The Center News


The Center News
The Center News
FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center
Published ny the NAFEC Association & R.H.H. Publishing LLC
Vol. 47, No. 41
On Tuesday, October 11 work
will commence for the installation of underground conduit.
The initial work will be performed on Card Road (R&D
Area - starting in front of Building 201). The new conduit will
then run along Card Road to
Pangborn Avenue and running
along Pangborn Avenue (past
Building 296 - Pavement Test
Facility) to Gate 12B. Construction is expected to continue through January 2012.
During the construction period, there will be partial road
closures required at several locations of the aforementioned
route. Warning signs, orange
cones, and flagmen will be utilized for the protection of both
motorists and construction personnel.
Person-of-contact concerning
this project is Richard Gardener (Telecommunications,
extension 5-7057).
The Safety Office thanks you
for your cooperation.
Gregory Forrest
Safety Engineer
Environmental & Safety Subteam
Extension 5-4821
FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center
Environmental Advisory - Mold Remediation Update
for Bldg 300 Laboratories
In June 2011, the Center Safety Office was notified of a potential mold problem in B316, 3rd
floor CARTS Lab area. Response actions included air sampling, bulk sampling, deployment
of HEPA air units and plastic sheeting isolation for visual mold discovered at column location
B300-03-C21. In July 2011, Facility Operations Team removed mold affected sheetrock at
B300-03-C21. The Center Safety Office conducted weekly air sampling from July 15, 2011
through August 4, 2011 at ten locations throughout B300-03 and B300-02 that showed no levels of concern.
Facility Operations Team has arranged for visual inspections of all columns located in B30002, B300-03 and B316-03 Lab Areas to identify those columns potentially affected by mold.
Inspections commenced on October 4, 2011 and will conclude within 10 days. Facility Operations Team will address any findings from the visual inspections at column locations. Columns
will be resurveyed again in April 2012.
Independent from the column inspections, Center Safety Office will be conducting four air
sampling events in B300-02 and B300-03 in November 2011 and again in March, June and
September of 2012.
Additionally, mold remediation at two areas of B300-02 (B300-02-B27 and B300-02-F29) is
expected to commence in October 2011. This remediation will be conducted under full containment and is expected to last approximately 45 days.
Thank you for your understanding during these events. Please continue to report any concerns
for air quality to your manager.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
my kitchen to yours
page 3
leave donor
Safety Office,
(609) 485-8214
Veterans Service Fair
Location: Rutgers University, 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08012
Date: Mon., October 17, 2011 • Time: 10:00AM –12:00PM
For additional Representatives from the federal and local levels will be available to assist our
veterans. Speak directly with staff regarding pensions,
disability claims, educational assistance, healthcare, and much more.
Includes representatives from:
United States Department of Veterans Affairs:
-Newark VA Regional Office
-East Orange VA Medical Facility
-Lyons VA Medical Facility
New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Veterans Benefits Bureau
RU for Troops, Seniors 4 Generations, Veterans Business Development Office, As well as: Other
veteran and community organizations providing additional housing and financial assistance.
NAFEC Association Website...For information on NAFEC Association activities, discounts,
and the Center News go to
American Red Cross Blood Drive In Honor of Jonathan DeMario
Date: Friday, November 11
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Peace Lutheran Church
328 East Great Creek Road
Galloway, New Jersey
Appointments are preferred.
For an appointment or further information, please call Dianne DiMauro at 609377-8217.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Sky Observer’s Journal
Thursday, October 13th. Jupiter has been
blazing away in the early morning sky these
last few weeks. Tonight our Moon passes near
Jupiter. They are both about 160 degrees from
the rising Sun and are separated by a little less
than five degrees. You can’t miss Jupiter. It’s
shining at a little less than -3.0 magnitude. Also
today Saturn and the Sun reach conjunction.
They will pass each other and Saturn will slide
into the morning sky. It should be visible to
you early morning risers in a few days.
Saturday, October 15th. The Moon passes the
Pleiades in the very early morning. Not quite
three degrees separates the pair.
Sunday, October 16th. And the Moon makes
its monthly pass near the first magnitude star
Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus. Also,
today Uranus re-crosses the equator. Uranus
is currently in the constellation of Pisces. Last
April it crossed the equator while in direct
motion. It reversed course and moved into
retrograde motion on July 10th. Now it recrosses the equator, heading toward its course
reversal on December 10th. Next year it will
cross the equator once again.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In astronomy, the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters
(Messier object 45), is an open star cluster
containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located
in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the
nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster
most obvious to the naked eye in the night
sky. Pleiades has several meanings in different
cultures and traditions.
The cluster is dominated by hot blue and
extremely luminous stars that have formed
within the last 100 million years. Dust that
forms a faint reflection nebulosity around the
brightest stars was thought at first to be left
over from the formation of the cluster (hence
the alternate name Maia Nebula after the star
Maia), but is now known to be an unrelated dust
cloud in the interstellar medium that the stars
are currently passing through. Astronomers
estimate that the cluster will survive for about
another 250 million years, after which it will
disperse due to gravitational interactions with
its galactic neighborhood.
for C.A.T.S.!
Join us on
Saturday, October 15, 2011
12-5 PM
at Gregory's Restaurant,
Shore Road, Somers Point
A fun fall feline fundraiser
to benefit abandoned cats and kittens.
Great food • Chinese Auction
Music by DJ Lorie
Cash Bar.
$20.00 Donation
Tickets in advance or at the door!
C.A.T.S. provides rescue, TNR,
veterinary care, foster care, and
placement of homeless cats/kittens
into caring homes.
Your support is needed to make a difference
in the lives of cats.
Cape-Atlantic C.A.T.S.
(Citizens Altering The Strays)
MEW TO YOU Resale Shoppe
1034 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, NJ
Friend us on Facebook!
Wednesday, October 19th. The Moon passes
near the bright star Pollux in the constellation
of Gemini. The Moon will be ten degrees south
southwest of the star.
A color-composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky
Survey. Credit: NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech
Vendors and Sponsors Needed for Linwood Community Event
Food, craft, and other merchandise vendors are needed for the 2nd Annual Linwood SHORE
Fest to be held on Saturday, October 29 at the Cornerstone Commerce Center in Linwood. It
is going to be a huge community event starting with a 5K Walk/Run, Halloween activities
including safe Trick or Treating, and Community Craft Festival to benefit Shore Tomorrow, a
campaign for the Shore Memorial Hospital. There is an early-bird discount for Vendors and great
Sponsor opportunities. For more information and vendor application, please call (609) 927-6131
ext. 123 or email
Submissions to
the Center News Editor
The Center News wants to ensure the information being published in the
Center News is up to date and accurate. Our policy is: Any articles submitted
for publication that address any and all FAA issues i.e., building enhancements,
Certifications, FAA ATC systems, etc.: “Must be approved by an FAA Manager before submission to the
Center News for print.” FAA is a "Preferred
FAA is
Call today
is aa "Preferred
Employer" Call
Call today
in specials!
for move
your discounts
and move
move in
in specials!
