2014 July - Order Sons of Italy


2014 July - Order Sons of Italy
Golden Lion
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of New York
Largest Italian-American Fraternal Bi-Monthly in New York State
19 05 - 20 05
“The Order Sons of Italy in America is the oldest and largest organization of Italian-American Men and Women in the United States and Canada”
VOL. 48 NO. 7-8
108th Annual Convention
“Pride in Membership” Theme Stirs Delegates
Trustees and Commissioners Elected
Delegates And Lodges Continue Their Generosity In Supporting OSIA Charities
~~~~~ ( Convention coverage begins on page 9) ~~~~~
NY State President Joseph Rondinelli (rear, center) poses with the 2014-2016 NY Grand LodgeTrustees - Front row - from left: Joseph DiCarlo, Cathy Lembo
Lloyd, Valerie Gobbo, and Anthony DiCostanzo. Back row - from left: Ernest Magliotto, Luigi Squillante, John Maura, Patrick Iandoli, State President, John Rubbo
Sr., Keith Wilson, and Anthony Corsello. Three other Trustees were not present for photo op. NY Grand Lodge Commitment To Higher Education Continues
$83,900 in Scholarships and Grants
Awarded to Our Youth
At A Special Ceremony on June 14th
At Tappan Zee High School
Recipients photos - see pages 19 to 23
Our thoughts and prayers
are with those in uniform
in harm’s way
~ Ordine Figli d’Italia in America ~
for the
Next Golden Lion Issue is
September 7, 2014
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The Golden Lion
Official Publication
of N.Y. Grand Lodge
Order Sons of Italy
in America
Published Bi-Monthly
Circulated 5 times per year among
the NY OSIA Membership with a
family readership of over 40,000
throughout the New York State Area.
Sal Moschella
Marjorie Moschella
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Our thoughts and prayers
are with those in uniform
in harm’s way
State Convention
Aspecial Convention pullout section with
Convention Schedule and candidates for
State Office will be found in Part 2
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2 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
Advertising Manager
Anita Rosato
Contributing Writers
Mike Cutillo
Dr. Ciro T. De Rosa
Prof. Philip J. DiNovo
Florence Gatto
Dr. Joseph A. Tursi
Past Editors
Frank Rossi
Guido Vitiello (Emeritus)
Joseph Maglioto
Frank Rossi
Frank Malerba
Peter R. Zuzolo
August A. Di Renzo
State Photographer
Natale Mannino
The Golden Lion is the official publication
of the New York State Order Sons of Italy in
America (NYS OSIA) Grand Lodge, the
largest and longest established organization
representing New York's women and men of
Italian heritage. The Golden Lion strives to
provide timely information about NYS OSIA,
while reporting individuals, institutions,
issues and events of current or historical significance in the New York Italian-American
The Golden Lion is published 5 times yearly: (Jan-Feb-Mar, Apr-May-June, Jul-Aug,
Sep-Oct, and Nov-Dec) by NYS OSIA, 2101
Bellmore Avenue. Bellmore, NY 11710,
516-785-4623. Mailed at periodicals postage
rates at Bellmore and at additional mailing
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New York State Grand Council
Joseph F. Rondinelli............................................... State President
225 Massachusetts Avenue, Massapequa, NY 11758
Home Tel: 516 799-0044
Cell Tel: 516 659-4404
Fax No. 516 221-6742
Email: osiajfr@aol.com
Carolyn Reres........................................... State 1st Vice President
Robert Ferrito.......................................... State 2nd Vice President
Thom Lupo................................... State Immediate Past President
Anthony Naccarato............................................... State Orator
Michele Ment........................................ State Recording Secretary
Biagio Isgro, Jr........................................ State Financial Secretary
James Spatafora........................... State Corresponding Secretary
2712 Smith Drive, Endwell, NY 13760
John A. Fratta........................................................ State Treasurer
Arthur Spera................................................ State Principal Trustee
State Trustees
Anthony Corsello
Joseph DiCarlo
Anthony DiCostanzo
Valerie Gobbo
Patrick Iandoli
Cathy Lembo Lloyd
Ernest Magliotto
John Maura
John M. Rubbo Sr.
Joanne Spera
Luigi Squillante
Keith Wilson
State Past Presidents
Anthony J. Gulotta+
Crescenzo Pitocchi+
Stefano Miele+
Corrado Stornello+
Salvatore Cotillo+
John J. Freschi+
Stefano Miele+
Frank Catinella+
Andrew J. Malatesta+
Francis X. Giaccone+
Peter R. Zuzolo
Ubaldo N. Marino+
Joseph A. Montemarano+
Amedeo H. Volpe+
Nicholas G. Viglietta
Carmine A. Ventiera+
Joseph Parillo, Jr.+
Peter A. Brevett
Joseph Sciame
Salvatore H. Migliaccio
Joseph Cangemi
George Montopoli+
Joseph J. DiTrapani
P. Vincent Landi+
Carlo Matteucci
Joseph Bologna+
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Joseph E. Fay+
Salvatore Lanzilotta
State Appointees
Rev. R. Adam Forno ...................................................... NYS Chaplain
Eleanor Jobbagy............................................... New York State Deputy
Louis Gallo ........................................... New York State CSJ Chairman
Joseph Sciame and Luigi Squillante ......... NY State GMM Co-Chairs
New York State Member Bene Emeritus
Carmine Cocchiola +
Giuseppe A. Nigro +
Constantine Fascia +
Gregorio Morabito +
Lillian Black +
Philip Iannuccilli
Frank Picarazzi
Maria Dell’Unto +
Giacomo DiNola +
Andrew Torregrossa, Sr.+
Rev. Julius Valentinelli+
Joseph G. Bologna +
E. Howard Molisani +
Thomas F. Rosolio+
P. Vincent Landi +
Anne Fiore+
Hon. Angelo D. Roncallo+
Amelia B. Magnotta +
F. Joseph Leone +
Arthur L. Pardi +
John Musicaro +
Edward Innella
Hon. Josephine Gambino+
Hon. Dominic R. Massaro
Peter R. Zuzolo
Louis L. Giambra+
Joseph Parillo, Jr. +
Nicholas G. Viglietta
Salvatore Marasa+
Emanuel J. Aragosa
Frank D’Andrea+
Joseph E. Fay+
Joseph Sciame
Rev. Donald B. Licata+
Lucy F. Codella
Louis Ambrosio
John Dabbene+
Dan Colantone
Joseph Cangemi
Joseph J. DiTrapani
Carlo Matteucci
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Salvatore Lanzilotta
Antonette Innella+
Sylvia Summa
Joseph Montemarano+
Thom Lupo
New York State Hall of Fame
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro+
Francis Mezzatesta, Esq.+
Dr. Vincent Buffa+
Stefano Miele, +
Peter R. Zuzolo
Joseph Sciame
Joseph DiTrapani
National Officers/Appointees
Nancy DiFiore Quinn........................................National Fifth Vice President
Joseph J. DiTrapani.................................National Immediate Past President
Thom A. Lupo....................................................National Financial Secretary
Carlo Matteucci.....................................................................National Trustee
Nicholas Mauro.....................................................................National Trustee
Peter R. Zuzolo..........................................,................National Past President
Joseph Sciame.............................................................National Past President
Joseph J. DiTrapani..................National Sons of Italy Foundation President
Salvatore Lanzilotta...........................................National Foundation Trustee
Bruce Lankewish................................................National Foundation Trustee
Marianne Principe O’Neil.................................National Foundation Trustee
Carmine Federico..........................National Arbitration Commissioner Chair
Salvatore Lanzilotta................................National Arbitration Commissioner
Joseph F. Rondinelli..................................Supreme Cabinet Co-Chairperson
Rev. R. Adam Forno...........................................................National Chaplain
Joan Rondinelli................................................Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson
Dominic Massaro.........................................National CSJ President Emeritus
Grand Lodge Office
Eileen Stavis, Office Manager
Carol DiTrapani, Executive Assistant
2101-03 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710-5605
Tel. 516-785-4623 1-800-322-OSIA Fax 516-221-OSIA (6742)
www.nysosia.org • nysosia@aol.com
From The State President’s Desk
Convention during and after the weekend.
Joseph F. Rondinelli
State President
Grand Lodge of New York
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the
NYSOSIA Grand Lodge:
hope this message finds each of
you enjoying a pleasant summer.
This quiet downtime gives me the
chance to reflect back on recent
New York OSIA events.
It has now been several weeks since our
very successful 108th Annual State
Convention convened and concluded at
the Villa Roma Resort & Conference
Center in Callicoon. This year’s
Convention was indeed very busy and
extremely fulfilling as your State
President, this being my first State
Convention in this capacity. As we
came together at the 2014 Convention,
we applauded the work of New York
OSIA and highlighted the importance of
feeling “Pride in Membership.” All the
brothers and sisters across our great
state are very proud of their affiliation
with OSIA and their local lodges.
There is no doubt that the Grand Lodge
of New York is the premier organization
of its kind in the State of New York,
and we take tremendous pride in our
record of achievement. I witnessed firsthand our State and National Officers
and delegates working at their very best
- while always boasting of their care
and concern for our beloved Order.
Our 2014 Convention Committee did an
excellent job coordinating activities and
events to assure that all in attendance
had a good time. A very special thank
you to Convention Chairperson Carol
DiTrapani, Co-Chairpersons Annette
Lankewish, Rae Lanzilotta, Ernest
Magliato, Nancy DiFiore Quinn,
Carmine Rosato, and the entire convention committee who took on the enormous task and responsibility of pulling
the entire weekend together. To
Credentials Chairperson Anita Rosato
and her dedicated team of volunteers, I
simply say – thank you. They continue
to out-do themselves year after year,
making sure that each one of our convention delegates are taken care of during their stay. I must tell you that I was
delighted to hear the positive comments
expressed to me about our 2014 State
Warmest congratulations to all the
newly elected State Trustees: District I
Joanne Spera, Arthur Spera; District II
John Maura, Luigi Squillante, Keith
Wilson; District III, Anthony Corsello,
Ernest Magliato; District IV, Cathy
Lembo Lloyd, John M. Rubbo, Sr.;
District VI, Joseph DiCarlo; District
VII, Valerie Gobbo, Patrick Iandoli;
District VIII, Anthony DiCostanzo. In
addition, it was my distinct privilege to
appoint District I State Trustee Arthur
Spera to serve as our State Principal
Trustee. Also, best wishes to State
Arbitration Commissioners:
Chairperson Joseph Fratta, Mario
Cermele, Grace Ferarra, Frank Musarra
and Joseph Vallone. And finally, welcome aboard to our Garibaldi Meucci
Museum Commissioners: Anthony
Conetta, Theresa Corey, Pasquale
Greco, Colette Grillo, Mildred Mancusi,
and Madeline Matteucci. We know you
will all do a great job for New York
Joan Rondinelli, New York State First
Lady and Past President of the Per
Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A and
Louis Fazzone, Past President of the
Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge #321, both
received the prestigious 2014 Dr.
Vincenzo Sellaro Award. This award is
named after our founder to acknowledge members who have distinguished
themselves in the ideals and principles
of our Order. Our honorees were most
deserving of this very heartwarming
Tony and Mary Naccarato and their
wonderful family received the “Family
of the Year” award. The Naccarato
family hails from the Giuseppe Verdi
Lodge #2163 in Syosset, Long Island.
Tony’s entire family belongs to OSIA
and they were recognized for their outstanding commitment to our Order as
well as their civic service to the Italian
American community and the community at large.
The 2014 Literary Award was presented
to Ms. Angela Sciddurlo Rago. This
award was established in 2002 to attract
attention to the many Italian-American
writers, novelists, poets, and playwrights who are in the process of revitalizing the Italian experience in
America. Ms. Rago has dedicated the
entirety of her literary work to writing
both for and about the Italian-American
community, in Italian and in English.
She completed her undergraduate work
at Brooklyn College and additional
graduate studies at New York
University. She certainly was a most
deserving candidate for this most prestigious and impressive award.
Our National/State Chaplain Fr. Adam
Forno spent the entire weekend with us
and we thank him for the spiritual guidance and inspiration he offers our brother and sister members throughout the
May I take this opportunity to mention
the tremendous success of this year’s
$100 state raffle. Once again, the drawing went off without a problem - via
Skype from the Grand Lodge office in
Bellmore. It is very exciting to view
this endeavor on the large screens in the
convention hall. We have certainly
come a long way! Special thanks to
State Fund Raising Chairperson Robert
Ferrito, State Raffle Chairperson Louis
Mazzacone, and the entire Raffle
Committee for all their hard work and
perserverance to make sure this raffle
was a success.
The highlight of the convention was the
tremendous display of generosity from
you, my brothers and sisters - who
donated over $88,000 to our various
worthwhile charities. including:
Cooley’s Anemia, Alzheimer’s, Autism,
Cancer Research, the Commission for
Social Justice (CSJ), Gift of Sight,
Veterans’ Assistance Fund, Hope for the
Warriors, and New York OSIA’s own
Garibaldi Meucci Museum. There is no
other Grand Lodge that can compete
with the Grand Lodge of New York
when it comes to charitable giving. You
are truly the very best!
Friday afternoon we remembered fondly
our beloved Past Grand Venerable
Joseph E. Fay. We joined together in a
heartfelt tribute led by Fr. Adam Forno.
Brother Joe was a true believer in our
motto “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”
and loved the Order Sons of Italy. It
was a special tribute we will not forget!
We were honored to welcome New
York State Comptroller Thomas
DiNapoli as the keynote speaker on
Friday evening, May 30th. Comptroller
DiNapoli addressed the delegates at our
banquet dinner and spoke proudly about
his Italian heritage. Comptroller
DiNapoli is a dear friend to New York
OSIA and we are most appreciative of
all that he has done for us. We could
not be prouder of this fine Italian
American gentleman!
The Installation Ceremony of the 20142016 State Trustees, Garibaldi Meucci
Museum Commissioners and
Commissioners of Arbitration was held
on Saturday evening at our final banquet. As always, the Installation
Ceremony is carried out in a very traditional manner and is the appropriate
time to thank our outgoing officers and
welcome our newly elected officers.
Kudos to all!
Many may think that the Order is not
too busy during the summer months, but
June brought several important events.
On June 5th, I, along with members of
the Grand Lodge Foundation, represented you at a special dinner in recognition
of the 60th Anniversary of the Cooley’s
Anemia Foundation. Over 300 guests
were in attendance at The Lighthouse at
Chelsea Piers in Manhattan to honor the
patients and to celebrate the efforts of
all the supporters of the Cooley’s
Anemia Foundation. As you are aware,
OSIA has been a close friend and supportive partner of the Cooley’s Anemia
Foundation since its inception in 1954.
The evening was filled with wonderful
tributes to many special heroes of the
CAF. I was beaming with pride when
our State First Lady Joan was presented
with a “special honor” for her many
years of devoted service to the Cooley’s
Anemia Foundation.
Sunday, June 22nd was a very special
day for New York OSIA as we celebrated the 109th Anniversary of the founding of the Order Sons of Italy in
America. It was my honor to present
the State President’s Lifetime
Achievement Award to State Historian
Lucy Codella. For some 48 years, Lucy
has served our Order with tremendous
pride and distinction and most certainly
deserved all the accolades and wonderful tributes she was afforded. In addition, National/State Past President
Joseph DiTrapani was inducted into the
New York Grand Lodge Hall of Fame.
