Technical Spec 2013


Technical Spec 2013
Technical Spec 2013
Email: kevin.andrew@r
Admin: 01252 327671
Tech of fice: 01252 398575
Fax: 01252 320269
How to find us.
Get In/Access
The building is usually open from 0830 but can be earlier with prior notice.
The main access area is at the rear of the building.
Level access onto a large lift going to main hall and stage levels.
Lift is 2m46 (8.07ft) wide x 3m53 (11.58ft) depth
Door 1m96 (6.43ft) wide x 3m57 (11ft 7) high Load in area.
- Soft proscenium stage.
- Flat wooden floor covered in a black Harlequin dance floor.
- Proscenium opening variable up to 15.24 metres.
- Height of proscenium 4.57 metres.
- Height of grid 6.45 metres.
- Stage depth 6.40 metres or 7.62metres inc Apron blocks
(always used unless required to be removed)
- The Apron blocks are 1.22 meters x 1.22 metres x 10
Rostra blocks available on request in the following sizes:
- 10 x 2ft high by 8ft by 3ft
- 4 x 1ft high by 8ft by 3ft
Extension option on 5 of the 2ft high blocks can go up to 3ft high.
1000 Lb
New Stage door area
A new area is being created for artists and hirers to enter the theatre at the rear of the building to
one side. This is to avoid the loading bay area and also this will be carpeted and warm with a
purpose built check-in desk with storage which we hope will make checking children and artists in
& out of the building easier.
Useful Height measurements.
- Height from hall floor to stage 1.05 meters.
- Height of proscenium 4.57 meters.
- Height of grid 6.45 meters.
- Height of tracks 6 meters.
- Height of Hemp bars 6.10 meters.
- Height of Motor bars 5.80 meters.
- Height of Fire door entrance stage left from lift 3.85 meters.
Flying System
- 5 x 12 metre long hemp lines - 5 line bars.
- 5 x PCMs Unibar 12 metre motorised standard plain barrels.
3 x manually operated hand winch with 12 metre aluminium 12
way 15 amp IWB for in-house lighting equipment only.
(Operated by Princes Hall staff ONLY)
The Unibar has been designed to support up to five suspension cables
Adjustable working top and bottom electrical limits contained within the
Unibar's motor control
Up ,down and emergency stop control is via a hanging hand pendant control, or
a wall mounted panel.
The Chain Hoist has an 8:1 safety factor. If a 10:1 safety factor is required, the
maximum safe working load would be 250kg.
The Unibar hauling chain runs out of the chain hoist and is attached to a guided
horizontally travelling clew. Attached to the clew is also a series of suspension
cables which pass around ball raced return, guide and drop pulleys terminating
on the bar.
The Unibar system allows for the quick and easy controlled raising and lowering
of suspension bars for general lifting purposes; stage scenery, curtains,
speakers and lighting equipment.
Dressing rooms
Green Room.
Dressing room ONE
Star dressing room.
The Green room is a nice carpeted
area used for catering or as a quickchange room/dressing room or
even just a chill out area. It can be
sectioned off into two areas with
curtains. It has an iron, ironing
board, fridge, kettle, microwave
and a washing up sink.
Closest dressing room to the stage it
has an en-suite shower and W/C.
Carpeted and with comfortable
seating to chill out on before going on
Only a few steps to reach the stage.
Dressing rooms
Dressing room TWO
Our largest dressing room.
Fully carpeted and has sinks, light
make up mirrors, cloth rails and
plenty of seating.
Useful for large groups.
Dressing room THREE
A medium size room useful for smaller
groups or as a wardrobe room. Fully
carpeted and has sinks, light make up
mirrors, cloth rails and plenty of seating.
There is a working washing machine &
tumble dryer in this room.
Please note that Dressing room’s 2
5 are sub-stage.
Dressing rooms
Dressing room FOUR
Dressing room FIVE
A medium size room useful for
smaller groups or as a wardrobe
room. Fully carpeted and has sinks,
light make up mirrors, cloth rails and
plenty of seating.
A medium size room useful for smaller
groups or as a wardrobe room. Fully
carpeted and has sinks, light make up
mirrors, cloth rails and plenty of seating.
These rooms can be opened out into one large room.
Please note that Dressing room’s 2
5 are sub-stage.
The Princes Hall is a multi-purpose venue in which you can use our retractable terrace seating for your
event or even if you prefer have it set up in a cabaret style or even as a standing concert.
Terraced event
The 595 seats of the auditorium are divided into three main areas:
Stalls Located on the flat floor nearest to the stage each row is at the same level Rows A to I total of 234 seats.
Terrace located to the rear of the stalls each row is raised (from row K) Rows J to S total of 244 seats
Balcony located at the rear of the auditorium each row is raised
Rows W to ZZ total of 117 seats
All seat numbers run consecutively from left to right, as you face the stage. If an aisle splits a row then
the seat numbers continue across (not missing out numbers). This means that in certain locations in the
terrace and balcony the seat numbers do not line up from row to row!
Although we have 595 seats, not all are used the following seats are never sold. (Marked on the plan
as black squares)
Row K, seats 1 – 6 these seats are called House Seats. They are never sold and kept available for
night of the event in case of emergency.
Row S, seats 7 – 8 these seats are for stewards. They are never sold and kept available for the night
of the event.
The following are seats that can be sold, but it depends on your requirements. Please discuss in
detail when you are making your booking / checking technical requirements. (Marked on the plan as
black squares)
Row I, seats 1 – 26 are only used when you need the extra capacity. Using Row I means that all the
rows in the stalls are much closer together and can feel a little cramped.
Row R, seats 7 – 18 & Row S, seats 9 – 20 are not used if you need room for a sound-desk. If your
sound-desk will be in the Control Box (upstairs, behind the balcony) then these seats are available.
If your sound-desk needs to be in the main auditorium, it is located over these seats.
Row C, seats 1 – 2 & Row F, seats 1 – 2 these seats act as
buffer zones for wheelchair users. If you are selling seats
to wheelchair users, then these seats must not be sold.
Wheelchair Users
The auditorium seating is able to accommodate a maximum of 6
wheelchair users. Due to the size of standard
wheelchairs two auditorium seats (seats 1 and 2) must be
removed per wheelchair. All allocated seats that can be
removed for wheelchair users are found in the stalls.
A, B, D, E, G and H, seats 1–2
Terraced seating plan
Cabaret Seating.
For a cabaret show we can use round or square tables and accommodate around 240 people. With
this there is also an extra 117 seats available still set in theatre style in the balcony area.
