Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Very Rev. Benedict Nwachukwu -Udaku VF, Pastor, Ext. 132 Email: Deacon Ed Clark Parish Deacon , Ext 286; Rev. Julian Okoroanyanwu Parochial Vicar, Ext. 141 Email: Alwyn Anfone Seminarian, Ext 116 Rev. Edward J. Molumby, S.T. Priest in Residence Baptisms/Bautizos Classes are required for parents and godparents before the Baptism is Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM scheduled. We recommend three months preparation. You may contact Friday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM the Front Office at ext. 113 or ext. 115 or see our website for more information. (909) 899-1049 Los padres y padrinos deben tomar clases de preparación antes del For General Information call ext. 113 or 115 bautismo. Se recomienda que tengan tres meses de preparación. Puede For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest comunicarse con la oficina, ext. 113 o ext. 115 o ver nuestra pagina de during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588. internet para más información. Weddings/Bodas In order to schedule a wedding, a prenuptial meeting with a priest is MASS SCHEDULE in English required. One of the parties must be a committed member of Sacred Mon– Sat: 7:30 AM Wed: 6:15 PM Heart Parish. Minimum six months preparation required. Any previous Saturday: 5:00 PM marriage must be cleared before a date is scheduled and preparation can Sunday: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM (w/ American Sign Language), begin. Call ext.133 for an appointment. 12:30 PM, 5:00 PM Para planear una boda, se requiere una junta prenupcial con el sacerdote. Una persona de la pareja debe ser un miembro de la parroquia de Sagrado Corazón. Para pedir una cita llame extensión 133. es requerida. HORARIO DE MISAS en Español Preparación de seis meses mínimo Quinceañeras Martes: 6:15 PM Para reservar una Quinceañera o para mas información debe asistir a Domingo: 8:30 am (con Lengua de Signos) y 7:00 PM una reunión informativa en la oficina parroquial a las 10:00 am el ultimo domingo de cada mes. Padres y Quinceañera solamente. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. Mass Intentions CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Anyone may request a Mass intention for a person who is living, a Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Tuesday’s 5:00pm (English/Spanish) person who is deceased, members of a given family, a special intention, or call ext.133 for an appointment or a birthday. Mass intentions are filled on a first come first serve basis. Sábado 3:30 p.m. y Martes 5:00pm (Ingles/Español) The offering is $10 per Mass (maximum of four intentions). Must be in o llame x133 para hacer una cita. person. Funerals/Funerales Holy Hour - Every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come before If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral please contact the Blessed Sacrament, join us to pray for all families, our parish family and the parish office x 115 Si desea hacer arreglos para un funeral, por favor póngase en contacto for vocations. Hora Santa - Todos los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Venga ante el con la oficina parroquial extensión 115. Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, únase a nosotros para pedir por todas las Sacred Heart Parish familias, nuestra familia parroquial y por las vocaciones. OFFICE HOURS: Reservation Chapel - with the Blessed Sacrament is open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is on the West side of the building. La Capilla - del Santísimo Sacramento esta abierta entre semana de 7 a.m. a 5 p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio. School Grades: K-8th School Info: (909) 899-1049 x400 FAX: (909) 899-0413 School Web Site: Trenna Meins, Principal Mary Carr, School Secretary Please pray for all unborn babies and their families: ♥ Baby Varela ♥ Baby Cervantes Saturday, May 28 Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00pm + Dana Grace Housley r/b Parents + Mabel Sylvester r/b Claire Cozine + Juan Jose Trianna r/b Olga Morales Sunday, May 29 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 