TUP Operational Plan 2013.pub


TUP Operational Plan 2013.pub
2013 Operational Plan
University of the
TUP as the Premier
State University in
Technology Education
The Technological University of the Philippines is the
premier state university in engineering and technology education.
The challenge now is to take the University further toward its goal
of recognition to be the state university of first choice in technology
There is much reason for optimism. The achievements in
national licensure examinations magnify the University’s great
strengths and standing in instruction. Breakthroughs in
technological research and extension activities draw attention and
appreciation to TUP’s contribution to knowledge and enhancement
of the quality of life of various clienteles.
The year 2013 will focus on maintaining the excellence in
instruction; strengthen research, extension and production services
as a way to ensure contributions and attainment of the University’s
vision and future directions.
TUP has a proud past, a jubilant present and a great future
to achieve. We therefore enjoin everybody to participate in its
programs and activities toward the achievement of its vision as a
technological university that the country can be proud of.
Strategic Planning
Key Strategies for
Tri-Fold Functions
Enabling Functions
Staff Development
Physical Plant and
Resources Management
Financial Viability
The Cover
The façade of TUP in Ayala
Boulevard, Manila
TUP as the Premier State University
in Technology Education
The University shall provide higher and advanced vocational,
technical, industrial, technological and professional education and
training in industries and technology, and in practical arts leading to
certificates, diplomas and degrees.
It shall provide progressive leadership in applied research,
developmental studies in technical, industrial, and technological
fields and production using indigenous materials; effect technology
transfer in the countryside; and assist in the development of smalland-medium scale industries in identified growth centers .
Core Values
Excellence, Hardwork, Creativity and Resourcefulness,
Commitment, Professionalism, Cooperation, Scholarship, Teamwork
Strategic Planning Process
Consistent with its vision of becoming the “Premier State University in Technology Education” as contained in
its 2011—2014 strategic plan, TUP has, for its 2013 Operational Plan, focused its agenda in the delivery of excellent
instruction and re-orientation and elevation of research and extension undertakings to technology development. In
addition and in support to program implementation, an effective and intensive human and material resources
management complemented and supplemented by a strong financial management which will level up the
University’s financial viability.
The operational issues and concerns identified by managers across sectors and levels of the University are
prioritized and set accordingly in this plan. To realize these targets, there is a need to translate the plan into a
management agenda by the philosophy of quality management guided by the core values of a TUPian.
Goals, Strategies and Targets
Key Strategies for 2013
Strategic Goals
1. Provide quality academic
programs relevant to the
needs of time
2. Build a pool of highly
qualified and competent
faculty and staff
3. Upgrade physical plant
and facilities for effective
and efficient delivery of
The tasks throughout 2013 will be to invest in genuine strategic direction operational management of the University, maintaining morale through good communication and effective collegiality.
Emphasis shall be placed on:
 enhancing the quality of learning and producing a holistic educational outcome
by regular review of the educational objectives, curriculum and pedagogy and
modes of in the University;
 maintaining the relevant student support services, functions and facilities,
including provision for regular, systematic access to educational advice,
scholarship, trainings, seminars and the likes;
 securing a favorable outcomes in 2013 AACUP Accreditation and application for
Center of Excellence for the Engineering programs;
4. Conduct researches on
 promoting research excellence by enhancing research activities and
technology and
undertaking national and international benchmarking;
technology education and
 attracting and retaining qualified faculty and staff researchers by maximizing the
related fields that shall
use of resources of the University available to enrich the intellectual, cultural,
contribute to the
educational, economic and social life in the University;
enhancement of quality
of life and sustainable
 maintaining the University’s contribution to national and regional developments;
economic growth
 strengthening links with the community and local government units, non-
governmental organizations, industry-based organizations, professional/
5. Provide quality extension
scientific organizations, and educational institutions;
and community services
in technology, technology  strengthening the university’s infrastructure and information technology system;
education and livelihood
 improving the overall unit-of-resource funding through in particular,
6. Implement a dynamic,
efficient, effective and
transparent management
of resources
achievement of the University’s 2013 income targets from income generating
 demonstrating appropriate management systems and processes, including
plan-driven incentive-based budgeting, complete internal quality assurance
mechanisms including annual staff performance reviews and strategic risk
monitoring and reporting; and
7. Increase financial viability
 establishing a sound financial management system which ensure accurate,
of the University
transparent, effective and efficient handling of the university monies.
