2015 - Prison Mindfulness Institute


2015 - Prison Mindfulness Institute
Letter from PMI/PDN Founder Fleet Maull
have not given up on themselves
and the dedicated criminal justice
professionals who work hard and
put themselves at risk every day to
keep us all safe.
Dear Friends,
Wow, what an amazing year 2015 has been for the
prison mindfulness/prison Dharma movement and for
PMI. Criminal justice reform is now front and center in
national political and policy conversations with wide
recognition across party lines that the current system is
broken, ineffective, unjust and unsustainable. For the first
time since I founded Prison Mindfulness Institute (then
Prison Dharma Network) from my prison cell in 1989,
it appears we actually have the wind at our backs for
genuine criminal justice reform. The prison mindfulness
movement and PMI are poised to make significant “smart
on crime” contributions for positive and transformational
change. In last year’s Annual Report, celebrating our
first 25 years of transformational service to those on
the edges of our society, I spoke about gratitude. As we
enter our second quarter century of service, I must again
begin with gratitude. We are so deeply grateful for the
opportunity to work and collaborate with all of you – our
staff, board, volunteers, faculty, facilitators and loyal
supporters; the courageous youth, women and men who
2015 was another great year
for PMI and all those we serve,
representing another leap
forward in our ability to support
more and more prisoners, prison
volunteers, and criminal justice
professionals with mindfulnessbased training and programs. Our
Path of Freedom® (POF) prison
programs are flourishing and
proliferating with graduates of our
online POF facilitator training program, now numbering
more than 600, establishing POF programs in 18 states
and five countries. We operate POF prison programs in
numerous Rhode Island and Massachusetts correctional
facilities and have established Path of Freedom® reentry
programs at four large social services agencies, three
in Boston and one in Providence, that provide housing,
recovery programs and job training and education for
men, women and youth transitioning from incarceration
and/or homelessness to viable independent living in the
community. Our mindfulness-based wellness & resiliency
(MBWR)® programs for correctional officers, law
enforcement and treatment providers are also thriving
and expanding in Oregon, Massachusetts, Kentucky and
soon … California. The successful launch of our new
Mindfulness Teacher Training & Certification Program
(www.engagedmindfulness.org) is perhaps the most
impactful highlight of 2015. We formed a new subsidiary
division of PMI, called the Engaged Mindfulness Institute
(EMI), for the purpose of training professionals and
paraprofessionals working in the criminal justice, social
services and mental health fields to integrate trauma-
informed mindfulness facilitation and teaching into their
work with at-risk individuals, underserved communities
and our most vulnerable and often marginalized and
traumatized fellow citizens. We launched our first cohort
in September 2015 with 42 fabulous aspiring mindfulness
facilitators, many of whom are already doing great work
in the world. Year one of the program includes two
weeklong mindfulness retreats and 24 weeks of intensive
online training with an amazing online faculty including
Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron,
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Gaylon Ferguson, Judith
Simmer-Brown, Joseph Goldstein, Kelly McGonigal,
Rick Hanson, Angel Kyodo Williams and over thirty more
leading mindfulness teachers and clinicians.
Our Mindful Justice Initiative (MJI) (www.mindfuljustice.
org), a collaboration catalyzed with training and
funding from the Frederick P. Lenz Foundation in 2014,
reached new heights in 2015. With funding from the
Fetzer Institute and continued support from the Lenz
Foundation, we gathered 24 influential leaders from
the full spectrum of the U.S. criminal justice system at
the Fetzer Institute’s Seasons Conference Center in
September 2015 to explore mindfulness-based, smart on
crime, front to back strategies for transforming our broken
criminal justice system into a more humane, effective,
compassionate and economically sustainable approach
to enhancing public safety and lifting up those who are
falling through the cracks in our social fabric.
May 2016 be a year of profound healing and genuine
transformation for all those we serve, for everyone
serving in or impacted by our criminal justice system and
for our entire society.
PMI’s mission is to provide prisoners, and those who
work with them, with the most effective contemplative
tools for self-transformation and rehabilitation. We
support at-risk and incarcerated youth and adults in their
contemplative practices and path, with an emphasis
on mindfulness and awareness meditation, yoga and
proven-effective, mindfulness-based interventions
(MRI’s) like MBEI and MBSR. We also support prisoners
in their study and practice of the contemplative teachings
of various Buddhist and other world wisdom traditions.
We promote these paths of wakefulness and nonaggression as ideal vehicles for self-rehabilitation and
personal transformation. We believe in the power of the
various mindfulness-awareness practices and bodymind disciplines of the world’s contemplative traditions to
change behaviors, transform lives, and ultimately reduce
recidivism, prevent crime, and enhance community
safety and well-being.
We believe in the basic goodness of all human
beings and in their innate potential for healing and
Transformative Corrections
We also provide Mindfulness-Based Wellness &
Resiliency (MBWR)™ training, Mindfulness-Based
Emotional Intelligence (MBEI) training, and Motivational
Interviewing (MI) training for correctional officers and
other criminal justice and social services professionals.
As well as mindfulness teaching certifications for those
who work with at-risk individuals and underserved
We favor the healing and transformational paradigm
of the Restorative and Transformative Justice models
of criminal justice over the more punitive paradigm of
Retributive Justice.
We support all prisoners, prison volunteers, and
corrections professionals, regardless of race, ethnicity,
gender, religious persuasion, politics, or sexual
orientation, according every individual the utmost
respect and dignity.
We believe in spiritual, humanistic, restorative, and
empowering models for self-transformation and
rehabilitation, following the principle “give someone a
fish and you feed him for a day. Teach the person to
fish, and you feed her for a lifetime.”
“I meditate to stay in the now. It helps me to see and
understand the constant stream of negative and angry
self talk that has been running through my mind while
I was unaware; it makes my days constructive. I treat
others with more respect after meditation practice. I
have had moments of bliss in a very grey environment.”
~Prisoner, Path of Freedom Class We envision correctional facilities and community
corrections programs that promote healing, education,
and personal transformation, genuinely supporting
rehabilitation and making use of proven-effective,
evidence-based methodologies from the body-mind
awareness disciplines of the world wisdom traditions and
contemporary psychology.
Successful Reintegration
Through the success of such programs, we envision a
faster and more successful reintegration of rehabilitated
prisoners into the community. We envision a gradual
shift towards more reliance on community corrections
programs to keep individuals in the community –
working, paying taxes, supporting their families and
parenting their children.
Transforming Community Leadership
We further envision a growing number of prisoners
and ex-prisoners emerging as community leaders
and change agents working to heal individuals and
communities both inside and outside the walls of our
correctional institutions, thus contributing significantly to
the overall health and well-being of society.
The Challenge
Our Solution
Our Strategy
With nearly seven million men, women and children
under some kind of correctional supervision in the U.S.,
our criminal justice system has devolved into a selfperpetuating industry that warehouses human beings
deemed to be expendable. This industry is siphoning
away critical community resources from health,
education and infrastructure, while actually diminishing
overall public safety. Correctional facilities offer their
unfortunate occupants little hope of ever having a better,
more productive life.
