John Adams Coach Supplies
John Adams Coach Supplies
About Us John Adams (Coach Supplies) Ltd is a family business formed in Glasgow in 1946. Growth has also brought about the opening of premises in Huddersfield in 2003, and more recently Newry, in 2007. As a company, we focus on the needs of the commercial vehicle bodybuilder, and whilst this is a catalogue for Horsebox Builders, We also sell aluminium extrusion and sheet, steel section, timber products and commercial vehicle body fittings. We pride ourselves on building good relationships with customers, and listed below are sales contacts for each depot; Head Office, Glasgow: Huddersfield Office: Newry Office: Colin MacDonald Linda Gunn Mathew Perrie David Adams Mark Southall Graham Merrick Steve Marshall Adam Whitehead John Hunter Ken Robertson If you do not see the product you are looking for in this catalogue, or if you would like to discuss a bespoke section, then please contact us. Head Office: Atlas Industrial Estate Edgefauld Drive Springburn Glasgow G21 4UR Huddersfield Depot: Unit 2 Dearne Park Estate Park Mill Way Clayton West Huddersfield HD8 9XJ Newry Depot: Carnbane Industrial estate Unit 6, Springhill Road Newry Co. Down BT35 6EF Contents Page Aluminium Channel 1 Ramp Springs 25-26 Aluminium Sheet 2-3 Door Retainers 27 Aluminium Side Raves 4-6 Locks / Handles 28 Aluminium Corner Pillars 7-8 Buffers 29-30 Aluminium floor Plank 9 Hinges 31 Top Hat Rub Rail 10 Fuel Filler flaps 32 Hollow Sections 11 Alloy Profile 33 Aluminium Angle 12 Track 34 Aluminium Mouldings 13-14 Miscellaneous fittings 35 Aluminium Top Hats 15 Vents 36 Aluminium Zed Sections 16 Fibre Glass Products 37-39 Aluminium Cant Rails 17 Lights 40 Aluminium Capping 18 Doors 41 Steel Channels 19 Tape 42 Panels / Matting 20-22 Sealant 43 Ironwork 23-24 Miscellaneous Products 44-45 Aluminium Plain Channels CODE CB3 CB6 C31 C62 Aluminium Lipped Channels CODE CB10 CB30 A (mm) 76.20 101.60 B (mm) 38.10 47.60 T1 (mm) 3.18 3.30 T2 (mm) 4.75 4.50 W (kg/m) 1.82 2.105 A (mm) 76.20 101.60 127.00 152.00 B (mm) 38.10 50.80 50.80 50.80 T1 (mm) 3.18 5.08 5.59 9.50 T2 (mm) 5.84 8.26 8.26 6.30 W (kg/m) 1.80 3.52 3.52 4.02 Aluminium Plain Sheets CODE AS-251251 AS-251251.2 AS-251251.5 AS-251252 AS-251253 AS-251256 AS-31251 AS-31251.2 AS-31251.5 AS-31252 AS-31253 AS-3151.2 AS-3151.5 AS-3152 AS-3153 A (mm) 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 B (mm) 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1500 1500 1500 1500 T (mm) 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 W (p/sheet) 8.48 10.16 12.72 16.96 25.44 50.94 10.17 12.20 15.24 20.32 30.48 14.64 18.30 24.39 36.58 Pre Painted – White Acrylic CODE AS-25125.9P AS-251251.5P A (mm) 2500 2500 B (mm) 1250 1250 T (mm) 0.90 1.50 W (p/sheet) 8.10 12.82 Checkmate CODE AS-8418C A (mm) 2438 B (mm) 1219 T (mm) 1.20 W (p/sheet) 10.19 Five Bar Tread Plate CODE AS-843TP AS-251252TP AS-251253TP AS-251254.5TP AS-251256TP A (mm) 2438 2500 2500 2500 2500 B (mm) 1219 1250 1250 1250 1250 T (mm) 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 W (p/sheet) 25.76 18.66 27.07 39.00 55.98 T (mm) 0.60 0.80 0.56 0.80 W (p/sheet) 3.26 4.35 4.52 6.78 Stucco CODE AS-216 STUCCO AS-218 STUCCO AS-84.56STUCCO AS-2512520S A (mm) 2000 2000 2440 2500 B (mm) 1000 1000 1220 1250 MS2P 23842 LP27 MS38 Aluminium Side Raves CODE MS2P A1 (mm) 170.00 A2 (mm) 102.00 B (mm) 