Synthetic Reductions In Clandestine Amphetamine Laboratories
Synthetic Reductions In Clandestine Amphetamine Laboratories
I T I I I I l I t I I I Forensie ScicnceInternntionar, 42 (1989)183-199 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. 183 a a I I J j I i 1 SYNTHETIC REDUCTIONS IN CLANDESTINE AMPHETAMINE AND METHAMPHETAMINE LABORATORIES: A REVIEW I i I j I I i t I l i I ANDREW ALLEN" and THOMAS S. CANTRELLb bChemistry "Ashtabuln County Laborotory, 345Rogers Plate, Ashtobuln, OH 4+004ond. Departtnent Arnerican Uniaersity, Washingtoq DC 20016 (U.S.A.) (ReceivedJune 8th, 1988) (Revisionreceived November 29th, 1988) (AcceptedDecember5th, 1988) I I ! ", i Sumnar5l A review of synthetic reductions utilized in the elandestinemanufactureof amphetamineand methamphetamineis presented. General discussionson the mechanismof heterogeneouscatalysis, dissolving metals, hydrides and non-metal reductions used in the manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetaminewith over 80 referencesare presented. Key usords;Amphetamine; Methamphetamine;Synthesis;Clandestinelaboratories Introduction This review addressesreductions in clandestine methamphetamineand amphetaminesynthesis.Central to the diverse routes publishedfor the synthesis of methamphetamineand amphetamineis a reductive step at some point in the synthesis.Of 95 referencessurveyed concerningthe synthesisof these controlled drugs, all but ten utilize a reductive approach.Since such diversity exists in these approaches,we felt that a composite literature review and discussionof the chemistry involved would help forensic chemists charged with investigating these clandestinelaboratories.Secondly,we felt that a composite reference list would be of assistance in correlating notes or proceduresfound in elandestinelaboratory sites to the open literature. Finally, only two open literature review articles in this forensic area have appearedand both were devoid of extensivereferences[1,2]. An overview of synthetic approaches to methamphetamine and amphetamineutilizing reductive routes is outlined in Tables L and 2. Table 1 is organizedby the type of catalytic surfaeeor reductive species;i.e. Pd, Pt, LiAlH4, HCOOH, etc. Table 2 is organizedby the synthetic route or intermediate; i.e. Leuckart, Schiff base,oxime, nitrostyrene, etc. Figures t-tz illustrate the chemical formulas of the chemical reduction routes to amphetamine and methamphetamine.References 13,721arc annotated with the type of reductive catalyst/reagent and route utilized. Chemical Abstract citations 0379-0738/89/$03.50 O 1989Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. Printed and Published in Ireland il ; n i1 i$ i{ 184 TABLE 1 METHAMPHETAMINE OR AMPHETAMINE Refs. Hetero gene lus reductions krternal source of hydrogen) A. Pd B. Pd/C C. Pd/BaSOo D. Pt E. Pt/C F. C u O , C a S O o ,B a S O n G. Raney Nickel (Ni-Al) 3- 17,89 7,9,12,L5-17 5,8 18-24 23 25 26-38 H e tero g eneous reductions (intental source of hydrogen) H. CaHr/Pd, HCI Dis soluing metal reductions ('Internal' e le c tr olg tic) I. AI-Hg J. AI-Pd, HCI K. Na alcohol L. Na-Hg M. Fe, HCI N. Zn, HCI O. Zn-Cu, HCI P. Zn-Pd, HCI Zn-Cu-Pd, HCI a. M e tal hydride reduc tions bource of hydride) R. NaBHn S. NaCNBH, T. LiAlHl Non-metal reductions U. HI V. HCOOH 39 40-45 54 46-49 50,51 52,53 64 54 54 54 55,56 o, 58-62 63; pers. comm.l 64-72 "J. Heagy, personal communication,from