The University shall provide quality
and responsive academic programs
relevant to the needs of time integrating
values on lasting peace and the rule of
law, integrity in governance, environment
protection, climate change adaptation
and mitigation, as well as other thrusts in
the national agenda.
Targets for 2013
Enhance the quality of learning and produce wellrounded and holistic educational outcomes in the University
By the end of 2013, the University has:
regular review of the educational objectives, pedagogy
and modes of delivery of all undergraduate and postgraduate programs to ensure that teaching and learning
are based on the highest international standards of
curriculum design, pedagogy, modes of delivery and
interaction between faculty members and students;
maintenance of world-class student support services,
accreditation, functions and facilities, including provision
for regular, systematic access to educational advice and
feedback from faculty members and staff;
development of flexible course structures and delivery
reviewed, enhanced and developed at least 50
curriculums/programs and at least 15 instructional
approved at least 3 new curricular program offerings;
increased number of graduates by 10% and sustained
licensure examination standings of students taken during
the year;
secured 90% favorable outcomes in the application for
Center of Excellence in Engineering to the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED);
secured 90% (10 programs) approval of evaluators in the
2013 AACUP Accreditation;
strengthened the University academic resources by 50%
increase of learning materials, multimedia, computeraided instructions, and psychological test.;
provided well-rounded and holistic student development
by 50% increase in activities for the conduct of student
support services, lectures and seminars as well as
development/review of student policies on admissions,
accreditation, student activities, scholarship, student life,
discipline and foreign student desk;
increased by 10% (336) the educational opportunities for
good students from disadvantaged backgrounds through
scholarships and special admissions programs and criteria
designed to ensure that students with outstanding
educational potential are not precluded by reason of prior
educational disadvantage;
established the TUP Distance Learning; and
installed a learning management system to be used by
the TUP Distance Learning, ETEEAP and Graduate
The University shall conduct
researches on technology, technology
education and related fields that shall
contribute to the enhancement of the
quality of life, sustainable economic
growth, environment protection and
climate change adaptation and
Targets for 2013
To promote research excellence by:
By the end of 2013, the University has:
benchmarking research performance against the highest
national and international standards for research in higher
education institutions;
improved its research performance against level four
(national) standard by 10% increase in quantity and
identifying and nurturing particular fields of research
activity in which the University has concentrations of
research activity;
prioritizing the growth of external funding for research and
research education, from both government and industry,
and in particular the growth of national competitive
research income;
achieved significant improvement in research
performance in terms of research income, research
advanced degree and research publications by
 research income from all sources by 15 percent;
 graduate programs research by 10%; and
 research publications by 10 percent.
stressing the importance of applied research, technology
transfer and the development and commercialization of
research outputs with corresponding intellectual
property, through recognition of the primary interests of
the research proponents;
strengthened performance in flagship national
competitive grant funding outcomes by securing at least
two research fellowship in the strategic research priority
of the country;
conduct of wider campaign and information dissemination
on the importance and conduct of research;
increased the number of patented research outputs by
50% against 2012;
recognizing and rewarding outstanding research
increased proportion of academic staff rated as ‘research
active’ by 20%;
improved by 90% the University research performance
by proper rewarding, monitoring and evaluation scheme;
providing researchers with competitive research
infrastructure; and
maintaining the highest ethical standards in compliance
with internal and external regulations or codes of research
increased by 10% percent the amount of research funds
benchmarking 2012 outcomes .
The University shall provide
relevant extension programs in
technology education and livelihood
skills towards poverty reduction, and
empowerment of the poor and
marginalized sectors of the society.