48.80 T (mm) 4.00 W (kg/m) 1.799 23842 171.00 101.00 38.10 4.00 2.024 LP27 163.00 100.00 38.10 3.00 2.11 MS38 230.00 100.00 45.00 3.50 2.86 SR28759 MS10 MS61 MS1P Aluminium Side Raves CODE MS1P A1 (mm) 198.00 A2 (mm) 102.00 B1 (mm) 58.10 B2 (mm) - T (mm) 3.18 W (kg/m) 2.249 MS61 138.00 102.00 58.10 - 3.18 1.500 MS10 153.16 101.60 34.92 - 3.18 1.910 SR28759 105.17 101.60 61.17 34.93 3.18 1.59 SR15 SR20 MS40 Aluminium Side Raves CODE SR15 A1 (mm) 108.00 A2 (mm) 76.20 B1 (mm) 50.00 B2 (mm) 34.93 T (mm) 3.18 W (kg/m) 1.67 SR20 125.00 101.60 63.50 - 2.54 1.750 MS40 109.00 - 63.50 - 3.50 2.080 P17 3” LP14 3” LP51 LP8 1 ¼” 1” Aluminium Corner Pillars CODE P17 LP14 LP51 LP8 A (mm) 110.00 100.00 70.40 65.00 B (mm) 76.20 76.20 32.00 25.40 T (mm) 3.00 5.00 3.30 4.00 W (kg/m) 2.057 2.08 1.326 1.048 RP20 CP2-XTR520 Aluminium Corner Pillars CODE A B T W (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/m) RP20 102.00 102.00 2.00 1.82 CP2-XTR520 14.00 80.00 3.00 1.271 5” CORNER PILLARS ARE AVAILABLE FROM STOCK F20 FP24 FP32 FP33 FP48 Aluminium Floor Planking CODE F20 FP24 FP32 FP33 FP48 A (mm) 25.40 14.20 22.22 22.73 22.22 B (mm) 203.20 230.00 203.20 223.98 203.20 T (mm) 2.36 2.30 2.39 2.80 2.40 W (kg/m) 2.430 2.110 2.510 2.376 2.410 RR2782 TH35 P15 *CASTING IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS P14 *CASTING IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS SECTION TH31 Aluminium Top Hat Rubrails CODE RR2782 A1 (mm) 22.00 A2 (mm) - B1 (mm) 101.50 B2 (mm) 49.00 T (mm) 3.96 W (kg/m) 0.941 P15 19.05 - 114.30 63.50 3.96 1.493 P14 28.58 - 111.13 66.68 3.18 1.350 TH31 31.75 - 155.60 76.20 3.18 1.510 TH35 228.60 149.24 31.75 - 4.00 2.176 Square Hollows CODE HOLL19191.6 HOLL25251.5 HOLL25253 HOLL30303 HOLL31313 HOLL38383 HOLL40402 HOLL40403 HOLL50503 A (mm) 19.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 31.80 38.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 B (mm) 19.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 31.80 38.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 T (mm) 1.60 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 W (kg/m) 0.300 0.380 0.720 0.990 1.060 1.170 0.820 1.171 1.600 Rectangular Hollows CODE HOLL40203 HOLL50202 HOLL50253 HOLL50304 HOLL75253 HOLL75503 HOLL75504 HOLL100503 A (mm) 40.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 B (mm) 20.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 T (mm) 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 W (kg/m) 0.879 0.713 1.120 1.497 1.642 2.085 2.600 2.560 T (mm) 3.00 3.00 6.35 6.35 W (kg/m) 0.895 1.195 3.160 3.777 Tube Hollows CODE RHS002838 TUBE503 AT0642 AT2471 A (mm) 38.00 50.00 63.50 76.20 B (mm) 38.00 50.00 63.50 76.20 Equal Angles CODE ANG12121.6 ANG19191.5 ANG25251.6 ANG25253 ANG31313 ANG38383 ANG38385 ANG38386 ANG50503 ANG50505 ANG50506 ANG75756 A (mm) 12.00 19.00 25.00 25.00 31.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 B (mm) 12.00 19.00 25.00 25.00 31.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 T (mm) 1.60 1.50 1.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 W (kg/m) 0.103 0.150 0.200 0.400 0.530 0.630 0.950 1.200 0.790 1.270 1.660 2.520 T (mm) 1.60 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 W (kg/m) 0.098 0.179 0.178 0.409 0.530 0.632 1.040 2.085 1.196 2.30 T (mm) 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 W (kg/m) 0.219 0.440 0.350 0.880 1.300 2.025 Equal Angles CODE ANG127 ANG2015 ANG25102 ANG38123 ANG38253 ANG50253 ANG75503 ANG75506 ANG100503 ANG100506 A (mm) 20.00 20.00 25.00 38.00 38.