Our Bicentennial - Mount St. Mary`s University
Our Bicentennial - Mount St. Mary`s University
16300 Old Emmitsburg Road Emmitsburg, MD 21727 www.msmary.edu There’s still time to Collect your piece of Mount history. Bicentennial gifts are still available, for a limited time with limited quantities. ◊ Bicentennial Coffee Table Book By photographer Dan Beigel, $50 Celebrating Our Bicentennial 2007-08 Annual Report Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Emmitsburg, MD Permit No. 19 • Our Bicentennial Bicentennial DVD ÿ Bicentennial Print ⁄ By Carol Dyer; $100 signed prints, $50 unsigned prints mount St. Mary’s University “The Spirit Continues...,” $20 President’s Annual Report 2007-08 Faith • Discovery • Leadership • Community University Mission Statement Mount St. Mary’s is a Catholic institution of higher education dedicated to liberal learning in the pursuit of truth. Mount St. Mary’s, mindful of its role in the Church’s mission to the world and respectful of the religious liberty of all, affirms the values and beliefs central to the Catholic vision of the person and society, and seeks to deepen understanding of our faith and its practice in just and compassionate engagement with the world. In order to enable individuals to understand and to challenge or embrace the cultural forces operating on them, Mount St. Mary’s, in all its curricular and co-curricular programs, encourages each student to undertake free and rigorous inquiry leading to a reflective and creative understanding of the traditions which shape the communities in which we live. Mount St. Mary’s strives to graduate men and women who cultivate a mature spiritual life, who live by high intellectual and moral standards, who respect the dignity of other persons, who see and seek to resolve the problems facing humanity, and who commit themselves to live as responsible citizens. Seminary Mission Statement The mission of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is the formation of men for the Roman Catholic diocesan priesthood in the service of the Kingdom of God. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary aims to establish a foundation within the seminarians for a lifetime of priestly ministry within the Church. This foundation is an intimate relationship with God the Father in Jesus Christ His Son through the Holy Spirit, a relationship nourished by Scripture and Tradition, celebrated in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and marked by a sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Through the interrelated components of priestly formation—human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral—the seminary strives to train men, called as priests to be living images of Jesus Christ, to become more like Christ the Good Shepherd, men of deep humility and genuine pastoral charity. The Seminary prepares the seminarians to share in a special way in the three-fold office of Christ: teaching the Gospel, celebrating the divine mysteries, and shepherding God’s people. In its deep communion with the whole Church and its fidelity to Church teaching, the Seminary prepares its future priests to be men of ecclesial communion, united by special bonds with the Pope, the College of Bishops, their own Bishops, other priests, consecrated religious and the lay faithful. A distinctive characteristic of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is that it is an integral part of Mount St. Mary’s University. The various components of the university share the common ground of having been born from the heart of the Church. They are thus able to seek together in faith a more profound understanding of the Christian mystery. Not only does this relationship within the university provide the resources and support for academic, cultural and physical development, but it also provides seminarians with opportunities for learning pastoral skills for their future ministry, especially in the parish. Board of Trustees President’s Council Rector’s Council (as of March 2008) Mr. Thomas G. O’Hara, Chair Mr. Eugene M. Waldron, Jr., Vice Chair Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder, C’64, S’68, Secretary Mr. John J. Walsh, C’58, Treasurer Mr. Richard Bolte, Jr. Mr. James T. Brady Mr. John R. Bransfield, Jr., C’63 Mr. Kevin B. Cashen, C’83 Mr. John E. Coyne, III, C’77 Ms. Martha K. DeNardi, C’75 Mr. Kevin P. Dowd, C’70 Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler, S’73 Rev. Thomas P. Ferguson, S’94 Rev. Gerard Francik Mr. Patrick Goles, C’64 Mr. William T. Kennedy, C’60 Rev. Msgr. William Kerr Ms. Mary Lear Most Rev. Francis Malooly Mr. James V. McAveney, Jr., C’66 Dr. Frank P. Merolla, C’63 Rev. Msgr. John F. Myslinski, S’80, MT’86 Mr. Scott Newkam, C’72 Ms. Suzanne Nicholson Most Rev. Edwin F. O’Brien Very Rev. David M. O’Connell, C.M. Ms. Hilary C. O’Donnell, C’83 Very Rev. Edward J. Quinlan III, C’74, S’78, MT’86 Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades Mr. Simba Sana, C’90 Mr. James E. Schaeffer, MBA’84 Mr. Brian L. Smith, C’70 Mr. Robert J. Smith, C’64 The Hon. Julie R. Solt, C’80 Maj. Gen. John Anthony Studds, USMC (Ret.), C’60 Ms. Diane L. Tomb, C’86 Ms. Sheila Vertino, SJC’68 Mr. J. Scott Wilfong, C’72 Hon. Jennifer M. Anderson Mr. Peter A. Arbes Mr. Louis T. Armelin Rev. Brian G. Bashista Mr. Kelvin A. Caple Mr. A. Thomas Carroccio Mr. Kenneth B. Chodnicki Mr. David P. Conaghan Dr. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. Lawrence E. Donato Mr. Dennis M. Doyle Ms. Joyce Ann Draper Mr. Clyde D. Edwards Rev. J. Kevin Farmer Rev. Msgr. James Paul Farmer, Jr. Mr. Alvin C. Fernandes Mr. J. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. William Kevin Flanigan Mr. William J. Frank Mr. John D. Graham Mr. John O’Hare Graham Dr. Robert Cottrell Greenwell, Jr. Mr. B. Scott Holloway Mr. Michael R. Holly Mr. C. Gregory Kallmyer Mr. Edward Joseph Kuhn, Jr. Mr. Thomas E. Martin Mr. John Franklin McKee Mr. J. Dennis Molloy, Esq. Ms. Veralynn M. Morris Mr. Thomas M. Orth Ms. Patricia T. Ralston Mr. Thomas C. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Lauren Greco Sfekas Mr. Charles W. Sherren, Jr. Mr. Michael K. Shockley Mr. Brian L. Smith Mr. Robert S. Stellato Mr. MarvinW. Stocke Mr. Thomas J. Taylor, Jr. Mr. William Tell Mrs. Jacqueline Detrich Wilson Mr. Daniel F. Curtin, Chair Deacon John H. Baker, M.D. Mr. Joseph A. Barrett, Sr. Rev. Msgr. James T. Beattie Rev. Msgr. John A. Bergamo Mr. James Buchheit Maj. Gen. William F. Burns, USA (Ret.) Capt. Stephen J. Bury, USN (Ret.) Mrs. Kathryn M. Cebrowski Rev. John F. Cyr Mr. John P. Falvey Mrs. Mary Falvey Mr. Hugh J. Farrell, J.D. Rev. Robert T. Finlan Ms. Margaret Fiore Mrs. Dorothy Forrey Mr. William C. Forrey Rev. Timothy A. Gadziala Mr. Helge V. Jespersen Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Mr. Michael McGinley, CPA Mrs. Blanche M. Moore Rev. Robert F. Oravetz Mr. Peter H. Plamondon Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Rauscher Executive OffICers Thomas H. Powell, President Dan S. Soller, Executive Vice President John T. Butler, Vice President for Advancement Pauline A. Engelstatter, Vice President for University Affairs Michael S. Malewicki, Vice President for Business and Finance David B. Rehm, Vice President for Academic Affairs Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, Vice President/Rector of the Seminary Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, Vice President for Catholic Identity and Mission 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report There are four pillars upon which we base our calling and our promise: Faith, Discovery, Leadership and Community. Faith: We are proud to be a Catholic university, robust and contemporarily proud of who we are and what we represent. We support those on a faith journey. You do not need to be Catholic to be at the Mount; we respect and appreciate all other faiths and know all can benefit from our strong Catholic traditions and values. Discovery: Personal discovery is the aim of higher education; at the Mount our rigorous academic program grounded in the liberal arts will demand you learn and encounter the world, but more importantly, it will demand you learn and encounter yourself. Leadership: Leadership is central to our mission and we take that charge seriously. Ours is a tough program but if you want to become a leader, this is the place. At all levels, the Mount expects leadership and provides many opportunities to learn these necessary leadership qualities. Table of Contents Introduction • 2 Bicentennial Medal Honorees • 6 Meeting our Strategic Goals • 8 Our Catholic Identity • 8 Academic Excellence • 14 Student Character and Virtue • 18 Financial Strength and Infrastructure • 26 Financial Highlights • 28 Marketing and Alumni Engagement • 30 Donors • 40 Community: At the Mount, being in a community is what we are all about. It means learning to work together, respect each other, appreciate differences and reassert similarities as humans. The Mount community is about caring and tradition. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • • Introduction From the President Dear Friends, The bicentennial of Mount St. Mary’s University was a moment of celebration, reflection and renewal— a time of hope to give strength, wisdom and vision to the university for its next century of academic leadership and public service in American higher education. In this transforming celebration, we recognized the Mount’s rich history from Father DuBois’ first journey to the United States to our present-day university. The Mount community honored two centuries of Catholic education and fostered increased understanding and appreciation of the importance of our Catholic mission. On behalf of the entire university, I extend our deepest gratitude to the many generous donors who have helped us achieve so much as we strive always to better serve our students and seminarians. And I send my best wishes to all who joined us in any way in this yearlong, nationwide celebration of a glorious bicentennial! Sincerely, Dr. Thomas H. Powell President, Mount St. Mary’s University The bicentennial was a powerful framework for making vital progress on our strategic plan, A Community Growing Together: A Vision for Future Generations. This plan represents our commitment to both faith and reason as we pursue our academic goals. Fa i th • Discovery • Leadership • Community 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • • Introduction “O’er these paths in other hours, Saintly feet have trod before us, Saintly hands have scattered flowers, Saintly voices join the chorus. Holy is this ground forever. For their feet have pressed its sod. Let it be, our high endeavor Like them to keep close to God.” From the Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn Archbishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis; Board of Trustees Emeriti, Mount St. Mary’s University In the year 1858, there was a gathering, a convocation on this mountain. Guests had come from near and far to celebrate the golden jubilee of Mount St. Mary’s College and Seminary. Many speeches were given. They are recorded in a lovely old book entitled: Jubilee. There is one, however, that has always had a particular appeal to me. In fact, I quoted it at an inauguration ceremony for the late President George R. Houston on November 5, 1994. It is the address of the then President of Mount St. Mary’s College and Seminary, Father John McCaffrey, and I quote but a part of it for today’s reflection. Speaking of the life of Mount St. Mary’s for those first fifty years, he says: “And if you ask me the secret of this wonderful development and prosperity, I frankly own that I cannot tell it. She has had no state endowments, no rich bequests, no wealthy and lavish benefactors, no great assistance or encouragement, no help or hope from without, while of difficulties and discouragements she has had her full share. And yet she has grown and thrived and flourished. And all that we can say to explain this strange phenomenon is, that the spirit of DuBois and Brute are, as we fondly think, still alive in this institution, for which their prayers may be even more efficacious now than their labors were of old – that to us it seems the finger of God is here, that this is something which the Lord has done; let us exult and be glad.” Today we gather with members of our esteemed Board of Trustees, with our President, Dr. Thomas Powell, and Mrs. Powell and other members of his administration, with members of our most competent faculty, with Monsignor Rohlfs, Rector of the Seminary, and his faculty, with the wonderful students of the University and Seminarians and with so many good friends of this grand institution. We gather to bring to a close the celebration of this Bicentennial Jubilee year. Two hundred years later and we are very grateful. And now, on the threshold of the Third Century and our hearts are filled with hope. Anniversaries are Janus-eyed. They look back with one eye to what has been finished; they look forward with the other to what is ahead. Anniversaries tell the story of hardships, of change, of decisions, of mistakes and successes, and of the ever-present guidance of the Spirit. They challenge us to look forward, to take stock of our times and to confront the needs of our own days. When we reflect on those who preceded us, we tend to bestow on them something of the heroic – and indeed, they were heroic. We must remember, however, that they were ordinary people just like us. Mount St. Mary’s is a place, an atmosphere whereby one cannot help but be reminded of the things of God. It is a venue whereby one cannot help but hear somewhat the inner voice inviting us to a banquet at which we become more cognizant of our dignity as human beings… The atmosphere of Mount St. Mary’s – a mountain which God has touched… His wonderful hands on this mountain will give all the courage to look to the future, to the next level of existence in learning, in teaching, in creating and in remembering the very last phrase of an ancient Hebrew prayer – And Life a Journey in Victory Lies in having made the Journey, Stage by stage. And so, my dear Administrators, Trustees, Educators, Friends, Students, let us begin the next Century, the next stage. Let us begin this in faith. Homily (edited) by the Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn, Closing Mass for the Bicentennial Year, October 12, 2008 We have become more aware of the vision of DuBois and Bruté and have become more aware of all that God has blest on this mountain. Because of the great work of women and men, leaders and teachers, staff and maintenance, priests and laity, and because God has been an important part of its journey, the hand of God has rested on this mountain and blessings have poured forth in abundance… 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • • Bicentennial Bicentennial Medal Recipients Medal Honorees The Bicentennial Medal, commissioned by Mount St. Mary’s Board of Trustees, was awarded to individuals or organizations that demonstrated, by example, achievement, and commitment, extraordinary service to our alma mater, the community, or the Church. The individual or organization embodies the four pillars of Mount St. Mary’s, our promise and calling to Faith, Discovery, Leadership and Community. Recipients of the Bicentennial Medal have their names engraved on a plaque permanently displayed in Bradley Hall. Only 200 medals were made, and the mold was broken at the closing Gala. Former Mount St. Mary’s Presidents George R. Houston, Jr. (1994-2003) Robert J. Wickenheiser, Ph.D. (l977-1993) Church Leaders Cardinal William H. Keeler Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, Ph.D., D.D. Cardinal Edward Egan Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien Archbishop William D. Borders, D.D. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn, D.D., S’60 Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D Bishop Paul S. Coakley, S’83 Bishop William B. Friend, S’59 Bishop Michael O. Jackels, S’81, MT’81 Bishop William E. Lori, S.T.D, S’77 Bishop Paul S. Loverde Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, C’79 Rev. Msgr. Robert A. Armstrong Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler, S’73 Rev. Msgr. Thomas Hartman Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. McGowan, C’47, S’49 (Posthumously) Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder, C’64, S’68 Rev. Keith W. Boisvert Rev. William J. Byron, S.J. Rev. Vincent J. O’Malley, CM Rev. Thomas R. Ulshafer, S.S. and the Society of St. Sulpice Daughters of Charity Sisters of Charity – Halifax, Nova Scotia Sisters of St. Francis Mount St. Mary’s Board of Trustees Current John R. Bransfield, Jr., C’63 Patrick J. Goles, C’64 James V. McAveney, Jr., C’66 Frank P. Merolla, D.D.S., C’63 Thomas G. O’Hara, C’64 Brian L. Smith, C’70 Eugene M. Waldron, Jr., C’64, & Family John J. Walsh, C’58 Emeriti John H. Baker, M.D., C’52 Agnus McGlade Berenato, C’80 Honorable Beverly B. Byron J. Frank Cashen Richard T. Christopher, Sr., C’61 Honorable James P. Courtney, Jr., C’60 Daniel F. Curtin, C’64 George and Bettie Delaplaine Jerome W. Geckle John D. Graham, C’57 Joseph F. Horning, Jr., C’53 Richard P. Kidwell, C’76 O. James Lighthizer Honorable Matthew M. McHugh, C’60 Matthew M. McKenna Joseph W. Mosmiller, C’58 Peter F. O’Malley, C’60 David M. Osnos Richard C. Ridgway, C’58 Carol F. Horning Woehrle Mount St. Mary’s Alumni & Family John D. Armstrong, C’43 The Bolte Family Thea Ackerman Carey, C’83 J. Patrick Caulfield, M.D., C’61 Christine L. Commerford, M.D., C’75 John J. Dillon, III, Ph.D., C’68 Sebastian J. DiMeglio, C’53 Dennis M. Doyle, C’63 John S. Ellis, C‘71 Rev. J. Kevin Farmer, C’87 Honorable William J. Frank, C’82 Joseph A. Gompers, C’44 Robert A. Herb, C’78 Rev. Richard B. Hilgartner, Jr., C’90 Thomas, C’68, & Mary Holmes John M. Kaheny, C’66 The Keelty Family Rev. Msgr. R. Donald Kiernan, PA, S’49 Philip R. Loy, C’68 Wayne M. Mascia, C’65 Philip A. McDonnell, C’43 Honorable Thomas M. Middleton, C’68 Paul K. Mikules, C’67 Frank A. O’Brien, Jr., C’35 Maureen C. Plant, C’82 Donald P. Quinn, C’61 Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Rauscher, C’64, S’67, MT’74 Thomas B. Schmidt, C’43 Charles J. Shimkus, C’61 Trond Skramstad, C’83 Erwin, C’52, & Ella Straw Eugene J. Sullivan, C’60 Peggy Nolan Tripp, C’85 Robert E. Whalen, C’64 John W. Williams, Jr., C’65 St. Joseph’s College Alumnae Alice McLaughlin Goetz, C’49 Angela M. Neilan, C’72 Mount St. Mary’s Faculty and Staff Current Bessie Andrew Rita L. Beard John T. Butler Pauline A. Engelstatter, H’07 Sue Helder Goliber, Ph.D. Germain G. Grisez, Ph.D. Thomas B. Kiniry Michael S. Malewicki, MBA’83 Philip G. McGlade, C’70, MBA’81 Rosemary Mick Rev. J. Daniel Mindling, OFM Cap. Elizabeth C. Monahan Sharon A. Ott Drs. William and Bonita Portier David B. Rehm, Ph.D. Rev. Michael J. Roach Emilio and Amelia Rodriguez Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D., S’76 Thomas D. Ryan, C’63 Dan S. Soller Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, S.T.D., S’91 Pamela Zusi Retired Thomas J. Pucciarella, C’10 Mount St. Mary’s Parents Thomas and Mary Cotter James and Joyce Mann, Jr. Marv and Donna Stocker Distinguished Leaders Dr. Francisco Ayala Joseph A. Barrett, Sr. Honorable John A. Boehner Honorable David R. Brinkley Honorable Anthony G. Brown Vincent C. Burke, III The Eisenhower Family Honorable Robert W. Farrand, C’56 Margaret Fiore Rabbi Marc Gellman Jack Griffin Honorable James E. Hoover Bill Hopen William T. Johnstone Honorable Njuguna M. Mahugu, C’70 Frank A. Maniglia, Jr. Honorable Mel Martinez Sandra A. McMurtrie Honorable R. James Nicholson Peggy Noonan Peter and Lorraine Plamondon JoAnn W. Rooney B. Francis Saul, II M. Eileen Schmitt, M.D. The Alfred P. Shockley Family Mary Anne Stanton Millicent Thomas George Weigel Virginia S. Wolf George and Irene Wunderlich Organizations Guy A. Baker, Jr., C’53 John W. Campbell, Ed.D., C’64 James G. Deegan Theresa H. Farnan, Ph.D. Dolores J. Henke, C’82 William G. Meredith, Ph.D. Viola M. Ott James J. Phelan Rev. Paul V. Redmond Rev. Dr. David W. Shaum, C’42, S’76 Mount St. Mary’s Students Rev. Mr. Stanley L. Dailey, S’09 Laura E. Fenaroli, C’08 Kelly Jo Kibler, C’08 Elizabeth A. Kitchin, C’09 Gerard M. Letendre, Jr., C’11 Jonathan M. Pressimone, C’08 Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities • Richard A. Yanikoski, Ph.D. Catholic Charities • Stephen Luteran and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Arlington, Virginia • Edward Orzechowski and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington • Rev. Larry Snyder and Catholic Charities USA • Mark A. Totaro, Ph.D. and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Harrisburg Catholic Distance University • Jacques & Blanche Moore • Marianne Evans Mount Council of Independent Colleges • Richard H. Ekman, Ph.D. Eternal Word Television Network Friends of Catholic Education • Albert E. Edwards, C’58 • Caroline Pugh Independent College Fund of Maryland • Rick Haberstick • Paul Wood The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation Lilly Foundation Maryland Independent College and University Association • Tina M. Bjarekull Maryland State Council of the Knights of Columbus • Richard V. Siejack Mid-Atlantic Catholic School Consortium • John F. Elcesser • James P. McAndrews, III • Timothy McNiff, Ed.D. • Ronald Valenti, Ed.D. • Catherine P. Weaver • Patricia A. WeitzelO’Neill, Ed.D. • John S. Yelenic Military Services of the United States National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities • David L. Warren, Ph.D. National Catholic Education Association • Karen M. Ristau, Ed.D. National Collegiate Athletic Association • Myles Brand, Ph.D. Northeast Conference • Brenda Weare Order of Malta Federal Association St. Luke Institute, Inc. Support Our Aging Religious, Inc. The Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • • OurOur Catholic Catholic Identity Identity “A joyful, contagious spirit permeates the temper of this campus—and, seemingly, always has. On this Pentecost, I would call it the Holy Spirit. That each of you has been enriched by this unique spirit is as much part of your education as have been your academics. Now take that spirit and spread it, transplant it into the arid soils where your next steps lead you.” — Archbishop of Baltimore Edwin O’Brien, Bicentennial Commencement Address, May 11, 2008 Bicentennial Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Oct. 20, 2007 Members and friends of the Mount community gathered in New York City to celebrate a Bicentennial Mass with 42 priest alumni presiding. A Bicentennial Gala at the New York Athletic Club followed. Mount St. Mary’s University Day Shown above is the Hon. James P. Courtney Jr., C’60, reading from the proclamation issued by the New York City legislature and Mayor Michael Bloomberg that declares Oct. 20, 2007, Mount St. Mary’s University Day in NYC. “… Archbishop John Hughes, a Mount St. Mary’s graduate, was New York’s first Archbishop. This renowned leader was responsible for the construction of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and the founding of Fordham University. Native New Yorker John LaFarge, an illustrious artist who helped establish The Metropolitan Museum of Art, also earned his degree from Mount St. Mary’s. These and countless other great New Yorkers expanded their knowledge and fortified their commitment to public service at Mount St. Mary’s University, and today’s Bicentennial is an occasion to commemorate the school’s immeasurable impact in New York City and far beyond. …” 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 10 • Our Catholic Identity Bishops’ Mass at Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore Nov. 11, 2007 More than 30 bishops—four of whom are Mount alumni—presided with Cardinal William H. Keeler, archbishop emeritus of Baltimore, at a special Mass to honor the bicentennial. Meeting Our Strategic Goals Audience with the Pope at Catholic University April 17, 2008 President Powell was chosen to represent Catholic college and university presidents at Pope Benedict XVI’s meeting with educators at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. The pope stressed the importance of education as “integral to the mission of the church to proclaim the Good News.” He specifically addressed Mount parents to reiterate how much he appreciated their efforts in providing the path to a faith-filled, excellent education based on Catholic identity. • Monsignor Stuart Swetland in January was appointed vice president for Catholic identity and mission. As part of his duties, he leads the Mount’s Callings Program, which in March hosted local, national and international presenters at the annual Callings Conference to look at the future of lay ministry. • The Mount took a global stage with the airing of “Catholicism on Campus” last spring on EWTN, a major Catholic media network reaching 140 countries. The weekly show, hosted by Monsignor Swetland, was filmed on the Mount campus to focus on the seminary, faculty and staff. • The seminary continued to enjoy strong enrollment, with 161 seminarians from 33 dioceses studying in 2007-08, including 50 new men. The graduating class of 2008 was one of the largest in recent years. • Seminarians orchestrated and hosted an annual Eucharistic retreat in February enthusiastically attended by more than 1,600 high school students. Thirteen seminarians then served at World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia, in July 2008. • Aug. 30, 2008, marked the 25th anniversary of an annual pilgrimage to the Grotto of Lourdes that brought together 3,000 worshippers from 19 Vietnamese Catholic communities in the mid-Atlantic. The group donated a statue of Our Lady of La Vang to be displayed in a future pilgrim center at the grotto. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 11 12 • Our Catholic Identity Marian Symposium at the Mount Oct. 9-11, 2008 Nationally renowned theologians and academics enlightened participants on topics such as Mary in Scripture, Mary in Catholic doctrine and spirituality, and the Marian teachings of Pope Benedict XVI. The three-day event also featured Marian music and art, as well as a variety of devotions to the Blessed Virgin. Archbishop of Baltimore Edwin O’Brien celebrated Mass on Oct. 10 and consecrated the University and Seminary to the Blessed Virgin. “From her beginning in 1808, Mount St. Mary’s has borne the name of Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, and promoted devotion to her among the people of God,” noted the Mount’s Rev. Frederick Miller, who organized the symposium. “The Mount and our community are delighted to host the Marian Symposium.” 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 13 14 • Academic Excellence “In his educational enterprise, Father DuBois created an institution committed to the study of the humanities, within a vision of the human person and the world that is enlightened by the Gospel. … From the beginning Mount St. Mary’s has embraced both faith and reason, described by Pope John Paul II as ‘the two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.’” — Bishop of Harrisburg Kevin C. Rhoades, Opening Bicentennial Mass Homily, August 24, 2007 Bicentennial Academic Symposia April 11-13, 2007 Oct. 16, 2007 April 2-5, 2008 Sept. 30, 2008 In a series of four symposia, the Mount brought distinguished scholars from throughout the country to campus. Students, faculty and friends of the Mount enjoyed keynote addresses open to the public as well as specialized seminars. Speakers included: • Dr. Francisco Ayala, 2001 National Medal of Science Laureate, University of California at Irvine • Dr. Peter Phan, Ignacio Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University • Dr. Patricia Hampl, Regents Professor, University of Minnesota, acclaimed memoirist and essayist (pictured right) • Dr. Osvaldo Canziani (pictured top right), 2007 Nobel Prize Winner, Co-Chair of the Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Presidential Lecture Series 2007-08 For the second year, the president gathered leaders to share their thoughts at a series of luncheons in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Speakers included George Weigel, Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (pictured right), as well as William J. Byron, S.J., president of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School and former president of The Catholic University of America; Joseph E. Robert Jr., chairman and CEO of J.E. Robert Companies; T.J. Harrington, inspector and deputy assistant director of the FBI; and the Mount’s own Sue Helder Goliber, Ph.D., professor of history. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 15 16 • Academic Excellence The Remnant Trust Collection at Mount St. Mary’s August – December 2008 The Mount highlighted its dedication to academic excellence by bringing students, faculty and the regional community a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to examine and handle some of history’s most prestigious documents. Through the Remnant Trust Foundation, such works as the first edition of the Emancipation Proclamation, a Revolutionary-era copy of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, a 1483 edition of Aristotle’s Ethics, Politics and Economy and the 1776 third edition of The Declaration of Independence were on display in Phillips Library. The exhibit of more than 40 historic Remnant Trust documents was the first in Maryland. It also provided an opportunity to welcome to the Mount our area’s finest authorities on some of these pieces. The Remnant Trust is a public educational foundation that shares an actively growing collection of original and first edition works dealing with topics of liberty and dignity, with pieces dating as early as 1250. Meeting Our Strategic Goals • In January the university became one of only three in Maryland to achieve accreditation from the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. All of the Department of Business, Accounting and Economics programs—including undergraduate majors, the accelerated adult degree completion program and the MBA degree—are now fully accredited. • Mount Department of Education programs are now fully accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. During an April site visit, the team of reviewers from NCATE and the Maryland State Department of Education interviewed 300 individuals and reviewed 500 documents. • Outside research funding in 200708 included a $308,000 grant from the American Heart Association for atherosclerosis research (Dr. Dana Ward) and a Chesapeake Bay Trust grant for watershed research (Dr. Jeffrey Simmons). • In the fall of 2007, President Powell signed formal agreements to pursue internship and research projects with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command at Fort Detrick and the National Cancer Institute in Frederick. • The Mount chapter of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) hosted a national Business Ethics Case Competition in February, placing third. The SIFE team also brought home a regional championship last April for their yearlong community outreach projects. • The first issue of Tolle Lege, a new student journal of theology and philosophy, was published at the Mount in 2007. It is published each fall. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 17 18 • Student Character “There is so much more than the academic aspect of your life here. In the Gospel of Luke 12:48, it says, ‘To whom much has been given, much will be expected.’ We have a responsibility to rise to the occasion, to continue caring for others always, even after college, by having a passion for all we do, by using our talents to the fullest extent, by realizing the value of one individual.” —Allison Pressimone, C’10, Honors Banquet Address, Sept. 20, 2008 125 Years of Mount Baseball Sept. 29, 2007 On a beautiful fall Saturday, the Mount players took the field against Gettysburg College to celebrate the legacy of 125 years of Mount baseball. The team appeared wearing replicas of the uniform worn in the 1900s. The day also included an alumni game between the Mount and Gettysburg, with nearly 40 Mountaineer baseball alums in attendance. The baseball team won the Northeast Conference Championships last spring to earn the Mount’s first-ever bid to the NCAA Tournament in baseball. They opened the tournament against No. 2 North Carolina, keeping pace until North Carolina was able to pull away for the victory in the sixth inning. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 19 20 • Student Character Bicentennial Men’s and Women’s Basketball Challenge and Men’s Basketball Centennial Celebration Feb. 2, 2008 Many returning team members made the Bicentennial Winter Homecoming a day to remember. After the traditional Blue & White alumni basketball game, the women’s and men’s teams hosted Robert Morris. A packed halftime celebration included the awarding of Bicentennial Medals. Also last winter, the men’s basketball team garnered worldwide publicity for the Mount as they won the 2007-08 Northeast Conference Championship and carried the university to its third trip to the NCAA Tournament. They battled valiantly before losing to the top seed in the country. The 1981 men’s basketball team—the second Mount team to ever play in an NCAA Championship game—was inducted into the Mount Sports Hall of Fame in March (pictured below). Centennial Track and Field Invitational Championship April 19, 2008 Capping off a celebration of the role of athletics in the Mount spirit was an invitational championship with the Mount hosting Howard, American and Longwood universities. A well-attended reception rounded out the day’s events. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 21 22 • Student Character Bicentennial Stamp Card Dedication Ceremony and Maryland Symphony Orchestra Concert April 26, 2008 More than 1,400 students, faculty, alumni and guests celebrated as the Mount’s 200year history was honored by the United States Postal Service with the official issuance of a stamped postal card. The card features a watercolor painting of the Terrace by award-winning architectural illustrator Frank Costantino of Winthrop, Mass. The stamped card was unveiled by Postmaster General John E. Potter and President Powell at a ceremony in Knott Arena. Afterwards, the Maryland Symphony Orchestra presented an allBeethoven program that included the Fifth Symphony, which premiered in 1808. Meeting Our Strategic Goals Mount on the Potomac Celebration with the Class of 2008 May 9, 2008 President Thomas Powell kicked off Bicentennial Commencement Weekend with the class of 2008 on a cruise aboard the Odyssey on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Several Mount alumni, parents and friends were also in attendance to toast the graduates. To the Mount! • The Mount’s student life programs were recognized as among the best in the state at the Maryland College Personnel Association’s 2007 fall conference. The Mount captured the Dedication to Diversity Award and the Innovative Program Award. • Bicentennial Hall became home to 180 students at the start of the 2008 spring semester. As part of the university’s commitment to sustainability, the Mount’s newest residence hall incorporates environmentally friendly features such as a geothermal heating and cooling system with energy recovery ventilation. • In May the NCAA released their latest Academic Progress Rate scores through the 2006-07 school year. All 19 of the Mount’s varsity sports are above the acceptable range, and two teams—baseball and women’s tennis—were honored by the NCAA for being in the top 10 percent of all squads in their respective sports. • The first three students in the Mount’s new Third Century Scholars Program enrolled in fall 2007; in fall 2008, the university welcomed nine more participants. The program has been endowed by an anonymous donor to provide full financial support and mentoring to assist low-income, underrepresented students from the D.C. metro area in obtaining a college degree. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 23 24 • Student Character Bicentennial Commencement May 11, 2008 During the 200th Commencement Exercises the Mount community joined families and friends of the class of 2008 as 363 undergraduate degrees were awarded. Archbishop of Baltimore Edwin F. O’Brien gave the commencement address. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 25 26 • Financial Strength “Mount St. Mary’s University is a necessary entity to the fabric and culture of this society. If we take our responsibility seriously, the successor to Dr. Powell 100 years from now will select others to receive Tricentennial Medals. May Mount St. Mary’s University live on, and may loyalty to its pillars of Faith, Discovery, Leadership and Community be a tradition for years to come.” —Paul K. “Kelly” Mikules, C’67, Bicentennial Medal Acceptance Speech, San Diego, June 20, 2008 Meeting Our Strategic Goals • August 2007 saw a record enrollment of 456 freshmen, and August 2008 saw a strong incoming class, as well, The Mount is well on its way to the board of directors’ goal to increase total enrollment to 2,000 undergraduates by 2012. • The Mount’s graduate and adult undergraduate programs at the Frederick Campus grew from a 2007 enrollment of more than 280 students to a fall 2008 enrollment of 400 students. • In the fall of 2007 the Mount implemented a new emergency communications system and became the first university in the nation to work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to develop a plan for responding to a campus crisis. Waldron Family Stadium Dedication Aug. 23, 2007 The three-day Bicentennial Kick-Off included the dedication of the Waldron Family Stadium and Lawrence E. Horning Field. Mount students, seminarians, staff and alumni celebrated with donors including the Waldron and Horning families, John J. Walsh, C’58, and Marv and Donna Stocker. • Renovations to the Terrace began on May 15, 2008, to transform the historic residential core of the Mount into a contemporary residence hall housing 425 students. Work started in DuBois Hall and will continue with Brute, McCaffrey and then Basil halls. The much-needed multimillion dollar renovation campaign is made possible by the generous support of the Mount community and the Mount Annual Fund. • In 2007-08 the Mount undertook several other campus improvement projects, including renovations to classrooms and Barrett and Sheridan halls. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 27 28 • Financial Strength Endowment Financial and Statistical Highlights, FY08 An endowment is a fund whose principal is usually held in perpetuity. On an annual basis a portion of the annual earnings are then spent in support of the institution but usually restricted to a general or specific program/purpose such as funding professorships, academic scholarships, supporting a department, support of the annual operating budget, etc. Every dollar is critical to the support of Mount programs because it substitutes for a dollar that is currently funded by tuition and fees. Endowment Growth (July1, 2007-June 30, 2008) Enrollment (Fall) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Undergraduate 1,641 1,681 1,695 1,656 1,612 Graduate 293 324 345 364 368 Seminary 145 152 146 156 145 Total Enrollment 2,079 2,157 2,186 2,176 2,125 Applications (Actionable) 2,716 2,680 2,278 2,190 1,811 Acceptances 2,139 1,874 1,847 1,596 Freshman Admissions 2,115 Financial Total Assets 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 $143,036,377 $142,251,780 $126,257,305 $104,877,177 $104,984,356 Total Liabilities $65,317,670 $62,936,564 $60,674,437 $42,310,669 $41,186,095 Total Net Assets $77,718,707 $79,315,216 $65,582,868 $62,566,508 $63,798,261 Total Revenues-Net of Financial Aid $51,460,712 $58,221,276 $48,631,055 $43,182,292 $41,325,035 Total Expenses $53,057,221 $47,825,029 $45,614,695 $43,037,009 $42,516,621 $43,889,704 $44,469,278 $39,277,211 $33,301,272 $32,200,000 Market Value of Endowment $43,889,704 $44,469,278 $39,277,211 $33,301,272 $32,200,000 Plant Assets, net Student Aid University Scholarships and Grants June04 June05 June06 June07 June08 $17,180,196 $16,431,234 $15,376,218 $14,044,523 $12,908,379 Federal/State Programs Private FY08 Distribution of Expenses $76,708,702 $62,601,809 $54,903,973 $54,460,947 $57,172,568 $12,152,139 $11,094,525 $11,021,667 $3,960,013 $3,538,096 $2,880,135 $9,936,608 $9,691,573 $2,522,553 $1,641,419 Total Student Aid $33,292,348 $31,063,855 $29,278,020 $26,503,684 $24,241,371 Undergraduate Tuition $25,290 $23,630 $22,500 21,430 $20,800 $50,000,000 $32,200,000 Sources of Operating Revenue $20,000,000 Sources of Operating Revenue $40,000,000 $10,000,000 $30,000,000 Room & Board (18%) Private Gifts & Grants (4%) $0 June04 $32,200,000 Government Grants & Contracts (4%) $20,000,000 Auxiliary Enterprises (2%) Investment Income (2%) Tuition and Fees (67%) evenue FY08 Dis Other Income (3%) $10,000,000 $0 $50,000,000 June04 J Targeted Endowment Asset Allocation $40,000,000 $43,889,704 $44,469,278 $39,277,211 $33,301,272 $20,000,000 $32,200,000 $30,000,000 US Equity (45%) Targeted Endowment Asset Allocation $10,000,000 $0 FY08 Distr Endowment Target Allocation Alternative Investments (30%) International Equity (15%) Fixed Income (10%) June04 June05 June06 June07 June08 FY08 Distribution of Expenses Distribution of Operating Expenses Student Financial Aid (25%) Instructional (Faculty Salaries & Operating Expenses)(19%) Institutional Support (Fundraising, IT, Administration)(17%) Allocation Operation of Plant (Maintenance, Utilities)(11%) Interest on Debt (3%) Student Services (Admissions, Athletics, Residence Life)(9%) Academic Support (Library, Media Center, Academic Affairs)(3%) Auxiliary Enterprises (Dining, Conferences, Post Office)(6%) Depreciation (7%) 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 29 30 • Marketing and ALumni ENgagement “One of my admired Mountaineers was a leader of the Maryknoll Missionary Order, Bishop James Edward Walsh, class of 1910. ... In 1971 he came to San Francisco so I called the local Maryknoll House and asked if I could speak with him. In a surprisingly scolding tone the answer was: ‘No, he’s too old, frail and weak to see visitors.’ I then requested that he just be told of my call. Within minutes, the call was returned and the voice said, ‘Bishop Walsh insists on seeing the “Man from Mount St. Mary’s.”’” —Phillip A. McDonnell, C’43, Bicentennial Medal Acceptance Speech, Marines Memorial, Calif., June 18, 2008 Bicentennial Convocation, Opening Mass and Founder’s Plaza Dedication Aug. 22-24, 2007 The Mount’s Bicentennial Kick-Off was a successful opener to the 14-month celebration! The Mount awarded 23 bicentennial medals and hosted more than 1,000 people on campus. The week began with the Bicentennial Convocation and Mass held on Aug. 22. The Waldron Family Stadium dedication and the premiere of the historic documentary, “The Spirit Continues,” were held on Aug. 23. The Bicentennial Mass celebrated by Harrisburg Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, the Founder’s Plaza dedication and a spectacular fireworks display were all held on Aug. 24. Opening Convocation included incoming students making an academic pledge to the university. Some priests wore new bicentennial vestments, while others wore historical vestments. Chalices from the Mount’s archive collection were also used to celebrate the Eucharist. A monumental bronze statue of John DuBois by artist Bill Hopen was unveiled and blessed by Bishop Rhoades at the Founder’s Plaza dedication. Acclaimed for his religious art, Hopen traveled back and forth from his workshop in China for almost four years to complete the sculpture. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 31 32 • Marketing and ALumni ENgagement Bicentennial Movie Premiere and Timeline Ribbon-cutting Aug. 23 & 24, 2007 “The Spirit Continues” premiered at the Gateway Theater in Gettysburg with a reception before at the Wyndham Hotel. Produced by Virginia Wolf Productions and MVI Post, the award-winning documentary took almost three years to finish and is available for purchase on DVD. The film, said President Powell, “is about how history shapes all of us—how what happened here in Maryland was a reflection of what was going on in the broader world.” A new McGowan Center timeline displaying highlights of the Mount’s first 200 years was introduced by Ryan Audy, C’08, member of the Bicentennial Commission, and Caprice Gray, C’11. Thank You to Our Bicentennial Commission Bicentennial Reunion Weekend June 6-8, 2008 Graduates from the 1940s to 2007—1,100 alumni in all—shared in the largest Mount Reunion ever! It was a picture perfect weekend (although hot!) for the class of 1958, our 50th reunion class. The alums proudly displayed their Golden Mountaineer Medals throughout the weekend. Alumni of all classes enjoyed the festival on Echo Field and the evening of fun that followed, particularly the Greaseband concert at the Founder’s Plaza. The members of the Bicentennial Commission served as leaders and ambassadors for Mount St. Mary’s University, ensuring the Mount celebrated its bicentennial in a manner that enhanced its national identity. Honorary Chairs His Eminence Cardinal William Keeler His Excellency, The Most Rev. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn, S’60 Carol Horning Woehrle Dr. Bill Meredith Jim Phelan Steering Committee Chair: Dick Ridgway, C’58 Vice Chair: Monsignor John Enzler, S’73 Vice Chair: Peggy Tripp, C’85 President Thomas H. Powell Vice President for Advancement John T. Butler Bicentennial Director Elizabeth C. Monahan Executive Director of Development Pam Zusi Committee Members Sean Adams; Student Committee Anthony Ambush, C’73 ; Athletics Edward J. Audy; Parent Marybeth Audy; Parent Martin Brunk, C’80; Business & Finance Tom Butler; Seminary Karen Carter, C’87; Social The Hon. James P. Courtney Jr., C’60; Alumni Daniel Curtin, C’64; Seminary Bettie Delaplaine; Civic Dr. Karl Einolf; Academic Jack Ellis, C’71; Stamp Pat Goles, C’64; Alumni Jack Graham, C’57; Grotto Thomas Holmes, C’68; Founder’s Plaza Kelly Roche Hughes, C’82; Athletics Linda Jünker, C’89, MBA’97; Civic Dr. Frank Merolla, C’63; Alumni The Rev. Dan Mindling; Academic Kevin Murphy, C’95; Social Scott Newkam, C’72; Social Irene Powell; Civic Dr. Andrew Rosenfeld; Music Marv Stocker; Athletics John Walsh, C’58; Founder’s Plaza Student Representatives Ryan Audy, C’08 Richard Bolte III, C’08 Laura Fenaroli, C’08 Dan Ketter, S’08 Jen Martin, C’05, MBA student 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 33 34 • Marketing and ALumni ENgagement Priests Reunion Oct. 8-9, 2008 Approximately 100 priest alumni returned to the Mount to share in this joyous bicentennial year. The main celebrant of the Homecoming Mass was Cardinal William H. Keeler. Father Hugh H. McGroarty, C’42, S’45, received the 33rd Annual John Cardinal McCloskey Award from the National Alumni Association for outstanding service to the church (pictured below). He has served the Diocese of Scranton for 63 years and is the oldest priest in active ministry in the diocese. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 35 36 • Marketing and ALumni ENgagement Nationwide Bicentennial Celebrations Our alumni embody our history, so in gratitude we brought the Mount to them to help celebrate 200 years of graduating men and women strengthened in their faith, dedicated to the pursuit of truth and inspired by Catholic values. In addition to a May 2008 bicentennial trip to Costa Rica, alumni celebrated around the nation: Northern Virginia, Nov. 13, 2007 Baltimore, Nov. 29, 2007 Wilmington, Jan. 15, 2008 West Palm Beach, Feb. 20, 2008 Naples, Feb. 22, 2008 Philadelphia, March 26, 2008 Congressional Luncheon, April 24, 2008 Hartford, April 30, 2008 Scranton, May 28, 2008 San Francisco, June 18, 2008 San Diego, June 20, 2008 Frederick, Aug. 28, 2008 Pittsburgh, Sept. 8, 2008 Atlanta, Sept. 17, 2008 Long Island, Sept. 24, 2008 Meeting Our Strategic Goals • An exhibit showcasing the Mount’s history was on display in the Miller State Senate Building in Annapolis throughout 2008. The Mount St. Mary’s Charter Day Celebration on Feb. 27 included a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the bicentennial exhibit. • Mount Online, the new community for alumni, debuted in March 2008. Alumni can use the Mount website to reconnect with old friends, post photos, register for alumni events online, read class notes and more. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 37 38 • Marketing and ALumni ENgagement Third Century Gala and Mass Oct. 11-12, 2008 More than 350 alumni and friends celebrated the official commencement of the Mount’s Third Century at a blacktie event at the Wyndham Gettysburg on Oct. 11. The next day included Mass at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception with His Excellency Archbishop Harry Flynn of Minneapolis/St. Paul as the main celebrant. “It has truly been a joy to see so many people gathering together to share their love, pride and hopes for this special mountain home.” —President Thomas H. Powell Part of the festivities included groundbreaking for the Veterans Walkway near Patriot Hall that will honor each branch of the military and all veterans. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 39 40 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Our deepest thanks to the 1,000 individuals and organizations who stepped up to help fund the bicentennial’s many activities by becoming Bicentennial Pioneers. Each made a total pledge of $2,008 or more. Great time and care was given to the accuracy of this report. If your name or the information shown is incorrect, please contact the Mount St. Mary’s University Office of Development at 301-447-5361. Thank you. Bicentennial Pioneers Alumni 1933 James Francis Reilly (Dec.) George A. Zeigler (Dec.) 1934 Albert J. Laun 1935 John J. Barry (Dec.) Leonard J. Farmer (Dec.) Rev. Msgr. Joseph K. Parks (Dec.) Rev. Msgr. Hugh J. Phillips (Dec.) 1937 Lawrence R. McDonnell (Dec.) 1939 John Francis Rieger 1940 Edward T. Burns Dr. Edwin A. Mooers Jr. (Dec.) Paul B. Rhoads Jr. 1941 John J. Griffin Sr. (Dec.) Dr. Peter P. Midura 1942 John W. Sanders Jr. 1943 John D. Armstrong James A. Lord Philip A. McDonnell The Honorable Harry S. O’Neill Thomas B. Schmidt Dr. Joseph James Velky 1944 Dr. James Esten Abell Joseph A. Gompers 1945 Rev. Hugh Harold McGroarty 1947 Rev. Msgr. Charles Francis Aucoin (Dec.) Raymond J. Hartman Jr. John M. McLarnon Jr. Paul E. Peksa 1948 Bill Hogan The Honorable Joseph L. McGlynn Jr. (Dec.) Dr. Joseph T. Michels Sr. Donald Ratcliffe 1949 Howard William Bennett J. Leo Cronin Jr. William A. Garner Robert J. Landy Rev. William F. Lemoyne Martin J. Lynch Richard D. Maher Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. McGowan (Dec.) William E. O’Neill Raymond A. Pugliese Dr. Robert Ignatius Scileppi Dr. James P. Stanton Norman George Strosser 1950 Joseph J. Chessare (Dec.) Frank L. Dameron Jr. Edward P. Farber Lawrence J. Ferrari Raymond B. Fields Richard J. Flanigan Gerald J. Flanigan Edwin C. Gibbons Jr. Joseph R. Karpinski Dr. Raymond R. Lauer Thomas W. McCann Vincent I. McGuire David B. Michels Joseph Donald Regan Stephen J. Sweeney John F. Toner 1951 Eugene Alexander Bogatko Joseph J. Catalano The Honorable John P. Dunne Charles M. Grace John George Green Joseph Macaluso Gerard P. Mandry Harold P. Quinn (Dec.) Rev. Msgr. Joseph S. Showfety Clarence F. Smith 1952 Deacon John H. Baker Thomas K. Carini Joseph Gerard Charles Edward F. Egan (Dec.) Joseph F. Gelish (Dec.) Joseph M. Gough Jr. (Dec.) Thomas J. Howard (Dec.) William J. Inman Dr. Philip Joseph Jasper Dr. Robert J. Keene Dr. Joseph P. Kender Francis X. Maloney Dr. John Francis O’Neill J. R. Ridenour Erwin T. Straw 1953 Capt. Cornelius J. Carmody USN (Dec.) Sebastian J. DiMeglio William R. Dollard Sr. Dr. Domenic Michael Falco Joseph F. Horning Jr. Francis Paul Kiniry Eugene Clement McKeon Jr. Dr. Joseph F. Rodgers (Dec.) 1954 Dr. Christopher J. Beetel Rear Adm. Thomas F. Brown III, USN (Ret.) Dr. L. Ward Clarke Dr. George W. Greco Senator Leo E. Green Richard W. Kelly Sr. Richard N. Kerr (Dec.) Dr. Peter P. Lynch (Dec.) Philip Vincent Moyles Dr. William Creagh Mulford Dr. John J. Pollock Jr. 1955 Thomas Gerald Barlow Richard James Barnes (Dec.) Msgr. Samuel Carl Constance (Dec.) Thomas F. Curnin John P. Doherty Joseph E. Dougherty (Dec.) William E. Fanelli John G. Howard Dr. Joseph Juliano Thomas Owens Keech William E. Lawler Jr. John J. McMullen Jr. George Charles Meyer Sr. 1956 Dr. Theodore F. Biesiadecki Leo Michael Boyle Dr. Joel Edward Cannilla Charles F. Carroll George J. Donohue Bill Farrand Nicholas J. Grasso Jr. C. David Heisler William D. Mahony James L. Mulligan Dr. Richard A. Naso James M. O’Neill George L. Proferes Dr. Joseph G. Rhode Rev. Nicholas A. Rossello 1957 Eugene P. Auchter Rev. Stanley J. Barr (Dec.) Robert D. Burke John W. Cadden James R. Codori Rev. James T. Delaney (Dec.) Michael F. Doyle John D. Graham Gerard J. Mahoney John R. Miles Thomas H. Mullaney Jr. Lawrence D. Purcell Jim Quinn Terrence Alan Rixford Dr. Joseph J. Smith Dr. Paul R. Sweterlitsch Robert S. Vitali 1958 Paul J. Caggiano Dr. Harry J. Candela Martin G. Carmody Jr. Robert E. Donadio Sr. Thomas J. Galvin Richard D. Gardiner David W. Ives William P. Leitch Jr. Dr. William M. McCall Richard M. McCarron Joseph W. Mosmiller Richard C. Ridgway Dr. William J. Rumberger Sr. Richard G. Toomy John J. Walsh 1959 John Francis Bailey George W. Black Jr. Joseph W. Cook Dr. Barry J. Coughlin Dr. James Powell Ganley Vincent R. Hughes Edward P. McGroarty Kevin J. McMahon Sr. Daniel F. Neylan Dr. Edward J. O’Neill Dr. John J. Ryan Burton W. Sheing Jose Luis Sobrino John Q. Sweeney James H. White 1960 Dr. George Bailey Richard F. Bastian Robert J. Burke Gerard Scanlon Cogan The Honorable James P. Courtney Jr. Robert L. Dawes Gerald T. Ellermeyer Rev. W. Gregg Elliott Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn Edward V. Girzone Dr. Thomas K. Guglielmo Thomas J. Holly Jr. William T. Kennedy Neil P. Kenny J. Thomas Kent Jr. Dr. Anthony R. Manocchio Matthew F. McHugh Michael P. Meyer William J. Mohan Richard Andrew Moye Martin J. Mullaney Dr. James Joseph Murphy (Dec.) Peter F. O’Malley Joseph Francis Quinlan Patrick J. Rooney John J. Rooney Richard R. Russo Dr. Gerard J. Spahn Maj. Gen. John Anthony Studds USMC (Ret.) Michael P. Walsh Dr. Thomas F. Walsh 1961 Dr. William E. Blandford Dr. William F. Bruther Richard Thomas Christopher Sr. Ronald E. Cooney James J. Dougherty (Dec.) Luke Joseph Fannon III John J. Gill III Michael K. Granelli Eugene A. Harcsar Joseph Thomas Healy Jr. Gerard Robert Lear Kevin J. Maher William John McCarron Sr. Karl S. Miller Laurence J. Peterson Jr. Gerald Savage Col. Michael F. Scanlon USMC (Ret.) Charles J. Shimkus Leopold M. Sicilia Robert W. Thornett Gerald E. Trees 1962 Louis T. Armelin Rev. Msgr. Robert A. Armstrong Dr. Joseph P. Atkins (Dec.) Dr. John A. Bruno Jr. Anthony J. Dougherty Michael L. McCarthy J. Raymond McGill Jr. John F. Muldoon Dr. Gene F. Napoliello Vincent A. Nubel 1963 J. Ernest Bell II John R. Bransfield Jr. John F. Brennan James Charles Byrne Harry J. Candee (Dec.) Carmen F. Deyesu Dennis M. Doyle Joseph E. Farrell Edward Joseph Kuhn Jr. Col. John C. Lauer Dr. Frank P. Merolla Brian E. O’Meara Dr. Jose M. RodriguezGomez Thomas D. Ryan Michael F. Sperendi Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes Dr. Benedict Louis Wasilauskas Thomas Whissel 1964 Edward J. Abrams Thomas N. Bahash Charles R. Bourbonnais Albert E. Branson Jr. Kevin J. Clifford Daniel F. Curtin Dr. Beverly W. Dunn Lynn Thomas Engler Thomas B. Finan Jr. George R. Gelles Patrick J. Goles John L. Graham John Joseph Green Jr. John B. Hogan Robert T. Kenney Howard Edgar Lewis Jr. Edward Brendan Loftus Joseph John Malinowski Jr. Edgar J. Manetta Charles F. Mawn Stephen V. Morgan James Thomas O’Dare Jr. Thomas G. O’Hara Joseph Anthony Schellings Rev. Leo A. Shea (Dec.) Martin J. Sinnott Robert J. Smith Charles E. Smith Robert Kenly Startt Dr. Robert Francis Subers William Charles Timberman Wayne William Twibell Richard R. Wagner Eugene M. Waldron Jr. 1965 Rev. Msgr. John A. Bergamo Edwin Martin Cole David Michael Davenport John F. Devlin Joseph H. Esposito John Neil Fink J. Michael Fitzgerald LTC Henry J. Hayes (Ret.) Ernest R. McDowell Jr. (Dec.) John Franklin McKee Dr. Edwin Eugene Mohler 1966 Raymond Bedell Dr. Francis L. Delmonico Col. John M. Desmond Jerome H. Dolle James J. Downes Daniel J. Driscoll III Alfred Howard Hudson John M. Kaheny Jerome P. LaManna James V. McAveney Jr. Edward J. O’Connell William Edward O’Toole Joseph John Romano II John F. Toale Albert T. Vertino Jr. Col. Robert P. Walsh USAF (Ret.) 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 41 42 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 1967 James R. Becraft A. Thomas Carroccio John M. Cooney Dr. Edward A. Dolan Dr. James P. Flynn John Patrick Harvell Rev. John P. Kinter Robert V. Loftus Kenneth L. McVearry Dr. Fred S. Neuer Rev. John M. O’Toole Dr. John S. Salaki Rev. Donald P. Worch 1968 Paul J. Berger (Dec.) Thomas W. Caulfield Thomas John Corrigan John R. Crego (Dec.) John Joseph Crossett (Dec.) S. Frank DeLuca Dr. Terry P. Detrich James E. Donnelly Richard N. Fitzpatrick (Dec.) Eugene John Flynn (Dec.) Clark A. Forkel (Dec.) John J. Gallagher Thomas S. Gwynn III Norris L. Harrison, Jr. (Dec.) Paul F. Herb (Dec.) Lawrence F. Herbert Richard P. Heretick (Dec.) Very Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Michael R. Holly Thomas Robert Holmes Michael M. Kane Thomas E. Kulikosky Gregory J. Kunsman Philip R. Loy Thomas P. Luddy (Dec.) James M. Mannion (Dec.) Stephen J. Matson Denis McAuley III Dr. William C. McGinly III Daniel L. McNamara Donald F. Mescia (Dec.) Brian J. Minot (Dec.) Louis F. Moreno Charles F. Murphy, Jr. (Dec.) Dr. Anthony M. Nespoli (Dec.) Dr. Hugh J. O’Donnell Jr. Dr. John P. Pagana Mr. Michael J. Pantuso (Dec.) Dennis B. Reed James P. Reed (Dec.) Mark J. Regan John M. Reier Jr. John J. Reilly (Dec.) Rev. William J. Ryan (Dec.) Dr. Ronald F. Schultz Harry D. Slaughter III Gregory J. Smith Dr. Edward W. P. Smith Charles M. Stoehr William Tell Michael M. Tilder Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder Alfred P. Vitelli Thomas E. Wallace Dr. Thomas Vincent Whitten Dr. Jerome N. Yeoumans 1969 Dr. Maurice J. Conley III Paul Anthony Flynn 1970 Joseph J. Ackler Jr. Robert J. Branson James F. Clarke Lawrence E. Donato Kevin P. Dowd Bryan J. Foertsch Luis B. Grillo Patrick E. Kennedy Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Luca Philip G. McGlade John F. McTague Dr. Gerard F. Middlemiss William J. Mooney Jr. (Dec.) John G. O’Brien William J. Reilly Jr. Peter D. Roberts Brian L. Smith Ronald F. Smith Kevin G. Wetmore 1971 Robert K. Dunn Robert Eugene Eckert Sr. Frank Elfring John S. Ellis Jr. Rev. Lawrence K. Frazier Stefan H. Graham Msgr. Thomas L. Phillips John V. Sherwin Thomas J. Smith Jr. (Dec.) Joseph Sandkuhler Welty Eugene M. Whissel II 1972 Joseph S. Beyel H. Fred Bourdon III Capt. Stephen J. Bury USN (Ret.) Dr. Stephen F. Curran Major Albert L. Daniels Jr., USA (Ret.) Rev. Richard J. Gallagher Peter J. Goodwin Jr. Arthur J. Haddad Alan T. Hahn Harry M. Henderson Walter S. Holder C. Gregory Kallmyer Joseph Knopic III Frank G. Lidinsky Thomas E. Martin Scott J. Newkam Dr. Michael A. Ruggiero Raymond J. Sloan Daniel F. Thomas John Scott Wilfong 1973 Anthony W. Ambush Chester A. Andruskiewicz Jr. Edward R. Brzezowski Jr. Xavier J. DeCaire Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler Patrick J. Gillis Joseph N. Gompers Robert F. Halcott Dr. Martin A. Joyce III Robert G. MacLean Anthony S. Mattessich Francis J. Norris William V. Pantuso Matthew C. Riley Robert M. Ryan Francis X. Ryan Kevin J. Schicker (Dec.) Rev. Ernest R. Soprano Msgr. William P. Stober Mark J. Swetley John A. Wojtecki James W. Zeigler 1974 Peter J. Allegrini (Dec.) John A. Chambers Robert C. Dondero Joseph E. Karpinski Elaine Maddox Eileen F. McAlarnen Mary McFadden Molinaro Joseph S. Molinaro (Dec.) William F. Moran Jr. Rev. Thomas P. Page Paul P. Pometto II Robert J. Rozanski (Dec.) Henry P. Zerella 1975 Anthony J. Agnone Bernard H. Conlon Jr. Michael P. Connolly Walter G. Fitzgerald Dr. Walter James Gleason Jr. Jeffrey T. Hardy Martha M. Kenney Romas A. Laskauskas Joseph M. Letnaunchyn Frank James Loffa John F. Mulqueen Dr. Kevin D. Murray Keith Dominic Ramundo Charles W. Sherren Jr. John P. Studnicky Jr. Steven M. Why Rev. Msgr. Michael Wilson 1976 Joan Bowers Allegrini Harold P. Anderson Laurence J. Arseniadis Jack J. Causa John J. Connell Jr. Mary C. Curtin Brian Terrance Holloway B. Scott Holloway Candice Kelley Kidwell Richard Patrick Kidwell Edward T. Knox Rev. Daniel I. Kubala Evelyn Farrow Letnaunchyn Edward F. Orndorff Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D. Richard A. Walker Dr. Douglas E. Ziegenfuss Sr. 1977 James R. Cantwell Melinda I. Colferai Antonio Conticelli Roger A. Diehl John B. DuPont Gloria Romeika Johnston Frances J. Kerr Jerome T. Maher Jr. Katherine M. Marshall Jack J. Purcell David D. Sarisky Mary Ruth Shaver Sherren 1978 Mary Morris Alafoginis Elizabeth Gamber Cohill Barbara Spartana Conticelli Joyce Ann Draper John T. Foster Dr. Richard P. Frey Ann Malinowski Hall Thomas J. Harrington III Robert D. Kane Gary J. Orndorff Barbara Betzler Purcell Very Rev. Edward J. Quinlan III Lauren Greco Sfekas Kenneth M. Wensel 1979 Jack B. Berenato Richard J. Bolte Jr. Maj. William David Cohill USAF (Ret.) Elizabeth A. Lynch Comstock Keith H. Litrenta Mark H. Mooney Rev. Msgr. Godfrey T. Mosley Steven F. Murphy W. Craig Plunkett Kenneth E. Pringle Joseph E. Reahl Jr. Lynne Phelan Robinson Dr. Paul E. Schmidt 1980 Dr. William Paul Beierschmitt Agnus McGlade Berenato Martin P. Brunk Michael J. Cole Anthony Joseph DeLaurentis Maureen Cashen Dolan Philip B. Dolan Rev. Msgr. James Paul Farmer Jr. Alma Boellner Gatley Dr. Robert Cottrell Greenwell Jr. Liz Barrett Maher Patrick F. Miller Thomas Michael Monahan Rev. Louis Patrick Ogden Rev. H. Michael Peltzer Peggy Flanigan Rager Patricia T. Ralston Jeannmarie Bucher Reahl John Michael Ryal Judy Theis Van Horn Mary Elaine Holland Vining Judith Mazzeo Zocchi Philip L. Zulli 1981 Hon. Jennifer M. Anderson Ellen M. Callahan David P. Conaghan Mary Arnold Cory Richard J. Flanigan Jr. Susan A. Janowiak Thomas M. Looney Thomas J. McKernan Donald P. Pignataro James O’Connor Plant Randy E. Rager Elaine Ann Trentacoste Joan Cooney Wensel 1982 M. Neil Brownawell II Michael A. Cory William J. Frank Audrey J. Glass John O’Hare Graham John C. Heisler Dolores Joy Henke Kelly Roche Hughes Rev. John J. Hurley Robin Finizio Kessler John J. Kessler Patricia Joan Looney Peter M. Monahan Maureen Carmichael Plant John J. Sevy Richard A. Spencer III David A. Yhlen 1983 Mary Camille Brown Kevin B. Cashen Maria Manis Cornelius Annette DeCesaris Michael S. Malewicki Joanne Weed McShalley Sean F. O’Brien Hilary Camp O’Donnell Diane Loiello Palmieri Mark A. Panetta Martha Gast Rymer Dr. Laurie Sargent Soller Sgt. William H. Stophel Jr., USA 1984 Howard Timothy Bolte James G. Buzaid John F. Daley (Dec.) Andrea Land Healy Robert D. Hubbard Jr. Timothy C. King Scott R. Kuzmic Thomas J. Leddy Sharon L. Linton Mary Lawrence Melvin Patricia Monagle Daniel J. Monagle III Michael S. O’Donnell Timothy R. O’Sullivan Lauri G. Reinhart James Edward Schaeffer Christopher M. Schiavo Nancy Milewski Skramstad Dr. Thomas J. Stack Jr. 1985 Sheila Breschi Bolte Rev. Richard W. Campo (Dec.) Margaret McNulty Cashen Denise A. Cronin Karen Mataldi Dahut Amy Boswell Jones Martin J. MacCormack Thomas E. McKeon Francis J. McShalley Jr. Margaret N. Tripp 1986 Joseph G. Gatti Edward D. Gompers Patricia McAndrew MacCormack Sean E. Mahoney Alice Rooney Mahoney Roseann M. McGlade Thomas G. Wiegartner 1987 Dr. Antonino Barbaro Timothy J. Buck David William Coulbourne Rev. J. Kevin Farmer Karen Carter Inglese John J. Prout III 1988 Eileen M. Anderson Ann Morris Barrett Colleen J. Bradley James M. Folks Jr. Clayton O. Minnick Emily Kendall Moynihan 1989 Dr. Carla Baker Deniz Dr. Thomas G. Guglielmo Sharon Marcie Henkel Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Jaskot Linda Kelley Junker Marc William Lacoste Patrick L. Nield Rev. G. Scott Shaffer Mark S. Sobus, Ph.D. Stephen J. Stecklein 1990 Dr. Davida Kathleen Blackman Dr. Jeffrey T. Boland John W. Cominsky Gerard M. Dowd Melissa M. Gemelli Dr. Teresa Maria Grillo James K. Guglielmo Thomas C. Hampsey Joseph Henkel Rev. Richard B. Hilgartner Jr. Charles P. Jones II Kathleen Sheridan Linzey Scott C. Linzey Laura Becker Porterfield Christopher Bernard Younger 1991 Mercedes Carter David M. Cassese Susan C. O’Connell James O’Malley Daniel C. Smith Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland S.T.D. 1992 Paulette A. Anders Monica Elizabeth Butteriss Terrence P. Cahill J. Donald Clark III Joseph F. Dowd Jr. Theresa Dempsey Dowd Christine M. Gelles LCDR Daniel Lawrence Mode Jeanine M. Kelly Murphy Paul Joseph Palmieri Charles E. Schley Kathleen Flavin Smith 1993 Allison King Donnelly Mark J. Donnelly Garrett W. Hayden Mrs. Jennifer Plott Healey Alicia Summers Jenkins Louis P. Jenkins Jr. Patrick Kulesa James F. Murphy IV (Dec.) Rebecca A. Ryan Samuel Joseph Stone Thomas J. Taylor Jr. Robert E. Weed Rebecca L. Zadrozny 1994 Maryrita D. Clark Mr. P. Daniel Healey Daniel J. Murphy Rev. James M. Sheehan Mrs. Jennifer M. Swanhart Murphy Colin P. Ward 1995 Stella M. Barry Susan Rowlyk Beccaria Deborah M. Stocker Giles Brian T. Kimmins Eric K. Manco Elizabeth K. Matthews Kevin James Murphy Jennifer K. Rouse Laura Fox White 1996 Lauren F. Corbett Erik G. Miller Mary Ellen H. O’Neill Marylou Saporito Sheridan Ryan M. Sheridan 1997 Kathleen E. Caulfield Elizabeth A. Miller Caroline Nussear-Coakley Kelly Klein Smith Michael F. Smith Dana M. Ward, Ph.D. 1998 Andrew P. Belcak Rev. Clifton E. Bishop Jr. Jennifer Stocker Buckles Maurice L. Deprey William Joseph Frank Patrick M. McGinn Sharon E. McShane Bryan J. Pelino Bridget E. Pelino Deborah W. Powell Heath P. Tarbert 1999 Rev. Brian G. Bashista Jeremy G. Chapman Harold E. Coulby Jr. Irene Cuyun Capt. Brian A. Ferguson Dr. Stacy L. Gelhaus Michael L. Hartnett Kevin J. Kalis Rev. James R. Keenan Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Dr. Cynthia I. Lauta Christopher A. Sakers Capt. Thomas J. Seery 2000 Randy A. Anders Stephanie C. Anderson Nora Schmidt Dietz Laura M. Corbin Frazier Anne Margaret Kalis Bojana I. Kourteva Kristoffer J. McKay Christine B. Scott Evelyn K. Stephenson Elaine S. Streck 2001 Acener R. Custodio William Jason Grace Rev. Robert Eric Hall IV Peter B. Mannix Joel R. Redman Michael Fenwick Smith Anthony Solazzo 2002 Matthew P. Butkera Christopher N. Canizaro John J. D’Adamo Kevin M. Sanders Robert W. Shoemaker Jr. 2003 Chantelle McCullum Custodio Lauren Kokotajlo Grace Mary A. Graham Frances J. Harrington Derrek G. Hiester April Pierman Michael R. Ross Frank Ray Serna Rebecca L. Shoemaker 2004 Brienne E. Bowling Alexis M. Bulkley Kathryn L. Califano Eileen E. Cox Lauren M. DeVito Ryane Dougherty Keli Hiester Hayley L. Howe Hyonwu Stephen Kim Gina N. Lattanzi A. David Marinelli Colleen D. Moughan Michelle C. Pantuso Robert L. Posey Vanessa M. Quintero Shannon K. Riley Eileen E. Williams 2005 Nancy S. Bazar Donald N. Briggs Rachel E. Lawruk Rev. Richard O’Donnell Laura Saccente 2006 James C. Hamilton Current Students Kelly M. Casazza Kirby Lee Maybush Parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Audy Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Ayuso Sr. Margaret A. Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Baldini Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barbeau Elaine McManus Barnes Elizabeth (Dolly) Barry Elizabeth Ann Leighton Biesiadecki Daniel Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Casazza Mr. and Mrs. David W. Chrismer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins Mary M. Daignault Geaton A. DeCesaris Jr. (Dec.) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Deegan Thomas Devine Dr. and Mrs. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Drabb Rose E. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fram Mr. and Mrs. James P. Franken Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Funicella Patricia M. Gannon-Egan Jerome W. Geckle Mr. and Mrs. George Gelles Deacon and Mrs. Michael A. Grella Lynn Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Hamill Carol F. Horning Woehrle Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hunter Gary Jacobus Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kenwell Barbara S. Leddy Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McCullough Mary Louise McDowell Jocelyn G. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. John J. McSherry Maura Melody Dr. and Mrs. William G. Meredith Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell III Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Oakley Dr. Barbara M. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. Felipe Pascual Dr. and Mrs. David Rehm Adrienne Marasco Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Ruhnke Mary Jane Sanders Michael D. Sapraicone Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Allan Skewers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sorrentino Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Sterbenz Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles Trentacoste Mr. and Mrs. Pietro Tundo Eileen Kimmins Van Ness Stanley C. Van Ness (Dec.) Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Vertino Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Yodzis Individuals Sean Adams Jane Adams Arseniadis Joseph P. Atkins Ann M. Aversano Rita L. Beard Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Blake James T. Brady Karen L. Brusie Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Butler Beverly B. Byron Joanie M. Candee J. Frank Cashen Virginia H. Daley George and Bettie Delaplaine Maureen Denny Robert Ducharme Mary Louise Egan Mr. and Mrs. Harald Engelstätter Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fazio Rev. Gerard C. Francik Teresa V. Gallo Margaret Ghadar Mrs. Frances O. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hargadon Carol L. Hinds, Ph.D. Joan Jarvis Cardinal William H. Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Russ Kott Hilda Laurenzano (Dec.) Salvatore Laurenzano Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Leo Dorothy M. Ley Kathleen S. Lynch Ellen Irma McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McKenna Jr. Matthew M. McKenna M. Natalie McSherry Elizabeth Monahan Peggy Murphy Susan Nield Constance J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos Rev. Msgr. John W. Parent M. Petrullo Peter H. Plamondon Marguerite P. Poole Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Powell Kathleen R. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reaver Rev. Paul V. Redmond Father Michael J. Roach Margaret P. Roohan Lynne Schicker Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Shockley Dr. Maureen McPartland Smith Dan S. Soller Raymond C. Speciale Kathleen F. Storey (Dec.) Linda Sullivan My D. Tran Mr. and Mrs. John Treadway Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weigman John C.K. Yi Pamela Zusi Religious Organizations Congregation of the Resurrection Organizations Connecticut Alumni Chapter Montana State UniversityBillings Class of 2008 MSM Student Government Association Corporations Baltimore Sun Newspaper Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. Chronicle Press, Inc. Clough Harbour & Associates LLP Codori Memorials Constellation Energy Group Delaplaine Foundation Fitzgerald’s Shamrock Restaurant Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP MM Architects, Inc. Randall Family, LLC Sleep Inn & Suites Emmitsburg Verizon Corp. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 43 44 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 In gratitude for their Leadership Gifts Leadership over $100,000 generosity, Mount Anonymous St. Mary’s University Andreas Foundation George and Bettie recognizes the Delaplaine many donors who Estate of Rev. William C. Eelman supported specific Marion I. & Henry J. Knott capital projects as Scholarship Fund, Inc. well as the ongoing Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bransfield, Jr. annual needs of the Estate of Edward F. Egan university, seminary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Horning, Jr. and grotto in the Mrs. Sandra McMurtrie Mr. Paul B. Rhoads, Jr. 2007-08 fiscal year. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. This list reflects Waldron, Jr. Mr. John J. Walsh donations from Leadership $25,000-99,999 July 1, 2007, Mr. Arthur F. Cody Mr. J. Leo Cronin, Jr. through Mr. Francis W. Daily, Jr. June 30, 2008. Delaplaine Foundation Mount Gift Clubs The John DuBois Society $10,000 and above The Founder’s Club $5,000 - $9,999 President’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999 Rector’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999 President’s Pride $1,000 - $2,499 President’s Pride Associates $500 - $999 Spirit Gift Club Gifts up to $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen F. Deyesu Diocese of Albany Mr. and Mrs. Stephan E. Fay, Sr. Ms. Margaret Fiore Sister Joan F. Gormley (Dec.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robert Holmes Independent College Fund of Maryland Mr. William L. Keller Rev. George T. Leech Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Loy Marion Burk Knott Scholarship Mr. Stephen J. Matson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFarland Dr. and Mrs. Marc K. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Palencar Mr. Laurence J. Peterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plamondon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Erwin T. Straw Millicent Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Wilfong Alumni Donors Class of 1946 Class of 1935 Spirit Gift Club Thomas S. Hogan (Dec.) Dr. Joseph C. Leshock President’s Pride John J. Barry (Dec.) Leonard J. Farmer (Dec.) Spirit Gift Club Frank A. O’Brien Jr. Class of 1936 Spirit Gift Club Dr. Robert P. Sagerson Class of 1938 Spirit Gift Club J. J. Haggerty Jr. Class of 1939 Spirit Gift Club William B. Lebherz Jr. John Francis Rieger Class of 1947 John DuBois Society Raymond J. Hartman Jr. Paul E. Peksa Spirit Gift Club William S. Holland John M. McLarnon Jr. Andrew J. Pfaff Dr. Cornelius J. White Class of 1948 President’s Pride Donald Ratcliffe President’s Pride Edward T. Burns (Dec.) Spirit Gift Club James A. Henderson Bill Hogan Philip F. Hurray Sr. Dr. Robert J. Lyden Rev. Francis G. McManamin S.J. William Paul Walter Class of 1941 Class of 1949 Spirit Gift Club Dr. Peter P. Midura Roy L. Vercollone John DuBois Society J. Leo Cronin Jr. Class of 1940 John DuBois Society Paul B. Rhoads Jr. Class of 1942 John DuBois Society Joseph S. Asip Robert C. Egan (Dec.) President’s Pride William J. O’Connor Jr. (Dec.) Spirit Gift Club Charles E. Lyon Class of 1943 John DuBois Society The Honorable Harry S. O’Neill Thomas B. Schmidt Founder’s Club John D. Armstrong Philip A. McDonnell President’s Pride Peter J. Goodwin Thomas J. Holton Theodore L. Staub (Dec.) Dr. Joseph James Velky Spirit Gift Club John Edward Connor Edward J. Creelan Dr. Peter A. Grandell James A. Lord Dr. Donald W. Reineberg Bernard F. Rodgers Donald M. Troup Class of 1944 President’s Pride Dr. James Esten Abell Spirit Gift Club William H. Byrnes Jr. Joseph A. Gompers James W. Hafey Sr. Dr. Robert A. Nevins Alfred J. Skidmore President’s Pride John W. Burkhard John Francis Flanigan (Dec.) Robert J. Landy Martin J. Lynch John Anthony Martin William E. O’Neill Spirit Gift Club Joseph A. Bushek Gerard Joseph Cohee (Dec.) Thomas B. Grasberger Russell P. Knightly Joseph L. Lebherz Richard D. Maher Dr. Francis J. McCarthy Dr. Joseph Edward Schulte Frederick William Simon Dr. William Meredith Smith Jr. Robert C. Thomas (Dec.) Leo Irwin Wharton Victor Leroy Wolfe Class of 1950 John DuBois Society Stephen J. Sweeney President’s Circle Raymond B. Fields President’s Pride Frank L. Dameron Jr. Gerald J. Flanigan Richard J. Flanigan Bernard R. Jacobs Vincent I. McGuire David B. Michels Spirit Gift Club John H. Allen Edwin J. Bradley Martin J. Brennan (Dec.) Leonard E. Budsock Dr. Richard Edward Capozzi Sr. Joseph J. Chessare (Dec.) John Francis Curran Dr. Robert Michael Curran Dr. Raymond F. Dunn Edward P. Farber Lawrence J. Ferrari Edwin C. Gibbons Jr. Richard J. Hinchey Jr. Dr. George F. Huck Jr. Daniel J. Keyack Robert J. Kornhaas Dr. Raymond R. Lauer Dr. Leon E. Leshock Thomas W. McCann Eugene J. McCarron Jr. (Dec.) John J. McLean Jr. Paul B. Moore The Honorable Michael A. Nazzaro Jr. Joseph D. O’Connor Vincent Vito Oliveri Joseph Donald Regan Albert J. Rosenwald John L. Rossi John F. Toner Nicholas Tulio Verrastro Francis L. Werner Class of 1951 John DuBois Society Arthur F. Cody Charles M. Grace Philip Cogan Waterman President’s Pride Joseph Vincent Carter Edmond V. Lawlor Jr. Dr. John J. Lynch Spirit Gift Club Dr. Vincent Charles Andracchio John F. Barisits Eugene Alexander Bogatko Paul Nicholson Bridge Richard J. Dinan (Dec.) The Honorable John P. Dunne Francis J. Fabian Jr. Eugene S. Falcone William F. Greaney Jr. John George Green Leo J. Kennedy Rev. Msgr. Thomas K. Mabon Gerard P. Mandry Robert A. McGill (Dec.) George J. Petrilla James Francis Rutter Rev. Msgr. Joseph S. Showfety Clarence F. Smith John Warren Welsh Class of 1952 John DuBois Society Edward F. Egan (Dec.) Rev. George T. Leech (Dec.) Erwin T. Straw President’s Circle Deacon John H. Baker Joseph Gerard Charles President’s Pride Joseph F. Gelish (Dec.) Col. Joseph F. Jones USMC (Ret.) Spirit Gift Club John J. Brady George Bernard Callan Jr. John J. Denman Jr. Dr. Edwin George Fernand Gerard Leo Green John D. Joy Dr. Robert J. Keene Dr. Joseph P. Kender Elwynn L. Keyser C. Joseph Krall John Edward Murphy William Neville O’Grady Dr. John Francis O’Neill Francis R. Posey Richard Allen Puckett Dr. Antonio Ramos-Barroso James E. Werner (Dec.) Class of 1953 John DuBois Society Joseph F. Horning Jr. Founder’s Club Sebastian J. DiMeglio Francis Paul Kiniry President’s Pride Capt. Cornelius J. Carmody USN (Ret.) (Dec.) William R. Dollard Sr. Francis A. Headley Harry F. McPartland Jr. Spirit Gift Club Howard J. Bailey Jr. Guy Anthony Baker Jr. Lawrence B. Dawes Charles O’Donovan Evans John B. Farley Leo Edward Gribbin L. Carroll Grimes Rev. Alex J. Hazzouri John Anthony Kay John J. Lyons John A. Mathis Dr. Robert F. Niedererr Joseph E. O’Donnell Ronald Martin Quinn George K. Slough J. Philip Sterner Dr. Frank B. Thomas III Peter Francis Tumulty Jr. Class of 1954 President’s Pride Dr. Christopher J. Beetel Dr. George W. Greco Senator Leo E. Green Richard W. Kelly Sr. Richard N. Kerr (Dec.) Philip Vincent Moyles Dr. William Creagh Mulford Ret. Spirit Gift Club James Oliver Ahtes Dr. Francis J. Anello Dr. Felix John Boffa George M. Bowling Jr. Rear Adm. Thomas F. Brown III, USN (Ret.) George M. Downs Hugh C. Gardiner III Ronald J. Hagarman Daniel E. Heim Jr. Craig T. Houser Richard J. Kanaskie John Kent Leonnig Jacques Mazoureix Robert L. McLaughlin Paul J. O’Brien, Ph.D. John Edward Phelan John Paul Ronan II Dr. James J. Staudenmeier Donald C. Yohe (Dec.) Class of 1957 Class of 1955 John DuBois Society Dr. Paul R. Sweterlitsch John DuBois Society William E. Fanelli President’s Circle Jim Quinn President’s Pride William E. Lawler Jr. John J. McMullen Jr. John Herald Walter President’s Pride Robert D. Burke John W. Cadden John D. Graham Robert S. Vitali Spirit Gift Club Alexander Joseph Alvini Thomas Gerald Barlow Richard James Barnes (Dec.) Joseph S. Casula Ronald F. Czarnecki George B. Dolan Raymond Richard Donadio Sr. Richard C. DuLaney Edwin D. Farrell James Edward Gallagher John G. Howard Dr. Joseph Juliano Philippe Henri Melroy Thomas R. Moffett Robert Elwood Musser Dr. Ronald Wayne Niklaus F. Louis Schmitt William L. Tammaro Class of 1956 Founder’s Club James L. Mulligan President’s Circle George J. Donohue William D. Mahony President’s Pride John Hanson Briscoe Dr. Joel Edward Cannilla C. David Heisler Dr. Terence L. O’Rourke Spirit Gift Club Alexander H. Belmonte Dr. Theodore F. Biesiadecki Timothy J. Boyle Dr. Edward A. Brennan Jr. Charles F. Carroll Dr. Anthony Joseph Cincotta Rev. William R. Culnane, Ph.D. Joseph L. Doyle Bill Farrand Dr. Elliott C. Flick James A. Ford Jr. Dr. William J. Geppert Jr. Nicholas J. Grasso Jr. John T. Lanshe Dr. Nicholas M. Leno John J. Martini Dr. James E. McCleaf William J. McShea Dr. Richard A. Naso Frank A. Notaro Charles J. O’Donnell James M. O’Neill Dr. Joseph G. Rhode Rev. Nicholas A. Rossello Raymond L. Sanders Michael C. Santora Jr. William L. Sheridan Francis E. Smith Stephen E. Sohonyay Robert A. Steskel Spirit Gift Club Dr. Paul L. Alberti William Richard Anderson Eugene P. Auchter John A. Bolton Edmund Aloysius Brenner Jr. William Thomas Carreras Anthony R. Chiodo Benjamin Ciocca Richard C. Clarke James R. Colbeck James F. Dollard Michael F. Doyle Michael J. Fay Eugene Brian Fleming Matthew J. Halpin Robert P. Hansen John B. Keefe Alan V. Klug Jr. Gerard J. Mahoney John R. Miles Donald J. Murray Lawrence D. Purcell Dr. Joseph J. Smith Joseph L. Sukitch John J. Toslosky George T. Yeabower Class of 1958 John DuBois Society Richard C. Ridgway Dr. William J. Rumberger Sr. John J. Walsh President’s Circle Paul J. Caggiano David W. Ives Dr. Daniel J. Monagle Jr. President’s Pride Martin G. Carmody Jr. Albert E. Edwards Thomas J. Galvin Richard D. Gardiner Robert J. Ianniello Dr. William M. McCall Richard M. McCarron William J. Miller Spirit Gift Club Joseph T. Adamiak John B. Bellport (Dec.) Dr. Harry J. Candela John L. Collins Thomas J. Conway Ronald L. Kelly William P. Leitch Jr. H. Eugene Lindemann Jr. (Dec.) Louis F. Lombard Richard E. McBride John Richard O’Connell Jr. Dennis Leo Shuck Class of 1959 Founder’s Club John Francis Bailey President’s Circle John C. Tremonti President’s Pride Joseph W. Cook Edward P. McGroarty Kevin J. McMahon Sr. Dr. John J. Ryan John Q. Sweeney Spirit Gift Club Dr. William G. Ackourey Jr. Thomas D. Amato George W. Black Jr. William C. Boarman Stephen W. Charnitski Francis J. Costenbader Dr. James J. Coyne Albert J. Didden Leon G. Dillman Paul W. Dunn Dr. Cornelius J. Feehley Gerald P. Flannery John J. Ford Jr. Dr. James Powell Ganley Harold D. Hansen William Gary Hessler Louis A. Houff Jr. Dr. Thomas V. Inglesby James R. Kleindienst Joseph H. Lang Gerald A. Leo Sr. Dr. Thomas Michael Leonard Joseph F. Marcey Jr. Eugene A. Mattis James J. Mattis Dr. James K. McAleer Thomas W. McNamee Ronald G. Mousseau Anthony N. Nardone Jr. Daniel F. Neylan Charles J. Salaki (Dec.) J. Roger Schmiedel John Michael Seith Burton W. Sheing John Skrincosky Jr. Jose Luis Sobrino Prof. George M. Springer Thomas C. Whalen James H. White Thomas J. Williams Class of 1960 John DuBois Society William T. Kennedy President’s Pride Richard F. Bastian Edward V. Girzone John J. Halleron III William J. Mohan Peter F. O’Malley Joseph Francis Quinlan Patrick J. Rooney Richard R. Russo Dr. Lawrence P. Tremonti Spirit Gift Club Dr. Larry Joseph Ackerman Dr. George Bailey Capt. Charles E. Baker USN Ret. William J. Barrett Jr. Robert J. Burke Austin E. Cannon Jr. Donald Joseph Catanese Gerard Scanlon Cogan The Honorable James P. Courtney Jr. William H. Damaska Robert L. Dawes Robert F. Dehney Francis P. Devlin Charles M. Dillon III Edward J. Edelen III Rev. W. Gregg Elliott Theodore John Fitzick Edward A. Fontaine Dr. Thomas K. Guglielmo Dr. William Francis Hallahan Thomas J. Holly Jr. B. Larry Jenkins Walter N. Keffer Neil P. Kenny J. Thomas Kent Jr. Karl F. Krause Edward J. Lukanuski Russell E. Malz Jr. Matthew F. McHugh Michael P. Meyer Richard Andrew Moye Daniel H. Murray Richard Francis Prinzing Leo J. Quinn Henry Francis Rosa James Sheerin Dr. Gerard J. Spahn Francis Henry St. John Maj. Gen. John Anthony Studds USMC (Ret.) Eugene J. Sullivan Robert J. Sullivan Jr. Joseph B. Vaganek LTC Abromo Louis Vallese Harry J. Walpole Michael P. Walsh Dr. Thomas F. Walsh Capt. Lawrence D. Wheeler USN, Ret. William A. Wood Jr. Class of 1961 John DuBois Society Laurence J. Peterson Jr. Founder’s Club Ronald E. Cooney Charles J. Shimkus President’s Pride William E. Blandford Richard Thomas Christopher Sr. James M. Goff Karl S. Miller Spirit Gift Club L. Robert Adams George R. Blake Jr. Dr. William F. Bruther John Samuel Burdian Raymond J. Castaldi Thomas A. Courtney (Dec.) James J. Dougherty (Dec.) Luke Joseph Fannon III Dominic Joseph Forker John J. Forker John J. Gill III Eugene A. Harcsar Joseph Thomas Healy Jr. E. James Kuhns Paul M. Little III Kevin J. Maher William John McCarron Sr. John M. O’Connell Joseph Patrick O’Malley Dr. Joseph D. Putignano Donald P. Quinn 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 45 46 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 John Paul Roth Don M. Rubino Rev. Samuel S. Sacus Gerald Savage Col. Michael F. Scanlon USMC (Ret.) John G. Shea Dr. John P. Sheehe Leopold M. Sicilia Donald Paul Specht Emmett J. Sullivan Sr. Gerald E. Trees John E. Walsh Jr. Class of 1962 President’s Circle Michael L. McCarthy President’s Pride Louis T. Armelin Anthony J. Dougherty Spirit Gift Club Dennis Richard Barry Col. Richard A. Boaman Jr., USAF (Ret.) Lt.Col. Duncan E. Bossle USMC (Ret.) Brendan B. Brennan Dr. John A. Bruno Jr. Joseph M. Callahan II Dennis J. Cleary The Honorable John A. Connor II Peter Eugene Costello III Edward L. Cotter Jr. Gerald P. Curran Paul T. Devane Dr. R. J. DiGiovanni Francis J. Donovan Dr. Harold M. Farrell Jr. Gerald G. Gallagher (Dec.) Thomas C. Gates Thomas J. Ginty Jr. Arthur David Karfgin Rev. Gerard H. Kelly William T. Kinneally Charles H. Klinge Edward J. Langan F. Edmund Lynch John P. Lynch Stephen J. Marchant J. Raymond McGill Jr. Hall Lamar Moore Jr. John F. Muldoon Dr. Gene F. Napoliello Vytenis K. Nenortas Vincent A. Nubel Daniel R. Oakes Dr. Edward G. Pepper Dennis George Potter Philip Thomas Powderly Prof. Charles E. Robinson Joseph A. Rukus David William Samuels James Alexander Smelas Gerald R. Smith Rev. Joseph L. Stahura Thomas Joseph Stoner Francis Sheehan Toland Michael A. Topper Frank C. Vlossak III Stephen A. Weber Stanley Richard Witkowski William C.H. Zimmerman Jr. Class of 1963 John DuBois Society John R. Bransfield Jr. Carmen F. Deyesu Dr. Salvatore J. Romano President’s Circle George B. Amoss Edward Joseph Kuhn Jr. Raymond J. Purkis Jr. President’s Pride John F. Brennan James Charles Byrne Dr. Joseph G. Danek Dennis M. Doyle Joseph E. Farrell Dr. H. Stephen Fletcher John P. Hogan Dr. Frank P. Merolla Dr. Donald E. Novicki Dr. Jose M. RodriguezGomez Thomas D. Ryan Dr. Benedict Louis Wasilauskas Spirit Gift Club J. Ernest Bell II Joseph J. Bigham John Terrence Carney John E. Carr Jr. David Harwood Clautice H. Timothy Collins III Michael E. Condron Martin J. Donato Jr. Thomas J. Dugan III George A. Eichhorn III Wayne E. Flook Robert A. Granrath Henry Alexander Hudak John J. Hughes Col. John C. Lauer Michael J. Mackert (Dec.) John F. McGowan Paul M. Meagher Kevin K. O’Connell Edward M. Pfeiffer Salvatore T. Salerno Michael F. Sperendi Ronald R. Stahl Robert G. Strittmatter William J. Walsh Jr. Joseph J. Wayne Thomas Whissel Richard Patrick Whitty III Thomas Francis Williams James A. Yori Class of 1964 John DuBois Society William L. Keller Michael McCafferty Thomas G. O’Hara Eugene M. Waldron Jr. Robert E. Whalen Founder’s Club John B. Hogan President’s Circle Daniel F. Curtin Robert J. Smith Patrick J. Goles President’s Pride Charles R. Bourbonnais Thomas J. Lear James Thomas O’Dare Jr. Martin J. Sinnott Robert Kenly Startt Dr. Robert Francis Subers Wayne William Twibell Richard R. Wagner Spirit Gift Club Edward J. Abrams Robert Anderson Jr. Louis Henry Armstrong John Anthony Barrett Albert E. Branson Jr. Rev. William Francis Brisotti Terrence P. Burns Jay H. Campbell Dr. Timothy J. Cleary Rev. Charles J. Cummings George W. Curth William P. Dowd Sr. Dr. Beverly W. Dunn Lynn Thomas Engler Patrick J. Flynn Jr. James L. Glennon John Joseph Green Jr. Michael Terence Heenan Dr. W. David Hill Thomas J. Kelly Robert T. Kenney James Henry Lavelle Howard Edgar Lewis Jr. John Richard Low Joseph John Malinowski Jr. Edgar J. Manetta Charles F. Mawn Ronald S. Midura Robert Alan Moore Stephen V. Morgan Richard C. Nicolaus Dr. Thomas George Rocks Thomas Joseph Rohe III Joseph C. Ronning Patrick Henry Roth Joseph Alfred Saunders Jr. Joseph Anthony Schellings John Joseph Siegrist Charles E. Smith William Charles Timberman Frank H. Wedemeyer William Robert Wilson Class of 1965 Founder’s Club John Franklin McKee President’s Circle Wayne M. Mascia Robert S. Stellato President’s Pride Daniel Sprigg Chesley IV Joseph H. Esposito John Neil Fink J. Michael Fitzgerald George J. Martin Dr. Edwin Eugene Mohler J. Dennis Molloy Michael W. Rice Spirit Gift Club Michael J. Armelin Charles F. Batzer Jr. William F. Bellew A. Clark Cannon John O’Brien Clarke Jr. Edwin Martin Cole Edward Matthew Curran Jr. David Michael Davenport John F. Devlin Anthony E. Doyle Jr. William F. Doyle Louis C. England Edwin L. Folk Peter Francis Foscato Richard J. Hart LTC Henry J. Hayes Ret. Dr. Philip H. Kelly Joseph P. Lydon Louis J. Martine Michael James Monaco John Michael Moroney Laurence F. Orendorff Nicholas G. Otzel John J. Pinca Richard Charles Pullen Thomas N. Rosa Aloysius N. Rufe Jr. Francis Thomas Sharpe Jr. Andrew P. Stewart Dr. C. Frank Zarnowski Class of 1966 John DuBois Society Daniel J. Driscoll III Robert P. Walsh USAF (Ret.) Founder’s Club James V. McAveney Jr. Edward J. O’Connell President’s Circle James P. Millett President’s Pride Thomas C. Barry Dr. Francis L. Delmonico James J. Downes Joseph John Romano II John F. Toale Spirit Gift Club J. Edward Bollinger Jr. William J. Bray Jr. Michael P. Carr Eugene Charles Cashour James E. Chrismer John M. Cleary Frederick J. Cuccia John M. Desmond Jerome H. Dolle Richard C. Fitzpatrick J. Stephen Gaumond James G. Giller Edwin T. Gregg Jr. Dr. Peter J. Hanna Jr. Dr. Lawrence W. Hooper Jr. Alfred Howard Hudson John M. Kaheny Lawrence J. Lamaine Jerome P. LaManna R. Donald Leedy Dr. William G. Liekweg Jr. Donald C. Lopez Jr. Dr. Robert V. Marklin John J. Moody Michael J. Murray Dr. Alan J. Oram (Dec.) Prof. William Edward O’Toole James R. Saunders Michael D. Schorn Francis George Slater Stephen R. Smith Michael B. Sneed Peter P. Travaglini Albert T. Vertino Jr. Dr. Paul R. Wilson Jr. Dennis James Wynne Class of 1967 John DuBois Society Kenneth L. McVearry Paul K. Mikules President’s Pride A. Thomas Carroccio Dr. James P. Flynn John Patrick Harvell Dr. Fred S. Neuer Dr. John S. Salaki Spirit Gift Club James R. Becraft James S. Boggs Peter J. Breslin Gerald M. Calhoun Brian Michael Carr John J. Clemens John M. Cooney Joseph L. Cutuli Arthur J. R. Denis Dr. Edward A. Dolan John J. Donovan Jr. Joseph A. Fiorita Jr. William P. Fonzone Nicholas R. Galbo William C. Gonce (Dec.) Anthony M. Hahn Lawrence J. Hannon John McCabe Karfgin John N. Kidwell Glenn C. Kuhnle William M. Lavelle Stephen G. Margeton James B. Martin Dr. Edward A. Palank John J. Peirano Robert J. Quinn Dr. Michael Raybeck Silvio A. Rodriguez Daniel M. Rosensteel James M. Vaughan Anthony J. Villano Edward R. Zapke Class of 1968 John DuBois Society Francis W. Daily Jr. Thomas Robert Holmes Philip R. Loy Stephen J. Matson President’s Circle Michael R. Holly President’s Pride Dr. Terry P. Detrich Thomas S. Gwynn III Gregory J. Kunsman Denis McAuley III Louis F. Moreno Gregory J. Smith William Tell Michael M. Tilder Alfred P. Vitelli Spirit Gift Club Kenneth Francis Adams Fr. David J. Arseneault Jr. Dr. Joseph C. Bremer Jr. John Joseph Crumlish III James Lawson Cullen Jr. S. Frank DeLuca Bernard J. Devlin Steuart D. Flynn John P. Gaffney John J. Gallagher Lawrence F. Herbert Peter B. Hungerford (Dec.) Michael M. Kane Thomas E. Kulikosky Edward M. Leitch Ralph M. List Kevin P. Lynch Eugene J. Marinelli Stephen F. Marsalek Michael R. Matt Daniel L. McNamara John Scott Monaghan Edward S. Murray III Dr. Hugh J. O’Donnell Jr. Dr. John P. Pagana Dennis B. Reed Mark J. Regan John M. Reier Jr. Robert F. Sandweg USNR (Ret.) Dr. Ronald F. Schultz Ernest R. Shriver Harry D. Slaughter III Thomas E. Wallace Robert W. Warnock Dr. Thomas Vincent Whitten Dr. Jerome N. Yeoumans Samuel J. Zaun Class of 1969 Founder’s Club Frank J. Kalis Jr. President’s Pride Dr. Maurice J. Conley III Paul Anthony Flynn Robert Emmett Keogh Thomas J. Loughlin Jr. Spirit Gift Club Arthur J. Blansfield Robert E. Boteler Dr. Timothy M. Breslin Thomas L. Carroll John F. Cleary (Dec.) Joseph S. Crisafulli Joseph A. Cutrona Jr. James M. Dean Pieter J. deJong Thomas J. Faulkner John J. Feeley Neil John Fletcher Dr. W. Neal Gallagher Dr. William R. Gaver Gary E. Greene Rev. H. Martin Hammond John H. Hoffman Jr. John Anthony Houseman Sr. Emerson Thomas Johns Joseph A. Kostelac Dr. Raymond A. Kuthy Robert W. Lenharr George P. Mahoney Jr. John C. Martz Eric Charles Miller Stephen H. Nance (Dec.) Eugene Leo Pessagno III Ronald F. Pisani Brian J. Power Thomas Frederick Pruitt Dr. Bernard F. Rodgers Jr. C. David Rowe Dr. Alfred J. Saah James B. Schaub Ronald Barry Stiles Charles Vincent Tralka William P. Wills Jr. Class of 1970 Class of 1971 John DuBois Society Kevin P. Dowd William J. Mooney Jr. (Dec.) Brian L. Smith John DuBois Society Thomas J. Smith Jr. (Dec.) Founder’s Club Robert J. Branson President’s Circle Frank Elfring President’s Pride Joseph J. Ackler Jr. Bryan J. Foertsch Philip G. McGlade President’s Pride Robert K. Dunn Robert Eugene Eckert Sr. Patrick William Gallagher, Ph.D. John V. Sherwin Spirit Gift Club Dr. Peter J. Altimare Jr. Joseph Baldacchino Dr. John F. Bender Ronald E. Bombolis Dr. Michael H. Borek Earl C. Brown David A. Capone The Honorable Michael J. Cassidy Dr. Vincent Castranova James F. Clarke Thomas F. Cowley John D. Delehanty Joseph J. Doherty Lawrence E. Donato Joseph J. Dougherty John Edward Dragon Jeffrey B. Gill Luis B. Grillo Stephen K. Hess Edward Charles Holland John A. Huber William V. Hunt Jr. Dr. Charles W. Jameson Rev. Loren M. Kalinowski Charles E. Karl Patrick E. Kennedy Paul J. Kummerlen Jr. Dr. John A. Martellini Richard F. McCarthy Jr. James A. McGee Dr. Michael J. McGovern Dr. Gerard F. Middlemiss Robert W. Miller John Novey John G. O’Brien Michael Francis O’Connell George H. Oed III Paul J. Osisek Lawrence M. Otter Richard F. Prendergast Albert W. Ramer William J. Reilly Jr. Robert J. Riley Paul S. Rizza Peter D. Roberts Michael F. Rodgers Dr. Michael E. Ryan Dr. Edward J. Sattler Dr. Peter C. Schwartz Barbara Shealer Sheldon L. Shealer Jr. Theodore S. Shearer Dr. Martin J. Sheridan Ronald F. Smith Robert C. Sneeringer Timothy J. West Kevin G. Wetmore Thomas J. Wilson Founder’s Club Michael R. Kutsch Spirit Gift Club Raymond McComas Baker Jr. Michael S. Birch Joseph Gerald Bissonnette Joseph B. Boland Joseph M. Connor Sr. Hugh Robert Conrad Jr. Paul T. Coombe Herbert Stanley Cromwell Jr. James M. Donna John S. Ellis Jr. John T. Everett Jr. Peter John Ferrario Jr. Vincent P. Greenwald Harry J. Hagerman Jr. Thomas M. Healy Ronald F. Heiser John D. Hicks Joseph W. Howard Esten Whitney Hungerford Thomas L. Hustak, Ph.D. James Timothy Kealy James Edward Kenny Michael David Klug Edward Eugene Lingg William Ray Love USAF(Ret.) William R. Mammen Stephen E. Marohl James S. McMahan Jr. Joseph Michael Mettley The Honorable Walter Miller Morris Jr. Peter A. Muschamp Dr. Louis V. Myers III Robert Thomas O’Brien Dr. Timothy James Pagana Dr. Frank A. Pugliese George Joseph Savastano Jr. Paul F. X. Schwartz Michael Brooke Smith Theodore L. Tanke Jr. David P. Vauken John Albert Ward II Joseph Sandkuhler Welty Eugene M. Whissel II Class of 1972 John DuBois Society Scott J. Newkam John Scott Wilfong Founder’s Club Charles A. Cusumano President’s Circle Dr. Stephen F. Curran C. Gregory Kallmyer President’s Pride Stephen J. Bury USN (Ret.) Peter J. Goodwin Jr. Spirit Gift Club Robert J. Altoff Robert C. Ball James Edward Berry III Joseph S. Beyel Joseph A. Blansfield Sr. H. Fred Bourdon III Michael D. Burke USAF Ret. Thomas J. Caron Michael A. Caterina Robert J. Clark Maj. Albert L. Daniels Jr., USA (Ret) Thomas J. Dempsey Douglas C. Dick Joseph D. Dickerson Leo G. Donohue Robert C. Dreher James C. Fielding Jr. Daniel G. Finnegan Carl J. Fives Thomas H. Gannon Jr. Sheriff Carl R. Harbaugh William E. Heiser Barry Eugene Heller Harry M. Henderson Joseph H. Hobbs Jr. Walter S. Holder Joseph L. Hood Dr. Larry A. Hull Anthony Joseph Julian Jr. Sean W. Kennedy John P. Kmetz Joseph Knopic III Donald L. Kopreski Frank G. Lidinsky PA Glenn M. Lonnquist Timothy J. Losch James M. Mannion Robert Wayne Miller Sr. Kevin T. Murray David F. Parker David A. Ricci Dr. Michael A. Ruggiero Anthony I. Skur Jr. William D. Stock Jr. Daniel F. Thomas Burket E. Tyler Dr. Anthony Vitiello Jr. Charles J. Waldron Mark C. Walker Michael Wallitsch Class of 1973 John DuBois Society Robert M. Ryan President’s Pride Joseph E. Becht Jr. David Charles Condron Louis A. DiGiovanni Hugh W. Farrell Patrick J. Gillis Dr. Martin A. Joyce III Spirit Gift Club Jack J. Albenzi Anthony W. Ambush Chester A. Andruskiewicz Jr. Edward R. Brzezowski Jr. Kevin P. Callahan Dr. Thomas A. Cavalieri Matthew J. Cleary Michael J. Connors Richard F. Corrigan Daniel J. Dalina Louis J. Damico Xavier J. DeCaire John E. Downing Jr. Daniel E. Driscoll David J. Drumm Paul F. Duffy Dr. Charles W. Ehart Joseph R. Hager Robert F. Halcott Dr. Martin C. Haley Dr. Donald V. Hankinson W. Edward Hearthway Mary Holder Holtzman Thomas L. Ignudo III Kevin S. Kelly John C. Kirby James F. Laws Herman Lawton Jr. (Dec.) Larry Lombardi James J. Lynch III Robert G. MacLean Robert G. Manculich Anthony S. Mattessich Steven A. McAbee Thomas E. McKeever Dr. Leon M. Menapace Anthony L. Milanese Jr. Jane McDonough Milne Francis J. Norris Zachary G. Ortenzio George D. Palmere William V. Pantuso William A. Patterson Thomas J. Piper Sr. John L. Quill Patricia Carter Quill Kevin J. Quirk James S. Regan Harry W. Rhodes Matthew C. Riley Peter A. Romeika Rev. Ernest R. Soprano John J. Suchy III Kevin J. Sullivan Paul T. Swanicke Mark J. Swetley Dr. John F. Teel John A. Temperante Roy L. Truitt Jr. Peter G. Veracka George L. Welch John A. Wojtecki Class of 1974 President’s Pride Anthony Edmund Belliotti Eileen F. McAlarnen William F. Moran Jr. Spirit Gift Club Alan M. Carlo Robert A. Cipolla Kenneth T. Cline Dennis J. Cole Marcella Dougherty Coleman Martin A. Crabbs Robert C. Dondero Preston M. Ellis Thomas F. Gallagher Walter H. Gardiner Peter A. Granwehr Mary Cecilia Grice Dr. Thomas J. Hayes Thomas Jon Hickey Kim Brian Houser Belinda Lowry Jaffee John L. Jaffee Joseph E. Karpinski Francis M. Kelley Suzanne Corbett Kunhardt Wayne R. Lawrence 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 47 48 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Martin I. Madden Dr. Daniel J. Mancini Joseph M. McCullin Thomas M. McGoldrick Stephen F. Mele Joseph S. Molinaro (Dec.) Mary McFadden Molinaro Rev. Thomas J. Mullelly Michael J. Organek Paul P. Pometto II Robert F. Quinlan Jr. Kathleen Kerns Raubens Mary Berens Regan Albert J. Rochetti J. Anthony Rose Robert J. Rozanski (Dec.) Lewis F. Shapiro Paul H. Sick Linda Hobbs Steinle Michael T. Wall Dr. Bruce E. Weneck Kenneth R. Wilson Keith Dominic Ramundo George E. Randall James R. Ridenour Jr. David Christopher Sharkey Margaret Muldoon Sharkey Michael Steven Snyder John P. Studnicky Jr. Mark S. Swanicke Dr. Thomas K. Sweitzer Leo Vincent Trail Jr. Otha Washington Jr. Edward John Wasilewski Jr. Daniel G. Wukitsch Jr. Class of 1975 Spirit Gift Club Laurence J. Arseniadis