ALGORITHMS FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAT SCINTILLATION IN IMAGES by Rishaad Abdoola Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE: ENGINEERING: ELECTRICAL in the Department of Electrical Engineering FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Supervisor: Prof B van Wyk Co-Supervisor: Prof A van Wyk May 2008 ii DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE “I hereby declare that the dissertation submitted for the degree M Tech: Engineering: Electrical, at Tshwane University of Technology, is my own original work and has not previously been submitted to any other institution of higher education. I further declare that all sources cited or quoted are indicated and acknowledged by means of a comprehensive list of references”. ………………… Rishaad Abdoola Copyright© Tshwane University of Technology iii To my parents, my brother and my sister for all your support and patience. Thank you. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors: Prof. Ben van Wyk and Prof. Anton van Wyk for their guidance, support and advice during the completion of this project. Thank you for always having time and patience and for all the effort given in completing this project. I would also like to thank F’SATIE (French South African Technical Institute in Electronics) for all the opportunities and facilities provided in completing this project. I thank all the lecturers and students at F’SATIE and TUT (Tshwane University of Technology) for all their assistance. I would like to thank Dr. Dirk Bezuidenhout and Mark Holloway from the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) for their significant help in providing me with the turbulence sequences. Special thanks go to Tshwane University of Technology, F’SATIE and the CSIR for their financial support. The financial assistance of the DPSS (Defence, Peace, Safety and Security) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the DPSS, TUT or CSIR. v ABSTRACT Heat scintillation occurs due to the index of refraction of air decreasing with an increase in air temperature, causing objects to appear blurred and waver slowly in a quasi-periodic fashion. This imposes limitations on sensors used to record images over long distances resulting in a loss of detail in the video sequences. Algorithms and techniques for the restoration of image sequences degraded by atmospheric turbulence are investigated. A comparative analysis of these algorithms is performed. An algorithm, developed to simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence, is presented and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) is developed. Focus is placed on the removal of heat scintillation, a special case of atmospheric turbulence, from video sequences. vi GLOSSARY AOI: Adaptive Optics Imaging. CGI: Control Grid Interpolation. CSIR: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. DWFS: Deconvolution from Wave-Front Sensors. FATR: First Average Then Register. FRTAAS: First Register Then Average And Subtract. FSATIE: French South African Technical Institute in Electronics. GPU: Graphics Processing Unit. GUI: Graphical User Interface. ICA: Independent Component Analysis. JADE: Joint Approximate Diagonalization of the Eigen-Matrices. MAP: Maximum A Posteriori Probability. MSE: Mean-Square-Error. NSR: Noise to Signal Ratio. OTF: Optical Transfer Function. PSF: Point Spread Function. vii CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... v ABSTRACT. ......................................................................................................... vi GLOSSARY. ........................................................................................................ vii CONTENTS. ....................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xi CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................... 2 1.3 Methodology ....................................................................................... 2 1.4 Assumptions ........................................................................................ 2 1.5 Delimitations ....................................................................................... 3 1.6 Contributions ....................................................................................... 3 1.7 Document Plan .................................................................................... 4 1.7.1 Chapter One ........................................................................................ 4 1.7.2 Chapter Two ........................................................................................ 4 1.7.3 Chapter Three ...................................................................................... 4 1.7.4 Chapter Four........................................................................................ 4 1.7.5 Chapter Five ........................................................................................ 4 CHAPTER 2 ALGORITHMS ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1 PREVIOUS WORK IN ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE ................. 5 2.1.1 Speckle Imaging .................................................................................. 5 2.1.2 Friedens’s Method ............................................................................... 7 2.1.3 Fusion ................................................................................................. 8 2.1.4 WFS (Wave-Front Sensing) ................................................................. 9 viii 2.2 ALGORITHMS SELECTED FOR COMPARISON ...........................10 2.2.1 Time-Averaged Algorithm..................................................................10 Lucas-Kanade Algorithm ....................................................................11 2.2.2 First Register Then Average and Subtract ...........................................14 FATR .................................................................................................14 FRTAAS ............................................................................................14 Elastic Image Registration ..................................................................18 2.2.3 Independent Component Analysis.......................................................22 2.2.4 Restoration of Atmospheric Turbulence Degraded Video using Kurtosis Minimization and Motion Compensation .....................27 Control Grid Interpolation ..................................................................27 Compensation .....................................................................................28 Median using fixed period enhancement .............................................32 Kurtosis minimization ........................................................................32 2.3 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................36 CHAPTER 3 ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE ..........................................................................38 3.1 SIMULATING ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE.............................38 3.1.1 Blurring ..............................................................................................39 3.1.2 Geometric distortion ...........................................................................39 3.2 QUASI-PERIODICITY OF ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE..................................................................................43 3.3 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE ....................................................45 3.4 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................46 CHAPTER 4 DATASETS, RESULTS AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ...............................47 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP .................................................................47 4.2 RESULTS USING SIMULATED SEQUENCES ...............................48 4.2.1 Simulated sequences without motion ..................................................48 4.2.2 Simulated sequences with motion .......................................................55 4.3 RESULTS USING REAL SEQUENCES ...........................................58 ix 4.3.1 Real turbulence-degraded sequences without motion ..........................58 4.3.2 Real turbulence-degraded sequences with motion ...............................69 4.3.3 Sharpness of real turbulence-degraded sequences ...............................70 4.4 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................76 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK.................................................................77 5.1 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................77 5.2 FUTURE WORK ...............................................................................78 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................79 APPENDIX A: FRTAAS Matlab code ...................................................................86 APPENDIX B: ICA Matlab code ......................................................................... 144 APPENDIX C: CGI Matlab code ......................................................................... 152 APPENDIX D: Wiener Filter and Kurtosis Matlab code ...................................... 156 APPENDIX E: General Algorithm Matlab code................................................... 159 APPENDIX F: Warping Algorithm Matlab code ................................................. 168 APPENDIX G: Graphical User Interface Matlab code ......................................... 170 APPENDIX H: General Algorithm C code .......................................................... 178 APPENDIX I: CGI Algorithm C code ................................................................. 182 x LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 2.1: (a) Original Image, (b) Simulated image, (c) Flow field, (d) Time averaged frame and (e) Corrected frame. ...................................12 Figure 2.2: (a) Original Image, (b) Simulated Image, (c) Motion Blurred Average and (d) Incorrectly Registered Image. ...................................13 Figure 2.3: (a) to (t) Frames from Number plate sequence. (r) selected as sharpest frame. ...................................................................................16 Figure 2.4: Graph showing sharpness levels of sequence in Fig 2.3. .....................16 Figure 2.5: (a) Distorted frame 1, (b) Distorted frame 2, (c) & (d) Shift maps, (e) estimated warp between frames and (f) Frame 1 warped to frame 2. ..............................................................................21 Figure 2.6: 10 frames from a simulated Lenna sequence. ......................................21 Figure 2.7: 10 corrected frames corresponding to Fig 2.6 using FRTAAS.............22 Figure 2.8: (a), (b) & (c) 3 turbulent frames, (d) Extracted Source Image, (e) & (f) Turbulent spatial patterns, (g) Time averaged frame and (h) Extracted source image ...........................................................25 Figure 2.9: ICA applied to video sequences ..........................................................26 Figure 2.10: ICA applied to Building site sequence ................................................26 Figure 2.11: (a) Simulated Lenna frame 1, (b) CGI motion field between (a) and (c) and (c) Simulated Lenna frame 2. ......................................28 Figure 2.12: Motion fields used in trajectory estimation with a time window of 5 frames ............................................................................30 Figure 2.13: 10 frames from a simulated Lenna sequence .......................................31 Figure 2.14: 10 corrected frames corresponding to Fig 2.13 using CGI algorithm ............................................................................................31 Figure 2.15: Lenna sequence where turbulence blur is increased linearly ................33 Figure 2.16: Kurtosis measurements of sequence in Fig 2.15 ..................................33 Figure 2.17: (a) Original Lenna, (b) Blurred Lenna (λ=0.001) and (c) Restored Lenna (λ=0.001) ..................................................................34 Figure 2.18: Graph showing normalized kurtosis of sequence in Fig 2.17. λ=0.001 ..............................................................................................35 Figure 2.19: Real Turbulence degraded sequence ...................................................35 Figure 2.20: Restored sequence using CGI and kurtosis algorithm ..........................36 xi Figure 3.1: (a) Original Lenna image, (b) Image blurred with λ=0.00025, (c) Image blurred with λ=0.001 and (d) Image blurred with λ=0.0025.............................................................................................39 Figure 3.2: (a) Checkerboard Image, (b) Checkerboard image warped in x-direction, (c) Checkerboard image warped in y-direction and (d) Final warp ..............................................................................41 Figure 3.3: (a) Real turbulence degraded image, (b) Flow field obtained from (a), and (c) Simulated geometric distortion using flow field ....................................................................................................42 Figure 3.4: (a), (b) & (c) 3 frames from simulated Lenna sequence with blurring and geometric distortion ........................................................42 Figure 3.5: Motion of a pixel in a real turbulence sequence...................................44 Figure 3.6: Pixel wander for simulated Lenna sequence ........................................45 Figure 3.7: GUI for simulating atmospheric turbulence ........................................46 Figure 4.1: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 .........................................................................................................50 Figure 4.2: MSE of Flat sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 ............50 Figure 4.3: MSE of Satellite sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 .....................................................................................................51 Figure 4.4: MSE of Girl1 sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 .........................................................................................................51 Figure 4.5: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3 .....................................................................................................52 Figure 4.6: MSE of Flat sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3 .........................................................................................................53 Figure 4.7: MSE of Military sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3 ................................................................................................53 Figure 4.8: MSE of Room sequence with λ=0.00025 and pixel motion set to 5 .....................................................................................................54 Figure 4.9: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.00025 and pixel motion set to 5 .....................................................................................................55 Figure 4.10: 3 frames from simulated motion sequence ..........................................55 Figure 4.11: MSE of Fixed Window CGI and Fixed Window CGI using Median on simulated motion sequence 1 .............................................56 Figure 4.12: MSE of simulated motion sequence 1 with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 ....................................................................................57 xii Figure 4.13: MSE of simulated motion sequence 2 with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5 ....................................................................................57 Figure 4.14: MSE between consecutive frames of Armscor sequence .....................59 Figure 4.15: Real turbulence degraded frame of Armscor building .........................59 Figure 4.16: CGI corrected frame of Armscor building ...........................................60 Figure 4.17: FRTAAS corrected frame of Armscor building...................................60 Figure 4.18: Time-averaged corrected frame of Armscor building ..........................61 Figure 4.19: ICA corrected frame of Armscor building ...........................................61 Figure 4.20: Real turbulence degraded frame of building site sequence at a distance of 5km ..................................................................................62 Figure 4.21: MSE between consecutive frames of Building site sequence ...............63 Figure 4.22: MSE between consecutive frames of Tower sequence ........................64 Figure 4.23: (a) Real turbulence-degraded frame of a tower at a distance of 11km and (b) same tower at 11km but with negligible turbulence ...........................................................................................65 Figure 4.24: (a) Frame from CGI algorithm output sequence and (b) frame from FRTAAS algorithm ....................................................................66 Figure 4.25: (a) Frame from Time-averaged algorithm output sequence and (b) frame from ICA algorithm ......................................................67 Figure 4.26: Real turbulence-degraded frame of a shack at a distance of 10km ..................................................................................................68 Figure 4.27: MSE between consecutive frames of Shack sequence .........................68 Figure 4.28: MSE between consecutive frames of Building site sequence with motion ........................................................................................69 Figure 4.29: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using CGI algorithm..............70 Figure 4.30: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using CGI algorithm with kurtosis enhancement ..................................................................71 Figure 4.31: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using Time-averaged algorithm ............................................................................................71 Figure 4.32: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using ICA algorithm..............72 Figure 4.33: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using FRTAAS algorithm ............................................................................................72 Figure 4.34: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using Timeaveraged algorithm .............................................................................73 Figure 4.35: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using ICA algorithm ............................................................................................74 xiii Figure 4.36: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using FRTAAS algorithm ............................................................................74 Figure 4.37: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using CGI algorithm with Kurtosis enhancement .................................................75 Figure 4.38: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using CGI algorithm ............................................................................................75 xiv CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION Atmospheric turbulence imposes limitations on sensors used to record image sequences over long distances. The resultant video sequences appear blurred and waver in a quasiperiodic fashion. This poses a significant problem in certain fields such as astronomy and defence (surveillance and intelligence gathering) where detail in images is essential. Hardware methods proposed for countering the effects of atmospheric turbulence such as adaptive optics and DWFS (Deconvolution from Wave-Front Sensing) require complex devices such as wave-front sensors and can be impractical. In many cases image processing methods proved more practical since corrections are made after the video is acquired [1, 3, 10, 13, 18]. Heat scintillation can therefore be removed for any existing video independent of the cameras used for capture. Numerous image processing methods have been proposed for the compensation of blurring effects. Fewer algorithms have been proposed for the correction of geometric distortions induced by atmospheric turbulence. Each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this dissertation the focus is placed on comparing image processing methods proposed to restore video sequences degraded by heat scintillation. The comparative analysis will be followed by selecting the best method which is suited for real-time implementation. An F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 1 algorithm, developed to simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence, is presented and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) is developed. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT The purpose of this project is to perform a comparative analysis of algorithms developed to restore sequences degraded by the effects of atmospheric turbulence with the focus placed on the removal of heat scintillation. 1.3 METHODOLOGY Results in the dissertation were obtained using datasets divided into two categories: Real datasets and simulated datasets. The real datasets consist of sequences obtained in the presence of real atmospheric turbulence. These datasets were obtained from the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) using their Cyclone camera and vary in range from 5km-15km. The simulated sequences were generated using ground truth images/sequences. Both datasets can be further divided into sequences with real-motion and sequences without real motion. 