Capon Springs CFO
Capon Springs CFO
COME JOIN US AT CAPON SPRINGS CFO FOR A MOUNTAINTOP EXPERIENCE! November 1-6,20"15 5 o\ Capon Springs and Farms Capon Springs, WV +F En &S >'N aH{ E.CE sE=Y coE\o= .EE! An interdenominational spiritual life retreat centered in Jesus Christ Beginning with dinner on Sunday and ending after breakfast on Friday The Lord will minister to us tlrrough... LEN MARINELLO JOHN HOBBS John served Methodist churches for '16 years as pastor and then as Evangelist for 30 years. Now senior pastor of Liberty Christian Fellowship in Kill Devil Hills, NC, he is continuing his evangelistic work through renewal retreats and conferences. John received an AB in Psychology from UNC in 1 963 and a Masters of Divinity from WesleyTheological Seminary. John wants everyone to discover that we are children of our Heavenly Father who loves us, calling us and enabling us to walk in right relationships with Him and each other. John says that his wife Betty Jo, an artist, is the best gift that God ever gave him.They have three children and eight grandchildren. A coach, educator, and counselor, Len spent 40 years coaching many sports in public and private schools, transforming losing teams into champions. He speaks with contagious energy to all ages. He assisted in drug recovery programs and served as Director of Men's Ministry at Mountain View Community Church. Len says family is the greatest team ever created and believes that the winning principles of coaching apply also to family life. Len, his wife Peggy, and their blended family of 5 children live in CA. Len is committed to Jesus Christ, the power of prayer, and living in the Kingdom of God. He has been active in CFO since 1979. WAYNE & RUTH WEST Wayne & Ruth are well known to Capon Springs. Wayne attended his first CFO here in 1974. Since then he and Ruth have led our singing and rhythms many times and, on occasion, also served as our speaking leaders. Wayne and Ruth live in Lititz, PA. They have two daughters and four grandsons. Their ministry, preaching, teaching Bible, and leading worship takes them to CFO s, other camps, and churches and retreats nationally arrd internationally.They also lead Christian tours. Morning and evening they will lead us into our Heavenly Father's presence as we praise and worship Him. After each morning talk, they will direct devotion in motion. WHAT IS CFO? ACCOMODATIONS Camps Farthest Out are interdenominational gatherings in the United States and Canada and-via CFO lnternational-- around the world. We practice Christian disciplines, emphasizing prayer. We bask in the love of God the Father, enjoy communion with Jesus His Son, and receive guidance from His Holy Spirrt, thus becoming the Body of Christ through fellowship together. Capon Springs CFO is held at a beautiful, secluded mountain resort featuring a spa, sparkling water provided by underground springs, and clean, invigorating air.The food is grown organically right on Capon Springs Farms. Delicious, ample meals are graciously served family style.At Capon, you'll enjoy incredible mountain scenery as you rest from all the noise that makes up much of modern life. You may golf on the hilltop course, play tennis, hike up mountain trails, and visit the natural water source. founded in 1930 by Dr. Glenn Clark, college professor, athletic coach, and man of prayer. He taught CFO was that trust in God will eliminate self-consciousness, selfishness, and worry. He felt that trusting in the Lord with all our heart results in greater health and happiness, more power for work and enjoyment in play, and enhanced influence for good because we truly commune with God. The mission of CFO is to provide a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led prograrn through which people can discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today's world. CFO IS: Or you may prefer to sit in a rocker on the spacious stone patio and munch on a locally grown apple, read a good book, put a puzzle together, chat with old and/or new friends, or just doze by the massive fireplace. This place is NOT'high hat'; so you can relax and truly learn to enjoy"mountain-top" life. Our hosts are warm in their welcome and show concern for CFO objectives. The