Mindfulness-based programs offer prisoners new hope
for changing and transforming their lives for the better.
Current neuroscience research has demonstrated clearly
the positive impact of consistent meditation practice on
human development, brain function and behavior.
We are working to actualize our PMI mission of
transforming lives and society with three principal
Mindfulness-based emotional intelligence (MBEI)
training has demonstrated significant positive impact for
persons suffering from depression, as well as attention
deficits, poor impulse control and other behavioral issues
prevalent in the prison population.
Prison Mindfulness Institute is developing and promoting
innovative and transformative evidence-based programs
for the mainstream of corrections practice. Our flagship
Path of Freedom program presents an MBEI approach
to relieving suffering and promoting positive behavior
• Leading the field as an innovative developer and direct
provider of mindfulness-based emotional intelligence
(MBEI) training for the corrections field.
• Conducting quality research programs designed to
scientifically evaluate and improve current programs
and to establish mindfulness-based interventions and
programming as evidence based practice (EBP) in the
field of corrections.
• Growing and resourcing an international, contemplative
and mindfulness-based prison work movement —
providing prisoners, prison volunteers, corrections
staff and over 195 PDN-member prison projects and
organizations with the most effective mindfulnessbased tools, training and resources available.
“Prisons present a tremendous challenge to everyone in them. The prison environment makes
peace of mind fleeting at best. Yet, without that ground of inner peace, it is hard to benefit
oneself or others, especially under extreme conditions. However, prisoners who have learned
to meditate in these harsh conditions have found that the mindfulness and inner strength they
develop helps them deal with the obstacles they face on many levels.
For the past twenty years, Prison Mindfulness Institute has developed a reliable reputation
for providing prisoners with the powerful tool of meditation to help them work deeply with
whatever they confront in their lives. I fully endorse and support their noble, compassionate
and steadfast work.”
~Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
~Path of Freedom Online
Training Participant
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Kate Cr
& Flee
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“The selection of mindfulness
and personal development
material/exercises and
resources was thoughtful and
well structured. I appreciated
the generosity that is infused
throughout the whole program
in both the sense of providing
curriculum resources for
facilitators and believing in the
best possible outcome for those
participating in the training.”
Path of FreedomTM Project
Since launching the POF Webinars in 2009, 644
participants from around the world have completed the
POF facilitator training. The majority of these participants
are volunteers or professionals already involved in
corrections, treatment, or at-risk youth programs of one
kind or another. The Path of Freedom™ is a uniquely
integrated rehabilitation and personal development
curriculum. It incorporates mindfulness training,
cognitive-behavioral training, and social-emotional
learning in a pragmatic twelve-session, experiential
course that can be delivered in a variety of settings and
in various formats.
Inside Path of Freedom™ Programs:
In 2015 we offered four Path of Freedom online trainings,
training a total of 180 people. We will be running three
POF trainings in 2016 and hope to train 200 people.
We held several advanced webinars for POF graduates
and in 2016 we are going to continue to hold advanced
facilitator trainings.
POF Post Release (MA & RI)
Online Interactive Facilitator’s Guide
In 2015, we continued to develop resources for our
interactive, online facilitators website for all Path of
Freedom™ (POF) facilitators. We added 105 new active
facilitators to the site in 2015, bringing the total to 525
POF facilitators. This site provides all the materials,
­­­guidelines, and additional resources facilitators need to
deliver the Path of Freedom™ curriculum. POF facilitators
post reports, blogs and comments about sessions they
deliver, creating a rich collaborative environment and
providing valuable feedback for ongoing curriculum
In 2015, we expanded our Path of Freedom programs at
the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC).
We ran two 14-week semesters at men’s medium security
facility with 25 participants each time and an advanced
POF class with 12 participants each time. In the fall
we started a new class for mens in high security with 9
participants . Two 14-week semesters were also run at
women’s minimum with 10 participants each time. The
on-going class for the young men at the Training School
juvenile facility has continued every week since July 2014.
In 2015 classes were offered at the Providence, RI
homeless shelter, Amos House, with 20 plus participants.
It is being offered again in 2016. We also ran the POF
at Haley House and St. Francis in Boston and will be
expanding these programs in 2016.
In Massachusetts, we expanded our group of trained Path
of Freedom Facilitators and now have POF programs in
seven MA DOC facilities and one homeless shelter.
Path of FreedomTM Research:
Ongoing research on our Path of FreedomTM programs
in Rhode Island prisons conducted by researchers at
Brown University, University of Rhode Island and Rhode
Island College has shown significant positive impacts
for participants, including fewer violent and/or negative
behavior incidents, fewer positive drug screens (after
release), lowered state and trait anxiety levels, increased
emotional intelligence, and increased capacity for both
mindfulness and self-transcendence.
“I believe that meditation is a ‘cure’, for lack of a better word, for all of the societal
ills and woes. My heart is warmed to see how the inmates make positive changes
after learning and practicing meditation. Thank you all for the course.”
~Path of Freedom Online Training Participant
prisoner art
Prison and Volunteer Trainings
During 2015, PDN Founder Fleet Maull led Path of
Freedom™ and other mindfulness-based emotional
intelligence (MBEI) training programs for prison
facilitators and others at Shambhala Meditation centers
in Albany, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington
DC, Krakow Poland and other venues in New Mexico,
New York, Oregon and Louisville.
Networking and Community Building
We have worked for over 25 years to build a wellresourced, national and international prison meditation
movement. We provide support, resources, and training
to prisoners, their families, prison ministries, outreach
programs, volunteers and corrections professionals.
and activity with over 3,384 PDN members blogging,
engaging in discussion forums, sharing resources,
photos, videos, and more.
This site has become a thriving center for prison
volunteers, prison staff, and prisoner families. Here
members can discuss the most relevant prison dharma
issues and network with each other. We send a monthly
newsletter about the community posts and activities on
this site to over 5,000 subscribers. Our active PMI/PDN
community on Facebook now has 6,794 members. We
also have 12,538 followers on Twitter.
Online Network Database
Our searchable online database includes over 195 Prison
Dharma Network member organizations worldwide.
Prison Dharma Network Community
We provide an online community and social network
for our individual and organizational members on our
website at prisonmindfulness.org.
The site is a hub for prison meditation program news
“I am in segregation and trying to keep
my sanity. I’m also looking for a better
way of life by meditation so I won’t be
one of the 90 percent recessive behavior
offenders coming back to prison. I want
to be compassionate and loving to my
family and friends and all those around
me as my spirit paths growing.”
~Prisoner, Books Behind Bars Program
“It is important that we do not forget what happens in our prisons, nor what they are for.
Prisons should not only be focused on punishment, but also on rehabilitation. No one is
entirely evil, for everyone does possess a basic sense of humanity at some level. Indeed we
Buddhists believe that everyone has Buddha nature, the potential to become a Buddha. In our
various communities it is important to ensure that the prison system functions in the interest
of us all.