information gathered by attending clandestinelaboratory sites. Drug Enforcement Administration, 450 Golden Gate Avenu€, San Francisco, CA 94102. [C.A. Vol.: page (year)]are included for eachreferencefor easeof cross referenee with cryptic notes often found in clandestinelaboratory sites. Finally, the recurrent use of the terminology "open literature" refers to legitimate, accreditedjournals as opposedto underground publieationsor notes passed between clandestinemanufacturers. r85 TABLE 2 METHAMPHETAMINE AND AMPHETAMINE VIA REDUCTION Route no. Methamphetamine u'in Ephedrine (A) Direct [3,8,17;J. Heagy"] (B) Halo analog[3-5,17,18,19,39,541 (C) Sulfate ester [6] (Dl Phosphateester [?] (E) Perchlorate ester [8] - 44,46,55,57 Schiff s base [ 10,20,2\,22,25,40 | Thiazole [47] Leuckart [58,64,66] d-Phenylalaninecarbamate[591 N-Formyl [58,66] 2 9 8 10 8 Amphetwnine Oxime [11,12,30,31,48,49,60] Nitrostyrene [13,32,33,35,50,6U 2-Ketooxime [14- 16,36,38,5U Hydrazone[23,34] Schiffs base[26-29,45] 8-Iodoanalog[62] Leuckart [65,67- 701 Demercuration[56] 3 4 5 6 2 11 8 T2 'See footnote Table 1. Heterogeneouscatalysis The role of heterogeneouscatalytic hydrogenationand hydrogenolysisin organic synthesisis replete in the literature. However, the mechanismof the catalyst's role has remained elusive due mainly to the difficulty of studying sueh heterogenoussystems. Recent researeh in this area has shown that a system charged with H, and D, in the presenceof a catalyst yields HD. This has been interpreted as the catalyst's coordination with molecular H, and weakening or disruption of the H-H bond [87,881.Studies by Maier et al. (pers.commun.,Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of California,Berkeley, CA 947201, in which the catalytic surface has been coated with SiO2,have revealed that the H-H (which penetrates the SiO, layer to coordinate with the catalytic surface) is truly ruptured, yielding %I. Furthermore, hydrogenation of an organic species(incapableof penetrating the SiO, layer) occurred.This suggests that coordinationbetween the organic moiety and the catalytic surface may not be necessary."Selectivity" for an organic substrate in some catalytic metal hydrogenationsystems has recently been shown to be dependent upon the topology of the catalytie surface [89].Further work in this area will be followed with interest. .,, H/H,l .-r, ,ru, Pt/.ail re'rs Zn/ucti sc h>. Hl /P lo3,o"r* 9H' '*H!", "^-- METHAMPHETAMINE X = O H I t , o " ' " . c o m mt.7 C l | + , s , 1 8 ,1 s ,3 9 , s 4 S O . H o { POn4lz CtOr la 'o' pHENyL-2-pRopANoNs (a fr, - 1Yb8<Hr*:NFffi \) H_c\n Ni/nrl26_ 2s/. ls,ro , ea/,11, I Pt/H" lzo-zz Al-Hg r+g,/R-H 2.r' R:cH 'l cuo/it']ru ^""=,Jf,:'-= Jss I NaBHo | rua'/at"1+o I NaCNBHrlsz V A l ' H gl + o - + + fD V-.r,,-C(*r, on \ - l/ + v' '2 \ -NH, M E TH A M P H E T A M I N E fr aYw-,* V :NH2oH - <>tnHn{" V CH, ea/nr1.', N i / H 2l 3 0 3 , 1.3s N a/atcl + e,cs N a - H gI s t L r A l H nf o o Figs. 1- 3. Heterogeneouscatalytic reduction of ephedrine to methamphetamine in clandestine laboratories is most often achieved with palladium - g, [B 15'17'391; the use of platinum (AdamsCatalysis)is secondin frequeney Jia,tgl (Fig. 1). Similar correlations apply to the reduction of phenylpropanolamine -Raney to amphetamine utilizing palladium, platinum and Nickel. f3**1d-&u"J d** cH3cHzNOz 4. H=c-No2 l\,/ re/nct1u''u"'/ ,/ r' P H E NY L - 2 . P R O P A N O N E CHr ll I m/.n,1," sz'as I Ni/ Hr I I NaHglso I LiAtH4161 Y AMPHETAMINE frfr ,.