L~~vED - City of Dunnellon
L~~vED - City of Dunnellon
1 NOV L~~vED November 6, 2012 City of Dunnellon Community Development Department Mr. Harold Home 20750 River Drive Dunnellon, FL 34431 Dear Mr. Home: As per your request, this letter shall serve to confirm our agreement that the City of Dunnellon desires to purchase my property located at 12008 Deleware Street, Dunnellon, Florida. The proposed purchase price is $70,000 cash. I expect to pay costs typically associated with the sale of a residential property and upon notification of acceptance, acknowledged by payment of a deposit in the amount of 10%, to be deposited in escrow with the closing agent and written acceptance acknowledged below, and returned with the deposit, then I will place this agreement with my agent to arrange for closing on or before December, 31, 2012. Taxes shall be pro-rated date of closing and conveyance shall be by Warranty Deed with title insurance of an even amount to support the transfer. The house will be delivered to the City of Dunnellon unfurnished with the exception of the kitchen appliances The house and kitchen appliances are believed to be in excellent repair, thus I make no further representations about the property. This transaction shall be completed subject to the State of Florida generally accepted practices for settlement of residential real estate. I would ask that the City give reasonable notice to the tenant so that he may relocate with as little inconvenience as possible. . Sincerely, Janet~L Ledsome City of Dunnellon Acceptance by: Title ______ ) City of Dunnellon Planning and Zoning Application Application No.: PZ1213019 Date: November 1, 2012 Applicant Name: Address: City of Dunnellon Phone#_352-465-8500 Fax # 3524658505 Email Address: hhorne@dunnellon.org 20750 River Drive Dunnellon, FL 34431 Applicant is: Li Owner Owner(s) Name: Address: I~ Agent Li Purchaser Janet Ledsome Li Lessee Li Other• Phone # Fax # Email Address: _____ 2491 NE Cherry Lake Circle Pinetta, FL 32350-2155 _______ Application Type Li Li Li. Li Li Li Annexation l~ Lot Line Deviation Li Site Plan Review Li Final Plat Li Road/Easement Vacation Li Other: Rezoning Variance-Residential Preliminary Plat Review Special Exception Use Concurrency Review Li Li Li Li Li Comprehensive Plan Amendment Administrative Appeal Variance-Commercial Construction Plan Review Planned Unit Development Reason for Request: In accordance with the terms of sale for subject property Project Title (Site Plans, future/existing subdivisions only): _____________________________________ Property Address: 12008 Delaware St. Property Size (acres): 0.38 Parcel ID Number: 3380-0474-00 Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residence Existing Zoning: R3 Existing Land Use: Traditional Neighborhood Current number of structures on the property: I Type of structure(s) on property (house, shed, etc.): single family residence Proposed Use of Property: Public office building and public parking Proposed Zoning: (P) Public Proposed Land Use: Same Please Explain Your Request for the Proposed Zoning and/or Future Land Use: The city has made an offer to purchase the subject property for additional public parking and additional city office space. What utilities currently exist on the site? ~ Water I~ Sewer U Well U Septic U None What utilities are proposed to be used? U Water U Sewer U Well U Septic ~ None Have any previous applications been filed within the last year in connection with this property? UYes ~No If yes, please describe and give Application Numbers: ____________________________________ Submittal Requirements: Check Box For Each Item You Are Attaching All Applications MUST provide the following: U Required advertising to placed in: I~ Riverland News (default) I~ Ocala Star Banner (expedited) U Completed Planning & Zoning Application U Copy of the Recorded Deed(s) for the property U Copy of Property Record Card(s) (Available online at http:!/www.pa.marion.fl.us) U Owner’s / Agent’s Affidavit (Last page of this Application) All U Li U Applications MUST provide the following upon request by the City: Lot Plan Survey of the Property Diagram Specific Attachments: U Annexation: Complete Electronic Legal Description in MS Word Format Annexation Letter (sample attached) U Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA): Complete Electronic Legal Description in MS Word Format U Variance: Survey of property detailing variance request U Special Exception: Survey of property detailing special exception request U Site Plan Approval: 7 copies of site plan and 1 electronic copy U Preliminary Plat Application: 7 copies of site plan and 1 electronic copy U Construction Plan Approval: 3 copies of site plan and 1 