I am pleased to learn that the Prison Dharma Network [Prison Mindfulness Institute] is working
to support rehabilitation through education and other activities within the prison system. I am
confident that these projects will be of long term benefit both to prison inmates and society at
large and offer my prayers for their success.”
~H.H. Dalai Lama
me: What is possible for inmates,
for myself, and for others, specific
meditation and contemplation
techniques that are extremely
practical in daily life and in prison life,
a better understanding of the mental
and spiritual needs of inmates, a full
toolbox of methods to use in life and
in working with inmates, and a better
understanding of the correctional
system. Thank you!”
~Path of Freedom Online
Training Participant
“Pessimistic and self-critical thoughts
subtly told me that I was a failure,
worthless, unlovable, stupid, no one
“The Path of Freedom Training taught
Mindfulness-Based Emotional
Intelligence (MBEI) and Wellness
& Resiliency (MBWR) Training for
Corrections Professionals:
Following up on a successful mindfulness-based
professional development program for correctional
counselors, probation officers and treatment providers
in the Rhode Island Department of Corrections in 2013,
we completed a yearlong, first-of-its-kind mindfulnessbased wellness & resiliency (MBWRTM) program for
sixty correctional officers at five Oregon Department of
Corrections prisons in 2014. The program successfully
addresses the issues of chronic stress, severe burnout
(corrections fatigue), and primary and secondary
trauma exposure and their negative impact on career
correctional officers and their families, including impaired
health, family conflicts, anxiety, depression, suicide and
early death from chronic stress-related illnesses.
would ever trust me and that my situation
feel empty, lonely, angry, depressed,
and anxious. Thoughts like these caused
those habitual stories, memories and
persistent worrisome thoughts that
leet Ma
& Fleet
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Prison Dha
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4623, Bou
P.O. Box
In 2015 we launched the Engaged Mindfulness
Institute (EMI) with a year-long mindfulness teacher
training and certification program for professional
and paraprofessional bringing mindfulness to at-risk
individuals and underserved communities. Our first
cohort of 42 participants will graduate in June of 2016.
See: www.engagedmindfulness.org
Kate Cri
~Prisoner, Path of Freedom Class
substance abuse.”
the world especially with my years of
shaped my distorted perception of
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The Pris Fleet Maull
Engaged Mindfulness Institute
Through meditation, I began to unravel
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Praise for
As the premier publisher of prison dharma literature, PDN
has distributed over 10,000 copies of our publications
to prisoners, prison libraries and volunteers nationwide,
including: Sitting Inside: Buddhist Practice in America’s
Prisons, Dharma In Hell: The Prison Writings of Fleet
Maull, and Path of Freedom Workbook.
my body to droop, tense or tremble.
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Prison Dharma Press
PAT H of
was hopeless. These negative thoughts,
The Oregon Department of Corrections contracted PMI
for another 18 months of MBWR(TM) programing from
2015-2016 with over 250 correctional officers at eight
different Oregon State prisons.
nal Inte
-Based k for Prisoners
A Mindf BEI) Workboo
Kate Cr
& Flee
t Maull
to us, but we do the best with
what we have. It’s not every day
(especially in our environment) that
acts of kindness and compassion
are shown, so we’re very grateful for
your network.”
~Books Behind Bars Recipient
prisoner art
“We have few resources available
Prison Mindfulness Research Project:
PDN has established a stellar committee of seasoned
researchers to develop research programs designed
to scientifically evaluate and improve current programs
and to establish mindfulness-based interventions as
evidence-based practice (EBP) in corrections.
Please visit our website prisonmindfulness.org, for
information regarding our published research and current
research initiatives.
PMI’s Research & Program Evaluation
Brad Bogue, M.A.
Willoughby Britton, Ph.D.
Jennifer Clark, M.D.
Kate Crisp, B.A.
Sam Himelstein, Ph.D
Mitchell Levy, M.D.
Fleet Maull, M.A., Ph.D. candidate.
Dave Vago, Ph.D
Center for Mindfulness in Corrections
In 2012 we established CMC as a division of PMI,
offering Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence
(MBEI) approaches to staff development, leadership, and
wellness training, as well as Motivational Interviewing
(MI) training and other consulting and training services
to federal, state and local correctional agencies and
corrections professionals.
Books Behind Bars: Support for
Prisoners, Prison Chaplains and
We provide shipments of books on meditation,
Buddhism, and other contemplative practices and
teachings from the world’s great wisdom traditions
to prisoners, prison chaplains and prison libraries.
In 2015, we sent over 2021 books on meditation and
contemplative spirituality to prison chaplains and
libraries. We continue to partner with Tricycle Magazine
to provide chaplains and librarians with downloadable
materials and resources on our website, including the
Tricycle Meditation Kit, and the PMI Meditation Kit, and a
yoga instruction kit.
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations
Prison Dharma Network Organizational
Mindful Justice Initiative
Tricycle Magazine
We gathered 25 influential leaders-police, judges,
prosecutor, public defenders, corrections executives,
victim advocates, and more - from the full spectrum
of the US criminal justice system to explore the
contributions mindfulness could make to positive
transformation in our justice system. We are currently
working to establish a long term MJI program based on
the momentum from these historic conferences.
We are committed to supporting, promoting and
facilitating the work of our 192 PDN member
organizations. Our membership includes almost all of
the organizations and groups, large and small, doing
meditation-based or contemplative prison work in the
U.S. and a number of groups working in Europe, Latin
American and Pacific Rim Countries such as Australia
and New Zealand.
PDN and Tricycle Magazine collaborate on providing
online resources for prison chaplains, accessible through
both the PDN website and www.tricycle.com
Justice Systems Assessment & Training
(J-SAT) brings Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) and
performance measurement strategies to federal, state,
and local correctional agencies through evaluation,
training, assessment and research services. PMI is
partnering with J-SAT to evaluate the effectiveness of
Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence (MBEI) and
Motivational Interviewing (MI) training programs for
corrections professionals.
prisoner art
“My meditation practice has helped me out
tremendously. I have an anxiety disorder
and I constantly have panic attacks. Since
my meditation practice begun I noticed I
have less panic attacks. I also notice that
I actually think before I act out and for me
I’m glad that I took this course.”
~Prisoner, Path of Freedom Class
In collaboration with the Berkeley Initiative for
Mindfulness in Law (BIML) at the UCAL Berkeley Law
School, PMI launched a Mindful Justice Initiative(MJI)
designed to catalyze a national conversation about
criminal justice reform with a mindfulness perspective.
Following an initial conference at the Berkeley Law
School in 2014, we organized the first national Mindful
Justice conference at the Fetzer Institute’s Seasons
Conference Center in September 2015.