Boxing Seating.
A Boxing set up you can have some seating theatre style and some on tables
around the ring . There are many different ways we can set the auditorium for
Catwalk staging.
Great for fashion shows or dance shows. The seating is reduced due to the catwalk. Please
contact a member of the Tech team to discuss the staging and seating for your event.
Guidance notes for dance shows.
These guidelines are designed to protect those visiting the Princes Hall. We hope you have an enjoyable time with us.
When you arrive please DO NOT enter through the front entrance. Walk round to the back of the theatre and enter through the
stage door. Parents are not allowed into the back stage area (unless they are chaperoning ) and must drop their children off at the
stage door. Please wait to be signed in, this will be done by the Head Chaperone you will then be shown to your dressing room.
Please wait in the dressing room quietly until you are called down to the stage. Students MUST NOT walk around the stage are a
unaccompanied. Backstage can be a dangerous place and students must be careful not to touch ANYTHING no matter how exciting
and interesting it looks!
Everyone MUST enter and exit through stage door at the rear of the building.
NO ONE is permitted to enter the premises until the Dance Teacher / Hirer has arrived.
Stage door must be staffed by a member of the dance shows staff.
Stage door must be kept locked at all times after members are on the premises.
After the show all parents must collect children from STAGE DOOR not from the main auditorium.
A list of all chaperones should be provided to a member of the Technical Department.
Please keep dressing rooms clean and tidy.
Keep corridors clear.
NO running in the back stage area.
Noise to be kept to a minimum back and side stage.
No member of the audience will be admitted backstage during a performance - this includes parents (except in cases of emergency).
No one is to enter the auditorium once the audience has started to be let in (the house is open) and must never go through th e front
red curtains .
Lighting Control
Avolites Pearl Expert
Unique split dual playback rollers
60 swop , flash and fixture buttons on all 60 preset faders
Internal LCD screen
In built hard drive
2500 fixture cash on hard drive
CD/DVD & USB stick connections
4 fully isolated & protected DMX outputs with separate
DMX processors for full 44hz dmx speed.
Discreet full querty keyboard and mouse pad
Running the New Titan operating system
Inbuilt stage visualizer
Lighting Control
Avolites Pearl Expert
TITAN Operating System
TITAN Operating System is the future of Avolites Software. The incredible
collection of new features and technologies found in TITAN completely
transform the Pearl Expert. Packed with innovation, TITAN is the realisation
of 3 design goals:
Taking advantage of the speed and power offered by multi-threading
programs in Intel's Dual Core processors.
Enabling Pearl Expert users to access and benefit from powerful features
developed for Diamond 4 Consoles.
Offering a clean and coherent programming and replay environment for the
Pearl Expert.
TITAN has been created as a "Clean Sheet". It's fresh, clear design is fast and
elegant to use. Avolites will continue to develop the TITAN Operating System
and these benefits are continuously offered to users under Avolites policy of
"Free Upgrades for the Life of the Console".
Avolites Expert Touch Wing
Offering you access to fixture Groups with Position, Colour, and Beam
Palettes. For increased flexibility, Macros for commonly needed functions.
Scroll or page the window to access up to 1,000 entries per window.
Attribute Control
"Colour Mix" gives instant access and the fastest way to choose colours on
CYM moving lights, RGB LED's fixtures.
Attribute Control - Zoom, Focus, Iris and Frost
This window gives you a fast and intuitive alternative to editing with the
encoder wheels or key pad. Select the attribute to be controlled and all
associated attributes and their functions will be presented on screen. Simply
touch the desired function or use the virtual slider to control linear functions.
Shape and Effect Window
Simply and quickly build beautifully complex effects in seconds. Shapes may
control intelligent fixtures and colour mixing LED Luminaries. Once applied
the user has control over the Speed, Size, and Repeat Phasing of the effect.
Once programmed, the shape's Size, Speed and Morphing may be controlled
with the fader or using Fade In/Out times.
Dimming systems
120 channels of 10 amp Zero 88 Chilli Pro dimmers
6 channels of 20 amp Zero 88 Chilli Pro dimmers ( one hard wired for the house lights)
Features :
4 dimmer laws, selectable per channel
12 memories
3 sequences
DMX addressing
Channel Preheat
100% Duty Cycle
Automatic frequency tracking 40 to 70Hz
MCB per channel
Simple User Interface
Built in, switchable, DMX line termination
Convection Cooling
3 x 6 way Zero 88 DMX Beta pack2 – available if required 63 amp single phase each.
Lighting positions
The Princes Hall operates a fixed grid and rig policy
(the lights can be re-focused and coloured but not de-rigged and moved as with any of the bars/tracks.)
Advance 3 metre LX bar
(1 way + 1 Indi)
Fixed 16 metre truss
(25 ways in centre 12 metres + Indi)
Horizontal Side SR & SL Slips
(3 ways each side)
Booms SR & SL
(6 ways each side)
Apron Truss
(8 ways + 2 Indi)
LX 1
Hand Winch
(12 ways)
LX 2
Hand Winch
(12 ways)
LX 3
Hemp bar
( 6 ways)
LX 4
Hand Winch
(18 ways)
SL Rear wall
(6 ways)
SR Rear wall
(6 ways)
Through traps in floor
(7 ways paired across stage)
Power distribution. Stage right side store.
DSR through hatch in wall. ( 3 metre to stage) Side store.
- Cee Form 125 amp three phase.
- Cee Form 63 amp three phase
- Cee Form 32 amp three phase. ( used also for motorised bars on stage )
- Power facility panels x 3.
• 1 x Cee Form 63 amp single phase for portable dimmers
• 6 x 13amp switchable sockets
• 2 x 5 kw dimmers 32amp socket or 4 x 15amp sockets
- Cee Form 63 amp single phase
DSR wing
- 4 x 13 amp sockets
USR wing
- 13 amp twin socket on back wall.
Power distribution. Stage left.
MSL wing
- Cee Form 63 amp single phase for PA power.
- Cee Form 32 amp single phase for PA power.
DSL wing
- 4 x 13 amp sockets
USL wing
- 13 amp twin socket on back wall.
Data distribution
DMX String 1– Dimmers / star cloth only.
- Dimmers in side store along with a 3 way splitter box
- Mid stage right on wall ( 5 pin XLR for desk input)
- Control area on terrace seating rear of auditorium( 5 pin XLR for desk input )
- Upstage right on back wall ( 5 pin XLR) + Starcloth data point.
Data distribution
DMX String 2 - Moving lights & scroller's etc.
