Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region
Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region
Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Opportunities Opolskie Region is one of the most attractive regions globally, for foreign direct investments. With a combination of advantages such as an efficient labour force, government and EU incentives, geographical proximity to key western markets with transport routes in place, a booming economy and a rapidly developing market. The latest Foreign Direct Investment Intelligence ranking: European Cities and Regions of the future 2012/2013 is placing Opolskie Region on the second position in category: TOP 10 Eastern Regions in FDI Startegy. Opolskie Region can offer a strong value proposition to make a business case happen. According to the Ernst & Young survey, Poland, and Opolskie as its part, is considered to be the best location in Europe for new foreign investments and expansion. The ranking was not only based on hard criteria, but also on perspectives and expectations regarding future development. Additionally, according to an A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index, Poland was ranked on 6th position (globally) with the highest position in the CEE region and second in Europe. Source: A.T. Kearney analysis 2010 FDI Confidence Index - TOP 10 1. China (0) 2. United States (+1) 3. India (-1) 4. Brazil (+2) 5. Germany (+5) 6. Poland (+16) 7. Australia (+4) 8. Mexico (+11) 9. Canada (+5) 10. United Kingdom (-6) 0 0,5 1 1,5 Values calculated on 0 to 3 scale 2 2,5 Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Infrastructure and attractive location of the Opolskie Region: Opolskie Region is located close to Germany and bordered on the south side with the Czech Republic. Opolskie Region have good road, motorway, railway and air connections in place or in short distance. Significant impact for the high level of attractiveness of the Opolskie has primarily a well-developed road infrastructure and the A4 motorway with six junctions and high density of national roads and railway lines. In the region of cross roads and railways of the Moravian Gate and the route along the Oder River Basin Kłodzka, Czestochowa and Lodz. Opole city has direct rail connection with Warsaw, moreover, is one of the major Polish centers of international coaches to Western Europe. In the vicinity of the A4 motorway (approx. 10 km) is located a local airport in Kamień Śląski. International airports are located outside the region - near Wroclaw and Katowice, but the travel time to them from the Opole Province takes about 1-1,5 hour through the A4 motorway. Distance (in km) from Opole to: 13 - motorway (A4) 100 - Airport (Katowice or Wroclaw) 54 - Czech border 240 - German border 295 - Prague 320 - Warsaw 420 - Berlin Motorway National roads Voivodeship roads Motorway junctions Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Efficient labour force: Poland and Opolskie Region has one of the most efficient labour forces in the CEE region, with the productivity-adjusted labour cost almost twice as low as the EU-25 average. According to a rating of the Federation of European Employers (FedEE), Poland was ranked as the most attractive country for investment from a human resource perspective. Each country’s assessment included a combination of criterions such as labour RANKINGS supply, human capital, employee relations, labour cost, labour flexibility and inflationary pressures. Opolskie - The highest standard of living in Poland 2009* Standard of living in selected CEE countries Opole – TOP 10 Trendsetting City in Poland 2010** Standard of living getting better Satisfied with standars of living 31% Poland 24% Czech Republic 69% 17% Romania 42% 13% Hungary Bulgaria 7% Latvia 6% Lithuania 66% 4% Source: Gallup (surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010) 43% 24% 33% 33% Opole – one of the best places for investment in Poland **** Walbrzych Special Economic Zone (SEZ in Opolskie Region) - one of TOP 25 Best Free Zones of the future in the world*** Starachowice Special Economic Zone (SEZ in Opolskie Region) - one of TOP 10 best cost effectiveness in the world*** *Czapiński J., Panek T. (2009). Diagnoza społeczna www.diagnoza.com **Trendbook Poland 2010, Warsaw Business Journal, 2010 ***fDi MAGAZiNE, 2010 ****Forbes, 2009 Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Incentives for foreign investors: Foreign investors can enjoy a number of incentives in Poland, including CIT exemption, real-estate tax exemption, cash grants and technological loans. Companies can simultaneously benefit from several incentives when establishing their operations in one of