THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. VI STOW, THE UNDER 0 - , F R I D A Y , M A R C H 24, 1939 TOW Strange currents flow in the great oceans, some bless the human race, others are dangerous and destructive. Among the nations of the world there flow in this age mighty currents of thought, fierce a n d deadly schemes, nations crumble and fall, others are swallowed by aggression of present day conquerors. The world is on tip-toe, half of the world's population hold their breath, they ask, What may a day bring forth? No one knows. The hearts of men fail them for fear, multitudes are embittered, others are discouraged. In this dilemma great hordes of mankind clutch for support to anything under the sun that offers them aid. The tragedy of the situation is that multitudes are deceived, they are betrayed, they are going down when they hope they are going up, they are headed for their own destruction while sincerely believing to be on the highway of safety and progress. The Soviet Union sowed many seeds of Communism in China. This has brought to China their greatest of national sorrows, likewise in Spain the national government, that has now toppled, was woven through and through with communistic doctrine. Communism has had a bad ancestry, its ancestry was No. 12 Bolshivism. I am unfriendly to the movement because it is unAmerican, it would destroy our free democratic Americanism, it would strangle free speech, free press, and all other free and cooperative institutions of our beloved country. It would destroy the church, it would forbid theteaching of religion, it would level man to a common herd. It would pull down those who have climbed up or built up and it would offer no incentive for man to achieve. My dear people who read this article, say not that I am your enemy. I am your friend. Many leaders today are wolves in sheep's clothing. I stand for any movement, any change that will enhance and advance your station in life. I pray for your home, your bread, your job, your liberty, your happiness. But I am an enemy of your enemies, I oppose and denounce the sneaking, " crawling, slimy snakes that are destroying the peace of the world. I hate the black, deadly, subtile influences that would steal away our freedom under the guise of helpfulness. I would as soon live in ancient Egypt and slave under a task master's whip as to see our freedom swept away and know henceforth in my own dear country there was nothing to achieve to. Let us have work, a fair wage, Sunday A. M. Topic "Meditations of Heaven" Evening "The Pool of Bethesda" Revival Services 2:30 P. M. Sunday 2 * H E COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS and our own conception of* liberty an dthe pursuit of happiness. GEO. M. HULME <j> SUNDAY STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH G E O R G E M. H U L M J 3 . . . . Minister 8 5 9 A 1<1 m o r e A v . , A k r o n , UN-1085 B u s i n e s s P h o n e AII 111 h e r J E - 9 2 2 4 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Drawer C S t o w , S u m m i t Co., Ohio. Published weekly. S u b s c r i p t i o n p r i c e 50c a year. E n t e r e d as second class m a t t e r M a y 4, 1937 a t t h e P o s t o f f i o e a t S t o w , Ohio, u n d e r A c t of M a r c h 3, 1879. O f f i c e of p u b l i c a t i o n , 360 W . A r n d a l e Rd., S t o w . H. J . S t o c k m a n , E d i t o r . F a l l s P r i n t i n g Co., p r i n t e r . home, and the right to worship in our own way. Let us attend to our -own business and by the guidance of Almighty God save America for our own institutions, our own ideals of government SERVICES With all our thoughts on the revival and with six going down to the altar the first evening we must not forget that on Sunday there will be five services in our church and that a great time awaits those who love the Lord. Last Sunday morning Rev. Hulme preached not on the announced topic but on the subject, "Jesus Christ Is All And He Is In All." It was one of his most excellent sermons. Many are the doctrines that people preach but he maintains there are only three in the New Testament and these are: 1—Jesus was the Christ. 