- Front of house Lx truss.
- Mid stage right on wall ( 5 pin XLR )
- Control area on terrace seating rear of auditorium (5 pin XLR for desk input)
- Upstage right on back wall ( 5 pin XLR) + Star cloth data point
- USR off stage corner DMX splitter box
- Apron Bar Foh
-LX bar 2 and 4 over head
Data distribution
DMX String 3 – All LED fixtures.
- Upstage right on back wall ( 5 pin XLR)
- USR off stage corner DMX splitter box
- Control area on terrace seating rear of auditorium( 5 pin XLR for desk input )
DMX String 4 – Touring kit.
- Upstage right on back wall ( 5 pin XLR)
- Control area on terrace seating rear of auditorium( 5 pin XLR for desk input )
DMX data universe list
Line 1 (dimmers & starcloth)
Line 2 (movers & fx)
2kw Dimmers
5kw Dimmers
Tourspot (6 units)
Smoke machines
Portable dimmers 18ch
Highend Studiocolor (2 units)
Haze machine
DMX data universe list
Line 3 (LED luminaries)
Show Tec LED short nose Par 64
Chauvet SlimPar 64
Chauvet SlimPar Pro RGBA
Line 4 (TOURING)
Touring equipment
DMX Addresses
Line 1 Dimmers
Main House dimmers
001 through to 120
LED Cyc Floods x8
121 through to 199
Temp racks
200 through 217
Star cloth
255 through 261
Led house down lighters RGB
400 through 408
House lights
5kw Dimmers
501 through 505
DMX Addresses
Line 2 Moving Lights & fx
Tourspot 575 x4 Rigged on LX4
001 through 056
Tourspot 575 x2 Floor standing
057 through 088
Studiocolor575 x2
115 through 146
Scrollers x8 (6xrigged FOH)
300 throught 307
Smoke Machines
435 through 438
Haze machine
439 through 440
Upright smokes
441 through 442
Speed control Haze fans
DMX Addresses
Line 3 Led Units
Silm Par Pro RGBA x18
001 through 32
Slim Par64 RGB x 12
100 through 111
Short nose LED Par RGB x 14
200 through 223
1m Led RGB Batten x 4
250 through 263
Chroma Q scroller
Princes Hall has 8 Chroma Q scrollers.
Upon its introduction, the Chroma-Q Original revolutionised the world of colour changers. Its
unique design & low cost still make it one of the best value lighting accessories available
today. The Chroma-Q Original is perfectly suited for fixtures rated up to 1200W & 175mm lens
diameter. Design features include quick access hinges & removable rollers allowing colour
scrolls to be accessed & changed without any tools. Requires additional power supply.
Product Code:
285mm / 11.3"
295mm / 11.6"
89mm / 3.5"
Weight: 2.1kg / 4.5lbs
171mm / 6.8"
Frame Capacity: 2-16 colours
Power Consumption: 1PU
Scroller lay out
Special med lav
Deep straw
No colour blue
Slate blue
Deep golden amber
Medium blue
Primary red
Just Blue
Bright pink
Medium blue green
Dark pink
Dark green
Princes Hall has 6 Tourspot 575.
(4 of which are rigged on LX4, 2 of which are use on the floor)
575W discharge lamp
Pan/Tilt range of 540 /320 ,16 bit
Stepped zoom (13 /18 /21 )
Motorised focus
7 rotating and indexable gobos
Colour wheel with 8 colours
Rotating prism
DMX control and stand-alone mode
weight: 26kg
380mm less fixings
Princes Hall has 2 Studio color 575’s which can be rigged when needed.
Studio Color 575 is the optimum wash light for powerful color mixing and beam shaping. This fixture offers a full
designer’s palette, including virtually unlimited color selection, dimming, strobe and shutter, variable beamshaping, variable frosting, and precision positioning. Its quiet, convection cooling has established it as a favorite
among theatre designers. This amazing combination of features has made the Studio Color 575 a staple of the
entertainment industry.
CMY color mixing system
Color wheel with five replaceable colors, including one CTO color corrector and one open position
Two effects wheels with beam-shaping – one wheel with frost and one with wide-angle lens
Variable frost and strobe
Selectable beam angle (8 to 22 )
Full optical dimming and fade to black
High-resolution microstepping motor control for smooth motion at all speeds
Convection cooled for quiet, fanless operation via integrated heatsink and reflector combination
370 pan and 240 tilt movement
Operates on DMX control
Quick lamp ignition
Led Par 64 Shortnose
Princes Hall has 12 LED Par’s which can be rigged when needed.
153 LEDS:
• 51 Red
• 51 Green
• 51 Blue
DMX512 Control (4 channels)
DIP Switches for DMX address/mode setting
Built-in microphone for music control/sound to light
Built-in programs for stand-alone operation
Cable length: 0.5m
3-pin XLR DMX Input & Output connectors
Supplied with colour frame
Power Supply: 230V AC thought a IEC connector
Power Consumption: 15W
Dimensions: 260x260x290mm (HxWxD)
Weight: 2.12Kg
Chauvet SlimPar 64
Princes Hall has 12 LED SlimPar 64’s
Chauvet LED slim Par64
LED par can designed for any application where a compact wash light is needed
• Compact and low-profile fixture can fit in most places where other lights can’t
• Compatible for use with the Satellite™ battery-operated system
• Great for quiet installations thanks to its 100% silent operation and lack of moving parts
• Create static colours and RGB colour mixing without a DMX controller
• Automated programs generate great eye-catching effects
• Many user-configurable settings provide stand-alone versatility
• Power linking saves time running cables and extension cords
• Trigger built-in automated programs via master/slave or DMX
• DMX channels: 3 or 7
• DMX connectors: 3-pin
• Light source: 180 (60 red, 60 green, 60 blue) LEDs
• Beam angle: 14
• Field angle: 23
• Illuminance: 1,241 @ 2 m
• Power linking: 40 units @ 120 V / 60 units @ 230 V
• Input voltage: Auto-ranging 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
• Power and current: 32 W, 0.3 A @ 120 V 60 Hz
• Power and current: 36 W, 0.2 A @ 230 V 50 Hz
• Weight: 2.8 lbs (1.3 kg)
• Size: 9.7 x 11.1 x 2.5 in (246 x 282 x 64 mm)
Chauvet SlimPar Pro RGBA
Princes Hall has 18 LED Par’s
Chauvet LED slim par pro RGBY
Low-profile, high-powered LED par can designed for any application where wash lights are
• Red, green, blue and amber LEDs create billions of colours
• Includes amber LEDs to boost CRI and offer a wider spectrum of colours
• Great for quiet installations thanks to the 100% silent operation and no moving parts
• Suitable for use on camera due to the flicker-free operation
• Built-in dimming curves simulate existing lighting and offer super-smooth LED fading
• Locking IEC power input ensures the power cord never comes out
• Automated programs generate great eye-catching effects
• Many user-configurable settings provide stand-alone versatility
• Power linking saves time running cables and extension cords
• Trigger built-in automated programs via master/slave or DMX
• DMX channels: 4, 5, or 10
• DMX connectors: 3-pin
• Light source: 42 (12 red, 12 green, 12 blue, 6 amber) 1 W (350 mA) LEDs 50,000 hrs
• Beam angle: 21
• Field angle: 42
• Illuminance: 2,830 @ 2 m
• Power linking: 9 units @ 120 V / 16 units @ 230 V
• Input voltage: Auto-ranging 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
• Power and current: 86 W, 0.7 A @ 120 V 60 Hz
• Power and current: 90 W, 0.4 A @ 230 V 50 Hz
Main Rig Profiles
Princes Hall have 17 of these units which are in the fixed rig. Positioned FOH.
