Youth Devo WINTERFEST - Woodland Oaks Church of Christ


Youth Devo WINTERFEST - Woodland Oaks Church of Christ
Youth Ministry Bulletin
Woodland Oaks Church of Christ
Volume: XI
Youth Devo
PM Worship!
(details below)
Jan. 15-17, 2016
Issue: 2 -
January 10, 2016
Read: 2 Samuel 7:11b-13
Saul was the king that Israel deserved; David, the king that Israel needed. Both
were born in humility and raised into power, but once they were kings the
differences between them were revealed: one chased after power and dynasty, the
other after God’s own heart.
Yet even the king after God’s own heart was a broken king. Wonderfully different
from Saul and all of the worldly kings, David still showed himself to be ruined within
and used the power that God gave to him for dreadful purposes. So God saw fit to
rescue us from our broken kings. Honoring David’s faith with a promise, God chose
to enter our broken race through the family of David, a God-loving yet sinful man.
This One born into David’s family would be no oppressive, foolish Saul, nor even a
godly David. He would be a Son that David could not have imagined, God Himself in
flesh among us. With no sin to mar His heart this King would be the King we truly
need, One who would never do anything to hurt us. A king will come, God promised
David, who will reign forever, but how can He do this? Don’t kings die long before
the arrival of “forever”? And when a king is dead, no matter how excellent he may
have been in life, he becomes a terrible ruler. Dead men make horrible kings. But
what if a king could defeat death itself?
Into David’s family He was born. Born to build up David’s house and to spread the
reign of that dynasty over all the earth. Born so that God might establish His
kingdom. Born to defeat the great enemy of Death and to sit forever on the throne
of righteousness. So the promise to David is kept in Jesus, our mighty King who
reigns forever.
Our God Reigns! - Chris
Upcoming Event Information
sure to hurry to the kitchen so we’ll
have enough time to make your pizza,
We’ll be making personal
let it bake and also have our devo. I
pizzas. Please bring your personal size
look forward to seeing you there this
pizza crust (no raw dough) ready to be
Sunday night.
piled with toppings and let’s make
some pizza together. Sauce and
toppings will be provided. Guys bring
Winterfest is this coming weekend,
drinks and girls bring desserts. The
January 15-17! We will be leaving
youth devo will take place from
from WOCC at 3:00pm Friday. Please
7:00-8:30pm in the FLC/FLC Kitchen
after the evening assembly. Please be arrive a little early to load your
Youth Devo TONIGHT!
luggage and prepare to
depart. Remember to bring
money for your meals
(suggested $50). If you
have not completed a
Release Form—complete it today.
Also, if you are in need of an Excused
Absence Form please see Chris
Tomberlin. Looking forward to
spending this exciting and growing
weekend together.
Matthew, Mark, & Luke
Terence O’Connor
Chris Tomberlin
Class Schedule
Winter 2016
Joshua, Judges, & Ruth
Chris Tomberlin
Sunday, January 24, 2016. Please turn
in all funds to Chris Tomberlin. Checks
Winter Retreat
are payable to Woodland Oaks Church
Winter Retreat will take place January of Christ. Make sure you and your
29-31, 2016, in the beautiful central
friends complete a 2016 Release
Texas hill country at Hensel Camp
(7819 Singleton Bend Road, Marble
2016 Release Form
Falls, Texas 78654). This event is open
to students 7th-12th grade. The cost Please be sure to complete and return
is $30 per person. Be sure to invite
a 2016 Release Form. There are two
your friends and sign up today to
different Release Forms: one for
attend Winter Retreat! A sign-up form students under eighteen and another
can be found at the Welcome Center. for individuals eighteen and older.
Please note the deadline to sign up is Forms are available on the wall of the
main hall outside the church offices.
You cannot participate in a variety of
activities without this form being
completed. Please pick one up today!
Important Dates
Youth Devo
Winter Retreat: Event Meeting & Registration Deadline
Winter Retreat
Contact Us
Chris Tomberlin -Youth Minister
936.273.0010 | 512.217.8702
7300 Crownridge Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77382
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