2—Jesus rose from the dead. 3—Man finds his salvation in the name of Jesus. In the evening one thing he Ours Is A Profession which d e m a n d s individual attention to every detail. That and a little more has always been our aim. Yet the cost is no more. THE McGOWAN FUNERAL HOME WA-1313 2 4 7 Stow A v e . Cuyahoga Falls 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ CHURCH CALENDAR Bible School, Sunday . 9:30 A. M . Morning Worship, Sun. 11 A . M . C. E., Sunday 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship Sunday 7:30 p.m. Teachers Training Class and Prayer Meet, Wed. 7:30 P. M. Orchestra Practice, Wed. Evening 7:30 P. M. Church Business Meeting, First Friday Evening of Month Choir Practice — Thursday, 7:30 P. M . said stuck. It was "We need a spiritual fire"—and so what we need let us have. This next Sabbath his topics, in the morning, "Meditations of Heaven," and in the evening, "At the Pool of Bethesda." Come out to church on Sunday. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The topic for this coming Sunday evening is "I Would Be Dan. 1:8-16. Leader, Wm. Shaffer. Time of meeting, 6:30 P. M. Pure," Scripture Matt.: 23:23-28; All young people are invited. «> CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends of Stow for their kindness and many expressions of sympathy extended on the loss of our beloved son and brother George. Also the floral and other remembrances were deeply appre ,: ated. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Carpenter and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Carpenter and family. <3>_ NEWS This week and next, it is quite possible that we shall spent the time attending revival meetings in place of writing up news items for this paper. Of course it seems necessary • to keep the paper going but in place of a bigger and a better column of "personals" the time just now might be better spent bringing in the subscribers to hear a man like Rev. Biliington, who, has shown himself to be a powerful instrument in God's hands and who impresses us as a man with a single purpose, and that purpose is to extend the kingdom of Jesus the Christ. Whether or not you believe in God, in his son Jesus, or in his ambassador the Holy Spirit you will find Rev. Biliington an earnest speaker, who loves his Master, hates sin, has a passion for the regeneration of sinners and the reclaiming of backslides from the doom that awaits such persons the other side of physisical death. Come out and hear him! Rev. Biliington attributes the success of his work not to himself, for as he humorously stated last Sunday in his first sermon, he attended school only about two days in his life and out of that time the teacher was absent a day and a half, but, the power of prayer is the secret. In his church they pray much. It is his desire that at least seventy-five here in. Stow meet in prayer a half hour before each service. So, if you would have God's blessing come out to the early service of prayer, KNIGHT SERVICE CO. Nil-Way Cleaning and Pressing T h e r e ia a Difference WA-2224 INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING 2041 Front St. Cuyahoga Falls 6 6 T H E COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ For all Dairy Products call on ISALY'S in Stow H. A. REARICK, Prop A r p a d Kurinsky Teacher of WA-9651 Violin 3 1 0 Graham Rd. Cuyahoga Falls which will be held each evening in the Tabernacle at 7:00 P. M. GRAHAM ROAD NOTES One hundred fourteen present last Sunday at Bible School. Church services, too, were well attended, the revival of the preceding two weeks ending on that date. During these two weeks many souls were saved for the Lord. Rev. Carl Burnham, whom we have grown to love during this time, goes for a week's revival at the Falls Baptist Church on Tallmadge avenue. Our prayers are offered for his success in the Lord's work there. The Ladies Missionary Society met on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. R. Leas, 301 Ashland Ave., Cuyahoga Falls. Our former pastor Rev. Charles Kern enjoyed a birthday dinner March 8th at his parents home in Akron having as his special guest the Rev. and Mrs. Carl Burnham whose birthday was on the 9th. Rev. Kern is now pastor of