three Special Economic Zones (SEZ) located in Opolskie Region. In Opolskie Region tax exemption in SEZ are the highest in Poland, up to 70% of investment cost for small companies and 50% for large companies. CIT is at 19%, so below the EU average 23,2%, with lower or competitive level to the majority of the countries in its region. Corporate tax in Europe Poland 19% Czech Republic 21% EU average 23,20% Rusia 24% Ukraine 25% Finland 26% Germany (from) 30,18% France 33,33% Belgium 0,00% 33,99% 5,00% 10,00% 15,00% 20,00% 25,00% 30,00% 35,00% 40,00% KRAFT FOODS Polska Confectionery Production Sp. z o.o. in Skarbimierz (Opolskie Region) Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Development of Food Industry in Poland and in the Opolskie Region: The food industry is one of the most important areas and fastest growing sectors of the economy in Poland. Through many years it became a true pulling force. Its share in total industry sales value of nearly 24% and is about 9 percentage points higher than in the 15 European Union countries, where an average of 15%. Opolskie Region is a region with rich agricultural traditions. In addition to the chemical industry, construction and energy, essential pillars of the region's economy are agriculture, food processing and food industry. Opolskie Region in terms of natural resources used in the food industry considering production sold per one employee, participation in the production of new products sold, and employment achieved a high position in comparison to other provinces. This means that as a region we are dealing with a very good competitive position among the Polish provinces. The highest share of industrial production in the Opolskie Region is characterized by the food industry (17 % of the total regional production sold). A particularly important role: processing of fruit and vegetables (including plants in Opole Nutricia/Danone Group), production of dairy products (Zott Poland in Opole, District Dairy Cooperative in Prudnik, Głubczyce), production of bakery, confectionery and sugar confectionery (Confectionery Plant in Otmuchow, Sugars Nysa in Nysa, Kraft Foods Poland – 2 factories in Skarbimierz, Nestle Poland in Namysłów), sugar production (in Polish sugar Cerekiew) and others (Lesaffre Poland in Wołczyn). The rank of the food industry maintains the largest number of employees (including almost 8000 employees) - the highest among all sectors of manufacturing in the Opolskie Region. Priority factors for the development of food industry in the Opolskie Region: ______________________________________________________________________ Human capital development (permanent learning), Increasing cooperation in the food industry, Support programs for SMEs, Consistency with the region's agricultural policy, EU policy, Increase the quality certification of products, The development of logistics and distribution, Increasing innovation. Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Highly productive agriculture in the Opolskie Region: Agriculture in Opolskie is one of the most important of its potentials. Significant importance of agriculture across the country and the importance of this sector in the structure of the region's economy, tends to treat agriculture as an important and permanent component of regional policy. A great development potential characterize the Region’s agriculture. Favorable terrain, climatic conditions, soil quality, and high agriculture, may impact on high agricultural productivity: in terms of yields of cereals, oilseed rape and turnip rape and sugar beet Opolskie is at the forefront of the country. Grain yields are one of the highest in Poland (49.0 dt / ha in 2009, compared to 34.8 dt / ha in the country), also in terms of average annual milk yield Region has been occupying the firs position. Areas with the highest value of agricultural production are located in the southern and western parts of the Region. These are areas with very favorable conditions and natural soil, which is the basis for intensive agricultural production and based on the agri-food processing, and areas with significant recreation and tourism values (including the District Opava Mountains, water Otmuchów, Nysa). Promoting the idea to organize farmers into groups of agricultural producers will increase the concentration of supply and enable the preparation of uniform batches of the product, by adjuting technology to the requirements and expectations of the recipients. Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Large human potential: Of all the new EU countries, Poland has the largest pool of human resources available, with worldclass engineers. The ratio of people studying to the total population (5.1 per cent) was higher than that of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (4.2 per cent, 3.1 per cent and 3.2 per cent, respectively). Investors also have the largest academic base at their disposal, with more than 315,000 students in technical faculties alone, 39 schools with a Mechanics and Machine Building faculty and 22 schools with a Transportation faculty. In Opolskie Region there are 9 academies among them there is Opole University and Opole University of Technology. Job seekers in Opolskie Region in 2011 bEZROBOCIU O BEZROBOCIU EDUCATION in Opolskie Region 40 884 university students Over 35 000 students in Opole City 2 000 technical –engineer university students 8 academies In distance of 150 km: 400 600 university students 122 200 technical –engineer university students 4 universities in polish TOP 20 Source: GUS, 2010 Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Availability of EU funds: The availability of EU funds not only means subsidizing infrastructure modernisation or vast regional development plans, but also financial assistance for smaller initiatives and single companies. Within the framework of various programmes, enterprises can also apply for R&D support grants, environmental support grants as well as several educational and training funds. After joining the EU in 2004, all new member countries received significant financial support in the form of structural and cohesion funds. Many smaller states including Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, which also acceded to the EU in 2004, benefited, and were able to increase their GDP and income per capita levels. As a result, their available portion of cohesion funds to be used as FDI incentives decreased. However, Poland will continue to obtain considerable subsidies, and will be able to offer more to potential investors than neighboring countries. Sweden; 1891 Finland; 1716 Slovakia; 11588 United Kingdom; 10613 EU Founds for 2007-13 (in millions of euro) Belgium; 2258 Bulgaria; 6853 Slovenia; 4205 Czech Republic; 26692 Romania; 19668 Denmark; 613 Germany; 26340 Portugal; 21511 Belgium; 2259 Estonia; 3456 Éire-Ireland; 901 Greece; 20420 Poland; 67284 Spain; 35217 France; 14319 Italy; 28812 Austria; 1461 Netherlands; 1907 Malta; 15855 Hungary; 25307 Luxembourg; 65 Lithuania; 6885 Cyprus; 28640 Latvia; 4620 Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Booming economy and rapidly developing consumer market: Poland has experienced dynamic economic growth period with its GDP increasing by more than 6 per cent annually before recession, and average salaries in the enterprise sector growing by 12.8 per cent. Poland is the only member country of the European Union to have avoided a decline in GDP, meaning that in 2009 Poland has created the most GDP growth in the EU. As of December 2009 the Polish economy had not entered recession nor contracted, while its IMF 2010 GDP growth forecast of 1.9 per cent is expected to be upgraded. Prognosis of GDP for the years 2011-2015 Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region The food industry companies in Opolskie Region Why Opolskie Region? KRAFT FOODS: In Skarbimierz, 31 miles (50 kilometers) southeast of Wroclaw and 45 km to Opole, KRAFT FOODS Polska S.A. started manufacturing chewing gum on of the last quarter of 2008. Initially in a factory worked „…very good road infrastructure and communication accesibility of the region, good access to a highly qualified workforce and also support of local and regional authorities…” about 300 workers. Products are exported mainly to European markets but also the Middle East and Africa. In 2008, the decision was made to build another plant in the municipality Skarbimierz, producing chocolate products. Currently KRAFT FOODS Polska S.A. in the Opolskie Region employs about 800 workers in 2 factories and in Poland about 2300 workers. The site in Skarbimierz is situated close to the A4 highway between Wroclaw and Krakow, 31 miles (50 kilometers) from Wroclaw Airport. Previously before purchasing KRAFT FOODS company was functioning as a Cadbury. KRAFT FOODS Polska S.A. | ul. Smaków 1| 49-318 Skarbimierz | Chocolate production Tel: +48 77 459 14 00 | Chewing Gum production Tel: +48 77 456 10 50 | Fax: +48 77 456 10 21 | Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region NUTRICIA is the market leader in food for infants and children in Poland. NUTRICIA in Poland company is a combination of Polish and foreign investor in 1993. It is a member of the Danone Group. Specializes in foods for infants and children, and clinical foods - for people with special diets. NUTRICIA Production Plants in Opole is one of the largest factories in Europe which produces food for infants and young children, having the status of foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses. NUTRICIA Zakłady Produkcyjne Sp. z.o.o.