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Page From my Kitchen
to Yours
Nancy Sheffield
Pumpkin Spice Bread
Prep Time: 10 Min
Cook Time: 1 Hr Ready In: 1 Hr 10 Min
* 3 cups sugar
* 1 cup vegetable oil
* 4 eggs, lightly beaten
* 1 (16 ounce) can solid pack pumpkin
* 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
* 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
* 1/2 cup water
1. In a large bowl, combine sugar, oil and eggs. Add pumpkin and
mix well. Combine dry ingredients; add to the pumpkin mixture
alternately with water. Pour into two greased 9-in. x 5-in. x 3-in.
loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 60-65 minutes or until bread
tests done. Cool in pans 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack;
cool completely.
Congratulations to Newkirk Family Veterinarians
of Egg Harbor Twp!!
Winner of The Best Of The Press Gold
for Best Veterinary Hospital
Dr Newkirk and his terric staff
thanks all of our wonderful clients
for voting us #1!
We are now doing Professional Pet Grooming!
Newkirk, a trusted name in Pet Care
for over a quarter century!
Dr Newkirk will now be seeing patients
on Saturday mornings in EHT.
Great tips about
Keeping Your Car In
Keep Your Engine Properly Tuned
Keep Tires Properly Inflated
Use the Recommended
Grade of Motor Oil
Replacing a Clogged Air Filter
on Modern Cars
Improves Performance but Not MPG
for more tips and information
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Home Equity Loans Give You Room For Improvement
It’s a tough choice for a homeowner: Move into a new house,
or improve the one you have. It seems so easy to call a realtor and
arrange a showing. But your current home has something no new
home can offer--equity.
Home equity provides homeowners a ready financing source
to turn home sweet home into home sweet dream home. On average, homeowners spend 18 months planning home improvements.
It’s time well spent; some renovations pay off better than others.
Bathroom and kitchen renovations provide the greatest return, between 90% and 95%. Decks and home offices hold the low end,
between 65% and 70%.
As you plan, look beyond your house to your neighborhood.
Will renovations put you in a different league--and price range- than your neighbors? Also, keep in mind how long you’ll be
in your house. If you’re going to fix it up and sell in six months,
you’ll get all the pain of remodeling and not much gain. But if you
plan to live in the house more than three years, it makes economic
sense to remodel.
How do you calculate your available equity? First step: Say
you made a down payment of $20,000 on a house priced at
$100,000 five years ago. Since then, you’ve paid $15,000 toward
the principal, and the market value of your house has increased
to $115,000. The sum of your down payment ($20,000), principal
paid ($15,000), and the increase in property value ($15,000) gives
you $50,000 in equity.
Second step: Ideally, what you owe on your home--mortgage
plus home equity loan--shouldn’t exceed 80% of your home’s
value. So 80% of $115,000 suggests, if you meet other lending
yardsticks, you may be eligible for as much as a $27,000 home
equity loan (house is worth $115,000; 80% of that is $92,000; you
still owe $65,000 on the first mortgage; so $92,000 - $65,000 =
Contact Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union at (609) 646-3339
or stop by to discuss your home equity loan options today. You
can also visit Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union on the web at to view all home equity loan rates.
Federally Insured By NCUA.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Page Join us in the fight
against hunger.
Saturday October 22, 2011
On this day, millions of Americans will rally into action to help others in their communities.
Make a Difference Day is the largest national day of community service. The Community FoodBank of
New Jersey is recruiting volunteers to pack boxes with everything necessary for a holiday dinner.
There will be three shifts scheduled lasting two hours each:
See below for details.
For more information and to schedule your group contact:
Maria Bocelle
Volunteer Coordinator
Community FoodBank of New Jersey/Southern Branch
Temporary Address: 6725 Black Horse Pike
(in the Shore Mall former Value City site)
Egg Harbor Twp. NJ 08234
Phone: 609-383-8843 Ext.114
Fax: 609-383-0474
Come to this ITEA South Jersey Chapter event and have a chance to meet
other ITEA members and view this thought provoking video. Non-members
are encouraged to join in on this event and par cipate. A light lunch will be
and the video will start at 12 noon.
provided at 11:30
Who is John Cleese: English actor, comedian,
writer, and Įům producer. When most people
think of John Cleese, they think of silliness,
mayhem, and laughter. But what many people
don’t realize is that he has been a major part
of business training for well over thirty years.
John Cleese has used his brilliant sense of
humor to illustrate many serious business
training concepts. By injec ng his trademark
humor into each topic, he educates and
delights people at the same Ɵme.
About the Video: The Hidden Mind aims to
dispel the belief that fast decision making is
best and to show the importance of allowing
the unconscious thinking process Ɵŵe and
space to ŇŽƵƌŝƐŚ͘ John Cleese challenges
the basis of the decision-making processes
prevalent in most of today’s organiza ons.
The International Test and Evaluation Association
South Jersey Chapter Presents a John Cleese Video:
“The Hidden Mind”
th Jerse
& T&E
E T&E T&
E T&
For more informa on, contact John Frederick at 609.485.5259 or
Wanda Lopez-LaBarbera at 609.485.5236
Lunch and a Movie!
Date: October 27, 2011
Time: 11:30
Place: FAA WJHTC Auditorium
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
TECH Center Announcements
IT is MANDATORY and your responsibility, to turn in PIV badges of any
Federal or Contractor employee that is no longer working for the FAA, to the
PIV MEDIA CENTER or the ACT-8 FAA Security Office the same business
day, if possible, or no later than the next business day. Delaying the return
of PIV badges is a SECURITY VIOLATION and subjects all Federal and
Contractor employees to a security risk.
With the increase in bicycle usage at the Technical Center, it is imperative that
all employees are aware of and follow the rules of the road. Driving on our
roadways requires care and courtesy whether you are driving a car or a bicycle.
The Technical Center Safety Office is providing this advisory reminder in continuing employee awareness of the Rules of the Road.
Emergency Evacuation Issue Involving Vehicles
Exiting Parking Areas
It has been brought to the attention of the Safety Office that during recent
Emergency Evacuations, employees have proceeded to their personal vehicles
after exiting the building and then leaving the parking areas. This has resulted in
several “near misses” involving employees and emergency vehicles in the areas.
Attempting to exit the parking lots in your vehicle creates an unsafe condition
that may result in a serious vehicle mishap involving an employee who has exited
the building or emergency vehicles entering the area. Employees are reminded
to follow the Technical Center’s Emergency Evacuation Procedures of (1) exiting the building, (2) assembling at the designated emergency evacuation areas,
and (3) waiting for further instructions from their supervisor. The Safety Office
thanks you for your cooperation.
