Dreamwriter Financial


Dreamwriter Financial
Abstract and Implementation Guide
4th Edition
As of Version: 2007.0828.1000
As of Version: 2007.0828.1000
Contact Information
This material remains the property of TSI Systemgroup Inc. and cannot be copied, modified, disclosed, or otherwise made avail‐
able or employed other than as intended by TSI Systemgroup Inc., without their express consent. TSI Systemgroup Inc. disclaims
all warranties with regard to this information, including all implied warranties or merchantability and fitness. In no event shall TSI
Systemgroup Inc. be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of
use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other tortuous actions, arising out of or in connection with
the use or performance of this information.
Text Symbols and Conventions
The following text conventions and symbols have been used through this document:
Menu items requiring user selection will be displayed in bold
face (ex: Click on the File menu).
Notes and tips will be highlighted with the “lightbulb” icon.
Newly updated or created information will be highlighted
with a “New” graphic.
Important, critical information will be displayed with the
“Alert” icon.
We welcome your comments regarding this document. If you have specific suggestions
or find any errors in this manual, please send your comments by e‐mail to the following
address: triforce@systemgroup.com.
What’s New?
The following improvements have been made since the last document release. Refer to
the corresponding sections for more information.
• Allow cut and paste of heading accounts that contain other heading accounts
without limitations
• Allow cut accounts from one range type (super heading) into another range type
• Allow heading accounts and range types to be added as needed
• New Shift plus the Up or Down arrow on the keyboard to select multiple accounts
• Original names and headings displayed after a rename has been done
• Dreamwriter captions now increased to a 50 character maximum
• New right mouse button menu options ‐ Expand all Range Types, Collapse all
Range Types, Expand Children and Collapse Children
• Testing now allowed without needing to save first
• New right mouse button options for Undo Last Rename, Undo Last Paste, Undo
Last Expand Children and Undo Last Collapse Children
• New right mouse button option for accounts called Contra Sign Redirect
Feature Overview
Dreamwriter is the ultimate financial statement report generator. It permits unlimited
and unparalleled user defined financial statement formats for different readers.
Dreamwriter is a presentation tool for financial information in varying levels of detail, dif‐
fering descriptive contexts, or different account type sub‐totaling depending upon where
accounts are moved, how account groups are expanded or collapsed, or how they are
Dreamwriter can be used by any senior manager or accountant. No accounting skills are
required to produce perfect financial statements every time.
Dreamwriter eliminates the need for Adjusting Journal Entries used to temporarily re‐
classify figures or the need for external tools to reformat the statements.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Interactive Design
Lightning fast interactive financial statement design.
No Accounting Skills
Designed for senior managers as well as accountants. System
guarantees integrity of financial reporting.
Multiple Presentations
Create, store, and maintain completely different financial state‐
ment formats for different readers, such as Managers, Bankers,
Auditors, Credit Organizations, Investors, and third party Lend‐
Unlimited Formats
Unlimited user defined formats for both Income Statement and
Balance Sheet.
User defined formats may be copied as a starting point for a
new format.
Tree Views
A new format starts with the appropriate chart segments in a
collapsible tree view.
Collapse/Expand Feature
Any account type or heading account may be collapsed or
expanded, providing varying levels of detail during the construc‐
tion of GL Master.
Optional Account Number Visibility
Two tree views are available ‐ with and without account num‐
bers visible. Provides visual clarity and distinction of Depart‐
ments‐Divisions, Profit Centers, Cost Centers.
Incremental Search
Incremental search in either tree view ‐ moves through the visi‐
ble list as you type.
Rename Any Object
Renaming of account types, headings, active, and inactive
Move Objects
Simple cut and paste to move accounts anywhere within the
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Cut and Paste Multiples
Ability to select multiple accounts for cut and paste.
Paste Options
Paste functions include paste over, paste under, and paste
Prevents user from moving account types inside other account
types. Headings are inserted in other headings without limita‐
Final output is always "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSI‐
Reports and Data Export Options
VReport, Microsoft Excel®, TriForce Report, Microsoft
Word®, PDF, HTML, XML.
Budget Support
Supports all budget functions including variance amounts and
Full range of accessibility options ‐ all design and edit options
are available through the keyboard or the right mouse button
Windows Navigation
Windows standard tree view navigation functions.