1.4 ASSUMPTIONS The motion due to atmospheric turbulence is assumed to be small compared to the motion of objects in the scene or motion caused by the camera such as panning and zooming. The effect of atmospheric turbulence is taken to be either random at each pixel but highly correlated or spatially local and temporally quasi-periodic depending on the algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 2 1.5 DELIMITATIONS This work is limited to the implementation and comparison of different algorithms for the correction of atmospheric turbulence in images: • The algorithms selected will only focus on post-processing of the sequences. • Real motion as well as atmospheric motion will be considered in the comparative analysis. This will however be restricted to motion in which the camera is stationary but the objects within the scene need not be. Panning and zooming will therefore not be considered. • The algorithms chosen will focus on recent work in which the main consideration will be the correction of geometric distortions as well as their ability to minimise and correct for the blurring induced by turbulence. 1.6 CONTRIBUTIONS • An algorithm is developed to simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence and a GUI is created to easily visualise atmospheric turbulence and create datasets. • The CGI (Control Grid Interpolation) algorithm was modified to use the median, instead of the mean of the trajectory of a pixel, allowing a fixed period to be maintained while showing improved results in the presence of real-motion in a scene. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 3 1.7 DOCUMENT PLAN The dissertation consists of five chapters organised as follows: 1.7.1 Chapter One This chapter is an introduction to the project and contains the problem statement, methodology, assumptions and delimitations. 1.7.2 Chapter Two Chapter two deals with the literature review on both post-processing techniques as well as hardware methods for correcting atmospheric turbulence. Most of the literature discussed applies to the correction of the blurring induced by turbulence. The algorithms chosen for comparison are presented in detail as well as their advantages and disadvantages. 1.7.3 Chapter Three The algorithm proposed for the simulation of atmospheric turbulence used in this dissertation is presented. The quasi-periodicity of atmospheric turbulence is also discussed. 1.7.4 Chapter Four Chapter four focuses on the datasets, the results and a discussion of the results. The realtime simulation, in OpenCV, of two of the selected algorithms is discussed. 1.7.5 Chapter Five The conclusion is presented and future work is outlined. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 4 CHAPTER 2 ALGORITHMS The following chapter presents previous work in reducing the effects of atmospheric turbulence as well as the algorithms selected for comparison. The previous works discussed focus mainly on dealing with the blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence, as the bulk of the research completed has been in this area. The algorithms chosen for comparison are presented in detail. These algorithms were selected based on post processing of the turbulence as well as their ability to compensate and/or minimise both the distortion effects and the blurring caused by turbulence. 2.1 PREVIOUS WORK IN ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 outline current methods available in reducing the effects of atmospheric turbulence. It also looks at hardware methods of dealing with turbulence such as adaptive optics. 2.1.1 Speckle Imaging Speckle imaging is the process of reconstructing an object through the use of a series of short exposure images. This is usually achieved by estimating the Fourier transform, phase and magnitude, of the object. The phase and magnitude are handled separately. Some of the methods proposed using speckled imaging are Knox-Thompson [15, 25] and Labeyrie [15, 26] methods. Labeyrie made the observations that speckles in short exposure images contain more high spatial frequency information of an object than long exposure images. Therefore by using the short exposure images more detail can be extracted from the images. Using a large F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 5 number of short exposure images, the energy spectrum of an object is estimated. This is commonly referred to as speckle interferometry. In estimating the modulus of the Fourier transform, required to obtain the object energy spectrum, the phase of the object is lost. The phase spectrum will be required to create an image. Labeyrie’s method can be outlined as follows: Labeyrie Method (Speckle Interferometry) 1. Obtain N number of short exposure images of the object as well as of a reference point. 2. Determine the Fourier transform of the image. 3. Determine the modulus squared. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all N images. 5. Determine average of modulus squared. 6. Deconvolute to obtain the energy spectrum of the object. To obtain the phase spectrum the Knox-Thompson, or cross-spectrum, method can be used. The cross-spectrum is a specialised moment of the image spectra which contain information about the phase of the object [15]. The cross-spectrum can therefore be used to recover the phase of the object. The main problem of speckle imaging is the requirement of a reference point or reference images. The method is well suited to astronomy where reference images can be obtained. Another problem is that a large amount of short-exposure images are required to achieve good results. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 6 2.1.2 Frieden’s Method [20] Frieden’s method deals with the problem of imaging through turbulence by making use of blind deconvolution. Blind deconvolution is used when no information about the distortion of the image is known. It is capable of restoring the image as well as its point spread function. The estimation of the PSF (Point Spread Function) is of vital importance as choosing the incorrect one will lead to the restoration being unsuccessful. Unlike the other methods discussed, Frieden’s approach only requires two short-exposure images instead of a number of frames from a video sequence. No reference point sources are required as is needed in speckle imaging. It uses the two short exposure frames to estimate the point spread functions. This is achieved by finding the Fourier transforms of the two images and then dividing by the same two images as shown in (1) Dn ≡ In (1) In ( 2) = τ n (1) On τ n (1) = τ n ( 2 ) On τ n ( 2 ) (1) where I represents the observed image spectra’s, τ represents the OTF’s (Optical Transfer Function) which have to be estimated and O represents the unknown object spectrum. From (1) it can be seen that for the division of the images to eliminate the unknown spectrum of the object, there can be no motion present in the scene. Using the division of the two unknown OTF’s, a set of n linear equations can be generated to give a solution to the unknown OTF’s. Once the point spread functions have been estimated the blind deconvolution algorithm can be used to correct the atmospheric turbulence in the image. This method makes a number of assumptions, the first being that no additive noise is present in the images. The presence of 1% additive Gaussian noise in the images degraded the quality of the PSF’s significantly. The second assumption made is that there is no F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 7 motion present in the scene. The method does not address the problem of distortion caused by turbulence and only deals with blurring. 2.1.3 Fusion Image fusion has also been proposed to enhance images blurred by atmospheric turbulence. Typically fusion refers to the extraction of information spontaneously adopted in several domains [23]. However fusion has also been used to obtain a less degraded image of a scene by using a single sensor to obtain several images of the scene, making it suitable for atmospheric turbulence. The degradations could be caused by motion in the scene, noise, incorrect focus as well as atmospheric turbulence. Zhao [18] made use of this by using image fusion to compensate for photometric variations caused by turbulence. The algorithm proposed by Zhao can be outlined as follows [18]: Zhao’s Method (Fusion) 1. The source images are decomposed using a Laplacian pyramid. 2. Weight computation based on a salient pattern is computed at each level. 3. The image is reconstructed from level N to 0 using the weights to combine all source pyramids at the current level. The energy of the local Laplacian pattern was used as a salience measure. The method by Zhao also provided a method of compensating for the geometric distortion by using a reference frame which is selected manually. This is further discussed in section 2.2.1 under the Time-Averaged Algorithm. The method proposed by Zhao requires all motion in the scene, both real and turbulent, to be registered. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 8 2.1.4 WFS (Wave-Front Sensing) A wave-front sensor is capable of measuring the phase perturbation in each short exposure image. This can be used in two ways to correct for atmospheric turbulence. The first method would be in an adaptive optics system in which the wave-front sensor is used to control a deformable mirror. In this system the AOI (Adaptive Optics Imaging) system will require three main components: WFS, Controller and a deformable mirror. The WFS is used to measure the phase perturbations. These measurements are then used by the controller to manipulate the deformable mirror. The deformable mirror is then the means in which the wave front is corrected [15]. A deformable mirror is any unit that is capable of changing the perturbed wave such as a tip-tilt mirror. These mirrors are segmented and controlled by actuators to manipulate the wave front. This method of correcting for turbulence requires complex devices i.e. deformable mirrors and wave-front sensors which are difficult to obtain and extremely expensive. The second method is a hybrid imaging technique that uses a wave-front sensor as well as post-processing techniques to compensate for turbulence. The method is known as DWFS (Deconvolution from Wave-Front Sensors). In this method the measurements obtained from the WFS are used to estimate an OTF for the current short exposure image. This OTF is then used to correct the short-exposure image through deconvolution [15]. While this method still requires WFS for the phase measurements, the deformable mirrors are not required and is therefore less complex than an adaptive optics system. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 9 2.2 ALGORITHMS SELECTED FOR COMPARISON Four groups of algorithms were chosen for comparison. The algorithms chosen are based on post processing of the turbulence as well as their ability to compensate and/or minimise both the distortion effects and the blurring caused by turbulence. Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 outline the background of the algorithms as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages. 2.2.1 TIME-AVERAGED ALGORITHM The Time-averaged algorithm is based on common techniques and components used in a number of algorithms for correcting atmospheric turbulence [3, 11, 18]. This technique divides heat scintillation into two separate steps i.e. distortion and blurring. Each step is then dealt with individually. The first step uses some form of image registration to bring the images into alignment and compensate for the shimmering effect. The alignment is usually done against a reference frame. The second step deals with the blurring induced by atmospheric turbulence. This is usually compensated for by making use of a blind deconvolution algorithm or by using image fusion. Image registration is performed for each frame with respect to a reference frame. This provides a sequence that is stable and geometrically correct. The reference frame can be selected by using a frame from the sequence with no geometric distortion and minimal blurring. This is however impractical since the frame would have to be selected manually and the probability of finding an image that has both minimal distortion and is geometrically correct is unlikely. A more practical approach to selecting a reference frame would be the temporal averaging of a number of frames in the sequence. Since atmospheric F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 10 turbulence can be viewed as being quasi-periodic, averaging a number of frames would provide a reference frame that is geometrically improved, but blurred. For the purpose of registration, an optical flow algorithm as proposed by Lucas and Kanade [2] was implemented. Lucas-Kanade Algorithm The motion of a pixel from one frame to another can be described as I ( x , y , t ) = I ( x + δ x, y + δ y, t + δ t ) (2) where I(x,y,t) represents the intensity of a pixel, x and y represents the co-ordinates of a pixel and t represents the frame number. The assumption is made that the intensity of the object remains constant. Expanding (2) using a Taylor series we get I ( x + δ x, y + δ y, t + δ t ) = I ( x, y, t ) + ∂I ∂I ∂I δ x+ δy+ δ t δx δy δt (3) where all higher order terms can be discarded. Since there are two unknowns (δx, δy) and only one equation, it is an ill-posed problem. By assuming that the optical flow is locally constant within a small, n x n patch, additional equations can be obtained. A least squares method can then be used to solve the over-determined system: I x1 I x2 M I x n where I y1 I y 2 M I y n − I t1 Vx − I t 2 V = M y − I t n (4) ∂I ∂I ∂I and are denoted as Ix, Iy and It respectively. , ∂x ∂y ∂t F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 11 The Lucas-Kanade algorithm was implemented using a coarse-to-fine iterative strategy achieved through an image pyramid. Figure 2.1 shows the time-averaged algorithm applied to a distorted Lenna sequence. (a) (b) (d) (c) (e) Figure 2.1: (a) Original Image, (b) Simulated image, (c) Flow field, (d) Time averaged frame and (e) Corrected frame. The reference frames were generated by averaging the first N frames of the turbulence degraded sequences. Using time-averaging to generate a reference frame works well when there is no real motion present in the scene, however if real motion is introduced, the averaging of the sequence will generate a reference frame that is motion blurred and worse than the turbulence-degraded frames. Using this reference frame to register the sequence will further degrade the sequence. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 12 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 2.2: (a) Original Image, (b) Simulated Image, (c) Motion Blurred Average and (d) Incorrectly Registered Image. (PETS 2000 Dataset [45]). The algorithm performs well when there is no real motion present in the scene i.e. objects moving, panning and zooming of camera. The video sequence is stabilized, except for a few discontinuities caused by the optical flow calculations and/or the warping algorithm. Localized blur will be present due to the averaging of the frames to obtain a reference frame and this hinders the registration algorithm. When real motion is present in the scene the reference frame is degraded due to motion blur. Warping any frame towards the reference frame will cause further distortions and the restored sequence will be degraded to a greater extent than the turbulence sequence. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 13 2.2.2 FIRST REGISTER THEN AVERAGE AND SUBTRACT The FRTAAS (First Register Then Average and Subtract) algorithm is an improvement of the FATR (First Average Then Register) algorithm, proposed by Fraser, Thorpe and Lambert [3]. The FATR algorithm is very similar to the Time-averaged algorithm discussed in section 2.2.1. The FRTAAS algorithm aims to address the problem of localized blur by minimizing the effect of the averaging process used to create the reference frame. FATR The FATR algorithm registers each frame in the image sequence against an averaged reference or prototype frame. The registration technique used in [3] employed a hierarchically shrinking region based on the cross correlation between two windowed regions. To obtain improved results the dewarped frames are then averaged once again to obtain a new reference frame and the sequence is put through the algorithm once again. As discussed in section 3.1 the blur due to the temporal averaging will still be present. The FRTAAS algorithm aims to address this problem. FRTAAS In FRTAAS the averaging approach used to create the reference frame in FATR is avoided by allowing any one of the frames in a sequence to be the reference frame. However due to the time varying nature of atmospheric turbulence, some of the frames in the sequence will not be as severely degraded as others. This would mean that it would be possible to obtain a reference frame in which the atmospheric induced blur would be minimal. A sharpness metric is used to select the least blurred frame in the sequence. This frame can also be F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 14 selected manually. The distortion of the frame is not considered when selecting a reference frame. The sharpness metric used to select the sharpest frame is S h = − ∫ g ( x, y ) ln[ g ( x, y )]dxdy (5) where g(x,y) represents the image and x, y represent pixel co-ordinates. Figure 2.3 shows 20 frames from a real turbulence-degraded sequence. Visually it can be seen that the 18th frame in the sequence is the sharpest as the number plate is more clearly visible. The graph in Figure 2.4 shows that the sharpness metric has selected the 18th frame as the sharpest which corresponds to what is observed visually. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 15 (m) (n) (q) (r) (o) (s) (p) (t) Figure 2.3: (a) to (t) Frames from Number plate sequence. (r) selected as sharpest frame. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 2.4: Graph showing sharpness levels of sequence in Fig 2.3. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 16 Once the sharp but distorted frame is selected from the video sequence it is used as the reference frame. All frames in the sequence are then warped to the reference frame. The shift maps that are used to warp the frames in the sequence to the reference frame are then used to determine the truth image. In the FATR method the truth image was obtained by temporal averaging. However by instead averaging the shift maps used to register the turbulent frames to the warped reference frame, a truth shift map which warps the truth frame into the reference frame is obtained. The averaging of the shift maps can be used because, as in the case of temporal averaging to obtain a reference frame, atmospheric turbulence can be viewed as being quasi-periodic. The warping using the shift maps, xs and ys, can be described as r ( x, y , t ) = g ( x + xs ( x, y , t ), y + y s ( x, y , t ), t ) (6) representing a backward mapping where r(x,y,t) is the reference frame and g(x,y,t) is a distorted frame from the sequence. Once the shift maps, xs and ys, have been obtained for each frame in the sequence, the centroids, Cx and Cy, which are used to calculate the pixel locations of the truth frame, can be determined by averaging: C x ( x, y ) = 1 N 1 C y ( x, y ) = N N ∑ x ( x, y , t ) s t =1 N ∑ y ( x, y, t ). (7) s t =1 It is important to note that since the warping represents a backward mapping, the shift maps obtained does not tell us where each pixel goes from r(x,y,t) to g(x,y,t) but rather where each pixel in g(x,y,t) comes from in r(x,y,t) . Therefore the inverse of Cx and Cy are then calculated and used to determine the corrected shift map of each warped frame in the sequence as F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 17 −1 C x ( x, y ) = −C x ( x − C x ( x, y, t ), y − C y ( x, y, t )) −1 C y ( x, y ) = −C y ( x − C x ( x, y, t ), y − C y ( x, y, t )) −1 −1 −1 X s ( x, y, t ) = C x ( x, y ) + x s ( x + C x ( x, y ), y + C y ( x, y ), t ) −1 −1 −1 Ys ( x, y, t ) = C y ( x, y ) + y s ( x + C x ( x, y ), y + C y ( x, y ), t ) (8) where Xs and Ys are the corrected shift maps used to correct the frames in the original warped sequence [13]. Using Xs and Ys one is therefore able to obtain the geometrically improved sequence using f ( x, y, t ) = g ( x + X s ( x, y , t ), y + Ys ( x, y , t ), t ). (9) Elastic image registration The registration was done by using a differential elastic image registration algorithm proposed by Periaswamy and Farid [4]. The registration algorithm models the mapping between images as a locally affine but globally smooth warp that explicitly account for variations in image intensities [4]. The general representation of an affine transformation can be described as [u v 1] = [x a11 y 1] a 21 a31 a12 a 22 a32 0 0. 1 (10) From this f ( x, y, t ) = f (u , v, t − 1) u = a11 x + a21 y + a31 v = a12 x + a22 y + a32 F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (11) Page 18 where a31 and a32 represent a translation and the remaining coefficients represent the affine parameters. The aij parameters are estimated locally within a small n x n patch, Q, by minimizing ∑ [ f ( x, y , t ) − f ( a 11 x + a 21 y + a 31 , a12 x + a 22 y + a32 , t − 1)]2 . (12) x , y∈Q This can be done by expanding (12) using the Taylor series expansion ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y , t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) f ( x, y, t ) − f ( x, y, t ) + ( a11 x + a21 y + a31 − x) + ( a12 x + a22 y + a32 − y ) + (t − 1 − t ) ∂x ∂y ∂t x , y∈Q ∑ = ∂f ( x , y , t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) f ( x, y, t ) − f ( x, y, t ) + ( a11 x + a21 y + a31 − x ) + ( a12 x + a22 y + a32 − y ) − ∑ ∂x ∂y ∂t x , y∈Q which simplifies to 2 ∂f ( x, y , t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) . − (a11 x + a21 y + a31 − x ) − ( a12 x + a22 y + a32 − y ) ∑ ∂ t ∂ x ∂y x , y∈Q (13) Equation (13) can be minimized by differentiating with respect to the unknowns and setting the result equal to zero. This will result in −1 r rr r a = ∑ cc T ∑ ck x , y∈Q x , y∈Q (14) where r ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y , t ) c = x y x ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂f ( x, y, t ) k= +x +y ∂t ∂x ∂y r a = a11 a 21 a31 a12 a 22 a 32 [ ∂f ( x, y, t ) y ∂y ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂x ∂f ( x, y, t ) ∂y T (15) ] This will provide us with all the parameters, aij, required to define the affine warp [5]. The registration algorithm also accounts for intensity changes between images in which the image brightness constancy assumption fails. By modifying (11) to include two additional F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 19 2 2 parameters for brightness and contrast, the registration algorithm is able to account for variations in intensity. a c f ( x, y , t ) + a b = f ( a11 x + a 21 y + a31 , a12 x + a 22 y + a32 , t − 1) (16) where ac and ab represent contrast and brightness [5]. This equation is then solved in a similar fashion as (11) by minimizing the error function. The final aspect of the algorithm deals with the addition of a smoothness constraint which replaces the assumption of image brightness constancy. The assumption is made that the parameters required vary smoothly across space [5]. This allows for a larger spatial neighbourhood to be selected since the image brightness constancy assumption is no longer used. Figure 2.5 shows a selected reference frame (target) and the warping of a frame from a simulated sequence (source) to the target frame. It also shows the estimated warp and the shift maps. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 20 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 2.5: (a) Distorted frame 1, (b) Distorted frame 2, (c) & (d) Shift maps, (e) estimated warp between frames and (f) Frame 1 warped to frame 2. Figure 2.6 shows 10 frames from a simulated turbulent Lenna sequence. Figure 2.7 shows the restored images, corresponding to the frames in Figure 2.6, using the FRTAAS algorithm. Figure 2.6: 10 frames from a simulated Lenna sequence. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 21 Figure 2.7: 10 corrected frames corresponding to Fig 2.6 using FRTAAS The FRTAAS algorithm performed well with no motion present in the scene. The restored sequences were an improvement over the Time-Averaged Algorithm. This was achieved by avoiding temporal averaging of the turbulent frames. The algorithm also has problems in dealing with real motion present in the scene. 2.2.3 INDEPENDENT COMPONENET ANALYSIS ICA (Independent Component Analysis) belongs to a class of blind source separation methods for separating data into their underlying informational components [8]. In the algorithm proposed by Kopriva et al [10], the underlying data takes the form of images. By treating the frames of the turbulent sequence as sensors and taking the turbulence spatial patterns as sources along with the original frame, ICA can be applied to the sequence to extract the sources from the turbulent frames. The turbulent image frames can be represented as I i = AI 0 + v F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (17) Page 22 where Ii is an N x T matrix of the turbulent frames. T=x x y where x and y are the dimensions of the frames and I0 represents the original image. Therefore each image is represented as a single 1 x T vector of intensity values. A is the unknown mixing matrix which distorts the original frames to form the turbulent frames and v represents additive noise ICA aims to find a transformation matrix W that will separate the turbulent frames or mixtures into source signals, i.e. ∧ I o = WI i . (18) For ICA to work it is assumed that the source signals are mutually statistically independent since ICA will estimate W so that Îo will represent estimated source signals that are as statistically independent as possible. Îo will then contain the scaled original signal and its spatial turbulent patterns. The scaling is inherent in ICA algorithms. In the work of Kopriva et al [10], a fourth-order cumulant-based ICA algorithm, JADE (Joint Approximate Diagonalization of the Eigen-Matrices) as proposed by Cardoso [6], was used to estimate the un-mixing matrix W. In JADE statistical independence is achieved through the minimization of the squares of the fourth order cross-cumulants among the components of Îo i.e. ∧ W = arg min ∑∑∑∑ off W T C ( I ij , I ik , I il , I im )W m l k j (19) where off(A), for A = (a i j )1≤ i , j ≤ N , is defined as off ( A) = ∑a 2 ij 1≤ i ≠ j ≤ N (20) and Ĉ(Iij , Iik , Iil , Iim) are sample estimates of the fourth-order cross-cumulants [10]. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 23 If the mixing matrix, A, is singular, the un-mixing matrix, W, which is the inverse of the mixing matrix cannot be calculated. To prevent this, the algorithm measures the mutual information between turbulent frames using the Kullback-Leibler divergence D ( p, q ) = L( p, q ) + L(q, p ) T where L( p, q ) = ∑ p k log 2 k =1 (21) T pk q , L(q, p ) = ∑ q k log 2 k , and pk and qk are pixel intensities qk pk k =1 at the spatial coordinate k ≅ ( x, y ) . If two images are the same the distance D(p,q) will be zero. Figure 2.8 shows 3 turbulent frames from a simulated Lenna sequence applied to the ICA algorithm. The extracted source image and turbulent spatial patterns are also shown. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 24 (a) (b) (d) (c) (e) (g) (f) (h) Figure 2.8: (a), (b) & (c) 3 turbulent frames, (d) Extracted Source Image, (e) & (f) Turbulent spatial patterns, (g) Time averaged frame and (h) Extracted source image. The algorithm proposed was modified to function with video sequences by using a frame window size of three. At each iteration, the frame window was incremented by one to include a new frame, thereby allowing the preservation of the sequence length as well as ensuring that the mutual information, in most cases, would not be the same. This is illustrated in Figure 2.9 and Figure 2.10. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 25 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 5 Figure 2.9: ICA applied to video sequences. Figure 2.10: ICA applied to Building site sequence. (CSIR Dataset). An alternate method used to apply the algorithm to video sequences was to use the extracted source image from the current window set and apply this frame to the next window set. This would allow us to always have a frame that is close to the source image in the window set. This method however would cause the Kullback-Leibler divergence to become zero frequently. The ICA algorithm is advantageous because only a few frames are required to extract the source frame and it performs better than the simple temporal averaging method since the loss of details experienced with averaging is avoided. The disadvantages with the algorithm are the assumptions that all motion has been compensated for and the turbulence used for correction is classified as weak. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 26 2.2.4 RESTORATION OF ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE DEGRADED VIDEO USING KURTOSIS MINIMIZATION AND MOTION COMPENSATION In this algorithm, both effects of turbulence are addressed i.e. geometric distortion and blurring. To compensate for the blurring induced by atmospheric turbulence, the kurtosis of an image is used and for the geometric distortion, CGI (Control Grid Interpolation) is used. Control Grid Interpolation Control grid interpolation is a method proposed by Sullivan [16] for motion compensation. It is a technique used for performing spatial image transformations. An image is initially segmented into small continuous square regions, the corners of which form control points. These control points are used as anchors in which the intermediate vectors are calculated using bilinear interpolation. CGI allows for the representation of complex motion making it suitable for images distorted by atmospheric turbulence. The pixel relationship between two images within a square region is described as I1[i, j ] = I 0 [i + d1[i, j ], j + d 2 [i, j ]] d1[i, j ] = α1 + α 2i + α 3 j + α 4ij (22) d 2 [i, j ] = β1 + β 2i + β 3 j + β 4ij where i, j represent pixel co-ordinates and d1[i, j ] and d 2 [i, j ] represent the horizontal and vertical displacement of the pixels between the two images I1 and I0. d1 [i, j ] and d 2 [i, j ] are used to compute the vectors between the four control points enclosing each region, R using bilinear interpolation. Given four points, (i0,j0), (i1,j1), (i2,j2), (i3,j3) any intermediate coordinate X(i,j) may be computed using the expression X [i, j ] = α1 + α 2i + α 3 j + α 4ij . F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (23) Page 27 Therefore once the α and β parameters have been determined for each region R, the intermediate motion vectors can be calculated providing us with a dense motion field of the turbulence. The α and β parameters can be estimated within each region R by minimizing ∑ ( I [i, j] − I [i + d [i, j], j + d [i, j]]) 0 1 1 2 2 . (24) [ i , j ]∈R Using the Taylor series, (24) approximates to ∑ ( I [i, j ] − I [i, j ] − 0 [ i , j ]∈R 1 ∂I1[i, j ] ∂I [i, j ] d1[i, j ] − 2 d 2 [i, j ]) 2 ∂j ∂i (25) with higher order terms discarded. Using the least squares method we can obtain the bilinear parameters. Figure 2.11 shows an example of a motion field generated using CGI. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.11: (a) Simulated Lenna frame 1, (b) CGI motion field between (a) and (c) and (c) Simulated Lenna frame 2. Compensation To compensate for the distortion the trajectories of each pixel are calculated using the motion vectors from the CGI algorithm. Two methods were proposed for calculating the trajectories of the pixels. The first method calculates the trajectory between the current F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 28 frame and the previous frames trajectory estimate. This method is computationally efficient since at each new frame in the sequence only the trajectory between the new frame and the previous frame have to be calculated. This however also makes the method susceptible to errors in the presence of noise since an error in the previous trajectory estimate will be compounded in all succeeding frames. The trajectory of the first method can be calculated as T (i, j, t0 ) = (i, j ) T (i, j, t0 − 1) = T (i, j , t0 ) + vt 0 ,t 0−1 (T (i, j, t0 )) M M M T (i, j, t0 − n) = T (i, j, t0 − n + 1) + vt 0 − n +1, t 0 − n (T (i, j , t0 − n + 1)) (26) where T represent the trajectory, v represent the motion vectors between two frames and t0 represents the source or initial frame. The second method estimates the trajectory by using the motion vectors between a source frame, which remains fixed, and a target frame that is changed. This significantly increases the computational load since the motion vectors will have to be recalculated each time the algorithm increments to a new frame. Since the previous trajectory estimates are not used, the problem of errors in the presence of noise is avoided. The methods trajectory can be calculated as T (i, j, t 0 + n) = (i, j ) + vt0 ,t0 + n (i, j ) M M T (i, j, t 0 + 1) = (i, j ) + vt0 ,t0 +1 (i, j ) T (i, j, t 0 ) = (i, j ) (27) T (i, j, t 0 − 1) = (i, j ) + vt0 ,t0−1 (i, j ) M M T (i, j, t 0 − n) = (i, j ) + vt0 ,t0 − n (i, j ). This is illustrated in Figure 2.12. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 29 Frame (t0+2) Frame (t0+1) Frame (t0) Frame (t0-1) Frame (t0-2) Figure 2.12: Motion fields used in trajectory estimation with a time window of 5 frames. (CSIR Dataset). Using (27) we can compensate for the geometric distortion at frame t0 by calculating the centroid of the trajectory as 1 Tˆ (i, j ) = ∑ T (i, j, k ) . n + 1 t0 − n ≤ k ≤t 0 (28) Since the motion due to atmospheric turbulence is quasi-periodic, the net displacement over a period will be zero. Therefore by averaging the motion fields at each current frame, a motion field can be generated which will allow us to dewarp the current frame. Since motion due to atmospheric turbulence is small compared to real motion, using this method will preserve the real motion in the scene. Figure 2.13 shows 10 frames from a simulated turbulent Lenna sequence and Figure 2.14 shows the restored images, corresponding to the frames in Figure 2.13, using the CGI algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 30 Figure 2.13: 10 frames from a simulated Lenna sequence. Figure 2.14: 10 corrected frames corresponding to Fig 2.13 using CGI algorithm The length of trajectory smoothing filter can be fixed, however by adjusting the length of the smoothing filter, improved results can be obtained. The algorithm proposes a method based on the characteristic that turbulent motion has zero mean quasi-periodicity. Using this property the length of the smoothing filter is adjusted. This allows for improvements in separating real motion and turbulent motion since when no real motion is present in the scene the window length can be increased for improved results. If real-motion is present the window length is decreased since the real motion will affect the trajectory estimation. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 31 The adaptive period enhancement performs significantly better than fixed period when the camera is stationary and objects in the scene move. In cases of zooming and panning, the difference is not significant. The computational complexity of using adaptive period enhancement is also significantly increased making it less suitable for real-time implementation. Therefore fixed period was used in our implementation. Median using fixed period enhancement For the purpose of real-time implementation a fixed period enhancement method was used in this dissertation. The algorithm was however modified in the way the centroid of trajectory is estimated. It was observed that by using the median of the trajectory instead of the average, better results could be obtained over fixed-period enhancement without increasing the computational complexity significantly. Since real motion is larger than turbulent motion, by using the median the effect of the large motion vectors due to real motion are minimised. Kurtosis Minimization To compensate for the blurring induced by atmospheric turbulence, the kurtosis of an image is used. The kurtosis of a random variable is defined as the normalized fourth central moment, i.e. k= E (( x − µ ) 4 ) σ4 (29) where µ and σ represent the mean and standard deviation respectively. The kurtosis measures the peakedness of distributions. A distribution with a kurtosis higher than 3 is leptokurtic and with a kurtosis less than 3 is platykurtic. The Gaussian distribution has a kurtosis of 3 and is called mesokurtic. By using the kurtosis of an image it was shown that in general images which are blurred or smoothed have a higher kurtosis than the original F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 32 images. This is shown in Figure 2.15 and Figure 2.16. In certain cases the kurtosis of an image will behave in the opposite manner i.e. kurtosis will decrease as the image is blurred. Figure 2.15: Lenna sequence where turbulence blur is increased linearly Figure 2.16: Kurtosis measurements of sequence in Fig 2.15. Using this property, the algorithm aims to optimize a parameter in a restoration filter. By finding the parameter which corresponds to the lowest kurtosis the image can be restored. This was shown to work for a number of different blurs such as Gaussian, out-of-focus and linear motion blurs. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 33 For the case of restoring the atmospheric turbulence blurred images, the turbulence OTF (32) was used. By estimating the parameter, λ, within a search space, deconvolution can be used to restore the estimated original image. The deconvolution can be achieved by any non-blind restoration algorithm but for our implementation, similar to [12], Wiener filtering was used. The Wiener filter is defined as G (u , v ) = H * (u , v) X (u , v) 2 H (u , v ) + nsr (30) where nsr is the noise-to-signal ratio, H represents the degradation function and X represents the blurred image. Figure 2.17 shows an example of a simulated turbulence sequence with a λ of 0.001. The graph plots the values of the normalized kurtosis versus the λ search space. As can be seen a λ value of 0.001 has been selected as the minimum, which corresponds to the value used to blur the image. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.17: (a) Original Lenna, (b) Blurred Lenna (λ=0.001) and (c) Restored Lenna (λ=0.001). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 34 Figure 2.18: Graph showing normalized kurtosis of sequence in Fig 2.17. λ=0.001. Figure 2.19 shows an example of a real turbulence sequence and Figure 2.20 shows the image, first corrected for distortion and then enhanced using the kurtosis method. Figure 2.19: Real Turbulence degraded sequence (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 35 Figure 2.20: Restored sequence using CGI and kurtosis algorithm. (CSIR Dataset). The significant advantage of this algorithm is that it can restore turbulent degraded sequences while preserving real motion. It also addressed both the geometric distortions and blurring. Although the algorithm is computationally expensive, computational time can be reduced by altering certain parameters such as fixing the length of the frames in the trajectory estimation. 2.3 CONCLUSION Popular methods for correcting the effects of atmospheric turbulence were discussed. Most of the methods currently researched deal with the blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence. Most of the algorithms selected for comparison have been shown to degrade when real motion is present in the scene. The algorithm proposed by Li [1] has shown good results in dealing with situations when both turbulent and real motion is present in the F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 36 scene. By using the median of the temporal window it was shown that the window length could be kept constant and still allow for real motion and turbulent motion to be separated with good results. Based on the results of a detailed analysis conducted in Chapter 4, realtime capabilities will be assessed. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 37 CHAPTER 3 ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Atmospheric turbulence is caused due to the index of refraction of air fluctuating with changes in temperature. This causes objects in sequences to appear blurred and waver slowly in a quasi-periodic fashion. The following chapter presents the methods used to simulate atmospheric turbulence. The GUI developed to simplify the visualisation of atmospheric turbulence and the creation of datasets is also presented. 3.1 SIMULATING ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE Since atmospheric turbulence degraded images are not easily available, being able to simulate atmospheric effects would be advantageous. This will also provide us with a set of ground truth sequences allowing us to compare the original sequences with the recovered sequences from the algorithms. A turbulence degraded sequence g can be modelled as g (i, j, t ) = D[ x(i, j, t ) * h(i, j , t ), t ] + η (i, j , t ) (31) where * denotes two-dimensional convolution, i and j denote pixel co-ordinates at frame t, η denotes time-varying additive noise, D denotes the turbulence induced time-varying geometric distortion, h is the dispersive distortion component of the atmospheric turbulence and x is the original video [1]. Based on (31) the effects of turbulence can be divided into two categories, blurring and geometric distortion. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 38 3.1.1 Blurring To simulate the effects of blurring, the OTF (optical transfer function) of atmospheric turbulence as derived by Hufnagel and Stanley [1] is used. The OTF can be modelled as H (u, v) = e − λ ( u 2 + v 2 )5 / 6 (32) where u, v represent the co-ordinates in the spatial frequency domain and λ controls the severity of the blur [1]. Since turbulence blurring is time varying, the value of λ will have to be varied from frame to frame, within a limit, to correctly simulate the effect of atmospheric blurring. Typical values of λ would range from 0.00025 to 0.0025 to simulate low to severe turbulence respectively. Figure 3.1 shows the Lenna image from blurred λ=0.00025 to λ=0.0025. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3.1: (a) Original Lenna image, (b) Image blurred with λ=0.00025, (c) Image blurred with λ=0.001 and (d) Image blurred with λ=0.0025. 3.1.2 Geometric Distortion Two methods were used to simulate the geometric distortions induced by atmospheric turbulence. The first method uses a 2-pass mesh warping algorithm [14] to randomly map pixels from the source image to a destination image within a specified area. This creates a sequence in which the scene appears to waver in a quasi-periodic fashion. This method allows for full control of the level of distortion present in the sequences. It also allows for the simulation of a large number of sequences each with its own distortion levels. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 39 The 2-pass mesh warping algorithm accepts a source image and two 2-D arrays of coordinates. The first array contains the co-ordinates of control points in the source image. Since we are not interested in any particular points of interest in the case of atmospheric turbulence, the first array is generated directly from the source image as a rectilinear grid. The second array is used to specify the destination co-ordinates of the control points. This array is generated using a random shift map that specifies pixel shift values at the control points. Both the arrays are constrained to be topologically equivalent to prevent folding or discontinuities in the destination image. This is achieved by limiting the shift values to make certain that they do not wander so far as to cause self intersection. Since the algorithm is separable the 1st pass is concerned with warping the source image into an intermediate image in the horizontal direction. The 2nd pass will then complete the warp by warping the intermediate image in the vertical direction. Figure 3.2 shows the 1st pass, 2nd pass and final output of the 2-pass mesh warping algorithm applied to the checkerboard image. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 40 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3.2: (a) Checkerboard Image, (b) Checkerboard image warped in x-direction, (c) Checkerboard image warped in y-direction and (d) Final warp The second method used was to extract the motion fields directly from real turbulence degraded video clips and then apply them to the frames of a turbulence free video clip [12]. While this gives us only a limited number of distortion levels it provides a more realistic approach to the distortion effects of atmospheric turbulence. The sequences used for the extraction of the turbulent motion fields were provided by the CSIR and extracted using the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm. Figure 3.3 shows an example of the process. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 41 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.3: (a) Real turbulence degraded image, (b) Flow field obtained from (a), and (c) Simulated geometric distortion using flow field. (Image (a) courtesy of the CSIR) The final result of the blurring and the distortion applied to the Lenna sequence can be seen in Figure 3.4. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.4: (a), (b) & (c) 3 frames from simulated Lenna sequence with blurring and geometric distortion. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 42 The complete algorithm for simulating atmospheric turbulence can be summarised as follows: Simulation Algorithm 1. Use the 2-pass mesh warping algorithm to simulate the distortion effects. 2. Transform the images in the distorted sequence into the frequency domain. 3. Multiply each frame Xt, where t represents the frame number, with the OTF described by (32), varying λ between frames. 3.2 QUASI-PERIODICITY OF ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENCE One of the key assumptions made in most of the algorithms discussed is that atmospheric turbulence is quasi-periodic in nature. This means that the net displacement over a period of time is approximately zero. To illustrate this, the motion of pixels from real-turbulence degraded sequences was plotted. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 43 Figure 3.5: Motion of a pixel in a real turbulence sequence. As can be seen from Figure 3.5, the pixel motion remains within a specified radius showing the quasi-periodic nature of turbulence. The ‘+’ shows the location of the pixel in the initial frame. The ‘*’ shows the average of the pixel co-ordinates and would correspond to the estimated true location of the pixel in the initial frame. Using a simulated turbulence sequence the value of the average co-ordinate of the pixel motion can be calculated and this can be compared to the original location of the pixel since the truth image is available. This can be seen in Figure3.6. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 44 Figure 3.6: Pixel wander for simulated Lenna sequence 3.3 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE A GUI was developed in Matlab to manage the simulation of atmospheric turbulence and simplify the process of creating datasets. The GUI allows you to select an input image for processing. The distortion and blurring levels can be set and the processed sequence viewed. Once a desired set of levels is selected, a sequence is processed according to the number of frames required. The sequence can then be viewed in the GUI and saved. Figure 3.7 shows an example of the GUI. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 45 Figure 3.7: GUI for simulating atmospheric turbulence 3.4 CONCLUSION The methods used in this dissertation for simulating the effects of atmospheric turbulence were discussed and the quasi-periodic nature of atmospheric turbulence was shown. A GUI developed for simulating turbulence was presented. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 46 CHAPTER 4 DATASETS, RESULTS AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Results in the dissertation were obtained using datasets divided into two categories: Real datasets and simulated datasets. The real datasets consist of sequences obtained in the presence of real atmospheric turbulence. These datasets were obtained from the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) using their Cyclone camera and vary in range from 5km to 15km. The simulated sequences were generated using ground truth images/sequences. Both datasets can be further divided into sequences with real-motion and sequences without real motion. 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The registration algorithms used in the CGI, FRTAAS and Time-averaged algorithms were implemented to be as similar as possible to allow for accurate results to be obtained. A window size of five was chosen for all the algorithms. The pyramid levels were also chosen to be the same for both the Lucas-Kanade and Elastic Registration algorithm. On average two pyramid levels were used. For the CGI and Time-averaged algorithms a time window of ten frames was chosen. In the case of the Time-averaged algorithm this meant averaging ten frames to obtain the reference frame and in the case of the CGI algorithm a moving filter of ten frames was used in the trajectory estimation. For the case of the ICA algorithm the best results were obtained using a time window of three frames from which to estimate a true frame. For the FRTAAS algorithm the entire sequence was allowed for the selection of the sharpest frame. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 47 4.2 RESULTS USING SIMULATED SEQUENECES The simulated sequences were used as they provided us with a ground truth with which to compare the results of each algorithm. The simulated sequences can be sub-divided into two further categories, sequences with motion and sequences without motion. For the sequences without motion a single image was used and warped in different ways to create a distorted sequence similar to turbulence. The distortions were set to be random within a certain level of pixel shift that could be controlled. The sequence was then blurred using Equation (32) with λ being selected randomly within a limit. This limit was chosen to be small and was determined by multiplying λ with a random value between 0.5 and 1.5. The final sequence was therefore a time-varying blurred and distorted sequence which simulates turbulence. The turbulent sequences with motion were simulated by warping and blurring each frame of a motion sequence using the same method described above. 4.2.1 Simulated sequences without motion Figures 4.1-4.4 show the results of the four algorithms on a number of simulated turbulence sequences with no motion. The sequences were generated using a medium level of turbulence with an average λ=0.001. The level of distortion was set to a radius of approximately five pixels, which is considered to be a medium level of distortion in this dissertation. The MSE (Mean-square-error) was calculated between each frame in the output sequence of the algorithms and the original ground-truth frame. All of the output sequences showed a definite reduction in the levels of geometric distortion. The FRTAAS algorithm showed the best results visually which is confirmed by the MSE results. The CGI algorithm and the Time-averaged algorithm performed similarly, with the CGI algorithm showing a slight F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 48 performance advantage. Since no motion is present in the scene the time-averaged algorithm is able to generate a good reference frame through averaging. The outstanding results obtained from the FRTAAS algorithm can be attributed to two main factors. The first being the registration algorithm used. Since the registration algorithm accounts for intensity variations as well as including a smoothness constraint which avoids the constraints of image brightness constancy, better results can be obtained through registration. The second factor is the sharpness metric used to select a sharp initial reference frame which improves the results in the final output. The ICA algorithm is only capable of compensating for a small amount of distortion in the turbulence sequence and while there is a reduction in the output sequence when compared to the turbulence sequence, it shows the least performance gain compared to the other three algorithms. The reason for the CGI algorithm starting from frame six is the time required to accumulate over the time window. It could have been allowed to start from frame one by reducing the time window initially and increasing it once the target frame is reached but to get a more accurate assessment this was not done. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 49 Figure 4.1: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. Figure 4.2: MSE of Flat sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 50 Figure 4.3: MSE of Satellite sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. Figure 4.4: MSE of Girl1 sequence with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 51 Figures 4.5-4.7 show the results of the simulated sequences with a higher level of turbulence with a λ=0.0025 and the distortion level set to 3. This was done to see how the algorithms performed with a small amount of distortion but an increased level of blur. It can be seen that the CGI and FRTAAS algorithms performed similarly in this case. Since the sequence has a higher level of blur, the sharpest frame selection does not provide a significant advantage in this case. In different turbulence sequences, due to lucky selection of a sharp frame, the FRTAAS algorithm might show improved results. The ICA algorithm again showed the least improvement in performance. The time-averaged algorithm showed improved results over the turbulence sequence but was still outperformed by the CGI and FRTAAS algorithms. Figure 4.5: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 52 Figure 4.6: MSE of Flat sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3. Figure 4.7: MSE of Military sequence with λ=0.0025 and pixel motion set to 3. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 53 Figures 4.8-4.9 shows the results of the four algorithms on simulated turbulence sequences with λ=0.00025. The level of distortion was set to a radius of approximately five. Figure 4.8: MSE of Room sequence with λ=0.00025 and pixel motion set to 5. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 54 Figure 4.9: MSE of Lenna sequence with λ=0.00025 and pixel motion set to 5. 4.2.2 Simulated sequences with motion For the simulated sequences with motion, the CGI algorithm was used with a fixed window using the median method as described in section The difference between the CGI using fixed window and CGI using fixed window with the median is shown in Figure 4.11. The results are from a sequence of a car entering a parking lot as shown in Figure 4.10. Figure 4.10: 3 frames from simulated motion sequence. (PETS 2000 Dataset [45]). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 55 Figure 4.11: MSE of Fixed Window CGI and Fixed Window CGI using Median on simulated motion sequence 1. Figures 4.12-4.13 show the results of the four algorithms. The Time-averaged algorithm broke down completely with motion present in the scene since the reference frame was motion blurred. The ICA algorithm also showed signs of motion blur in the output sequence and the results show that the output sequence was worse than the turbulencedegraded sequence in the first motion sequence. The FRTAAS algorithm showed similar performance to the ICA algorithm. The CGI algorithm is the only algorithm which showed an improvement in the output sequence with geometric distortions reduced and the real motion preserved. Figure 4.13 shows a comparison of using the fixed window and the fixed window with median. It can be seen that the fixed window using the median performed slightly better. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 56 Figure 4.12: MSE of simulated motion sequence 1 with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. Figure 4.13: MSE of simulated motion sequence 2 with λ=0.001 and pixel motion set to 5. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 57 4.3 RESULTS USING REAL SEQUENECES The real turbulence degraded dataset consists of 11 sequences provided by the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research). The sequences vary from buildings and structures, which contain a large amount of detail, to open areas in which the contrast can be low. The ranges of the sequences are from 5km to 15km and were obtained using the CSIR’s cyclone camera. The turbulence levels vary from light to severe with most of the sequences having a medium level of turbulence as determined visually by an expert [47]. In the case of the real sequences, since no ground truth is available the sequences cannot be compared with the original. The MSE (Mean-square-error) was calculated between consecutive frames in a sequence, which shows the stability of the sequence. An intensity corrected MSE will measure the differences between frames i.e. if turbulence is present the geometric changes between frames will be large and this will correspond to a high MSE. The sharpness of the frames was then calculated and is shown in section 4.3.3. 4.3.1 Real turbulence-degraded sequences without motion Figure 4.14 shows the results of the real turbulence sequence taken of the Armscor building at a distance of 7km. Examples of the turbulent and corrected frames are shown in Figures 4.15-4.19. In this sequence there is a fair amount of detail present. The processed sequences for all the algorithms showed a reduction in the geometric distortions. The CGI, FRTAAS and the Time-averaged algorithms output a stable sequence with few to no discontinuities. The ICA algorithm output showed a reduction in atmospheric turbulence with the distortions appearing to move more slowly. The distortions were still however present and the shimmering effect remained. This can be seen in Figure 4.14, where the MSE of the ICA is always less than that of the turbulence sequence however its variations F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 58 are much higher. The CGI and Time-averaged algorithms show the best results for the Armscor sequence. There is still however slight differences between the frames. Figure 4.14: MSE between consecutive frames of Armscor sequence. Figure 4.15: Real turbulence degraded frame of Armscor building. (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 59 Figure 4.16: CGI corrected frame of Armscor building. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 4.17: FRTAAS corrected frame of Armscor building. (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 60 Figure 4.18: Time-averaged corrected frame of Armscor building. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 4.19: ICA corrected frame of Armscor building. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 4.21 shows the results of the real turbulence sequence taken of a building site at a distance of 5km. An example of a turbulent frame of the sequence is shown in Figure 4.20. In this sequence there is also fair amount of detail present. The results of the processed F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 61 sequences were similar to the Armscor building sequence with the exception of the FRTAAS algorithm which showed improved results over the CGI and Time-averaged methods. Figure 4.20: Real turbulence degraded frame of building site sequence at a distance of 5km. (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 62 Figure 4.21: MSE between consecutive frames of Building site sequence. Figure 4.22 shows the results of a real turbulence sequence taken of a tower at a distance of 11km. An example of a turbulent frame of the sequence is shown in Figure 4.23(a). In this sequence the detail is minimal. The turbulence level is however severe, both in terms of geometric distortion and blurring. For comparison, Figure 4.23(b) shows a frame from a different sequence of the same tower. The sequence was taken from the exact same location as the blurred sequence but at a time in which the turbulence was negligible. The CGI and Time-averaged algorithms performed well once again. The FRTAAS algorithm and the ICA algorithm, while showing improvements over the turbulent sequence, did not perform as well. The ICA processed sequence still possessed geometric distortions although they were less than the turbulent sequence. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 63 Figure 4.22: MSE between consecutive frames of Tower sequence. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 64 (a) (b) Figure 4.23: (a) Real turbulence-degraded frame of a tower at a distance of 11km and (b) same tower at 11km but with negligible turbulence. (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 65 (a) (b) Figure 4.24: (a) Frame from CGI algorithm output sequence and (b) frame from FRTAAS algorithm. (CSIR Dataset). F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 66 (a) (b) Figure 4.25: (a) Frame from Time-averaged algorithm output sequence and (b) frame from ICA algorithm. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 4.27 shows the results of a real turbulence sequence taken of a shack at a distance of 10km. An example of a turbulent frame of the sequence is shown in Figure 4.26. The CGI and Time-averaged algorithms performed well once again, with the Time-averaged algorithm outperforming the CGI algorithm in this case. The ICA processed sequence still F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 67 possessed geometric distortions although they were less than the turbulent sequence. The FRTAAS algorithm, while stable, did contain warping on certain of the features. Figure 4.26: Real turbulence-degraded frame of a shack at a distance of 10km. (CSIR Dataset). Figure 4.27: MSE between consecutive frames of Shack sequence. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 68 4.3.2 Real turbulence-degraded sequences with motion Figure 4.28 shows the results of the building site sequence with motion present in the scene in the form of a car. The results were calculated using the MSE between consecutive frames. Since there is motion present in the scene, the MSE between frames will be higher. This will apply to all the output sequences though and the results are therefore still relevant. The results can be compared with Figure 4.21 which is part of the same sequence, the only difference being the motion of the car. It can be seen that the FRTAAS and Timeaveraged algorithms broke down in the presence of motion. The ICA algorithm performed similarly to before but as discussed i.e. while the geometric distortions were reduced the effect of heat shimmer was still present. The CGI algorithm once again showed a stable output sequence with improvements over the turbulence sequence. Figure 4.28: MSE between consecutive frames of Building site sequence with motion. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 69 4.3.3 Sharpness of real turbulence-degraded sequences The sharpness of the outputs of the algorithms was calculated using Equation (5). As shown in section the lowest value corresponds to the sharpest image. The results of using the kurtosis of the image, as described by Li [1], is also shown. Since this was the only algorithm discussed which explicitly dealt with and described methods of enhancing the image turbulent images the results of the CGI algorithm (pre-enhancement) are also shown. Figures 4.29-4.33 show the sharpness of the turbulence shack sequence compared to the corrected shack sequences. It can be seen that the algorithms did not degrade beyond the sharpness levels of the turbulence sequences. The ICA algorithm also shows frame 12 being significantly sharper than the other frames and matching the sharpest level obtained by the kurtosis algorithm. This can also be confirmed visually. Figure 4.29: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using CGI algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 70 Figure 4.30: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using CGI algorithm with kurtosis enhancement. Figure 4.31: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using Time-averaged algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 71 Figure 4.32: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using ICA algorithm. Figure 4.33: Sharpness of frames in Shack sequence using FRTAAS algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 72 Figures 4.34-4.38 shows the sharpness of the turbulent building site sequences compared to the corrected sequences. Figure 4.34: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using Time-averaged algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 73 Figure 4.35: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using ICA algorithm. Figure 4.36: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using FRTAAS algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 74 Figure 4.37: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using CGI algorithm with Kurtosis enhancement. Figure 4.38: Sharpness of frames in Building site sequence using CGI algorithm. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 75 4.4 CONCLUSION Based on the results above it was shown that the CGI algorithm performed the best when real motion as well as turbulence motion was present in the scene. It was also shown that under real turbulence conditions, the CGI performed the best along with the Timeaveraged algorithm. Another reason for selecting the CGI algorithm was the way in which the compensation for geometric distortions was achieved by using a fixed time window. This also increased the complexity of the algorithm since the motion vectors would have to be calculated for each of the frames in the time window but the accuracy was however increased. Therefore, for real-time simulation, the CGI algorithm [1] was chosen. The Time-averaged algorithm was also implemented for comparison. OpenCV was used for the implementation in C as many image processing algorithms and functions are readily available. All results were obtained on an Intel Core Duo with a CPU speed of 2 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. The Lucas-Kanade algorithm was chosen for both implementations since this algorithm was available in OpenCV and is optimized. The CGI algorithm [1] was able to run at a frame rate of 9 frames per second whereas the Time-averaged algorithm ran at a frame rate of 29 frames per second. The time window chosen for the CGI algorithm was 10 frames i.e. to compensate for each frame in the sequence, the optical flow between 10 frames had to be calculated. When the time window was decreased to 6 frames, a frame rate of approximately 14 frames per second was achieved. The sizes of the images were 256x256. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 76 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 5.1 CONCLUSION Algorithms for the removal of heat scintillation in sequences were researched and a comparative analysis performed. Four algorithms were selected for the comparative analysis based on their ability to compensate for geometric distortions as well as minimising or enhancing images blurred by the effect of atmospheric turbulence. It was shown that all the algorithms were capable of reducing the geometric distortions present in the sequences with the FRTAAS [13], CGI [1] and Time-averaged [3, 11, 18] algorithms outputting sequences that are stable and geometrically improved. It was observed with the ICA algorithm that while the geometric distortions were reduced, they were not removed and the effect of heat shimmer still remained. The property of quasi-periodicity, used by many algorithms to compensate for geometric distortions, was examined and shown using real-turbulence degraded sequences provided by the CSIR. An algorithm was also developed to simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence, allowing us to compare our results with the ground-truth images, which was not possible with the real-sequences. The problem of real-motion present in the scene along with the effects of turbulence was investigated. While most algorithms had difficulty dealing with real-motion in the scene, the CGI algorithm [1] was shown to compensate for geometric distortions while preserving real-motion. By estimating the period of turbulence, an adaptive CGI algorithm was developed capable of providing improved results over using a fixed period. This method increased the computational complexity of the algorithm making it less suitable for realtime implementation. It was shown that by using the median of the trajectories, a fixed period could be maintained and an improved output observed especially in the presence of F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 77 real-motion. The sharpness levels of the various outputs from the algorithms were also investigated and it was shown that none of the algorithms served to further degrade the sequences. The enhancement of the images using kurtosis was also shown to provide a significant improvement in the sharpness of the images. Comparative analysis was performed on both real and simulated turbulence sequences and it was seen that while the FRTAAS algorithm performed better than the others in the simulated sequences, the results based on the real sequences showed the CGI algorithm to have the best overall performance. Based on the results of the comparative analysis the CGI algorithm [1] was chosen and simulated using OpenCV. While a frame rate of only 9 frames per second was achieved using a time window of ten frames, the algorithm is well suited for parallel processing which should significantly increase the frame rate. 5.2 FUTURE WORK While fusion has been used for blurring, methods are also available for fusing images in which there is a slight amount of misregistation present as well as blurring. Algorithms such as the MAP (Maximum A Posteriori Probability) algorithm which use special blind deconvolution methods that are capable of identifying and compensating for the betweenchannel misregistration [23]. Work in this area might allow for the development of a single algorithm capable of compensating for the blur and distortion simultaneously. Future work will also include selecting and parallelising an algorithm to function on a GPU or other hardware capable of handling parallel applications in order to achieve higher frame rates. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] D. 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F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 85 APPENDIX A FRTAAS MATLAB CODE % Runs the FRTAAS algorithm using the % elastic image registration algorithm clear,close all,clc; % Read in clip and initialise tic; init; mov=aviread('armscor',1:120); N=28; % frame length % determine sharpest frame in sequence sh=0; for k=1:N i1=mov(k).cdata; i1=im2double(i1); for x=1:size(i1,1) for y=1:size(i1,2) temp=i1(x,y); if temp~=0 shtemp=-((log(temp)/log(exp(1)))*temp); sh=sh+shtemp; end end end shf(k)=sh; sh=0; end [c,i]=min(shf) clear i1 sh shtemp shf c k x y temp % Begin algorithm %i1=rgb2gray(mov(1).cdata); i1=(mov(i).cdata); i1 = im2double(i1); for k=2:N k % i2=rgb2gray(mov(k).cdata); i2=(mov(k).cdata); i2 = im2double(i2); [i1_warped,flow]=register2d(i1,i2); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 86 u(:,:,k-1)=-flow.m5; v(:,:,k-1)=flow.m6; end cx=(sum(u,3))./N; cy=(sum(v,3))./N; for k=2:N temp=mov(k).cdata; temp=im2double(temp); final(:,:,k-1)=mdewarpfinal(temp,-(u(:,:,k-1)-cx),-(v(:,:,k-1)-cy)); end for k=2:N map=gray(256); mov1(k-1) = im2frame(final(:,:,k-1)*255,map); end map=gray(256); for k=1:N-1 temp1=(mat2gray(mov1(k).cdata)); mov1(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp1),map); temp2=(mat2gray(mov(k).cdata)); mov(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp2),map); %mov(k)=mat2gray(mov(k).cdata); end mplay(mov); mplay(mov1); toc; %x=mdewarpfinal(i1,u(:,:,1),v(:,:,1)); outvid='armscorout_1to120_frtaas'; %movie2avi(mov1,outvid,'fps',20,'compression','None'); save(outvid,'mov1'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 87 % % function [i1_warped,flowAcc] = register2d(i1_in,i2_in,params) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [i1_warped,flowAcc] = register2d(i1_in,i2_in,params) % First set default parameters if (~exist('params')) params = params_default; end [h,w] = size(i1_in); if (~isfield(params.glob,'numLevels')) % Newly added field params.glob.numLevels = 100; end i1 i2 [h,w] = i1_in; = i2_in; = size(i1); %--------------- Padding begin ----------------------------newH = nextpow2(h); newW = nextpow2(w); padHl = floor((newH-h) / 2); padHr = newH-h - padHl; padWl = floor((newW-w) / 2); padWr = newW-w - padWl; mind = min(w,h); levels = floor(log2(mind/params.main.minSize)+1); padWl padHl padWr padHr = = = = padWl padHl padWr padHr + + + + (params.main.padSize (params.main.padSize (params.main.padSize (params.main.padSize * * * * 2^levels); 2^levels); 2^levels); 2^levels); padW = padWl + padWr; padH = padHl + padHr; i1 = pad2dlr(i1,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0); i2 = pad2dlr(i2,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0); %--------------- Padding end ----------------------------pyr1(1).im pyr2(1).im = i1; = i2; [ht,wt] = size(pyr1(1).im); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 88 %--------------- Construct pyramid ---------------------fprintf('Pyramid level: %g size: %gx%g mse is: %g\n',... 1,ht,wt,mse(pyr1(1).im,pyr2(1).im )); for i = 2:levels pyr1(i).im = reduce(pyr1(i-1).im); pyr2(i).im = reduce(pyr2(i-1).im); [ht,wt] = size(pyr1(i).im); fprintf('Pyramid level: %g size: %gx%g mse is: %g\n',... i,ht,wt,mse(pyr1(i).im,pyr2(i).im )); end fprintf('-----\n'); %--------------- End construct pyramid ------------------ [hs,ws] = size(pyr1(levels).im); flowAcc = flow_init(ws,hs); i1_w = pyr1(levels).im; for i=levels:-1:1 % (from coarse to fine) fprintf('Pyramid level: %g h: %g w: %g mse is: %g\n',... i,size(pyr1(i).im),mse(pyr1(i).im,pyr2(i).im )); if (params.glob.flag) fprintf('Finding global affine fit\n'); [flow_glob,M] = aff_find_flow(i1_w,pyr2(i).im, ... params.glob.model,params.glob.iters); flowAcc = flow_add(flowAcc,flow_glob); flowAcc.m7 = flow_glob.m7; flowAcc.m8 = flow_glob.m8; fprintf('Done\n'); end % Notes: % % flowfind_smooth warps the image by flowAcc % before it finds the flow field. % This takes care of the global warp. % It also accumulates the previous flowAcc. % % The flow accumulation is also done in flowfind_smooth % since it is this function that displays intermediate % results. if (params.glob.numLevels >= levels-i+1) % in case we need to stop at a particular level flowAcc = flowfind_smooth(pyr1(i).im,pyr2(i).im,params,... flowAcc,i,levels); end if (i ~= 1) %for all but the finest scale %prepare for the next scale flowAcc = flow_reduce(flowAcc,-1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 89 if (params.glob.flag) i1_w = flow_warp(pyr1(i-1).im,flowAcc); end end end %undo padding flowAcc = flow_undopad(flowAcc,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr); %warp image in the finest scale i1_warped = flow_warp(i1_in,flowAcc); fprintf('Pyramid level: %g mse is: %g\n',... 1,mse(i1_warped,i2_in)); ftime = clock; return; function [flow_glob,M] = aff_find_flow(i1,i2,model,iters) [h,w] [M,b,c] flow_glob flow_glob.m7 flow_glob.m8 M = = = = = size(i1); affbc_iter(i1,i2,iters,model); flow_aff(M,w,h); ones(h,w) .* c; ones(h,w) .* b; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 90 % % function [params] = params_default % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [params] = params_default params.main.boxW params.main.boxH params.main.model params.main.minSize params.main.dispFlag params.main.padSize params.smooth.loops_inner params.smooth.loops_outer params.smooth.lamda 1e11]; params.smooth.deviant params.smooth.dweight params.glob.flag params.glob.model params.glob.iters params.glob.numLevels = = = = = = 5; 5; 4; 128; 0; 2; = 1; = 1; = [1e11 1e11 1e11 1e11 1e11 1e11 1e11 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]; = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; = = = = 1; 4; 2;%20; 100; return; % Explanation of parameters % % params.main.boxW = width of box used in least squares estimate % params.main.boxH = height of box used in least squares estimate % params.main.model = model used in estimation % % 4 -> affine + translations + contrast/brightness % 3 -> affine + translation % 2 -> translation + contrast/brightness % 1 -> translation % % params.main.minSize = lowest scale of pyramid has this size % params.main.dispFlag = display intermediate results % params.main.padSize = padding at coarsest scale % % params.smooth.loops_inner = Smoothness iterations % params.smooth.loops_outer = Taylor series iterations % params.smooth.lamda = Lamda values on smoothness terms % % params.smooth.deviant = internal, ignore % params.smooth.dweight = internal, ignore % % params.glob.flag = perform global registration also % params.glob.model = model of global registration, F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 91 % % % % params.glob.iters params.glob.numLevels similar to local model. = iterations used in global estimation = internal, ignore F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 92 % % function v = nextpow2(v) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function v = nextpow2(v) l = log2(v); if (l == floor(l)) return; end v = 2^round(log2(v)+0.5); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 93 % % function out = pad(img,bx,by,val) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function out = pad(img,bx,by,val) if (nargin == 3) val = 0; end [h,w] = size(img); out = ones(h+2*by,w+2*bx) .* val; out(by+1:by+h,bx+1:bx+w) = img; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 94 % % function imgOut = pad2dlr(imgIn,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,val,undoFlag) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function imgOut = pad2dlr(imgIn,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,val,undoFlag) if (~exist('val','var')) val = 0; end if (~exist('undoFlag','var')) undoFlag = 0; end [h,w] = size(imgIn); if (undoFlag == 0) imgOut= ones(h+padHl+padHr,w+padWl+padWr) .* val; imgOut(padHl+1:padHl+h,padWl+1:padWl+w) = imgIn; else h = h - padHl - padHr; w = w - padWl - padWr; imgOut = imgIn(padHl+1:padHl+h,padWl+1:padWl+w); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 95 % % function out = reduce(in, cnt) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % % %USAGE: out = reduce(in, cnt); % % This function blurrs img % with the seperable filter % [.05 .25 .4 .25 .05] % and then subsamples. % Process repeated cnt times. function img = reduce(img,cnt) [h,w] = size(img); filt = [.05 .25 .4 .25 .05]; if (nargin == 1) cnt = 1; end if (cnt == 0) return; end for i = 1:cnt img = conv2mirr(img,filt,filt); img = img([1:2:h],[1:2:w]); h = h/2; w = w/2; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 96 % % function out = resize_2d(in,w,h) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function out = resize_2d(in,w,h) [oh,ow] = size(in); [mx,my] = meshgrid(linspace(1,oh,h), linspace(1,ow,w)); out = interp2(in,mx,my,'cubic'); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 97 % % function updatedisplay(i1,i2,flowA,i1_warped,curIter,maxIter,level); % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function updatedisplay(i1,i2,flowA,i1_warped,curIter,maxIter,level); figure(1); [h,w] = size(i1); fprintf('Displaying...'); set(gcf,'DoubleBuffer','on'); set(gca,'NextPlot','replace','Visible','off') set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffer'); grid = grid2d(w,h,floor(16*h/256),1); grid_warped = flow_warp(grid,flowA); i1_warped_bc = i1_warped .* flowA.m7 + flowA.m8; imgC = trunc(flowA.m7,0,1); imgB = trunc(flowA.m8,0,1); row1 = rowimg(i1,i2,abs(i1-i2)); row2 = rowimg(i1_warped,i1_warped_bc,abs(i1_warped_bc-i2)); row3 = rowimg(flowA.m7, flowA.m8,1-grid_warped); myimg = [row1;row2;row3]; myimg = frameimg(myimg,1,0); imagesc(myimg,[0 1]); colormap(gray); axis image; %truesize; axis off; x = 2; y = h*2+15; dy = 20; tstr = sprintf('%s [%d x %d] level: %d iter: %d/%d',... datestr(now),w,h,level,curIter,maxIter); title({tstr},'HorizontalAlignment','left','fontname','courier','position' ,[0 0],'Interpreter','none','FontSize',8); %set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 0.9]); drawnow; fprintf('Done!\n'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 98 return; function out = rowimg(varargin) out = varargin{1}; out = frameimg(out,1,1); for i=2:nargin img = varargin{i}; img = frameimg(img,1,1); out = [out img]; end return; function out=trunc(in,minv,maxv) out ind out(ind) ind out(ind) = = = = = in; find(out > maxv); 1; find(out < 0); 0; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 99 % % function pat = grid(w,h,t,v) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function pat = grid(w,h,t,v) pat = zeros(h,w); pat(1:t:h,1:w) = v; pat(1:h,1:t:w) = v; pat(h,1:w) pat(1:h,w) = v; = v; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 100 % Compile c code and initialize paths if (exist('c_diffxyt') ~= 3) fprintf('Compiling c/c_diffxyt.c\n'); cd c mex c_diffxyt.c cd .. end if (exist('c_smoothavg') ~= 3) fprintf('Compiling c/c_smoothavg.c\n'); cd c mex c_smoothavg.c cd .. end addpath('.:./c:./register:./utils:'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 101 % % function [mx,my] = meshgridimg(w,h) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [mx,my] = meshgridimg(w,h) [mx,my] = meshgrid([0:w-1]-w/2+0.5,-([0:h-1]-h/2+0.5)); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 102 % % function out = mirror_extend(in,bx,by) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function out = mirror_extend(in,bx,by) %Note: works for both even and odd bx/by! [h,w] = size(in); %First flip up and down u = flipud(in([2:1+by],:)); d = flipud(in([h-by:h-1],:)); in2 = [u' in' d']'; %Next flip left and right l = fliplr(in2(:, [2:1+bx])); r = fliplr(in2(:,[w-bx:w-1])); %set the 'mirrored' image to out. out = [l in2 r]; return; %test A = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12] B = mirror_extend(A,2,2) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 103 % % function err=mse(i1,i2,b) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function err=mse(i1,i2,b) if (nargin == 3) [h,w] = size(i1); nh = h - 2*b; nw = w - 2*b; i1 = cutc(i1,nw,nh); i2 = cutc(i2,nw,nh); end i1 = i1(:); i2 = i2(:); d d = (i1 - i2); = d.*d; err = sqrt(mean(d)); return F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 104 % % function flow = flow_reduce(flow,scale) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow = scale flow.m5 flow.m6 flow_reduce(flow,scale) = -scale; = scaleby2(flow.m5,scale) .* (2^scale); = scaleby2(flow.m6,scale) .* (2^scale); if (isfield(flow,'m7')) flow.m7 = scaleby2(flow.m7,scale); flow.m8 = scaleby2(flow.m8,scale); end return; function out = scaleby2(in,scale) if (scale == 0) out = in; return; end [h,w] = size(in); scale = 2^scale; [mx,my] = meshgrid(linspace(1,w,scale*w),linspace(1,h,scale*h)); out = interp2(in,mx,my,'linear'); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 105 % % function flow=flow_smooth(flow,params) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow=flow_smooth(flow,params) persistent index rankE PR KR h w blurr r_blurr sfile iFlag m_avg model; global lamda deviant dweight sfilt if (isempty(PR)) fprintf('Smoothness: Initializing\n'); lamda = deviant dweight model params.smooth.lamda; = params.smooth.deviant; = params.smooth.dweight; = params.main.model; affbc_find_init; [h,w] = size(flow.m1); if (h < 64 | w < 64) fprintf('flow_smooth: Size < 64 , setting model=2\n'); model= 2; end [L,d,index,rankE,iFlag] = smooth_setC(lamda,deviant,dweight,model); [M,b,c,r,pt,kt] = affbc_find_api(flow.f,flow.g,model); PR = zeros(h*w,8,8); KR = zeros(h*w,8); r ir = [1:rankE]; = index(r); area = h*w; for i=1:area p = pt(:,i); P = p * p'; K = p * kt(i); C = K +d; R = inv(P+L); if (iFlag) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 106 PR(i,ir,ir) = R(r,r); KR(i,ir) = C(r)'; else PR(i,:,:) = R(:,:); KR(i,:) = C(:)'; end end m_avg sfilt = zeros(8,h*w); = [1 4 1;4 0 4;1 4 1]; for i=1:8 blurr(i).filt = sfilt .* lamda(i); end fprintf('Smoothness: Initializing complete\n'); end %r_blurr = conv2mirr(flow.r,sfilt); r_blurr = c_smoothavg(flow.r,1); r_zind = find(r_blurr == 0); r_blurr(r_zind) = 1; flow.r flow.r(r_zind) %m_avg(1,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(2,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(3,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(4,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(5,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(6,:) r_blurr,1,h*w); %m_avg(7,:) %m_avg(8,:) m_avg(1,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(2,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(3,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(4,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(5,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(6,:) = r_blurr,1,h*w); m_avg(7,:) = m_avg(8,:) = = ones(h,w); = 0; = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m1,blurr(1).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m2,blurr(2).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m3,blurr(3).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m4,blurr(4).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m5,blurr(5).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m6,blurr(6).filt) ./ = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m7,blurr(7).filt/20),1,h*w); = reshape(conv2mirr(flow.m8,blurr(8).filt/20),1,h*w); reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m1 , lamda(1)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m2 , lamda(2)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m3 , lamda(3)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m4 , lamda(4)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m5 , lamda(5)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m6 , lamda(6)) ./ reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m7, lamda(7)/20),1,h*w) ; reshape(c_smoothavg(flow.m8, lamda(8)/20),1,h*w) ; KRA = KR + m_avg'; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 107 m = zeros(h*w,8); for r = 1:8 m(:,r) = sum( squeeze(PR(:,r,:)) .* KRA,2); end flow.m1(:) flow.m2(:) flow.m3(:) flow.m4(:) flow.m5(:) flow.m6(:) flow.m7(:) flow.m8(:) = = = = = = = = m(:,1); m(:,2); m(:,3); m(:,4); m(:,5); m(:,6); m(:,7); m(:,8); flow.m1(r_zind) flow.m2(r_zind) flow.m3(r_zind) flow.m4(r_zind) flow.m5(r_zind) flow.m6(r_zind) flow.m7(r_zind) flow.m8(r_zind) = = = = = = = = 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; return; function [L,d,index,rankE,iFlag] = smooth_setC(lamda,deviant,dweight,model) [index,afFlag,bcFlag] = getindex(model); iFlag = ~(afFlag & bcFlag); rankE = length(index); L = zeros(rankE,rankE); for i = 1:rankE ind = index(i); L(i,i) = lamda(ind) + dweight(ind); d(i) = deviant(ind) .