>.B-cJH' l: ll \,2v.'\" 5, B + N H 2 o H-_* fy-fJ*, | *7r,1., N i /H z so,ae I I *" Hslst I Figs.4-6. (here hydrogenolysisis Hydrogenolysisof ephedrineor phenylpropanolamine defined as reduction of C-X) is not a result of reduction of the benzylic carbon-OHbond. The actual moiety reduced is C-X, where X refers to halogen [3-5, 1?-19,39,54] sulfate [6], phosphate[7] or perchlii;"ate[8] esters (pig. 1). This moiety (C-X) may be produced in situ [3,17i or synthesized The stereoehemistry externally, isolated and then reduced [4,9,18,19,39,541. prepared from ephedrine and analytical methodologyfor methamphetamine addressed has recently been and pseudoephedrine [92'931. v?-\ \ TfSli: Aqoizs R A\/CH2-C-CHr puoec),tzo, (l ^, _E cxi\oH r P H E NY L - 2 - P R O P A N O N E P H E N Y L A C E T I CA C I D B ffH'-c-':' "8-.a. o />?-Br \l A,-" s ll c{H3 + ll H.c\H, ,,}J 9. / /Na/arc 47 / AMPHETAMINE Figs.7-9. Heterogeneouseatalysishas been used to reduce the imine bond of Schiff basesformed with phenyl-2-propanone and ammoniaor methylaminein order -22,251(Fig. to produce amphetamine126-291or methamphetamine[9,10,20 2). When heterogeneouscatalysisis utilized in this Schiffs base reduction, a competingreaetion,that of P-2-Preduction to 1-phenyl-2-propanol, limits the yield of amphetamineor methamphetamine.Additions of large excessesof the amine componentin these reactionshave been employedto suppressthe 189 H;CH-NHt ts" OH 10. AMPHETAMINE 4 NH\ra q-t + nt/e / /LiAlH. 11. 62 / AMPHETAMINE afH''gg*H''-..'Hg(NoJ, /cH!-cNq2 Ott'-t'f"\HsNo' \,/ \-.", J*o' 12' /,',b6 cHr..a;c"t I t*-f -t"' Figs. 10- 12. 190 ketone reduction. This has limited applicability, since the optimum pH for the Schiffs base production is between pH 6 and 7. Other clandestine routes, although less popular, which have open literature references utilizing heterogenous catalysis for the synthesis of (Fig. 3), nitrostyrene reducamphetamineare oxime reduction [12,30,31,351 (Fig. reduction 4), 2-keto-oxime tion [13,32,33] [16,36,38](Fig. 5) and hydrazone (FiS. 6). reduetion [23,341 Precursors to amphetamine (phenylpropanolamine)and methamphetamine (ephedrine)have been synthesizedwith the aid of heterogeneouscatalysis Fig. 5). 11.6,38J, Dissolving metal reductions Dissolving metal reductions, in particular aluminum, continue to be the most popular synthetic routes to methamphetamineand amphetamine in clandestinelaboratories in the United States. Although molecular H, is pro' duced as the metal dissolves,this is generally considereda detriment to the reduction of the organic species. The actual reductive mechanism does not involve molecular H, but is, in fact, a result of an "internal electrolytic process".Electron transfer from the metal to a heteroatom results in a radical carbon which abstracts hydrogen from solution to complete reduction. In metals where higher oxidation states are present (i.e. Al, Mg, Zn) dimers may form as a result of intramolecularradical combination[54,90,911. Poisoningof catalysis is one approachused to minimize rapid dissolution of the metal and to abate evolution of Hr. Amalgams made between sodium and mercury have the effect of diminishing the activity of the parent metal thus slowing dissolution of the reducing species. Amalgamation between aluminum and mercury has the added benefit of preventing oxide