See: www.mindfuljustice.org
PMI: Sustaining the Change
2016 Development Campaign Goals:
­­­Total Revenue: $908,440
Fee for Service
$25,638 – 3%
$5,527 – 1%
Other: $73
$261,135 – 28%
$419,067 – 46%
$197,00 – 22%
After 25 years of transformational work with prisoners,
prison volunteers and corrections professionals, PMI
has taken a major leap toward establishing mindfulnessbased interventions and programs as mainstream,
evidence-based practice for the entire criminal justice
system, from law enforcement and the court system
to corrections, probation & parole and post-release/
reentry programs of all kinds. This bold undertaking will
require significant resources for program and faculty
development, research and training, and innovative
policy advancement initiatives. Our goal is to double our
resources and capacity over the next five years. We ask
you to join this exciting and challenging systemic change
campaign to transform our criminal justice system into
a vehicle for healing, transformation and hope, as well
as public safety and security by helping us reach our
fundraising goals in 2016:
Annual Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000
Major Gifts .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000
Grants .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000
Total Expenses: $553,457
$33,400 – 6%
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000
Support us in any or all of the following
• Donate to the Annual Fund full-heartedly so that we
can achieve our goal of transforming our criminal
justice system into a force for healing.
• Join our Legacy Circle with a multi-year gift of support
for our Path of Freedom or Books Behind Bars
programs. By committing and contributing to this
fund in an ongoing way, you help countless youth and
prisoners find a way to make their lives meaningful
rather than harmful to themselves and others.
Every gift of any amount is greatly appreciated by us
and all of the thousands of prisoners we serve. Your
donations are tax-deductible and will make a difference
in the lives of so many in need.
Gifts may be made online at:
or send to:
Prison Mindfulness Institute
PO Box 206
South Deerfield MA 01373
Total Fundraising Goal.. . . $1,000,000
“I have been honored to serve as a spiritual advisor to the Prison
$64,659 – 12%
Dharma Network since its founding and fully endorse the work
they continue to accomplish. Through my own experience with
prisoners, I have directly witnessed the transformative potential
of prison meditation programs. Please support Prison Dharma
$455,398 – 82%
Network in any way you can.”
~Acharya Pema Chodron
Kate Crisp, Executive Director
Fleet Maull, Director of Training & Development
Sophie Leger, Engaged Mindfulness Coordinator
Micah Thanhauser, Path of Freedom Coordinator
Jessica Paden, Administrative Assistant
Hannah Stracensky, Administrative Assistant
Ana Alejandre-Lara, Intern
Alexx Temeña, Intern
Board of Directors
Michael Brady
Kate Crisp
In memoriam, Pamela Krasney
Parker Krasney
Fleet Maull
Frank Ryan
Board of Spiritual Advisors
Acharya Pema Chodron
Thupten Chodron
Rabbi David Cooper
Roshi Bernie Glassman
Joseph Goldstein
Roshi Joan Halifax
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Father Thomas Keating
Jack Kornfeld
Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Sharon Salzberg
Matthieu Ricard
Thrangu Rinpoche
In Memorium:
Robert Aitken Roshi
John Daido Loori Roshi
Stephen Levine
On behalf of our Board and Staff we would like
to thank our dedicated volunteers and donors
Genesis Barrera
Kate Crisp
Jonah David
Steve Decollibus
Marissa Decollibus
Faith Dickerson
John Gilliard
Theo Kropf
Todd Larussi
David Margolis
Fleet Maull
Paul Mooney
Francesca Nardelli
Susan Phenix
Mark O’Leary
Buck Reidy
Anna Ressel
Gary Schapiro
Cristina Serverius
Claudia Summer
Richard Sylvester
Sofie Sandweiss
Sydney Tan
Alexx Temeña
Micah Thanhauser
Keith Toni
Anthony Abbott
Annabelle Abegglen Apodaca
Heather Abel
Jennifer Absey
Mark & Susan Ackelson
John Adair
Anthea Dinneen Adams
Cheryl Adams
Christine Adams
Nancy Alden
Gary Aldridge
Paula Alempijevic
Kenneth Alexander
Jonathan & Adana Barbieri
Rosemary Blake
Kenneth Alexander
Sharon Barr
Barbara Blasdel
Mark Alexander
Joy Alferness
Karen Allaire
Ann Allegre
Barbara Allen
William Allred
Carmen Altamirano
Jane Altar
Louise Altman
Sarah Altschuler
Kathleen Amato
Vivian Amos-Brown
Philip Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Kirsten Anderson
Nancy Andrews
Athena Angelus
Karen Archambault
Barbara Armbruster
Robert & Deborah Armstrong
Sarah Arnold
Kristine Arnold
Harvey Aronson
Carol N Arpaci
Carol Ascher
Elie Aslan
Dominick Atanasio
James Austin
Paul Baber
Jacqueline Baca
Robert Bagley
Julia Bailey
Diana Bailey
Linda Bair
Melissa Baldwin
Alicia Ballantyne
Lynne Bama
Stephanie Barbier
Rebecca Barkley
Ellen Barr
Kristin Blakslee
Sara Barrett
The John F. Bledsoe
Charitable Gift Fund
Jane Barton
Carol Bloom
Rebecca Bavinger
Martha Blue
Richard Beauheim
David Bolduc
Patricia Barry
Michelle Bloodworth
Barbara Bash
