The last Oriental Baths


The last Oriental Baths
Si en Europe, le bain de vapeur est
perçu comme une pratique exotique, il
représente pour une majorité de
musulmans, bien plus qu'un lieu de
détente. Ses vertus purificatrices,
sociales et religieuses ont attiré de
nombreux adeptes. Pourtant, il est
désormais en déclin dans les médinas.
Résistant mal au monde moderne et à
son cortège de métamorphoses.
Délaissé, il apparaît comme un
monument hérité des anciens et dénué
de toutes fonctions. Et avec lui, c'est
tout un art de vivre qui est menacé...
Pascal Meunier a ramené de ses
nombreux voyages en Syrie, Turquie,
Yemen, Egypte, Maroc, Algérie,
Tunisie, Liban,Libye, Iran, Emirats, un
témoignage unique sur ces lieux
Les Hammams : de la magie à l'oubli...
Photos ©Pascal Meunier/Lightmediation Texte ®Maud Tyckaert
Contact - Thierry Tinacci Agence Lightmediation +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21
1448-05: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali- Hammam is also a place of meditation where people can recharge their batteries before taking an important decision.
Fewer people are going to hammams, and allows amateurs having quiet and solitude for a while.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-01: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Yalbouga Al Nasri- This Mameluke hammam
has been deserted for a long time to house a factory making felt-tip pen. The Syrian Minister of Turism
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-02: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush -Under the Mameluke dynasty, it
was told that 365 hammams were opened in Cairo. One for each day of the year. Nowadays, there are
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-03: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita - Hammam is also a place for
meditation where people come to recharge their batteries and think before taking an important decision. In
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-04: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr -Yemeni hammams are small and
favour overcrowding. The day of Great Prayer, many men come and help each other for the different
1448-16: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - For "Okal", the owner of the bath El Arba, it is not easy to attract new customers. So, imagination is of the essence... With a few metal bars, a chain, a bit of rubber, he has
constructed a bicycle, a running carpet... A real sports room.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-05: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali- Hammam is also a place of meditation
where people can recharge their batteries before taking an important decision.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-06: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer
to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-07:Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer
to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-08: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - Massage is made with a
sense of modesty. Towel doesn't leave the client. " Tellaks ", turkish masseurs, make to play body's joints.
1448-43: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye - A few days before a wedding, friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing and bawdy songs.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-09: Libya. Tripoli. Hammam Helga-It remains only few traditional hammams
in Tripoli. Hammam Helga is located in the souk of the medina and popular. Some of clients laze, while
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-10: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The massage's art needs a
great dexterity and a precise body language. The least of false move would cause scandal. Despite
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-11: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - After lazing on a hot slab, the
client lets himself go in the tellakÕs hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-12: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Al Jadid - In Damascus, people come to
hammams with their close parents or fiends. Alone, it is the opportunity to make unexpected encounters.