formation on the surface of aluminum in contact with air. Aluminium-mercury amalgram serves to poison the metal somewherebetween the extremes of the over-activemetal and the inactive metal oxide. In the clandestine manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetamine the most popular route is via aluminum-mercuryamalgam reduetion of the Schiff base adduct of phenyl-Z-propanone(P-2-P)and the appropriate amine [40-a5] (Fig. 2). This popularity persists despite U.S. Government control (ScheduleII) of P-z-P in 1980. This controlled status has resulted in an upsurge in the clandestine manufacture of P-Z-P. A variety of synthetie routes have surfaced in elandestinelaboratories, primarily through phenylacetie acid [?3 -771(Fig. 7). Alternatives to the phenylaceticacid (now on a reporting schedulein some states)synthesisof P-2-Phave appeared[78-891One approachto P-2-P utilizes a dissolving metal reduction of nitrostryene with iron and hydrochloricacid [52,53](Fig. a]. Clandestine laboratories which utilize other dissolving metal reduction routes have been infrequently encountered.However, reduction of a Schiff to base to methamphetamine[46] Fig. 2) and of 5-phenyl-4-methylthiazole 191 amphetamine[47] (Fig. 9) using sodium in alcohol are cited in the open literature. Additionally, Naialcohol reduction of an oxime [48,49](Fig. 3], NalHg amalgamreduction of a nitrostryene [50J(FiS. 4) or a 2-keto-oxime[51] (Fig. 5] to amphetamine and zinelHcl reduetion of chloro analogs of ephedrine to methamphetamine[5 J Fig. 1) are also cited in the literature. Metal hydride reduetion Metal hydride reductions have not captured the imagination of clandestine laboratory chemists like the remainder of the scientific community. This fact is probably the result of their inability to utilize current ChemiealAbstracts nomenclature,wherein most literature references to metal hydrides appear. Metal hydrides function by transfer of a hydride to the electrondeficient center (typically carbon) of a double bond. Protonation is effeeted on the electron rich center via the solvent media in the caseof NaBHo or product workup in caseof LiAlH'. The infrequent use of metal hydride reducing agents in clandestine laboratories cannot be attributed to the lack of open literature references in these agents [55-62]. Methamphetaminehas been produced in clandestine laboratory sites via NaBHn reduetion of the Sehiff Base adduct of P-Z-Pand methylamine following a procedure outlined by Weichet et al. [55] Fig. 2). Unfortunately, the activity of NaBHn is sufficient to reduce the ketone of P2-P and this is a competing reaction. This is not the case with the more selectiveredueing agent NaCNBH' whose activity is dependenton the pH of the reaction media [57J.Lithium aluminum hydride, whose activity is greater and therefore less seleetivethan NaBHn,has been used to produeemethamphetamine or amphetamine through the reduction of a variety of functional groups; i.e. formyl [58] (Fig. 8), carbamate [59] (Fig. 10), oxime [60J(Fig. 3], nitrostyrenes [61] (Fig. 4] and halogen analogs[62] (Fig. t1). Sodium borohydride has also been used in a demercuration procedure route followed by acid hydrolysis to amphetamine (in a clandestine laboratory) as outlined in Fig. 12 [56]. Non-metal reductions Non-metal reduction routes to methamphetamineand amphetaminehave been what might be termed as "fads" in clandestine laboratory