January - Oakwood Outlaws


January - Oakwood Outlaws
Oakwood Outlaws
A Cowboy Action Shooting Club
337 W. US Hwy. 79
Oakwood, Texas 75855-4565
Jnuary 2016
Editor: Calico Calie
Volume 16, Issue 1
Justa Hand & TX Alline
Overall Winners
Saturday, Jan 9th
33 Shooters
1st: Oklahoma Dee
2nd: Gunslinger
3rd: Jake Cutter
Sunday, Jan 10th
20 Shooters
1st: Blind Bob
2nd: Jake Cutter
3rd: Gunslinger
Monday, Jan 11th
11 Shooters
Wild Bunch Modern
Thank you for coming out for
our monthly shootout in
January. Congratulations to
all our shooters. Time to
renew Oakwood Outlaws membership.
Thank you to all who have already renewed.
To all who are going to Winter Range this
month, have a safe trip and shoot straight. Be
sure to read the President letter Justa Hand
Kitchen will be open again this month.
Calico Calie
1st: Lonesome Lefty
2nd: Odessa
3rd: Cherokee Cloud
Wild Bunch Traditional
1st: Blackfoot Drifter
2nd: Tommy Reb
3rd: Denton Dancer
Schedule of Events
December 2015
337 W. US Hwy 79 Oakwood, Texas 75855
Phone: 903/545-2252
February 12th 10:00am
Vendor Check-in/
Bunkhouses Open/
Friday Night Eat-Out
Club Email: txalline@yahoo.com
Editor Email: denton.dancer@hotmail.com
SASS Territorial Governor Email: gun1@chilitech.com
February 13th
Shooter Check-in
Web: www.oakwoodoutlaws.org
1st: Red River Raider
2nd: Marcus Hooker
3rd: Buffalo Brewster
Clean Matches
Saturday, Jan 9th
Calico Calie
Denton Dancer
Manassas Jack
Oklahoma Dee
Red River Raider
Texas Drifter
Sunday, Jan 10th
Denton Dancer
Forest Shadow
Jake Cutter
Marcus Hooker
Navarro Ned
Red River Raider
Monday, Jan 11th
9:30am Shooter’s
Meeting & Regular Match
February 14th
Shooter Check-in
9:30am Shooter’s
Meeting & Regular Match
February 15th
9:00am Monday Shoot–
Wild Bunch &
Outlaw Officers:
Justa Hand
Vice President:
Denton Dancer
Match Director:
TX Alline
BlueBonnet Belle
Range Marshals:
Asst. Range Marshal:
Lonesome Lefty
Monday Range Marshals: Blackfoot Drifter/Cherokee Cloud
Territorial Gov:
Justa Hand
BlueBonnet Belle/Justa Hand
Volume 16, Issue 1
Oakwood Outlaws
Page 2
Oakwood Outlaws
In the low rolling hills of Oakwood Texas
Deep in the woods, that's where they shoot
Quick with Six Gun, Shotgun, and Rifle
They are fast and straight shooters to boot
Their gang is called "Oakwood Outlaws"
But don't let the name fool you, you see
They don't rob steal or plunder
Their goal is to meet you and be friendly
Once a year they have a Jail Break
The event takes money, time, and working
But the gang does it all willingly
To make it the best for you and me Pard
So when you come to Oakwood Texas
Bring your guns if you can
For surely their will be a warm welcome
From Texas Alline and Justa Hand
Texas Drifter
Important Dates
February 2016: 13th, 14th, 15th
March 2016: 12th, 13th, 14th
April 2016: 9th, 10th, 11th
May 2016: 13th, 14th, 15th
Jail Break
June 2016: 11h, 12th, 13th
July 2016: 9th, 10th, 11th
August 2016 12th, 13th, 14th
The “Justa Hand” award is presented to the shooter
who finishes in the middle of the Outlaw gang.
“Justa Hand”
“Justa Hand”
Saturday, Jan 9th
Sunday, Jan 10th
Denton Dancer
Ms Laurie Darlin’