* dweight(ind); end d = d'; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 108 % % function flowA = flowfind_smooth(i1,i2,params,flowA,currLevel,totLevels) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % % % % % % % Note: The unwarped i1 is passed in as a parameter since all subsequent warpings are performed using the accumulated flow on the original image. function flowA = flowfind_smooth(i1,i2,params,flowA,currLevel,totLevels) [h,w] = size(i1); if (~exist('flowA')) flowA = flow_init(w,h); i1_warped = i1; else i1_warped = flow_warp(i1,flowA); end flow = flowA; flow.m7 = ones(h,w); flow.m8 = zeros(h,w); dispFlag = params.main.dispFlag; loops_outer = params.smooth.loops_outer; loops_inner = params.smooth.loops_inner; if (dispFlag) hw = waitbar(0,'Finding Smooth Flow'); updatedisplay(i1,i2,flowA,i1_warped,0, loops_outer,currLevel); end for j=1:loops_outer fprintf('Outer iteration: %d/%d\n',j,loops_outer); flow = flowfind_raw(i1_warped,i2,params); clear flow_smooth; for i=1:loops_inner fprintf('Level: %d/%d Iteration outer: %d/%d inner: %d/%d size: %dx%d\n', totLevelscurrLevel+1,totLevels,j,loops_outer,i,loops_inner,w,h); if (dispFlag) waitbar(i/loops_inner*j/loops_outer,hw); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 109 flow = flow_smooth(flow,params); end [flowA,i1_warped] = flow_add(flowA,flow,i1); flowA.m7 = flow.m7; flowA.m8 = flow.m8; if (dispFlag) waitbar(i/loops_inner*j/loops_outer,hw,... sprintf('iteration %g/%g' ,j,loops_outer)); updatedisplay(i1,i2,flowA,i1_warped,j, loops_outer,currLevel); end end %keyboard; if (dispFlag) close(hw); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 110 % % function flowOut = flow_undopad(flowIn,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flowOut = flow_undopad(flowIn,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr) flowOut.m5 = pad2dlr(flowIn.m5,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0,1); flowOut.m6 = pad2dlr(flowIn.m6,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0,1); if (isfield(flowIn,'m7')) flowOut.m7 = pad2dlr(flowIn.m7,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0,1); flowOut.m8 = pad2dlr(flowIn.m8,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0,1); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 111 % % function [out] = flow_warp(in,flow,mtd,eflag) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [out] = flow_warp(in,flow,mtd,eflag) if (nargin == 2) mtd = 'cubic'; end if (nargin < 4) eflag = 0; end [h,w] b = size(in); = floor(h/4); if (eflag) in else in end = mirror_extend(in,b,b); = pad(in,b,b); flow.m5 = mirror_extend(flow.m5,b,b); flow.m6 = mirror_extend(flow.m6,b,b); [h,w] = size(in); [mx,my] = meshgridimg(w,h); mx2 my2 = mx + flow.m5; = my + flow.m6; out = interp2(mx,my,in,mx2,my2,mtd); out = out(b+1:h-b,b+1:w-b); out(find(isnan(out))) = 0; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 112 % % function [out]=flowfind_raw(im1,im2,params); % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [out]=flowfind_raw(im1,im2,params); if (~exist('params','var')) params = params_default; end barFlag = 0; t0 = clock; %%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameters for aff_find frameSize = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [h_org,w_org] = size(im1); %if (h_org == 32) % boxW = 3; % boxH = 3; % model= 2; % fprintf('flowfind_raw: Size: 32x32, setting model=2, box=4\n'); %end boxW boxH model boxW2 boxH2 im1 = im2 = = params.main.boxW; = params.main.boxH; = params.main.model; = floor(boxW/2); = floor(boxH/2); mirror_extend(im1,boxW,boxH); mirror_extend(im2,boxW,boxH); [h,w] = size(im1); pcOrg = 0; if (barFlag) hw = waitbar(0,'Estimating flow...'); end [fx,fy,ft] = diffxyt(im1,im2,[3 3]); [index,afFlag,bcFlag] = getindex(model); clear affbc_find; global affbc_params; affbc_params.model = model; affbc_params.index = index; affbc_params.frameSize = frameSize; affbc_params.w = boxW; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 113 affbc_params.h = boxH; affbc_params.afFlag = afFlag; affbc_params.bcFlag = bcFlag; q q(1,:,:) q(2,:,:) q(3,:,:) q(4,:,:) = = = = = zeros(5,h,w); -im1; fx; fy; ft; mout = zeros(h,w,9); for y=boxH2+1:h-boxH2 if (barFlag) pc = (y-boxH2-1)/(h-boxH); waitbar(pc,hw); end y1=y -boxH2; y2=y1+boxH -1; yind = y1:y2; for x=boxW2+1:w-boxW2 x1=x -boxW2; x2=x1+boxW -1; xind = x1:x2; chunk affbc_params.fx affbc_params.fy affbc_params.ft = = = = = q(:,yind,xind); chunk(1,:); chunk(2,:); chunk(3,:); chunk(4,:); affbc_find; mout(y,x,:) = affbc_params.mout; end end out.m1 = out.m2 = out.m3 = out.m4 = out.m5 = out.m6 = out.m7 = out.m8 = out.r = mout(:,:,1); mout(:,:,2); mout(:,:,3); mout(:,:,4); mout(:,:,5); mout(:,:,6); mout(:,:,7); mout(:,:,8); mout(:,:,9); if (1) maxd = boxW/2; ind = find(abs(out.m5) >= maxd | abs(out.m6) >= maxd); out.m1(ind) = 0; out.m2(ind) = 0; out.m3(ind) = 0; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 114 out.m4(ind) = 0; out.m5(ind) = 0; out.m6(ind) = 0; out.m7(ind) = 1; out.m8(ind) = 0; out.r(ind) = 0; cnt = length(ind); fprintf('out of bounds: %.2f%%\n',cnt/h/w*100); end out.fx = fx; out.fy = fy; out.ft = ft; out.f = im1; out.g = im2; out.model = model; out.index = index; out = flow_extract(out,h_org,w_org); %waitbar(1,hw); if (barFlag) close(hw); end t0=etime(clock,t0); fprintf('Elapsed time: %g\n',t0); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 115 % % function [index,affFlag,bcFlag] = getindex(model) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [index,affFlag,bcFlag] = getindex(model) affFlag = 0; bcFlag = 0; switch model case 1; % Translation index = [5 6]; case 2; % Translation + BC index=[5 6 7 8]; bcFlag = 1; case 3; % Affine+Translation index=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; affFlag = 1; case 4; % Affine+Translation + BC index=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; affFlag = 1; bcFlag = 1; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 116 % % function [out] = frameimg(in,b,val) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [out] = frameimg(in,b,val) [h,w] = size(in); H1 = framegen(h,w,b); H2 = 1-H1; out = in .* H1 + H2 .* val; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 117 % % function [H] = framegen(h,w,frameSize) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [H] = framegen(h,w,frameSize) H = zeros(h,w); H(frameSize+1:h-frameSize,frameSize+1:w-frameSize) = 1; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 118 % % function flow_out = flow_padlr(flow,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow_out = flow_padlr(flow,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr) flow_out.m5 flow_out.m6 flow_out.m7 flow_out.m8 = = = = pad2dlr(flow.m5,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0); pad2dlr(flow.m6,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0); pad2dlr(flow.m7,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,1); pad2dlr(flow.m8,padWl,padWr,padHl,padHr,0); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 119 % % function flow = flow_init(w,h) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow = flow_init(w,h) flow.m5 flow.m6 flow.m7 flow.m8 = zeros(h,w); = zeros(h,w); = ones(h,w); = zeros(h,w); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 120 % % function flow = flow_extract(flow,h,w) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow = flow_extract(flow,h,w) [oh,ow] = size(flow.m5); x1 = (ow-w)/2+1; y1 = (oh-h)/2+1; x1 = floor(x1); y1 = floor(y1); x2 = x1+w-1; y2 = y1+h-1; if (isfield(flow,'m1')) flow.m1 = flow.m1(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m2')) flow.m2 = flow.m2(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m3')) flow.m3 = flow.m3(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m4')) flow.m4 = flow.m4(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m5')) flow.m5 = flow.m5(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m6')) flow.m6 = flow.m6(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m7')) flow.m7 = flow.m7(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'m8')) flow.m8 = flow.m8(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'r')) flow.r = flow.r(y1:y2,x1:x2); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 121 if (isfield(flow,'g')) flow.g = flow.g(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'f')) flow.f = flow.f(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'fx')) flow.fx = flow.fx(y1:y2,x1:x2); end if (isfield(flow,'fy')) flow.fy = flow.fy(y1:y2,x1:x2); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 122 % % function flow_disp(flow,skip,color) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow_disp(flow,skip,color) if (nargin == 1) skip = 8; end if (nargin < 3) color = 'b'; end [h,w] = size(flow.m5); m5 = flow.m5(1:skip:h,1:skip:w); m6 = flow.m6(1:skip:h,1:skip:w); [flowx flowy] = meshgrid([0:skip:w-1]-w/2+0.5,-([0:skip:h-1]h/2+0.5)); %This little bit helps avoid displaying zero vectors ind = find(m5 | m6); m5 = m5(ind); m6 = m6(ind); flowx = flowx(ind); flowy = flowy(ind); quiver(flowx,-flowy,m5,-m6,0,color); axis image; grid on; axis ij; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 123 % % function flow = flow_aff(M,w,h) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function flow = flow_aff(M,w,h) m dx dy = M(1:2,1:2); = M(1,3); = M(2,3); [mx my] pnts vx vy vx vy vx vy flow.m5 flow.m6 = = = = = = = = = = meshgridimg(w,h); m * [mx(:)';my(:)'] ; pnts(1,:) + dx; pnts(2,:) + dy; reshape(vx,h,w); reshape(vy,h,w); vx - mx; vy - my; vx; vy; return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 124 % % function [flowAC,img_warped] = flow_add(flowBC,flowAB,img_org) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [flowAC,img_warped] = flow_add(flowBC,flowAB,img_org) [h,w] = size(flowAB.m5); m5 m6 = flow_warp(flowBC.m5,flowAB,'cubic',1); = flow_warp(flowBC.m6,flowAB,'cubic',1); n = find(isnan(m5) | isnan(m6)); m5(n) = 0; m6(n) = 0; flowAC.m5 = flowAB.m5 + m5; flowAC.m6 = flowAB.m6 + m6; if (nargin == 3) img_warped = flow_warp(img_org,flowAC,'cubic',0); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 125 % % function [fdx,fdy,fdz] = diffxyt(frame1,frame2,filtsizes) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Filter details: % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % % Reference: % Optimally Rotation-Equivariant Directional Derivative Kernels % H. Farid and E.P. Simoncelli % Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Kiel, Germany, 1997 % See also: % function [fdx,fdy,fdz] = diffxyt(frame1,frame2,filtsizes) [fdx,fdy,fdz] = c_diffxyt(frame1,frame2); return; if (nargin == 2) filtsizes = [3 3]; end persistent px dx py dy pz dz; if (isempty(px)) [px,dx] = GetDerivPD(filtsizes(1)); [py,dy] = GetDerivPD(filtsizes(2)); [pz,dz] = GetDerivPD(2); end %Step 1: prefilter in t; % dx = prefilter in y, differentiate in x % dy = prefilter in x, differentiate in y %frame_pz = frame1 .* pz(1) + frame2 .* pz(2); frame_pz = (frame1 + frame2)/2; %fdx = conv2(py,dx',frame_pz,'same'); %fdy = conv2(dy,px',frame_pz,'same'); fdx = conv2mirr(frame_pz,dx,py); fdy = conv2mirr(frame_pz,px,-dy); %Step 2: differentiate in t; % dz = prefilter in x and y %frame_dz = frame1 .* dz(1) + frame2 .* dz(2); frame_dz = frame1 - frame2; %fdz = conv2(py,px',frame_dz,'same'); fdz = conv2mirr(frame_dz,px,py); return; function [p,d] = GetDerivPD(noFrames) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 126 % Coefficients for smoothing filter p and % derivitive filter d provided by Hanny Farid % switch(noFrames) case 2 p = [0.5 0.5]; d = [-1 1]; case 3 p = [0.223755 0.552490 0.223755]; d = [-0.453014 0.0 0.453014]; case 4 p = [0.092645 0.407355 0.407355 0.092645]; d = [-0.236506 -0.267576 0.267576 0.236506]; case 5 p = [0.036420 0.248972 0.429217 0.248972 0.036420]; d = [-0.108415 -0.280353 0.0 0.280353 0.108415]; case 6 p = [0.013846 0.135816 0.350337 0.350337 0.135816 0.01384]; d = [-0.046266 -0.203121 -0.158152 0.158152 0.203121 0.046266]; case 7 p = [0.005165 0.068654 0.244794 0.362775 0.244794 0.068654 0.005165]; d = [-0.018855 -0.123711 -0.195900 0.0 0.195900 0.123711 0.018855]; otherwise p = 0; d = 0; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 127 % % function out = cutc(img,newW,newH) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function out = cutc(img,newW,newH) if (nargin == 2) newH = newW; end [h,w] = size(img); y = round((h-newH)/2)+1; x = round((w-newW)/2)+1; out = img(y:y+newH-1,x:x+newW-1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 128 %USAGE: out = conv2mirr(in,fy,fx) % % This function performs a 2D convolution % after mirroring the boundaries. % Since matlab's conv2 function processes % the columns first, we first mirror the rows. % % If the kernel is non-seperable, pass it % in parameter fx and ignore fy. % % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function out = conv2mirr(in,fx,fy) [h,w] = size(in); %Size of the borders to flip if (nargin == 3) nl = round((length(fx)-1)/2); nu = round((length(fy)-1)/2); else %non-seperable mask passed [lfy lfx] = size(fx); nl = round((lfx-1)/2); nu = round((lfy-1)/2); end nr = nl; nd = nu; %First flip up and down u = flipud(in([2:1+nu],:)); d = flipud(in([h-nd:h-1],:)); in2 = [u' in' d']'; %Next flip left and right l = fliplr(in2(:, [2:1+nl])); r = fliplr(in2(:,[w-nr:w-1])); %set the 'mirrored' image to out. out = [l in2 r]; if (nargin == 3) out = conv2(fy,fx,out,'valid'); else out = conv2(out,fx,'valid'); end out = out([1:h],[1:w]); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 129 %test A = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12] B = conv2mirr(A,[1 1 1],[1 1 1]) C = conv2mirr(A,[1 1 1;1 1 1;1 1 1]) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 130 % % function [M,bnew,cnew,W] = affbc_mult(im1,im2,noIters,model,minBlkSize) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [M,bnew,cnew] = affbc_mult(im1,im2,noIters,model,minBlkSize); if (nargin == 2) model = 4; noIters = 50; minBlkSize = 32; end if (nargin < 6) minBlkSize = 32; end [h,w] = size(im1); steps = floor(log2(w/minBlkSize)+1); %steps = 3; pyr1(1).im = im1; pyr2(1).im = im2; %First build pyramids scale = 1; for i = 2:steps pyr1(i).im = reduce(pyr1(i-1).im); pyr2(i).im = reduce(pyr2(i-1).im); scale = scale * 2; end M = eye(3); bnew = 0; cnew = 1; for i = steps:-1:1 im1S im2S = pyr1(i).im; = pyr2(i).im; fprintf('affbcmult: scale= %g h=%g w=%g\n',scale,size(im1S)); if (i ~= steps) M1 = M; M1(1:2,3) = M1(1:2,3)/scale; im1S = aff_warp(im1S,M1); end %dispimg([im1S,im2S]); [Mnew,b,c] = affbc_iter(im1S,im2S,noIters,model); cnew = c * cnew; bnew = b + bnew; Mnew(1:2,3) = Mnew(1:2,3) * scale; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 131 M = Mnew * M %Mnew %M scale = scale/2; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 132 % % function affbc_iter(i1,i2,iters,model) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [M,b,c,W] = affbc_iter(i1,i2,iters,model) if (~exist('model','var')) model = 4; end if (~exist('iters','var')) iters = 20; end txtFlag = 0; affbc_find_init; [h,w] = size(i1); W = ones(h,w); [index] = getindex(model); c b M i1N = = = = 1; 0; [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]; i1; for i=1:iters [dM db dc,r] = affbc_find_api(i1N,i2,model); M b c = M*dM; = b+db; = c*dc; if (c < 0.1) c = 1; end i1N = aff_warp(i1,M,0); if (txtFlag) fprintf('Iteration: %d\n',i); M fprintf('c: %g, b: %g, mse: %g\n', c,b,mse(i1N,i2)); end i1N = i1N .* c + b; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 133 % % function affbc_init % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy (, Dartmouth College. % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function affbc_init clear diffxyt affbc_find return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 134 % function [M,b,c,r,pt,kt] = affbc_find_api(f,g,model); % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy (, Dartmouth College. % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [M,b,c,r,pt,kt] = affbc_find_api(f,g,model); global affbc_params; [h,w] = size(f); [fx,fy,ft] = diffxyt(f,g,[3 3]); [ind,afFlag,bcFlag] = getindex(model); affbc_params.h = h; affbc_params.w = w; affbc_params.model = model; affbc_params.index = ind; affbc_params.afFlag = afFlag; affbc_params.bcFlag = bcFlag; = -f(:)'; affbc_params.fx = fx(:)'; affbc_params.fy = fy(:)'; affbc_params.ft = ft(:)'; affbc_params.frameSize = 1; if (~exist('lamdas','var')) lamdas = ones(length(ind),1); deviants = zeros(length(ind),1); end if (model == 4) lamdas = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]'*10e11; deviants = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]'; end affbc_params.S = diag(lamdas); affbc_params.D = (lamdas .* deviants); %affbc_params.init = 1; affbc_find; mout = affbc_params.mout; M c b r = = = = [mout(1) mout(2) mout(5); mout(3) mout(4) mout(6); 0 0 1]; mout(7); mout(8); mout(9); if (nargout > 4) pt =; kt = affbc_params.kt; end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 135 % % function affbc_find % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function affbc_find global affbc_params; persistent h w mx my H pt m minus_ones afFlag bcFlag iFlag rankE mout_def %if (isempty(mx) | affbc_params.init == 1) if (isempty(mx)) [w,h,mx,my,H,rankE,afFlag,bcFlag,iFlag,minus_ones,mout_def]=... affbc_init(affbc_params); affbc_params.init = 0; affbc_params.mout = [mout_def 0]; end % premultiply derivatives with box filter if (affbc_params.frameSize > 0) affbc_params.fx = affbc_params.fx .* H; affbc_params.fy = affbc_params.fy .* H; affbc_params.ft = affbc_params.ft .* H; = .* H; minus_ones = minus_ones .* H; end %set p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = entire p transpose affbc_params.fx .* affbc_params.fx .* affbc_params.fy .* affbc_params.fy .* mx; my; mx; my; = [p1;p2;p3;p4;... affbc_params.fx;affbc_params.fy;; minus_ones]; affbc_params.kt = affbc_params.ft; if (bcFlag) affbc_params.kt = affbc_params.kt +; end if (afFlag) affbc_params.kt = affbc_params.kt + end p1+ p4; %choose only parameters needed if (iFlag) =,:); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 136 %Calculate P = p' * p P = ( *'; K = ( * affbc_params.kt'; if (rcond(P) > 10e-8) %if (rank(P) == rankE) m = inv(P) * K; %m = inv(P+affbc_params.S) * (K+affbc_params.D); r = 1; else m = mout_def; r = 0; end affbc_params.mout = [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 r]; if (iFlag) affbc_params.mout(affbc_params.index) = m; else affbc_params.mout(1:8) = m; end return; function [w,h,mx,my,H,rankE,afFlag,bcFlag,iFlag, o,mout_def]=... affbc_init(affbc_params) %Initialize things %fprintf('affbc_find Initializing...\n'); w = affbc_params.w; h = affbc_params.h; [mx,my] = meshgridimg(w,h); H = framegen(w,h,affbc_params.frameSize); %box filter noFields = length(affbc_params.index); rankE = noFields; afFlag = affbc_params.afFlag; bcFlag = affbc_params.bcFlag; iFlag = ~(afFlag & bcFlag); %Expected rank rankE = noFields; o = -ones(1,h*w); %linearize into rows mx = mx(:)'; my = my(:)'; H = H(:)'; %default values for all parameters mout_def = [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0]; %choose only parameters we need mout_def = mout_def(affbc_params.index); %fprintf('affbc_find Done\n'); return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 137 % % function [out] = aff_warp(in,M,contFlag) % % Date: April 19, 2003 % By : Senthil Periaswamy ( % % Copyright (c), 2000, Trustees of Dartmouth College. All rights reserved. % function [out] = aff_warp(in,M,contFlag) if (nargin == 2) contFlag = 0; end m dx dy [h,w] a [mx,my] = = = = = = M(1:2,1:2); M(1,3); M(2,3); size(in); h*w; meshgridimg(w,h); pnts = m * [mx(:)';my(:)']; % order of pnts does not matter mx2 my2 = pnts(1,:) + dx; = pnts(2,:) + dy; mx2 my2 = reshape(mx2,h,w); = reshape(my2,h,w); out = interp2(mx,my,in,mx2,my2,'cubic'); out(isnan(out)) = 0; if (contFlag) out = out * det(M); end return; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 138 % % function fout = waitbar(x,whichbar, varargin) % % Modified By: Senthil Periaswamy ( % function fout = waitbar(x,whichbar, varargin) %WAITBAR Display wait bar. % H = WAITBAR(X,'title', property, value, property, value, ...) % creates and displays a waitbar of fractional length X. The % handle to the waitbar figure is returned in H. % X should be between 0 and 1. Optional arguments property and % value allow to set corresponding waitbar figure properties. % Property can also be an action keyword 'CreateCancelBtn', in % which case a cancel button will be added to the figure, and % the passed value string will be executed upon clicking on the % cancel button or the close figure button. % % WAITBAR(X) will set the length of the bar in the most recently % created waitbar window to the fractional length X. % % WAITBAR(X,H) will set the length of the bar in waitbar H % to the fractional length X. % % WAITBAR(X,H,'updated title') will update the title text in % the waitbar figure, in addition to setting the fractional % length to X. % % WAITBAR is typically used inside a FOR loop that performs a % lengthy computation. A sample usage is shown below: % % h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); % for i=1:100, % % computation here % % waitbar(i/100,h) % end % close(h) % % % % Clay M. Thompson 11-9-92 Vlad Kolesnikov 06-7-99 Copyright 1984-2000 The MathWorks, Inc. $Revision: 1.21 $ $Date: 2000/08/04 15:36:26 $ if nargin>=2 if ischar(whichbar) type=2; %we are initializing name=whichbar; elseif isnumeric(whichbar) type=1; %we are updating, given a handle f=whichbar; else error(['Input arguments of type ' class(whichbar) ' not valid.']) end elseif nargin==1 f = findobj(allchild(0),'flat','Tag','TMWWaitbar'); if isempty(f) type=2; name='Waitbar'; else type=1; f=f(1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 139 end else error('Input arguments not valid.'); end x = max(0,min(100*x,100)); switch type case 1, % waitbar(x) update p = findobj(f,'Type','patch'); l = findobj(f,'Type','line'); if isempty(f) | isempty(p) | isempty(l), error('Couldn''t find waitbar handles.'); end xpatch = get(p,'XData'); xpatch = [0 x x 0]; set(p,'XData',xpatch) xline = get(l,'XData'); set(l,'XData',xline); if nargin>2, % Update waitbar title: hAxes = findobj(f,'type','axes'); hTitle = get(hAxes,'title'); set(hTitle,'string',varargin{1}); end case 2, % waitbar(x,name) initialize vertMargin = 0; if nargin > 2, % we have optional arguments: property-value pairs if rem (nargin, 2 ) ~= 0 error( 'Optional initialization arguments must be passed in pairs' ); end end oldRootUnits = get(0,'Units'); set(0, 'Units', 'points'); screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); axFontSize=get(0,'FactoryAxesFontSize'); pointsPerPixel = 72/get(0,'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); width = 360 * pointsPerPixel; height = 75 * pointsPerPixel; %pos = [screenSize(3)/2-width/2 screenSize(4)/2-height/2 width height]; pos = [0 0 width height]; f = figure(... 'Units', 'points', ... 'BusyAction', 'queue', ... 'Position', pos, ... 'Resize','off', ... 'CreateFcn','', ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'IntegerHandle','off', ... F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 140 'MenuBar', 'none', ... 'Tag','TMWWaitbar',... 'Interruptible', 'off', ... 'Visible','off'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % set figure properties as passed to the fcn % pay special attention to the 'cancel' request %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin > 2, propList = varargin(1:2:end); valueList = varargin(2:2:end); cancelBtnCreated = 0; for ii = 1:length( propList ) try if strcmp(lower(propList{ii}), 'createcancelbtn' ) & ~cancelBtnCreated cancelBtnHeight = 23 * pointsPerPixel; cancelBtnWidth = 60 * pointsPerPixel; newPos = pos; vertMargin = vertMargin + cancelBtnHeight; newPos(4) = newPos(4)+vertMargin; callbackFcn = [valueList{ii}]; set( f, 'Position', newPos, 'CloseRequestFcn', callbackFcn ); cancelButt = uicontrol('Parent',f, ... 'Units','points', ... 'Callback',callbackFcn, ... 'ButtonDownFcn', callbackFcn, ... 'Enable','on', ... 'Interruptible','off', ... 'Position', [pos(3)cancelBtnWidth*1.4, 7, ... cancelBtnWidth, cancelBtnHeight], ... 'String','Cancel', ... 'Tag','TMWWaitbarCancelButton'); cancelBtnCreated = 1; else % simply set the prop/value pair of the figure set( f, propList{ii}, valueList{ii}); end catch disp ( ['Warning: could not set property ''' propList{ii} ''' with value ''' num2str(valueList{ii}) '''' ] ); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% colormap([]); axNorm=[.05 .3 .9 .2]; axPos=axNorm.*[pos(3:4),pos(3:4)] + [0 vertMargin 0 0]; h = axes('XLim',[0 100],... 'YLim',[0 1],... 'Box','on', ... F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 141 'Units','Points',... 'FontSize', axFontSize,... 'Position',axPos,... 'XTickMode','manual',... 'YTickMode','manual',... 'XTick',[],... 'YTick',[],... 'XTickLabelMode','manual',... 'XTickLabel',[],... 'YTickLabelMode','manual',... 'YTickLabel',[]); tHandle=title(name); tHandle=get(h,'title'); oldTitleUnits=get(tHandle,'Units'); set(tHandle,... 'Units', 'points',... 