Source Four Zoom 25-50 Profile
• Rotating shutter assembly
• One Handed focus mechanism with positive lock
• Stainless steel shutters in tri-plane assembly
• Lens tube door for easy lens access
• Scale markings for field angle & focus settings
• Thermally insulated rear handle and knobs
• Integral die cast colour frame / accessory holders
• Steel yoke with two mounting positions
• Slot for glass or stainless steel gobos Sizes A or B
• Slot with sliding cover for iris
• Lamp 575W & 750W maximum
• HPL — compact tungsten filament lamp
• Two Bi-Convex Lenses
• Tool free lamp centring (X/Y) and peak/flat (Z) adjustment knobs
• Beam angle from 25 to 50 .
Main Rig Profiles
Princes Hall have 11 of these units. 5 of which can be rigged where required
Source Four Fixed 36 Profile
• Rotating shutter assembly 25
• Stainless steel shutters in tri-plane assembly
• Interchangeable lens tubes
• Thermally insulated rear handle and knobs
• Integral die cast colour frame / accessory holders
• Steel yoke with two mounting positions
• Slot for glass or stainless steel gobos Sizes A or B
• Slot with sliding cover for iris
•Lamp 575W & 750W maximum
• HPL — compact tungsten filament lamp
• Filament geometry makes for extremely efficient light collection and transmission
aspheric lens. 36 - meniscus front lens and bi-convex rear lens
• Tool free lamp centring (X/Y) and peak/flat (Z) adjustment knobs
Other Profiles
CCT Minuette. 500w zoom profile.
With a Beam angle of 17 - 35
4 blade shutter assembly
slot for “M” size gobo
“M” size gobo holders available.
Please note these units are not in the basic rig and can be rigged when
Followspot’s are manually operated units used to follow
artists around the stage. These units have a built in 6 way
manual colour changer, iris and fader.
Selecon Performer followspots1200w MSR
Fresnel's Stage Over Head rig
The ETC Source Four Fresnel combines the efficiency of the HPL lamp with the singular
optical qualities of the fresnel optical system. Traditional fresnel optics provide a unique
quality of blending wash light and beam shaping via barn doors for well-defined, softedged area lighting. The Source Four Fresnel combines this classic system with a unique
reflector design enabling the HPL 575 equipped unit to equal the lumen output of
traditional 1000W fresnel’s . Spot-to-flood focus is accomplished by large, easy-to-use
knob for quick adjustments in inconvenient positions. The unique Quick exchange socket
design permits re-lamping from underneath the fixture without breaking focus in most
• Unique HPL Quick exchange socket enables easy lamp changes
• Sliding yoke mount for variable balance point
• Fully enclosed accessory slots for no light leak
• 175mm aperture
• Zoom Range
• 9 -52 beam angle
• 20 -65 field angle
• True fresnel optical system for good barn door beam shaping characteristics
• Glass reflector with dichroic coating optimized for HPL lamp performance
• Just 6.1kg in weight
Other Fresnels
Selecon Compact 1kw Fresnel with barn doors beam angle of 7 - 50
Rigged FOH used for Tab warmers.
Minuette F 500 w Fresnel with barn doors beam angle of 18 - 74
Please note these units are not in the basic rig and can be rigged when needed.
RGBW Led cyc flood
Princes Hall has 8 units.
Delivering a smooth even beam, the PLCYC1 seamlessly blends intense washes
of colour on cycloramas. Using LED source technology combined with a properly
shaped asymmetrical reflector, the PLCYC1 delivers consistent light distribution
without the compromising performance of vertical or horizontal spreader lenses.
• Single source RGBW LED chip delivers limitless colour mixing capabilities and colour temperature.
• Single units mean it is no longer necessary to change lamps or mix the colour on the cyclorama using
multiple fixtures. One source allows multiple colours. Making fading between colours is seamless
and allows designers a new level of creativity.
• The PLCYC-1 uses the same proven LED engine as the Philips Vari-Lite VLX ranges.
• Onboard LCD Menu for ease of addressing/setup.
• Asymmetric reflector directs more light downward to produce visually even illumination down a
vertical surface.
PowerCon in and through + DMX512 Input/Output with 8 or 16-bit resolution
No need for dimmers, connect directly to mains supply
Weight per unit 3.4kg / 7.5lb
Cyc Floods.
A very simple unit designed to put a maximum light over the maximum area.
There is no control over the spread of light apart from the use of masking or barn doors.
Selecon 500w Cyc floods.- NO barn doors.
Please note these units are not in the basic rig and can be rigged when needed.
This unit has no optical system in its self. However the lamp's optical
system is very effective. Available in very narrow/narrow/medium flood
and flood. These produce a high output beam generally oval in shape.
Par 64 long nose black Parcan. CP62 Lamps 1000 w (1kw)
Par 64 Short nose black floor Parcan. CP62 Lamps 1000 w (1kw)
Short nose sliver LOW HEAT Par style unit with changeable lenses 750w lamp
Pinspots/Par 36. 6 volt 35 w
PAR stands for Parabolic Aluminized Reflector. They use a halogen filament tube with a parabolic reflector and sealed beam.
