Simple Distributed Control Strategy for Hover Control
Simple Distributed Control Strategy for Hover Control
FEASIBILITY OF A DISTRIBUTED FLIGHT ARRAY By: Raymond Oung, Alireza Ramezani, and Raffaello D’Andrea Presented at the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai 2009 The Distributed Flight Array (DFA) is an abstract testbed that features rich dynamics and challenging design problems. It will be used as a research and pedalogical tool for distributed estimation and control. The Array is Modeled as a single rigid body. Forces and torques are generated locally by each module around the hovering equilbrium. τ τ Start with a Linearized Dynamics Model (except for yaw angle of an N-module array: τ 4 && = β α +γ α ∑ = 5 5 τ 9 4 && = β α +γ α ∑ = 5 The normalized force to torque conversion constant, . Experiments have shown that the torque can be accurately modeled as a linear function of thrust, see figures above. o 5 9 4 && = ∑ = 5 5 where is the total mass and are the principal mass moments of inertia of the array. − A C D C + 9 4 B E C Euler angles acting along the z-, y-, x-axis in this order describe the orientation of the DFA’s body coordinate frame B with respect to the inertial coordinate frame. F * + : γ&& = ∑ 8 = 5 5 =ε 5 @ 9 l = 4 ∑ β&& = − 7 5 = 5 l 5 =ε 9 ? α&& = ∑ 5 = 5 q p r g p + - Simulation Results prove feasibility of the DFA for a small and large set of modules. 4-Module Configuration Characteristic length of the module. < = Q The Normalized and Linearized Dynamics Model about hover equilibrium: Q l 5 : l 9 capture the mass distribution of the array and are expected to be close to p , : 4 6 + > s =ε ; g = Q Q G ∑ && = l H = L H where G = Q This term is comparable to the radius of the array, assuming a circular array configuration. ∑ γ&& = Q K l H H = P L H = ε l P Parameters used in the simulation: V W X Y W Z Y W [ Y W \ ] ^ V _ ` a Y _ b Y _ b Y _ Y l and ] V c X Y c Z Y c [ Y c \ ] d e f g f g f g f . h G = Q ∑ β&& = − Q J H H O = L H = ε l N 20-Module Configuration G Equations are Normalized in The normalized thrust, , is the normalized thrust where required to establish equilibrium about hover and is the normalized control input. . order to gain some intuition on how the size of the array affects flight dynamics. 1 / 0 1 / 2 3 ∑ α&& = I H H M = εl M = L H / / 3 / Simple Distributed Control Strategy for Hover Control based on physical parameters. This strategy is generalized and assumes full state feedback of the system. Re-write the Normalized Dynamics Model in Compact Form: where where = γ = β & $ W X Y W Z Y W & = γ γ& γ β β& β β % β = & γ ( α α& α γ = α ' W \ ] ^ V i ` j k Y l ` m _ ` m _ Y i ` n l ] and V c X Y c Z Y c [ Y c \ ] ^ V _ Y _ Y _ Y = K γ = K = α ) Simulation Experiment Consider Each Degree of Freedom Separately. For example, the following functions can Now be chosen: ! " β =− K α = " K ! γ & = − ω ζ & −ω γ γ& = − β β β& = − α α α& = − ! ! − " " " ωγ ζ γ γ& + ωγ γ ω β ζ β β& + ω β β ωα ζ α α& + ωα α where each degree of freedom is a second-order system with natural frequencies and damping ratios as tuning parameters. R R S T ] . A plot of the DFA’s 3D position relative to its take-off origin, obtained from experimental results. _ # α γ β & Y α For a large and equal number of CW and CCW modules, one could use the following elements of to Decouple the Degrees of Freedom: The matrix P contains information pertaining to the configuration of the array, = γ β α where [ with simulation results. & γ γ& β β& α α& $ V Experimental Results are shown to be consistent Consider the following Control Strategy: = Parameters used in the simulation: S T U U Simulated results for a 4-module configuration without any feedback on altitude, where ) = (13,13) and ( ) = (1,1). ( The same controller was also used in an experimental flight test; the measurements obtained from this test are shown here.