'String', name); tExtent=get(tHandle,'Extent'); set(tHandle,'Units',oldTitleUnits); titleHeight=tExtent(4)+axPos(2)+axPos(4)+5; if titleHeight>pos(4) pos(4)=titleHeight; pos(2)=screenSize(4)/2-pos(4)/2; figPosDirty=logical(1); else figPosDirty=logical(0); end if tExtent(3)>pos(3)*1.10; pos(3)=min(tExtent(3)*1.10,screenSize(3)); pos(1)=screenSize(3)/2-pos(3)/2; axPos([1,3])=axNorm([1,3])*pos(3); set(h,'Position',axPos); figPosDirty=logical(1); end if figPosDirty set(f,'Position',pos); end xpatch ypatch xline yline = = = = [0 x [0 0 [100 [0 0 x 1 0 1 0]; 1]; 0 100 100]; 1 0]; p = patch(xpatch,ypatch,'r','EdgeColor','r','EraseMode','none'); l = line(xline,yline,'EraseMode','none'); set(l,'Color',get(gca,'XColor')); set(f,'HandleVisibility','callback','visible','on'); set(0, 'Units', oldRootUnits); end % case F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 142 drawnow; if nargout==1, fout = f; end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 143 APPENDIX B ICA MATLAB CODE % % % % ICA algorithm Uses JADE (Joint Approximation Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices) algorithm for performing ICA Frame window of 3 clear,close all,clc; tic; T1 = 256; T2 = 256; N=30; num=1; %Read in sequence mov=aviread('building_site',1:N); for k=1:N mov(k).cdata=mov(k).cdata(1:T1,1:T2); end % Reshape matrix to fit image in one row for k=num+1:N-1 k for f=1:num i(:,:,f)=mov(k-f).cdata; i(:,:,f)=i(1:T1,1:T2,f); im=reshape(i(:,:,f),1,T1*T2); imf(f,:)=im; i(:,:,f+num+1)=mov(k+f).cdata; i(:,:,f+num+1)=i(1:T1,1:T2,f+num+1); im=reshape(i(:,:,f+num+1),1,T1*T2); imf(f+num+1,:)=im; end i(:,:,num+1)=mov(k).cdata; i(:,:,num+1)=i(1:T1,1:T2,num+1); im=reshape(i(:,:,num+1),1,T1*T2); imf(num+1,:)=im; X=double(imf); % Bm is the unmixing matrix and Xs is the mixed matrix % The matlab estimate Xs = X ; Xs = Xs'; Xs = Xs' ; Bm = MatlabjadeR(Xs); % um is the unmixed set of images F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 144 um=Bm*Xs; newframe=abs(um(1,:)); newframe=uint8((newframe./max(max(newframe)))*255); final(k-num,:)=newframe; end % Reshape images back to two dimensions for k=num+1:N-2 umtemp(:,:)=reshape(final(k-num,:),T1,T2); umf(:,:,k-num)=umtemp; end toc; % Convert to movie frames and play sequence for k=num+1:N-2 map=gray(256); mov1(k-num) = im2frame(umf(:,:,k-num),map); %mov1(k).colormap=gray(236); end map=gray(256); for k=num+1:N-2 temp1=(mat2gray(mov1(k-num).cdata)); mov1(k-num)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp1),map); temp2=(mat2gray(mov(k-num).cdata)); mov(k-num)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp2),map); %mov(k)=mat2gray(mov(k).cdata); end mplay(mov1); mplay(mov); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 145 function B = jadeR(X,m) % Blind separation of real signals with JADE. Version 1.5 Dec. 1997. % % Usage: % * If X is an nxT data matrix (n sensors, T samples) then % B=jadeR(X) is a nxn separating matrix such that S=B*X is an nxT % matrix of estimated source signals. % * If B=jadeR(X,m), then B has size mxn so that only m sources are % extracted. This is done by restricting the operation of jadeR % to the m first principal components. % * Also, the rows of B are ordered such that the columns of pinv(B) % are in order of decreasing norm; this has the effect that the % `most energetically significant' components appear first in the % rows of S=B*X. % % Quick notes (more at the end of this file) % % o this code is for REAL-valued signals. An implementation of JADE % for both real and complex signals is also available from % % % o This algorithm differs from the first released implementations of % JADE in that it has been optimized to deal more efficiently % 1) with real signals (as opposed to complex) % 2) with the case when the ICA model does not necessarily hold. % % o There is a practical limit to the number of independent % components that can be extracted with this implementation. Note % that the first step of JADE amounts to a PCA with dimensionality % reduction from n to m (which defaults to n). In practice m % cannot be `very large' (more than 40, 50, 60... depending on % available memory) % % o See more notes, references and revision history at the end of % this file and more stuff on the WEB % % % o This code is supposed to do a good job! Please report any % problem to % Copyright : Jean-Francois Cardoso. verbose = 0 ; % Set to 0 for quiet operation % Finding the number of sources [n,T] = size(X); if nargin==1, m=n ; end; % Number of sources defaults to # of sensors if m>n , fprintf('jade -> Do not ask more sources than sensors here!!!\n'), return,end if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Looking for %d sources\n',m); end ; % Self-commenting code %===================== if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Removing the mean value\n'); end X = X - mean(X')' * ones(1,T); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 146 %%% whitening & projection onto signal subspace % =========================================== if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Whitening the data\n'); end [U,D] = eig((X*X')/T) ; [puiss,k] = sort(diag(D)) ; rangeW = n-m+1:n ; % indices to the m most significant directions scales = sqrt(puiss(rangeW)) ; % scales W = diag(1./scales) * U(1:n,k(rangeW))' ; % whitener iW = U(1:n,k(rangeW)) * diag(scales) ; % its pseudo-inverse X = W*X; %%% Estimation of the cumulant matrices. % ==================================== if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Estimating cumulant matrices\n'); end dimsymm nbcm CM R Qij Xim Xjm scale = = = = = (m*(m+1))/2; % Dim. of the space of real symm matrices = dimsymm ; % number of cumulant matrices zeros(m,m*nbcm); % Storage for cumulant matrices eye(m); %% = zeros(m); % Temp for a cum. matrix zeros(1,m); % Temp zeros(1,m); % Temp = ones(m,1)/T ; % for convenience %% I am using a symmetry trick to save storage. I should write a %% short note one of these days explaining what is going on here. %% Range = 1:m ; % will index the columns of CM where to store the cum. mats. for im = 1:m Xim = X(im,:) ; Qij = ((scale* (Xim.*Xim)) .* X ) * X' - R - 2 * R(:,im)*R(:,im)' ; CM(:,Range) = Qij ; Range = Range + m ; for jm = 1:im-1 Xjm = X(jm,:) ; Qij = ((scale * (Xim.*Xjm) ) .*X ) * X' - R(:,im)*R(:,jm)' R(:,jm)*R(:,im)' ; CM(:,Range) = sqrt(2)*Qij ; Range = Range + m ; end ; end; %%% joint diagonalization of the cumulant matrices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Init if 1, %% Init by diagonalizing a *single* cumulant matrix. It seems to save %% some computation time `sometimes'. Not clear if initialization is %% a good idea since Jacobi rotations are very efficient. if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Initialization of the diagonalization\n'); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 147 [V,D] = eig(CM(:,1:m)); % For instance, this one for u=1:m:m*nbcm, % updating accordingly the cumulant set given the init CM(:,u:u+m-1) = CM(:,u:u+m-1)*V ; end; CM = V'*CM; else, V end; %% The dont-try-to-be-smart init = eye(m) ; % la rotation initiale seuil = 1/sqrt(T)/100; % A statistically significant threshold encore = 1; sweep = 0; updates = 0; g = zeros(2,nbcm); gg = zeros(2,2); G = zeros(2,2); c = 0 ; s = 0 ; ton = 0 ; toff = 0 ; theta = 0 ; %% Joint diagonalization proper if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Contrast optimization by joint diagonalization\n'); end while encore, encore=0; if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Sweep #%d\n',sweep); end sweep=sweep+1; for p=1:m-1, for q=p+1:m, Ip = p:m:m*nbcm ; Iq = q:m:m*nbcm ; %%% computation of Givens angle g = [ CM(p,Ip)-CM(q,Iq) ; CM(p,Iq)+CM(q,Ip) ]; gg = g*g'; ton = gg(1,1)-gg(2,2); toff = gg(1,2)+gg(2,1); theta = 0.5*atan2( toff , ton+sqrt(ton*ton+toff*toff) ); %%% Givens update if abs(theta) > seuil, encore = 1 ; updates = updates + 1; c = cos(theta); s = sin(theta); G = [ c -s ; s c ] ; pair = [p;q] ; V(:,pair) = V(:,pair)*G ; CM(pair,:) = G' * CM(pair,:) ; CM(:,[Ip Iq]) = [ c*CM(:,Ip)+s*CM(:,Iq) -s*CM(:,Ip)+c*CM(:,Iq) ] ; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 148 %% fprintf('jade -> %3d %3d %12.8f\n',p,q,s); end%%of the if end%%of the loop on q end%%of the loop on p end%%of the while loop if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Total of %d Givens rotations\n',updates); end %%% A separating matrix % =================== B = V'*W ; %%% We permut its rows to get the most energetic components first. %%% Here the **signals** are normalized to unit variance. Therefore, %%% the sort is according to the norm of the columns of A = pinv(B) if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Sorting the components\n',updates); end A = iW*V ; [vars,keys] = sort(sum(A.*A)) ; B = B(keys,:); B = B(m:-1:1,:) ; % Is this smart ? % Signs are fixed by forcing the first column of B to have % non-negative entries. if verbose, fprintf('jade -> Fixing the signs\n',updates); end b = B(:,1) ; signs = sign(sign(b)+0.1) ; % just a trick to deal with sign=0 B = diag(signs)*B ; return ; % To do. % - Implement a cheaper/simpler whitening (is it worth it?) % % Revision history: % %- V1.5, Dec. 24 1997 % - The sign of each row of B is determined by letting the first % element be positive. % %- V1.4, Dec. 23 1997 % - Minor clean up. % - Added a verbose switch % - Added the sorting of the rows of B in order to fix in some % reasonable way the permutation indetermination. See note 2) % below. % %- V1.3, Nov. 2 1997 % - Some clean up. Released in the public domain. % %- V1.2, Oct. 5 1997 % - Changed random picking of the cumulant matrix used for % initialization to a deterministic choice. This is not because % of a better rationale but to make the ouput (almost surely) % deterministic. % - Rewrote the joint diag. to take more advantage of Matlab's % tricks. % - Created more dummy variables to combat Matlab's loose memory F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 149 % management. % %- V1.1, Oct. 29 1997. % Made the estimation of the cumulant matrices more regular. This % also corrects a buglet... % %- V1.0, Sept. 9 1997. Created. % % Main reference: % @article{CS-iee-94, % title = "Blind beamforming for non {G}aussian signals", % author = "Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Cardoso and Antoine Souloumiac", % HTML = "", % journal = "IEE Proceedings-F", % month = dec, number = 6, pages = {362-370}, volume = 140, year = 1993} % % Notes: % ====== % % Note 1) % % The original Jade algorithm/code deals with complex signals in % Gaussian noise white and exploits an underlying assumption that the % model of independent components actually holds. This is a % reasonable assumption when dealing with some narrowband signals. % In this context, one may i) seriously consider dealing precisely % with the noise in the whitening process and ii) expect to use the % small number of significant eigenmatrices to efficiently summarize % all the 4th-order information. All this is done in the JADE % algorithm. % % In this implementation, we deal with real-valued signals and we do % NOT expect the ICA model to hold exactly. Therefore, it is % pointless to try to deal precisely with the additive noise and it % is very unlikely that the cumulant tensor can be accurately % summarized by its first n eigen-matrices. Therefore, we consider % the joint diagonalization of the whole set of eigen-matrices. % However, in such a case, it is not necessary to compute the % eigenmatrices at all because one may equivalently use `parallel % slices' of the cumulant tensor. This part (computing the % eigen-matrices) of the computation can be saved: it suffices to % jointly diagonalize a set of cumulant matrices. Also, since we are % dealing with reals signals, it becomes easier to exploit the % symmetries of the cumulants to further reduce the number of % matrices to be diagonalized. These considerations, together with % other cheap tricks lead to this version of JADE which is optimized % (again) to deal with real mixtures and to work `outside the model'. % As the original JADE algorithm, it works by minimizing a `good set' % of cumulants. % % Note 2) % % The rows of the separating matrix B are resorted in such a way that % the columns of the corresponding mixing matrix A=pinv(B) are in % decreasing order of (Euclidian) norm. This is a simple, `almost % canonical' way of fixing the indetermination of permutation. It % has the effect that the first rows of the recovered signals (ie the % first rows of B*X) correspond to the most energetic *components*. % Recall however that the source signals in S=B*X have unit variance. % Therefore, when we say that the observations are unmixed in order % of decreasing energy, the energetic signature is found directly as F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 150 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % the norm of the columns of A=pinv(B). Note 3) In experiments where JADE is run as B=jadeR(X,m) with m varying in range of values, it is nice to be able to test the stability of the decomposition. In order to help in such a test, the rows of B can be sorted as described above. We have also decided to fix the sign of each row in some arbitrary but fixed way. The convention is that the first element of each row of B is positive. Note 4) Contrary to many other ICA algorithms, JADE (or least this version) does not operate on the data themselves but on a statistic (the full set of 4th order cumulant). This is represented by the matrix CM below, whose size grows as m^2 x m^2 where m is the number of sources to be extracted (m could be much smaller than n). As a consequence, (this version of) JADE will probably choke on a `large' number of sources. Here `large' depends mainly on the available memory and could be something like 40 or so. One of these days, I will prepare a version of JADE taking the `data' option rather than the `statistic' option. % JadeR.m ends here. F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 151 APPENDIX C CGI MATLAB CODE % Algorithm using CGI registration and trajectory estimation % Using a frame window of size 10 clear,close all,clc; N=30; w=5; % window for cgi 5=window of +5/-5, 6=window of +6/-6 , etc mov=aviread('building_site',580:629); % Calculate motion between current frame and other frames tic; for k=w+1:N-w k current=mov(k).cdata; for iter=1:w [u v]=cgi_frakes(current,mov(k-iter).cdata); uf(:,:,iter)=u; vf(:,:,iter)=v; [u v]=cgi_frakes(current,mov(k+iter).cdata); uf(:,:,iter+w)=u; vf(:,:,iter+w)=v; end % Comupte the mean value of the trajectory cu(:,:,1)=(sum(uf,3))./((2*w)+1); cv(:,:,1)=(sum(vf,3))./((2*w)+1); % Dewarp the image to the geometrically improved estimate. x=(double(mov(k).cdata))/255; result(:,:,k-w)=mdewarpfinal(x,cu,cv); end toc; % Create a movie sequnce and play for k=1:N-(2*w) map=gray(256); mov1(k) = im2frame(result(:,:,k)*255,map); end map=gray(256); for k=1:N-(2*w) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 152 temp1=(mat2gray(mov1(k).cdata)); mov1(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp1),map); temp2=(mat2gray(mov(k).cdata)); mov(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp2),map); %mov(k)=mat2gray(mov(k).cdata); end mplay(mov1); mplay(mov); %save('buildingsiteseqout_580to629_cgi','mov1'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 153 function [u v]=cgi_frakes(i1,i2) im1=double(i1); im2=double(i2); windowSize=5; % Select odd windows greater than 3 cp=5; [fx, fy, ft] = ComputeDerivatives(im1, im2); %[fx fy ft]=deriv_farid(im1,im2); u = zeros(size(im1)); v = zeros(size(im2)); halfWindow = floor(windowSize/2); for i = halfWindow+1:cp:size(fx,1)-halfWindow for j = halfWindow+1:cp:size(fx,2)-halfWindow % calculates the partial derivatives within the image windowsize curFx = fx(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFy = fy(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFt = ft(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFx = curFx'; curFy = curFy'; curFt = curFt'; % Takes curFx = curFy = curFt = the matrices and arranges them into vectors curFx(:); curFy(:); -curFt(:); curFxb=[curFx curFx curFx curFx curFy curFy curFy curFy]; inca=halfWindow+1; for a=1:windowSize:windowSize*windowSize incb=halfWindow+1; inca=inca-1; for b=1:windowSize incb=incb-1; curFx2(a+b-1,:)=[1 i-inca j-incb (i-inca)*(j-incb) 1 iinca j-incb (i-inca)*(j-incb)].*curFxb(a+b-1,:); end end A = curFx2; % Least squares to estimate parameters for interpolation U = pinv(A'*A)*A'*curFt; % Perform interpolation within the window cntr1=halfWindow+1; for a=1:cp cntr2=halfWindow+1; cntr1=cntr1-1; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 154 for b=1:cp cntr2=cntr2-1; u(i-cntr1,j-cntr2)=[1 i-cntr1 j-cntr2 (i-cntr1)*(jcntr2)]*U(1:4); v(i-cntr1,j-cntr2)=[1 i-cntr1 j-cntr2 (i-cntr1)*(jcntr2)]*U(5:8); end end end; end; u(isnan(u))=0; v(isnan(v))=0; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 155 APPENDIX D WIENER FILTER AND KURTOSIS MATLAB CODE % Implements kurtosis minimization algorithm between 0.00025 and 0.0025 % search space clear,close all,clc; tic; load buildingsiteout_1to20_cgi; mov=mov1; clear mov1; N=1; nsr=0.0001; % estimated for iter=1:N iter i2=mov(iter).cdata; i2=double(i2); % taper image for preprocessing htaper=fspecial('gaussian',5,5); i2=edgetaper(i2,htaper); lambda=0.00025; for v=1:125 iwnr=func_wnr2(i2,lambda,nsr); lambda=lambda+0.00002; % Calculate Kurtosis s=size(iwnr,1)*size(iwnr,2); iwnrtemp=reshape(iwnr,[1 s]); k(v,1)=kurtosis(double(iwnrtemp)); k(v,2)=lambda-0.00002; %k(v,3)=rish_psnr((iwnr),(i2)); end %normalize kurtosis x=k-min(k(:,1)); x=x./max(x(:,1)); x(:,2)=k(:,2) [q p]=min(x(:,1)) toc; frame_c(:,:,iter)=func_wnr(i2,x(p,2),nsr); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 156 for iter=1:N map=gray(256); mov1(iter) = im2frame(uint8(frame_c(:,:,iter)),map); end map=gray(256); for iter=1:N temp1=(mat2gray(mov1(iter).cdata)); mov1(iter)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp1),map); %mov(k)=mat2gray(mov(k).cdata); end mplay(mov1); %save('armscorseqout_1to96_kurtosiscgi','mov1'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 157 % Wiener filter using the turbulence degradation function function i2final=func_wnr2(i2,k,nsr) i2=double(i2); [r c]=size(i2); % Pre-prcessing of image % Centres the image frequency transform for x=1:r for y=1:c i2(x,y)=i2(x,y)*((-1)^(x+y)); end end % Calculate DFT i2freq=fft2(i2); % Calculate the OTF for the blur % "u-r/2" and "v-c/2" are used to centre the transform H=zeros(r,c); for u=1:r for v=1:c H(u,v)=exp(-k*((u-r/2)^2+(v-c/2)^2)^(5/6)); end end % Calculate filtered image filt=zeros(r,c); for u=1:r for v=1:c %filt(u,v)=i2freq(u,v)./(H(u,v)+nsr); filt(u,v)=((i2freq(u,v))*(abs(H(u,v))^2))/((H(u,v)*((abs(H(u,v))^2)+nsr)) ); end end % Calculate inverse DFT i2deblur=ifft2(filt); i2deblur=real(i2deblur); % Post-processing of image % Multiply by (-1) to "de-centre" the transform i2final=zeros(r,c); for x=1:r for y=1:c i2final(x,y)=i2deblur(x,y)*((-1)^(x+y)); end end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 158 APPENDIX E GENERAL ALGORITHM MATLAB CODE % Time-averaged algorithm using Lucas-Kanade algorithm % for registration % Averaging window is 10 clear,close all,clc; N=28; % frame length avelength=10; % averaging length ave_total=0.00; mov=aviread('shack',1:25); % for k=1:N % mov(k).cdata=rgb2gray(mov(k).cdata); % end for k=1:N in(:,:,k)=im2double(mov(k).cdata); end tic; % Generate reference frame through averaging for k=1:avelength % averaging length ave_total=in(:,:,k)+ave_total; end average=ave_total/avelength; % Calculate motion vectors and warp frames to reference frame for k=1:N im2=in(:,:,k); [u,v] = HierarchicalLK(im2, average, 1, 5,1,0); res(:,:,k)=mdewarpfinal(in(:,:,k),u,v); end toc; % Create movie frames and play sequence for k=1:N map=gray(256); mov1(k) = im2frame(res(:,:,k)*255,map); end map=gray(256); for k=1:N temp1=(mat2gray(mov1(k).cdata)); mov1(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp1),map); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 159 temp2=(mat2gray(mov(k).cdata)); mov(k)=im2frame(im2uint8(temp2),map); %mov(k)=mat2gray(mov(k).cdata); end mplay(mov1); outvid='shackseq_1to25_ta'; %movie2avi(mov1,outvid,'fps',20,'compression','None'); save(outvid,'mov1'); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 160 function [u,v,cert] = HierarchicalLK(im1, im2, numLevels, windowSize, iterations, display) %HIERARCHICALLK Hierarchical Lucas Kanade (using pyramids) % [u,v]=HierarchicalLK(im1, im2, numLevels, windowSize, iterations, display) % Tested for pyramids of height 1, 2, 3 only... operation with % pyramids of height 4 might be unreliable % % Use quiver(u, -v, 0) to view the results % % NUMLEVELS Pyramid Levels (typical value 3) % WINDOWSIZE Size of smoothing window (typical value 1-4) % ITERATIONS number of iterations (typical value 1-5) % DISPLAY 1 to display flow fields (1 or 0) % %Uses: Reduce, Expand % % Sohaib Khan % edited 05-15-03 (Yaser) % % % [1] B.D. Lucas and T. Kanade, "An Iterative Image Registration technique, % with an Application to Stero Vision," Int'l Joint Conference Artifical % Intelligence, pp. 121-130, 1981. if (size(im1,1)~=size(im2,1)) | (size(im1,2)~=size(im2,2)) error('images are not same size'); end; if (size(im1,3) ~= 1) | (size(im2, 3) ~= 1) error('input should be gray level images'); end; % check image sizes and crop if not divisible if (rem(size(im1,1), 2^(numLevels - 1)) ~= 0) warning('image will be cropped in height, size of output will be smaller than input!'); im1 = im1(1:(size(im1,1) - rem(size(im1,1), 2^(numLevels - 1))), :); im2 = im2(1:(size(im1,1) - rem(size(im1,1), 2^(numLevels - 1))), :); end; if (rem(size(im1,2), 2^(numLevels - 1)) ~= 0) warning('image will be cropped in width, size of output will be smaller than input!'); im1 = im1(:, 1:(size(im1,2) - rem(size(im1,2), 2^(numLevels - 1)))); im2 = im2(:, 1:(size(im1,2) - rem(size(im1,2), 2^(numLevels - 1)))); end; %Build Pyramids pyramid1 = im1; pyramid2 = im2; for i=2:numLevels im1 = Reduce(im1); im2 = Reduce(im2); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 161 pyramid1(1:size(im1,1), 1:size(im1,2), i) = im1; pyramid2(1:size(im2,1), 1:size(im2,2), i) = im2; end; % base level computation disp('Computing Level 1'); baseIm1 = pyramid1(1:(size(pyramid1,1)/(2^(numLevels-1))), 1:(size(pyramid1,2)/(2^(numLevels-1))), numLevels); baseIm2 = pyramid2(1:(size(pyramid2,1)/(2^(numLevels-1))), 1:(size(pyramid2,2)/(2^(numLevels-1))), numLevels); [u,v] = LucasKanade(baseIm1, baseIm2, windowSize); for r = 1:iterations [u, v] = LucasKanadeRefined(u, v, baseIm1, baseIm2); end %propagating flow 2 higher levels for i = 2:numLevels disp(['Computing Level ', num2str(i)]); uEx = 2 * imresize(u,size(u)*2); % use appropriate expand function (gaussian, bilinear, cubic, etc). vEx = 2 * imresize(v,size(v)*2); curIm1 = pyramid1(1:(size(pyramid1,1)/(2^(numLevels - i))), 1:(size(pyramid1,2)/(2^(numLevels - i))), (numLevels - i)+1); curIm2 = pyramid2(1:(size(pyramid2,1)/(2^(numLevels - i))), 1:(size(pyramid2,2)/(2^(numLevels - i))), (numLevels - i)+1); [u, v] = LucasKanadeRefined(uEx, vEx, curIm1, curIm2); for r = 1:iterations [u, v, cert] = LucasKanadeRefined(u, v, curIm1, curIm2); end end; if (display==1) figure, quiver(Reduce((Reduce(medfilt2(flipud(u),[5 5])))), Reduce((Reduce(medfilt2(flipud(v),[5 5])))), 0), axis equal end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 162 function [u,v,cert] = LucasKanadeRefined(uIn, vIn, im1, im2); % Lucas Kanade Refined computes lucas kanade flow at the current level given previous estimates! %current implementation is only for a 3x3 window %[fx, fy, ft] = ComputeDerivatives(im1, im2); uIn = round(uIn); vIn = round(vIn); %uIn = uIn(2:size(uIn,1), 2:size(uIn, 2)-1); %vIn = vIn(2:size(vIn,1), 2:size(vIn, 2)-1); u = zeros(size(im1)); v = zeros(size(im2)); %to compute derivatives, use a 5x5 block... the resulting derivative will be 5x5... % take the middle 3x3 block as derivative for i = 3:size(im1,1)-2 for j = 3:size(im2,2)-2 % if uIn(i,j)~=0 % disp('ha'); % end; curIm1 = im1(i-2:i+2, j-2:j+2); lowRindex = i-2+vIn(i,j); highRindex = i+2+vIn(i,j); lowCindex = j-2+uIn(i,j); highCindex = j+2+uIn(i,j); if (lowRindex < 1) lowRindex = 1; highRindex = 5; end; if (highRindex > size(im1,1)) lowRindex = size(im1,1)-4; highRindex = size(im1,1); end; if (lowCindex < 1) lowCindex = 1; highCindex = 5; end; if (highCindex > size(im1,2)) lowCindex = size(im1,2)-4; highCindex = size(im1,2); end; if isnan(lowRindex) lowRindex = i-2; highRindex = i+2; end; if isnan(lowCindex) lowCindex = j-2; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 163 highCindex = j+2; end; curIm2 = im2(lowRindex:highRindex, lowCindex:highCindex); [curFx, curFx = curFy = curFt = curFy, curFt]=ComputeDerivatives(curIm1, curIm2); curFx(2:4, 2:4); curFy(2:4, 2:4); curFt(2:4, 2:4); curFx = curFx'; curFy = curFy'; curFt = curFt'; curFx = curFx(:); curFy = curFy(:); curFt = -curFt(:); A = [curFx curFy]; U = pinv(A'*A)*A'*curFt; u(i,j)=U(1); v(i,j)=U(2); cert(i,j) = rcond(A'*A); end; end; u = u+uIn; v = v+vIn; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [fx, fy, ft] = ComputeDerivatives(im1, im2); %ComputeDerivatives Compute horizontal, vertical and time derivative % between two gray-level images. if (size(im1,1) ~= size(im2,1)) | (size(im1,2) ~= size(im2,2)) error('input images are not the same size'); end; if (size(im1,3)~=1) | (size(im2,3)~=1) error('method only works for gray-level images'); end; fx = conv2(im1,0.25* [-1 1; -1 1]) + conv2(im2, 0.25*[-1 1; -1 1]); fy = conv2(im1, 0.25*[-1 -1; 1 1]) + conv2(im2, 0.25*[-1 -1; 1 1]); ft = conv2(im1, 0.25*ones(2)) + conv2(im2, -0.25*ones(2)); % make same size as input fx=fx(1:size(fx,1)-1, 1:size(fx,2)-1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 164 fy=fy(1:size(fy,1)-1, 1:size(fy,2)-1); ft=ft(1:size(ft,1)-1, 1:size(ft,2)-1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 165 function [u, v] = LucasKanade(im1, im2, windowSize); %LucasKanade lucas kanade algorithm, without pyramids (only 1 level); %REVISION: NaN vals are replaced by zeros [fx, fy, ft] = ComputeDerivatives(im1, im2); u = zeros(size(im1)); v = zeros(size(im2)); halfWindow = floor(windowSize/2); for i = halfWindow+1:size(fx,1)-halfWindow for j = halfWindow+1:size(fx,2)-halfWindow curFx = fx(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFy = fy(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFt = ft(i-halfWindow:i+halfWindow, j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow); curFx = curFx'; curFy = curFy'; curFt = curFt'; curFx = curFx(:); curFy = curFy(:); curFt = -curFt(:); A = [curFx curFy]; U = pinv(A'*A)*A'*curFt; u(i,j)=U(1); v(i,j)=U(2); end; end; u(isnan(u))=0; v(isnan(v))=0; %u=u(2:size(u,1), 2:size(u,2)); %v=v(2:size(v,1), 2:size(v,2)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% function [fx, fy, ft] = ComputeDerivatives(im1, im2); %ComputeDerivatives Compute horizontal, vertical and time derivative % between two gray-level images. if (size(im1,1) ~= size(im2,1)) | (size(im1,2) ~= size(im2,2)) error('input images are not the same size'); end; if (size(im1,3)~=1) | (size(im2,3)~=1) error('method only works for gray-level images'); end; %fx = conv2(im1,(1/6)* [-0.453014 0 0.453014;-0.453014 0 0.453014]) + conv2(im2, (1/6)*[-0.453014 0 0.453014;-0.453014 0 0.453014]); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 166 %fy = conv2(im1,(1/6)* [-0.453014 0 0.453014;-0.453014 0 0.453014]') + conv2(im2, (1/6)*[-0.453014 0 0.453014;-0.453014 0 0.453014]'); fx = conv2(im1,0.25* [-1 1; -1 1]) + conv2(im2, 0.25*[-1 1; -1 1]); fy = conv2(im1, 0.25*[-1 -1; 1 1]) + conv2(im2, 0.25*[-1 -1; 1 1]); ft = conv2(im1, 0.25*ones(2)) + conv2(im2, -0.25*ones(2)); % make same size as input fx=fx(1:size(fx,1)-1, 1:size(fx,2)-1); fy=fy(1:size(fy,1)-1, 1:size(fy,2)-1); ft=ft(1:size(ft,1)-1, 1:size(ft,2)-1); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 167 APPENDIX F WARPING ALGORITHM MATLAB CODE function res=mdewarpfinal(I,u,v) % Warping algortihm that dewarps images %% Read Image [r c]=size(I); %% Create shift matrix and indices matrix %move pixels a maximum of two for now to prevent discontinuities %morph has same dimensions as I to map each pixel morph1=u; morph2=v; tempx=1:c; tempy=(1:r)'; % Generate matrix of indices indicex=zeros(r,c); indicey=zeros(r,c); for k=1:r indicex(k,:)=tempx; end for k=1:c indicey(:,k)=tempy; end %% Intermediate matrix interx=indicex-morph1; intery=indicey-morph2; % remove all values less than 1 [r1 c1]=find((interx<1) | (interx>c)); [r2 c2]=find((intery<1) | (intery>r)); for k=1:size(r1) for j=1:size(c1) if (interx(r1(k),c1(j))<1) interx(r1(k),c1(j))=1; elseif (interx(r1(k),c1(j))>c) interx(r1(k),c1(j))=c; end end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 168 end for k=1:size(r2) for j=1:size(c2) if (intery(r2(k),c2(j))<1) intery(r2(k),c2(j))=1; elseif (intery(r2(k),c2(j))>r) intery(r2(k),c2(j))=r; end end end %% Calculate weighting parameters x1 = floor(interx); x2 = ceil(interx); fx1 = (x2-interx); fx2 = 1-fx1; y1 = floor(intery); y2 = ceil(intery); fy1 = y2-intery; fy2 = 1-fy1; % Compute the new grayvalue of the current pixel I=double(I); for k=1:r for j=1:c res(k,j) = fx1(k,j)*fy1(k,j)*I(y1(k,j),x1(k,j)) + fy1(k,j)*fx2(k,j)*I(y1(k,j),x2(k,j)) + fy2(k,j)*fx1(k,j)*I(y2(k,j),x1(k,j)) + fy2(k,j)*fx2(k,j)*I(y2(k,j),x2(k,j)); end end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 169 APPENDIX G GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE MATLAB CODE function varargout = Ver1(varargin) % VER1 M-file for Ver1.fig % Begin initialization code gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @Ver1_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @Ver1_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code % --- Executes just before Ver1 is made visible. function Ver1_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to Ver1 (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for Ver1 handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes Ver1 wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = Ver1_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 170 % --- Executes on button press in Open. function Open_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Open (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile({'*.tiff;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.tif;*.png;*.gif','All Image Files';... '*.*','All Files' }); if (FileName~=0) im1=imread(strcat(PathName,FileName)); imshow(strcat(PathName,FileName)); handles.orig=im1; handles.filename=strcat(PathName,FileName); guidata(hObject,handles) %mov=aviread('lennablur_001_5'); %movie(handles.axes2,mov); end % --- Executes on button press in Process. function Process_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Process (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) d=get(handles.Distortion); b=get(handles.Blurring); d.Value b.Value/10000 %x=get(handles.handleim); im2=(handles.orig); if size(im2,3)>1 im2=rgb2gray(im2); end I=im2; n=d.Value; k=b.Value/10000; res=simulateblur2(I,n); res=func_blur(res,k); handles.im1=res; guidata(hObject,handles) imshow(handles.im1,[]); % --- Executes on button press in Save. function Save_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Save (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 171 [file,path] = uiputfile('*.avi','Save Sequence As'); movie2avi(,strcat(path,file),'compression','none'); % --- Executes on button press in Play. function Play_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Play (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) set(handles.axes1,'nextplot','replacechildren','units','normalized'); newplot; movie(handles.axes1,handles.movx); % --- Executes on slider movement. function Distortion_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Distortion (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider % get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function Distortion_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Distortion (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); end % --- Executes on slider movement. function Blurring_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Blurring (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider % get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function Blurring_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Blurring (see GCBO) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 172 % eventdata % handles called reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns % Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); end % --- Executes on button press in Sequence. function Sequence_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Sequence (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) d=get(handles.Distortion); b=get(handles.Blurring); [mov movx]=create_seq(handles.filename,uint8(handles.nframes),'test1',d.Value, (b.Value)/10000); handles.movx=movx; guidata(hObject,handles); %% Function for simulating Distortion%% %%===================================%% function res=simulateblur2(I,n) % Warping algortihm that simulates heat shimmer [r c]=size(I); %% Create shift matrix and indices matrix %morph has same dimensions as I to map each pixel morph=n*imresize((rand(5,5,2)-0.5),size(I),'bilinear'); morph1=morph(:,:,1); morph2=morph(:,:,2); tempx=1:c; tempy=(1:r)'; % Generate matrix of indices F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 173 indicex=zeros(r,c); indicey=zeros(r,c); for k=1:r indicex(k,:)=tempx; end for k=1:c indicey(:,k)=tempy; end %% Intermediate matrix interx=indicex-morph1; intery=indicey-morph2; % remove all values less than 1 and greater then width and height [r1 c1]=find((interx<1) | (interx>c)); [r2 c2]=find((intery<1) | (intery>r)); for k=1:size(r1) for j=1:size(c1) if (interx(r1(k),c1(j))<1) interx(r1(k),c1(j))=1; elseif (interx(r1(k),c1(j))>c) interx(r1(k),c1(j))=c; end end end for k=1:size(r2) for j=1:size(c2) if (intery(r2(k),c2(j))<1) intery(r2(k),c2(j))=1; elseif (intery(r2(k),c2(j))>r) intery(r2(k),c2(j))=r; end end end %% Weights x1 = floor(interx); x2 = ceil(interx); fx1 = (x2-interx); fx2 = 1-fx1; y1 = floor(intery); y2 = ceil(intery); fy1 = y2-intery; fy2 = 1-fy1; %compute the new grayvalue of the current pixel I=double(I); for k=1:r for j=1:c res(k,j) = fx1(k,j)*fy1(k,j)*I(y1(k,j),x1(k,j)) + fy1(k,j)*fx2(k,j)*I(y1(k,j),x2(k,j)) + F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 174 fy2(k,j)*fx1(k,j)*I(y2(k,j),x1(k,j)) + fy2(k,j)*fx2(k,j)*I(y2(k,j),x2(k,j)); end end %% Function for simulating Blurring%% %%=================================%% function i1final=func_blur(i1,k) i1=double(i1); [r c]=size(i1); % Pre-prcessing of image % Centres the image frequency transform for x=1:r for y=1:c i1(x,y)=i1(x,y)*((-1)^(x+y)); end end % Calculate DFT i1freq=fft2(i1); % Calculate the OTF for the blur % "u-r/2" and "v-c/2" are used to centre the transform H=zeros(r,c); for u=1:r for v=1:c H(u,v)=exp(-k*((u-r/2)^2+(v-c/2)^2)^(5/6)); end end % Calculate filtered image filt=zeros(r,c); for u=1:r for v=1:c filt(u,v)=i1freq(u,v).*H(u,v); end end % Calculate inverse DFT i1blur=ifft2(filt); i1blur=real(i1blur); % Post-processing of image % Multiply by (-1) to "de-centre" the transform i1final=zeros(r,c); for x=1:r for y=1:c i1final(x,y)=i1blur(x,y)*((-1)^(x+y)); end end %% Function for creating a sequence from a single image%% %%====================================================%% F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 175 function [mov movx]=create_seq(name,size,outname,n,lambda) % % % function create_seq(name,size,outname,n,lambda) % % % Creates a test sequence using a single image % % name - name of the test image % % size - number of frames in output sequence % % outname - name of output sequence % % n - distortion level % % lambda - blurring level image=imread(name); lambda1=lambda; for k=1:size w(:,:,k)=simulateblur2(image,n); w(:,:,k)=func_blur(w(:,:,k),lambda); %lambda=lambda+0.0002; lambda=(rand+0.5)*lambda1; map=gray(256); mov(k) = im2frame(w(:,:,k),map); movx(k)=mov(k); movx(k).cdata=flipud(movx(k).cdata); end function Frames_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Frames (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of Frames as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of Frames as a double nframes=str2double(get(hObject,'String')); handles.nframes=nframes; guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function Frames_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to Frames (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 176 function edit6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit6 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit6 as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit6 as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit6_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to edit6 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 177 APPENDIX H GENERAL ALGORITHM C CODE #include #include #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> <cv.h> <highgui.h> <time.h> /* Time-averaged general algorithm using Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm. */ time_t t1,t2; double diff=0; IplImage *image , *grey , *prev_grey , *swap_temp, *average; IplImage *corrected = 0;IplImage *img2 = 0;IplImage *vel_x=0, *vel_y=0; float average2[1024][1024]; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { CvCapture* capture = 0; if( argc == 2 ) capture = cvCaptureFromAVI( argv[1] ); cvSetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,0); double x=cvGetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); printf("Frame Rate: %f ",x); if( !capture ) { fprintf(stderr,"%d Could not initialize capturing...\n",argc); return -1; } printf( "\n" "\tESC - quit the program\n"); cvNamedWindow( "distorted", 1 ); cvNamedWindow( "corrected", 1 ); //==================Calculate the Reference Image===============// time(&t1); for(int r=0;r<10;r++) { F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 178 IplImage* frame = 0; frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) break; if( !average ) { /* allocate all the buffers */ average = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); average->origin = frame->origin; grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); img2 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); } cvCopy( frame, average, 0 ); cvConvertImage( average, average, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP ); cvCvtColor( average, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY ); int i=0,j=0; for(i=0;i<grey->height;i++) { for(j=0;j<grey->width;j++) { average2[i][j]=(unsigned char)(grey>imageData[i*grey->widthStep+j])+average2[i][j]; if(r==9) { average2[i][j]=average2[i][j]/10; img2->imageData[i*grey->widthStep+j]=(unsigned char)(average2[i][j]); } } } } cvReleaseImage(&grey); cvReleaseImage(&average); cvSetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,0); //======Calculate the optical flow and remap pixels==================// for(;;) { IplImage* frame = 0; int i=0, k=0, c=0; frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) break; if( !image ) F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 179 { /* allocate all the buffers */ image = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); image->origin = frame->origin; grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); prev_grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); vel_x = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),32 , 1 ); vel_y = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),32 , 1 ); corrected = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),8 , 1 ); } cvCopy( frame, image, 0 ); cvConvertImage( image, image, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP ); cvCvtColor( image, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY ); //==========================================================// int j=0; int height,width,step,channels; float *data_x1,*data_y1; cvCalcOpticalFlowLK( grey,img2,cvSize(5,5),vel_x,vel_y); height width step channels data_x1 data_y1 = = = = grey->height; grey->width; grey->widthStep; grey->nChannels; = (float *)vel_x->imageData; = (float *)vel_y->imageData; for(i=0;i<height;i++) { for(j=0;j<width;j++) { data_x1[i*step+j]=j-data_x1[i*step+j]; data_y1[i*step+j]=i-data_y1[i*step+j]; if (data_x1[i*step+j]<0) data_x1[i*step+j]=0; if (data_y1[i*step+j]<0) data_y1[i*step+j]=0; if (data_x1[i*step+j]>(width-2)) data_x1[i*step+j]=(float)(width-2); if (data_y1[i*step+j]>(height-2)) data_y1[i*step+j]=(float)(height-2); } } cvRemap(grey,corrected,vel_x,vel_y); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 180 //================Play Sequences====================// cvShowImage( "distorted",grey); cvShowImage( "corrected",corrected); c = cvWaitKey(1); if( (char)c == 27 ) break; } time(&t2); diff=difftime(t2,t1); printf("%f",diff); cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); cvDestroyWindow("distorted"); cvDestroyWindow("corrected"); return 0; } F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 181 APPENDIX I CGI ALGORITHM C CODE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> <cv.h> <highgui.h> <ctime> <time.h> time_t t1,t2; double diff=0; IplImage *image , *grey; IplImage *corrected = 0;IplImage *img2 = 0;IplImage *vel_x=0, *vel_y=0; IplImage *curr = 0, *current = 0; float data_xf[256][256],data_yf[256][256]; float average2[256][256]; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { CvCapture* capture = 0; if( argc == 2 ) capture = cvCaptureFromAVI( argv[1] ); cvSetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,0); double x=cvGetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); printf("Frame Rate: %f ",x); if( !capture ) { fprintf(stderr,"%d Could not initialize capturing...\n",argc); return -1; } printf( "Hot keys: \n" "\tESC - quit the program\n"); cvNamedWindow( "distorted", 1 ); cvNamedWindow( "corrected", 1 ); //===========Main LOOP===================// time(&t1); for (int q=0;q<1000;q++) { cvSetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,q+5); F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 182 IplImage* frame = 0; for(int p=0;p<1;p++) { frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) break; if( !curr ) { /* allocate all the buffers */ curr = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); curr->origin = frame->origin; current = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); } cvCopy( frame, curr, 0 ); cvConvertImage( curr, curr, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP ); cvCvtColor( curr, current, CV_BGR2GRAY ); } cvSetCaptureProperty(capture,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,q); //=================Create Time window=====================// for(p=0;p<11;p++) { IplImage* frame = 0; int i=0, k=0, c=0; frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) break; if( !image ) { /* allocate all the buffers */ image = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); image->origin = frame->origin; grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); vel_x = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),32 , 1 ); vel_y = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),32 , 1 ); corrected = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey),8 , 1 ); img2 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); } cvCopy( frame, image, 0 ); cvConvertImage( image, image, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP ); cvCvtColor( image, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY ); //==================Calc Optical Flow===============// int j=0,r=0; int height,width,step; F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 183 float *data_x1,*data_y1; cvCalcOpticalFlowLK( current,grey,cvSize(5,5),vel_x,vel_y); // Lk algorithm used since it is optimized height width step data_x1 data_y1 = = = = grey->height; grey->width; grey->widthStep; (float *)vel_x->imageData; = (float *)vel_y->imageData; for(i=0;i<height;i++) { for(j=0;j<width;j++) { data_xf[i][j]=data_xf[i][j]+data_x1[i*step+j]; data_yf[i][j]=data_yf[i][j]+data_y1[i*step+j]; if (p==10) { data_xf[i][j]=data_xf[i][j]/10; data_yf[i][j]=data_yf[i][j]/10; data_x1[i*step+j]=j-data_xf[i][j]; data_y1[i*step+j]=i-data_yf[i][j]; if (data_x1[i*step+j]<0) data_x1[i*step+j]=0; if (data_y1[i*step+j]<0) data_y1[i*step+j]=0; if (data_x1[i*step+j]>(width-2)) data_x1[i*step+j]=(float)(width-2); if (data_y1[i*step+j]>(height-2)) data_y1[i*step+j]=(float)(height-2); } } } if (p==10) { cvRemap(current,corrected,vel_x,vel_y); cvShowImage( "distorted",grey); cvShowImage( "corrected",corrected); c = cvWaitKey(1); if( (char)c == 27 ) break; } //=================Run Sequence==========================// F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 184 } } time(&t2); diff=difftime(t2,t1); printf("%f",diff); cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); cvDestroyWindow("distorted"); cvDestroyWindow("corrected"); return 0; } F’SATIE – TSHWANE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Page 185