This “high honor” memorializes the
contributions of distinguished members
of New York OSIA who have achieved
the highest level of leadership on a
National level, that being, National
President. What a privilege it was for
me to present this award to our National
Past President Joseph DiTrapani. We
also paid special tribute to State
Immediate Past President Thom Lupo
and presented him with the 2014 Bene
Emeritus Award. Unfortunately,
Brother Thom was unable to receive
this recognition at the State Convention
and we enjoyed celebrating with him
and Past State First Lady Barbara at
OSIA’s Anniversary Day Celebration.
Thanks to the exceptional planning of
Chairperson John Fratta and CoChairperson Louise Corsello and their
committee – we had a most enjoyable
afternoon. Warmest thanks and best
wishes to all!
I was delighted to attend the State
Scholarship and Cornaro Award
Program on June 14th. Thanks to State
Scholarship Chairperson Michele Ment
– the program was outstanding. Over
50 students were in attendance at the
scholarship award ceremony – along
with their parents, grandparents and
other family members. They are fabulous young adults and we wish them
well in all their future endeavors. I
think everyone left with pride in their
heart and hope in the future of OSIA
and our country!
The 2014 Italian Heritage Night at
Eisenhower Park was held on June
23rd. The weather was perfect and
everyone seemed to have enjoyed the
entertainment. Special thanks to State
1st Vice President Carolyn Reres who
prepares this casual outdoor event for
all of us to enjoy. On Saturday, June
28th at the Smithtown Historical
Society Fairgrounds in Smithtown,
Long Island, the NYS Commission for
Social Justice coordinated a fantastic
“Italian Heritage and Cultural Festival.”
Under the keen leadership of State CSJ
Chairperson Lou Gallo, the committee
worked diligently to prepare this special
event. We extend our appreciation and
thanks to Chairperson Lou Gallo and
the entire committee for planning an
extraordinary day of special events. It
was a tremendous success - filled with
pride for the Commission for Social
Justice and New York OSIA!
continue on next page
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 3
State President’s Message (continued from previous page)
The life of the State President of the
New York Grand Lodge is never quiet but I must tell you how proud and honored both Joan and I are serving as your
leaders at this time. Every day is challenging and we are constantly meeting
new people and widening our circle of
experiences. As the summer moves on,
various committees will continue their
work and planning for our upcoming
Fall activities. For many of us, it is
hardly a restful summer, but the work of
New York OSIA must move forward.
Remember that October – Italian
Heritage Month – is just around the corner and you should be sure that your
lodge is planning something special to
celebrate “our month!” Invite a guest
speaker to your meeting, set up an
exhibit in your local library, view an
Italian film at your lodge – please be
sure to plan something.
Finally, New York OSIA has designated
October as “Membership Month.”
Along with celebrating our Italian her-
itage, try your best to bring in a new
member to your lodge. It is up to each
and every one of us to celebrate who we
are and all of the accomplishments that
Italians and Italian Americans have contributed to make this world we live in a
better place.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and rest up
so you can all be ready for a busy Fall
season ahead. Joan joins me in wishing
each of you a safe and pleasant summer,
as you spend time with your family and
friends. It all goes by way too quickly
and before we know it, the busy months
for OSIA will be here.
A Happy and Safe Summer to all!!
Joseph F. Rondinelli
Joseph F. Rondinelli
State President
Grand Lodge of New York
Attention All NY State Officers and Chairpersons
Scheduled Plenary Sessions
July 26, 2014 - Summer Session
Hosted by Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 - Endicott
October 25, 2014 - Fall Session
Hosted by Fr. Donald B. Licata Lodge #2435 and
by St. Francis of Assisi Lodge #2629 - Beacon
January 31, 2015 - Winter Session
John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 - Port Washington
From Your Chaplain
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
This past Father’s Day, I was invited
to the home of my friends Lisa and Ed.
They have a beautiful 1780 farmhouse
set on 60 acres of land. When dessert
was being served one of the young adult
sons began to give Ed and grandpa gifts
for Father’s Day. I was eating my delicious Friendly’ ice cream cake, as the
dads opened their cards and gifts, when
all of a sudden the young man offered
me a gift bag and said, “Here Father,
this is from all of us. After all you are
our spiritual father.” I was so surprised
I teared up.
At that moment I realized all over
again the importance of special days to
remember who we are and the blessings
we have received. We need Father’s
Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving,
Valentine’s, Memorial, Independence
and Labor Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. We need these special days
because we tend to lose our appreciation
of some of the most treasured people
and significant events in our lives.
Psychologists tells us that if we
attended to every sound we hear or
color we saw we would literally go
insane. To protect ourselves from this
insanity we “habituate” these sounds
and colors; that is, we block them out of
our consciousness. It is a defense
mechanism and a good thing. If we
habituate everything, however, for
example sunsets, family, friends, freedom, our cultural heritage and the like-we lose our appreciation and take them
for granted.
I am writing this just before the
Fourth of July when we will once again
remember our freedom from the British
Empire and our Declaration of
Independence in forming The United
States of America. One cannot help but
think of all the men and women who
have helped to shape this great nation.
President’s Photo Album
Mindful so many of our ancestors,
and those in our Italian-American com-
Reverend R. Adam Forno
State and National
Chaplain, OSIA
munity today, who also have contributed to the building up of our country, I am grateful for the Order Sons of
Italy in America. Our mission calls us,
in powerfully productive ways, to
remember and celebrate who we are and
how we can continue to contribute to
the good of our nation.
As we move through the summer
from Independence to Labor Day may
we deepen our appreciation for OSIA,
by “dehabituating” ourselves and
becoming excited all over again about
the gifts that have been given to us and
those we are called to share. Fittingly,
then, allow me to end with the words of
Woodrow Wilson: “The American
Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation.”
Rev. R. Adam Forno
National/NYS OSIA Chaplain
SUBMISSIONS. Please send your
stories/jokes/one liners to: HUMOR
BOOK, NY Grand Lodge Office, 2102
Bellmore Ave., Bellmore, NY, 11710 ;
or e-mail them to nancyq46@optonline.net.
Please also note that my new address is
the Carmelite parish and priory at the:
Church of St. Joseph, 416 Third
Street, Troy, N.Y. 12180
ItalIan amerIcan nIght at eIsenhower Park. The annual event took place on June 23, 2014, on a beautiful early summer night with clear skies and mild
weather. Under a canopy of stars, the spectators were entertained by a trio of accomplished singers with mostly Italain tunes. A great night was had by all.
As always, the NYS President and Distict II Lodge Presidents were honored for their service to the Order, the County of Nassau, and to their local communities. In photo, State President Rondinelli and Lodge Presidents (back row), are joined by elected officials, Nassau County officials, teachers from East
Meadow’s Parkway Elementary School with the school children who sang the Italian National Anthem.
4 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
In Mem o riam
District Lodge Member
2428 Sylvia Summa
Sister Bene Emeritus
Past State Trustee - Lodge Past President
Paul Coniglio
2143 Joseph Basile
2343 Salvatore DiFiore
Lodge Past President
109th OSIA’s Anniversary Celebration
NYC’s “Little Italy” - June 22, 2014
Father of State Past President Nancy DiFiore Quinn
May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Names as submitted by Lodges as of July 7, 2014
Fraternal Support
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please accept our sincerest thank you for all of your cards, phone calls, emails,
flowers and well wishes on the passing of our Daughter-in-Law Alexandra. "Alex'
was a beautiful girl, inside and out. She inspired so many people, with never a
harsh word towards anyone and always a bright and radiant smile. She never once
felt sorry for herself and always faced her battle head on. Her spirit will leave forever, we will miss her terribly.
All our Love and Respect to All,
Arthur, Joanne and Joseph Spera and Family
To Grand Lodge of New York, OSIA
Our sincere thanks to all the staff and members of the Grand Lodge for your king
words and the flowers sent during the difficult times we have experienced with
Jennifer’s passing. The Sons of Italy was so important to her.
Thanks again,
Joe, Nancy and Marisa Rubè
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 5
2014 Hall
2 0 1 4 B e n e e m e r i t u s awa r d
fa m e awa r d
Proudly displaying his coveted Bene Emeritus Award Plaque is Thom A. Lupo. The presentation was made at the 109th Anniverary Celebration in NYC’s “Little Italy.” Sharing
the happy occasion with Thom are, from left: State Recording Secretary Michele Ment,
State President Joseph F. Rondinelli, and Bene Emeritus Award Chairperson Nancy
DiFiore Quinn.
Newly inducted into the NY Grand Lodge Hall of Fame, National Immediate Past
President and NY Past President Joseph J. DiTrapani proudly displaying the plaque that
will be affixed on the Hall of Fame wall at the Grand Lodge Office. With him are two previous recipients: State/National Past Presidents Peter R. Zuzolo (left) and Joseph
Sciame (right). They are joined by NY State President Joseph Rondinelli (2nd from right).
Thom A. Lupo
Joseph J. DiTrapani
hom A. Lupo was elected by acclamation as the 30th State President of the New York Grand Lodge
in June 2011 and served admirably in that position for two years. Totally committed to the Order Sons
of Italy in America, State Immediate Past President Lupo brings earnest love of his Italian heritage as
well as keen leadership ability to all his OSIA endeavors.
Thom Lupo was born on November 2, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York to Anna and John Lupo. Thom
grew up with three siblings - two sisters, Margaret and Mary Ann and a brother John.
After graduating from Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, he continued his education at the
esteemed St. Johns University. A conscientious student, Thom Lupo received his BS degree in
Business Education in 1970 and his MBA degree in Accounting in 1975. Thom served as an NCO in
the military for six years, completing his commitment as a member of the New York State Army
National Guard.
In July of 1968, Thom met Barbara Murello at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Street Festival in
Brooklyn. As a true Brooklyn born Italian American - he was working at one of the concession stands
making zeppoles - and the rest is history! They were married on August 2, 1970 at the very same Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. In August of 1975 they moved to Centereach, Long Island and were
blessed with two sons - Brian and Michael. Brian is married to Nancy and they have two wonderful
sons Christopher and Matthew. Michael and Jeri are the proud parents of their beautiful daughters
Summer and Autumn. Their grandchildren have become the center of Thom and Barbara Lupo’s life.
Thom began his OSIA career in August 1984 at the Andrea Doria Lodge #2201 in Centereach, Long
Island. He immediately became involved in many aspects of the lodge activities including membership, bingo, fundraising and served as the lodge CSJ liaison and newsletter editor. He served in various executive positions before being elected President by acclamation. Thom served as the President
of the Andrea Doria lodge for two terms and was noted for his leadership ability by being elected
Chairman of the District I President’s Council. He also served as a Trustee of the Suffolk County
Children’s Camp during the projects’ early years.
In June 1994, Thom was elected a State Trustee from District I. In that role, he developed a deep sense
of commitment to the Grand Lodge. This desire to serve OSIA resulted in his election to the office of
State Financial Secretary in which he served for four years, State Recording Secretary a position he
served for four years, State Orator, State 2nd Vice President, and State 1st Vice President in the Grand
Lodge of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America.
Always finding time to devote to OSIA, he served as the State Membership Chairperson. During his
tenure as State Membership Chair two new lodges were instituted, the A.P. Giannini Lodge #2859 and
the Fiorello LaGuardia Lodge #2867. General New York OSIA membership also increased during his
two years serving as the State Membership Chair. He is also an active member of the Board of
Directors of the OSIA Lion’s Pride Day Care Center and a member of the New York OSIA Senior
Housing board. Thom has been representing the Andrea Doria Lodge as a State Delegate for the past
twenty-four years and has also served as a National Delegate from New York at the past six Biennial
National Conventions. He is currently serving as the State Immediate Past President and the Supreme
Lodge Financial Secretary.
Thom began his private career in 1971 as a statistician at Standard & Poor’s Corporation, a Division
of The McGraw-Hill Companies. He became a Division Manager in 1975 and was named Publisher
of the Book Services Group in 1978. Having demonstrated his ability to grow the earnings for his
group, he was given general management responsibility for several additional operating units and was
named Vice-President in 1988. After 39 years experience in the highly competitive financial and business information service industry, he recently retired as the President and Director of Standard &
Poor’s Money Market Directories, Inc., a subsidiary of The McGraw Hill Companies. Currently, he
is employed by the Town of Brookhaven.
His experience in competitive business has earned him the skills of a manager with excellent interpersonal abilities. These “good sense” traits have assisted Thom Lupo in becoming the leader that he
is today.
On a personal note, Thom is a member of the Centereach Civic Association, the Sacred Heart Council
of the Knights of Columbus and the State University at Stony Brook, Center of Italian Studies. He
enjoys gardening and listening to classical music - especially Luciano Pavarotti!
Always mindful and proud of his Italian heritage, Thom Lupo is a true Son of Italy and an Italian
American role model for all to admire.
6 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2013
oseph DiTrapani has been active in the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) for over 38 years.
Joseph became OSIA’s National President on August 14, 2009, during the 51st Biennial National
Convention in La Jolla, California. On August 13, 2011 at the 52nd Biennial National Convention held
in Orlando, Florida, Joseph DiTrapani was re-elected by acclamation to serve a second two-year term
as National President.
Born in Brooklyn, he was one of four children in a family with roots in Sicily and Calabria. He received
his Bachelor of Business Administration in 1972 from the prestigious College of Insurance and began
his career at Washington National Life Insurance Company. A year later, he joined Dascit/White &
Winston, New York State's largest life, health and pension brokerage agency. Joe was appointed to the
position of Vice President in 1986 and, the following year, became an Executive Vice President.
Joseph and his partner purchased Dascit/White & Winston in December 1989, and Joseph served as its
President and CEO until August 1997. During that year, he merged the Dascit/White & Winston
Company with the BISYS Insurance Services and served as Senior Vice President. In 2006, Joe joined
as Partner the insurance brokerage agency Professional Group Marketing, Inc., and serves as Senior
Vice President of Sales overseeing all operations of their Manhattan and Hawthorne location.
A member of the OSIA Per Sempre Lodge #2344 since 1976, Joe served various positions at the filial
lodge level and was elected to Lodge President for five years. For the New York Grand Lodge, he has
served as State Principal Trustee, Recording Secretary, Vice-President, and then rose to New York State
President in 2001. Joseph led the New York Grand Lodge through the darkest days of 9/11 and the horrific times that followed, with grace under pressure. He brought a new vision to OSIA with his ease in
leadership and approachability.
Joe has been active nationally since 1985, when he was appointed to the position of National Overseer
of the Garibaldi Meucci Museum. He also has served as National Delegate during the past fourteen
national conventions. For the last twenty-two years he has been on various national committees including the Cabinet, Membership, Investment, Future Good & Welfare of the Order, and the 2005 Centennial
Celebration. He was Chairman of the National OSIA 49th Biennial Convention that was held in New
York City in August 2005. It was at this convention that Joe was unanimously elected to the position of
National Fifth Vice President. Joe also has served as National First Vice President in the role of National
Membership Chair. This committee worked to expand all levels of OSIA membership: filial, subordinate, and national at-large membership (ALM). Joe traveled the country opening new lodges in States
with no grand lodge and stayed in constant contact with the National Office to help grow, promote, and
build a strong membership base for OSIA.
