waterlefe community development district
waterlefe community development district
WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICE · 3434 COLWELL AVENUE · SUITE 200 · TAMPA, FLORIDA 33614 WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 2016 WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AGENDA FEBRUARY 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. To be held at the Waterlefe Golf & River Club, 995 Fish Hook Cove, Bradenton, Florida 34212. District Board of Supervisors Kenneth Bumgarner John Brocki Rosalyn Warner Chris Hogan Alan Haibach Chairman Vice Chairman Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary District Manager Greg Cox Rizzetta & Company, Inc. District Counsel Andrew Cohen Persson & Cohen, P.A. District Engineer Rick Schappacher Schappacher Engineering, LLC All Cellular phones and pagers must be turned off while in the meeting room. The District Agenda is comprised of five different sections: The meeting will begin promptly at 2:00 p.m. with the first section which is called Public Comment. The Public Comment portion of the agenda is where individuals may comment on matters for which the Board may be taking action or that may otherwise concern the District. Each individual is limited to three (3) minutes for such comment. The Board of Supervisors or Staff is not obligated to provide a response until sufficient time for research or action is warranted. IF THE COMMENT CONCERNS A MAINTENANCE RELATED ITEM, THE ITEM WILL NEED TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE DISTRICT MANAGER OUTSIDE THE CONTEXT OF THIS MEETING. The second section is called Business Items. The business items section contains items for approval by the District Board of Supervisors that may require discussion, motion and votes on an item-by-item basis. Occasionally, certain items for decision within this section are required by Florida Statute to be held as a Public Hearing. During the Public Hearing portion of the agenda item, each member of the public will be permitted to provide one comment on the issue, prior to the Board of Supervisors’ discussion, motion and vote. The third section is called Business Administration. The Business Administration section contains items that require the review and approval of the District Board of Supervisors as a normal course of business. Agendas can be reviewed by contacting the Manager’s office at (239) 936-0913 at least seven days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Requests to place items on the agenda must be submitted in writing with an explanation to the District Manager at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting. The fourth section is called Staff Reports. This section allows the District Manager, Engineer, and Attorney to update the Board of Supervisors on any pending issues that are being researched for Board action. The final section is called Supervisor Requests and Comments. This is the section in which the Supervisors may request Staff to prepare certain items in an effort to meet residential needs. Public workshops sessions may be advertised and held in an effort to provide informational services. These sessions allow staff or consultants to discuss a policy or business matter in a more informal manner and allow for lengthy presentations prior to scheduling the item for approval. Typically no motions or votes are made during these sessions. Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting is asked to advise the District Office at (239) 936-0913, at least 48 hours before the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at (800) 955-8770, who can aid you in contacting the District Office. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that this same person will need a record of the proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICE • 3434 COLWELL AVENUE • SUITE 200 • TAMPA, FLORIDA 33614 WWW.WATERLEFECDD.ORG February 5, 2016 Board of Supervisors Waterlefe Community Development District AGENDA Dear Board Members: The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waterlefe Community Development District will be held on Monday, February 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the Waterlefe River Club, 995 Fish Hook Cove, Bradenton, Florida 34212. The following is the agenda for this meeting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT BUSINESS ITEMS A. Discussion of Parking at Gate House...........................................Tab 1 B. Consideration of Aeration Maintenance Agreement Renewal ....Tab 2 C. Consideration of Termination of Finn Outdoor Cogongrass Treatments D. Discussion Regarding CDD Property Management Staffing E. Consideration of Golf Course Walker Mower Leases .................Tab 3 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A. Consideration of the Minutes of the Audit Review Committee Meeting held on January 18, 2016 ...............................................Tab 4 B. Consideration of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors’ Regular Meeting held on January 18, 2016 .................................Tab 5 C. Consideration of the Operations and Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of January 2016 ..............................Tab 6 D. Presentation of Monthly Financial Report STAFF REPORTS A. District Counsel B. District Engineer C. Property Manager D. Director of Golf Course Operations E. Golf Course Committee F. Erosion & Waterways Committee G. Landscape Committee H. District Manager 1. Action Item List ......................................................................Tab 7 I. Maintenance Reports 1. Aquatic Report ........................................................................Tab 8 a. Presentation of Water Analysis Report ........................Tab 9 2. Field Inspection Report ...........................................................Tab 10 SUPERVISOR REQUESTS AND COMMENTS Waterlefe Community Development District Agenda – February 15, 2016 Page 2 7. ADJOURNMENT We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (813) 933-5571. Very truly yours, Greg Cox Greg Cox District Manager cc: Andrew Cohen, Persson & Cohen, P.A. Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3 February 2, 2016 Erik Gowdy Waterlefe Golf and River Club 10025 Waterlefe Boulevard Bradenton, Florida 34212 Customer: 204494 Waterlefe Golf & River Ship To: 204494 Waterlefe CDD 10025 Waterlefe Boulevard Bradenton, Florida 34212 All pricing is valid for thirty (30) days Qty. Model Description 1 1 1 1 1 04044 04292 04256 04293 04295 Greensmaster Flex 2120 Flex 14 Blade 21 Inch Cutting Unit Front Wide Wiehle Roller LED Flex Light Kit LED Wire Harness Total Price for Total Price for 1 1 04238 04247 Price 1 4 Unit Unit(s) $ $ 11,334.39 45,337.56 1 4 Unit Unit(s) $ $ 1,434.14 5,736.56 H.O.C. Requested Delivery Date TransPro 80 Rail Ramp Kit, TP80 Total Price for Total Price for Terms: TCF Equipment Finance - Fair Market Value Lease ( (up q p p to 600 hrs/yr) /y ) Total Equipment to Finance $ 51,074.12 36 monthly payments at approximately $ 1,144.57 *** A $ 250.00 Documentation Fee will be included with the first payment. Please note: All lease payments are approximate and subject to credit approval. First payment in advance. Estimated lease payments are subject to financial conditions at the time the lease is booked. Wesco Turf is not responsible for any fluctuations in lease rates resulting in higher payments. Please indicate your acceptance of this quote as an order by signing below and returning via fax to Wesco Turf at 941.487.6889. Please include your preference for Height of Cut where applicable. Erik Gowdy Date The following quote meets or exceeds ANSI Safety Specification. Toro Commercial Equipment carries a two-year or 1500 hour warranty. Toro Consumer / Landscape Contractor Equipment carries a one-year limited warranty. Club Car Equipment carries The preceding pricing is good for 30 days, not including Florida Sales Tax, after which time new pricing would have to be submitted. Time of delivery may vary; please check when placing order. All payments are subject to state and local taxes. Thank you for considering Wesco Turf, Inc. for your equipment needs. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Taylor Eli Territory Manager Commercial Division (941) 915 7867; taylor.eli@wescoturf.com 915-7867; PND/tgd Waterlefe 020216.qt Tab 4 WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 1 MINUTES OF MEETING Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Audit Committee Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Waterlefe Community Development District was held on Monday, January 18, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the Waterlefe River Club, 995 Fish Hook Cove, Bradenton, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Ken Bumgarner John Brocki Alan Haibach Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Also present were: Greg Cox Andy Cohen District Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc. District Counsel, Persson & Cohen, P.A. Audience FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order Mr. Cox called the meeting to order and conducted the roll call. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Cox opened the floor for public comment. There were no audience comments. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Revised RFP Notice for Auditing Services Mr. Cox explained that the previous presentation of the RFP notice was for services beginning in 2015 and that it was later learned this service was already being provided. The notice was amended to reflect services to begin in 2016. On a Motion by Mr. Brocki, seconded by Mr. Bumgarner, with all in favor, the Audit Review Committee approved the revised RFP Notice for Auditing Services and recommended that the Waterlefe Board of Supervisors accept the revision as presented for the Waterlefe Community Development District. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 2 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Mr. Haibach, with all in favor, the Audit Review Committee adjourned the meeting at 2:03 p.m., for Waterlefe Community Development District. Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman Tab 5 WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 1 MINUTES OF MEETING Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is advised that the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Waterlefe Community Development District was held on Monday, January 18, 2016 at 2:04 p.m. at the Waterlefe River Club, 995 Fish Hook Cove, Bradenton, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Ken Bumgarner John Brocki Rosalyn Warner Alan Haibach Board Supervisor, Chairman Board Supervisor, Vice Chairman Board Supervisor, Assistant Secretary Board Supervisor, Assistant Secretary Also present were: Greg Cox Andy Cohen Rick Schappacher Tyree Brown Steve Dietz Representatives Representatives Representatives Representatives Representatives District Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc. District Counsel, Persson & Cohen, P.A. District Engineer, Schappacher Engineering Operations Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc. Interim General Manager of Golf Course Operations, Waterlefe Golf Club Golf Course Committee Landscape Committee Erosion & Waterways Committee Bond Investigation Committee MPOA Audience FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order Mr. Cox called the meeting to order and conducted the roll call. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Bill Strayer requested information regarding when the “clickers” for the side gate will be eliminated since he witnessed a commercial truck entering there. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Vacant Supervisor Seat Mr. Bumgarner explained that he has requested that Ms. Warner reconsider her resignation from the Board and that she resume her position for a few months until the District WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 2 had worked its way through various issues. On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board appointed Rosalyn Warner to vacant Seat #3 on the Board of Supervisors for the Waterlefe Community Development District. Mr. Cox administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Warner who swore to and affirmed to the oath. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Parking at Gate House The Board briefly discussed the issue of golf balls hitting the vehicles parked at the gate house and requested the topic be tabled until the February meeting. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing on Rules and Rates for Golf Course; Consideration of Resolution 2016-02, Amending Rules and Rates for Golf Course Mr. Cox explained the purpose of the public hearing. Mr. Dietz explained the need for the rule change to add the “Young Professional Membership” category to the Golf Passport Plan. On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Bumgarner, with all in favor, the Board opened the public hearing for the Waterlefe Community Development District. Mr. Cox requested comments from the attending public and there were none. On a Motion by Mr. Brocki, seconded by Mr. Haibach, with all in favor, the Board closed the public hearing for the Waterlefe Community Development District. On a Motion by Mr. Haibach, seconded by Ms. Warner, with all in favor, the Board adopted Resolution 2016-02, amending the rules and rates for the golf course as presented for Waterlefe Community Development District. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Recommendation from Audit Review Committee On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Ms. Warner, with all in favor, the Board accepted the recommendation from the Audit Review Committee to revise the RFP Notice for Waterlefe Community Development District. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 3 SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Audit Review Committee held on December 15, 2015 On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board approved the minutes of the Audit Review Committee Meeting held on December 15, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Board of Supervisors held on December 15, 2015 On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board approved the minutes of the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting held on December 15, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Landscape Committee Meeting held on November 10, 2015 On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board accepted the minutes of the Landscape Committee Meeting held on November 10, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Landscape Committee Meeting held on December 8, 2015 On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Ms. Warner, with all in favor, the Board accepted the minutes of the Landscape Committee Meeting held on December 8, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Erosion & Waterways Committee Meeting held on November 17, 2015 On a Motion by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. Haibach, with all in favor, the Board accepted the minutes of the Erosion & Waterways Committee Meeting held on November 17, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 4 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Minutes of the Bond Investigation Committee Meeting Held on December 17, 2015 (Exhibit A) and the Minutes of the Golf Course Committee Meeting held on November 15, 2015 and December 17, 2015 (Exhibit B) On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board accepted the minutes of the Bond Investigation Committee Meeting held on December 17, 2015 and the minutes of the Golf Course Committee Meetings held on November 15, 2015 and December 17, 2015 for Waterlefe Community Development District. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of the Operations and Maintenance Expenditures for the Month of December 2015 The Board reviewed the expenditures and requested that staff research the $275 invoice from Finn Outdoor relating to its treatment of cogon grass and that they report their findings to the Board. On a Motion by Mr. Bumgarner, seconded by Ms. Warner, with all in favor, the Board approved the Operation and Maintenance Expenditures for the month of December 2015, which totaled $122,045.33, for Waterlefe Community Development District. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review of Monthly Financial Report Mr. Cox provided a summary of the December 2015 financials report. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Staff Reports District Counsel Mr. Cohen provided an update on the Shores litigation and the Golf Course bond status. He explained that he is now dealing directly with the bond holders and their legal representative, Brian Crumbaker. He explained that he has once again opened up discussions with WCI and felt there was some progress being made. With regard to the Bond situation, Mr. Cohen recommended that the Board consider retaining a bond broker/dealer and suggested the Board consider Mr. Brett Sealy with MBS Capital Markets who they had worked with in the past. Mr. Cohen read a letter from Board member Chris Hogan regarding the Bond topic and his suggestion that the Board provide authorization to the Chairman to negotiate issues on the Board’s behalf with all parties involved. The Board discussed their role versus the Golf Course Committee’s role regarding decisions to be made as it relates to the Golf Course bond. Mr. Steve Sanborn explained what the Committee has been meeting about and felt the Committee would support the decisions the Board was contemplating. . WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 5 On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Bumgarner, with all in favor, the Board authorized the engagement of a bond broker/dealer to assist with the structuring of refinancing options and authorized the Chairman to negotiate the terms of the engagement with the assistance of District Counsel and Bond Counsel for Waterlefe Community Development District. The Board discussed the payment to the investment banker. Mr. Cohen explained that in most cases, it is generally a payment from the cost of issuance. Mr. Cohen mentioned the WCI discussions that have been underway and requested that the Board consider a motion to give the Chairman authority to negotiate settlement offers on behalf of the Board and to bring those offers back to the Board for consideration. On a Motion by Mr. Haibach, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board authorized the Chairman to negotiate golf course settlement offers and to present them to the Board for consideration for Waterlefe Community Development District. B. District Engineer 1. Shore Bridge Inspection Mr. Schappacher explained the proposal presented by Bolt Underwater Services for the bridge inspection. He explained that if approved, the services would be provided sometime within 1 month and a report would follow. On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board approved the Bolt Underwater Services proposal for the Shore Bridge inspection with a not-to-exceed amount of $2,127.36 for Waterlefe Community Development District. Mr. Schappacher presented a summary of the proposals (Exhibit C) he had received for the sidewalk repair work within the District. He explained that Site Masters had presented the lowest priced proposal and that he has had success working with them in the past. On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board approved the Site Masters proposal for the sidewalk repair work ($2,285) for Waterlefe Community Development District. The Board requested that Mr. Schappacher check to see if there is electrical power at the Mossy Branch gate, Mr. Schappacher indicated that he would check. He also addressed questions regarding the construction of the gate, the amount of property needed to allow proper turning space and the timing of the roadway construction. Mr. Brocki noted that he had asked Mr. Schappacher to check the property at 9460 Portside Terrace with regards to the clearing of CDD property that had taken place. The Board requested that Mr. Cohen send a letter to the resident on behalf WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 6 of the Board to demand that the clearing of CDD property cease immediately. The Board also requested that Mr. Brown check the home near the driving range that has a fire pit. C. Property Manager Mr. Cox presented the report provided by the Property Manager (Exhibit D) for the Board to review. Mr. Brocki asked that the Board extend a thank you to Ms. Rita Cohen for her efforts to inspect the community for damage following the recent storms. D. Golf Course Manager Mr. Dietz provided a financial update on the Golf Course operations. The Board discussed operations and ongoing improvements. Mr. Dietz presented a proposal from Yellowstone Landscaping (Exhibit E) in the amount of $3,718.19 for the installation of three Cathedral Oak trees beside the driving range. On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Haibach, with all in favor, the Board approved the Yellowstone Landscaping proposal for the installation of 3 Cathedral Oak Trees ($3,718.19) for Waterlefe Community Development District. Mr. Dietz next discussed the expiring lease with John Deere for walk mowers. He explained that the lease was expiring this month and that he had received a proposal from John Deere that increased the rate to $43,000 per year for three years. The Board requested that Mr. Dietz explore other opportunities and to see if John Deere will permit the current lease to be extended an additional month to allow the Golf Committee to become involved with the leasing considerations. The Board did take action to authorize the Chairman to approve the proposal in the instance that a new lease was required to be executed prior to the next CDD meeting. On a Motion by Mr. Brocki, seconded by Ms. Warner, with all in favor, the Board authorized the Chairman to approve a walk mower lease with a not-to-exceed amount of $43,000 subject to staff review for Waterlefe Community Development District. E. Golf Course Committee Mr. Steve Sanborn provided an update to the Board regarding the activities of the Golf Course Committee. There