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December Issue 2013 Table of Contents Heat Treat News Used Equipment • Batch • Continuous • Draw/Temper • Generators • Induction • Miscellaneous • Salt • Vacuum Employment Opportunities Seeking Employment If you would like the information contained in this newsletter daily instead of monthly, visit us at www.themonty.com daily & you don’t have to wait for the most up to date, relevant Heat Treat News in the Industry. www.themonty.com Heat Treat News Letter Introduction Merry Christmas! Best regards, Gord, Dale and Jordan Montgomery www.themonty.com It is hard to believe that this is the final issue of “The Monty” for 2013 which gave us cause to reflect on the past 15 years-yes it was 1999 that our first issue was faxed to a grand total of 83 companies in the heat treating industry. If I recall correctly that issue was a total of 2 pages long and the chief news item was about a heat treater in Canada who had suffered a minor stroke and what a blockbuster story that was! The journey since then has been a tremendous amount of fun and has given us the opportunity to meet heat treaters from around the world-an opportunity for which I give thanks. We at “The Monty” have no doubt but that the industry is filled with some of the most interesting and honest people in the world and the end of the day we can say that while this is a hot, dirty business we would have it no other way. Temper Ipsen delivers a bright future. The new TITAN® Temper provides brighter, cleaner parts through true vacuum tempering. Plus, it has all the benefits of the TITAN experience – fast delivery, global standard (all voltages/frequencies), fits in a standard truck or shipping container, installs in hours, small footprint and is cost effective. Choosing Ipsen means choosing a partner in success. Others Ipsen Advantage True vacuum temper Cleaner parts 300 - 1,450° F Option 1,600º F Ceramic Fiber Metallic shields High-quality vacuum Heating SCR/80-120KVA VRT 240KVA Bigger loads/faster cycles Cooling External/ 3-10 HP Internal/ 30HP Faster cycles Capacity 2,000-4,000 lbs 6,000 lbs (36”x36”x48”) Bigger loads Delivery 20-36 weeks < 8 weeks Why wait? $300,000-$350,000 $294,000 Save money Not available + $12,000 Multi-purpose tool Design Vacuum purge Temperature Range 300 - 1,400° F Insulation Price Option 1,600° F For more information please visit www.IpsenUSA.com www.IpsenUSA.com/TITAN-T Heat Treat News "Mr Francis Liebens, President & CEO of SOLO Swiss has been appointed as member of the board of The Industrial Heating Equipment Association. The Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) is a voluntary national trade association representing the major segments of the industrial heat processing equipment industry. Established in 1929 to meet the need for effective group action in promoting the interests of industrial furnace manufacturers, the organization has expanded and currently includes designers and manufacturers of all types of industrial heat processing equipment used for the melting, refining and heat processing of ferrous and nonferrous metals and certain nonmetallic materials and heat-treatment of products made from them. Included in their member's product scope, but not limited to, are: furnaces: ovens; dryers; heaters; heating equipment; kilns; induction and dielectric apparatus; coke ovens; tanks for melting glass; salt bath or salt bath furnaces; oil, chemical and petro-chemical processing equipment; industrial combustion equipment; accessories for all the foregoing; and auxiliary equipment such as atmosphere generators, process controls, quenching apparatus, equipment for heat recovery and industrial washers". IHEA 2013 Board Members President Tim Lee, Maxon - A Honeywell Co. Treasurer Recent Past President BJ Bernard, Surface Combustion, Inc. Mike Shay, Elster Kromschroder www.themonty.com Francis Liebens/IHEA. We see that Mr. Francis Liebens, CEO of Solo Swiss Furnaces in Switzerland has been appointed as a board member to the Industrial Heating Equipment Association. Great guy Francis and we have no doubt at "The Monty" but that he will bring that special "French Flavor" and enthusiasm to the meetings-as you can tell we are rather fond of Francis because of this enthusiasm. The photo below shows Gord Montgomery and Mr. Liebens at the recent heat treat show in Wiesbaden, Germany. November 29/2013 Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Keith Boeckenhauer, Seco/Warwick Corp. David Bovenizer, Selas Heat Technology Co. LLC Mike Chapman, Vulcan Catalytic Systems Ltd. Jay Cherry, Wellman Furnaces, Inc. Francis Liebens, SOLO Swiss Daniel Llaguno, Nutec Bickley John Podach, Fostoria Process Equip. John Searle, Eclipse, Inc. John Stanley, Karl Dungs, Inc. IHEA website https://ihea.site-ym.com/?page=About_Us Used Equipment Available. We have lots of additions to our used equipment listings these days in spite of the general shortage of good used equipment. Recent additions include a Hunterdon Variable Reactance Transformer, an immaculate ALD Vacuum Carburizing Furnace, a Lindberg Box Atmosphere Furnace, a CI Hayes 6 Bar SemiContinous Vacuum Furnace, a very large Beavermatic Batch IQ Furnace, a VRT Power Supply for an Ipsen Vacuum furnace, and an immaculate AFC-Holcroft Pusher Line. If you don't see what you are looking for please let us know and we will try to find it for you. jordan@themonty.com November 29/2013 A few examples include: • • • • • • • • • • WellmanMesh Belt Brazing/Annealing Furnace New Listing Hunterdon Variable Reactance Transformer New Listing Electric 1600˚F Car Bottom Furnace New Listing Lindberg Box Furnace. New Listing C.I. Hayes 6-Bar Semi-Continuous Vacuum Furnace. Beavermatic Batch IQ Furnace. VRT Power Supply for Abar-Ipsen HR-34x40 Furnace. AFC-Holcroft Atmosphere Pusher Furnace System Lindberg Pit Hardening Furnace Beavermatic Box Furnace www.themonty.com Board Board Board Board Board Board Board Board Board • • • • • Despatch Continuous Oven CI Hayes Continuous Humpback Furnace Surface Super 30 Temper Surface Super 30 Allcase Furnace 3600 CFH Endothermic Gas Generator US Thanksgiving. We wish our good friends in the USA a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. For our readers outside of North America we can say that Thanksgiving is a time to rejoice for the food that we have, the friends that we know and most importantly the families that we cherish. November 28/2013 www.themonty.com Hartownia Bialystok/Bialystok, Poland. As part of our Monday Morning Briefing earlier this week we included this rumor; “We are going to start with Europe today where we ran across a very interesting rumor at the recent Wiesbaden, Germany heat treat show, a rumor which we have heard repeated several times since then. Rumor has it that the EU is subsidizing an investment of approximately 15 million Euro to build a brand new heat treating facility somewhere in Europe. This story goes on to say that one furnace European furnace builder was single sourced for this order which includes approximately 15 furnaces and ancillary equipment. We believe there is some substance to this rumor and we will keep you updated”. As a result of this posting several readers elaborated upon the story so at this point this is what we have been told. This is apparently a brand new commercial/captive operation by the name of Hartownia Bialystok which will be up and running in the spring of 2014 with up to 120 employees. The order for the equipment was awarded several months ago to a major European furnace manufacturer and this will include a number of different styles of furnaces including nitriding and vacuum furnaces which amounts to a multi-million dollar order. If all of this is true this would be one of the largest new furnace orders in Europe in 2013. As a footnote to this story we have been lead to believe that like many large furnace projects this order was not without a certain amount of controversy due to the fact that the unsuccessful bidders feel (rightly or wrongly) that the buyers mind was largely made up before the actual bidding process. We can’t say whether this is true or not but having been involved in a number of large furnace projects it is quite possible. We do know that tensions are running high over the bidding process and we would not be surprised to hear more about this story. November 28/2013 Mr. Bill Disler, CEO, AFC-Holcroft, Mr. CK Zhou, AFC-Holcroft, China, Samuel Chen, Fengdong Furnaces, Tony Wu, Bodycote. Pete Reh, Solar Manufacturing, Damian Bratcher, SSI, Gary Berwick, Dry Coolers, Rick Jones, Solar Manufacturing, Bill Disler, AFC-Holcroft Fang Li and Dylan Buckley of DCMC Thermal Technology (Dry Cooler’s Chinese facility) www.themonty.com 16th International Exhibition on Heat Treatment, Beijing. The last time we were at this show was a few years back and at the time it was a relatively small show. However over the years it has grown and we understand that the most recent one was fairly well attended with a number of both domestic and foreign exhibitors most of whom felt the show was worthwhile. To give you a taste we have these photos. November 27/2013 "Heat treatment is a combination of operations involving the heating, holding and cooling of metal in the solid state for the purpose of obtaining certain desirable metallurgical properties or surface modification. Heat treatment consumes 17% of US Industrial Energy usage and consists of 2 to 15% of the total production cost. (Source: IHEA). The global heat treatment volume is in the range of $65 to $75 billion. This volume range doesn't included induction and primary iron and steel heat treatment. The global heat treatment volume estimate is gathered from local heat treatment association’s statistics and correlated with countries’ car production and countries GDP. The common belief is that North America is a $20 Billion industry with 15 million vehicles manufactured in the US in 2012 and $15 trillion GDP. China manufactures 19.5 million vehicles, has more than half of the US’s GDP ($8.3 trillion), and its manufacturing sector generates the equivalent of 30% of its GDP (compared to the US where the manufacturing sector makes up around 12% of its GDP). The China heat treatment market volume should be approx. $11 billion or more. The European Union manufactures 12 million vehicles and has the same combined GDP as the US – its heat treatment volume, cannot be much lower than the US". Continued Business Opportunities. We are always adding new job openings and individuals looking for jobs within the industry. Our newest job listings are for a Heat Treat Specialist at a captive heat treater in Georgia, USA, an Electrical and Mechanical Engineer at Premier Furnace in Michigan, an Outside Sales Rep at Steeltech, Nitrex Is looking for an Industrial Engineer, Furnace Manufacturer Gasbarre is looking for a Sales Manager, and a Quality Director/CI Leader is required at Advanced Heat Treat Corp. November 26/2013 www.themonty.com Global Heat Treatment Industry. Very seldom does a week go by without a phone call or e-mail from an individual asking about the size of the Global Commercial Heat treating industry, the size of the New Furnace Sector or what percentage of the new furnace market is Atmosphere as Opposed to Vacuum. Our stock response is that we have yet to see a report that we would consider to be exact (or even close for that matter). With this prelude we have just such a report for you today from an individual by the name of Janusz Kowalewski janusz@dynatechfurnaces.com which is one of the most complete we have seen so far. Janusz has spent most of his life in the industry in areas such as Poland, USA, China and India and we value his opinion. So without further accolades let’s see what Janusz has to say and keep in mind to click on the Continued Button at the end of this brief introduction for the full story and all the graphs. November 26/2013 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Heat Treatment Specialist or Engineer New Mechanical Engineer New Electrical Engineer New Outside Sales Representative Industrial Engineer Sales Manager Quality Director/CI Leader Technical Sales Engineer Italian Equipment Expert Seeking Maintenance Technician Process Metallurgist Forging Estimator Field Service/Technician Quality Inspector Monday Morning Briefing. We are going to start with Europe today where we ran across a very interesting rumor at the recent Wiesbaden, Germany heat treat show, a rumor which we have heard repeated several times since then. Rumor has it that the EU is subsidizing an investment of approximately 15 million Euro to build a brand new heat treating facility somewhere in Europe. This story goes on to say that one furnace European furnace builder was single sourced for this order which includes approximately 15 furnaces and ancillary equipment. We believe there is some substance to this rumor and we will keep you updated. Staying in Europe for the time being we see that Ipsen has landed a pusher furnace order from Mercedes Benz. "Ipsen Breaks New Ground in Heat Treating; Mercedes Benz recently ordered a custom designed Ipsen pusher furnace for heat treating gear parts. The enormously powerful installation takes up a comparatively small space but performs extraordinarily well – all with very low energy consumption. The three-track furnace works with two gas-tight doors to inhibit oxygen flow into the furnace and thus guarantees a highly pure atmosphere. To assure the highest degree of flexibility the installation is able to quench parts in its oil bath while also having the capability to quench them in a hardening press. Ipsen applied the new, patented Ecofire-Preheat process, during which waste endogas is used as burning gas in the pre-heating furnace, as well as a new insulation technology which reduces the heat loss by approximately 30 percent in comparison to conventional designs". www.themonty.com Do you want results when it comes to filling a position within the heat treating industry? "The Monty" is the most economical, fastest way to fill that position. Looking for a job? Send us your ad and we will put it on the site free of charge for as long as you would like. When it comes to filling positions within the heat treating industry "The Monty" can't be beat! With a readership of over 20,000 heat treaters/month we will help you fill your position or help you find a job. Just contact jordan@themonty.com. From the US we received this press release from a furnace builder that we know little aboutANT Furnaces in which they announce a new order. "ANT Furnaces [All New Technologies LLC] announces it has received an order from a leading Los Angeles, CA, aerospace manufacturer for the supply of a high temperature, high vacuum and atmosphere furnace. The end use is development of satellite and deep space propulsion systems. The furnace is customized to meet the demanding specifications of this high performance materials project. The tantalum metal hot zone includes exclusive design features for increased uniformity, supported by a nickel-plated water-cooled copper coldwall and surrounded by an SS 304L high vacuum chamber for use with a high vacuum turbomolecular system. Gas delivery includes mass flow controls and residual gas analysis of the process environment. www.themonty.com While we are at it we will throw in two more Ipsen news items. The first concerns Ipsen, Shanghai, China where we understand the company has 5 two row pushers sitting on the floor ready for shipping by January, 2015. We have heard these are all for repeat customers. The second item is in the form of a press release from the company where they tell us about recent orders. "Over the last couple months, Ipsen has shipped furnaces to customers in the U.S. and seven additional countries: Russia, India, Brazil, Germany, Russia, Singapore and China. These shipments representative of Ipsen’s diverse product portfolio, included TurboTreater®, TITAN® DS, TITAN Temper and several sizes of TITAN vacuum furnace units, three of which were 12-bar. Shipments also included a custom top loading furnace, a VFS® HEQ and an Ivadizer® - Aluminum Deposition furnace. The furnaces were shipped to companies in the Aerospace, Automotive, Commercial Heat Treat, Medical and Tool and Die industries. The customers receiving furnaces were both first-time and repeat customers. One notable customer Ipsen has partnered with in India initially had one TITAN DS furnace. Ipsen shipped three TITAN DS furnaces in August and an additional three in October to this customer in the MIM industry. Ipsen offers a wide variety of heat treat equipment lines plus custombuilt solutions. Ipsen’s world-class engineering team has the experience and resources to design and deliver advanced custom thermal processing systems. Some features that can be tailored to your specifications are: horizontal or vertical configurations; manual or automatic loading systems; custom load size/configurations; high pressure gas quenching; and control systems to support your stringent requirements. From the moment a new furnace is delivered, the Ipsen support team is ready to facilitate on-site installation, expert training and start-up assistance. Ipsen also provides responsive field support and spare parts that fit your custom design. Choosing Ipsen means choosing a partner in success. Learn more about our products and services at www.IpsenUSA.com". In the US we see that the recent Nitriding Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada was a real success with visitors from around the globe. The photo below from the Symposium shows Michael Korwin of Nitrex, Sebastian Bischoff of Rohde Furnaces in Germany and Michael Winter of UPC. IBC Coatings/Seco Warwick. "SECO/WARWICK has commissioned a 12 Bar Universal HPQ™ (High Pressure Quench) vacuum furnace to IBC Coating Technologies, Inc. in Lebanon, IN. This Low Pressure Vacuum Carburizing furnace with high temperature convection heating is for hardening and carburizing bearing steel and aerospace components. The furnace is designed with a hot zone of 24” x 24” x 36” and a maximum temperature rating of 2400° F and 1,300 pound gross load capacity. It has 12-bar pressure quenching. Additional features include isothermal quenching and modifications to address the low distortion and demands of high performance bearings and gear markets. It is the second vacuum furnace that IBC has purchased from SECO/WARWICK. About IBC Coating Technologies, Inc. IBC develops diffusion surface treatment technologies for anti-wear and anti-corrosion applications. IBC’s innovative surface treatments, based on Plasma-chemical and Diffusion reactions – Boriding, Nitrocarburizing, Chrome Carbide, Vanadium Carbide, etc. are used in different applications with very good results. IBC Coating Technologies INC is a privately owned company located in Lebanon, IN, USA. The company started its activities in July of 1996 as a research and development www.themonty.com The system is produced oil free for operation in a certified clean room laboratory. “Our team is excited to be selected again for this mission-critical project”, said Eric Gisonno, president of All New Technologies. This leading aerospace group currently operates additional systems produced by our group which have been in service 25 years. ANT has deep roots in aerospace systems; examples of previous aerospace applications include ultra-high temperature and vacuum furnaces for accelerated lifetime testing of materials now located in the farthest positions obtained by earth vehicles, and characterization furnaces for ultralight armor materials used to protect satellites against micro-meteors and their even more destructive vapor trails". Also in the US we see that Lucifer Furnaces has landed an order from a company by the name of VOSS Manufacturing. "Voss Manufacturing, a manufacturer of heat-transfer tooling and equipment, expanded its facilities with the addition of an atmosphere furnace supplied by Lucifer Furnaces. Voss Manufacturing decided to increase capacity and throughput by adding a furnace for larger batches. The Sanborn, N.Y.-based company also wanted to eliminate costly and timeconsuming stainless steel wrapping of parts with a furnace operating with a nitrogen atmosphere". And to round things out we have a “happy story”. The picture below shows Vincent Rhode son of Natasha and Jorn Rhode of Rhode Furnaces in Germany. Being a Canadian I am sure our readers understand why we are rather partial to this photo. November 25/2013 project, based on the know-how and experience of its founders. The company has expanded the array of its services in material treatments. Read more: http://www.ibccoatings.com/. Ben Crawford Interview. We are very pleased to be able to offer an interview with one of the better known individuals in the North American heat treating industry (and a heck of a nice guy), Mr. Ben Crawford. November 22/2013 1. Ben you and I go back quite a while and as far as I know your entire working life has been in the heat treating industry. Could you give us some background about how you got started and what positions you have held over the years? "Good morning Gord, you’re correct, we have shared drinks globally! I started my career out of college working for Harbor Metal Treating in 1993 as a Lab Technician. My role expanded quickly to Office Manager, Quality Manager and at the age of twenty-five I was named Plant Manager. Following that experience I left thermal processing for approximately six years and worked in the investment casting industry. During that time I worked as Plant Manager for Independent Steel Castings Company (New Buffalo, MI) and National Sales and Marketing Manager for Vermont American (Auburn, AL). In 2002, I returned to thermal processing working for Bodycote-Indianapolis managing the heat treat and NDT operations. Soon I was promoted to Senior General Manager overseeing the Indianapolis and Cincinnati facilities. By the end I was Regional Manager-Midwest managing thirteen facilities. In early 2008, I was recruited and hired as Division President-Midwest by the private equity firm GSO Capital Partners which was acquired by Blackstone. Bluewater had twenty facilities in 2008. By the end of 2009 we closed the plating facility in Chicago and consolidated operations in Canada as well as the Coldwater/Fairfield brazing operations. In 2009, I was named Chief Operating Officer by the board of directors." www.themonty.com About SECO/WARWICK Group; The SECO/WARWICK Group and its five business segments produce vacuum furnaces, atmosphere furnaces, controlled atmosphere aluminum brazing furnaces, aluminum process furnaces and vacuum metallurgy equipment in its manufacturing sites in Poland (SECO/WARWICK Europe S.A.), the United States (SECO/WARWICK Corp. and RETECH Systems LLC), India (SECO/WARWICK Allied Ltd.), Brazil (SECO/WARWICK do Brasil Ltda.) and China (SECO/WARWICK RETECH Mfg. (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.). Sales, service & spare parts offices in Germany (SECO/WARWICK Services GmbH) and Russia (SECO/WARWICK Russia) complete the worldwide customer care network. Read more: www.secowarwick.com. November 25/2013 2. You mention the two largest commercial heat treaters in North America, Bodycote and Bluewater. Bodycote is of course publicly traded whereas Bluewater is owned by a private equity firm. Does this lead to a different management style in the two companies? 