A NEW MIDDLE EAST: Persistent Authoritarianism(s) OR Prospects for Democratization? 7 - 8 NOVEMBER 2015 Martı İstanbul Hotel, TAKSİM Adres: Martı İstanbul Hotel Abdülhak Hamit Cad. No: 25/B Taksim 7 NOVEMBER 2015, SATURDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2015, SUNDAY 09:30 Registration & Tea/Coffee 10:30 Registration & Tea/Coffee 09:45 WELCOMING REMARKS 11:00 Ahmet Demirel Faculty of Political Science, Marmara University Felix Schmidt Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Turkey SESSION 3: GRASSROOTS IN ACTION FOR DEMOCRACY: INVESTIGATING THE SIGNIFICANCE Speakers: Donatella della Porta Where Did the Revolution Go? Intense times and their outcomes 10:00 SESSION 1: MINORITIES VIS-A-VIS POWERS Speakers: Martin van Bruinessen Tribe, Party, Cemaat: The articulation of Kurdish secular and Islamic social formations John Chalcraft The Struggle for Deliberative Space in the Arab Uprisings Rabab Al-Mahdi Contentious Politics Between Organization and Class Hamit Bozarslan From Revolutionary Configurations to Violence: The Middle East 2011-2015 Thomas Pierret Explaining Success and Failure among Syrian Insurgent Groups Ziad Majed Syria: Reconciliation, coexistence and justice Cuma Çiçek “Democratic Autonomy” from Diyarbakır to Kobanî: A Kurdish perspective on democratization issues in the Middle East Moderated by: Ferhat Kentel 13:00 Lunch Break 14:30 SESSION 4: WOMEN IN THE MIDDLE EAST Speakers: Deniz Kandiyoti The Gender Sub-texts of the Arab Uprisings: A question of patriarchy or governance? Moderated by: Seda Altuğ Nadje al-Ali Gender, Authoritarianism and Radical Democracy: Reflections on contemporary feminist struggles 12:30 Lunch Break Aitemad Muhanna-Matar New Trends of Women’s Activism after the Arab Uprisings: Redefining women’s leadership 14:00 SESSION 2: ISLAM, DEMOCRACY AND CO-EXISTENCE Moderated by: Büşra Ersanlı Speakers: Yüksel Taşkın Political Islam in Power: Roots and limits of AKP’s majori-cratic authoritarianism 16:30 End of the Conference Karabekir Akkoyunlu Regime Consolidation and Crisis Management: The rise of Iran against the odds Mariz Tadros The Brotherhoodization of Egypt Thesis: Myth, manufactured reality or movement maneuverings? Nicolas Pouillard Ennahda in Tunisia: Towards a “civil state”? The long-term evolution of an Islamist movement Moderated by: Günay Göksu Özdoğan 16:30 End of the First Day · Due to space limitations, pre-registration is required. Please send an e-mail to anewmiddleastconference@gmail.com for registration. · The conference inputs and discussions will be held only in English.