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 B (mm) 10.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Flat Bars CODE FB253 FB256 FB503 FB506 FB756 FB7510 A (mm) 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 B (mm) - GF221G J6 J86 DL J7 WAM RUB2 2” HRM JA81 1-1305 ALLIEDC Aluminium Mouldings CODE J86 J6 GF221G HRM DL WAM J7 2” HRM RUB2 ALLIEDC 1-1305 JA81 A (mm) 11.10 25.40 38.10 4.50 22.00 15.88 38.10 4.50 10.40 12.50 18.00 25.40 B (mm) 25.40 12.70 15.87 25.40 22.00 9.52 15.88 50.00 43.25 18.50 28.57 41.28 T (mm) 1.57 4.50 1.50 1.59 1.50 3.00 3.18 G (mm) 3.42 - HRM W (kg/m) 0.213 0.155 0.296 0.188 0.180 0.263 0.274 0.240 0.380 0.161 0.458 0.520 FLAT TREAD (FAT) RH1377 NOSED TREAD (LAT) ACC5 ACC1 ACC10 DRB MOULDING GF30 RUB RAIL Aluminium Mouldings CODE FLAT TREAD (LAT) RH1377 NOSED TREAD (LAT) ACC1 ACC5 ACC10 GF30 RUBRAIL DRB1 DRB2 A (mm) 3.18 28.45 15.87 22.23 34.95 25.40 7.92 3.28 1.98 B (mm) 38.10 25.40 44.50 9.53 14.27 25.40 76.20 25.40 28.60 T (mm) 3.00 3.18 4.75 2.20 - W (kg/m) 0.244 0.588 0.446 0.202 0.362 0.283 0.402 0.216 0.149 P6 P2 *CASTING IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS SECTION TH20 P7 GF100 Aluminium Top Hats CODE P2 P6 TH20 P7 GF100 A (mm) 31.75 31.75 31.75 31.75 15.88 B1 (mm) 63.50 76.20 69.85 57.15 53.98 B2 (mm) 25.40 38.10 21.75 38.10 25.40 T (mm) 2.36 2.36 1.58 2.54 1.60 W (kg/m) 0.780 0.780 0.560 0.829 0.360 PS3 SR94 PS5 PS9 (Z15) Aluminium Zed Sections CODE PS3 PS5 PS9 (Z15) SR94 A1 (mm) 44.00 28.58 53.98 101.60 A2 (mm) 19.05 B (mm) 31.75 25.40 35.00 31.75 T (mm) 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.00 W (kg/m) 0.557 0.521 0.670 1.193 GF73 *CASTING IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS SECTION GF72 *CASTING IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS SECTION GF71 Aluminium Cantrails CODE A B T W (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/m) GF73 148.50 76.80 3.00 2.32 GF72 131.00 88.50 3.00 2.206 GF71 128.00 63.50 3.00 1.891 5” RADIUS CANTRAILS ARE AVAILABLE FROM STOCK LP10 LP9 Aluminium Capping CODE A (mm) B (mm) T (mm) W (kg/m) LP9/11 LP9/15 LP9/18 LP9/25 LP10/11 LP10/15 LP10/18 11.55 15.00 17.50 25.40 11.55 15.00 17.50 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.10 59.00 59.00 59.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.472 0.492 0.501 0.545 0.623 0.643 0.657 Galvanized Plain Channels CODE GP108/50/3.0 GP42/5.0 GP52/2.5 GP52/5.0 GP62/3.0 GP62/5.0 A (mm) 108.00 100.00 130.00 127.00 150.00 150.00 B (mm) 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 T1 (mm) 3.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 3.00 5.00 T2 (mm) 3.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 3.00 5.00 W (kg/m) 7.06 4.32 8.12 5.16 9.03 Galvanized Lipped Channels CODE GL31.5/2.0 GL32/2.0 GL42/2.3 GL42/2.5 GL42/2.8 GL42/3.0 GL52/3.0 GL62/3.0 A (mm) 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 B (mm) 38.