Michael Blotzer
Lenore Beaky
Elizabeth Boenig
Miriam Beauman
Kathleen Beck-Coon
Evan Bollinger
Lisa Bolton
Joy Becker
Samuel Bonsignore
Nicholas Beem
Geraldine Bouchet
Ellen Bell
Peter Boylan
Evelyn Bender
Raylene Braga
Elizabeth Benedict
Barbara Brandon
Sarah Bentley
Corilynn Breitwisch
Jody Berke
Mary Brent
Jean Berolzheimer
Katie Briggs
Craig M. Best
MarySue Brooks
Scott Biller
Anne & Phillip Brown
Jim Bishop
John & Deborah Brown
Suzanna Bjick
Ann M Bruscia
Kate Blackwell
Elizabeth Buchanan
Zachary Becker
Judith R Bond
Lela Beem
Lori Boothroyd
Barbara Bell
Heather Boudreau
Vered & Eli Ben-Anat
Kathleen Brady
Karen Bender
Cheryl Ann Branco
David L Bennett
Jean Braun
Marcia Beram
Nel Brennan
Frank Berliner
Sukey Briggs
Diann Bertucci
Joanne G. Brion
Anna Betker
Sid Brown
Carol Binswanger
Cheryl Browne
Deborah Bissonnette
Natascha Bruckner
Patricia Blackmore
James Bryan
Jody Blake
Joan Buckley
Ann Bugh
Circle Yoga
Patricia Craves
Mary de Baca
Shelly Ehrman
Victor D Fitterman
Christine Burkhart
Anastasia Christman
Tom Cremins
Patricia Deitz
Terri Eirich
Kenneth Flanders
Gary Burbridge
Terri Burnor
Robin Butler
Malia Butner
Laminate Creations By Hand
Debbie Caldwell
John Calvert
Suzanne Campbell
Ian and Melanie Campbell
Brook Campbell
Owsley Brown III Philanthropic
Allan Campo
Kathleen Cannon
Lisa Cappelli
S. Joy Cardyn
Jae Carey
Lorianne Carey
Faith Carlson
Eric Carlson
Mary Carmody
Jane Caron
Ann & Thomas Carr
Anne Carr
Bruno Franck & Anne Carroll
Ann Carroll
Helen Casteel
Helen Casteel
Jill Castelli
Charles Chalko
Cheryl Chalmers
Casey Chapin Holt
Meredith Chapman
Sally Chapman
Cher & John Chappell
David Charny
Elizabeth Cheatham
Robert Chender
Sanghyeon Cheon
Judy Chew
Kim Chew
Chang Chinfan
Justin Chotikul
Christina Chrobokowa
Haze Chung
Jerry Chungbin
Dianne & Allyn Ciccone
Winfield Clark
Margaret Clark
Lauren Clark
Whitney Clavin
Peggy Creese
Paulette & Thomas Crisman
Carol Cropp
Marian Cross
James & Lee Crouse
Susan Crowe
Jan Crutchfield
Juanita Cruz
Becky Clawson
David Moynahan & Crystal
Candace Coar
Barbara Culkins
Cobb and Wilson
Marilyn C. Cummings
Pamela Cofield
Ken Cunkle
Elizabeth Cohen
Michael Curtis
Jeff Cohn
Marcella Cussen
Linda Coleman
John Dabrowski
Corinne Collins
Ronald Collins
Rothstein, Donatelli, Hughes,
Dahlstrom, Schoenburg &
Bienvenu, LLP Attorneys At
Autumn Colton
Richard Dalby
John Congdon
Stefania Dal Zio
Susan Connor
Patty Daniel
Michelle Cook
Dan Danielsen
David A Copley
Carla Danley
Josephine Corcoran
Richard Darsie
Grant Couch
Tanina Davanzo
The Deconcini Family Trust
Robert Delad
Madeline Delisle
Joyce Dennehy
Raymond De Silva III
Sonia Dettman
Joshua Devitt-Mather
Sam Dewitt
Patricia DeWitt
Lindsey Dickson
Ursula Cliff
Josh Cuilty
William Coats
Blaise Cullen
Richard Cochran
James & Diane Cunningham
Mark & Anne Pedersen
Robin Cohelan
Laura Cupshan
Dolnick Family Fund
John & Golda Cohen Trust
Damian H Curtiss
Susie Coleman
Kylie D’Silva
Jennifer Collins
Carol Dahlen
Ronald Collins
Norman & Susan Colpitts
Richard Daigle
Eva Condon
Julie Dalton
Michael Connell
Linda Dane
Renee Cook
Ellen Larkin & Daniel Packard
Roberta Cooper
Emily Danies
Edward Coppola
Lorri Danzig
Laura Corkey
Jane Darton
Keith Cowan
Spence Davis
Amber Davis
Andrew Cox
Robert & Margaret Coyne
Valerie Day
Angelarosa Didonato
Mathew Divaris
Dolnick Family Fund
Andrew & Debra Donnally
Christine Doornbos
Barbara Dorfman
Bruce & Olimpia Dorries
Beth Bentley & Edward
David Dowd
Denise Doyle
Linda Drake
Wendy Drake
Konstantin Drapkin
Geraldine Drennan
Margaret Dubin
Patricia Eichenold
Sean Elder
Patricia Elliott
Tamara Ellis
Kathy & Thomas Ellison
Megan Emery
Creative Endeavors
Bruce Engebretson
Margaret English
Wendy Erd
Pamela Erdmann
Janice Ernst
Mary & Doste Esh
Tess Evans Charitable
Peg Evans-Brown
Kathy Faas
Jano Fairservis
Patricia Ann Faller
Michael Fallon
Noang Nguyen and My-Loc
T Cao
Floyd & Leslie Fantelli
Christopher Farkas
Peter Farley
Dennis Farrell
Laurie Fedele
Feig-Sandoval Family
Wayne Feit
Louise DuBois
Jeffrey Feirman
Anne Duffek
Richard & Ruth Feldman
Christine Du Bois
Douglas Dumas
Mary Duncan
Peter Dupont
Andrés Durante
James Earley
Jeff Eaton
Lois Eberle
Gregory Eddy
David Edmonds
Rev. Bill Edwards
George & Jennymay Ehmer
Paul & Marilyn Felber
Fellowship In Prayer
Janice Fenske
Wendy Fernstrum
David Fersh
Alixe Fesler
Barbara & Robert Festa
The John E Fetzer Institute
Daniel Fields
Bert Fingerhut
Bonnie Finklea
Alexander Fish
Danny Flaherty
Charlotte Fleming
Flyn Flesher
Elizabeth Foley
Wendy Folke
Rebecca Folkerth
Carole Folsom-Hill
Patricia Fontaine
Richard Forand
Tim & Betsy Forcade
Kenneth & Barbara Ford
William Ford
William Forman
Paul Forste
James & Elaine Foster
Dyer Family Foundation
Priscilla Fox
James Frank
Jerome & Kathleen Frankel
Al Franklin
Amy Frankowski
Jake & Dominique Fratkin
Bob Freeborn-Rubin
Lucy Freeman
Susan Freiband
Joanne Friday
Lennart Frieborg
Ellen Frieder
Marie Friquegnon
R. D. Fritts
Bradford Fritz
Denise Frizzell
Dale Froneberger
Ron Frost
Scott L. Frost
Margaret Fruhbauer
Ann Fuller
Claire Gabriel
Constance Gabrielli