a church in Seville, Ohio. Mrs. Mcllrath's mother, Mrs. Thomas Marshal, enjoyed her 75th birthday the 9th of this month with a dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Max Linderman, 245 Grant Street, Cuyahoga Falls. The Clarence Younkins family of Munroe Falls Avenue, motored recently to Confluence, Pa., to visit his eighty-three year old father. J. H. Evans of Williamsburgh has returned home after visiting his daughters, Mrs. J. Stitt of Wilson Avenue and Mrs. J. I. Rutter, Sanford Ave., Stow. • James C. Douglas of 1420 Bryden Drive, Akron, spent the week' end with Eugene Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton spent sometime this last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Holcombe, 465 Winans Ave., Akron, Mrs. Holcombe having a broken- leg since January 23rd is recovering nicely. Mrs. T. Himler of Wilson Avenue was given a birthday surprise Gas Oil Friend's Service Station W. K. " B I L L " B R I D G E i t s , P r o p r i e t o r 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ C O A L PRICES Kentucky Block Coal 6.90 Pittsburg Lump 6.50 W . Virginia 5.90 Ohio Lump Lump 5.60 E. M. Guise Coal & Supply WA-3921 Munroe Falls; O on for appendicitis. MILK 8 Qt Special on Vanilla Ice Cream 20c A Quart LAWSON'S MILK DEPOTS 1651 Home Avenue 1269, Copley Road 1032 Lovers Lane 2347 Front Street Cuy. Falls 252 E. Cuyahoga- Falls Ave. Telephone , WA-7015 at the last'knitting club gather-, ing. Mrs. Himler , was called to the bedside of her daughter in Cleveland wlib was operated up- FISH CREEK Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Hedges of Sandusky were Sunday callers at Fish Creek; Mrs. Clifford Foltz, East Kent Road, was hostess to her card club from Akron last week. Mrs. Carl Coffeen entertained the Fideles Club of Kent at her home on East Kent Road on Thursday. T. H. Brittan spent Tuesday evening in Cleveland with his cousin Charles Bromley. "Believe It Or Not" many from Stow attended the "Battle of Beauties" Dance in Akron last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith, Darrowville Road, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poe, East Kent Road were guests of the Cookes of Crain Avenue in Kent at a bridge party Friday evening. 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ Tubes Tested Free GUARANTEED Repair Work on All Makes of Auto and Home Radios. Ralph Haartje - Technician We Call For And Deliver WA-8843 G & H Radio Service Earl Curtis entertained a group of schoolmates at a St. Patrick's party on the 17th at his home on Darrowville Road. Mrs. F. W. Brittan of Streetsboro was a recent guest of T. H. Brittan and family coming to Fish Creek to attend the family birthday party of her niece Miss Fern Brittan. Mrs. Paul Dickert of Kent was also a birthday dinner guest. Glen France and family moved into the Atkins house at corner of East Kent and Darrowville Road. Mr. France assisted by his father, Wallace France, has run the Atkins farm and dairy the past 3% years. D. L. Riggs, new manager of the McCrory store in Kent has rented the Atkins house vacated by the Frances. The Riggs came here from Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phillips recently purchased one Of the homes on the Atkins estate, moving in recently, the Nischivitz family leaving this home in Fish Stow, 0 Creek to move to East Akron. Mr. Phillips is a Perfection Dairy man. PERSONALS Atetnd the Revival. Read the minister's article. Life is short and* eternity is longCharles Miller is 1 working at the Texaco Gas Station. Please save this ad and when you want paper cleaning or painting done, call WA-9277.—(Adv.) Wonder of wonders, the telephone company sent us a check for $5.13. A refund? F O R S A L E — F r e s h Jersey cow, third calf. Real rich milker. Stuart, Lillian Road, Stow, O.