Council Agenda - January 8, 2015
Council Agenda - January 8, 2015
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, January 8, 2015 Council Chambers - Municipal Office 7:00 P.M. AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. PRAYER C. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF D. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES 1 Regular Meeting of December 10, 2014 E. PUBLIC MEETING/HEARINGS Page # 5-16 Page # "NIL" F. PRESENTATIONS/DELEGATIONS Page # 1 Stephanie Schlichter & Rachel Sullivan re Barrie Support Services 17-20 2 Matt Millar of Orillia & Area Physician Recruitment & Retention re 2014 Year-end Forecast & 2015 Proposed Draft Budget 21-36 3 Darren Parberry of Metis Transportation Ltd. re County of Simcoe Market Survey 37-48 4 Peter Stanton re Maintenance of Carlyon Line 49-50 G. ACCOUNTS 1 Accounts for the Month of December 2014 H. REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for information) "NIL" Page # 51-128 Page # I. REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for direction) 1 Page # Planning & Development "NIL" 2 Recreation & Facilities "NIL" 3 Public Works "NIL" 4 Fire & Emergency Services "NIL" 5 Corporate Services "NIL" 6 Administration "NIL" J. CORRESPONDENCE (for information) Page # 1 Ministry of Energy re Local Energy Planning 129-134 2 Canada Post re Notice of Address Changes Occurring at the Orillia Post Office 135-136 K. CORRESPONDENCE (for direction) Page # 1 County of Simcoe Clerk's Department re Appointments - County of Simcoe Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 137-142 2 Petition re Paving of Fairgrounds Road 143-146 3 Ministry of Natural Resources re Release of Reservations - 1114 &1130 Frankland Lane 147-148 4 Petition re Paving of Wilson Point Road North & South 149-150 L. ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Planning & Development Committee - December 18, 2014 Page # 151-172 M. MOTIONS Page # "NIL" N. INQUIRIES FOR STAFF REPORTS O. GENERAL BY-LAWS Page # 1 By-law No. 2015-01, Being a Zoning By-law to Regulate the Use of Land and the Character, Location and Use of Buildings or Structures on Certain Lands Described as Part of Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan 51R-14480, Parts 2 and 1, Geographic Township of North Orillia, Now in the Township of Severn (4069 Digby Drive) 173-174 2 By-law No. 2015-02, Being a Zoning By-law to Regulate the Use of Land and the Character, Location and Use of Buildings or Structures on Certain Lands Described as Part of West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, Geographic Township of Medonte, Now in the Township of Severn (1591 Dunns Line) 175-176 3 By-law No. 2015-03, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement Between the Corporation of the Township of Severn and the Corporation of the Township of Ramara with Respect to the Provision of the Supply of Water Services. 177-180 P. CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA 1 2 Page # Reports from Officials 1.1 Confidential Corporate Services Report No. C14-041 re Committees/Statutory Appointments 2014-2018 Term of Council 181-244 1.2 Confidential Corporate Services Report No. C14-042 re Ministry of Natural Resources Boathouse 245-248 Correspondence 2.1 Councillor Stevens re Hedgemere Landing 249-250 Q. CONFIRMING BY-LAW 1 By-law No. 2015-04, Being a By-law to Adopt the Proceedings of a Council Meeting Held on the 8th Day of January, 2015 and to Authorize Their Execution R. ADJOURNMENT Dates for Future Council Meetings Thursday, February 5, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. Page # 251 D-1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF SEVERN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 1024 HURLWOOD LANE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: STAFF: Mayor Mike Burkeff Deputy Mayor Judith Cox Councillors Ian Crichton (part of meeting) Jane Dunlop Ron Stevens Mark Taylor Donald Westcott Clerk Sharon R. Goerke Director of Planning & Development Andrew Fyfe Director of Corporate Services I Treasurer Andrew Plunkett Chief Administrative Officer W. Henry Sander CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burkett called the meeting to order. PRAYER Mayor Burkett opened the meeting with a prayer. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF • “NIL’ ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES • “NIL” PUBLIC MEETINGS/HEARINGS • “NIL” 1 Page 5 of 251 December 10, 2014 PRESENTATIONS/DEPUTATIONS Jennifer Whitley, Marketing Manager and Rob Furlonger, Chair of Ontario’s Lake Country with respect toa Request for 2015 Funding. MOTION C121014-O1; Moved by Councillor Dunlop and seconded by Councillor Taylor that a presentation of Ontario’s Lake County with respect to grant funding be referred to 2015 budget deliberations. CARRIED ACCOUNTS Accounts for the Month of November 2014. MOTION C121014-02: Moved by Councillor Stevens and seconded by Councillor Westcott that Accounts Payable Cheque Registers in the amount of $970,496.01 and Journal Entry No. 54377 in the amount of $19,127.68 fora total of $969,623.69 for the month of November2014 be approved for payment CARRIED REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for in formation) • “NIL” REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for direction) Planning and Development • “NIL” Recreation and Facilities Recreation Report No. R14-030, 11/28/14, with respect to Georgian College Community Projects Initiatives. MOTION C121014-03: — Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Stevens that Recreation Report No. R14-030, dated November 26, 2014, with respect to Georgian College Community Projects Initiative be received; AND FURTHER THAT the application be approved and the Clerk be authorized to sign all required documents for its implementat/on. — CARRIED 2 Page 6 of 251 December 10, 2014 Recreation Report No. R14-037, 12/03/14, with respect to Ice Maintenance, Ice Resurfacer and Refrigeration Plant Policies. MOTION C121014-04: Moved by Councillor Westcott and seconded by Councillor Stevens that Recreation Report No. R14-037, dated December 3, 2014, with respect to Ice Maintenance, Ice Resurfacer & Refrigeration Plant Policies be received; AND FURTHER THAT the Standard Ice Maintenance Policy Appendix 24 be deleted from the Corporate Policy Manual; AND FURTHER THAT the revised Ice Maintenance Policy and the Standard Ice Resurfacer Maintenance Policy and the Standard Refrigeration Plant Maintenance Policy be included in the Corporate Policy ManuaL — CARRIED Public Works “NIL” Fire and Emergency Services Fire Report No. F14-003, 12/08/14, with respect to the Annual Emergency Management Program Statement of Completion. MOTION C121014-05: Moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Dunlop that Fire Report No. F14-003, dated December 8, 2014, with respect to the Annual Emergency Manual Program Statement of Completion be received; AND FURTHER THAT Form C-2-14 be endorsed by the Alternate Community Emergency Management Co-ordinator (ACEMC) and the Head of CounciL — CARRIED Corporate Services Corporate Services Report No. C14-035, 11/20/14, with respect to Chair/Vice-Chair for Council Committees. MOTION C121014-06: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Stevens that Corporate Services Report No. C 14-035, dated November 20, 2014, be received; 3 Page 7 of 251 December 10, 2014 AND FURTHER THAT the following be appointed as ChairNice-Chafr for Council Committees for a term of one year commencing annually on December f and ending November 30th 20 14/2015 Corporate Services Committee Chair Councillor Taylor Vice-Chair Mayor Burkett — — Planning & Development Committee Chair Deputy Mayor Cox Vice-Chair Mayor Burkett — — 2015/2016 Corporate Services Committee Chair Councillor Dunlop Vice-Chair Councillor Taylor — — Planning & Development Committee Chair Council/or Stevens Vice-Chair Deputy Mayor Cox — — 2016/2017 Corporate Services Committee Chair Council/or Westcott Vice-Chair Councillor Dunlop — — Planning & Development Committee Chair— Councillor Dunlop Vice-Chair— Council/or Stevens 2017/2018 Corporate Services Committee Chair Deputy Mayor Cox Vice-Chair— Councillor Westcott — Planning & Development Committee Chair Council/or Taylor Vice-Chair Council/or Dunlop — — CARRIED 4 Page 8 of 251 December 10, 2014 Corporate Services Report No. C14-038, 11/28/14, with respect to 1/3 Expenses Remuneration of Council / Local Boards. MOTION C 121014-07: — Moved by Council/or Dunlop and seconded by Council/or Taylor that Corporate Services Report No. C 14-038, dated November 28, 2014, with respect to 1/3 Expenses Remuneration of Council / Local Boards be received; AND FURTHER THAT it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn that one-third of the remuneration paid to an elected member of a Council of a municipality and/or Local Board for which a T’4 is issued shall be deemed to be expenses incident to the discharge of their duties for the 2014 2018 term of Council. — — CARRIED Administration “NIL” CORRESPONDENCE (for information) Ministry of Transportation, 11/14/14, with respect to an Amendment to Ontario Regulation 619, Speed Zone Change on Highway 12— Murphy Road to Fairgrounds Road. MOTION C121014-08: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Westcott that a letter from the Ministry of Transportation, dated November 14, 2014, with respect to a Speed Zone Change