Board Community Relations Committee Members
Board Community Relations Committee Members
Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES OR SET THEM TO SILENT MODE UPON ENTERING THE MEETING ROOM Board Community Relations Committee Meeting AGENDA WEDNESDAY, May 4, 2016 6:00 p.m. Meeting 5:30 p.m. Dinner for Board Members and invited guests Palomar Medical Center Raymond Family Conference Room, 2nd Floor 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido CA 92029 Time Form A Page Target CALL TO ORDER 6:00 Public Comments1 * Information Item(s) 15 6:15 1. 1* Approval: Community Relations Committee Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2016 .(ADD A - Pp9-56) 2 2 6:17 2. 2Review: Proposed Policy & Procedure for Community Financial Support/Gifting .(ADD B - Pp58-62) 8 3 6:25 5 4 6:30 5 5 6:35 20 6 6:55 5 7 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Review Policy: Naming Policy Revisions (ADD C - Pp64-80) Review: Status of Bylaws – Board Community Relations (ADD D - Pp82-85) Marketing Department Presentation (ADD E - Pp87-111) Updated Palomar Health Service Area Map (ADD F - Pp113) Public Comments1 15 ADJOURNMENT 7:15 Board Community Relations Committee Members -- **Voting Member **Dara Czerwonka, MSW, Committee Chair ** Jerry Kaufman, PTMA **Linda Greer, RN, CCP **Robert Hemker, President & CEO **Michael Stelman, PHF Board Member **1st Alternate: Aeron D. Wickes, MD **2nd Alternate: Hans C. Sison, LVN Della Shaw, EVP Strategy Jean Larsen, Philanthropy Officer Fran Waller, Director Community Engagement & Volunteer Development Debby Clark, Director Marketing Maria Sudak, Interim CAO & CNO PMC Jim Lyons, Patient Family Advisor Council NOTE: If you have a disability, please notify us by calling 442-281-3270 -- 72 hours prior to the event so that we may provide reasonable accommodations Asterisks indicate anticipated action. Action is not limited to those designated items. 1 5 minutes allowed per speaker with a cumulative total of 15 minutes per group. For further details & policy, see Request for Public Comment notices available in meeting room. Minutes Community Relations Committee – Wednesday, March 2, 2016 TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 FROM: Tammy Chung, Secretary BY: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: The minutes of the Board Community Relations Committee meeting held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, are respectfully submitted for approval (Addendum A). BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Board Community Relations Committee minutes. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 2 Proposed Policy and Procedure for Community Financial Support/Gifting Update TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 FROM: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: The District routinely receives requests from not-for-profit organizations for financial support for activities and events supporting various causes. Those requests are considered for approval by the District through various channels. Per the February 3, 2016 Board Community Relations Committee meeting, Della Shaw was asked to update the sponsorship guidelines and process of approval for the Committee’s review and approval at a future meeting. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff has submitted new Sponsorship Request Guidelines, Sponsorship Request Form, and Acknowledgement Agreement for the Board Community Relations Committee review and approval. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 3 Policy Review – Naming Policy Revisions TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 FROM: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: Per the March 2, 2016 Board Community Relations Committee meeting, the Naming Policy was tabled for further review. Jean Larsen was asked to discuss the Naming Policy Lucidoc Policy 27932 with the Palomar Health Foundation Board in March and report back to the Board Community Relations Committee. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Committee review only. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 4 Status of Board Community Relations Committee Bylaws TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 FROM: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: The Bylaws of Palomar Health as they relate to the Board Community Relations Committee Section 6.2.6 were returned to Board Governance per the April 11, 2016 Board of Directors meeting. All Committee Bylaw edits are on hold until Board Governance has reviewed the document as a whole. Once completed, the Committee edits will be added and formatted for standardization then brought to the Full Board for review. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Board Community Relations Committee confirmation that the Committee edits are completed and that the Bylaws with the edits may be sent on to the board of Directors for approval. Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 5 Marketing Department Presentation TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 BY: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: The duties of the Board Community Relations Committee includes review and recommendations to the Board regarding the District’s marketing, marketing policies, market research, marketing program planning and development, and internal and external communications. The Committee shall report its review of such policies to the Board on a regular basis. The Marketing Team presentation supports the Board Community Relations Committee fulfillment of their oversight obligations under the Bylaw requirements for the Committee. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Informational COMMITTEE QUESTIONS: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 6 Updated Palomar Health Service Area Map TO: Board Community Relations Committee MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 BY: Della K. Shaw, Executive Vice President - Strategy BACKGROUND: Follow up to February 3, 2016 Committee request for a more detailed map for future use. BUDGET IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Informational Committee Questions: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Motion: Individual Action: Information: Required Time: 7 ADDENDUM A 8 B A C O A R D C O M M U N I T Y R E L A T I O N S C O M M I T T E E T T E N D A N C E R O S T E R & M E E T I N G M I N U T E S A L E N D A R Y E A R 2 0 1 6 M MEETING DATES: 1/6/2016 MEMBERS CHAIR, DARA CZERWONKA, MSW 2/3/2016 3/2/2016 CANCELLED P P P P DIRECTOR LINDA GREER, RN, CCP E E ROBERT HEMKER, PRESIDENT AND CEO E P MICHAEL STELMAN, PHF BOARD MEMBER P P P P DELLA K. SHAW , EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, STRATEGY P P JEAN LARSEN, PRESIDENT & CHIEF PHILANTHROPIC OFFICER, PALOMAR HEALTH FOUNDATION P P P P P P P P ST ALTERNATE - DIRECTOR AERON WICKES, MD 2ND ALTERNATE - 5/4/2016 CANCELLED DIRECTOR JERRY KAUFMAN, PTMA 1 4/6/2016 DIRECTOR HANS C. SISON, LVN STAFF ATTENDEES DEBBY CLARK, DIRECTOR, MARKETING & THE HEALTHSOURCE FRAN WALLER, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT MARIA SUDAK, RN, CAO & CNO PMC COMMITTEE RN REPRESENTATIVE ELLY GARNER, MANAGER, GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS P JIM LYONS, PATIENT AND FAMILY ADVISOR COUNCIL P P TAMMY CHUNG – BOARD COMMITTEE ASSISTANT P P INVITED GUESTS SEE TEXT OF MINUTES FOR NAMES OF GUEST PRESENTERS 9 1 E E T I N G Board Community Relations Committee – Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Agenda Item Discussion Conclusion/Action I. CALL TO ORDER – ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM FollowUp/Responsible Party The meeting – held in the Raymond Family Conference Center, Palomar Medical Center, 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, CA - was called to order at 6 p.m. by Committee Chair Dara Czerwonka. Quorum comprised of: Directors Czerwonka, Kaufman, and Wickes; Robert Hemker, President & CEO; Michael Stelman, Palomar Health Foundation Board Member Excused Absences: Director Greer II. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice of Meeting was posted at PH’s Administrative Office; also posted with Full Agenda Packet on the PH web site on Saturday, February 27, 2016, which is consistent with legal requirements. Notice of that posting was also made via email to the Board and staff. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments IV. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS No informational items V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES No discussion MOTION: by Director Kaufman, 2nd by Mr. Stelman and carried to recommend approval of the February 3, 2016 minutes as submitted. All in favor. None opposed. VI. POINTS OF COMMUNITY WELLNESS ENGAGEMENT | POPULATION HEALTH – EMPLOYEE WELLNESS Della Shaw introduced an informational presentation for the Community Relations Committee related to Population Health efforts related to our Palomar Health Employees. 12-9-2015 10 1 VII. APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE BYLAWS AND BOARD MEMBER POSITION DESCRIPTION Palomar Health has a strategic initiative to develop population health programs for the communities we serve and understands that to do so effectively, we must develop population health programs within our employee community. Utilizing the presentation distributed with the Board packet, Sherri Romo, Director of Benefits and Human Resource Information Systems; James Metzger, Director of Hospitality Services and Barbara Hamilton, Manager of Sustainability, provided a detailed overview of three programs that support population health at Palomar Health – Wellness, Nutrition and Sustainability. IX. Review Policy: Naming Policy The Naming Policy Lucidoc Policy 27932 was reviewed, discussed and tabled for further discussion. Jean Larsen will discuss the Naming Policy Lucidoc Policy 27932 with the Palomar Health Foundation Board in March and report back to the Board Community Relations Committee In April. MOTION: by Director Kaufman, 2nd by Director Wickes and carried to recommend the Naming Policy Lucidoc Policy 27932 be tabled for further discussion and approval. All in favor. None opposed. XII. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS / AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MONTH There were no comments / nor agenda items requested for next month. XIII. FINAL ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m. by Chair Czerwonka. Committee Chair DARA CZERWONKA Signatures: Committee Assistant 11 TAMMY CHUNG 2 12 The Journey from Employee Wellness to Population Health Palomar Board of Directors Community Relations Committee 13 Population Health 30,000 feet The distribution of health outcomes within a population, the determinants that influence this distribution, and the policies and interventions that impact these determinants. 14 3 Population Health 3 feet Key components of population health management include: • Population identification • Health risk assessment • Tailored and targeted interventions combined with patient engagement • Shared decision making, health coaching, and online education • Evaluation of program impact “Population Health Management in Physician Practice: A call to action. “ Care Continuum Alliance, State of the Industry Report. October 2012 15 4 Population Health Determinants Stay well where you live, work, and play • Intrapersonal – knowledge, attitude, education, risks, access • Social – peers, family, friends • Employment – co-workers, policies, workplace, security, income, purpose Culture Cultu re Community Workplace Social Personal • Community – environment, rules, regulations • Culture – norms, values, beliefs 16 Proprietary & Confidential All Rights Reserved 5 The Population Health Roadmap Understand the Cohorts Focus on the Chronically Ill Eliminate the Medically Homeless Focus on Catastrophic Utilize Information Therapy & Patient Keep the Education Well Well Reduce Health Risks Eliminate Health Disparities Reach out to all the constituencies Market Wellness Provide Health Advocacy Deploy Behavior Change & Economics Reach out to all constituencies Understand the Demographics Establish Data Warehouse & Analytics 17 6 18 1 EMPLOYEE WELLNESS 2 FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES MISSION CULTURE FINANCIAL 19 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 EMPLOYEE WELLNESS 20 Palomar Health’s strategy requires a healthy, world-class workforce supporting a patient first culture… HOWEVER, 28,000 Employee prescriptions were filled in 2015 for cardiovascular disease, behavioral health, diabetes and pain management OVER 85,000 Hours of unscheduled PTO 700 FMLAs ALSO Employee Turnover rose from 9.6% to 13.2% in the past 12 months 21 AND 175 W/C injuries in the past 12 months What do we know about our population? 3 Lifestyle Behaviors 1. No physical activity 2. Poor diet 3. Tobacco use Lead to 4 Diseases 1. Cancer 2. Heart disease & stroke 3. Type 2 diabetes 4. Lung disease Health Risk Assessments 2012 - 2015 (20% Participation) 65% 11% report high cholesterol of the deaths in San Diego Escondido = 57% Target BMI report high blood pressure 50% Biometric Results: 2014 and 2015 (35% Participation) report excellent or good health 15% That result in over Blood Pressure Blood Glucose (NF) 2014 2015 < 25 27.1 < 120/80 122.3/72.8 < 100 100 Comment Improved Overweight Range Improved 121.2/72.6 Prehypertensive Worsened 101.6 Normal 26.8 Range Improved 26% report stress, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed Total Cholesterol < 200 183.1 178.7 Triglycerides < 150 134.4 141.9 Desirable Range Worsened 22 Normal Range Employee Wellness Program Elements (Current State) Active Lifestyle Emotional Well-being and Work/Life Balance Having Fun Being Healthy • • • Healthy Mind, Happy Life Exercise Challenges Softball, Golf & Tennis Tournaments Family BBQ, Kickball & Bowling • • • Nutritional Well-being Disease Management Eat Well, Be Well • • • Your Health Matters Partnership with the Healthy Food Council Sustainable, Local and Organic Quality Modeling Healthy Food Practices for Patients, Staff and Visitors • • Sharp Health Plan Physicians Health Coaches Annual Health Assessment