This security awareness message is to remind all FAA personnel, contractors and military personnel assigned to FAA facilities that we must exercise
continued vigilance and be on alert for all types of suspicious activity, to
include suspicious packages. If you have any questions regarding safe
mail handling procedures or the identification of suspicious packages, or
as with any emergency situation, call the FAA Technical Center established
emergency response contact by dialing 1111, this will connect you with
The recognition of suspicious letters and parcels is the first defense
against their effectiveness. It is equally important to be prepared when a
suspicious package/envelope has been identified. Some of the typical characteristics of suspicious packages and letters include the following:
· No return address or a return address is not consistent with the State where postmarked
· Handwriting on envelope is distorted or typewritten
· Envelope is uneven, rigid or appears to contain no correspondence
· Excessive postage
· Addressee’s name misspelled or title listed incorrectly
· Oily stains, powdery substances, peculiar odors, or unusual sounds coming from the item
· Packages marked “confidential”, “personal” or “rush”
· Delivered by unexplained or unusual means
· Evidence of electrical wires or tin foil
· Excessive wrapping materials, such as masking tape, strapping tape, or string
If you receive a package/envelope like this:
· Do not open the package/envelope. Leave the package/envelope on
a desk or in an area where it can be monitored and left undisturbed.
· Call your established emergency response contact (ie., building guards,
municipal police, airport police, etc.), per established facility procedures.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Page “Days Inns Hotel of the Year 2010”
6500 SQ FT @ $11.50
Deal Direct w/owner
Special FAA Rate: $ 69.99* Two Room Suites $ 1099.99*
*Rates apply Sunday thru Thursday
5 Minutes to FAA Tech Center
Hot Breakfast
On premise family restaurant and lounge
Free high-speed wireless Internet
Business Center with printer & copier
State-of-the-art fitness center
Lifeguard supervised outdoor pool
GardenȱStateȱParkwayȱExitȱ#36 Mini refrigerator, microwave, hairdryer,
iron, iron board in all guest rooms
(609) 641-4500
Coin operated guest laundry
ȱwȱwȱwȱ.ȱDȱaȱyȱsȱHȱoȱtȱeȱlȱPȱlȱeȱaȱsȱaȱnȱtvȱ ȱilȱ ȱlȱeȱ.ȱcȱoȱm
Newkirk Family
Best of the
Winner Best of the Press Gold
for Best Veterinary Hospital 2011
announces our 5th annual
The Little Flyers Academy Board of Directors is seeking applications from
interested parties who wish to serve as members at large. A member at large
is a board member who is interested in the successful operation of the LFA
Child Care Center, but does not have children (or relatives) currently enrolled.
There are several positions available. Meetings are held monthly during
lunch. If you are interested in being a LFA board member, please answer the
following questions and return them via e-mail to Tina Fetty(e-mail – tina. Phone x4267):
TELEPHONE #: (work)
RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: (Please describe in detail experience
relevant to any Boards/Committees in the education field or other organizations; personal experience, business experience, college courses, etc.)
Open to all pets (and their owners - yes, you can dress up too),
it will be held at the English Creek Ave hospital,
Saturday, October 22nd from 2:00 to 4:00.
Win prizes!
Judging begins at 3PM in categories such as
Best Dressed, Scariest,
Best owner/pet combo costume, and more.
Call (609) 645-2120 for more information.
3085 English Creek Ave, Egg Harbor Twp
Drs Michael Anthony, Mike Bush and
Mark Newkirk welcome all!
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
We’re looking for a few
good eggs — like you.
October 15, 2011 10 am — 4 pm
753 Park Road (by “Singing Tower”) Mays Landing, NJ
Music, Dance, Food, Crafts, History, Exhibits & More
Free Admission
For more information call
Rich 609-625-6291 or Julie 609-432-3280
10:10 EndlessRain
11:00 Piney Hollow
Legends of Song
Steve Byrne
Off the Cuff
Autumn Marie
Dance Spectrum
Summer may be a time of vacation but, locally it is a time when volunteerism drops as families take trips or have out of town guests. Many
locals also have seasonal businesses and jobs that make volunteering more difficult to fit into a busy summer schedule. The Community
FoodBank of New Jersey/Southern Branch is looking for volunteers to help with a number of FoodBank duties .
Volunteer Receptionist: Provides a pleasant and cheerful first impression of the
Community FoodBank while efficiently answering and transferring calls. Receives
and documents food donations, which includes some physical lifting. Helpful,
professional and welcoming personality.
Pantry helper: Volunteers bag/box groceries, stock shelves, sort food, assist
clients, load groceries. Courteous customer services skills; ability to remain calm
under pressure. Basic computer knowledge a plus.
Ambassador: Takes the mission of the FoodBank and its services on the road with
informational displays at community events. Answers questions about the food
bank, sells food bank items and handles contributions. Must be friendly, outgoing
and comfortable handing money. Schedules vary according to the event.
If you are interested in these or other volunteer opportunities
call Maria Bocelle, volunteer coordinator, at 609-383-8843, ext 114.
The Community FoodBank of New Jersey/Southern Branch is located at the Shore Mall (in the former Value City site) Egg Harbor Township.
It serves those in need in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland and Southeastern Burlington counties.
Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union’s
Candy Collection
Get ready to have fun for a good cause!
This year Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union is co-sponsoring Linwood Shorefest,
held on Saturday, October 29th at Cornerstone Commerce Center
1201 New Road, Linwood (across from Mainland High School). We are asking for donations of
individually wrapped bags of candy by Friday, October 21st to be distributed at safe “Trick or
Treating” during Shorefest. Donations can be dropped off at any of our branch locations!
Mark your calendar for a fun day of events!
Run: 9:00am Walk: 9:05am
Kids Fun Run: 9:30am
Awards Ceremony: 10:00am
Craft Festival: 10:00am-3:00pm
Please support Wayne Marsey and me as the South Jersey
Chapter of NARFE walks to end Alzheimer’s and find a cure
for those afflicted. I am walking for former Tech Center
employee, Dick Battaglia, who has been diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s. Donations can be made by pasting this in your
or by going to our website and clicking on the donate button:
Thank you for your support!!
Anne Harlan
All kids 12 and under Run/Walk for FREE! Plus, there will be $1,200.00 in cash prizes for
the best costumes! To register for the 5K Run/Walk, please visit or for more
information please visit
Declutter...Clean Out...Try Our FREE Employee Classifieds on page 13
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Page Tech Center
Created by: Cathy Jaggard
Atlantic Hurricane Season June 1 - November 30 Are you Storm-Ready?
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
An Irish Christmas
In the Campus Center Theater
The Four Bitchin’ Babes
Sunday • October 16• 2:00pm
Diva Nation…Where music, laughter and girlfriends reign!