Resizable Designer
Resizable Dreamwriter format designer.
Tight GL Integration
Interactive GL Account Master Maintenance with format
GL Account Master changes inherited by predefined formats.
Interactive Inquiries
Any GL or general inquiry can be performed while in the
Global System Functions
Perform any action including Adjusting Journal Entries while in
the designer.
Interactive Test
Interactively test any report format using different design sce‐
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
1. GL Accounts ................................................................................................................ 9
1. 1 Design Considerations................................................................................ 9
1. 2 Heading Accounts....................................................................................... 9
1. 3 Heading Account Tips............................................................................... 10
1. 4 GL Account Maintenance ......................................................................... 11
2. ................................................................................... Financial Statement Designer 12
2. 1 Initiating a Format .................................................................................... 13
2. 2 Dreamwriter Output in French................................................................. 17
2. 3 Designer Menu ‐ Initial Menu Options ..................................................... 18
2. 4 ............................................. Designer Menu ‐ Interactive Menu Options 20
2. 5 Designer Menu ‐ View Mode.................................................................... 21
2. 6 Format Editing Options ............................................................................ 22
2. 7 Navigating and Formatting Options ......................................................... 23
2. 8 Designer Object Move Options ................................................................ 24
2. 9 Multiple Hierarchies ................................................................................. 26
3. Income Statement .................................................................................................... 26
4. Balance Sheet ........................................................................................................... 28
5. ................................................................................................ Dreamwriter Reports 29
5. 1 Departmental Reporting .......................................................................... 32
5. 2 Dreamwriter Audit Options...................................................................... 33
5. 3 Dreamwriter Format Audit....................................................................... 35
5. 4 Account Type Output Style Setup ............................................................ 36
5. 5 Account Type Upper Case Output Examples............................................ 37
5. 6 Unusual and Extraordinary Items............................................................. 38
6. GL Account Number Modifications .......................................................................... 39
7. Reporting in Alternate Currencies ............................................................................ 41
8. System Integrity ....................................................................................................... 41
9. Consolidated Statements ......................................................................................... 42
List of Figures
1: GL Account Master................................................................................................................................... 9
2: Heading and subtotal heading accounts ................................................................................................ 10
3: General Accounting menu...................................................................................................................... 12
4: Dreamwriter Financial Statement Designer........................................................................................... 13
5: Expanded tree‐view showing full account list........................................................................................ 14
6: Right mouse button menu ..................................................................................................................... 16
7: Before and after language change ......................................................................................................... 18
8: View Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 21
9: Sub‐account numbers hidden and displayed using the View option ..................................................... 22
10: Editing options available ...................................................................................................................... 22
11: Multiple hierarchies ............................................................................................................................. 26
12: Sample formats .................................................................................................................................... 28
13: Sample formats .................................................................................................................................... 29
14: Periodic Dashboard .............................................................................................................................. 29
15: Income Statement format selection .................................................................................................... 30
16: Income Statement with format selected ............................................................................................. 30
17: Income Statement template ................................................................................................................ 31
18: Example of Balance Sheet List View..................................................................................................... 31
19: Balance sheet with format selected..................................................................................................... 32
20: Balance sheet template........................................................................................................................ 32
21: Hide Dreamwriter details ..................................................................................................................... 33
22: Show and hide features ....................................................................................................................... 33
23: Sample report showing only heading accounts ................................................................................... 34
24: Show account numbers and details option.......................................................................................... 34
25: Sample report showing heading and underlying accounts .................................................................. 35
26: Dreamwriter Format Audit window..................................................................................................... 35
27: Visible and hidden account details....................................................................................................... 36
28: Example of account type and range setup where title case is used .................................................... 36
29: GL Setup 0545 to convert to upper case.............................................................................................. 37
30: Extraordinary Items in the GL .............................................................................................................. 38
31: Extraordinary Items in the designer window ....................................................................................... 38
32: Change GL Account Numbers option ................................................................................................... 39
33: Irregularity message when running a report ....................................................................................... 41
GL Accounts
1. GL Accounts
1. 1 Design Considerations
The GL Account Master has a composite GL account number that is represented by a
short ID consisting of 5 numbers followed by an optional hyphen and a 2 digit alpha‐
numeric department (Division, Profit Center, Cost Center) number (nnnnn‐nn) that is
used in various reports. When adding a new account number, accounts appear on stan‐
dard financial statements in numerical order according to their account number. No such
limitations exist within Dreamwriter formats however: accounts can be subsequently
sequenced or moved at the user's discretion ‐ and can be distinct for each defined for‐
In the GL Account Master, the assigned number must be within the range (preset in
Setup/Company Financial/GL Account Ranges menu point) for a specific account type.