Know Your Numbers • • Medical Insurance Healthy, Wealthy & Wise • Massage, Yoga Resiliency Training Wellness/Relaxation Room Plan Design & Options 23 HRA Annual Comparative Report Biometric Update (Self-Reported) Employee Wellness Resources (Current State) Online Wellness Resources Free Health Coaching • Keep up-to-date with what’s happening with Wellness. View all our activities at (select Departments, Wellness for Life) Weight Management, Tobacco Cessation, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Stress Management and more… Call 877849-2363 (M—F; 7 am—7 pm) • Health Assessment, Biometric Data, Challenge Tracking, Health Library, Virtual Nutritionist & Trainer, Wireless Fitness Tracking at Weight Management Download the mobile app for Includes coach chat, competition stats, message board, exercise, step, weight and food trackers and more Disease Management • Fitness Club Discounts and more: (select Human Resources, Employee Discounts) Looking for volunteer opportunities? Join one of our teams! • Free counseling, financial and legal assistance, and much more at; 800-999-7222 • Classes and Events at and (select Classes & Events) Wellness Council: Healthy Food Council or Green Team:, 858-613-4899 • Sharp New Weigh 8-Week Program: 858-505-1400 Weight Watchers: 800-651-6000 Sharp Reese-Stealy: 619-446-1571 Sharp Community Medical Group: 858-499-3040 Learn More Health and Wellness literature can be found at the Wellness For Life Display at the café entrances 24 25 Next Steps… Interactive Planning Session March 30th Leverage expertise of key stakeholders from across the organization HR, Marketing, Communications, Education, Organizational Learning, Employee Health, Worker’s Comp, Sustainability, Food & Nutrition Services, Facilities, Behavioral Health, Pharmacy, Nursing, Rehab, Sharp Health Plan, Burnham Benefits, Executive, Directors, Managers and Staff Purpose: To design a 1-3 year plan for Healthy Living that will change behavior and improve the health of our employees and their families for decades to come Objectives: To develop a sustainable program for our employees and their families that can serve as a model for how Palomar Health will positively effect the health of our community through population health. Outcomes: • 1-3 year plan elements and metric targets • Collaborative partners to execute the plan • Budgetary items for recommendation 26 A look forward Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle requires as we create a behavior change… culture of healthy living To achieve Behavior Change, Palomar Health makes healthy living a core value, sets expectations, with leaders serving as role models for employees… We engage every employee in their own health, at their level 27 Challenges to Creating A Culture of Healthy Living People The greatest challenge is competing priorities Funding Marketing, communication & education support Biometric data Commitment, focus and support from leaders at all levels 28 Just imagine if 100% of our employees were healthy • Better patient (and facility) care • Increased productivity, engagement and retention • Lower costs (absenteeism, injuries, turnover, health care...) • Reduced health insurance and workers’ compensation expense 29 2 FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES “ At Palomar Health, we are part of a wave of health care leaders who are shaping a food system that support prevention-based practices.” Bob Hemker, CEO 30 Why is healthy food important? • The leading causes of preventable deaths and diseases are diet-related (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer) • Our food offerings should be aligned with our mission—which is to heal, comfort and promote health in the communities we serve • It is an ethical conflict for hospitals to profit from selling items that promote poor health Our focus should be to promote health and prevent disease 31 Getting Here Jim Metzger Director of Hospitality Palomar Health 32 Food Service Can Help Vision: Inspire the Palomar Health community through service and example. Goal 1: Implement a phased, five-year, Board-approved Healthy and Sustainable Food and Beverage initiative. Purpose: Create an environment at Palomar Health that supports healthy lifestyle choices, employee well-being and work-life balance through food and nutrition. • Support nutritional well-being: Eat Well, Be Well • Develop disease prevention food practices. Your Health Matters Goal 2: Café re-design with focus on plant-based proteins, center for education and culinary learning for the community. Healthy Mind, Happy Life Objective: Create a healthier workforce and improve the health of the community. 33 Food and Nutritional Service Production Year on Year Palomar Health FANS Meals Served 1st Half - FY 2015 vs. FY 2016 600,000 FY 2016 507,428 500,000 FY 2015 404,769 400,000 FY 2015 FY 2016 300,000 200,000 FY 2015 FY 2016 209,718 195,295 FY 2015 FY 2016 191,804 183,632 Patient Café 100,000 - 34 Catering Thoughtful Guidance The American Dietetic Association notes that scientific studies have associated vegetarian diets with lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure “85% of morbidity rate is determined by diet.” Journal of American Medicine 35 Number of Deaths related to the 17 Leading Risk Factors in the U.S. in 2010 for both sexes combined 36 Palomar Health recognized for initiatives in wellness programming mar-health-recognized-for-initiatives-inwellness-programming/ 37 38 Historical Reduction Trend 39 Sustainable, Local, Organic (SLO) Produce Procurement 40 2015 Accomplishments • Contract agreements to purchase more local and sustainable food • Featured in The Healthsource • Meatless Mondays on all campuses • Chef training on plant-based menus from the humane society – local press stories followed • Proclamation awarded from the City of Escondido, San Marcos and San Diego County • Cornell University certified three managers in plant-based menu design 41 No Shave Mo-vember • Tuesday specials, Macho-meatless burrito • Meatless spaghetti • Meatless Nachos • Celebrations Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast! 42 March National Nutrition Month 43 2016 Goals & Initiatives #1 Implement a Board-approved Healthy and Sustainable Food and Beverage policy • New contract with vending; healthy food available • Online, mobile ordering from cafe • Café re-design with focus on plant based proteins and centered education and culinary learning 44 Proposed Program: Healthy Food Council 45 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 46 The health of the environment is connected to the health of people. 