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 T1 (mm) 2.00 2.00 2.30 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 T2 (mm) 2.00 2.00 2.30 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 W (kg/m) 2.527 2.873 3.70 4.01 4.39 4.72 5.69 6.28 Panels Carbofont Panel GRP Panel Carbofont (lightweight) Panels Composition From the exterior to the interior: x x Gelcoat RAL 9010 x Glass reinforced polyester resin Polycarbonate structure in delta, rectangular or combinate form x Gelcoat white Available to order is 14mm, 17mm, 20mm, 25mm and 30mm thickness. GRP Panels Composition from the exterior to the interior: x x x Gelcoat Glass reinforced polyester resin x WBP plywood Glass reinforced polyester resin x Gelcoat Available from stock is 11mm, 14mm and 17mm. Also available to order are 20mm and 24mm thickness. Boards Plywood Mesh Board Plywood board 2134mm x 914mm sheets: 3.6mm 2440mm x 1220mm sheets: 3.6mm, 4mm, 5.5mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm & 18mm 3048mm x 1524mm sheets: 5.5mm Mesh Board (DECPLY) Mesh top face / smooth phenol rear face Decply 2440mm x 1220mm Boards: 9mm, 12mm, 15mm & 18mm Decply 2500mm x 1220mm Boards: 18mm, 21mm, 24mm & 27mm Horse Matting Eva Board Carpet Mat MC-HORSE MAT Flexible Stock Matting 1829mm x 1219mm Available in different thicknesses MC-CARPET MAT Ramp carpet matt 2mtr wide x 25mtr roll (Can be cut to size) MC-EVA BOARD FLEX Foam sheet (Black) 1829mm x 1220mm x 10mm Horse Mat Ironwork MC-IR21A MC-IR22A MC-IR119A Gudgeon pin, Weld on 12mm Hinge, Weld on 12mm MC-IR21B Gudgeon pin, Bolt on 12mm, Zinc plated Gudgeon pin, Weld on 16mm MC-IR22A/12SCA Hinge, Weld on 16mm MC-IR119B Gudgeon pin, Bolt on 12mm, Self colour MC-IR215A MC-IR331 MC-IR190 Pin and chain 100mm x 10mm Forket 20mm Locking bar bracket 25mm MC-IR190B Locking bar bracket 20mm MC-IR113 MC-IR191A MC-IR320A Locking bar tab 25mm Locking bar tab 20mm Eye to weld 20mm MC-IR113B MC-IR191B MC-IR320B Locking bar tab 20mm Locking bar tab 25mm Eye to weld 25mm Ironwork MC-IR103/LARGE/GALV MC-IR244A MC-IR244/12PEG Rope hook, galvanized 12mm Spring bolt 12mm, Base size 84 x 40mm Spring bolt 12mm, Base size 73 x 40mm and complete with peg. MC-IR103/SMALL/ZP Rope hook, zinc plated 12mm MC-IR244B Spring bolt 16mm, Base size 128 x 50mm MC-M244 MC-M244/10 Spring bolt 10mm, Base size 40 x 72mm Spring bolt 12mm, Base size 120 x 40mm MC-7190 MC-CAT310 MC-IR3473 Lashing ring, complete with plastic base Lashing ring recessed Ring on a plate in Z/P & S/S MC-IR4A MC-IR4A/GALV MC-IR4B MC-IR4B/GALV MC-IR4D MC-IR4E MC-IR4H MC-IR121A MC-IR121B Straight hinge 460 x 40 x 8mm and self colour Straight Hinge 460 x 40 x 8mm and galvanized Straight Hinge 610 x 40 x 8mm and self colour Straight Hinge 610 x 40 x 8mm and galvanized Straight Hinge 50 x 40 x 8mm and self colour Straight Hinge 50 x 30 x 6 mm and self colour Straight Hinge 762 x 40 x 8 mm and self colour Straight Hinge 150 x 30 x 6 mm and self colour Straight Hinge 150 x 40 x 8 mm and self colour RT RAMP SPRINGS Channel Plate Left Hand RT Spring Shown Bush MC-RT/12/LH Ramp spring 12” (300mm) left hand (spring only) black painted, capacity approx. 40kg, Weight 5kg MC-RT/12/RH Ramp spring 12” (300mm) right hand (spring only) black painted, capacity approx. 40kg, Weight 5kg MC-RT/20/LH Ramp spring 20” (500mm) left hand (spring only) black painted, capacity approx. 50kg, Weight 9kg MC-RT/20/RH Ramp spring 20” (500mm) right hand (spring only) black painted, capacity approx. 