| ul. Marka z Jemielnicy 1 | 45-952 Opole | Tel: +48 77 454 40 55| Fax: +48 77 454 27 94| E-mail: kontakt@nutricia.com.pl | Zott Poland Sp. o.o. located in Opole functioning for several years on the Polish market provides the highest quality dairy products - yoghurt, desserts, drinks and other items that are appreciated by both consumers and traders. The company started its operations in Wrocław in 1992, initially as an importer and distributor of dairy products, and its rapid development has meant that in a few years joined the forefront of the largest manufacturers of domestic dairy industry. In October 1999 the company bought a dairy operating in Opole and began overhauling to consequently create one of the most modern dairy plants, not only in Poland but in Europe. The company at the moment employs nearly 450 employees in three shifts working system. ZOTT POLSKA Sp. z o.o. | ul. Chłodnicza 6 | 45 - 315 Opole | Tel: +48 77 44 34 200| Fax: +48 77 44 34 205 | E-mail: zott@zott.com.pl| Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Founded in 1853 by Louis Lesaffre in Marcq-en-Baroeul, Northern France, Lesaffre Group is currently the world leader in the Why Opolskie Region? production of yeast and yeast extract. Group activity focuses on LESAFFRE Polska S.A.: baking market. Group has developed a wide range of industrial „…the decision to locate company’s headquarters in the Opolskie was determined by, apart from its traditions, such factors as its geographical location, infrastructure, highly specialized and flexible workers who are eager to raise their qualifications on a regular basis as well as considerable potential for the region’s economic growth. The commitment of the Opolskie Voivodship’s local and regional authorities to cooperation in an additional asset that encourages everyone to invest in this part of Poland.” fermentation products: yeast, soreness and derivatives such as improvers for bread. Lesaffre Group began its industrial presence in Poland in 1999, taking over the Silesian Yeast Factory in Wołczyn, whose origins dates back to 1893. In 2002 the company was incorporated Lesaffre Bio-corporation. With further investment and improve the quality of products since 2003, Lesaffre yeast no longer comes from abroad. Sales of yeast in the Polish market and export is ensured by domestic production in Wołczyn. Lesaffre Poland S.A. has also divisions producing improvers and mixes in Łódź and a Bakery Centre in Warsaw. Since March 2003 the company is named Lessafre Poland SA. LESAFFRE POLSKA S.A. | ul. Dworcowa 36 | 46 - 250 Wołczyn | Tel: +48 77 41 88 280| Fax: +48 77 41 88 299| E-mail: lbc@lesaffre.pl| Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Nestle company operates in Poland since 1993. In Opole province, in Namysłów in 1994 founded the first manufacturing plant in Poland of the Schöller Company. In 2002 the company entered into Schöller Nestlé Group - now a branch in Namysłów operates within the Nestle Ice Cream Poland. Since its acquisition by Nestlé factory, every year at the factory are made investments and purchases of new technology. Today in Namysłów Nestle permanently employs about 170 people. The company also employs seasonal, so that in summer the number of employees increases up to 350 people. Nestle Polska S.A. | ul. Oleśnicka 17 | 46-100 Namysłów | Tel: +48 77 41 08 600 | Fax: +48 77 41 08 601 | E-mail: plnambiuro@pl.nestle.com | The company was registered in 1951 as a state enterprise under the name of the Import-Export Headquarter Goods and Processed Animal Origin "ANIMEX." 2001 has been 50 years of its existence. In 1983, the state enterprise was transformed into a limited liability company, and in 1994 the company created ANIMEX SA. In April 1999, an American company Smithfield Foods Inc. acquired a majority stake in Animex SA. The company currently employs approximately 390 employees Animex is the undisputed leader in the meat market in Poland. In addition to the well-known in the world of Krakus ham, canned meats and delicious, Animex is also a producer of fresh pork, beef and poultry: turkey, chicken and goose. Animex Sp. z o.o., Branch in Opole| ul. Arki Bożka 1 | 45-411 Opole| Tel: +48 77 400 86 00 | Fax: +48 77 400 86 01 | E-mail: bok.opole@animex.pl | Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Confectionery Plant "Otmuchów" SA located in Opole province, employs 840 people. The company has over 50-year tradition as a manufacturer of confectionery products of the group. The company was