The Four Bitchin’ Babes are: Sally Fingerett, Debi Smith,
Deirdre Flint, and Nancy Moran.
With their whimsical, hip and sophisticated girl-group harmonies, these hysterically funny and multi-talented musicians let loose on how the new millennium
has, in some cases literally, changed the face of The Diva!
“HELLO DIVA!” The Four Bitchin’ Babes celebrate the “Inner Majesty” in everyone. A sense of humor will be the ticket to a magical place where chocolate
is a vegetable, wine is in the food pyramid, shopping for shoes is medicinal, and
a girl can safely admit that she wears 100% cotton underneath it all! This is an
enchanting excursion to Diva Nation, where all songs are sung with pride, attitude, and terrific accessories
$35 General Admission
Seniors - Take $5 Off
Ed Asner: FDR
Saturday • October 22• 7:30pm
One of our generation’s best actors is playing one of our generation’s best presidents.
Ed Asner as FDR will make a presidential
stop at the Stockton Performing Arts Center. FDR explores the life of one of America’s best-loved presidents and the events and decisions that shaped a nation. This
powerful play follows the iconic president as he reflects on his years in office,
from inauguration to the trials of World War II.
$45 Orchestra • $30 Mezzanine
Seniors - take $5 off
$10 Children (with adult ticket)
Atlantic City Ballet
Thursday • October 27• 7:00pm
Last year’s sold-out performance of “Dracula” proves that vampires are popular! Atlantic City Ballet’s Dracula sweeps onto
our stage.
“Dracula,” an original work by Artistic Director Phyllis Papa, is a full ballet in three acts with a peculiar power of hypnotic fascination. It is based on Bram Stoker’s story of ages old yet forever
new. The company consists of 18 professional dancers and 10 apprentices from
the U.S., Latvia, Romania, Korea, Japan, China and Israel. The production is
choreographed and directed by Miss Phyllis Papa, the founding director of the
$35 Orchestra • $20 Mezzanine
Seniors - take $5 off
$10 Children (with adult ticket)
A Celebration of Song, Dance & Stories of An Irish Christmas
Saturday • December 3 • 7:30pm
Ciaran Nagle - of The Three Irish Tenors
Tara Novak - Violinist with The Three Irish Tenors
The O’Shea School of Dance and the Irish Band - Ishna
This splendid holiday show features the best of traditional
Irish songs and best loved Christmas music with stories
from the Emerald Isle. Songs include the Kerry Dances, Rocky Road to Dublin,
Wexford Carol, Silent Night, O Holy Night, A Christmas Jig & Reel, and many
more seasonal favorites. A fun filled Irish feast for all the family
$40 Orchestra • $25 Mezzanine
Seniors - take $5 off
$10 Children (with adult ticket)
Atlantic City Ballet
The Nutcracker
Friday • December 9 • 7:00pm
Saturday • December 10 • 1:00 & 5:00pm
It’s just not the holidays unless you see “The
Using Tchaikovsky’s romantic score, the
program features colorful scenery, period
costumes, and a cast of nearly one hundred.
The entirefamily will be captivated by the
timeless story of little Clara, the young girl
who receives The Nutcracker as a gift, and
her enchanted dream of Princes, Princesses,
Sugarplums and Toy Soldiers.
$35 Orchestra • $20 Mezzanine
Seniors - take $5 off
$10 Children (with adult ticket)
South Jersey Area Wind Ensemble
Holiday Concert
“Snow Globe”
Monday • December 12 •
Most cultures around the
world celebrate the holiday season. Many countries have a long history
with a rich culture based
in traditions of folk music, folklore, sacred texts
and a secular fantasy.
Come celebrate the joy
and magic of the holiday season with the South Jersey Area Wind Ensemble
in our “snow globe” this holiday as we explore many beautiful cultures of the
world through music!
$10 - All Seats
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Page 11
The Center News
Read it every week!
Wayside Village Shopping Center • Routes 9 and 585 • P.O. Box 682, Marmora, NJ 08223
Pres. Redd Harold
Our NEW Email address
Fax: (609) 390-0569 Business Office: (609) 602-5933
THE CENTER NEWS: Employee paper of the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center in Pomona.
2,100 copies distributed through the Center Distribution Office to all personnel.
Advertising Information Phone: (848) 448-4129 Fax: (609) 390-0569
Copy Deadline: Friday preceding each Wednesday Publication Date
Full Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
1/8 Page
1/16 Page
$5.00 per column inch, per issue
Dimensions (width x height)
10” x 13”
10” x 6.125” or 4.875” x 13”
4.875” x 6.125” or 10” x 3”
4.875” x 3”
2.375” x 3”
65 column inched per page
Additional information is available through our Sales Office:
(848) 448-4129
or by writing to:
P.O. Box 682 - Marmora, NJ 08223
EntryFee PreǦRegistration
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Social organization open to all employees at the Tech Center
The Association is a nonprofit organization incorporated and existing
under the laws of the State of New Jersey. The objective and purpose
of the Association is to foster and enhance the social, recreational,
and educational opportunities and to provide for moral comfort and
welfare of personnel at the FAA WJH Technical Center, their families,
and their guests general membership in this Association is limited
to military and civilian Federal Employees and Contractor personnel,
whose post of duty is the FAA WJH Technical Center, Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405.
Vice President:
Janine Brown
Tina Fabrizio
Katrita Washington
Debbie DiStefano
Check us out on Facebook.
Would you like to get involved? We can always use volunteers. Meetings
are the 1st Thursday of each month at noon in the back of the cafeteria
dining room.
NAFEC Association Website
For information on NAFEC Association activities,
discounts, and the Center News go to
Atlantic County’s recycling
The Southern Jersey Professional Societies
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and IEEE Computer Society
“An Analytical Model for Evaluating UAS Safety Risk and Mitigation Effects”
James T. Luxhøj, PhD Rutgers University
Aviation is a complex domain characterized by low probability, high consequence events
with scarce data; hence, safety risk modeling is particularly challenging. There continues to
be a persistent need to develop the analytics to capture both the explicit and implicit risks
inherent in such domains. In this presentation, a probabilistic safety risk model is discussed
that integrates a Bayesian Network (BN) with Multi-Attribute Value Theory. The enhanced
methodology with a structured hazard taxonomy provides a framework for the systematic
inclusion of both the explicit risk inherent from the BN and the non-apparent implicit risk in
the BN that exists in large complex systems. Preliminary modeling results suggest that
model offers promise for advanced risk assessment, particularly for Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS) where civilian data are especially sparse. In this paper, the analytic
constructs of the model are demonstrated with an application of safety risk modeling to aid
in the prioritization of a portfolio of mitigations for a futuristic UAS scenario.