3. I realize Ben that you are a heat treater not a financial advisor but to what do you attribute the rising share price of Bodycote? It has doubled in the past couple of years and while this has slowed down recently it has reached levels I never expected to see. "Execution of strategic initiatives to achieve their global plan while improving YoY has led to strong results the past few years. The company is globally diversified by location and end markets that help mitigate risk. Bodycote has continued to make acquisitions that support their strategic plan. They have made investments in coating technologies as well and have developed partnerships with global companies such as General Motors, Rolls Royce and many more. The attraction to investors is that the thermal processing industry has a high variable cost component such as utilities and labor. Most facilities do not produce inventory and the ability to change invoice to cash generation tends to be short compared to traditional manufacturing. Based on interim statements, I gather that the executive team of Bodycote has excelled in utilizing company assets matched with strong cost control delivering overall improved performance thus the continued rise of the share price over the years. This is currently in conjunction with many end markets lagging in sales. Essentially the company has executed, delivered or exceeded investor expectations." Continued Ben Crawford, Wagner Ribas (Maxitrate, Brazil) www.themonty.com "Having the opportunity to work for both Bluewater and Bodycote has been a tremendous experience that provided me valuable skills, business tools, analytics, training, education and wonderful friendships. Both companies have the drive to consistently improve YoY. This occurs whether you are working in private or public sectors. Whether it is share price or a private investment fund the demand for value creation is real in either company. Return is created by improving shareholder value while having intense focus on safety, continuous improvement activities and the development of customer partnerships. Tremendous attention is given to benchmarking with heightened visibility on key metrics that drive the overall business. The financial metrics maybe slightly different for the given sector but key metric indicators are generally the same." Aerobraze/Mercer Technologies Press Release. "Aerobraze Engineered Technologies, a division of Wall Colmonoy, selected Mercer Technologies, Inc. to rebuild an Abar HR50 and a VFS HL7272 Vacuum Furnace for the Cincinnati, Ohio facility. Mercer Technologies will improve the overall performance and efficiency of the furnaces by rebuilding them in accordance with Aerobraze’s Nadcap quality standards. With the refurbishment of the Abar HR50 and VFS HL7272, Aerobraze Cincinnati will increase its overall capacity by 40%. The furnaces will support components that measure up to 54” w x 42” h x 72” d, complimenting Aerobraze’s total offerings. A state-of-the-art digital system will provide real-time furnace control and electronic transmission of certifications to customers. A new cooling system will reduce cool down cycles and improve throughput. "We are pleased to have Mercer Technologies rebuild our Abar HR50 and VFS HL7272 Vacuum Furnace at Aerobraze Cincinnati. Our goal is to facilitate continued growth and partnership with our highly valued customers by investing in technology and innovation. This increase flexibility will allow us to meet and exceed customers’ expectations as we work to support their requirements in the aerospace, automotive, energy and the commercial marketplace,” states Edward Ridge, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Wall Colmonoy. Both units have been sent to Mercer Technologies, Inc. Rebuild Center in Terre Haute, Indiana. The furnaces will undergo a complete remanufacture including a rebuild of motors and transformers; new hot zone; new pumps; and new digital control console. Vacuum pumps will be rebuilt by sister company Midwest Vacuum Pumps. Both companies are under The Mercer Group which offers one-stop shopping for your heat treat needs. About Aerobraze Engineered Technologies; Aerobraze Engineered Technologies is a division of Wall Colmonoy that manufactures engineered components and provides technological solutions for aerospace, energy, defense and transportation industries. The division meets aerospace quality standards in applications using the processes of brazing, surfacing, welding, thermal processing, fabricating, machining and overhauling. Quality standards include: ISO9100, AS9100 Revision C, EASA.145.6085, Nadcap approvals in brazing, heat treat, welding, coating, NDT and chemical processing, along with FAA-Repair License and a FAA-DER on staff allows the division to meet all our customer high standards. More information about Wall Colmonoy and Aerobraze Engineered Technologies is available www.themonty.com Jeff Brooke Wedding; Left to right: Mark Fortuna, Bill Junkins, Brooke "Junkins" Hemmer, Jeff Hemmer, Jeremy Hedman, Jim Hedman, Jason Junkins and Ben Crawford at www.wallcolmonoy.com. Aerobraze Engineered Technologies. Strategic Collaboration for Smart Innovation. A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Bodycote Turkey. "MACCLESFIELD (U.K.) – Bodycote is pleased to announce plans to establish a Greenfield site in Turkey to meet growing demand from its existing customer base. The new site, expected to be operational from early Q3 2014, will be located in the Gebze region of Istanbul which is an established automotive centre and home to major OEMs including Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Honda and their supply chains. This developing region is seeing increased investment in business and infrastructure, with a new road bridge connecting Kocaeli Bay and Bursa. Access will also be improved to other important industrial areas including Kocaeli, Duzce, Adapazari and Eskisehir. Bodycote’s new facility will be equipped with modern sealed quench (IBQ) furnaces and will provide services including vacuum heat treatment, induction heat treatment, nitrocarburising, and Bodycote’s proprietary Corr-I-dur® process. Paul Clough, President of Bodycote’s Automotive & General Industrial division for Northern & Eastern Europe, commented: “This latest investment is an indication of Bodycote’s commitment to the region and will further increase our existing footprint in this developing economy whilst at the same time confirming our position as market leader. The investment is the first phase of a strategic plan for the region which will ensure that we meet our customers’ quality demands and capacity expectations.” Currently, Bodycote has four heat treatment plants in Turkey, which are accredited to ISO 9001, AS 9100, TS 16949 and comply to CQI-9. All four plants are expected to achieve ISO 14001 during 2014. The new Greenfield site will provide increased capacity to meet customer demand and will enable a more streamlined, quality-focused service. Further info About Bodycote; With more than 190 locations in 26 countries, Bodycote is the world’s largest provider of thermal processing services. Through heat treatment, metal joining, surface technology and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), Bodycote improves the properties of metals and alloys, extending the life of vital components for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, defence, automotive, power generation, oil & gas, construction, medical and transportation. Customers in all of these industries have entrusted their products to Bodycote’s care for more than 30 years". November 21/2013 www.themonty.com About Mercer Technologies; Mercer Technologies offers the Green Vacuum Furnace Series. These furnaces utilize existing components remanufactured to original or improved specifications. By reusing the furnace steel, M-Tech prevents forming more than 180 tons of carbon dioxide and saves enough energy that would continually power fifty average American homes. Improving an existing vessel will save the customer money, production time and is environmentally friendly. Contact Mike Mercer Jr., mike.jr@mercer-tech.com, 812- 466-0440". www.mercer-tech.com or www.themercergroup.us. November 21/2013 Solar Press Release. "Souderton, PA. November 19, 2013 - Stephen Prout will oversee the expansion of Solar Atmospheres into the southeastern States. Solar Atmospheres, currently with two high-value vacuum heat treating facilities in Pennsylvania and one in California, announced today their intended expansion into the aerospace and automotive rich geographies of the southeast United States. Roger Jones, Corporate President, indicated that “Steve’s first task will be site acquisition. We see the southeastern United States as a significant growth market and we plan to bring our vacuum furnace heat treatment expertise to that region with a significant investment within the next 3-5 years. We know for a fact that there are many prime aerospace and automotive suppliers in the region along with many Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers. We also know that there are many other bustling industries in the area that would benefit from technically competent vacuum heat treatments. We plan to be there to service their needs.” Steve Prout, most recently with Bodycote Thermal Processing, Athens, Alabama, was chosen to head this effort because of his character and years of experience in the commercial heat treat industry. October, 2013 makes it 17 years since Mr. Prout started in the commercial heat treating industry serving as a production manager, plant manager, business development manager, and general manager with companies that include the American Brazing division of Paulo Products, a St. Louis-based contract heat treat company, as well as Bluewater Thermal Solutions, a Greenville, South Carolina-based commercial heat treatment company, and most recently with Bodycote Thermal Processing, a daughter company of Bodycote PLC, based in England (LON:BOY). According to Roger Jones, the Solar family of companies could not be “more thankful that Steve agreed to join us. He is the type of person we look for and we’re convinced he will do well within the Solar group of companies. We anticipate much success in the southeast.” ABOUT SOLAR ATMOSPHERES; Solar Atmospheres is one of the world’s largest providers of commercial vacuum heat treating services. Through unmatched technical expertise, equipment, and quality assurance, Solar's thermal processing produces bright, scale-free parts with minimal distortion. For clients requiring an "out-of-the ordinary" application, an in-house R&D team of metallurgists and scientists develop innovative, custom process solutions. Serving over 18 markets, Solar's state-of-the art services include vacuum brazing, carburizing, nitriding and advanced processing of raw materials such as Titanium, Tantalum, and nano powders. With over 50 furnaces ranging from lab sized to the world’s largest commercial vacuum furnaces, Solar can efficiently handle any size job. Headquartered in Souderton, near Philadelphia, Solar also operates plants in Hermitage, near Pittsburgh and in Fontana, California, near Los Angeles. Please visit www.solaratm.com for more information." www.themonty.com Solar Atmospheres/South Eastern US Expansion. It is rather ironic that just yesterday we had a press release about how manufacturers and consequently heat treaters (both captive and commercial) are flocking to the US Southeast. This press release emphasizes the fact that this is the new land of opportunity at least in North America. November 20/2013 "Bodycote is issuing its Interim Management Statement covering the period from 1 July to 18 November 2013. The financial and operational data set out below relates to the four months from 1 July to 31 October 2013 (the “period”) unless otherwise stated. All comparative comments in this statement reflect comparisons with the corresponding period in 2012. Full year results for 2013 will be issued on 27 February 2014. Current trading; Reported revenue growth for the period was 6.9% (3.6% at constant exchange rates, with an organic decline of 1.3% and with acquisitions adding 4.9%). Sales in the Aerospace, Defence and Energy (ADE) business were lower by 0.2% (2.6% lower at constant exchange rates), all of which was organic. At constant exchange rates, sales in Western Europe declined by 1.4% and in North America by 4.0%. Commercial aerospace revenues have grown, as expected, in both North America and Europe, and industrial gas turbine sales have further increased in all territories. There has been continued lower demand from the Oil & Gas sector, particularly for onshore requirements in the USA and reduced revenues in the defence sector which together have more than offset gains elsewhere. Revenues in the Automotive and General Industrial (AGI) business were higher by 12.9% (8.9% at constant exchange rates). Acquisitions added 9.1% and organic sales were lower by 0.2%. In Western Europe, sales at constant exchange rates were ahead by 0.9%, all of which was organic. North American organic revenues declined 6.8% at constant exchange rates, while the acquisitions completed in 2012 added 48.0%. Car & light truck revenues have grown well in both North America and Europe and at a higher rate than in the first half. Heavy truck sales have turned positive in Europe but remain very weak in North America. In contrast, General industrial demand has also remained weak, especially in the mining and construction equipment sectors in North America. Emerging market sales grew modestly". Where Are They Now? Alfred Hutwagner. We lost touch with long time commercial heat treater Al Hutwagner a couple of years back when he parted ways with Bluewater Thermal. However as very few people ever leave the industry it was no surprise that we just learned he is working with commercial heat treater Aremac Heat Treating. Nice guy Al and we were glad to renew his acquaintance. Digging through our notes about Aremac we came across this press release from April of this year. November 19/2013 www.themonty.com Bodycote Interim Management Statement. The largest commercial heat treater in the world, UK based Bodycote has just released their Interim Management Statement which can be found at http://www.bodycote.com/. At time of printing the financial markets were not impressed with the company's results and share prices of Bodycote saw a significant decline. November 20/2013 Heat treating company will create 60 new jobs, invest $2 million in metaltreating facility. Eastman, GA, March 18, 2013-Aremac Heat Treating, LLC announced it will expand its heat treating operations in Eastman. The facility is in the design-phase and the company plans to be in operations in the Third Quarter of 2013. This project will result in the creation of 60 new jobs in Dodge County within five years. "We have finalized our decision to move here. It is nice to be wanted, to be part of a community, where we can join in the moral and social fabric and add to the functioning parts of this community," stated Denny Butler, Vice President, Aremac Heat Treating, LLC. Aremac is in the process of expanding its heat treating operations through the establishment of a new facility in Eastman. This facility will benefit currently underserved markets along the East Coast. Aremac's new approximately 28,000 square-foot facility will be located on 10 acres adjacent to the Heart of Georgia Regional Airport and Middle Georgia State College's Aviation Campus. This area is home to several other industries serving the aerospace market, representing a growing strategic industry cluster. Positioning itself near existing companies such as Dynamic Paint Solutions and Heart of Georgia Metal Crafters, Aremac's decision to locate adjacent to the Heart of Georgia Airport will continue to strengthen the area's exposure to the aerospace industry. More than 500 aerospace companies have operations in Georgia, employing more than 86,000 Georgians. Georgia's nationally-recognized Center of Innovation for Aerospace (COI) is the state's one-stop-shop for aerospace solutions to industry needs. The COI-Aerospace tackles opportunities large and small, from assisting with federal contracts to prototype manufacturing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Nearly half a billion dollars is spent annually on cutting-edge, university-backed engineering R&D, putting them in reach of the latest aerospace technologies. Aremac provides numerous services, including hardening, tempering, vacuum heat treating and more. By working with alloy materials such as aluminum, nickel-based, steel, titanium, and other metals including beryllium copper, plain carbon steels, mumetal, brass and bronze and ductile iron, Aremac has successfully positioned itself as a recognized leader in the metal treating industry. Aremac provides heat treating services for recognizable aerospace companies such as Boeing, Bombardier, Honeywell, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Goodrich. Aremac also provides services for other companies, such as Alcoa and Parker Hannifin, with operations in the area". ASM International Chennai India, Chapter. "Super Systems recently conducted a technical talk for the Chennai India Chapter of ASM International. The presentation was titled, Modern Approach to the Quality Control of HT Processes Based on CQI-9 Requirements. The chapter announced that the session had an all-time record attendance with more than 80 attendees. The presentation team was comprised of Mr. Shrawan Kumar, www.themonty.com "April 2013. Aremac Heat Treating, LLC. Manufacturer and commercial heat treater Aremac based in City of Industry, CA has announced a large project in Eastman, GA for which all the details can be found below. Two thoughts struck us about this press release. The first being that industry in the southeastern USA continues to grow largely at the expense of other regions of the US. The second is that the number of jobs vs the capital expenditure is out of whack. A $2 million USD investment does not equate to 60 jobs, so our conclusion would have to be that there will be further investment down the road which will justify more hiring. Solar Atmospheres Press Release. "Solar Atmospheres of Western PA president, Robert Hill, was presented the high honor of ASM Fellow (FASM) in the field of materials at the October 29th ASM’s 100th Anniversary Annual Awards Dinner in Montreal, Canada. Industry professionals and technical leaders alike recognized Mr. Hill’s achievements for “expanding the applications and technical knowledge of vacuum heat treating titanium for the future of lightweight and energy efficient commercial and military airframes.” Mr. Hill is a 33-year member of ASM International and in 2000 served as the Chairman of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell Chapter. Most recently, Mr. Hill served on the ASM Board of Trustees from 2009-2012. Additionally, Bob served on the ASM Technical Programming Committee for five years culminating as the co-chairman of the Heat Treating Society Conference Programming committee where he coordinated over 100 technical presentations for the Heat Treating Society’s Conference and Exposition, aka The Heat Treat Show. Bob’s knowledge of the highly technical titanium thermal processing marketplace is demonstrated by his receiving the prestigious Titanium Achievement Award from the International Titanium Association in 2009. At that time, it was well documented by Boeing engineers that the Boeing 787 program was in great peril due to the Ti 555-3 heat treating dilemma. Mr. Hill, his team and their equipment were largely responsible for getting the program back on track, trimming the aircrafts weight and avoiding any weight or heat treat related cancellations. Mr. Hill is currently serving a one-year term as President of the Metal Treating Institute (MTI), an organization boasting the largest network of commercial heat treat companies in the world with well over 350 member companies. ASM International established the honor of Fellow of ASM (FASM) in 1969 to provide recognition to ASM members for their distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering. Bob Hill notes, “I’m most honored to be inducted into ASM’s Hall of Fellows. It is a high privilege and I look forward to continuing the work of moving the industry forward with the help of ASM – the leading society for metals and materials scientists and engineers.” November 19/2013 www.themonty.com Furnace Atmosphere (SSI Partner), Mr. Damian Bratcher (SSI Director International Operations) and Mr. Stephen Thompson (SSI President). While in India, the team took a few hours to visit one of the Wonders of the World. ASM International, formerly known as the American Society for Metals, is a professional organization for materials scientists and engineers working with metals. Super Systems, Inc., based out of Cincinnati, Ohio, develops and manufactures products for the thermal processing industry. The products include probes, analyzers, controllers, software solutions, and engineered systems". November 19/2013 It is virtually impossible in our Monday Morning Briefing to not mention the largest commercial heat treater in the world Bodycote. Today they are mentioned as they continue to be in the hunt for coatings company Metco. If successful this would be a very important acquisition for the company. "Swiss industrial machinery maker Sulzer has attracted strong interest for its Metco coatings unit and the sale is well on track, the company's chief executive said on Friday. Sulzer hopes it could get about 800 million Swiss francs ($871 million) from the sale of Metco, the world's largest producer of thermal spray coatings, catering to the car, chemicals and energy industries. "We got high interest and we are well on track," Chief Executive Klaus Stahlmann told an investor conference in Zurich. The company hopes a deal will be signed in the first quarter of 2014. Sulzer is selling the unit to concentrate on more lucrative businesses making pumps and equipment and providing services for the oil and gas industry. Rival coatings companies, the Swiss group Oerlikon and Britain's Bodycote and two private equity firms, including EQT, have made it through to the second round of an auction process to be held on January 8, sources familiar with the matter have said". We realize that many commercial heat treaters are scared to death of Automotive Heat Treating due to the cyclical nature of the business and the notoriously small margins but some companies might want to reconsider this. It is expected that in 2014 North American auto production will hit 17 million units and that in 2015 the industry will set a record at 17.6 million. With heat treating capacity already pushing the limits we would expect that for at least the next two years heat treaters servicing the auto industry should be doing quite well thank you. To back this up we see that automotive parts supplier and captive heat treater Borg Warner Inc., reported a 65% rise in quarterly profit with net income rising to $166.8 million in the third quarter ended September 30 compared with the same period in 2012. This is in spite of the fact that the company closed an operation in Cortland, NY earlier this year that had several sintering furnaces. www.themonty.com Monday Morning Briefing. We will start off by mentioning a brand new equipment addition which was just added to this website-an ALD Single Chamber Vacuum Carburizing Furnace. The only reason this makes our “Monday Morning Briefing” is because it is very unusual to run across a fairly new vacuum carburizing unit on the used market. From ALD we move on to Portland Oregon to have a look at one of the largest commercial heat treaters on the west coast, Stack Metallurgical where we see that the company has been adding a great deal of new capacity. Stack recently ordered a new Surface Combustion gas fired batch IQ line with working dimensions of 36” X 72” X 36”, a Solar Manufacturing vacuum furnace Model HFL 5748-21 Q, two large temper furnaces from McLaughlin Services and a 12 bar Ipsen vacuum furnace. If you ever get the chance (and assuming Stack will allow it) this is a commercial operation that is well worth seeing. Bloom Engineering Company Inc., in Pittsburgh, PA which offers combustion systems has a new President Mr. David Boyce. Dixie Heat Treating Company in Florence, Alabama recently closed their doors. This was a relatively small operation offering batch IQ and pit processing. And to close things out for today and keeping with the item about Jeff Uhlenburg achieving the MTI Merit award we have this press release about Bob Hill who will be the new President of MTI for 2014. "Hermitage, PA. November 13, 2013 – Solar Atmospheres of Western PA president, Robert Hill, was recently elected president of the Metal Treating Institute, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Mr. Hill becomes the Institute’s70th president. Mr. Hill has served on the Institute’s Board of Governors since 2008. He was instrumental in establishing the organization’s Technical Standards Committee in 2011 and has served on a variety of different committees including the Programming Committee, the Executive Committee, a Benchmarking Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee. In 2011, Mr. Hill was honored to receive the President’s Award, an award given by the then serving president as the one person in the organization that had contributed most to the furtherance of the Institute. In 2012, Mr. Hill’s company, Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, won the Commercial Heat Treater of the Year Award from Industrial Heating magazine and the MTI. Solar Atmospheres of Western PA has been a member of MTI since 2001. Mr. Hill indicated that he was “very happy to serve the MTI in this capacity. I look forward to the challenges ahead and embrace the opportunity to build MTI to be an even more allencompassing organization for commercial and contract heat treaters around the globe.” The Metal Treating Institute (MTI) is the world’s largest collection of commercial heat treaters with locations in 40 states, 6 countries, and over $1.2 billion in annual sales. More information can be obtained about MTI by going to www.heattreatonline.com". November 18/2013 www.themonty.com A trend that we have seen develop over the past few years is vacuum heat treaters and vacuum furnace manufacturers buying their Molybdenum From China. While there was some initial reluctance due to fears about delivery and quality these fears seem to have been alleviated and more and more users are willing to consider buying from Chinese sources. Moving to Brazil we see that our friend Claudio Brum of furnace manufacturer and commercial heat treater Combustol in Sao Paulo, Brazil has changed direction slightly. Since the beginning of September he is now the Technical and Commercial Manager of the Combustol Commercial Heat Treating division. This is after working for 40 years working in the equipment area (33 years for Combustol). At its recent Fall Meeting, the Metal Treating Institute (MTI), the world’s largest network of heat treaters in the world, recognized Jeff Uhlenburg, from Donovan Heat Treating in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with the Award of Industry Merit. "This award is given to the MTI member in recognition of their current and on-going commitment to the betterment of the commercial heat treating industry with one of more notable accomplishments. MTI President, Jim Roberts stated during the award ceremony, “It goes with out saying, Jeff gives it his all everyday. He is from a great line of heat treaters in his family, being the fifth generation. He has served the industry with all his heart being active on the local and national level. Throughout his career, Jeff has been involved in numerous industry issues in manufacturing testifying to Congress on many occasions through the National Association of Manufacturers on healthcare, labor and energy. Jeff is epitomizes the type of business owner who looks past his business to see how he can help the industry be better for everyone.” Ipsen Press Release. "PECATONICA, IL – Which of Ipsen’s special formulas do you prefer – the refractory body of Alumina that can withstand exceptionally high temperatures and reduces cracking during thermal cycling or the flexible, clay-bonded body of Fused Silica which provides more thermal shock resistance? Ipsen engineers developed both formulas over several years to be long-lasting, handcrafted and durable. Both can be cast into a variety of shapes. And both come with great initial lead times and Ipsen’s committed and responsive service. “Who will you choose?” was the question posed by Ipsen Ceramics in the months leading up to the Investment Casting Institute’s 60th Anniversary Conference and Expo Oct. 7-8, in Pittsburgh, PA. Visitors, both at the Expo and online, were encouraged to vote for whichever special formula they use in their