— (Adv.) Attendance at Bible School last Sunday was one hundred eighty-six. The Ladies Class, with y an attendance of one hundred twenty-five per cent, won the banner. Mrs. Fred Carlisle of East Graham Road was operated upon for inward goitrte at the City Home Cured, Home Dressed, Sweet, Tender and Juicy. At prices that are right Ritchies Meat Market N. L. Ritchie, Prop. 4 0 7 Ritchie Rd. Stow, O WA-1507 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ SUNOCO PRODUCTS Complete W . O . Battery G E R B E R & S O J ^ J GAS - OIL WA-8853 E F. Kastens Pumps, Plumbing, Heating Estimates Free 116 E . G r a h a m Phone Service Rd. WA-7G88 Hospital last Saturday morning. At the present writing she is reported as doing fairly well. Drive out to the Kent-Stow M a r k e t for the best in fresh dressed and home cured meats, also country butter and fresh eggs—at top of the hill, Kent rd., just half mile past Fish Creek. Telephone , K e n t 67F-11 or WA-1595.—(Adv.) Birthdays celebrated at Bible School last Sunday morning were those of Dale Mantle, Jimmy Butcher, Mary Jo Woodring, Jimmy Cox, June Maxwell and Jack Peterman. Kenneth Green, Deacon, 193 E. Kent Road, celebrated his sixth birthday with a lot 6f six smackers and one to grow on, a cake with six candles decorated in green and pink "Happy Birthday." On March eleventh, Stanley FORD SALES Zirkle and Miss Marie Kenney of Ravenna were married in their own home in Ravenna. Stanley Zirkle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. .Zirkle, Franklin Road, Sow. FOR SALE'—3 ton of Ohio ^Lump Coal, cheap. Stow L i b r a r y Board. See or call Foster J. Young. WA-9361. The Gillams really didn't have a party last Sunday, just a few people who dropped in to spend the day. Sixteen all told. For First Class Auto Painting, polishing, washing and welding a t , reasonable prices—see the Stow Fender and Body Repair, corner Hudson and G r a h a m Roads, G. E. Thursby, Prop. Phone W A - 9 5 1 7 — (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. John Cobler and Mr. and\ Mrs. Harry Parthamore of Elwood City, Penna., Mrs. Bertha Denning and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Middlefield Mr. Billy Denning of Ravenna, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denning, daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Oberlin and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gillam, all of Akron seemed to have found their way around to the home of the Gillams. ARE YOU LOOKING AHEAD? Of course we have a T o w C a r — b u t just think how much better, it would be to let us check your car now and make any minor adjustments or replacements before a tow is necessary. MARHOFER CHEVROLET, WA-1823, Stow, 0 . 6 T H E C O M M U N I T Y CHURCH NEWS ^ REVIVAL MEETING March 19th - thru April 2nd At STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH TABERNACLE Rev. Geo. M. Hulme Pastor Rev. D. F. Biliington Evangelist Founder and Pastor of the Akron Baptist Tabernacle. Come out and hear him each night at 7:30 P. M. except Sundays when he will preach in the afternoon at 2:30. COME GARDEN CLUB PROJECT "SURE" T h e W a t e r S o f t e n e r a n d Cleaner BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE S o m e of those f r o m Middlefield who a t t e n d e d c h u r c h last S u n d a y m o r n i n g missed the b r i g h t a n d smiling face of H a r r y O s m a n J r . in the choir. WANTED: Plain sewing. Chil- Lot owners who live in Stow and persons living1 near vacant lots are urged by members of the Stow Garden Club to clean up these vacant lots before April 1st. This date is set on account of the birds which will soon start n e s t building operations; also if these lots are cleaned up NOW, the danger of f i r e is lessened. Lets clean up. 2'/2 to 3 ibs. white rock broilers; 25e per lb., live weight dressed free. D. L. Damon, WA-9670 (adv) d r e n ' s c l o t h e s a s p e c i a l t y . Reasona b l e prices. Phone M r s . C. J. S w a n s o n . WA-9526.