privatized in 1993 and as a result of the transformation arose Confectionery Plant Sp. o.o. Since 1997 the company operates as a joint stock company. Over this period were produced cakes cake, cast sugar, hearts and stars and gingerbread glazed with chocolate, ice cream, lollipops, chocolate-covered cherries, chocolate, jelly and sugar, and other products. Zakłady Przemysłu Cukierniczego “Otmuchów” S.A. | ul. Nyska 21 | 48-385 Otmuchów | Tel: +48 77 431 50 83 | Fax: +48 77 431 50 85 | E-mail: zpc@zpcotmuchow.com.pl | Confectionery Company ODRA SA is one of the largest Polish confectionery companies, with participation in the domestic confectionery market, estimated at about 5%. Currently the company offers the following products: hard candies, caramels filled, chocolate filled, chocolate and chocolate, halva, sesame, lipsticks, irises and rubber-soluble, and dragees. In May 2011 ZPC Otmuchów reached an agreement on the acquisition of shares in confectionery company PWC Odra. On the basis of an agreement signed in September between firms Z.P.C. "Otmuchów" SA gained control of the PWC Odra. Przedsiębiorstwo Wyrobów Cukierniczych “ODRA” S.A. | ul. Starobrzeska 7 | 49-305 Brzeg | Tel: + 48 77 444 60 00 | Fax: +48 77 416 26 27 | E-mail: odra@odra.com.pl | Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region Packaging companies WIPAK Group As part of the Finland-based Wihuri Group the Wipak Group holds a leading rank in the development and manufacture of multilayer films (in particular barrier films) and high-end packaging solutions in Europe. Product portfolio is spread across two business divisions: Food Packaging - offering packaging films for items such as fresh and processed meat, dairy products, bakery products, confectionery, ready meals, fish and coffee plus a large variety of reclosing systems; we also offer the appropriate packaging for the tobacco industry and supply films to converters; Medical Packaging - supplying a comprehensive range of sterile barrier materials and systems for medical device industries and health care institutions. We offer also substrate films for sticking plasters and pvc-free materials for packing pharmaceutical solutions. WIPAK Polska Sp. z o.o. | ul. Sikorskiego 20 | 49-340 Lewin Brzeski | Tel: + 48 77 412 79 96| Fax: +48 77 404 20 01 | E-mail: info.poland@wipak.com | Fabryka Puszek Skarbimierz Polska Sp. z o.o. The owner of the FPS is German Company Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH. The company has been on the German market for 135 years and produces about 150 different types of cans for cooking oils, paints and varnishes. Company specializes also in the production of aluminum bottle caps. Factory in Skarbimierz in Opolskie started operation in 2011. FPS Polska Sp. z o.o. | ul. Smaków 4 | 49-318 Lewin Skarbimierz | Tel: + 48 77 307 02 23| E-mail: info@blechwaren-limburg.de | Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region B+K Polska Sp.z o.o., which manufactures flexible industrial packaging in Walce, is a subsidiary of Bischof + Klein, a leading European full-service supplier of flexible packaging and technical films. The location is an important element in the B+K GROUP's growth towards Eastern Europe. The Opole area, as a central economic region with good links to Western and Eastern Europe, offers an outstanding platform for this. B+K Polska Sp. z o.o.| ul. Eichendorffa 3 | 47-344 Walce | Tel: + 48 77 407 63 10| Fax: +48 77 4076 - 311 | E-mail: info@bk-packaging.pl | FAGRO Sp. j. Fagro has been operated in production and sales of block bottom bags in Krapkowice since 1991. Company supply to domestic and Scandinavian, German, Czech, Slovakian and Baltic Clients. In terms of the range, quality, production capacities and development company aims to remain among the leaders in this field in Poland. To adequately meet the needs of customers in terms of quality, with extraordinary care company comes to the quality of raw materials and additives used by continuous monitoring of suppliers, who in the vast majority belong to the world leaders FAGRO S. j. | ul. Opolska 103 B | 47-300 Krapkowice | Tel: +48 77 466 22 14| Fax: +48 77 407 95 95 | E-mail: fagro@fagro.com.pl | We encourage you to contact with the Investor and Exporter Assistance Center in matters related to placement investment in the Opolskie Region. Contact Person: Ewa Dudik Phone/Fax +48 77 40 33 646 Mobile Phone +48 515 214 653 e-mail e.dudik@ocrg.opolskie.pl www.ocrg.opolskie.pl www.investinopolskie.pl skype: investinopolskie Investor and Exporter Assistance Center Opolskie Center of Economy Development ul. Spychalskiego 1A 45 – 716 Opole, Poland INVESTINOPOLSKIE.PL Flourishing Food Sector in Opolskie Region