electronic copy Li Final Plat Application: 7 copies of site plan and 1 electronic copy U Road / Lot / Parcel / Plat / Easement Vacation: Survey detailing request U Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning: 7 copies of site plan and 1 electronic copy U Other: ______________________________________ ONLY CONCURRENT ANNEXATION. REZOMNG. AND COMPREHENSWE PLAN AMENDMENTS ARE ALLOWED ON A SINGLE APPLICATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: PLEASE READ The applicant is requested to be present during the public hearing before the Planning Commission and City Council. Although a city employee may be present, they are there to give advice and answer questions only. If for any reason you cannot attend the scheduled meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at (352) 465-8500. Your application may be tabled until a new public hearing can be scheduled and advertised. Fee Schedule Application Fees are required at the time the application is submitted. Voluntary Annexation Re-zoning Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ 10 acres Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment> 10 acres Variance Special Exception Use Vacation of Plat Abrogation Concurrency Application Developer’s Agreement Amendment to Developer’s Agreement Site Plan $500.00 $500.00 $1,200 .00 $2,500 .00 $500.00 $750.00 $750.00 $750.00 $1,000.00 $6,000.00 $3,000.00 First 10,000 square feet Each Additional 10,000 square feet or portion thereof Minor Site Plan Review (Improvements to existing site) Subdivisions $250.00 $150.00 (maximum of $2,500.0 $500.00 Pre-Conceptual Plan Fee $300.00 First 15 lots 16 lots or more Plus (per lot or parcel) $250.00 $500.00 $25.00 $600.00 $30.00 Preliminary Plat Improvement (Construction) Plan Review Plus (per 100 feet of roadway) Final Plat First 15 lots 16 lots or more Plus per lot or parcel PUD (Required if Site Plan Approval was not part of the PUD Comp Plan Amendment - $250.00 $500.00 $25.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 $15,000.00 $50.00 $50.00 Admin Appeal to the City Council D.R.I. Written Zoning Verification Admm Fee The applicant shall pay all costs of advertising and other fees, including attorney fees in accordance with the City of Dunnellon Code of Ordinances, Chapter 94, Planning, Article II, Planning Commission, Section 94.37 (16). Prior to Application Hearing before City Council ALL Incurred Fees to date MUST Be Paid to the City Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions regarding any outstanding fees, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (352) 465-8500. Fees Are Non-Refundable. Unless The ADDlication Is Withdrawn., In Writing. Within Five (5’) Business Days Of Submittal (Not Including City-Observed Holidays), Unless Otherwise Approved By The City Manaaer Or By Majority Vote Of The City Council. Digitally signed by Harold H. Home DN: cn=Harold H. Home, o=City of Dunnellon, ou=Community Development, email=hhorne~dunneIIon.org, c=US Applicant November 1, 2012 Date U U ORDINANCE #0RD2012-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUNNELLON, FLORIDA; AMENDING APPENDIX ‘A’ ZONING OF THE DUNNELLON CODE OF ORDINANCES, SECTION 6.3, ENTITLED ZONING MAPS, REZONING 0.38 ACRES LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON THE MARION COUNTY TAX ROLLS AS PARCEL NUMBER 3380-0474-00 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS SEC 35, TWP 16, RGE 18, PLAT BOOK A, PAGE 174, DUNNELLON, LOTS 473, 474, 475 FROM (R-3) MULTIPLE DWELLING TO (P) PUBLIC; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunnellon has adopted a Comprehensive Plan which contains a Future Land Use Map and its corresponding Future Land Use Categories; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunnellon has created zoning districts that are compatible with the Future Land Use Map categories; and WHEREAS, Section 13.11 of the City of Dunnellon Zoning Regulations provides for an amendment to the Official Zoning District Map; and WHEREAS, the City of Dunnellon desires to amend the Official Zoning District Map of the Zoning Regulations by changing the zoning of the property legally described on the Marion County Tax Rolls as Parcel Number 3380-0474-00 and more particularly described as SEC 35 TWP 16 RGE 18, Plat Book A, Page 174, Dunnellon, Lots 473, 474, 475. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUNNELLON, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1: The official Zoning District Map for the City of Dunnellon is hereby amended to reflect the changes set forth in Exhibit ‘A’ attached hereto. To rezone the 0.38 acres legally described on the Marion County Tax Rolls as Parcel Number 3380-0474-00 and more particularly described as SEC 35 TWP 16 RGE 18, Plat Book A, Page 174, Dunnellon, Lots 473, 474, 475 from (R-3) Multiple Dwelling to (P) Public and the Official Zoning District Map is hereby amended to reflect that change as set forth in Exhibit ‘A’. Section 2. Severability: If any portion of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or if the applicability of this Ordinance or any portion thereof, to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance and the applicability of this Ordinance, or any portion thereof, to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. It is the specific intent of the City Council of the City of Dunnellon that the severability as set forth above shall apply to this Ordinance. Section 3: Repeal of Inconsistent Ordinances: Any Ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 4: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon approval by the City Council. Upon motion duly made and carried, the foregoing Ordinance was approved upon the first reading on the 8th day of October, 2012. Ordinance 2010-12, Rezoning Blue Run Ranches Page 2 Upon motion duly made and carried, the foregoing Ordinance was approved and passed upon the first and final reading on the 8th day of October, 2012. Advertised in the Ocala Star Banner on _____________________________ and the Riverland News on ________________________________ and on the City’s web site on Advertised in the Ocala Star Banner and the Riverland News on ________________________ and on the City’s website on ___________________________ Attested by: CITY OF DUNNELLON Dawn M. Bowne, M.M.C. City Clerk Fred R. Ward, Mayor Approved as to Form and Correctness: Marsha Segal-George, City Attorney Fowler & O’Quinn, P.A. Empire Building 28 W. Central Blvd. 4th Floor Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 425~2684. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I HEREBY CERTIFY that copies of the foregoing Ordinance were posted at City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Dunnellon Library, in the City of Dunnellon, Florida, and on the City’s Official website this ____________________________________ I HEREBY CERTIFY that copies of the foregoing Ordinance were posted at City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Dunnellon Library, in the City of Dunnellon, Florida, and on the City’s Official website this ___________ Dawn M. Bowne, MMC City Clerk 0 Ordinance 20 10-12, Rezoning ~1ue Run Ranches Page 3 Exhibit ‘A’ City of Dun nellon Marion County, FL Zoning Map L.gend P1N’~S’,LVA’1I~ Streets Unclassified Parc.tNumb.ipSon 7400 351WPI6RGE1 BOOkAP.9.114 Ion 473• 474 475 ZonIn9. (R4) hi P4. OweflIng Zoning: ~ Al B2 B3 84 85 86 MH P plc PUD Ri R1A R3 R3A R5 R8O N / // N / - - - ~ ~-~ - ---- ‘N!’ / / / NBR Water c 4~ RESOLUTION RES#2012-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUNNELLON, FLORIDA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A REQUEST TO AMEND APPENDIX ‘A’ OF THE DUNNELLON CODE OF ORDINANCES BY SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 6.3 ENTITLED, “ZONING DISTRICT MAPS”, REZONING 0.38 ACRES LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON THE MARION COUNTY TAX ROLLS AS PARCEL NUMBER 3380-0474-00 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS SEC 35, TWP 16, RGE 18, PLAT BOOK A, PAGE 174, DUNNELLON, LOTS 473, 474, 475, FROM (R-3) MULTIPLE DWELLING TO (P) PUBLIC, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DUNNELLON, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Dunnellon Planning Commission held a Public Hearing to consider a request for a rezoning from (R-3) Multiple Dwelling to (P) Public with regard to the property legally described as Parcel Number 3380-0474-00 on the Marion County Tax Rolls and more particularly described as SEC 35, TWP 16, RGE 18, Plat Book A, Page 174, Dunnellon, Lots 473, 474, 475. WHEREAS, the City of Dunnellon Planning Commission has determined that a recommendation of approval is consistent with Dunnellon’ s Land Development Code and its Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF DUNNELLON PLANNING COMMISSION THAT: A recommendation of approval with regard to the requested rezoning as set forth in Exhibit ‘A’ attached hereto, will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. Upon motion duly made and carried, the foregoing Resolution was approved this ______ day of vote, the result was as follows; Chairwoman Brenda D’Arville Vice-Chairwoman Lisa Sheffield Commissioner Al Lewison Commissioner Vanwyck, Alternate Commissioner Cowan, Alternate DYes ~IYes ~IYes DYes DYes DNo DNo DNo I~No DNo DAbstain DAbstain DAbstain DAbstain DAbstain ~iDid Not Vote LJDid Not Vote DDid Not Vote DDid Not Vote DDid Not Vote Attested by: PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF DUNNELLON Approved as to Legal Form: BY: ______________________ Brenda D’Arville, Chairwoman Planning Conm-iission, City of Dunnellon BY: This This ______ day of 2012. ______________ Marsha Segal-George, Assistant City Attorney _____ day of ___________,2012. 