47 © Practice Greenhealth 2013. All Rights Reserved. First, Do No Harm Patient Health Staff Health 48 Community Health Health Care Sector Impacts • Health care comprises 18% of GDP – 34% by 2040[1] • $8.3 billion on energy each year[2]; 8% of US energy consumption[3]; 7% of US greenhouse gas emissions[4] • Top water users in a community[5,6] • Produces 30+ lbs. of waste per bed/per day (5.9million tons/yr) [7] • Nurses & EVS staff have highest work related asthma rates[8] 49 How does sustainability fit into health care? First, do no harm. Patient Health Employee Health Community Health • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Triple Aim better Care, better health, and lower costs • Affordable Care Act provisions – population health outcomes • Alignment with organizational, professional missions 50 Sustainability in Health Care So much more than a blue bin Quality, Triple Aim Safety and Risk Management Mission, Ethics, Hippocratic Oath SUSTAINABILITY Cost Savings Environmental Impact and Climate Preparedness 51 Community Relations and Benefit Patient Experience Employee Engagement and Wellness What we need to succeed Leadership Support – Strategic Positioning – Professional Staff 52 How you can help drive our sustainability efforts EcoChallenge PSP leading up to Earth Day 2016 Personal Sustainability Practice: “Daily or recurring practices that can express an individual’s values…small actions anytime, anywhere, that are good for you, good for the organization, and good for the planet” (Werbach 2009, 133). Executive leadership, top-down participation March 2016: • Each individual selects one personal challenge and tracks it for the month. • Throughout the month we capture the stories and the collective impact to share with the media and during Earth Day events. • Green marketing pilot opportunity Executive roundtable & leadership engagement Fall 2016: • Engagement with executives & senior leadership • Healthcare’s role in sustainability • Strategic sustainability at PH • Healthier Hospital commitments and tracking High value, identifiable, targeted, well-referenced 53 Q&A Thank You! 54 Population Health Determinants Stay well where you live, work, and play • Intrapersonal – knowledge, attitude, education, risks, access • Social – peers, family, friends • Employment – co-workers, policies, workplace, security, income, purpose Culture Cultu re Community Workplace Social Personal • Community – environment, rules, regulations • Culture – norms, values, beliefs 55 44 Proprietary & Confidential All Rights Reserved 56 ADDENDUM B 57 Sponsorship Request Guidelines Eligibility Approval for requests depends on several factors including, but not limited to: The request must be for a project directly supporting the mission, vision, values, strategy and initiatives of Palomar Health. Particular emphasis will be placed on programs that support population health, such as diabetes, childhood obesity, mental health, smoking, healthy eating, exercise, or drug and alcohol prevention. Requesting organizations should be based in, or have a physical presence within, the Palomar Health district. (See attached list of District zip codes.) The requesting organization must be not-for-profit 501c3. The amount requested must be appropriate in relation to the activity and benefits to the community. Event or activity must not compromise the professional standards and ethics of Palomar Health; determination of standards and ethics alignment will be at Palomar Health’s sole discretion. The requesting organization’s public image, products and services must be consistent with the values, purpose, goals and specific policies of Palomar Health. Any company or organization whose name is associated with the manufacture, distribution or sale of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or pornography is not regarded as an appropriate sponsor. This would not necessarily preclude involvement with local supermarkets and other businesses provided that their name is not specifically linked to the above named products. When considering an organization as a potential sponsor, Palomar Health will evaluate the appropriateness of the type of products or services the organization markets, the marketing methods used, and its public image as an employer. Use of Palomar Health’s logo on sponsorship collateral must be preapproved by our Marketing department. Final determination will be made at the sole discretion of Palomar Health. Additional Information All requests must be submitted using the Sponsorship Request Form. All requests must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event. Each sponsorship agreement will be for a specific period and purpose. Palomar Health retains the right to cancel sponsorship without penalty when previously unknown information arises that could have influenced the donation decision. An Acknowledgement Agreement will be executed prior to the event or activity to clarify the parties’ obligations. Palomar Health reviews each request on its own individual merit, and retains the right to accept or deny any request. Final authority over and sponsorship agreement ultimately rests with the Marketing Department at Palomar Health. Each sponsorship request will be considered on a case-by-case basis with the then current budget constraints in mind. 1 58 Palomar Health Primary Service Area (PSA) and Secondary Service Area (SSA) ZIP Codes ZIP 92025 92026 92027 92029 92030 92033 92036 92046 92059 92060 92061 92064 92065 92069 92070 92078 92079 92082 92096 92127 92128 92129 92003 92007 92008 92009 92010 92011 92013 92014 92018 92024 92028 92054 92055 92056 92057 92058 92067 92075 92081 92083 92084 92085 92091 92126 92130 92131 92562 92563 92564 92584 92589 92590 92591 92592 92593 92596 CITY PSA or SSA ESCONDIDO, CA ESCONDIDO, CA ESCONDIDO, CA ESCONDIDO, CA ESCONDIDO, CA ESCONDIDO, CA JULIAN, CA ESCONDIDO, CA PALA, CA PALOMAR MOUNTAIN, CA PAUMA VALLEY, CA POWAY, CA RAMONA, CA SAN MARCOS, CA SANTA YSABEL, CA SAN MARCOS, CA SAN MARCOS, CA VALLEY CENTER, CA SAN MARCOS, CA RANCHO BERNARDO, CA RANCHO BERNARDO, CA RANCHO PENASQUITOS, CA BONSALL, CA CARDIFF, CA CARLSBAD, CA CARLSBAD, CA CARLSBAD, CA CARLSBAD, CA CARLSBAD, CA DEL MAR CARLSBAD, CA ENCINITAS, CA FALLBROOK, CA OCEANSIDE, CA CAMP PENDLETON, CA OCEANSIDE, CA OCEANSIDE, CA OCEANSIDE, CA RANCHO SANTA FE, CA SOLANA BEACH VISTA, CA VISTA, CA VISTA, CA VISTA, CA RANCHO SANTA FE, CA SAN DIEGO, CA SAN DIEGO, CA SAN DIEGO, CA MURRIETA, CA MURRIETA, CA MURRIETA, CA MENIFEE, CA TEMECULA, CA TEMECULA, CA TEMECULA, CA TEMECULA, CA TEMECULA, CA WINCHESTER, CA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA SSA 59 Area of District (PSA) North North North North North North South North North North North South South North North North North North North South South South Sponsorship Request Form Name of organization ______________________________________________________ What is the mission of your organization? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Requestor’s Name __________________________ Phone (___)_________________________ Email______________________________ Sponsorship Request $ _________________________ Date/Time/Purpose of Sponsorship Request ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ How does your event directly support the mission of Palomar Health: to heal, comfort and promote health in the communities we serve? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Events being sponsored must support the mission of Palomar Health, take place in the Palomar Health District, and benefit communities served by the District (see attached District zip codes or Click here to see the zip codes). Organization city and zip code: ________________________________________________________ Event city and zip code: _______________________________________________________________ Does this event require Palomar Health’s physical presence (such as a booth or table)? __Y __N If yes, is there is an additional fee? __Y __N What is the fee? $_____ How and where will Palomar Health’s logo appear? __________________________________________________________________________________ What does the sponsorship include (i.e., tickets to the event)? __________________________________________________________________________________ Submit request to Tammy Chung at or fax to 760.510.0042 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….…………… Administrative Use Only SPONSORSHIP APPROVED: Yes ____ No ____ LOGO APPROVED: Yes ____ No ____ Signature__________________________________ Date __________________________ Explanation of how this sponsorship benefits Palomar Health’s strategic initiatives. 60 Acknowledgment Agreement This Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of _______________, 20XX (“Effective Date”) by and between ___________________ (“Recipient”), a [insert legal entity type] and Palomar Health, a California Healthcare District (“Sponsor”). As part of this agreement, Sponsor has agreed to provide financial support to Recipient subject to the terms and conditions in Agreement and Sponsorship Request Guidelines attached. 1. Sponsorship Period 1.1. Agreement will commence on [date] and continue until [date] (“Sponsorship Period”). Palomar Health retains the sole right to cancel sponsorship without penalty when previously unknown information arises that could have influenced the donation decision. 2. Sponsorship Fee 2.1. Subject to the provisions of Agreement and to Recipient performing its obligations hereunder, and in consideration of the rights granted by Recipient to Sponsor, Sponsor agrees to pay a sponsorship fee of [amount] (excluding VAT) (“Fee”). 2.1.1. Invoices are to be sent to: Palomar Health Director, Marketing Department 120 Craven Road – Suite 200 San Marcos, CA 92078 2.2. Recipient acknowledges and confirms that, save as otherwise expressly recorded in Agreement; Sponsor shall not be liable to Recipient or any other person for any cost or expense in additional to Fee. 3. Sponsor’s Rights 3.1. In return for Fee stated in 2.1, Recipient will provide Sponsor with the following benefits: [Insert items that come with the sponsorship, such as logo placement, tickets, speaking opportunity, booth, etc.] 4. Sponsor’s Obligations In exercising the said rights, Sponsor will, subject to receiving appropriate invoices, pay Fee to Recipient. 5. Recipient’s Exercise of Rights Recipient shall not use any of the rights granted herein, and shall ensure that no member of Recipient will make any public statement in a manner which, in the 61 reasonable opinion of Sponsor, is or might be prejudice or defamatory to the image and reputation of Sponsor. 7. Entire Agreement Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject matter of Agreement and supersedes any previous agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties in relation to that subject matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, duly authorized representatives of each of the parties have executed Agreement as of the Effective Date. [Organization’s Name] By, ________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Print or Type Name) ___________________________ (Print or Type Title) Palomar Health By, _______________________ Diane Hansen Executive Vice President, Finance 62 ADDENDUM C 63 Naming Opportunities, Plans and Policies Board Community Relations Committee May 4, 2016 64 Naming Opportunities, Plans and Policy As more and more institutions launch new campaigns – and are ever increasingly ambitious with their dollar goals -- donors are also increasingly interested in attaching their names to philanthropic projects that represent their personal and/or family values. Institutions such as healthcare organizations often follow and develop their brand names in many of the same ways as corporate entities, stemming from three mechanisms: • Convenience • Creative Marketing • Contractual Arrangements 65 “Convenience” as defined by location or geographical area: • • • • • • • Alvarado Hospital Fallbook Hospital Grossmont Hospital Palomar Medical Center Paradise Valley Hospital Pomerado Hospital Tri-City Medical Center 66 “Creative Marketing” as defined by inserting a service identity: • • • • • • Casa de las Campanas Rehabilitation Center Edgemoor Geriatric Hospital Neighborhood Healthcare Safe Home Treatment Center San Diego Psychiatric Hospital White Sands Treatment Center 67 “Contractual” as defined by a major monetary investment made by a gift and/or pledge agreement: • • • • • • • • Mary Birch Hospital Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego Rady Children’s Genomics Institute Sharp Hospital Scripps Prebys Cardiovascular Institute UCSD Shiley Eye Institute UCSD Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center UCSD Medical Center/Thornton Hospital 68 69 What Motivates Donors to Give? 70 Naming Opportunities, Plans and Policy While 79% want to “do something with a lasting value,” obtaining a naming [recognition] was at 4%. However, this is at odds with the negative perception of asking for naming versus being offered one. Almost 97% will accept if offered one. With a clear and intentional plan with associated policies at both Palomar District Hospital and Palomar Health Foundation, philanthropy is honored, recognized, appreciated, taken seriously and approached professionally. And by visibly affirming philanthropy throughout the organization with plaques, signage, printed and digital honor rolls, new donors can be motivated and inspired to give. And existing donors will more readily renew their giving annually. 71 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status • Palomar Medical Center • Pomerado Hospital • Palomar Hospital – Downtown Campus 72 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status • Palomar Medical Center Formalized effort through capital campaign Existing naming process, name capture and procedures Donor Digital Wall Opp # 15 24 73-2 76-2 121-4-W 123-5-E 124-5-E 142-5-E Recognition Opportunity Imaging Conference Room ECHO Procedure Room Nursing Station Surgery Conference Room Surgical Acute Care Suite West Balcony Garden East Cardiovascular Acute Care Suite East Staff Lounge East Gift Amount $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Location 1st Floor 1st Floor 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 4th Floor 5th Floor 5th Floor 5th Floor Quantity # Used # Available 1 0 1 2 1 1 6 0 6 1 0 1 12 7 5 1 1 0 30 3 27 1 1 Donors names and approved namings are linked to account records in the database and recorded in hard copy files. 