50kg, Weight 9kg MC-RT2096/004 Ramp spring striker plate, Zinc plated (1 per spring required), Weight 0.66kg MC-RT2096/005 Ramp spring channel, Zinc plated (1 per spring required), Weight 0.54kg MC-RT2096/006 Ramp spring bush, Zinc plated, to suit 25mm diameter bar (2 per spring required), Weight 0.68kg Underfloor Ramp Springs Stainless Steel Wheel Trims Underfloor Ramp Springs MC-RAMP SPRING 1 pair underfloor ramp springs, complete with fittings. Capacity approx. 150kg per pair Weight 27.0kg/pair Stainless Steel Wheel Trims MC-WHEELTRIM/FRONT 1 pair 17.5” (444mm) front s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.75kg MC-WHEELTRIM/REAR 1 pair 17.5” (444mm) rear s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.75kg MC-WHEELTRIM/FRONT2 1 pair 19.5” (495mm) front s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.85kg MC-WHEELTRIM/REAR2 1 pair 19.5” (495mm) rear s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.85kg MC-WHEELTRIM/FRONT3 1 pair 22.5” (570mm) front s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.95kg MC-WHEELTRIM/REAR3 1 pair 22.5” (570mm) rear s/steel wheel trims. Weight 0.95kg Note, All screws, fixings and even a fitting tool are supplied with the trims and DIY fitting can be carried out easily within minutes. Door Retainers / Anti-Luce Fasteners MC-0555/001&002 MC-0555/003&004 Male and female door retainer set, Male and Female door retainer set, Adjustable grip, White nylon Adjustable grip, Black nylon A=57 B=67 C=53 D=42 E=42 A=57 B=67 C=53 D=42 E=42 MC-IR67A MC-IR67B MC-IR67C Anti-Luce fastener 1”, bolt on, complete with nut Anti-Luce fastener 3”, bolt on, complete with nut Anti-Luce fastener ‘Baby’, bolt on Complete with nut MC-3700M Male and female door retainer set, zinc plated A=62 B=66 C=51 D=43 E=42 MCIR67/PLATE Anti-Luce fastener complete with plate. MC-IR16 MC-IR67/WASHER Anti-Luce fastener ‘Baby’, weld on Anti-Luce Washer Edge Trims Locks MC-MET101 MC-748 MC-38407 Budget lock universal Tee key 125mm zinc plated Edge trim to suit 1-3mm, supplied in 50m coils (Black) Handles MC-2184 MC-L3A MC-9/01390 Spring lipped escutcheon chrome plated Pull handle chrome plated 195mm Recessed handle black plastic 133 x 60mm MC-5090 MC-030420377 Squeeze lock left hand (L = 535 W = 87 D = 50mm) Anti burst plant on lock with integral handle and squeeze release lever. Grab handle plastic 250mm MC-5095 - Squeeze lock Right hand MC-6000583 – Striker bolt M12 to suit squeeze lock Buffers BUFF1 204110.10 BUFFMOUSE JA26 BUFF5 BUFF6 BUFF8 Buffers BUFF16 204500.10 BUFFL8 Ramp Stilts MC-RS5 5” Ramp stilt zinc plated complete with buffer MC-RS6 6” Ramp stilt zinc plated complete with buffer MC-RS8 8” Ramp stilt zinc plated complete with buffer Hinges MC-JA5040/ZP MC-JA13560/ZP MC-JA11565/5/ZP Small locker hinge zinc plated, 70mm x 50mm Side door hinge zinc plated, 135mm x 60mm Locker hinge zinc plated 5 holes, 115mm x 65mm MC-JA5040/SS MC-JA11565/5/SS* Small locker hinge stainless steel, 70mm x 50mm Locker hinge stainless steel 5 holes, 115mm x 65mm MC-JA11565/6/ZP MC-JA20685/ZP MC-JA13302/ZP Locker hinge zinc plated 6 holes, 115mm x 65mm Side door hinge zinc plate, 180mm x 85mm Side door hinge zinc plated, 230mm x 85mm MC-JA11565/6/SS* MC-JA20685/SS Locker hinge stainless steel 6 holes, 115mm x 65mm Side door hinge stainless steel, 180mm x 85mm * = Gasket available MC-JA185105/ZP Side door hinge zinc plated, 235mm x 105mm MC-JA185105/SS Side door hinge stainless steel, 235mm x 105mm Fuel filler flaps Made from mild steel with a spring loaded lid, all locking versions come complete with