magazine - cuphsonaa, inc.
magazine - cuphsonaa, inc.
THE ALUMNI The Original Since 1892 MAGAZINE Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc. Summer 2010 Vol. 103, No. 1 REUNION 2010 ALMOST 50% OF THE ORIGINAL CLASS OF 1960 CELEBRATE THEIR 50TH S tepping off the elevator at the New York Athletic Club, we spotted a manikin dressed in a blue and white striped uniform with a starched white bib and apron, its nurse’s cap displayed on its right shoulder. The sight brought back memories of fifty-three years ago when we were in Maxwell Hall as students. Today we gathered for our 50th reunion and the 117th Annual Meeting and Reunion. What a significant day for the Class of 1960, marking fifty years since each of us received our diploma in the hospital garden and our degree at the University campus! Truly this was a day of celebration for fifty-six of us from the class, along with members of other classes. Unfortunately, two of our classmates had to cancel at the last moment. Nineteen states were represented, with one member traveling from far away London. The business meeting highlighted the Distinguished Alumni Awardees -Barbara Whelan Decker and Virginia Schulz Humphrey of our class. This year there were ten scholarship students, eight currently at Columbia. Our own Dr. Mathy Mezey’60 presented the keynote address, challenging us to look to our history, our present, and our future with her message: “Aging Baby Boomers: Can We Help Them?” Class photos were taken before lunch and are available for purchase. If you wish to view them, go to www., click on Enter, then Proofs and you will see CUPH on that page. You will be asked to give your email address, the event code is: columbiapresbyterian and the password – reunion. The photo numbers are at the top left hand corner. Please submit your order to the office no later than August 31. Single 5x7 copies are $12.50, including postage and $5 for additional continued on page 3 2 SUMMER 2010 Summer 2010 Volume 103, Number 1 The Alumni Magazine A publication of the Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc. 7070 Xavier Drive #314, Yonkers, NY 10704-1309 Phone: (914) 966-3699 Fax: (914) 966-3693 E-Mail: Website: Contents President’s Message .................................................3 Alumni Day ..............................................................4 Distinguished Alumni Awards .................................7 Administrator of Alumni Affairs Denise N. Ewing Scholarship Awardees ...............................................8 Board of Directors Officers In Memoriam ..........................................................14 Class News ...............................................................9 Honor Roll ..............................................................15 President Suzanne Law Hawes ‘59, EdD, RN Vice President Margaret L. Fracaro ‘70, MA, RN Treasurer Louise Malarkey ‘62, EdD, RN Secretary Lois Mueller Glazier ‘60, PhD, RN Class of 2011 Sally Murphy Albano ’64, MS, RN Sue Jaehne ’68 BS, RN Judith Hupcey ’77 EdD, RN Class of 2012 Mary Ann Jonaitis ’77, EdD, RN, CDE Patricia Jones ’60, MEd, RN Nora Barrett Tulchin ’70, BS, RN Class of 2013 Nancy Vazac Jackson ’70, EdD, RN Sandra McLaughlin Johanson ‘64, PhD, RN Joan Ambrose McCormick ‘61, JD, RN Permanent Members Marion Richardson Thompson ’60, MSN, RN Laurie Verdisco ’58, MA, RN CUPHSONAA Publications Suzanne Law Hawes ‘59, Editor Viola Gommer ’60, Associate Editor Patricia Jones ’60, Associate Editor Distinguished Alumni Nominations Wanted In 2011 we will have our 35th year of alumni awards. If you know someone who deserves such recognition, please visit the website to learn more about nominating an alumna for this honor. All nomination materials are available on the website and the deadline for completed nominations is February 1st. THE ORIGINAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHED IN 1892 118th REUNION APRIL 22, 2010 Special Reunion Classes ‘41, ‘46, ‘51, ‘56, ‘61, ‘66, ‘71, ‘76, ‘81 and ‘86 The Alumni Association’s magazine and newsletters are distributed regularly to all alumni. “In spite of the time and distance that separates us, all alums - staff nurses, administrators, educators, scientists, volunteers, and parents - remain ‘Neighbors,’ united in spirit by our commitment to nursing and to each