As the National President of OSIA, Joe helped continue numerous positive programs generating interest and excitement among OSIA members, as well as needed funds for the Supreme Lodge. These programs, like the Italian Heritage DVD Series, the UNITOURS-OSIA Travel to Italy Tours, and the OSIA
Licensing Program (specifically, the Leone D’Oro wines and other products) focus on the history, culture, and experience of Italian Americans in the U.S., as well as developments unique to OSIA. As
President, Joe helped raise funds for a center for autistic children who were devastated by the April 2009
L’Aquila earthquake. In September of 2010, he traveled to Italy to bring $235,000 of OSIA/SIF funds
to the center in L’Aquila, Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per L'Autismo.
In December 2009, OSIA officers voted unanimously to support funding for the Advanced Placement
(AP) Italian language program and pledged $50,000. Through his leadership with other Italian
American organizations, including NIAF, UNICO, Columbus Citizens Foundation, and the American
Society of the Italian Legions of Merit, Joe successfully helped save the AP Italian from being eliminated by schools.
After completing his four years as National President, Joseph DiTrapani’s service to OSIA did not come
to an end. In August 2013 he was unanimously voted to serve as the President of the National Sons of
Italy Foundation (SIF) and he has been diligently working to securing funding for this charitable organization ever since. Established in 1959, the SIF has given $125 million to scholarships, philanthropy,
medical research, disaster relief and cultural preservation.
Joe is a member of the prestigious Columbus Citizens Foundation in New York City and the Dante
Foundation of Nassau County, widely known for its scholarship program. In addition, in December
2005 Joseph DiTrapani was presented with the title of Cavaliere through the Chancellery of the Savoy
Orders in Geneva, an honor that is bestowed upon persons of importance in the Italian American community. At the present time, Joe holds two prestigious titles of Ufficiale in the Order of Saints Maurice
and Lazarus and the title of Commendatore that he received directly from the President of the Republic
of Italy.
A dynamic leader, Joe has united and inspired many to take the next step together, confident in the future,
confident in the ability to make OSIA stronger and more productive than it has ever been. As someone
once said, “Blessed is the leader who seeks the best for those he serves!”
2014 D r. Vi n c e n z o S e l l a ro Aw a rd R e c i p i e n t s
An admiring and proud NY State President Joseph Rondinelli presents his wife
and State First Lady Joan Rondinelli with the 2014 Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Award,
at the NY State Convention. On left is Sellaro Committee Chair John Fratta.
Louis Fazzone (right) is shown accepting the 2014 Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Award,
from NY State President Joseph Rondinelli (center) and Sellaro Award
Committee Chair John Fratta.
J oan Ro ndin elli
oan Rondinelli was born in Hempstead, New York to Marie and Benny Maiorana on
September 3, 1959. She grew up in a loving family along with two brothers and two sisters Mark, Anthony, Roseann and Tina. The Maiorana children were raised in Hewlett, New York and
Joan attended St. Joseph’s Elementary School and then moved on to George W. Hewlett High
School where she graduated in 1977.
During her high school years, she worked part time for a finance company and had such a good
working relationship with them that she was hired as a full time employee as soon as she graduated. Joan worked her way up to Executive Administrative Assistant and remained with the same
employer until she had her first child.
“Joanie.” as affectionately called by all who know and love her, married Joseph F. Rondinelli
(OSIA’s New York State President) on April 10, 1987 and together they have three wonderful
children Joseph, Leeann and Tiffany. The Rondinelli children are all living at home as they continue their education. Joseph and Leeann are also members of the Per Sempre Lodges and all
three children have been involved in OSIA from the day they were born!
With a passion for “cooking for a crowd” and entrepreneurship abilities, Joan Rondinelli has been
the sole owner and employer of “Our Family Affair Catering” for the past 27 years. She is a fantastic cook and a gracious host and thinks nothing of inviting 20 – 30 – or even 40 people to her
house for a traditional Italian meal. Many a holiday is spent with the Rondinelli family at their
home in Massapequa.
Joan Rondinelli is also a civic-minded individual who believes in volunteer work to better the
community. She served on the P.T.A. Executive Board at the Forest Road School in Valley
Stream for many years. She especially enjoyed volunteering as Class Mom for all three of her
children and did so at Forest Road School, R.J. Lockhart School and Maria Regina School. Well
known for her innovativeness in fund raising, she assisted and chaired many school events. With
all of this, she also found time to volunteer as a Brownie Girl Scout Leader for four years.
L ui gi ( Lo uis) Faz zon e
ou was born in 1940 near Caiazzo in the Campania region of Italy. He came to
Schenectady, New York in 1954 at the age of 14, and was enrolled in the ninth grade at Oneida
Junior High School, and graduated from Linton High School in 1958.
During high school, Lou signed-up for a six-year term of duty with the U.S. Navy and went
on active duty for two years after graduation. He served aboard the destroyers USS Clarence
K. Bronson and USS Robert L. Wilson as a boiler technician, third class.
In 1961, Lou began his career with the New York State Office of General Services as a steam
fireman at the Campus Power Plant in Albany. In 1963, Lou married Antonietta DeMarco and
after the loss of their first child in 1968 they raised a great family. Son Anthony Fazzone
received a Masters’ Degree from Hofstra University and married Beth Scarano. They have
three great kids: Nicholas, Jenna, and Nathan. Son James Fazzone received a Masters’ Degree
from Union College. He married Kristi-Anne Berner and they have a wonderful son, Max.
Throughout his career, Lou continued to pursue education and in 1980 he received a
Bachelors’ Degree from Empire State College. He was promoted to the position of assistant
director of the Division of Utilities and later was promoted to director, a position he held until
retirement in 1999 after 38 years of service to New York State.
Throughout school, military service, and even during his work career, Lou learned about the
many forms of discrimination against Italians and responded by developing a sense of pride
and determination to do whatever it takes to promote and protect the Italian heritage and culture.
Lou joined the Sons of Italy Lodge 321 in 1979 to pursue his convictions about the Italian
culture and heritage. In 1987, Lou became Vice President of Lodge 321 and from 1992
through 1996 served as President of the Lodge continuing his work for the Order. From 1996
through 1999 he served as State Trustee from District VI.
Joan has been an active member of the Per Sempre Ladies Lodge 2344A in Lynbrook, since
January of 1989. She slowly worked her way through many of the elected positions until elected President by acclamation in March 2005. She served as President of Per Sempre Ladies Lodge
from March 2005 through March 2009. During her tenure, Joan’s tremendous leadership qualities came to light. She successfully ran innovative themed Fashion Shows, Operation Shoe Box
for our Troops, a “High Tea” Party, many “Supermarket” Bingos and numerous other events.
These were not only financially successful, but socially successful, and as a result, the lodge grew
in membership.
In 2007, Lou, as house chairman, started many new fund raising activities. New functions and
an improved location, drew new members and guests to the Lodge. By the time Emanuel
Aragosa's term as president ended in 2009 the Lodge’s membership had grown substantially.
The proudest moment for the Rondinelli Family was when they were selected to receive the 1998
New York State Family of the Year award. This special honor was bestowed upon them at the
State Convention held at the Concord Hotel in June 1998. It was truly a rewarding day for Joan
and the entire Rondinelli family.
In 2009, Lou again began a new term as Lodge president, with the goal of continuing to
increase membership. By 2012, Lodge 321's membership surpassed 500 for the first time in
many years. In 2013, Lodge 321 became the largest Lodge in New York State.
On an OSIA District level, Joan Rondinelli served as the District III Presidents Financial
Secretary for 4 years and chaired then State President Nancy DiFiore Quinn’s congratulatory
breakfast on behalf of the district.
Lou built the Lodge’s bocce courts, and started the men’s and women’s bocce league, as well
as the annual golf tournament and many important programs including Italian classes, hosting Special Olympics athletes for bocce training, and a Bell Jar game to raise funds for charity.
On an OSIA State level, she served as Mistress of Ceremony for the past 6 state conventions. She
is an integral part of the state Walk A Thon Committee, Convention Committee, Convention
Entertainment Committee and Autism Committee. She has served as the lodge deputy to the
Anthony Casamento Lodge as well as the Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge. One of her proudest
accomplishments has been the fact that as New York State Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson, she
hosted seven successful Cooley’s Anemia Dine Arounds.
A true Italian American role model, First Lady Joan Rondinelli served as Grand Marshal of the
2013 Long Island Columbus Day Parade and most recently was selected to be an honoree at
“Nassau County’s Women’s History Month Celebration” honoring Nassau’s Outstanding Women
of Achievement. What a fitting tribute! Joan Rondinelli has it all. She is a loving mother – wife
– businesswoman and eager volunteer. You couldn’t ask for anything more! n
In 2006, the Lodge building on Liberty Street in Schenectady was sold, and in 2007 a new
building on Hamburg Street in Rotterdam was purchased. Lou became very involved in the
renovation of the building, and by the end of 2007 the new facility was ready for use.
When Hurricane Irene destroyed the town of Rotterdam Junction, Lou went into action and
put together a group of Lodge 321 members that prepared food for the thousands of people
that were helping the residents of Rotterdam Junction cleanup and rebuild. Lou and the Lodge
321 members cooked food for more than 600 people, serving it at the local fire station.
Lou's hard work and dedication to the Sons of Italy has helped to improve the Order’s image
in the community and has gained the respect of other organizations locally and at the state
level. None of this would have been possible without the help of many members as well as
Lou's wife Antonietta, the entire Fazzone family, and friends who have been behind him all
the way. n
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 7
108th New York OSIA
Annual State Convention
he 108th Annual State Convention of the Grand Lodge of
New York, Order Sons of Italy in America, was held on
May 29-June 1st at the Villa Roma Resort & Conference
Center in Callicoon, New York. Special kudos to State
Convention Chairperson Carol DiTrapani and the entire
Convention Committee for a wonderful event. State President
Joseph Rondinelli presided over the convention and it was
obvious to all that he was well prepared and enjoyed overseeing all the aspects of the business portion of this yearly “coming together” of the brothers and sisters of the Grand Lodge of
New York.
During the convention, the following State Trustees were
elected for a two-year term: District 1 - State Principal Trustee
Arthur Spera, Joanne Spera; District 2 - John Maura, Luigi
Squillante, Keith Wilson; District 3 - Anthony Corsello, Ernest
Magliato; District 4 - Cathy Lembo Lloyd, John Rubbo, Sr.;
District 6 - Joseph DiCarlo; District 7 - Valerie Gobbo, Patrick
Iandoli; District 8 - Anthony DiCostanzo. Garibaldi Meucci
Museum Commissioners elected were: Madeline Matteucci,
Colette Grillo, Mildred Mancusi, Theresa Corey, Pasquale
Greco, and Anthony Conetta. In addition, State
Commissioners of Arbitration elected were: Joseph Fratta
(Chair), Grace Ferrara, Mario Cermele, Frank Musarra, and
Joseph Vallone.
New York OSIA State First Lady Joan Rondinelli, a Past
President of the Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A in
Lynbrook, and Louis Fazzone a Past President of the Gabriele
D’Annunzio Lodge #321 in Schenectady, each were presented
with the Order’s prestigious Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro award
named after the Order’s founder. The purpose of the award is
to recognize and acknowledge OSIA members who have distinguished themselves in the ideals and principles exemplified
by its founder, Dr. Sellaro.
Tony and Mary Naccarato were presented with the 2014
Family of the Year Award. The Naccarato Family hails from
the Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163 in Syosset, Long Island.
They were honored for their outstanding involvement within
the Sons of Italy as well as their civic and community service.
The 2014 Literary Award was presented to Angela Sciddurlo
Rago. Ms. Rago has dedicated the entirety of her literary output to writing both for and about the Italian-American community, in Italian and in English.
Representatives from 72 lodges throughout the state donated
over $88,000 to various worthwhile charities including:
Cooley’s Anemia, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer Research, the
Commission for Social Justice (CSJ), Gift of Sight, Veterans’
Assistance Fund, Hope for the Warriors, and New York OSIA’s
own Garibaldi Meucci Museum.
More than 400 delegates and guests were delighted to welcome New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to
address those attending our Friday evening Banquet. New
York OSIA is proud to acknowledge the wonderful achievements of Comptroller DiNapoli and could not be prouder of
this fine Italian American gentleman.
The highlight of the 108th State Convention was the
Installation Ceremony of the 2014-2016 State Trustees,
Garibaldi Meucci Museum Commissioners and
Commissioners of Arbitration held on Saturday evening, May
31st. In closing the convention, State President Rondinelli
remarked, “It is up to all of us to keep our Order moving forward and to carry on as respected and accomplished Italian
Americans. Together we will meet the challenges of tomorrow
and celebrate our extraordinary Italian heritage!” n
Re-printed from the July 2014 NY Grand Lodge Press Release.
8 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
Photos by Joseph Fratta
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 9
2014 famiLy Of the year award
2014 PresidentiaL Lifetime aChievement award
A very proud Naccarato Family, led by Anthony and Mary Naccarato (front2nd and 3rd from left), pose with NY State President Joseph Rondinelli (far
left), after accepting the “Family of the Year Award” at the 108th State
Convention at Villa Roma Resort and Convention Center.
For exemplifying the principles of the Order, Lucy Codella was selected as the
recipient of the 2014 NY Grand Lodge Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
by NYS President Joseph Rondinelli. The award was presented to her at the
OSIA’s 109th Anniversary Celebration in NYC’s “Little Italy.”
the naccarato family
Lucy C. Codella
he Naccarato and Scelta families are proud members of the Order Sons of
Italy in America, Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163, in Syosset, Long Island,
where Mary and Tony Naccarato reside. Tony served as lodge President
twice and Mary served as the first and only female President in the fifty year history of the Lodge. Their daughter, Christina Scelta, her husband Anthony, and
their children, Samantha 11 and Anthony 5, reside in Bethpage. Their son
Anthony Naccarato also resides in Syosset, along with his wife Erin and their
daughter, Grace 9. Tony joined the lodge in 1978 and Mary and Christina joined
in 2007, when the lodge became co-ed. Anthony Scelta, who serves as Recording
Secretary and Anthony Naccarato, who serves as a Trustee, joined in 2005.
Mary recently retired as Director of Occupational Therapy after thirty-four years
of service. She also served for seven years as the Long Island Gerontology Chair
for the NY State Occupational Therapy Association. In 2010, Tony retired as the
Vice-President of Human Resources of a maritime company, but remained as a
Consultant for Strategic Planning. He is President/Chairman of the American
Maritime Officers Service that promotes the interests of the American Maritime
industry, and he is Chairman of two Pension Plans, with over two billion dollars
in assets. In 2009, Tony received the “Man of the Year Award” from the
“Maritime Port Council of Greater NY” and the “Lifetime Achievement Award”
from American Safety, Inc.
Mary and Tony belong to many OSIA charitable committees, including the Gift
of Sight, Cooley’s Anemia and Walk-For-Education. The family believes that it is
important to give back to the community. The Scelta family is heavily involved
in the Bethpage community. Christina was the School Community Service Chair
at a local food bank for four years and currently serves on the School District
Executive Board. She is Girl Scout “Cookie Mom” and this year they donated
250 boxes of cookies to our troops. Anthony is a softball coach for his daughter’s
team. Anthony and Erin, who are 9/11 survivors, are part of the “Survivors
Network,” which provides comfort to fellow survivors. Tony volunteers as
Chairman of the Executive Committee for the United Seaman’s Service, a nonprofit chartered by the US Congress, which runs centers in Asia, Africa, Europe
and the Indian Ocean, to assist seafarers and military personnel serving abroad.