custom firing processes. Voters for Alumina were large and in charge, easily outnumbering those preferring to use Fused Silica for making their ceramic parts. One lucky voter won an iPad! The prize went to Daniel Shelton, senior foundry process manager at Consolidated Precision Products in City of Industry, CA. To see just how tough the competition got between Alumina and Silica, check out Alumina’s not-so-modest acceptance speech and the events leading up to it at http://bit.ly/IpsenCeramicsICI2013. “Throughout the Expo, we were able to connect with more than 40 different companies at our booth, where we tallied votes, answered questions and gave away Ipsen beach balls and pens,” said Dan Binz, Senior Sales Associate, who represented Ipsen Ceramics at the Expo. About the ICI Conference and Expo The ICI Conference and Expo is consistently the largest gathering of companies, suppliers and students solely dedicated to the investment casting industry. More than 90 companies showcased products and services related to the industry. In addition to exhibitor booths, event highlights included presentations of Intern Scholarship Awards, Casting Contest Awards, technical papers and a panel discussion. Nearly 700 people attended the 2013 ICI Conference and Expo, the second best attendance ever. www.themonty.com Marc Walters/Bodycote. Experienced heat treater and proven manager Mr. Marc Walters joined commercial heat treater Bodycote in April 2012 as manager of the Metal Improvement plants in Columbus OH and Ft. Wayne IN (Metal Improvement was of course acquired by Bodycote). Shortly thereafter Marc was given responsibility for two more plants, the existing Indianapolis IN plant and the newly acquired (Bluewater) Greensburg IN plant. Bodycote must think highly of his capabilities as he recently was given the task of overseeing the former Bluewater sites in the Southeast, Fountain Inn SC, Reidsville NC, Morristown TN, Conyers GA, and Athens, AL. Mark has relocated from Columbus to the Atlanta area, near the Conyers plant. Scott Calardo, VP of Strategic Projects, had been in charge of the plants in the Southeast since acquisition and has been overseeing their acquisition although the plan all along was to appoint a Regional Manager for the southeast who would transition under Scott. Scott by the way must be a busy fellow as he also has integration responsibility for the 3 former Specialty HT plants and is involved with Bodycote’s expansion in China. We congratulate Marc Walters on his new responsibilities. November 15/2013 ALD-Holcroft Vacuum Carburizing Seminar. To go along with the press release below about the upcoming ALD-Holcroft Vacuum Carburizing seminar in the US we have a photo from the last seminar ALD hosted which was in Port Huron, MI a couple of years back. From left to right we see Jim Demarest and Marco Moser of Safe-Cronite, Paul Armitage, Service HT, Jim Wilbur and Brian Russell, Dry Coolers. November 14/2013 "(November, 2013) ALD-Holcroft Vacuum Technologies Co., Inc., Wixom, Michigan has announced the dates for the 8th Vacuum Carburizing Symposium, to be held in 2014 on May 6th and 7th. This 2-day event will be held at the Ford Motor Company Conference and Exposition Center in Dearborn, Michigan. The Symposium will feature two days of information and presentations by industry experts, with audience participation encouraged. The evening of May 6 will be highlighted by a private cocktail and dinner reception at a Ford light truck assembly facility. Guests will have plenty of networking opportunities and the chance to enjoy multi-media experiences along with private tour access to an actual Ford Motor Company assembly line in operation. Presentation topics will be announced in early 2014 and will cover highly specific and technical subjects relevant to the vacuum carburizing process, including recent innovations, best practices and the business of vacuum carburizing. The speakers will be available for question-and-answer, as well as open discussion during several networking opportunities. This event will appeal primarily to business executives, design engineers, manufacturing engineers, drive train engineers, metallurgists, commercial heat treaters, current and prospective users of vacuum technology, and industry leaders in the carburizing community. ALD-Holcroft encourages interested parties to monitor the company's website (www.ald-holcroft.com) as well as industry publications and other media for additional details as they become available. Registration for the event is required. ALD-Holcroft offers MonoThermR, DualThermR and ModulThermR vacuum-based heat treating systems for the NAFTA market. For free www.themonty.com About Ipsen Ipsen Ceramics, founded in 1952, as a department of Ipsen Lab of Rockford in Rockford, IL, was incorporated as a separate company in 1957. Ipsen Ceramics has grown to become a recognized world leader in the design, development and manufacturing of technical ceramics and remains dedicated to these efforts. Ipsen Ceramics is also a leader in performing Custom Toll Firing with temperature firing capabilities up to 3000°F (1760°C). Ipsen Ceramics remains focused on providing superior service and quality products at a competitive price. Choosing Ipsen means choosing a partner in success. For more information, please visit ipsenceramics.com." November 15/2013 literature on vacuum-based heat treating systems, call ALD-Holcroft Vacuum Technologies Co., Inc. at (248) 668-4130, or visit our website at www.ALD-Holcroft.com." ABOUT SOLAR ATMOSPHERES OF CALIFORNIA; Solar Atmospheres of California specializes in vacuum heat treating, vacuum brazing and vacuum carburizing services. Using state-of-the-art furnace technology, Solar serves over 18 metal working industries including Aerospace, Medical and Power Gen. With processing expertise and responsive service, Solar processes small or large parts efficiently with a wide range of vacuum furnaces. Sizes range from lab furnaces to 24 feet long. Solar's unique capabilities, consistent quality and responsive service produce bright scale-free parts with minimal distortion that are delivered on time. With an in-house R&D team of metallurgists, Solar works with customers to develop innovative, custom solutions. For more information, visit www.solaratm.com" November 14/2013 Metlab. Now isn't that fellow Mark Padob, President of commercial heat treater Metlab in Wyndmoor a nice guy? You can read how nice he is below. Mark by the way is on the far right in the picture below. Metlab by the way has probably the largest commercial pit carburizing capabilities in North America. November 13/2013 "Metlab was pleased to host the Wyndmoor, PA Fire Department at it’s factory today and present them with a meter for measuring ammonia gas in the atmosphere, as well as a cash donation. Metlab uses ammonia in one of our heat treating processes to harden the surface of steel parts like gears, automotive crankshafts and camshafts, die casting molds and forging dies, plastic mold tools and other components. The most common use of ammonia is agricultural as a source of nitrogen for fertilizer, but it is also used in water and waste water www.themonty.com Solar Atmospheres of California Press Release. "Solar Atmospheres of California (SAC) announces that Stephen W. Lodge Sr. has accepted the position of Outside Sales Manager. Steve will maintain and promote sales in the western United States, Canada, and Mexico regions for SAC. With over 34 years of experience and knowledge to drawn upon in the aerospace and industrial metals industries, Steve will provide customers with exceptional support. SAC president, Derek Dennis says, “For our customers’ sakes, we’re thrilled to have Steve join Solar. He is one of the most talented, experienced, and customer-sensitive sales people in this industry and in our region.” Steve can be reached on his cell at 909248-6093 or via email steve@solaratm-ca.com. Prior to accepting this position Steve’s career included engineering, quality and sales, and market development positions with Firth Rixson, Titanium Industries, Frisa Aerospace, Forgital USA, Bohler Uddeholm, and RTI International Metals. Is There a Helium Shortage? The vast bulk of heat treaters will never in their working lives have the need for helium however it is not uncommon amongst vacuum heat treaters entirely because of it's quenching properties. Helium is a preferred furnace quenching atmosphere because it is is four times better than argon, with helium thermal conductivity 10 times better. As helium is truly a nonrenewable gas that is difficult to mine due to its light molecular structure the issue came up several years ago that there was a shortage, a shortage that would only become worse. Subsequent to this it appeared that efforts were being made to increase the supply and this was the basis of an article which recently appeared in an industry magazine, an article written by a Mr. Barry Ashby. However according to the comments below there is a very real and definite shortage of helium and if these comments are correct the issue will only get worse. November 12/2013 "Barry, If you want to know the facts about industrial grade helium, CP grade, I suggest you contact the major gas suppliers like Air Products for the facts. Our plants collectively have been placed on restricted allocations for over a year. We have a coming government defense project where we will have to obtain a DOE rating in order to get the helium to perform the contract. Several years ago we could buy helium in quantity at about $8 per hundred CF. today the price is over $30 if you can get it at all. The price for a helium birthday balloon today is about $10. The price will soon be $30 if available at all. One of the problems is the use of helium for the MRI machine where for public health they have priority. This demand ever growing worldwide is driving up demand exponentially for an ever shrinking commodity. Helium is only available from very selected natural gas wells and is not a manufactured commodity like nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc. This is a very sensitive subject to industry and the public needs to know the real facts. William R. Jones, CEO, FASM Solar Atmospheres Inc. Bill Jones, Solar Atmospheres. Barry, I read with interest your article titled “Up, Up and Away -- Helium Issues” in the October issue of "Industrial Heating" magazine. Barry, I could not disagree with you more. There truly IS a worldwide shortage of Helium! Putting politics aside for a moment, you www.themonty.com purification systems, and industrial refrigeration systems. The detector will allow for determining the amount of this gas in the atmosphere to ensure safe levels in the environment. Without their own detector, the Fire Department, in the remote possibility that ammonia needs to be measured in any location in Wyndmoor needs to rely on the Montgomery County Hazardous Materials response team to visit the site and use their own detector. The detector is accurate enough to measure ammonia in parts per million, and is sensitive enough to measure extremely low levels of the gas". "European Conference on Heat Treatment 2014 and 21st IFHTSE Congress. Munich, Germany 12-15 May 2014 The 2014 European conference on heat treatment is merged with the 21st Congress of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering. This joint event, organized by AWT Bremen, Germany, in close cooperation with IFHTSE and other European associations for heat treatment, will take place in May 2014 in Munich, Germany, at the “Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft”. Main topics: • Thermochemical treatment (carburizing, nitriding, ...) • Surface hardening (induction, laser, plasma ...) • Coating technology and coatings (PVD, CVD, thermal spray, ...) • Design and construction of industrial heat treatment equipment • Equipment for measurement and process control • Quenching technology, equipment and quenchants • Distortion • Environmental aspects of heat treatment and surface engineering • Tribology and tribological testing methods • Wear and wear protection • Modeling and simulation of heat treatment and surface engineering processes and phenomena www.themonty.com need to realize: 1. Helium is truly a nonrenewable gas that is difficult to mine due to its light molecular structure. 2. The BLM in Texas that you refer to is a finite storage facility only. The Helium gas never gets replenished. It has been projected that by the year 2016 the last molecules of Helium will be exhausted. 3. This BLM facility currently supplies 40% of the world’s Helium. 4. The Helium sold from the BLM is artificially priced by our US government. (In a true supply and demand situation, a child’s party balloon would cost $100+!) 5. Helium is a byproduct of natural gas DEEP well drilling! Our current abundance of cheap natural gas domestically is coming from relatively SHALLOW wells. Therefore, the deep hole Middle East natural gas wells capable of producing helium have ceased operations. They cannot compete with our domestic shallow well natural gas pricing. 6. The plant in Wyoming that you referred to has never opened their doors and has been beleaguered with delays. Barry, the Helium shortage is much more than a political football. It is much bigger than that. At Solar Atmospheres we would typically and gladly spend $500K per year for helium. This specialty gas enables us to meet certain metallurgical properties in quenching and gain production efficiencies that no other gas can safely provide. Of course, our preferred gas supplier would love to keep this revenue stream going, instead they curtailed our helium supply by 50%. This curtailment has provided us the opportunity to openly search the market via other gas providers. Some providers have reduced helium molecules to share with current customers only, others have none at all. Therefore, my business plan going forward is to eventually eliminate helium usage all together. Barry, we actually DO need to get “our knickers in a knot.” Sincerely, Bob Hill President, Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania." More information plus accommodation links: www.HeatTreatmentConferenceMunich2014.de or by email: info@awt-online.org." November 12/2013 Ipsen/MTI Associate Member of the Year Award. To go with this news item about MTI and Ipsen we can add that Pacific Metallurgical out on the west coast of the US was named heat treater of the year. November 11/2013 CHERRY VALLEY, IL – At its annual Fall Meeting held Oct. 10-13, in Las Vegas, the Metal Treating Institute (MTI), the world’s largest network of heat treaters, recognized Ipsen with its Associate Member of the Year Award. Each year, MTI recognizes the supplier within its membership that has exemplified the highest levels of support and service to MTI members and the Institute with their expertise, service and commitment to the mission and objectives of the Metal Treating Institute. “Being a member of the Metal Treating Institute has been such a valuable experience for Ipsen, with the opportunities it provides for training, reviewing financial data and benchmarking surveys, and networking with commercial heat treaters across the globe. We are truly honored to be named MTI’s Associate of the Year,” said Mark Heninger, Vacuum Products Manager for Ipsen. Ipsen has www.themonty.com Centorr Vacuum Industries/Press Release. "Centorr Vacuum Industries announces it will be building its 6th MIM-Vac M furnace in 2013 expanding its customer base for the Metal Injection Molding market. This includes multiple furnaces to Dynacast International for their new Metal Injection Molding Operation. Dynacast is a global manufacturer headquartered in Charlotte, NC. In February 2013 they announced they would be adding Metal Injection Molding to their service offering. The addition of MIM as a manufacturing process means that it will expand its ability to produce small, complex components using a wider variety of metals, strengthening its commitment to higher quality, precision engineered components for its customers. CVI has over 30 years of successful MIM furnace building experience. It’s new business is comprised of a smaller research-sized unit designed with a 2 cu ft hot zone (12x12x24) and a larger production size unit at 9 cu ft with an 18x18x48 size hot zone. Other sizes are also available. The new MIM-Vac M (modular design) has a number of design improvements including advanced Molybdenum hot zones with “wide-flow” gas-plenum retorts using Sweepgas™ technology for consistent gas flow dynamics over all parts. It has a compact furnace layout with construction on a structural steel base for fast installation and easy hookup of all utilities, yet provides full access to major components for ease of maintenance, with no cumbersome panels to remove. About Centorr; Founded in 1954, Centorr Vacuum Industries is a high temperature vacuum and controlled atmosphere furnace manufacturer with an installed base of over 6500 units worldwide. They are located in Nashua, NH with a fully staffed Aftermarket Field Service group, and Applied Technology Center offering R&D support and toll production service. For more information please visit www.centorr.com About Dynacast; Dynacast International operates 22 manufacturing facilities in 16 countries around the world and has over 3000 employees. They service a variety of industries including automotive, consumer electronics, healthcare, hardware, computers, and peripherals and many others. More information can be found at: www.dynacastmim.com" November 11/2013 been a member since 1995, an exhibitor at every Furnaces North America Expo since its inception in 1995 and graduated numerous executives from MTI’s Y.E.S. Management Training Program. Nickel Pricing. Far and away the determining factor when it comes to alloy components for heat treating furnaces is nickel so we are pleased to say that it is remaining relatively constant with the October nickel average at $6.38/lb, a 2% increase from September. November 11/2013 Global Market for Heat Treatment Equipment. Over the years we have been asked a number of times what is the size of the worldwide market for heat treating equipment. According to Mr. Janusz Kowalewski, Managing Director / CEO of ALD Dynatech Furnaces Pvt. Ltd., in India (an individual whose opinion we very much value) it is in the range of $4.375 to $5.5 Billion USD/year. What you are seeing below is a small taste of what you will see in a full report from Janusz which we are looking forward to publishing before the end of the month. November 8/2013 "Global Market for Heat Treatment Equipment. The estimated annual global heat treatment equipment sale is between $4.375 and $5.5 Billion excluding ovens, induction and iron and steel furnaces. www.themonty.com About MTI; The Metal Treating Institute is an international non-profit trade association for the heat treating industry. MTI is based in Jacksonville, Florida with members in 38 states and 8 countries. Source: Janusz Kowalewski Aichelin/Nitrex Metal Technologies. "Aichelin Heat Treatment Systems of Plymouth, Michigan will manufacture and install an additional Flexiclean washer into the Nitrex Metal Technologies facility located in Burlington, Ontario. The Flexiclean is electrically heated and has a specified load size of 900mm (W) x 1,200mm (L) x 1050mm (H) and has a maximum gross loading capacity of 1,500 kg. Flexiclean is an environment friendly cleaning system that was developed in response to demand for an equivalent replacement of the environmentally harmful chlorinated hydrocarbons used for cleaning before and after heat treatment. The new Flexiclean will allow Nitrex Metal Technologies to expand its current capacity". November 7/2013 Bill Jones/MTI Heritage Award. "Mr. William R. Jones, CEO of Solar Atmospheres, Inc. received the Heritage Award at the Metal Treating Institute (MTI) Fall Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 12th. This most prestigious award is given in recognition of the individual’s lifetime commitment to the betterment of the commercial heat treating industry with one or more notable accomplishments. Only nine people in the seventy-eight year history of MTI have ever received this award. MTI 2011-2013 President, Mr. Buster Crossley, presented the award by introducing Mr. Jones as an “icon in the world of heat treating.” He went on to say, “When you hear his last name, you know who is being talked about. He is a graduate of Penn State with a degree in electrical technology, with more than 40 years of experience developing vacuum furnace, and processing technology. He is a Fellow of ASM International (FASM), and received the national Eisenman Award for www.themonty.com Approximately 250 furnace companies around the world manufacture a heat treatment equipment. The list of 250 companies does not include oven, induction and steel and iron equipment producers. The U.S. (54) China (40) and the European Union (27) hold the majority in equipment manufacturers. The list of 250 companies is an arbitrary number and doesn't’t match the countries’ national data. For example, the Chinese Heat Treatment Association claims that there are 750 companies related to heat treatment, and India’s furnace manufacturers claim there are 50, but not all companies are heat treatment equipment manufacturers. Most likely, from the list of 250 furnace manufacturers, 10% of the companies should not be on the list because of their low technical and production capabilities. At the same time, an additional 10 %. should probably be on the list, but I could not locate them and attach their technical significance. My omission of companies that should be on the list will not change the total approximate number of furnace manufacturers around the world. The 250 companies from the list are in 34 countries and on every continent. The majority of furnace manufacturers are privately owned with several exceptions. Amongst the 12 biggest furnace companies in the world two are privately owned (Ebner and AFC-Holcroft), three are owned by investment groups (MHT/LOI, Ipsen,), four are owned by industrial conglomerates (Aichelin, ALD, Chugai Ro, DOWA) and two are publicly traded companies (SECO/WARWICK, Fendong)". ABOUT SOLAR ATMOSPHERES; Solar Atmospheres is one of the world’s largest providers of commercial vacuum heat treating services. Through unmatched technical expertise, equipment, and quality assurance, Solar's thermal processing produces bright, scale-free parts with minimal distortion. For clients requiring an "out-of-the ordinary" application, an in-house R&D team of metallurgists and scientists develop innovative, custom process solutions. Serving over 18 markets, Solar's state-of-the art services include vacuum brazing, carburizing, nitriding and advanced processing of raw materials such as Titanium, Tantalum, and nano powders. With over 50 furnaces ranging from lab sized to the world’s largest commercial vacuum furnaces, Solar can efficiently handle any size job. Headquartered in Souderton, near Philadelphia, Solar also operates plants in Hermitage, near Pittsburgh and in Fontana, California, near Los Angeles. Please visit www.solaratm.com for more information". November 7/2013 Alfe Heat Treat/Defiance, Ohio, USA. It is always a joy to see a top notch, clean, state of the art heat treat and this one fits the bill. Alfe bills themselves as the largest commercial aluminum heat treater in North America, we have no cause to doubt it and the Defiance location is one of their finest. This location is approximately nine years old and runs one and only one type of product-aluminum engine blocks. This the company does on a grand scale to the tune of 3500/day which equates to one engine block every 24 seconds which in turn equates to 140 million pounds of product a year a truly impressive figure. This is accomplished through 5 Can Eng basketless style solution/quenching/aging lines each completely automated through robots which handle all the parts. The result is that while the company runs 3 shifts/day, 7 days a week each shift requires only two operators. From start to finish each block is identified by a S/N and can be tracked through the entire process which also includes harness testing and machining (although machining is done by a different company). All of these results are data logged and the results of heat treating, hardening and machining can be accessed even 10 years after each part of processed. While the fellow in charge of the operation, John Holifield has over 30 years of experience in this field he hastened to add that a great deal depends upon the fellows in the photo below. To www.themonty.com applications of vacuum technology for outstanding contributions in practical industry applications. He served as President of Abar Corporation for five years, and in 1978 founded the Vacuum Furnace Systems Corporation (VFS) to engineer and build vacuum furnaces. In 1983, he and his son, Roger, formed their own company, Solar Atmospheres, to make use of the technology advancements they had discovered. Mr. Jones holds numerous patents related to vacuum furnace design and application. He has authored numerous technical articles and papers for ASM, the Metal Treating Institute, and Industrial Heating magazine.” compliment this news item we include the press release below which was issued earlier this about their sister plant in Saginaw, Michigan. November 6/2013 Left to right; Shane Wisda, Production Supervisor, John Holifield, VP, Alfe, Gary Peatee, Quality Manager, Kurt Becher, Maintenance Manager, Gord Montgomery Global Heat Treating Market. Just last week we suggested that the value of the global heat treating market is in the range of $30 Billion/USD per year with the USA accounting for $20 Billion of this figure. A number of readers suggested that this did not pass the “smell test” and we can’t argue. Janusz Kowalewski, Managing Director / CEO of ALD Dynatech Furnaces Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India sent us this report on what he feels is the true size of the total market. We have a high opinion of Janusz and he has obviously researched this topic quite thoroughly. Note that what you see below is just a small part of a report