KNIFE SHARPENER INSTRUCTI0N MANUAL FR0NT sTONE H○ LDER ST¤ NE ARM BACK ST0Ⅲ E HOLDER PIV0T “ Τ — BLADE STOP ο B N K BLADE TABLE -UIDE LOCH -PIVOT ROD LOC阝 》 UNIVERSAL BALL 艹 SUPPORTING BAR 〓 1刂 』犭 J男 豇 臼■ ■ ■ ■ TABLΞ 0厂 CoⅣ TfN丁 s set Up Instructions.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…… … ・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ I 。 ¨¨¨¨∶ ・ …¨¨∴。 ¨。.∶ 。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨Ⅱ How to Change stones.¨ ∶ set the sharpening Angles。 ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨ ¨.. 2 1・ set the Knife Guide。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・4 operating InstruGtions.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ・・ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………5 Finishing the Edge(sharpening steels)¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………¨9 short|Blades。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨…………¨ 10 HoIlow Ground/sport Knives,¨ … … … … ¨ … … … … … J0 Guide CⅡ p¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・11 Thinning the Blade(Double Edges)¨ ¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨・11 Sharpening serrated Edges。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨…… 12 sharpening Without scratching the Blade.¨ ¨¨¨………… 12 The U⒒ imate Edge。 … ¨… ¨… ¨・… ¨・……… ¨… ¨… ¨… ¨J2 Painters Tape。 ¨J reGoⅡ "nend keeping a clean piece of Painters Tape on the end ofthe BLADE TABLE。 It helps to keep fronl scΓ atching the blade。 There is:uore on this on page12。 It aIso keeps you fron1cutting into the end of the BLADE TABLE,wh"e you are learning to use the machine。 It is not noticeable if the stone cuts into the plastic, but you can easily see when you hit the tape because the tape turns frorn blue to bIack。 ■sf丁 Up`Ns丁RUC丁 (ThC Parts ofthe APEX arc rcfcrrcd to in CAPITAL LETTERs) `oNs Place thc suction mount on a n刂 surface(smearing a Ⅱttle water on the botton△ ofthe p1astic surface he1p sti0king bettcr),thCn nip back joystick。 2.A(巧 ust the。 nivcrsal ball direction to thc back of the supporting bar and tighten the1ock button. PIV0T SHAFT HOLE SUPPORING BAR HOLE Inscrt The pivotrod(short stainless steel rod)into the ho1e,tighten the knob when color mark facing the operator。 4. C)B a couple ofturns counterTo change stones,turn the K小 σ cIockwise.Grasp the sT0NE ARM,with one sToNE ooLDER in each hand。 PuH the FRoNT sTONE HOLDER untilthe sTONE snaps free,and sⅡ dethe sTONE outsideways.sⅡ deanew sTONEin and tig11tcn the KNoB伍 rm!y,犭 zrr″ or乃 夕 'd 5. To attachthe sTONE ARM tothe MACHINE,turn the PIVoT so that the LOCK KNOB is on yourright.sⅡ dethe PIVOT Onto the PIVoT sHAFT. ■5E丁 丁HE sH厶 RpfN`NC^NCLE set the sTONE ARM so that the desired ANGLE INDICATOR MARK is showingjust above the PIVoT. A。 Basic Method for setting the AⅡ gIe 10° B1ue 15° Ye11¤甲 THIⅢ BLADEs Kitchen、 Fish & Ⅱeat Kniˇ es THICK BLADES 20° Green THIN BLADEs Ⅱunting、 pOcket & sporting knives B。 25° Red 30° B1aGk THICK BLADEs EXact VIethod for sett∶ Ⅱg the AⅡ gle 1. sTART at15° (the RED MARK)Do Nots勿 crpε 刀at15° unless you0re sharpening a roast boef slicer or Very thin Gookin也 knife。 Y。 u always wantto starHoWer than the beveI on the knife.Very fe、 v knives are factory sharpened lower than15° . 2.0ut s° me ink on the edge beve1with a ma鲈 c marker. Do not wetthe sToNE。 