7:00am Abby Co & Family (Blessing) r/b Your Grandparents + Anastacia Baron r/b Susan Baron + Ida Quintana r/b Luis & Our Kids 8:30am + Florencio Munoz r/b Amalia Munoz + Lina y Jesus Ochoa (Anniversary) r/b Antonia Verduzco Carlos Lopez (Healing) r/b Flavio Lopez Arnoldo Escoto r/b Familia Hanna r/b EMHC Rudy Rios Sarah R. Hernandez r/b Juan & Olga Macias & Family Lourdes Apacible r/b Apacible Family Joselito Nazareno (Special Int.) r/b Normita Nazareno + Sarah R. Hernandez r/b Her Loving Family 5:00pm Propopulo 7:00pm No Mass r/b Familia Navarro Monday, May 30 9:00am Cesar y Alba Lucia Vargas (Anniv.) r/b Familia Marin Vargas Tuesday, May 31 7:30am + Tony Villalobos r/b Giron Family 6:15pm + David Joe Aldaco r/b Liliana Aldaco Wednesday, June 1 St. Justin 7:30am + For the Souls r/b Anna Laudiano 6:15pm Thanksgiving r/b Elizabeth Mathew Thursday, June 2 Sts. Marcellinus and Peter 7:30am + John Jung (Anniversary) r/b Isabel Jung Friday, June 3 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 7:30am Las Almas de Purgatorio (Special In.) r/b Enedina Diaz Saturday, June 4 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 am r/b Rosekate Ugorji Souls in Purgatory 10:30am + + + 12:30pm + Sunday-May 29, 2016 8:30AM 9:30AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 3:30PM 5:30PM Children’s Liturgy of Word Sacred Heart Singers Prac. Little Lambs Quinceanera Info. Mtg. Children’s Liturgy of Word Sunday 5pm Choir Practice Carlos Ramirez Choir 6:00AM 6:50AM 9:00AM 3:00PM 4:30PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM AA Meeting Rosary Memorial Mass Divine Mercy CFF Classes RICA Liturgical Mtg. & Trg. Cristo Rey Horvath Horvath Library Cardenas Horvath Church Horvath Monday-May 30, 2016 Conf. Rm. Chapel Church Chapel Cardenas Conf. Rm Church JP II Tuesday-May 31, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 3:00PM 3:15PM 5:30PM 5:30PM AA Meetings Rosary Bible Study School Luncheon Divine Mercy Chaplet School Choir Practice School Sports Banquet Life Teen Choir Practice Conf Rm Chapel JP II JP II Chapel Church JP XXII Horvath ♥ Baby Luna ♥ Baby Blanco ♥ Baby Mathews Please also pray for women who are considering abortion. That they come to understand the sanctity of human life. May God give them the grace and strength to accept the gift He has given them in the life of their baby. Please pray for all our sick relatives and friends: Bob Reyes Sara Webster Carlos Lopez Jose Manuel Carillo Minerva Gaona Blanca Chavez Sandra Milton Susana Trujillo Milta Negron Conchita Villanueva Gil Ybe Anita Ceballos Doreen Richichi Frank de Lima Don Calzia Guillermo Fitzmaurice Patsy Torres Lorana Fitzmaurick Ruby Laponis Tiffany West Kepford Join us to pray for all who recently died: “It is a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead” (2 Maccabees 12:45-46) Fermina T Lim Valentina Vargas Dr. Ferdinand Bumagat Aurelio Rubio David Joe Aldaco Yolanda Violet Morris Dawil Ibarra Norma Comendador Bob Meinking Pa Alloysius Anyanwu Miguel J Villanueva Lauro Baca Jr Elsie Duran Lilia Agbayani Terry Taylan Charlie Villanueva Delia Acensio Perez Edith Davis +Antonio Luna +Juan Pablo Pardo +Richard Omana + Hortencia Madamba +Cornelia Lucero + Pedro Villegas +Nicholas Amadi +Rosario Panaligan +Rudy Sorriano + Edith Davis Please pray for all our relatives and friends serving in the military: Joseph Linares (N) John Portillo (A) Carissa Deck (AF) Amy Deck (A) Kristin Queen (AF) Addison Queen (AF) Sean Queen (AF) 7:30PM Matrimonios Sgrd. Crzn. 7:30PM AA Meeting 7:45PM J&C Choir Practice Chapel Library Church Wednesday-June 1, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 8:00Am 11:00AM 3:00PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM AA Meeting Conf. Rm. Rosary Chapel School Kindergarten Promo. JP II School Graduation Practice Church Divine Mercy Chaplet Chapel Liturgical Committee Mtg. Conf. Rm CFF First Eucharist Practice Church EDGE Horvath Filipino Ministry Meeting Conf. Rm. Cristo Rey John XXIII NFP Spanish Cardenas SH Singers Practice Church 6:00AM 6:50AM 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 7:30 7:30PM AA Meeting Rosary School Planetarium Exhibit Divine Mercy Wedding