Determining Tube Size for Hydraulic Systems
Determining Tube Size for Hydraulic Systems
Step 2: Determine Tube Determining Tube Size for Hydraulic Systems 0.0. and Wall Thickness Using Tables U15 and U16, determine the tube 0.0. and wall thickness combination that satisfies the following two conditions: Proper tube material, type and size for a given application and type of fitting is critical for efficient and trouble free operation of the fluid system. Selection of proper tubing involves choosing the right tube material, and determining the optimum tube size (0.0. and wall thickness). A. Has recommended design pressure equal to or higher than maximum operating pressure. B. Provides tube 1.0. equal to or greater than required flow diameter determined earlier. Proper sizing of the tube for various parts of a hydraulic system results in an optimum combination of efficient and cost effective performance. Design pressure values in Tables U15 and U16 are based on the severity of service rating "A" (design factor of 4) in Table U10, and temperature derating factor of 1 in Table U11. A tube that is too small causes high fluid velocity, which has many detrimental effects. In suction lines, it causes cavitation which starves and damages pumps. In pressure lines, it causes high friction losses and turbulence, both resulting in high pressure drops and heat generation. High heat accelerates wear in moving parts and rapid aging of seals and hoses, all resulting in reduced component life. High heat generation also means wasted energy, and hence, low efficiency. If more severe operating conditions are involved, the values in Tables U15 and U16 should be multiplied by appropriate derating factors from Tables U1 0 and U11 before determining the tube 0.0. and wall thickness combination. Contact the Tube Fittings Division when in doubt. Allowable design stress levels and formula used to arrive at the design pressure values are given in the following chart. Values in Table U8 are for fully annealed tubing. Too large of a tube increases system cost. Thus, optimum tube sizing is very critical.Strength The following is a simple procedure for Low (HSLA) ASTM 875 J2467 J525 304 &6061-T6 316Alloy Stainless Steel Material andMonel, Type Steel, High Aluminum Alloy Steel C-4130 sizing the tubes. 400 Steel Steel C-1 021 C-1 010 Copper, K or Y ASTM J528, A213, SAE J356, J524, SAE J2435, ASTM A519 8165 8210 72°F Factor of18,800 4 at Tube 6,000 PSI Stress fo Design 17,500 10,500 PSI PSI PSI 15,000 12,500 PSI 18,000 Specification Allowable J2614 18,800 PSIDesign A249,A269 SAE J2613, Step 1: Determine Required Flow Diameter Use Tables U13 and U14 to determine recommended diameter for the required flow rate and type of line. The table is based on the following recommended ties: flow flow veloci- Pressure lines - 25 ft./sec. or 7.62 meters/sec. Return lines - 10 ft./sec. or 3.05 meters/sec. Suction lines - 4 ft./sec. or 1.22 meters/sec. If you desire to use different velocities than the above, use one of the following formulae to determine the required flow diameter. Flow in GPM Tube 1.0. (in.) = 0.64 Velocity in fUsee. OR Tube 1.0. (mm) = 4.61 Flow in liters per minute Table