other.” Keville Frederickson ‘64 THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Suzanne Law Hawes ‘59 F or all of those that missed the 117th reunion of this Association, you really missed it! As you can see, the Class of 1960 is tying the record of alumni returning to the reunion, both had 56 attending. Had not two cancelled for health reasons, they would have been ahead. Members of the next 50year classes are gearing up already for their big day; will they set a new record? It is my hope that this coming year we can see substantial progress in joining the two alumni associations in some way. We have already met the new Dean and she comes to our School with excellent credentials and collegial support. When she arrives in the fall we are eager to speak with her to determine her interest and concerns and to share ours. On another note, if you read the Class Notes, you cannot help but be impressed with your “Neighbors!” From every class there are demonstrations of altruism, successful families and alumni that did it all – career, family and community service. It is a legacy worth noting. Of particular interest were the Class Notes from 1942. When we think we are getting on in years, we just have to look and see what wonderful role models they are for successful aging and contributions to society. Imagine celebrating your 70th as did Lee Lane and Eva Ketzel this year when they attended the 2010 Reunion! Nutmeggers Celebrate Their 70th Lee KUHNT Lane and Eva KOHLER Etzel came down from Connecticut to share their 70th reunion with us! With them came wonderful stories - of World War II, the School and its faculty and what nursing was like post war and beyond. What a treat it was to have them! 3 Reunion 2010 continued from page 1 5x7’s. Enjoy viewing the events of the day while selecting photos to remember our special time together. Luncheon gave us the opportunity to renew old friendships, revisit our stories of student days, and recognize those who worked so diligently planning the wonderful celebration. The luncheon buffet was delicious and accompanied by laughter and energetic conversations. Following lunch, a few class members made a private visit to the new Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital walking through PH’s hallways we knew so well years ago. As we left, we once again saw the words carved over the entrance, “From The Most High Cometh Healing.” The group also visited the Georgian, home to the School of Nursing where we discovered talismans that reached back to our student days. Remember the stately mahogany clock that stood near the sign-in desk of Maxwell Hall? The beautiful picture Jean Monahan’s mother painted, “Senior Seminar”? Seven of our classmates are in her painting: Pam Scott Heydon, Patricia Gleason Daugharty, Margaret McEvoy, Jean Monahan Kelly, Yvonne Corpuz Conrad, Lois Mueller Glazier, and Paula Grossman Mosher. For years it hung in Maxwell Hall’s dining room. For those remaining at the NYAC, two videos were shown, one of the Class of 1960 and the other “Nurses of Valor” followed by a wine and cheese and the day was almost over. Well, almost…Peggy McEvoy invited our class members to join her at her home, not far from the UN, allowing us to visit with each other a little longer. It was a lovely night spent with dear friends, enjoying delicious food under the stars of the City. What a grand finale to a wonderful day! Thank you, Peggy. For those of you who could not be with us, we want you to know that you were present in our minds as we reviewed our class Memory Book. It is our hope that you might join us for the next alumni celebration. Vi Gommer 4 SUMMER 2010 Sitting: Cynthia Wanamaker Ehardt, Mary Lynn Cipolla Palmer, Nora Barrett Tulchin, Grace Solimando Zaczek, Ellen Dresdale Ritz, Maureen Carroll McNulty, Margaret Fracaro, Mary Sue Marburger Hunia. Standing: Cynthia Boyd Tuck, Nancy S. Wilson, Susan Doherty Wynne, Barbara S Bill, Olga Brown Vanderpool, Nancy Vazac Jackson, Judyth Todd Brown. Absent: Marsha Taggart Francis Class of 1960 56 Alumnae Return to Celebrate (Pictured on Page 1) First Row: Grace Johnson Ross, Jean Hayden Hutchins, Nancy Kiener Schullinger, Viola Ruelke Gommer, Nancy Gilbert Kolacz, Paula Grossman Mosher, Jean Monahan Kelly, Peggy McEvoy, Anna Balfour Couchman, Barbara Kyllo Ardizone, Pamela