The Profile is the most common unit currently in theatrical use. The flexibility of the Profile
allows it to fulfil the bulk of lighting roles in the theatre. The major components of an
Profile are the casing in which the internal parts are mounted, an ellipsoidal reflector
located in the back of the casing, a lamp mounted to position the filament at the rear focal
point of the ellipsoid, a dual lens facing each other in the barrel and a gel frame at the front
of the unit. The light from the lamp is gathered by the ellipsoidal reflector and sent forward
through the gate, shutters and lens system. One of the Profile most useful feature is the
metal shutters which can shape the beam of light. The original shape of the beam is round,
but with the use of the shutters you can limit the beam to avoid obstacles or parts of the
set that should not be illuminated in a specific look. Another feature is a gate, for sliding in
gobos . An iris can be also be inserted in this position. Hard edge beam (but can be
softened). A zoom profile has two front lenses enabling the beam to be adjusted from
narrow to wide and hard to soft edged.
Fresnel’s are most often used for top or back lighting, at medium throw distances. The
fresnel has a distinctive soft beam. While the focus can alter the size of the beam, the
distinctive scatter of light that the Fresnel lens emits also requires a way of controlling its
shape. Fresnel’s cannot use internal shutters, such as those found in an Profile , they are
often fitted with barn doors to control the spill and shape the beam of light. Barn doors are
large metal flaps that are mounted just beyond the colour slot at the front of the unit.
These have patterns cut into them, much like a stencil. These patterns are projected onto the stage.
An iris can be be inserted in to a profile to make the beam smaller in diameter, reducing the light cast
without the sharp edges of the shutters. So can spot a wide unit down.
A coloured sheet that goes in front of a lantern to project its colour onto the stage.
The followspot is a lighting instrument that is moved during a performance by
an operator to provide emphasis or extra illumination and usually to follow a specific
performer when he or she is moving around the stage. Followspot’s contain a variety of
operator-controlled optical mechanisms. They may include mechanical shutters, which
allow the light to be doused without turning off the lamp, lenses to control and focus beam
width, and a colour magazine.
Parabolic Aluminized Reflector lights, or PARCANS are used when a substantial amount of flat
lighting is required for a scene. A PARCAN is a sealed beam PAR lamp housed in a simple can like unit. Like an old-fashioned car headlight, the reflector is integral to the lamp and the beam
spread of the unit is not adjustable except by changing the lamp. PAR lights have heavy use in
rock & roll shows, especially those with smaller budgets, due to their low cost, light weight, easy
maintenance, high durability, and high output. They are also often used as top, back, or side
lights in the theatre. All PAR lamps except those with narrow or very narrow lenses produce an
intense oval pool of light with soft edges. In order to adjust the orientation of the oval, the lamp
can be rotated.
Floods or cyc lights thus named because they are effective for lighting the cyc a curtain at the
back of the stage. Floods are possioned along the cyc emitting light perpendicular to its length.
The amps units are often covered with gels to create different washes over the cyc or curtain.
LED stage lighting units use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source. LED units are an
alternative to traditional stage lighting which use halogen lamp. Most LED instruments have
high light output with lower power consumption and low heat. Most LED fixtures utilize three
or more colours (usually red, green, and blue) which can be mixed to hypothetically create any
colour needed.
Silk Flame Effects Lighting
2 x Large 1.4m high silk flames illuminated from beneath by 9 high intensity coloured halogen
lamps replicating a moving flame effect and kept aloft by fans allowing for use over long periods.
Dimensions 510 x 380 x 380mm
4 x Small 40cm high silk flames
Effects lighting
1 x 18inch mirror ball fixed foh
5 x 6ft UV tubes with back covers
1 x Strobe with variable output
Effects Lighting
The Image Multiplexer
A multiprism lighting effect for use with the Source Four 36 Profiles
Drops into colour frame slot
Multiplies image six times
Use with static or moving gobos for stunning multi-image rotating effects .
Special Effects
Antari Z1200 smoke machine- DMX
Antari snow machine
High out put source bubble machines
Procedure: Haze machine without compressor
Power requirement: 1500 Watt
Voltage: 230 V/ 50 Hz – also available in 110V/60Hz
Warm up time: approx. 60 Seconds
Fluid tank capacity: 5 liters
Integrated Fan: > 6000 l/min.
Haze density: variable
Control: DMX 512
0 - 10 V analogue
Dimensions (L x W x H): 59,4 x 54 x 18,5 closed in 19” flightcase
41,4 x 54 x 18,5 open flightcase
Weight without Fluid: 18 kg
Pyro system
2 way Pyro System
6 way Pryo System
Single flat basic pyro pods
Large angle pyro pod.
32 Channel
The GB4 console carries the GB30 Mic preamps and EQ, designed by
Graham Blyth for the company’s 30th anniversary. The desks
carry the high quality hallmark with which Soundcraft is
synonymous, with engineering and design. Careful attention has
been given to the mechanical construction, to ensure reliability
under strenuous conditions, with all input modules being
constructed with individual vertically-mounted pcb’s, fitted to the
steel chassis front panel with individually-mutted potentiometers. The
dual-mode topology implemented to such success on the MH3 and
MH4 desks allows the GB4 to be used on FOH or monitor duties, with
fader control of group or aux outputs. Although largely conventional in
layout, the GB4 does have some unique mechanical features. The
rugged steel chassis has a sloping rear connector panel so that it is
easier to configure from the front of the desk, while the integral power
supply has a link option for an external back-up PSU. Four mute groups
allow several channels to be muted simultaneously, while another
unique facility is the limiter on a set of dedicated record outputs that
makes it easier to create a stereo recording of the mix. The console also
features an output matrix with seven feeds to four outputs, being fed
from the group busses and main L, R and C (mono) outputs. The GB4
offers a comprehensive set of functions and facilities in a small
footprint, and delivers the high performance and reliability you would
expect from a Soundcraft.
Analogue/Digital: Analogue
Frame Sizes:
Stereo Channels:
EQ Bands:
Aux Sends:
Direct Outputs:
Matrix Outputs:
Main Bus Out:
32 Ch 1300mm long x 656mm deep x
159mm high 32kg (70.5lbs) weight
Sound Graphic & Fx rack
2 x LTO Quad Compressor/Limiter–CLE4.0
2 x DBX 231 two band Graphic Equaliser
1 x t.c. electronic M-one dual effects processor
LTO Quad Compressor/Limiter–CLE4.0
The CLE4.0 is an interactive 4-channel compressor/limiter/peak
limiter. The CLE4.0 delivers clean, distortion-free compression, and is perfect
for a wide variety of sound reinforcement compression applications. It features
switchable IKA (Interactive Knee Adaption) or Hard Knee compression modes,
and also has a switchable High Pass Filter for processing low frequency signals
Interactive 4-channel compressor/limiter/peak limiter of the reference class IKA
compressor concept combines the advantages of hard knee and soft knee
characteristics. Switchable high-pass filter in control signal path avoids lowfrequency signals from dominating compressor action. Compressor
characteristics switchable between IKA and hard knee IGC peak limiter
combines clipper with program limiter circuits. Extremely Low Noise operation
and high Quality VCA's High - quality detent potentiometers and bakelite
switches Stereo Couple function for channels 1&2 and 3&4 selectable with real
totalling of RMS output Accurate 8-digit LED meters for input level,output
level and gain reduction. Operating level switchable from + 4dbu to-10 dBu
Servo-balanced inputs and outputs featuring 6.3 mm jack and XLR connectors.
