2014/2015 edition - Orange County Artists Guild
2014/2015 edition - Orange County Artists Guild
2014-2015 Orange County Artists Guild ARTIST DIRECTORY & GUIDE WWW.OCAGNC.ORG Jenifer Padilla painting in her studio. THE ORANGE COUNTY ARTISTS GUILD (OCAG) IS DEDICATED TO INCREASING AWARENESS OF, AND APPRECIATION FOR, THE VISUAL ARTS IN THE COMMUNITY. OCAG is a non-profit, all volunteer, organization which accepts new members through an annual jury process. It comprises a variety of established and emerging visual artists dedicated to excellence in their art and a community of “Artists supporting Artists.” Today OCAG has grown to include over 100 juried members throughout Orange County, NC, working together to increase visibility and recognition of area artists and craftspeople. SARAH WILKINS “THE WAYGuild OUT ” Orange County Artists WWW.OCAGNC.ORG COVER IMAGE: KEITH ALLEN Allenwood allnwood@msn.com 919-563-6190 Wood furniture and “fun-iture” JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. RUTHANANDA Bird Nest Studio 805 Kenmore Rd., Chapel Hill ruth@ruthananda.com www.ruthananda.com 919-933-4001 Semi-abstract textured acrylic paintings and miniatures on canvas. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ&KDSHO+LOO*DOOHU\ KATHERINE ARMACOST kaa@earthlink.net www.katherinearmacost.com 919-942-4712 Oil and mixed media works,large and very small, on canvas, wood and paper. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. PEG BACHENHEIMER pegbach@earthlink.net www.pegbachenheimer.com 919-933-3839 Abstract and landscape based paintings created with many layers of texture and color using oil and encaustic paints. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. Visit FRANK Gallery 109 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 919-636-4135 • info@frankisart.com WWW.FRANKISART.COM Tuesday – Saturday 11pm to 6pm Sundays 1 pm to 5pm SASHA BAKARIC Sasha Ceramics sasabakaric@gmail.com www.sashaceramics.com 919-491-0159 Wheel thrown and hand built stoneware with intricate, carved surface designs inspired by images of microscopic organisms and cells. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. JUDY BAUMAN Art by Judy Bauman judybauman@mindspring.com www.judybauman.com 919-260-1233 Acrylic painting WWW.OCAGNC.ORG SANDRA BEEMAN Visit FRANK Gallery ranklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC t.com WWW.FRANKISART.COM Tuesday – Saturday 11pm to 6pm Sundays 1 pm to 5pm Lime Moon Art Glass Studio skbeeman@gmail.com www.limemoonart.com 919-619-6651 Flameworked glass beads, jewelry & other objects. Flameworking demonstrations during the Open Studio Tour. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ ELIA BIZZARRI elia@handtoolwoodworking.com 919-732-3321 Hand made wooden furniture JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ NATALIE BOORMAN Hickory Grove Center hickorygroveart@mindspring.com 919-929-3780 Handbuilt clay vessels, typically using the “pinch pot” method. Finishing process is raku or pit firing. BECKY FILENE BROUN beckybroun@gmail.com www.beckyfilenebroun.com 919-968-8442 Handmade boxes and books of all shapes and sizes. LYNN BURCHER Gilded Lily Glass lynn@gildedlilyglass.com www.gildedlilyglass.com 919-644-1138 Whimsical glass jewelry merging flamework, fusing, and enameling techniques. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ JAN BUTTA Red Willow Studio jbutta@nc.rr.com www.frankisart.com 919-434-5975 Abstract oil and mixed media paintings with bold use of color, texture & movement JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. LINDA CARMEL lindacarmel52@gmail.com www.lindacarmel.com 919-933-3010 Sculptural acrylic paintings. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV CLAY CARMICHAEL bearbooks@mindspring.com www.claycarmichael.com 919-942-8058 Books, prints, posters, cards, and original pen & ink and watercolor illustrations for children of all ages. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG 3ULQJOH7HHWRUZRUNLQJPROWHQJODVVDWKHUVWXGLR GINNY CHENET ginnychenet@yahoo.com 919-968-2589 Rich impressionistic landscapes and dramatic florals inspired by a fascination with light and color. BARBI DALTON artnlight@mac.com www.barbidalton.com 919-622-1907 Impressionistic paintings of landscapes, figures and still life. Images that stimulate the senses and are deeply rooted in nature. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ7KH&OD\&HQWUH)5$1. On the Corner of Franklin Street & Columbia Street in downtown Chapel Hill, NC All proceeds from the Museum Store support the Ackland Art Museum’s exhibition and education programs. acklandstore@unc.edu • 919.962.0216 WWW.ACKLAND.ORG Monday – Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM Thursdays from 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM Friday & Saturday: 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM Sunday: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM ALAN DEHMER Woods Edge Studio woodsedge@mindspring.com www.woodsedge.net 919-929-7871 Gum bichromate photography JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. HEATHER DELISLE Earth Water & Fire Studio hdelisle@gmail.com www.heatherdelisle.com 919-732-8324 Decorative ceramic tile and sculpture replicating texture and patterns of the natural world. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ(QR*DOOHU\ WWW.OCAGNC.ORG On the Corner of Franklin Street & Columbia Street in , NC CAROLYN DOYLE The Clay Centre cdoyle@nc.rr.com 919-210-2727 Decorative and functional stoneware. Designer textiles and fiber art. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ:RPDQFUDIW JULIE EASTMAN Art by Julie Eastman jeastman@nc.rr.com www.julieeastman.com 919-933-6495 Paintings in acrylic and watercolor, as well as screened prints, depicting the local landscape and scenes from travel. CARMEN ELLIOTT 919-942-9364 Terracotta sculpure and pottery JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ ELIZABETH EMERSON betsyemerson@hotmail.com www.elizabethemersonart.com 919-918-2083 Painting PAMELA EPPERSON Powder Mill Pottery ple46@yahoo.com 919-383-4146 Functional and Sculptural work with a focus on flowers and animals. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ:RPDQFUDIW JUDITH ERNST judernst@gmail.com www.earthembracingspace.com 919-929-4594 Large, sculptural ceramic vessels that express the beauty of the natural world and its metaphysical reality. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. MICHAEL EVERHART Five Fork Studio fivefork.studio@gmail.com www.fivefork.com 919-323-1391 Custom furniture fabricated using wood and steel. PETER FILENE filene@live.unc.edu www.peterfilene.com 919-942-6525 Painterly photographs of Paris & New York scenes, art & lovers; and a new series of trees. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG 1DGLQH=HQRELȇV6WXGLRGXULQJWKH2SHQ6WXGLR7RXU SUSAN FILLEY Susan Filley Studio sfilley@nc.rr.com www.susanfilley.com 919-933-9117 A wonderful variety of porcelain pots, from lovely cups & bowls to sculptural teapots, vases and wall pieces. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ AMY FLETCHER Amy@AmyFletcherArt.com www.AmyFletcherArt.com 919-368-4951 Musically inspired work in oil, acrylic, encaustic, and mixed media on canvas and cradled wood panels. Large and small sizes available. LOUISE FRANCKE Francke Graphics At Wilki franckearts@mebtel.net www.franckearts.com 919-563-0330 Colorful paintings, pastels and monotypes – depicting animals & children. Also available as prints and cards. LISA GOLDSTEIN lisapg@nc.rr.com www.lisapgoldstein.com 919-740-3662 Bright images inspired by animals, people & nature which capture positive moods and playful personalities. Her pet portraits are popular gifts. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ&KDSHO+LOO*DOOHU\ JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.+LOOVERURXJK*D WWW.OCAGNC.ORG CHRIS GRAEBNER chris@chrisgraebner.com www.chrisgraebner.com 919-644-1311 Oil and Acrylic paintings of landscapes and botanical subjects. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV LEW GRAHAM lewraine@gmail.com www.lewgrahamartist.com 315-395-8269 Luminous encaustic abstract paintings; also small landscape oils. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. LOLETTE GUTHRIE lsguthrie@aol.com www.loletteguthrie.com 919.933.2931 Contemporary and abstract landscape paintings in oil or pastels. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\ of Arts JIM HABERMAN jimhaberman44@hotmail.com www.jimhaberman.com 919-967-6888 Humorous and bizarre photographs, as well as documentary images of Israel and India. Orange County Artists Guild Every Fall roughly half of the OCAG membership open their studios. The event is free and open to the public. Mark your calendar and join us for the annual Fall Open Studio Tour, held the ȴUVWWZRZHHNHQGVRI1RYHPEHU JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\$FNODQG 0XVHXP6 JAMIE HAGENBERGER Blue Nandina Studio jamie@bluenandina.com www.bluenandina.com 919-414-1786 Experimental camera-less photography. Bold and colorful images of natural subjects made in the darkroom. Each piece is unique. JENNIFER HAHN Jennifer Hahn Fine Art jenniferhahnart@yahoo.com www.jenniferhahnart.com 919-280-5652 Oil paintings and landscapes. LINDESAY HARKNESS lindesayh@mac.com www.lindesayharkness.com 919-967-0148 Still lifes, landscapes and samples of portraits, all in pastel. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG SHELLY HEHENBERGE JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5 DEBORAH HARRIS Deborah Harris Pottery dharris118@nc.rr.com www.deborahharrispottery.com 919-969-8355 Functional high fire porcelain with traditional Japanese and Chinese reduction glazes. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\$FNODQG$UW 0XVHXP6WRUH SHELLY HEHENBERGER shellyhehenberger@gmail.com www.shellyhehenberger.com 919-933-9546 Oil paint, cold wax medium, sand, chalk, and resin on wood panel. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. $QLWD:ROIHQGHQLQVWDOOLQJȊ&XEHVȋ Hours: Mon- Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 1pm-4pm 212 W. Main St. Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 942-4048 www.nccraftsgallery.com nccraftsgallery@yahoo.com JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV WARREN HICKS mail@warrenhicks.com www.warrenhicks.com 919-967-3921 Abstract paintings on canvas and paper incorporating melodic imagery with striking colors. Ceramic tiles, T-shirts and gift items. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. BARBARA HIGGINS The Clay Centre bjjhiggins@msn.com www.claycentre.com 919-967-0314 Porcelain and stoneware textured with unique stamps and carving. Asianinspired tea bowls, teapots, plates, platters, bowls and serving pieces. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ7KH&OD\&HQWUH ELLEN STARK HILL Ellen Hill Pottery Ellen@EllenHillPottery.com www.EllenHillPottery.com 919-942-7578 Wheel thrown functional stoneware pottery and one of a kind slab built pieces. SUSAN HOPE Everhope Design Studios everhope@mebtel.net www.everhopedesignstudios.com 919-270-4794 Stained, fused, kiln worked and cast glass. Weaving & hand made fiber items. Demonstrations in glass work, spinning & hand weaving. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV1& Craft Gallery GORDON JAMESON jame5916@bellsouth.net www.gordonjameson.com 919-932-3438 Bold, elegant, playful abstract paintings using fearless color. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. JEANNETTE JOHNSON jennyslash@earthlink.net www.jennyslash.com Clay Centre “I consider art as a language and each work as a dialogue - between subject and observer, artist and medium, artifact and viewer.” JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ7KH&OD\&HQWUH MICHELLE JOHNSON michelle.potterygirl@gmail.com www.potterygirl.biz 919-260-2145 Functional Wheel-Thrown and Handbuilt Pottery. CATHY KIFFNEY Cathy Kiffney Studio cathy@cathykiffney.com www.cathykiffney.com 919-968-0206 Nature inspired hand built ceramic wall works, tile and painting. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ BERNICE KOFF BerniceKoff@icloud.com www.bernicekoff.com 919-904-7250 Semi-abstract paintings with acrylic and collage. Subjects range from wine bottles & shopping bags to florals, fish & figurative pieces. Based on travels and growing up in New York. MARCY LANSMAN MLansman@mindspring.com www.MarcyLansman.com 919-968-0506 Watercolor and acrylic paintings. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV WWW.OCAGNC.ORG 601 W. Rosemary Street (inside the Greenbridge Building) 919-942-7077 lightartdesign@gmail.com www.lightartdesign.com Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11 am-6 pm EDUARDO LAPETINA Eduardo Lapetina Studio lapetina@bellsouth.net www.eduardolapetina.com 919-960-3400 Abstract paintings with sensuous and turbulent surface texture. A wide range of sizes and prices. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV CARROLL LASSITER classiter51@hotmail.com 919-967-1926 Representational oil paintings of landscapes and tools. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. JEAN LECLUYSE jlecluyse@nc.rr.com www.jeanlecluyse.com Colorful paintings and richly detailed drawings inspired by the garden and the fascinating creatures that live there. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. EMILY LEES emilylees@bellsouth.net 919-960-3737 Vessels & other functional pottery, often with an Asian or modern influence. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1.:RPDQFUDIW JANAE LEHTO Janae Lehto Fine Art janae@janaelehto.com www.janaelehto.com 919-624-1260 Pastel, Colored Pencil, Mixed Media. ALICE E. LEVINSON allevs@att.net www.alicelevinson.com 919-932-5902 Textile constuctions JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV WWW.OCAGNC.ORG JANE LEVY Designs by Jane janeleiferlevy@gmail.com 919-967-5736 Small, expressive art quilts, natural, organic subjects. Pastels, watercolors, & mixed media NERYS LEVY rilevy@mindspring.com www.neryslevy.com 919-932-1533 Paintings inspired by on site sketches. Recent works include mixed media watercolor images on paper of Polar Regions, Wales, Italy and Russia. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. 6DQG\%HHPDQLQKHUVWXGLR 102 North Churton Street Hillsborough, NC 27278 919-643-2500 gallery@hillsboroughartscouncil.org www.hillsboroughartscouncil.org Enriching our Community Through the Arts 12 - 4 pm Wednesday through Saturday & during Last Fridays B. MICHELE MAYNARD bmichelemaynard@mac.com www.bmichelemaynard.com 919-260-7601 Celebrating the beauty and mystery of the natural world and the magic of color – with abstract & literal imagery in mixed media paintings, textile collage and block prints. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. BILL MCALLISTER The Workshops on Pleasant billmcallister@mindspring.com www.billmcallisterstudio.com 919-382-8745 Photography using a combination of modern, alternative & historic processes. A wide variety of camera types are used; self-designed and made. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. PATRICIA W. LLOYD CoonCat Alley Turned Wood Tresures cooncatalley@embarqmail.com www.cooncatalleyturnedwood.wordpress.com 919-732-2323 Finely crafted functional woodturnings. Nature and landscape photography. Kumihimo braided and beaded jewelry. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV MARY LYNN Glass Smith mary_lynn@unc.edu www.glasssmith.com 919-933-9961 Functional and decorative glass including panels, serving pieces,and kaleidoscopes. Glass and metal jewelry. ROBERTA MARASCA Roberta Marasca Jewelry robertamarasca@yahoo.com www.robertamarasca.com 919-932-0299 Jewelry fabricated using silver, gold, and copper, some with natural and unusual stones. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ&UHDWLYH0HWDOVPLWKV ANN MATRONE annandal@gmail.com 919-382-0224 Woodturning MONTE McDERMED Spritz Steel monte@stonelinedesigns.com 919-943-3940 Oxidized Steel panels incorporating patterns and imagery from nature. JOAN MEADE jwmstudioj@earthlink.net www.joanmeade.com 919-942-6613 Nature’s wonders captured by landscapes and seascapes with emphasis on texture and color in sculptural acrylics. MARY MENDELL marymendell@earthlink.net www.marymendell.com 919-968-8259 Etching prints, both b&w and in color. Paintings and mixed media. Abstractions based on people, animals and landscape. ROY H. MILLER photoroy6@aol.com 919-928-9453 I have embraced the new technoart movement where photographic images are created into a new form of expression using algorithms. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG (12*$//(5< ZZZHQRJDOOHU\QHW Tues - Thurs: 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm Fri - Sat: 12:30 pm - 8:30 pm Sunday: 1 pm - 4 pm ANITA MILLS Anita Mills Design anitamills@earthlink.net www.anitamills.com 919-245-3671 Ceramics, jewelry, woodturning. One of a kind objects for home and garden. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. SANDY MILROY Sandy Milroy Studio sandy.milroy@gmail.com www.sandymilroy.com 919-929-0125 Collage created with altered handmade papers. Subjects include abstract, landscape, and aerial views. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. 919-883-1415 100 S. Churton St. Hillsborough, NC 27278 DALE A. MORGAN dale@ferncreekillustrations.com www.ferncreekillustrations.com 919-929-8726 Watercolors from nature. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ:RPDQ&UDIW DAN MURPHY sculpture@alumni.nd.edu 919-929-8950 Abstract contemporary metal sculpture and jewelry shown in my downtown Chapel Hill gallery year-round by appointment. 370 East Main Street, Suite 170 Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 929-3300 www.womancraftgifts.com Free parking in the deck Hours: Mon – Sat: 10am – 7pm, Sun: Noon – 5pm WWW.OCAGNC.ORG w.womancraftgifts.com SCOTT MYERS Fatheartgalleries fatheartgalleries@mac.com www.fatheart-galleries.com 919-360-7869 Oil Paintings. Damn fine art. REBECCA A. MCLAUGHLIN NEIGHER rebecca74@mac.com 919-490-8006 Wearable art made from gold, silver, gemstones, pearls, copper, bronze, steel, alpaca, bone, glass, and wood. Visit my gallery on the OCAG website to view a video of my work. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. JAMES OLESON James Oleson Furniture Maker jncoleson@bellsouth.net www.jro-furnituremaker.com 919-968-3659 A variety of contemporary hardwood hall and chairside tables. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. ELAINE O’NEIL Elaine@ElaineONeil.com 919-624-1871 Textile collage depicting places & things we love in a colorful, whimsical style. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. JENIFER PADILLA padillajenifer@gmail.com www.pearonawire.com 919-215-5559 Paintings – studio in downtown Carrboro. MARILYN PALSHA palshapottery@aol.com www.marilynpalsha.com 919-616-0243 Figurative clay sculpture and sculptural functional pottery. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ7KH&OD\&HQWUH /LQGD&DUPHOSDLQWLQJLQKHU&KDSHO+LOOVWXGLR LINDA PASSMAN lindapassman@nc.rr.com www.lindapassman.com 919-942-1943 Expressive colorful paintings & collages, abstract and surreal FRANK PENTA Woodsprite Turnings fpenta1@nc.rr.com www.woodspriteturnings.com 919-218-2059 Gallery quality and craft woodturnings. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG MARY ANN PETER Peter Cedar Pottery maryannpeter@earthlink.net www.petercedarpottery.com 919-732-6073 Porcelain and stoneware pottery in classic forms and colors inspired by nature. MARTHA PETTY amwmbp@bellsouth.net www.marthapetty.com 919-933-4920 Encaustic paintings of architectural and natural forms. LINDA PRAGER lindamprager@aol.com www.lindapragerdesigns.com 646-342-3023 Functional & sculptural handbuilt ceramics JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. CLAUDIA PROSE claudia.prose@gmail.com 919-302-6715 Simple pots to use. Stoneware designed to meet everyday needs for drinking, eating, serving or just holding. NANCY RAASCH raaschdesign@gmail.com www.raaschdesign.com 919-605-0066 Jewelry using artist-made papers, hand-felted mulberry papers ( Joomchi), and recycled papers. LUNA LEE RAY lunaraylee@nc.rr.com 919-929-8780 Mixed media paintings inspired by nature, dreams, and mythology. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. ELLIE REINHOLD ellier60@bellsouth.net www.elliereinhold.com 919-219-8001 Iconic imagery creating psychological landscapes. Also small, abstract natural landscapes, prints, cards. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV CAROL RETSCH-BOGART carol.retsch.bogart@duke.edu www. carolretschbogart.com 919-619-1793 Mixed Media JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG 6XVDQ)LOOH\on right) in her studio during 7KH2UDQJH&RXQW\6WXGLR7RXU GLVFXVVLQJKHUSURFHVVZLWKDYLVLWRU MIKE ROIG mroig@mindspring.com www.mikeroig.com 919-929-3535 Sculpture that explores the evocative potential of metals, most often recycled, sometimes kinetic, always moving. MARYANN ROPER maryannroper49@gmail.com 919-933-9898 Watercolor, oil, colored pencil and graphite renderings of botanical and nature subjects, and still life. SUSAN ROSEFIELDE srosefielde@nc.rr.com www.rosefieldeartandappraisal.com 919-929-7408 Watercolors using vibrant colors and non traditional techniques. Newest work combines gouache with watercolor creating a substantial opaque effect, strong design and emotional impact. JOHN ROSENTHAL John Rosenthal Photography jrosenthal@mindspring.com www.JohnRosenthal.com 919-929-5212 Classic Manhattan images from the 70’s. New Orleans. Museums. Oceans. Vanishing landscapes. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. PATRICIA SALING Patricia Saling Pottery patricia.saling@gmail.com 919-357-4376 Functional ceramics, both porcelain and stoneware. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. SAVANNAH SCARBOROUGH savannahrose@bellsouth.net 919-968-8086 Wabi-sabi, the Japanese term for describing an appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes, inspires a sculptural aesthetic in clay. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG GAIL SCHAEFER Buckhorn Pottery buckhorngs@embarqmail.com www.buckhornpottery.com 919-732-8006 Colorful, functional and hand painted majolica pottery. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ:RPDQ&UDIW VERA SHANLEY Vera Pottery vera@verapottery.com www.verapottery.com 919-245-1019 Thrown and altered stoneware and porcelain pottery, mostly gas and reduction firing, some handbuilt. 6DQGUD%HHPDQLQKHUVFHQLF&KDSHO+LOOVWXGLRGXULQJWKH HPDQL HPD QLQK QKHU HUVFHQLF QLF&K &KDSH DSHO+ O+LOO LOOVW VWXGL XGLRG RGXUL XULQJ QJWKH WKH 7RXU NANCY SMITH Moon Shadow Fine Art www.nancysmithfineart.com nsmithcns@cs.com 919-423-5153 Ethereal paintings of birds, figures, and nature using acrylic and mixed media WILL STANLEY Five Fork Studio fivefork.studio@gmail.com www.fivefork.com 919-323-1391 Custom furniture fabricated using wood and steel. Hours: Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm & Saturdays by appointment. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ&KDSHO+LOO$UW*D 402 Lloyd Street, Carrboro 919-967-0314 www.claycentre.com email: bjjhiggins@msn.com JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*D DAVID STICKEL Growin Oaks Studios dlstickel@bellsouth.net www.davidstickel.com 919-942-3900 As a signature member of both the National and American Watercolor Societies–I’m known for my detailed paintings of intriguing reflections–especially windows. MARILYN STROTHER marilyn@marilynstrother.com www.marilynstrother.com 919-933-4813 Eclectic range of subjects rendered realistically with great sensitivity WWW.OCAGNC.ORG Works on paper, literary illustratio lands in many pub DAVID TAYLOR davbetstaylor@earthlink.net www.davidctaylorart.com 919-967-7697 Paintings of landscapes and other subjects in acrylic and oil. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ&KDSHO+LOO$UW*DOOHU\ HOLLIE TAYLOR hollietaylorart@icloud.com www.hollietaylor.com 919-696-6495 Whimsical mixed media ceramic relief sculptures referencing rustic NC landscapes. Mixed media paintings. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ PRINGLE TEETOR FlambeauxArt Designs pteetor@mindspring.com www.flambeauxart.com Blown glass vessels and sculpture, solar garden lights and ornaments, wine glasses and decanters as well as jewelry from upcycled blown glass. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ+LOOVERURXJK*DOOHU\RI$UWV1& Crafts Gallery DAVID TERRY dterrydraw@aol.com www.davidterryart.com 919-245-0087 Works on paper, literary illustrations, landscapes, and portraiture. Appeared in many publications since 1996; soloexhibitions in commercial galleries, both in the USA and France. TRUDY THOMSON Ferns and Fancy Gallery t-thomson@nc.rr.com www.fernsandfancy.com 919-933-2891 Decorative arts to display or wear. Fiber: Marbled, hand-dyed, and woven in frames, panels, shawls, scarves. Fused Glass: Shapes, landscapes, jewelry. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIWV*DOOHU\ MARK TODD Hill Country Woodworks of Chapel Hill mark@hillcountrywoodworks.com www.hillcountrywoodworks.com 919-929-2075 Original contemporary to modern hardwood furniture designs for the home and office. Pieces are individually handcrafted, to order, for each customer. (DVW)UDQNOLQ6W &KDSHO+LOO1& EHVLGH&DH'ULDGH chapelhillartgallery.com CHAPEL HILL GALLERY *DOOHU\+RXUV 7KXUVGD\Ȃ6XQGD\WRSP WWW.OCAGNC.ORG QG)ULGD\$UW:DONWLOO30 BARBARA TYROLER Animage Photography btyroler@btyroler.com www.barbaratyroler.com 919-360-8791 Contemporary-style semi-abstracted imagery with emphasis on the figure. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. BETSY VADEN evaden@nc.rr.com 919-612-4767 Function with a bit of fancy. Functional and sculptural clay works, in stoneware or porcelain, for the home and garden. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. KATHE VAUGHAN kathevaughan@earthlink.net 919-360-7178 Dog Paintings. Dog Portraits in Pencil, pastel, and charcoal. CATHERINE VOSECKY alohacv@gmail.com 919-933-7579 Photography exploring the magic of shapes and colors in the natural world ROSE WARNER weaverrose@bellsouth.net www.rosewarnerart.com 919-932-6010 Abstract Woven Paintings EMILY EVE WEINSTEIN weinsteinart@bellsouth.net www.weinsteinart.com 919-942-2607 Plein aire, oil painting, mixed media, repurposed wood, cut-out portraiture, 25-yr Handmade Book series, Art gift books. JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ1&&UDIW*DOOHU\ 7KH4L*DUGHQ:RPDQFUDIW SARAH WILKINS wilkinsart@earthlink.net www.sarahwilkinsart.com 919-968-3929 Abstract acrylic paintings -- an experience of living in these times. WOJTEK WOJDYNSKI Fotografix Studios fotografix@nc.rr.com 919-932-2642 Photography JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG ANITA WOLFENDEN wolfendenanita@gmail.com www.awolfenden.com 919-942-4609 Collage, dryer lint paper, cut paper and paper sculpture, tapestry JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ)5$1./Ζ*+7$UW'HVLJQ BARBARA YODER barbandwendy@hotmail.com 919-732-8908 Functional wheel thrown porcelain and porcelain jewelry with designs from hand carved stamps. Barbara lives and works near Hillsborough. Gallery affiliation: WomanCraft JDOOHU\DɝOLDWLRQ:RPDQ&UDIW MELISSA YORK Thistle Arts mcyorkart@earthlink.net www.melissayorkart.com 919219-1403 Nature inspired forms and figures. Clay sculpture that can be displayed in the home or garden. NADINE ZENOBI Skyrivers Jewelry skyrivers@jps.net www.skyriversjewelry.com 919-960-6968 Beautiful precious stones set in one of a kind settings, created to heal. Pieces are fabricated in sterling silver and 14K gold. Please visit WWW.OCAGNC.ORG To see more of each artist’s work, ȴQGRSHQVWXGLRWRXUGDWHVPRUH Orange County Artists Guild &RQQHFWZLWKXVYLDVRFLDOPHGLD WRVHHZKDW2&$*ȇVPHPEHUVDUH doing year round. Blog: ZZZRFDJQFRUJEORJ IDFHERRNFRPRFDJQF #RFDJQF This program is supported by the Orange County Arts Commission with funds from the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency. WWW.OCAGNC.ORG
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