73 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status • Palomar Medical Center Approved signage 74 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status • Pomerado Hospital Undefined, requiring historical research to bring into alignment with Palomar Medical Center Existing naming process, name capture and procedures No digital honor roll Soroptimist International of the Americas Southland Electric, Inc. Spencer, Drs. Mary & Donald St. Francis Episcopcal Church St. Germanie Auxiliary St. Vincent Hospital Stanek Family Statprobe, Inc. The Sam S. & Rose Stein Charitable Trust Stelman, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Harold Stevens Jewelers group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque group plaque Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level Donor Wall - Partner Level 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY MAIN LOBBY Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Large acrylic plaque with list of names Tracking of namings are linked to account records in the database and hard copy files. 75 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status • Palomar Hospital – Downtown Campus Historical research complete Grandfather and/or transfer options to Palomar Medical Center will be offered Tracking of namings are linked to account records in database and hard copy files. 76 Palomar’s Current Naming Plan and Policy Status Revise/update Palomar Heath Policy #27932 Create compatible Palomar Health Foundation Naming Guidelines Complete full scope of namings similar to Palomar Medical Center that can be offered at Pomerado Hospital Complete grandfather/transition of namings from Downtown Campus 77 DRAFT – proposed Rev 4 I. PURPOSE: To provide named recognition to various components within the Palomar Health District as a result of philanthropic contributions. II. DEFINITIONS: None. III. TEXT / STANDARDS OF PRACTICE: A. Palomar Health (PH) shall adhere to the following standardized procedures for naming buildings, rooms, public spaces, programs, awards, and scholarships; Formatted: Font: 10 pt B. Naming for new or unnamed buildings, building additions or for renaming existing buildings are subject to approval by the Palomar Health Board of Directors. C. Naming or renaming of a room, part of a building, public space, program, scholarship or award must be approved by the President and CEO, Palomar Health Board of Directors and the PH Foundation Board. B. Naming for new or existing unnamed buildings, building additions, public spaces, programs, scholarships or awards shall be in accordance with Palomar Health Foundation’s (PHF) most current naming policy (11/29/2007). The policy shall be presented to the PH District Hospital Board of Directors for initial approval and their renewed approval whenever changes are recommended by the Foundation’s governing board and/or its committees; 1. When philanthropic gifts are secured where a naming has been offered in recognition, and the gift naming meets all criteria outlined in both the PHF current naming policy as well as the most current PH District Naming Policy (#27932), the naming will be identified as ready for installation. This activity will be reported in the PHF’s Board Chair Report during the next meeting of the PH District Board of Directors; 2. When philanthropic gifts are being considered with a naming offered outside one or both policy definitions, consent approval for the variant is to be presented to and approval obtained from the PH District Board of Directors. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25" D. The naming or renaming of a building, room, part of a building, public space, program, award or scholarship shall be considered in accordance with the following principle: 1. That a significant or substantial donation is made to the PHFalomar Health Foundation towards the cost of the naming opportunity as determined by PH Foundation. E. Each proposal presented to potential donors for a naming shall adhere to the Foundation’s most current gift acceptance policy and specify the gift level associated with the naming to permanently recognize their gift.;in recognition of a gift shall be considered on it's own merit; F. No more than one building, room, part of a building or public space on each campus site shall hold a similar name with the exception of a single named opportunity towards the entire Health System; G. The naming of any entity building, building addition, room or public space within PH should not conflict with "way finding" signage; H. Removing a name will be upon recommendation of the PH President and CEO, and is a the decision of the PH District Board in consultation with the PHF Foundation Board of Directors. That decision should also include a conversation with the donor or if the donor is deceased with a family member or Trustee; I. Naming opportunities for equipment/components are considered on a case-by-case basis by the PHF and are applicable and sustainable only for the duration of the useful life of the component; 78 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.19" J. In considering potential named equipment/components, the PH District Board of Directors may consult the PHFFoundation Board of Directors, PH constituents and community groups; K. For buildings a) located on PH property and not owned by PH or b) built cooperatively in partnership with another entity, the selection of a name shall be done in consultation with the President and CEO of PH, PHF andPresident, and the partner/lessor and with approval of the PH District Board. L. The PH District Board maintains the right to name as a tribute, buildings, building additions, rooms, public spaces, scholarship and awards in recognition of years of community service to PH without consideration of a philanthropic gift. M. The PH alomar Health Facility Naming Policy applies to all PH facilities including but not limited to: buildings, rooms, specific interior or exterior locations, real property and signage on any portion of any PH facility. The Policy is also intended to provide named recognition for PH programs scholarships and awards N. This policy will be reviewed every three years or as necessary. Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.25", Right: 0.15", Space Before: 0 pt, After: 0 pt, Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style, Don't adjust space between Latin and Asian text IV. ADDENDUM: Original Document Date: 12/07 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style Reviewed: Revision Number: Four (4) Document Owner: Hemker, Bob Michael Covert Authorized Promulgating Officers: Marcelo R. Rivera, Chairman V. PUBLICATION HISTORY: Revision Number Effective Date Document Owner at Publication Version Notes 4 TBD Hemker, Bob 3 01/29/2015 Janine Sarti General Counsel 01/10/2012 2 (Changes) Janine Sarti General Counsel 12/04/2008 1 (Changes) Michele L. Gilmore Executive Assistant 12/30/2007 0 (Changes) James Neal Director of Corporate Integrity Updating policy per review of Community Relations Committee to more accurately describe process and activities associated with namings. Updating policy to delete Pomerado from the PH alomar Health name, as approved at the January 12,2015 Board of Director's meeting.