two keys. MC-FF/BLK/NL MC-FF/ZP/NL Fuel filler flap, black powder coated, None locking 190 x 245mm Fuel filler flap, zinc plated, None locking 190 x 245mm MC-FF/BLK/L MC-FF/ZP/L Fuel filler flap, black powder coated, Locking 190 x 245mm Fuel filler flap, zinc plated, Locking 190 x 245mm Aluminium Profile Polished and anodized aluminium section supplied in 3657mm lengths, Available in different sizes. Flexible PVC insert designed to fit the aluminium section. Sold per metre, Minimum order is 3000mm. Stylish aluminium end caps available to finish the job. Steel Track Horsebox Shoring Pole ST-1805 MC-SHORING POLE H/BOX Load lok track 3048mm length With Round holes and zinc plated Available in different sizes ST-1806 Load lok track 3048mm length With Q fit holes and zinc plated Track Surface rail Captive Ring MC-UN RLS/D8/11 Surface rail suitable to be floor and wall mounted, supplied drilled to accept M8 fasteners, the rail is drilled at 101.6mm (4”) centres. For each 3.66m (12’) length 37 fasteners are required. MC-UN RLL/D8/11 Low profile rail is fitted recessed into the floor with only 3.5mm above finished floor level, supplied drilled to accept M8 fasteners, the rail is drilled at 101.6mm (4”) centres. For each 3.66m (12’) length 37 fasteners are required MC-CR Captive ring Piano Hinge Plastic Hinge MC-PH MC-PLH Piano Hinge available in stainless steel or zinc plated and undrilled Plastic hinge Climatic Recorder Camera Kit Window Bars MC-CLIMATIC MC-CAMERA KIT MC-WB18X22 Camera complete with monitor and cable (Extra cameras available) Window bars, Zinc plated or Stainless steel, 18” x 22” MC-WB22X27 Window bars, Zinc plated or stainless steel, 22” x 27” Saddle Rack Ramp Fasteners MC-SADDLERACK MC-RFZ/P MC-CLEAR Ramp fasteners, Zinc plated, Sold in pairs Clear plastic sheet 1 Meter wide x 3mm Thick Sold per Metre MC-RFS/S Ramp fasteners, Stainless steel, Sold in pairs Plastic Sheet Roof Vents A B C D “TURBO 2” Wind Driven Rotary Roof Ventilator Easy to install - bonded, no screw fixings, Low profile - only 68mm high Suits roof thickness 1mm to 21mm, High airflow capacity Adjustable shutter, High quality bearings Low noise level & UV stabilised ABS Measurements: A = 319mm, B = 68mm, C = 26mm & D = 130mm MC-TURBO 2B - Vent rotary black, c/w internal shutter grille MC-TURBO 2W - Vent rotary White, c/w internal shutter grille MC-VENT400X400 Vent roof light, 400mm x 400mm base, complete with fly net in beige Flettner 2000 vents complete with internal shutter grille. Motorised roof vent complete with diffuser and switch. MC-2000B - Black MC-2000W - White MC-MRV12V – 12 Volt MC-MRV24V – 24 Volt MC-RH500x500 Glass top roof hatch, 500mm x 500mm MC-RH500x1000 Glass top roof hatch, 500mm x 1000mm Fibreglass Products Standard Domes Front moulded dome in white fibre glass. MC-DOME8236 MC-DOME8240 MC-DOME8244 – Standard dome 8’2” x 36” - Standard dome 8’2” x 40” – Standard dome 8’2” x 44” Bumper Top Valance Rear bumper in white fibre glass Rear Valance in white fibre glass MC-BUMPER1 - Bumper 8’2” MC-VALANCE1 – Valance 8’2” Sloping dome Wheel Arch Moulding Sloped dome in white fibre glass Wheel arch mouldings in white fibre glass MC-SLOPDOME - Sloping dome 8’2” MC-FGWAM – wheel arch mouldings, sold in pairs (Various sizes available) Renault Dome CV-CAB TOP Renault horsebox cab top complete with ears and wheel arch mouldings To suit