Here Come the Whirlybirds!
Here Come the Whirlybirds!
© Lis © Jupiterimages Corp. p r e s e n t e d b y Science a-z a d i v i s i o n o f L e a r n i n g A - Z Here Come the Whirlybirds! By Ron Fridell © Bo Seeds that travel by air have some ingenious strategies for getting around. Maple seeds create lift to keep them aloft, like helicopters. Dandelion and sunflower seeds act like parachutes, floating through the air beneath a puffy hat of hairs woven together in a rounded shape. The slightest breath of wind from below takes them aloft and propels them along. Then there is the plant seed that looks and behaves like a kite or a glider. The seed of the Asian gourd named Alsomitra macrocarpa has a pair of wings that measure 13 centimeters (5 in) from tip to tip. The seed rises, swoops, and glides through the rainforest. wing rotate. Seeds that catch a breeze just right can fly a mile or more before landing. Some will produce new maple trees one day. See Whirlybirds on page 2 Chances are you’ll see dozens of seeds that resemble mini-helicopters, or whirlybirds, spinning through the air. Each seed consists of a light, papery wing with a heavy seedpod attached. It’s this pod that makes the by Cend eH ill Scientists have discovered that some plants and animals share the same vital skill. You can see this skill in action on a breezy spring day. Just lie down beneath a maple tree and watch. tion stra Illu 4 © Koval Seeds travel through the air. But what about an entire plant that’s blown along by the wind? The Russian thistle, more commonly known as the tumbleweed, breaks off from its roots on the ground and rolls with the wind, sometimes for dozens of miles. On the way, it scatters tens of thousands of seeds. Tumbleweeds are big plants—so big that in the American Southwest, people make snowpeople out of them in winter. © Learning A–Z All rights reserved. © Jupiterimages Corp. Ride the Wind Maple seeds often grow in pairs and “fly” so that young plants don’t compete for resources. 1 Whirlybirds Write About This! Continued from page 1 2 © Jupiterimages Corp. How teeny can plant seeds get? Wolffia are the smallest flowering plants with the smallest seeds in the world. These aquatic plants, which look like bits of cornmeal, are less than a millimeter long. They grow on the surface of bodies of fresh water, where they float freely, without roots. Wolffia seeds travel by both wind and water, and they really get around. They have been known to journey all the way from one continent to another, sometimes carried by tornadoes. Wolffia seeds have even been found in the water from melted hailstones. © © Learning A–Z All rights reserved. © Devon Stephens/ Nathan Shelton Whirlybird is an informal word for a helicopter, named after the aircraft’s whirling blades. Other helicopter nicknames include chopper, lifter, and eggbeater. Teeny S e e d s o n t h e M o v e © Jupiterimages Corp. © Vladimir Blinov/123RF They discovered that a spinning maple seed does just what the wings of hummingbirds, bats, and moths do. It generates a vortex—a mini-tornado— above the wing. This vortex sucks air up from under the wing, which pulls the wing upward with a force called lift—the same force that keeps flying animals and helicopters airborne. © Podobedov/Stocksnapper Velcro™ was invented in 1941 by engineer George de Mestral, who lived in Switzerland. The idea came to him one day after finding burrs (seeds) that kept sticking to his clothes and his dog’s fur with tiny hooks. Maybe you remember Jack and the Beanstalk from when you were younger—the story about a plant that grew so tall that it climbed clear through the clouds to a giant’s castle. Write your own fantasy story for kids about a fantastic plant. Maybe you have a little brother or sister you could read it to, or a class of young children in your school. © A team of scientists wondered: How could these whirlybirds stay in the air for so long and fly so far? To find out, they made an oversized plastic model of a maple seed and attached it to a robotic arm. Then they observed the model as it spun. Each green spec is a whole plant. 3
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