Earth Day 2013 Forum


Earth Day 2013 Forum
Earth Day Forum
Earth Day 2013 Forum at LA City Hall
The Earth Day 2013 Forum held on Monday, April 22, 2013 from 8:30 am to 1:00pm at the Los Angeles City Hall, Edward R Roybal
Board of Public Works Session Room will present and explore diverse perspectives on Climate Change. It has been organized by the
Los Angeles - St. Petersburg Sister City Committee with the support of multiple Los Angeles Sister City Associations, and is being held
in collaboration with the USC Institute of Genetic Medicine (USC IGM) Art Gallery's Sixth Annual Global Environmental Earth Forum,
featuring the “Aging People/Aging Planet” Exhibition. The massive challenge climate change presents from both local and global
perspectives will be addressed. The Earth Day 2013 Forum, with its comprehensive and holistic approach to “The Face of Climate
Change”, will feature concerned expert and distinguished speakers from multiple sectors of government, business, institutions, and
NGOs, including Consuls General and Consular officials from multiple Los Angeles Consulates. Each speaker will be offering their
local and global viewpoints on "The Face of Climate Change". The Forum will include several interactive sessions to provide cross
sector exchange of ideas with the hope of identifying potential solutions to the numerous issues surrounding climate change.
“Climate change may seem like a remote problem for our community leaders, but the fact of the matter is that real people of all
ages, races and nationalities are already experiencing the impact of climate change. So too are our animals, our flora and beloved
places of our entire planet Earth. These "Faces” of Climate Change are multiplying every day.
Fortunately, other Faces of Climate Change are multiplying too: those stepping up to do something about it.”
– Earth Day Network, 2013
The Earth Day 2013 Forum at LA City Hall
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Organized by Los Angeles - St. Petersburg Sister City Committee
Featuring the USC IGM Art Gallery “Aging People/Aging Planet” Exhibition
By Mary Lou Dauray and Orna Makleff
Supported by Multiple Los Angeles Sister City Associations
Venue Sponsor: Tom LaBonge - Council Member, City of Los Angeles, 4th District
Forum Co-Chairs: Bharat Kris "BK" Rao (CEO, Bharco Ecotechnologies LLC)
Muriel Wood (CEO, Island Energy International, Inc.)
Monday, April 22, 2103 - 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Edward R. Roybal Board of Public Works Session Room
“Take Care of the Earth and the Earth will take care of you”
The Face of Climate Change:
Local and Global Perspectives
Forum Agenda
Opening Remarks: Bharat Kris "BK" Rao, Forum Chairman
National Anthem: KB Solomon - Singer/Performer, Los Angeles
Welcome Address: Tom LaBonge - Council Member, City of Los Angeles, 4th District
Session I: Perspectives from the Health Sector
“Aging People/ Aging Planet: Challenges and Opportunities in Arts and Health Care
Moderator: Harry Evry - Founder & Chairman, The Transmersive Media Laboratory
Dr. Jonathan Samet - M.D., M.S. Director, USC Institute for Global Health
Angelo Bellomo - Director, Environmental Health, Department of Public Health, County of LA
Helene Brown - Director of Community Applications of Research, UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center
& Founding Member of “Stop Cancer”
Keynote Vision Address: Dr. Woodrow Clark
Founder and Managing Partner
Clark Strategic Partners
9: 40 AM - Session II: Global Perspectives
Part I: Individual Presentation by our International Guests
Moderator: Lourdes Saab - Deputy Chief of Protocol, County of Los Angeles
The Honorable Axel Cruau - Consul General, Consulate General of France, Los Angeles
The Honorable Dr. Bernd Fischer - Consul General, Consulate General of Germany, Los Angeles
The Honorable Leon Grice - Consul General, Consulate General of New Zealand, Los Angeles
Mohamed Samir - Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of Egypt, Los Angeles
Uri Resnick - Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of Israel, Los Angeles
Nadia Scipio del Campo - Consul, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Consulate General of Canada, Los Angeles
Mariana Diaz - Consul for Economic and Political Affairs, Consulate General of Mexico, Los Angeles
Sonam Dorje - Protocol Officer, Kingdom of Bhutan
10:35 AM - Intermission and Refreshments: Coffee, Tea, Pastries, Water
10:50 AM - “The Impossible Dream” - Performed by KB Solomon, Los Angeles
10:55 AM - Session II: Global Perspectives (Continued)
Part II: Interactive Panel with our International Guests
Moderator: The Honorable Axel Cruau - Consul General, Consulate General of France, Los Angeles
This Session will provide an opportunity for interactive discussions on the topic of Climate Change amongst
our international speakers. Questions from the audience pertaining to the topic of Climate Change will be
encouraged and facilitated in this Session. In order to maintain the focus of the Forum on “The Face of Climate
Change: Local and Global Perspectives”, and the goal of cooperative and collaborative thinking, we
respectfully ask there be no politically motivated comments from the audience to our international guests.
Session III: Private Sector Perspectives
Moderator: Les Hamasaki - President & CEO, Green Technology Institute, Inc.
Dr. Shapoor Hamid - Senior Scientist/Project Manager, URS Corporation
Neil Morganbesser - CEO, DelMorgan & Co.
Ralph Levy - Founder & CEO, Cash Boosters
Fred Walti - Executive Director, LA Clean Tech Incubator (LACI)
Robert Fortunato – Owner/Builder, Green Idea House , and President, ForStrategy Consulting, Inc
Session IV: Public and Institutional Sector Perspectives
Moderator: Christopher Cannon, Director, Environmental Management, Port of Los Angeles
Sean Spear - Executive Director, California Debt Limit Allocation Committee
Marcela Oliva - Discipline Chair, Architecture and Environmental Design, LA Community College District
Ruben Aronin - Vice President, Outreach & Communications, The Better World Group, Inc.