This provides appropriate logic for standard reporting and system wide range checking.
In this example, the account number assigned to Cash (Current Assets) must be between
10000 and 15999. The system can then format standard financial statements automati‐
cally, relieving the user of design considerations where no special needs exist.
Figure 1: GL Account Master
1. 2 Heading Accounts
When adding new heading accounts to the Chart of Accounts always be careful to ensure
that the heading accounts are balanced. That is, every account group should have a
heading account with a description at the start of its pre‐defined range and a sub‐total
heading account (with no description) at the end of the range. In the following example,
the heading account (called Cash) at the start of the pre‐defined range is 10000‐00 and
the heading account at the end of the range is 10399‐00. A descriptive heading account
means start sub‐total; a blank heading account means end sub‐total.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
GL Accounts
In this document we refer to any heading pair and its accounts as an Account Group.
Figure 2: Heading and subtotal heading accounts
Heading accounts can now be added directly in Dreamwriter. When a heading is
added in Dreamwriter it is not linked to the GL. This new option allows you to
spontaneously add a heading when you need to group accounts.
1. 3 Heading Account Tips
• Capitalize heading accounts
It is good practice to capitalize heading accounts and to use title or sentence case for
active or inactive accounts. This provides an easy visual reference for GL Master mainte‐
nance and reports. It will also provide quick visual clues, within Dreamwriter, if heading
accounts have been set up improperly; that is, if the heading account does not respond
as a tree view but looks and acts like a standard account.
• Use account groupings liberally
Use heading (account) groups as much as possible. This yields more flexibility in standard
reporting, which globally provides summaries at the heading level or the full display of
details. Account groupings provide considerably more flexibility in Dreamwriter, which
provides any combination of roll‐up and detail on various account groups.
A heading account is a descriptive heading for a group of active or inactive
accounts or a combination of both. A descriptive heading account must
always be followed by a heading account with a blank description, which
will produce a sub‐total.
The user cannot post directly to a heading account. A heading account will
have an H in the Status field.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
GL Accounts
Token heading account pairs can be created in the GL Account Master for
use in Dreamwriter formats and named within the format as the need
arises. These heading accounts will not impact standard reports as, by
default, they will not contain any accounts in their natural layout.
Think of a Dreamwriter format as a related but separate copy of your Chart
of Accounts. Dreamwriter allows you to re‐organize your chart for a partic‐
ular report.
Dreamwriter requires no extra setup consideration when constructing the
Chart of Accounts; it can be used without forethought other than proper
chart integrity. You do not need to modify your GL Account Master before
using Dreamwriter; however it is recommended that you run the Chart of
Account Design report (see System Integrity on page 41) to ensure Chart
1. 4 GL Account Maintenance
During the course of designing various Dreamwriter formats, the need will probably arise
to add, delete, rename, and perform status changes on various accounts. Some changes
must be performed in the GL Account Master and other changes may be useful only for
certain Dreamwriter formats.
Any heading account pair can be deleted at any time. If a temporary or per‐
manent de‐activation of a group of accounts is required, it is strongly rec‐
ommended that both heading accounts remain as heading accounts. De‐
activating unneeded heading accounts that may be re‐used inhibits visibil‐
ity and flexibility within Dreamwriter.
If a group of inactive accounts have no activity or balances then neither
they, nor their heading accounts will print on financial statements.
Changes that must be made to Account Type Ranges:
Any realignment of account type ranges or primary renaming of account types must be
done in Setup/Company Financial/GL Account Ranges. See the Financial Statement
Designer on page 12 for more details.