Scott Heydon Second Row: Sally Hunter, Carolyn Andersen Bountress, Mathy Doval Mezey, Carol Hammell Grosse, Allison Kimberg-Kern, Marion Richardson Thompson, Barbara Whalen Decker, Elizabeth Wilson Hissing, Patricia Jones, Carolyn Swift Fleming, Jane Traver Silverman, Katherine Nightengale Seawright, Frances Baker Melia Standing: Margaret Krantz Stull, Barbara Sharpe Hoyt, Carole Castellano Graeme, Mary Robson Constable, Lois Mueller Glazier, Marjorie Dottling, Martha Ann McNamara Brady, Roberta J. Bessette, Susan McCleary Aldrich Hall, Sandra Crothers Sullivan, Jane MacKnight Boland, Jo Ann Dray Axton, Lois Crocker Davenport, Barbara Hughes Brundage, Lee Grossman Kimmel Back Row: Juliet Sanson Bongfeldt, Janet Warms McQuaid, Ardath Fisher Heard, Patricia Tucker Dubin, Jaculyn Carpenter Parry, Sallie Groff Campbell, Cynthia Grant Chandler, Patricia Gleason Daugharty, Jane McDonald Malarkey, Susan Chadwell Thorner, Libbyada Straver Estin-Klein, Carol Coult Fitzgerald, Rachel Neff Neville, Elizabeth Smith George, Vivian Tarbell Elbert, Nell Van Wie Eden THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE 5 Sitting: Eva Kohler Etzel ’40, Frances Barrows Harvan ’46, Edna Pasmik Nelson ’55, Eileen McLoughlin Stiles ’58, Dorcas Younger Koenigsberger ‘59 Standing: Lee Kuhnt Lane ’40, Patricia Marron Horner ’55, Laurie Verdisco ’58, Suzanne Law Hawes ’59, Helen Kehn Schneider ‘59 Sitting: Sally Murphy Albano ’64, Sandra McGlaughlin Johanson ’64, Joan Hagan Arnold ’69. Standing: Joan Ambrose Mccormick ’61, Stephanie Kuhn Wright ’65, Susan Jaehne ‘68 Anne Tortora Clarke, Donna Norton, Barbara Wondsel Hackett L to R: Several members of the Class of 1960 Pamela Scott Heydon, Barbara Hughes Brundage, Margaret Krantz Stull, Sally Hunter, Carolyn Andersen Bountress 6 SUMMER 2010 Marjorie Dottling ’60, Anna Balfour Couchman ’60, and Margaret Krantz Stull ‘60 L to R: Members of the Class of 1960 looking at their 50th Reunion Memory Book Lois Crocker Davenport, Rachel Neff Neville, Nancy Gilbert Kolacz, Jane McDonald Malarkey, Jane MacKnight Boland L to R: Incoming CUPHSONAA President Suzanne Law Hawes ‘59, Helen Kehn Schneider ’59, and Dorcas Younger Koenigsberger ‘59 THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE 7 Standing Ellen Dresdale Ritz ‘70, Olga Brown Vanderpool ‘70, Cindy Wanamaker Ehardt ‘70, Mary Lynn Cipolla Palmer ‘70, Judy Todd Brown ‘70, Sitting: Barbara Bill ‘70, Grace Solimando Zaczek ’70, and Mary Sue Marburger Hunia ‘70 Jane Traver Silverman ’60, Peggy McEvoy ’60, and Carolyn Andersen Bountress ‘60 left to right: Jean Monahan Kelly ’60, Sandy McLaughlin Johanson ’64, and Sally Murphy Albano ‘64 8 SUMMER 2010 Six members of the Class of 1960 were fortunate enough to go on the hospital tour of the Georgian Building after the 2010 reunion. L-R: Pam Scott Heydon, Kay Nightengale Seawright, Jane McDonald Malarkey, Sue Chadwell Thorner, Rachel Neff Neville and Vi Ruelke Gommer. Above them hangs the Gene Ritchie Monahan painting “Senior Seminar” that was given to the school by Mrs. Davidson’s family. Pictured in the painting are members of the Class of 1960: L-R Pat Gleason Daugharty, Pam Scott Heydon, Peg McEvoy, Jean E. Monahan Kelly (head in hands), Lois Mueller Glazier (blue Public Health uniform), Paula Grossman Mosher, who all attended the 2010 Reunion and Yvonne Corpuz Conrad (deceased). THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE 9 L to R: Martha Ann McNamara Brady ‘60, Patricia Jones ‘60, Carolyn Swift Fleming ‘60, Marion Richardson Thompson ’60, and Jane McDonald Malarkey ‘60 The Class of 1960 nurses from the “Senior Seminar” Painting at Peg McEvoy’s home in the Africa Room at a party following the reunion. L-R Jean E. Monahan Kelly, Peggy McEvoy, Pam Scott Heydon, Lois Mueller Glazier, Paula Grossman Mosher, and Pat Gleason Daugharty. left to right Joan Arnold ‘69, Nancy Jackson ‘70, Nora Barrett Tulchin ‘70, Peg Fracaro ‘70, Maureen Carroll McNulty ‘70, Nancy Swengell Wilson ‘70, Cindy Boyd Tuck ‘70, and Susan Doherty Wynne ‘70 10 SUMMER 2010 Two of the CUPHSONAA Directors Joan Hagan Arnold ‘69 and Joan Ambrose McCormick ‘61 Two fo the members of the class of 1960 posing next to the old nursing uniform: Paula Grossman Mosher and Pamela Scott Heydon. Keynote Speaker Mathy Mezey ‘60 Donna Norton ’85, Ann Tortora Clarke ’85, and Barbara Wondsel Hackett ‘85 THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE 11 DA A DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARDS Barbara Whalen Decker’60 Distinguished Alumni Award in Nursing Education A n inspired educator, Dr. Barbara Decker is recognized as one of the leading educators in the field of midwifery. She has influenced the practice of nurse-midwifery through education, innovation, curriculum development, distance learning programs, academic administration, and policy and accreditation activities. A variety of nursing positions provided a base for her career in nurse-midwifery education defined as a steady trajectory of leadership in this field. As faculty of the Columbia’s School of Nursing in 1976 she was an active participant in School committees and assumed leadership in revising the graduate curriculum and shaping one of the largest and most respected nurse-midwifery programs in the country. She also developed a part-time program for those unable to pursue full-time study, enabling physically disabled students to become nurse-midwives, and increased access of foreign-educated midwives to US nurse-midwifery practice. As Program Director, Barbara joined both a regional consortium for education in NurseMidwifery and the national program directors group, participating in developing nurse-midwifery education on a national level. During her career, Barbara Decker’s commitment to her students has motivated and enabled them to become excellent and competent nurse-midwives and many are now leaders in education and clinical practice. She served on the National Education Committee of the American College of Nurse Midwives from 1981-1995, chairing the Committee for nearly a decade. Under her leadership the committee revised core competencies for nurse-midwifery practice for the first time and this document is the basis for accreditation of nurse-midwifery programs across the country. In 1981, the Education Committee also developed criteria for accreditation of distance learning programs and innovative programs in nursing education. An active member of the Division of Accreditation and member of the Board of Review, Barbara also was a site visitor with the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating midwifery education programs in the United States. Always to be counted on to mentor and support colleagues, she willingly shares her experiences with others, understanding the larger accreditation issues. In 1986, Barbara became a Yale University faculty member. In 1989, she earned her Ed.D. from Teachers College and in 1990 she became the Director of the NurseMidwifery Program, Primary Care Division at Yale. At Columbia and Yale, Barbara designed self-directed learning modules which supplemented classroom seminars and care presentations in conjunction with problem-solving patient management approaches. A proponent of mastery learning, she demonstrated that her students are to be respected for their ability to manage and direct their own learning. In 1997, she joined a clinical practice in women’s health as well as serving as a Midwife Tutor for the Institute of Midwifery, Women and Health, Philadelphia College. Her work in the community after retirement is also remarkable. Barbara serves, by appointment of the Mayor, as a Commissioner for the Stamford, CT Health Commission. She has also been teaching English as a Second Language in Stamford. Barbara’s resume simply says ‘retired nurse midwife and educator’. Very few Nurse-Midwives have achieved as much as Barbara in her chosen field. We are particularly proud to bestow on Dr. Barbara Whalen Decker the Distinguished Alumni Award for Nursing Education for her numerous and substantial contributions to nurse-midwifery education. 