U8 - Design Stress Values Velocity in meters/sec. Design Pressure Formula (LAME'S) P=S 02 _-d_2_) + d2 (_0_2 where: o = Outside diameter of tube, in d = Inside diameter of tube (D-2T), in P = Recommended design pressure, psi S = Allowable stress for design factor of 4, psi T = Tube wall thickness, in. Table U9 - Design Pressure Formula For thin wall tubes (DIT ~ 10) the following formula may be Used: P = 2ST/D Recommended Flow Diameters - In Inches 0.169 0.143 0.128 0.181 0.202 0.222 0.239 0.395 0.286 0.300 0.314 0.326 0.339 0.351 0.362 0.373 0.384 0.064 0.091 0.111 0.256 0.272 0.558 0.543 0.528 0.512 0.462 0.496 0.443 0.425 0.405 2.170 2.263 2.373 2.024 0.903 0.990 2.123 0.880 2.479 0.857 2.074 0.833 0.808 0.728 0.782 0.700 0.756 0.479 0.286 0.319 0.350 0.267 0.623 0.670 0.404 0.429 0.639 0.452 0.474 0.495 0.515 0.534 0.553 0.589 0.226 0.202 0.101 0.143 0.175 0.868 1.428 0.905 1.030 0.677 0.701 1.693 0.724 1.278 0.810 1.973 1.245 0.789 1.920 1.212 0.768 1.866 1.178 0.746 0.572 0.600 0.627 1.340 0.849 1.498 0.949 1.565 0.991 1.309 0.830 0.453 0.506 0.554 0.423 0.986 0.599 0.378 0.392 0.247 0.640 0.679 0.750 0.784 0.816 0.847 0.876 0.933 0.358 0.320 0.160 0.277 Lines 1.370 1.069 1.106 1.431 1.568 1.395 1.358 1.154 1.109 1.061 1.319 1.280 1.239 1.197 Pressure Return in Inches 0.157 Suction Lines 2.217 0.947 0.571 0.606 1.399 0.887 0.653 1.632 1.753 1.810 1.143 0.716 0.960 1.501 1.012 Recommended Flow Diameter 170.00 130.00 75.00 200.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 190.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 70.00 GPM 150.00 65.00 Flow Rate Maximum ximum Table U13 - Recommended Flow Diameters, in Inches Lines 1.248 1.214 1.145 1.109 1.071 1.032 1.180 2.303 2.390 2.555 2.634 2.213 2.020 2.119 2.862 2.710 2.784 4.525 2.857 3.119 3.036 2.950 2.771 2.677 2.580 Pressure 3.649 1.515 3.786 3.919 4.048 1.669 4.172 1.717 4.293 1.764 4.411 1.969 3.505 1.459 1.280 3.200 1.342 3.356 1.402 1.807 1.749 1.690 1.629 1.810 Lines in Inches 2.474 1.568 1.619 1.916 1.862 Suction Return Recommended Flow Diameter Inch Tube Pressure Ratings Steel 1021 Thick. Wall I.D. 11950 11000 2050 2200 9400 2600 5500 3700 8000 4750 6550 6900 1700 8300 9350 3550 7900 7400 8200 6700 6500 9600 8650 3900 5350 3050 2400 6650 9650 5100 11050 0.245 0.058 0.049 0.204 0.124 0.090 0.105 0.010 4600 0.085 0.020 0.210 3100 6650 0.069 0.118 0.168 5750 0.152 0.134 0.148 4250 0.132 7800 0.120 0.065 0.209 0.083 7600 0.185 0.095 6850 0.169 0.072 0.084 0.273 0.109 0.231 5400 0.197 8000 0.335 2450 0.257 0.215 6450 0.282 9150 0.123 0.260 0.402 0.384 0.370 0.356 4800 0.334 0.259 0.277 2550 0.305 0.188 7850 5450 1400 6550 5000 3250 4450 8050 8950 1500 11800 12050 10800 10000 10400 3250 6900 5950 8200 4450 6400 9250 8450 7550 9750 4050 6150 5500 7200 3850 13200 15000 2550 13800 2800 3000 8350 13450 2700 2400 2150 3150 2950 3100 2300 1050 1400 1150 1550 1750 3300 3650 3850 4300 700 950 Steel Tube 10150 10500 10750 9100 1800 6000 2950 7750 3250 4900 4400 5750 13250 5400 2150 0.194 0.028 3950 0.180 0.035 8450 0.055 6900 6150 0.183 0.444 9950 8750 0.157 0.430 0.147 0.243 4500 2700 4100 3650 2000 0.319 5550 0.310 0.232 2950 5600 7200 1700 1850 11750 11450 10350 12150 