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2011
Call in your reservations by noon on Tuesday, Oct 18th.
Mays Landing Golf and Country Club, Frasier Room
1855 Cates Rd. Mays Landing, NJ (641-4411)
Check their website for directions:
Social Time: 6:00 PM
Buffet style dinner
$16.00 Members, $20.00 Guests, $12.00 Student Members
Joseph Burns
Gina Lucasti
Holly Cyrus
Drew Wakefield
Nov 17, 2011
Dinner: 6:30 PM
Speaker Approx: 7:45 PM
Reservations due by noon Tuesday, Oct 18th
609-601-7703 (W)
609-569-9255, ext. 316 (W)
609-485-4887 (W)
609-485-4034 (W)
15th Annual “Engineer of the Year” Awards Banquet
program is a
single-stream program.
Residents can recycle all
paper, cans and bottles
together in the same
without separating.
Visit their website
for more info.
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
the classifieds
Page 13
MISC. cont.
Airplane For Sale: 1973 Cherokee
140, 160hp. Mid-time engine. Fresh annual. $21,000. Possible financing. 5-4390
or 609-703-0240. (39)
in excellent school district. Ideally located
close to schools, MRA pool, Bargaintown
Lake, bike path, scenic Patcong Creek
and Central Square shopping. Features
spacious renovated kitchen, family room
w/ fireplace, three bed-rooms, two and
half baths plus a spacious office, and separate work shop. Unique custom master
bedroom suite features full bath with tub
and shower, ample linen and storage closets, large double closets and ceiling fan. 2
car driveway. Gas heat & central air. This
is a “must see!” Photos at http://tinyurl.
com/42nxxc4 Priced reduced to sell at
$273,900 1-800-882-9032 ext 2404 (40)
Charming Bungalow on 4 Acres in
Egg Harbor Twp -- Completely renovated
house 2BR w/ den, all electric, wood burning fireplace, swimming pool. Excellent
school system, 5 miles to FAATC. No pets.
$1000 per mo. Subject to credit check. Call
Helen @ 609.377.8800. She will give you
address. Ring bell at back Door of front
house and she will show you the house
and answer questions. $25 Credit check
required with application. $1000 deposit
and first month rent to move in. (39)
Sofa bed is queen sized -- Sofa measures 80” Wide X 35” Deep X 28” High,
highest quality construction of the sofa
bed. Queen-sized bed is of sturdy chain
mesh construction will not change or
deteriorate over time. Email (40)
Window blinds 1” wood blinds Cherry
wood. Inside mount brand new in box with
mounting hardware and Valence 35 1/2 “
wide by 37” long $20.00 Call Rick 609-4858281 (41)
aged item. The InStyler straightens and
curls your hair. Ideal for all hair types, use
on wet or dry hair. $50 – Contact Kathy at
X-7910. (40)
2007 -Tandem Axle Cargo Trailer
with electric brakes , 12 ft long, 6 ft high.
with interior light. Rear doors and front
side door. Plywood lined Used very little,
clean. $3,500 or best offer Call Diane at
609-485-6695 (41)
2001 Toyota Highlander, excellent condition, 118,000 miles, asking
$7,550.00. Call x5261 (41)
1998 Toyota Sienna Van, LE, 3.0L-V6,
185,000, Auto w/OD, Quad Captain Chairs,
2 sliding doors, Luggage Rack, Tow Package, 2 Inch Receiver Hitch, 3,500 pound
tow capacity, 215/70R15 tires, ABS, Alarm
System, Cruise Control, Keyless Entry,
Door Locks power, Mirrors power, Front
Side Windows power, Rear vent windows
power, Rear Seat Heat & AC Ducts & Controls, driven daily, original owner, great family vacation vehicle, hwy 24mpg, Timing
Belt & Water Pump @ 107,232, New Cat
@ 8/6/10, Master Cylinder/Rotors/Calipers
@ 158,000, Valve Cover Gasket @ 4/4/11.
$4,500 or trade for pickup truck wV8. Mike
609-402-1269. (40)
2000 CBR1100XX BLACKBIRD $5000/
BO Garage kept. Excellent condition a
must see. Bike is equipped with Full D&D
header system ,Power Commander Race
fuel injection system , K&N Forced air intakes. Brand New Equipment: Two Pirelli
Diablo Supercorsa Tires, Chain & Sprockets. Complete Tune-up with Synthetic Oil
Call 609-517-1179 (38)
Northfield: Room for rent. 15
minutes from TC. Quiet, off street parking.
Good for a commuter. Private bath, cable,
internet, kitchen privileges. 609-646-5683
HOUSE FOR SALE / RENT, BUY $249,000 (MSL #379135), RENT - $1600/
and clean condition, brand new carpets,
paint and more, appox. 1950sq ft, 3 story
with Master and Jr master suites, Granite
Counter-Tops, laundry room and 1 Car Garage. Excellent location - 1/2 block to new
bike/walking path into Ocean City. Walk to
restaurants, Bay Ave. and 5 minute drive
to Ocean City & Longport beaches. Will
rent unfurnished for $1600/mo. + utilities.
Credit and background check required.
Available immediately. For information,
contact John: 609-485-5259 (41)
Studio condo on Ventnor Boardwalk-Furnished, TV, all utilities and cable
included.Pool and parking. Security required. $ No pets,no smoking May Call 485-6813. (40)
Bayfront (Delaware Bay) home,
older, 2 bedroom plus den, in Del Haven
(Cape May County) for rent. $995/month
plus utilities. Short-term lease possible.
May consider pet(s). Please call (609) 6021896. (40)
Linwood: 3bdr, 2.5 bath rancher w/ office and family room, 2200 sq ft Well maintained energy-efficient maintenance-free
home features vinyl siding, double-paned
tilt-in windows, attic fan and R30 insulation
throughout. Quiet Linwood neighborhood
Ventnor- Studio condo on Boardwalkfully furnished, TV, all utilities and cable
included.Pool and parking. Security required. $ smoking,No pets.
Sept.-May .Call 485-6813. (38)
RENTAL. Ground floor apartment, Half block
from beach and boardwalk, Living room,
Dining room, W/D, DW, Gas heat, Window
AC, Off-street parking, Great covered porch.
Storage area for bikes, etc. $900/mo + utilities. Call (609) 408-7205. (38)
Captain’s bed whitewashed, 3 pullout steps up, twin mattress included,
weighs a ton, fabulous sturdy bed with 9
drawers and a few compartments along
the long side and two compartments at
one end. very well designed and will last
forever. comes apart nicely. - $250 call
Rich @ x4283 (41)
notuzzi leather recliner chair
like new full size leather recliner, 3 positions including full recline, dark brown,
$900. Call Rich @ x4283 (41)
Love Seat measures 58” Wide X 35”
Deep X 28” High call Ralph x 5637 Email (40)
Occasional chair measures 36” Wide
X 36” Deep X 28” High call Ralph x 5637
(49) Butler’s table is being provided
FREE when you purchase the other items.