synthesis within the United States. In the early and mid 1970s,the Leuekart Synthesis, which employsformic acid, was the most popular elandestineroute to amphetamineand methamphetamine.For whatever reason,this route, which is still very commonin Western Europe, lost popularity in the United States by the end of the 1970s.In the early 1980s,the hydriodic acid reduction of ephedrineto methamphetaminebegan increasingin frequency in the Southwestern and Western areas of the United States.Although several literature referenceslink the Leuchart synthesis (Fig. 8) to amphetamine[67- 69] and methamphetamine[64-661, "no" open literature referenee directly links 192 hydriodic acid reduction of a benzylie alcohol to the production of methamphetamine (F'ig. 1). Several general benzylic alcoholshave been reduced to their aliphatie counterparts[63].However, this 'erossapplication'of chemical syntheseswould require a level of chemical knowledge not common among clandestinechemists. The mechanismof the Leuckart reaction has been studied 165,71,721 and shown to be a free radical process initiated by formie acid. Unfortun"t"ly, the meehanismof the hydriodic acid reduction has not been established.It seemselear that the benzylic alcohol of ephedrine undergoesa substitution reaction with iodine. However, the mechanismof the carbon-halogenreduction is in conjeeture;i.e. hydride transfer, internal electrolysisvia disproportionation of iodine, or elevated temperature decompositionof HI to H, and I, whereby H, reducesthe C-I bond [GB]. Conclusion In this review we have addressedreductive approachesto amphetamine and methamphetaminevia heterogeneouscatalysis,dissolving metals, metal hydrides and non-metal reductions. The chemistry of these varied approacheshas been highlighted with emphasison the role of the reducing species.It may be eoncludedthat there are many options available to elandestine chemists (see Figs. 1- 12). However, in actutal practice, the three most frequently encounteredroutes in the United States are (I.) the aluminum foil reduction of the Schiff Base adduct of P-2-Pand methylamine[40441,(21the palladium catalyzedreduetion of the chloro analog of ephedrine to methamphetamine[4,5] and (3) the hydriodic acid reduction of ephedrine to methamphetamine [63;pers. comm.*]. References e. Sinnemaand A.M.A. Verweji, Impurities in illicit amphetamine:A review. BulL Narc., Vol. XXXIII, no. 3 (1981)37 -54. 2 C.L. Hider',Preparationof evidencein illicit amphetamine.J. ForensicSci.,9 (1969)75-79. 3 Pd, Figure 1. Ephedrinewith HCI (gas)reducedto methamphetamine H. Metzger, Basesof the 1-phenyl-2-aminopropane series. German Patent No. 968,545Mar. (1960). 6, 1958. C.A. 54: 7654b r\ (. 4 \ Pd, Figure 1. v Chloro ephedrinereduced to methamphetamine A. Gero, Somereactions of 1-phenyl-1-chloro-2-methylaminopropane. I. Reaction with metals and hydrogen.J. Org. Chern.,16(1951)1731-1735.C.A.46:66069(1952). 5 Pd/BaSOn, Figure 1. Bromo or chloro ephedrinereduced to methamphetamine H. Emde, ConcerningdiastereoisomersI. Configuration of ephedrine.HeIu. Chem. Acto, 12 (1929)365-376. C.A. 23: 3452-9454 (1929). @ 'J. Heagy, pers. eommun.from information gathered by attending clandestinelaboratory sites. Drug EnforcementAdministration,450 GoldenGate Avenue,San Franeisco,CA 94102,U.S.A. r98 Pd and Pt, Figure 1. Ephedrine ester reduced to methamphetamine W. Dobke and F. Keil, Amines. British Patent No. 509,661,Oct., 3, 1938. C.A. 34: 3761 .d*--_a_-- 11940). Pd/C, Figure 1. Ephedrine phosphateester reduced to methamphetamine A. Lafizza, G. Brancaccio and A. Segre, l-, d- and d,l-Ephedrine phosphates."