Changes that must be made in the GL Account Master:
• Adding new heading accounts or active/inactive accounts
• Deleting any account
• Changing the status of any account
• Renaming an account where the desired effect is to alter the default account
description when starting new Dreamwriter formats or to alter the account
description within a Dreamwriter format already created ‐ if the account has not
already been renamed within the format.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
See the Financial Statement Designer on page page 12 for more details.
The system will prevent a status change from an active/inactive account to
a heading account if the account contains any prior activity. Accounts also
cannot be deleted if it contains any prior activity.
Changes that may be made within a Dreamwriter format:
• Placement of any account within the format (example: Move Bank from Current
Assets to Current Liabilities)
• Renaming of an account or range type explicitly for a format
• Suppression or expansion of all accounts within an account type
• Suppression or expansion of any account group (heading group)
• Extraction of accounts from within an account group
• Relocation of non‐grouped accounts to be imbedded within account groups
• Nested heading accounts
• New Contra Sign Redirect option now available in the account right
mouse button menu. If, for example, the asset account Cash is in an over‐
draft position, Dreamwriter can redirect it to a liabilities account such as
Bank Overdraft (it must be already created in the GL Account Master). To do so,
select the account, right click and select Contra Sign Redirect. Select the redirect
account and click on Select. Save the changes.
2. Financial Statement Designer
Standard financial reporting supports only 3 global report variations on summarization
• Summarize on account type or
• Suppress details within heading account groups or
• Show all details
Dreamwriter permits varying levels of detail for maximum flexibility. All three summari‐
zation levels and nested heading accounts can exist in one Dreamwriter format.
Dreamwriter has one menu access point for format control. All financial statement for‐
mats for both Income Statements and Balance Sheets are accessed through the Master/
General Accounting/Dreamwriter menu access point:
Figure 3: General Accounting menu
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Initial access provides the following view:
Figure 4: Dreamwriter Financial Statement Designer
2. 1 Initiating a Format
To begin a new format, select either Income Statement or Balance Sheet in the left for‐
mat window:
There are five ways to add a new format:
• Select Add from the toolbar
• Select Add from the menu
• Click on Add
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
• Press Ctrl‐N on the keyboard
• Select Add & Copy to copy another format
Depending on the format type, a dialog box will open to name the new format:
Enter the name of the new Income Statement or Balance sheet and click on OK.
2. 1. 1 Default Format
As soon as a format has been named, the full account list for either Income Statement or
Balance Sheet is automatically presented in an expanded tree view in the right design
window. The type and name of the format are visible at the top of that window:
Figure 5: Expanded tree‐view showing full account list
• Account types will always be in bold face
• +/‐ sign indicates groupings that are collapsible or expandable
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
• Inactive accounts will always be visible, but will be low‐lit
2. 1. 2 Format Menu
If the left format window has the focus the following menu buttons will be active:
Generally an automatic refresh is made to Dreamwriter formats
when a Dreamwriter session is active, whether the GL Master is
called from Dreamwriter or from the menu. This button may be
required to refresh a format when returning from GL Account Mas‐
ter Maintenance after performing any of the following:
• Adding new heading accounts or active/inactive accounts.
• Deleting any account.
• Changing the status to any account.
• Renaming an account where the desired effect is to alter the
default account description when starting new Dreamwriter
formats or to alter the account description within a Dream‐
writer format already created ‐ if the account has not already
been renamed within the format.
• Using the GL Account Key change procedure to assign new
account numbers.
Test Report
Select to test the report format that has been selected. All report
options are available. For more information, refer to Dreamwriter
Reports on page 29.
GL Accounts
Access the GL Account Master to perform any maintenance or
inquiry functions.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Add a new custom report format.
Add & Copy
Create a new report based on an existing format.
Exit the Dreamwriter Financial Statement Designer and return to the
TriForce menu.
2. 1. 3 Format Menu - Delete Options
The following Delete options are available through the right mouse button menu or the
context key:
Figure 6: Right mouse button menu
To delete a format:
1. Select the format or formats you wish to delete.
2. Right click and select Delete or Delete All.
3. Confirm your decision.
Deletes the selected format. The Delete function is also avail‐
able on the menu toolbar. You will be asked to confirm your
Delete All
Deletes all custom report formats. You will be asked to con‐
firm your decision.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
2. 1. 4 Renaming a Format
A format may be renamed at any time by selecting the format in the left format window
and by using the right mouse button menu or the context key and selecting Rename.