he sent to us-the complete report will appear on this website shortly. November 5/2013 “Global Heat Treatment Industry; Heat treatment is a combination of operations involving the heating, holding and cooling of metal in the solid state for the purpose of obtaining certain desirable metallurgical properties or surface modification. Heat treatment consumes 17% of US Industrial Energy usage and consists of 2 to 15% of the total production cost. www.themonty.com “March 2013. Alfe Heat treating, the largest aluminum heat treater in the US announced today that is has closed a deal with a major automotive manufacturer to heat treat V6 engines at its Saginaw operations plant. The long term project will start in late 2014 utilizing existing equipment and manufacturing. “The Saginaw metal casting facility has a reputation for providing the automotive industry with highly automated heat treat operations ensuring consistent quality processes while minimizing cost, said John Holifield, VP, Alfe. This contract underscores our ability to continually exceed the expectations of our customers and further solidifies our long term commitment to the local Saginaw community. We expect to expand our workforce by 75% in the fall of 2014 as we prepare to increase our capacity for the new engine”. Bodycote Press Release. "I am pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Gibbons as President Aerospace, Defence and Energy (ADE) Heat Treatment and Surface Technology, with effect from the 1st November 2013. Tom will take over responsibility for our ADE Heat Treatment and Surface Technology business on a global basis and will be based in Dallas, Texas. Tom will be a member of the Executive Committee reporting directly to the Group Chief Executive. Immediately prior to joining Bodycote, Tom was President and CEO of HM Dunn Aerospace having previously been President of Sargent (a Dover Company). Tom has spent the majority of his career growing and improving businesses at a number of companies including Lord Corporation, Parker Hannifin and Moog. He has a Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Harvard University. Stephen Harris Group Chief Executive, Bodycote." November 5/2013 Solar Press Release. "Souderton, PA. November 04, 2013 – Dr. Dianne Chong, Ph.D., FASM, recently toured the Solar Atmospheres headquarters in Souderton, PA. Dr. Chong is the Vice President, Materials, Manufacturing, Structures & Support in the Operations & Technology department of Boeing Engineering. Prior to her role as Vice President, Dianne was Director of Materials and Process Technology for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. She is a past President of ASM International 2007-2008, and the recipient of the 2012-13 ASM Liberty Bell Chapter William Hunt Eisenman Award. Senior executives and sales management from both Solar Atmospheres and Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania escorted Dr. Chong throughout her tour of Plant “A”. “We were honored to host Dr. Chong and give her an in-depth look at our thermal processing operations” says Roger Jones, Corporate President Solar Atmospheres. Dr. Chong’s visit consisted of an extended tour of Plant “A”, lunch, and further discussions about Solar’s capabilities. The topics of the discussions included Solar’s vacuum carburizing and vacuum gas nitriding processes, annealing services, heat treating of tooling, brazing, sintering and special processing. www.themonty.com (Source: IHEA). The global heat treatment volume is in the range of $65 to $75 billion. This volume range doesn't’t included induction and primary iron and steel heat treatment. The global heat treatment volume estimate is gathered from local heat treatment association’s statistics and correlated with countries’ car production and countries GDP. The common belief is that North America is a $20 Billion industry with 15 million vehicles manufactured in the US in 2012 and $15 trillion GDP. China manufactures 19.5 million vehicles, has more than half of the US’s GDP ($8.3 trillion), and its manufacturing sector generates the equivalent of 30% of its GDP (compared to the US where the manufacturing sector only makes up around 12% of its GDP). China heat treatment market volume should be approx. $11 Billion. The European Union manufactures 12 million vehicles and has the same combined GDP as the US – its heat treatment volume, cannot be much lower than the US. Many countries have considered heat treatment as a strategic activity for the proper development of its economy and standard of living. For example, Poland and China have significant subsidies and grants provided to furnace manufacturers that develop advanced technologies”. About ASM ASM International serves materials professionals, nontechnical personnel, and managers worldwide by providing high-quality materials information, education and training, networking opportunities, and professional development resources in cost-effective and user-friendly formats. ASM is where materials users, producers, and manufacturers converge to do business." November 5/2013 Left front, Mike Moyer, Sales Director, Dr. Diane Chong, Boeing, VP Materials, Manufacturing, Structures & Support, Tim Steber, Sales Manager, Left Rear, Don Jordan, Corporate Metallurgist, Bob Hill, President, Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, Roger Jones, Corporate President, Solar Atmospheres, Inc. Monday Morning Briefing. We start off with two rather sad news items from furnace builder Can Eng in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Mr. Pete Mackenzie, P.Eng. passed away Friday. Pete was a top notch individual who was a retired Can-Eng employee, and former Vice President of Engineering, (1966 to 1997). After Pete left Can Eng he stayed very busy with his furnace consulting business. Also we have this note about Major Ken Elliott another long time Can Eng employee. "ELLIOTT, Kenneth - At his home, Major Kenneth Arthur Elliott passed away peacefully on Friday, November I , 2013 . He has joined his beloved wife the late Shirley Elliott and his brother the late Robert Elliott. Survived by his children Dave (Patti) and Lori (Dan) Elder. Grandpa will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Justin, Katie (Mark), Danielle (Adam), Jason (Crystal), Jessica (Garret) and great grandfather to Ashlea. Ken was a long time employee of Can-Eng Furnaces as an www.themonty.com About Solar Atmospheres Solar Atmospheres is the world’s largest provider of commercial vacuum heat treating services. Through unmatched technical expertise, equipment, and quality assurance, Solar’s thermal processing produces bright, scale-free parts with minimal distortion. For clients requiring an "out-of-the ordinary" application, an in-house R&D team of metallurgists and scientists develop innovative, custom process solutions. Serving over 18 markets, Solar's state-of-the art services include brazing, carburizing and nitriding. With over 50 furnaces ranging from lab-sized to the world’s largest commercial vacuum furnace, Solar can efficiently handle any size job. Headquartered near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Solar also operates plants near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and in Fontana, California. Please visit http://www.solaratm.com for more information. In related Bodycote news we see that Bodycote is still in the hunt for Metco. If Bodycote were to be successful with this acquisition it would position them as one of the largest in the world when it comes to spray coatings. "Oct 31 (Reuters) - Bankers are working on financing packages of around 560 million Swiss francs ($624.69 million) to back a sale of Swiss machinery manufacturer Sulzer's coatings unit Metco, banking sources said on Thursday. Credit Suisse was hired earlier this year to manage the sale of Metco, the world's largest maker of thermal spray coatings, catering to the car, chemicals and energy industries, which could fetch 800 million Swiss francs. The sale attracted interest from a number of private equity firms and strategic corporate buyers, which submitted tentative bids earlier this month. Two peers, Swiss Oerlikon and British Bodycote and two private equity firms including EQT have made it through to the second round of an auction process on Jan. 8. Oerlikon, Bodycote and Sulzer were not immediately available to comment. EQT declined to comment. Bankers are preparing debt packages of 5.5 times to six times Metco's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of around 98 million Swiss francs to back private equity bids, the bankers said. The debt could be a mix of senior leveraged loans and high yield bonds, denominated in Swiss francs, euros and dollars, they added. Sulzer is selling the Metco unit to concentrate on more lucrative businesses making pumps and equipment and providing services for the oil and gas industry". www.themonty.com engineer. He was also a member of the Royal Regiment of Canada with the rank of Major. The family will receive friends at the HULSE & ENGLISH FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL, 75 Church Street, St. Catharines (905-684-6346), on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. A Memorial Service will be held in the Chapel on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 11:00 am. Memorial donations in memory of Kenneth to Wellspring Niagara would be appreciated by the family. On-line tributes may be made at www.hulseandenglish.com" Mark Manning, General Manager of Thermal Modification Technologies (formerly Beaver Heat Treat) out in Oregon has announced that he is retired as of the end of October 2013. Mark is a top notch fellow who knows his stuff. Jennifer Koziak an experienced metallurgist has parted ways with rock drill manufacturer and captive heat treater Boart Longyear in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and is now working as a Quality Engineer with aerospace parts supplier and captive heat treater Northstar Aerospace in Milton, Ontario. Sandi Martin will be joining her father Tom Martin at heat treat rep firm Thermtek LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. In a rather surprising move Tracy Glende, President of the Aerospace, Defense & Energy division of Bodycote in Dallas, Texas has parted ways with the company and has been replaced by Tom Gibbons who was President of a company by the name of HM Dunn. The photo below shows Tracy on the left when he started with Bodycote a few years back. And to round things out we have this interesting news item (and really cool picture) from Mr. Damian Bratcher, Director International Operations for Super Systems Inc., about the heat treating department of auto parts maker Dana, in Toluca, Mexico. "DANA Toluca Mexico; DANA Corporation has many divisions ranging from Light Vehicle to industrial applications. DANA has two facilities in Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico. The facilities in Toluca help DANA lead the industry with drivetrain innovations for the commercial vehicle market that increase fuel efficiency, reduce maintenance, and lower life-cycle costs. Between the two facilities there are over 20 batch furnaces. All of these furnaces run with generator produced Endothermic Gas. It has to be a unique challenge processing parts at an elevation of 8750 feet (2667 m). This facility along with a nearby Hitchener plant may be the highest elevated heat treatment facilities in the world. I was wondering if anyone knew of a facility at a higher elevation. The team responsible for obtaining good metallurgical results are Ricardo Ontiveros and Deanna Herrera pictured here with Damian Bratcher, Director International Operations, Super Systems Inc". November 4/2013 Disclaimer. This section is provided with the intention of sharing information; rumours and news about the heat treat industry. We try to insure that all of the information contained herein is correct but we cannot guarantee it. If you feel that any of this information contained in this section is incorrect please let us know and it will be changed or removed immediately (a more detailed description of our publishing policy is found on the "News Policy" page of this website). www.themonty.com Recently we suggested that the Global Heat Treating Market is worth $30 Billion/year. Well not everybody agreed with us and one reader sent us convincing proof that it is worth more in the range of $65-$75 Billion USD/year. More on this later this week. Induction heating company Ambrell recently announced that they have sold an EKOHEAT 35-kW/30kHz induction heating system to a fastener manufacturer. The company will use the EKOHEAT to preheat blanks prior to forging to create fasteners. Commercial heat treater Euclid Heat Treat in Euclid, Ohio has made an impressive investment in the form of a large Ipsen vacuum furnace with both oil and gas quenching capabilities. Euclid is a family owned business and quite a bit larger than the average North American commercial heat treat. Used Equipment Listing Used Equipment Want to get true market value for your used heat treating equipment? themonty.com is the only way to do this! Unlike used equipment dealers we work on a commission basis meaning no high overheads, no buy and resells, no high expenses which means that you as a seller get what your equipment is worth-not what a used equipment dealer will pay you for it. Not sure what your equipment is worth or how saleable it is? Let us know and we can give you a free appraisal and an honest answer about market conditions-no BS. Before listing we will require a signed copy of the "Terms and Conditions". Please use our Contact Form or email Dale at dale@themonty.com all pertinent information including asking price (which we strongly recommend) age, condition and if possible photos. When selling please keep in mind that we do NOT ask for an exclusive sales agreement - if we don't sell it we don't get paid - PERIOD. You can’t lose by listing with themonty.com we sell your equipment or we don’t get paid-period. Notice: We have attempted to describe all equipment accurately from the information we have available. Any mistakes are unintentional. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor can we guarantee the performance of the equipment or suitability to your application. The equipment is sold as-is, where-is. We strongly encourage your personal inspection of the equipment before purchase. www.themonty.com At "themonty.com" you are guaranteed of finding the best priced used equipment in the industry due to the fact that we do not buy and resell and have no associated costs. Instead we put buyers and sellers together on a small commission basis meaning that at the end of the day you are paying what equipment is worth-not equipment with a huge mark up attached! In addition you generally can see the equipment installed, running and talk to the actual operator far better than seeing a used furnace in the back of a dingy warehouse. Don’t see what you are looking for? Let us know and we will find it for you. Please feel free to Contact Us. Batch See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • • • • • • • Accutherm Heat Treat Furnace Batch IQ Furnace Batch IQ Line Beavermatic Batch IQ Furnace Beavermatic Box Furnace Car Bottom Furnace "Clam Shell" Furnace Electric Box Furnace Electric 1600˚F Car Bottom Furnace (New) Guler Ionnitrider Holcroft Batch IQ Furnaces (3 Available) Ipsen T-4 Batch IQ Furnace Ipsen T-13 Batch IQ Furnace Ipsen TQ - 2 -EM Batch IQ Line Ipsen TQ-5-EM Furnaces (2 available) Lindberg Batch IQ Furnace • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lindberg Box Furnace Lindberg Box Furnaces (2) Lindberg Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace Lindberg Pit Hardening Furnace New 2012 Car Bottom Temper Furnace Park Thermal Box Furnace Seco Warwick Box Furnace Selas Batch IQ Furnace Sunbeam AF-10 Batch IQ Furnaces (3 available) Surface Super 30 Allcase Furnace Line Surface Super 30 Allcase Furnace Surface Super 30 Allcase Furnace Super 30 Allcase Line Super 30 Batch IQ Furnace Item # B351 Electric 1600˚F Car Bottom Furnace (New): New TDI, Car Bottom Furnace (Buyer's Order Cancelled). Load envelope: 60" wide X 120" long X 60" high. Load capacity: 3,000 lbs. Normal Operating range: 200F F to 1600°F. Max. temp: 1,600°F. Uniformity: +/- 5F F, test fixture at soak. Atmosphere: Ambient air. Heating: Electric, 200 KVA, 480V, 3 ph, 60 Hz. Heating zones: Single zone. Insulation: 12" high performance ceramic fiber. Interior finish: 330SS skin. Circulation fan: 2 roof mounted, squirrel cage type, ducted. Car deck (hearth): Flat. Load support: 330 Stainless Steel platform. Car support: 4 fixed wheels, flanged for rail. Car motive power: Electric gear motor. Car cable management: Via cable reel. Oven door: Vertical lift guillotine type, electrically operated. Temperature control: Honeywell UDC 2500 Series. Over Temp control: Honeywell UDC 2500 Series. System controls: Color touch screen. Thermocouples: 2 each type K Control panel: Free standing NEMA 12. Finish: Sherwin-Williams Polane B Polyurethane Enamel, Circuit Blue. F63 L 16T epoxy. Guards and safeties painted OSHA yellow. Control enclosure color is 18% gray as supplied by the vendor. Asking price: $340,000.00 USD with Full OEM Warranty. www.themonty.com • • • • • • • • • Item # B349 Beavermatic Batch IQ Furnace. 1995 Beavermatic Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace with 45" Tall Parts Capability. Model: 64-45E1 S/N: 695-89/1. Condition: Overall - Fair to Good (Brick good, Inner hearth recent rebuild, Radiant Tubes good.) Work Zone: 36"W x 54"L x 45"H. Atmosphere: Endothermic (generator not included). Carbon Control System (Honeywell UDC Controller, Probe is SSI Gold Probe. Max. Temperature: 1850˚F Uniformity: +/- 25˚F from 1300˚F to 1750˚F. OEM Load Rating: 4,000 Pounds Gross Wt. (Discuss with owner for history of loading). Heating: Electric Elements, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, runs approx. 100 kW at 70% power setting. Breaker Size: 400 Amp for elements, 150 Amps for controls. Quench Heater and Quench Cooler Included. Aircooled fan bearings. Footprint: 13ft W x 19ft L x 15ft H. Pit Required: Currently in pit of 13ft W x 13ft L x 22in D, but could be only 11-12ft L. Load Cart: Not included with furnace. Currently in operation and can be demonstrated on your parts. Immediate Availability. Asking Price: $150,000.00 USD Item # B347 Lindberg Pit Hardening Furnace. Model 12-RO-38120-18A. Serial # 24653. Working dimensions of 38” diameter X 120” deep. Gas fired, 1700F operating temperature, three zones of control. While it is set up for carburizing it is not currently connected. Operational condition. Currently installed but not in use. Also comes with a Lindberg companion draw furnace Model 12-ECC-38120-12, S/N 24654, working dimensions of 38” diameter X 120” deep. Electrically heated. Installed but not in use. Needs elements. Pricing and pictures to come. www.themonty.com Item # B350 Lindberg Box Furnace. High temperature atmosphere furnace. Electrically heated, 2150F maximum temperature. Piped for Nitrogen and Natural Gas. Dual air Hydraulic door pull system. No fan. Very uniform in temp. Working dimensions of 48” square. Installed but not in operation. Reasonable condition. Asking $29,000 USD. Item # B345 Surface "Super 30" Allcase Furnace, SN BC 41624. Manufactured by Surface Combustion this is a gas fired "Super 30" Allcase batch IQ furnace with working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 30". Trident tube design with dual burner recuperated burners, rear handler and dual quench cylinders. Vendor will add temperature and atmosphere controls and blower. Good overall condition. Photos to come. Asking $125,000 USD. Item # B344 ACCUTHERM Heat Treat Furnace. Model BHSF 242436 – 1371 Serial # 16r-4. Working dimensions of 24” X 24” X 36”. Electrically heated, KVA 45 Volts 230 3PH 60HZ. Max temp. 2500F. endo/Air. Built in 1989. Silicone Carbide Hearth plates. Honeywell Instruments – Control – High Limit – Chart Recorder. Very good conditon. Currently installed and in operation. Asking $17,500.00 USD. Item # B343 “Clam Shell” Furnace. Working dimensions of 84” Wide X 58” Deep X 48” High. Direct gas fired burners (burners fire under the hearth). North American burners. Furnace was always operated at 1650F. Honeywell Controls – High Limit – DR 4500 Chart recorder. Furnace is in very good condition as it was totally rebuilt 1 year ago. Currently under power. Asking $86,000 USD or best offer. www.themonty.com Item # B346 BeaverMatic Box Furnace. Model #96x72x36EBT. This is an electrically heated furnace with a hot zone size of 96”wide X 72” long x 36” high. Power is 460V, 3 phase, 60 hertz. Max operating temperature 2100 F. Maximum load 4400 Lbs. SSI controls upgrade. Used very little since purchased new in 2008. Spare heating elements available. Full manuals and drawing available. No atmosphere. Like new condition. Asking $75,000 USD Item # B341 Holcroft Batch IQ Furnaces (3 available). Model 1-GP-1800 batch integral quench furnaces gas fired. Working dimensions of 30” wide X 48” deep X 24” high. New in 1979. Enothermic atmosphere, operating temperature of 1800F. Also included are two Holcroft charge cars and an endothermic generator. Units currently in storage. Note that these units will need updated controls and new brickwork. Condition fair. Asking $39,000 USD for each of the 3 batch IQ furnaces but all offers will be considered. Further details and photos available upon request. Item # B340 Ipsen Model T-4 Batch IQ Furnace. Gas-Fired Integral Quench Furnace, 8 Vertical Tubes (used, but in good shape). Working dimensions of 24” wide X 36” deep X 18” high. New Brickwork. New Ceramic Hearth. Includes loader. All parts are included for reassembly, incl. some spares. Heat Input: 480,000 BTU/Hr. Net Heating Rate: 800 lb/hr (Rating for units at 1550F + 12% for alloy). Max. Load at 2000F: 850 lb. Approx. Shipping Wt: 12,500 lb. Overall Dimensions: 5'-5"W x 17'-10"L x 11'-8"H. Pit Required: None. Not Used since new brickwork and ceramic hearth were done. Location: Western U.S. Asking Price: $ 14,900 USD. Offers considered. www.themonty.com Item # B342 Electric Box Furnace. Working dimensions of 36” wide X 30” high X 54” deep. Electrically heated; Electric coil heating elements on side walls and under hearth – 90 KW. 12” Ceramic Fiber insulation. Honeywell Controls – High Limit – Chart Recorder 2 pin. Max Temp. 1850F. Hearth is being rebuilt. Unit is in very good condition and is currently under power. Asking $18,500.00 USD. Item # B337 Super 30 Batch IQ Furnace. Completely Remanufactured Surface Combustion Super 30 Integral Quench Furnace, Work Zone: 30"W x 48"D x 30"H. Entire furnace and all components will be rebuilt back to like new condition: A. General: Remanufacturing consists of tearing down to the shell all refractory, piping, mechanical and electrical and installing new components as follows: B. Furnace Shell - Disassemble, sandblast, inspect and repair as needed; modify to bung mounted burner tube arrangement; rebuild vestibule door and frame; rebuild elevator as needed; repair OSHA guards as needed, paint to customer color choice C. Furnace Lining - Strip all old insulation materials, replace with new firebrick, board and fiber insulation to original specs; rebuild innerfurnace door and re-brick D. Combustion System - Remove old combustion system; supply new P tubes (330 alloy); Supply new KromschroderBICR 100/10 recuperative burners complete with SiC tube and exhaust gas housing E. Mechanical - New fan wheel, motor, bearings belts, replace sheaves as needed; convert fan to air-cooled operation with VFD drive; Rebuild all air cylinders, new air valves and piping; New VFD quench agitator motors, bearings, belts, replace sheaves as needed, new oil cooling pump; All new manual , solenoid, gas flow meters, isolation valves and piping; New alloy roller rails, chaing guides rollers and pusher head; new bearings on furnace. Included are grease lines, piped to a common grease block for easy maintenance. F. Electrical - Supply and install new equipment mounted NEMA 12 control panel with new motor starters, pushbuttons, switches, pilot lights, control transformers and panel air conditioner. Advantech 12.1" touchscreen HMI with Super Systems, Inc. Compact HMIRuntime software. www.themonty.com Item # B339 New 2012 Car Bottom Temper Furnace. Manufactured by Thermal Dynamix. Model: ECBF-787, S/N: 11-195, sold with full 12-month Warranty. Temperature Rating: 1250˚F. Working Zone Size: 84"W x 84"L x 84"H. Uniformity: Guaranty of +/10˚F with OEM-replaced gas plenum (included). Heat Input: 200 kW, Single Zone. Power Input: 480V/3Ph/60Hz. Atmosphere: Circulated Air, 18,000 CFM Capacity, Roof -mounted, Squirrel Cage Fan. Load Rating: 10,000 lb. Car Support: 4 Fixed Wheels, flanged for rail. Car Drive: Electric Gear Motor. Door Style: Integral with Car. End Mounted Controls: Super Systems, Inc. 9130 Temp. Controller with touch screen & video recording, Overtemp: SSI Model 7SL. Thermocouples: 2 Each, Type K. Interior: 304 Stainless Steel. Insulation: 8" Thick High Performance Ceramic Fiber. Paint & Color: Sherman Williams Polane B Polyurethane Enamel, Circuit Blue F63L 16T Epoxy. Approx. Ship Wt.: 19,500 lb. Approx. Ship Dimensions: 9'5"W x 29'L x 11'9"H. Availability: 3-4 Weeks ARO (to install new air plenum). Price: $190,000. G. Temperature Controls - New Super Systems, Inc. 9205 programmable multi-loop temperature controller with furnace T/C and atmosphere probe inputs, (2) 4-20mA outputs, (2) relay outputs, (8) assignable relays, (4) discrete inputs and Ethernet (Modbus TCP), DF1 and RS485 communications. Controller can store up to (300ea.) 24-step recipes. SSI 7SL Limitrol high limit controller and type "K" thermocouples with prot. tubes. I. Logic Controls - New Allen Bradley Micrologix 1400 PLC with (20) inputs, and (12) relay outputs J. Wiring - All wiring and conduit will be replaced new. New IMC conduit will be used for neat an orderly appearance. New THHN 16-ga. minum stranded machine too wiring with wire numbers will be pulled from control panel to a furnace mounted junction box, and from the junction box to the electrical components. K. Documentation - (3) sets of piping installation and electrical installation prints, and (3) sets of all vendor supplied materials as received; Recommended Spare Parts list L. Other - Installation, Startup and Operator Training may be purchased separately, if desired. Asking $280,000 USD with 1 year warantee. Item # B336 Lindberg Batch IQ Furnace. Hevi-Duty, Clean Line, Model H66GH, S/N 102350. Working dimensions of 24” x 36” deep X 24” high. Maximum operating temperature 1850F. Gas fired 745,000 BTU’s. PLC controlled with oxygen probe. Air/Oil heat exchanger. Straight through design. Alloy and brickwork in great condition. Asking $29,900.00. Item # B335 Lindberg Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace. Lindberg, Model 13-CT243618-18AQ-2 Atmosphere Integral Quench Furnace. In/Out Design, Electric Radiant Tube Design, 65kW, Surveyed Range: 1200°F to 1850°F, Carbon Control System, Quench Oil Cooler, Quench Oil Heater. Rapid Recovery (from cold to temperature in 2-1/2 hours). Controls: West 6700 and West 6100, Truline Chart Recorder. Overall Footprint: Approx. 