was some discussion regarding the draft roadway signage that is to be presented at the next CDD meeting. F. Erosion and Waterways Committee Mr. Haibach indicated that he would be taking over from Ms. Warner on this Committee. WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT January 18, 2016 Minutes of Meeting Page 7 G. Landscape Committee Mr. Brocki indicated that he would be taking over from Ms. Warner on this Committee. The Board discussed the on-going project of the circle renovation and asked that Mr. Brown and Mr. Cox check with Mr. John Toborg to see if the current plans included irrigation and lighting changes that might be needed. H. District Manager Mr. Cox reminded the Board that the next meeting was scheduled for February 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the Waterlefe River Club. Mr. Cox reviewed the current Action Item List with the Board. I. Maintenance Reports 1. Aquatic Report Mr. Josh McGarry was present and provided the Board with the Aquatic Systems initial report under their new contract. He addressed questions from the Board regarding pond aging and the issues the District may need to address in the next 10 years. 2. Field Inspection Report Mr. Brown presented his monthly Field Inspection Report and addressed questions from the Board. Mr. Brown discussed issues with trees falling due to excessively wet conditions. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests Mr. Bumgarner reminded the Board members and staff that he welcomed their comments to add to his MPOA presentation that he was scheduled to present. He also informed the Board that Mr. Don McFadden had left the Golf Course Committee. SEVENTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On a Motion by Ms. Warner, seconded by Mr. Brocki, with all in favor, the Board adjourned the meeting at 4:16 p.m. for Waterlefe Community Development District. Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman Exhibit A 2015 12 17 Bond Investigation Committee (BIC) Minutes Attendance: Present: Maddaloni, Myers, Sanborn Absent: Krasow, Tierno 1. Meeting called to order at 8:30am. 2. Discussed the BIC Objectives 3. Developed schedule for future meeting 4. Reviewed recent Bond related events 5. Reviewed golf course historical information 6. Reviewed financial information 7. Discussed how to organize work effort 1. For the next meeting, each member will bring a list of pros and cons for the major categories related to how we might proceed with respect to the golf course. 8. Committee agreed that based on the recent events, the CDD should try to change the present situation with respect to the default. 9. Meeting adjourned Exhibit B 2016 12 17 Golf Committee Minutes Members present: Sanborn; Cole; Maddaloni; Ritchie; Conrad; Griswald; Brocki; Members absent: Shopovick; McFadden; Krasow; Dunn; Gratsch; Haibach; Tierno; Management: Dietz; Reed; Branch 1. Meeting called to order. 2. November minutes were approved. 3. Golf course operations Actual Budget Variance 1. * Net EBITDA: October $39,175 ($ 2,247) $41,442 2. Year to Date $65,171 $12,588 $52,583 3. 4. *Positive results due to end of 2015 payroll accounting treatment that resulted in $28,000 positive payroll in October, and several full year member payments credited at time of receipt instead of spread by month. 4. Membership projections for January indicate 120 active members. 5. Reviewed the design for the new sign to be installed along Upper Manatee Road. 6. Discussion was held on ways to improve the Waterlefe experience for members from outside the community. Locker room and bag room will be refreshed to give a better appearance for potential new members. 7. Reviewed a number of advertising plans. 8. Discussion was held concerning inappropriate behavior on course by one of the members. Steve Dietz will discuss with the member. 9. Reviewed the major project schedule for the balance of the year. 10. WWGA: Nothing to report 11. WMGA: 1 day member guest tournament was held on December 14th. 12. Meeting was adjourned. Exhibit C Exhibit D Completed Work orders - report for December 2015 At the guard house 3 total Daily inspection – minor work, replaced light bulbs, etc. Sourced, purchased and installed battery for flood light Installed height sign at overhang on arch CDD Common 16 total Blow off nature walks Trim vegetation off walks Adjust landscape light timers Mark trip hazard – sidewalk Estimation of time & materials required to clean and restore front entrance signs/walls Survey nature walks to begin estimation of cost to replace damaged/unsafe boards Met with electrician – fountains (2) Met with Vertex – fountains Installation/ adjustment of additional holiday lights (4) Re-install utility box knocked over by golf cart Marked sidewalks after tripping incident Checked for owner reported bees nest on common area Pro Shop: 10 total Routine inspection – replace light bulbs, sprayed for wasps etc Vent cleaning Re-set light timer (2) Met with Steve to assess repair needs in Pro-Shop and Grille Room Purchased & installed new corner guards Purchased “stock” supplies – light bulbs etc. Installed batteries in EXIT signs-Pro Shop & Cart Barn (2) Installed rodent barrier in ventilation vent GOLF: 1 total Check emergency lights – replaced batteries SHORES: 1 total Invoice processing ADMINISTRASTIVE : 3 Receive calls/email – advised Tyree of required repair or action by CDD vendor Provide information to and reports from Lake Masters Monitor incident and PM reports from guards Not Complete – Construction of sound deadening box for pump at Sea Turtle Exhibit E Tab 