Renault masters & Vauxhall Mavarnos 7 ½ Tonne POD 7 ½ Tonne Rear Bumper Front moulded pod in white fibre glass Rear bumper in white fibre glass MC-POD7.5/35 – MC-POD7.5/41 – (D) 5’-0” x (W) 8’-1½” x (H) 35” MC-BUMPER2 (D) 5’-0” x (W) 8’-2½” x (H) 41” 7 ½ Tonne High Wheel Arches 7 ½ Tonne Wheel Arches High moulded wheel arches in white fibre glass Moulded wheel arches in white fibre glass MC-FGHWAM – 19” High MC-FGSWAM – 15 ½” High 7 ½ Tonne Rear Pillars 7 ½ Tonne Top Valance Rear pillars, 5” radius in white fibre glass Top Valance in white fibre Glass MC-FGPILLARS – In pairs MC-VALANCE2 Lights Lumo 3C Awning Lights 2000 Series Crown MC-LUMO3C/F1170 MC-F2390 MC-L2000/F2027 12v light switched, 16 watt, surface mounted and complete with clear diffuser 12v light unswitched, white 12v light switched, satin with opal diffuser MC-F2391 12v light unswitched, satin MC-LUMO3C/F1171 MC-L2000/F2080 12v light switched, chrome with ice diffuser 12v light unswitched, 16 watt, surface mounted complete with clear diffuser MC-LUMO3C/F1175 24v light unswitched, 16 watt, surface mounted and complete with clear diffuser 2000 Series Ellipse Coolite Down lighter Available in the following colours: White, Brass, Chrome, Silver Sand, Satin & Gunmetal MC-F2300 Mars is only available in white and 12v (Top) Available in either 12v or 24v switched. 12v Coolite J-5100, 15 watt recessed MC-2301 24v Coolite, 15 watt recessed Saturn is available in White, Silver Sand and Satin and 12v switched. (Bottom Left) Side Step Locker door Step MC-SIDESTEP (As shown above) Aluminium opening side step 460 x 560mm Locker Door MC-LD (As shown above) Aluminium locker door, various sizes available Grooms Door MC-GD72X22 Aluminium Grooms doors 72" x 22” Complete with all fitting. Windows MC-HW Horse windows, various sizes available Tape Double Sided White Tape Single Sided Black Rubber Tape 275 Toffee Tape Tape double sided white MC-TAPE/19X1X50MTR - Tape 19mm x 1mm x 50mtr MC-TAPE/25X1X50MTR - Tape 25mm x 1mm x 50mtr MC-TAPE/25X1.6X46MTR - Tape 25mm x 1.6mm x 46mtr MC-TAPE/23X2X40MTR - Tape 23mm x 2mm x 40mtr Tape single side black rubber MC-TAPE/4.5X16X15MTR - Tape 4.5mm x 16mm x 15mtr MC-TAPE/6X25X10MTR - Tape 6mm x 25mm x 10mtr MC-TAPE/12X50X6MTR - Tape 12mm x 50mm x 6mtr Tape double side (275 toffee tape) MC-TAPE/275/121 - Tape 12mm X 1mm X 20mtr MC-TAPE/275/192 - Tape 19mm X 2mm X 10mtr MC-TAPE/275/251 - Tape 25mm X 1mm X 20mtr Other sizes are available on request. Sealant MC-ADAMSEAL-212FC MC-ADAMSEAL 40FC MC-SOUDASEAL 270HS MC-ADAMSEAL-212FC Polyurethane/Adhesive sealant, 300ml tube, 25 tubes per box (SIKA 212) Available in Black, Grey and White MC-ADAMSEAL 40FC Polyurethane/Adhesive sealant, 310ml tube, 12 tubes per box (SOUDAL 40FC) Available in Black, Grey and White MC-SOUDASEAL 270HS Adhesive sealant, 290ml cartridges in White 12 tubes per box (SOUDAL) Sealant Gun MC-MK2 Skeleton gun suitable for 300ml tubes Aluminium Profile 13.5mm MC-1636725AR MC-1636727 60mm 27mm MC-1636725/ANOD MC-1636725/ANOD Anodized Aluminium carrier, Supplied in 5 metre length MC-1636727 Black E.P.D.M. buffer section, Supplied in 25 metre coils MC-1636725AR Black nylon end cap Steel ‘U’ Channel Galvanized plain “U” channel for use on livestock trailers Available to order in any size you require Channels can be supplied plain or punched dependent on your requirements Notes Notes