[Owner changed from Sarti, Janine to Hemker, Bob by Avila, Julie on 04JAN-2016] Revisions from the 12.20.11 Governance committee were added to the policy. reviewed and updates/corrections made; paragraphs B,C, C & J. in section III. Michele Gilmore 11/20/08 New Policy approved by Board 12/17/07 (Changesthis version) VI. ( 01/27/2015 03:59PM PST ) Janine Sarti, General Counsel ( 01/29/2015 02:29AM PST ) Linda Greer, Chairman, Board of Directors Authorized Signer(s): VI. REFERENCES: Reference Type Title Notes 79 Formatted: Font: 12 pt Paper copies of this document may not be current and should not be relied on for official purposes. The current version is in Lucidoc at: . 80 ADDENDUM D 81 Amended and Restated Bylaws of Palomar Health, Revised 12/16/2015 Incorporating Requested Edits per February 3, 2016 Board Community Relations Committee Meeting 6.2.6 Community Relations Committee. (a) Voting Membership. The Committee shall consist of five voting members, including three members of the Board and one alternate who shall attend Committee meetings and enjoy voting rights on the Committee only when serving as an alternate for a voting Committee member, the President and Chief Executive Officer and a Board member of the Palomar Health Foundation recommended by the Foundation and approved by the Committee Chairperson. The Palomar Health Board shall approve the Foundation board member. (b) Non-Voting Membership. The Executive Vice President, Strategy; the Director, Community Engagement and Volunteer Development; the President and Chief Philanthropic Officer-Palomar Health Foundation; the Director, Marketing and The HealthSource; a nurse representative as approved by the Committee Chairperson; Manager, Governmental Affairs; and a representative of the Palomar Health Patient and Family Advisor Council. (c) Duties. The duties of the Committee shall include but are not limited to: (i) Review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the District’s community relations and outreach activities, including marketing, community education and wellness activities; (ii) Review marketing policies to ensure that they support the District’s mission and goals. Such policies shall include market research, specific and marketing program planning and development, and internal and external communications. The Committee shall report its review of such policies to the Board on a regular basis; (iii) Serve as Board liaison to the Foundation. Review quarterly reports from the Foundation regarding donations and projects funded during the previous quarter; (iv) Review annually those policies within the Committee’s purview and report the results of such review to the Governance Committee. Such reports shall include recommendations regarding the modification of existing, or creation of new ,policies; (v) Advise the Board on issues relating to health care advisory councils and District grant procurements; (vi) Undertake planning regarding the District’s community relations and outreach activities, including marketing, community education and wellness activities; and 82 (vii) Provide advice and counsel to the organization in the development and maintenance of governmental liaison program and ensure local, State and National governmental leaders understand the Healthcare challenges and issues faced by the District; and support the organization in achievement of its mission. (viii) Provide a brief one page summary of committee accomplishments to the board as part of the Board annual self-evaluation (ix) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. (d) Requirements. (i) Interest and willingness to commit the time and energy to complete committee responsibilities and meeting requirements (ii) Interest and willingness to advocate on behalf of the Board (iii) Knowledge or interest in marketing, research and communications techniques used in promotion of organization and a willingness to expand ones knowledge in this arena. (iv) Compliance with other Board member position description requirements. 83 Amended and Restated Bylaws of Palomar Health, Revised 12/16/2015 Incorporating Requested Edits per February 3, 2016 Board Community Relations Committee Meeting 6.2.6 Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.5", Hanging: 0.8" Formatted: Body Text, Centered Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Not Bold Community Relations Committee. (a) Voting Membership. The Committee shall consist of five voting members, including three members of the Board and one alternate who shall attend Committee meetings and enjoy voting rights on the Committee only when serving as an alternate for a voting Committee member, the President and Chief Executive Officer and a Board member of the Palomar Health Foundation recommended by the Foundation and approved by the Committee Chairperson. The Palomar Health Board shall approve the Foundation board member. (b) Non-Voting Membership. The Executive Vice President, Strategy;, the Director, Community Engagement and volunteer Volunteer Development; the President and Chief Philanthropic Officer-Palomar Health Foundation; the Director, Marketing and The HealthSource; a nurse representative as approved by the Committee Chairperson, ; Manager, Governmental Affairs; and a representative of the Palomar Health Patient and Family Advisor Council. (c) Duties. The duties of the Committee shall include but are not limited to: Formatted: Strikethrough (i) Review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the District’s community relations and outreach activities, including marketing, community education and wellness activities; (ii) Review marketing policies to ensure that they support the District’s mission and goals. Such policies shall include market research, specific and marketing program planning and development, and internal and external communications. The Committee shall report its review of such policies to the Board on a regular basis; (iii) Serve as Board liaison to the Foundation. Review quarterly reports from the Foundation regarding donations and projects funded during the previous quarter; (iv) Review annually those policies within the Committee’s purview and report the results of such review to the Governance, Audit and Compliance Committee. Such reports shall include recommendations regarding the modification of existing, or creation of new ,policies; (v) Advise the Board on issues relating to health care advisory councils and District grant procurements; (vi) Undertake planning regarding the District’s community relations and outreach activities, including marketing, community education and wellness activities; and 84 Formatted: Strikethrough Formatted: Strikethrough (vii) Provide advice and counsel to the organization in the development and maintenance of governmental liaison program and ensure local, State and National governmental leaders understand the Healthcare challenges and issues faced by the District; and support the organization in achievement of its mission. (viii) Provide a brief one page summary of committee accomplishments to the board as part of the Board annual