welcome.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1700) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 3500) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200) {30 seats}
JOURNEY TOWARDS WHOLENESS (Retreat for Priests & Religious)
Tony Andrade SJ (Apr 16-24) (8 days) [Sat: 6 pm - Sun: 2 pm]
This eight day retreat helps Priests and Religious to integrate psycho-spiritual
aspects of human sexuality and affectivity. It enables them to discover the spiritual
and life affirming dimensions of sexuality in order to lead lives of wholeness and
integrity. It will also guide them to channel their affective energy into their daily
lives, relationships and ministries.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
10. BECOMING A WINNER IN LIFE (Workshop for All Adults)
Tom Kunnunkal SJ (Apr 30) [non-res] (Sat: 9 am – 5 pm)
God deliberately chose to create every one of us and has placed us on this
planet earth in order to be a winner by making a contribution to life. It is a great
tragedy of life that many, if not most, end up as losers by not pursuing one’s
mission in life. In workshop format, we will explore practical ways to bring about
a difference in our life and experience the joy of winning rather than the pain
of losing, by identifying positive strategies to win and by dropping the negative
blocks that make us lose.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 250) (Food: Rs. 150) (Total Cost = Rs. 400) {40 seats}
11. IN THE SPIRIT OF THE BEATITUDES (Retreat for Religious & Priests)
K. P. George SJ (May 4-12) (8 days) [Wed: 6 pm - Thu: 2 pm)
First, we try to understand the meaning of beatitudes in the Old and New
Testaments and their relevance in our Indian context. Then, dwelling on the eight
Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew, we journey closely with Jesus - the sum
and summit of all Beatitudes. It helps us to shape our lives in the spirit of the
Beatitudes and to commit our life to promote the same among the people.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1400) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2800) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200) {20 seats}
(Course for Catholic Couples)
Poulose Mangai SJ (May 15-21) (6 days) [Sun: 6 pm – Sat : 2 pm]
Life in the family is a call to happiness through selfless love and shared life. The
course will focus on the meaning and mission of Christian Family today in the
light of the Pastoral concerns and hopes, relevant issues and insights of the
recent Synods on the Family.
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1100) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 2100) (Total Cost = Rs. 3200) {30 seats}
13. COST OF DISCIPLESHIP OF JESUS (Ignatian Retreat for Priests & Religious)
George Peter SJ (May 24-Jun 2) (9 days) [Tue: 6 pm - Thu: 2 pm]
a) Prayer-cum-workshop (2 days)
We identify our 3-Ego states of Parent-Adult-Child through Transactional Analysis
(T. A. of Eric Berne). We discover our strengths and weaknesses through various
psychological exercises. We become aware of the obstacles in our growth of
becoming more human and humane, life-giving persons. We practice different
prayer methods like Lectio Divina, Phantasy-Meditation, Ignatian-Contemplation,
Symbolic-Meditation, etc. in order to experience intimacy with Jesus.
b) Retreat through intense prayer (in silence) (7 days)
We try to re-discover the challenges of our vowed commitment as we try to
emulate the faith-journey of Abraham, Moses and Mother Mary. To be a disciple
means to be “placed with Christ” under his banner of the cross and to become
witnesses of counter-cultural values today. We reflect on the invitation of Jesus
and try to internalize his values and vision, and commit ourselves with passion
and enthusiasm for God’s Kingdom, by experiencing God’s unfathomable love
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 1550) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 3150) (Total Cost = Rs. 4700) {20 seats}
14. COLLOQUIUM ON IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY & RETREAT (for Jesuits & Religious of Ignatian Charism)
R. C. Chacko SJ (Jun 5-20) (2 weeks) [Sun: 6 pm - Mon: 2 pm]
1) One week Colloquium will be based on Ignatian Sources: a) St. Ignatius’
Auto-biography, b) Spiritual Exercises, c) Letters and d) Constitution of the
Society of Jesus (Jun 5-11). [An optional Tour of Delhi will be organized for the
participants on Jun 12 (Sun).] 2) In the light of the Colloquium, you make an eight
day Ignatian Retreat which will help you to fall in love with Jesus, empower you
to follow him closely wherever he goes and enable you to continue his loving and
serving mission to his people with ever increasing enthusiasm (Jun 13-20).
(Reg. & Course Fee: Rs. 2450) (Board & Lodge: Rs. 5550) (Total Cost = Rs. 8000) {20 seats}
15. NAVJIVAN (NEW LIFE) RETREAT (for Religious Men & Women)
George Mlakuzhyil SJ (Jun 22-30) (8 days) [Tue: 6 pm - Wed: 2 pm]
Its aim is to lead the retreatant to holistic wellness, a new life of love and freedom.