kaleidoscope - Northern California Corvette Association
kaleidoscope - Northern California Corvette Association
Volume 57, Issue 8 KALEIDOSCOPE AMERICA’S OLDEST CORVETTE CLUB NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CORVETTE ASSOCIATION August, 2014 Inside this issue: President’s Column 3 Membership News 5 General Business Meeting Minutes WSCC Convention Bowling Social Activities Column Membership Run Pictures Birthdays 2014 WSCC Convention Calendar 6-7 8 Front/Back Cover: Jim Wells C7 at Crater Lake National Park Credit Jim Wells 14 16-17 21 26-28 30 Red, red, red, give me red! President’s Column - Jim Wells WSCC completed another successful convention in July. The convention this year was held in Medford Oregon and there was a good turnout. While heat was a factor, being 100+ most days, WSCC and NCCA did well. Ken Rabello was tops in the golf event and Harvey Grasso tops in the bowling event. NCCA sponsored a run through the area surrounding Medford and ended up at a local winery for tasting and lunch. Thanks goes to George Robinson for coordinating that run. A local TV reporter joined me on the wine run and took video during our run. Parts of that video and the interview she did during the run appeared on TV that evening. Next year we will have our 35th “A Legend on Display” car show and our 40th Vette Magic. Planning for these events is underway. With regard to Vette Magic, we are looking at doing something special. While a decision have not been made yet, we are looking at inviting other Chevrolet products to join us at our 40th drag racing event. These would include Camaros, Novas, etc. I feel opening our event up for this 40th annual drag racing would be a positive way of celebrating our 40th anniversary. More to come. See you on the road… Should I Have Waited for the New ZO6? - Chuck Gerughty The 2013 ZR1 is the fastest, most powerful car Chevrolet has ever produced. It is powered by the LS9 engine; boasts a test track top speed of 205 mph; goes from 0-60 in only 3.4 seconds and if you drive like an my father you might see 21 MPG on your highway drives to Thunderhill Raceway. I was lucky to buy a ZR1 with the 60th Anniversary Design Package. I know “All Corvette are Red” but this car’s Arctic White exterior; Blue Diamond leather-wrapped interior and the exterior graphics package with full-length racing stripes in Pearl Silver Blue is a really easy to look at. Combined with its visible Carbon Fiber elements such as the roof, roof bow, splitter and rockers, the aggressive and chiseled style of ZR1 reflects its roots in racing. Yes I know the new ZO6 will have 650 horsepower but that will not be available until next year so I guess I’ll have to settle for the ZR1’s VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 638 horsepower 6.2-liter LS9 supercharged engine. The LS9 engine employs lightweight titanium intake valves and connecting rods and contains a high-performance drysump oil system, which distributes pressurized oil from an external reservoir to protect vital components under high-g driving conditions. Yes I agree this dry sump is what I’ve needed all along. If you want to go fast this is the car for you but remember you have to be able to stop fast too. To achieve this goal the ZR1 offers Brembo® Carbon Ceramic Brake rotors that are capable of operating at 1,000° Celsius (as hot as molten lava) without warping. The system employs 6piston front and 4-piston rear calipers engaging vented, cross-drilled rotors. The result is tremendous stopping power and the ability to dive much deeper into the corner than any other Corvette I have owned. My car also has the available PDE Performance Package which includes RUV Satin Black Cup style wheels, Michelin Pilot Sport Cup Tires, fullwidth racing style spoiler and MH3 close ratio transmission. The collective impact of these enhancements translates to impressive performance numbers such as 1.13g skid pad and a 103-foot stopping distance at 60 mph. Now that’s pretty darn good. So now I ask you should I have waited for the new ZO6? I don’t think so because I can drive this car now both on and off the track and I really do mean “off the track”. Page 3 2014 Board of Directors President Jim Wells 925.443.2707 president@ nccacorvettes.org VP Events Steve Logan 415.425.3105 vpevents@ nccacorvettes.org VP Motor Sports Tim Sullivan vpmotorsports@ nccacorvettes.org Secretary Shirley Smith 510.481.2739 secretary@ nccacorvettes.org Membership Mary McMurry 925.736.2414 membership@ nccacorvettes.org Page 4 Social JoAnn & Al Zwicky 510.314. 