—(Adv.) D E A T H Mr. W a l l e r B e a n e y of William' 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ IteCt yem RADIO TROUBLES When you get fewer stations., when they don't com? in as well — when there is a humming and crackling — when you have to turn your powe> up—get in t o u c h w i t h us right away — Radio trouble is often tube trouble, take advantage of our free tube testing service. FALLS RADIO SERVICE 2 3 7 9 Front St. "JIMMY" MORRIS, Tech. WA-5601 Res. Phone WA-8658 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ When you need Chick Starter Scratch Feed Egg mash Oyster shell Grit Fine m e d i u m and coarse Charcoal Fine coarse 16% Dairy Feed 24% Dairy Feed Pig & Hog meal Dog Feeds All kinds Hay & Straw See the difference in using our feeds BAUGHMANS ' FEED STORE WA 8122 STOW, 0 son Road, Stow, passed away at his home Monday, March 20th. He is survived by his wife, Ida, sons Raymond, Harry and daughter, Mrs. David B. Colton. Funeral services were held Wednfesday at the Johnson Funeral Home, Hudson, Ohio. Sole agent in this community for Good Luck Vanilla. Sold on a money back guarantee. Twelve ounce bottle 50 cents. Mrs. Daniel Cumpson, West Arndale Road, Stow.— (Adv.) D E A T H Mrs. Marie Kreiger of Klein Avenue, Stow, passed away at her home Sunday, March 19th. She is survived by her husband Otto. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Rossi Funeral Chapel in Akron. F O R S A L E : '29 Buick Sedan, motor and body in A-1 condition, five good tires, price $50.00. Mrs. Cowell, Darrowville, Ohio.— (Adv.) Window Glazing, automobile glass, table tops, mirrors. Kent Glass Company, 109 Columbus St., Kent, Ohio. Phone Kent 791. — (Adv.) The Stow Beauty Shoppe offers the advantage of two expert operators at all times. Permanents $2.50 to $10.00. Hot oil treatments a specialty. Elsie Mae Walton, Mgr., Spaght Block, Stow. Phone WA-1423 for appointment.—(Adv.) If you use first class poultry, order your broiler, fryer, or roasting hens from the KentStow Meat Market, top of the hill, Kent Rd., just half a mile past Fish Creek. Telephone Kent 67 F-11 or WA-1595.— (Adv.) 6 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ No Broken Ribs Yet— Therefore — Our service must be the best, and we aim to keep it that way. Yours truly, Eddie Parsons Service stations in Stow and at 1727 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls—^where you can fill your tank with Super Shell and your crankcase with Golden Shell Motor Oil. We are still washing and greasing cars. Better job for $1.00 Call WA-8852 or WA-8838 for Pick up Service BECKLEY'S BARBER SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO Buy it by the mile—Becker's Spaghetti. Chas. Furst Grocery, corner Arndale and Hudson roads —(Adv.) Big enough 'sewer. E. F. for the average Kastens—now has a seventy-five foot sewer cable.— (Adv.) F A L L S P R I N T I N G CO. 2379 FRONT JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR H. M. W Y A T T , Prop. Good Material - Good W o r k 2721 Hudson Drive STREET CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO CALL WA-5601 6 MASTER, THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS ^ WHERE THOU? DWELLEST The Master was walking one day On, the sands of blue Galilee's shore; And the "voice of the wilderness" said, "My Jesus is Lord evermore." The words which he spoke on this wise Caught the ears of two friends who stood near. "Where dwellest thou, Lord?" they inquired "Come and see," said the Saviour, with cheer. They came, and they saw where He dwelt, And abode with Him there for a time. The hearts of these men seemed to melt And tbey went out their brother to find. mighty wind." He searched, but his quest was in vain. The earthquake and fire told him nothing at all, For the Lord doesn't go to the dances; And a prophet of Gbd isn't true to his call, If with things in the world he takes chances. So where is our God? Oh, where is He found? Wo.uld you like an answer, my brother ? You need Him, folks need Him the whole world around; And we all seek Him somewhere or other. I found Him and you will, "too When you've nothing left to do. For your sins you'll weep and wail Right down at that altar rail. Are you seeking the Lord, my brother? Would you also know His abode? His Spirit about you will hover; At His feet you may put down your load. Then you'll hear that "still small voice," Where there's naught of worldly noise. May God bless you, fill your cup When your eyes to Him look up. A Prophet of old sought to hear Him; A storm split the mountains in twain. "Perhaps God speaks in this Look at your heart now, all clean and fair. "Master, where dwellest thou?" He dwells there. Bill Shaffer Come To Church Sunday
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