Gane Gall
William Gallagher
Judith Gallagher
Mary Gamble
Beverly & William Gamble
Julie Green
C. Gannett
Loretta & John Greene
Dani Gammel
Jay Gao
Isaac Gardiner
Joan Garrabrant
Owsley Brown III Philanthropic
Johanna Garvey
Arthur “Doc” Garvin
Damon Gay
Holly Gayley
Jennifer E. George
Barbara George
Lisa K Georgeson
Brother Geronimo
William Gibbons
Elizabeth Gibbs
Vicki Giella
Susan Giering
Lisa Giglio
Nancy Gilbert
Nancy Gilchrist
Daniel Gill
Judith Gillespie
David Gilner
Patricia Giordano
Mark Girard
David and Judith Glaser
Jennifer Glick
Walter Glooschenko
William Goebel
Lara Gold
Scott Goldner
Vicki Goldsmith
Diane Goldstein
Diana Goodman
Nancy Goodman
Jean Patrice Gorham
Steve Gorn
Alexander Grant Wright
Pierre Gravelat
Cynthia Gray
Melanie Greeley
David Green
Jill Greenberg
Mark Greenberg
Teresa Gregory
Linda Griffith
Stephanie Griffiths
Nina Grimaldi
Jill Grodi
Kjell Grotland
Helen Guerino
Jean Guerrisi
Robin Guerry
Melanie Guldman
Alan & Sarah Gurganus
Jennifer Guth
Scott Gutterman
Barbara Guyer
Kris Haines-Burnham
Christophe Hakim
Robert Halcomb
Judith Hall
Patricia Hall
Lesly Hall
Linda Halleran
Jennifer Halling
Susan Halpern
Sharon Hamilton
Bonita Hampton
Billie Jo Hance
Karen Hancock
Miriam Hard
Judith Harden
Sarah Harder
Perry Keith Harpending
Randy Harris
Christine Harrison
Lynn Hart
Mark Hartsuyker
Thomas Hast
Linda Hatfield
Charla Hattendorf
Jane Hauser
Sandra Haviland
Katherine Hope
Helen Horigan
Susan Joiner
Susan Kissinger
Geoffrey Haynes
Robert Horowitz
Tucker Jones
Molly Jones
Janice Kitson
John Haverlick
Lily Hayeem
Joseph Hayward
Gregory Heberlein
Elise Hegel
E. Deborah Heiferman
Ann Heilbron
Nancy Heller
Miranda Heller
Karen Henderson
Nanine Henderson
Margo Hennebach
Eileen Hennessy
Burl Henry
David Henry
Miriam Hernandez
Stephen Herr
Greg Herrle
Jeffrey Herrmann
Kathleen Hersh-Boyle
Hershey Family Foundation
Susan & Gordon Heule
Dawn Heyse
Caroline Hicks
Sue Hicks
Alex Hilert
Roberta Hill
Tom Hippert
Fumiyo Hirano
Mark Hobbs
George W. Hodak
Asia Hodges
D Hodson
Jessica & Tim Hoelzel
Steve Hoffman
Karl Hofmeister
James Hohmann
Ray Holan
Morgan Holladay
Michael Holley
Mary Hollingshead
I’Lee Hooker
Geoffrey Horne
John & Pamela Horrisberger
Eldon Horst
Richard Houghton
Marsha Houston
Mark Hovis
Megan Howard
Hugh Howard
James Hubbard
Walter Hubbard
Betsey Huffman
Barton Jones
Curt Jopling
Patricia Jordan
Gerrianne Jordan
John Josephson
Susan Joyce
Mickey Judkovics
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Daniel Kaemmerer
Kalliopeia Foundation
Rich Hunt
Edmund Cornman & Karen
Jeremy Hunter
Lynn Kass
Robert Hunter
Philip Katner
Julie Hurlbut
Eve Kaye
Cindy Hutchison
Theresa Kelleher
Deb Ingebresen
Gwen Kelly
Richard Irwin
Ingeborg Kelly
Sharon K. Jackson
Samuel Kennedy
Toby Jacober
Kenneth Keohane
Suzanne Hunt
Michael Karlin
David Hunter
Sherry & John Kasukonis
B. Rena Huntsman
Laurie Katon
Suzanne Hurst
Masoumeh Kazemian
Ric Iannolino
Frank Jr. Kelly
Lori Ingram
Margalynn Kelly
Valerie Jablonski
Russell Kelm
Jackson & Douglas
Daryl Kent
Patricia Reed & Jacob
Walt Keough
Nancy James
Lawrence Keuchler
Irma Jakob
JBK Search LLC
Chis Hunt Jeanne Ward
Clarissa Jenkins-Dunham
Paula Jenson
Scott Jessup
Sujatha Jesudason
Gary Johnson
Jay Johnson
Bernard Johnson III
M. G. Johnston
Nancy Kern
Peggy M. Kersulis
Dave Kimble
Janet & Ross Kimmerle
Chris King
Yvonne Kingman
Jean Kinkead
Jeremy Kinner
Chrissy Kinsman
Christina Kirk
Margaret Kirschner
Laura Kirsner
James & Judith Kissinger
Jean Klaber
Jennifer Klement
Lois Klingemen
Richard Knapp
Lisa Knickmeyer
John Koehn
Richard Koerber
Arthur Korf
Roy Korn
Christine Kosky
Bobbie & Jerome Kotrba
Rae Kozloff
Camille Kozlowski
Pamela Krasney
Parker Krasney
Marty Krasney
Joe Kruger
Tina Kruh
King Kryger
Ruth Kuhl
Judith Kuhn
Alan & Beth Kurland
Sue Ellen Kuzma
Jo Ann Kwass
Santo Lacorte
Jeanne Lacoste
J. Bushrod Lake
Thea Lander
llyana landes
Ruth H. Landstrom
Sandra Lang
Andrea Lang
Judith Langenhorst
Randall & Glee Langston
Evelyn Lansberry
Jean Lapointe
Margaret Laracy
Sally Larrick
Deynise Lau
Jeanne Laurel
Mercedes Laurencin
Louis Laurino
Lini Lieberman-Erich
Adele Marcus
Ginny McGinn
MKM Foundation
Marcia Neufer
Elizabeth Laverack
Frederick Liew
Phyllis Markopoulos
Maura McGrath
Phillip Moffitt
Janice Newmark
Susan Lavelle
Elizabeth Laverack
Bonnie Lawrence
Rhonda Lawrence
Margaret Lieder
Derek Lin
Paul Ling
John Layh
Larry Teitelbaum & Lisa
Nathalie and David Lebeau
Susan G. Litoff
Roger Ledbetter
Hannah Lloyd
Phil Ledon
Ruth Lofgren
Laurie Lee
Timothy Long
Nadine Lefkowitz
Mary Lopata
Richard Lehman
Jennifer Lovejoy
James Lemkin
David Loy
Jill Lenhardt
Christine Lynn
Judith Lennon
Janet Lyons
Frederick P. Lenz Foundation
Matthew Macgregor
Lucy Leu
Kenneth & Patricia Mackay
Susanna Levin
Gregory Mackinnon Brown
Stephen Levine
Mason Maddox
Kenneth Levy-Church
Mayuko Makamura
Lynne Lewin
Colette Malik
Paul Lewis
Margo Mallar
Eliza Lewis
Regina Manes
Gregory Leach
T. Litman
Allen LeCours
Olga Llerena
Sue Lederer
Alison Lockwood
Daniel & Julia Lee
Sermsak Lolak
Bonnie Lee