Grace, who is a talented competitive dancer, and Samantha, who holds a black
belt in karate, donate part of their allowance to charitable causes. Anthony Jr. is
also studying karate.
Mary is State Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson and has recently chaired her first successful Dine-Around. She is also Deputy to the Per Sempre Ladies Lodge. Tony
currently serves as State Orator and Investment Committee Chairperson. He has
served as District II Trustee, State Principal Trustee, and as a Commissioner of
the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. This family demonstrates the true meaning of
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, by their work on behalf of the Order and by their
generous support of our charities. They are truly proud of their Italian heritage,
but at the same time, they are as equally proud to be an All-American family. n
10 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
ucy F. Codella is first generation Italian. Born to Italian immigrants, Canio and
Lucia Codella, she was the youngest of four children. She is a graduate of White
Plains High School, NY Institute of Dietetics, and Cornell University Extension
Division in Personnel Management. She was employed by The Gannett Newspapers
where she became Employee/Benefits Manager for 1,500 employees. She retired from
Gannett in 1994.
Lucy joined the Order Sons of Italy in America in 1966, becoming an active member of
the Aquileia Ladies Lodge #935, White Plains. After serving in various Council positions, she then became Venerable for nine years. Later she was re-elected to serve for
an additional four years. When this lodge dissolved in 2013, she became a proud member of the Christopher Columbus Lodge #692, in Ossining. At the 1984 State
Convention, she was elected State Trustee and in 1985 was appointed State Principal
Trustee. In 1987, she was elected State Recording Secretary. At the 1991 National
Convention she was elected National Historian and re-elected 3 othjer times. She
moved forward to become National Fourth Vice President and then National Third Vice
President, the highest position a woman from NYS OSIA has ever held. While in that
position, she was appointed National Cooley’s Anemia Chairwoman. As National
Historian, she was invited to be a guest speaker at two of the American Italian National
Historical Association conventions. She was then elected as a National Commissioner
of Arbitration. Commended for her dedication and commitment to the Order, she
became a Bene Emeritus Recipient at the 2007 state convention
Recognized for her dedication and capabilities, in 1975 she was appointed as Supreme
Deputy to Connecticut and later to Washington, D.C. Twice she was summoned to represent the Order at prestigious receptions honoring Italy’s President and Prime Minister.
At the 1979 National Convention she was the only OSIA woman selected to address the
President of the United States, Jimmy Carter.
Lucy chaired the OSIA’s 100th Anniversary celebration in NYC’s Little Italy in 2005.
This four-part event, held in one day: a ceremony at the US Custom House; Mass at Old
St. Patrick’s Cathedra; the dedication at the Founding Site; and Dinner with 499 people
in attendance. A huge and successful undertaking. She also served as Lodge Deputy
numerous times and she was honored and recognized by a number of Sons of Italy
lodges, civic organizations and by her community. Lucy’s two most gratifying honors
were when she was chosen to be one of thirteen women in NYS to receive the “Woman
of Distinction Award,” and also when Governor Pataki selected her as one of four outstanding Italian American citizens, bestowing her with the “NYS Award of Excellence.”
Her activities and involvement are not only with the Order. She also held high office in
many other Italian American, civic, and community organizations and still volunteers at
Columbus Citizens Foundation and with Senior Net and is secretary of her Parish
When her parent’s hometown, Calitri, Prov. Di Avellino was partially destroyed during
the 1980 earthquake, Lucy appealed to the Village of Mamaroneck to adopt and raise
funds to restore the high school. She and the committee collected over $30,000 to purchase educational equipment. When she returned to Calitri in 1985 she was honored by
the townspeople, when they reopened the school.
Although Lucy is involved in so many activities she always makes time for her family,
sister Jennie Tompkins, brother Canio (Ken), sister-in-law Dolores, nieces and nephew
with their families, cousin Frances Brocchi, and her dear friends. n
ELEnA CornAro AWArD 2014
Alessandra Leri, Ph.D.
17th Annual Walk for Education
Eisenhower Park - May 17, 2014
r. Alessandra Leri is Associate Professor of Chemistry at
Marymount Manhattan College in New York City, where she
teaches courses in chemistry and environmental science while
leading an active undergraduate research group. Last year, she
was awarded a Distinguished Chair position in recognition of
her research activities. Dr. Leri earned a B.S. in Chemistry from
the College of William and Mary in 2000 and a Ph.D. in
Chemistry from Princeton University in 2007. In between, she
took a detour from science at the University of Virginia, where
she studied Italian literature and taught Italian language, earning
her M.A. in Italian in 2002.
Dr. Leri’s research interests lie in organic geochemistry, particularly the biogeochemical
cycles of halogens in terrestrial and marine environments. Her papers have made important
contributions to overturning the long-held view of halogens as unreactive inorganic
elements in the environment. Notably, her research has revealed that natural organochlorine
production varies seasonally and is associated with fungal degradation of plant litter on the
forest floor. She has also shown that naturally produced organobromine is ubiquitous in both
marine and terrestrial environments. Dr. Leri’s organobromine studies dramatically changed
the perception of bromine in the environment and were recently featured as a Science
Highlight by the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. Much of her work has relied
on a novel synchrotron-based method that she developed as a graduate student to quantify
total organohalogen concentrations in heterogeneous environmental samples. This year, she
refined this methodology for work at higher energies, in the interest of continuing the
investigation of natural bromination mechanisms in seawater.
Through her research, Dr. Leri seeks to illuminate the delicate chemical balances in nature
in order to understand how human activity might affect them. The influx of halogenated
organic pollutants into the environment has altered the balance of the natural halogen cycles,
posing serious risks to ecological and human health. After spending many years studying the
natural production of organohalogens in the environment, Dr. Leri turned her attention to
organochlorine pollutants, specifically the by-products of disinfection in manufacturing and
household processes. With undergraduates at Marymount Manhattan College, she has
investigated the production of organochlorine through laundry bleaching and measured
organochlorine concentrations in feminine hygiene products. Her work on organochlorine in
bleached laundry has been featured in Men’s Health magazine and in several blogs related
to healthy living.
Dr. Leri is a strong advocate for independent research in undergraduate science education.
She regularly brings Marymount Manhattan undergraduates to the synchrotron facility at
Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island for experimental “beamtimes,” which she
has been awarded through a highly competitive peer-reviewed proposal process. Her
students have won numerous presentation awards at undergraduate research symposia
throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Dr. Leri considers her role as research mentor to young
scientists the most important part of her job. Auguri Dottoressa Leri. n
Angela Sciddurlo rago
ngela Sciddurlo Rago has dedicated the entirety of her literary
output to writing both for and about the Italian-American com-
munity, in Italian and in English. Angela was born in Mola di
Ban, where she performed as leading young actress in productions of the Filodrammatica Molese Theatre Company. In 1978
she emigrated to Brooklyn, U.S.A. and began writing prolifically
for Italian community theatre, while she completed undergraduate work at Brooklyn College and then graduate studies at NYU.
Six of her plays were produced in succession in Italian and the
Molese dialect with great response from her audiences in the
Molese clubs of Bensonhurst and South Brooklyn. The size of her following, and enthusiasm for her writing resulted in ten years of play productions. Angela was repeating the tradition of 19th century Italian immigrants whose mutual benefit societies produced dialect
plays for their communities, a practice long since gone.
Ms. Rago also writes in English, and expanded her sphere to include Off-Broadway theatre,
short stories, the novel, and also the widest possible audience, film. Her first novel, titled
Yesterday's Sky, a metaphor for the fate or destiny that hovers above each individual,
explores an Italian family's struggle to emigrate to the U.S. Her comedic films are: the culinary escapade Sister Italy (Paisan Films, now in worldwide distribution), and the paralogical adventure, Madame Soraya (Leone Productions).
Angela Rago's literary work mirrors the Italian-American world with its vivid assortment of
fascinating characters. Her themes are those of migration, assimilation, and adaptation,
sometimes successful, sometimes with one foot still in Italy. Her comedy treats of a worldview that celebrates small town Italian culture, whether that town be located in Bensonhurst,
Brooklyn, or in southern Italy, but also a worldview that illustrates the psychological and
sociological contexts in which her characters navigate.
Playwright, journalist and theatre critic, Mario Fratti, comments: "Angela Sciddurlo Rago is
an exciting artist. Brilliant, sensitive, unique. I love her paintings and I love, admire her
writing. Excellent plays and film scripts. She is now finishing her novel. I have read the first
draft. A touching, loving description of Italian-American life. She reveals the sounds and
joys of people we fall in love with. A great novel.". n
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 11
Commission For Social Justice
“Fighting Bias,
Building Pride”
Louis J. Gallo Jr.
CSJ Chairman’s Message
Saluti miei fratelli e sorelle.
I hope you are enjoying the summer as best as you can. Yet the work of CSJ trundles
on. We opened the quarter in April with another presentation of my “History in a
Box” presentation at the Luigi Pirandello Lodge in Fresh Meadows, Queens—-a testament to our lives literally surrounded by Italian innovation and inventions. This
presentation was done six times now to 3 lodges and 3 schools, and at the convention 2 more requests were made. I really do appreciate the interest since it exemplifies our interest in our Italian legacy. Let’s keep it going!
Speaking of the convention, CSJ provided a display of positive image materials at
the entrance to the hall, and I must commend all delegates for their interest throughout the convention in taking so much of our material. We were almost completely
cleaned out! Thank you, and spread it to your lodges, schools, and libraries. Let it be
known what we do and have done! Our video was shown just prior to my presentation highlighting the year’s eclectic work, and we held a workshop on the Friday
afternoon attended by not only Board members but also some delegates. Our discussion focused on suggestions to address defamation of Italians in the media, and the
general consensus was we need National’s help to arrest the problem. This consensus was channeled to National for their review and consideration. Again, thank you
for your interest and support, especially that the delegates saw fit to award us with
$2,000 more in donations than last year.
Furthermore, at the convention I was afforded the opportunity to discuss with the
Vincent Lombardi Lodge some issues emerging in District 8. Although we were successful in reinstating Italian at Olympia High School in the Greece School District
last November, parents and students for the first time demanded the introduction of
Italian at Odyssey High School in Greece. The School Board refused. Casa Italiana,
the Italian culture center at Nazareth College in Rochester, is slated for trouble too.
Because Nazareth is facing financial trouble, college officials cut the Director, Dr.
Stella Plutino-Calabrese, a former Cornaro award recipient of ours, and replaced her
with a professor who is going to retire next year. Thanks to a teacher of Italian, Lino
Pizzolanti in the Greece School District, he will begin now to mobilize teachers and
parents at Odyssey High School to revive the Italian language issue and meet with
the new professor of Casa Italiana concerning our interest there. I will provide
updates. In addition, the lodge will revive the essay contest in local schools originally
proposed and organized by our late District 8 Chairwoman Jennifer Rubè.
with our National OSIA President Anthony Baratta and the eventual new National
CSJ president Joe Boncore from Massachusetts. Every leisure moment I dedicated
my time to discuss serious CSJ issues, especially the necessity of a strong national
organization with supportive state satellites. If you have followed the racist issue of
pro basketball’s LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, Adam Silver, the National
Basketball Association Commissioner, stated in the press that all fines against
Sterling will be distributed to ANTI-DEFAMATION GROUPS!! I have already written to Boncore about writing a letter to the Commissioner to put in a bid for said
money. What an opportunity! I hope we’re successful.
One of my other concerns with National was the issue in April of the city of
Minneapolis’ resolution substituting Columbus Day, a legal federal holiday, with
Indigenous Peoples Day. Thanks to my driven appeals, President Baratta instructed
Boncore to write a letter to the city. Joe Boncore sent me the letter for my review,
and with a few suggested changes by me, Boncore sent the letter. We haven’t heard
back yet, but I continue to pressure Boncore to mobilize all state CSJ chairmen to
help at once! I continue to impress him that our predecessors were successful with
stopping California over the same issue, and therefore we must apply the same policy with Minneapolis forthwith! I’m still waiting for a reply.
In fact, very shortly I will send to Boncore my agenda of issues that National MUST
entertain now with strong states’ support in order to make CSJ a truly worthy powerhouse on defamation and positive image issues. Hopefully, that dream will come
Turning now to more sublime experiences, I am elated to report to you that on June
14th the Town of Islip re-dedicated Anthony Casamento Park thanks to the efforts of
West Babylon vet Arnold Merkitch and our CSJ. Islip personnel and officials were
so committed in launching this effort that I’ve written a letter to Supervisor Tom
Croci thanking him profusely. A plaque was dedicated and photo releases to the press
were issued with CSJ playing a prominent part. Furthermore, another great hit took
place on June 28th at the Smithtown Historical Society Fairgrounds - our long-awaited Suffolk County Heritage and Culture Festival sponsored by CSJ and the Society.
The compliments are still coming and buzzing, and the weather was absolutely perfect! Mille grazie to all state officials, lodges, members and your friends and relatives who attended. We had about 1,500 in attendance, and I hope the lodges scored
with new members! Performers, presenters, and vendors want to return, and the
Festival Committee has already met and critiqued the affair. Yes, they want to do it
next year, and we will be meeting in September to begin the task anew! Their confidence is literally soaring, especially since it took the whole committee a year to plan
it all, and at times we were proceeding down blind paths with no assurance of succeeding, but we always somehow prevailed. In the final analysis we had a great crew
that really stuck it out——Tom Bandise and Gerri Ianello Graham from the Sellaro
Lodge (with Bob Graham on Festival Day), Diana Grauer and Joe Tursi from the
Toscanini Lodge, Joe Vallone and Richie Macellaro from the Papallo Lodge, District
1 CSJ Chairman Charlie Lucie from the Perry Como Lodge, Luisa Potenza and
Cathy LaGrega from the Basilone Lodge, Gene DeMaria, Luisa’s friend, Tony Rotoli
from the Vigiano Bros. Lodge, and Liz Rizzo and yours truly from the Landi Lodge.
When President Joe commended the CSJ and me personally I then knew my dream
was finally fulfilled. Voila!
Have a great summer and look forward to the annual CSJ/AIAE Unity Breakfast on
Sunday, September 14th from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Hofstra University. We’ll be in
Regarding Jennifer, the CSJ Executive Board donated $100 to the Vincent Lombardi
Lodge for their scholarship fund and a $250 brick to the museum in memory of
Jennifer at the convention. Thanks to the work and research of District 8 State
Trustee Tony DiCostanzo, he has made a recommendation to me for a new District
8 CSJ Chairman that I will follow up on. Thank you Tony.
While on the subject of challenges to school Italian language programs, we are now
faced with an emerging plethora of more cuts. Sewanaka and Utica school districts
are entertaining cuts, and President Joe Rondinelli has informed me he wants us to
work on re-introducing Italian in the Seaford School District. I have been in contact
with the superintendent a Sewanaka and an interested party gathering the facts before
we take action. Thanks to the vigilance of District 6 CSJ Chairman Joe DiCarlo, he
is providing me with material and updates of the situation in Utica. In May I took a
trip to Albany to meet with the District 6 presidents and deputies to encourage them
to aggressively recruit lodge liaisons to bolster our strength in working on CSJ problems. Consequently, I am entertaining the idea of meeting with the New York State
Council of School Superintendents to make them aware of our concern with this
problem statewide. In the immediate sense I am thinking of mobilizing a CSJ Task
Force to make contact with these districts simultaneously to ward off the programcutting juggernaut seemingly emerging. Recording Secretary Keith Wilson is stepping up his continuous efforts of assessing the Long Island districts regarding the status of Italian with a new survey requesting specific information. Stay tuned for further developments.