91/2ftW x 13-1/2Ft L x 10ft-10"H. No Pit required. Location: Mid-Western U.S. Asking price $35,000.00 USD. www.themonty.com H. Atmosphere Controls - Super Systems, Inc. 9120 single probe carbon control system with operator interface, reference air/burnout system with single air flow meter, ref. air and burnout pumps, GP205 sensor with type "S" thermocouple. Item # B333 Guler Ionnitrider. Manufactured by Guler in Australia in 1997. Horizontal chamber with working dimensions of 36" X 36" X 115" long. Maximum load 8,000 pounds. Electrically heated with new transformers and an Ammonia Dissociator. System is installed, connected but not in use. Overall in good condition. Best offer. Item # B331 Selas Batch IQ Furnace. Model 50. Working dimensions of 24" X 36" X 18" high. 500 pound capacity. Electrically heated. Endo atmosphere. Complete and in good condition although some elements will need to be replaced. Installed but not in use. Asking $19,500.00 USD. A dunk washer is also available. www.themonty.com Item # B334 36" X 48" X 32" Batch IQ Line. Manufactured by CEC (Consolidated Engineering Company) in 2007. Model EN20E-SR. Working dimensions of 36" wide X 48" deep X 32" high. Electrically Heated with hot oil system, PLC control, filtering and cooling of quench oil. Compete with Temper Furnace capable of 1250F, Charge Car, Dunk/Spray Washer, Endo Generator, Load/Unload table, scissor lift and gas analyzer. Complete, installed and in "like new condition". Asking $275,000 USD for everything. Item #B329 Car Bottom Furnace – Manufactured by Armil in Illinois in 1998. Working dimensions of 4’H x 8’-6”Wx26’L. Gas fired 8.5 million BTU’s/hour. 1850F. Fiber lined (2 zones) on control heated by 12 Tempest burners, over and under fired. Furnace is constructed from 3/16” plate and the approximate capacity is 40,000 pounds. Furnace has overhead doors at either end and has one load car. Doors and car are motor driven and equipped with cam mechanism seals. Drawings and manuals are available. Overall dimensions are 32’-4”L, 14’ wide and 12’8”H. Completely rebuilt. Excellent condition. Asking $177,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item # B330 Complete "Super 30 Allcase Line. This is a complete line currently in operation and in very good condition. The line consists of the following: Super 30 Proelectric Furnace with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 30" high. Electrically heated 460/3/60, 140Kw. Operating temperature of 1750F. Two new elements and new re-circulating fan installed. Rail & Chain guide are less than 18 months in operation. Hot oil option. Honeywell temperature controls, S/N BC 41836. Dual cylinder quench elevator. Met AMS 2750D requirement within past 18 months and CQI-9 requirement within past 6 months. Surface Box Temper, S/N BC 40147 with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 30" high. Brick facing with water cooled top mounted recirculating fan. Electric element fired, 1400 F max operating temperature. Honeywell temperature controller. Met AMS 2750D requirement 18 months ago and CQI-9 requirement within past 6 months. Surface Spray Washer –with working dimensions of 30”W X 30”H X 48” Deep. Electrically heated with Partlow control. Surface Charge Car – Model S/N BC40749-1. double ended with overhead rail power. Surface 3600 CFH endo generator. Gas fired, 1950 F, 3 retorts with air cooling system and SSI Gold Probe dewpoint monitor. Auxiliary items available – Honeywell HC900 controller that controls several furnaces, temperature and Carbon potential along with data logger and electronic chart recording. SSI oxygen probes, trays, baskets, rack loading fixtures, spare controllers and parts., oil coolers, and water coolers and recirculating system. Load jib crane and roller conveyor load station. Further photos available upon request. Asking $150,000 USD for everything. Item #B324 Ipsen TQ-2-EM Batch IQ Line. Located in the UK. Straight through design batch IQ furnace . S/N 20.0720, built in 1996. Electrically heated, 420volt, 3 phase, 50hz. 98 Amps. Nitrogen/Methanol atmosphere. Brickwork in excellent condition, comes with washer and loading equipment. Work zone 450m (w) x 350mm (h) x 610mm (d) . 180 kg capacity. Operating temperature of 1,000 C. Temperature uniformity of +-10C. Asking £30,000 Item #B323 Ipsen TQ-5-EM Furnaces (2 available). Located in the UK. Two Ipsen TQ5-EM straight through batch IQ furnaces, with loading system, tempering furnace and washing machine. Load size 610mm (w) x 610mm (h) x 910mm (d), rated at 350kg's each and operating temperature up to 1050C. Uniformity +-10C. Electrically heated 172A. 380 www.themonty.com Item # B327 Ipsen T-13 Batch IQ Furnace. Model T-13-GM, S/N 54543. Working dimensions of 36" X 48" X 30" high. Gas fired operating temperature of 1800F. An older furnace but with upgraded to an SER combustion system. Eclipse single ended recuperative burners. Free standing control panel with Honeywell digital control and overtemp and Honeywell circular strip chart recorder. MMI carbon control. Alloy and brickwork excellent. Currently being rebuilt so photos are not available. Included is a charge car, unload cart and SBS quench oil cooler. Asking $65,000 USD. volts, 3 phase, 50hz. Set up for Endo Atmosphere. Ipsen "Carbo Prof" control system. Control panels missing and heating elements missing. Brickwork in good condition. Asking £55,000. New in 1987. Total refurbishment can be offered, new control panel, gas or electric heating etc. Item #B318 Seco Warwick Box Furnace. Model HG 243648. Electrically heated 220v 3ph. Operating temperature of 1950F. Working dimensions of 24" X 36" X 48" deep. Weight capacity 510 pounds. Currently installed but not in operation. Also included is a 500 CFH Endo Generator. All spare parts, hoods and gas plumbing included. Complete. Asking $17,000 USD for both. Item #B316 Surface "Super 30 Allcase Furnace Line". This line is absolutely complete and consists of the following; Super 30 Furnace with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 30" high. Electrically heated 460/3/60, 120Kw. Operating temperature of 1750F. Hot oil option. Barber Colman temperature controls, Eurotherm atmosphere control system. Paulo Box Temper, Model 304830 with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 30" high. Brick lined with recirculating fan. Gas fired, 1250F operating temperature. Honeywell temperature controllers with 12" round chart recorder. Includes water quench tank with pneumatic Quench Elevator. Ipsen "Dunk/Spray" washer with working dimensions of 36" wide X 48" deep X 36" high. Model WRD3000E. Electrically heated 380/3/50. Side mounted www.themonty.com Item #B322 Surface Combustion "Super 30" Allcase. Super 30 Proelectric Furnace with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" deep X 30" high. Electrically heated 460/3/60, 140Kw. Operating temperature of 1750F. Hot oil option. Honeywell temperature controls, S/N BC40746-1. Dual cylinder quench elevator. Currently installed and in very good operating condition. Also included 2000 gallons of Idemitsu Hi-Temp quench oil (Marquench oil). This oil has been tested every quarter and still meets the Idemitsu spec. Met AMS 2750D requirement within past 14 months and CQI-9 requirement within past 3 months. Asking $79,000 USD. Item # B315 Park Thermal Box Furnace. Working dimensions of 5’ wide x 8’ deep x 5’ high . Operating temperature of 1850F, with top mounted alloy circulating fan; brick lined . Electrically heated, 460/3/60—150 kw complete with control panel with Honeywell digital controls and SCR proportional power control . Asking $89,500.00. Item # B314 Ipsen T-4 Batch IQ Furnace. Model T-4-600-CG: SN 51279: Working dimensions of 24" wide X 12" high X 36" deep. Gas fired. It is currently installed alongside a BL Furnaces endothermic generator. A parts washer is also included. All interconnect piping and wiring are undisturbed, with some exhaust hooding. The 8 gas fired vertical radiant tubes will need to be replaced. This system controls were upgraded with a Marathon Carbon Probe, Honeywell circular chart recorder, and digital temperature controller. It has the standard Ipsen straight through design, with internal chain drive transfer system-with no pit required. The premix burner system is bottom fired. It has roof mounted recirculating fan and quench oil agitation. Complete combustion, atmosphere controls and instrumentation. Two 2’X3’ baskets are included. The system has been idle for several years. We will assist the buyer in disassembly and loading. Asking $12,500 USD. www.themonty.com control pane with Honeywell digital temperature controller. Surface 3600 CFH endo generator. Electrically heated 480/3/60-60KW. 1950F. 3 retorts with water cooling. Control panel includes Marathon Monitors Carb PC digital controller and Marathon carbon probe for atmosphere control. Model S3EN. Surface charge car with working dimensions of 30" wide X 48" long X 30" high. Model SEDP-30-48. Single ended double powered charge car-System I. Also included are baskets, trays, virgin oil, switch gear, rails, water cooling system, a cryo unit, SBS quench oil cooler, a second 2400 CFH Endo generator venting and hooding. This line is absolutely complete and in excellent condition. Vendor will not sell components separately. Asking $140,000 USD for everything. Item #B309 Sunbeam AF-10 Batch IQ Furnaces (2 available). S/N F-06-70-K. Working dimensions of 24" high X 30" wide X 48" deep. Gas fired, operating temperature of 1850F. Standard Sunbeam straight through design with automatic transfer mechanism (pusher type) in front. Heated by ten alloy vertical radiant tubes with spark ignition. 1000 pound capacity, no pit required. Quench oil agitation and cooling is achiever by recirculating the oil through a tube and shell type heat exchanger then through manifolds in the quench tank. Electric immersion heaters. ACM water detection system. Partlow controls for heating and cooling oil. GM surplus. Free standing 3 section control panel with updated controls. Barber Colman model 560 controller and strip chart recorder for temperature and carbon. L & N overtemp, Barber Colman undertemp control. Barber Colman oxygen probe and control. 10 sequence timers. Good condition. Asking $35,000.00 USD Each. www.themonty.com Item # B311 Lindberg Box Furnaces (2 available). Type 11-MT-152410-G18A. Gas fired, maximum operating temperature of 1800F. Approximately 12 years old. Furnaces are complete, included are Quench Tanks and Turbo Blowers. Honeywell controls. Working dimensions of 18” wide by 11” tall, by 33 1/2” deep. Operational when removed from service recently. Excellent condition. Complete manuals available and additional pictures. Asking $29,000 USD each. Continuous See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CI Hayes High Temperature Pusher Furnace Holcroft Mesh Belt Annealing Furnace Lindberg Belt Furnace Seco Warwick Mesh Belt Furnace Sunbeam Pusher Carburizer Surface Combustion Rotary Hearth Furnace Line Roller Hearth Furnace Wellman Mesh Belt Brazing/Annealing Furnace Item #C286 Wellman Mesh Belt Brazing/Annealing Furnace. Catalogue No: 40D411369AB61. Two zone heating (electric heating). High Heat 10' long, 1,120º Celsius (2,050º F). 24'-0" open top water jacketed cooling. 12" clear height over the belt. Overall dimensions: 69 ft x 5.7 ft x 7 ft. Silicon Carbide solid hearth with New Stainless Steel mesh belt. Belt width 18", furnace hearth opening 20", furnace hearth height 12". 3 phase 440 Volts; 150 KVA (for both zones). 6 GE transformers (refurbished). 230 V – 10 A variable speed chain drive. The entrance vestibule has been recently rebricked. Globars & silicon carbide hearth plates are excellent. Spare globars are available. Good complete condition. Asking $29,000 USD. Item #C285 AFC-Holcroft Atmosphere Pusher Furnace System. This system was designed for hardening bearing races(up to 9” diameter). Built in 2000 is was used for a little over 1 year before being shut down. This Furnace System is gas fired, radiant tube, 4 www.themonty.com • 2150˚F Rotary Hearth Furnace System AFC-Holcroft Atmosphere Pusher Furnace System AGF Rotary Retort Furnace ABBOTT Model Furnace BTU High Temperature Atmosphere Pusher Furnace CI Hayes Continuous Humpback Furnace CI Hayes Mesh Belt Brazing/Sintering Furnace CI Hayes Brazing/Sintering Furnace Item # C284 CI Hayes Continuous Humpback Furnace. Built by CI Hayes in 1970 this furnace was rebuilt and rewired in 1986. Belt is 12” wide and has a heated length of 72”. Electrically heated, operating temperature of 2100F. Two water jacketed cooling chambers, Molecular Dryer, 2 Ammonia Dissociators, Muffle is Inconel 600 as is the spare mesh belt. Currently installed and can be started for a demonstration. Good operating condition. Asking $60,000 USD. Item # C283 Denton Thermal Systems (O'Brien & Gere) 2150˚F Rotary Hearth Furnace System. Includes high temperature furnace, Nitrogen-Methanol Panel and Quench Press. Working Zone: 6 ft Diameter Hearth, Door Opening is 14"W x 13"H Overall Size: 9ft-8in Diameter x 10ft-10"Tall. Heating: Electric, 125 kW, 1 Zone, Globar Heating Elements. Power Requirement: 200 Amps, 480V/3Ph/60Hz. Temperature Rating: 2150˚F. Water Requirement: 3 GPM. Air Requirement: 100 PSI. Controls: GE90 PLC. Honeywell Temperature Controller and Overtemp (missing but will be replaced). Marathon Monitors Carbon Control System. Includes Quench Press that was handling up to 5" Diameter bearings. Prior user reference available upon request. Asking price: $79,000.00 USD. Location: Northeastern USA www.themonty.com zones, complete with alloy trays, atmosphere flowmeter panel, oil quench press with air cooled oil and robotic handler, wash-off section, and belt tempering furnace. The pusher is overall 15’ wide x 30’ long x 10’ high (ships in 3 sections). ID is 4’ wide x 50’ heated length (in “U” shape) x 10” high. Also included is 3000cfh endothermic generator, a number of spare parts (including new radiant tubes), robot handler, quench press and washer Consider this in "mint"condition. Asking $395,000 USD which includes loading. Item # C281 Seco Warwick Mesh Belt Furnace. Working dimensions of 18” wide belt, inside muffle measures 21” wide 10’ heated length, 2 zones of control. 2400F maximum operating temperature. 30’ cooling section. New muffle. Water cooling system with fan cooled heat exchanger. Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Dissociated Ammonia flow meters. Silicon carbide heating elements. 2 Tap transformers for providing reduced voltage to the elements. Rolock Ammonia Dissociator included. Currently installed but not in operation. Furnace can be powered up for a demonstration. Very good condition. Asking $39,500 USD or best offer. Item # C279 CI Hayes High Temperature Pusher Furnace. Model MY-040890-90PH. 4" height over hearth. 8" wide tray width. Recommended tray size 8" X 8" X 7/8". 90" preheat, 1100C, 42 KW, 6 zones of control, nichrome elements. 90" high heat, 1500˚ C, 72 KW, 6 zones of control, Moly elements. Total power requirements 117 KW, 460/3/60. 198" long cooling section, 5 zones. Automated doors at each end of furnace with Nitrogen/Hydrogen atmosphere. Dissociated ammonia/nitrogen blending atmosphere with Nitrogen purge. Multiple inlets for even atmosphere flow and flushing. Overtemperature protection control for both preheat and high heat. A-B SLC-500 logic control. Screw drive, dual speed, antijam detection. Articulated return conveyor. Hearth level 44". Overall space requirements: 125" wide X 545" long X 72" high (without burn-off stacks). Good condition. Asking $60,000 USD or Best Offer. www.themonty.com Item # C282 Lindberg Belt furnace. 36’ overall length, 6 zones of SCR controlled heating with Eurotherm controllers. Pre-heat zone 5’ long, hot zone 14’ long. Operating temperature of 1100C. Furnace can run dry hydrogen, Dissociated ammonia, and nitrogen. 24” wide stainless steel belt. 7’ two zone cooling. Muffle size is 3” high x 25” wide. N2 curtains at both ends with separate flow meters. DA flow meter and regulators included as well. 480V 3ph 60hz electric heat. The muffle has some warpage but no holes. The belt is slightly deformed also due to the muffle condition. For additional cost a new belt can go with it. The furnace is in operational condition and still under power. Asking price- $6,500 USD. Item # C269 CI Hayes Mesh Belt Brazing/Sintering Furnace.Working dimensions of 5" over belt, 12” wide X 120” of heated length. Electrically heated 230/3/60, operating temperature of 2100F. Model LAC. Temperature controls are new state of the art, control panel with Honeywell sold state digital readout controller and overtemp for each of three zones, includes volt and amp meters. Full alloy muffle in hot zone. 20’ long sealed water jacketed cooling. Globar heating elements over and under the belt. (3) zones of control. (4) argon flowmeters. Dayton AC inverter provides adjustable belt speed. Updated SCR controls. Muffle and belt are new. Very good condition. Asking $39,000 USD. Item #C266 AGF Rotary Retort Furnace. Model # RC-1810-EVR. Electrically heated. Maximum temperature 1750F. 480V/3/60/180kW. Working dimensions of 18" diameter X 10' long, 950 pounds/hour. Controls include 2 Chromalox 3390 Multi-Loop controllers, one MMI Uni-Pro, 2 MMI 10 Pro temperature controllers and AEG PLC with touchscreen interface. Waukee flowmeters for Endo and N2. This is a complete line with ram style loader, hardening furnace, quench tank, Waukee rotary washer and an electric rotary temper. Alloy retort is new as is brickwork and heating elements. Excellent condition. Asking $125,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #C275 CI Hayes Brazing/Sintering Furnace. Model # BAC-M 0306.536. S/N 14651. Heating section 3" high X 36" long X 6.5" wide. Mesh belt. Electrically heated 220/3/60 31.5 KW. Operating temperature of 2050F. Honeywell controller and overtemp. Full alloy muffle. Variable speed drive. Globar heated. 9' 6" sealed water jacketed cooling chamber. Includes nitrogen and DA flowmeters, exhaust hoods. Good condition, still installed, complete and operational. Asking Price $15,000.00 USD Item #C261 Roller Hearth Furnace (Atmosphere-Exothermic). Manufactured by Westinghouse this furnace was rebuilt in 1999 (burners, wiring and control panels). S/N XF95384-F1. Working dimensions of 60" Wide x 45' (heated length) x 12" High. Natural gas heated-radiant tube. Operating temperature of 1700F. DESCRIPTION: Brick Lined Roller Hearth Furnace (rebuilt 1999) complete with (34) Eclipse Single-Ended. Recuperative Radiant Tube Burners, (3) Zones of Control, Automatic Burner Ignition System, 27' Long Water-Cooled Cooling Zones, New York Blower, Waukee Flowmeters, and Load/Unload Tables. New Spare Parts include (1) Rockwell/Dodge Roller Drive,(8) Alloy Outer Radiant Tubes, (6) Alloy Inner Radiant Tubes, Reliance SP-500VS Drive Control, and (3) Alloy Furnace Rolls. Free-Standing Control Panels complete with Honeywell 3000 Digital Temperature Controllers (1 each Zone), Honeywell 3000 Series High Limits (1 each Zone), and Honeywell Multi-Trend Digital Annunciator Panel. Excellent condition-operational. Overall dimensions of 10' Wide x 84' Long x 9' High. Approximate weight of 70,000 pounds. Asking $245,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #C265 Sunbeam Pusher Carburizer. This is a very unusual style of furnace and perfect for carburizing of large gears, bearings or races. Working dimensions of 50" X 50" X 34" high. Operating temperature of 1750F. 3,000 pound capacity. Gas fired 12 Honeywell composite single ended recuperated tubes (recently replaced). Surface Casemate controls. 1800 gallon quench tank. System does not need a pit. Comes with a spray washer, temper and an oversized IHRE air cooled quench oil cooler. System is installed but not currently in use. Very good condition. Asking $40,000 USD Item #C246 BTU High Temperature Atmosphere Pusher Furnace. This 1997 high temperature pusher furnace was designed for sintering moly-manganese at an operating temperature of 1425C in a reducing atmosphere. Maximum operating temperature 1550C. 3 zones of control. Working dimensions of 8" wide with 12" clearance above the belt. Total heated length 36", hearth height about the floor 42". Furnace atmosphere DA, Nitrogen and Hydrogen. Cooling section consists of 18" insulated and a 36" water cooled section. Return conveyor running parallel to the furnace is also included. Overall furnace length is 21' 6". Electrically heated with Molybdenum ribbon style elements. Cooling section consists of a SS muffle. System is complete and installed. Minor repairs to the controller are necessary. Please call or E-mail for more details. Asking price $89,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #C256 Surface Combustion Rotary Hearth Furnace Line. This system was designed for heat treating and straightening crankshafts and consists of a rotary hearth furnace, 2 Gleason straightening presses and a robot for loading/unloading. The furnace is S/N CC11590-1 with an outside diameter of 17' 3", inside 15', inside height of 2' 11" with an overall height of 8" 6". Built August 1979. Gas fired with 8 trident tubes. Atmosphere is Endo/Natural gas. Nominal tray size is 5" X 21", number of tray positions 60, tray loader/unloader length 10' 6". Hearth has ceramic tray support and guide tiles and embedded in 12" thick insulating firebrick. Sidewalls consist of 9" of insulating firebrick backed with 4 1/2" of insulating block. Alloy and brickwork are both excellent. Gleason straightening presses are Model 140 units, oil quench machines with 6' cabinet, indexing table, S/N's 107902 and 118701 with chilling system consisting of C/C tank, 5' X 5' X 3', 3 7 hp pumps, controls and cooling tower. Also included is a ASEA Model S2 robotic loading arm, with robot controls, joystick touch pad controls. S/N 4955-8127-001. System is complete, installed but not in operation. Asking $150,000 USD for the furnace. Item #C212 Holcroft Mesh Belt Annealing Furnace. Nitrogen Atmosphere, 1650°F. Electrically heated. 72” wide belt, 9” high over belt, 24’ heated section. 8’ cooling section. Consider this in good overall condition. Asking $175,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #C219 ABBOTT MODEL 6ZSCR-18-432HH6-VC-2150. 18" wide belt, 4"+ opening over the belt, 432" heating chamber (silicon carbide muffles), six zones, 36" long vari-cool with 162" of additional cooling including two curtain boxes. 2150 deg.F. max temp., piped for dissociated ammonia atmosphere and nitrogen purge, 335 kw @ 480/3/60,Honeywell UMO 800 controller/programmer, OAD: 84" w x 90" h x 720" l. Currently used for annealing knife blades but with a little effort a metallic muffle in the front half of the heating chamber could be added for debinding and sintering of PM parts. Asking price: $160,000 USD OBO Draw/Temper See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. Box Temper Furnace Cryotron Tempering/Pre-Heat Oven Despatch Oven Despatch Continuous Temper Despatch Continuous Oven Grieve Oven Grieve Oven Grieve Truck In Oven Grieve Walk In Oven Lift Off Temper/Oven Lindberg Box Tempering Furnaces (4) • • • • • • • • • • Lindberg Pit Furnace Michigan Oven MOCO Mesh Belt Oven Re-Circulating Batch Oven Re-Circulating Walk in Oven Rolock Box Temper Furnace Surface Batch Temper Furnace Surface 30 Temper Thermal Basic Mesh Belt Temper Wisconsin Oven Box Temper Furnaces (2 Available) Item # T284 Despatch Continuous Oven. Stainless Steel mesh belt design. Belt is 48” wide with a heated length of 27’. Opening over belt 8”. Electrically heated. Operating temperature 700F. Electrical Voltage – Oven 480, Controls 120. Heater Capacity 360 KW, total amps 494. Overall oven length 39’. Serial Number 142022. Good overall condition, complete and ready to go. Asking $19,000.00 USD. Item # T282 Rolock Box Temper Furnace. Model 1515. S/N 8697.7.92. Working dimensions of 36'W x 30"H x 60"L. Electrically heated 480/3/60/120 kW. Operating temperature of 1400F. External Dimensions: 91"W x 96"L x 109"H without stand. Controls: Controls are located in a separate NEMA 12 single door enclosure with flange mounted disconnect handle. Honeywell UDC 3000 digital temperature controller, a Honeywell UDC 2000 digital high limit and a Honeywell DR-4500 "Tru-line" round chart recorder are flush mounted in the door of the enclosure. Control switches with indicating lights are also flush mounted in the door of the enclosure. Non fused disconnect switch, Halmar SCR power controller, high limit contactor, motor starter etc. are mounted inside the enclosure. Description: Air operated vertical lift door with counterweight assist opens to allow full access to the interior. Door is operated by push button controls in the control panel. Furnace is lined with ceramic fiber and has a stainless steel air duct shroud to direct the air and protect the heating elements which are located on both side walls. Belt driven www.themonty.com • • • • • • • • • • • circulating fan is mounted through the top of the furnace. Heated air is circulated down both sides, under the hearth rails and returns through the roof for good uniform heating. Three hearth rails on the floor support the work load. Nitrogen atmosphere inlet tube is mounted through the rear wall. Two finned heat exchanger pipes are mounted on both sides with a blower to provide faster cooling. Good condition. Asking $42.500.00 USD. Item # T280 Thermal Basic Mesh Belt Temper. Gas fired, maximum operating temperature 650F. Belt width: 41.5". Furnace Hot zone length: 12 feet. Door height raised to around 6". Total furnace width: 7 feet. Total furnace length: 18 feet. Total height: 10 feet. Good operating condition, last fired September 3 2013. Mesh belt is in fair condition, very tight weave. Some side plates missing. Asking $8,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item # T281 Wisconsin Oven Box Temper Furnaces (2 available). SDB-888-12E/EP. S/N 113920810. Working dimensions of 48"W x 48"H x 48"L, 52”W Jamb to Jamb x 57”H Jamb to Jamb x 52”L (62”L from wall to hot face of Door. Electrically heated 480/3/60/108 kW. Maximum temperature of 1250F. External Dimensions: 8' 6" wide x 7' long x 13' 6" high assembled. * 9' 8" shipping height. 