2100 2200 4650 8650 9900 6750 4850 6650 12700 8150 3650 5550 16600 2600 2050 2100 2650 2200 2750 1500 1900 1300 1950 1200 4050 3200 4200 4800 4400 3750 3450 5300 650 800 900 304 1010 &HSLA 316, 4130, (in.) (in.) Copper Inch Tubes* 1.000 1.000 0.875 0.625 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 0.625 0.750 Stai n less Tube a.D. (4:1 Design Factor), PSIPressure (in.) Design * See Table U8 for tube specifications. Table U15 -Inch Tube Pressure Ratings Steel Tubes* 1100 2350 4000 3600 4550 5350 2700 1850 1450 7600 3050 3400 3850 5200 6250 6050 1800 9000 2650 3100 4200 4700 2800 3200 3650 5000 5300 0.109 0.156 0.083 0.188 0.134 4150 0.560 0.760 5500 3000 3800 0.870 0.704 0.856 2250 6350 2100 0.527 2550 0.065 3200 0.481 3750 0.459 0.083 0.095 0.385 5200 0.805 0.652 5050 0.109 0.454 0.745 0.569 7500 0.510 2200 0.657 0.607 0.620 3050 1750 1300 1500 11300 1150 2200 9800 5050 8250 6350 3900 3200 4300 Wall 5650 6550 7600 6900 8700 1550 3000 6600 5250 3150 3550 3950 2150 2500 1800 1000 550 750 950 2100 7850 6600 1550 2500 4500 6700 1250 2400 1400 4250 5050 5900 5500 7000 Tube 0.120 0.065 0.095 0.072 0.049 0.220 0.148 4200 0.058 0.035 4900 0.028 4600 4400 6550 3350 0.624 0.782 0.732 4450 0.688 2600 0.810 0.884 0.834 0.902 0.680 0.357 0.930 0.509 2850 0.495 0.072 4350 0.435 5600 0.120 0.482 0.579 0.555 0.049 0.407 5800 0.777 2000 0.374 0.532 0.759 0.731 0.709 0.685 3500 3900 0.635 0.634 2350 2650 0.606 0.584 3550 1550 1950 1200 1050 2300 4550 5700 6700 2900 3400 1950 1850 9550 900 1 7350 3800 4800 8450 7800 6200 2650 3350 4500 5850 1750 4600 5350 350 2650 2000 2100 2800 3150 3050 2350 2700 2450 2200 1700 1600 1450 1250 1100 1200 1350 1550 1050 1650 1850 1150 600 450 500 850 700 3600 1021 Steel Steel Thick. J.D. 1010 2600 4130, 304 & HSLA 316, (in.) (in.) Inch Copper Stainless (4:1 Design Factor), DesignPSI Pressure Inch Tube Pressure Ratings (cont'd.) SteelTubes* . Inch 7250 2050 2350 2950 2600 3400 3250 2850 2700 2450 2150 0.156 0.148 1950 1700 1.204 1.232 1.260 1.310 1.188 1.282 0.109 4300 4050 3650 2550 3250 2950 0.095 1350 1050 1300 800 1021 1000 2100 2150 1500 6100 2400 2500 3550 3950 4200 1900 3650 2800 4800 2450 1600 1450 1200 1400 1750 5150 3200 3050 1300 5750 1800 5000 0.810 Tube ·0.072 2000 2650 2550 2350 0.220 4150 4800 3500 0.065 0.072 2100 0.134 0.120 3050 0.109 4000 2050 0.250 0.058 0.049 0.083 1150 1250 5100 1450 4300 2950 0.982 0.954 0.938 1600 1800 1100 1750 1500 1200 1000 0.281 1.060 1350 1.370 1.356 1.334 1.704 1.732 1.010 1.782 1.500 1.560 1.032 1.810 1.438 1.856 1.000 1.870 1.120 1.134 1.152 1.760 1.624 1.084 1.124 1.688 850 950 0.22 ·0.083 2050 2200 2400 2150 1.834 2300 4950 1600 1.106 1700 1900 7700 4450 2700 3950 3850 4600 1400 1250 6300 1850 1550 6450 3000 3150 5250 3550 6000 2650 5300 0.188 I.D. 2450 2050 2300 2000 1250 1400 1000 1700 1450 1150 1900 1600 450 550 600 500 400 950 700 750 850 650 .1150 Steel Thick 0.188 O~ O.148 0.095 3300 0.083 3050 Wall 0.874 0.220 188 .. 