DBX 231 two band Graphic Equaliser
Two 31-band, 1/3-octave Constant Q frequency bands
Switchable boost/cut ranges of
6 or 12 dB
12dB per octave 50Hz low-cut filter
Front panel bypass switch
12 dB input gain range
4-segment LED ladders for monitoring output levels
XLR and TRS Inpts and Outputs
Internal Toroidal Transformer
Frequency Repsonse of 10Hz to >50kHz
Dynamic range of greater than 108dB
M-one dual effects processor
TC Electronic is renowned as a manufacturer of cutting edge technology for the professional Audio
Industry. The M-One comes with Dual Engine structure, 1/4" balanced jack I/Os, S/PDIF Digital I/O (24
bit), 44.1-48kHz internal processing, various Routing options and more than 20 high quality
algorithms. Use the M-One’s Dual Engine to run two of the best sounding reverbs or other quality
effects simultaneously without compromising sound. The Easy Parameter Level gives you more
flexibility to create cool effects and control of all important parameters right at your fingertip.
Quality Reverbs
The M-One gives you a wide range of high quality reverbs from the classic Halls and Rooms to new
and grainy snare reverbs such as Live and Plate. Use the M-One’s many high quality reverbs to create
sound reflections in various environments. Now you can add different levels of depth to your source
material, easily.
Dual Send Return
Use the M-One Engines in the Dual Send/Return setup, and get two independent effects processors.
Connect one Auxiliary to the Left Input of the M-One, and a second to the Right input. The stereo
Output of the two Engines are now mixed internally, and can be returned to a single stereo effects
return on your mixing console, giving you two full blown stereo effects simultaneously.
802® Series II Loudspeaker
Total of 8 in main Auditorium
Frequency range
Enclosure construction
55Hz – 16kHz
Mica-reinforced polyethylene copolymer structural foam
Nominal impedance
Maximum acoustic output
114dB-SPL average, 123dB-SPL peak
Built-in 4-ampere quick-acting fuse
Insert locations
Power handling capacity
Four M8 (8 mm)
240W continuous pink noise, 55Hz – 16kHz
Recommended amplifier power
Two (2) parallel-wired male XLR connectors
240W minimum, 480W maximum
Full-range, 91dB-SPL (1W, 1m)
Horizontal beamwidth
Vertical beamwidth
13" (H) x 201⁄2" (W) x 121⁄2" (D)(33 x 52 x 32 cm)
31 lb (14 kg)
EXP – X12 Monitors.
Princes Hall has 4 monitors
12" 2-way passive monitor
2-way full range
8 ohms
Black carpet
51.6 /2"
2 x 1/4" jacks and 2 x Speakon™
90 x 60
25 /1"
1 x Sound Lab Speq – 131 31 Band Graphic equalizer. Used for better base
and sub base EQ.
1 x Juice/Tapco/Mackie J.800 Amp – Driving the Apron Fills 802’s speakers
1 x Soundlab SP8 Amp – Driving Stage and front Hall 802’s speakers
1 x Soundlab SP8 Amp – Driving Rear Hall and balcony 802’s speakers
1 x Soundlab SP12 Amp – Driving Main Hall Bose Base speakers
1 x Juice/Tapco/Mackie J.800 Amp – Driving the Monitor speakers
Playback media rack
1 x Numart CDN 22 Dual CD player
1 x Sony MDS JE 480 Mini disk recorder
1 x Sony MDS JE 330 Mini disk recorder
CDN22 Mrk5 Dual CD player
The NUMARK CDN22 MK5 Rack-Mount Dual CD Player is a straightforward dual-CD player it
empowers you with all of the CD-playing essentials for professional performance.
The NUMARK CDN22 Mark 5 is built in an attractive, rack-mount package that's can be placed angled
or straight racks. You can mount the control and drive units together or separately for setup
flexibility, and the two interconnect with a single cable. It plays all of your CD and CD -R discs for
media convenience. The CD player is housed in an all-metal chassis for rugged, reliable performance.
CDN22 MK5 gives you rapid track access on its easy-to-use multifunction jog/shuttle wheels. You can
dial the point in the track you're after in a split second and also use the jog wheels for controlling
pitch bend. You can pitch your tracks up and down by 12% for easy beat matching. CDN22 MK5's
programmable playback enables you to set up a sequence of tracks for convenient playback.
CDN22 MK5 has standard RCA outputs for connection to nearly any audio system and it also has a
lossless S/PDIF digital output for super-low-noise playback. It also has Fader Start, which
automatically starts playback when you move the crossfader on a compatible mixer.
The NUMARK CDN22 MK5 Rack-Mount Dual CD Player Main Features Include:
Easy-to-use jog wheels for rapid search and pitch bend
Rugged all-metal build for reliable performance
Beat match with +/-12% pitch control
Programmable CD and CD-R playback
Two-piece rack-mount design with single-cable connection
Analog RCA and digital S/PDIF outputs
MDS-JE480 MD Player/Recorder
Sony's MDS-JE480 MD Player/Recorder was created to maximize
your MiniDisc enjoyment. Reap the benefits of features like ATRAC
DSP Type S/MDLP/MP3, Hybrid Pulse DAC 24-Bit, MD Long Play
(MDLP) Modes which enable recording for up to 4x's Normal
Capacity, and Time Machine Recording with a 6-Second Buffer
Memory that captures music up to six seconds before you press the
record button. Utilize Jog Dial Control for Track Selection. Text Entry
and Digital Record Level Control will simplify recording and playback.
Listen longer. Record more... the MDS-JE480.
MDS-JE330 MD Player/Recorder
The MDSJE330 is remarkably well equipped. Full MD editing features
combine with handy ergonomic features such as the jog dial edit controller
and a handy remote control.