12 SUMMER 2010 Virginia Shultz Humphrey’60 Distinguished Career in Nursing V irginia (Ginny) Shultz Humphrey is truly a powerful advocate for nursing and home health care - an innovator, energetic leader and a steadfast proponent of home care, hospice care, community, and public health nursing. By example, she created and promoted a culture of caring and excellence in every position she held, traversing her illustrious career. When not administering home health care agencies, she was lobbying either at the Legislative offices in Hartford CT or in the Congressional offices in Washington. As the Executive Director of the Connecticut Association for Home Care, colleagues are in awe of her leadership, one saying that Ginny had responsibility for serving the interests of nearly 100 diverse members of the home care association as well as advancing its interests. Humphrey is respected for her ability to be persuasive, especially when dealing with lawmakers, power brokers, business leaders, and other people of influence. Ginny served on the Columbia University School of Nursing Board of Directors and the Yale University Public Health Alumnae Association, having completed the MPH degree from the Yale University School of Epidemiology and Public Health and has received much recognition from public health associations and her various awards. She has had the ultimate administrative authority and responsibility for the hospice home health care services provided by VNA. Under Ginny’s leadership, positive change and clinical protocols led VNA to be the first Medicare Certified Hospice Home Health agency in the State of Connecticut. A dynamic leader, with strengths in leading change, managing teams, listening and respecting thoughts of others, superior communication skills, fortitude to achieve desired results; these qualities define her style of administration. Throughout her successful career, she consistently demonstrated an ability to understand and articulate the importance of creating an optimal patient experience. She is a people-person whose communication and collaboration skills and commitment to nursing and to the health of the community are unmatched. In retirement, Ginny aspires to use her clinical and administrative skills to address the nursing shortage and other health/home care issues when she performs clinical audits of a statistical sampling of emergency room patients receiving free care at all hospitals in Massachusetts for the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General. A notable career in home care administration and practice – a distinguished career in Nursing; it is our privilege to recognize and celebrate the career of Virginia Shultz Humphrey. The Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association is proud to call you our own. Thank you for honoring us. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS W e are delighted with this year’s scholarship winners – ten in all and eight of them are attending Columbia! Stephanie Bellini, Danielle Foti, Tarquin Gil-Kehoe, Karen Hiensch, Joanne Kim, Tiffany Lai, Sara Markt, Nicholas Perrino, Meghan Vita, and Kathy Wu. Almost all of this year’s recipients completed the Entry to Practice Program (ETP) and are continuing on to Master’s Degree program this fall. They hail from undergraduate programs as near as New York, Vermont and New Jersey and as far away California. The experience they bring to nursing is also quite diverse; some have been in management and consulting, one graduated magna cum laude from the Fashion Institute of Technology, and one graduated cum laude with a degree in Fine Arts. Their academic achievements are also numerous and include various publications and presentations. One recipient was also awarded the Excellence in Childbearing Families award, presented to one student who excelled in Women’s Health Nursing at Columbia. Two candidates are working on their Master’s degrees at other universities. Danielle Foti is pursuing a MSN as an Adult Nurse Practitioner in Cardiovascular Care at Duke University and Nicholas Perrino is in the MS program at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE Alumni Notes deleted in online publications to protect the privacy of the alumni. 13 14 SUMMER 2010 Alumni Notes deleted in online publications to protect the privacy of the alumni. THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE Alumni Notes deleted in online publications to protect the privacy of the alumni. 15 16 SUMMER 2010 Alumni Notes deleted in online publications to protect the privacy of the alumni. THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE Alumni Notes deleted in online publications to protect the privacy of the alumni. 