Opened flat measures 40-1/2” Long X 31”
Wide X 18” High Photos can be seen at $400 for all. Pick
up in Linwood NJ. Call 609-335-2573 (40)
Home Furniture for Sale Excellent
condition. All pieces first quality Colonial
solid oak design Includes: Dressers with
mirrors, Night stands, End tables, Lamps,
Lighted Display case, Original oil Nautical
artwork, Dining room Server, Hand painted
FirePlace screen cover, Lamps, Kitchen
table w/chairs Can provide pictures Call
Rick 609-485-8281 (40)
DVD/CD Player Sony, like new $50.00.
Call (609) 646-0791 (41)
DVD Player Toshiba - like new $30.00
Call (609) 646-0791 (41)
The Official Tall Ships Fine China Plate Collection. a limited edition issued under the
auspices of the American Sail Training Association. The Danbury Mint U.S.A.” Mint
condition. 12 plate set $100.00 Can provide pictures Call Rick 609-485-8281 (41)
Tool storage cabinet with many automotive repair tools and diagnostics. Older but useable. Can provide pic’s $300.00
Call Rick 609-485-8281 (41)
tickets to the Eagles vs. Patriots game,
November 27th, in Philly, two-nights at
the Marriott Downtown Philadelphia, plus
a $250 gift card, donation $10, proceeds
go to Holy Spirit Boys Crew, call Patty 3355121 (41)
Fisher Price Power Wheels Red
Convertible Ford Mustang, Includes charger but needs new 12 volt rechargeable
battery, sold at Walmart for $60. Mustang
sells for $300 new, asking $40. Call Audrey
x-4855. (40)
Graco Pack’n Play Playard - includes
Built in sound machine with 2-speed vibration and built-in Changing Table - excellent
condition $100.00 Call (609) 646-0791 (41)
Sony TV Stand, Model # SU-GW12, for
use with Sony Grand Wega TVs. Asking
$50. Call Audrey x-4855. (40)
Graco Sooth and Swaddle Bounder with two-speed vibrating seat,
sound machine, and canopy to block light
- excellent condition $45.00 Call (609) 6460791 (41)
BLack & Decker Edge HOG Lawn &
Landscape EDGER for sale $60 Can provide pictures Call Rick 609-485-8281 (40)
Car Seat (Toddler) Britax Boulevard - holds up to 65 lbs. excellent condition $50.00. Call (609) 646-0791 (41)
12 gallon portable air compressor tank w/gage $30 used in good
shape - red (pics available) Call Rick 609485-8281 (40)
Crib Set - Includes Comforter, bumpers,
valances, musical mobile, dresser lamp,
and night light. Everything from Baby’s R
Us - Baby Dinosour theme $100. Call (609)
646-0791 (41)
Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. Needs a
new hard drive. 2GB of RAM, Intel T2390
1.86GHz Dual Core CPU, 15.4” display,
battery works fine, DVD R/W drive, wifi, 4
x USB 2.0 ports, firewire port, 2 x headphone jacks, mic jack, SD card slot, S-video out, HDMI out, VGA out, wired network
card and modem, Has Windows Vista
Home Premium product key. Service tag:
2LR9PF1. $200 obo. 609-485-5059 (39)
CHILDREN’S BEDROOM SET by Powell The ultimate in durability, functionality, and
just plain cool design. A complete youth
bedroom in the space of a full size bed.
This versatile loft bunk includes a full size
upper bunk and a study desk unit underneath. Desk is set up to handle computers or video games with pullout keyboard
tray, hanging shelves and CD racks. Made
from industrial strength powder coated
square tube, barstock and sheet steel in a
silver finish with inset laminated top panel.
Uses standard full size mattress. Some assembly required. Bunk Bed Dimensions:
80-1/4” x 58” x 72-1/2” tall. Unit is in very
good condition. Holds up to 300 lbs. This
bed was used for a couple of years before we renovated the room. Will include
matching night stand. Original retail price
was $1,319, asking $399 OBO. Other
Powell furniture also available. Call Lynda
at 609-432-8316. (40)
SkiL Saw corded circular saw $25. Call
Rick 609-485-8281(38)
Beautiful, near new condition
3-piece Trend Line living room suite
includes queen-sized cherry wood camelback sofa bed, matching loveseat and occasional chair. Fabric is white brocade with
muted floral print. Rarely used in formal
living room. A cherry finish butler’s table
is being provided for FREE. call Ralph x
5637 (40)
GE Spacemaker II Countertop Microwave,
NEW - Black, 1 cu. ft, 800 watt microwave.
Still in the original packaging. Asking $150,
retails for $180. Call Kristina 609-3358276. (38)
GE Spacemaker II Countertop Microwave, NEW - Black, 1 cu. ft, 800 watt
microwave. Still in the original packaging.
Asking $150, retails for $180. Call Kristina
609-335-8276. (39)
Power Glide 18 gage Brad Nailer Nail Gun
120 psi $25 Call Rick 609-485-8281. (38)
Braun electric tooth brush w/attachments brand new $25 Call Rick 609-4858281(38)
Color TV 19” cable ready with stand - $25
Color TV 13” cable ready - $15 w/remote
Can provide pictures Call Rick 609-4858281. (38)
Halloween costumes (2): White and
black cow with hood 6 - 12 months $10.00;
Call (609) 646-0791 Tiger with hood 18-24
months $10.00. Call (609) 646-0791 (41)
SMITH OPTICS COMMANDER Poloarized Sunglasses (very cool) for sale.
Brand New in box w/ Lifetime Warranty
$75 Can provide pics or stop by and take a
look. Call Rick 609-485-8281 (40)
Invacare Dual Blue-Release Adult
Walker - Wheeled Adult Dual-Release
Walker with 5” Fixed Wheels offers a 300lbs
weight capacity. $60 Safety First NonAdjustable Tub and Shower Seat $25 (40)
Bag of 43 tops/blouses size 4X, (my
loss, your gain). $175 or best offer. From
“Catherines”, “Silhouettes”, “Ula Popken”,
Woman Within” etc, No Junk, many worn
only once or twice. Call Bonnie X6761 (40)
Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Pjs and
Pants. Nike, Adidas, Tony Hawk, And1,
Carters, Old Navy, & Sonoma All are in
great condition/smoke free home. Prices
range $2 to $5. Please call Carol at ext
8096 (40)
Boys Fall & Winter Clothes size 5T
& 5 Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Pjs and Pants.