Monica Gilchrist - Deputy Executive Director, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, USA
Capri Maddox - Commissioner, Board of Public Works, City of Los Angeles
Closing Remarks: Bharat Kris "BK" Rao, Forum Chairman, and CEO, Bharco Ecotechnologies LLC
Earth Day 2013 Forum Adjourned
LA Earth Day 2013 Organizers
The Los Angeles- St. Petersburg Sister City Committee is a non-profit organization
established in 1989 under the leadership of Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles
and Mayor Anatoly Sobchak of S. Petersburg, Russia. The Committee is part of
Sister Cities International, a program founded in the 1950s by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower to foster international cooperation and friendship. Dedicated to
facilitating the flow of culture, ideas, and capital between Los Angeles and St.
Petersburg, the Committee has promoted and supported cultural exhibits and
exchanges, educational programs, medical exchanges, charitable projects,
business and technological cooperation between these two extraordinary cities.
Fred Andresen, President, LASPSCC
Muriel Wood, Board Director, LASPSCC
The Institute for Genetic Medicine Art Gallery, located at the University of Southern
California, Keck School of Medicine, serves as an art-framed forum for open minded,
deliberative discussions on complex social issues that interface with the creative
process and findings of research in molecular biology, health and social systems.
Since 2000, the Gallery has offered a wide range of exhibits and symposiums on the
USC Health Sciences Campus. The USC Institute Genetic of Medicine Art Gallery has
been promoting local Earth Day events since 2007. This year the Gallery is proud to
present the profound “Aging People/Aging Planet” exhibition by Mary Lou Dauray
and Orna Makleff, which vividly depicts and portrays the all too real ongoing impact
of climate change on the elderly and aging populations of the world.
Lynn Crandall, Director, USC IGM Art Gallery
Earth Day 2013 Forum Steering Committee and USC IGM Art Gallery Advisors:
Co-Chairs: Bharat Kris “BK” Rao and Muriel Wood
Members and Advisors: , Fred Andresen, Lynn Crandall, Robert Donin, Kathy Entessar, Harry Evry, Richard
Fukuhara, Les Hamasaki, Robert Horsting, Joanna Lee, Ralph Levy, Gilda Moshir, Moses Mpanga, Mike Sajo,
Phil Seinflein, Mriam Stenshoel, George Szabo, Yolanda Williams, Masha Ziering.
Earth Day 2013 Forum Sponsors and Supporters
Sister City Associations
Business Volunteers and Sponsors
Printing Refreshment and Beverage Sponsors
Participating Consulate Nations
Participating Speaker Organizations
Clark Strategic Partners
Sustaining the Earth
Consulate Speaker Bios
The Honorable Axel Cruau
Consul General
Consulate General of France, Los Angeles
M. Axel Cruau took his post as Consul General of France in September
2012, with jurisdiction over the southwestern United States.
Before this assignment, M. Cruau was an adviser to the French Foreign
Minister, with a portfolio including the United Nations and Global Affairs.
He was Second Counselor in Beijing in 2009 and 2010, advising for
strategic affairs and the foreign policy of China. He was First Secretary at
the French Permanent Mission to the United Nations for five years, where
he was first Press counselor and then in charge of strategic affairs.
Born in Nantes, in western France in 1973, he graduated from the French
National School of Administration in 2001, after obtaining a degree in political science from the Institute for
political studies in Paris. He also holds degrees in public law and history.
Mariana Diaz
Consul For Economic and Political Affairs,
Consulate General of Mexico, Los Angeles
A career diplomat, Consul Diaz joined Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
1999 and has served as Private Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
(2001); Press Attaché at the Consulate General of Mexico in New York (2002);
and Consul for Economic and Political Affairs at the Consulate General of Mexico
in Denver, Colorado (2003-2008). She has been Consul for Economic and Political
Affairs at the Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles since 2008.
Consul Diaz received a bachelor of arts degree in international relations from the
National Autonomous University of Mexico and a master of philosophy in
international relations from Cambridge University, where she was awarded
scholarships from the British Council and Cambridge Overseas Trust.
Consulate Speaker Bios (Continued)
Sonam Dorje
Protocol Officer
Kingdom of Bhutan
Mr. Dorje is primarily a biologist and a chemist. He has researched and
developed over 90 products for the College of Herbal Medicine of Bhutan, and
he has been a consultant of Protocol to visiting heads of state like Prince Charles
and the King of Tonga, as well as celebrities like Matt Dillon.
> As a biologist
he is best known for his field work and discovery studies involving the wonder
herb, Cordycepts, known for its miraculous and potent healing powers.
> He
is also known for enacting environmental policies which initiated responsible
harvesting and sustainable permaculture of Bhutan's natural resources. While
surrounded by over-populated countries, which are blighted by deforestation
and hunger, Bhutan has managed to maintain 72% of its land as forest, and
literally all of its people are fed. The environment is known for its sweet air, rushing pristine waters, and happy
population. And, to better preserve these, Bhutan is the first country to declare it will go Organic.
> Bhutan is a small
country of 600,000 people nestled at the foot of the Himalayas between China and India. For years it was closed to all
outsiders to preserve its culture. But now, in order to adapt, it has opened its doors to the world with limited tourist
visas to allow a gradual mix of sharing its ancient secrets and wisdom about happiness and people with a world of
modern material technology and stress. It is the first and only country to have a Department of Happiness which ensures
that all laws are implemented towards their Gross National Product: “Gross National Happiness”.
The Honorable Dr. Bernd Fischer
Consul General
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, LA
Dr. Bernd Fischer, who holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from Heidelberg
University and most recently served as German Ambassador to the Republic of
Croatia, has been head of the German Consulate General in Los Angeles since
July 10, 2012. Prior posts of his Foreign Service career include the embassies in
Washington, Tokyo, New York and various positions at the German Foreign
Office headquarters in Bonn and Berlin. As Consul General in Southern
California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah he seeks to foster and deepen GermanAmerican relations.
Consulate Speaker Bios (Continued)
Leon Grice
Consul General
Consulate General of New Zealand, Los Angeles
Leon took up his role of New Zealand Consul General Los Angeles in June 2012.