8100 lbs. Controls: Single door enclosure is attached to the right hand side of the furnace and houses all control components. A through door handle operates a fused disconnect switch. Honeywell UDC 3200 digital ramp / soak temperature controller, process timer and control switches with indicating lights are flush mounted in the door of the enclosure. SCR power controller, high limit contactor, motor starter, fuses, relays and a Barber Colman high limit controller are mounted inside the enclosure. A small panel fan is located at the lower portion of the enclosure to keep components cool. Description: Air operated vertical lift door with convenient push button operator station. This furnace has the "EPack" energy upgrade that includes thicker wall insulation (8"), high efficiency motor and door limit switch to conserve energy use. Stainless steel interior with fully adjustable "H" style cutouts in the ductwork located on both side walls and top for good uniform heating. Heating elements are located behind both side wall air ducts. High volume (7000 cfm) belt driven fan is mounted through the roof which circulated the heated air through the chamber. Two rails with 3 piers each support the work load. An adjustable fresh air inlet and exhaust vent with slide plates are located in the rear wall. Condition: Excellent - LIKE NEW. Asking $59,500.00 USD. Item # T278 Grieve Walk in Oven. Model B1-1000 (Modified), S/N 420063. Working dimensions of 48” Wide x 48” Deep x 72” High. Electrically heated 460/3/60-80 KW. Maximum temperature 1,000F. Stainless Steel Lined Recirculating Walk-In Oven complete with Combination Horizontal/Vertical Air Flow, 5 HP Recirculating Fan, Double Swing-Out Front Doors, Insulated Floor with Cart Tracks, and Manual Roll-In Cart. Side-Mounted Control Panel complete with Watlow F-4 Digital Temperature Controller, and Omega High Limit Controller. Overall dimensions 87” Wide x 122” Deep x 93” High. Approximate weight 6,000 pounds. Very good condition. Asking $31,500.00 USD. Item # T277 Recirculating Walk in Oven. Wisconsin Oven, Model SWT 5066, S/N 1058805. Working dimensions of 73" high X 60" wide X 74" deep. Electrically heated 240/3/60, 60KW. Operating temperature of 550F. Side mounted control panel with Honeywell 2000 series digital controller and high limit, timer, alarm. Walk in type recirculating oven with double swing doors. Calrod heating elements and high volume recirculating fan are located in top mounted chamber. Combination air flow. Oven will be checked out and test fired prior to shipment. Includes 30 day warranty. Aerospace surplus. Very good condition. Asking $13,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item # T279 Grieve Truck-In Oven. Model B4-650. Internal Dimensions - 10'long x 6'wide x 6'high. External Dimensions -15'6"long x 8'5" wide x 7"high. Max Temp 650F. Electrically heated. Heat Input 80kW Volts 460 Amps 110 Phase 3 Hertz 60 Serial No. 14633 Job 7523. Weight 8500lbs. Includes double doors, chart recorder, floor level truck wheel guides, horizontal airflow circulation. Good condition. Asking $15,000 USD. Item #T275 Despatch Continous Temper Furace. Model PCE-2-57, maximum temperature 850F, 480/3 with an 85KW heater, SCR controlled, 30” Wide x 15’ Long heated zone, 30” Wide x 5’ Long cooling zone, 7.5HP/6000cfm recirculating fan, Partlow digital controller, hi-limit, vertical down airflow, 2’ load and unload area, 18” above work conveyor belt, process timer, adjustable belt speed, disconnect switch, heater box on top of oven, heavy duty flat wire SS belt. Complete and in good condition. Asking $25,000.00 USD or best offer. Item #T274 Lindberg Box Tempering Furnaces (4 available). Model 13-ECF-30483014. Working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 30". Electrically heated 460/3/60-95 KW, 1400F. Brick Lined Recirculating Box Tempering Furnace complete with Top-Mounted 10 HP Alloy Recirculating Fan, Stainless Steel Air Baffles, Alloy "Skid" Hearth, and Vertical Rising Pneumatic Front Door. Control Panel complete with Digital Temperature Controller, Digital High Limit, and SCR Proportional Power Controller (150 Amps). Overall dimensions; 8' Wide (includes control panel) x 7' Deep x 11'8" High. Approximate weight 8,000 pounds. Very good condition. Asking $34,500.00 USD each. www.themonty.com Item # T276 Re-Circulating Batch Oven. Park Thermal Electrically Heated Re-Circulating Batch Oven. Working dimensions of 48" wide x 72" high x 48" long. Maximum operating temperature of 450F. Power voltage of 550 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 45 A. Control voltage of 120 volt, 1 phase, 60 cycle. Rated 40KW. This unit is complete with a re-circulation fan and a control panel complete with Honeywell controls, fuses, relays, switches etc. Unit is in excellent condition and is currently in indoor storage. NADCAP rated. Uniformity studies available. Rebuilt in 2007 when the unit sold for $14,500.00 USD. Best offer over $5,000.00. Item # T272 Surface “Super 30 Temper”. Manufactured by Surface Combustion. Working dimensions of 30" X 48" X 30" high. Electrically heated, maximum operating temperature of 1400F. Brick Facing with water cooled top mounted recirculating fan. Honeywell temperature controller. Met AMS 2750D requirements 18 months ago and CQI-9 within the past 6 months. Good condition. Currently installed and in operation. Asking $29,000 USD. Item #T271 Michigan Oven. Electrically heated, maximum temperature 450F. 75.6 KW. Doors at each end. Voltage 440-3 phase. Steel Plate Floor with Cart/Rack V-Track Rail. Internal & External Vacuum Manifolds and Ports. Interior Dimensions – Height 68.5” x Width 76” x Depth 119”. Door Opening – Height 71.75” x Width 72.25”. Exterior Dimensions: Height 8’ 4” – Width 10’ 7” – Length 11’ 5”-w idth includes components attached. Item # T270 Despatch Oven. Model PSC-6-12F. Maximum temperature 500F. 136 KW. Voltage-480 (3 phase). Steel Plate Floor with Cart/Rack V-Track Rail. Internal & External Vacuum Manifolds and Ports. Interior Dimensions – Height 75.75” x Width 81” x Depth www.themonty.com Item #T273 GRIEVE OVEN. Model WRC-446-650. Grieve walk-in / cart / truck oven, aluminized steel lining with recirculation air blower, exhaust fan, double swing out doors, ramp for rolling carts in and out of oven, tested and fully operational. Features ramp below door to easily roll in carts or trucks of parts. Electrically heated, maximum operating temperature 650F (232C). Working dimensions of 48" Wide X 72" high X 48" deep. Under restoration - being cleaned, painted, rebuilt controls, fully tested, sold with warranty. Approximately 10-15 years old. Uni-Flow air movement (supply air on both sides, return air on top of oven, digital set point temperature controller (programmable available as option). Outside Overall Dimensions: 86" wide with controls, 80.5" high, and 116" deep. Condition: Good - Operational. Asking $13,500.00 USD - All reasonable offers will be considered. Comes with a 30 day warantee. 142”. Door Opening – Height 76” x Width 78.25”. Exterior Dimensions: Height 11’ 11” – Width 10’ 0” – Length 13’ 5” *Width includes control panel which can be removed. Item #T268 Grieve Oven. Model HC-500, S/N 29157. Electrically heated 208 VAC, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 32 KW. Maximum temperature 550F. Working dimensions of 50" wide, 50" high, and 50" deep. Overall dimensions of 74" wide, 90" high, and 66" deep. Side to side horizontal air flow accommodates virtually any oven loading without restricting air passage. Work can be shelf loaded or placed directly on the optional reinforced work space bottom. Volume of cubic feet. Designed for baking, drying, preheating or any other application where a dependable source of heated air up to 850°F is required. Standard Universal Batch Ovens from Grieve meet the requirements of National Fire Protection Association Standard 86, Industrial Risk Insurers, Factory Mutual and OSHA standards. For some applications, such as those involving flammable solvents or hazardous locations, the above organizations require additional safety devices. Controls Dial setpoint, thermocouple actuated, indicating temperature controller. Motor control push buttons and on-off heat switch. LED pilot lights. Very good condition. Chamber cleaned and painted with 2000F silver paint. Asking $10,450.USD with warranty. www.themonty.com Item # T269 Cryotron Tempering/Pre-heat oven. Model HT-650. Designed to operate at a sustained temperature of 450 degrees F, features include automatic shut-off timer and convection timer. Includes 2000 pound capacity rolling dolly with removable shelving/drawers. Includes approximately 30 feet of #2 cable, breaker box assembly. Includes everything required for hook-up, can run either single phase or three phase. Requires 100 amp service; 100 amp for start-up, 40 amp to sustain temperature. Unit is approximately six years old, roughly 40-50 cycles. Ideal for post cryo heat tempering or stress relieving engine blocks, will hold up to three V8 engine blocks. Can be used to preheat engine blocks for sleeving, etc. Excellent Condition. Asking price $7,500 USD Item #T263 Lift-Off Temper/Oven. Lift-Off Top Circulated Air Oven, 3 Independently temperature controlled stations. Work zones in each are 22"W x 40"L x 25"H, 1000˚F, +/ 10˚F uniformity, 480 V/3Ph/60Hz. Stainless Steel side panels. Electric Heating. Currently installed, complete and in good condition. Located in the Western US. Asking $10,000 USD for the entire system. Item # T257 Box Temper Furnace- 16” W 16” H 16” D Blue-M convection temper furnace, Model CW-160E=3. SN 7-403; 1000 oF. Electrically heated 3 phase 27A, 208VAC. Asking $2500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item #T265 MOCO Mesh Belt Oven. Michigan Oven Company natural gas fired conveyor oven. 5psig, 880,000 BTU's. S/N 6915V140. Maximum operating temperature 500F. 460/3/60. Work area, 66"W x 18"H x 21'L Heat x 8'L cooling. Overall dimensions of 12'W x 12'5"H x 40'L - Assembled. This oven has a wire on edge type belt with 1" x 1" opening in the belt. There is a 30"L load and unload end. Conveyor drive is hydraulic powered. Hydraulic power pack is included. Heated air is distributed throughout the oven vertically from end to end. A "Maxon" package burner with spark ignition heats the air. There is a powered exhauster mounted on top of the oven. Controls; Complete and wired in a free standing panel includes all necessary pushbuttons, signal lights, motor starters etc. for proper operation. There are Honeywell UDC digital temperature controllers for control and high limit. Conveyor speed is displayed through a digital speed indicator. Also mounted in the same panel is a "Protectifier" flame safety system. Shipping dimensions; Shipping Dimensions: 10'W x 9'H x 14'L - Cooling Section, 10'W x 12'5"H x 26'L - Heating Section. Control Panel: 6' x 6' x 2'L. Cooling Blower: 4' x 4' x 4'. Hydraulic Power Pack: 2' x 2' x 4'H. Two (2) trucks are required for shipping. Very good condition. Asking $37,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item #T242 Lindberg Pit Furnace. Recirculating Pit Furnace w/Atmosphere & Cooling. Model # 12-EC-3884-12A. S/N 25425. Maximum temperature 1250F, 460/6/60/100 kW. Work Area: 38" Diameter x 84" Deep Shipping Dimensions: 6'W x 11'H x 9'L - Furnace, Panel: 30"W x 72"H x 20"Deep., 2 - 4 x 4 skids. Controls: Mounted and wired in free standing panel includes a Honweywell strip chart recorder, Honeywell UDC 3200 digital temperature controller, Barber Colman analog high limit and a Eagle Signal process timer. Power to the heating elements are controlled through a Halmar SCR. ****NOTE: The Halmar SCR is loose inside panel and will need to be installed.**** Drawings & Manuals are included with this furnace. Description: Standard Lindberg electrically heated pit type "Cyclone" furnace with an manual swing to open and an air cylinder to close cover for a good seal. Furnace has a 6000 pound max gross load capacity. Recirculating fan is water cooled. Furnace has a water type heat exchanger with an Eclipse pressure blower for cooling. Furnace is designed to run with a Nitrogen atmosphere. Heating elements are helical coil type which are made of 80% nickel and 20% chrome. Pit size: 10'W x 5'9" Deep. Utilities: 106.9 kW, 80 PSIG Air, 40 PSIG Water, 3 GPM. 8 OSIG Nitorgen. All Manuals & Drawings are included with this furnace. All above information was taken from manuals & drawings. Condition: Very Good Asking Price $37,500 USD. Generators See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form • • • • • • Lindberg Endo Generator Surface Combustion Endo Generator Surface Combustion 5600 CFH Generators (3 available) Surface "Multi-Bottle" Endo Generators (2 available) Surface 5000 CFH Endo Generator Item # G182 Manufactured by Surface Combustion this is a gas fired 3600 CFH Endothermic Gas Generator. New catalyst recently and comes with 4 spare new North American burners. Ser. No. C-3875-1. Max. Temp.: 2050˚F. 720 cu. ft/hr fuel usage@ 5 PSI Pressure. Super Systems Carbon Probe on carbon control system. Operating condition. Asking $24,900.00 USD. Item # G181 AFC 3,000 CFH Endo Generator. Built in 1992 by AFC. 3,000 CFH endothermic generator. S/N 60627. Gas fired. Total width 67”, total length 84”, total height 118”. In very good running condition. Vendor has all maintenance records. Asking $11,500.00 USD. Item #G178 Ammonia Dissociators (4 available). Built by Sargeant & Wilbur, 4 electrically heated Ammonia Dissociators. Model GAD3000E. 3,000 CFH capacity. Maximum temperature 1759F. Voltage 480/3/60/60 kW. External dimensions of 5'W x 6'H x 8'L. Controls: Mounted and wired in a free standing panel includes the following: - Yokogawa UT 350 digital control for dissociator undertemp. - Yokogawa UT 350 digital control for dissociator overtemp. www.themonty.com • • • • • 3600 CFH Endothermic Gas Generator AFC 3,000 CFH Endo Generator Ammonia Dissociator Ammonia Dissociators (4 Available) Exo Generators (2 available) Gasbarre.Sinterite Endo Generator Description: Electrically heated Ammonia Dissociator suitable for supplying up to 3000 CFH of atmosphere with a composition of 75% Hydrogen and 25% Nitrogen. This atmosphere is obtained by cracking anhydrous ammonia vapor in a catalyst filled vessel maintained at a temperature of 1700°F to 1850°F. Incoming ammonia pressure is reduced before retort entry. At the outlet of the retort the hot dissociated ammonia passes through a dry cooler where the gas is cooled to near room temperature. It then passes through a flowmeter and on to the consuming device. This dissociator includes a Sargeant & Wilbur Ammonia vaporizer. This dissociator is provided with two (2)catalyst filled heat resisting alloy retorts. The retorts are mounted within the insulated dissociator heating chamber. The heating chamber consists of heavy Mullite T-Slot tiles. Retorts are heated with Sinuous-wound Nichrome Ribbon Heating elements which are mounted in the tile slots. The element tails and studs extend through the rear wall of the dissociator. Elements can be removed throught the rear wall without having to unpack furnace insulation etc. A step-down transformer (480V to 240V 112.5 KVA) is included. Manuals and drawings are also included. Very good condition. Asking $29,500.00 USD each. Item # G177 Surface Combustion Endo Generator. Model TI-RX Gas Generator. S/N J467E. 1200 CFH capacity. Manufactured in 1980. Reasonable condition. Asking $4,900.00. Item # G176 Surface "Multi-Bottle" Endo Generators (2 available). Manufactured by Surface Combustion. Natural gas heated 675 CFH/HR. Model # RX 35-75-3V. Maximum temperature 1950F. 7500 CFH capacity. Controls are complete, water cooled. SSi atmosphere controls and Atmosphere Engineering "EndoInjector". Very good condition, ready to go. Asking $75,000 USD each. www.themonty.com - Yokogawa UT 350 digital control for dissociator temperature control. - Two(2)Yokogawa UT 350 digital controls for vaporizer lower/upper zone. - Yokogawa UT 350 digital control for vaporizer overtemp. - All necessary signal lights, timers etc. Mounted in the same control cabinet are three (3) SCR's. Two (2) "Halmar Robicon" and one (1). "Ametek". One is for dissociator heating elements and the other two are for vaporizer lower/upper zone heaters. Item # G174 Exo Generators (2 available). Model 9328312-G2, manufactured by General Electric. Gas fired, 1500 CFH capacity. Standard rich exo design. Units have newer Waukee flow meters. Selas pump, burner and fire check valve. Updated Honeywell digital controls for temperature, water and alarms. Good condition. Asking $9,500 USD each. Item #G173 Lindberg Endo Generator. 4500 CFH, gas fired. Retorts and brickwork are in excellent condition however it requires temperature controls and an air cooler (vendor has partially completed changing from water cooling to air).Asking $17,500.00 USD. Item #G172 Surface Combustion 5600 CFH Generators (3 available). Model T3N-RX. Gas fired, 5600 CFH capacity. Operating temperature of 1950F. Standard Surface Endothermic Generator complete with 3 retorts, Spencer Blower, Waukee flowmeters, Roots pumps and water cooling. Control panel with Barber Coleman 560 Digital Temperature Controller and L & N Strip Chart Recorder. Overall dimensions of 8' wide X 11' long X 11' 6" high. Approximate weight 12,000 pounds. Very good condition. Asking $33,500.00 USD each. www.themonty.com Item # G175 Ammonia Dissociator. Manufactured by Sinterite this is 1500 CFH Ammonia Dissociator. Electrical; 440/3/60. Serviced by Sinterite, tested, but not put into production because it was not needed at the time. Dim.: 6'-0"W x 6'-0"L x 11'-0"H. Excellent condition. Asking $22,000.00 USD. Item #G165 Surface 5000 CFH Endo Generator. This gas fired endo generator has 2 retorts (both new), new brick and 3 new burners. Vendor is asking $11,000 USD or will do a complete rebuild with Atmosphere Engineering "EndoInjector", SBS "Endotherm" and new SSI atmosphere controllers. Also included would be new catalyst, new wiring and painting. Price for the unit completely rebuilt would be $55,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #G169 Gasbarre/Sinterite Furnace Division Endo Generator. 3000 CFH, electrically heated 460/3/60/63 Amps/50kW. New in 2006. External dimensions of 106" wide x 75" deep x 116" high. Controls are enclosed in a panel attached to the side of the generator. Honeywell UDC 3200 digital temperature controller and Honeywell UDC 2500 digital high limit safety. Control switches with indicating lights are flush mounted in the enclosure. Flange mounted fused disconnect switch for control power. Separate non fused disconnect for the main power. Waukee flow meters are manifold mounted for incoming and outgoing gases. Flow meters include: Natural Gas 0-1000 CFH, Air 0- 2500 CFH, (3) Mixed Gas 0-1500 CFH and Endo 0- 3500 CFH. Step down transformer for reduced voltage to the heating elements. Electrically heated 3 retort generator. Refractory lined shell with vertically mounted retorts. Total of twelve (12) silicon carbide heating elements, 6 on each side are mounted through the chamber for good uniform heating of the alloy retorts. The natural gas and air pass through a Waukee "mixor" valve then into the Waukee gas pump. Mixed gas enters the 3 "mixed gas" flow meters, through the Selas fire checks and enters the top of the retorts. The gas travels through the catalyst filled heated retorts and exits at the bottom. The exiting Endothermic gas passes through water cooled chambers then finned cooled air heat exchangers then through the Endothermic flow meter. A pressure regulator is supplied on the exiting gas piping. Good condition. Asking $29,500.00 USD. Induction • • • • • Ameritherm Induction Generators Induction Hardening/Press Quench System Induction Power Supply Lepel® Induction Power Supply Megatherm Induction Power Supply • • • • Raydyne Induction Heating System Radyne Lift Rotate Induction Systems (2 available) SAET Induction Hardening Systems (2 Available) Tocco Induction System Item # I158 Induction Power Supply. Manufacturer Inductoheat/Elphiac. Model Number: DC18T+HF08. S/N 2177DC. 335 kW, 200 kHz, 750V Output. Input Voltage: 460/3/60/448 KVA/562 Amps. Output Voltage: 335 kW/750V/200 kHz. Very good condition. Asking $39,500.00 USD. Item # I157 Radyne Lift & Rotate Induction Systems (2 available). IGBT Induction Heating Lift & Rotate systems. Model # 200TF10L Power Integrated Pop Up. These integrated Radyne Induction heating systems are capable of hardening, quenching and tempering. The tempering is achieved by a Radyne "Versapower" 5 kW power unit which is mounted on top of the system. There is a four (4) position rotary index table which moves the parts between the load, harden, temper and unload positions. A Radyne QAS2000 Quality Assurance System is included which monitors process parameters. This unit also includes a water system which has a stainless steel tank, pump and plate/frame heat exchanger. In addition to this water system, there is a water to air chiller included. Manuals & Drawings are included. 250 kW, 7-11 kHz. Voltage: Input: 480/3/60/333 Amps @ 250 kW, 167 Amps @ 125 kW. Output: 250 kW or 125 kW, 1800 Volts, 900 Amps. Controls: Allen Bradley SLC 502 PLC w/Touchscreen. See the "PDF Radyne. External Dimensions: 5'W x 7'H x 7'L. Very good condition, available immediately. Asking $59,500.00 USD each. www.themonty.com See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. Item #I154 Induction Hardening/Press Quench System. Manufactured by Robotron (now part of EFD Induction) this system was designed to heat treat synchronizer sleeves. Parts are heated with Induction and with a pick and place unit placed in a die, where they are quenched in a die and quenched. Parts maintain perfect shape. 100 Kw 10KHz Robotron power supply. System is complete and in good operating condition. Best offer. Item #I153 Raydyne Induction Heating System. Input Voltage: 480V/3 Phase/60 Cycles/110 Amps, Output Voltage: 40 kW, 450 kHz, Year Built: 1985, Model of Power Supply: EI-40, Serial Number of Power Supply: 41408901-B. Please note the RF Tube is missing. Includes a dual heat station with quench. Model of Heating/Quench Station: 10228201, Serial Number of Heating/Quench Station: 10228201B. This system is Government Surplus and appears to be fairly clean inside power supply cabinet. The power supply has a "Control Concepts" SCR power controller. Asking $7,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item #I155 SAET Induction Hardening Systems (2 available). Built by SAET in 2003 these are two Induction Hardening/Tempering systems designed to harden automotive wheel spindles. SAET 150 KW, 5-30Khz Solid State Converters. Single shot Induction Hardening machines with gantry robotic loading, chain transfer and separate bar coil tempering. Currently in indoor heated storage. The photos below show the same system but in operation. Complete and in excellent condition. Full details available upon request. When purchased cost was $400,000 USD each. Asking $90,000 USD each. Item #I149 Tocco Induction System. System includes an Ajax Tocco 100KW 3-10 KC induction power supply with a robot, input and output conveyors and infrared sensors. Previously used for annealing spindles, two at once. This is a "single shot" configuration. The robot picks the part from a conveyer places it in the coil, then places the parts on discharge conveyor. Built in the early 1990's. Complete and in very good condition. Asking $45,000 USD. Item #I144 Lepel® Induction Power Supply. 450 KHz, 40 Kw. External dimensions are 6’ X 6’. 480Volt. Complete ready to go. Please ask for more details. Asking $6,500 USD. www.themonty.com Item #I150 Ameritherm Nova Star 3 kW/50-450kHz Induction Generator. Ameritherm Nova Star 3 kW/50-450kHz Induction Generator and Heat Station, Model 3LA (Air cooled). Heat Station, P/N 301-0117. Heat station has a 10 ft. cable and a small round coil. Manual and available drawings. RF Coil Voltage: 0-300 Vrms. AC Line Voltage: 220V/3Ph or 440V/3Ph. Line Power: 4.5 kVA max. Power Factor: 0.9 nominal. Distance from P.S. to Heat Station: 10ft to 200ft (application dependent). Timer: Built In, from 10ms to 10,000s. User I/O: Isolated PLC compatible, 24VDC, 4-20mA, 0-10V, 0-5V. Communications: RS422/485 Serial Port. Asking Price: $ 4,250.00. USD. Location: SW U.S. www.themonty.com Miscellaneous See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. Batch Washer Continuous Shot Blast System Cryogenic Unit (3) Cryogenic Unit Holcroft Dunk/Spray Washer Hunterdon Variable Reactance Transformer • • • • • • Proceco HD Stainless Steel Parts Washer Roto-Jet Parts Washers (2 Available) SBS Endotherm SBS Quench Oil Cooler Schunk CFC Fixturing Shot Peener Item # M330 Hunterdon Variable Reactance Transformer. Spec# ABI-1681-1. 360 KVA, 3-phase, 60 Hertz, Primary Volts 460, Secondary Volts 42, DC Control, (3) 12.2 VDC at 50 amps, Temp. rise 30° c, Class A. Built & Installed in 1999 on a closed loop system with propylene glycol. Comes with: Phazetronics AC driver, C/T’s, Amp Meters & Under voltage trip breaker. Asking price: $15,000.00 USD Item # M329 Proceco HD Stainless Steel Parts Washer. Model HD62-48-E-2500-R-BOSS, Serial No. 99-223. Turntable Diameter: 60 Inches. Maximum Work Height: 48 Inches. Maximum Work Load Capacity: 2,500 lbs. Solution Operating Temperature: 160 Deg. F. Initial Heat Up Time 60-120 Minutes. Wash Tank 600 US Gal. External Washer Dimensions. 