In the midst of all this heady hijinks, I attended the NELA Awards Affair in May for
the very first time. I’m so glad I went, for it allowed me to meet and gain a rapport
12 • Golden Lion • July-August 2014
Present at the re-dedication of the Anthony Casamento Park on June 14, 2014,
were: from left - CSJ Recording Secretary Keith Wilson, Councilman Steven
Flotteron, CSJ Chairman Louis Gallo, Patrick from West Islip Public Library,
Event Chairman Arnold Merkitch, CSJ Researcher Elizabeth Rizzo, and Past
President of Casamento Lodge Janet Rodgers.
Remembering Those Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice
At the 94th Anniversary and testimonial dinner dance, the Loggia Glen Cove
No. 1016, honored Immediate Past President John Macari. The dinner was
attended by national and state officers, lodge presidents and representatives,
dignitaries, members, family, and friends. In photo, from left: Angelo Grande;
Kathryn Grande, Dinner Dance Co-Chair; Antonetta Sclafani; Joseph Gallo,
President; Lillian Ceriello; Tony Ceriello, Dinner Dance Co-Chair; Janis Ceriello;
honoree John Macari, IPP; and guest Julianna Blunt.
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 - Smithtown. The lodge was recognized for
having made a donation to the Smithtown Library, which was used to upgrade
part of the children’s room. A plaque inscribed with the name of the Lodge was
installed in the room. Pictured from left are: John Martins, trustee; Sue
McManus, assistant director; Brother Joseph Vallone, VP of the library board;
Anthony Monteleone, president of the library board; Sister Geraldine Iannello
Graham, Lodge President; Sister Janice Sibilia, chair of the Sellaro Lodge Italian
Heritage Committee, and Library Board members - Robert Lusack, Gerard
Cairns, Diana Schilling-Held, and Otis Thornhill.
Brumidi Lodge #2211 - Deer Park. Members and friends of the lodge,
dressed for the times, went back to the “good-old-times” of the 50s to enjoy a
night of fun and nostalgia. The clothes worn by some of them, were actually worn
by them back in the 50s.
The Leonardo Da Vinci Lodge #2385 of inwwod participated in the
Annual Inwood Memorial Day Parade on Sunday May 25. The lodge created
a float for the parade with pictures showing events from WWII. In picture, from
left: in top row: John Palladino and Rosario Panuccio; middle row: Jimmy
Rizzo, Andrew Reilly Jr, Pete Capozzi, Carl Strain, and Jimmy Esopa: front
row: Andy Ashettino, Mike Risolo, and Frank Sarro.
Perry Como Lodge #2846 - Northport. MeMoriAL DAy CereMoNy. Taken on
May 25, 2014, at the Huntington Town Veterans Plaza at a wreath laying ceremony in honor of Michael Colamonico and other deceased veterans of the
Town of Huntington. Mr. Colamonico, a World War ll Prisoner of War, was an
active member of the Perry Como Lodge.
Down Memor y L ane
2nd Annual Walk-A-Thon, May 1, 1999. It was a sunny and peaceful
Saturday morning, when members of the Order gathered bright and early at
Eisenhower Park to “take a walk” for education. Prompted on by camaraderie,
music, and by State President Joseph Cangemi and First Lady Michelina, the
“walkers” did their part to raise funds for the State Scholarship Program.
Chaired by then First VP Joseph DiTrapani, the event met all the expectations
in raising funds. Stopping to take a quick photo, before resuming their threemile walk, are: from left - Stella Grillo, her grandson Frank, and her daughter
Stella; Florence Gallo, Sylvia Summa, Anthony Summa, Anita Rosato, Richard
Haemmerle, and Antonio Baffo.
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 13
Membership 2014
New members initiated as of June 30, 2014
Loggia Glen Cove No. 1016. The lodge recently initiated three new members into the oldest lodge on Long Island. In photo - left to right: Joseph
Rondinelli, State President; Joseph Gallo, Lodge President; new member Len
Abbate; Angelo Grande, Membership Chairperson;and new members - Mario
Gallo and Giuseppe Malzone.
Columbus Lodge #2143 - Farmingdale, New MeMbers. On May 14, 2014,
five new members joined the ranks of the Order. They are seen being instructed by Lodge Deputy Anthony Cerrielo on the protocol of the Order. The fice are:
(in alpha order): Frank Franchi, Raymond Graziano, Bryan Morabito, Lawrence
Morabito, and Micheal Sarlo. Lodge President Philip Guerrieri (far left) officiated at the Initiation Ceremony.
14 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
Brian C. Anner
Jake A. Barney
Matthew T. Benson
Elizabeth M. Brierton
James P. Boss
Marissa Carozza
Francesca S. Casalino
Michael J. Cavataio
Jonathan M.
Catherine R. Ciancio
Kyle R. Coltellino
Gabrielle A. Cosentino
Jennifer E. Currier
Karissa M. DeLuca
Kevin B. Deptula
Michael J. DiGuilmi
Michael DiMattia
Michael Dotzler
Max J. Feinberg
Christopher Ferraro
Michael J. Ferraro
Timothy E. Fuger
Alexandra M. Galletta
Angela M. Gatto
Cara M. Gibbons
Anthony P. Graziano
Brittney A. Grella
Caroline A. Grove
Maria K. Guadagno
Daniella R. Joyce
Francesca La Rosa
Nicholas Lerner
Joseph M. Madia
Katelyn A. Masullo
Marisa N. Meyer
James A. Morris, Jr.
Rebecca L. Nicholson
Sarah E. Niro
Nicholas J. Novarro
Vincent J. Oliveto
Jennifer N. Orlando
Thomas J. Passaro
Michael A. Pastore
Antonia A. Piccirillo
Joseph G. Pinto
Ernesto J. Porcari
Miranda E. Quartaro
Leah K. Ragno
Danielle T. Ragusa
Blake L. Rocca
Justin T. Rosenbaum
Shane C. Rosenthal
Nicholas R. Rossi
Desiree Sacco
Marissa N. Sansotta
Michael J. Schmid
Joseph A. Scognamillo
Leah Silidjian
Samantha N. Speziale
James M. Stephen
Elizabeth P. Terry-Kantor
Christian L. Toscano
Justin D. Truglio
Emily J. Tyman
Alexandria S. Usak
Nicole S. Valentino
Nicolette M. Vigiano
Maria Esposito
Pio Bonfitto, Jr.
Amelia Intagliata
Daniel R. McHale
Maria A. McHale
Carol A. Pusano
Guido Salemi
Gail A. Schoenhaar
Concetta Soldano
James Soldano
Dorothy Collins
Joan Trovato
Andrew Prudente
Thomas Rondi
Carmine DeMaio
Christine DeMaio
Diane DiAgostino
Nicole Graziano
Donna Interlicchio
Joseph Interlicchio
Charles Landi
Frank Messina
Joseph Messina
Lori Ann Messina
Thomas J. Costa
Jack Provenzano
MaryLee Tramonte
Pete Tramonte
Dominick Tripole
John C. Caminiti
Laraine Caminiti
Diana Cerullo
Robert Cicero
Antonella Colangeli
Leonard D’Ambrosia
Marialana DiMarzio
Regina Kaykaty
Louis R. Leonini
Daniel J. Pennachio Jr.
Joann Zolfo
Theresa Sareo
ToniAnn Verra
Linda Fonte
Rose Balsamo
Gilda Biondi
Johanna DeSaro
Francine Gibney
Louis Sacco
Michael Nightingale
Nancy Sbarro
Frank Stanco
Nella Stranieri
Anthony Abicca
Joseph Tatta
Bryan Morabito
Lawrence Morabito
Frank Franchi
Raymond Graziano
Michael Sarlo
John Adamo
Giovanni Suitieri
Rose Marie Gioggia
Paul Barrett
Alan J. Brignall
Chrsitopher A. Decola
Thomas S. Marsh
Ronald J. Martino
Mike Morabito
Colin J. Morehouse
John Oughterson n
State/National Events
July 26 - NYOSIA Summer Plenary Session to
be hosted by Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 at
the Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge Hall, 126 Odell
Avenue, Endicott. Contact: Eileen Stavis @
Aug. 16 - NYOSIA CSJ Presents a “Street
Corner Doo Wop Show” to benefit CSJ Cultural
Programs, Kings Park High School, 200 Route
25A, Kings Park, 4:00pm, $45pp. Contact:
Joseph Vallone @ 631-269-5725.
Sept. 14 - NYOSIA Celebrates the 22nd Annual
Italian Festival at Hofstra University, South
Campus, Hempstead Turnpike, Hempstead,
11:00am. Contact: Eleanor Jobbagy @ 516358-9151.
Sept. 14 - NYOSIA CSJ/AIAE Unity Breakfast
to be held at Hofstra University, Hempstead
Turnpike, Hempstead, 8:30am. Contact: Lou
Gallo @ 631-821-2290.
Sept. 19 - NYOSIA Celebrates Italian Heritage
Night at the Long Island Ducks Game at
Bethpage Ballpark, 3 Court House Drive,
Central Islip, BBQ @ 5:30pm, Game @
7:05pm, $30 & $50 tickets available. Contact:
Robert Ferrito @ 917-440-5435 or Charles
Lucie @ 631-499-8684.
Oct. 12 - Long Island Columbus Day Parade.
Main St, Huntigton, 12:00pm Kick-off, 9:30am
Breakfast. Contact Keith Wilson @ 516-6331435.
Oct. 14 - NYOSIA Annual Golf Outing at Town
of Oyster Bay Golf Course. More info to follow.
Contact: Robert Ferrito @ 917-440-5435.
Oct. 25 - NYOSIA Fall Plenary Session to be
hosted by St. Francis of Assisi Lodge #2629 and
the Fr. Donald B. Licata Lodge #2435 at the
Knights of Columbus Lodge Hall, 25 Townsend
Road, Beacon. Contact: Eileen Stavis @ 516785-4623.
Nov. 22 - NYOSIA Gift of Sight Annual Awards
Luncheon to be held at the Immaculate
Conception Center, Douglaston, 12:00pm.
Contact: Marianne Principe O’Neil @ 516-8835762.
Nov. 30 - NYOSIA Christmas Concert featuring
International Vocal Artist Giada Valenti at
Molloy College, Rockville Centre. More info to
follow. Contact: Robert Ferrito @ 917-4405435.
Jan. 30 - NYOSIA 22nd Anniversary Winter
Charity Ball to be held at the Chateau Briand,
Carle Place, 7:30pm. Contact: Joan Rondinelli
@ 516-799-0044 or Annette Lankewish @ 516933-7393 or Madeline Matteucci @ 631-6542578.
Jan. 31 - NYOSIA Winter Plenary Session to be
hosted by John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 at
the Pt. Washington Senior Center, Pt.
Washington. Contact: Eileen Stavis @ 516-7854623.
Local Lodges
July 18 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Italian Night-Scholarship D/D at Brumidi
Lodge Hall, Deer Park, 7:30pm, $35pp.
Contact: Fran Barone @ 631-667-1543.
July 19 - Cellini Lodge #2206 - Annual Fishing
Trip. Contact: Salvatore Squillante @ 516-5058880.
July 20 - John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 Annual Family Picnic at Manorhaven Park, Pt.
Washington, 12:00pm. Contact: John DiLeo @
516-859-4111 or John Maura @ 516-250-2900.
July 24 - Donatello Lodge #2559 - 30th
Anniversary D/D honoring sponsoring lodges
Galileo Galilei, Cellini, (Past) Italo Balbo,
Westbury Mayor Peter Cavallaro & Emma
Glowacky at Chateau Briand, 6:30pm, $85pp.
Contact: Maria Kobylarz @ 516-852-7345.
July 27 - Antonio Meucci Lodge #213 - Festival
at the Valhalla Dam. Contact: Mario Cermele @
July 27 - Columbus Lodge #2143 - Lodge
Picnic at Marjorie Post Park, Massapequa.
Contact: Chris Molina @ 516-220-9619.
July 27 - District I Queen’s Pageant - Queen’s
Pageant at Constantino Brumidi Lodge Hall,
Deer Park, 3:00pm, $45pp. Contact: Diane
Grauer @ 631-242-2710.
July 31 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Vigiano Brothers Memorial Golf Outing at
Timber Point Country Club, Great River,
7:00am, $150 per golfer, $55pp dinner only.
Contact: Tom Tartaro @ 516-364-8879.
Aug. 2 - Vincent Lombardi Lodge #2270 Membership Appreciation Picnic at Casa Rube,
71 Cohasset Drive, Rochester. Contact: Nancy
Rube @ 585-461-1181.
Aug. 8 - Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 - Pig
Roast at Lodge Hall, Endicott. Contact:
Bartender @ 607-785-2567.
Aug. 9 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Hawaiian Luau at Constantino Brumidi Lodge
Hall, Deer Park, 7:30pm, $40pp. Contact: Rose
Dispenseri @ 631-254-3015.
Aug. 13-Aug. 18 - Cellini Lodge #2206 Annual Cellini Lodge Feast. Contact: Alfonso
Squillante @ 516-280-4080.
Aug. 17 - Loggia Glen Cove #1016 - Annual
Picnic & BBQ at Glen Cove YMCA, Doson’s
Lane, Glen Cove, $12pp. Contact: Stephen
Ryder @ 516-674-3562.
Aug. 18 - Leonardo Da Vinci Lodge #2385 Charitable Golf Outing honoring State Trustee
Anthony Corsello at Inwood Country Club,
Inwood, 10:30am, Golf & Dinner $200pp.
Contact: Andrew Reilly @ 516-640-0931.
Aug. 22-Sept. 1 - Giuseppe A. Nigro Lodge
#2234 - Annual Mother Cabrini Feast at Suffolk
County Community College. Contact: Theresa
Pernice @ 631-231-7033.
Aug. 24 - Galileo Galilei Lodge #2253 Scholarship D/D at Hartigan Manor, Bethpage,
1:00pm. Contact: Michele Sewitch @ 516-4580474.
Aug. 24 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Fashion Show at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip,
6:30pm, $35pp. Contact: Irma Jacinto @ 516457-2956.
Aug. 25 - Loggia Glen Cove #1016 - Ernest J.
Pascucci Memorial Golf Outing at Glen Cove
Golf Course. Contact: Portia Ryder @ 516-6743562.
Sept. 3-7th - John Michael Marino Lodge
#1389 - 35th Grande Festa Italiana at N.
Hempstead Beach Park. Contact: John Maura @
Sept. 4 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Social Night at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip,
7:30pm, $20pp. Contact: Joseph Canestro @
Sept. 7 - Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 Arthur Avenue Bus Trip to Ferragosto departing
Smithtown LIRR Train Station, Atterbury
Drive, 10:00am, $25pp. Contact: Robert
Graham @ 631-265-0205.