6 WATERLEFE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICE · 3434 COLWELL AVE· SUITE 200 · TAMPA, FLORIDA 33614 Operation and Maintenance Expenditures January 2016 For Board Approval Attached please find the check register listing the Operation and Maintenance expenditures paid from January 1, 2016 through January 31, 2016. This does not include expenditures previously approved by the Board. The total items being presented: $78,329.79 Approval of Expenditures: __________________________________ ______ Chairperson ______ Vice Chairperson ______ Assistant Secretary Waterlefe Community Development District Paid Operation & Maintenance Expenditures January 1, 2016 Through January 31, 2016 Vendor Name Check Number Invoice Number Invoice Description Invoice Amount Alan Haibach 006901 AH011816 Board of Supervisors Meeting 01/18/16 $ 200.00 Aquatic Systems, Inc 006896 0000327567 Monthly Lake & Wetland Servic 01/16 $ 2,623.00 Aquatic Systems, Inc 006896 0000329339 Quarterly Fountain Maintenance 01/16 $ 581.00 Bradenton Herald 006874 002044400 - 12/15 $ 422.37 Bright House Networks 006875 047506901123115 Acct # 002044400 Legal Advertising 12/15 Guardhouse Cable 01/16 $ 188.85 Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC 006899 16071617 Audit Services FY 14/15-Progress Billing $ 750.00 Christopher J. Ralston 006882 30156 Off Duty Services 12/23/15 $ 105.00 Dwayne A. Denison 006900 30263 Off Duty Services 01/18/16 $ 105.00 Egis Insurance Advisors, LLC 006870 3802 $ 75.00 Egis Insurance Advisors, LLC 006870 3803 FL Insurance-Beverage Cart 10/01/1510/01/16 Fl Insurance-Aerator 10/01/15-10/01/16 $ 73.00 Florida Power & Light Company 006877 FPL Electric Summary 12/15 $ 1,537.71 Fraicor Terrero 006884 Electric Summary 12/15 30159 Off Duty Services 01/04/16 $ 105.00 Hector Duque 006889 121215 Hector Holiday Decorations $ 165.00 HomeTeam Pest Defense, LLC 006890 43714971 Pest Control Service $ 49.70 Jeff Herba 006878 30155 Off Duty Services 12//21/15 $ 105.00 Joey Pavers Pressure Cleaning and Sealing, Inc. John B. Brocki 006891 011216 Joey Pavers Installation of Paver on Sidewalk $ 350.00 006897 JB011816 Board of Supervisors Meeting 01/18/16 $ 200.00 John Denmark 006876 30157 Off Duty Services 12/29/15 $ 105.00 Jonathan Fierro dba White Diamond Landscape Kenneth E. Bumgarner 006887 1059 Installation of Annuals $ 1,457.70 006898 KB011816 Board of Supervisors Meeting 01/18/16 $ 200.00 Manatee County Utilities Department 006879 228361-141549 12/15 Construction Meter 12/15 $ 171.57 Manatee County Utilities Department 006871 MCUD Water Summary Billing 12/15 $ 1,929.56 MCSO Off Duty Employment 006880 MCUD Water Summary 12/15 30158 Administrative Fee 12/15 $ 147.00 Persson & Cohen, P.A. 006881 Persson 12/15 Legal Services 12/15 $ 2,643.60 Waterlefe Community Development District Paid Operation & Maintenance Expenditures January 1, 2016 Through January 31, 2016 Vendor Name Check Number Invoice Number Invoice Description Invoice Amount Persson & Cohen, P.A. 006881 Persson & Cohen, P.A. Legal Services 12/15-Golf Course $ 3,835.00 006881 Persson 12/15-Golf Course Persson 12/15-Shores Legal Services 12/15-Shores $ 13,806.00 Rizzetta & Company, Inc. 006872 2682 District Management Fees 01/16 $ 5,368.51 Rizzetta Amenity Services, Inc. 1932 1932 Payroll ppe 01/08/16, pd 01/15/16 $ 4,612.96 Rizzetta Amenity Services, Inc. 1934 1934 Payroll ppe 01/22/16, pd 01/29/16 $ 4,649.37 Rizzetta Technology Services 006873 INV0000000963 Website Hosting Services 01/16 $ 100.00 Rosalyn Warner 006902 RW011816 Board of Supervisors Meeting 01/18/16 $ 200.00 Schappacher Engineering, LLC 006892 S14347 Engineering Services 12/15 $ 3,350.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006893 7245 $ 241.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006893 7246 $ 110.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006893 7247 Camera Sys Ext Warranty Main & Back Gate 01/16 Network Connection for Tag System 01/16 Gate Extended Warranty 01/16 $ 335.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006893 7248 Camera Sys/DVR Ext Warranty 01/16 $ 134.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006883 7257 $ 2,825.00 SEL Security, Inc. 006883 7258 $ 878.50 Vertex Water Features, Inc. 006885 880010468 Installation of Back Gate Reader-50% Deposit Installation of NVR at Back Gate-50% Deposit Fountain Repair $ 78.00 W. Ralph Bryant III 006888 30218 Off Duty Services 01/10/16 $ 105.00 Waterlefe Golf Club 006886 010116 Golf Club Reimburse for CDD Supplies $ 799.32 Waterlefe Golf Club 006895 011416 Waterlefe Reimburse for CDD Supplies $ 29.98 Yellowstone Landscape 006903 INV-0000109639 Landscape Maintenance 01/16 $ 8,708.00 Yellowstone Landscape 006903 INV-0000110586 OTC Palm Injections $ 580.00 Yellowstone Landscape 006903 INV-0000110615 Mainline Repair $ 796.51 Yellowstone Landscape 006903 INV-0000110618 Mulch Installation $ 11,970.00 Yellowstone Landscape 006903 INV-0000111018 Zone Line Break Repair $ 527.58 $ 78,329.79 Report Total Tab 7 Waterlefe CDD Action Item List Date Entered Category 9/17/2015 O&M 9/17/2015 O&M 9/17/2015 District Staff Responsible Vendor Responsible Target Date BOS wants a proposal from Tyree for landscapes design Tyree Operations TBD RFP for Audit Services 16/17/18 Greg District Manager 4/5/2016 Rick Engineer TBD Engineer 2/15/2016 Action Item Administration Follow up with Rick on golf course ball issue options 11/5/2015 O&M Shores Bridge Water Depth Issue - DE to Evaluate Options Rick 11/5/2015 O&M Submit Pressure Washing Proposals to Chairman Greg 1/18/2016 O&M Carp Barrier Installation Tyree Andy to review