17 18 SUMMER 2010 CUPHSONAA ITEMS FOR SALE N ow you can purchase several items from the Alumni Office. A handy tote bag with our logo ($20), informal note cards ($10), keychain ($7.50) and post-it notes ($7.50) plus postage ($3.75) are available. Just send your order to the Alumni Office 7070 Xavier Dr., #314, Yonkers NY 10704. In addition, we also have several videos for sale produced with extensive interviews of our grads of each decade and 50th reunion Class videos for 19561960. These are ($18) postage included. In Memoriam MOVING April 2009 – April 2010 1933 1939 1940 1941 1942 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1946 1947 1947 1948 1949 1949 1950 1951 1956 1959 1959 1960 1963 1982 1984 1990 1996 Irene GAEDEKE Kohler June SIEGFRIED Beatrice BELLINGER Self M Patricia Rimer Alice HAMILTON Davies Dorothy HECTOR Roessner Muriel ALPERS Schuyler Rosemary RYAN Prounis Virginia DOLLIVER Knight Harriet SAYERS Hill R. Phyllis ELI Loomis Marion NAAS Betteridge Jane KEEVER Howe Helen CHIKOTAS Schumack Mary Jane WHITESELL Mogavero Audrey KIMBALL Seiler 1949 Mary PHILLIPS Sayre Patricia BRISCALL Hennie Dorothy HOLMAN Holman June HAGAN Allardice Laura SCHWARTZ Hirshman Betty ARNOLD Clough Rosemary FARLEY Petrie Vicki TORRES Stahlmasek Laura PAGEL Olin Kimberly GEROMANOS Lucy Ann Pasquale February 10, 2010 June 1, 2010 July 31, 2008 Unknown March 3, 2009 Unknown June 2, 2009 Unknown November 3, 2009 October 18, 2009 April 18, 2009 Unknown September 4, 2009 January 29, 2009 April 17, 2010 March 2, 2009 unknown January 3, 2010 January, 2010 April 6, 2010 March 27, 2010 March 1, 2010 May 15, 2009 February, 2009 December, 2008 October, 2007 November 5, 2008 We have changed our address to 7070 Xavier Drive, Suite 314, Yonkers NY 10704 –but it is only a change of numbers not of places. Please make note of the change and be sure to let us know if you change your mailing address. We are a transient society, changing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses frequently. Unfortunately, we do not have enough staff to keep track of where everyone goes, so would you help us out and let us know your new addresses if you are moving, please? It costs a great deal to do the mailings only to have the returned because the addressee is no longer there. NOTE BENE Two ways you can help us save on our expenses and provide more funds for our benefits and scholarships. One is to place a stamp on any returns that you send to the office. The second is that credit card companies charge for every transaction (as you may have already gathered from your local gas station). Sending your remittance by check will help us to avoid those pesky fees. Thank you for your cooperation. THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE 19 Neighbors Honor Roll One alumnus returning for the reunion summed up what our Alumni Association is all about: My gratitude goes to all those who were responsible 50 years ago for our graduating with such in-depth knowledge and experience and, more importantly, with the ability to think and to ask the how and why questions. I especially echo the statement of Louise Malarkey who said, “We all can feel proud to belong to an association that has an impressive heritage and unique history of helping fellow alumni.” Thanks to all who “promote the fellowship.” Martha Ann McNamara Brady ‘60 Up to $1000 1947 MARY SCHERMERHORN REYNOLDS 1954 JOAN TINKER KELLER 1954 HELEN HUTZ VonDerLIETH 1957 MARY ANN BYNG STRAYER 1958 LINDA ROBINSON 1959 ROSE ANN NAUGHTON 1965 BARBARA BEAN JOHNSON Up to $250 1941 MARGARET GUNN KANE 1942 JEAN LAGAKIS BENNER 1943 JEAN ACOMB VanLANDINGHAM 1944 NANCY SLOANE COATES 1945 LORETTA BOYAN FUREY 1946 ELEANOR WOODMAN EHL-McCONNELL 1947 GRACE O’BRIEN MC IVER 1948 M DOROTHY GRAY JACOBSEN 1948 BERNICE MITTLACHER ROSENBERGER 1948 JUNE PATTERSON ROUNDS 1951 MARILYN JOHNSEN HAMEL 1952 BETTY FOSTER GENTSCH 1953 MARGARET INGRAHAM GOLDMAN 1953 JOYCE MILLER SAMMIS 1953 LORELEI PAUL STOCKER 1953 PATRICIA NUTTER WHITMAN 1954 LEA ORMEZZANO BATTIATO 1954 SUSAN POPE HAYS 1954 JOAN STEWART ROSELLE 1954 AUDREY SUSTMANN 1954 LOIS FORAN VOORHEES 1955 JOY MACKIE ANDERSON 1955 MARIANNE TAFT MARCUS 1956 PATRICIA WESTBROOK BLAGMAN 1958 ELIZABETH OWEN SWAIM 1959 JUDITH BARNES ANDERSEN 1959 MASHA WASSON BRITTEN 1959 KATHRYN HANNAM HAYES 1959 MARJORIE WATTERS PRAY 1959 HARRIETTE BURNS RITCHIE 1960 SALLIE GROFF CAMPBELL 1960 MARLENE LAMONT 1960 MATHY DOVAL MEZEY 1961 ROSALIEANNE MULDOON DAHLEN-HARTFIELD 