Sept. 11 - Cellini Lodge #2206 - Grab Bag
Bingo at Marcus Christ Hall, New Hyde Park,
7:30pm. Contact: Vincent Illuzzi @ 917-9228045.
Oct. 22 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Traditional Oktoberfest at Marconi Lodge Hall,
Islip, 6:30pm, $27pp. Contact: Jean Simone @
Sept. 11 - Vigiano Brothers Lodge #3436 - 9/11
Memorial Candlelight Ceremony at Harbor
Front Park, 101A E. Broadway, Pt. Jefferson,
6:30pm. Contact: Annette D’Angelo @ 631928-9167.
Oct. 24 - St. Francis of Assisi Lodge #2629 25th Anniversary D/D honoring State President
Joseph Rondinelli & State Recording Secretary
Michele Ment at Knights of Columbus Hall, 25
Townsend Road, Beacon, 7:00pm, $65pp.
Contact: Louis Mazzacone @ 845-797-3278.
Sept. 11-14th - Rockland Lodge #2176 - 4th
Annual Feast at German Masonic Park, Western
Highway, Tappan, $2pp. Contact: Greg DeCola
@ 347-346-1462.
Sept. 13 - Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 Annual Clam Bake at Lodge Hall, Endicott.
Contact: Bartender @ 607-785-2567.
Oct. 24 - Vincent Lombardi Lodge #2270 Annual Christopher Columbus Awards D/D at
Burgundy Basin Inn, Pittsford, 6:00pm, $50pp.
Contact: Sandra Meleca @ 315-986-1097.
Oct. 25 - Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 - Fish
Fry at Lodge Hall, Endicott. Contact: Rudy @
Sept. 14 - Loggia Glen Cove #1016 - Bocce
Tournament at Lodge Hall, 69 Glen Street, Glen
Cove, $10pp. Contact: Nina Trolio @ 516-6767126.
Oct. 26 - Antonio Meucci Lodge #213 - 100th
Anniversary Columbus Day D/D at the Villa
Barone Hilltop Manor, Mahopac. Contact:
Flavia DiNota @ 914-769-8987.
Sept. 16 - Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A Special “Tea Party” for State First Lady Joan
Rondinelli at Greis Park Recreation Center,
Lynbrook, 7:00pm, $10pp. Contact: Mildred
Mancusi @ 516-359-1745.
Oct. 26 - John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 Family Pasta Dinner at Pt. Washington Senior
Center, Pt. Washington, 3:00pm. Contact:
Antoinetta Ardovini @ 516-627-1886.
Sept. 18 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Fashion Show at Constantino Brumidi Lodge
Hall, Deer Park, 7:00pm, $45pp. Contact:
Antoinette Masi @ 631-243-3988.
Nov. 2 - Giuseppe A. Nigro Lodge #2234 - 44th
Annual D/D at Mediterranean Manor, $80pp.
Contact: MaryAnn DeCostanzo @ 631-7302846.
Sept. 26 - Anthony Maggiacomo Lodge #2320 Annual D/D at Westchester Manor, 7:00pm,
$85pp. Contact: Peter Tamburri @ 914-4769659.
Nov. 2 - Columbus Lodge #2143 - Testimonial
D/D honoring IPP Ed Bochynski at Stuart
Thomas Manor, Farmingdale, 2:00pm. Contact:
Bill Murphy @ 631-375-0701 or Frank Musarra
@ 516-756-2067.
Sept. 27 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Night at the Races at Constantino Brumidi
Lodge Hall, Deer Park, 7:00pm, $12pp/$6 per
child. Contact: Carol Nani @ 631-242-4261.
Nov. 3 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Lodge Memorial Mass for Deceased Members
in Italian at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip, 7:30pm.
Contact: Robert Necci @ 631-256-6397.
Sept. 28 - Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 40th Anniversary D/D at The Elks Club,
Smithtown, 2:00pm, $55pp. Contact: Robert
Graham @ 631-265-0205.
Nov. 6 - Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163 - 50th
Anniversary D/D honoring Giuseppe Verdi
Lodge Past Presidents at the Chateau Briand,
Carle Place. Contact: Anthony Naccarato @
Sept. 28 - Columbus Lodge #2143 - Annual
Italian Feast & Festival at N. Broadway,
Massapequa, 11:00am. Contact: Tony Ventiera
@ 516-851-8531.
Oct. 2 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Social Night at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip,
7:30pm, $20pp. Contact: Joseph Canestro @
Oct. 2 - Rockland Lodge #2176 - Golf Outing at
Blue Hill Golf Course, Pearl River, $170pp.
Contact: Tony Siciliano @ 845-521-9344.
Oct. 4 - Fr. Vincent Capodanno Lodge #212 Testimonial D/D honoring IPP Theresa Corey at
LaGreci Staaten, Staten Island. Contact: Rose
Kelly @ 718-494-4928.
Oct. 5 - John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 89th Anniversary D/D honoring IPP Eric
Pappalardi at Chateau Briand, 12:00pm, $85pp.
Contact: Marianne Prince @ 718-631-7917.
Oct. 18 - Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 Columbus Day D/D at Lodge Hall, Endicott.
Contact: Matt Coletta @ 607-785-2567.
Oct. 18 - Cellini Lodge #2206 - Atlantic City
Trip. Contact: Salvatore Squillante @ 516-5058880.
Oct. 18 - Progresso Lodge #1047 - Columbus
Day D/D at Ramada Inn, Syracuse, 6:30pm.
Contact: Carmine Federico @ 315-457-5010.
Oct. 18 - Galileo Galilei Lodge #2253 - Italian
Heritage “Night of Comedy” at Knights of
Columbus Hall, Hicksville, $60pp. Contact:
Michele Sewitch @ 516-458-0474.
Oct. 18 - Loggia Glen Cove #1016 - Italian
Festival at Lodge Hall, 69 Glen Street, Glen
Cove Contct Tony Sclafani @ 516-759-2313.
Nov. 6 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Social Night at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip,
7:30pm, $20pp. Contact: Joseph Canestro @
Nov. 9 - Fr. John Papallo Lodge #2684 - 20th
Anniversary Brunch honoring Past State
Trustees Joseph Vallone, Louis Gallo and Past
State Principal Trustee Angela DeCosimo at
Crestwood Manor, Northport. Contact:
Maddalena McKee @ 631-269-2906.
Nov. 11 - Giuseppe Garibaldi Lodge #2583 Scholarship D/D at Marina del Rey Caterers,
Bronx, $125pp. Contact: Mario Annunziata @
Nov. 13 - Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A Fashion Show at Verdi’s of Westbury, Westbury,
7:00pm. Contact: Mildred Mancusi @ 516-3591745.
Nov. 14 - Cellini Lodge #2206 - Thanksgiving
Social at Clinton Martin Park, New Hyde Park,
7:00pm. Contact: Luigi Squillante @ 516-2922488.
Nov. 16 - Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372 Annual D/D honoring IPP Patricia Ferrari and
Pat Tuosto at the North Ritz Club, Syosset,
12:00pm, $85pp. Contact: Rick Trapani @ 516997-7957.
Nov. 16 - Perry Como Lodge #2846 - 6th
Anniversary D/D at Mannino’s Restaurant,
Commack, 5:00pm. Contact: Rosemarie
Simeone @ 631-368-7782.
Nov. 23 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Ladies Auxiliary Holiday Fair at Marconi
Lodge Hall, Islip, 9:00am. Contact: Jean
Simeone @ 631-581-7520.
As of 7/7/14
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 15
by Florence Gatto - Contributing Writer
Food Trucks and Peddlers
here seems to be a new craze in the
city-food trucks! Is it really an innovation? The dirty water frankfurters
(hot dogs) with sauerkraut and mustard
were a quick lunch as long as I can
remember. For years, Italian Americans
enjoyed church feasts where trucks with
mini-kitchens served us sausage heroes,
zeppole, pizza, and ices.
The difference
now is new cuisine
is represented due to
an influx of population from exotic
places. Styrofoam
containers with
shish kebab, pulled
pork sandwiches,
quesadillas or gyros,
are pushed through the windows by the
popular food truck chefs. They have permits, but I sure hope they are inspected
for cleanliness too.
Recently I saw a caravan of food
vendors parked right on Fifth Avenue, in
front of the Metropolitan Museum. Not
only could you buy the usual ice cream
but also choose from gourmet pretzels,
mac’ n cheese, crepes, Thai noodles, –
or perfect for me, a Nutella filled
The scene reminded me of an early
1900s iconic photo of immigrant peddlers and carts clogging the streets in
lower Manhattan. Any one of them
could have been my father! With contadino blood in his veins, he could not
tolerate the indoor atmosphere of factories, so he became a produce peddler.
For many years he drove his truck
hawking the freshest fruits and vegetables that came from nearby farms.
“Meloni dolce come zucchero,”
“Lattuga fresca,” “Piselli,” “Fave.”
In his sing song manner, reminiscent
of an Arabic chant from his native
Sicily, he summoned his customers to
his rolling store. His faithful patrons
haggled and tasted before actually purchasing the ingredients for their evening
meal. My father’s goal then was to have
a storefront using the startup funds from
his “food truck.”
Now the reverse process is the trend.
The vendors are coming out of their
established restaurants and customizing
a menu for on the street sales.
“Hipsters” are good repeat customers.
They appear to enjoy juggling a plate
and dodging drips on themselves while
eating beside a truck. Although Hipsters
are into less formality in attire and cuisine, they usually aim for the healthy
choices like salads and smoothies.
While they may be adventurous and try
“larvette” (insects) deep fried with
cream cheese (Yuk), I would rather have
a ricotta sandwich with chocolate shavings any day-of-the-week.
I know there is a meatball truck somewhere with quite a variety of “polpette,”
but I wonder if the taste would meet our
standards. The only truck I would go to
regularly is an arancini (rice-balls) seller.
As of now I have not found a vendor
that makes my absolute favorite –
“arancini.” The deep fried rice-balls
with meat and peas in the center really
do look like little oranges.
This could be a new career opportunity. The truck could be called
“Flo’s Five Star Rice Balls!” Who
knows, I could be nominated for a
Vendy Award (given to food trucks) for
unique offerings and catchy truck
I’ll never get used to eating standing
on the street but I guess it could be fun
once in a while.
Pushcart vendors in Lower Manhattan in the early 1900s
Florence is a Past President of the Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372, and a member of the
OSIA Scholarship Committee. Flo is the author of “The Scent of Jasmine - Vignettes from
a Sicilian Heritage.” She has studied in Italy under Fullbright and NYS Teacher Grants. n
16 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
A little off the top ... and a corner kick, too
by Mike Cutillo - Contributing Writer
m writing this as the 2014
World Cup soccer tournament
heads down the homestretch. By
the time you read it, we will know
which country can boast about being
the world champs for the next four
We know it won’t be Italy. Our
beloved “Azzurri”
were bounced out
of the tournament
at the group stage.
We know it won’t
be the United
States. Uncle
Sam’s lads gave it
a good run,
advanced out of
the difficult
“Group of Death”
but lost to Belgium in the second
OK, before I risk losing most of you
dear readers, this column is not about
soccer. Really. It’s about Italian barbershops. Follow me:
A friend of mine, knowing what a
huge fan of the World Cup I am, sent
me a column from the Chicago
Tribune in which the writer, wanting
to cull some insights and tidbits about
the 2014 tourney, chats with a real
expert, an Italian immigrant from
Salerno named Raffaele. The neat
thing about the way he wrote the
piece, though, is that he didn’t let on
that his “expert” was a barber until
about halfway through the column.
It reminded me, though, of my dad’s
barbershop back in his southern Italian
village of San Salvatore Telesino. I got
the pleasure of experiencing it only
once, back in 1990, ironically when
another World Cup tournament was
going on, that one being played in
The shop was tucked on a little cobblestone side street in dad’s village,
halfway between the main piazza and
Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta, the
church where my mother and father
were married. The street is Strada
Provinciale 69 (or at least Google
Maps tells me it is), and calling it a
street might be stretching it; it is wide
enough for only one Fiat at a time,
which I think is why it was made a
one-way street years ago.
My buddy Ken and I were in Italy to
experience both the ’90 Cup and the
village. Dad took us for a walk down
to the shop one afternoon when a
game was on television. The barber,
who had cut dad’s hair -- in fact, the
hair of all the men in the village -- for
decades, was more a friend than a barber. He also ran a Soccer Club and his
shop was the headquarters.
He had a small -- maybe 12-inch -black-and-white set that was up on a
shelf in the corner of the shop. It was
a one-chair barbershop, so it wasn’t
large, but that day, there must have
been three dozen Italian soccer aficionados, their eyes glued to that set.
Most of them were puffing away furiously on cigarettes and drinking wine.
Some wine actually got in their
mouths but most of it spilled on the
floor as they waved their wine glasses
wildly while adding commentary to
the game. Ken and I, American outsiders, sort of stayed out in the doorway and peered in at this whole scene.
Besides, the air was fresher.
Holland was playing Ireland that
day, and the tifosi of San Salvatore
Telesino were decidedly behind the
Irish. I’m not quite sure why unless it
had something to do with World War I
… or II. Now, many might call soccer
a boring game, but I prefer to think of
it as “nuanced.” That game, as I recall,
contained plenty of nuances that drew
yelling, cursing and catcalls from the
animated barbershop gang. It was
probably about as lively as a barbershop can be, and in my memory banks
-- a 1-1 tie -- the whole scene remains
in black-and-white, sort of like a
Sophia Loren movie.
The barber -- the leader of the
Soccer Club -- has since died. But the
Chicago Tribune article brought back a
flood of memories. Especially since
his name was … Raffaele.
Mike Cutillo is President of Geneva
Lodge 2397 in upstate New York. He is
the Executive Editor of the Finger
Lakes Times daily newspaper and can
be reached at
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of New York
Largest Italian-American Fraternal Bi-Monthly in New York State
Columbus Lodge #2143 - Farmingdale. On June 8, 2014, the Annual
Scholarship Awards were presented to sixteen most-deserving students.
One - Leah Ragno, was also the recipient of NELA and NY State
Scholarships; two other received NY State Scholarships; and three
received NY State Grants. Pictured are 12 of the 16 recipients that were
able to attend. The lodge awarded close to $9,000 to the students.
The Leonardo Da Vinci Lodge #2385 of Inwood, presented $2,450 in
awards to five high school seniors on June 23.The seniors will use the scholarship money to further their education. Picture left to right: Back Row Scholarship Chairman Pete Capozzi, recipients Edward Trotta and Nicholas
Picini; Lodge President Joe Squitieri; and recipient Joseph Montilli Jr.
Seated are: recipients Alexandra Spinelli and Melissa Meric.
S c h o l a s t i c
A w a r d s
A t
L o c a l
L o d g e s
Golden Lion
On June 18th, the John Michael Marino Lodge Foundation, Inc. of
Port Washington, presented its Academic Scholarships - The Gilda and
Tony DiStefano Scholarship in Memory of Maria Bianco, Dante Medal for
Excellence in the Study of the Italian Language, Italian Studies Awards,
and Athletic Awards to a total of twenty-one high school students. Pictured
with the scholarship and award recipients are Foundation President John
O'Neil, Lodge President Tony Conetta, and Lodge First Lady and
Scholarship Chair Nancy Conetta. The Foundation also presented monetary awards to fourteen local charities.