MPOA/CDD agreement for any possible changes based on Steve's and Rita's role change District Manager ASAP Operations 2/15/2016 Andy Counsel ASAP Get proposals for rain sensor irrigation controllers Steve Director Golf Operations TBD Notes In progress Next Committee meeting in March Issue is still mostly unresolved as options are being evaluated. Options being obtained In progress Barrier in and requires inspection from SWFWMD On Hold Items 9/17/2015 7/28/2015 Administration O&M On-Hold pending Shores Resolution On-Hold per Board Direction Completed Items 9/17/2015 O&M Rick to work with vendor to replace GC crossings since they are peeling Rick Engineer ASAP Done 7/28/2015 O&M Present GAB Robins proposal for annual appraisals Greg District Manager TBD Done 7/28/2015 O&M BOS approved $2000 for the Watch II, waiting on invoice for reimbursement Greg District Manager ASAP Done 7/28/2015 O&M Send payment for golf course pump station Greg District Manager TBD Done 1 Printed: 2/5/2016 Tab 8 Waterlefe CDD Routine Scheduled - Monthly 2/4/2016 Mr. Greg Cox Mr. Tyree Brown Rizzetta & Company 3434 Colwell Ave. Sabrina Kilgore, Account Representative Sun City Field Office Waterlefe CDD 1 Site looks good Pond #1 looks great. All Water Lettuce appears to have been successfully contacted. 2 Requires attention The littoral areas of pond #2 are showing improvement in terms of invasive vegetation coverage. After treatments on 1/14/16 a great majority of the Water Lettuce that once inundated this area is no longer present. However the nutrients released from the treated material will not need to be a focal point moving forward. (Site will be treated on 2/5/16). 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 3, 28 Site looks good The Alligatorweed that was previously encroaching into open water around the perimeter of pond #3 (above and top right) has been treated and is no longer present. Pond #28 (bottom right) looks good. 4 Site looks good Pond #4 looks good as well. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 6, 5 Requires attention Pond #6 (above) was successfully treated for shoreline weeds. As a result a minor algae bloom was present from decomposing nutrient release. Pond #5 (top/bottom right) looks excellent. 7 Treatment in progress Pond #7 was treated for floating weed Azolla on 1/29/16. Full treatment results for floating invasive plants usually takes 14-21 days in some cases. This site will be follow up on and re-treated if needed on 2/5/16. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 8 Requires attention With the exception of minor algae mostly located in the northern section, the water quality in pond #8 looks good. 9 Site looks good Pond #9 looks great. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 10, 11 Site looks good Pond #10 (above and top right) looks good as well. Minor Pennywort, which is actually a Florida native plant, was found around the perimeter. This growth will be for the sake of aesthetics and to reduce potential algal activity around the ponds perimeter. Pond #11 (bottom right) looks great. 12 Site looks good Pond #12 looks good as well. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 13 Site looks good Minor Water Lettuce was observed windblown to the north section of the pond and is now lodged on the leading edge of the littoral shelf. 14 Treatment in progress Pond #14 was treated for shoreline weeds on 1/29/16, however a minor amount of invasive Torpedograss remains along the north bank. This site will continue to be monitored for treatment progress and will receive follow up application of required. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 15 Site looks good Pond #15 looks excellent, the Fragrant Water Lilies here are beautiful. 16 Normal growth observed The open water of pond #16 looks good however a minor band of surface algae and Azolla were observed lodged between the shoreline and the beneficial plants that border the pond. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 17, 18a Requires attention Site #17 looks excellent the shoreline weed treatments here were well executed. Pond #18a (bottom right photo) had minor algae but otherwise looked to be in very good condition. 18 Requires attention The open water of pond #18 looks great however significant surface Filamentous Algae was observed in the open water areas of littoral shelf. Ideally these shallow areas will eventually fill in all open areas with each passing growth season. Greatly reducing the probability of re-occurring algae. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 19, 20 Treatment in progress Pond #19 (above) was treated for shoreline grasses on 1/21/16. Results are coming in nicely, treatment here will continue until all Torpedograss has been contacted. The native Duck Potato in this are will remain to enhance pond habitat and provide native vegetation coverage. Pond #20 (top/bottom right) looks good. 21 Requires attention Floating weed treatments to address the Water Lettuce in the littoral areas of pond #21 (please see top right photo) are underway. Similar to pond #2, treatment results here should take anywhere between 1-2 weeks to fully manifest after application. 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 22, 23 Site looks good Pond #22 (above and top right) looks good. Pond #23 is 100% covered with Water Lettuce and is scheduled for treatment on 2/5/16. 26 Site looks good Pond #26 look great! 