/. Med Chem", I (1966)996-997.C.A. 66: 28945y(196?). ( 8) Pd/BaSO.,Figure 1. \-/ Ephedrine with perchloric acid reduced to methamphetamine K.W. Rosenmund,E. Karg and F.K. Marcus, Concerningthe preparation of beta-Aryl-Atkylamines.Beriehte, TSB(1942)1850-1859. C.A. 38: 1219(1944). Pd/C, Figure 2. Schiff base reduced to methamphetamine Ameriean Home Products Corp. Imines. British Patent No. 702,985,Jan. 27, 1954.C.A. 49: 5515st1955). 7 10 ilFi-F"?. Schiff base (P-Z-P+ MeNHr) reduced to methamphetamine M. Tsutsumi, An illegal preparation of an amphetaminelike compound. Science Crime (1953) (1953). 50-52.C.A.4l:11661h DetecL,(Japan)O r 11) Pd/HCl \-/ to amphetamine Chloroanalogof phenylpropanolamine 7\ ( 13 \ \-/ 14 ,r\ \15\ \J W.H. Hartung and J.C. Munch, Amino Alcohols. VI. The preparation and pharmacodynamie activity of four isomeric phenylpropylamines.J. Am. Chem.Soc.,53 (1931)1875-1879. C.A. 25: 3635(1981). Pd/c Nitrile reduction to phenethylamines W.H. Hartung, Catalytic reduction of nitriles and oximes.J. Arn. Chem.,Soc.,50 (1928)3370 -3374. C.A.23:599(1929). Pd and Pt with a slurry of Ni, Figure 4. 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Justus Liebigs Amt^ Chem., 560 (1948) 215-22r.C.A.43:10259(1949). rt, Figuret. 1ta) \"'/ reductionto methamphetamine Chloroephedrine W. Dobke and F. Keil, Amines. German Patent No. 767,186,Jan. 31 (1952).C.A. 49: 1598c t1955).BritishPatentNo.509'661,oct.3(1938).ry 194 &\ \-/ tr,F i g u re1 Cltloroephedrine reduction to methamphetamine S. Nakajima, 1-Phenyl-2-methylaminopropane, Japanese Patent No. 2307 (1951),May 15 (1951).C.A. 47:5437h(1953). 20 Pt, Figure 2 Schiff basereduction (P-2-P + NHs) to amphetamine E.R. Alexander and A.L. Misegades,A low pressure reductive alkylation method for the conversionof ketones to primary amines.J. Am. Chem.Soc., ?0 (1948)1315-1316. C.A.42: 5411d(1948). Pt or activated Al, Figure 2 Schiff base reduction (P-2-P + MeNHr) to methamphetamine D. Shiho, A new process of alkylation of amines. J. Chem. Soc. Jpn^, 65 (1944)23?-239. ry rt, ^tilgure z. 23 24 25 Schiff basereduction (P-2-P + MeNHr) to methamphetamine W. Dobke and F. 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U.S. Patent No. 2,636,901,Apr. 28, 1953.C.A. 48: 277rt {'19541. 33 Ni-Al, Figure 4. Nitrostyrene reduced to amphetamine G. Stochdorphand O. Schickh,Saturated amines.German Patent No. 848,197,Sept. 1, 1952. (1953). C.A..47:5438b 34 Ni-Al, Figure 6. Hydrazonereduced to amphetamine R. Fusco and L. Canonica,Reductionof phenylhydrazone-p-sulfonic acids. Chim..Ind (Milan), (1950)208-210. C.A.45: 4645a(1951). 32 r-\ / 35 ) Ni-Al, Figure 3. V O*i-e reduction to amphetamine H.B. Hass,A.G. Susieand B.L. Heider, Nitroalkanederivatives.J. Org. Chem.,15(1949)814. C.A. 44:44t2d,(1950). 36 Ni-Al, Figure 5. 2-keto oxime reduced to phenylpropanolamine P.L. Cook, The reduction of aldehydesand ketones with nickel-aluminumalloy in aqueous alkalinesolution.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,27(1962)3873-3875.C.A. 58: 464c(1963). 37 Ni-Al Chloroephedrinereduced to methamphetamine W. Leithe, Configurationof the ephedrinebases.Berichte, 65 (1932)660- 666. 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