1448-11: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - After lazing on a hot slab, the client lets himself go in the tellakÕs hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap. Generally, a hammam counts around 80
employees, but many of them have reduced their workforce.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-13: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - This hammam has been opened for 5
centuries. On Wednesdays, it is mainly restricted to women, who come here to get ready for their wedding,
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-14: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica - This hammam is very popular
and reputable for having cure the gout's crisis of Sultan Suleiman, ak the Splendid. " Kaplicas " differ from
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-15: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The " tellak " put soap into a
bag of wet cotton, called " turba ". He blows strongly in this lather balloon before wringing forcefully on his
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-16: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - For "Okal", the owner of the bath El
Arba, it is not easy to attract new customers. So, imagination is of the essence... With a few metal bars, a
1448-06: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a bacteria trap. It is one of the only
change made in this hammam during the 20th century. These sessions are sometimes recreations for masseurs who play to bury their collusive clients under a snow of soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-17: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ganj Ali Khan - These baths from the Safavid
era were built in 1631 by the governor of the province of Kerman, Ganj Ali Khan. Turned into an
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-18: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita- After lazing on a hot slab, the
client lets himself go in the tellak's hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-19: Morocco. Fez. Hammam Kharachfiyine - Because not all the
households in the medina have bathrooms, the baths in Morocco are still well frequented. Each
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-20: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Kadirga - The customers linger in the
reception room. Like an isolation tank for some, a boudoir for others, it provides " time to spare", favoring
1448-02: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush -Under the Mameluke dynasty, it was told that 365 hammams were opened in Cairo. One for each day of the year. Nowadays, there are barley 8 to survive. In the street of
brassworkers, the Margoush hammam continues despite of its dilapidated state. People wash themselves without masseurs
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-21: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Al Nahassin - The reception hall is a space of
liberty. Everybody is attending to his business. For some of them it is the TV serial time, for others it is
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-22: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush - In the alcoves of the main room,
temperature can reach 40° Celsius. Clients become apathetic and get relax. There is a natural lighting
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-23: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Around the main room of the baths,
four small alcoves, maghtas, give out hot steam. A pool lets the rare customer immerse himself in the
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-24: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Sultan Qalaoun- Exclusively reserved to men,
hammam Sultan is one of the oldest bath of the city. Its customers are mainly impoverished people who
1448-03: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita - Hammam is also a place for meditation where people come to recharge their batteries and think before taking an important decision. In Istanbul, hammams are less in
jeopardy than in other places around the arabic-muslim world, thanks to their new direction based on tourism of great luxury.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-25: Syria. Damascus. Hammam El Mokhadem - Big bowls are in the tepid
and hot rooms distributing either hot or cold water. Customers follow purificatory gestures to splash
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-26: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica -This hammam is very popular
and reputable for having cure the goutÕs crisis of Sultan Suleiman, ak the Splendid. " Kaplicas " differ
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-27: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - Located downtown, hammam
Cemberlitas is one of the most popular of the city. Plans would have been drawn by Sinan, the architecte
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-28: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas- Some of hammams have two
twin structures. One is dedicated to women, the other one is for men. This partition appeared with
1448-04: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr -Yemeni hammams are small and favour overcrowding. The day of Great Prayer, many men come and help each other for the different stages of bath ritual. There is about a
dozen of baths in SanaaÉ many houses have no bathroom.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-30: United Arab Emirates. Dubai. Hammam Royal - The 5 stars hotel " One
and Only Royal Mirage " of Dubai, decided to build the first traditional hammam in the Gulf in December
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-32: Tunisia. Tunis. Hammam Kachachine -One of the most famous
hammam of Tunis. Exclusively reserved to men. This day, regular customers will meet holy men reciting
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-34: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ibrahim Khan -One of the public baths still in
service in Iran. Built in the 19th century, these baths have kept their exceptional mosaics, representing
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-36: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Al Nahassin - These twin brothers are
manager of hammam Al Nahassin since 20 years. The hammam is opened from 5 :00 am to 1 :00 pm. / /
1448-17: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ganj Ali Khan - These baths from the Safavid era were built in 1631 by the governor of the province of Kerman, Ganj Ali Khan. Turned into an ethnological museum, the baths are much
visited by the Iranians, coming to learn about the bathing ritual.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-38: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Al Salsila - Hookah, or waterpipes, tea or
sodas are served during chattering after the bath. Sometimes discussions continue until dawn. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-39: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr - Numbering 17 in the 80s, today
there are only 12 baths in Sanaa. The Al Shoukr baths, situated in the heart of the old city, remains one of
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-41: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Badly-maintened, hammam's walls
are covered by saltpetre. Plumbing is often defective. Hygiene leaves to be desired. But for many
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-42: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye -A few days before a wedding,
friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing
1448-23: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Around the main room of the baths, four small alcoves, maghtas, give out hot steam. A pool lets the rare customer immerse himself in the boiling water.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-43: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye - A few days before a wedding,
friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-46: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Nour Ed Din -After staying in the blaze,
customers get normal temperature again in an other room. It is the favourite time for swimmers. These
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-47: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Bichr -Near Bab el Futuh in the Husseiniya
street, Hammam Bichri survives thanks to its night customers. For few piastres, they can sleep safely
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-48: Tunisia. Tunis. Hammam Halfaouine - A movie has been shot in this
hammam in 1990, directed by Farid Boughedir " Halfaouine, the child of terraces". It is a story about a
1448-57: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Eskikaplica - This town located at 200 km far away from Istanbul is reputable since Ottomans for its curative water. Eskikaplica is an hydrotherapic establishment receiving wealthy
families. Here, a man rents the hammam to teach his son swimming.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-49: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas -During the slack periods,
masseurs fold towels. There is different kind of towels for covering the parts of bodies : head, shoulders
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-50: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Izz Ed Din - The manager decides of the
decoration according to the fashion of the moment. Here, probably one of the kitschest of Syria. A fountain
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-51: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Nour Ed Din -Built by Nour Ed Din in the
12th century, these baths were financed through the ransom of a Frankish king taken prisoner during the
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-52: Libya. Tripoli. Hammam Darghout - This customer contradicts the
philosopher Seneca, who criticized steam baths, asserting that one sweated without exerting any effort.