Input sockets 1 x optical digital, 2 x phono analogue line
Output sockets 2 x phono analogue line
Edit functions : Divide, combine, move, programme move, track erase, all
erase, title track, title disc, undo
Playback functions : Programmable, random, repeat
CD text recording : No DAC Sampling rate converter, hybrid pulse
MD Long Play
Jog dial edit control, digital record level control
WxHxD (mm) / Weight : 430 x 95 x 280 / 3.5 Kg
Radio Mics
ULX Wireless radio mic system.
UHF systems for professional sound installers. Multiple system configurations provide limitless options, Each with a
choice of legendary Shure microphones, ULX Professional systems offer more advanced features and controls,
including lockable settings and group scan function.
Predictive diversity
Power Requirements
5-Segment audio meter
5-Segment RF meter
Frequency and volume lockout
Rugged metal chassis
ULX1, ULX2: 9V alkaline battery
ULXP4: 14 - 18 Vdc (negative ground), 550 mA
Battery Life
8 to 9 hours (with 9V Duracell MN1604 alkaline battery)
NOTE: Battery characteristics may limit this range.
Locking DC connector
XLR output
Selectable frequencies: 1440
Auto Setup Features: Scan/Group Scan
Audio Reference Companding
Overall Dimensions
ULX1: 96.5 mm H x 67 mm W x 26.7 mm D (3.86 x 2.68 x 1.10
ULX2/58, ULX2/BETA 58: 241 mm L x 51 mm Dia. (9.5 x 2
ULX4P: 43 mm H x 214 mm W x 172 mm D (1.72 in. x 8.56 in.
x 6.88 in.)
Transmitter Display: Backlit LCD + Multi-color LED
Receiver Display: LCD + LEDs
Battery, Endurance: 9V, > 8 Std.
Rack mounted
Net Weight
ULX1: 79 g (2.8 oz.) without battery
ULX2/58, ULX2/BETA 58: 295 g (10.4 oz.) without battery
ULXP4: 1105 g (2 lbs, 7 oz.)
Radio Mics
ULX Wireless radio mic system.
UHF systems for professional sound installers. Multiple system configurations provide limitless options, Each
with a choice of legendary Shure microphones, ULX Professional systems offer more advanced features and
controls, including lockable settings and group scan function.
13 x ULXP4 diversity receiver all connecting via a 3pin XLR
8 x ULX 2 SM58 transmitter.
(Shared frequency with ULX 1)
13 x ULX 1 body pack transmitter.
(Shared frequency with ULX 2)
Radio Mic Microphones
Head set boom mic HCM03.
Omnidirectional polar pattern - Fixed bi-aural headband –
PG 185 condensor lavalier microphone.
Diaphragm Diameter: 5 mm (5 mm)
Condenser microphones are more sensitive, give a
smooth, natural sound. They use an electricallycharged diaphragm & backplate assembly to form a
soundsensitive capacitor. When sound sets the
diaphragm in motion, the distance between the
diaphragm and the backplate changes. This
variation in spacing changes the capacity of the
capacitor, and produces the electrical signal.
Frequency response :20Hz-20Kz
Frequency Response: 60 Hz - 12 kHz
Sensitivity: -42db (+- 3db)
Sensitivity: (1 kHz): -47 dBV/Pa / 4.5 mV/Pa
Maximum SPL for 1% THD 130 dB (130 dB)
Equivalent Selfnoise: 28 dB(A)
Self Noise: 20 dB-A (20 dB-A)
Sound Pressure: 120 dB
Recommended Load Impedance :2000 ohm (2000 ohm)
Weight: 23 g
Antipop omniderectional condenser capsule headset
microphone, is ideal when minimum visibility is required.
Transducer type back electret condenser
Current drain: 20 mAmp
Weight : 0.023 kg (0.023 kg)
Line Microphones
7 x Sure SM58 – cardioid dynamic microphone, commonly used in live vocal applications.
5 x Sure SM57- multi-purpose microphone with a contoured frequency response for clean
sound reproduction of amplified and acoustic instruments guitar/bass amps, brass, saxophone,
harmonica, snare/tom, conga.
6 x AKG C451E boundary mic with CK8 Heads – condenser Omni directional theatre / studio
recording mic kit.
4 x Studio spares Hypercardioid gooseneck mics ( switchable ) - Hypercardioid designed for
announcements and speech applications.
Requires Phantom power 48v.
Line Microphones
4 x Audio Technica MB 5K - Tailored for snare, rack toms and other highly dynamic
instruments, the MB5K snare/tom microphone offers a moving coil dynamic design with
cardioid polar pattern, delivering superior off-axis rejection for maximum gain before
feedback. With a frequency response of 100-12,000 Hz, the mic is engineered to handle fast
transients and high SPLs.
2 x Audio Technica MB 4K - A performance leader, the MB 4k cardioid condenser microphone
is a studio quality microphone. With a condenser design for studio vocal and instrument
applications, the microphone features a rugged all-metal construction; soft-touch finish;
extended response for smooth, natural sonic characteristics; corrosion-resistant contacts
from gold-plated XLRM-type connector; on/off switch.
1 x Audio Technica MB 6K - The cardioid dynamic MB6K kick microphone has a frequency
response of 60-12,000 Hz. A natural at handling high SPLs, the MB6K delivers superior results
on bass drum as well as on floor and deep rack toms.
4 x Audio Technica ATM 33A - Condenser Microphone is Ideal for general audio acquisition
such as interviews, acoustic guitar, percussion, overheads, vocals and more, the ATM 33A
features high-SPL capability and wide frequency response. Its cardioid polar pattern reduces
pickup of sounds from the sides and rear, improving isolation of desired sound source. The
mic excels in both studio and stage applications.
Requires Phantom power 48v.
Line Microphones
2 x Audio Technica AT851a Cardioid Condenser Boundary Microphone.
Designed for surface-mount applications requiring high-quality sound pickup.
Extended frequency response and uniform cardioid (120 ) polar pattern.
Heavy die-cast case and rubber bottom pad minimize coupling of surface vibration to the
microphone. Low-profile design for minimum visibility. Great for Tap dancing pick up.
4 x Audio Technica Pro 45 is a Cardioid Condenser Hanging Microphone in Black. A robust
construction and unobtrusive appearance, it offers versatile sound-reinforcement
solutions for speech, theatre, orchestra and choir sound reinforcement and recording.
The microphones is perfect for suspension over choirs and orchestras.
Requires Phantom power 48v.