The following dialog box will open:
Enter the new name and click on OK.
All Dreamwriter captions have now been increased to a 50 character maximum
The right mouse button menu now offers a new option called Undo Last
2. 2 Dreamwriter Output in French
The language may be changed at any time by using the right mouse button menu or the
context key and selecting Change to French from either the format or designer window.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Figure 7: Before and after language change
2. 3 Designer Menu - Initial Menu Options
When the design window has the initial focus the menu will look like this:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Four keys appear:
Collapse All Range
Collapses a range type. Saves time since there is no
need to collapse each range type individually. Provides
a more consolidated view of the design window and its
Expand All Range
Expands a range type to view all accounts under that
Renames account types, heading accounts, and active/
inactive accounts within the format.
Allows an alternate view of the account listing. See
Designer Menu ‐ View Mode on page 21 for more
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Once a range type, heading account, or active/inactive account has been
renamed within a custom format, any changes made to descriptions in
Account Range Setup or the GL Account Master will not synchronize to
defined formats. Renaming any descriptive title within a format detaches
that title from the synchronization process, thereby preserving the for‐
mat's integrity.
2. 4 Designer Menu - Interactive Menu Options
Once any changes have been made to a format layout, the menu options change as fol‐
Two new buttons become active; the Refresh and GL Accounts buttons are disabled
while in active design mode:
The Test button now remains active. There is no need to save before testing.
Cancel all changes
Cancels any changes made during the current editing
session up to the last time the format was saved.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Saves all changes made during the current editing ses‐
2. 5 Designer Menu - View Mode
View mode displays all account numbers and is useful when there are sub‐accounts
delineating Departments ‐ Divisions, Profit Centers, and Cost Centers. This is especially
true when descriptive titles are the same for a group of accounts, with the only distinc‐
tion being the sub‐account number. This is common when using the Replicate function
for the automatic generation of accounts for a new Department.
In this and previous examples there is a clear distinction between various departments:
Figure 8: View Mode
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
But in the following example, where the Replicate sub‐account function has been used
without a subsequent clarification to descriptions, the alternate view is an essential tool:
Figure 9: Sub‐account numbers hidden and displayed using the View option
2. 6 Format Editing Options
When the design window has the focus, all editing options are available through the right
mouse button menu or toolbar:
Figure 10: Editing options available
Rename is used to rename account types, heading accounts, and active/inactive
accounts. Once a descriptive title is renamed within a format, the title is detached from
synchronization with the GL Account Master or other setups.
The Rename function opens a dialog box:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
All Dreamwriter captions have now been increased to a 50 character maximum.
After a rename, the original name of accounts and headings is shown at the bot‐
tom of the window.
When a format, which contains renamed accounts or account types, is the
root for a new format that has been started with Add & Copy, the renamed
objects will be copied as is.
2. 7 Navigating and Formatting Options
The following table lists the options available to move between the format window and
the design window and its menu, or to use the tree view navigation functions. Either the
keyboard or the mouse can be used to perform any task:
Format Window
Format Type
+ or ‐ Expands or Collapses all related formats
or or toggle Expands/Collapses formats
Tab moves to Design Window‐first format
Format Window
Format Title
Tab moves to Design Window for selected for‐
Format Window
Any Position
Format Window
Any keystrokes
Interactive Incremental Search through visible
Design Window
Any Position
Shift‐Tab moves to format title in Format Win‐
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
moves through format types and for‐
Financial Statement Designer
Design Window
Any + or ‐
+ or ‐ Expands or Collapses Range Type or
or or toggle Expands/Collapses formats
New options in the right mouse button
menu allow you to expand or collapse
all Range Types and all children (sub‐
Design Window
Any Position
moves through account types and
Design Window
Any keystrokes
Interactive Incremental Search through visible
Design Window
Any Position
Tab moves to and then cycles through the
Designer menu, and then to the Format win‐
These are the rules governing expanding and collapsing account type or heading groups:
• An account type can be expanded or collapsed
• A heading account group can be expanded or collapsed
• Account types can be a mixture of expanded and collapsed
• Heading account groups can be a mixture of expanded and collapsed
• What you see in the design window is what you will get on the report
2. 8 Designer Object Move Options
The following table lists the available move functions for all visible objects and the
implicit move of invisible heading sub‐total accounts. Either the keyboard or the mouse
can be used to perform any task:
Account Type
Selects and highlights entire account type;
includes all subordinate accounts.