stroke the sToNE vgry Ⅱghtly acrossthe edge ofthe bl。 de.Novr you can see Where the stone is cutting・ in re1ation to the bevel ofthe knife。 Proceed as follows∶ E× AMPLL l¨ s】 one loolow 引 品 蝌 骗 跗 △ 亻 J艹 ” =邳 “萤茁扌△脚 嘤 稷 浞 1妒 scI丨 ooIow 龈 引资 烈 ROise P:VC冫 I ¤nd re9esl ΓDGL BLVt: EXAMPLE2-Co″ eCI Ⅱ¨ 卩″ f七 sTON「 renη ove、 1 o1ong fη osl of"、 "1c"’ O BLV∶ =显 E× AMPIF3 1 Anglo isjvsl righ1. shorpen¤ 9】 his on91o sk)r、 eIoo h∶ gh 屮 F^ 艹 犭黯患Ⅱ :∶ 艹¢莎 ∽i艹 ∴ ge d 憷巴占 ε 捉遛.∞ ↓ 吕1埤肾⒃Ⅱ止 :忑 浴 步占 ■sE丁 丁Hf KN'FE CU`Df Position the blade so thatthe narrowest part ofthe blade is paralleI to and just ovcrthe end ofthe BLADE TABLE,positi。 n the GVIDE againstthe back of饣 h。 blade and tighten the GUIDE LOcK, ⒎'YOu want as much ofthe blade as possible resting on the BLADE 〃 `″ TABLE,b。 you do not wantthe stone to outinto the end ofthe BLADE J‘ TABLE as you sharpen. H1N:r∶ start with your larger knives-— they are easier to hold, TABLE 〃 ” Keep the portion of thρ edge,that you are sharpenIng,paralleI to the front ofthe guide as ΥoV draw tho bIade across the BLADE TABLE. `〃 4 ■ opER^TfNC`Ns7RUC丁 oVERVIEW ofhow the ARl`/【 `oNs maG⒒ ine works∶ With one hand you movethe sToNE forward and back。 With the other hand,you draw the knife blade under the:noving stone9keeping the portion ofthe edge that you are sharpening p。 rhllcl to the fro1tofthe GuIDE,This takes some practice.At fIrst you wⅡ l hold the knife tightsr than necessary,But as you get comfortable,try to relax your ha艹 ds.YOu only need a smalI扌 mount ofpressure on the back ofthe knife blade to keep itlocked into the KNIFE GUIDE,and little pressure on the stone to getit to cut.YouCanleavetheGUIDECLIPOnifitisnotinthρ 1.Wet the CIot1aⅡ d ri△ g【 t out。 Way. Wet the stome,Withthe sTONE ARM o thatthe watef mns away from the P1VQT,Wipe off offto the side β excess watcr, 2, hc bIade oh the BLADE TABLE with the knife handIe against PositioⅡ ‘ the:uachine and the。dge para11elto the front ofthe GUIDE. the way Place the sTONE On the edge ofthe knife,Pul1the knob aⅡ toWard you,and sⅡ de the sToNE overto the HEEL ofthe bIadc, 4, The stroke:Push the sToNE ARM forward and atthe same timeIet h sⅡ de to the opposite side ofthc BLADE TABLE(diagonal motion) PULL thc sToNE ARM bac巛 to the starting position along the same path,Apply just enρ ugh pressure to get the stone to cut,Most ofthe sharpening is done on the push stroke.Dρ ' puⅡ n ・ 艹t pick the sT()NE up onthe stroke,just let it sIide on the edge,Make smooth,long,slow strokes so youjust bump the stops gent1y,Hold the KNOB Ioosein your hand so itis fFee to foltow the shapc ofthe knife blade,Letthe sToNB slide from side Ι o side in a straight line,DO not:nove in oircles,as it wilI concen-rate all the sharpening in on廴 y one area ofthe EDGE. CUIDE tABLE <''t '一 亻 HEEL- sto NE ARM \ sT0P fFf丿 Ⅴ了: l'ar旦 cr knives岔 rC C“ sicr to l、 old ∷∷ than sn1all onCs,so thCy a帅 bcs11o1carn on. ′ Ⅱ u1c kn。 b cOmcs loosc during 、 o `f乃 R∶ R芒 .you aFc prob饺 b1y hQldi⒔ 垡 sha¢ V丁 : i、 l岳 :l\灬 {lF;::Jr状 %‰ l【 打鞋 gⅥ pe。 fthc hhdt’ .Ifi1雨 ll⑴ m唠 lo灬 C∶ J必 Ⅱn山 c klllbb a Ⅱnk∮ 酗tcr・ Asthe blade moves acrossthc BLADE wantthe edgc to remain paraⅡ elto the en-ofthc BLADE TABLE. 