JD Longwell
Phyllis Lehman
Trisha Lotzer
Julie LeMay
Keith Lowe
Cynthia Lemus
Jennifer Lundstrom
Christian Lenn
John Lyons
Misha Lenz
Robert MacDonald
Nina Lerner
Linda Mack
Sean Levin
Robert MacKenzie
Scott Levine
Thomas Macris
Michael & Linda Levy
Lyn Magee
Frances Lewandoski
Elaine Malcolm
Rhea Lewis
Donna Malkin
Lenley Lewis
Carol Mancusi-Ungaro
Susan Eisendrath & Joseph
Christiaan Manno
Lyn & Arthur Lidsky
Donna Marcialis
James Libowski
Lois Manookian
Yvonne Mansell
Barry Margolin
David E Marks
Frederica Marshall
David Marsters
Jeff & Rose Martin
Mitra Martin
Elaine & Ladley Martin
Shannon Martinel
Robert Martinez
Edward and Barbara
Linda Martyn
Jodie Martz
William & Bonnie Marx
Ohashiatsu Maryland
Lynn Maser
John & Alva McGovern
Jan McGregor
Linda McGuire
Colleen McHorney
Patricia McIsaac
Michael McKale
Brandon McKay
John McKenna
John McNamara
Nina McPherson
Diane McVicker
Mary Jo Meadow
Paul & Emily Meier
Evelyn Melancon
Bernice Mennis
Ann Meredith
Paul & Barbara Moe
Douglas Molin
Meredith Monk
Christopher Monroe
Timothy M. Montague
Joyce & Patrick Montgomery
Geoff Moon
Ward Mooney
Kitty Moore
Nick Morale
Kris Morgan
Meg Morris
Mark Morris
Randall and Patricia Morris
Jillian Morrison
Carolyn S. Mason
Sanderson-Cammack Family
Philip Morse
Richard Mathes
Terri Messer
Miriam Moussaioff
Christine Masi
Charles Massinople
Daryl Mathews
Robert Matisse
Victoria Mattson
Fleet Maull
John Maus
Katherine Mayer
Marjorie Mayer
Sue Ruskin Mayher
Janet McAlpin
Linda McAtee
Mary Linda McBride
Doug McCanne
John McCarthy
Patrick McCarthy
Heather McCarty
Charles McClaugherty
Eric McCollum
Scott McConnell
Timothy McCormack
Arnetta Swan & Eugene
Hollie & Ted McFetridge
Elizabeth McGie
Carmel Merrill
Bill Metivier
Anne & Thomas Metzler
Stephanie Moss
Shelley Motley
Elizabeth Mowry
Frederick Meyer
Charles & Henrietta
Paul Michabofsky
Alex Muhanoff
James MIiller
Cristina Mullen
Mark Miller
Thomas Murguia
Sonya & Philip Miller
Terry Murphy
Jennifer Miller
Janet Murry
Karen Miller
Stacey & Myrna Soper
Moselle Milner
Carol Nahod
Mindfulness Connections
Elizabeth Napier
Janet Mirry
Anita Navon
Valerie Mitchell
Richard Nelson
Jane Miceli
Lilo Mueller
Jay Michaelson
Kristina Muinos
Tollie Miller
Daniel Mullen
Julie & Ronald Miller
Philip Murphy
Linda & Barry Miller
Chris Murray
Chuck Miller
David Myers
Edna Milliner
Marcel Nagy
Mindful Therapist, Inc
Richard Nanas
Maurie Mintz
Stephen Nathan
Meridith Mitchell
Barbara Nelson
David and Lorri Newman
Lynn Nicholson
Peter Nimkoff
Nancy Nimmich
Thomas Nimtz
Lori Norris
Jozo Novak
Mary O’Brien
Mary O’Connor
Neil O’Donnell
Donna O’Malley
Richard Oberg
Donna Obermiller
Emilie O Falc
Kristin Ogley
Nancy Ohalla
Karen Ohlenkamp
Jane Bindl Oi
John Okeefe
Robert Olander
Judith Oldham
Mark Oldknow
Ellen Olsen
Glen Olsheim
Laura Olson
John and Michelle Ong
Ira Orchin
Cathy A Ordiway
Wesley Orser
John & Jeane Osborne
Anne Otterman
Sabrina Owen
Wayne Owens
Owsley Brown III
Philanthropic Foundation
Austin O’Malley
Kathryn P. Harris
Charmaine Pack
Richard Pagliaroli
Janet Pal
Ronald Palmer
Susie Palumbo
William Papineau
Jason Parrish
Ximena Prelle
Lynn E Rice
Elio & Lorraine Pascutti
Benjamin Pressman
Sheila Richardson
Fredric Parsons
Bhupendra & Nalini Patel
Donald Paterson
Howard Paules
Phyllis Pay
Cathy Pearce
M. S. Pearse
Andrew Pekarik
Kim Pelle
Sharon Peltier
Michele Peniakoff
Geneva Perez
Susan J Perkins
Mary Perreault
Nico & Ann Peruzzi
Erika Petersen
Penny Peterson
Vicky Peterson
Harry Presberg
Jarilen Preston
Karen Price
Ann Price
John Prisco
Susan Proctor
Cummings Properties
Denise Prosser
Phyllis Prout
Blase Provitola
Terry Puckett
Henry Pugh
James Purdy
Keziah Putinam
Dedri Quillin
Jennie Quinn
Ellie Rabinowitz
John & Lloydean Pettengill
Andrea McShane & Reynold
Thu Pham
Carlos Ramos
Dan Phillips
Jon Ransohoff
Anne Picard
Joseph Ratner
Vicki Pierre
Gary Ray
Rich Pinto
Stephen & Lizabeth Raynes
Judith Platt
Michael Douglas Ready
Linda Popelish
Robert Reed
Annette Potter
Maurice Reidy
Susan Pottish
Julie Reincke
Beverly Powell
Susan Rembecki
Michael and Martha Pratt
Andrew Resnick
Nancy Petty
Susan Raeburn
Susan Phenix
Chris Randol
James Edward Phoenix
Wendy & Marc Raspanti
Ronald & Pamela Pickup
Edward Rau
Dianne Pierson
Sharon Raymond
Robert Pittenger
Ingrid Reade
Lori Ponge
Michele Reed
Simone Porier-Bures
Paul Reeves
James Potterton
David Reinberger
Starr Potts
David Reitz
Eva Pozar
Laura Reske
Dianne Pratt
Judith Rew
Kelly Reynolds
Joseph Richard
Frank Ryan
Jennifer Ryan-Graniero
Jean Shappee
Sarah & Craig Richardson
Peter Saidmen
Stuart Sharp
Joseph Sampson
Vince Shea
Robert Sanders
Phillip Sherard
J.M. San Vicente
Susan Sherry
Louise Sather
Mary Shobe
Lindsay Schachinger
Michael Shrum
Don Schaffner
Kathleen Shuster
Laura Schmid
June Sidman
Diane Schneider
Ronald & Gina Siegel
Christin Scholz
Joan Silber
Renee Schwartz
Marsha Silverstein
Frank and Joanne Sciuto
Roy & Sally Simmons Branch
Roberta Richman
Philip Ripp
Anabela Rivadeneira
Christopher Rivas
Jim and Ann Robarge
Woodstar Café
Susan Roberts
Jackie Robertson
David Robin