Rehearsal Eng. Holy Hour Grief Support Wedding Rehearsal (Spn.) African Descent Ministry Holy Spirit Prayer Mtg. Thursday-June 2, 2016 Conf. Rm Chapel JP II Chapel Church Church Con. Rm. Church Cardenas Library Carlos E Rodriguez (M) Kevin Chavez (N) Stephen Abarca (A) Brianna C Hernandez (A) Anthony Scheidemantla (A) Jacob Anthony Quintanilla (A) Marco A Rivera (A) Zedrix P Santos (A) 7:45PM Lumen Christi Bible Study Chapel Friday –June 3, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 9:00AM 3:00AM 3:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM AA Meeting Rosary 24 Hour Adoration Divine Mercy Chaplet School Graduation Angeles de Maria Coro Angeles de Maria Angeles de Maria Padres Light of Jesus Estudio Biblico Coro de Carlos Practica Confirmation Movie Night Women’s Fellowship Mtg. Conf. Rm. Chapel Chapel Chapel Church John XXIII JP II John XXIII Horvath Library Conf. Rm. Church Grass Area JP XXIII Saturday-June 4, 2016 7:00AM Cristo Rey JP II 7:30AM RE Pictures 1st Eucharist Horvath 8:30PM Social Justice Meeting Cardenas 10:00AM CFF First Communion Mass Church 10:00AM Social Justice Citizen Classes Library 10:45AM Cristo Rey JP XXIII 3:30PM Confessions Church 6:30PM Life Teen Life Night Horvath Page 3 Our Site with Fr. Ben / Nuestro Enfoque de la Fe con Padre Ben The Solemnity of Corpus Christ “Oh Sacrament Most HOLY: Oh Sacrament DIVINE ALL Praise and ALL Thanksgiving Be every moment Thine” The solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is one of the sublime celebrations that help to deepen and shape our spiritual life. The promise of Jesus to remain with us forever is accomplished not only by the presence of the Holy Spirit (Solemnity of Pentecost) but also by Jesus 'presence in the Eucharist (Solemnity of Corpus Christi). The Eucharist contains the whole spiritual good of the Church namely Christ himself, our Pasch. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1328-1332), we have the different names of the Eucharist. (i) The Lord’s Supper (ii) The breaking of the bread (iii) The Eucharist assembly (iv) The memorial of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection (v) The Holy Sacrifice (of the mass), sacrifice of praise, spiritual sacrifice, (vi) the holy and divine liturgy (viii) the celebration of the sacred mysteries, (ix) the Blessed Sacrament (as the sacrament of sacraments), (x) Holy communion (xi) Holy Mass. In CCC (1330-1331; 1384-1390) we have the names for Communion such as (i) the Blessed Sacrament, (ii) Holy Communion, (iii) The holy things, (iv) Bread of angels (v) Bread from heaven (vi) Medicine of immortality, (vii) Viaticum, (viii) The body of Christ (which is also the Church), (ix) The host (Latin hostia, a sacrificial lamb-a larger animal is called victima). Beyond physical hunger, man bears in himself another hunger, a hunger that cannot be satiated with ordinary food. It is hunger for life, hunger for love, and hunger for eternity. In the Old Testament, God gave manna to the pilgrim people of Israel (Exodus 16). It was the figure of a food that satisfies this profound hunger that man has. Jesus gives us this food, in fact, He himself is the living bread that gives life to the world (John6:51). His Body is real food under the species of bread; His Blood is real drink under the species of wine. It is not simple nourishment with which to satiate our bodies, as manna; the Body of Christ is the bread of the end times, capable of giving life, and eternal life, because the essence of this bread is Love. The Solemnity of Corpus Christi invites us to appreciate again and again this sublime sacrament; the sacrament of all the sacraments. As we come to Mass and approach the Altar for communion, may we prayerfully behold the One we eat, befriend the One we receive in the Eucharist, and courageously become the One we consume in the sacred species. May we also renew the commitment to visit the Blessed Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. This Heart of the Trinity, beats for us in a small tabernacle where it remains mysteriously hidden in that still, white host. According to St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942), “The