1010 304 0.156 & 316, Stain less 4130, HSLA (in.) (in.) Copper Design (4: 1 Design Factor), PSI Pressure ,., ,, ...... ... . - ... * See Table U8 for tube specifications. Table U15 ~ Inch Tube Pressure Ratings, cont'd. Recommended Flow Diameters - In Millimeters 1.670 2.362 2.893 5.010 3.340 4.723 3.734 4.418 10.295 16.277 10.020 11.203 12.385 13.972 14.937 15.843 5.785 6.249 20.453 21.124 21.774 22.405 9.447 9.738 7.833 8.515 7.468 24.770 18.294 23.617 27.944 14.460 13.970 13.461 12.933 11.201 14.934 15.394 11 10.560 12.540 13.218 10.239 21.284 25.045 25.767 26.437 28.040 2.640 29.557 40.899 4.180 5.911 31.000 4.573 7.920 8.348 9.145 9.878 5.280 9.347 19.606 7.467 6.985 34.972 37.387 40.742 51.194 56.081 59.114 .806 in Millimeters 4.091 13.464 10.562 11.809 12.936 14.463 15.397 7.085 5.281 6.680 23.019 9.147 8.837 8.181 17.515 19.041 19.760 25.872 16.700 26.928 12.383 Suction 11.823 14.480 15.640 11.059 Lines 20.449 22.088 22.863 23.613 24.340 25.732 26.400 27.689 28.920 30.101 31 22.895 23.646 24.373 22.118 25.080 15.840 21.314 20.478 16.697 19.579 37.335 42.569 44.176 16.274 Lines 18.694 17.710 18.668 3.734 16.720 7.240 8.360 5.903 47.659 49.458 32.333 52.873 33.394 34.421 35.419 57.617 36.390 39.158 17.734 32.378 33.700 36.200 38.538 39.655 6.467 41.800 43.840 45.790 54.501 67.400 61 64.756 69.945 Pressure Return .237 .999 Recommended Flow Diameter 340 320 380 360 LPM* 600 550 500 450 400 650 700 800 750 300 Flow Rate Maximum imum Table U14 Millimeters Recommended Flow Diameters, in * LPM = Liters Per Minute in Millimeters 30.793 29.874 74.774 72.400 Lines 45.726 32.554 61.913 59.032 40.906 42.577 44.184 35.426 102.389 106.570 88.671 45.735 47.235 114.474 118.228 28.925 31.686 Lines Suction Lines 79.310 77.075 50.090 48.679 47.226 Return 39.165 37.342 98.030 93.468 83.600 81 52.800 51.463 .483 110.592 64.667 67.307 69.848 56.003 72.299 74.670 Pressure 33.400 Recommended Flow Diameter Metric Tube Pressure Ratings 2.25 2.5 1.5 20.0128 10.0235 12.0201 13.0188 12.0282 14.0176 20.0282 13.0 15.0 12.0 17.0 10.0 11.0 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 4.0389 6.0333 5.0431 8.0282 7.0373 2.5 2.0 4.0 3.5 4.0549 4.0666 7.0495 6.0576 5.0651 8.0507 7.0676 9.0478 1.0 3.0658 6.0478 5.0576 8.0409 9.0434 6.0641 403 264 478 320 426 282 313 212 639 585 209 400 289 351 410 143 271 247 135 235 277 121 146 230 1 27 39 77 53 97 92 60 Steel 0.75 0.8 0.5 3.0432 3.0313 3.5376 4.5 409 256 366 465 301 386 2.0 11.0302 21.0226 16.0157 19.0192 19.0 16.0 14.0 18.0 3.0549 9.0353 3.0 2.0692 1.5 1.5 7 409 376 338 353 386 452 385 235 373 266 392 575 4 281 330 556 223 518 3 312 100 345 170 65 30 1.0 2.0522 2.5 333 Low-Carbon Thick. 1.0. 1.4571 Tube Wall Steel Stainless St. 37-4 (mm) Metric Tu bes 28 25 38 65 30 35 38 35 42 50 80 30 25 0.0. (Bar) Tube Desian(mm) Pressure Table U16 - Metric Tube Pressure Ratings 25.0 24.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 4.5 5.0 2.0 1.5 4 394 201 282 151 37 78 209 319 353 386 117 271 153 177 22.0 26.0 31.0 29.0 32.0 33.0 18.0 4.0 6.0 403 242 419 223 297 161 186 34 124 351 330 339 142 219 28.0 36.0 34.0 7.0 371 390 446 269 134 315 268 360 104 247 10.0 8.0 60.0 437 3 53 256 25.0 235 376 Low-Carbon Thick. I.D. 1.4571 Steel Tube Wall Stainless S teel 20.0 23.0 30.0 27.0 2.5 3.0 252 302 409 322 188 223 236 289 143 188 181 168 38.0 338 200 49.0 9.0 347 253 St.37-4 (mm) Metric Tubes Design Pressure (Bar)
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