on Highway 12 from Murphy Road to Fairgrounds Road be received as information. CARRIED MOTION C121014-09: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Westcott that Resolution No. C121014-08 be amended by deleting the words “as information’ AND FURTHER THAT the following paragraph be added: “AND FURTHER THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised that this Council has no objection to the reduction in speed limit provided the installation of traffic lights remains a priority at the intersection of Fairgrounds Road.” CARRIED 5 Page 9 of 251 December 10, 2014 CORRESPONDENCE (for direction) Discussion with respect to January Planning & Development Committee Meeting and February Corporate Services Committee Meeting. (Bring Forward) Ron Stevens, 12/02/14, with respect to a Request to be Appointed to the Oriflia & Area Physician Recruitment Committee. MOTION C121014-10: Moved by Councillor Crichton and seconded by Council/or Taylor that Ron Stevens be appointed as a representative on the Orillia & Area Physicians Recruitment Committee on behalf of the Township of Severn, with expenses. CARRIED Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with respect to the Process for Ministers’ and Parliamentary Assistant’s Delegations at the CGRNROMA Conference. MOTION C121014-1 I: Moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Council/or Crichton that as offered by the Government of Ontario, a delegation be requested for the Township of Severn with respect to traffic lights at Highway 12 and Fairgrounds Road at the 2015 OGRNROMA Conference. CARRIED Orillia Chamber of Commerce, 11/25/14, with respect to 2015 Annual Dinner. MOTION C121014-12: Moved by Councillor Stevens and seconded by Deputy Mayor Cox that the following members of Council be authorized to attend the Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner to be held Januanj 15, 2015, with expenses: Mayor Buthett Counci/lor Dunlop Councillor Westcott CARRIED CD/Park Secondary School, 11/21/14, with respect to the Appointment of a School Naming Committee Representative. 6 Page 10 of 251 December 10, 2014 MOTION 0121014-13: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Stevens that Councillor Dunlop be appointed to the School Naming Committee for the 00/Park Secondary School on behalf of the Township of Severn, with expenses. CARRIED West Shore Beach Club (Summerhill Homes) Ltd., 11/25/14, with respect to a Reduction/Elimination of the Model Home Agreement Leffer of Credit. MOTION 012 1014-14: Moved by Councillor Stevens and seconded by Deputy Mayor Cox that a request of the West Shore Beach Club (Summerhill Homes) Ltd. for release of their Letter of Credit with respect to model homes be deferred pending receipt of additional information from staff CARRIED ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Coidwater Business Improvement Area Comm thee (a) Annual General Meeting November 24, 2014 (b) Board of Directors Meeting November 24, 2014 - - MOTION C121014-15: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Councillor Westcott the Committee Reports of the Coidwater BIA, dated November 24, 2014, be adopted. CARRIED MOTIONS • “NIL” INQUIRES FOR STAFF REPORTS • “NIL” GENERAL BY-LAWS Motion with respect to first and second reading of By-law Nos. 2014-85 to 2014-88, inclusive. MOTION C121014-16: Moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Cdchton that By-law No. 2014-85 to 2014-88, inclusive, be and they are hereby read a first and second time. CARRIED 7 Page 11 of 251 December 10, 2014 By-law No. 2014-85, Being a By-law to Adopt an Emergency Management Program and Emergency Response Plan for the Corporation of the Township of Severn. By-law No. 2014-86, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 2012-64 (Regulate Traffic & Speed Limits on Highways). By-law No. 2014-87, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 2014-58 (Impose Fees & Charges for the Provision of Services). By-law No. 2014-88, Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Formula Contribution Agreement with Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario, as Represented by The Minister of Agriculture1 Food and Rural Affairs (Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund OCIF). - Motion with respect to third and final reading of By-law Nos. 2014-85 to 2014-88, inclusive. MOTION C121014-1 7: Moved by Councillor Dunlop and seconded by Council/or Taylor that By-law Nos. 20 14-85 to 20 14-88, inclusive, be and they are hereby read a third time and finally passed. CARRIED CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA Motion to close the meeting to the public. MOTION C121014-18: Moved by Councillor Westcott and seconded by Deputy Mayor Cox that this meeting be and it is hereby now closed to the public pursuant to the Municipal Act, 3.0. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 239. (2), for the purpose of considering: (a) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. (b) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and (c) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessari for that purpose. CARRIED - CONFIDENTIAL — B Page 12 of 251 December 10, 2014 Motion to reopen the meeting to the public. MOTION C121014-19: Moved by Councillor Westcott and seconded by Deputy Mayor Cox that this meeting be and it is hereby now reopened to the public. CARRIED Reports from Officials Confidential Planning Report No. P14-058, 12/03/14, with respect to Riverhouse Restaurant Encroachment Holding Tank. — MOTION C121014-20: Moved by Councillor Dunlop and seconded by Councillor Crichton that Confidential Planning Report No. P14-058, dated December 3, 2014, with respect to 1720 Earl Haid Avenue be received; AND FURTHER THAT the Committee of Adjustment be advised that Council supports an amendment to the Conditions of Approval forApplication 8-18-14, replacing the requirement for completion of the private sewage disposal systems with a requirement for the execution of a License of Occupation which provides for a one-year term, the indemnification of the Municipality and the removal of the encroaching structure at the applicant’s expense upon the construction of a replacement private sewage disposal system or upon expThj of the License, whichever comes first and that all expenses related to the preparation and execution of the License or Occupation shall be paid by the applicants. CARRIED Confidential Corporate Service Report No. C14-039, 12/03/14, with respect to a Boathouse Encroachment 3000 Maclean Lake North Shore Road. — MOTION C121014-21: Moved by Councillor Stevens and seconded by Deputy Mayor Cox that Confidential Corporate Services Report No. C 14-039, dated December 3, 2014, with respect to Boathouse Encroachment 3000 Maclean Lake North Shore Road be received; AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to report further on the cost to dismantle and dispose of this structure, including accurate mapping of the location. — CARRIED 9 Page 13 of 251 December 10, 2014 Confidential Administration Report No. Al 4-034, 12/03/14, with respect to Performance Evaluation. MOTION C121014-22: Moved by Deputy Mayor Cox and seconded by Council/or Stevens that Confidential Administration Report No. A 14034, dated December 3, 2014, with respect to a Performance Evaluation be received; AND FURTHER THAT the employee be placed on Step 5 of Band 8 effective their anniversary date. CARRIED Correspondence Correspondence with respect to 1921 Ellis Road. MOTION C121Q14-23: Moved by Councillor Stevens and seconded by Councillor Westcott that correspondence received with respect to snowplowing operations on El/is Road be referred to staff for a report. CARRIED CONFIRMING BY-LAW Motion with respect to a first and second reading of By-law No. 2014-89. MOTION C121014-24: Moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Council/or Dunlop that By-law No. 2014-89 be and it is hereby read a first and second time. CARRIED By-law No. 2014-89, Being a By-law to Adopt the Proceedings of Meetings held by the Corporation of the Township of Severn. Motion with respect to a third reading and final passing of By-law No. 20 14-89. MOTION C121014-25: Moved by Council/or Dunlop and seconded by Councillor Crichton that By-law No. 20 14-89 be and it is hereby read a third time and finally passed. CARRIED 10 Page 14 of 251 December 10, 2014 ADJOURNMENT 8:55 p.m. Motion to adjourn. MOTION C121014-26: Moved by Council/or Crichton and seconded by Council/or Taylor that this meeting be and it is hereby now adjourned. CARRIED CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK 11 Page 15 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 16 of 251 F-1 it Barrie City Hall, 3rd Floor GREATER BARRIE Telephone: BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Email: Barrie, ON, L4M 4T5 December 2, 2014 W. Henry Sander Township of Severn Box 159. 