Heading Account
Selects and highlights entire heading account
group; includes all subordinate accounts.
Active or Inactive
Selects and highlights individual account.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Financial Statement Designer
Multiple account
Shift plus Up/Down Arrow on the key‐
board selects multiple accounts.
(Cannot include
account type or
heading accounts)
Any object that has
been cut
Paste Over
Select target position; cut objects will be pasted
above the target.
Any object that has
been cut
Select target position; cut objects will be pasted
below the target.
Heading Accounts
that have been cut
Paste In
Select target account type or heading account;
account group will be pasted to the bottom of
selected target.
New right mouse button menu options
offers Add Heading Over and Add
Heading Under.
Active or Inactive
accounts that have
been cut
Paste In
Select target account type or heading account;
account will be pasted to the bottom of
selected group.
New options now allow you to cut and paste heading accounts that contain
other heading accounts. Additionally, you may also cut and paste a range type
into another range type.
These are the basic rules governing cut and paste operations:
• A range type cannot be pasted within another range type
• A heading account group can be pasted within another heading group
without limitations
• Account types can be re‐sequenced
• Individual accounts outside of a heading group can be cut and pasted into any
heading group
• Any account originating within a heading group can be moved outside a group or
to another group
• Account groups, or range types, now can be added spontaneously using
the right mouse button menu and the options Add Range Type Over and
Add Range Type Under
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Income Statement
2. 9 Multiple Hierarchies
Heading accounts can be pasted within heading accounts without limitations. This allows
for sub‐totaling on different levels. With multiple hierarchies, the rules governing
expanding and collapsing and cut and paste still apply.
Figure 11: Multiple hierarchies
Heading accounts can now be added spontaneously through the right mouse
button menu. You can add new headings:
• Right click on the range type and select Add Heading In. Enter the new heading
name and click on OK.
• Right click on the heading account and select Add Heading Over or Add Heading
Under. Enter the new heading name and click on OK.
• Right click on the account and select Add Heading Over or Add Heading Under.
Enter the new heading name and click on OK.
Headings added through the right mouse button menu are not directly linked to the GL.
Add new headings when you need to group items.
3. Income Statement
Income Statement formats will initialize based on the GL Account Types (or Groups) high‐
lighted in the following table:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Income Statement
Type K and Type L (Other Revenue) accounts will calculate below the Gross Profit line as
they are both intended as Other Income classifications, to be used for non‐operating rev‐
Type T and U are reserved for Unusual and Extraordinary Items. They will have a blank
account range by default. Shortening the Income Tax outer range will provide ample
room to accommodate these two ranges.
Unusual Items appear before the Provision for Income Tax on your Income Statements.
Extraordinary Items appear after the Provision for Income Tax on your Income State‐
Some users export data to Excel® worksheets to manipulate the data and produce their
desired financial statements. These two ranges are provided so that Dreamwriter can be
used as the final financial statement preparation tool.
Dreamwriter maintains the sign for any dollar amount regardless of the individual
account positions within any format. For example, a credit balance on an Expense
account, initially positioned in Expenses, and subsequently moved to Revenue, will main‐
tain its credit balance. Based on normal output formatting, the Credit balance will drop
its negative sign when repositioned to Revenue. All calculations will be correct.
Dreamwriter eliminates the need for Adjusting Journal Entries to temporarily re‐classify
figures or the need for external tools to reformat the statements. Various formats can be
tailored for different readers; titular examples are shown in the following illustration:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Balance Sheet
Figure 12: Sample formats
4. Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet formats will initialize based on the GL Account Types (or Groups) high‐
lighted in the following table:
Dreamwriter maintains the sign for any dollar amount regardless of the individual
account positions within any format. For example, a credit balance on a bank account,
initially positioned in Current Assets and moved to Current Liabilities, will maintain its
credit balance. Based on normal output formatting, the credit balance will drop its nega‐
tive sign when repositioned to Current Liabilities. All calculations will be correct.