0 Exhibit ‘A’ City of Dunnelion Marion County, FL Zoning Map PF’4N$YLVANIA l..~aI S .fpifo., S~ 35 IWP 55505 PIBOSSAP.g.174 LaS. 475. 474.415 Zonifag fR$SM.i4pbo..afng ZanaSif (P5P.aS5. / / Streets Unclassified Al 52 53 —54 —55 ~6 MH p PK — / / N — — — — Ri RIA P3 R3A R5 V~ter N // / J.nuIry 2010 U APPLICATION INFORMATION DATE OF HEARING: September 18, 2012 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF: Re-Zoning PUBLIC HEARING: Quasi-Judicial PROJECT NAME: 12008 Delaware Street PROJECT NUMBER: PZ1 112-083 RES#20 12-21 ORD#2012-08 PROPERTY LOCATION: Project Address(es): 12008 Delaware Street Legal Description: SEC 35, TWP 16, RGE 18 Plat Book A, Page 174 Dunnellon Lots 473, 474, 475 Parcel Number 3380-0474-00 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE(S): Applicant City of Dunnellon Property Owner Janet Ledsome EXISTING USE: Single Family Residence PROPOSED USE: Public PARCEL SIZE: 0.38 Acres EXISTING F.L.U.M.: Traditional Neighborhood PROPOSED F.L.U.M.: No change requested ZONING: (R3) Multiple Dwelling PROPOSED ZONING: (P) Public APPLICABLE CODE: Section 6.2, Appendix A, Zoning 1 — Additional Parking I Public Offices I STAFF EVALUATION AND FINDINGS PROPOSAL: Re-zone the subject property from (R#) Multiple Dwelling to (P) Public. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW/RECOMMENDATION CRITERIA: The Planning Commission has an advisory role to the City Council in processing a rezoning application. The Planning Commission will conduct a Quasi-Judicial hearing in consideration of the rezoning request. The applicant, staff, and interested parties will provide sworn testimony to the Commission during the hearing. Following the public hearing the Planning Commission will deliberate and make a recommendation to the City Council; to approve or deny the request. In making its determination the Planning Commission should consider conformance with the land use designation, compatibility with adjacent zoning designation, and concurrency issues. The Planning Commission may include conditions to mitigate issues identified at the public hearing as part of its recommendation to the City Council. 3. CONCURRENCY: The Dunnellon Community Redevelopment Plan identifies traffic management and improved parking within the Historic District as a purpose of the plan. The plan specifically includes the development of Datesman Park to provide both parking and a gathering place for special events. The City has however the stated goal has not been met. Datesman Park has insufficient area to meet the parking demands for the Historic District and the gazebo area can only accommodate a small gathering. Florida Statutes Sections 163.358 (4) and 163.70 empower the Community Redevelopment Agency to acquire property and to construct parking and parks to accomplish a Community Redevelopment Plan. 4. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS: The expansion of Datesman Park across Delaware Street to the subject parcel will provide additional parking and park space as envisioned by the CRA Plan. 5. CROSS ACCESS: N/A 6. DEVELOPER’S AGREEMENT: N/A 2 3 7. VARIANCES: None 8. HISTORIC AND SPECIMEN TREES AND TREE REMOVAL. (CITE CODE PROVISIONS): In order to accommodate the additional parking for the CRA district, the removal of some trees may be necessary. The City will remain in compliance with City Code Chapter 74 Vegetation, Article III Trees. 9. OPEN SPACE: N/A 10. NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY: The subject property has no immediate adjacent residences. The Greenlight Dunnellon Communications building is to the northwest and adjacent to the property, north of the property is commercial development, southeast is Public and residential property, south and directly adjacent is a vacant lot, to the southwest is vacant and residential property. The future development of the site should be subject to buffering of these residences from any Public use. 11. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPATIBILITY: The existing (R3) and proposed (P) zoning are allowed within the Traditional Neighborhood land use designation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is seeking a re-zoning from (R3) Multiple Dwelling to (P) Public; staff recommends approval of the rezoning to (P) with the condition that the future development of the site should be subject to buffering of those residential properties from any Public use. 3