Targets for 2013
To serve the wider community by maximizing available
resources and expertise of the University and enriching
the intellectual, cultural, educational, economic and
social life of people that the University serves through:
At the end of 2013, the University has:
increased the number of clientele for trainings and
seminars by 10% in technology , technology
education and related fields and assisted local
government, community in industrial and vocational
areas by 10% against 2012 outputs;
Developed adopted barangays (4) by 25% based on
benchmark data for it to be socially & economically
increased by 20% the number of technologies
adopted and research output utilized by the
beneficiaries by 20% (3);
strengthened linkage with the University’s
graduates, and ensured that, wherever possible, they
understand and support the TUP’s vision and tapping
them for possible partners; and
improved by 90% of the University performance
through proper planning, monitoring and evaluation.
transferring of technology and continuing
education for the enhancement of professionals,
semi-skilled manpower in the academe, industry
and community.
sustaining the development of a dynamic
community that is socially & economically
transformed particularly in the deprived,
depressed, and under-privilege areas;
disseminating research outputs to the right public
and coordinating with the income generating
program office for commercialization of marketdriven technology research outputs
strengthening linkages with the local government
units, non-governmental organizations, industrybased organizations, professional/scientific
organizations, and educational institutions in the
implementation of academic extension programs;
Planning, monitoring and evaluating the
effectiveness of all academic extension programs
and projects;
Staff Development
The University shall build a pool of
highly qualified, competent and multiskilled faculty and staff to produce
globally competitive graduates who are
expected to contribute to rapid and
sustained economic growth of the
Staff Development
Targets for 2013
To attract, support and develop outstanding academic and administrative staff by:
At the end of 2013, the University has:
developing and implementing a University
human resource plan and recruitment strategy
that takes into account wider employment
market trends and, the University’s workforce
requirements and positions the University as
the employer of first choice;
designed recruitment strategy and incentive
scheme for performers;
provided professional development
opportunities for 80% of faculty members and
staff at all levels of seminars, trainings, and
the like;
providing incentives to faculty members and
individuals designed to attract and retain
academic teachers, researchers and scholars
of the highest international standing; and
provided staff development programs to 60
members of the faculty and staff and to
enroll in higher degree of learning (vertical
articulation), both from within and external to
ensuring that the results of a comprehensive
staff appraisal system are used systematically
and effectively to improve productivity and
performance at all levels of the University.
40 faculty and staff shall have received
awards; and
formulate policies involving appraisal results
to improve individual and office performance;
devise unified evaluation scheme for the
faculty involving university functions
(research, extension, instruction, etc.).
Physical Plant and Facilities
The University shall upgrade
physical plant and facilities for effective
and efficient delivery of services with
judicious management of resources
taking into account transparency, and
Physical Plant and Facilities
Targets for 2013
Enhance the physical plant and facilities environment by:
At the end of 2013, the University has:
maintaining a benchmarking system that provides a ready reference for enhancing /
upgrading physical plants and facilities;
Established system and procedure to bench
marking leading to physical plant and
facilities planning and improvement;
developing and maintaining program on physical
plant and facilities operation and maintenance;
Improved system of space utilization,
procurement of facilities and custodial
services specially for machines, equipment
and vehicles;
Enhancing and maintaining an environment that
the beauty of nature and inspire one to better
performance; and
Improved landscaping and ground
maintenance including waste management
and construction of arches at building
entrance; and
Increasing instructional and research spaces including rooms/offices for support services.
Commenced the construction of CAP
Building, SPB and comfort rooms.
Resources Management
The University shall implement an
aggressive, efficient and effective
management and administration of
organizational resources and processes
through transparent, accountable and
participatory governance.
