Photo Taken by Nick Mann, Snowmaking Our Mission: is to provide our guests with an enjoyable recreational experience so that they will choose to return. Our Values: Safety, Teamwork, Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Professionalism Every Guest, Every Time: Smile, Make Eye Contact, Listen Attentively, Answer Questions, Thank the guest. f$7KDQNIXO+HDUW LVD+DSS\+HDUWg I want to send a “Big Thank You” to the managers, supervisors and staff for all of your hard work, dedication, and guest service as it paid off in so many ways throughout this challenging season. Don’t forget to stop by as we are open all yearround with many exciting venues including Mountain Adventures, The Vertical Trek, Paintball, Ropes Course, Adventure Camps, and catered events. Hope to see you between now and next winter! Sincerely, Ron Hawkes, GM . J \U D*DUOLQ Kyra Garling-Child Care - Nominated by Mary Williamson Kyra is reliable. She doesn’t stop moving from the time she arrives until she leaves. She pays attention to detail. She considers safety and security of every child who walks through the door. Her guest service and approach to the parents is extremely professional. She offers our Playcare guests a great place to be when their families are outdoors enjoying the snow on the weekends! +H Heath Keefer - Lift Maint. - Nominated by Tad Cruise Words cannot express our appreciation for Heath as he is always there to help when needed. Heath is always upbeat, positive, quick with a smile, and capable of fixing just about anything. He is a huge help to all of us here at Roundtop! Thanks Heath! And keep up the great work! DW K.HHIHU Always Thank Our Guests “Snowmaking is our department of the week. Given what will go down as one of the worst winters ever on the East Coast, our snowmaking team actually improved their scores and far outpaced other eastern resorts. The survey scores (pulled 3/6)prove it: Overall Snowmaking Roundtop 48 (+1 from 14/15) Liberty 36 (-1) Whitetail 27 (-1) Overall Snow Conditions Roundtop 41 Liberty 28 Comp Set (average of comparable resorts) 19 Whitetail 16 In addition, Roundtop was one of only a handful of resorts east of the Rockies to get to 100% open this year. Thanks to our snowmaking crew for giving us great conditions all season.” Chris Dudding,Marketing Director I just wa nt to us e this op to cong portunit ratulate y ou r sno crew on wmakin winning g departm week! Th ent of th ey certa e inly des recognit e r ve the ion and I am pro achieve ud of th ment! Th is e snowm an outst akers did anding jo b gettin ing the m g and ke ountain epopen th taking f is seaso ull adva n, ntage of opportu the limit nities m e d other na us to ma ture gav ke snow e . Thank and eve you to e r yone o a ch n Tim’s looking crew an for ward d I ’m to havin to do it g you ba all again ck next sea James R son! Garling Mounta in Oper ations M anager Thanks Snowmakers/ Groomers “I’d like to take a second and thank my entire staff in Housekeeping, from seasoned veterans to our newbies. You all made my job much easier (and more importantly, fun!) knowing I could rely on each and every one of you. Thank you again for a great winter! I want to see you all again next season. KEEP THAT HOUSE!!!”Brian Brzezinski, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor “Another season is done. I wish to thank all the tubing staff for a short,but great season of winter tubing. We had a 58 day season and wish it could have started earlier. However, there is always next season - here is to opening earlier next year. I personally want thank everyone for all their help in making this season a good one. We had a lot of happy guests. A great accomplishment! Thank you everyone. On a sadder note, this was MJ’s last season with our department. Mary Jane Pechart has been with us for a long time. She started in 2005 as a cashier and grew into the Inside Supervisor overseeing the cashiers at tubing. She has been a key person in the tubing department for many years. She is a very professional person and prided herself on helping the guests. The reason that she is leaving us after such a long time is that she has moved out of the area and is getting married. She currently works at the Hershey Hotel overseeing the Congratulations wait staff and the reservations for the dining areas. However, MJ, Tubing Supervisor/Cashier getting married and living an hour away is a little too much for the future bride. She will be missed by the tubing MJ to be married to Troy Wile Jr. department and by me. She will always have a place in our at Laurel Rock Farm, Mifflintown PA tubing family. We wish her and her new family the greatest on 9/17/2016; honeymoon in Aruba. of luck. Thank you for everything MJ. Congratulations and farewell Mary Jane. Sincerely, Matthew Weeden, Tubing Manager Thank you for your many years of service Roundtop will miss your sweet smile. Courtesy Team It has been another great year for the Courtesy Team thanks to all of your hard work, cooperation and can do attitude. Our new Courtesy team members have blended well with our returning veterans. You have been the first to greet our guests as they arrive. You have welcomed them to Roundtop and provided valuable information to make their visit an enjoyable experience. Your willingness to help out in other areas of the resort have been greatly appreciated. Many guests have also commented about seeing Courtesy members throughout their visit and your follow-up to how their day was going. They have also noticed your ‘thank you’ and ‘invitations to return’ as they are leaving the mountain. Thanks again for everything you have done for each other and our guests. Denny Fry, Courtesy Supervisor S YUHO QGD=D 0LUD KRWRE\ 7KH0W6DIHW\VWDIILVWKH JUHDWHVWVWDIIRQWKHPRXQWDLQ ,ZDQWWRWKDQNWKHPIRUDOO WKH\GRDQGIRUWKHLUIULHQGVKLS )RUG%HDUGVOH\ 0RXQWDLQ6DIHW\6XSHUYLVRU ³7KDQNVWRHYHU\RQHIRUDVSHFWDFXODUVHDVRQ +RSH\RXDOOHQMR\WKH635,1*DQG6XPPHU´7LP:DONHU A BIG THANKS from TOM I want to thank everyone that lent a hand this season in the rental department. On busy days it is always nice to see friendly faces and helping hands from many of the other departments at Roundtop. I want to thank my new hires as well as all the rehires that stuck with us through a trying season of a late start, massive snow storm and then summer temperatures. Thanks to our late season hires for coming on board when we needed help the most. I appreciate everyone’s help and dedication to Roundtop. I am thankful that I work at a job I love and with people that care. Thank you to my rental assistant, Val, and my rental supervisors, Joyce, Dana, Dave, and Logan. Everyone stepped up and gave 100% to make sure our guest’s experience was the best it could be. I can’t wait for next season when we can do it all over again. Have a great spring, summer, and fall. Tom Whittles…….. Death of a snowman RX \ W Q D ,Z DW LP 3RQGVN 72'$< ³7KH'LS´SKRWRFRXUWHV\RI %HQ+DXJK $IHZVQRZPDNLQJROGLHV MXVWIRUIXQ 5HPHPEHULQJ-HII *OHQ6P LWK IRU3RQG JHWWLQJUHDG\ 6NLP /RRNIRUWKLVLQYLWDWLRQFRPLQJVRRQLQ\RXUPDLO Thanks to all.. $%,*Î7+$1.<28Ï 7RHYHU\RQHZKRKDVVHQWSKRWRVPHVVDJHVWKDQN\RXVDQG RWKHUJRRGLHVIRUWKH/LIWOLQHV<RXKDYHPDGHRXUSDSHUIXQ +DYHDJUHDWVXPPHU5RELQ%RZHUVR[