His career in the private sector as a business owner and entrepreneur was
interrupted in 2009 when he was asked to establish the New Zealand 2011
Office which was responsible for the leverage and legacy programme delivered
for Rugby World Cup 2011. Prior to that, Leon’s diverse business career has
been in public affairs, marketing, overseas investment facilitation and start-up
businesses. Most recently he assisted the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Authority to build the new Christchurch Central Development Unit. Leon has a
Bachelor Arts Honours (First Class) from Canterbury University in history,
international relations and political science. He is married to Lisa and has two
children, Conor and Frances.
Uri Resnick
Deputy Consul General
Consulate General of Israel, Los Angeles
Dr. Uri Resnick assumed the position of Deputy Consul General of Israel in Los
Angeles in August 2012. He recently completed two years of service as policy
advisor to Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dr. Resnick joined Israel's Foreign Service in 2002, having served as Deputy
Head of Mission at Israel's embassies in Dakar, Senegal and Sofia, Bulgaria. He
has also served as Deputy Director of the Department for UN Political Affairs at
Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has participated in several Foreign
Ministry Delegations to the United Nations General Assembly.
He served in the IDF (1990-1993) in an infantry reconnaissance unit.
Dr. Resnick holds a PhD in international relations (2005) from the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem and has authored articles on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and various topics in conflict studies.
In recent years, Resnick has taught courses on game theory and territorial conflict at the Interdisciplinary Center
Herzliya. Dr. Resnick's first book Dynamics of Asymmetric Territorial Conflict: the Evolution of Patience is forthcoming in
Dr. Resnick speaks Hebrew, English and French. He is married to Tali and is the father of Yehonatan and Itamar.
Consulate Speaker Bios (Continued)
Mohamed Samir
Deputy Consul General
Consulate General of Egypt, Los Angeles
Bio and Photo not available.
Nadia Scipio del Campo
Consul – Foreign Policy & Diplomacy Service
Consulate General of Canada, Los Angeles
Nadia Scipio del Campo joined the Consulate General of Canada in Los
Angeles in September 2011 and is responsible for Canada’s
political/economic and public affairs program in Southern California,
Nevada, and Arizona.
Her work in the United States focuses on partnership building and raising
awareness in the areas of energy & environment, border issues,
defense/security and government relations. Nadia was most recently
Consul for Political/Economic and Public Affairs at the Consulate General of
Canada in San Francisco from 2007-2011. From 2004-2006 she was Public
Affairs Manager at the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi, India. She
has held positions in Ottawa, Canada at the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade in Canada-US Relations, Southeast Asia Political
Affairs, and in media relations. Nadia’s international experience includes
teaching assignments in Japan, Ecuador and Guatemala, and she speaks French and Spanish. Originally from Montreal,
Nadia has a degree in geology and environmental studies from Queen’s University, and worked in the energy and
environment sectors in Calgary and Montreal before joining the Canadian Foreign Service. She is a graduate of the 2009
Leadership California Issues & Trends program and recently served on the Board of the Friends of the San Francisco
Commission on the Status of Women.
Speaker Bios
Ruben Aronin
Vice President, Outreach & Communications, The Better World Group Inc.
Ruben has nearly two decades of experience in marketing, public relations, event production,
program management, and has overseen government, entertainment and corporate relations
for environmental nonprofit organizations and green businesses. Most recently, he served as
the Director of Communications and Donor Relations for Global Green USA, where he was
responsible for overseeing strategic messaging initiatives and corporate sponsorships for the
organization and all of its major events and campaigns including its national green school
initiative and its highly visible “Red Carpet/Green Cars” Academy Awards Campaign. He was
instrumental in creating and implementing Global Green’s sustainable rebuilding efforts in
New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina; Global Green was recognized by TIME magazine as
doing more than any other organization to rebuild a sustainable city.
For more than a decade, Ruben ran the Earth Communications Office (ECO), a national nonprofit organization based in the
Hollywood community where he oversaw the production and distribution of more than a dozen international communications
campaigns. In 2010, he was selected as 1 of 5 global winners of the Outstanding Young Person awards selected by the Osaka Junior
Chamber of Commerce and had the opportunity to share his work with the Crown Prince of Japan. Ruben has served on the national
steering committee of the Apollo Alliance, the Board of ECO India and Advocacy Arts, and the Advisory Boards of LOHAS and
Angelo J. Bellomo
Director of Environmental Health
County of Los Angeles
J. Bellomo is Director of Environmental Health for the County of Los Angeles, Department of
Public Health. Mr. Bellomo is leading current efforts of the Department to reduce the health
impacts of climate change while promoting the development of healthy, sustainable and
resilient communities.
Previously, Mr. Bellomo was Director of Environmental Health and Safety for the Los Angeles
Unified School District, where he led reforms in the areas of school emergency planning,
sustainable building design, and State regulatory review of proposed school sites. His
development of a compliance assessment program for Los Angeles schools was the inspiration
of U. S. EPA’s Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool (“Healthy SEAT”).
Mr. Bellomo began his career in environmental health in 1973. His 40 year career has
included assignments in both the public and private sectors, and his work has focused on the assessment and Angelo control of
environmental health risks in communities throughout the State of California. Mr. Bellomo has served on the Children’s Health
Protection Advisory Committee of U.S. EPA; the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention; and the Executive Board of the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS). He currently serves on the Executive
Board of the California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH).
Mr. Bellomo’s leadership in the environmental health field has been recognized by the California Legislature, U.S. EPA, the California
League of Conservation Voters, and the National Environmental Health Association.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Helene G. Brown
Affectionately known in Washington, D.C., statewide and locally as a “political oncologist,
”Helene G. Brown”, a pioneer in cancer education was present at the inception of STOP
CANCER in 1988 as an advisor to the founder, the late Dr. Armand Hammer. She was Chair of
the Research Awards Committee for over 20 years and has been a major contributor to STOP
CANCER publications. Helene had been in the forefront of the movement to control cancer
since 1950 and was responsible for implementing mass media approaches to promote the use
of the pap smear – a major contributing force in reducing mortality from cervical cancer.
Helene’s appointment to the National Cancer Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute
was made by President Reagan. She chaired many of the Institutes committees and led the
efforts to enlarge the responsibilities of the Cancer Information Service (1-800-4-cancer).