1024 Hurlwood Lane Orillia, ON., L3V 6J3 Re: Increasing Access to Business Support Services Across Simcoe County 2015 — Response Required by January gth, Dear Mr. Sander, As you may be aware, this past August, the County of Simcoe Council approved a two-year pilot project to enable the Small Business Enterprise Centre (currently known as the Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre GBBEC) to increase accessibility to services/support to Simcoe County entrepreneurs by adding a mobile Small Business Consultant dedicated to providing in-market services across the County. — The Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre (a new name is being proposed to better reflect the broader area served by the Centre) is one of 57 Small Business Enterprise Centres across Ontario. Established in 2002, the Centre is an entrepreneurial resource for information, consultation and education serving the Cities of Barrie and Orillia and the County of Simcoe, with the exception of the Towns of Collingwood and Wasaga Beach, and Clearview Township, which are served by the South Georgian Bay Small Business Enterprise Centre. From business start-up to expansion, consultants are available to meet with clients on a no fee basis to provide professional business advice, referrals to professionals within the community, assistance with business plans, mentoring and networking opportunities, as well as facilitate seminars, workshops and youth programming for new and existing entrepreneurs. Approximately 35% of the Enterprise Centre (Barrie location) clients serviced via consultation reside outside of the city of Barrie. With the support of the County of Simcoe, providing a mobile Small Business Consultant will allow your current and aspiring entrepreneurs easier access to Enterprise Centre resources and services at a localized level. The pilot project business model is as follows: • • Hire a full-time Small Business Consultant dedicated to providing outreach services to Enterprise Centre coverage areas within Simcoe County that are outside of the City of Barrie. The City of Barrie currently holds the contract for Enterprise Centre services, therefore, the position would report directly to the Manager of the Enterprise Centre in Barrie for activity reporting, advisory oversight and program delivery support. The mandate of the mobile Small Business Consultant would be to delivi business plan development, seminar/workshop delivery, youth ei Company/Starter Company) within the municipalities outside of the city of GBBEC services Page 17 of 251 In-market presence would be establi5hed in only those municipalities that indicate an interest in participating and can provide support (either financial or in-kind) for office / meeting space as well as Internet! phone service and administrative resources such as access to a photocopier and fax, IT support, etc., required to support the provision of services in the community. GBBEC will deliver business fundamentals presentations/seminars/workshops on a bi-monthly to quarterly basis including 5tarting a business, developing a business plan and marketing in the outreach areas. In consultation with Simcoe County Economic Development Office, GBBEC will provide FAQs for front-line municipal staff on the services available throughout the pilot. The FAUs would be developed in conjunction with the CFDCs to help delineate between the two types of organizations to ensure referrals are made to the most appropriate service provider. The Simcoe County Economic Development Office will work with the City of Barrie on the creation of an advisory board to oversee the pilot to increase access to the services of the Enterprise Centre. • • • • To participate in this pilot project and have the mobile Small Business Consultant in your community, we request municipalities provide the following in-kind services: • • • Dedicated office space 1-4 days per month that allows for confidential service between consultant and clients. This office space is not required to be within a municipal office; other options may include and are not limited to local community partners such as the local CFDC or Chambers of Commerce. The specific number of days the Small Business Consultant will be scheduled in each community will be determined once all municipalities have indicated their interest and support in facilitating this service. Telephone service with an extension for outgoing calls. Internet service where appropriate. Designated kiosk space for signage and information (ie. Zft x 3ft wall pamphlet holder or counter display). For municipalities interested in this service, please complete the attached Commitment of Participation form and kindly return to the Enterprise Centre (Barrie office) no later than January 9”, 2015. Thank you for your consideration and support. Please contact me at any time to discuss this new project. We are excited to provide more convenient service to local entrepreneurs and in the process further strengthen the local economic development ecosystem. rely, Stephannie Schlichter Manager, Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre Invest Barrie Ste pha n nie.sch I ichte r ba rn e ca 705-739-4220, ext. 5036 Attachment Page 18 