Perry Como Lodge #2846, Northport. Each June, the lodge awards
five scholarships of $750 each to outstanding graduates of local high
schools who have enrolled in a four year college or university. In addition to certificates from the Perry Como Lodge, each recipient received
proclamations from local and state public officials. Pictured from left:
Charles Lucie, Scholarship Committee Chair; recipients - Julia Montella,
Katherine Hughes, Samantha Macy, Austin Marchese, and Jake Weiner;
and Lodge President Anthony P. Gallo.
Brumidi Lodge #2211 - Deer Park. Lodge President Ciro Capano and
Ladies Auxiliary President Sabrina Savino (extreme right and left) are
joined by Town Officials and recipients, as $13,000 in scholarship awards
were presented to deserving students on May 20, 2014.
Marco Polo Lodge #2214 - Levittown. On June 9, 2014, the lodge
held its scholarship awards ceremony at which 3 deserving students were
rewarded for their commitment to education. They are shown with members of the lodge and Town of Hempstead Councilman, Gary Hughes.
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 17
Scholastic Awards At Local Lodges
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 - Smithtown. Marian Palazzolo (center),
represented the lodge at the Smithtown HS Awards Ceremony, where she presented Dante Medals to two students who excelled in Italian Studies. Pictured
from left, are the recipients: Kathleen Heslin (left), Marian, and Mia Trentadue.
The Dante Medal was named for Durante (Dante) degli Alighieri who was a
major poet of the Middle Ages. His masterpiece, Divine Comedy, is considered
to be the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language.
Arturo Toscanini Lodge #2107- Dix Hills. ITALIAn LAnGuAGe AwArDS. (L-R)
Northport HS Awardee Brian Shields, Counsel Gregory J. Atherton representing
Assemblyman Chad A. Lupinacci, Lodge President and Chairman Joseph A.
Tursi, Harborfields HS Awardee Jaqueline Canino, Commack HS Awardee
Vincent Elvezio, and “NYS Tino LoMeo Awardee”, Blake L. Rocca. Two other
recipients could not be present.
nYS CSJ District II eight Annual "La Bella Lingua Achievement Award."
Recipients Brendon Nally and Michael Ferraro (1st and 3rd from left) pose with
the Commitee. From left: Phyllis Cerullo, Jean Gagliardo, Mary Ann Rispoli, Anna
Acquaviva, Maria Matassa, Mary Abby, and Mary De Rosa. Seated: Lee Cerullo
and Louis Gallo.
The 2014 annual NYS CSJ District II "La Bella Lingua Achievement Award" was
presented to two students for excelling in Italian Language courses. The committee:
Phyllis Cerullo, Ann Acquaviva, Maria Marchese, Mary Abby, Jean Gagliardo,
Marjorie Moschella, Lee Cerullo, with Chairperson Mary Ann Rispoli), choose
Michael Ferraro from Manhasset High School and Brendon Nally from Plainedge
High School. The event took place on May 15, 2014, at the Marco Polo Lodge.
Michael Ferraro was quoted: "I believe I have what it takes to make a difference in
our world... "I feel I have a unique determination and unstoppable will that will help
me pursue my dreams while helping others, never forgetting my heritage along the
way..." I plan to continue my study of Italian language and culture, and hopefully
spend a semester abroad in Italy."
Brendon Nally was quoted: "Through studying the Italian language, we can begin
to understand how revolutionary and advanced the Italian truly were and continue to
be... "I chose to study Italian to revive the language in my family, because it is part
of my history and helped to shape the identity of my family as a whole. Studying the
Italian language is relevant today, because it contributes and maintains cultural diversity in the modern world."
Chairperson Lee Cerullo welcomed and greeted those in attendance, State Officers
Louis Gallo, Keith Wilson, Lodge Presidents, CSJ Liaisons, recipient's Parents,
Siblings and Teachers of Italian and Guests. Before the Award presentations a light
dinner was served,donated and prepared by District II Liaisons. n
Submitted by Lee Cerullo
During the meeting of May 25, 2014, NYS CSJ District II Liaisons presented
Sister Mary Ann Rispoli (Chairperson of "la Bella Lingua Achievement Award
Committee) with a plaque, in recognition of her outstanding work and dedication
with CSJ. Mary Ann is flanked by NYS CSJ Chairman Louis Gallo (L ) and NYS
CSJ DISTRICT II Liaisons Chairperson Lee Cerullo. Congratulations.
18 • The Golden Lion • July-August 2014
2014 Grand Lodge Scholarship Awards’ Ceremony
$83,900 Awarded to 67 Deserving Students
Cornaro Award presented to Dr. Alessandra Leri
he new york Grand lodge Foundation, Inc. order Sons of Italy in america,
awarded $83,900 in scholarship and grant money to 69 students on Saturday,
June 14th at a special awards ceremony held at tappan Zee high School in
orangeburg. new york. Foundation president Joseph F. rondinelli, First lady
Joan, Foundation Second Vice-president robert Ferrito, Financial officers Biagio
Isgro and John Fratta, Foundation directors arthur Spera,, carlo matteucci, peter
Zuzolo, family members and friends were present to witness the presentation of
awards to 50 of the recipients. teo led us in both the Italian and national anthems
and later entertained us by singing a song made famous by andrea Bocelli. the
keynote speaker for this event was Vincent marmorale. he spoke to the scholarship
recipients about the Italian immigrant experience and the role played by many
Italians in Italy during the holocaust of world war II.
State Scholarship chairperson michele ment explained that the new york Grand
lodge Foundation, Inc. was formed in 1982 and since that time, through the generosity of members and friends of the Foundation and through the Filial lodges
Scholarship programs has continued to help many young people achieve their educational goals. She also explained that four additional special awards were added
this year. they were the arturo toscanini lodge #2107 Scholarship in honor of
Edith and peter Zuzolo, the Ferdinand and dorothy dipoto memorial Scholarship
– parents of Former First lady madeline matteucci, past State Venerable Joseph E.
Fay memorial Scholarship, and the Franca and antonio capicotto Family
the Elena lucrezia cornaro award was presented to dr. alessandra leri,
professor of chemistry at marymount manhattan college by committee chairperson dr. lois pontillo mignone.
this award recognizes outstanding Italianamerican women in education for their significant contributions to their profession
and their communities. It is named for the first woman in history to receive a ph.d.
Elena cornaro earned her doctorate from the university of padua, Italy, in 1678.
dr. leri explained to the students that they should never give up on their dreams.
2 0 1 4 G R A D U AT E AWA R D S R E C I P I E N T
chairperson - Florence Gatto
Bri TTn Ey A. g rEllA
ann marIE montEmarano mEmorIal GraduatE
ScholarShIp; and thE GIuSEppE canGEmI mEmorIal
GraduatE ScholarShIp
Brittney believes the culture shapes you as an individual,
especially because she is a first generation Italianamerican. her family came to the united States in pursuit
of the american dream, which is continuously being fulfilled through her. She attended our lady of mercy
academy for high school and obtained her diploma. She
then went to hofstra university and recently graduated with
a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a minor in
mathematics. In august, she will be attending St. George’s university School of
medicine in the west Indies where she will be completing her md and plans to
become the first physician in her family – fulfilling her dream.
Ti m o Thy E. Fu g Er
Edward InnElla FamIly GraduatE ScholarShIp In
EducatIon; and thE pEtEr r. ZuZolo Jr. mEmorIal
ScholarShIp For ScIEncE, EnGInEErInG, or tEchnoloGy
tim is a motivated designer pursuing a masters of
architecture degree at norwich university. he takes inspiration from his Italian heritage. tim not only speaks
Italian, but has traveled to Italy a number of times as well.
he studied a semester in rome and was able to visit
milano, Venezia, Firenze, pisa, assisi and many other
places while there. he finds comfort in researching contemporary Italian design and designers in his spare time, looking into figures such as
aldo rossi, carlo aymonino, and renzo piano.
Foundation president Joseph rondinelli congratulated the award recipients on
their accomplishments, emphasized the importance of receiving an education and
asked that they remember the Sons of Italy after they have completed their courses
of study by continuing their oSIa membership by either joining a local lodge or
remaining a member-at-large. he also told the students that there are oSIa lodges
throughout the country and if they are far from home and need help, they should
call our Grand lodge office and we will provide them with the information regarding the lodge closest to them to provide the help needed until their parents are able
to arrive. n
uuu The 2014 Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Award recipient -
Dr. Alessandra Leri,
is being presented the Cornaro Award by NYS President Rondinelli, while NYS
Conaro Award Chairperson Dr. Louis Mignone (center), who is also a past recipient
of the prestigious award, looks on approvingly. Amongst her many achievements,
Dr. Leri is a strong advocate for independent research in undergraduate science
education. (See Dr. Leri bio on page 11.
Some of the 67 scholarship recipients that were able to attend the Presentation Ceremony, pose as a group with State and National Officers, State Scholarship
Chairperson Michele Ment (far left), and District Scholarship Chairpersons including: State President Joseph Rondinelli, National 5th VP Nancy DiFiore Quinn, and
Cornaro Award Recipient Dr. Alessandra Leri (center - standing beneath banner).
Additional Scholarship Coverage in next 3 pages u
The Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 19
DISTRICT I RECIPIENTS (Joanne Spera - Chairperson)
1 • MIChaEl J. DIGuIlMI
Andrea Doria Lodge #2201 Scholarship; and the Andrea Doria Lodge #2201 Anthony Graziano Memorial Scholarship; and
the Anthony Casamento Lodge #2612 Scholarship in Memory of Nancy Ravasio Proctor.
2 • CaRolINE a, GRovE
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 Scholarship in the Name of Marietta and Philip Lagana; and the Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro
Lodge #2319 Scholarship in Memory of Nardina Trotta.
3 • ElIzabETh M. bRIERToN
Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 Scholarship in Memory of Sal Licata; and the Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211
Scholarship in the name of Pasquale Curcio; and the Sargeant John Basillone Lodge #2442 Scholartship.in Memory of Our
4 • MICahEl a. PaSToRE
Giuseppe A. Nigro Lodge #2234 Scholarship in Honor of Mother Cabrini.
5 • vINCENT J. olIvETo
John Bosco Lodge #2384 Scholarship in Memory of Vincent J. Martorana, Esq.; and the John Bosco Lodge #2384
Scholarship in Honor of Marcia Ann Curcio; and the John Bosco Lodge #2384 Scholarship in Memory of Vincent Campanna.
6 • JaMES P. boSS
The Philip & Marietta Lagana Family Scholarship; and the Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Scholarship in Memory of
John Farina.
7 • blakE l. RoCCa
Tino LoMeo Memorial Scholarship; and the District I Presidents’ Scholarship; and the Lion’s Pride Day Care Scholarship.
8 • MaRISa N. MEyER
Arturo Toscanini Lodge #2107 Scholarship; and the Arturo Toscanini Lodge Scholarship in Honor of Peter and Edith Zuzolo
9 • alExaNDRIa S. uSak
The Paolo and Francesca Gionsiracusa Memorial Scholarship; and the Lawrence Andrew Klein Memorial Scholarship.
10 • GabRIEllE a. CoSENTINo
St. Thomas Aquinas Lodge #2569 Scholarship in Memory of Frank Melia, Jr.; and the Guy Lombardo Lodge #2417
11 • NICholaS lERNER
Carlo & Anna Matteucci Memorial Scholarship; and the Carlo & Madeline Matteucci Family Scholarship; and the Ferdinand
and Dorithy DiPoto Memorial Scholarship, Parents Former First Lady Madeline Matteucci.
12 • NIColETTE vIGIaNo
Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 Scholarship in Memory of Joseph and John Vigiano.
DISTRICT II RECIPIENTS (Angelo Grande - Chairperson)
13 • CaRa M. GIbboNS
Edward J. Speno Lodge #2568 Scholarship in Memory of Joseph Grasso; and the Carlo & Concetta Quatraro Memorial
14 • JoNaThaN M. ChaRboNNEau
America Lodge #2245 Scholarship and the America Lodge #2245 Scholarship in Memory of Joseph A. Montemarano; and
the Chris Seidel Memorial Award.
15 • DaNIElla R. JoyCE
Michael & Elizabeth Carrera Scholarship in Memory of Lisa Carrera; and the District II Presidents’ Scholarship in
Memory of Lisa Carrera; and the Agnes & John Funk Scholarship in Memory of Sam DiTrapani.
16 • NICholaS J. NovaRRo
Eda Opulente-Meglio Scholarship and the Cellini Lodge #2206 Scholarship.
17 • ThoMaS J. PaSSaRo
Donatello Lodge #2559 Scholarship in Memory of Charles J. Fuschillo and all Deceased Members; and the Nicholas G.
Viglietta Scholarship; and the Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge #2180 Scholarship.
18 • DaNIEllE T. RaGuSa
Marco Polo Lodge #2214 Scholarship; and the John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 Scholarship in Memory of Judge
Vincent R. Balletta, Jr.; and the John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased members.
19 • NIColE S. valENTINo
Elizabeth Prestigiacomo Memorial Scholarship Award donated by Frank Prestigiacomo, Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372;
and the Maffettone Family Scholarship in Honor of Domenic and Virginia Maffettone.
20 • SaMaNTha SPEzIalE
Angelo & Kathryn Grande Scholarship in Memory of Rose & Frank Della Ratta; and the Angelo & Kathryn Grande
Scholarship in Memory of Angelina & Ignatius Grande; and the Enrico Fermi Lodge #2150 Scholarship in Memory of
Pietro Scalamandre.
21 • JuSTIN TRuGlIo
The Marianna Crescimanno Memorial Scholarship; and the Carmine Cocchiola Memorial Scholarship.
22 • FRaNCESCa S. CaSalINo
Martone Family Scholarship in Memory of Lorenzo Martone; and the Michael Valente Lodge #2667 Ed Buscemi
Memorial Scholarship.
23 • JaMES a. MoRRIS JR.
Captain Kathy Mazza Lodge #2163A (Aida Lodge) Scholarship in Memory of Kathy Mazza
DISTRICT III RECIPIENTS (Rosemarie Stathes - Chairperson)
24 • Max J. FEINbERG
Daughters & Sons of Italian Heritage Lodge #2428 in Memory of Nicola Fiscina; and the
Josephine Gambino Scholarship.
20 • The Golden lion • July-august 2014
25 • aNThoNy P. GRazIaNo
District III Scholarship; and the Ponte Family Scholarship; and the Jimmy Durante Lodge
#2514 Scholarship
Verrazano Lodge #212 Scholarship; and the Anthony Brusco Family Scholarship..
27 • JOSEPh M. MaDIa
Mario Lanza Lodge #2491 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Members.
Per Sempre Lodge #2344 Scholarship in Memory of Vito Summo; and the Per Sempre Lodge #2344 Scholarship in
Memory of Jake DeLuca; and the Salvatore DiTrapani Memorial Scholarship.
29 • JOSEPh a. SCOgNaMIllO
Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A Scholarship; and the DiFiore Quinn Family Scholarship in Memory of Ann DiFiore and
Nora Quinn; and the Rondinelli Family Scholarship in Memory of Marie Maiorana.