1938 social@nccacorvettes.org Treasurer Harvey Grasso 510.538.2844 treasurer@ nccacorvettes.org Publications Stayc Feil 925.829.1881 publications@ nccacorvettes.org Public Relations Chuck Gerughty 650.799.1975 publicrelations@ nccacorvettes.org Historian Open BMAL George Robinson 650.291.4601 bmal@ nccacorvettes.org WSCC Representative Steve Bissett 925.455.6431 wsccrep@ nccacorvettes.org Charitable Foundation Doug Knudson 925.855.0901 & Paul Sotelo 925.348.6333 charitable@ nccacorvettes.org Web Director Dave Meccariello 209.814.2984 web@ nccacorvettes.org K A L E I D O S C O PE America’s Oldest Corvette Club In July of 1956, two Corvette owners waved & stopped to talk. Corvettes were few in numbers then & several weeks could pass before encountering another. These drivers discussed the starting of a Corvette Club. By July 15, 1956, an informal meeting of Corvette owners had decided to establish the Northern California Corvette Association. These early Corvette owners met frequently at each other’s homes with their numbers increasing each month. On March 28, 1957, an initial group of 35 met at Daily Chevrolet in Oakland to establish the by-laws. By then Josh Hogue, San Francisco Examiner’s sports car event columnist suggested that this group combine with the one meeting at Les Vogel’s Chevrolet. On May 9, 1957 NCCA was incorporated & 40 members elected Roy Storey, a TV & radio sportscaster & Corvette participant in SCCA‘s regional races, President. Sandy Greenblat was elected Vice President, Patty Gellenbeck Secretary & John Zeh Treasurer. The charter membership for NCCA was closed at the end of May 1957 listing 47 members. President Roy Storey suggested a series of autocross’ named after Grand Prix races. NCCA presented Northern California’s 3rd autocross. 150 cars drove the course at the Milpitas Ford Plant. This series set the standard for autocrossing in Northern California. Though Roy Storey was soon transferred to Hollywood by CBS, he helped NCCA to properly start as a competing club. NCCA is still participating in autocrossing, drag races, track racing & car shows. The club is the oldest member of the Western States Corvette Council (WSCC), joining in 1966. We have evolved into more of a social club over the years with the focus on day & weekend trips. In recent years interest has increased in racing, with members taking trophies in drag racing, autocross & entering more & more track days at Thunderhill, Laguna Seca, Infineon & Buttonwillow race tracks. NCCA celebrated it’s 50th anniversary in 2007 by inviting past presidents to a dinner dance where we shared memorabilia. Our calendar is filled each January with events for the coming year that include trips to an assortment of locations, car shows, our annual fall banquet & Christmas party. Vette Magic, an all Corvette Drag Race & Car Show, is sponsored by NCCA each summer. Each year this event draws a large number Corvette racers and spectators from Northern California & the surrounding States. NCCA is a valuable member of our community, as we contribute to several charitable organizations each year through our charitable foundation. Membership News - Mary McMurry Please submit renewals for 20142015. Membership fees are due September 1, 2014 and are considered delinquent after October 31, 2014. We now have 94 member households, 162 individual members and 102 member Corvettes. We also continue to add new members to our family-friendly Corvette Club. New Members There were no new members inducted this month. However, we have 4 members to be inducted Jacque and Chris Sommers; David Weidler; and Michelle Ferretta. Let’s make them feel welcome! Facebook Our NCCA Facebook continues to gather a following! VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Newest stats Total Likes 367 updated daily. All it takes is two easy steps (see screenshot below). Average Reach Per Week 668 unique visitors People Engaged (last week) 113 Comments (last week) 18 Shares (last week) 13 Clicks (last week) 232 Please send Mary McMurry any great Corvette photos or news stories you find. She always needs new material for our daily posts. I encourage you to “Like” the NCCA Facebook page. There is a wealth of Corvette and NCCA Information available, which is Page 5 General Business Meeting Minutes - Shirley Smith August 5, 2014 7:00 pm @ San Lorenzo Homes Association Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm Roll Call of Members - 34 in attendance Jim Wells - President Welcome. We have no guests this evening. Can we have approval of the minutes from the last General Business meeting as published in the K. Motion to approve was made, seconded and approved by all members present. Thank you Mary McMurry for putting together a great Membership run this last Saturday. We had 26 cars on the run to Pescadero and Alice’s restaurant for lunch led by Bruce Bourne. Thank you Bruce! The August 15th Bob Ashbaker Memorial Run to Pacific Grove will be led by Tim Sullivan. WSCC Convention was successful and we had 4 club members attend. We had a great time and we will have articles in the next issue of the K. WSCC 50th Anniversary convention next summer will be tentatively held in Reno, NV in July. We have submitted artwork and payment for the new NCCA banner at the National Corvette Museum. Officers Reports Membership – Mary McMurry We have 30 membership renewals in at this time. The winners of the membership run free membership raffle for 1 year are Bob & Lora Rapini. Congratulations! Treasurer – Harvey Grasso Everything is good at this time. A report has been submitted to the e-board. Secretary – Shirley Smith Nothing to report at this time. Page 6 Events – Stephen Logan No report at this time. Legends on Display Car Show 35th year Anniversary 2015 and Vette Magic 40th Anniversary is also in 2015. Social – Jo Ann & Al Zwicky August 15th, Friday is the Bob Ashbaker Memorial run/ Pacific Grove auto rally with Tim Sullivan hosting. Information will be in the K. August 16th Saturday, Glass Paks Corvette car show in Tracy at Dr. Powers Park. Also on Sat. August 16th is the Family and Friends Corvette club car show in Vallejo. Saturday September 6th, Dublin Bowl Rock and Roll car show all types of cars will be present, sounds like a fun day to take the family out. Sunday September 7th is WSCC sanctioned event all Corvette car show at Dublin Chevrolet hosted by Glass Paks Corvettes. September 21st, SCC Spectacular Car Show in Los Altos, September 28th Vettes and Jets at the USS Hornet in Alameda-more information to follow. VP Motorsports – Tim Sullivan Nothing to report at this time. Public Relations – Chuck Gerughty Nothing to report at this time. Publications – Stayc Feil If you have any articles or pictures of past events you would like to have in the K please contact me. Charitable Foundation – Doug Knudson & Paul Sotelo Tonight we have a raffle with a special bonus door prize a car care kit worth $100.00. Get your tickets! Next raffle is October. WSCC – Steve Bisset WSCC General business meeting is September 6th and I will attend this meeting at Momentum Chevrolet (Formerly Courtesy Chevrolet). Historian – Open Nothing to Report. BMAL - George Robinson I am currently filling out Board positions for the next year. I need volunteers for Historian position (Collect photos provided by members and videos and put together a slide show for our Fall banquet at the end of next year.) Raymond Barrett has agreed to take this K A L E I D O S C O PE General Business Meeting Minutes - Continued position. Thank you Raymond! I need a volunteer for Social position (Keep track of what’s going on throughout the year and put on the Social Social in January) Please let me know if you are interested. VP Events – I am not sure at this time if Stephen Logan is going to continue in this position and I am asking for a volunteer to take over. (This position-you will put 2 car shows together and organize and coordinate the volunteers, judges etc. for these events). We need to form a By Laws committee ASAP- we need to add the Sponsorship Director position. Carole Robinson has agreed to take this position (Sponsorship Director) and handle all the phone calls, but we will need members to go and meet face-to-face on a regular schedule with our sponsors. A few of the sponsors are already spoken for, so we would only need a few other members to talk to the remaining sponsors for our club. Please let me know if you are interested in taking on these positions. Please know that with any and all of the board positions, the current board members and past members that have held the board positions in past years are always available to help you out and help you put things together. All of our members are always willing to help out in some way or another. Please let me know by email or phone call if you are interested in taking any of the available positions as soon as possible. and we are working on a detailed