Jeffrey C. Blaum Walter C. Carter Jr. Ann Pasike Cartlidge Jack J. Causa John J. Connell Jr. Gregory Curliss Mary C. Curtin John M. Davis Michael J. Fonzone Jr. Thomas C. Goetz Geoffrey L. Hess Michael L. Hooton Sean P. Larkin Dr. Corinne Lowe Leach Michael P. Logue Jacqueline Persing Lurio Grace Purcell McCafferty Irving M. McCrae Kathleen Kearns McMackin Barbara Homan Morrissey Joseph K. O’Connor Edward F. Orndorff Mark Francis Ramsey Mary Anne Randall Joseph Sokol Jr. David B. Strobel Anthony Vasco III Richard A. Walker Susan Lichtinger Walters Peter J. Wein Dennis M. Werger Bruce Emmett White Rochelle Theresa Young Rev. Mary Jo Zimmerli Christopher W. Zukowski John DuBois Society Anthony J. Agnone Dr. Kevin D. Murray President’s Circle Joseph M. Letnaunchyn Michael McGinley President’s Pride Thomas W. Bilodeau Jeffrey T. Hardy Charles W. Sherren Jr. Steven M. Why Spirit Gift Club Benjamin H. Amoss II Karl Angelo Robert M. Barnett Raymond William Beaumont Sr. Frances Hecht Becker Richard B. Becker Carol Ann Blakeslee Patrick T. Bolden Dr. James F. Bonner William J. Boyle Robert W. Bream Frederick P. Bremer Frederick H. Bumgarner Robert L. Cardoni James Cartlidge Gerard H. Coffey Jr. Bernard H. Conlon Jr. Michael P. Connolly Joseph W. Favinger Maj. Joseph P. Fitz-Patrick Joseph P. Fleming Charles Anthony Gallagher Dr. Walter James Gleason Jr. Daniel J. Harkins William P. Harrington Keith W. Heagey Martha M. Kenney Judith F. Kidwell Robert E. Koch Jr. James Arthur Kunkel Romas A. Laskauskas Frank James Loffa Robert Joseph Maio Harry M. May William John McDermott Dr. Kevin Patrick McLaren Lt.Col. Craig S. Menschner USAF (Ret.) James Francis Parker Class of 1976 Founder’s Club James A. Draper President’s Circle Evelyn Farrow Letnaunchyn President’s Pride Richard Patrick Kidwell Candice Kelley Kidwell Class of 1977 President’s Pride John E. Coyne III Gloria Romeika Johnston Katherine M. Marshall Mary Ruth Sherren Spirit Gift Club Ronald L. Banks Jean Sheftic Bilodeau Scott R. Bloom Kathleen Fowler Bolden Terrence E. Brennan James R. Cantwell David E. Cline Sheila R. Corbett Dr. Gerilyn E. Cross Lt.Col. Elaine T. Dolan USAF (Ret.) Lt.Col. John R. Donoho John B. DuPont Terri Becker Eubanks Dr. Monique M. Fouant Nancy O’Donnell Gaddis Mark F. Ganley Clifford J. Gannett Agnes Slattery Giganti Michael P. Gray John R. Greenwood Dr. Mary Egan Hayes Stephen E. Heim Dr. Robert J. Henke John C. Hinder Jr. Scott A. Hoover Andrew J. Kapsak Frances J. Kerr Brendan S. Killeen Lawrence E. Knott Janette Merriman Kohler Jerome T. Maher Jr. Linda Masterson Martens Dr. Bradford J. Matthews John C. Miller Robert Patrick Molloy Sandra Zimmerman Muma John S. Neighbours J. Daniel Neumann Annette M. O’Toole Jack J. Purcell David D. Sarisky Daniel J. Sinnott Maryanne Solak Maureen Keelty Suelau Michael Joseph Sullivan Raymond J. Teller Sharon Danner Topper (Dec.) Jane Podles Trail Anna Dorothy Zink Class of 1978 President’s Circle Robert G. Baker USMC (Ret) Michael Joseph O’Rourke President’s Pride Ann Malinowski Hall Thomas J. Harrington III James E. Keating Spirit Gift Club Mimi Boseman Elizabeth Gamber Cohill Denis M. Conrad James G. Deegan Jr. John F. Dezell Joseph A. DiDio Joseph F. Diehl Jr. Timothy A. Dolan James J. Dougherty Joyce Ann Draper Theresa M. Dunn Anne Matan Easby-Smith Patrick E. Eckenrode Andrew F. Flott John T. Foster Frances Ann Fox Rev. Thomas Joseph French Neil F. Gallagher John P. Ganley Anne Gutierrez W. Peter Gutmann Robert A. Herb Linda Fitz Hoover Robert D. Kane Edward G. Kenny Joyce A. Knox Mark A. Martin Brian P. McArdle William J. Mills Cynthia Lloyd Muir James P. Mulqueen Kevin Patrick Murphy Mary Masciantonio Neumann R. Frances O’Brien Tom O’Connor Diana McDermott O’Neill Gary J. Orndorff Barbara Betzler Purcell Teresa Pelagatti Renwick Loretta Hartung Rieger Ann J. Saltzman Lauren Greco Sfekas Robin M. Shine Frank A. Sorrentino III John R. Spielberger John F. Timm Joseph T. Tonkovich Keith R. Truffer Stephen P. Walker Kenneth M. Wensel Annette A. Werger Cathleen Cosgrove White J. Michael Williams Class of 1979 John DuBois Society Kenneth E. Pringle President’s Pride Julie L. Hale Mark H. Mooney Marianne T. Mulligan Dr. Paul E. Schmidt Spirit Gift Club Thomas F. Aussem Mark C. Baker John F. Barrett Sr. Tracy McDaniel Barrett Linda Holmes Belliveau Jack B. Berenato Gregory E. Billingsley Alex J. Bradley III Kathy Fazio Cerroni Dr. Gregory J. Codori William David Cohill USAF (Ret.) Elizabeth A. Lynch Comstock Brigid Dwyer Denny Kerin O’Brien Dezell Mary Bands Downs Doris A. Eckenrode Francis J. Falatko Gina M. Falconer Michael Fumai Matthew J. Gowen John Joseph Grotegut Cynthia Gearhart Harbaugh Barbara A. Heim Marguerite Gorman Herring Mary Farrell Holz Christine Murphy Howard Catherine McCormack Kearney M. Kevin Kearney Kathleen Kennedy Kenny Keith H. Litrenta James F. Maguire Michael W. Mantooth Charles M. Meenehan Mary Macfarlane Migliorini Thomas E. Migliorini Ellen Dundin Murphy Michael T. Pearson W. Craig Plunkett John M. Punderson Kevin Rhoades Lynne Phelan Robinson Thomas Andrew Rosie William G. Shinham Jr. Patricia A. Suraci Leona P. Tankersley Robert C. Urban James W. Vaughn Class of 1980 Founder’s Club Maureen Cashen Dolan Philip B. Dolan President’s Pride Dr. William Paul Beierschmitt Dr. Robert Cottrell Greenwell Jr. Spirit Gift Club Julie Lynch Arnsberger Mark Christopher Arnsberger Michael Barazia Elizabeth Kiesel Beatty Agnus McGlade Berenato Mary Ricker Bradley Thomas James Brennan John William Brody Kathleen Ann Brody Virginia Sieber Brown Martin P. Brunk Edward J. Burns (Dec.) Eugene Bernard Clark Jr. Everett Gerard Cobb Michael J. Cole Stephen F. Cummings Timothy C. Dec Anthony Joseph DeLaurentis Gayle D. Ganley Joanne Firestone Harrigan Annie Mae Huston James A. JeBran Cynthia Flood Jimmo Dr. Daniel Patrick Kelliher Martha C. Kennedy Dr. William Bernard Kerns John J. Korp Dorothy S. Kuhn Mary Glose Lawler Thomas Kevin Lawler Patricia Lee Luipersbeck Philip J. Magno Liz Barrett Maher Matthew S. McKendry James P. McManimon Patrick F. Miller William R. Muller Jr. Mark E. Nesfeder Timothy M. O’Toole Peggy Flanigan Rager Patricia T. Ralston Barbara H. Ritchey Joanne Shaver Rodgers Dr. Joseph M. Rosenwald Catherine Dorrian Rutland D. Lee Rutland John Michael Ryal Nancy Philion Scharff Peggy Bikowski Schooler Elisabeth Grandstaff Scully Jean Repetti Simpson Susan L. Simpson The Honorable Julie R. Solt Daniel M. Sullivan Jr. Christopher J. Tolson III Jeffrey John Velky Gail McGarity Zanecosky Judith Mazzeo Zocchi Philip L. Zulli Valerie A. Stello David A. Yhlen Spirit Gift Club Gregory M. Azcuy John T. Burns Patricia Bonner Burton Mary Cathryn Butler Debbie Cole Mary Arnold Cory Madeleine Mascioli Curry Patricia A. Daneri Thomas M. Dolan Marilyn Patton Donson Dian M. Ducey John C. Egler John P. Ensor Barbara Lynne Smith Grosso Frank Grosso Jr. Joann Dello Buono Hallahan Thomas Richard Harbaugh Ellen Ostronic Janus Michael J. Johnson Mary Ellen Davis Kelliher Mary Cotter Larkin Myles John Larkin John C. Laux Rosario Anthony Limmina E. Lucile Marlatt Jeanne Newcomb McGeehin Dr. William Hugh McGeehin Bridget E. McGrath Thomas J. McKernan Ann Devine Meehan Stephen R. Mooney John A. Noel Cathryn McDermott O’Neil Dr. Dean J. Phass James O’Connor Plant Julie I. Pusloskie Anthony D. Quattrone Nancy Long Ridgway James S. Rowe Charles T. Russo Valerie Sheridan (Dec.) Judith Garrett Sherman Joseph E. Suter Rayburn A. Thompson Jr. Elaine Ann Trentacoste Donna Eby VanWie Charles S. Velnoskey Joan Cooney Wensel Thomas P. Whelan Catherine Doran Wilcox Spirit Gift Club James F. Albano Jr. Margaret Albright Jeffrey J. Arman Juanita Balenger Thomas R. Bender Jr. Michael P. Berens Margaret Gilder Black Allen David Bonstead Gretchen Welsh Bowers Richard M. Bowers M. Neil Brownawell II Eugene P. Buck Jr. William S. Carey Kenneth B. Chodnicki Michael A. Cory James J. Costigan IV John J. Crane Julian G. Dickerson Michael G. Donahoe Colleen McShea Friedrich Robert J. Heid John C. Heisler Dolores Joy Henke Andrea Lertora Jensen John E. Kain Patrick Joseph Keenan John J. Kessler Robin Finizio Kessler Denise Laverty Kinney Eugene A. LaCroce Jr. James P. Lawler Patricia Williams Lawler John Lynch Karen McClatchy Maguire Nadia L. Mandragona-Boyer Dennis Maguire Cheryl Vanderzee Marsh Jeffrey M. McCarron Roger T. McManimon Francis J. Mitchell Diane Dooner Murphy Helen A. Myers Rebecca Dietz Myers Michael J. Neuman Robert G. O’Rourke David P. Ozminski Brett A. Parler Michael G. Peters Maureen Carmichael Plant Elizabeth Pioli Plunkett Carol Palumbo Price Anne Bold Pryor Joseph F. Ryba James G. Schab Lynn M. Schab Richard A. Spencer III Linda Fegan Spiker James Patrick Sullivan Maria L. Topper Nicholas G. Truhan Raymond J. Visotski Maureen O’Connell Wald Mary F. Weaver Susan Dove Wolfe Class of 1982 Class of 1983 President’s Circle Audrey J. Glass Founder’s Club Trond Skramstad President’s Pride William J. Frank John O’Hare Graham Kelly Roche Hughes John J. Sevy President’s Circle Sean F. O’Brien Class of 1981 President’s Pride The Honorable Jennifer M. Anderson Ellen M. Callahan David P. Conaghan Susan A. Janowiak William S. Roohan President’s Pride Mary Camille Brown Hilary Camp O’Donnell Lynn D’Alessio Roohan Sgt. William H. Stophel Jr., USA Spirit Gift Club Joseph A. Agiato Jr. Carolyn Bubser Albano Mardel E. Albers Paul L. Alberti Jr., USAR Franklin Hamilton Barnes IV Kathleen Lynch Battista James A. Bernieri Donald R. Beveridge Gregory A. Bock Michael F. Bowers James B. Britt Steven J. Carbone Thea Ackerman Carey Kevin B. Cashen Marsha Jones Chodnicki Ronald P. Clark Mary Jo Hammill Clarke Maria Manis Cornelius Anne O’Connell Costigan Irene Boicourt Curry Martha R. Davy Annette DeCesaris Barbara J. Facto Anthony Gallagher (Dec.) Sharyn P. Giuliani Karen Gregorek Graham Philip J. Greene John R. Herring Rosemarie C. Hoopes Ellen Arensmeyer Hulihan Patrick W. Hulihan Joseph E. Hurley A. Michelle KretschmaierHussey Joseph P. Hussey Kathleen Skahill Ingram William L. Ingram Julia Ann Johnson Donna-Jean Keim Robert J. Kennedy Christopher S. Kindbom Carol Huebner Kodish Janet Suske Krok Kathleen McEvoy Kyne Nancy Sexton Lauer Audrey Kosla Lee John R. Lee Jr. Gerard J. Mahoney Jr. JoAnn Clark Mahoney Thomas G. McElroy Edwin M. McKeon Jr. John A. McKeon Joanne Weed McShalley Dr. Thomas B. Mulford Thomas G. Noel Diane Loiello Palmieri Paul Joseph Palmieri Mark A. Panetta Maureen Tejeski Phillips Jerome J. Pitts Eileen Fitzmaurice Rafferty Mary C. Reese Kathleen Stromeyer Rosenow Scott A. Russell Martha Gast Rymer Nicholas P. Sanyshyn Dr. Laurie Sargent Soller Patrick F. Sprankle Kathleen Rottmund Strosser Patricia Hilferty Sullivan Dale T. Summers Michael H. Taylor Carolyn Fagan Torchiana Michael F. Tuccinardi Jr. David W. Vidmar Timothy M. Wall Christopher Walsh Dawn Harley Walsh Dr. Doug S. Walsh COL, USA Andrea R.S. Watkins Douglas S. White Megan Lake Winterle Anthony R. Zangari Robert K. Zillian Class of 1984 President’s Pride Patricia Monagle Michael S. O’Donnell John C. Whalen Jr. Spirit Gift Club Brian W. Agnew Ann Marie McShea Borkowski Mary Sabia Ciammetti Thomas W. Corcoran Eileen Hayden Covert Anne Marie Crowley Michael P. Dekker Gary C. Doyle David L. Erat Sheila O’Brien Flanagan Robert A. Galizio Christopher J. Gordon Sandra Marconi Gordon Karen Quinlan Hawkins LTC J. Gregory Heck (Ret) Timothy J. Horan Delores A. Hovermale John Murray Kane Mary Deely Kane Timothy C. King Scott R. Kuzmic Theresa McAllister Lage Joseph F. Leonard David L. Lessing Sandra McDonnell Lessing Sharon L. Linton Stephen Allen Markey Judy E. Foggin McCusker Laura Rauber McGarry William D. McNamara Mary Lawrence Melvin Kathleen A. Mihich Daniel J. Monagle III James E. Moynihan Jr. Timothy R. O’Sullivan Benjamin J. Petrilli Clare Ferguson Pope Joseph J. Reedy Lauri G. Reinhart Nancy Milewski Skramstad Dr. Thomas J. Stack Jr. Kevin D. Sullivan Jeanette LaPointe Taylor Dr. Stephen P. Tubridy Anne E. Twomey Anita Vanni-Trice Joanne L. Wallmuth Jeannette Tukis Watson Janet Riscassi Woods Joseph Zanella Class of 1985 President’s Pride Margaret McNulty Cashen Thomas E. McKeon Donald F. Topper Jr. Spirit Gift Club Raymond J. Arndt Thomas R. Arrowsmith Joseph W. Berkery Lisa Diclemente Berkery Robert G. Bindel Stacey Brown-Hobbs Dr. Michael J. Caulfield Stephanie Gross Caulfield Denise A. Cronin Elizabeth McMullen Czapski Karen Mataldi Dahut Ann M. Deegan Kathleen Robinson Delaney Therese Mullaney Draddy Debra Mumma Enriquez Kevin M. Fay Mary Hopkins Finn LTC Mark S. Gavula USA Joseph A. Giorgi Jr. Marian B. Giorgi David J. Gorman David P. Hagar Mary Lynch Hanifin Thomas G. Hanifin Daria Smith Isenhour Stephen Edward Issing C. David Klose Mary Free Kruft Dr. Douglas A. Little Michael B. Ludwig Martin J. MacCormack Robert A. Maulbeck Francis J. McShalley Jr. Karyn Geckle Moritz Anne E. Nevin Marianne Hillig Noone Julie Dahut O’Connor Christopher L. O’Donnell Elizabeth O’Donoghue Richard Thomas O’Hara Laura Hoos O’Rourke Mary Cinoa Raefski Timothy J. Reynolds Robert E. Stubbs Margaret N. Tripp Kara Fay Twomey Michael J. Twomey William W. Waller Class of 1986 President’s Pride Janette Kozlovsky Blee Robert Blee Steven E. DeFoor Joseph G. Gatti Thomas R. Leverone Roseann M. McGlade Thomas G. Wiegartner Spirit Gift Club Thomas M. Barnes David A. Bartolini Henry E. Bock Boyd L. Bocklet F. Bernadine Bocus Jeffrey S. Boyd Karen A. Bridge Dean P. Byrne John L. Callahan Colleen H. Carolonza Edward M. Caruso Paul C. Cinoa Margaret M. D’Agostaro Christine Goodrich DeSantis Francine C. Eaves-Ranft 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 49 50 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Kevin Brennan Fitzgerald Martin John Golibart Suzanne M. Golibart Laurel Murphy Gordon Philip J. Gordon Deborah Lemken Kennedy Barbara Downing Klose A. Michon Kretschmaier Janet Muller Kukla Lisa Lemken Lebow Stephen H. Long Peter A. Longo Lisa M. Luksic Patricia McAndrew MacCormack Alice Rooney Mahoney Sean E. Mahoney Martin E. McGarity Kathleen Cunniff Nitzsche Richard F. O’Brien Jr. George A. Pollin III Mariclare Rafferty Christina Fritz Sellers John Sellers Susan O’Malley Sheehan Dr. Alan C. Stader Patricia Mulvaney Sukovich Gary P. Topper Karen Coyne Veralli Paige Hoover Walsh Class of 1987 Founder’s Club Elizabeth Sullivan Fay John F. Fay President’s Pride LCDR Colin J. O’Brien SC, USN Thomas B. O’Hara Jr. John J. Prout III Spirit Gift Club Dr. Antonino Barbaro Diane Comolli Bindel Timothy J. Buck Cathleen Williams Butler Susan Tejeski Byrne Thomas F. Cahill Patricia Hill Callahan Tina Blandino Chiari Matthew Cohee David William Coulbourne Lisa A. Courtney A. Daniel D’Ambrosio Jr. Colleen Kennedy DelPo Paul J. Dempsey Kathleen DelGiorno Diamanty Katie Doyle Megan E. Doyle John F. Driscoll Timothy J. Farley Rev. J. Kevin Farmer Anne Ward Glynn Anne Barry Harris Joseph P. Harris Beth Ann Heine Matthew R. Heine Vanessa Voss Hill Karen L. Hoffman Christina Sauro Jackson Maura Molloy Kane Maureen A. Keefer Robert J. Kiernan Ellen O’Connor Kirkwood Laurence J. Konouck Thomas J. Landolfi Christine L. Larsen John P. Lau Jr. Kathleen Kezer Lewis Elizabeth K. Malia William J. McCarron Jr. Jeanne Nagle McNamara V. Kelly Mulholland Michele Bernardo Murray Jean M. O’Dea Carolyn Kramer O’Kane Andrew G. Oliveri Maribeth Olvany John J. Schwartz (Dec.) Liisa Cutroneo Tingue Robert J. Wade Jennifer Marie Walter Glenn W. Watkins Dennis L. Williams (Dec.) Class of 1988 John DuBois Society Matthew M. Warner President’s Pride Stephen D. O’Neill Spirit Gift Club Eileen M. Anderson Christine Spendley Andrews James C. Andrews Dr. Kelley McTigue Argraves Dr. Jennifer Aro Michele Webster Ballard Theresa McAuliffe Barczy Ann Morris Barrett Joyce Thornton Barry The Honorable Mark D. Beauchat Brenda Rossetti Benkert Jennifer Bermudez Claire Loftus Bormida Kevin P. Bormida Colleen J. Bradley Kenneth M. Brennan Julie Brewer Carlson Rosanna Sparrow Clouse James P. Courtney III Susan Crone Anne Didyoung Cutler Kristin Simermeyer Driscoll Lynn Esti Robert M. Esti Jessica A. Fields James M. Folks Jr. Diane Hendra Fritch Christopher F. Glass Therese O. Grine M. Willis Gunther Timothy J. Hanlon J. Michael Hill Gordon J. Horn Susan Bongardt Horn Lawrence T. Howley Marc K. Ives Mary Frances Kelly Timothy A. Kline Gale Knoedler Kelli Digman Kunert Patricia Crimmins Kunzman Kathleen Monagle Lee Maribeth Swihura Liska Patricia Ellis Long Ronald R. Lopian Kathleen Gill McDermott Jennifer Kaye McGaha Clayton O. Minnick Emily Kendall Moynihan Mary Beth Liebhauser Norwood Timothy M. Ohm Mark D. O’Neill Joseph A. Pelaia II Mandy M. Reilly John P. Riordan Christopher J. Sabia Kelly Anne Foley Sapio Alice Claire Scileppi-Douglas Kristin A. Shearon Eileen Smith Sherman Frances McHugh Siefert LTC Charles H. Strite Jr., USA Roger J. Sullivan Mary Galeone Thornton Stephanie Floyd Travers Alison Schaefer Warner Michael W. Warner Patricia Benzing Warns Eileen T. Whitney Lisa M. Zeto Class of 1989 John DuBois Society Mark S. Sobus, Ph.D. Marybeth Bigham Warner President’s Circle Teresa Horstmann Otterbein President’s Pride Linda Kelley Junker Loretto J. Kane Thomas W. Muth Patrick L. Nield Spirit Gift Club Thomas B. Berenato Eileen Steckel Bevenour Roslyn Jardine Breitenbach Anne McNiff Cantwell James J. Cantwell Jr. Teresa Cochran Mark T. Damato Cynthia Plain Dohony Joseph P. Dohony Elizabeth Cantwell French Gerald D. French Jr. Kristin Dwyer Ganley Michael J. Ganley Suzanne M. Ginieczki Susan Gilmore Harlow Sharon Marcie Henkel Julie Wright Hyland Susan Hagar Iacaruso Mari R. Jacobs Rev. Robert J. Jaskot Catherine Duff Jordan Christopher P. Jordan Amy Auchincloss Kaden Lorraine Leo Knepple Dennis J. Knox Nancy L. Knox Patricia M. Kolesar Marc William Lacoste Carrie Zuech Larkin Sean Patrick Larkin Janice M. Liscinski Zena Edwards Lutz Craig J. Muldoon Elizabeth Stenson Muldoon Lisa Seif Pearce Mark A. Pearce Denise Furey Pfaff Cara Reynolds Helen Slabonik Richards Elizabeth Engnoth Santos Stephanie J. Sharp Mary Wolf Sheehan Michael F. Sheehan Paul D. Simoes Stephen J. Stecklein Michelle Kelly Sullivan Deirdre Wall Whitty Richard P. Whitty Class of 1990 President’s Pride Gerard M. Dowd Kathleen Sheridan Linzey Scott C. Linzey Spirit Gift Club Thomas T. Bateman Dr. Davida Kathleen Blackman Colleen M. Whalen Caligiuri Kelly McLaughlin Catania Todd A. Chairs Margaret Ann Collison John W. Cominsky Patricia Canavan Crone Eileen McAvoy Davenport Marta Paulen Dobrovic Alicia A. Duarte-Harden Tamara Shipley Fritz Lauren Marie Glass Donald C. Gouker Mary Ellen Graziano Thomas C. Hampsey Mary Leigh Harvey Joseph Henkel Karen Langeluttig Hescox Rev. Richard B. Hilgartner Jr. Liza Horan Karen M. Imbach Christine Bourbonnais Jenkins Jeanmarie Kline Eric N. Lamb Carolanne M. Lowrie-Hunt Jennifer Cincotta Lynch Shawn F. Lynch Clifford A. Martin Tracey Yoho McCormack Kathleen McKinley Laura Thieman McNulty Patrick J. McNulty Brenda Nuckels Medvid Edward E. Medvid Denise McCarthy Mohler Theresa Kline Myers John P. Nelson Kevin Lawrence O’Connor Brian J. O’Neill Robert G. Phelan Laura Becker Porterfield Stephen W. Rogers Mary Kathleen Schmidt Sheldon L. Shealer III Scott M. Smiley Brian P. Strong Daniel D. Sweeney Maryann Gorman Sweeney Mary M. Werner Christopher Bernard Younger Class of 1991 President’s Pride David M. Cassese Spirit Gift Club Elizabeth DiLuchio Albano Joseph J. Albano Michelle H. Barnard James M. Braniff Lisa Ward Campbell Michael J. Carroll Michelene Cawley Christina Wiles Coccagna Michael F. Conrey Thomas H. Dahbura Marie Cain Dunbar Geri E. Duncan Melissa R. Earle Noelle Marie Farmer Frederick L. Fisher Mary Jennifer Fucci Hugh C. Gardiner IV Traci Wetzel Getz Jennifer Achziger Gosselin Thomas J. Gosselin Joan C. Heinze Theresa A. Hodge Christopher D. Hull Janice Rekus Kalinock Kathleen Rafferty Keimig Michael C. Keimig Kenneth E. Keith LaJune A. Knox Jill Hurleman Kuhn Michael R. Kuhn Lisa Krayer Kunzman Holly Kittinger Kuykendall Kevin R. Larkin Gerald A. Leo Jr. Patricia Waldron Lockard Pamela Walsh Lynch Steven Charles Lynch Dr. John F. MacMillan Jr. Susan Swenarton McCool Robert A. Mentz Kelly Parker Meredith Elizabeth Wall Montante Thomas J. Neal Karen Moore Nelson Susan C. O’Connell Maureen E. Ohlmuller James O’Malley Christine Rees O’Shea Christine Pierantozzi Ramsey Carol Burgee Remsberg Brian R. Riddle Kelley Sullivan Runyan Jennifer A. Samalis Jennifer M. Scanlon Katheryn Cummings Shea Daniel C. Smith Brooke Jenkins Teefey Catherine Ely Walega Stacy Schmitt Walter Paula Balakonis White Joseph M. Young Class of 1992 President’s Pride Joseph F. Dowd Jr. Theresa Dempsey Dowd Christine M. Gelles Spirit Gift Club Beth Purul Alfaro Paulette A. Anders Alison Heisey Banziger Monica Elizabeth Butteriss Terrence P. Cahill Danielle March Callahan Gretchen Ann Cannon Jeffrey L. Cannon Lynne M. Ciccarello J. Donald Clark III Michael F. Coccagna Amy B. Connelly Stephen D. M. Crooker Krista Csapo Patricia Kirwan Cunningham Rena Carr Daly Erica Kristine Daniels David M. DiLuigi Regina McFadden DiLuigi Jeremy M. Ellermeyer Laurie J. Ernst Michael P. Ernst Laura B. Estep Elizabeth M. Fear Tracy L. Fennell Christina M. Figlozzi Camille Andora Galin Susan A. Hammer Amy Bourbonnais Kaczynski Stephanie Mummert Laird Michael R. MacMillan Jennifer Kuta Magin Maureen A. Monagle Thomas J. Murray Jr. Jeanne Marie Narkiewicz Jennifer H. Norris Maura Studley O’Leary Jenna Lea E. Ott John J. Preston IV Debra A. Pulvirenti Christopher J. Quinn Leah M. Reber Karen L. Roberts Brigitte Mary Schmidt David L. Scudder Patricia Clarke Scudder Kathleen Flavin Smith Amy P. Stedronsky Kathy Weant Stoner Sarah C. Thomas Bronwyn P. Williams Class of 1993 President’s Pride Erin M. O’Brien Samuel Joseph Stone Spirit Gift Club Dianne M. Ambrose Neil J. Becker Eric J. Birchler Marcie L. Blanco Michele A. Case Joseph T. Catania Jennifer C. Concino Mary Anne Donohue Cristodero Janice L. Dills Robert M. Dyer Janel A. Eager Matthew J. Eager Brenda Layman Genemans Christopher C. Gillis Theresa Farrell Gillis Kimberly Ann Gilpatrick David Giordano Mark T. Gossart Susan J. Hackney Garrett W. Hayden Jennifer Plott Healey Christina C. Hull Lisa M. Javier Alicia Summers Jenkins Louis P. Jenkins Jr. Patrick Kulesa James D. LaPointe Edward P. Lavin Megan Farrell Lawless Kimberly J. Lewis Robert E. Lohfeld Jr. Claire D. Maina Jeffrey S. McBride Gracelyn Ashby McDermott Stacey Broadwater Minoglio Timothy N. Mudd James F. Murphy IV (Dec.) Chrystal A. Nibert Kerri A. Quinn Kathleen Shultz Quinones Charles P. Reber David K. Rees Stephen C. Reilly John F. Rhodes IV Susan A. Roselli-Mimnaugh Rebecca A. Ryan Beth J. Sheehan Anna C. Sullivan Deborah A. Sullivan Gerald A. Sullivan Thomas P. Sullivan David V. Sulpizio Mark M. Topper Margaret A. Walsh Molly Kennedy Walsh Joseph H. Walter Jr. Robert E. Weed James H. Weigand Steven Joseph Wiechecki Maureen H. Williams Kathryn L. Wineman Matthew S. Wineman Jennifer Kestel Young Class of 1994 President’s Pride Leanna C. Rahll Allen M. Smith Spirit Gift Club Kelly McLaughlin Barnes Thomas J. Bligh Holly Kennedy Bruggeman John A. Bruggeman Andrew J. Bucceri Amy P. Burr Brian B. Clark Maryrita D. Clark Edward J. Coyne Jennifer J. Coyne Amy B. Dixon Matthew X. Dixon, Ph.D. Eileen A. Emerson John R. Fitzpatrick Daniel R. Glover P. Daniel Healey Andrea Quezada Hill Kristin Milligan Hurley Bridget Daul Kelly Debra E. Lajewski Francis C. Lawless III Kevin M. Little Mark E. Livelsberger Melissa Dowling Mack Mary Beth McCarthy M. Courtney McGee Terrence G. McGee Ann Finch Mondor Allison Koch O’Brien Mary Ellen O’Mara Justin M. Polun Rosena Popevis Frank X. Powers Sharon Elizabeth Rees Cynthia J. Reinhart Jessica Odlum Rhodes Michael J. Rice Kerry Wallace Riggs Rev. James M. Sheehan Christine E. Stambaugh John H. Sterbenz Dana Telak (Dec.) Brian W. Wangsness Christy Greene Wangsness Colin P. Ward Christine O’Hanlon White Rev. John A. Williamson Aimee Zavodny Yardley J. Daniel Yardley Class of 1995 President’s Pride Susan Rowlyk Beccaria Kevin James Murphy Spirit Gift Club Justin P. Babula Jeffrey T. Balistrere Margaret J. Balistrere Stella M. Barry Bridget A. Blank Adam F. Burch Nicole M. Conreur-Davison Frankie Corsi III Amy Linson Culkin Patrick R. Culkin Marianne Dempsey Heather Wable DeWees James T. DeWees Patrick D. Dolan Scott G. Drega Lori J. Dubbs Jennifer Firlie Dunn Edward A. Everett Jr. Monica F. Faucette Agatha Foscato Deborah M. Stocker Giles David A. Glennon John R. Gonano Jr. Charlene M. Gregory Matthew Grimm Emily Carole Gudel Anne T. Harvey David L. Hogue Jennifer L.B. Hogue Joseph P. Jenkins Joyce Drake Jenkins Brian T. Kimmins Jennifer Gladis Lofland Kristin L. Lohfeld Eric K. Manco Carroll L. Martin Elizabeth K. Matthews Lauren Shukie McHugh James R. Meade Jr. Tara Merola Theresa O’Shea Matthew A. Phelps Thomas E. Porch Timothy J. Rainsford Daniel F. Rinaldi Jennifer K. Rouse Maryann Lauro SanFilippo Deborah T. Smith Moira White Smith Edward C. Stambaugh III Jeffrey R. Stauder Kathleen Southworth Stauder James M. Stevenson Kristen M. Stevenson Bryan P. Tanis Steven P. Wernick Laura Fox White Class of 1996 Class of 1998 Spirit Gift Club Charles B. Bastian Danielle Peypoch Bastian Melissa D. Casey Hollie A. Edwards Paula M. Geppi Kevin M. Glacken Melanie Carlson Hecht Michael L. Hecht Lawrence W. Hooper III Debra L. Hydock Jennifer Krayer Lavin Patricia Schofield Little Sarah Weller McBride Melissa Ann McCormick Erik G. Miller Brendan Moag Robert J. Morgan Kristin T. Peperak Timothy T. Polinsky Susanne K. Porch Lisa Gallucci Rainsford Marylou Saporito Sheridan Ryan M. Sheridan Michael W. Soistman Daniel J. Stokes James R. Thomas Mary F. Thomas Joseph P. Verch Tara M. Verch Lori J. Veurink Charissa Armstrong Vickery L. Dale Webster Eleanor Conley Wenzke Peter Edward Wenzke President’s Pride Andrew P. Belcak Jack C. Miglioretti II Class of 1997 President’s Pride Vincent M. Chesney Spirit Gift Club Kristine Arata Stephen Vincent Arata Mary C. Boesch Mark Brennan Michael C. Brown Kathleen E. Caulfield Caroline Nussear-Coakley Jose L. Cornejo Brian T. Davis Joseph M. DiEmidio Emily G. Druckman Matthew J. Flynn Nicole N. Flynn J. Michael Gabriel Kelly A. Glacken Jennifer A. Griffis Brian T. Haygood Brynn Callahan Hooper Christina Scrivener Kilduff Jennifer Dowd Lynch Elizabeth A. Miller Heather A. Plank Michael A. Post Lori Hagood Rice Francesca DiClemente-Russo Kelly Klein Smith Michael F. Smith Philip J. Socorso Beverly A. Spicknall Josephine Coppola Stapleton Deanna M. Szeliga Scott H. Szeliga Robyn S. Wagner Dana M. Ward Mark Wimmer Spirit Gift Club Melissa A. Albert Robert J. Antonetti Jr. Mary Ashe-Mahr John G. Baldacchino Linda M. Baldacchino Alice E. Baumer Harry C. Benjamin Jr. Brian J. Bolger Bradley M. Boyd Dr. Josiah Paul Bunting Susan D. Carnevale Kristen A. Cassidy Dr. Melissa A. Chiasson Alison M. Cobo George M. Cobo Bridget Hanlon Cooper Michael A. Cuff Melissa A. DiVincenzo Michael P. Donato Lenore Marie Dustin Karen E. Egan Daniel James Feeser Neil E. Fisher Moira P. Gannon Jennifer Lynn Harris-Eyler Ryan I. Henigan Kathleen Hennessy Patrick M. McGinn Joanne V. Moses Kymberly A. Newmann Laura Kreiner Owenson Bridget E. Pelino Bryan J. Pelino Aaron M. Price Kimberly Fiduccia Raftery Amy K. Rhodes Kathleen J. Rupp Dana M. Sands Amie C. Stann Renee Sweet Heath P. Tarbert Ryan J. Walsh Erin M. Watkins James E. Watkins Anthony J. Weaver Jr. Christina M. Weaver Melissa A. Wernick Donna Millar Wheeler Steven R. Wheeler Bryan P. Wright Class of 1999 President’s Pride Michael L. Hartnett Spirit Gift Club Jeffrey C. Barnes Adrienne E. Boettinger Susan M. Bolger Pepper L. Bowins Tara Marie Bunchalk-Orefice Daniel J. Bykowski Jessica Carlino Bykowski Jeremy G. Chapman Harold E. Coulby Jr. Irene Cuyun Nicholas M. Falcone Angela P. Fatula Brian A. Ferguson James F. Fitzgerald III Dr. Stacy L. Gelhaus Anthony J. Hayden 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 51 52 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Catherine T. Hehir John S. Houston Jr. Kevin J. Kalis Michael A. Knott Marianne Martin Kreiner Dr. Cynthia I. Lauta Jeffrey W. Link Sarah M.G. McGinley Eric C. McPhee Brian D. Melody Joseph G. Miller Elizabeth Monzon Meghan Finch Morgenstern Amy J. Morris Colleen Casey Podolak Angela M. Price Jamie Lamar Price Christopher A. Sakers Thomas J. Seery Nicole L. Trumpler Jill Moretti Whalen Rhonda R. Will Class of 2000 President’s Pride Kathleen Williams Hawkins Michael Leigh Hawkins Spirit Gift Club Randy A. Anders Stephanie C. Anderson Andrew M. Barlow Brian E. Chou Jaime Entwistle Conti Nora Schmidt Dietz Jennifer L. Fuller Anne Margaret Kalis Beth K. Kelley Laura Jane LaLumiere Ryan Thomas LaLumiere Kristoffer J. McKay Julia Baum Melody Karin Prangley Julie A. Quirus Dr. Matthew P. Schlumbrecht Christine B. Scott Eric B. Seebach Evelyn K. Stephenson Class of 2001 Spirit Gift Club Corinne L. Blanford Michael J. Cook Joseph E. Creamer Nunzio N. D’Alessio Kevin J. Davis Amanda M. Ditsky Dacia Devonna Drummond Erin Foltyn Timothy J. Foltyn William Jason Grace Lorien Halligan Alison Zabrenski Humphreys Anthony J. Ilardi Kimberlee Ilardi Heather A. Macready Peter B. Mannix Angela M. McAllister Patrick W. McCuen Stephen B. Moore Genevieve M. Mulderig John P. Murphy Kerry A. Murphy Ashley Rusk Raiford Joel R. Redman Katie M. Repetti Katherine A. Sherman Dawn M. Smith Michael Fenwick Smith Anthony Solazzo Charity H. Thornton Monika A. Utrecht Erin E Woerner Maria Alejandra Young Class of 2002 President’s Pride Matthew P. Butkera Spirit Gift Club Julie K. Bianco R. Bradley Borchers Wendy C. Brinig Christopher N. Canizaro Lizette Chacon Thomas E. Dryer Christopher A. Femiano Sarah B. Frank James P. Franken Jr. Christine M. Goff Anthony A. Harley Jr. Kathleen J. Harmer Mary E. Keer Terese E. Ketchen Lydia Michelle Kowalski Joseph E. Lane Margaret T. Leubecker Steven T. Manley Danielle P. McKay Caroline H. Miller Lisa M. Minutoli J. Dennis Molloy USMC David R. Peterson Christine M. Pizzica Margaret C. Rahaim Eric D. Ricketts Robert W. Shoemaker Jr. Kelly Klinger Soffe Michael R. Spiering Christopher M. Staub Shannon M. Staub Melinda M. Taylor Katherine C. Vancavage Class of 2003 President’s Pride Kelly Moran Michael R. Ross Spirit Gift Club Chinenye J. Adimora Spencer A. Anderson Andrea N. Bogart Alison M. Boyd Ashante M. Bratcher Christine Kratz Butto John N. Butto Jenny L. Caputo Dominic J. Colardo Patrick J. Connors Meredith A. Cordisco Michael D. Cordisco Stephen M. Finley Stephanie D. Gnau Lauren Kokotajlo Grace Mary A. Graham Christina J. Gregory Catherine A. Guzauskas Frances J. Harrington Derrek G. Hiester Michael K. Hofstetter Kathryn M. Holahan John D. Hull Jr. Matthew D. Karn Amir A. Kazmi Jessica B. Lilly Daniel J. Linaugh Nichole F. LoPresti Liam L. McCusker Christopher F. McLoughlin Jason S. Mitchell Brandy A. Mosser Gregory C. Mullenholz II Sarah A. Murphy Joseph F. Paciella Melissa M. Phelan April Pierman Reanna M. Poncheri Mary Jane Reese Deirdre Reulbach Charlotte Horning Ryan Scott T. Ryan Monica Serianni Rebecca L. Shoemaker Erica L. Verderamo Matthew C. Zeigler Class of 2004 Spirit Gift Club Maureen E. Alvarado Erich J. Arnold Sarah Audibert Kelly E. Bowersock Brienne E. Bowling Hengameh S. Brown Kerribeth E. Buccellato Alexis M. Bulkley Kathryn L. Califano Caryn A. Ches Joshua A. Ches Eileen E. Cox Peter J. Cwik Amy E. DalPezzo Nikol L. Destatte Lauren M. DeVito Susan E. DeWitt Courtney A. Dickinson Ryane Dougherty Lindsey Dryer Donald W. Evans Katherine L. Evans Nathaniel L. Fissel Loren A. Grimes Kathryn G. Gueterman Ashlea M. Hagood Jeffrey K. Hagood Katherine J. Hanley Keli Hiester Martha D. Jones Maureen L. Joseph Hyonwu Stephen Kim Gina N. Lattanzi Francis J. Lipscomb Mary Pat Loeliger A. David Marinelli Rachel R. McCutcheon Andrew F. McKenna Colleen D. Moughan Frances A. Myers Michelle C. Pantuso Robert L. Posey Vanessa M. Quintero Jocelyn M. Redman Shannon K. Riley Lindsay P. Robbins Jacqueline A. Sabur Christina M. Sapraicone Paul J. Seymour Sr. Kathryn E. Shea Seth D. Snyder Thea E. Tharp Jeffry R. Thoelen Gina M. Tucker Martin L. Valerio Jr. Eileen E. Williams Megan E. Winter Aileen B. Xenakis Class of 2005 Spirit Gift Club Alex S. Adelsberger Elizabeth Baldacchino Joe Becht Mark A. Bilger Brian R. Carroll Erik R. Christensen Erin E. Connolly Rob Crowley Nicholai M. Dalidowitz Wade Danner Bernadette Laracy Davis Andrew Diffenderfer Jennifer Diffenderfer Denise A. Frock Ryan M. Hamill Ryan S. Holman Theresa Jewell Jared M. King Ronald P. Kleczek Lauren A. Lang Rachel E Lawruk Michael M. Le Kathleen A. Lindsey Crystal A. Loetz Melissa L. Lowder Meredith M. McGinn Matthew A. O’Neal Dale Phillips Jay S. Phillips William Quader Vernon M. Quilici Laura Saccente Chris Silhan Matt Topper Szymon Wisniewski Class of 2006 Spirit Gift Club Alba Alvarez Jen Auman Cara M. Bleecher Kevin M. Bligh Graig C. Brubaker Ryan Christopher Cleary Kathleen R. Coleman Rebecca M. Dausch Joseph A. Davis Sidney W. Diehl Jessica Gammie Meghan Geiger Laura A. Grandstaff Mathieu Greenwood James C. Hamilton Peter A. Ireland Chelly Johnson-Jones Joanna Kasda Kristina Kennedy Patricia Koontz Kevin J. Ludwig Brittany E. McCann Michael K. McReal Shanna E. Muschik Barbara M. Norman Kelly Pilger Sarah M. Pilisz Aaron R. Piper Pamela A. Rada Melissa Sapraicone Kristin M. Schaefer James L. Schumacher Kerri A. Sharr Matthew J Simantel Lacey N. Staudenmier Monica L. Thompson John