1448-15: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The " tellak " put soap into a bag of wet cotton, called " turba ". He blows strongly in this lather balloon before wringing forcefully on his " victimÕs body ".
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-53: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica -The waters of this kaplica are
reputed for their therapeutic virtues. Maybe soon this old man will no longer need his crutches. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-54: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Talat -Nasra, one of the last masseuses in
Cairo. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-55: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ibrahim Khan - The city of Kerman still houses
two active public baths. This one, built by Ibrahim Khan, governor of the province of Kerman from 1801 to
1448-60: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cagaloglu - Cupolas from outside. Hammam Cagaloglu.
1448-24: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Sultan Qalaoun- Exclusively reserved to men, hammam Sultan is one of the oldest bath of the city. Its customers are mainly impoverished people who wander from a place to an other
place with their bundles, and have a wash here. Mirror is an essential accessory in all hammams of Cairo, that reflects sad and tired faces because of the hard daily life.
If in Europe going to Turkish baths is
considered an exotic practice, it
represents, for a majority of Muslims,
more than just a place to unwind. Its
cleansing, social and religious virtues
have attracted many followers. For all
that, it is more and more in decline in
the medinas, poorly resisting the
modern world and its chain of changes.
Neglected, it seems like a monument
inherited from the elders, devoid of any
role to play. And with it, a whole way of
life is threatened...
Pascal Meunier has brought back from
his many trips to Syria, Turkey,
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,
Emirates, a unique portrayal of these
magical places.
Oriental Baths : from magic to oblivion...
Photos ©Pascal Meunier/Lightmediation Text ®Maud Tyckaert
Contact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21
1448-05: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali- Hammam is also a place of meditation where people can recharge their batteries before taking an important decision.
Fewer people are going to hammams, and allows amateurs having quiet and solitude for a while.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-01: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Yalbouga Al Nasri- This Mameluke hammam
has been deserted for a long time to house a factory making felt-tip pen. The Syrian Minister of Turism
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-02: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush -Under the Mameluke dynasty, it
was told that 365 hammams were opened in Cairo. One for each day of the year. Nowadays, there are
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-03: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita - Hammam is also a place for
meditation where people come to recharge their batteries and think before taking an important decision. In
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-04: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr -Yemeni hammams are small and
favour overcrowding. The day of Great Prayer, many men come and help each other for the different
1448-16: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - For "Okal", the owner of the bath El Arba, it is not easy to attract new customers. So, imagination is of the essence... With a few metal bars, a chain, a bit of rubber, he has
constructed a bicycle, a running carpet... A real sports room.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-05: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali- Hammam is also a place of meditation
where people can recharge their batteries before taking an important decision.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-06: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer
to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-07:Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer
to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-08: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - Massage is made with a
sense of modesty. Towel doesn't leave the client. " Tellaks ", turkish masseurs, make to play body's joints.