2/4/2016 Waterlefe CDD 2/4/2016 While generally speaking a majority of the ponds of Waterlefe CDD are in good condition invasive aquatic weed treatments have been on going to bring each pond as close to ecological balance as possible. As it stands ponds #2, #6, #7, #8, #16, #18 and #18a are experiencing minor up fluxes of Filamentous Algae activity. In the case of ponds #2 and #6 the algae is a secondary result of recent floating and shoreline weed treatments respectively. As chemically contacted vegetation begins to inactive nutrients are released into the water column from the decaying material. In nearly all cases this is primary condition that sparks algal activity and can be quickly and easily treated using standard algaecides. The algae present in ponds #7, #8, #16, #18 and #18a all appear to have manifested from high sunlight exposure. Meaning that the areas in which the alga were found were extremely shallow in nature, receiving 100% light penetration from through the entire water column. This coupled with recent rain events (which carry nutrients into water bodies from surrounding areas) will naturally yield an increase in algae production. Excellent progress was made in addressing the multiple sites that had gross overgrowth's of floating weed Water Lettuce. Ponds #1 and #2 were aggressively treated with excellent result (please see page 2). The only other sites during this months inspection that had active Water Lettuce remaining were ponds #13, #21 and #23. Pond #13 (see page 7) had a very minor amount of Water Lettuce windblown to the north most corner. While this growth was minuscule it is very important to treat this specific plant vigilantly as it is an aggressive grower, being able to use three different methods of reproduction. Sites #21 and #23 (pages 10 and 11 respectively) had more significant Water Lettuce populations and are scheduled to be treated 2/5/16. Similarly pond #7 will receive a follow up treatment on 2/5/16 for floating weeds to address an abrupt explosion of floating weed Azolla (azolla ssp.). Please see page 4 for more details. Shoreline weeds have been well addressed over the past 30 days. At least 3-4 sites have made full recoveries and are triennially free of shoreline weeds such as Alligatorweed and Torpedograss. Only two sites remain, ponds #14 and #19 both of which have received treatment and will more than likely require one or two more follow up treatments to address the remaining growth. In regards to active shoreline weed activity pond #10 (see page 6) was the only site had active vegetation in the form of Pennywort. While Pennywort (hydrocotyle umbellata) is a Florida native plant it is usually only encouraged in wetland areas and is treated in open water systems to reduce the risk of algae and maintain the appearance of a well manicured shoreline. Currently ponds #1, #3, #4, #5, #9, #11, #12, #15, #17, #20, #22 and #26 are all in good to great to excellent conditions and will continue to be monitored and treated on an as needed basis. --Floating weeds will continue to be a focal point throughout the community until the growth in every site is brought under control. The treated populations in pond #1 and #2 will continue to be monitored for new growth. Moving forward sites #7, #21 and #23 will be main focuses as these sites are currently the most inundated. Both are scheduled to be treated 2/5/16, results usually manifesting in 14-21 days. --Algae will be also be a priority throughout the community as recent rain events have slightly increase algal production community wide. Ponds #2, #6, #7, #8, #16, #18 and #18a will be treated for algae during their next scheduled routine treatment. Standard algaecide results usually taking 10-14 days. --Currently ponds #1, #3, #4, #5, #9, #11, #12, #15, #17, #20, #22 and #26 are all in good to great to excellent conditions and will continue to be monitored and treated on an as needed basis. Waterlefe CDD 2/4/2016 Tab 9 Tab 10 WATERLEFE ______________________________________________________________ FIELD INSPECTION REPORT January 8, 2016 Rizzetta & Co., Inc. Tyree Brown – Operations Manager RIZZETTA & COMPANY INCORPORATED Landscape 6 Status _____ 1/2 finished will continue every other week 9. Date Palms in cul de sacs scheduled for pruning. (photo 2) 3 finished will continue to progress every other 10. Remove declining Juniper from fungus in community cu de sacs. (photo 2) Removing a few every service 11. Remove declining Indian Hawthorne throughout community. 1/18/2016 12. Give Potassium fertilization to date palms in community cul de sacs. The following are action items for Yellowstone to complete. Please refer to the item # in your response listing action already taken or anticipated time of completion. 1/14/2016 13. Cut back irrigation in community entrance center medians. 1/11/2016 14. Remove downed limbs in median of Misty Pond. A proposal was sent for this. 1. Provide solution for corner plant bed on south end of Upper Manatee. center 1/25/2016 1/11/2016 15. Weed plant bed at Portside cul de sac. 1/25/2016 16. Vertically prune Viburnum hedge along south wall. 2. Weed annual beds throughout the community. 1/25/2016 3. Remove weeds and vines from hedge just west of traffic circle on north side of Winding Stream Way. 1/11/2016 17. Weed around boulder on Sand Crane cul de sac. 1/25/2016 4. Elevate Live Oaks in golf course parking lot. (photo 6) 1/25/2016 5. Remove Flax Lily from File Brook Ct cul de sac. 1/12/2016 6. Treat Oleander in center median of Waterlefe Blvd for caterpillars. 1/25/2016 7. Prune old seed pods from all Crape Myrtles in community. 1/18/2016 8. Replant Tabebuia in center median of Discovery per instructions. 2 Status _____ RIZZETTA & COMPANY INCORPORATED 2