tabernacle is your royal throne on earth, O Lord, which visibly you have erected for us, and you are pleased when I approach it. Full of love, you sink your gaze into mine. And bend your ear to my quiet words and deeply fill my heart with peace. You come to me as early morning's meal each daybreak. Your flesh and blood become food and drink for me and something wonderful happens.” Have a Graceful Corpus Christ Celebration!!! Father Ben May 29, 2016 La Solemnidad de Corpus Christi "Oh SANTÍSIMO Sacramento: Oh DIVINO Sacramento TODA alabanza Y TODO agradecimiento sea Tuyo en todo momento" La solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo es una de las celebraciones sublimes que nos ayudan a profundizar y moldear nuestra vida espiritual. La promesa de Jesús de permanecer con nosotros por siempre se logra no sólo por la presencia del Espíritu Santo (Solemnidad de Pentecostés) sino también por la presencia de Jesús en la Eucaristía (Solemnidad de Corpus Christi). La Eucaristía contiene el bien espiritual completo de la Iglesia, principalmente Cristo mismo, nuestra Pascua. En el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (1328-1332), tenemos diferentes nombres para la Eucaristía. (i) La Cena del Señor (ii) la fracción del pan (iii) la asamblea de la Eucaristía (iv) el memorial de la Pasión y Resurrección (v) el Santo Sacrificio (de la misa), sacrificio de alabanza, sacrificio espiritual, (vi) la santa y divina liturgia (viii) la celebración de los sagrados misterios, (ix) el Santísimo Sacramento (como el sacramento de sacramentos), (x) Sagrada Comunión (xi) Santa Misa. En CIC (1330-1331; 1384-1390) tenemos los nombres para la Comunión como (i) el Santísimo Sacramento, (ii) Sagrada Comunión, (iii) Las cosas santas, (iv) Pan de ángeles, (v) Pan del cielo, (vi) Medicina de inmortalidad, (vii) Viático, (viii) El cuerpo de Cristo (el cual es también la Iglesia), (ix) La hostia (Latín hostia, un cordero de sacrificio, un animal grande llamado victima). Más allá de hambre física, el hombre lleva en sí otra hambre, un hambre que no puede ser saciada con comida ordinaria. Es un hambre de vida, hambre de amor, hambre de eternidad. En el Antiguo Testamento, Dios dió maná al pueblo peregrino de Israel (Éxodo 16). Es la figura de un alimento que satisface esta profunda hambre que da vida al mundo (Juan 6:51). Su Cuerpo es verdadera comida bajo la especie de pan; Su Sangre es verdadera bebida bajo la especie de vino. No es simple nutrición con la cual saciamos nuestros cuerpos es maná; el Cuerpo de Cristo es el pan del final de los tiempos, capaz de dar vida, y vida eterna, porque la esencia de este pan es Amor. La Solemnidad de Corpus Christi nos invita a apreciar una y otra vez, este sublime sacramento; el sacramento de todos los sacramentos. Cuando venimos a Misa y nos acercamos al Altar para la comunión, contemplemos con devoción a Quien comemos, nos hagamos amigos de Quien recibimos en la Eucaristía, y con valor nos convirtamos en Quien consumimos en las sagradas especies. Renovemos también nuestro compromiso de visitar al Santísimo Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar. Este Corazón de la Trinidad, late para nosotros en un pequeño tabernáculo donde permanece escondido misteriosamente en esa quieta, hostia blanca. De acuerdo a Santa Teresa Benedicta de la Cruz (1891-1942), "El tabernáculo es tu trono real en la tierra, Oh Señor, el cual visiblemente has erigido para nosotros, y que te alegras cuando nos acercamos a él. Lleno de amor, hundes tu mirada en la mía, y escuchas mis palabras quietas y llenas profundamente mi corazón con paz. Vienes a mí como la comida matutina en cada amanecer. Tu carne y sangre se convirtieron en alimento y bebida para mí y sucede algo maravilloso." ¡¡¡Que tengan una Celebración de Corpus Christi llena de Gracia!!! Padre Ben Page 4 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 JUNTA DE LECTORES 9 dePalabra mayo | 6pm de| en Come and receive God’s great gift of grace, healing, and love Precious Baby Bilingual Remembrance Mass Friday, June 17th 7:00p.