1448-43: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye - A few days before a wedding, friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing and bawdy songs.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-09: Libya. Tripoli. Hammam Helga-It remains only few traditional hammams
in Tripoli. Hammam Helga is located in the souk of the medina and popular. Some of clients laze, while
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-10: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The massage's art needs a
great dexterity and a precise body language. The least of false move would cause scandal. Despite
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-11: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - After lazing on a hot slab, the
client lets himself go in the tellakÕs hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-12: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Al Jadid - In Damascus, people come to
hammams with their close parents or fiends. Alone, it is the opportunity to make unexpected encounters.
1448-11: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - After lazing on a hot slab, the client lets himself go in the tellakÕs hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap. Generally, a hammam counts around 80
employees, but many of them have reduced their workforce.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-13: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - This hammam has been opened for 5
centuries. On Wednesdays, it is mainly restricted to women, who come here to get ready for their wedding,
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-14: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica - This hammam is very popular
and reputable for having cure the gout's crisis of Sultan Suleiman, ak the Splendid. " Kaplicas " differ from
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-15: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The " tellak " put soap into a
bag of wet cotton, called " turba ". He blows strongly in this lather balloon before wringing forcefully on his
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-16: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam El Arba - For "Okal", the owner of the bath El
Arba, it is not easy to attract new customers. So, imagination is of the essence... With a few metal bars, a
1448-06: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - In this hammam, they prefer to use " turba " for cleaning body than vegetable fiber often used in the past, but now considered as a bacteria trap. It is one of the only
change made in this hammam during the 20th century. These sessions are sometimes recreations for masseurs who play to bury their collusive clients under a snow of soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-17: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ganj Ali Khan - These baths from the Safavid
era were built in 1631 by the governor of the province of Kerman, Ganj Ali Khan. Turned into an
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-18: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita- After lazing on a hot slab, the
client lets himself go in the tellak's hands, who spreads on the body a lather of perfumed soap.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-19: Morocco. Fez. Hammam Kharachfiyine - Because not all the
households in the medina have bathrooms, the baths in Morocco are still well frequented. Each
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-20: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Kadirga - The customers linger in the
reception room. Like an isolation tank for some, a boudoir for others, it provides " time to spare", favoring
1448-02: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush -Under the Mameluke dynasty, it was told that 365 hammams were opened in Cairo. One for each day of the year. Nowadays, there are barley 8 to survive. In the street of
brassworkers, the Margoush hammam continues despite of its dilapidated state. People wash themselves without masseurs
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-21: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Al Nahassin - The reception hall is a space of
liberty. Everybody is attending to his business. For some of them it is the TV serial time, for others it is
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-22: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Margoush - In the alcoves of the main room,
temperature can reach 40° Celsius. Clients become apathetic and get relax. There is a natural lighting
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-23: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Around the main room of the baths,
four small alcoves, maghtas, give out hot steam. A pool lets the rare customer immerse himself in the
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-24: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Sultan Qalaoun- Exclusively reserved to men,
hammam Sultan is one of the oldest bath of the city. Its customers are mainly impoverished people who
1448-03: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlita - Hammam is also a place for meditation where people come to recharge their batteries and think before taking an important decision. In Istanbul, hammams are less in
jeopardy than in other places around the arabic-muslim world, thanks to their new direction based on tourism of great luxury.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-25: Syria. Damascus. Hammam El Mokhadem - Big bowls are in the tepid
and hot rooms distributing either hot or cold water. Customers follow purificatory gestures to splash
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-26: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica -This hammam is very popular
and reputable for having cure the goutÕs crisis of Sultan Suleiman, ak the Splendid. " Kaplicas " differ
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-27: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - Located downtown, hammam
Cemberlitas is one of the most popular of the city. Plans would have been drawn by Sinan, the architecte
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-28: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas- Some of hammams have two