Mrs. Brown was the Co-Chair of the nation’s largest effort to reduce tobacco use (ASSIST). A
recent evaluation of the success of ASSIST indicated that in the experimental states use of tobacco declined by over 10%. As Chair
and President of the American Cancer Society, California Division her leadership was responsible for the formation of guidelines for
cancer related health examinations. Now every health agency in the nation develops and uses such guidelines in an effort to reduce
mortality. In 2002 Mrs. Brown was awarded the Medal of Honor for public health, citing her “ unstinting support and leadership in
cancer control…her clarity and ingenuity in raising public awareness of cancer prevention and early detection techniques… her
lifetime dedication to making this a world without cancer.“
Many awards and honors are Helene’s, and she is a gifted and moving speaker able to translate scientific programs to lay language
which offers all an opportunity to understand how science is moving to create a world without cancer.
Christopher Cannon
Director of Environmental Management, Port of Los Angeles
Christopher Cannon is the director of environmental management for the Port of Los Angeles,
a position he has held since October 2010. Cannon has worked at the Port of Los Angeles as a
consultant since 2004, most recently helping to manage the implementation and daily
operation of the highly successful Clean Truck Program. In his new role, Cannon will be
responsible for balancing commerce and growth with ecological sustainability at the nation’s
busiest container port. The division assesses environmental impacts of development projects
and determines appropriate mitigation measures. It also prepares and distributes any
environmental documentation mandated by state and federal law; special studies involving
dredging, noise abatement, water quality and air quality; contamination characterizations;
wildlife management; and establishment of policies regarding environmental quality issues.
Before his work on the Clean Truck Program, Cannon worked with the Port Environmental
Management Division’s Air Quality and CEQA groups, supporting the development of key air
projects such as the Clean Air Action Plan and its efforts to complete critical environmental
impact reports for Port-related projects. Cannon has 21 years of experience in the environmental services industry, working on a
range of projects while employed by ENVIRON International Corporation and TRC Environmental Solutions. Cannon also spent two
years as a legislative assistant for environmental policy on the Washington, D.C. staff of U.S. Representative Martin Sabo of
Minnesota. Cannon received a bachelor’s degree in international relations from Dartmouth College and a law degree from University
of California at Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law. He currently lives in Los Angeles.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Woodrow (Woody) W. Clark II, MA3, PhD
Qualitative Economist / Executive Producer
Dr. Clark, a long-time advocate for the environment and renewable energy, is an internationally recognized
author, lecturer, public speaker and advisor specializing in sustainable communities. He was one of the
contributing scientists to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC), which
as an organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2007 along with Al Gore and his film
“An Inconvenient Truth”. In 1980, Woody founded a mass media company in San Francisco, CA, Clark
Communications, specializing in the production and distribution of documentary and educational films
focused on social issues such as sexual harassment, school violence, health issues and baby boomers. Today
is an active member today in the Producers Guild of America. For six months in 1994. Dr. Clark was a
Fulbright Fellow at AAlborg University in Denmark, and then returned back to Northern California to be
Manager of Strategic Planning for Energy Technology Transfer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) from 1994-1999 at University of California and U.S. Department of Energy. Returning to AAlborg
University from 1999-2000, Dr. Clark became a Visiting Professor of Science, Technology and
Entrepreneurship and associate at the NOVI Science Park. However the three-year contract was cut short because California Governor Gray Davis’
senior staff asked him to return immediately to California to help with the energy crisis in 2000 and be the Governor’s Advisor on Renewable
Energy, Emerging Technologies, and Finance (2000-2003). Then the “recall” came in 2003 and while being asked to remain in State Government,
Clark instead founded in 2003 Clark Strategic Partners (CSP), an environmental and renewable energy consulting firm using his political-economic
expertise to guide, advice and implement public and private clients worldwide for sustainable smart green communities ranging from colleges and
universities to shopping malls, office buildings and film studios. Clark has five books and 50+ peer-reviewed articles that concern economics and
policies for global sustainable communities in the “Green Industrial Revolution” (GIR) with Grant Cooke which will become a book in 2013
(publisher to be selected). His newest book is “The Next Economics” (Springer Press, December 2012). Clark and Cooke are starting a series of
books on “The Green Industrial Revolution” focused on sustainable communities in different regions and countries around the world. From 20112012, Dr. Clark was an Academic Specialist at UCLA in the Cross-Disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) program and ran his
company Clark Strategic Partners. He earned three masters’ degrees from three different universities in Illinois and his PhD at University of
California, Berkeley on “Violence in Public Schools.” Woody lives with his wife, and their 5 year-old son in Southern California.
Founder and Chairman, Transmersive Media Laboratory
Harry Evry is an author, creative director, designer, programmer, producer and imagineer. He has
helped develop numerous themeparks, museums, exhibits, programs and attractions. He has
contributed to more than 200 exhibits, shows, attractions, products, games, films and simulations. He
helped build and manage Lorimar Studios' Post-Production Department and he coordinated
Paramount's StarTrek Art Department. Harry sold his first commercial video game in the seventh
grade, and has developed and engineered numerous products including two Consumer Electronics
Association's Innovation Award winners and one Popular Science Invention of the Year. He has
worked with such respected companies as Lorimar TelePictures, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney
Imagineering, The Walt Disney Company, SpectraFX, Bechtel, Aristocrat Gaming, Mattel, Sony,
Landmark Entertainment, Warner Communications, MGM Casinos, Universal Studios, and The Las
Vegas Springs Preserve. Harry's work has contributed to such brands as StarTrek, Disneyland,
Indiana Jones, Barbie, Max Steel, Backdraft, WaterWorld, Jurassic Park, Bugs Life and Madagascar. He
has written textbooks distributed by Cengage Learning, Premier Press and Thomson Course Technologies. He developed and taught the
first video game development classes ever presented by the Los Angeles Unified School District and was a Department Chair for the
Academy of Game Entertainment Technology. He has served as a producer, director and/or committee member for the Ventura County
Crime Symposium, the USC DNA Project, the Harvard Alcohol Project, the Mayor's Business Round Table, the Burbank Tournament of Roses
/ Burbank on Parade Association, CalHaunts, the Cable Access Committee, the Facilities and Equipment Committee for the City of Thousand
Oaks, Color America, The Cabrillo Computer Society and the Design, Media and Innovation Committees for Hollywood's World Famous Magic
Castle. He has received numerous honors and awards for his work, support and pioneering innovations in education, Transmersive
Medicine, media technology, computer animation, voice synthesis, visual effects, post-production, product and exhibit design, haptic
feedback, virtual machines, music and the arts education, classroom technology, interactive medical technology and improving and
enhancing the children’s hospital experience.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Robert Fortunato
Founder, Green Idea House
President of ForStrategy Consulting Inc.