advertising plan to get the word out for our 40th Vette Magic in 2015. Announcements We have 4 club hats still available for sale -2 blue and 2 yellow. Penny Bisset is still collecting items from Hotels (shampoo, soaps etc.) for the Soldiers overseas. Please bring what you have collected to the next meeting. Next Meeting GBM - September 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm Webmaster – Dave Meccariello I have posted pictures of the membership run to our website as of Monday August 4, 2014. Old Business NCCA Club T shirt collection – we have 39 years worth of T shirts which Jim Wells has collected. We still need a T shirt from VM 2 in 1977. If anyone has one they can donate or knows of someone who has a T shirt from that year, please let us know so we can contact them. We would like to display them at Vette Magic’s 50th Anniversary. New Business There was a discussion on the future of Vette Magic. The discussion centered around (1) date for the event (hot in June), (2) format of the event (lower drag attendance in recent years), and (3) need for an advertising plan. We are checking on the availability of alternate dates, looking at other formats such as opening for other Chevrolet cars, VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 7 WSCC Convention Bowling - Harvey Grasso The bowling event was held at Medford's Lava Lanes. Lane conditions lived up to the house's name, lava-like. The alleys were dry and scores were low. High series were 502, Harvey Grasso NCCA, for the men and 393, Barbara Brabbo, NBCA, for the women. High games were 182, Lee DeSalles, DBCA, for men and 152, Joyce Friesen, DBCA, for women. However, fun awards were also given, best couple, most splits and most gutter balls, and everyone had fun. Page 8 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 9 Page 10 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 11 C7 Corvette Graced with Edelbrock E-Force Supercharger Though the seventh-generation Chevrolet Corvette comes from the factory loaded with 460 horsepower, there’s always going to be powerhungry enthusiasts demanding more from their cars. The American-made Edelbrock E-Force supercharger system satisfies this hunger. Specifically designed for the LT1 and fitting like a glove under the stock hood due to its integration into the intake manifold, the E-Force results in a seamless design with minimal components and the virtual elimination of vacuum leaks between gasket surfaces. Edelbrock has been a name synonymous with fabrication and performance since it was founded by Vic Edelbrock Sr. in 1938. In an effort to up the ante with his own 1932 Ford roadster, Edelbrock designed his own intake manifold. Word got around, people demanded his products, a humble repair shop transformed into a manufacturing enterprise, and the rest is history. And as America’s Original Sports Car, Page 12 the Corvette seems to go hand in hand with Edelbrock, and installing the Edelbrock E-Force supercharger onto a C7 Corvette makes for the perfect storm. At the core of the E-Force system is an Eaton Gen VI 2300 TVS supercharger rotating assembly, which features a four-lobe design with 160degrees of twist for maximum flow, a minimum rise in temperature, and quiet operation. LSXTV.com reports that with a stock C7 horsepower and torque as the baseline, testing has shown that a Stingray equipped with an Edelbrock E-Force supercharger system can produce 554 flywheel horsepower and 515 lb-ft of torque with a stock fuel pump (or 599 flywheel horsepower and 547 lb-ft of torque with a high-volume fuel pump). driven on a regular basis with nearstock MPG . . . if you can keep your foot off the gas. The system is available in three stages including Stage 1 or “street,” the most popular of the three, complete with refined calibration, a 50 statelegal E.O. number, and an available 5-year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty. Stage 3 is stripped down and customizable, so pulley size, belt, custom tune, and more are decided by the customer. Stage 2 is still in the works, but it will probably end up looking a bit like Stage 1 but with more horsepower, and will be 50 state-legal but without a powertrain warranty. Perhaps the best thing about this system is that it is a simple bolt-on modification that delivers serious results and allows the C7 to be K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 13 Social Activities News - Al & Jo Ann Zwicky August began with the annual NCCA Membership Run on