126" L x 108" W x 108" H. Washer dry weight: 7,500 lbs. Power Requirements; Voltage: 600 Volts. Total Amperes: 165 Phase: 3, Cycle: 60 Equipped with: Wash, Rinse Regenerative Blow-Off 7.5 HP. Steam Exhaust Blower. 200 AMP Disconnect. Electric Hoist 1,000 lb. Excellent condition, remove from an aerospace company. Asking $64,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com • • • • • • Item # M327 Roto-Jet Parts Washers (2 available). Batch washer Model RJ-5X. Mild steel construction, 460V/2PH/95A, 15 hp vertical and sealess wash pump. 53” X 58” Octagonal parts basket X 52” working height. 1,000 pound capacity. 1” thermal insulation. Self indexing chain driven 69” diameter turntable. Electrically heated -64Kw. Comes with all options including oil skimmer, filter system, low water safety shut off, sump clean out panel, manifold and temperature gauges industrial grade low watt density incolloy heating elements. New in 2006 and very lightly used since then. Still installed. New these were $68,781.75 each. Asking $30,000 USD each. Item #M324 Shot Peener. Manufactured by Wheelabrator. Model USF Surface Prep Auto Blast 2. Vertical travel of 30”. 5 nozzles. Maximum Part Diameter ~ 20”. Travel Speed is programmable – Allen Bradley Controls. Included is a media separator. Currently installed and in operation. Good condition. Asking $39,000 USD. Item # M321 Schunk CFC Fixturing. Brand new, never used and still in the box CFC fixturing. Waterjet cut composite grid system, 19 layers with 1" between layers, spacing 12 www.themonty.com Item # M328 SBS Quench Oil Cooler. Air to oil heat exchanger. Model 5156-Q-6. S/N 2052. Voltage 480/3/60. External Dimensions: 6'W x 6'2"H (due to gate valves & plumbing) x 19'4"L (includes gate valves & plumbing). There are three (3) side mounted disconnects; one (1) for each fan. Standard SBS design with three (3) fans. Gate valves are included with this heat exchanger. Good condition. Asking $15,000.00 USD. legs/layer plus 2 fixture containment rods/nuts, 5.7 mm thick plates. 23 5/8" x 35 1/2" x 22" overall height . New price $83,000 USD, asking $55,000 USD. Available immediately. Item #M315 Continuous Shot Blast System. This is a mesh belt shot blast line manufactured by MetFin (Metal Finish Supply Co. & Equipment). Model 6002 Manganese Mesh belt blast. S/N 5002. Voltage 460/3/60. Work area 36" wide X 18" clear over belt. Blast wheels-(6) 20 HP, 3600 RPM, TEFC. Elevator 3 HP, 1800 RPM, TEFC. Longitudinal Abrasive Screw Conveyor-2 HP, 1800 RPM, TEFC. Conveyor Drive 1 1/2 HP. Abrasive Blow off 10HP. Dust collector included. Controls complete. Very good condition. Asking $115,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #M316 Batch Washer. Three stage wash system able to handle baskets 24" wide X 36" long X 24" high. First stage is an oscillating immersion wash with a secondary spray wash. Second stage is a spray rinse and third stage is a heated blow off. Entire system is constructed of 304SS. PLC controlled. The immersion wash features an oscillation process completely programmable with a time of 0-99 minutes. After the baskets are raised from the immersion tank a spray wash will turn on using separate nozzles from the rinse nozzles.. Again completely programmable from 0-99 minutes. During the rinse cycle a rinse drain is raised into position to ensure that rinse water and wash water are not mixed. After the wash system has finalized the liquid cleaning phases the dry off operation will begin. The wash and rinse systems will utilize #2 SS bag filters. Machine length from front to back is approximately 58" overall. Width 122" overall. Height approximately 96" minus the blowers and cylinders. Electrical supply service required is 200 Amp-480V-3 phase-60 Hz. Weight capacity 500 pounds, lifting mechanism is designed for 2000 LBS max. Manufactured by Painter Design & Engineering in MI in late 2004. Original price $120,000 USD. Excellent condition. Asking $12,500.00 USD. Item #M286 Cryogenic Unit. 2 chamber, each chamber 43" wide X 48" high, X 48" deep. Manufactured by MEI, Model #98-128. Capable of -310F to + 500F. 128 cubic foot capacity. Load capacity 10,000 pounds. Interior 10 gauge SS. Exterior 16 gauge SS (painted. Front Loading. Watlow-F4 Series controller. 2 circulating fans and motors. Convection heating. Controls 120V, fan & heater 208 V. Pneumatic 100PSI. Control Panel side mounted. Front loading with two doors, swing from front. Temperature range -310F to +500F (+-3F). Exteriors dimensions of 119" long X 90" high (plus 24" for motors), depth 79" (plus 6 1/2" for electrical boxes. 700,000 BTU gas heating has been added to unit. Massive industrial heavy grade units. Completely rewired and painted. Like new condition but approximately half the price of new. Asking $79,500 USD. Item #M285 Cryogenic Units (3 Available). Manufactured by MEI, Model #98-128. Capable of -310F to + 500F. 128 cubic foot capacity. Internal dimensions of 96" long X 48" deep X 48" high. Load capacity 10,000 pounds. Interior 10 gauge SS. Exterior 16 gauge SS (painted. Front Loading. Watlow-F4 Series controller. 2 circulating fans and motors. Convection heating. Controls 120V, fan & heater 208 V. Pneumatic 100PSI. Control Panel side mounted. Front loading with two doors, swing from front. Temperature range -310F to +500F (+-3F). Exteriors dimensions of 119" long X 90" high (plus 24" for motors), depth 79" (plus 6 1/2" for electrical boxes. 700,000 BTU gas heating has been added to each unit. Massive industrial heavy grade units. Completely rewired and painted. Like new condition but approximately half the price of new. Asking $74,000 USD each. www.themonty.com Item #M314 Holcroft Dunk/Spray Washer. Model GPWS 24-36-24. Electrically heated, 480/3/60/50 amps. Working dimensions of 24" wide X 24" high X 36" deep. External dimensions of 96"W X 143" high X 124" long (91" without skimmer attached). This is a standard dunk/spray washer with 4 Warren Electric immersion heaters. Spray nozzles are arranged over and all sides of the wash area. Load height is 51" from floor to top of rollers. Wheel centres are 14-1/2". Controls are mounted and wired on the right hand side of the washer and includes all necessary pushbuttons and signal lights. There is a dunk cycle timer and spray cycle timer. A Honeywell UDC 2000 digital temperature controller controls wash temperature. Good condition. Asking $18,500.00 USD. www.themonty.com Salt See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • www.themonty.com Vacuum See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • • • • • • • • • MD Blower Roots Gas Blower Seco Warwick Bottom Load Stokes 1722 Skid Surface Combustion Vacuum Furnace GCA-Vacuum Furnace Varian Diffusion Pump VFS Horizontal Vacuum Furnace VRT Power Supply for Abar-Ipsen HR-34x40 Furnace Item #VF261 Hunterdon Variable Reactance Transformer. Spec# ABI-1681-1. 360 KVA, 3-phase, 60 Hertz, Primary Volts 460, Secondary Volts 42, DC Control, (3) 12.2 VDC at 50 amps, Temp. rise 30° c, Class A. Built & Installed in 1999 on a closed loop system with propylene glycol.Comes with: Phazetronics AC driver, C/T’s, Amp Meters & Under voltage trip breaker. Asking price: $15,000.00 USD Item #VF260 C.I. Hayes 6-Bar Semi-Continuous Vacuum Furnace: 1998 C.I. Hayes Model CVPQ-202436, 6-Bar Pressure Quench Semi-Continuous Vacuum Furnace, (75 PSIG vessel rating). Work Zone: 24"W x 36"L x 20"H, with Graphite Insulation and elements 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 125 kW, 2400˚F max. Temp. rating. Designed for 250 lb/hr Throughput. 300 CFM Mechanical Vacuum Pump, Water Cooling Requirement: 113 GPM (130 GPM max. at 95˚F-105˚F, 15 PSI). Overall Space Requirement: 13 ft Wide x 51 ft Long. Allen-Bradley SLC-500 PLC, Honeywell DCP-551 Temperature Controller, Upgraded with addition of Super System, Inc. Model 9010 Programmable. Controller for recipes. Data communications capability. Excellent Condition, Hot zone new 2 years ago and has had very light use since. Operational, but only for another week or two. Owner is removing it soon to make room for new furnace equipment. Asking price: $230,000 USD for quick sale. www.themonty.com • Abar Bottom Load Furnace • Abar 3000ºF, All-Metal HR-20x24 Vacuum Furnace • C.I. Hayes 6-Bar Semi-Continuous Vacuum Furnace • Diffusion Pump "35" • Diffusion Pump "35" • GH Vacuum Induction Furnace • Ipsen Bottom Loading Vacuum Furnace • Lindberg Vacuum Furnace Item # VF258 Surface Combustion Vacuum Furnace. Model IHVF 243618-2. S/N BC 40767-1. Working dimensions of 24" X 36" X 18". Capable of 2400F. 150 KW. 480 Volts. 10 PSI Nitrogen Quenching. 1500 pound capacity. Stokes 212 with Roots Blower. Comes with loader. Overall complete and in good condition. Hot zone is currently being rebuilt and will be brand new at time of sale. Currently installed. Asking $70,000.00. Item # VF256 GCA-Vacuum Industries Vacuum Furnace. Model Series 3700-242436. S/N 41293 LV. Working dimensions of 24" wide X 36" deep X 24" high. 460/3/60-207KW. Maximum temperature 2400F. Horizontal loading vacuum furnace complete with graphite lining, graphite heating elements, Stokes 212H vacuum pump, Roots booster pump, rear mounted cooling fan, heat exchanger (6 months old) and 200 KVA transformer. Also included is a new spare hot zone (still in crate). Free standing control panel complete with BC 570 set point programmable temperature controller, BC Series 10 High Limit controller and Teledyne vacuum gauge. Overall dimensions 95" wide X 12' deep X 96" high (shipping dimensions). Approximate weight 12,000 pounds. Very good condition. Asking $119,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item # VF259 VRT Power Supply for Abar-Ipsen HR-34x40 Furnace: 1999 Power Supply from Abar-Ipsen Model HR-34x40 vacuum furnace. Owner changed hot zone to allmetal so replaced with larger power supply. Used only 10 years, stored for 5 years. Hunterdon water-cooled Variable Reactance Transformers, 460V/3Ph/60Hz, 3 Transformers at 42 KVA each, 126 KVA Total, Output voltage to elements is 47 Volts (need to confirm). Asking price: $20,000 USD Item # VF254 MD Blower, 350 CFM: Rebuilt (per owner) M.D. Pneumatics 350 CFM gas blower, Model 11-3210, S/N 1735R A23, on skid but needs motor. Location: Pacific Northwestern U.S. Asking Price: $3,000.00 USD. 30 Day Right of Return, if unhappy. Item # VF253 Vacuum Induction Furnaces (2 available). Built by GH Induction Atmospheres in 2008. Model VF-40. Working dimensions of 12" diameter X 17" high. Overall dimensions of 86" wide X 86" long X 96" high. S/N 018/VF-40/173. 2100F. 400-480 Volts, 200 amps., 3 phase, 50/60 HZ. Honeywell UDC Digital temperature control, hi-limit control and strip chart recorder along with GE Fanuc Quick panel and Televac vacuum gauge. SS vessel mounted vertically above load platform. Interior of vessel has induction coil, 15" diameter. Ceramic sleeve and 14" diameter graphite susceptor. Parts to be heated are loaded on the work platform and raised (hydraulically) into hot zone which is heated by a 100KW, 50 Khz power supply. Vacuum pump is a Pfeiffer Model DUO35 21 CFM (36 cubic metres/hour). At completion of heat cycle furnace is back filled with Argon and cooled by external blower and heat exchanger. Water chiller is available and will be quoted upon request. Excellent condition. Asking $125,000 USD each. www.themonty.com Item # VF255 Roots Gas Blower: Rebuilt (per owner), Roots Model 2510J Whispair Max gas blower, 372 CFM, Roots I.D. 847-485-20, S/N 76 54846 with 5 H.P. Motor mounted on skid. Location: Pacific North-western U.S. Asking Price:$3,500.00 USD. 30 Day Right of Return, if unhappy. Item #VF247 Varian 32" Diffusion Pump. Very good condition Varian 32" diameter diff pump. Asking $7,500.00. USD. Item #VF244 Stokes Mechanical Pumping Skid, Model 1722. Consists of (1) one Stokes Model 412-11 Mechanical Pump coupled on a factory steel skid to a Stokes Model 615-1 Horizontal Vacuum Blower. Tag Information Below: Main Tag - Model: 1722, Lot: SC-79312 Prod. Code: 903-5 Ser.: 65666 Mech Pump Tag - Model: 412-11, Lot: CD-78750 Ser.: 65592 SC-78707 Blower Tag - Model: 615-1 Lot: 243-586 Prod. Code: 903-5 Purchased from a company who went out of business. Pumps were in operation until shutdown. Sent to rebuilder for inspection. Pumping Test results show in excellent condition and not needing rebuild. Offered with 90 Day Warranty in As-Is condition - Tested, Cleaned and Repainted. Ready to ship soon. Price (As-Is): $16,900 with 90 Day Warranty Price Rebuilt with 12 Month Warranty: $ 21,600 (Allow 2-3 weeks for rebuild) Location: Western U.S. www.themonty.com Item # VF248 Lindberg Vacuum Furnace. Model 21GR-243618-24T, S/N 24361. Working dimensions of 18" high X 24" wide X 36" deep. Electrically heated 480/3/60, 120KW. All graphite internals. Stokes 212-MB mechanical booster pump, 1.5 HP backing pump, 2 HP backing pump blower, no diffusion pump. Internal radiator coil cooling system with top mounted 25HP recirculating fan. Hunterdon VRT (needs repair or replacing). Graphite liner needs bottom replaced. Several broken graphite elements. Includes manual door clamps and "Little Joe" type furnace loader. Includes drawings and manuals. Fully enclosed control panel with Eurotherm 2216 controller, Love model 50 overtemp, Televac vacuum gauge, timers and alarms. Fair condition, this furnace will require a reasonable amount of work but this is reflected in the asking price of $13,500 USD. Item #VF242 " 35" Diffusion Pump: CVC Model PMC-32C, 35" Diffusion Pumps (Today this is the Varian HS-35. Varian purchased CVC rights to this pump.) Can be purchased either in As-Is condition or in Rebuilt condition with a warranty. 35" Throat Diameter. Bolt Circle is approx. 38-3/4" with 14 Holes on approx. 8-9/16" Centers. Flange O.D. is 41-3/4". O-Ring Center Diameter is 36-1/8". Approx. 72-3/4" Overall Height (79" on 48" x 48" shipping pallet). Note: Mating 35" Cryo-Baffle is also available for improved low-range vacuum and elimination of backstreaming (See Item# 3161 Below). 6" Foreline with approx. 9-1/2" Bolt Circle with 8 Holes on approx. 3-5/8" Centers. 1/4" dia. O-ring is approx. 8-7/8" diameter to center. Shipping Wt. with pallet approx. 2050 lb. Price in AsIs Condition: $ 6,400.00 USD Price in Warranty Rebuilt Condition, Painted: $ 12,250.00 (with existing working elements. Add $4,500 if you want brand new elements.) Item #VF240 Abar Bottom Load Vacuum Furnace. Working dimensions of 60" diameter X 72" high. Overall footprint 28' X 28' X 23' high. Model VR-60 X 72. S/N BM-468. Maximum temperature 2400F. 480 volts, 3 phase. Bottom load vacuum furnace molybdenum liner and heating elements. Bottom is raised and lowered by jack screws and moved away from the furnace by electric drive. Pumping system consists of Stokes 212 mechanical pump, roots booster, 20" diffusion pump and Welch 1380 pump. Heating elements are on roof, floor and www.themonty.com Item #VF243 35" Diffusion Pump: CVC Model PMC-32C, 35" Diffusion Pumps (Today this is the Varian HS-35. Varian purchased CVC rights to this pump.) Rebuilt condition with a 12 Month warranty. 35" Throat Diameter. Bolt Circle is approx. 38-3/4" with 14 Holes on approx. 8-9/16" Centers. Flange O.D. is 41-3/4". O-Ring Center Diameter is 36-1/8". Approx. 72-3/4" Overall Height (79" on 48" x 48" shipping pallet). Note: Mating 35" CryoBaffle is also available for improved low-range vacuum and elimination of backstreaming (See Item# 3161 Below). 6" Foreline with approx. 9-1/2" Bolt Circle with 8 Holes on approx. 3-5/8" Centers. 1/4" dia. O-ring is approx. 8-7/8" diameter to center. Shipping Wt. with pallet approx. 2050 lb. Price in Warranty Rebuilt Condition, Painted: $ 12,250.00 (with existing working elements. Add $6,000 if you want brand new elements.) Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 walls. Power to heating elements is through variable reactance transformers (VRT). At completion of heat cycle furnace is cooled by external Spencer blower and water cooled heat exchanger. Controls are an Allen Bradley Panel View 600 PLC control, Honeywell overtemp and Combivac CM 31 controller mounted in an enclosed panel. Very good condition. Please call for pricing. Item #VF233 Seco Warwick Bottom Load Vacuum Furnace. Model 42131. Working dimensions of 48”High x 48”dia., Moly/Moly construction with moly elements. Overall Dimensions of 15' high x 15' wide x 15' deep. Maximum Temp of 2200ºF. Electrical Utilities 300 kw, 480 VAC, 3 phase. Controls Honeywell DCP 550 temperature controller, Honeywell digital chart recorder, GE PLC, Granville Phillips 307 vacuum gauge. General; Kinney KT 150 mechanical pump blower, Top mounted cooling fan with internal heat exchanger, twin cryo pumps (can be converted to 20" diffusion pump), Moly insulation, moly elements, side, top and bottom heaters. Full Stainless Steel Vessel. Cryo pump can be changed to a diffusion pump at an additional cost of $38,500.00. Excellent condition, ready for loading and shipment. Asking $160,000.00 USD. www.themonty.com Item #VF239VFS Model HL34 Horizontal Vacuum Furnace. Vacuum Chamber: 48” dia x 48” deep, carbon steel with carbon steel water jacket Hot Zone: 18” high x 24” wide x 36” deep, molybdenum/stainless steel 500 pounds gross load at 2400 F Pumping System: Kinney KT-60 mechanical pump – other pump options available Power Supply: 120 KW, 480 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz, VRT Cooling System: 1200 cfm – 15 hp recirculated gas Control Instruments: Barber Colman CIMAC-2 digital temperature controller L&N multi-point strip chart recorder, Over-temperature limit controller, Two (2) type R thermocouples Thermocouple jack panel, six (6) point Vacuum Instruments: GranvillePhillips series 270 gauge controller Hot filament ionization with dual thermocouple type Honeywell vacuum recorder. Hot zone in very good condition, inner vessel new. 10" port originally for a cryo-pump but a diffusion pump could be added. Asking Price $165,000 USD which includes includes refurbishing, start-up, operator training and ninety days warranty. Item #VF210 Ipsen Bottom Loading Vacuum Furnace.Built in 1988 by Ipsen this furnace has working dimensions of 72" diameter X 96" high. Moly hot zone in excellent condition. Operating temperature of 2400F. 5 bar quenching nitrogen/argon/hydrogen. 2 35" Varian diffusion pumps with 2 Stokes 412 roughing pumps with 615 blowers. 480 volt, 1155 amps. Comes with a closed loop cooling system. Unit is currently in indoor heated storage and is complete. Vessel was ultrasonically tested before removal and the shell is in excellent condition as is the whole furnace. Will require 26' of height for installation. Please call for more details. Asking price $299,000 USD. www.themonty.com Item #VF212 Abar 3000ºF, All-Metal HR-20x24 Vacuum Furnace. 1981 Abar Model HR-20x24, 1-Bar Vacuum Furnace, Ser# BM-721, 3000°F Rating (3050°F Short Term), Allmetal 6-Layer Moly Hot Zone in good condition, Work Zone: 18"W x 10"H x 24"D, (wider alternate work zone by raising hearth level), Moly Elements and Moly Hearth, 400 lb Load Rating at 2400°F, Honeywell DCP-551 upgraded temperature control (out of panel in photo), Fredericks cold cathode/TC combination vacuum instrument, Honeywell recorder(s), W-WRh control thermocouples, Single Owner since new, Design Uniformity: +/- 10°F, Diffusion pumped with refrigerated cryotrap, Varian/NRC Model HS-16 diffusion pump, Stokes Model 212MB mechanical pump and blower pump package, vane-style holding pump, No gas-cooling fan or heat exchanger (can be added at additional cost), 80 kVA VRT, heating power with SCR rectifier, NEMA-12 Control Panel, Abar LT-20 Loader, Utilities: 115 kVA total power, 220V/3ph/60Hz input power, Water requirement is 15 GPM at 60-90 PSI, 90°F min., 80-120 PSI Air, 25 SCF Nitrogen per cycle for backfill, OEM Parts & Service still fully supported by Ipsen (Rockford, IL) 800-727-7625, ext 253 Price: $59,000 USD Employment Opportunities See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • • • • • • • • Heat treatment specialist or engineer Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer Outside Sales Representative Industrial Engineer Sales Manager Quality Director/CI Leader Technical Sales Engineer Maintenance Technician • • • • • • • • • • Process Metallurgist Forging Estimator Field Service Engineer/Technician Quality Inspector Nitriding Lead Assistant Quality Control Manager Quality Control Inspector Sales Manager Regional Maintenance Manager Consultant Auditors Item # O364 Heat Treatment Specialist or Engineer Your requirements: -Convincing knowledge in automotive processes, procedures and standards for heat treatment - 3-5 years experience in startup and/or operating a heat treatment, focus on gas nitro – carburizing would be great - Good knowledge of accompanying measurement instrumentation for hardness , coatings , corrosion , etc. - Blue print reading - Knowledgeable of requirements for health, safety and environmental protection, hazards associated with the heat treatment - Experience with MS Office / SAP / CAQ / process control systems - Leadership experience is a benefit - Ability to develop and implement new ideas for improvement Beneficial but not required: - Experience with industrial washing machines and coolant liquid rework systems - Analysis and evaluation of mixtures ( coolants , washing baths , etc. ) - Experience in laboratory ( handling of laboratory equipment , chemicals , ...) - Forklift operation Please send your resume to Beth.Bozeman@erdrich-usa.com www.themonty.com • Item # O363 Mechanical Engineer. Opportunity for a Mechanical Engineer (preferably within the heat treat industry) with an expanding manufacturer of thermal process equipment located in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Web site: www.premierfurnace.com Mechanical Qualifications Engineering degree or equivalent. Minimum 2 years of professional experience. Some understanding of manufacturing and metal heat treating methods. Good familiarity with installations and functioning of industrial equipment. Pay and Benefits Initial pay will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications, two (2) to five (5) years of applicable experience. Future pay will be directly related to the Engineer’s performance with regard to successfully taking on various responsibilities. Fringe benefits are offered: vacation, holidays, health plan, and retirement plan. Contact: dselmi@premierfurnace.com Item # O362 Electrical Engineer. Opportunity for an Electrical Engineer (preferably within the heat treat industry) with an expanding manufacturer of thermal process equipment located in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Web site: www.premierfurnace.com Scope and Objectives of the Job The initial objective is to assist the team in managing all aspects of operating the plant. The ultimate objectives for this position, depending on the candidate’s skills and interests, are to take leadership positions with respect to the following responsibilities: Manage the design of heat treating systems with little supervision Process controls, experience with PLC Ladder Logic, motor controls schematics Prepare plans and specifications for bidding and manufacture Participate in project coordination Familiar with NFPA and NEC Standards and Codes Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills MS office suite and AutoCAD skills required Qualifications Electrical Engineering degree or equivalent. Minimum 2 years of professional experience. Some understanding of manufacturing and metal heat treating methods. Good familiarity with installations and functioning of industrial equipment. Pay and Benefits Initial pay will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications, two (2) to five (5) years www.themonty.com Scope and Objectives of the Job The initial objective is to assist the team in managing all aspects of operating the plant. The ultimate objectives for this position, depending on the candidate’s skills and interests, are to take leadership positions with respect to the following responsibilities: Manage the design of heat treating systems with little supervision Prepare engineering calculations, including heat loads, ventilation and energy calculations Prepare plans and specifications for bidding and manufacture Participate in project coordination Familiar with NFPA Standards and Codes Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills MS office suite and AutoCAD skills required of applicable experience. Future pay will be directly related to the Engineer’s performance with regard to successfully taking on various responsibilities. Fringe benefits are offered: vacation, holidays, health plan, and retirement plan. Contact: dselmi@premierfurnace.com Item # O360 NITREX ENGINEER – Industrial Engineer / (preferably within the Heat Treat Industry) Nitrex is a rapidly growing international company and one of the world leaders in developing heat treating technologies and equipment. We have five affiliate locations in the United States – all metal heat treating plants – in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, California and Nevada. To keep up with our growth we are currently looking for an Industrial Engineer to join our Indiana Team. This is not a routine desk job! This is an exciting opportunity for any candidate who wishes to find a little more variety than most engineering positions offer. SCOPE & OBJECTIVES OF THE JOB The initial objective is to assist the team in managing all aspects of operating the plant. The ultimate objectives for this position, depending on the candidate’s skills and interests, are to take leadership positions with respect to the following responsibilities: • • • • • Equipment Research, specification and installation Equipment Functionality and Control Systems Operation of PLC’s and Logic Heat Treat Processes and Instructions Preventative Maintenance Procedures www.themonty.com Item # O361 OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Steeltech Ltd., one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of