Robert Fortunato, President of ForStrategy Consulting Inc., works with professional services firms
to improve profitability, competitive advantage and organizational effectiveness through a
systematic approach to leadership, strategy and client development. He is also a sought after
international speaker, facilitator and is a guest lecturer at an international innovation and
entrepreneurship school based in Denmark. He is an active member of the Association for
Strategic Planning, sat on the Executive Committee of the State Bar of California and is a Past
President of the Legal Marketing Association in Los Angeles.
Robert’s credentials include a degree from the Wharton School of Business. Committed to
continuous learning and development, Robert regularly augments his post-graduate work with
executive education classes at Harvard, UCLA and most recently completed a year-long program with an MIT professor on
leadership, strategy and systems dynamics.
Robert’s commitment to the environment and to the economy is reflected in the Green Idea House, a net zero energy, zero carbon
project that won the 2012 Green Leadership Award for Los Angeles County, 2012 Environmental Leadership SEED Award and Build It
Green’s, Green Point Rated Builder of the Year Award in the “Custom Builder Category”. Robert is now combining what he learned
in the process of designing, building and general contracting the Green Idea House with his leadership and strategy work to be of
service to the business, governmental and environmental communities.
Shapoor Hamid, PhD
Senior Scientist, URS Corporation
Dr. Hamid is a nationally and internationally well-known scientist in the field of geochemical
engineering. He is an expert in conversion technologies to process solid waste and biomass to
generate renewable energy and reduce environmental impacts of the waste disposal including
greenhouse gas emissions. Dr. Hamid has over 25 years of experience in scientific evaluation
and implementation of environmental projects. Provided technical assistance for the design,
construction, and commissioning of pyrolysis and gasification technologies in a variety of
applications including municipal solid waste. Working on these projects, he worked closely
with regulatory agencies including Cal EPA, AQMD, CalRecyle, and EPA. For many years, Dr.
Hamid was member of the technical advisory committee for solid waste management task
force for Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Dr. Hamid is also a
professor of Earth Science, Geology, and Oceanography at West Los Angeles College.
Dr. Hamid was lead technical expert for the Evaluation of Alternative Solid Waste Processing Technologies for the Bureau of
Sanitation City of Los Angeles (Phase I, and II), and he was the project manager for conversion technology evaluation for the County
of Los Angeles (Phase I). Dr. Hamid also completed or currently working on conversion technologies evaluation for the City of San
Jose, CA; City of Ames, Iowa; City of Cleveland, Ohio; City of Huntsville, Alabama; Municipality of Halton, Canada; City of Melbourne,
Australia; Australian Central Territory (ATC); and many other municipalities and utility companies.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Monica Gilchrist
Deputy Executive Director, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, USA
Monica is the Deputy Executive Director of ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA,
the leading network of more than 1,000 cities, towns, & counties across the globe committed
to climate action, clean energy, and sustainability. A recognized leader in the sustainability
and climate change field, she has consistently achieved success through an entrepreneurial
approach to problem solving and coalition building.
Monica has been instrumental in
driving forward the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative
(SEEC) in California, helping
to provide access to a dynamic suite of energy efficiency
software tools, resources, trainings
and guidance to California local governments at no cost. She
currently oversees operations
nationally for ICLEI USA.
Monica has professional experience both creating and implementing cutting edge green
and sustainable development programs, policies and projects. Prior to joining ICLEI, Monica
was Executive Director
at the Green Hive Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the advancement
of education programs and services related to clean
technologies, climate change, green job
development and sustainable economic development. She also was co-founder and coowner
of green building consulting firm Eco Creative Solutions, and was the National Resource Center
Coordinator for
environmental non-profit Global Green USA, where she assisted in the creation
and opening of Global Green’s office in New
Orleans, as part of Global Green’s response to
hurricane Katrina.
She currently serves on the Advisory Board for USC's
Center for Sustainable Cities, the Steering
Committee for the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and
(LARC) and several other Technical Advisory groups.
Monica holds an MA in Urban Planning from the
University of California, Los Angeles with an
emphasis on Sustainable Development.
Les Hamasaki
President and CEO
Green Technology Institute Inc.
Les Hamasaki is the President and CEO of the Green Technology Institute and Executive
Director of the US Green Vehicle Council. He is a founding member of the Board of
Directors of the Tom Bradley Legacy Foundation at UCLA.
Hamasaki was involved with two 20 year plans for the City of Los Angle, 1975-1995 & 19952015. He served on the Los Angeles City Planning Commission under Mayor Riordan and the
Los Angeles Airport Commission under Mayor Tom Bradley.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Tom LaBonge
Councilmember, 4th District
City of Los Angeles
Tom LaBonge's role as Councilmember for the Fourth District of the City of Los Angeles is the
culmination of a lifetime spent in service to his native city. He has worked in some capacity for
the City of Los Angeles for almost four decades, starting with a stint on Mayor Tom Bradley’s
youth council. In recognition of his years of service, Los Angeles Magazine in 2009 dubbed
LaBonge "Mr. Los Angeles."
LaBonge first took office in 2001, in a special election to replace his friend and political mentor
John Ferraro. He was subsequently re-elected to four-year terms in 2003, 2007, and 2011.
A longtime advocate for parkland with a special affection for Griffith Park, LaBonge spends a part of every morning hiking to the top
of Mount Hollywood, from which one can see all of the Los Angeles Basin. He counts as one his greatest achievements in office the
acquisition of Cahuenga Peak, which saved 138 acres from redevelopment and added them as open space to Griffith Park. He has
also worked tirelessly in support of Los Angeles's sister city program, maintaining connections with cities all over the world.