traditional flag-raising before breakfast, preceded by coffee on the terrace, will become a heart-warming memory for you. The lovely trees and grounds, sweet aromas in the dining hall, the smell of a wood fire, and a kaleidoscope of autumn foliage form an unforgettable backdrop for making warm Christian friendships that will last a lifetime. HOWTO GETTHERE an opportunity to: - Discover one's TRUE Christ-centered self - Learn to pray alone and with others - Live in the Kingdom of God, here and now - Fellowship with others seeking and finding God. Capon Springs and Farms is located 3'l miles from Winchester, VA, I02 miles west of Washington, DC. cFo ls NoT... for 12 miles.Turn left on ...a church. All campers are urged to support the church of their choice faithfully. CFO intensifies effectiveness in one's cong regationa I activities. organization. There is nothing to join, We are rather a living organism, growing through our own relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. IN CAMPS FARTHEST OUT (CFO)... "We take as our source and center the leadership of Jesus Christ... we give him our complete allegiance and loyalty. We are satisfied to belong to Him and to Him alone. ln Him we have our Power, our Peace, our Plenty. ln Him we live and move and have our beingl' FROM THE EAST: From Winchester, VA, take Rt. 50 west Rt. 259 and go 14 miles to Capon Lake.Turn left on Rt. 16, Capon Springs Road; cross bridge, go 4 miles to Capon Springs. FROM THE WEST: Drive east on Rt. 50 to 5 miles east of Capon Bridge. Turn right off Rt. 50 onto Rt. 259. Go '14 miles to Capon Lake.Turn left on Rt. 16, Capon Springs Road, cross the bridge, and go 4 miles to Capon Springs. FROM PITTSBURGH:Take PATurnpike east to Breezewood.Take l-70 East (South) to Hancock, MD. Follow Rt.522 south through Berkley Springs, WV, toward Winchester, VA. After crossing VA/WV border, go 1 3 miles to Gainesboro, VA. Take Rt. 50 west for 5 miles. Turn left on Rt. 259; go 14 miles to Capon Lake. Turn left on Rt. 16, Capon Springs Rd.; cross bridge; go 4 miles to Capon Springs. CAMP RATES Registration - 5ZO.OO per person (SB0 after 10/15) Room and board: 5485.00 -S585 DAILY RATES Registration: 51+.00 per day 597.00 - 117.00 per day (These prices include all gratuities.) Capon Springs policy makes meals available REGISTRATION FORM I I (You may copy this brochure if you need to.) I I Date of Camp:November 1-6,2015 I I I I I Name Address to overnight guests only. WHATTO BRING I City Itm; , Email: I Home Hor Phone (-) Your Bible and materials for taking notes. - Casual clothing for warm, cold, or rainy sweater-or even snow! Expect any thingl Be ready to "layer" if necessaryl Zip _ I c.rr I Roommate I I I - Comfortable shoes (low heels or no heels). First time at CFO? Yes No Name as you want it to- appear on name tag: lru - A flashlight. -Your golf clubs, if you golf. (Use of the golf course available for a small fee.) State_ (_) - A heart hungry to hear from God! - I is ROOM ASSIGNMENTS Room assignments are made by the REGISTRAR upon receipt of your registration fee in the order received. Your payment for room and board ls due when you arrive.Those receiving scholarships must pay registration fee to attend the camp. Be sure you have reserved a room before you come! WHILE AT CAMP: Phone: (304) 874-3695 Mail:Camp Farthest Out Capon Springs and Farms Capon Springs, WV 26823 t (2) preference: (check Roo, r-'!l "-. -- one) . private bathwater-With With running ; you need, please handicap or special have a lf , r enclose a note explaining it in detail. I srruo r --- rHrs FoRM AND REGrsrRATtoN szo.00 PER PERSON, PAYABLE , SPRINGS CFO" FEE oF TO',TAPON TO: t- I I r I #901 zg5o Hathaway Road, Richmond, VA 23225 f--, , I 804-560-2884 I Email: 1 Anita Bradley, All talks and song sessions will be recorded on CD's and will be available for purchase. r I I Anita Bradley ! , A limited number scholarships are available to ; FIRST-TIME campers to cover room and meals, but NOf contact Richard Dell. , registration. For information, po n s p ri n g r I ll 804-s60-2884 I 1l BEFORE CAMP, CONTACT: emai l: aam brosen I scxor-ARsHrPs 1l r ;l SORRY NO PETS ALLOWED! I Registration deadline: October 15, 2015 gl | I I t I I I ! I | :