twin structures. One is dedicated to women, the other one is for men. This partition appeared with
1448-04: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr -Yemeni hammams are small and favour overcrowding. The day of Great Prayer, many men come and help each other for the different stages of bath ritual. There is about a
dozen of baths in SanaaÉ many houses have no bathroom.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-30: United Arab Emirates. Dubai. Hammam Royal - The 5 stars hotel " One
and Only Royal Mirage " of Dubai, decided to build the first traditional hammam in the Gulf in December
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-32: Tunisia. Tunis. Hammam Kachachine -One of the most famous
hammam of Tunis. Exclusively reserved to men. This day, regular customers will meet holy men reciting
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-34: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ibrahim Khan -One of the public baths still in
service in Iran. Built in the 19th century, these baths have kept their exceptional mosaics, representing
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-36: Syria. Aleppo. Hammam Al Nahassin - These twin brothers are
manager of hammam Al Nahassin since 20 years. The hammam is opened from 5 :00 am to 1 :00 pm. / /
1448-17: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ganj Ali Khan - These baths from the Safavid era were built in 1631 by the governor of the province of Kerman, Ganj Ali Khan. Turned into an ethnological museum, the baths are much
visited by the Iranians, coming to learn about the bathing ritual.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-38: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Al Salsila - Hookah, or waterpipes, tea or
sodas are served during chattering after the bath. Sometimes discussions continue until dawn. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-39: Yemen. Sanaa. Hammam As Shukr - Numbering 17 in the 80s, today
there are only 12 baths in Sanaa. The Al Shoukr baths, situated in the heart of the old city, remains one of
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-41: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Badly-maintened, hammam's walls
are covered by saltpetre. Plumbing is often defective. Hygiene leaves to be desired. But for many
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-42: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye -A few days before a wedding,
friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing
1448-23: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Tambali - Around the main room of the baths, four small alcoves, maghtas, give out hot steam. A pool lets the rare customer immerse himself in the boiling water.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-43: Syria. Hama. Hammam Osmaniye - A few days before a wedding,
friends of the future groom reserve the baths for a stag party: a ritual still practiced in Syria, with dancing
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-46: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Nour Ed Din -After staying in the blaze,
customers get normal temperature again in an other room. It is the favourite time for swimmers. These
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-47: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Bichr -Near Bab el Futuh in the Husseiniya
street, Hammam Bichri survives thanks to its night customers. For few piastres, they can sleep safely
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-48: Tunisia. Tunis. Hammam Halfaouine - A movie has been shot in this
hammam in 1990, directed by Farid Boughedir " Halfaouine, the child of terraces". It is a story about a
1448-57: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Eskikaplica - This town located at 200 km far away from Istanbul is reputable since Ottomans for its curative water. Eskikaplica is an hydrotherapic establishment receiving wealthy
families. Here, a man rents the hammam to teach his son swimming.
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-49: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas -During the slack periods,
masseurs fold towels. There is different kind of towels for covering the parts of bodies : head, shoulders
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-50: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Izz Ed Din - The manager decides of the
decoration according to the fashion of the moment. Here, probably one of the kitschest of Syria. A fountain
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-51: Syria. Damascus. Hammam Nour Ed Din -Built by Nour Ed Din in the
12th century, these baths were financed through the ransom of a Frankish king taken prisoner during the
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-52: Libya. Tripoli. Hammam Darghout - This customer contradicts the
philosopher Seneca, who criticized steam baths, asserting that one sweated without exerting any effort.
1448-15: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cemberlitas - The " tellak " put soap into a bag of wet cotton, called " turba ". He blows strongly in this lather balloon before wringing forcefully on his " victimÕs body ".
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-53: Turkey. Bursa. Hammam Yenikaplica -The waters of this kaplica are
reputed for their therapeutic virtues. Maybe soon this old man will no longer need his crutches. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-54: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Talat -Nasra, one of the last masseuses in
Cairo. / /
The last Oriental Baths / 1448-55: Iran. Kerman. Hammam Ibrahim Khan - The city of Kerman still houses
two active public baths. This one, built by Ibrahim Khan, governor of the province of Kerman from 1801 to
1448-60: Turkey. Istanbul. Hammam Cagaloglu - Cupolas from outside. Hammam Cagaloglu.
1448-24: Egypt. Cairo. Hammam Sultan Qalaoun- Exclusively reserved to men, hammam Sultan is one of the oldest bath of the city. Its customers are mainly impoverished people who wander from a place to an other
place with their bundles, and have a wash here. Mirror is an essential accessory in all hammams of Cairo, that reflects sad and tired faces because of the hard daily life.