Nike, Adidas, Tony Hawk, And1, Carters,
Old Navy, & Sonoma All are in great condition/smoke free home. Prices range $2 to
$5. Please call Carol at ext 8096 (40)
Instyler - Brand new, unused, undam-
Ab Circle Pro - This item has been
used, is in new condition with absolutely
no flaws, it is fully operational and functions
as intended, working your upper, middle,
lower, abs and obliques, plus shoulders,
inner and outer thighs. Comes with timer,
manual and 4 DVDs - $50. Contact Kathy
at X-7910. (40)
Boys Shoes & Snow Boots 2 pairs
Boys Black Slip-on & 1 pair Tie Shoes Sizes
13 & 13 1/2 Excellent condition. Asking $5
each pair Contact Carol at ext 8096 (40)
Boys Size 11 Snow Boots Size 11 Like
new condition. Asking $15 Contact Carol at
ext 8096 (39)
Kids Ugg Clog Size 12. Color: Chestnut
$30.00. Excellent like new condition. Contact Carol ext 8096.(39)
Boys Fall & Winter Size 4. Buzz Light
Year Hockey Jersey $2,. Buzz fleece jacket
$10. Gap gray agile sweater (great for holiday photos) $10. Black cords $5, Cargo
Camo pants $5.. Black Bib Snow pants
$10.00. Tan & Green double layered winter
jacket $15. All are in great condition/smoke
free home. Please call Carol at ext 8096 (39)
handmade, FRESH CUT from Maine. Includes Red bow. $15 Benefits BSA Troop
177. Cindy x4275 (39)
0-07-143433-X. New in box. This kit includes two 60-minute CDs and a course
book. Retails for $28, selling for $10. Call
Debbie x7113 or email at (38)
MIRROR CELL PHONE SCREEN PROTECTORS. Your Samsung Captivate/GalaxyS cell phone can double as a mirror.
Selling 2 screen protectors for $4. Easy
application with anti-glare and non-adhesive backing. May be used and re-used.
Pre-cut to fit Samsung Captivate i897 or
GalaxyS cell phones. Call Debbie x7113
or email at I
can demo the product with my phone before you decide to buy. (38)
Fishing Rods for sale many custom rigs
available. Call Rick 609-485-8281 (38)
POLY PLANER Marine Radio mount enclosure $20. Call Rick 609-485-8281 (38)
SALE. Male and Female available. Only a
few left. Call 609-713-6777. (40)
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
TO: FAA Employees
FROM: Ray LaHood
SUBJECT: Welcome to DOTnet
Over the next month, you will notice a change in your computer. The Department’s internal Web site,, will become the default homepage for
your browser. It will be the first thing you see whenever you connect to the Internet.
This is a Web site for, about, and by DOT employees, including, of course, the employees at FAA. DOTnet will help us better communicate with you our
Departmental goals and priorities, and will let you share more easily with the rest of the Department the good work you are doing. In short, DOTnet puts
all of us on the same page.
Since we have been at the Department, we have emphasized the importance of good communication and teamwork across DOT. This newly redesigned site
will strengthen the links between DOT employees at headquarters and in the field, facilitate better information sharing between the modes, and encourage
more collaboration throughout the Department.
DOTnet offers daily news and features about the entire Department, as well as quick and easy links to the services you use the most, including CASTLE,
Cru-X, IdeaHub, Employee Express, parking and transit benefits, and job postings. You can customize DOTnet to get links and information specific to FAA
- and even to your zip code. And your FAA/ intranet site is one click away, available on DOTnet’s menu bar. Simply click the “Customize” link and select
“FAA” to add a link to MyFAA on the DOTnet menu bar.
What’s more, DOTnet will now be your convenient, one-stop shop for information about upcoming DOT events and announcements. It also will provide
another way for you to recognize your colleagues for important milestones or just for doing a terrific job! You asked for this on IdeaHub, and we think
they’re great ideas!
Please send us your story ideas, announcements, nominations for peer-to-peer recognition, and photos at If you have questions about the
site, please call the Help Desk at (202) 385-4357.
We will be rolling out this change office-by-office during the next several weeks. The FAA Daily Broadcast messages will contain the detailed deployment
I invite you to take a moment to peruse DOTnet today. It’s a work in progress with new features on the way, and we welcome your feedback on how it can
better serve your needs. DOTnet is one of the first things I read each morning, and I hope you will make it your go-to place as well.
Atlantic Cape
IT Instructor
Click “Jobs”
(609) 343-4906
Eagles Nest Airport will welcome the public to
an open house on Saturday, October 15. A wide
variety of aircraft will be on display, and visitors will have an opportunity to see them up
close and learn from the pilots who fly them.
The event is free and open to all. Food, a DJ and
novelties will be available to the community
and participating pilots
“We hope the public will come and share the
adventure of flying with us,” said Peter Weidhorn, the owner of Eagles Nest Airport. “This
is a chance to view the world of pilots who fly
for family transportation, personal challenge,
career development or just plain fun. The open
house will be an exciting opportunity for everyone, young and mature who have occasionally
thought about learning to fly. It’s not always
understood that the airport is an integral part
of the community. As Eagles Nest is developed,
an employment base will be established, that
will create community income from
the businesses and industries that use general
aviation (inon-airline) transportation to facilitate their operations. A general aviation airport facility will also serve as an educational
and recreational medium for the community. “
“The airport open house will provide a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the
airport’s role in the community, as well as experiencing the excitement of aviation first hand.”
Participants include:
The Ocean County Radio Flyers Club
Calloways Restaurant and Amusement park
Civil Air Patrol
EAA- Monmouth and Ocean County Chapters
Woman in Aviation
Flight School
Black Sheep Squadron
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Leave Donor Program
Employees interested in donating leave may submit
their donations through the Online VLTP Intranet site
located at:
In order to donate, you must click on the “Online
Leave Donor Application” NOTE: Donors must use
an FAA computer with Intranet access to donate leave
through this process! The donation process is not available through the Internet.
Deanna Super has been approved for
participation in the Leave Donor Program. She is recovering from complications from an Epidural in the spine. She
has partial paralysis and is expected to
be in physical therapy for 3 to 6 months.
Most of her leave is gone and she really needs any leave you can afford. Any
leave donations will be greatly appreciated. If you want to donate leave, you
can go online to https://webapps.awp. or contact Tara Price at
Nancy Proctor, AJE-1110, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
in January 2007 and is approved for
the FAA’s Leave Donor Program. She
underwent chemotherapy and radiation
through August 2007, but must continue
with maintenance chemotherapy for two
years, until July 2009. She has exhausted
all of her leave, any donations of sick or
annual leave would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate leave to
Nancy, you can go online to or contact Tara
Price at 609-485-4669.
Lucia Van Pelt has been approved for
acceptance into the leave donor program.