LaBonge currently serves as Chairman of the Trade, Commerce & Tourism Committee. He also serves as Vice Chair of the Arts, Parks,
Health & Aging Committee, Ad Hoc River Committee, and the Rules and Elections Committee.
LaBonge's family first came to Los Angeles in the 1880s. He currently resides in Silver Lake, with his wife Brigid and their two
Ralph A. Levy
Founder, Cash-Boosters
Ralph is a Finance & Business Development Executive who started his career 16 years ago in
France with KPMG, then joined the French private sector in Finance with Consumer Electronics
and Manufacturing Companies. Ralph earned a Master’s degree in Finance and Accounting from
La Sorbonne University in Paris and is a French CPA.
Ralph moved to California five years ago with his wife Gabrielle. He worked in Finance and
Business Development in the Entertainment Industry and recently created Cash-Boosters, the
purpose of which is to maximize cash generation for Companies through an innovative approach
at each stage of their life cycle, i.e. creation, development and sale. Ralph has two children, Lea
and Joshua.
Ralph participated in the Earth Day 2013 Forum as a Steering Committee member.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Neil Morganbesser
President & CEO, DelMorgan & Co.
Neil Morganbesser is co-Founder and President & CEO of DelMorgan & Co. where he provides senior leadership within
the firm and helps oversee all client engagements. Mr. Morganbesser has over 20 years of experience providing financial
and strategic advice to a full range of clients, including entrepreneurs, large corporations, governments, family
businesses, private equity funds, and special committees of public companies. Mr. Morganbesser has been affiliated with
some of the leading institutions in the world, and his experience ranges from representing the offshore owners in the
sale of a small, private U.S. company for $10 million to representing the special committee of a large, public company in
a $9 billion negotiated management buyout with a highly complex financial structure. Mr. Morganbesser has truly global
experience with the most sophisticated transactions, across a broad range of industries and in a large number of
jurisdictions, as the lead banker on a wide variety of transactional and other advisory assignments, including domestic
and cross-border mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, sales and divestitures, restructurings, special committee
assignments, unsolicited acquisitions and hostile defense. With transactional experience in over 30 countries, Mr.
Morganbesser has successfully advised on over 75 transactions. Prior to founding DelMorgan & Co., Mr. Morganbesser
worked successfully on a wide variety of engagements in partnership with Rob Delgado before he and Mr. Delgado
decided to start DelMorgan & Co. as partners. Until May 2008, Mr. Morganbesser was the head of West Coast and Asian Mergers & Acquisitions at Bear Stearns &
Co., as a Senior Managing Director based in Los Angeles. Prior to joining Bear Stearns in May 2001, Mr. Morganbesser was an investment banker in the Mergers,
Acquisitions and Restructuring Department at Morgan Stanley (in New York from 1993-1998 and in Los Angeles from 1998-2001). From 1990-1993, Mr.
Morganbesser was a corporate and M&A attorney at the preeminent New York law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. Mr. Morganbesser graduated with an A.B.
magna cum laude in Applied Mathematics / Economics from Harvard University (Phi Beta Kappa) in 1986 and received his J.D. and M.B.A. degrees (Order of the Coif,
with honors) from Stanford University.
Marcela Oliva
Professor, Architecture and Environmental Design
LA Community College District
Professor Oliva is the Architecture and Environmental Design Leader for the LATTC Green Workforce Division, a member
of the Federal Knowledge Management (KM) Team and active participant in the LACCD Sustainable Building Program.
She partnered with NASA KM, as a principal investigator for the Cyber-Physical Systems National Science Foundation
Grant, and she was the recipient of the California Governor’s Award in Geospatial Technologies. Professor Oliva runs a
high-tech studio as an “atelier,” and manages the students’ learning with e-portfolio and measurable outcomes that
show 100 percent transfer and 100 percent job placements. The United Negro College Fund and Hispanic Association for
Universities and Colleges have identified her program, as a role model for Urban Teaching. She integrated social,
natural, and built environments in creative and participatory learning laboratories, and she partnered with the Los
Angeles Unified School District’s high school iSEE (I’m a Student Exploring Excellence) program to create and administer
the first and largest initiative program for students interested in science, architecture and engineering. The iSEE
program and the e7 are a new training and internship program transforming the industry. The e7 was created with local
students’ talent and a high-tech team where she designed the management tool, which facilitates the geospatial
repository and scientific visualization tools that support decision making. Professor Oliva is also a three-time competitive
presenter for the California Higher Education Sustainable Symposium. As part of her outreach effort with the Community, she administered and led, as a Board
Member and Chair for a Non Profit Organizations ONRAMP Arts the first multimedia center in Los Angeles in 1998. Currently, she is a member of Bioneer Educators’
Network; this project has gained the attention in multiple industries and periodicals for its promising outcomes. In addition, Professor Oliva presented at forums that
encompass education, technology, innovation, and global crises, including: the University of Southern California (USC) Building Information Modeling (BIM)
executives, International AIA Technology Forum, Caixa Forum in Barcelona, Focus the Nation, The Great Thinker Forum, Enterprise Management Architecture in
Washington, D.C., Innovative Education Eureka International in Mexico City, IBCon Intelligent High Performance Building in Las Vegas and others. In a very
competitive environment, her work was recently selected to be a speaker at the 2012 International Open Government Data Conference Co-sponsored by the U.S.
