2014 iWOMEN Project - Kwinana Industries Council
2014 iWOMEN Project - Kwinana Industries Council
2014 iWOMEN Project iWOME N students v isit Alcoa Kwinana Refinery inside industry For the third year in a row, Year 10 female students from the Kwinana Industries Council (KIC) Education Partnership high schools participated in this year’s iWOMEN Project. Careers in industry aren’t limited to The 2014 KIC iWOMEN Project was held during March and April, and gave the participants the opportunity to explore and understand the sorts of industries located in the Kwinana Industrial Area. engineering, human resources, office the male dominated roles traditionally found in industry. There are way too many to list, but some of the areas shown to the girls were environment, management, health and safety, and process plant operation, as well as the more traditional trades. The students saw the inner workings of several of the KIC member companies including CSBP, Fremantle Ports and Alcoa and they were able to meet and talk to employees from a range of roles. “This year there were 32 participants, the biggest group so far, and each of the students were given the opportunity to have a good look at what makes industry tick”, said KIC Director Mr Chris Oughton. “There is a huge range of career options industry has to offer and this program is about opening the students’ eyes to the career possibilities that exist.” Mr Richard Collett, Chairman of the KIC Workforce and Education Committee summed it up nicely when he said “The iWOMEN Project is an excellent way to encourage young women to aspire to further studies and to contemplate a career in areas they may not have previously considered”. iWOMEN students visit CSBP During the program the students were guided through a series of learning sessions including; research into industry; career choices and education pathways; the use of social media; personal branding, resume writing; and preparing for an interview. 2014 iWOMEN Proje ct - an initiati ve of the K winana Industr ies Co uncil Students from the following schools in the KIC Education Partnership participated in and completed the project. • • • • • • • • • • • • Comet Bay College Gilmore College Hamilton Senior High School Kolbe Catholic College Living Waters Lutheran College Peter Carnley Anglican Community School Safety Bay Senior High School Seton Catholic College South Coast Baptist College The Kings College Tranby College Warnbro Community High School. iWOMEN students – Teece Ninyette, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School, Rachael Boyd, Safety Bay Senior High School and Leah Jones, Comet Bay College Day 1 The 2014 KIC iWOMEN Project kicked off with a welcome from the KIC Director, Chris Oughton and the KIC President, David Honey, Western Australian Operations Residue Manager at Alcoa. The 32 students were presented with their KIC project shirt and given an overview of the activities planned for the 6 day program. Teambuilding and ‘getting to know each other’ were the key themes for the first morning session. Students were taken out of their ‘comfort zone’ and split into groups with students they had not met before. The girls quickly formed new friends and the groups established were to work together over the 6 days of the program. KIC welcomes the students selected for the KIC 2014 iWOMEN Project KIC has two other iProjects for Year 10 students: •iDIVERSITY - for students with special needs (October); and During the afternoon the students had the opportunity to meet with women from industry and find out more about their roles. Steph Hancock, Environmental Advisor, CSBP, Karen Boyce, Manager, Corp Sustainability & Energy, Rachel Lewis, HSSE Manager, BP Refinery and Michelle Greenwell, Employee & Community Manager Workshops, Crushing Services International, spoke to the students about their roles and the career pathways they had taken. The iWOMEN students had the opportunity to board The Leeuwin II Day 2 Both students continually showed their growing leadership Fremantle Ports hosted students on day two for a tour of the awards. On completion of the scholarship aboard the their Fremantle operations and a ride on the Emergency Leeuwin, students will gain 5 points towards their WACE. skills throughout the program and were well deserving of Response Boat. They were introduced to a number of staff at the Port who were able to give them advice on choosing their career pathways. The students also had the opportunity to board sailing vessel STS Leeuwin II. This year KIC formed a new partnership with the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation Later that day the students visited CSBP’s Kwinana site where Lauren Amos and Steph Hancock conducted a site tour and showed students around various areas of the plant, including the Medical Centre, the science labs and the process control room. and all interested students were invited to apply for 1 of A lot of great advice and support to help students and the 2 KIC scholarships. The scholarships were awarded guide them in the future was given. to Taylor Mouna, Warnbro Community High School and CSBP was really interesting and the staff gave many good Georgia Chaplyn, Tranby College. ideas of how to achieve