A. Torres Laura E. Treado Molly E. Twine Michelle R. Waite Robin Walker Nicole M. Wells Daniel N. Whitehurst Dana M. Wiles Alexander R. Will Jennifer Michelle Wilson Edward P. Wright Class of 2007 Spirit Gift Club Julie C. Arnold Melodie A. Bales Meredith C. Black Mary Cohill Laura Davidson Cara F. Dolan Joe Entwistle Colleen Feeney Jillian L. Franklin Alexandra Ann Gadzichowski Ashley E. Hartman Stephanie Hession Timothy A. Hession Zachary G. Hollenbaugh Ashley Huffman Justin Janak Amanda Kern Nicole L. Lien Jen Long Laura Mancini Ashley L. Monsour Robert Moulden Chad Newmaster Donny Nokes Michelle Ann O’Donnell Kim Recher Virginia A. Ross Annliese R. Scott Emilee R. Senkevitch Stephanie A. Terry Lisa M. Tronolone Class of 2008 Spirit Gift Club Maria E. Balestrieri Nicole M. Barbour Jeanette Beigel Anna N. Binau Rich J. Bolte III Sara Brown Jonathan E. Bryan Jessica M. Collins Sean D. T. Collins Nicole E. Conrad Casey A. Crouch Shane Delaney-Lazar Stephanie Dickerson Bonnie E. Dowell Jillian E. Driscoll Emily R. Dwyer Roxanne East Laura E. Fenaroli Emily C. Fiorenza Eilene S. Fryer Alyssa J. Goodman Marie B. Graney Caroline E. Hart Brianna M. Hearn Kathleen Elizabeth Kennedy Cortney M. Kerns Lauren B. Keydash Danielle Leigh Korte Lauren E. Mackey Meghan Magrini Alina S. Marks Melissa McInerney Tinika L. McIntosh Crissy N. McKenzie Karen E. Moeller Shaun M. Moran Paul W. Noel Katie M. Nolan Edwin E. Pagan Jamie T. Penrose Melanie Pistolas Kevin V. Reilly Cory M. Riley Lauren E. Rock Matthew B. Ruppert Alex M. Schupp Nick E. Sigismondi Marquita C. Smith Kevin T. Taylor Robyn L. Vale Amanda Weber Ashley E. Wentzel Kayleen E. Wright Seminary alumni Donors 1943 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Peter J. Alisauskas 1945 President’s Pride Rev. Hugh Harold McGroarty Spirit Gift Club Estate of Rev. Louis S. Dougherty 1946 John DuBois Society Rev. Dr. David W. Shaum Rector’s Circle Rev. Joseph C. Rusin 1948 President’s Pride Rev. Patrick S. Cortese Col. Robert E. Mossey USAF (Ret.) 1949 President’s Pride Rev. William F. Lemoyne Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. R. Donald Kiernan PA, VG 1950 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Peter S. Lentine 1952 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Paul Twiddy 1953 1964 John DuBois Society Estate of Rev. William C. Eelman Founder’s Club Rev. Matthew M. Grant Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Ignatius Casimir Wadas Rev. Msgr. Thomas R. Walsh 1954 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Frank J. Hendrick 1955 President’s Pride Rev. Leo A. Shea Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. James Joseph Cooney Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Joynes 1965 President’s Pride Rev. Msgr. John A. Bergamo Spirit Gift Club Msgr. Joseph G. Aubin Rev. William B. Healey Spirit Gift Club Rev. John A. Acri Rev. William F. Collins Francis H. Kabisch John E. King Rev. Joseph J. Mattey Rev. Charles H. Muzzey Rev. Kenneth R. Parker 1957 1966 President’s Pride Rev. Msgr. William P. Ward President’s Pride Rev. Joseph C. Carolin Spirit Gift Club Rev. John Robert Butler Rev. Charles J. Swett Spirit Gift Club Joseph F. Capezzuto Rev. Msgr. Robert Cary Hill 1958 1967 President’s Pride Rev. William F. Ruehl Rev. Carl J. Steffen President’s Pride Rev. John P. Kinter Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Thomas Joseph Caroluzza Rev. William H. Hart 1968 Founder’s Club Rev. Msgr. Philip P. Saylor President’s Pride Rev. Patrick W. Kemp 1959 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Joseph F. Cipriano Rev. Msgr. Lawrence M. Deno Rev. Raymond L. Deviney Most Rev. William B. Friend Matthew L. Panczyk 1960 President’s Pride Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn D.D. Spirit Gift Club Rev. Richard L. Altenbaugh Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Castellano Estate of James M. Forker Rev. Msgr. Philip A. Gray Rev. Augustine John Moore, Ph.D. Spirit Gift Club Rev. Donald P. Worch President’s Pride Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder Spirit Gift Club Rev. James J. Durkin Very Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein Rev. Jerome L. Leake Rev. Michael S. Vona Spirit Gift Club Msgr. William P. Stober Rev. James J. Walsh 1981 1974 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Thomas D. McGuire Rev. Richard J. Vidrine Spirit Gift Club Rev. Louis J. Faust Rev. Francis J. Tamburro 1975 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Joseph S. Cebula Rev. James M. Jackson Rev. John S. Ledford Rev. Msgr. John S. Mraz Rev. Msgr. Michael Wilson 1976 Founder’s Club Rev. Daniel I. Kubala President’s Pride Rev. John D. Hoke Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, STD Spirit Gift Club Msgr. Raymond R. Crosier Paul F. Gerosky John J. Houston 1977 Spirit Gift Club Most Rev. William E. Lori S.T.D. Rev. Thomas R. Miller Rev. Vincent J. Rigdon Rev. Thomas P. Shoback 1978 President’s Pride Cdr. Michael S. Klepacki USN Spirit Gift Club Rev. Lawrence L. Manchas Very Rev. Edward J. Quinlan III Rev. Jeffrey F. Samaha Rev. Benedetto P. Vaghetto 1979 1969 Spirit Gift Club Frederick J. Dalton Rev. Ronald S. Falotico Rev. Ronald J. Moratelli 1970 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Luca 1971 President’s Pride Rev. James R. Orr Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Stanley B. Carson Rev. Robert James Miller Rev. Msgr. Godfrey T. Mosley Rev. Stanley J. Swacha Rev. Msgr. Richard L. Tofani Rev. Michael J. Weglicki President’s Pride Rev. Lawrence K. Frazier Joseph F. McCormick Jr., CLU, QPA 1980 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Louis J. Lamb PhD, DM Spirit Gift Club Rev. Joseph G. Bochenek Rev. Edward J. Lipinski Msgr. Thomas L. Phillips 1962 1972 President’s Pride Rev. Msgr. Robert A. Armstrong Spirit Gift Club Rev. Richard J. Gallagher Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Motta Rev. Robert A. O’Grady Rev. Walter J. Paulits Spirit Gift Club Rev. Msgr. Karl Anthony Chimiak Rev. Maurice Haskel Current Jr. Rev. Philip E. DeVolder Rev. C. Anthony Miller Rev. Msgr. John F. Myslinski Rev. H. Michael Peltzer Rev. J. Patrick Reynolds JCL Rev. Edwin J. Wichman 1961 Rector’s Circle Rev. Msgr. James T. Beattie Spirit Gift Club Rev. Edwin J. Coyne Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Kohut 1963 Spirit Gift Club Rev. J. Thomas Connery Rev. Robert S. Shinos Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes 1973 Founder’s Club Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler Rector’s Circle Rev. Msgr. James Paul Farmer Jr. President’s Pride Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Parry 1982 President’s Pride Rev. John J. Hurley Spirit Gift Club Rev. David L. Danneker Rev. Bryan D. Ernest Rev. Msgr. Thomas N. Gervasio Rev. Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Joseph M. O’Keefe Rev. Angelo J. Patti Rev. August A. Ricciardi Jr. 1983 Spirit Gift Club Rev. James J. Billinger Rev. Philip G. Burger Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley Rev. Donald W. Dusza Rev. Frank G. Erdeljac Rev. John J. Herbert Rev. Kevin J. Kavanagh Rev. Stephen L. Krile Rev. Patrick H. Lamb Rev. Paul D. Lee Rev. Anthony J. Legarski Michael L. Parrish Rev. George R. Winne 1984 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Terence R. Anderson Rev. Donald C. Greenhalgh Rev. John W. Markell Msgr. Joseph J. Nemec Rev. Kerry L. Prendiville Albert G. Rysavy 1985 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Richard W. Campo Rev. Richard J. Canty Rev. Francis C. Eksterowicz Rev. Thomas A. Federline Rev. G. Malcolm McDonald 1986 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Brian D. Bebak Rev. Rick D. Dagit Rev. John E. Hissrich Rev. Michael G. Krull Rev. Frank M. Kurimsky 1987 Spirit Gift Club Rev. John J. Barbella Rev. Kenneth A. Borowiak Rev. Francis M. Gallagher Rev. Paul T. Josten Rev. Philip L. Luther Rev. Joseph A. Vogel 1988 President’s Pride Rev. Richard Anthony Fowler President’s Pride Rev. G. Eugene Nickol 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 53 54 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Thomas Joseph Krupich Rev. Charles William Merkle III Rev. Daniel Francis Swift 1989 President’s Pride Rev. Leroy J. Fangmeyer Spirit Gift Club John Lawrence Andra Rev. Msgr. Charles Martin Mangan Rev. G. Scott Shaffer 1990 Spirit Gift Club Rev. James J. Alco Rev. Peter James R. Alindogan Rev. Scott Lee Archer Rev. Denis M. Donahue Rev. Msgr. Michael W. Fisher Rev. Gary J. Kosmowski Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky Rev. John W. Skirtich Rev. Mark A. Tasler Rev. Patrick G. York 1991 Founder’s Club Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland S.T.D. Rev. Michael Todd Kottar Rev. Hayden John Vaverek Rev. Daniel Leroy Wittrock 1995 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Pete Giannamore Stephen P. Libera Rev. Louis A. Mattina Rev. Lawrence P. Niese Rev. John A. Ziegler 1996 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Eric R. Arnout Rev. Timothy King Baer Rev. Paul A. Berghout Rev. Brian K. Brownsey Rev. Paul A. Burke Rev. Andrew Dudzinski Rev. Alphonso R. Fontana Rev. Loras K. Grell Rev. Thomas J. Hennessy Rev. Paul C. Houde Rev. Matthew H. Zuberbueler 1997 Rector’s Circle Rev. Leszek M. Sikorski Spirit Gift Club Rev. Brett A. Brannen Rev. Derek Georg Rev. Patrick C. Harrison JCL Spirit Gift Club Rev. Chris Gerard Haake Rev. Donavan J. Labbe Rev. Daniel P. Leary Rev. Kenneth A. Medve Rev. Robert F. Oravetz Rev. Mark R. Reilly 1992 1998 President’s Pride LCDR Daniel Lawrence Mode President’s Pride Rev. Kevin Thomas More Peek Spirit Gift Club Rev. Robert Leo Bailey Jr. Rev. John J. Dietrich Rev. James E. King Rev. Randall L. Langhorst Rev. William Curtis Mallet Rev. Clarence M. Trinkle III Rev. Thomas P. Vander Woude Spirit Gift Club Rev. Douglas Paul Binsfeld Rev. Clifton E. Bishop Jr. Rev. Akan Sylvester Simon Rev. Jonathan S. Toborowsky Rev. James F. Weldon 1993 President’s Pride Rev. David W. Beaubien Rev. Dennis William Kleinmann Spirit Gift Club Rev. Lance Wayne Harlow Rev. Mark Joseph Merdian Rev. Michael Glover Taylor Rev. Stephen Allen Willard 1994 Rector’s Circle Rev. Thomas Padraic Ferguson President’s Pride Rev. Timothy A. Gadziala Spirit Gift Club Rev. Shawn T. Daly Rev. Robert Thomas Finlan Jr. Rev. Richard M. Guest Rev. Kenneth Richard Kolibas 1999 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Brian G. Bashista Rev. Gary Coulter Rev. John F. Durkin Jr. Rev. Thomas B. Holloway Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Rev. Christopher Kubat Rev. Greg Markey Rev. Charles F. Seiwert Rev. Gregory M. Simien Rev. Darvin Edwin Winters Jr. Rev. Michael J. Woolley 2000 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Carl Edward Beekman II Rev. Michael Gerard Black Rev. John O. Chang Rev. Paul Martin Grankauskas Rev. Timothy Jude Grassi Rev. William Henry Gurnee III Rev. Stephen Holmes Rev. Michael Anthony Kelley Rev. Peter Anthony Pilon 2001 Rev. Peter Karl Zorjan President’s Pride Rev. Frederick Herman Edlefsen II 2008 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Jeffrey Allen Ballou Rev. Jason William Borkenhagen Rev. Timothy William Castor Rev. Robert Eric Hall IV Rev. Brian Patrick Nolan 2002 John DuBois Society David W. Nichols President’s Pride Rev. John Cyr Spirit Gift Club Rev. Edward R. Horkan Rev. Steven Phillip Loftus Rev. Thomas S. MacLean Rev. Stanley Marian Moczydlowski 2003 Spirit Gift Club Rev. John P. Caulfield Rev. Jeffrey Alan Gubbiotti Rev. David Allen Oldham Rev. James Walter Parker Rev. Kevin Michael Reilly Rev. Luke Anthony Spannagel Rev. Sean Michael Timmerman 2004 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Michael DeAscanis Rev. Peter Edward DiTomasso Jr., M.SS.CC Rev. Wesley William Schawe Rev. John Conway Siceloff 2005 President’s Pride Rev. Darin Didier Rev. Richard O’Donnell Spirit Gift Club Rev. Louis Bianco Donald N. Briggs Rev. Terry Dodge Rev. Kyle Ingels Father Robert Edward Lacey 2006 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Matthew J. Camaioni Rev. Lee T. Jirovsky Rev. John L. Lavorgna Br. Stephen Lowery C.O. Rev. Andy Phan Rev. Dennis R. Schuelkens Rev. Gregory P. Stowe Rev. Gregory S. Thompson Rev. James E. Zuccaro 2007 Spirit Gift Club Rev. Jesse Lawrence Bolger Rev. Daniel J. Duff Rev. Rafael RodriguezFuentes Rev. Dallas Theodore St. Peter Rev. Adam A. Streitenberger Spirit Gift Club Rev. Anthony Joseph Killian Current Students Spirit Gift Club Justin Anthony Huber Graduate Programs John DuBois Society James Edward Schaeffer Founder’s Club Michael S. Malewicki President’s Pride Philip G. McGlade Roseann M. McGlade Rebecca A. Ryan Spirit Gift Club Jae H. Ahn Timothy Almany Kim L. Bartman Nancy S. Bazar Laurie L. Bender Linda M. Bennett Michael T. Bishop Nancy L. Bodie, Ph.D. George B. Brown Angela R. Cameron Charles T. Cashour Susan Harris Collinge Stacey L. Collins Andrew V. Costa William P. Coyne Carole Smith Daly Karen E. Davis Michael E. Deal Maurice L. Deprey Valorie P. Dick C. Josh Ditsky Thomas A. Dixon Brian D. Ecker Laura M. Corbin Frazier William F. Fritts II Gregory A. Frye Nancy Gillece Edward L. Goldman Jr. Thomas M. Gravante Lucinda S. Grunberg Thomas E. Halligan Charles Hart Steven E. Haugen Daniel P. Heck Earl M. Henry Thomas R. Hoffman William Houder Thomas B. Jackson Carla J. Johnson Amy Boswell Jones Charles P Jones II Mary A. Jonke Sara K. LaRoche Ferris O. Lee Min Li Janet S. Link Daniel M. Long Melissa Main Philip E. Martin Margaret M. McGreevy Ralph W. Notto Susan T. Oyler Sean M. Paradis David Perkowski Deborah W. Powell Wendy D. Quinley Randy E. Rager (Dec.) Elizabeth Booth Reich Saloni B. Sarma Fred Schanken Frank Shaffer Mary Catherine Shields Domenick B. Sicilia Elizabeth E. Stewart Pamela S. Stodolsky Angela D. Stoops Judy Strike Christopher R. Unger Thomas Reese Whitesell Kenneth P. Whittemore Jr. William J. Wivell Steven B. Young Current Parents President’s Circle Dr. Jorge M. Ramirez and Dr. Salvacion DupayaRamirez President’s Pride Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barbeau David Cushwa Regina F. Cushwa Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gerick Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grugan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hagood Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lavin Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Mostowtt John Powers Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Wells Spirit Gift Club Mr. and Mrs. Billy Adams Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agnew Mr. and Dr. Julius Akintade Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Allen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Amato Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Andrulewicz Dr. and Mrs. Robert Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arata Mr. and Mrs. James E Arbuckle Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atupem Mr. and Mrs. John Baldini Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baranoski Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bartolino Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benedetti Calixta Benitez Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bentley Mr. and Mrs. James Berry Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bertoglio Mr. and Mrs. William Bieltz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boddicker Mr. and Mrs. John S. Borello Marcia Bowers Stacey A. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. John Brackett Mr. and Mrs. William Breichner “My mom and dad have always guided and supported me. My mother’s devotion to Mary, our blessed Mother, I’m sure played a part in steering me to Mount St. Mary’s. God Bless Mount St. Mary’s!” —Rick Kidwell, Sept. 8, 2008, upon receiving a Bicentennial Medal Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Breslin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Don Burger Mr. and Mrs. Rick Burk Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Caniglia Mr. and Mrs. Sean Canning Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Carchidi Dr. and Mrs. William H. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Casazza Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Catanese Mr. and Mrs. James Celestino Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chite Jan L. Compton-Ouska Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Corbett Prof. and Mrs. Robert Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Counselman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cox Lisa J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. James Curley Mr. and Mrs. John Curreri Mr. and Mrs. Richard Czajkowski Mary M. Daignault Mr. and Mrs. James Dandeneau Mr. and Mrs. William P. DeForest Dr. and Mrs. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky Mr. and Mrs. Jayesh Dharia June Diggs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Digney Loretta A. Dillon Dr. and Mrs. Vincent DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Dale Doane Mr. and Mrs. John Doller Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Dowling Sheila M. Duarte Margaret C. Dufour Alva Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Falatach Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fehrmann Mr. and Mrs. James Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fennington Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Flack Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fram Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frere Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fusco JoAnn Gaffrey Mr. and Mrs. John Gantt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garbarini Mr. and Mrs. Laramie Gates Mr. and Mrs. Carlito J. Geronimo Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilardi Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gladhill Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing John F. Hamm Mr. and Mrs. David Hand Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harbold Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hartman Mr. and Mrs. John Hattrup Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Javier Herrero Thomas M. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holland Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollenbeck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Holles Victoria Homan Christine Hopler Antoinette Huber Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hughes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huser Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hyre Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jacobson Gary Jacobus Mr. and Mrs. Selby Jones Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Joya Pamela Kane Mr. and Mrs. Christo C. Kapothanasis Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kasda Jr. Michael Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Siwatha Kem Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kenwell Mr. and Mrs. John Keough Paula Kidwell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirby Joyce Klemic Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Koerper Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Konstantas Mr. and Mrs. John Kopec Mr. and Mrs. John Krakowiak Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kralle Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Kreiner Mr. and Mrs. George Kuehn Mr. and Mrs. John Lanigan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Laracy Ann Leonard-Unger Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lesagonicz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lodato Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Logie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lougheed Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mabin Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. MacKenzie III Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Makowy Jacqueline Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Marinelli Jr. Helen McBride Patricia B. McBride Kim McClay Mr. and Mrs. James L. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. Dana McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey McDermott James McGaughran Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGhee Mr. and Mrs. John McNulty Mr. and Mrs. William Mentus Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meren Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Metz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Middaugh Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Scott Millirons Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell III Dr. and Mrs. John Mizzoni Mr. and Mrs. William C. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Rick Moreau Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mudgett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Muttitt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Myers Mr. and Mrs. James Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Pankiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Parantha Dr. and Mrs. Felipe Pascual Mr. and Mrs. John Pascual Mr. and Mrs. Jose Paulino Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pawliw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peeling Mr. and Mrs. Kim D. Peery Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Pena Virginia Peters Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pichler Mr. and Mrs. Craig Pike Dr. Timothy Pilla Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Preas Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Presti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pucciarella Mr. and Mrs. Gary Recher Mr. and Mrs. Donald Regester Mr. and Mrs. John Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rice Lynn Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Romanoski Nanette Root Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rosario Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowland Jane Runciman Mr. and Mrs. Noel Sacasa Algerte Saint-Preux Mr. and Mrs. Rashid Saleh Genara O. Saraza Clifton Saul Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sawicki Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Schiavone Lori Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Schuster Donald Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Schwer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwerin Louis Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sechrist Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shields Robert H. Shocklee Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Showers Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sipes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skerpon Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smeresky Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sorrentino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sowell Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Spindler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stapor Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stewart Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Stone Herbert Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Strait Mr. and Mrs. William Stumme Mr. and Mrs. Pichai Sukhya Mr. and Mrs. John Swann Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Tamayo Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Tavares Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tipping Mr. and Mrs. Michael Troutman Mr. and Mrs. Pietro Tundo Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Urgo Inna Vancurova Mr. and Mrs. William Varley Dr. F. Lawrence Vernamonti Mr. and Mrs. James Vozzella Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wagoner Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weathers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weber Lori Williams Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wolk Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wood Diane Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yazurlo Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. James Zuraitis 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 55 56 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Past Parents John DuBois Society Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bransfield Jr. Arthur F. Cody Mr. and Mrs. Stephan E. Fay Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell F. Holloway Jr. Carol F. Horning Woehrle Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Loy Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Weszka Founder’s Club Joseph A. Barrett Sr. Jerome W. Geckle Mr. and Mrs. James V. McAveney Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Muething Mr. and Mrs. William Tronolone President’s Circle Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Hamill Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCaffrey Dr. and Mrs. David Rehm Mr. and Mrs. John Yodzis President’s Pride Elizabeth Barry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeWitt C. Bauer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Len J. Didier Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Drabb Dr. William R. Greco Mary Louise McDowell Joyce McGreevy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Murphy John J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Ruhnke Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Sterbenz Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore R. Zocchi Spirit Gift Club Mr. and Mrs. John M. Acker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Adams Halima Adasi Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Agnone Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allen Mr. and Mrs. John L. Almskog Philip S. Anderson Mrs. Mary Catherine Antonetti Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Arata Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Arocho Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ascosi Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Audy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Aumiller Mr. and Mrs. George Babula Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Balestrieri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballou Elizabeth Bantum Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Barazia Donna M. Batcheller Mr. and Mrs. George R. Battersby III Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Behnken Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Beigel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender Herbert F. Bennerfield Jr. Lorie L. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. William Bertoni Ellen M. Bevenour Regina I. Birchler Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Bittner Mr. and Mrs. James Bittner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Bleecher Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Boesch Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Boffen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Bonham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bosak Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Bosley Nora J. Bosse Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Brashears Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Brown Hazel V. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bruggeman Mr. and Mrs. James Brummitt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bruning Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bumpers Mary Anna Burgee Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Burns Jr. Eileen Busch Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Buzaid Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bykowski Margaret M. Cahill Dr. and Dr. James Calderone Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. James H. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Linus J. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Campbell Frances A. Canavan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery W. Canizaro Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Cantuaria Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cantwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Carbo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carnevale Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Carter Mary Regina Cashen Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Catterton Mary A. Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cavaiola Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celhar Dr. and Mrs. John B. Checton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Chenault Mr. and Mrs. F. Edward Chou Mr. and Mrs. David W. Chrismer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Christian Paul Chu Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro Cibelli Frances R. Cinoa Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Cline Mr. and Mrs. William F. Clisham Jr. John Cluen Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Y. Co Catherine L. Codner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Cary A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Colonna Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Combs Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Connors Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Councilman James J. Cowley Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cowperthwaite Helen F. Coyne Col. and Mrs. Thomas M. Crean Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Cregger Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Crone V. A. Cronin Barbara O. Crouch Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Crowl Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cugle Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Cyr Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Dalidowitz Alfred N. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Danowski Dr. and Mrs. Earle S. Dashiell Joan W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davis Mr. and Mrs. James G. Deegan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeFoney Alfred P. Degen Mr. and Mrs. William A. Demby Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Destatte Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Devine Thomas Devine Michelle DeVito Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Di Vincenzo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dickenson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. William P. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Diffenderfer Harold C. Dill Mr. and Mrs. James A. DiLuigi Mr. and Mrs. Francois M. Dionot Janet Dodge M. Charlene Dorrian Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dorsch Carolyn Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dowling DeAnna J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. John S. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Draminski Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Drawert Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Drega Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Duff III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Duggan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dutcher Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dwyer III Dr. and Mrs. William R. Dzyak Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eckberg Pamela I. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Effinger Beverly A. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ely Mr. and Mrs. James O. Emerson Joseph M. Falcone Marian Z. Falkenstine Mr. and Mrs. James E. Farkas Mary R. Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fee Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Feldmann Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Femiano Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fenaroli Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Ferdock Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Ferrari Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fiduccia Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Figlozzi Nina M. Fincham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Finnell III Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ricky L. Fissel Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fittin III Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Fleischer Dr. and Mrs. A. Patrick Flynn Mr. and Mrs. William D. Foote Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ford Jerome Frank Mr. and Mrs. James P. Franken Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Fritz Susan M. Fritze Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Fuhrman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Fuller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Furey Mr. and Mrs. William L. Galante Mr. and Mrs. John Galvin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Galvin Patricia M. Gannon-Egan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Geary III Sandra L. Gelwicks Col. and Mrs. Robert J. Gerard Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Germuth Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Getzandanner Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gillen Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gilmartin Michael J. Goff Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Goldscher Dr. Sue H. Goliber The Honorable Walter T. Gorman Randall L. Grams Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Graney Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Graziano Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Green Edward A. Greene Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Gregory Deacon and Mrs. Michael A. Grella Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Guaragna Barbara Guarino Richard F. Gupman Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Haenn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Haga Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hammond Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin V. Harrington Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hart Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hart Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hayes Mr. and Mrs. David Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heiderscheidt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Heimerl Mr. and Mrs. George R. Helfrick Arline M. Herb Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Hernandez Jr. Elena G. Herring Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Herring Virginia M. Herwig Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Hetkowski Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Hilgartner Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoey Paula Holland Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Houseal Mr. and Mrs. William L. Houser Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Housley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hubbard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Irelan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Vishnu Jagdeo Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Janney Patricia Jefferies Louis P. Jenkins Sr. Freda Jeremiah Frances Jocelyn Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Johnson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson Mr. and Mrs. James John Jung Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Karger Prof. and Mrs. Robert B. Karsteter Mr. and Mrs. James M. Keegan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kegel Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Keiter Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Keith Dana Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kerwin Alan S. Ketterman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kezer Susan A. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Kiesner Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Kimball Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kittinger Evelyn Y. Klose William J. Klucsarits Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Klug Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Knott Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Korte Mr. and Mrs. William Krayer Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Krivda Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kufera Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lagrotteria Christopher Langella Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Lanigan Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Launi Anne P. Lauro Thomas Lavin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fabian J. Lawrence Deacon and Mrs. Joseph F. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lawson Jr. Alfred Lazar Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lazear Mr. and Mrs. David W. Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Lebo Barbara S. Leddy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Leubecker Barbara A. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Lewis Cynthia P. Liebling Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Linaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Linson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Loehle Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Loeliger Janice Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Lomonico Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Lopez Catherine Lopresti Mr. and Mrs. William R. Louden Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lunnen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lusby Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Wade T. Mackey Patricia J. Macready Kathleen A. Magee Andrew A. Maggio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V Thomas Magrini Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Maguire Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Major Dr. and Mrs. Courtney Malcarney Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mangan Rose Marie Manis Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mann Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Marciniak Monique Y. Marlow Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marney Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Marshall Carol Martin Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Randy F. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Maruskin Patricia K. Matsko The Honorable and Mrs. James S. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. John C. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. James F. McBride Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCants Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard E. McCarron Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McCartin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McCauley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. William L. McDonough Mary T. McEntee Kathleen M. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Terence J. McGinley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. McGoldrick Elaine M. McGovern Mary C. McGowan Patrick E. McHale Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McInerney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McKelvey The Honorable and Mrs. J. James McKenna Drew McLane Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. McLaney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMahon John J. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. John J. McSherry Maura Melody Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Menke Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mercado Dr. and Mrs. William G. Meredith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mergler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Michaelsen Mary Louise Millar Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Millea Cynthia J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller Jr. Mary J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Minichino Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Minnitte Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Mitchell Jr. Robin T. Mocca Mr. and Mrs. Werner W. Moeller Norma J. Molinaro Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Molz Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Monaghan Sr. Theresa M. Moon Kellie E. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Morris Dr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Morris Col. and Mrs. Joseph E. Muckerman II Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mullock Lisa K. Munyan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy Sue E. Murray Edith Muth Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Myers Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Natolly Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Nell III Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Neville Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Newmaster Dr. and Mrs. Pete N. Nickolas Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Nolan Margaret Mary Nolan Thomas A. Nolan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Oakley Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Donnell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Driscoll Dr. and Mrs. John L. Okay Mr. and Mrs. Kola Omotade Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. O’Neil Nickola Jean Oram Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Oravetz Regina R. Orban Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. Mark Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Pard Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Parker III Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parker Mr. and Mrs. John L. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Odirolf V. Pe Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Pearce Jr. Nancy A. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pease Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Peyton Diana M. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Pignataro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pinto III Mr. and Mrs. David M. Pirone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Pistolas Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse A. Pizzica Mr. and Mrs. Gennady E. Platoff Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Plott Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Plott Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Polinsky 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 57 58 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pope Dr. and Mrs. John R. Popenfus Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Prevas Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Price Mr. and Mrs. James P. Prunty Dr. Gerald V. Quinnan Jr. Elizabeth L. Rada Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rader Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rafano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Rahaim Nancy L. Railey Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Record Francine Loreto Redman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rees Dr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly Theresa Reuter Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rice Anne Marie Richards Mr. and Mrs. William O. Richelderfer Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Rinaldi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Robison Amelia Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Robert Romiti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Ronsani Janet H. Rossbach Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rowland Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rumsey Joan Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Warren Saccente Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Sakowski Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Sanders Susan J. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sausser Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sawick Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Scallion Patricia Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schleupner N. Wilson Schley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider Mary Anne Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Schultze Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Schupp Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Schwartz Frances V. Sedney Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Shabe Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Shapella Dorothy C. Sharrocks Mr. and Mrs. James J. Shea Mr. and Mrs. James A. Shealey Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Shelly John B. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sherman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Short Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Silhan Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Siscone Mr. and Mrs. Allan Skewers Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel A. Skrabek Mr. and Mrs. John A. Slavcoff Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Slowik Mr. and Mrs. George Smerz Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Smiley Dr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David E. Smith Janice K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sobus Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Solomon Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sotaski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Spacek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sperber Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Spiering Mary A. Staub John W. Stauder Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Steelman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinborn Mr. and Mrs. G. David Steinbraker Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam E. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stiles Sr. Ann M. Stipe Mr. and Mrs. John P. Straits Kathleen Strauss Susan O. Strawcutter Mr. and Mrs. James Streitenberger Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Studley Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stultz Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stunkle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sweeney John F. Swift Kathleen Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Szerlik Dr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tanoff Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Telak Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tetkowski Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tillis Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Togno Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Tomasello Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Toner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Topper Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Torres Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Treado Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Trumpler Mr. and Mrs. William Tuczynski Henrietta M. Turner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tuskan Jr. Dr. J. Kristen Urban Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vilary Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Voll Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wade Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wagner Robert M. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone L. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Walp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Weaver Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Weber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Weeks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Weigand Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Wells Constance Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weston Elizabeth R. Wetzel Donna S. White Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. James M. Widdoss Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wiegartner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Willis Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wishchuk Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Wist Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Wist Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. William L. Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods Mr. and Mrs. David M. Woody Larry A. Worden Paulette A. Wright Mr. and Mrs. John I. Wysong Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Xenakis Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Yanik Frank William Yanos Jr. Joni L. Youse Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Zabel Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Zaepfel Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Zappola Josephine K. Zillian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zorjan Grotto Donors John DuBois Society Florence C. Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Flessner Dr. and Mrs. Marc K. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Palencar Founder’s Club Mr. and Mrs. John Cillo Estate of Margaret L. McCaffrey Rosalie Komes Father John J. Lombardi Michael S. Malewicki Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Stiehm Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland S.T.D. Capt. Greg Tomlin Mr. and Mrs. William Tronolone President’s Circle Community Foundation of National Capital Region Mr. and Mrs. Harald Engelstätter Kirby Lee Maybush John J. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Quinn Dorothy M. Trexler Mulai T. Yohannes President’s Pride B. T. Jewelers Irvin O. Bauer III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeWitt C. Bauer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bauer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Blais Sr. Sally Smith Booth Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Condon Dr. Frank Damazo Mr. and Mrs. Donald Date Sean P. Deasy Mr. and Mrs. Len J. Didier Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fazio Dennis R. Feaga Ethel D. Fedele Dr. Pablo A. Figueredo Flight Product Center, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gast Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gerarde Myrl D. Glunt Ann Malinowski Hall Lawrence S. Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hargadon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane Helen Kim Christine LaFleur Mr. and Mrs. Ung Van Le Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Legare Mr. and Mrs. William Lohnes Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lombardi Darlene Markevich Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. McDonough Michael McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. John V. Mianulli Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mohler Michael A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Morsey Lydia Nelson Thanh B. Nguyen Rev. G. Eugene Nickol Patrick L. Nield Rev. James R. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pricenor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Radjou William S. Roohan Thomas C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Sattler St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Robert Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thrasher Mr. and Mrs. Tony Van Pham Duc X. Vu John Herald Walter Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Watts J. Amy Yun Pamela Zusi Spirit Gift Club Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Ababiya Jesusa S. Abonales Jessy Abraham Barbara B. Abrahams Johana F. Rios Abrego Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Adams Halima Adasi Emmanuel S. Adueni Sylvia Adu-Gyamfi Alpha C. Agdeppa Mercedes E. Agudo Irma L. Aguel Patricia J. Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Felizardo Agustin Vera Naana Agyeiwaa Hyo S. Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Ramoncito T. Albotra Erlinda D. Aldea Nerrissa Ali-Aziz Zelina B. Ali-Aziz Tjandrawati Alisantosa Ginny Kearney Allen Mary Judith Allen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Almazan Mr. and Mrs. Jaime F. Almendrala Mr. and Mrs. Martino Almogela Steve Alonge Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Alvarez Josenil Judy Diaz Amador Noreen Amador Adeline A. Amaizo American Osteopathic Association Ehuia Desiree Amon Helen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis Dale Anderson Spencer A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Pepito B. Andres Andy Thanh Le and Trang Tt Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Angeline Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Anselmi Matthew J. Anselmi Dr. and Mrs. Fausto Q. Aquino Jr. Justina Aragon Bertha Luz Arango Mr. and Mrs. Juan P. Arches Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Archibeque Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Armstrong Flora T. Aronson Ruby Arthur Hosanna Asfaha Gennet Assefa Sara Assefaw Hector Asuncion Beatriz V. Athill Ekoe Eyaglokpo Attivi Kim Au Sarah Audibert Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Auricchio Miguel A. Azarcon Aleth Lilia Azcueta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Babula Olga Baeza Yodit Bahgi Augustina D Baires Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel S. Baliscao Corazon L. Ballesteros Elena E. Balmoris Lopamudra Banerjee Mr. and Mrs. Ian E. Baptiste Alphonse R. Barboza Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Barr Diana M. Barreneche Lidia Barreno Tracy McDaniel Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Bartolome Mr. and Mrs. William V. Barvick Concepcion L. Basco Arlene Bassig Gloria Y. Basualdo Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso P. Baterna Edita Baua Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Bauguess Rose W. Baxter Jenelyn Bayog-Corporal Rita L. Beard Raymond William Beaumont Sr. Julie M. Beck Mr. and Mrs. William S. Becker Misrak Belachew Diane Y. Beliveau Emerita P. Belostrino Mr. and Mrs. Jesus N. Belza Mary Madeline Bender Rochelle Betsch Laura Anderson Beuerlein Bella S. Beyene Rayssa Bezos Woubishet Bizuayheu Julie D. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Fidel R. Blanca Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Bock Kathleen Fowler Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Bolger Shahin Bolouri Mr. and Mrs. B. Donald Boltz Ronald M. Bonesteel Talia Bookman Cheryl Bostwick Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyle Ilse-Marie Bramson Suzanne Bray Michelle Breau Teodora C. Britton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brockman Mr. and Mrs. Stan Broiles Elise M. Brun Abbey Amate Bruno Theresa S. Brzenski Jeannette Buckley Edward L. Budzynski Mr. and Mrs. Thu Huu Bui Thu-Thi-Minh Bui Glenda C. Bunag Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bunty Betty A. Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bussink Patricia Butler Mary Bridgit Byrne Young Ja Byun Mr. and Mrs. Noel S. Cabacungan Maria E. Cabug Mr. and Mrs. John J. Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Calevas Emelina R. Camp Campanella & Associates Barbara J Campbell Judith G. Campbell Judy Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Campos Mr. and Mrs. Danilo M. Carandang Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Carbonell Belinda A. Cardenas Maryann R. Cardinale Carmela Carr Mr. and Mrs. M. Carr Lisa Carriedo Mr. and Mrs. Jerome N. Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carroll Rosemary K. Carroll Mary Lou Carta Mr. and Mrs. Clifton F. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Caruthers Janice Carvelli Keane T. Catain Catholic Diocese of Arlington Catholic Leadership Experience S. Jane Catron Susan Caulfield Robert L. Cavanaugh Elenita Cecilio Mr. and Mrs. Querido S Cerezo Norma T. Chacon Laura E. Chadwick Leteberhan Chekol Rui Chen Mr. and Mrs. Emeterio M. Chua Church of the Crucifixion H. Lawrence Clark Jr. Pamela E. Clark Susan B Clark Deacon and Mrs. Kevin E. Cleary Salve Torres Cobarrubias Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Cocco Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Colella Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman Susan M. Collins Cheryl A. Concannon Mariarina R. Concepcion Mr. and Mrs. Renante B. Concepcion Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Condon Janet S. Conley Nadine G. Conley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conner The Honorable John A. Connor II Lewis A. Cool Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gerard Cool Marie Q. Cooper Carmencita J. Cordova Darlene Corera Corpus Christi Retreat Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Costa II Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Coulter Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Cousins Santino Cracchiolo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L Crosby Rob Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Osmundo Calapan Crucillo Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Crum Crusaders of Saint Mary Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo R. Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Perfecto T. Custodio Margaret M. D’Agostaro Mr. and Mrs. Romuald S. Dallo Dr. Anthony A. D’Almeida Mireille Dalmeida Elizabeth M. Daniels Kevin H. Darr Mr. and Mrs. John Darrell Imelda Dasig Mr. and Mrs. George Davis Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis Jr. Monica R. Davis Patricia F. Davis Patricia Scott Davis Daniel J. Day P. J. Dayberry Mr. and Mrs. Josalem L. De Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Serafin De La Cruz Jr. Regina L. De La Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Debes Sr. Col. and Mrs. Edward V DeBoeser Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deegan Nenette M. Delarosa Rosa Delgado Filora Delikahya Mr. and Mrs. Jaime D. Delprado Mr. and Mrs. John E. Delso Mr. and Mrs. John Demanczyk Jr. Lishan Demekristos Adrian S. Demuro Anna Maria Derry Lutane Desir Berekete S. Desta Mr. and Mrs. Chris R. Dhas Mr. and Mrs. Ardent Diaz Joseph A. Diblasi Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Dickie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dieker Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dignan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. George T. Divver Naomi D. Dix Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Dixon Oanh Kim Do Henry M. Doan Ronald P. Doub Betty J. Drankiewicz Giuseppina Dubbio-Felaco Stephen F. Dudzik Lili F. Dunn Guy E. Dupuy Kathi Durborow Mr. and Mrs. X. Ecker Francis A. Edezhath Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Egesi Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Elder Mr. and Mrs. Miguel L. Enderes Michael S. Epstein Therese Errigo Carin Escatell Glenda Z. Espinas Mr. and Mrs. Apolinar M. Espinosa Francois Symphorien Essomba Rochelle G. Evangelista Charles O’Donovan Evans John J. Fabo Thomas G. Fader Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fairchild Marian Z. Falkenstine Nancy Faller Hanna A. Fanta Gina C. Farrales Dolores R. Fash Anne F. Favo Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Feinberg Perfecta A. Felipe Carol H. Fennelly Sally Ann Ferenschak Olivia Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Robinson G. Ferrer Ayenalem Fesseha Mary Lucille Fieldman Tricia Fields Wilfredo E. Figueras Mary Ann A. Fila Kevin Fiorentino Denise E. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Conrado F. Flores Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Forrence Rafael Fortin Renee Ellen Fox Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Franzoni Patricia Fredericks Mary Fredrickson Frances French Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frentz Karen Friedman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fritz K. Lavin Frye Mary M. Fullam Joan B. Fye Teresa V. Gallo Richel Cabanlong Gamir Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gannon Mr. and Mrs. George M. Garber Jr. Maria Julia Garcia Myrna C. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Nerio S. Garcia Patricia M. Gardner Dr. Magdalena D. Garvez Filipina Gaydos Kathleen T. Gearity Addis Belihu Gebremariam Mr. and Mrs. Enrico S. Gedse Barbara Geesey Miguelita E. Gemparo Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold J. Gerharz Jr. Margaret Ghadar Mhret T. Ghebrezgher Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 59 60 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Giampietro Carol J. Gibney Dorothy E. Gibney Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gill Phyllis A. Gillespie Neghist W. Girma Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Givens Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gjerulff Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Glancey Nely Go Mr. and Mrs. Doug Godard Rosemary Goddard Maria S. Godinho Jana Godwin Christine M. Goff Eldon Golden Jr. Emmett R. Goldsborough Mr. and Mrs. James C. Goldthorpe Joseph Gomba Barbara Gonsalves Maximiliano R. Gonzalez Antoinette H. Gorecki Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gorman II Mr. and Mrs. David Grady M. Catherine Graupner Susan Hughes Gray Greensburg Diocesan Council, NCCW Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Griffith Xuan-Lan Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gromek Mr. and Mrs. John Gross Sara C. Guerra Carla S. Guerreiro Rhodora G. Guevarra Dr. and Mrs. Jose Antonio Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Marco Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Sean S. Ha Jack W. Haase Lili T. Haile Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Hammond Young Han Renee S. Hancher Linda A. Handy, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leslie Harne Mr. and Mrs. Juan J Haro Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Harrigan Belinda Harris Carl H. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Hastings Catherine V. Hauf Mr. and Mrs. Charles John Haug Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hazzard Healthy You Nutrition Services, LLC Ira Hendarmin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry Marianne Hervieux Feliciana Y. Higgins William D. Hiteshew III Emily Hmung Xuan Hoang Dr. Joshua Hochschild Elizabeth M. Hoehl S. Olivia Hoffman George H. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Gerard T. Hollingshead Holy Family Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Holz Linda Fitz Hoover Ama S. Houndoh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hovey Carole L. Howard Beatrice A. Hradsky William James Huberty Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hull John D. Hull Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Hull Hanna G. Hundessa Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hungerford Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Huntington Linda Ingalls Mr. and Mrs. Julius S. Israel Mr. and Mrs. Edsel A. Itaas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Jackson Carole A. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jacobson Paula S. James Varteni Jarian Andrea Lertora Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo T. Jocson Susan M. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Julich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jungbluth Raymond F. Kaczmarek Sr. Shirley A. Kalich Mr. and Mrs. Ford Kalil Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kapitan Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Kavanakudy K&B Underwriters, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William I Kelleher Lavon June Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly Msgr. Michael E. Kelly Maureen A. Kennedy Patrick T. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes Helen Khanbabian Ghada B. Khazen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kidwell Jr. Frehiwot Kiflemariam Meharite B. Kiflu Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kim Mr. and Mrs. Insung Kim Corey J. Kinna Rita Kireta Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Kisslak Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Kistler Mr. and Mrs. Ted Knach Jr. Katie Knapp Geertina M. Koelbl Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kolakoski Mr. and Mrs. Bedros S. Kolandjian Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Koogle Mr. and Mrs. Russ Kott Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kouchis Marilyn A. Kramer Jane C. Krastel Mr. and Mrs. Cullen D. Kreisel Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kufera Sr. Rebecca J. Kuhn Michael J. Kulczak Mr. and Mrs. Regis S. Kushnak David Kushner Michael J. Kushner James Owusu Kwarteng Mr. and Mrs. Victor O. Lai Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Laidley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lakis Thuan N. Lam K. A. Lampi Judy E. Laniak John D. Larrivee, Ph.D. Veronnia J. Lauderdale Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor Le Truong Q. Le Tuyen T. Le Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mark Leale M. Crisalva Lee Maureen A. Lehane Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Leo Leonard Landscaping Marie E. Levesque Viviane Lidji Donald Lieberknecht Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Lienesch Shirly P. Lim Debra Linton Mr. and Mrs. Arnel B. Lis Marianne C. Lis Santos Lizama Millie Lobianco Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Long Genedina F. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Lowry Minh-Nguyet B. Lu Mr. and Mrs. Gil M. Luansing Kelly T. Luc Rosalba A. Vasquez Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Thanh L. Luong Charles H. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Maceyras Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Macmaster Ramon Madan Nancy Madeoy Alicia U. Magday Margaret A. Magin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maher Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Mains Deirdre Daisley Makinen Linda G. Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mallavarapu Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Manaker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mancuso Alicia Jusay Mandocdoc Ophelia Marinda Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Marr Stephen F. Marsalek Cheryl Vanderzee Marsh Florence Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Martinez Lyle E. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Allen A Martirossian Myrna B. Masakayan Sandra A. Mash Thelma T. Mataverde Elsielyn S. Mateos Larry Mazur MBM Realty, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McAllister Patrice McAuliffe Maria L. McBryde Deirdre K. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCants Jr. Ollie M. McCarroll Katherine M. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McCauley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McCormick Mr. Robert J. McCutcheon III Rosemary A. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGahagan Paul McGinley G. Paul McGinn Mary C. McGowan Theresa L. McKeever Elizabeth A. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKinnon Judith M. McLean Frances Anne McManis Mr. and Mrs. James P. McRorie Mr. and Mrs. Orlando M. Medina Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Meise Tewolde M. Mekonnen Susan P. Melencio Edna R. Torres Melendez Mr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Mendenilla Consuelo Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Miguel A. Mendoza Jr. Jessica Mendribe Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Mercado Jr. Julius F. Merida Rev. Charles William Merkle III Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Metzger Kenneth J. Midura Kathryn A. Mihalek Christine A Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Miller Robert J. Miller S. Renee Miller Thomas D. Miller Magdalena Mondejar Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo M. Mones Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesus L. Morales Portia Beverly Morris William J. Morris Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mowery Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Muhl Wossene Metaferi Mulugeta Mr. and Mrs. Justin Murphy Jillian Myaing Margaret S. Nah Rosemary Naimo Renee Nalbandian Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nangle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Felix P. Nathan Raquel Natividad Benilda N. Nepomuceno Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nestrick Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Newlon Catherine L. Ngo Linda L. Nguyen Tran Anh D. Nguyen Anh Phuc Nguyen Anna St. Thuy Vi Nguyen Dai Van Nguyen Demile Nguyen Duc B. Nguyen Hongtien T. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Huan V Nguyen Hue Thi Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. John Ahn Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Khai N. Nguyen Khuong T. Nguyen Kim - Chau T. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Luong M. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Ly M. Nguyen Nam Nguyen Nga B. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Thau Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Tho-Thi Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Thuan Peter Nguyen Truclan Xuan Nguyen Xuan Thi Nguyen Kathryn Nicolato Dr. Robert F. Niedererr Anahid Ana Nishanian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Nodar Anthony M. Novak Emma P. Nowak Marie Bechem Oben Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Connor Cathy Odom Ben C. Ogwezi Old Line Tours, LLC Norka Olive Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Ondrish Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Opinion Luis S. Ortega Our Lady of the Fields Cathy Page Mr. and Mrs. John Palkovic Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Palumbo Pauline K. Paparounis Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh G. Parambil Rosemary Pascarella Belen Pascual Sandeep S. Patel Caroline A. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pecaitis Cherry Peji Marivic F. Pequit Bonnie L. Petersen Anh-Thao T. Pham Mr. and Mrs. Dac D. Pham Dai Van Pham Kien Minh Pham Tao H. Pham Lorraine B. Piasecki Mr. and Mrs. Laurent PierrePhilippe Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto C. Pineda Dr. and Dr. Cristopher B. Posadas Mr. and Mrs. Vito T. Potenza Mr. and Mrs. George Potoczniak Deborah W. Powell Mr. and Mrs. H. John Powers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. Powers Andrew Prazuch James Prevett Olga Prisekin Radeliza Prudente Mike Puccio Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pucino Jr. Peter F. Puntigam Edward J. Quinn Jr. Koritzia Quinones Ester Quirante Marianna Ragosta Timothy J. Rainsford Edward Ramirez Maria V. Ramos Zenaida Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Reading Mr. and Mrs. Rod Rebano Mary L. Rebscher Diane T. Reilly Dana Reinhardt Maria Michelle Rena Ruth Ann Repici Mr. and Mrs. Genaro Rodel A. Revilleza Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Y. Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Renato Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Romeo S. Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Villamor S. Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Reynolds Angelica M. Reza Mr. and Mrs. Jorge V. Ribas Mr. and Mrs. J. Carver Ricketson Patricia Rider Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Jose T. Rigor Joan M. Rinderle Odette Riparip Lee Allen Ripple Mr. and Mrs. Augusto C. Rivera Raquel A. Rivera Father Michael J. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Roaquin Leonila G. Robinos Theresa K. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Rocco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rock Mr. and Mrs. Edilberto P. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Juan R. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rodriguez Silvia S. Rodriguez Lilian M. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Eufronio Roman Peter A. Romeika Ana R. Romero Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rose Irene J. Roskey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roskowinski Zenaida Ross Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi Barbara Rote Marilyn Rozansky Stephanie Rubeling Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rucker Beverly Ruggles Inge Ruiseco Barbara A. Ruland Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Rule Mr. and Mrs. Jose J. Rullan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan Rita V. Saavedra Anita M. Sabin Sacred Heart Church Sodality Julianna M. Sadowski Lynn M. Salazar ShirlyAnn K. Salomon Nelida G. San Gabriel Victor S. San Gabriel Maria Julienne P. San Juan Magdalena C. San Nicolas Patrick Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Efren Sangalang Belle Santos Mr. and Mrs. Carlito Limcaco Santos Mr. and Mrs. Joel Santos Rina Santos Mr. and Mrs. Rolando G. Santos Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Y. Santos Mr. and Mrs. Romulo H. Sanz Kelly Anne Foley Sapio Angela P. Satorre Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Scholl Robert J. Schreiber Lt.Col. and Mrs. John Schubring Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Schullo Socorro Seballos Mr. and Mrs. Arsenio M. Sebastian Jr. Melinda M. Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Seidel Sarah C. Sellers Ravi Seunarine Seven Sorrows B V M. Parish Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Shaffer Irene Sharif John S. Shipley Christine A. Short Susan A. Shue Judith L. Sieg Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Sieglitz Aurea A. Silang Rita C. Silveira Lois K. Simering Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Simonson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sliter Lt.Col. and Mrs. Brian E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Smith Elaine E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Snider Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Snyder Erlinda R. Solis Harold E Solis Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Solomon Marie F. Songong Dongmo Yabo J. Soong Yolanda I. Sotello Linda Soulcheck Patti Spaar Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Spencer SSS Nutrition and Dietetic Care Services St. Bartholomew Catholic Church St. Columba Catholic Church School St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Westminster Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. St. Johns Catholic Church St. Michael the Archangel School St. Ursula’s Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. Darcy A. Stacom Kathleen M. Stallard Susan M. Stallard Nicole L. Stambaugh Peg Stammen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Stanislav Maureen J. Stansell Mary A. Stasiak Kathleen Stayman Sharon A. Steffe Lawrence E. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Streib Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Suarez Joseph A. Sudassy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Sullivan Michael J. Sullivan Nathan T. Suri Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Swiatek Katy J. Szafranski Dr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Szymanski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ta Taaza LLC Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Tabada J. B. Tadena William L. Tammaro Mr. and Mrs. Rolando J. Tamoria Mr. and Mrs. Domingo K. Tan Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo G. Tarectecan Jr. Danielle Barton Taylor Patricia R. Taylor Tina Tekirian Neguest Teshome Almaz Tewoldeberhan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew James Thoma Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Rony Thomas Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson Teresa Thu Thuy-Pham Sarah Timite Misrak A. Tirfie Luzviminda L. Tolentino Dragan Tomic Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Toplisek Mr. and Mrs. James Torborg Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Torres John A. Torres Salome L. Torrijos Philchrist R. Tossou Town Center Chiropractic, LLC Dzung Anh Tran Mr. and Mrs. Hoa T. Tran Mr. and Mrs. Hoang Mong Tran My D. Tran Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Trinidad Mr. and Mrs. Pietro Tundo John R. Uicker Aleta A. Unverzagt Alma A. Urquilla Maria Pamela Uy Erline L. Valdellon-Mendoza Jeanette L. Van Skike Mr. and Mrs. Juan F. Vasquez Marianne Vecchione Maria T. Velandria Mr. and Mrs. Valentino F. Venida Dr. and Mrs. Melencio A. Ventura Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Vera Mr. and Mrs. Robert Villar Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Villareal Marie Flo Villarosa Pe Mr. and Mrs. John P. Vincze Raymond J. Visotski Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Voisine Mr. and Mrs. Pietro Volo Tuu D. Vu Robert M. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John T. Walsh Theresa Ward Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Pat and Margie Warthen Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Wassel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Wavrek Jr. Susan K. Weaner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Weeks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weigman Patty A. Welles Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Welsh Dennis M. Werger Steven P. Wernick Mr. and Mrs. James Westbrook Westmar Tours & Travel Mr. and Mrs. John M. Whelan Elizabeth M. White Jennifer Lucey White P. B. Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Wickiser Beverly Ann H. Williams Bonnie R. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gene Williams John Joseph Williams Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Willis III Mr. and Mrs. George S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith Wilson Virginia C. Wilson Andrea Wilt Paula A. Winchester Phyllis A. Winchester William J. Wivell Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Wohlheiter Ketsela W. Woldeamanuel M.T. Susan Wood Mr. and Mrs. William L. Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wright 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 61 62 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Wright Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wrzesinski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wuttke Jr. Sarah Wyson-Vasquez John C.K. Yi Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Yochem Jr. Rahel M. Yohannes Beenalayefa C. Youdeowei Oyingtare A. Youdeowei Prosper A. Youm Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maneul Casillas Young Mr. and Mrs. Artin Youssef Militia Immaculate, Inc. Youth & Young Adults Mr. and Mrs. David F. Zakrzwski Maria Zediker Saba Zegeye Etsegenet Zewdie Richard Ziegler Brian M. Zimmerman Margaret M. Zimmerman Maria Elena Zuniga Mr. and Mrs. Taras M. Zvir Individuals John DuBois Society George and Bettie Delaplaine Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Faris Margaret Fiore Sister Joan F. Gormley (Dec.) George R. Houston Jr. (Dec.) Estate of Rev. Jean M. Jammes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. McKenna Sandra McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. David M. Osnos Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plamondon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Powell Kathleen Smith Millicent Thomas Founder’s Club Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Butler Estate of Bernita Graves Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lunsford Edythe K. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Moore Suzanne Nicholson Andrew B. Williams President’s Circle James T. Brady Charles P. DiMeglio Cardinal William H. Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauro Mr. and Mrs. David Morningstar Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Newby Rev. Mark A. Pilon Rev. Paul V. Redmond George Thomas Wilhide President’s Pride Anonymous Adele Marie Barrett The Honorable and Mrs. Roscoe G. Bartlett Rev. John M. Beers Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Boyle James Buchheit Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Buonocore Beverly B. Byron Mr. and Mrs. John P. Coughlin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DiMeglio Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robert DiMeglio Estate of Edward V. Duggan Rev. Gerard C. Francik J. Sebastian Grabenstein Rev. Raymond Lee Harris Jr. Carol L. Hinds, Ph.D. Joan Jarvis Helge V. Jespersen Thomas W. Keaveney Mr. and Mrs. Louis La Sorsa Harry W. Mohr Jr. James Newcombe Kathy A. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O’Brien Very Rev. David M. O’Connell C.M. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pfeffer Gloria Quann Leonora W. Rocca Carolyn A. Sampson Linda Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Shockley Thomas F. Skehan R. Barry Titler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Treuth Claire T. Walsh (Dec.) Pamela Zusi Rev. Robert V. Zylla Spirit Gift Club Marcia A. Abbo Mr. and Mrs. James Aden Mr. and Mrs. James H. Agger Brent Agnew Albert Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Alford Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billie G. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Andrews Allan D. Angerio Mr. and Mrs. Carmine J. Artone Rev. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Baker Judith A. Barbush Rev. Msgr. John O. Barres Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bartanus Walter E. Bauer Eric Baumgartner Rev. Kevin M. Bazzel Marghee Beatty Elizabeth Belk Nances M. Bennett William Bialek Mr. and Mrs. Hanael P. Bianchi Anita C. Bjork Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Blake Rev. John Boeglin Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bohus Cassandra Bois Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bonning Drs. Mark and Carol Borer Rosemary Joan Brennan MaryAnn Brewer Anthony Browne Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bruner Maj. Gen. William F. Burns Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burroughs Thomas J. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Butler William P. Butz Jon A. Calvert Mercedita P. Calvert Judith G. Caratenuto Mark Carmena Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll Carter Nancy Cary Nancy Cassaro James F. Cavanaugh Joseph F. Cavanaugh Yvonne Chanatry Paul Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choquette Deacon and Mrs. Charles W. Clark Capt. William A. Coll Thomas J. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. John Conway Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cornellier Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Coughlin William E. Craven Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Denis Crepeau Lunette E. Crisafulli (Dec.) Mr. and Mrs. David K. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cuny Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dal Santo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. D’Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Daniels Rev. Timothy Davison Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Deangelis Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Deery William A. Demski Carol A. Dennison William C. Diemler Ann M. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Donnon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Donohue Rev. Douglas E. Dorula Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Downs Katherine C. Dukehart Joshua Dunk Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dusak Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edlund Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Eilo Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Elder Stephen A. Ernst Ed Ettner Nicholas Falco Sarah Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Fee Erica L. Feldblum Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feudo Jr. John M. Fewel Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Filip Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FitzPatrick Rev. Edward Flanagan OFM Eleanor Fletcher (Dec.) Margaret G. Flores - Posadas Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Frank Jr. David Fraticelli Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gallagher Viktor T. Gaponenko Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garavente D. Jean Gardner Dr. J. Elizabeth Garraway Susan M. Geisler Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gerbo Martin Giel Joseph Gill Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gillis Martha J. Gillis Patricia Giroux Lawrence Glacken Joseph E. Glenn Jr. Irene Gluck Mr. and Mrs. D. Gilbert Gouge Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Graff Kathleen Graham Francis E. Granizo Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Greene Mr. and Mrs. James Haake Ann Hadro Patricia A. Haigh Hollis Ruth Haje Regina K. Hannon Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harrell Diana Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hart Charles C. Hartman Carolee Heileman Linda Herman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Herr Marjorie Hicks Elaine M. Hilmer Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hochschild Charles Hoffer Marianne Hudar Mary L. Humbert Anne B Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hunt Patricia A. Hyde Kathleen M. Iwasyk Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Jarman Mary Jeremiah Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston Dr. Judy Ramoy Johnstone Robert Juceam Rev. Hubert J. Kealy Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kearns Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly Mary Anne Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kerrigan Dr. Nicholas C. Kierniesky Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Kiley Thomas B. Kiniry Naomi Klaus Robert F. Klaus Jolene Knowlton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kocsis Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Krachenfels Stephen J. Kraus Geralyn Krause Dr. Mary Kwan John J. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. David Lamblin Thomas Lang Ambassador John E. Lange Alice T. Laning Joan LaSala Mr. and Mrs. Jon F. Lawrence Nancy Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Lee Eileen Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John Leyendecker Mr. and Mrs. E. Mark Linton T. Ann Lokay Dana S. Long Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Lorentsen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lucey Patricia Lukenda (Dec.) Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Lussier Janice Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John L. Macintosh Richard P. Maloney Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly Dr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Marcolin Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Marks Debra Marshall Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin Mary M. Martin Josephine Martino Anders Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Marusco Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marzarella Vincent M. Massina Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Matwijec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C Mazaleski Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Mazzer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAfee Brianna McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McAuvic Dorothy H. McCaffrey His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick PhD, D.D. Joyce McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCauley Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCauley Jr. Lorraine M. McDonnell Bishop John B. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. McFadden Olivia McFadden Dee Ann McGlone Mr. and Mrs. John L. McIntyre Frances McKernan M. Natalie McSherry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mears Margaret F. Meath Andre J. Meluskey Dr. Harold P. Menninger Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Merzbacher Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Morales Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Neeson Janice Neil Hien T. Nguyen Richard J. Nicastro Mark Niemaszyk Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Occhiogrosso Joy M. O’Donnell Karen O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’Neill Rev. Marcelo Parma George T. Patteril Elaine T. Patterson William C. Peltzer Kenan Penaskovic Dr. Richard B. Perry Jeanne A. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Poglitsh Pia Susman Pollack Susan K. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Price III Patrick J. Purcell Margaret Reddy Mary Louise Regan Henry G. Reinhardt John P. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Casey K. Richter Jeffrey Ridenour Edward W. Rimmer Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ringlaben Jeanette S. Rivera Maria Rivera Laura Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodriguez Mary Catherine Roe Kreis William C. Rogers Jr. Robert H. Rohm Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Rosenberger Doris C. Roser Jane Runciman Catherine Russell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sabol Carol Schatzman Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Scherer Vincent Schibi Mr. and Mrs. William R. Schmalzreid Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Schubring Margaret Scobey Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Serkey Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shaw Lt.Col. and Mrs. Edward F. Shaw Jr. Rev. Thomas G. Smith (Dec.) Pat Snyder Richalette R. Solomon James Spanarkel Marvin Spychaj Sophia D. St. John-Brainerd Mr. and Mrs. Lester T. Stanford Daviette Hill Stansbury Margaret D. Stetson Mary Alice Stopyra Mr. and Mrs. Joel Storer Judy Sullivan Linda Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Alex Szeles Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James Trainer Mr. and Mrs. John Treadway Trisha Treml Carol Valenza Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Vigilante Mr. and Mrs. William J. Vita Jr. Msgr. Raymond J. Wahl Kathleen Warthen Maureen and Bob Wellner Linda M. Wendowski Mr. and Mrs. Randy P Westcott Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Weyler Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Wilson Rev. Msgr. John F. Wippel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Witte Daniel V. Wylde Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wyrough Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Yeager Rev. Peter Zalewski Donna Zavacky Daniel Zirker Mount Club Donors Mr. and Mrs. William A. Adkins Airway Maintenance, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Allen Larry Alvis Benjamin H. Amoss II Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Andrews Mike Arias Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Auer Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barger James P. Barger Lorraine Barnaby Connie E. Barnes Devin S. Barry Kelly V. Barry Peter Barry Stella M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barto Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R, Basom Curtis Baughman Susan M. Baumgardner William F. Bellew Mr. and Mrs. L. Joe Benchoff Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Benvenuto Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Bitzer III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bolchoz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bourne, Jr. Leo Michael Boyle Mr. and Mrs. John Brackett Alex J. Bradley, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brady Dr. Joseph C. Bremer, Jr. Paul J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brittenham Kelly M. Brostowicz Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Scott Brown Dr. John A. Bruno, Jr. Jeffery Burke Robert D. Burke V. Blake Burkey Mr. and Mrs. Karl Burst Gail Cahill John E. Carrell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Clarke IV David E. Cline Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Cline Dr. Gregory J. Codori James R. Codori Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Colardo Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Coleman, Jr. Michael P. Connolly Daisha Cooper Matthew Cougle Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Counselman The Honorable James P. Courtney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cover Michele Cowen John J. Crane Insurance Agency Inc Steven Cromer Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Dalidowitz William H. Damaska Christopher J. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis Michael P. Dekker Heather Wable DeWees Francis X. Dinan Irene Dingler Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Diserio, Jr. Joe B. Diserio Mark J. Donnelly Leo G. Donohue Shirley Ann Donovan Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dove Mary Duggan Dr. and Mrs. William R. Dzyak Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Eiden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Endy Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederic Endy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Engelstätter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eyler Shane R. Eyler Dr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Finley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Fitzsimons Dan Fitzsimons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzsimons Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flanagan Gerald J. Flanigan Richard J. Flanigan Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Fleischer Christopher P. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn Paul Anthony Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ford III Dr. William G. Forgang Thomas W. Fox Wayne Fox Mr. and Mrs. Chris Frederick, Jr. Robert A. Galizio, Esquire Gloria Gall Thomas J. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gassel Meghan Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gerick Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Germuth William A. Gillard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Glass Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert V. Goble Patrick J. Goles Roger L. Grandstaff Thomas M. Gravante Carmella L. Greene Dr. Robert Cottrell Greenwell, Jr. John T. Griffin, Sr. Luis B. Grillo Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grugan Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gundersen Nerva Guy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Guyan Arthur J. Haddad Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haley Robert F. Hallahan III William M. Hardisky Thomas J. Harrington, III Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harrison James W. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hearn Mr. and Mrs. John Helman Dolores Joy Henke Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Henson III Robert A. Herb Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Herring Msgr. Thomas E. Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Leroy R. Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holland Louis Q. Holland, Jr. Nicholas A. Holodick Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hyre Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Jennings Donald E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Danny Joseph Jones Michael Edward Joy Anthony Joseph Julian, Jr. John M. Kaheny Regina E. Kalinowski Frank J. Kalis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Christo C. Kapothanasis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Kavanagh Edward M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Kelly William T. Kennedy Robert Emmett Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kessler Brian C. King Tami C. Kosenski Mr. and Mrs. John Krakowiak Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kralle Lyle A. Kralle Susan D. Krs Edward Joseph Kuhn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kwiatkowski Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Lang Lawrence M. Larthey III Audrey Lary Cynthia M. Lawrence Michael M. Lloyd John Longfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael Longfield 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 63 64 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Loughry Kevin J. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Main Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Mannuccia Stephen J. Marchant Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marinucci Stephen E. Marohl Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Matta Mr. and Mrs. John P. May Brittany E. McCann Mary M. McCarthy-Joy Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey McDermott Brennan T. McDevitt Dr. William C. McGinly, III James R. Meade, Jr. Dr. Frank P. Merolla Dr. Gerard F. Middlemiss Jack C. Miglioretti, II Dean L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller Warren F. Miller, III Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Jr. Dr. Daniel J. Monagle, Jr. William J. Mooney, Jr. (Dec.) Terrence M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. William C. Moore Jacqueline Morales Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Mostowtt Philip Vincent Moyles Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mudgett, Jr. Michael G. Murray Charles E. Nason Daniel F. Neylan John Novey Robert Thomas O’Brien Rev. Richard O’Donnell Kathleen O’Grady William Neville O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Osorio William Panebaker Anthony V. Parlato William D. Pearson Joanna Perna-Costello Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Plastow Robert Matthew Plumb Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Plumb Mary Poirier Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pope Thomas E. Porch Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Preas Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Pressimone John J. Preston IV Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pucciarella Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Quaranta, Jr. Robert F. Quinlan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kamil M. Rafeedie Charles H. Raffensperger, CPA Dr. Jorge M. Ramirez and Dr. Salvacion DupayaRamirez David Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reitano Mr. Paul B. Rhoads, Jr. Stephan J. Ricker Richard C. Ridgway, Esq. Mark J. Riggs Katherine B. Robertson Lynne Phelan Robinson Elizabeth Foye Rodrick Douglas Root Brian W. Rosenberg Christopher E. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. George T. Rowlyk Thomas D. Ryan Todd C. Sauer Gerald Savage George Joseph Savastano, Jr. James G. Schab Michael D. Schorn Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schwab Monica Serianni Burton W. Sheing Antoinette Sherman Charles J. Shimkus Shively Motors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Smith Michael B. Smith Joseph Denis Smythe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sowell Kathleen Stamp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stapor Mr. and Mrs. Scott Staso Mr. and Mrs. Rich Stellabuto James M. Stevenson Kristen M. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Stine Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker Judy Strike Dr. John Stroh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stuck J. Geoffrey Sturgill, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David R. Stuver Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Tamayo Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Tentzeras Alissa Thayer Mr. and Mrs. David P. Thomason Scott Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tipping Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Tomlin Alphonse J. Tortorella Jessica A. Totaro Dr. Jay Toth Knox W. Tull, Jr. Laura Turley Franklin L. Valentine, Jr. Nicholas Tulio Verrastro Kathleen E. Vistenzo Mr. and Mrs. George Volchansky John J. Walsh Mary G. Ward Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Watts Helene C. Weathers C. Perry Wentzel Denise Wescott Kevin G. Wetmore Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wetzel Jean White Bryan Whitten Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Wicks George Thomas Wilhide Bronwyn P. Williams Susanne Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Willox Mr. and Mrs. Norman Willox Gwendolyn Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse J. Wissman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wood Brandon K. Woods Mr. and Mrs. James D. Woodside Mr. and Mrs. Greg Worthington Neil Yost Mark Zacher Employees Faculty Joy E. Allison John W. Balch Charles A. Beitz Jr., Ph.D. Sister Mary K. Birge SSJ Christine Blackshaw, Ph.D. Thomas Bligh, Ph.D. Rosina Bolen Michelle Bower, Ph.D. Prof. Stacey Brown-Hobbs Richard M. Buck, Ph.D. Melanie Butler, Ph.D. Prof. Don Butt Dennis Cali, Ph.D. David Cloutier, Ph.D. William J. Collinge, Ph.D. Gertrude D. Conway, Ph.D. Carolyn Cook, Ph.D. D. Kirk Davidson, Ph.D. Rev. James Michael Donohue, Ph.D. John F. Donovan, Ph.D. Peter A. Dorsey, Ph.D. Robert Ducharme, Ph.D. Caroline Eick, Ph.D. Karl W. Einolf, Ph.D. Michael S. Epstein, Ph.D. William G. Forgang, Ph.D. Prof. Laura M. Corbin Frazier Carl W. Glover, Ph.D. Sue H. Goliber, Ph.D. Kathleen Guidroz, Ph.D. Budd J. Hallberg Brian Heinold, Ph.D. Brian Henning, Ph.D. Julie Higgins, Ph.D. Carol L. Hinds, Ph.D. Stephen Hipp, Ph.D. Joshua Hochschild, Ph.D. Prof. Elizabeth A. Holtry Prof. Christina A. Jarvis Curtis D. Johnson, Ph.D. Robert J. Kalas, Ph.D. Robert P. Keefer, Ph.D. Mindy Korol, Ph.D. Patricia Kreke, Ph.D. John D. Larrivee, Ph.D. Martin J. Malone, Ph.D. David M. McCarthy, Ph.D. Christine McCauslin, Ph.D. Virginia McGovern, Ph.D. Marcia J. McKinley, Ph.D. Fr. Lawrence J. McNeil Cynthia R. Maubert Charles J. Merrill, Ph.D. Danny G. Miles Jr., Ph.D. Michael Miller, Ph.D. Rev. Frederick Miller Indrani Mitra, Ph.D. Thane Naberhaus, Ph.D. Isabella Notar, Ph.D. Maureen R. Oakley, Ph.D. Prof. Barbara A. Onofrey Barbara M. Palmer, Ph.D. Michelle Patterson, Ph.D. Jennifer Phillips, Ph.D. Rev. Mark A. Pilon Frederick J. Portier, Ph.D. Dr. Bonnie Portier Prof. Margaret C. Rahaim Robert Richman, Ph.D. Father Michael J. Roach Diana Rodriguez-Lozano, Ph.D. Marco D. Roman, Ph.D. Andrew B. Rosenfeld, Ph.D. Prof. Thomas D. Ryan Father Peter F. Ryan Susann Samples, Ph.D. Carmen Schmersahl, Ph.D. Sarah Scott, Ph.D. Prof. Sheldon L. Shealer III John V. Sherwin JD Jeffrey Simmons, Ph.D. Prof. Sandra Sjoberg Prof. Raymond C. Speciale, JD Jennifer Staiger, Ph.D. Kathleen B. Sterner Rodica M. Stoicoiu, Ph.D. Laurel Thrasher Michael Towle, Ph.D. J. Kristen Urban, Ph.D. Prof. Joseph J. Vince Jr. Christopher Weber Steve White, Ph.D. T. Stephen Whitman, Ph.D. Jeffrey D. Wilson, Ph.D. Timothy W. Wolfe, Ph.D. Bruce E. Yelovich Rev. Robert V. Zylla Administrators Sean Adams Larry Alvis Rev. Brett A. Brannen John Thomas Butler Daniel Carroll Kate Charuhas Melissa Crabbs Marianne Dempsey Rev. John J. Dietrich Denise Ditch Brooke Donovan Brian D. Ecker Pauline A. Engelstatter Bobby L. Flack Amanda L. Fox Thomas J. Gosselin Roger L. Grandstaff Thomas M. Gravante Germain Grisez, Ph.D. Rev. Lee W. Gross Deborah Guzinski Alissa Hart Barbara J. Jacobs Linda Kelley Junker Diane M. Kelly Rev. Thomas J. Lane Joseph E. Lebherz Father John J. Lombardi Theresa Mahoney Melissa Main Michael S. Malewicki Blake A. Marton Corinna Matijevic Philip G. McGlade Lisa McLeod-Simmons, Ph.D. Marvin E. Miller S. Renee Miller Barbara R. Miller Prof. Elizabeth Monahan Stephen Neitz Rev. Brian Patrick Nolan Michelle Ann O’Donnell Fawn O’Hara Rev. Leo E. Patalinghug Jay S. Phillips Maureen Carmichael Plant Michael A. Post Dr. Thomas H. Powell Deborah W. Powell David Reeder David Rehm, Ph.D. Margot Rhoades Jeffrey Richardson Bridget M. Rigby Lynne Phelan Robinson Amelia Rodriguez Michael J. Rogers Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs S.T.D. Robert S. Ryerson Leona Sevick Linda Sherman John Sherwood Dan S. Soller James M. Stevenson Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland S.T.D. Scott Thomson R. Barry Titler Maria L. Topper William Tronolone Mildred A. Valentine Sabira Vohra Douglas S. White Jennifer S. Wivell, Ph.D. Pamela Zusi Staff Rebecca Andrew Denise Ausherman Karen Barnes Rita L. Beard David Bowman Pat Carson Lorrie A. Clabaugh Sherry C. Cregger Cheryl L. Crum Brenda Curtis Monica Dabbs David Dudderar Anna R. Eyler Sandra Feeser Victor L. Fields Melissa Flohr JoAnn Garcia Sandra L. Gelwicks Melissa M. Gladhill Barbara A. Glass M. Catherine Graupner Allan W. Graupner Roland Haines David A. Hartdagen James W. Hartnett Zachary G. Hollenbaugh Kathleen Hollenbeck Traci D. Hurley Regina Hurley Keith Hurtt David W. Joy Christine Joyner Pauline Kittinger Barbara J. Knott Carol Kortisses Gloria J. Krietz Sara M. Laird Nathan Laird Syd Lea Barbara A. Levy Susan C. Lindsay Eleanor Loveland Lisa Martin Vivian E. Martin Susanne Maruskin Tina Matthews Judy May Robert E. McGraw Carol L. McIntosh Michael K. McReal Laura Michener June Miller Allan Miskiel Mary L. Newton Edward L. Northrup Jr. Sharon A. Ott Eileen M. Peregoy Dianne Pryor Lisa M. Reed Lisa K. Rhoads Mary J. Richardson Nancy A. Ridenour Brenda L. Rigby Lisa Rynkiewicz Terry E. Sanders Susan J. Sanders Roberto L. Santiago Susan Seiferd Brandy Seiferd Diane M. Shockey David W. Shorb Gary T. Shorb James R. Shorb Lois Short Paula Q. Smaldone Deborah A. Springer Connie A. Springer Eric Stackhouse Judy Strike James D. Stultz Christopher J. Stultz Clifford E. Swisher Marvin L. Swisher Anthony Tamberino Preston R. Tobery Nancy L. Topper Margaret N. Tripp Patricia L. Trout Ana Ulrich Shirley V. Wantz Thomas Ward Nicole E. Welch Jack Weller Denise Wescott Wayne Wilkinson Judy Willis Elvin Wolfe Helen B. Wuethrich Neil Yost Christine Zuber In 2008 the Mount’s College Federal Reserve Challenge Team received a $100,000 endowment from the SunTrust Foundation Mid-Atlantic to support its educational efforts in this national economics competition. Corporations and Foundations John DuBois Society American Viatical Services, LLC Andreas Foundation The Anne & John J. Walsh Foundation Aramark Ayco Charitable Foundation Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. Caldwell, Heckles and Egan, Inc. Charlpeg Foundation Delaplaine Foundation Ernst and Young LLP ExxonMobil Foundation FTI Consulting, Inc. IBM- International Business Machines Co. Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Scholarship Fund, Inc. Marion Burk Knott Scholarship Loats Foundation, Inc. Loeb Holding Corporation PNC Bank Prudential Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Sun Trust Foundation MidAtlantic The Waldron Family Foundation, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program R. W. Warner Inc. Founder’s Club Anaconda Sports, Inc. Clough Harbour & Associates LLP The James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc Daniels Fund Fraser Family Foundation G. Frank Thomas Foundation, Inc. General Electric Company Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Company Johnson & Johnson KPMG LLP Mead Family Foundation, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation The George, Clarence and Dorothy Shaffer Foundation President’s Circle American International Group, Inc. Codori Memorials Community Foundation of National Capital Region Constellation Energy Group Edward S. Delaplaine Charitable Trust McCoy Brothers, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. Montgomery County Community Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen Foundation, Inc Sean Popper Foundation T Rowe Price Verizon Foundation Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A. President’s Pride Amerada Hess Corporation B. T. Jewelers Baltimore Community Foundation Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company Chronicle Press, Inc. CitiMortgage, Inc. Community Foundation of Frederick County Cylco Corporation Edward J. Kuhn Funeral Home, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Flight Product Center, Inc. Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP The Good Neighbors Family Trust Kennie’s Market Merck & Company, Inc. Microsoft Motorola Foundation Nationwide Foundation New York Life Foundation Northrop Grumman Foundation Pfizer Incorporated Renaissance Technologies, LLC Wyeth Spirit Gift Club AAI Corporation AK Steel Corporation Allstate Corporation American Executive Centers, Inc. American Osteopathic Association AVAYA Communication Bank of America Becton Dickinson & Company The Black & Decker Corporation Campanella & Associates Caterpillar Incorporated Chevron Corporation Chubb & Son, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive Company Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Exelon Corporation Fidelity Investments Fifth Third Bank FPL Group Foundation, Inc. Freddie Mac Foundation GAP Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Grainger, Inc. Guardian Life Insurance Company Harley-Davidson Motor Company Hatfield Quality Meats Inc. Healthy You Nutrition Services, LLC J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Kathryn J. & Theodore E. Nixon Family Foundation, Inc. K&B Underwriters, LLC KeyCorp KPMG LLP (Pittsburg Office) Leonard Landscaping Lockheed Martin Corporation LPL Financial Invest in Others Charitable Foundation Macy’s, Inc. Mannington Mills, Inc. MBM Realty, Inc. Merrill Lynch - Short Hills Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Minnesota Mining Manufacturers MMC Musicians of the National Symphony Orchestra New York Times Company Fdn., Inc Norfolk Southern Foundation Novartis Old Line Tours, LLC Oracle Corporation Parilla & Gellman, P.C. Plymouth Rock Foundation Public Service Electric & Gas Co Radian Group Inc. Raytheon Company RealNetworks Richard Van Lunen Charitable Foundation Rockwell Collins RPA, Inc. SBC Communications Schering-Plough Corporation SemGroup, L.P. Spirent Communications, Inc. Sprint Foundation SSS Nutrition and Dietetic Care Services St. Paul Travelers Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation State Farm Insurance Company Emily O’Neill Sullivan, Foundation Sun Trust Banks, Inc. Taaza LLC Tahiti Sun The Sallie Mae Fund Town Center Chiropractic, LLC TSI Architectural Metals, Inc. United Technologies Corporation Vanguard Group, Inc. Wachovia Corporation Waters Corporation Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Herman O. West Foundation Westmar Tours & Travel Williams Companies, Inc. Xerox Corporation Militia Immaculate, Inc. Youth & Young Adults 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 65 66 • Honor Roll of DOnors 2007-08 Other Donors Fund Raising Consortium America’s Charities Charitable Flex Fund Global Impact, PCFO Heart of Florida United Way, Inc. Independent College Fund of Maryland United Way Capital Area (Texas) United Way of Frederick County, Inc. United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of York County Other Organizations Bethlehem Community Connecticut Alumni Chapter Crusaders of Saint Mary Friends of Kathleen Smith Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice John Carroll Society Mason-Dixon Amateur Sports, Inc. Montana State UniversityBillings National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, Inc. Spanish Club St. Joseph’s College Students in Free Enterprise World War Two Airborne Historical Company Xlibris Corporation Royalty Account Religious Organizations Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archdiocese of Hartford Archdiocese of Mobile Archdiocese of Newark Archdiocese of Louisville Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Diocese of Arlington Catholic Leadership Experience Church of Saint Paul Church of the Crucifixion Corpus Christi Retreat Crosier Fathers of Maryland Diocese of Albany Diocese of Allentown Diocese of Brooklyn Diocese of Erie Diocese of Fargo Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana Diocese of Pittsburgh Diocese of Providence Diocese of Savannah Friends of Catholic Education Greensburg Diocesan Council, NCCW Holy Family Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. Knights of Columbus - Illinois Knights of Columbus Council 10754 Knights of Columbus, Mt. Vernon Council #5998 Marine Corps Base Chapel Fund Naval Station Norfolk Religious Offering Fund Our Lady of the Fields St. Ursula’s Roman Catholic Congregation Sacred Heart Church Sodality Sainte Marie Parish Seven Sorrows B V M. Parish St. Bartholomew Catholic Church St. Catherine of Siena Parish St. Columba Catholic Church School St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Parish St. John Westminster Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. St. Johns Catholic Church St. Louis Roman Catholic Congregation St. Mary’s Catholic Church St. Michael the Archangel School St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church St. Thomas the Apostle Church St. Ursula’s Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc. Bequests Edward N. Chrest Rev. Louis S. Dougherty Edward V. Duggan Rev. William C. Eelman Edward F. Egan Sister Joan F. Gormley Rev. Matthew M. Grant Bernita Graves Rev. Jean M. Jammes Rev. George T. Leech Margaret L. McCaffrey Theodore L. Staub Claire T. Walsh Memorial Gifts In Memory of: John J. Barry Dustin M. Bauer Martin J. Brennan Edward J. Burns Rev. Richard J. Canty Gerard Joseph Cohee Thomas A. Courtney Lunette E. Crisafulli David Cushwa Rev. Darin Didier Robert C. Egan Leonard J. Farmer John Francis Flanigan Eleanor Fletcher James M. Forker Anthony Gallagher Gerald G. Gallagher Rev. Derek Georg William C. Gonce Rev. John C. Gordon Sister Joan F. Gormley Thomas S. Hogan George R. Houston, Jr. Herman Lawton, Jr. H. Eugene Lindemann, Jr. Patricia Lukenda Michael J. Mackert Clifford A. Martin Joseph C. McAuliffe Rt. Rev. John J. McGovern Rebekah R. McKenna Anthony E. Molinaro, Sr. Joseph S. Molinaro James F. Murphy, IV Stephen H. Nance Camille O’Brien Ames William J. O’Connor, Jr. Jean T. O’Donnell Dr. Alan J. Oram John Edward Phelan Emilio Rodriguez, Ph.D. William F. Ruehl Charles J. Salaki John J. Schwartz Rev. Thomas G. Smith Thomas J. Smith, Jr. Nicole M. Spencer Rev. Robert L. Strome James E. Werner Dennis L. Williams Donald C. Yohe Michael Zusi Honor Gifts In Honor of: Barbara Byrnes Rev. John Cyr Rev. Donald W. Dusza John Neil Fink John J. Gill III John D. Graham Rev. Lee W. Gross Roland Haines Justin Anthony Huber Rev. Anthony Joseph Killian Robert F. Klaus Catherine Winter McDonnell Philip A. McDonnell Barbara R. Miller Sandra Zimmerman Muma Janice A. O’Malley Peter F. O’Malley Sharon Elizabeth Rees Bishop Kevin Rhoades Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D. Rev. Msgr. Philip P. Saylor Connie A. Springer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Stiehm Scholarships American Heroes’ Scholarship Thomas M. Barnes David A. Bartolini Jeffrey S. Boyd John L. Callahan Patricia Hill Callahan Edward M. Caruso Paul C. Cinoa Steven E. DeFoor Christopher DeSantis Christine Goodrich DeSantis Francine C. Eaves-Ranft Kevin Brennan Fitzgerald Deborah Lemken Kennedy Barbara Downing Klose A. Michon Kretschmaier Janet Muller Kukla Peter A. Longo Kathleen Cunniff Nitzsche George A. Pollin III Christina Fritz Sellers John Sellers Carol A. Mikules Scholarship Paul K. Mikules Charles Family Pastoral Scholarship Joseph Gerard Charles Class of 1943 Scholarship John D. Armstrong Edward J. Creelan Peter J. Goodwin Dr. Peter A. Grandell Thomas J. Holton Eileen Lewis James A. Lord Lorraine M. McDonnell Philip A. McDonnell Dr. Donald W. Reineberg Bernard F. Rodgers Rev. Joseph C. Rusin Thomas B. Schmidt Donald M. Troup Dr. Joseph James Velky Class of 1950 Memorial Scholarship Dr. Robert Michael Curran Raymond B. Fields Bernard R. Jacobs Joseph D. O’Connor Joseph Donald Regan Francis L. Werner Class of 1951 Scholarship John George Green Class of 1956 Scholarship John Hanson Briscoe Margaret M. Cahill Dr. Joel Edward Cannilla Dr. Anthony Joseph Cincotta Rev. William R. Culnane, Ph.D. George J. Donohue Joseph L. Doyle Dr. Nicholas M. Leno William D. Mahony William J. McShea James L. Mulligan Frank A. Notaro Charles J. O’Donnell James M. O’Neill Raymond L. Sanders William L. Sheridan Francis E. Smith Class of 1961 Scholarship Ronald E. Cooney Joseph Thomas Healy Jr. E. James Kuhns Joyce McGreevy Laurence J. Peterson Jr. Donald P. Quinn Class of 1963 Scholarship John Terrence Carney George A. Eichhorn III Dr. H. Stephen Fletcher Paul M. Meagher Salvatore T. Salerno Thomas Francis Williams Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Thomas C. Barry James E. Chrismer Jerome H. Dolle Richard C. Fitzpatrick Dr. Lawrence W. Hooper Jr. R. Donald Leedy James V. McAveney Jr. Edward J. O’Connell Michael D. Schorn John F. Toale Dr. George Morningstar Memorial Mr. and Mrs. David Morningstar Dr. William Carr Scholarship James P. Millett Edward (Ted) Burns Memorial Fund William A. Demski The Rev. Carl J. Fives Alumni Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. James H. Agger Stephanie C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bohus Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bonning Thomas James Brennan Mark Carmena Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dal Santo James M. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Deangelis Ann M. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Donnon Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dougherty Hugh W. Farrell Sarah Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Fee Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Flynn Eilene S. Fryer Regina K. Hannon Jeffrey T. Hardy Charles C. Hartman Kathleen Williams Hawkins Michael Leigh Hawkins Dolores Joy Henke Patricia A. Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Jarman Judy Ramoy Johnstone, Ph.D. Anne Margaret Kalis Marc William Lacoste T. Ann Lokay Dana S. Long Janice Lynch Debra Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marzarella Eugene A. Mattis Kirby Lee Maybush Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McAuvic Dee Ann McGlone Mr. and Mrs. John L. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mears Dr. Frank P. Merolla Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Neeson Lawrence M. Otter Jeanne A. Phelan Pia Susman Pollack Dr. Thomas H. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Price III Robert H. Rohm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sabol Thomas B. Schmidt Margaret D. Stetson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Yeager Frank DeLuca Scholarship American Viatical Services, LLC Frank O’Brien Scholarship Fund Joseph A. Gompers Musicians of the National Symphony Orchestra Frank A. O’Brien Jr. Frederick County Student Scholarship G. Frank Thomas Foundation, Inc. Friends of Catholic Education Scholarship Friends of Catholic Education George R. Houston Jr. Scholarship Allan D. Angerio Yvonne Chanatry Friends of Catholic Education Nancy Gillece Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lucey National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, Inc. Peter H. Plamondon Rev. Paul V. Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Casey K. Richter Thomas B. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sperber Horning Lacrosse Scholarship Carol F. Horning Woehrle Kathleen McCaffrey McKinley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCaffrey Lacrosse Endowed Scholarship Robert A. Herb Arline M. Herb Edythe K. Mason Loats Foundation Scholarship Loats Foundation, Inc. Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Annual Scholarship Fund Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Scholarship Fund, Inc. Marion Burk Knott Scholarship McCafferty Family Scholarship Michael McCafferty Msgr. Roeltgen Endowment for Pastoral Formation Beverly B. Byron Judith G. Caratenuto Nancy Cassaro Constellation Energy Group Margaret Fiore Josephine Martino Joseph F. McCormick Jr. Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen Foundation, Inc Karen O’Donnell Joseph Zanella Neuer Family Scholarship Dr. Fred S. Neuer Patrick Hogan Memorial Fund John B. Hogan Peter F. & Eleanor O’Malley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burroughs Peter O’Malley Scholarship FTI Consulting, Inc. Professor Ashbury, Seidel and Springer Scholarship in Accounting Francis W. Daily Stephen J. Matson Ralston, Brigide, Peters Scholarship Patricia T. Ralston Roscoe G. Bartlett Scholarship Hon. and Mrs. Roscoe G. Bartlett Sean Popper Memorial Scholarship Sean Popper Foundation Sebastian DiMeglio Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robert DiMeglio Sebastian J. DiMeglio Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DiMeglio Charles P. DiMeglio Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Wilson The Eleanor I. Donovan Scholarship Anita C. Bjork Mr. and Mrs. John Cottone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. D’Angelo Robert Juceam Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kearns Vincent M. Massina Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Merzbacher Richard J. Nicastro Parilla & Gellman, P.C. Patrick J. Purcell Maureen and Bob Wellner Virginia O’Donnell Cole Scholarship John J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pfeffer Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ringlaben The William A. and Patricia Williams Scholarship Kathleen Williams Hawkins Michael Leigh Hawkins Chinquapin Society The Chinquapin Society recognizes donors who have made planned gifts to the Mount such as trusts or bequests. Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Alberti Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Armelin John D. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Asip Msgr. Joseph G. Aubin Deacon and Mrs. John H. Baker Theresa McAuliffe Barczy The Honorable and Mrs. Mark D. Beauchat J. Ernest Bell II Alexander H. Belmonte Howard William Bennett Rev. John R. Boeckman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Alexander Bogatko Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bonner Jr. Wanda Merther Boucher Robert W. Bream Frank J. Broschart Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Burke John W. Burkhard Edward T. Burns James R. Cantwell Dolores Christine Carmody Brian Michael Carr Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cleary Robert G. Cofenas Rev. William F. Collins Ronald E. Cooney J. Leo Cronin Jr. Edward Matthew Curran Jr. Roseann Maher Curran Daniel F. Curtin Frank L. Dameron Jr. Elizabeth B. Delaplaine Francis V. DeYorio Roger A. Diehl John J. Dillon Sebastian J. DiMeglio Francis X. Dinan Robert Eugene Eckert Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Edelen III Mary Louise Egan Dr. and Mrs. Domenic Michael Falco William E. Fanelli Bill Farrand Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Fields Rev. J. Thomas Finucan J. Michael Fitzgerald Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn D.D. Florence Esther Frye Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ganley Hugh C. Gardiner III Richard D. Gardiner Thomas C. Gates J. Stephen Gaumond George R. Gelles Michele J. Giarrusso Peter J. Goodwin Gerard Leo Green Thomas C. Hampsey Raymond Lee Harris Jr. Raymond J. Hartman Jr. Michael L. Hartnett Dorothy Heim C. David Heisler Douglas U. Hermansen Rev. Msgr. Robert Cary Hill Thomas J. Holton Rev. John J. Hurley Dr. Thomas V. Inglesby Susan A. Janowiak Paul J. Jasina John B. Keefe Mary Kirby Muriel H. Kline Joseph A. Kostelac Dr. Robert J. Kull Eleanor M. Lawless Rev. John S. Ledford Rev. William F. Lemoyne Frank G. Lidinsky Louis F. Lombard Philip R. Loy Mr. F. Edmund Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Lynch William D. Mahony Frank J. Majewski Rev. Michael Andrew Makara Rev. William Curtis Mallet Doris P. Mansfield Stephen J. Marchant Thomas E. Martin Mr. and Mrs. James V. McAveney Jr. Michael L. McCarthy Philip A. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. McGlade Rev. Hugh Harold McGroarty Mrs. James McSherry Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. McVearry Rev. Joseph V. Messer Michael P. Meyer Prof. and Mrs. John Milton Evelyn Pearl Mock William J. Mohan Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Motta Dr. Richard A. Naso Patrick J. Neary Dr. and Mrs. Fred S. Neuer Rev. G. Eugene Nickol Frank A. O’Brien Jr. John G. O’Brien Mr. Kevin K. O’Connell The Honorable Harry S. O’Neill Dr. John Francis O’Neill Rev. Robert F. Oravetz Rev. Kevin Thomas More Peek Paul E. Peksa Donald F. Pellicano Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Peterson Jr. Peter H. Plamondon Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Poglitsh John Polster Mr. and Mrs. George L. Proferes William H. Rapp Jr. Kathleen Kerns Raubens Rev. Paul V. Redmond Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Reineberg Paul B. Rhoads Jr. J. R. Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ridgway John Francis Rieger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Riley Peter D. Roberts Walter J. Robinson Jr. Earl Thomas Rosensteel John L. Rossi Capt. Robert F. Sandweg USNR (Ret.) Rev. Msgr. Philip P. Saylor Lynne Schicker Dr. Paul E. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Schmidt Rev. Dr. David W. Shaum Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Smith Robert A. Steskel Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker Robert S. Strine Joseph Sturges IV Stephen J. Sweeney Rev. Richard V. Tartaglia Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Thomas Millicent Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Tilder Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Tremonti Dr. and Mrs. Joseph James Velky Robert Joseph Vetrini John J. Walsh Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Walsh Rev. Msgr. William P. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cogan Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Werzyn Thomas H. Williams Harold E. Wills Rev. Thomas A. Yaszcz Rev. Ronald P. Zepecki Judith Mazzeo Zocchi 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report • 67 68 • Thank you “Mount St. Mary’s has celebrated its bicentennial in a manner that enhanced the national identity of the university. The members of the Bicentennial Commission served as leaders and ambassadors for Mount St. Mary’s University.” —President Thomas H. Powell University Mission Statement Mount St. Mary’s is a Catholic institution of higher education dedicated to liberal learning in the pursuit of truth. Mount St. Mary’s, mindful of its role in the Church’s mission to the world and respectful of the religious liberty of all, affirms the values and beliefs central to the Catholic vision of the person and society, and seeks to deepen understanding of our faith and its practice in just and compassionate engagement with the world. In order to enable individuals to understand and to challenge or embrace the cultural forces operating on them, Mount St. Mary’s, in all its curricular and co-curricular programs, encourages each student to undertake free and rigorous inquiry leading to a reflective and creative understanding of the traditions which shape the communities in which we live. Mount St. Mary’s strives to graduate men and women who cultivate a mature spiritual life, who live by high intellectual and moral standards, who respect the dignity of other persons, who see and seek to resolve the problems facing humanity, and who commit themselves to live as responsible citizens. Seminary Mission Statement The mission of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is the formation of men for the Roman Catholic diocesan priesthood in the service of the Kingdom of God. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary aims to establish a foundation within the seminarians for a lifetime of priestly ministry within the Church. This foundation is an intimate relationship with God the Father in Jesus Christ His Son through the Holy Spirit, a relationship nourished by Scripture and Tradition, celebrated in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and marked by a sincere devotion to Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Through the interrelated components of priestly formation—human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral—the seminary strives to train men, called as priests to be living images of Jesus Christ, to become more like Christ the Good Shepherd, men of deep humility and genuine pastoral charity. The Seminary prepares the seminarians to share in a special way in the three-fold office of Christ: teaching the Gospel, celebrating the divine mysteries, and shepherding God’s people. In its deep communion with the whole Church and its fidelity to Church teaching, the Seminary prepares its future priests to be men of ecclesial communion, united by special bonds with the Pope, the College of Bishops, their own Bishops, other priests, consecrated religious and the lay faithful. A distinctive characteristic of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is that it is an integral part of Mount St. Mary’s University. The various components of the university share the common ground of having been born from the heart of the Church. They are thus able to seek together in faith a more profound understanding of the Christian mystery. Not only does this relationship within the university provide the resources and support for academic, cultural and physical development, but it also provides seminarians with opportunities for learning pastoral skills for their future ministry, especially in the parish. Board of Trustees President’s Council Rector’s Council (as of March 2008) Mr. Thomas G. O’Hara, Chair Mr. Eugene M. Waldron, Jr., Vice Chair Rev. Msgr. F. Dennis Tinder, C’64, S’68, Secretary Mr. John J. Walsh, C’58, Treasurer Mr. Richard Bolte, Jr. Mr. James T. Brady Mr. John R. Bransfield, Jr., C’63 Mr. Kevin B. Cashen, C’83 Mr. John E. Coyne, III, C’77 Ms. Martha K. DeNardi, C’75 Mr. Kevin P. Dowd, C’70 Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler, S’73 Rev. Thomas P. Ferguson, S’94 Rev. Gerard Francik Mr. Patrick Goles, C’64 Mr. William T. Kennedy, C’60 Rev. Msgr. William Kerr Ms. Mary Lear Most Rev. Francis Malooly Mr. James V. McAveney, Jr., C’66 Dr. Frank P. Merolla, C’63 Rev. Msgr. John F. Myslinski, S’80, MT’86 Mr. Scott Newkam, C’72 Ms. Suzanne Nicholson Most Rev. Edwin F. O’Brien Very Rev. David M. O’Connell, C.M. Ms. Hilary C. O’Donnell, C’83 Very Rev. Edward J. Quinlan III, C’74, S’78, MT’86 Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades Mr. Simba Sana, C’90 Mr. James E. Schaeffer, MBA’84 Mr. Brian L. Smith, C’70 Mr. Robert J. Smith, C’64 The Hon. Julie R. Solt, C’80 Maj. Gen. John Anthony Studds, USMC (Ret.), C’60 Ms. Diane L. Tomb, C’86 Ms. Sheila Vertino, SJC’68 Mr. J. Scott Wilfong, C’72 Hon. Jennifer M. Anderson Mr. Peter A. Arbes Mr. Louis T. Armelin Rev. Brian G. Bashista Mr. Kelvin A. Caple Mr. A. Thomas Carroccio Mr. Kenneth B. Chodnicki Mr. David P. Conaghan Dr. Patrick J. Dolan Mr. Lawrence E. Donato Mr. Dennis M. Doyle Ms. Joyce Ann Draper Mr. Clyde D. Edwards Rev. J. Kevin Farmer Rev. Msgr. James Paul Farmer, Jr. Mr. Alvin C. Fernandes Mr. J. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. William Kevin Flanigan Mr. William J. Frank Mr. John D. Graham Mr. John O’Hare Graham Dr. Robert Cottrell Greenwell, Jr. Mr. B. Scott Holloway Mr. Michael R. Holly Mr. C. Gregory Kallmyer Mr. Edward Joseph Kuhn, Jr. Mr. Thomas E. Martin Mr. John Franklin McKee Mr. J. Dennis Molloy, Esq. Ms. Veralynn M. Morris Mr. Thomas M. Orth Ms. Patricia T. Ralston Mr. Thomas C. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Lauren Greco Sfekas Mr. Charles W. Sherren, Jr. Mr. Michael K. Shockley Mr. Brian L. Smith Mr. Robert S. Stellato Mr. MarvinW. Stocke Mr. Thomas J. Taylor, Jr. Mr. William Tell Mrs. Jacqueline Detrich Wilson Mr. Daniel F. Curtin, Chair Deacon John H. Baker, M.D. Mr. Joseph A. Barrett, Sr. Rev. Msgr. James T. Beattie Rev. Msgr. John A. Bergamo Mr. James Buchheit Maj. Gen. William F. Burns, USA (Ret.) Capt. Stephen J. Bury, USN (Ret.) Mrs. Kathryn M. Cebrowski Rev. John F. Cyr Mr. John P. Falvey Mrs. Mary Falvey Mr. Hugh J. Farrell, J.D. Rev. Robert T. Finlan Ms. Margaret Fiore Mrs. Dorothy Forrey Mr. William C. Forrey Rev. Timothy A. Gadziala Mr. Helge V. Jespersen Rev. C. Douglas Kenney Mr. Michael McGinley, CPA Mrs. Blanche M. Moore Rev. Robert F. Oravetz Mr. Peter H. Plamondon Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Rauscher Executive OffICers Thomas H. Powell, President Dan S. Soller, Executive Vice President John T. Butler, Vice President for Advancement Pauline A. Engelstatter, Vice President for University Affairs Michael S. Malewicki, Vice President for Business and Finance David B. Rehm, Vice President for Academic Affairs Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, Vice President/Rector of the Seminary Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, Vice President for Catholic Identity and Mission 2007-08 Mount St. Mary’s Annual Report 16300 Old Emmitsburg Road Emmitsburg, MD 21727 www.msmary.edu There’s still time to Collect your piece of Mount history. Bicentennial gifts are still available, for a limited time with limited quantities. ◊ Bicentennial Coffee Table Book By photographer Dan Beigel, $50 Celebrating Our Bicentennial 2007-08 Annual Report Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Emmitsburg, MD Permit No. 19 • Our Bicentennial Bicentennial DVD ÿ Bicentennial Print ⁄ By Carol Dyer; $100 signed prints, $50 unsigned prints mount St. Mary’s University “The Spirit Continues...,” $20 President’s Annual Report 2007-08 Faith • Discovery • Leadership • Community
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