General Services Administration,, the World Bank Open Data Initiative and the Open Development Technology Alliance. Professor’s Oliva program at Los
Angeles Trade Technical College was identified, as a catalyst solution for Higher Education today “Thought Leadership” by Climate Neutral Campus Report, UNCF
(United Negro College Fund) Building Green and the Kresge Foundation. Last month, also through a national competition she presented at AASHE American
Association for Sustainability in Higher Education Advanced Track National Conference “Visualizing and Modeling the Drivers in a Holistic Built Environment: Social
Justice through Spatial Tools”. This January 2013, as part of a very important think tank, including the founder of TED Talk and other international leaders, she will be
a speaker at “Geodesign Summit 2013” She advocate for a knowledge management that can help us self-organize and that unites the mind, the built environment,
and the natural environment — a method towards a new existence. She believe that through this interdependence, we can find the right relationship and patterns to
bring order, balance, and harmony to our planet Earth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from USC and a master’s degree in Architecture and Building
Science from Columbia University in the City of New York. She was the USC recipient of the Alpha Rho Chi Medal and I was awarded the LATTC’s 2012 Educator of the
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Lourdes Saab
Deputy Chief of Protocol, County of Los Angeles
As Deputy Chief of Protocol for the County of Los Angeles since 2005, Lourdes Saab has acted as
liaison between the County Board of Supervisors and the 97 Consulates posted in Los Angeles
County. The Consular Corps is the second largest consular corps in the United States, with 63
career and 34 honorary Heads of Post. Lourdes Saab began her work in Protocol with Los
Angeles Mayor Bradley’s Office of Protocol, and then as Chief of Protocol for Mayor Riordan.
Her experience is multifaceted. Lourdes began her civic work when she joined Mayor Yorty’s
Office of Latin American Affairs and was responsible for its marketing and community outreach.
With limited resources, she produced a media campaign and created a monthly educational
program which attracted the leadership of the Latino community. The leaders who attended
this monthly activity became the catalyst for the creation of the Hispanic Women’s Council, Inc.,
a privately funded non-profit corporation dedicated to the development of women and youth.
After serving on the board, Lourdes served for eight years as its Executive Director. Lourdes worked with United Way creating
marketing publication materials and reorganized a failing County sponsored after-hours emergency shelter program and successfully
transferred it to the Red Cross. Her experience ranges from development for private non-profit community based organizations to
fundraising and event planning. Her volunteer work is extensive and includes her work as Commissioner for the County Department
of Children’s Services. She currently serves on the boards of the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation and the
International Visitors Council. She has been recognized for her work in protocol, community development and her extensive
volunteer work which also includes setting up the longest and most effective advocacy and financial assistance program for the
victims of the Los Angeles Riots.
Lourdes lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two daughters.
Jonathan M. Samet, M.D. M.S.
Director, USC Institute for Global Health
USC Keck School of Medicine
Jonathan M. Samet, a pulmonary physician and epidemiologist, is currently Professor and Flora L.
Thornton Chair for the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the
University of Southern California and Director, USC Institute for Global Health. He received an
AB degree in chemistry and physics from Harvard College, before receiving the MD degree from
the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He also has an MS in
epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Samet has investigated diverse
health issues using epidemiological approaches. His research has focused on the health risks of
inhaled pollutants—particles and ozone in outdoor air and indoor pollutants including
secondhand smoke and radon. He has also investigated the occurrence and causes of cancer and
respiratory diseases, emphasizing the risks of active and passive smoking. He has served on numerous committees concerned with
using scientific evidence for the development of policy to protect public health. For several decades, he has been involved in global
health, focused on tobacco control, air pollution, and chronic disease prevention. He has been chair of the Clean Air Scientific
Advisory Committee of the U.S. EPA and currently chairs the FDA’s Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee. He was
appointed to the National Cancer Advisory Board in 2011. Dr. Samet received the Surgeon General’s Medallion in 1990 and 2006,
the 2004 Prince Mahidol Award for Global Health awarded by the King of Thailand, and the 2006 Public Service Award of the
American Thoracic Society. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 1997. He has been
president of the Society for Epidemiologic Research and the American College of Epidemiology.
Speaker Bios (Continued)
Sean Spear,
Executive Director, CDLAC
Sean Spear serves as the Executive Director to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee
(CDLAC), which administers the private activity bond program for California. He manages the
agency’s efforts in annually allocating more than $3.6 Billion in tax-exempt bond authority to
private projects that provide a defined public benefit in communities throughout the state.
Affordable housing development, industrial development for small businesses, first-time
homebuyer assistance, waste and recycling facilities, and water projects are the chief recipients
of bond allocation from CDLAC. Under State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, Mr. Spear also developed and
implemented California’s Federally-authorized Recovery Zone Bond and Qualified Energy
Conservation Bond allocation programs; deploying more than $1 Billion in stimulus resources for
job-creating projects throughout California. He also led the establishment of Permanent Regulations for CDLAC; increasing the
agency’s transparency and consistency in the approval of allocation for qualifying projects and programs. Mr. Spear has over 20
years of experience in community development and housing finance. In addition to managing CDLAC, he provides policy and
financial expertise to communities, elected officials and other stakeholders in the continuing improvement of the California
economy. Before joining CDLAC, Mr. Spear was the Director of Major Projects for the City of Los Angeles Housing Department
(LAHD); responsible for the City’s rental housing production programs. He also served as the LAHD’s point person on public-private
lending partnerships, leveraging the City’s capital funds for additional affordable housing development resources. He began his
career as a City Planner with the New York City Department of City Planning, and later worked in project and public finance with the
housing authority and the redevelopment agency of San Francisco, and Fannie Mae. Mr. Spear was raised in Brooklyn, New York,
and received his bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Affairs and master’s degree in Regional Planning from Cornell University.
Fred H. Walti II
Executive Director
In his role as Executive Director of CTLA and LACI, Fred combines experience as an entrepreneur
with his passion for clean technology. Prior to joining this new public/private partnership, Fred
worked as a technology entrepreneur and an advisor on the City’s cleantech business strategy.
As Executive Director, Fred lead’s the strategic, policy, industry partner and outreach efforts of
Fred brings sixteen years of entrepreneurship to this effort, having co-founded The Propellant
Group, a management consulting group, Full Moon Interactive (FMI), an Internet architect, and LAI, Inc., a consulting company
focusing on leveraging technology in traditional businesses. Fred built FMI from startup to $25 million in annual sales with 14
consecutive quarters of profitability. Fred also started one of the first interactive divisions of a global advertising agency in 1995.
Prior to his experience in “new media,” Fred spent 15 years with global communications companies in various executive capacities.
Fred ran the Apple computer account on a worldwide basis for BBDO and was GM of their San Francisco office, doubling the billings
of the office and returning it to profitability in 18 months.