jobs and careers like theirs. •iMEN (May). All iProjects are run annually. For more information on the KIC iProjects please contact: Debbie Hoey Education Development Officer Kwinana Industries Council Tel: (08) 9419 1855 Email:Debbie.hoey@kic.org.au iWOMEN Students meet with Rachel Lewis, BP Refinery. The iWOMEN students visited CSBP Industries Council ve of the Kwinana i t a i t i n i n a t c e j o Pr 2014 iWOMEN Students thought 2014 iWOMEN Project Students Biana Lynch Kolbe Catholic College Brooke Coleman Gilmore College Caitlyn Johnson The Kings College Chloe Calameri Seton Catholic College Marie Paul Ngoy Comet Bay College Megan Constantine The Kings College Megan Marshall Kolbe Catholic College Rachael Boyd Safety Bay Senior High School Courtney Hunter Gilmore College Esther Watts South Coast Baptist College Georgia Chaplyn Tranby College Georgia Kay Tranby College Shakira Ashton Peter Carnley Anglican Community School Skyla Bowley Living Waters Lutheran College Sonia Dorizzi The Kings College Sonia McCracken Gilmore College Indianna Kellett Warnbro Community High School Kimberley Howard Living Waters Lutheran College Leah Jones Comet Bay College Leena Holland Safety Bay Senior High School Sophie Oud Tranby College Tamika Bland Comet Bay College Taylor Mouna Warnbro Community High School Teece Ninyette Peter Carnley Anglican Community School *Celeste Musty, Julia Anzini and Jessica Pereira, Hamilton Senior High School and Justine van Dyk, South Coast Baptist College also graduated the 2014 iWOMEN Project. Lillian Rouse Living Waters Lutheran College Madison Fry Gilmore College Yvonne Mukiwa Gilmore College ouncil on their graduation KIC congratulates theIn2014 tries CStudents dusiWOMEN ve of the Kwinana i t a i t i n i n a t c e j o Pr 2014 iWOMEN Day 5 Day 6 The students were lead through a series of mock interviews by KIC members who volunteered their time to interview the students and provide some feedback. On the final day of the program the students spent the morning writing their speeches and presentation for the evening graduation ceremony. Each group was to provide Feedback from students was that this was one of their favourite days, not only having had the chance to write a review on each day of the program a professional resume but also to put it into practice and In the afternoon students were treated to a workshop on experience an interview. skin care courtesy of Carol Frieling, Urban Retreat Day Spa. This was followed by a workshop from Gail Wilton Lisa Fernandez, Professional Corporate MC, Keynote Speaker, Social Media Specialist joined the students to talk about social media and personal branding iWOMEN students visit Alcoa Kwinana Refinery Day 3 Day 4 Lisa Fernandez joined the students on day 3 to talk about On day 4 students went for a tour of the Alcoa Kwinana Refinery. Paula West, Snr Engineer, Calcination Liquor Burning & Shipping, met the students and took them on a guided tour of the site. social media and personal branding. Lisa was an obvious choice when we were looking for a professional, well known and highly respected female to talk to the students about the importance of Social Media and their Personal Branding. Her passion for ensuring these young adults are educated in these areas was evident in her presentation and interaction with the students. Lisa was both engaging and approachable and openly shared her knowledge and personal stories. Understanding Social Media is an important part of KIC iProjects and we are extremely proud that Lisa was able to join us during the project. & Kim Heywood, makeup and haircare specialists, who showed the students the importance of correct make up and dress style for future interviews. Around 100 guests attending the Presentation Evening which was a huge success. Richard Collett, Fremantle Ports and Chair of the KIC Workforce & Education Committee interviews Brooke Coleman, Gilmore College All iWOMEN Students graduated the 2014 iWOMEN Project. Students then got the opportunity to meet and talk to some female staff at Alcoa including; Marcy, a health and safety consultant, Melissa a mechanical fitter, Mena a maintenance system coordinator and Ella, an Environment engineer. The students feedback on the tour was that they found all the speakers informative and really appreciated the time they had all given to them during the tour. “Thank you to all the ladies at Alcoa Kwinana Refinery for giving us your time”. 2014 iWOMEN students “It was encouraging to see a group of young women seeking knowledge to better their future employment prospects”. Lisa Fernandez Professional Corporate MC, Keynote Speaker and Social Media Specialist The afternoon session was spent with Amelia Long, Career Advisor at Notre Dame University. Amelia took the KIC Director, Chris Oughton, congratulates the 2014 iWOMEN students on graduating the program. students through the importance of having a good resume and how to produce one. iWOMEN students at Alcoa Kwinana ouncil on their graduation KIC congratulates theIn2014 tries CStudents dusiWOMEN ve of the Kwinana i t a i t i n i n a t c e j o Pr 2014 iWOMEN 2014 iWOMEN Project - an initiative of the Kwinana Industries Council
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