1962 SUSAN STARR HAYES 1962 LOUISE MALARKEY 1962 DIANA VIETOR MUNDY 1963 CLARE WARREN GORDON 1963 GRETCHEN KELLER SMITH 1964 SUSAN CHERVENAK GARRUTO 1964 CAROL TRACY SMITHWYCK 1964 GLADYS LAUTER SWANSEN 1965 BARBARA WILLIAMS BUNGER 1965 SUE KETOLA REAMER 1966 MARCIA FISHMAN 1967 JANET L SWANSON 1968 SUSAN JAEHNE 1968 H ELIZABETH KRANTZ MERRIAM 1969 JOAN HAGAN ARNOLD 1969 ELIZABETH SOS SURI 1970 NANCY VAZAC JACKSON 1970 CAROLYN HEWLETT KNIGHT 1970 JOAN BUCKLEY LIESS 1972 KAREN HOLBOROW DOORLEY 1972 SUSAN CAULO PURCELL 1973 LISA KLEIST 1975 MARGARET LINDSEY 1975 DEBORAH CAMP WHEELING 1977 MARY ANN JONAITIS 1978 GRANIA BEAUREGARD ALLPORT 1979 LINDA CAMPBELL ADOLPH 1984 JEANNE AUERBACH 1985 PHYLLIS KATE ROBERTS TEMPLE 1988 ALISON MILLS LeMAIRE 1988 JOYCE RAGONESE VOLTERRA 1989 ALLAN THOMAS 1993 CLAIRE GALLI 2007 DAWN BUCHER Up to $100 1940 EILEEN SMITH KOPFLER 1941 ELSIE SCHWEIKART HUBBS 1941 CATHERINE HIRSCH SUGARMAN 1942 MARTHA PEARSON FREEMAN 1942 IRENE HOLTAN SCHMIDGALL 1942 MARION HOWALD SWARTHOUT 1943 RUTH WILLAN WAKELEY 1945 HELEN THOMSEN ABEL 1946 E LILLIAN GUBLER 1947 DORIS BEST EDWARDS 1947 ELINOR ROBINSON GOODWIN 1947 ELIZABETH DUNLOP JEWETT 1947 LORNA Van SCOY REDING 1948 MARGARET DOUGLASS DARROW 1950 MARGARET JACOBSON BROWN 1950 JEANNE FISTERE 1951 RUTH BROWN GUNSEL 1951 BETTY NORDSTROM HANWAY 1951 BARBARA HOWE MAGUIRE 1951 REGINA MROZINSKI PERKINS 1951 EDITH MC ALISTER ROYSE 1951 ALICE FLEMING TRUNDLE 1951 PATRICIA A. HALL DUNTON 1952 ELIZABETH LEGGETT BLACK 1952 EVELYN DRIES MATHEWS 1955 GRACE KEHLER 1955 KAREN TUDOR WILLIAMS 1956 ANNE ABRAHAMS FAIR 1956 JACQUELINE SERVIES GRAY 1956 BERNA BORNEMAN LINCOLN 1957 THERESA O’BRIEN HELLER 1958 EILEEN MC LOUGHLIN STILES 1958 MIRIAM TOSTLEBE THOMPSON 1958 LAURIE VERDISCO 1958 ANNE HIBBARD WARNER 1959 ALICE BRATH CAMP 1959 MARY GOODWIN DUMMER 1959 VIRGINIA ABRAMS MEAD 1959 HARRIET COLTMAN MUIR 1960 MARTHA ANN McNAMARA BRADY 1960 PATRICIA TUCKER DUBIN 1960 EDNA LAWSON FURREBOE 1960 LOIS MUELLER GLAZIER 1960 GLORIA THUROW HAUSER 1960 ALLISON GLATZER KIMBERG-KERN 1960 MARGERETTA WECHSLER KUTZ 1960 FRANCES BARKER MELIA 1960 NANCY KIENER SCHULLINGER 1961 ELIZABETH JONES DAVIS 1961 NANCY REED KELLETT 1962 KATHLEEN LEAHY CAROZZA 1962 JANET CHRISTIE FARBENT 1962 SUSANA GRUENINGER LOPATKA 1963 MARTHA ALTLAND EAGLESHAM 1963 MARY MC CARRON 1963 HELEN MILLER 1964 ANNE PHILLIPS CLARK 1964 MARY KELLY COLLINI 1964 LINDA LOVELL DEMAREST 1964 MARY BEACH ELLIS 1964 SANDRA McLAUGHLIN JOHANSON 1964 MILDRED WURTH KING 1964 AUDREY SMITH REED 1965 JANE MARTIN 1966 KATHERINE ANDERSON 1966 KAREN WEISS CORSON 1967 MARY NEWMAN BEZUYEN 1968 NANCY ADAMS BAKER-HORVATH 1968 JOYCE RICH HENDERSON 1969 DIANE McCRACKIN 1970 BARBARA BILL 1971 BRENDA CRISPELL JOHANSON 1971 JANET MACRAE 1972 JUDITH GASSER MONASKY 1972 YVONNE SINGLETARY 1974 VICTORIA PAPPAS VILLAFANE 1977 JUDITH HUPCEY 1977 MARY SELF 1984 RANDI DAITCH WOLCHOK 1986 LORRAINE VonEEDEN WILLIAMS 1995 LAURA LORRAINE McKENNA 1996 ELLEN SILVERBERG LEVINE 2006 KADETTE KELLY 2007 LESIA FABRIZA 2008 MARY MORAN Up to $50 1935 JANE THOMPSON WHISTLER 1936 RUTH GEORGE DAVIS 1938 ETHEL FLEISCHMANN 1939 CLARISSA WALSH POWLEY 1939 ANGELA STRAMBI WELK 1940 DOROTHY GOOLD LOSEE 1943 MIRIAM JIMISON JORDAN 1944 SARAH GRAHAM BEAN 1944 HESTER STALKER MAC GREGOR 1945 M JEAN CHILDS BLACK 1945 LUCILLE PRIOR CLARK 1945 MARJORIE HUTCHINS TAYLOR 1946 M ELIZABETH DAVIDSON 1946 DOROTHY EGOLF 1946 MARY SOWTER GOULD 1946 FRANCES BARROWS HARVAN 1946 ADELINE DeVOTO SCHWARTZ 1947 JEAN METZGER 1947 JEAN BECKER SHIELDS 1948 JOANNE BRINTON DU WICK V1948 FRANCES STRODE LAMBERTI 1948 MARGARET HILL-SCOTT MacLEAN 1948 MARCIA CALKINS MINDER 1948 JANET CADY NEWILL 1948 ANN BOGAN SHREFFLER 1948 GRACE CADWELL STARK 1949 RUTH HALL BATHE 1949 NANCY SHATTUCK DuPEZA 1949 NELLIE WALTER EATON 1949 ELSIE HEDLUND HOPF 1950 DOREEN WORTHLEY BROWN 1950 LILLIAN SIEVERT SOLVANG 1950 JOAN NELSON SWENSON 1951 MARIANNE von TIEFENAU BECHHOLD 1951 MARGARET HOLDEN BROWN 1951 GRACE CLAIN DOUGHERTY 1951 JANET SNOW GIGANTE 1951 ZELPHA CARD HOYER 1951 ROSALIE LOMBARD 1951 MENA BONITO McGEE 1951 CATHERINE LINDNER MEYER 1951 JANET LUNGER OSGOOD 1951 LOUISE B RITSCHER 1951 DAWN NEWNHAM TEATOR 1952 DOLORES BUSE ANDERSON 1952 KATHLEEN BRITT BREENE 1952 FRANCINE BILELLO GINTHER 1952 BETTY BARTHOLOMEW HENZEL 1952 RUTH WALKER MILLAR 1952 MARILYN LARSON