Fred has been involved -- either as a consultant, principal, employee or investor -- in the startup of several-dozen technology
companies. He served as COO of, a next-generation venture-backed search engine. Previously, Fred was a Strategic
Advisor at Idealab in which he led the efforts to develop operating plans for a number of their portfolio companies. Fred served as
the Interim CEO for Geocities, helping to author its first business plan, gain its first round of venture backing, and crystallizing its
advertising-driven business model. Geocities went public and was later sold to Yahoo in 1999.
Earth Day 2013 Forum Co-Chairs
Bharat Kris “BK” Rao
Chairman and CEO, Bharco Ecotechnologies LLC
Bharat Kris (”BK”) Rao is the founding Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bharco
Ecotechnologies LLC, and the Bharco Group of Companies which are conducting business
activities globally in the environmental health, renewable energy and clean water sectors.
Rao was born in Madras (Chennai), India, grew up and was educated in Canada. After
completing his post graduate studies in Biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan, he
went on to complete his MBA in Marketing at the College of Management, University of Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. An entrepreneur at heart, Rao has been active in many successful business
ventures. Since 1998, Rao has focused his efforts on global environmental health strategies,
with an emphasis on establishing and implementing solutions to mitigate risk from the current
adverse environmental impact of municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution, and their
related waste streams. Rao serves on several international business, government and non-profit NGO committees to assess,
evaluate and recommend new and emerging clean and sustainable technologies as they apply to both the developing and the
developed nations of the world. He has participated in many international clean technology seminars and conferences globally. In
2012, Rao was nominated by the “Indian Economic Development & Research Association (IEDRA)” for his contributions in the field of
“Clean Technology and Sustainable Development” for the prestigious “Indian Achievers Award for Industrial Excellence”. He
currently sits on the Confederation of Indian Industry National Task Force on Waste for the Government of India.
Community involvement and support for the performing arts are priorities for Rao. He has been recognized both locally and
nationally for his long term contributions and volunteerism in Canada. Rao has maintained his passion to promote adoptable
technologies which address and provide solutions to environmental pollution, the clean generation of energy, and effective options
for maintaining the water integrity of the planet. He is the inventor behind several proprietary and patent pending clean
technologies. He is fully committed and dedicated to the Bharco Group corporate goal of “Creating a healthier planet for future
generations yet to come”.
Muriel R Wood
CEO and Director, Island Energy International, Inc.
Wood was born in Paris, France. She earned an MBA from INSEAD (Institute European d’ Administration)
in Fontainebleau, France, after completing her Masters in Electrical Engineering from SUDRIA (Ecole
Superieur De Mecanique et Electricite). She started her business career as an engineer with an
international electronics and communications company, Thomson CSF in France, before immigrating to
Southern California USA, where she has resided for the past 27 years She has been active in numerous
renewable energy and clean technology advancements.
Prior to accepting the Executive Management responsibilities at Island Energy International, Inc., Wood
was a successful consultant providing sound management advice to renewable and alternative energy
start-ups in Southern California. Her fluency in French, Russian and English, has provided her with the
ability to provide effective communications to facilitate dialogue between the USA, Europe and Russia.
Wood is active in the arts and passionate about the need for arts and music education in the lives of
children in both local and global arenas, emphasizing communications and understanding between children of diverse economical and geographic
backgrounds. Wood is the Co-Chair for the 2013 Earth Day Forum at Los Angeles City Hall, and has served as a Board Member of the Los Angeles St. Petersburg Sister City Committee continuously for the past 12 years.
Wood is an active supporter of clean energy and environmental initiatives globally.
Earth Day 2013 Forum – Heads of Advisory Organizations
Los Angeles –St. Petersburg Sister City Committee
Fred Andresen
President, Los Angeles St. Petersburg Sister City Committee
Born and raised on the West Texas desert near El Paso, Andresen has spent a great deal of his
professional life working and living abroad. Although his time in the military and his earlier
career took him all over Europe and Asia, the nearly twenty years he has invested in building
telecom companies in Russia have most inspired him as a writer and as a man.
A collection of autobiographical essays written during his stint living in Moscow in the 1990s,
Walking on Ice: An American Businessman in Russia, has raised Andresen’s profile as a writer
and speaker versed in doing business abroad– especially in Russia. He continues his Russian
business involvement and consults with others. He has addressed business and civic groups on
the topic, and brings his expertise to his role as the President of the Los Angeles-St. Petersburg
Sister City Committee.
USC Institute of Genetic Medicine Art Gallery
Lynn Crandall
Director, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Institute for
Genetic Medicine Art Gallery
Lynn Crandall, MA, Director, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine Institute for Genetic
Medicine Art Gallery, holds a BA from Northwestern University and an MA from the University of Notre Dame.
As Director of the USC IGM Art Gallery, Lynn organizes three four-month exhibits and four forums annually. Each
exhibit features a number of performances, events and education programs. Secretary of the Board of, she also served two 3 year terms as a member of the SoCal Sister Cities International Board of
Directors and is a member of the Board of the L.A./Nagoya Sister Cities Affiliation. She served a number of years
on the LAC+USC Arts Council and on the League of Women Voters of L.A. Board of Directors, as VOTER Editor and
Project Manager of the2007 Open World –LWVUS Russian Civic Hosting Program. Lynn also served as L.A.chapter
Project Manager for Focus the Nation and Americans for Informed Democracy.
A Master Teacher in the state of California, she served as Advisor to the Garfield High School Green Architecture
Design and Global Studies Academies. As Director of the Riordan Leadership Development Program at the LAJCC,she trained over 400 young professionals in
nonprofit board governance.
She served two years on the L.A. City Council on Aging and was Tour Curator for the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, (TNM) organizing multicity art tours for the TNM Board under Board President, Henry Luce, III and Director, Marcia Tucker.
Her extensive travel to international academic medical science conferences and art exhibits has enabled her to advocate for citizen diplomacy, art and culture
and to establish sustainable collaborative relationships locally and globally.
Contact Information:
Telephone: +1 (310) 544 2347