Resources Management
Targets for 2013
Manage resources effectively by:
At the end of 2013, the University has:
undertaking the resources levelling program to
minimize excuses and shortages, in human,
physical, and material resources including
student services;
inventoried current stock of human, physical,
material resources;
strengthened the planning, allocating and
monitoring schemes for the utilization of
physical and material resources and for the
hiring and assigning of faculty and staff;
maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the
current faculty and staff;
maintaining the quality and “work life” of the
current stock of the physical and material
reviewed and Refined policies and standards in
staff recruitment and development and
performance evaluation including rewards and
recognition “for a job well done”;
maintaining an upgraded and functional
information technology and system not only for
communication and knowledge generation but
for resources management; and
established a system and schedule for
preventive maintenance for all laboratories
machine and equipment including the vehicles
of the university;
maintaining a sound and healthy University
established the University Management
Information System; and
conducted an annual budget forum and
quarterly budget review.
Financial Viability
The University shall formulate and
implement viable/relevant production
activities/ business ventures including
technology transfer and commercialization using the University’s available
human/material resources that will
generate income to support instruction,
research and extension programs.
Financial Viability
Targets for 2013
Ensure the University’s Financial Viability by:
At the end of 2013, the University has:
maintaining an assessment system for the
University’s growth and development need
translated in terms of budget requirements.
established a system of projecting and planning
of budget to support planned programs and
maintaining a functional system of financial performance reporting.
developed and used quarterly reports indicating
budget projection versus generation;
improving the University’s financial stability/
established more non-regular incomes
generating businesses/projects; and
tapped two or more alternative sources of
Program of Expenditures
(General and Special Fund CY 2013)
For 2013, the University has a total budget of PhP 728,359,155 with an increase of 17% compared
with CY 2012 with PhP 621,827,870, Fund 101
The budget for CY 2013 under Fund 101 was based on the approved Republic Act No. 10352,
General Appropriations Act (GAA) while Fund 164 was based on the approval of TUP Board of Regents. The
projected increase is focused on the improvement of physical facilities for academic and administrative
needs. It will also be utilized to augment expenditure for maintenance and other operating expenses.
Object of Expenditures
Fund 101
Fund 164
A. Programs
Personal Services
Development Fund
Information Technology
Medical and Dental
Student Privilege/Alumni
Capital Outlays
Sub Total
B. Fiduciary Fund
Total, Fiduciary Fund
Technological University of the Philippines
Board of Regents
Hon. Ruperto S. Sangalang
Hon. Olympio V. Caparas
Commissioner, Commission on Higher Education
President, Technological University of the Philippines
Hon. Edgardo J. Angara
Hon. Juan Edgardo M. Angara
Chairman, Senate Committee on Education, Arts, and
Chairman, House Committee on Higher
Hon. Amelia P. Guevarra
Hon. Ronaldo G. Tungpalan
Undersecretary, Department of Science and
Deputy Director General, National Economic
and Development Authority
Hon. Eric A. Cruz
Hon. Roberto N. Huang
President, Geotech Philippines
President, Filmetrics Philippines
President, San Miguel Brewery Incorporated
Director, San Miguel Brewery International, Ltd.
Hon. Juliet A. Catane
Hon. Hydelene C. Perez
President, TUP Faculty Association
President, TUP Student Government
Technological University of the Philippines
Executive Officials
Dr. Olympio V. Caparas
Dr. Dionisio Espression Jr.
Dr. Florida C. Labuguen
Dr. Nilo S. Salas
Prof. Cresenciano L. Laza
Vice President for Academic
Vice President for Planning,
Development & Information
Vice President for Research
and Extension
Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Dr. Myrna A. Fernando
Dr. Ma. Leonor F. Validor
Dr. Selfa J. Briones
Prof. Enrico R. Hilario
Director, TUP Cavite
Director, TUP Visayas
Director, TUP Taguig
Administrator, TUP Lopez
Prepared by the Office of the Vice President
for Planning, Development and Information System
Published March 2013 by TUP Planning Office
Trunkline Number: (+632)300.3001 ||Email: vppdis@tup.edu.ph
Further Information
Technological University of the
Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, 1000
Manila, Philippines
General Inquiries
Telephone: (+632) 301.3001
Facsimile: (+632) 521.4063
Electronic Mail: tup@tup.edu.ph

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