7 :,嘿 J紫 瑟 拭 i罴 }弘 扌 苫 T丨 the TIP ofthe blade.If you have tfoub1e∞ 每 玉 蓝 ntroⅢ ng the atthe TiP o空 the blade,sharpenjust on the FORWΛ r土 E ARM To灬 β i斩 h∶ RD s订 oke,and Ⅱft the sTONE ARM offthe blade on th0AFT stroke,Make sure the Tr is direcuy ovcrthe cOrnCr ofthe BLADE TABLE for support as you sharpen it, 焦tT廾 苏 鞯芷 J;1∶ :洋 0:J嘿 苫 铽 点审 i :∫ ftheˇ lade is3∵ to5" are sharpening a stiff blade,Iike a hunting knife∴ long you can position it so thatitis centered on the BLADE TABLE, ulsr点 恣∶ g℃ ∶ 晏 丨 卜 w犭 TJ摺 孔 唬 孛 袋 荃Ⅲ 瑙 J⒒ 【 ¥F 9qual a“ ounts ofthe b1ade overh焦 1∶ ;;∶ lts∴ iⅡ TABLE by1"or1V2"・ ffriv扌 2f Gos1owly。 'Γ he sTONEs cut faster and are easier to controI When they are moving sloWly.Ifyoj g。 fast,they just slide over the b1ade and do n9t cut. ffrNr3;With practice you wilI not need to stop sharpening to move the blade.1nstead,just inch it along as you sharpen。 ⒍ 溉鞯 ∶ Ⅰ 1瞅1呷 浮r:亠 :s甘 hr丁 ∴:;t紫 7.C1ean the sTONE aⅡ d passe§ 涮s删 wipe the kⅡ :fe0lade off Cvery one or two (with the sToNE ARM offtothe side,so the water runs卩 Way 探m∝ d and g⒒ 如h ∶ :∶ 11涩 l默 群;∶ 、 :咒 挠:黑 丨 from the surface。 Then Wipe the sToNE off with a damp teiry c1呼 rag。 a∮ Bring the edge to a BURR。 Continue making equal passes down eaGh side ofthe blade。 When thet、 vo sharpening cuts come together at the edge,the metal breaks down and forms a BtJRR,、 vhiGh can be felt by drawing yourthumb across and a、 vay from the edge on the opposite side ofthe last pass。 DI¤ W C° lhumb¤ cross¤ nd w° y饣 °′ ll 忄瞅 ThC BURk’ ¤丨 W¤ ys Occ1丿 ts on!he opposi十 e side Of lhe lost sho丫 pening丨 DOss R` L¤ s丨 sh0rpening poss Check the edge for a BURR each tin1e you switch sides,The BURR w"l begin to form in some areas and not others。 Concentrate your sharpening in areas、vith no BtJRR and pass lightly over the areas that have started to BURR.When you have an even BURR down both sides ofthe edge,switch to a liner sToNE,and make a few light passes on each side ofthe blade, 。RemoVe the BU RR。 Wipe the stone and knife of∴ ˇ1ake two or three passes down cach sidc ofthe bIade with No PREssURE On the sToNE justthe Weight ofthe sToNE ARM,D0Ⅳ oT〃 ε srOP.Move `rT〃 the knife aIong quickIy so the sToNE only makcs one Iight stroke in each scction ofthe blade,Check to see thatthe BURR is gone。 If you use too rnuch pressure or1nake too:uany stone strokes,you will keep making new BURR。 sH^RpENJNG ■ FfNfsHfNG丁 Hf EDGΞ ˉ sTEELs Ancr rem。 ving the BURR,you can use the knifejust as it comes offthe machine,Butif you臼 nish it with a Ceran1ic steel,the edge wi"be a litue smoother and stronger。 Do NoT UsE A REGULAR(BUTCHER)sTEEL・ This tool is far too GOarse and wⅡ l damage your perfect new edge。 cera∏ 1ic a polished edge。 9∷ DO not sTAND the Ceramic steel Vertically againstthe counter,starting at the heel 。f th占 knife and the top of the steel,draw the knife toward you and let⒒ slide0own the steel.Angle the blade away from thρ stee1at1° or2?mo!e than the angle you sharpened it at.Do NoT UsE ANY PREssURE.Just let 哏吧 篦戌 ∶;土 π ∶ 冱;;1找 J⒊襟 ⊥ ∶ ∶ ∶ 1号 I∶ l∶1∶ ,℃ :∶ :r∶ ;I∶ touch up the edge between sh1:l∶ rpenings. ■ SHOR丁 BL^DΞ5 sharpen the main part ofthe BLADE as usua1.As you reach the tip, draw the knife out and pivotthe TIP Out overthe end ofthe BLAIDE TABLE so you can sharpen it.GO sLOWLY.Do not let the sToNE shde offthe BLADE and cuti1【 (The BLApE TABLE wⅡ lgetcut l}to∶ the BLADE TABLE. up oVef′ time,but you con keep it to a minimum:)Try to pivotthe BLApE in the samρ manner on each pass for a more consistent EDGE BEVEL. ■ HOLLOW GROUND′ sPOR丁 KNfˇ E5 These blades are very sti秆 :so you can Centerthe bladc On the BLAI)E TABLE and sharpen the entire edge Without movingit.PuttheGUIDECL1P 。