heat and corrosion resistant products is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Outside Sales Representative. The customer base for Steeltech, Ltd. numbers in the thousands. Primary market segments include heat-treating facilities, steel mills, cement and lime processing plants, power generating plants, petrochemical/petroleum processing plants, paper/pulp plants and other manufacturing operations with environments involving extremely high temperatures and corrosive applications. The corporate strategy is to capitalize on superior customer satisfaction and the development of niche products involving advanced engineering and design, aimed at providing innovative customer solutions directly affecting our clients’ bottom line. We are seeking a goal oriented individual to provide assistance in the sales quoting activities, provide direct interface with customers, and support various customer service issues. The successful candidate will: possess strong skills in the following areas; relational sales, blueprint reading, math, the ability to resolve customer service issues, collect information necessary to resolve customer complaints and must be able to work independently with limited direction. The successful candidate will train at Steeltech in Grand Rapids, MI for 6 months to a year and then relocate to a territory within the U. S. The successful candidate must have demonstrated aggressive drive and travel as needed, possess a bachelor’s degree in engineering, metallurgy or related field and must be computer literate. If you seek a challenging and rewarding career which offers excellent compensation and benefits, please send resume to: Greg Schuetz, Steeltech Ltd., 1251 Phillips Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 or e-mail to: gschuetz@steeltechltd.com or fax to: 616-243-0091. Tooling / Fixturing Development and Design Capacity Analysis and Utilization data Layouts, Flow and Efficiencies Operator Training Programs Developing processing methods Evaluating in-coming customer requests Engineering of new equipment and installations Technical and business discussions with customers QUALIFICATIONS • • • • Industrial Engineering degree or equivalent Minimum two (2) years of professional experience Some understanding of manufacturing and metal heat treating methods Good familiarity with installations and functioning of industrial equipment PAY & BENEFITS Initial pay will be commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications, while we expect the range to be from $48,000 to $58,000, for engineers with two (2) to five (5) years of applicable experience, respectively, and depending on qualifications. Future pay will be directly related to the Engineer’s performance with regard to successfully taking on various responsibilities. Generous fringe benefits are offered: vacation, holidays, health plan, dental plan, and retirement plan. Resume Instructions In submitting your resume and/or cover letter please focus primarily on: • • • • Short list of highlights of your education and experience Narrative as to why you think you would fit the job description Describe how you visualize your career developing over the next five to ten years Define your salary requirements Summary Company Nitrex Inc. Location 350 Blue Chip Court, Franklin, IN 46131 Industries Manufacturing - Other Job Type Full Time Employee Years of Experience 2 to 5 Years Education Level Bachelor's Degree Career Level Entry Level 48K – 58K / year Salary Bonus for Superior Performance Reply to Michael Rodman michael.rodman@nitrex.com Item # O359 Sales Manager Wanted. Capital equipment manufacturer is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Sales Manager. Successful candidate will have at least www.themonty.com • • • • • • • • Item # O358 QUALITY DIRECTOR/ CI LEADER. Advanced Heat Treat Corp. has a great opportunity for a Quality Director/CI Leader. This position is based out of our corporate office located in Waterloo, Iowa and will coordinate the Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement initiatives to meet customer expectations overseeing multilocations in multi-states. Advanced Heat Treat Corp. is a global leader in plasma ion nitriding and other heat treat services for 30+ years with 4 locations. Major customers include aerospace, military, nuclear, automotive and agriculture. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in technical field and 5-10 years experience as a Quality Engineer or Quality Manager in a heat treat environment with ion nitriding experience preferred. The successful candidate will be team oriented, tactful, aggressive, and work well with people. Extensive knowledge and experience in working with Aerospace companies and their requirements, AMS 2759/8 ion nitriding, Nadcap, ISO/TS16949, Six sigma, Metallurgy, and a Quality Management System are all positive attributes. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply at: hr@ion-ntiriding.com Check us out at www.ahtweb.com Item # O357 Technical Sales Engineer Required. T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Technical Sales Engineer at its New Jersey manufacturing facility. Successful candidate must have thermal equipment processing experience. Ideal candidate must have knowledge of the heat treat and brazing industry with a technical background in order to assist customers with product feasibility and design specifications. A bachelor’s degree in a technical field is preferred but not required. Superior communication skills are a must. Successful candidate should also be able to develop quotes for customers. Position does require periodic traveling. Competitive benefits package offered including 401(k), company paid health insurance, and vacation. Interested candidates should email resumes to info@tmvacuum.com. Item # O356 Alfe Heat Treating, a multi-state heat treating company, has an immediate opening for a Maintenance Technician for its Wadsworth, Ohio facility Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • • • • • The implementation and execution of preventative maintenance programs and emergency breakdowns including mechanical, electrical, controls, and hydraulic systems Inventory management of tools, spare parts, and supplies Maintaining all maintenance-related logs, documentation, and reports Fabrication and repair of heat treat baskets and racks Special projects as assigned by manager Requirements www.themonty.com a bachelor’s degree in sales/marketing or other technical field with 5 + years of experience in a manufacturing environment. Candidate should have a solid understanding of industrial furnace applications and be willing to travel 25% of the time to locations throughout North America. Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. In addition, candidate must have demonstrated ability to expand existing markets. Competitive compensation package available. Please email resumes to hr@gasbarre.com EOE. • • • • • • Alfe Heat Treating offers a competitive wage; medical insurance with health savings account (with employer match); dental, vision, short-term disability, and life insurance; 401k; education assistance and more! Alfe Heat Treating is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Only candidates possessing the requisite skills and education need apply. Resumes may be sent to: kholtsclaw@al-fe.com Item #O355 Process Metallurgist. This position will support customer/industry specification reviews and set up of heat treat and testing activities for our FVC and SMI facilities. • • Entry level position with one - two years’ experience. Must have heat treating experience with focus on Normalizing, Quenching and Tempering of low alloy steels. Associates degree is required. Bachelor’s degree is preferred. Send your resume for consideration to npena@afglobalcorp.com or fax r 713-293-1158. To learn more visit us at http://www.afglobalcorp.com/ Item #O354 Forging Estimator. This position is accountable for responding to inquiries by developing estimates consistent with the policy established by the quoting department. • • • • • Cost accounting – ability to develop cost components in a standard-cost and actualcost environment Manufacturing – understands heavy manufacturing techniques, routings, processes, quality system requirements and documentation. Particular specialty in large forging and heat treatment of steel products. Metallurgy – basic understanding of steels and define chemical and/or mechanical differences between carbon, alloy and stainless grades. Costing – drafting cost in an organized format that Quotation staff, Sales staff and customers can interpret, including cost/price, exceptions, test plans, delivery projections and document control. Electronic media – Proficient use of various common Microsoft software products, and the ability to quickly grasp specialized configuration, costing, engineering and quality system software. www.themonty.com • • High school diploma required Five years maintenance experience with in an industrial environment OSHA Training Certification Three years’ experience in PLC programming using Allen Bradley software Welding and MP2 experience a plus Demonstrate, through testing, knowledge of electrical systems and PLC programming. Solid troubleshooting skills Ability to read and interpret blueprints and tool designs • • Strong interpersonal communication skills both written and verbal Ability to handle multiple tasks and frequent direction changes with speed and precision Educational Requirements or Experience: Bachelor’s Degree in Relevant field required 3-5 years of experience in manufacturing environment, preferably in the Oil & Gas Industry Send your resume for consideration to npena@afglobalcorp.com or fax r 713-293-1158. To learn more visit us at http://www.afglobalcorp.com/ Item # O353 Ipsen USA, the leading vacuum furnace manufacturer is currently looking to hire a Field Service Engineer/Technician to serve as a company representative for field installations, troubleshooting, service calls and preventative maintenance at customer facilities located in the following regions – Southeast, Northeast, Southwest, West and Central. Experience/Qualifications: • • • • • • • • • • • Familiar with vacuum or atmosphere furnaces Electrical/electronic background (must be able to read electrical drawings) Prior heat treatment experience preferred Skilled in PLC Logic/Platform Temperature control integration Temperature profiling and PID understanding A/B Software (Siemens, preferred, but not required) Wonderware, SCADA, SL/C5 & RSLogix experience preferred, but not required Field wiring Hydraulic and pneumatic experience Ability to keep daily records, such as customer correspondence, expenses and travel schedule Education: • • • • Two (2) year Technical degree preferred, or equivalent 2+ years of direct, hands-on experience Advanced technical education or combination of education and experience Previous experience in vacuum and/or atmosphere equipment preferred Experience in closely related equipment requiring the same skill sets will be considered Other: • • • • All positions require approximately 90% travel All positions will have opportunities for international travel Compensation based on knowledge and experience Exceptional benefits plus 401k with matching www.themonty.com • • Qualified applicants can forward his/her resume to: resumes@ipsenusa.com Item # O352 Quality Inspector Location: Worcester, MA Reports To: Quality Manager Requirements (Qualifications & Skills): • • • • • • • • • Must have 1-3 years experience in heat treating or related experience. Must be able to communicate effectively and professionally, orally and in writing, with internal and external customers. Must have good vision, corrected/uncorrected, for precise reading of microscope and related equipment. Must have working knowledge of all testing equipment and terminology. Must have general knowledge of commercial and aerospace materials and heat treating equipment. Must be able to read and interpret specifications, be detail oriented and possess manual dexterity. Minimal experience in Microsoft office applications and the ability to learn new software programs related to function. Must be able to become and maintain certified forklift operator status. Must be able to stand for extended period of time and be able to lift 50 lbs. Essential Job Functions (Duties & Responsibilities): • • • • • Accurately performs hardness and electrical conductivity test and record results as required. Performs calibration of all testing equipment accurately and on schedule. Performs audits, weekly probes, surveys, etc., as needed or defined by procedure and/or schedule. May be required to complete conformance certificates and/or other paperwork. Brigns any deviations, problem or irregulariety to supervisor or management immediately. Qualified Candidates Contact: Josie D’Aquila, Regional HR Manager @ Josephine.daquila@bodycote.com Item # O351 Nitriding Lead Location: Worcester, MA Reports To: Plant Manager Summary: Under limited supervision, directs and guides the essential job functions of department or shift employees. Requirements (Qualifications & Skills): www.themonty.com Summary: Responsible for inspecting parts to meet customer specifications and assisting Quality Manager in related tasks with limited supervision. • • • • • • Essential Job Functions (Duties & Responsibilities): • • • • Instructs and directs work activities of employees in assigned work area(s). Trains and directs the activities of production employees, maintaining effective communication of customer needs/requirements and company goals. Keeps close track of work in progress and regularly confers with production and/or management staff. Operates, controls and monitors heat treating equipment as needed/required. Qualified Candidates Contact: Josie D’Aquila, Regional HR Manager @ Josephine.daquila@bodycote.com Item # O350 Induction Services, Inc. in Warren, Michigan is an induction heat treat plant that hardens a variety of metals for all different types of applications such as automotive, agricultural, aerospace and even nuclear. We are current seeking an assistant quality control manager with a metallurgical background. Must be able to use Rockwell Hardness testing equipment and must be able to use other measuring equipment such as dial calipers, brinell glass and steel scale. Must be able to read blueprints and/or drawings and have an understanding of statistical process control. This position is full time and also includes benefits such as health and life insurance, paid vacation. Qualified candidates please email cover letter, salary requirements and resume to: qsa_hr@inductionservicesinc.com Please reference QC Assistant in subject line. Item # O349 Induction Services, Inc. in Warren Michigan is an induction heat treat plant that hardens a variety of metals for all different types of applications such as automotive, agricultural, aerospace and even nuclear. We are currently seeking one (1) quality control inspector to work swing shift (10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.). Candidates must be able to use Rockwell Hardness testing equipment along with other measuring equipment such as dial calipers, Brinell glass and steel scales. Candidates must be able to read blueprints / drawings. The hourly rate is $15.87 per hour. This position is full time and also includes benefits such as health and life insurance, paid vacation. Qualified candidates, please send resume to qsa_hr@inductionservicesinc.com and reference QC Inspector in the subject line. Item #O348 Sales Manager Responsibilities: www.themonty.com 3-5 years supervisory experience preferably in the heat treating industry. Must be able to read and follow blueprint/specifications. Must have experience in Nitriding process. Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Must have the ability to supervise, direct and motivate employees. Must have minimal experience in Microsoft office applications and have the ability to learn new software programs related to function. • • • • Skills & Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have an undergraduate degree in business, engineering or related field, be self motivated, energetic, assertive, responsible, organized, friendly & outgoing, and have excellent communications skills. They would also be adept at building relationships, and leading others (coaching, mentoring, training, monitoring, motivating, and disciplining). dstanton@ibccoatings.com Item #O346 Regional Maintenance Manager – Los Angeles, CA. The Regional Maintenance Manager will provide maintenance and engineering direction for equipment and facility repairs and installations, as directed by the Regional General Manager. Included in this scope of work are the assessment, development, improvement and implementation of equipment maintenance training, PM systems, workflow and cost control. Requirements (Qualifications & Skills): • • • • • • • • 10 plus years in heat treat/industrial furnace maintenance and equipment installation experience. Education - A four-year college degree in engineering or equivalent work experience in maintenance and engineering, preferably in a manufacturing environment. Language Skills - Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing in English. Spanish as a second language a plus. Physical Demands – Must be willing to travel as needed between three assigned sites. Work Environment – Must be able to work in heat, cold, noise, etc. Other – Must be self directed individual capable of multi purpose activities. Must have computer skills appropriate to job. Familiarity with CAD and Micro-soft Project Management strong plus. Must have the ability to report for work on time, follow directions, interact effectively with co-workers, understand and follow rules and procedures and accept constructive criticism. (Always include this statement). Essential Job Functions (Duties & Responsibilities): • Provide maintenance assistance on projects for equipment and facility repairs and installations. www.themonty.com • • • • • Lead all commercial sales and marketing activities for IBC Coatings Create and implement regional sales plans, strategies, and objectives with timeline and milestones Organize and track sales volumes and product mix Develop relationships with key current and potential customers Collaborate with Engineering and Operations for successful growth of business Manage sales staff by recruiting, training and mentoring employees Maintain professional and technical knowledge by attending seminars, workshops, and trade shows Organize participation in trade shows Maintain website and marketing materials • • • • • • • • • For consideration, please forward a resume to rosie.mendez@bodycote.com Item #O177 “Nadcap and You…Achieving Excellence Together.” Build Your Career with a Global Industry Leader. Performance Review Institute is seeking Aerospace experienced Consultant Auditors for the Nadcap Heat Treating program. As a Nadcap auditor, you will perform heat treating audits, complete audit reports, and have the opportunity to train associate auditors. The ideal candidate will possess the following general background: • Bachelor’s Degree in a technical field • Understanding of General & Aerospace quality systems (ISO, AS/EN/JISQ9100) • Familiarity with General Consensus specifications and Aerospace Standards • Computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, email and internet • Desire to travel • Multi-lingual a plus • Strong interpersonal skills The following are specific criteria for Heat Treating: • Five (5) years "hands-on" experience (preferably in the aerospace industry) with the following processes: Aluminum Heat Treating, Titanium Heat Treating, Heat Resisting Treating, Heat Resisting Alloys, Brazing Alloys • Understanding of AMS2750 or Pyrometry specification As an innovative industry leader, we are proud to offer our auditors: • Flexible Schedules • Competitive Daily Rate • Paid Travel & Living Expenses • Paid Annual Training • No Need to Relocate www.themonty.com • • • Provide field supervision for the repair, installation and start-up of equipment and facility projects as directed by the Regional GM. Responsible for establishing common procedures and policies including LOTO, Confined Space, Preventive Maintenance Systems, and Spare Parts. Provide site specific maintenance training as directed. Drive the implementation of Preventive Maintenance programs. Provide assistance in identifying and implementing process improvements and cost reductions, including but not limited to identifying common equipment/applications Interface with equipment manufacturers and vendors in order to maintain a positive working relationship and remain current on new equipment capabilities and technology advancements. Provide a valuable communication link to all levels of Bodycote, from regional management through the divisional associates. Certified or proven experience in project management for multi-million dollar projects and programs. Manage the submittal of engineering data to Factory Mutual for approval of all relevant equipment and facility projects. Provide both written and oral communication on an ongoing basis to the Regional GM. Must work in a manner consistent with the EMS. Performs other tasks as assigned or dictated by position. Seeking Employment See something you need, click on the link or scroll through all the items for sale. Searching for something we don’t have listed, fill out our Contact Form. • • Forging Expert/Thailand Metallurgical Engineer • Consultant Auditors estimation, accounts, planning, IR&D on all forging practices including hammers, presses, upsetters, extrusion presses, metallurgy, heat treatment and all ancillary associated post forging operations. Please contact me at rbchth@csloxinfo.com for a more detailed resume. Professional Profile A dynamic Senior Manager with strong commercial business acumen, proven track record , delivering 1st class results, engineering expertise and breadth of vision in hot and cold metal stamping practices in a lean manufacturing production facility. Results orientated in a diverse multi-cultural environment and liaison skills are demonstrated in my achievements. Industry specialist in the manufacture of steel forgings hot, warm and cold precision components for; Automotive (GMH, Ford, Toyota) all forging components engine, gearbox, drive lines and agricultural products, (ADI) Australian Defense, tank track pads, Aerospace (Australian Government Aircraft), (Rolls Royce, Excello Corp, NEAP, Sikorsky Helicopters) Turbine blades, wheels, sub-frame components. Item # E119 Graduate Metallurgical Engineer with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and 40 years experience in the metalworking, heat treating, and powdered metal industries covering Automotive, Mining, Construction, Machine Tool and Military segments is seeking contract consulting opportunities, full or part time, in either the domestic or international marketplace. Accomplished in R&D, failure analysis, materials engineering, thermal processing, welding, laboratory testing, heat treat equipment and facility design, process troubleshooting, as well as technical training in metallurgy, heat treating, and six sigma. Extensive experience with annealing, atmosphere carburizing, induction hardening and solution treating of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys to ISO, TS-16949 and CQI-9 quality standards. Immediately available! Please contact me via email at lmidla@comcast.net www.themonty.com Item # E120 Forging Expert/Thailand. A forging professional with more than 40years experience and knowledge in design, technical specifications, cost www.themonty.com Item #E112 “Nadcap and You Achieving Excellence Together.” Build Your Career with a Global Industry Leader. Performance Review Institute is seeking Aerospace experienced Consultant Auditors for the Nadcap Heat Treating program. As a Nadcap auditor, you will perform heat treating audits, complete audit reports, and have the opportunity to train associate auditors. The ideal candidate will possess the following general background: • Bachelor’s Degree in a technical field • Understanding of General & Aerospace quality systems (ISO, AS/EN/JISQ9100) • Familiarity with General Consensus specifications and Aerospace Standards • Computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, email and internet • Desire to travel • Multi-lingual a plus • Strong interpersonal skills The following are specific criteria for Heat Treating: • Five (5) years "hands-on" experience (preferably in the aerospace industry) with the following processes: Aluminum Heat Treating, Titanium Heat Treating, Heat Resisting Treating, Heat Resisting Alloys, Brazing Alloys • Understanding of AMS2750 or Pyrometry specification As an innovative industry leader, we are proud to offer our auditors: • Flexible Schedules • Competitive Daily Rate • Paid Travel & Living Expenses • Paid Annual Training • No Need to Relocate See why Nadcap has been attracting & retaining some of the best professionals in the industry! Apply on-line today, via our application website, www.eAuditStaff.com. Determine your area of auditor expertise in one or more of these specific disciplines: Chemical Processing, Coatings, Composites, Conventional Machining, Elastomer Seals, Electronics, Fluid Distribution Systems, Heat Treating, Materials Testing, Non-Metallic Materials Testing and Manufacturing, Nondestructive Testing, Nonconventional Machining, Sealants, Surface Enhancement and Welding. For more information on PRI and the Nadcap program, visit our website, www.prinetwork.org. Nadcap is administered by the Performance Review Institute, an equal opportunity employer, who values the diversity of our work force and the knowledge of our people. In Parting, We always enjoy comments, feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks for your feedback and don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts. Don’t forget to visit us daily at www.themonty.com. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! www.themonty.com Gord Montgomery, W.G. Montgomery Limited Phone: 905 271-0033 Fax: 905 271-9324 Email: gord@themonty.com