self-evaluation Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt (vi) (ix) Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. (d) Formatted: Body Text, No bullets or numbering Requirements. (i) Interest and willingness to commit the time and energy to complete committee responsibilities and meeting requirements (ii) Interest and willingness to advocate on behalf of the Board (iii) Knowledge or interest in marketing, research and communications techniques used in promotion of organization and a willingness to expand ones knowledge in this arena. (iv) Compliance with other Board member position description requirements. Formatted: Font: 10 pt (vii) Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering 85 ADDENDUM E 86 Marketing Team Debby Clark 87 Bobette Brown Chris Saunders Pia Mangini Community Relations Board May 4, 2016 Rebrand Digital Marketing Story Branding 88 Building the Team Bobette Brown Manager Chris Saunders Manager Pia Mangini Manager Marketing Communications Public Relations Digital Marketing Community Health Education Advertising Campaigns Story Branding Web Site Classes Media Pitching Social Media Microtargeted Marketing Press Releases Print Publications Video Production Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Community Events Pay-per-click (PPC) Award Applications + Amafel Andaya Marketing Specialist + Open Position Digital Specialist 89 Tammy Chung Specialist Call Center Sponsorships Branding Initiative > External TV, radio, print, web, billboards, social media > Internal Living and breathing the brand > Inventory Branded items: fleet, signage, collateral 90 Marketing Communications Transition Communications 10,065 visits to webpage • 288 visited the Contact Us page Customized communications for every move: • Press releases • Community letters • Fliers • Signage • Earned media • Social media • only 66 visits were to the Spanish site 140,000 letters were mailed in late July • 8,950 in Spanish • 23,389 emailed Over 30 social media posts • Web 91 ED Closure Marketing Communications March 14, 2016 85,000 letters mailed late Feb Ads placed in 7 local publications 349 visits to webpage (201 to FAQ page) LinkedIn 16 posts Impressions = 20,457 92 Facebook 12 posts Reach = 11,451 Twitter 10 posts Impressions = 3,093 Marketing Communications New Mover Campaign Launch January 2015 Frequency 3-touch campaign 152,568 Households reached 6,229 New patients acquired 75% PMC | 25% POM 61% ER | 46% inpatient | 32% outpatient $21,000 Average patient charge $169:1 ROI 1,218 Visits to landing page 1,093 First-aid kits requested 93 $5.7 Million Net Revenue Public Relations Story Branding What is it? How can it help us? Why is it important? 94 Telling stories that support your core values and marketing strategies. Public Relations Story Branding What is it? How can it help us? Why is it important? It helps give us a sense of identity and pride. It costs nothing – but the payoff is rich. 95 Public Relations Story Branding What is it? How can it help us? Why is it important? It allows us to create an emotional connection with our community as well as our employees. 96 Let’s look at a recent example of story branding: Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot! 97 Standby Emergency Room Closing 98 Baby Emily Reunited with the doctors and nurses who saved her life 99 Story Branding “Sometimes, all it takes is for someone to believe in you and never give up on you to achieve your goals against impossible odds. That’s the story of Samantha Showns, a home visiting and lactation professional with Palomar Health’s First Steps program and her client Theresa (not her real name) a young mother who wound up homeless and whose baby was sent away.” 100 What is the message with this story? Samantha Showns Caring Hands Award Winner Family Support Specialist First Five Program 101 Child Abuse Prevention Month Pinwheel Display San Diego Union-Tribune Front page of local section Also covered by: • News 8 • NBC San Diego 102 Operation Teddy Bear | Forensic Health Services San Diego Union-Tribune Easter Sunday 103 DOG WITH A BLOG Gus Palomar Paws An “exclusive” interview 104 Digital Marketing Social Media 5 channels 2 posts per day, per channel 6 months Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest 2,568 7,438 2,085 44 Fastest-growing channel 105 34 Posting on behalf of Palomar Health Jim Metzger Director, Hospitality Services 6,500 connections Michelle Pius Director, Major Giving 7,438 followers Leslie Solomon VP, Culture Barbara Hamilton Director, Sustainability 438 connections Debby Clark Director, Marketing 1,213 connections 800 connections 776 connections = 17,504 106 Della Shaw EVP, Strategy 339 connections Find a Doc Fewer clicks Docs are now searchable Faster to load 107 Classes & Events AFTER Easier to browse by topics BEFORE 108 AFTER Blog Repurposing content from Staywell BEFORE 109 Web Site New look to be aligned with the rebrand Updated features, functions, content Simpler navigation 110 Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES OR SET THEM TO SILENT MODE UPON ENTERING THE MEETING ROOM Board Community Relations Committee Meeting AGENDA WEDNESDAY, May 4, 2016 6:00 p.m. Meeting 5:30 p.m. Dinner for Board Members and invited guests Palomar Medical Center Raymond Family Conference Room, 2nd Floor 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido CA 92029 Time Form A Page Target CALL TO ORDER 6:00 Public Comments1 * Information Item(s) 15 6:15 1. 1* Approval: Community Relations Committee Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2016 .(ADD A - Pp9-56) 2 2 6:17 2. 2Review: Proposed Policy & Procedure for Community Financial Support/Gifting .(ADD B - Pp58-62) 8 3 6:25 5 4 6:30 5 5 6:35 20 6 6:55 5 7 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Review Policy: Naming Policy Revisions (ADD C - Pp64-80) Review: Status of Bylaws – Board Community Relations (ADD D - Pp82-85) Marketing Department Presentation (ADD E - Pp87-111) Updated Palomar Health Service Area Map (ADD F - Pp113) Public Comments1 15 ADJOURNMENT 7:15 Board Community Relations Committee Members -- **Voting Member **Dara Czerwonka, MSW, Committee Chair ** Jerry Kaufman, PTMA **Linda Greer, RN, CCP **Robert Hemker, President & CEO **Michael Stelman, PHF Board Member **1st Alternate: Aeron D. Wickes, MD **2nd Alternate: Hans C. Sison, LVN Della Shaw, EVP Strategy Jean Larsen, Philanthropy Officer Fran Waller, Director Community Engagement & Volunteer Development Debby Clark, Director Marketing Maria Sudak, Interim CAO & CNO PMC Jim Lyons, Patient Family Advisor Council NOTE: If you have a disability, please notify us by calling 442-281-3270 -- 72 hours prior to the event so that we may provide reasonable accommodations Asterisks indicate anticipated action. Action is not limited to those designated items. 1 5 minutes allowed per speaker with a cumulative total of 15 minutes per group. For further details & policy, see Request for Public Comment notices available in meeting room. Marketing Team Debby Clark Bobette Brown Chris Saunders Pia Mangini Community Relations Board May 4, 2016 111 ADDENDUM F 112 Palomar Health District 113