Saturday, August 2nd. 26 Corvettes took part in the run and raffle. Bob and Lora Rapini were the big winners of the free membership for next year. The NCCA Cruise to Pacific Grove is on Friday, August 15th. This is a popular repeat event consisting of lunch in Pacific Grove, a car display in the afternoon, and a 200 car rally through 17 Mile Drive in the evening. It ends with dinner back in Pacific Grove for winding down prior to the drive back home. Long day but well worth it. The very next day, August 16th, is the Glass Fantastic WSCC Car Show in Tracy. This one is sponsored by the Glass Pack Corvette Club and well attended by NCCA members. Bruce Bourne will be leading the NCCA caravan to Tracy from the McDonald’s at Santa Rita Road in Pleasanton. Meet there at 9:00 AM. Page 14 The next event will be the WSCC Car Show at Dublin Chevrolet on Sunday, September 7th.This will be bigger and better than last years. Members, let’s show our support for one of our major sponsors with a high level of participation at this event at their facility. The 2014 Corvette Show Season ends with the Corvette Spectacular in Santa Clara on Saturday, September 21st. Santa Clara Corvettes presents this show, which is the largest of the year, on Main Street in Downtown Los Altos. Plenty to do and see at this event. Look for the notice for an NCCA caravan to this event. There is one every year. it sounds like it could be very interesting and a lot of fun. October continues with a full schedule of more runs and track days, and November is the month for our big banquet at Blackhawk. The NCCA Event Calendar on www.nccacorvettes.org and the K will provide you with all the dates. September concludes with the Vettes and Jets event on the USS Hornet presented by Rio Vista Corvettes. The date is Saturday, September 28th at Pier 3 in Alameda. It consists of a ship tour, museum entry, and catered lunch aboard ship. Not your typical Corvette event, but K A L E I D O S C O PE Membership Run Pictures Page 16 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 17 WSCC Convention Car Show - Jim Wells There is a Car Show at every WSCC Convention. During the Medford 2012 WSCC Convention we had the car show in a local park on the grass with nice trees to put our chairs under. Weather was in the low eighties. Because that Park was replanting their grass this year, the 2014 WSCC convention Car Show was moved downtown to a city owned parking lot. Parking lot was asphalt and there were no trees. Oh, did I mention that the temperature got to 105 degrees that day? Since the parking lot was large, all cars got to take up two spaces so we had lots of room to clean our cars. Because of the heat they did a quick job of judging and at noon, the show was over. While most of the cars were gone, a local TV reporter came over and asked me for an interview and to get some video. I agreed. About that time a TV reporter from another channel came by and saw the other reporter and stopped and asked Tim Boone, an NCCA Associate Member, for an interview. He agreed. Both Tim and I had our C7s and they both were the last ones to leave the parking lot. The trip back to the hotel where there was air conditioning was short. All in all, it was a good show and all participates enjoyed themselves. Redwood Chapel Car Show - Bruce Bourne This year 8 NCCA cars represented our club at the Redwood Chapel car show. Chapel members judged all cars similarly as WSCC shows are judged, except for Best Show which is people’s choice. All Corvettes entered in the show, not only club cars, did extremely well and two of VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 our members Shirley Smith (1994 Torch Red Coupe) won 3rd place in her class (1990-2014 hard top all) and Stephen Logan (2013 Velocity Yellow 427 Convertible) won second Place in his class ( 1990-2014 open top all ). This was by far the best show they have had with 261 cars all makes and models. Hamburgers, hot dogs, beans and soda/ water for lunch. After lunch, trophys and drawings. Was a great show Page 19 Page 20 K A L E I D O S C O PE August & September Birthdays August September Debbie Neyland 5 Marty Piver 1 Cynthia Kesinger 5 Mollie Hall 2 Linda Bristow 14 Chris Sommers 3 Becky Tonkin 14 Mary Grodin 5 Dave Meccariello 20 Julene Henning 7 Carole Robinson 22 David Ray 8 Susan Barclay 27 Shirley Smith 12 Leigh Ray 29 Peggy Misata 16 Stacy Sullivan 17 Sandra Teves 19 Jim Wells 23 Dan Miller 24 Klaren Odor 30 Hats For Sale NCCA has embroidered baseball hats for sale for $20. Available in Red, Blue, or Yellow. If you are interested in purchasing one contact: Al Zwicky @ 510.314. 