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Prolife Catholic Ministry of San Bernardino Diocese in collaboration with Sacred Heart Catholic Church For families that have experienced Pregnancy Loss, Stillbirth, Infant/Child Death or Abortion June 3rd-Norm of the North July 9th-Cinderella Story Memorial Day Mass May 30th 9:00AM in the Church. Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 30th in observation of Memorial Day. ♦ Honoring all who have died in service for our country. ♦ Bring pictures of deceased loved ones to be placed near the altar at this Mass. We invite you to take totally FREE CLASSES!!! This classes are offered for your disposition to help you prepare for the citizenship exam that includes 100 questions about history, geography, reading, writing, rights & responsibilities as a US citizen. Classes will be held at the library on Saturday’s from May 21st—June 11th from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Information contact the Social Justice ministry Sandra Gonzalez to 909-921-3163. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! Parishioners planning to get married who have had a previous marriage may need more than a 6 month preparation period. Reserving a date will not be allowed until all requirements are completed to clear the previous marriage. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:1-2, 14-16; Mk 12:1-2 Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18 or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday:2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28b-34 Friday: Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-51 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 Please call Blanca at 909-899-1049 x133 to schedule an appointment. Page 5 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 Father’s Day Spiritual Cards! All the masses in June will be offered for all Father’s living and deceased. We will pray for all the names of the Father’s on the altar. You can obtain an envelope/card in the vestibule or parish office, $5 donation. Para reservar una quinceañera, los padres y la quinceañera deben asistir a una reunión de información. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. La próxima reunión es el 26 de junio en el salón Diacono Roberto a las 10am. To reserve a date for a quinceañera the parents and quinceañera must attend an information meeting. There is a 6 month preparation period. 5048 D. Street , Chino 91710(909) 591-9402 May 31st The West End Vicariate invites everyone to aƩend a special celebraƟon in honor of Our Mother Mary during this year of Mercy. Our gathering will consƟtute a beauƟful way to end the Month of May; the Month of Mary. 6:00 p.m. Holy Hour with Rosary and procession of flowers (Confessions will be available during Holy Hour) 7:00 p.m. Outdoor rally in the courtyard followed by a procession through the “Holy Doors” 7:15 p.m. Presentation of a talk and testimony followed by Mass 8:15 p.m. Hospitality (free drinks and cake) Other food items will be available for purchase after Mass A collection will be taken up during Mass to aide the poor. Next meeting will take place on June 26th at 10am in the Deacon Roberto Conference Room. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Budgeted Amount $23,052 Collections 5/22/16 $21,767 Mail In $1,249 Online Giving $1,119 Envelopes Used 567 DDF Collection Plate $2,000 DDF Collection Pledges $3,600 W e are so grateful to all of you who give in support of our parish community. We appreciate your ongoing generosity! Join us every Thursday for Holy Hour beginning at 6:30pm. Page 6 Youth & Young Adult Ministry May 29, 2016 HOLY SPIRIT COME! Please keep our teens in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name– he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” -John 14: 25-27 Rite of Confirmation Practice Wednesday, May 25 6-8:30 in the church. Sponsors must attend! The Rite of Confirmation Friday, June 3rd/7p Wednesday, June 1st All middle schoolers are welcome to our 8TH GRADE SEND-OFF Where we will be celebrating and recognizing all of those graduating from 8th grade. Join us for Bible Study Every Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm In Horvath Youth Center Confirmandi/Sponsors must be in Horvath no later than 6pm! We will begin the procession at 6:50! YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday 1-5pm Melissa Taylor: Youth Minister Melissa. 