Dreamwriter eliminates the need for Adjusting Journal Entries to temporarily re‐classify
figures or the need for external tools to reformat the statements. An example would be
the need to move Unearned or Deferred Income out of Accounts Payable & Accrued Lia‐
bilities to stand on its own for visibility requirements for calculations of Tax on Capital ‐
without exposing more detail than is required for that group of accounts.
Various formats can be tailored for different readers; titular examples are shown in the
following illustration:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 13: Sample formats
5. Dreamwriter Reports
Dreamwriter report formats may be run interactively from within the designer, from the
Periodic Dashboard or from the Report Menu (Reports/General Ledge/Financials).
Figure 14: Periodic Dashboard
When a report format is accessed from within the designer, the system bypasses the for‐
mat selection List View and skips to the format style List View.
If no format has the focus within the designer, the system will prompt for a format within
the format selection List View as if starting from the Dreamwriter Reports menu entry
If accessed through the menu, or when no format has the focus within the designer, the
Income Statement format selection List View will look something like the following
graphic. Default is a standard format:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 15: Income Statement format selection
When a format is selected, the style selection List View will look like this:
Figure 16: Income Statement with format selected
And upon selection will present the following template:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 17: Income Statement template
The Balance Sheet List View will look something like the following graphic. Default is a
standard format:
Figure 18: Example of Balance Sheet List View
When a format is selected, the style selection List View will look like this:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 19: Balance sheet with format selected
And upon selection will present the following template:
Figure 20: Balance sheet template
5. 1 Departmental Reporting
Pre‐defined horizontal (cross‐tab) and vertical department Income Statement formats
are not supported by Dreamwriter because the designs would be contradictory.
Dreamwriter provides full support for individual department (Division, Profit Center, and
Cost Center) reporting.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
5. 2 Dreamwriter Audit Options
Dreamwriter contains some audit functions that allow the user to show or hide all hidden
account details and account numbers. These two options can be used simultaneously or
independent of one another.
When confirming Hide Dreamwriter Details on the template (which is the default), what
you see in the design window is what you will get on the report.
Figure 21: Hide Dreamwriter details
Figure 22: Show and hide features
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
The following example illustrates the "what you see in the design window is what you
will get on the report" concept. In the design window under the Sales & Support Revenue
Account Type, all the heading account groups are collapsed. Therefore the corresponding
report will display only the heading account groups and not any underlying accounts.
Figure 23: Sample report showing only heading accounts
The Show Dreamwriter details option displays all hidden account details. Account num‐
bers can be displayed by selecting Show for Account Numbers.
Figure 24: Show account numbers and details option
The following example illustrates the audit functions of Dreamwriter. In the design win‐
dow under the Sales & Support Revenue account type, all the heading account groups
are collapsed. The audit capabilities of Dreamwriter allow the user to view all hidden
account details within the collapsed heading account groups.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 25: Sample report showing heading and underlying accounts
5. 3 Dreamwriter Format Audit
Auditing a Dreamwriter format can also be accomplished by selecting the menu point
Report/General Ledger/Master/Dreamwriter Format Audit.
Figure 26: Dreamwriter Format Audit window
The following example displays all visible and hidden accounts details in the Dreamwriter
design window.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 27: Visible and hidden account details
5. 4 Account Type Output Style Setup
Account Types or range headings, also known as super‐headings, can be set up as title or
sentence case but output as all upper case based on a setup found in Change Setup ‐ GL
Setups, ID 0545.
Figure 28: Example of account type and range setup where title case is used
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
Figure 29: GL Setup 0545 to convert to upper case
5. 5 Account Type Upper Case Output Examples
In the Dreamwriter designer, the account types will be formatted exactly as Account
Type and Range setup:
But based on GL Setup 0545 set to Yes, it will output in upper case as follows:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Dreamwriter Reports
5. 6 Unusual and Extraordinary Items
Unusual and Extraordinary Items are nonrecurring and infrequent in nature. This may
include unexpected natural disasters, expropriation, and prohibitions under new regula‐
tions. These irregular items are reported separately allowing users to better predict
future cash flow ‐ irregular items will most likely not happen next year.