1938 or social@nccacorvettes.org There are a limited number available so don’t hesitate on getting yours today. Advertise in the Kaleidoscope The NCCA newsletter reaches all members and all of the voting member clubs in the WSCC community . The online version is in color and web traffic details are available upon request. VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Full Page B&W $550.00 Full Page Color $1,000.00 Half Page B&W $300.00 Quarter Page B&W $200.00 Web Link w/K $200.00 Full Web Page $600.00 Combination: Full Page Color K Ad Plus Full Page Web Ad, Plus Web Link $1,500.00 Rate is for 12 months publications@nccacorvettes.org web@nccacorvettes.org Page 21 WSCC 2014 Convention Golf Tournament - Ken Rabello Once again, WSCC put on a very good golf tournament for its convention attendees. Eagle Point Golf Club was the course selected again this year. We checked in at the pro shop, received our score cards, and were told that there were no temporary tees or greens in use. Great news! The weather was bright and sunny and the course was in terrific shape. Eagle Point is rated as one of the top ten courses in southern Oregon. Golf Digest has it rated in the top 15 places to play in all of Oregon. I believe there were eight foursomes signed up for the tournament. I don’t know if was because of my relatively low G.H.I.N index or Page 22 maybe just the luck of the draw, but I was in the very first foursome out at around 9:00AM. The pro shop had held the two earlier tee time slots open and from beginning to end that space gave us the feeling that we had the course all to ourselves. I’d like to give a big thank you to the course management for giving us that consideration. As we played the round the temperature began to climb and by the time we finished, after about four and a half hours (1:30PM), it was 100 degrees. Those that finished later had to endure temps that got up to about 104 degrees. Lots of water during play kept us going and an icy-cold beer at the end helped cool me down. Fortunately, my game seems to like Eagle Point and I had a pretty good round – an 81. At the awards dinner I was presented with a small trophy for Low Net –Men for what ended up to be, with my index, a net 68. My thanks to the organizers of the tournament and those that decided to play such a great course in some really warm weather. For me -- I just love the game! K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 23 Page 24 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 25 Page 26 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 27 Page 28 K A L E I D O S C O PE VOLUME 57, ISSUE 8 Page 29 General Membership Meeting Schedule Board of Directors Meeting Schedule FIRST Tuesday of Every Month LAST Tuesday of Every Month San Lorenzo Homes Association Ricky’s Sports Theater & Grill August, 2014 15 Friday Bob Ashbaker Memorial Run to Pacific Grove 15 Friday Hooked on Driving - Thunderhill (www.hookedondriving.com) 16 Saturday Glass Pack Corvette Show - Tracy (see page 9 for info) 16 Saturday Family & Friends Corvette Club Show - Vallejo 16-17 Saturday/ Sunday Pebble Beach Concourse Weekend 22 Friday NCRC - Thunderhill (www.ncracing.org) 22-24 Friday/ Sunday Good Guys 28th West Coast Nationals - Pleasanton 23-24 Saturday/ Sunday SCC Autocross (Type 2) - Marina 26 Tuesday NCCA - E-Board Meeting @ Ricky’s 7:00 pm September, 2014 1 Monday NCRC - Laguna Seca (www.ncracing.org) 1 Monday Labor Day 2 Tuesday NCCA - General Business Meeting @ San Lorenzo Homes Association 7:00 pm 4-7 Thursday/ Sunday Tahoe Car Show 6 Saturday Dublin Bowl Rock & Roll Car Show 7 Sunday Blackhawk Cars & Coffee 8:00 am 7 Sunday Glass Pack Corvette Show - Dublin Chevrolet (see flyer on page 23) 13 Saturday DCC - Autocross (Type 1) - Solano 14 Sunday Nord Fjord #75 - Autocross (Type 1) - Solano 19 Friday NCRC - Thunderhill (www.ncracing.org) 21 Sunday SCC Spectacular Car Show - Los Altos 27-28 Saturday/ Sunday NCRC - Buttonwillow (www.ncracing.org) 27-28 Saturday/ SCC - Autocross (Type 2) - Marina 28 Sunday Vettes & Jets at the USS Hornet - Alameda (see flyer on page 25) 30 Tuesday NCCA - E-Board Meeting @ Ricky’s 7:00 pm Page 30 K A L E I D O S C O PE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CORVETTE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 6232 Hayward, CA 94544 America’s Oldest Corvette Club FIRST CLASS Postage NCCA