i`∶ R占 stthc bIadc On th。 holIow ground portion so the edge rests on the cnd ofthe BLADE TABLE.This w"ltⅡ t the b1ade toward thc stonc,so if you are using the"Basic Method"hr setting the PIYoT,c?mpensa:cby m° ving the PIVQT up one mark(3 10 This is the plastic Glip on the edge the GUIDE。 It slides on the front ofthe GUIDE and allows you to sharpen a double edged knife.It also works with any knife that has a tendency Ιo slip over the top of the GUIDE wh"e you are sharpening,(This usuaⅡ y happens because the back ofthe knife∶ s rounded instead of square。 )Also,you Can ,leaVe it on while you are learning。 It lnakes the knife easier to hold. slide it offif it gets in the way, ■ 丁H`NNJNG丁 ″E BL^Df DOuBLE BEˇELs FORˇER丫 DuLL KⅣ ‘ Es, `ˇ As a knife is sharpened over and over,the sharpening cut keeps getting wider and wider as the edge lnoves up into the thicker portions ofthe blade As this happens,the sToNE cuts slower and slower until the knife becomes dif1:icult to sharpen。 TO Gure this probleΠ l,thin the blade by creating a second bevel。 This prOGedure makes the knife easy to sharpen once again,plus it improves the shape ofthe blade so it cuts:nore easiIy。 l。 Use a Medium stone and set the PIVoT down oⅡ e mark分 om the sharpening angle.FOr eXample,ifyou wantto fInish a duIl chefs knife at18° ,set the PIVoT at15° 2. , Make severaI passes on each side of the blade untiI the sharpened angel is less than half its original width. ¢ sdE扌 ˉ -~冖 ˉ 冖 冖 ˉ Ⅱ ˉ ˉ ˉ ・ ˉ 冖 冖 ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 冖 ˉ ↑ Me丨 olfefnoved e /ο8cv ο g \ GufDE CLJP ■ 3.Return to the originaI angle,Ifthe edge does no1come up to a burrin a few passes,make a few more passes Γ =i191ower angle. ■ sHARpΞN`NG sERR^丁 ΞD ΞDCfs 0nIy sharpen on the side opposite the serrations(the nat sido),Just make a few very Ⅱght passρ s,and do hot BURR the points.AⅡ 饥le goes aIong way, optiρ na⒈ If you haˇ e a ceraⅡ 1i⒍ stee1,0n-it伍 ts in Ι he∶ serrations,you can run⒒ back and fo⒒ h a few times in each serration to remoVe the BURR from that side。 ■ 5H^RPENJNG l〃 H0u丁 sCR^丁 CH`NG CRnˇ ED KⅣ fFOR P0L‘ ″εD OR EⅣ`丁 THE BLADf `vE5, 1. Cover both sides ofth0b1ade with long mask(oIue painter’ s tape,avaⅡ able at any hardware or paint store)。 TⅡ m0ffthe e火 Cess tape with。 knife,Then t“ m the tape offthe EDGE BEVEL soit woh℃ gum up the sToNE。 2∶ sharpen as usual,but do not ruh-he sTONE aⅡ the、 ǎy to the sT0p,sometimes the end ofthe sToNE wⅡ I make scratch mar水 s on the edge。 3. Finish the edge and r0“ ove the tape. ■ 丁″E UL丁 JM^丁E ΞDCf This edge is very strong,very smooth and takes less:netaI offthe knife each time you sharpcn,but it takes practice。 Thc knife needs to bc sharpened a few tiⅡ nes on the Edge Pro so you hhve a oonsistρ nt angl。 。 TO croate this edge,you stop sharpeningjust bρ fore the BURR begins to appear,and the edge is1F∶ n∶ shed.Go slowIy,and Iighten y。 ur sharpening pressure as the sToNE gets close to creating a BURR。 With practic电 ^ou wⅡ I know,"IfI make one more pass,Iam goingto staⅡ a BURR・ "Just sto0 here,and you havethe ULTIMATE EDGE.It does take a fair amount of practi-冫 e and attention to detaⅡ ,but it is worth the effort。 To fInish,lightIy ceramic the edge。 I2