A 30 Year Journey...Gospel Express Ministries A 30 Year Journey


A 30 Year Journey...Gospel Express Ministries A 30 Year Journey
Gospel Express Evangelistic Ministries
NEWSLETTER Vol. 31 No. 264
November-December 2014
Now to Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
- Ephesians 3:20
A 30 Year Journey...Gospel Express Ministries
iving wings to families and birthing other ministries has
brought growing pains, yet I thank God that all of these
brothers and sisters are among our dearest friends. The great
challenge is to find our purpose in life [to know the will of God
and do it], and then to help others find their purpose.
od has and continues to bless this ministry with workers that have a passion for Jesus Christ and a heart of
compassion unto the least of these. Apart from salvation, my
great joy has been to discover and witness what God’s hand
has arranged, to stand in awe, and to give Him the glory!
phesians 3:20 summarizes this
thirty-year journey. All inspiration is of God. Before we did
anything, He thought of everything.
Therefore, all ministry endeavors
are not of the wisdom of man but
of God.
he ministry began in 1984
with Larry Kennel as part
of our family team and Duane
Mullett coming on board the
following year. We could not
have imagined all the families, single workers,
and board members that would choose to labor with us,
not to mention the multitude of volunteers through prison
crusades, Bible course graders, banquets, auctions and
international ministry.
arah and I, along with all our co-workers, express sincere
appreciation to each of you who have not only sown into
our lives but countless others through
this ministry. (There is a
sprinkling of photos on page
2.) It’s because of the grace
of God and friends like you
that this journey has been
exceedingly, abundantly above
all that we could ask or think…
to Him be glory in the church by
Christ Jesus to all generations,
forever and ever. Amen. Because of Jesus,
- Nelson & Sarah
arah and I have been richly blessed with faithful family and friends who have spoken both admonition and
sincere encouragement into our lives through the years. I
wish space would allow to give honor and recognition, but
naming without explaining wouldn’t do justice. Perhaps a
book-writing mission ( ) is forth coming; making known
God’s deeds among the people.
alleys of humiliation and tears have been very familiar
on this journey. My wife Sarah has been my best friend
and encourager, along with our family, including my Dad,
from whom I’ve confided and drawn wisdom over the years.
- Ephesians 3:21.
1984 - 2014
A Journey of Laughter, Tears, Trials... and Triumph
Volunteers do not
necessarily have the
time; they just have
the heart.
- Elizabeth Andrew
He is no fool who gives
that which He cannot keep
to receive that which He
cannot lose. - Jim Elliot
“Assuredly, I say
to you, there is no one who has left house or
brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife
or children or lands, for My sake and the
Gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold
now in this time—houses and brothers and
sisters and mothers and children and lands,
with persecutions—and in the age to come,
- Mark 10: 29-30
eternal life.”
So Jesus answered and said,
I am just a little pencil in
the hand of God who is
sending a love letter to the
world. - Mother Teresa
The greatest honor is to be laborers together with God.
Embracing Womanhood Conference
At our Woman’s Conference this year we hosted around 250
women from across the States, as well as Canada and Mexico!
There was lots of laughter and tears, as well as times for sharing
and praying with each other. Our prayer was for each woman to
leave encouraged.
We extend a heartfelt thank you to Maryann Kauffman for sharing her story, and all the speakers for sharing from their hearts!
Thanks also to Sara Eash, Dan and Rita Miller, and all the cooks
(your food was delicious!), Deborah Miller and team for the beautiful job in decorating, the worship, drama, prayer, and sound
teams, the ushers, and all who helped. We also appreciated Ryan
Bomgardner coming and ending the
conference with laughter.
- Sarah Coblentz
Testimony Nuggets
• This is what busy mothers and ladies
need. Just want to bless and thank you all.
• Maryann’s story just changed my life.
• Loved the balance of tears, worship,
and laughter.
• I felt so pampered. The food was
amazing… delicious.
• I especially appreciated the diversity
of people, the love, and acceptance…
no judgment.
• I really appreciated the honesty; speakers and
staff not acting like they had it all together.
Mullett Family Update
Introducing “From Pain to Purpose”
The painful events in our family’s life have
begged for answers to our heartfelt question of, “Where is God when life hurts?” Our
family has been on a personal journey to
find resounding answers and healing truths.
We are excited in seeing how we can assist
in sharing God’s answers and truths with others and to be better
equipped in caring for the hearts of those who are hurting. This
quest is birthing a new seminar entitled “From Pain to Purpose.”
Our family will continue ministering in prisons and churches, along
with presenting this seminar by request.
If you’d like for us to come to your church, you can contact us at:
duane@themullettfamily.com. Titles of our “From Pain to Purpose”
messages will include: How Powerful is Your God?, Recognizing
Defining Moments, Have You Truly Surrendered?, and Finding Hope
and Healing When Life Hurts. For more information and to stay
connected with us, visit: TheMullettFamily.com - Duane & Cindy Mullett
Northwest Canada
Two Families…One Goal
What a blessing to travel with the Dave Miller family. Our schedule
was full, but the blessings were rich and full as well. God opened
doors for us to minister in many prisons, churches, and communities.
Some of the highlights include:
• Warm hospitality we received at a Christian Hutterite colony in
a remote Saskatchewan area. We thank God for the privilege
of worshiping the
Lord together in
music, testimonies
and preaching.
• The restoration of
a marriage that
was nearly destroyed by Satan.
Penner & Miller Families
The couple also
became motivated to help others who are walking on dangerous
territory or have fallen into immorality.