909-803-1421 Andre Dineros: YM. Admin. Assistant Andre. 909-803-1422 Chika Anyanwu: Confirmation Coordinator 909-803-1423 Page 7 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 Adquiera su Ramo Espiritual Para el día de Padres El ramo espiritual es un bonito regalo para recordar a todos los padres que viven y los fallecidos durante toda las Misas de junio. Se pueden obtener en la oficina parroquial por $5 La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 30 de mayo en observación de Memorial Day. Misa de Memorial Day 30 de mayo a las 9am ♦ Honrando todos los que han fallecido sirviendo nuestro país. ♦ Traigan fotos para poner en el altar para recordar nuestros queridos. CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DEL TESORO Presupuesto Colecta 5/22/16 Recibidos por Correo Pago Automatizado Sobres Usado DDF Colección DDF Colección Promesa $23,052 $21,767 $1,249 $ 1,119 567 $2,000 $3,600 Estamos muy agradecidos con todos ustedes que apoyan a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Les agradecemos su continua generosidad! 5048 D. Street , Chino 91710 (909) 591-9402 Mayo 31, 2016 El Vicariato Oeste invita a todos a que asistan a la celeración en honor de Nuestra Madre María en este año de la Misericordia. Esta reunión será una bella manera de terminar el mes de Mayo: Mes de María 6:00 p.m. Hora Santa con Rosario y procesión con flores. (Habrá confesiones durante la Hora Santa) 7:00 p.m. Reunión en el patio de la Iglesia y procesión para Pasar por la Puerta Santa. 7:15 p.m. Presentación de un testimonio seguida de La Celebración Eucarística. 8:15 p.m. Hospitalidad (bebidas y pastel gratis) Habrá venta de comida después de misa La colecta de esta Misa estará destinada para ayudar a los pobres. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Pe 1:2-7; Sal 91 (90):1-2, 14-16; Mc 12:1-2 Martes: Sof 3:14-18 o Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 1:39-56 Miércoles: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Sal 123 (122):1b-2; Mc 12:18-27 Jueves: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mc 12:28b-34 Viernes: Ez 34:11-16; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5b-11; Lc 15:3-7 Sábado: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lc 2:41-51 Domingo: 1 Re 17:17-24; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lc 7:11-17 Page 8 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 Religious Education Registration Dates New Families July 11, 2016 until Sept 15, 2016 - Monday thru Thursday 1pm to 4pm in the Religious Education Office Thursdays, Only 1pm until 6:00pm For a later time by appointment only Fridays there will no registrations Returning Families that have completed the 6 required Adult Formation Meetings July 11, 2016 until Aug 18, 2016 Returning families that have NOT completed the required 6 Adult Formation Meetings Aug. 22, 2016 until Sept. 15, 2016 Contact the Religious Ed office for more information 909-803-1452 Maria Trujillo Sacred Heart Parish School Mon., May 30 Memorial Day No School Tues., May 31 8th Gr. Graduation Luncheon. Sports Banquet 5:30-9:00pm (Invitation Only) Wed., Jun. 1st Kindergarten Promotion 9:00am 8th Gr. Breakfast & Practice Thurs., Jun. 2nd 8th Gr. Graduation Trip to Disneyland Fri., Jun. 3rd 8th Gr. Graduation Mass. Noon Dismissal-daycare open. Page 9 Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Women’s Fellowship May 29, 2016 Every 3rd Saturday of the month Mecca June 4th at 7:30am in the chapel Come and enjoy Miracles of Mary Testimonials By Teresita Martinez Will meet at Sacred at Heart at 7am.Will dispense food and clothes at 9:30am and depart at 11am.Anyone interested please sign up in the parish office. Are you interested in practicing stewardship by being a Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, Music Minister or Visitor to the Sick? A class is being offered on Sat. June 11th from 9-3pm at St. Anthony’s Parish in Upland. Cost is $12/ person. To sign up please contact Mary Dias at 909-899-1049 x701 Están interesados en ser