Di Boxes
3 x The ULTRA-DI DI20 –
The ULTRA-DI DI20 is an innovative active 2-channel DIbox/splitter that takes the signal directly from an unbalanced
high-impedance output like an electric guitar and feeds it
directly into a mixing console or recorder. It is ideally suited to
augment the travelling gear of musicians (especially
guitar/bass players) as well as live/studio/broadcast engineers,
installation contractors and studios/live event engineers. The
DI20 converts 2 separate unbalanced 1/4" jack input.
Requires Phantom power 48v.
AV set up
Princes Suite
6 x Wall mounted JBL control 23T speakers.
3.5 inch, 2-way System
100 Hz to 21 kHz frequency range (-10 dB)
50 w continuous program 100v.
1 x 100 v 4 channel mixer amp with XLR and phono inputs.
1 x 12 way mixing desk with Jack and XTR inputs and phantom power
Av Equipment
1 x Savilles XPM 28A Televison with video and dvd player.
2 x Over head projectors
6 x A1 flipcharts and pens
NEC MT1060 LCD Projector
Fixed in roof of main auditorium
2600 ANSI lumens
Convenient Auto Focus
Innovative Auto Wall Colour Correction
Wired and Wireless LAN Capability
3D Reform Correction
Large array of Input/Output Terminals
With most projectors focus is adjusted manually, the NEC MT1060 has a new feature "Auto Focus" which
means focus adjustments are taken care of with the touch of a button. With the aid of an integrated image
sensor the projector recognizes and automatically adjusts the focus to give a clear sharp image. Ordinary
projectors must be setup directly in front of the screen, with the NEC MT1060 you can project a square,
focused image from almost any angle. 3D Reform a technology developed by NEC corrects 3D distortions not
obtainable with ordinary four direction trapezoid correction
1.0" (1024 x 768) p-Si LCD x 3 Lens
Power Zoom / Focus
Audio Output
1x Stereo RCA (Variable Output)
Net Weight 5.9 Kg
334 mm x 115 mm x 323 mm
Lamp 275W (Normal Mode)
Screen size (inch)
DS316L DLP® Projector
Function room projector
Native Resolution SVGA 800 x 600
Compressed Resolution UXGA (1600 x 1200) HD (1080p)
CONTROL RS232 - 3 Pin D-sub
Brightness - BRIGHT mode 2700 ANSI Lumens
OUTPUT Stereo Audio Mini Jack
Contrast 4000:1
Audio 2W Speaker
Noise Level in Standard mode 27dB
Aspect Ratio 4:3 Native, 16:9 Compatible
Lamp Life** 4000/3000 (STD/BRIGHT mode)
Keystone Correction
Projection Lens F/2.41~2.55; f=21.8~24mm, 1.1x Manual Zoom
Video Compatibility HD 720p/1080i/1080p, PAL SECAM 576i/p,
NTSC 480i/p
40 Vertical
Throw Ratio 1.95 - 2.15:1 (Projection Distance:Image Width)
Uniformity 85%
Projection Distance 1.2 - 12m
Displayable Colours 1.07 Billion
Image Size 0.70 – 7.70m (27.49” - 303.12”) Diagonal 4:3
Horizontal Scan Rate 15.3 - 91.1kHz
Display Technology Single 0.55” SVGA DC3 DMD chip DLP® Technology
Vertical Scan Rate 24 - 85Hz
Weight / Dimensions (W x D x H) 2.3 kg / 286 x 192 x 84mm
Power Supply 100 - 240V, 50 - 60Hz
Remote Control Full function remote with direct source selecting
Power Consumption 233W BRIGHT mode < 1W Standby mode
INPUTS 15 Pin D-Sub VGA SCART via adaptor
207W STD mode < 1W Standby mode
S-Video 4 Pin Mini Din
Composite RCA
Stereo Audio Mini Jack
Operating Conditions Operating: 5 - 40˚C, 85% Humidity (Max),
3000m Altitude (Max)
Function room projector
2600 ANSI Lumens
Brightness (long life) :
1400 ANSI Lumens
1024 x 768 XGA
2000 : 1
1,7 (kg)
40 dB
Noise (long life):
30 dB
Lamp life:
4000 hours
Lamp life (long life):
4000 hours
Special features:
Horizontal keystone correction
Direct power on/off
Remote control
Soft case
Automatic keystone correction
PC free
D-SUB 15pin in (VGA)
Composite Video
USB Type A
USB Type B
3.5 mm Mini jack
Cinema Projector
A super bright 6000 ANSI lumens, sharp 1000:1 contrast ratio, and XGA projector image (1024x768). Set up
eye catching displays and presentations in a variety of venues—even with ambient light:The XL6600U/LU is
a higher performing, more reliable XGA projector. This LCD projector is equipped with BrightEra TM
technology for brighter images and more resolution. Mitsubishi sRGB (Standard Red, Green and Blue)
matches hue variations in the color spectrum accurately to ensure uniform reproduction of color
coordinates regardless of the display device.
Brightness (Lumens) : 6000 ANSI
Contrast (Full On/Off) : 1000:1
Audible Noise: 35.0 dB Eco-Mode: 29.0 dB
Weight: 9.8 kg
Size (cm) (HxWxD) : 21 x 44 x 43
Std. Lens: Focus:, 1.27:1 Throw Dist (m) : 2.9 - 9.7 Image Size (cm) : 152 - 635
Digital Input: DVI-D (HDCP)
Component Video
LCD Native: 1024 x 768
Maximum pixels: 1600x1200 Pixels Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (XGA)
Light Source: Type: 275W
Princes Hall has two standard OPTI trilite truss lecterns.
The OPTI Trilite Lecterns are widely used at conferences, lectures,
presentations and meetings. OPTI Trilite Lecterns are made using triangular sections of
OPTI Trilite 100. The standard height of an OPTI Trilite Lectern is 1100mm to the rear.
Technical Equipment Charges
Technical equipment charges.
Cost -vat
Cost inc vat
per hire
per day
Radio mic
Hand held
per day per mic
Radio mic
Head mic
per day per mic
Radio mic
per day per mic
Custom metal gobo
(Customer gets to keep.)
Followspot (Excluding Operator)
per day
Followspot Operator
per hour
UV strips
per hire
per day
Equipment recharge
Final recharge
All prices correct at time or publish. Prices may change. Please contact for more information.
Fly’s / Grid plan
Stage dimensions
Foh LX rig plan
Stage LX rig plan
Foh dimmer plan
Stage dimmer plan
Speakers plan
Wedding/cabaret for 140 with dance floor.
250 Cabaret in the main hall
Admin: 01252 327671
Tech office: 01252 398575
Fax: 01252 320269