Lee Robinson
William Robitzek
Rosalie Robson
Michael Roche
Gay Rogers
Jean Rogers
Marilyn Rogers
Ines Rojas
David Rome
Lucia Roncalli
Wanda Root
Jay Rosenberg
Juanita Rosene
Stephen Roth
Peter Rothblatt
Evan Rotman
Jackie Rotman
Charlotte Rotterdam
Judith Rousso
Charity Rowley
Jerry & Hilde Rowton
Jeff Rubin
Errol Rubin
Nancy Rudolph
Debra Ruggiero
Nancy Russell
Sandra & Lance Russum
Riitta Rutanen-Whaley
Susan Ruth
Reginald Rutherford
Rebecca Ryan
Michael Saftner
Patrick Norwil and Sharon
Sharon Salzberg
Ellen Shaw-Smith
Vladimir Sanchez Olivares
Jeri Shepherd
David Sanford
Teresa Sherrick
Daniel Sarich
Martha Shirlock
Jim Saveland
Robert Shore
Eve Schaffer
Bonnie Shulman
Marion Schlinger
Patricia Shutts
Kathryn Schmidt
Judythe Sieck
James Schneider
Justin Sikes
AG & Libby Schovajsa
Sean & Paula Silver
Alan and Kerry Schwartz
Sidney Simmons
Milus Scruggs
Meghan Searl
Edwin James Sebold
Gloria Seidler
Peter Seidman
Seidman Family Foundation
Grace & Marcel Seiler
Dana Semmes
Kevin & Kathleen Senn
Martha Sentnor
Jessica Sessums
Frederick Seykora
James Shaheen
The Shambhala Trust
Richard H Shannon
Jed S. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs Shapiro
Leo & Mary Shapiro
Harry & Susanna Simms
Eliot Singer
Christiane Singer
Karen Sites
Bron Skinner
Delacey Skinner
Lee Sligh
Barbara Small
Pamela Small
Susan Smile
Edward Smith
Sharon Smith
Barbara Smith
Gary & Sally Smith
Susan Smith
Sharon Smith
Kathrin Smith
Terri Smith
Deirdre Smith
Marilyn Snider
Janet Snyder
Elizabeth Sodergren
Janet Solyntjes
Al and Esther Sonnenberg
Alfred Soprano
Lillianne Sorensen
Yessica Sosa
Mary Soule
Mary Anna Spataro
Sharman Speed
Keith Speilfogel
Susan Spencer
Steve Sperr
Linda Sperry
Susann Spilkin
Steven Sphar
The Sprocket Foundation
Matthew & Betsy St. Onge
Leah Guidry & Stacy Evans
Rebecca Stadolnik
Peter & Harise Staple
Jean Stango
Robert Stanley
Kristen Stanley
Margo & Philip Stein
Deborah Steinberg
Charlotte Stelmok
Alan Sternhill
Margaret Steuck
Sean & Angela Stevens
June Stewart
Patrick & Charlotte Stewart
Patricia Stewart
Scott Stewart
Thomas Stienkamp
Allan Stocker
Rosalie Stockwell
Karen Stoll
Deanne Stone
Sheila Stone
Linda Ann Stone
Sterling Stott
Rev. Elizabeth Stout
Klara & Thomas Towey
Alfred Wall
Lynn M Wiles
Stacy Stunes
Tricia Trainer
Richard Wall
Robert WIlliamson
Peter Stradinski
Veena Sud
Rita Townsend
Gregg Sullivan
Tranquil Flame Yoga and
Randall Sunday
Judy Tretheway
China Swartz
Valeria & Philip Trimble
William Swyter
John Tripe
Leah Sullivan
Margaret Traut
Carolyn Sunnyshine
Jeffrey Trilling
Helen Switzer
Arthur Szathmary
Michael and Debra
Joann Tall
Chye Hin Tan
Steve Tanksley
My-Hanh Tan Nguyen
Frederick C. Tanner Memorial
David Tannheimer
Geraldine Taplin
Walter Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Jan Teegardin
Richard Teller
Laura Terry
Robert Thiel
Diane Tholin
Ann Thomas
William Thompson
Frederic & Doreen Thompson
Lauren Thompson
Heather Thompson
John Thompson
Jennifer Thompson
Linda Thornton
Daniel Thorpe
E. Randy Tierney
Jessica Tierney
William Timberlake
Kenneth Tobacman
Steven Tokeshi
Mary Tokumaru
Carmen Tolivar
James Tolley
Virginia Toth
Jon Truster
Trust for the Meditation
Michael Wall
Leslie Wallace
Mingyee Wang
Wendy Warburton
Janet Ward
William Warner
Ann Warshauer
Katherine Watanabe
Blaine Waterman
Mary Waters
Harlan Waugh
Kathy Weaver
Shanly Weber
JoAnne Tucker
Mark Weber
Robin C Tuthill
Nancy Weeks
Carmen Urbonas
Jerry Weido
Jeffrey Vail
Daniel Weinstock
Zan Valliant
Michelle Welch
A.J. Van Den Blink
Vita Wells
Hugo Van Dyke
Bea Welsh Welcker
Anna Van Someren
Gary West
Robert Verner
T. Westwood
Victoria Victoria McKayCannon
Alexis Wheeler
Edward Tully
Joan Webster
Peter Ulisse
John Weidinger
Jody Uttal
Sheila Weinberg
Diana Valentine
Kathi Weiss
Shirley Vanabbema
Eric Welgehausen
Alison Van Dyke
Diane Wells-Nowell
Jan Vanschuyver
Soul Keepers
Reeb Venners
Kath Weston
Margaret Vernon
Ellen Wetzel
Kathleen View
Irene Vliegenthart
Tom & Nancy Vogler
Christopher Vroom
Vinh Vu
Tracy Anne Wagers
Sue Wagman
Paul Wagner
Jeanette Wagner
May Wakabayashi
Elizabeth Wheeler
Susan White
Sidney Whitkin
Virginia Wick
Mariette Wickes
Richard Widdifield
Dana Wideman
Darleen Wiedenheft
Rahmana Eva Wiest
Jodie Wigren
Anna-Leila Williams
Lindsey Wilson
Joyce Wilson-Sanford
Matthew Wilstein
Daniel Winkler
Rober Wirch
Mark Wise
Bonnie & Richard Withers
Thomas Wittenberg
Stephen Wlodkowski
Erica Wolfson
Wendy Wolosoff-Hayes
Pam Woodard
Key Wu
Rita Wuebbeler
Jerome and Rochelle Wujek
Catherine Wyler
Jon Yaffe
Akiko Yamada
Paul Yang
Dara Yarosh
Circle Yoga
Christina Young
Kathleen A Younghans
Helen Yuan
Richard Yudell
The Swig Foundation
Zazie Zeff
Nairobi Zelman
David Zeman
Mathew J. Zenkowich
Angelina Zepp
Donna Zerner
Geraldine W. K. Zetzel
Jing Zhang
Eugene Zimbalkin
Elissa Zimmerman
Susan Zimmerman
Laurie Zolas
Al Zolynas
Cathy Zucker
Prison Mindfulness Institute
PO Box 206
South Deerfield MA 01373
Prison Mindfulness Institute is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization, and all donations
are tax deductible.