30 • MaRISSa N. SaNSOTTa
Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge #2741 / St. Gennaro Society Scholarship; and the Frank and Maryann Barone Scholarship in
Memory of Antonio and Anna Barone.
31 • MaTThEw T. BENSON
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fratta & Family Scholarship in Memory of Anthony Louis Fratta; and the Giuseppe Mazzini Lodge
#137 Scholarship.
32 • MIChaEl J. CavaTaIO
Father Vincent R. Capodanno Lodge #212 Scholarship in Memory of John Dabbene; and the John Dabbene Memorial
Scholarship; and the State Past Venerable Joseph E. Fay Memorial Scholaship.
DISTRICT Iv RECIPIENTS (Margaret Forte - Chairperson)
District IV Scholarship; and the Antonio Meucci Lodge #213 Scholarship in Memory of B. Albert Roselli; and the Antonio
Meucci Lodge #213 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Members.
34 • lEah SIlIDJIaN
Le Amiche Lodge #2550 Scholarship; and the Christopher Agostino & Deceased Members of the Anthony Maggiacomo
Lodge #2320 Memorial Scholarship.
35 • KaRISSa M. DEluCa
Joe DiMaggio Lodge #2248 Scholarship in Memory of Colette Cannizzaro; and the Christopher Columbus Lodge #692
Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Members.
Eric & Michele Ment Family Scholarship in Honor of our Parents; and the Joe DiMaggio Lodge #2248 Scholarship in
Memory of Michael Messineo.
37 • MIChaEl DIMaTTIa
Franca and Antonio Capicotto Family Scholarship
DISTRICT v RECIPIENTS (Sybil DeSimone - Chairperson)
Filippo Mazzei Lodge #2207 and Marino Family Scholarship in Memory of Nicholas Serra & Barbara Adinolfi; and the
Rockland Lodge #2176 Mowerson Family Scholarship in Memory of William A. Mowerson.
39 • KEvIN B. DEPTula
Filippo Mazzei Lodge #2207 Olori Family Scholarship in Memory of Catherine and Louis Olori, Sr.; and the Filippo
Mazzei Lodge #2207 Family Scholarship in Memory of Elizabeth Iannone.
40 • alExaNDRa M. gallETTa
Romanesque Lodge #2198 Scholarship; and the Frances Colello Memorial Scholarship, Founder of the Romanesque
Lodge #2198.
41 • NIChOlaS R. ROSSI
Beatrice Waked Memorial Scholarship; and the Dominick Cardone Memorial Scholarship.
Vincent Linguanti Lodge #2212 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Members; and the Filippo Mazzei Lodge #2207
Family Scholarship in Memory of Martha and Donato Marcario.
District V Presidents’ Millennium Scholarship; and the Etruscan Lodge #2238 Scholarship.
DISTRICT vI RECIPIENTS (Cesare Maniccia - Chairperson)
44 • SaRah E. NIRO
Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge #321 Dominick Ferro Memorial Scholarship; and the Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge #321 in
Memory of Arthur Pardi Scholarship; and the Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge #321 Joseph and Chris Parillo Scholarship.
45 • KaTElyN a. MaSullO
Roma Intangible Lodge #215 Scholarship in Memory of F. Joseph Leone; and the Jim Frigolette
Memorial Scholarship.
DISTRICT vII RECIPIENTS (Josephine Federico - Chairperson)
46 • MIChaEl J. SChMID
District VII Scholarship; and the Daughters of Columbus Lodge #1666 Scholarship.
47 • fRaNCESCa la ROSa MOORE
Genevieve Federico Memorial Scholarship; and District VII - Joseph Sciame Scholarship.
Joseph and Johanna Conte; and the Duca Degli Abruzzi Lodge #443 Scholarship.
49 • JaKE a. BaRNEy
Dante Alighieri Lodge #436 Scholarship[
DISTRICT vIII RECIPIENTS (Valerie Gobbo - Chairperson)
Richard DiMarco Sr. Memorial Scholarship Donated by John DiMarco; and the Jane Lippa
Memorial Scholarship; and the Giambra Family Scholarship.
51 • EMIly J. TyMaN
Geneva Lodge #2397 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased Members; and the Guglielmo Marconi
Lodge #154 Scholarship.
The golden lion • July-august 2014 • 21
2 0 1 4 S t a t E W i d E aWa r d S r E C i p i E n t S
(Presented by State Chairperson - Michele Ment)
AnD ThE ny GRAnD LoDGE FoUnDATion, inC. SChoLARShiP in
MEMoRy oF ThE iTALiAn AMERiCAn hERoES oF 9-11
DiTRAPAni FAMiLy SChoLARShiP in MEMoRy oF SiMon R.
Leah is the valedictorian of the 2014 class at Farmingdale
high School and a AP Scholar with honor. She has a near
perfect SAT score and is a member of the national honor
Society, French honor Society and the Tri-M Music honor
Society. Leah is also the recipient of the henri F. Salvatori
Memorial Scholarship of the national Sons of italy
Educational Leadership Grant (nELA) program.
She is a volunteer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
in new york City since the tenth grade. Leah will attend the University of
Pennsylvania in the fall and plans to study medicine and philosophy.
Jennifer attended Auburn high School along with her twin
brother Michael. She also has two older brothers.
Currently, she is a member of six clubs, and is president of
the Spanish Club. She is also a Class officer and President
of the national honor Society.
Jennifer also plays sports. She is one of the captains of the
varsity Soccer team. She will attend villanova University in the fall majoring in
Business and Finance. Jennifer has been accepted in the Business School’s Global
Citizens Program to study abroad in London the second semester of her freshmen
Maria is graduating from East islip high School in June
2014. She is a member of the national honor Society and
is ranked in the top 10 students of her class. She has studied the italian language all through middle school and high
school, including college level italian.
Maria will be attending new york University’s Tisch
School of the Arts in the fall where she plans to study Film
and Television Production.
Michael Ferraro is from Manhasset, n.y. he has been and continues to be an active member of his school and greater community. Michael has excelled not only in academics, but also in
sports including lacrosse, soccer, basketball and golf. Three
years ago, Michael and his brothers approached the nyC Parks
Department with an idea to bring lacrosse clinics to inner city
kids through the existing summer camp program. he and his
brother recruited friends and fellow lacrosse players to help. The
clinics continue to be an integral and growing part of the camp
program. Michael has studied the italian language for six years
and hopes to be the one to re-introduce it to future generations of Ferraros. he will be
attending Dartmouth College in the fall where he plans to study economics and history.
E L I Z A B E T H P. T E R R Y- K A N T O R
Antonia Piccirillo is graduating from Mohonasen high School
in Rotterdam, new york. Throughout high school, she has
been actively involved with the Music/Theatre Department,
Student Council, and many different honor Societies. This
year she was chosen to be the Drum Major for her school’s
competitive marching band that she has been a part of for five
years. She is also a member of the national, Mathematics, and
Tri-M Music honor Societies, serving as an officer for each,
and she has been the Sergeant at Arms of the Class of 2014 for the past four years. This
fall Antonia plans to attend St. John Fisher College in Rochester, new york with a major
in Adolescent Mathematics Education. She hopes to work as a Mathematics Teacher and
eventually receive her Doctorate in Educational Administration and establish a career as
a Superintendent of Schools.
Elizabeth is graduating in the top 1% of her class at
Clarkstown high School South in West nyack, ny. She is a
national Merit Finalist and a College Board AP Scholar with
honors, as well as a member of the national honor Society,
the Mu Alpha Theta Math honor Society, the Tri-M Music
honor Society, and the italian Language honor Society. She
is a 3 time winner of the American Mathematics Competition
and the American Scholastic Mathematics Association
Competition and a 2 time state finalist in the national history
Day Competition. She is also the editor in chief of Mad About
Mu, the quarterly Mu Alpha Theta math magazine, which has won
both silver and gold medals from the Columbia Scholastic Press. Elizabeth also performs
with the helen hayes youth Theatre, Coupe Theatre Studio, Centerstage, and the
Rockland youth Dance Ensemble. Elizabeth also plays piano, bass, and auxiliary percussion for her school’s marching and jazz band, and is the piano accompanist for 3 different musical groups. She will be attending harvard University in the fall where she
intends to receive her Bachelors of Science Degree biomedical engineering.
2014 GrantS rECipiEntS (Susan Alicea - Presenter)
1 • Miranda E. Quartaro
Columbus Lodge #2143 Grant; and the Romanesque Lodge #2198 Grant
2 • ShanE C. roSEnthal
Ascatigno, Guarino, Marino Rockland County Educational Grant; and the Michael
& Betty Santoro Grant in Memory of Angelina Santoro; and the Matthew DiFiore
3 • KylE r. ColtEllino
The Gift of Sight Grant
4 • JoSEph G. pinto
Grand Lodge Foundation Grant
5 • anGEla M. Gatto
Grand Lodge Foundation Grant
6 • Brian C. annEr
Grand Lodge Foundation Grant
7 • MariSSa Carozza
Grand Lodge Foundation Grant
8 • MiChaEl dotzlEr
Grand Lodge Foundation Grant
22 • the Golden lion • July-august 2014
Italian American Heroes
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients
Peter J. Dalessondro
Diciamolo In Italiano (Let’s Say It In Italian)
By Professor Emeritus Joseph A.Tursi - Arturo Toscanini Lodge #2107, Dix Hills.
Born - May 22, 1918 - Watervliet, NY
Died - October 15, 1997 - Watervliet, NY
Rank and organization: T/Sgt., U.S. Army, Company E, 1st Battalion, 39th
Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. Place and. date of action: Near Kalterherberg,
Germany 22 December 1944. Entered service at: Watervliet, NY.
Between 1945 and 1995 Dalessondro was honored over forty times by fraternal,
military, religious, political, and civic organizations for his service to the community, including twice by the Loggia Roma Intangible #215, in 1978 and 1986, receiving its highest award - the Leone d'Oro Award. Others honors includes a statue and a
roadway named after him.
Proud of his Italian heritage, Peter belonged to different Italian American organizations, including the Roma Intangible Lodge and then the Gabrielle D’Annunzio
Lodge #321. Peter was married and had two daughters and two grandchildren. n
Prepared by Sal Moschella - Editor
The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the
blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
una calcolatrice
una radio
un orologio
una sedia
un tavolo
una tavola
una porta
una finestra
un computer
uno stereo
un telefono
uno zaino
una bicicletta
a calculator
a radio
a watch, clock
a chair
a table (worktable)
a table (for eating)
a door
a window
a computer
a stereo
a telephone
a backpack
a bicycle
Esercizio A
Repeat the words above, including the indefinite articles (un, uno, etc.)
Articolo indeterminativo (Indefinite article)
The indefinite article in Italian refers to the English a/an or the number one.
This article has four forms: un, uno, una, un’
un libro
un orologio
uno studente
uno zaino
una porta
1. Un is used with a masculine noun beginning with most consonants or with a
2. Uno is used with a masculine noun beginning with s + a consonant, z, or ps.
3. Una is used with a feminine noun beginning with a vowel.
4. Un’ is used with a feminine noun beginning with a vowel.
Esercizio B. Luigi is pointing out to a friend, items in his room.
Example: stereo
Ecco uno stereo
1. Ecco ____ calendario, ____ calcolatrice, _____ finestra, ____ tavolo,
_____ sedia, ____ computer, ____ giornale, ____ orologio,
_____ zaino, ed ____disco.
Esercizio C.
Indicate who the following persons or things are:
Example: professore
È un professore.
È un’università.
Ecco _____ studente, _____ studentessa, _____ professoressa,
_____ signora, _____ signorina, _____ signore, ____ amico,
_____ amica, _____ Italiano, _____ Inglese.
After returning home to Watervliet, Peter was elected, as a Democrat, to the New
York State Senate from Albany County.. He served in two different Districts from
1947 to 1957. He resigned from the Senate in 1957. After retiring from the Senate
he became Secretary to the Senate Minority Leader. He retired from public office in
October 1977. He may have been officially retired but he stayed very active in Albany County politics. He had visited the Democratic Headquarters on the day that he
a book
a notebook
a disk, a record
a calendar
a sheet of paper
a newspaper
a television set
a dictionary
a pen
a pencil
a magazine
a tape recorder
a tape cassette
Answers to Exercises in Italian
In addition to the Congressional Medal of Honor, Peter Dalessondro also received:
Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster(2), 2 Bronze Star Medals (Heroic). Purple Heart
with Two Oak Leak Clusters (3 Purple Hearts for being wounded in North Africa, in
Cherbourg, France; and in the Ardennes, Germany (when captured); and numerous
campaign medal for his participation - Tunisia, Sicily, Normandy, Northern France,
and Belgium-Rhineland-Ardennes.
un libro
un quaderno
un disco
un calendario
un foglio di carta
un giornale
un televisore
un dizionario
una penna
una matita
una rivista
un registratore
una cassetta
Esercizio B
Un calendario, una calcolatrice, una finestra, un tavolo, una sedia, un computer, un
giornale, un orologio, uno zaino, un disco
During the battle, Dalessondro was captured and held in a German Prisioner of
War camp from December 1944 to April 1945. While being held he escaped. He was
on the run for days. Hungry, thirsty and cold, Peter came across a farmhouse. He
went to the farmhouse for help. When he entered the farmhouse there were several
German soldiers stationed there as an outpost. Peter was then re-captured. He was
presented the Medal by President Harry S. Truman at the White House on August
23, 1945.
Cose Utili (Useful objects)
Esercizio C
uno studente, una studentessa, una professoressa, una signora, una signorina, un
signore, un amico, un’amica, un Italiano, un Inglese (an Englishman) (or) un’Inglese
(an Englishwoman)
Citation: He was with the 1st Platoon holding an important road junction on high
ground near Kalterherberg, Germany on 22 December 1944. In the early morning
hours, the enemy, after laying down an intense artillery and mortar barrage, followed
through with an all-out attack that threatened to overwhelm the position. T/Sgt.
Dalessondro, seeing that his men were becoming
disorganized, braved the intense fire to move among them
with words of encouragement. Advancing to a fully exposed
observation post, he adjusted mortar fire upon the attackers,
meanwhile firing upon them with his rifle and encouraging
his men in halting and repulsing the attack. Later in the day
the enemy launched a second determined attack. Once again,
T/Sgt. Dalessondro, in the face of imminent death, rushed to
his forward position and immediately called for mortar fire.
After exhausting his rifle ammunition, he crawled thirty yards
over exposed ground to secure a light machine-gun, returned
to his position, and fired upon the enemy at almost pointblank
range until the gun jammed. He managed to get the gun to
fire one more burst, which used up his last round, but with
these bullets he killed four German soldiers who were on the
verge of murdering an aid man and two wounded soldiers in a nearby foxhole. When
the enemy had almost surrounded him, he remained alone, steadfastly facing almost
certain death or capture, hurling grenades and calling for mortar fire closer and
closer to his outpost as he covered the withdrawal of his platoon to a second line of
defense. As the Germans hordes swarmed about him, he was last heard calling for a
barrage, saying, "OK, mortars, let me have it - right in this position!" The gallantry
and intrepidity shown by T/Sgt. Dalessondro against an overwhelming enemy attack
saved his company from complete rout.
Golden Lion • July-August 2014 • 23
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