Lucia has exhausted her sick leave and
will continue to require sick time for the
near future. If you would like to donate
please go to https://webapps.awp.faa.
gov/ovltp or contact Tara Price at 609485-4669. Any donations are sincerely
Jessica Randazzo has been approved
for participation in the Leave Donor
Program. She has been diagnosed with
Leukemia. She underwent chemotherapy and could possibly need more
chemotherapy. She also will be having
a bone marrow transplant soon. She has
sions must be submitted on FAA Form 3600-25, “FAA
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Donor’s Annual Leave
and/or Sick Leave Application (Within FAA).”
This form may be downloaded at the above website
address and found under section entitled, “Forms.” You
can also contact Human Resources to obtain forms.
Forms should be forwarded to Tara Price, VLTP Coordinator, Technical Center, Atlantic City Int’l Airport, NJ
08405, or faxed to Tara Price at 609-485-4669.
She can be reached at 609-485-4669. Your participation in the VLTP program is greatly appreciated.
exhausted all of her leave, and any donations of sick or annual leave would be
greatly appreciated. If you would like
to donate leave to Jessica, you can go
online to
ovltp or contact Tara Price at 609-4854669. Thank you very much!
Louise Ross, AJW-172, Support Services Team has been approved to participate in the Voluntary Leave Transfer
Program. Louise has returned to work,
however, due to extended treatments,
tests and doctors’ visit she has exhausted
all leave. Any leave donations would be
greatly appreciated. You can go online
to or
contact Tara Price at 609-485-4669.
Luis A. Camacho (ACT/AJE) has been
approved for participation in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. Under
heavy treatment since early July, Luis
has no additional leave and will be under
additional, simpler treatment for another
12 months. Any donation (annual leave,
use or use leave, or sick leave) will
be greatly appreciated. For fast processing please go to https://webapps.awp. to get donation processed.
Jonathan DeMario (AJP-7932), has
been approved for participation in the
Leave Donor Program. Jonathan (an
Environmental Engineer at the William
J. Hughes Technical Center) was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a rare
cancer making up only 1% of cancer
cases. Multiple Myeloma is a blood
cancer that effects the regeneration of
bone cells. The disease was determined
after Jon experienced renal failure and
the fracture of L4 vertebrae due to excessive pressure of a malignant tumor. This
disabled his regular movements such as
walking. Treatment includes radiation,
chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. Jon would appreciate any leave
donations from fellow FAA employees
during this difficult time. He is currently
responding to radiation and chemo.
He remains positive and upbeat.
Employees interested in donating leave
may submit their donations through the
On-line VLTP Intranet site located @
pe=donor&AppRecID=6129. In order
to donate leave on-line, it requires that
you have registered with the site. To
register for the site, please click on “Request Login” on the left and follow the
on-screen instructions. The system will
send you a temporary password and asks
to reset after you login.
NOTE: Donors must use a FAA Computer with Intranet access to donate leave
through this process. The donation process is not available through the Internet.
Any questions should be forwarded to
Tara Price (ACT-10) at 609-485-4669.
Your participation in the VLTP program
is greatly appreciated.
The leave donor program is authorized
to accept donations of annual leave, use
or lose leave, or sick leave.
Just wanted to take this opportunity to
thank my family and friends at the Technical Center for their kindness and support during the last 6 months of surgeries
and recovery. Your overwhelming concern and generosity has made a difficult
situation so much easier to endure. My
utmost gratitude goes out to all of you!
Most Sincerely,
Joann D’Ascenzo
Page 15
Car & Van Pool
Chuck Agava
Want 1rider/driver
Philadelphia or Cherry Hill
Aarti Baldora
Absecon train station
Any day shiftVoorhees, NJ
Want ride
Michael Bellopede
5-4435Club 3 – E. Collins Ave.
Want ride
Galloway, NJ
8:00 – 5:00
Atlantic Co.
Eduardo Colon-Madera
Want ride
Deptford Mall, West Deptford
8 - 5:30 pm
Cynthia Edmondson
Absecon Train Station
Want ride
or pickup in Magnolia
Any day shiftCounty residence: Camden
Lou Ezzie
or Deptfprd Mall
Bette Farber
Want/Share ride
Brick Park & Ride, Parkway exit 91
8 to 4:30 or 8:30 to 5 Mon-Fri
Richard Hall
Wissahickon Ave.
6:00 - 3:30Ventnor - Atlantic County
want ride
Jim L. Jones
Rt. 30, Evesham Rd.
8:00 - 4:30Magnolia
want rideCamden County
Robin Ladd
7:30 - 4:00
Want 1 rider
Forked River
Rest Stop
Ocean County
Larry Levy
6:00 – 4:30 M-T
Mon – Thurs or Tues – Fri
share ride
Sicklerville – Gloucester Twp
Wash. Twp., Williamstown
Bill Louthe
Want ride
7:00 – 3:30
Routes 47 & 9
or C.M.C.H.
c/o Al Rocks Cape May County
Edward McCarthy
(4-10 hrs M-Th)
Want rider/driver
Jason McGlynn
want ride
Atlantic City
Atlantic County
Mark Russo
7 – 4 or 5
seek ride
Post Office
Alex Santerian
6216Marlton, Rt. 73
7:30 - 4:00
or Atco, Rt. 30
want a rider
Ashok Shah
Gloucester City,
7:30 – 6:00 Mon - Thurs
Deptford Mall
want 1-3 riders
or en-route
or rideCamden County
Kristen Sooy
want ride/share
8:00 - 5:00
Mandeep Talwar
Anywhere from
Want Riders / Drivers
East Windsor
..6:30 – 4:00 M-F
Rt 206 Corridor to Rt. 30 Mercer Co.
Timothy Webb
want 2 riders
Deptford Mall
Westbury, W. Deptford
Anthony Young
7:30 - 4:00 M-F
need ride
5-8429Hammonton, Rt. 30
Jill Zodrow
5-4999TGI Fridays
8:00 – 4:30Turnersville, Gloucester
Car and Van Pool Information Form
Extension_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Want #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Would like Ride__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pick-up Point____________________________________________________________________________________________________
County of Residence
or Pick-up______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Send to Center News
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011
Join FAA Contractors
Single Executive Offices
All inclusive rent from $590 per month
Class A Space up to 18,000 sf
• Fiber Optics throughout
• On Site Property Management
• On Site Restaurants and more
1201 New Road, Linwood NJ
609-601-8009 ext 126
What’s the Number For…
There are many commonly called numbers that Tech Center employees may need to call throughout the day to get their work done. Here is a list of some
frequently called numbers, in an effort to make the job easier and boost productivity.
Air Shuttle 5-9812
Bus Shuttle 5-4888 Conference Room Scheduler 5-5555
Conference Bridge 5-6482
Credit Union 646-3339
Customer Support Store 5-5232
Mailroom 5-7878
Motor Fleet 5-6131 Security Operations Center 5-5303
Trouble Desk 5-4122