• A business man that was convicted about his priorities in life. He
shared how his focus needs to be more on ministry and eternal
things and less on materialism. He was planning to buy more
trucks that week but instead headed the call of God.
• The seventy-seven men in prison in Alberta who were very hungry spiritually. Many rededicated their lives to Christ, asked for
prayer, etc.
This tour was not normal but extra ordinary in many ways. The
Penner/Miller youth would always begin the program with beautiful instrumentals followed by our family singing, the Miller’s doing
a drama, then Brother Dave doing the preaching. We would then
conclude with a number of songs together. To God be the glory!
- Jake Penner
Isaiah 19:1 says “…The Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall
come into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his
presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.”
One of the things the Lord put on my heart for this tour was to
host the presence of the Lord wherever we go. When people
sense the presence of the Lord, all Glory goes to Him and not
man. It was a great privilege to minister together with the Penner
Family. By God’s Grace, people dwell together in unity and there
God commands the Blessing! We thank God so much for His blessings during the services, His traveling protection, and for health
and strength! Because of Jesus
- Dave Miller
30th Year Anniversary Singspiration
Saturday November 22 @ 6:30 PM
Linville Hill Mennonite School, Paradise, PA
Come join us for a special evening as we travel
back through the years. Hear many of your favorite
Coblentz Family songs from the 80’s and 90’s, sung by the
entire Coblentz Family. Previous and current ministry teams will also be there.
South Carolina
Coblentz Family • Stutzman Family • New Creation • ByGrace • New Heart
Mullett Family • Miller Family • Penner Family • Bontrager Family
Prison Crusade
Team Schedules
Abbeville • Columbia • Sumter • Walterboro
Visit our website www.gospelexpressonline.org or call the office
828-859-7003 to confirm dates before traveling long distances.
Nelson & Sarah
Nov 17-19 ....... Pennsylvania Banquets
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Dec 28.............. Pinecraft Park Singspiration – Sarasota, FL
Dec 30.............. Volleyball Tournament – Sarasota, FL
Jan 2-17........... Medical, Prison and Construction Mission - Uganda, Africa
February 8-12, 2015
Partner with us for four days of “hands on” prison ministry!
(Orientation and training is provided on Day 1)
• Daily evangelistic services
• Inmate visitation in dorms, cafeterias, and lock-up
• Recreation yard activities
Register before Nov. 21st to receive your “Early Bird” rate.
Sean Bontrager Family
Nov 16.............. Hammer Creek Menn. Church – Lititz, PA (PM)
Nov 17-19 ....... Pennsylvania Banquets
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Dec 28.............. Pinecraft Park Singspiration – Sarasota, FL
Dec 30.............. Volleyball Tournament – Sarasota, FL
Jan 24-29......... We Care Crusade – Atmore, AL
Miller Family
Nov 9................ Providence Menn Church - Berlin, OH (AM)
Nov 17-19 ....... Pennsylvania Banquets
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Dec 28.............. Sarasota, FL Church (AM)
Dec 28.............. Pinecraft Park Singspiration – Sarasota, FL
Dec 30.............. Volleyball Tournament – Sarasota, FL
Jan 10-29......... Kenya, Africa (Crusades & Prison Ministry)
Mullett Family
Nov 16.............. Maranatha Fellowship – Dover, DE (AM)
Nov 16.............. Central Menn. Church – Silver, DE (PM)
Nov 17-19 ....... Pennsylvania Banquets
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Nov 30.............. Cleveland Christian Fellowship – Woodleaf, NC (PM)
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Penner Family
Nov 18.............. South Lawrence Menn. Church – Glen Flora, WI
Nov 19.............. Townline Menn. Church – Shipshwana, IN
Nov 20.............. Grace Menn. Chapel – Hadley, PA
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Nov 23.............. Millwood Menn. Church – Gap, PA (PM)
Nov 25.............. Widows Banquet Rockwood Menn. – Honey Brook, PA
Nov 30.............. Salisbury Believer’s Fellowship – Spencer, NC (AM)
Nov 30.............. Cleveland Believer’s Fellowship – Cleveland, NC (PM)
Dec 1................ Crossroads Music Studio – Arden, NC
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Dec 7................ Red Oak Menn. Church – Blountstown, FL
Dec 9 ............... Faith Menn. Church – Crawford, MS
Dec 10.............. Finger Christian Fellowship – Finger, TN
Mervin Wengerd BTF = Bondage to Freedom Seminars; CR = Conflict Resolution
Nov 16.............. Gospel Light Church – Gordonsville, VA (AM)
Nov 16.............. Morning View Menn. Church – Singers Glen, VA (PM)
Nov 17-19 ....... Pennsylvania Banquets
Nov 21-23 ....... Gospel Express 30th Anniversary Reunion – Paradise, PA
Dec 3-7............. Florida Prison Crusade – Marianna, FL
Dec 8-11.......... BTF Seminars in North Florida Prisons
Jan 13-14......... CR Seminar Broad River CI – Columbia, SC
You can now register online at:
To receive an application, call Greta at (828) 859-7003
or email us at prison@gospelexpressonline.org
Registration Deadline: December 12
Long-Term Opportunity
Are you looking for an opportunity to serve others? Gospel
Express is in need of a domestic worker, assisting teams
pre/post tour. For more information on this position or
other opportunities, call Lonnie 828-859-7003 or visit our
website: www.gospelexpressonline.org/opportunities
Come join our ministry team!
Volleyball Tournament
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
For more information or to register your team,
call Mike Miller at (941) 320-3984.
Tournament proceeds will benefit Palm Grove
Christian School and evangelistic, humanitarian,
and medical missions in third world countries.
PO Box 217, Lynn, NC 28750