VESTIGO 1953 GRACE LAUBACH 1953 ISABEL TOTTEN McLENDON 1953 MARY ELLENWOOD RAWCLIFFE 1953 RUTH ROGERS 1953 JUDITH SLOCUM VAN DERBURGH 1953 K JANE CUNNINGHAM VOGL 1953 CAROLYN MIEDING WHITTENBURG 1954 JANET STREETT COWERN 1954 MARY FELSING CRAWFORD 1955 NANCY BOMAR ANDREWS 1955 ANN REHFELD FAGAN 1955 JOANNE HEINLY 1955 GAIL GANTER MEIER 1955 BETTY NANZ PFEIFER 1956 SARAH SWICK BECKER 1956 CAROL ISAKSSON CARSON 1956 DOLORES FERNANDEZ 1956 LENORE FRANK HARDY 1956 NANCY FIXLER HOUSEWORTH 1956 ANNE MC GOWAN KUBIC 1956 ELIZABETH MEIKLE 1956 JOAN SEABURGH PUYDAK 1957 EDITH ZAAGER 1958 MAXINE ROTHSTEIN BERGER 1958 PATRICIA LARSON BISHOP 1958 NANCY FLETCHER CATHERS Columbia University-Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association, Inc. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID NEW YORK, NY Permit No. 4108 7070 Xavier Drive, Suite 314 Yonkers, NY 10704 The Alumni Magazine Address Service Requested SUMMER 2010 Neighbors Honor Roll 1958 MARILYN HUGHES HORTON 1958 ANN DeGRAZIA JOHNSON 1958 ELAINE BOLLINS KAVANAGH 1958 PATRICIA HERTER MC GHEE 1958 RUTH WOOLISCROFT PHELAN 1958 CAROL JUNGE ROACH 1958 RINDA BRUUN RUSS 1958 DOROTHY LUKASHINSKY SCULL 1958 KRISTIN COBB TROOST 1959 JANICE PAUL ARCIDIACONO 1959 MARY WADLEIGH BOYD 1959 PATRICIA PERKINS DIENST 1959 DOROTHY METZE ENGELBRECHT 1959 JANET BOKELKAMP FRANKOVSKY 1959 EMMY-JO BRUNNER GANNON 1959 ELIZABETH WALKER HILTUNEN 1959 HELEN MacINNES 1959 ELIZABETH BRANDES PLUM 1959 NELL KINCAID SEMEL 1959 MURIEL CUNNINGHAM SMYTHE 1959 BETTE WALSH 1959 BETTE WALSH 1960 JO ANN DRAY AXTON 1960 HELEN BRANDT BATTISTE 1960 ROBERTA BESSETTE 1960 JANE MacKNIGHT BOLAND 1960 CAROLYN ANDERSEN BOUNTRESS 1960 MARY ROBSON CONSTABLE 1960 PATRICIA GLEASON DAUGHARTY 1960 LOIS CROCKER DAVENPORT 1960 BARBARA WHALEN DECKER 1960 MARJORIE DOTTLING 1960 LIBBYADA STRAVER ESTIN-KLEIN 1960 CAROL COULT FITZGERALD 1960 ELIZABETH SMITH GEORGE 1960 CAROLE CASTELLANO GRAEME 1960 CAROL HAMMELL GROSSE 1960 ARDATH FISHER HEARD 1960 PAMELA SCOTT HEYDON 1960 BARBARA SHARPE HOYT 1960 SALLY HUNTER 1960 PATRICIA JONES 1960 JEAN E. MONAHAN KELLY 1960 JANET WARMS MCQUAID 1960 PAULA GROSSMAN MOSHER 1960 RACHEL NEFF NEVILLE 1960 JACULYN CARPENTER PARRY 1960 JOYCE HAIK PATE 1960 CAROL JOHANSSON REITER 1960 BARBARA HANG SELLECK 1960 MARGARET KRANTZ STULL 1960 MARION RICHARDSON THOMPSON 1960 CAROLYN KAHN ZACKIN 1961 SUSAN McCLEARY ALDRICH-HALL 1961 JOAN LUHRS BERECZ 1961 SANDRA KIMMEL HUSEMAN 1961 NANCY SIECK LAWSON 1961 JOAN AMBROSE McCORMICK 1962 JOCELYN DOUGLASS 1962 CATHERINE SAND SULZMAN 1962 KATHLEEN DIEM WARREN 1963 KAREN KILLINGER CAMPBELL 1963 MARY LOU GIBBON CLEMENSON 1963 BARBARA HILL ISLER 1963 ANN WAGNER KAIZERMAN 1963 MARTHA MACKAY 1964 SALLY MURPHY ALBANO 1964 DOROTHY-JANE ZIMMERMAN MELLOR 1964 LYNNE PFARRER SEIDEL 1964 LEONIE SYMONDS 1964 JUDITH WARD 1964 KATHLEEN HADDOCK WATTERS 1964 PAMELA GORDON WICKSTROM 1964 CAROL WEEKS WISTER 1965 ANNE MacNAUGHTON KEYSER 1965 RUTH TAMBLYN MARTIN 1966 PATRICIA FLEMING BUTLER 1966 BETH JOHNSON HOLSTEIN 1966 GRETCHEN CAMP SEIRMARCO 1967 ELIZABETH MACKENZIE 1968 CAROL STEVENS ANDERSON 1968 LINDA JOHNSTON HABIF 1968 BROOKE SERPE INGOLD 1968 MARY ROWLAND PELLETIER 1968 JUDITH STRICKLAND STUTZ 1968 MARGARET YOUNG 1969 GAYLE GEISERT LINICK 1969 EMILY LANIER SELLECK 1970 JENNIE DOWNER AUSTIN 1970 PHYLLIS BENNETT NEWTON 1970 SUZANNE SAVOY 1971 LEONORA PORRECA WHILDIN 1972 JOANNE REINHARD BLACK 1972 SARA FAULKNER FEUDO 1972 MARGARET FERRI HAYN 1972 RAMON LAVANDERO 1972 DEBORAH KOOP MARDAM-BEY 1973 NANCY HORLACHER DOWNEY 1973 BARBARA MULL LOSCHE 1973 JUNE NELSON 1974 MARTHA ROBERTS COLEN 1974 MARGO PAYNE LEITHEAD 1974 NANCY O’DONOHUE 1974 VICTORIA MOTLEY WASHINGTON 1976 TRACI BUKER HOLSTEEN 1978 MARIE LUDWIG 1978 CHRISTINA NAKRASEIVE 1978 MARILYNN KRAFT YAREMCHUK 1979 PHOEBE JONES 1980 DOROTHY RICCARDI KLEINERT 1980 MICHELE HARVAN MONTGOMERY 1982 BRENDA JOHNSON 1982 GWYNETH JOHNSON LYMBERIS 1983 PAULA COGAN SIMON 1984 MIRIAM KAPLAN 1985 ANNE TORTORA CLARKE 1987 LESLIE ROESSLER 1988 LESLIE TEAGUE HARTER 1990 VERONICA HAUGH MAUSSER 1991 KIM LAWYER BLOCK 1994 SUZANNE La CROIX 1994 ELISABETH VISSER 1995 MARY DUFFY 2001 PATRICK SINGH 2004 ARIANA ROSE 2005 SARA E FALL 2007 VANESSA BATTISTA 2007 JANET HAAS 2007 SHOSHANA KIRSCHENBAUM 2007 JODI MEADOWS 2008 GWENDOLYN BEETLE 2008 MAGDA BROWN 2008 TERESA TURNBULL