Figure 30: Extraordinary Items in the GL
Figure 31: Extraordinary Items in the designer window
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
GL Account Number Modifications
6. GL Account Number Modifications
GL Account Numbers can be moved across GL Ranges using the Change GL Account Num‐
bers option found under Support/System Integrity/Data Alignment Company Locked
Figure 32: Change GL Account Numbers option
To change a GL account number:
1. Select Data Alignment Company Locked Options from the System Integrity Dashboard
(Support/System Integrity/Data Alignment Company Locked Options).
2. Select Change GL Account Numbers and click on Select.
3. Select Edit and make the changes.
4. Click on Proceed to continue with the GL Account changes.
No other users should be logged on to the system when changing GL
Account Numbers.
An example of changing account 40300‐20 to 50100‐10:
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
GL Account Number Modifications
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Reporting in Alternate Currencies
7. Reporting in Alternate Currencies
All conversions to other currencies will be a report function only. All conversions will be
dynamic based on runtime conditions. Other currencies are those defined as non‐native,
with rate definitions stored in the Foreign Exchange Master.
If, for example, you need to produce financial statements, for your Canadian Corpora‐
tion, in US Dollars (or any other currency) for a lender, this would be accomplished
through simple translation, with the effective translation rate as at the Income State‐
ment or Balance Sheet date.
Refer to the Foreign Exchange Manager documentation for full instructions on proper
implementation and details on the automated Foreign Exchange Subscription.
8. System Integrity
Changes to the GL Account Master are synchronized so that new accounts are imbedded
in pre‐defined formats based on logical placement within the revised account hierarchy.
It is important to review pre‐defined formats to ensure your satisfaction with the place‐
ment of new accounts.
Before using Dreamwriter, run the Chart of Accounts design report to ensure that you
have properly balanced heading accounts. The system will advise you of any irregularities
so that you can amend your account structure. Errors will look like this:
Figure 33: Irregularity message when running a report
The report can be found in Report/General Ledger/Master/Chart of Accounts Design.
GL Account number changes will be synchronized with Dreamwriter formats; the re‐
numbered account will remain in the same relative position as you had previously
To run the Chart of Accounts Design report:
1. Select Chart of Accounts Design from the General Ledger option under the Report
menu (Report/General Ledger/Chart of Accounts Design).
2. Select the Chart of Accounts report that you wish to run and click on Select.
3. Enter the Account Number ranges and Account range type codes and click on Confirm.
4. Select the output options and click on OK.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Consolidated Statements
9. Consolidated Statements
All Dreamwriter functions are available to the General Ledger Consolidation System. The
flexibility provided will significantly reduce the need for Adjusting Journal Entries to the
consolidated journal.
Dreamwriter Implementation Guide
Account Group 10
Account Range Setup 20
Account Type Output Style Setup 36
Account Type Upper Case Output Examples 37
Add 16
Add & Copy 16
Balance Sheet 28
Change to French 17
Collapse All Range Type 19
Consolidated Statements 42
Contra Sign Redirect 12
Default Format 14
Departmental Reporting 32
Designer Menu ‐ Initial Menu Options 18
Designer Menu ‐ Interactive Menu Options 20
Designer Menu ‐ View Mode 21
Designer Object Move Options 24
Dreamwriter Audit Options 33
Dreamwriter Format Audit 35
Dreamwriter Output in French 17
Dreamwriter Reports 29
Income Statement 26
Initiating a Format 13
Multiple Hierarchies 26
Navigating and Formatting Options 23
Quit 16
Refresh 15
Rename 19
Renaming a Format 17
Replicate 21
Reporting in Alternate Currencies 40
Sample formats 28
System Integrity 41
Test 20
Test Report 15
Undo Last Rename 17
Unusual and Extraordinary Items 27, 38
View 19
Expand All Range Types 19
Financial Statement Designer 12
Format Editing Options 22
Format Menu 15
Format Menu ‐ Delete Options 16
GL Account Maintenance 11
GL Account Master 9, 11
GL Account Number Modifications 39
GL Accounts 15
heading account 10
Heading Accounts 9