Ministros Extraordinarios de la Santa Comunión, Lectores, Ministerio de Música o Visitantes a los Enfermos? Habrá talleres de formación el sábado, 11 de junio de 9-3pm en la parroquia de San Antonio en Upland. El costo es de $12/persona. Para mas información comuníquese con Mary Dias , 909-899-1049 x701 Page 10 Diocesan Events / Eventos Diocesanos ONE DAY RETREAT Take Charge of Your Life Life has a way of making so many demands on our time and energy. Sometimes the harder we try the more frustrating it can become. On this retreat you will learn some simple and valuable techniques that can help you thrive instead of just survive. You will also be taught how to use the powerful Light of Christ to make changes in your life. Dates: June4,11,18,25, July 2,23,30 Location: Srs. St Benedict, Grand Terrace Time: 10am to 3pm Donation: $25 which includes a hot lunch Presenter: Sr. Joan Marie Sasse O.S.B. Directions: Reservations: 909.783.4121 If you are out of work or experiencing financial problems please consider attending as a guest. May 29, 2016 Page 11 Gratitude Page May 29, 2016 Thank you Last Sunday Father Tomas Guillen celebrated his first mass here at Sacred Heart , having as framework for his homily the Holy Trinity. It was highly anticipated by all, since we have witnessed the process of spiritual maturity of Father Tomas. There was a reception after mass in JP II, where the community had the opportunity to receive the first blessing of father Tomas. We would like to thank the organizing committee of the reception, all the ministries who generously participated in the welcome including the beautiful decor of the hall, our master of ceremonies, the Knights of Columbus for their valuable cooperation in the kitchen and all the volunteers who in one way or another contributed to make the event a success. It is a blessing to have a multicultural and diverse community as ours to be together as a family in Christ. Gracias El pasado domingo 22, el Padre Tomas Guillén celebró su Primera Misa en nuestra parroquia de Sagrado Corazón, teniendo como marco para su homilía la Santísima Trinidad. Fue una misa muy esperada por todos ya que hemos sido testigos del proceso de madurez espiritual del Padre Tomas. Después dela Misa tuvimos la recepción en el Salón JP II, donde la comunidad tuvo la oportunidad de recibir la primera bendición de Padre Tomas. Agradecemos al comité organizador de la recepción. También agradecemos a todos los ministerios que como siempre participaron generosamente en la recepción, la hermosa decoración del salón, a nuestro maestro de ceremonias por el programa, a los Caballeros de Colón por su valiosa cooperación en la cocina y a todos los voluntarios que de una u otra manera contribuyeron para que el evento fuera un éxito. Es una bendición tener una comunidad multicultural y diversa como la nuestra pero que está unida como familia una en Cristo. PA R I S H S T A F F “Ser ving God through Ser ving Others” ADMINISTRATIVE Rosa Talamantes, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry & Multi-Cultural Cord. ext. 145 e-mail: Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor ext. 133 e-mail: Vivian Huizar, Office Assistant/Sacramental Records ext. 113 e-mail: Gladys Giron, Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor ext. 115 e-mail: Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper ext. 114 e-mail: Judith Minjarez, Office Assistant ext. 115 e-mail: LITURGICAL Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries ext. 701 e-mail: Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator e-mail: Regina Eskridge, Liturgy Ast./Cord. of Neighborhood Comm. ext. 131 FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Fornelli, CCM e-mail: Maria Trujillo, RE Administrative Assistant e-mail: Monica Hernandez, RE Administrative Assistant E-mail: Melissa Taylor, Youth Minister e-mail: Chika Anyanwu, Coordinator of Confirmation and Young Adults e-mail: Andre Dineros, Y/M Administrative Assistant e-mail: FACILITIES Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager e-mail: Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care Maria Mejia, Rectory Housekeeper/Cook Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance ext. 150 ext. 152 ext.151 ext. 121 ext. 123 ext. 122 ext. 552 ext. 118 ext. 115 ext. 118 PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension) ACTS Martin Vargas (909)239-5634 Adoration Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 African Descent Ministry Philomina Nwarueze (909)743-9419 Altar Linens Judy Oziminski (909)484-7350 Altar Server Rene Echiverri (909)904-1611 Arts / Environment Veronica Assal (909)899-1049 Children’s Liturgy Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Children’s Performing Arts Teresa Ortega (714)883-5177 Church Cleaning Alejandro & Ana Castro (909)519-7663 Coffee & Donut Ministry Mary Orduño (909)561-2950 ext. 244 Communion to Homebound Eric Batoon email: evbjrw@hotmail Cursillos In Christianity Gio Peralta 909-921-6974 / Jay Plaza 909-559-1102 Divine Mercy Ministry Kathyrn Cramm (909)477-9338 /Anne Magodoro (909)518-7637 Divorce/Separated Support Ministry Julia Raymond (909)945-9233 EDGE (Middle School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Faith on Fire Leona O’Brien (909) 232-6851 Festival Chairman Joe Kuskie ext. # 291 Filipino Ministry Jojo Lazo (937)701-7472 Finance Council Tony Morales (909)528-3259 Fire Starters Teresa Chavez (909)899-1049 Food Pantry Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Guadalupano’s (bilingual) Rod Morales (909)489-3933 Grief Ministry Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Health Ministry Rose Morales (626)216-3496 Jail Ministry Greg Estrella Knights of Columbus Jim Hernandez (951)897-9973 Lectors Robert Covington (909)350-3277 LifeTeen (High School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Light of Jesus Family Ministry Lester Pasimio (626)643-0012 Little Lambs Cecilia Fornelli ext. # 150 Lumen Christi Young Adults Chika Anyanwu (909)803-1423 Marriage Encounter Peddy & Linda Ascio (909)730-1524 Marriage Enrichment Shawn & Bern Judson (909)463-9689 Marriage Preparation Paul & Nancy Camarillo (909)239-7095 (909)472-8682 Mary’s Hands Circle (Crafting Ministry) Gina Kunakorn Men’s Fellowship Alex Alexander (909)697-5834 Multi Cultural Fellowship Carmela Giliberto (909)256-9675 Jowie Witongco, Raul Cancio, Marjorie Saint-Louis, Matthew Braun Music Parent Life Parish School Board Pastoral Council Prayer Group– Holy Spirit Purgatorial Prayer Ministry Respect Life RCIA (English) Security Ministry Senior Ministry Stewardship Committee Tribunal Advocates Ushers / Greeters Women’s Fellowship John Paul Dizon Teddy Rawson Dave Hutson Linda Elliott Alicia Santacruz Gracie Vargas Mary Ann Andel Tim Wyant Julia Raymond Michael Rios Dcn. Ed Clark Andy Morales Ve’Lores Thomspon 909-565-2727 (909)899-1049 (909) 823-0146 (909)880-8885 (909)578-7658 (909) 238-6399 (909)987-9312 (909)899-1049 (909)945-9233 (909)899-1049 ext. 286 (909)600-9593 (909)463-6204 MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Adoración de 24 Horas Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 Ángeles de María (Las Niñas) Esther Velásquez (909)941-0739 Despensa de Comida Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Duelo - Ministerio Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Educación Religiosa y RICA Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Encuentro Matrimonial Jesus y Livier Garcia (909)899-6000 Estudio Bíblico Joseph Moctezuma (909)282-2142 Eucaristía - Ministros Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey David Arias (951)217-2675 Justicia Social Sandra Gonzalez (909)921-3163 Lectores Luis Torres (909)854-6670 Matrimonios del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y María Jason y Lorena Tinoco (909)957-2153 Ministerio de Comunión a los Enfermos Patricia Hassin (909)232-0041 Monaguillos Nidia Vargas (559)331-5173 Movimiento Familiar Guillermo y Carmen Navarro (909)463-6372 Música Joaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia, José Ramírez, y Carlos Ramírez Planificación Natural de la Familia Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda (909)899-3955 Preparación Bautismal/Quinceañeras Rosa Talamantes ext. 145 Preparación Matrimonial Francisco & Vicki Bellota ext. 282 Respeto a la Vida Gracie Vargas (909)238-6399