of 251 _____________________________________ __________________________________ Stephannie Schlichter Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre 70 Collier Street, P.O. Box 400 Barrie, ON L4M 4T5 Dear Stephannie, Re: Commitment to Participate — County of Simcoe/GBBEC Pilot Project (municipality) has committed to participate in This letter confirms that the Pilot Project to support in-market delivery of business support services through the Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre for a 2-year period commencing January 15”, 2015. To that end the to the Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre: (municipality) will provide the following in-kind service • Dedicated office space that allows for confidential service between consultant and clients. This office space will be located at: • (days per month). Please specify any particular The dedicated office space will be available details related to office space to be considered, ie. specific days of availability. • • Telephone service with an extension for outgoing calls. Internet service where appropriate. Designated kiosk space for signage and information (ie. 2ft x Mt wall pamphlet holder or counter display). Signed, Date Page 19 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 20 of 251 F-2 olHa oro-medante’ rams ramara • severn December 1, 2014 Mayor Burkett & Members of Council Township of Severn P.O. Box 159 Orillia, Ontario L3V 6H3 Your Worship and Members of Council: Thank you for the support that Township of Severn has provided to the Orillia & Area Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee (OAPRRC). Attached you will find the 2014 year-end forecast along with the 2015 proposed draft budget. In late July you received our mid-year activity and financial performance report. Planning for the next 3 years has been a key focus this year as we updated the 2010 physician human resources plan. The methodology used to update the plan involved the distribution of surveys to all physicians, department chiefs and program representatives. This allowed us to project future recruitment needs which includes the sum of current unmet need (vacancies), anticipated retirements, and clinical service changes. Physician population ratios were obtained and compared to HealthForce Ontario recommendations. Known and potential retirements are included in the calculation. Local physician demographics show that 19% of family physicians and 23% of specialists are over age 60. Therefore it will be necessary to recruit efforts will be on-going. We initiated a pro-active approach to assist our seasoned doctors as they prepare for retirement. We have been meeting with them to determine timelines and to identify a suitable recruitment candidate to join their office practice. This approach is beneficial for the patients, the retiring doctor and the new doctor as he or she can work along side a seasoned doctor for a period of time beforc taking over the practice. This also allows time for patients to become acquainted with the new doctor. Two matches have been made in the past year. Retention activities remain a key component of our efforts. We are pleased to report that all recruited family physicians remain in our community. tel: 705-325-2201 x3858 • e: 170 Colborne Street West, Orillia, Ontario L3V 2Z3 Page 21 of 251 Our fundraising sub-committee held a very successful inaugural event, ‘Seducing Dr. Seuss’ in an effort to augment the contributions of our municipal funders. We are pleased to report net proceeds of approximately $15,000.00. The collaborative effort of our communities, the hospital and our municipal partners played a critical role in our achievements. We asic for continued Council representation on OAPRRC your generosity in 2015 with a commitment of $12,000.00. At your convenience, we request the opportunity to present a deputation to Severn Council. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, -Q{ Matt Miller, Chair MC/p Attachments Page 22 of 251 • I., ? r •,. ‘ , ‘ . S... .• :*. - •_ - -, Excensec - #flt, 5I204 Retention Activities Total CASPR (Conference) Office Administration Mileaperrravel ekpense Cell phone expense Fundraising Expenses - $2,500 5 1.500 512.000 $5,000 sio coo $5,790 $9,090 $4,000 $62,854 —idzs6j $2,000 $55 $135 $0 $7,000 $167 $135 $55 1OO* *cW$0I $300 $167 $3,433 $4,300 SO $39,800 r4oooo1 $250 .5500 $250 $3,433 $2,048 $i$6dl IflcoaI Zt1oooI f75oI sow iaaor I 3etnnnl’nxt1,enri —“——‘—-—‘‘—“r———i $167 $135 $55 $1,500 $6,190 $400 $3,433 $500 $5,290 $167 $135 $55 $500 $250 $500 $250 $3,433 $6,590 $167 $135 $55 $3,433 52.300 $500 $0 $500 $3,433 $600 $167 $135 $55 $1 000 $6,190 $100 $3500 $3,500 $4,390 $167 $135 $55 $3 433 $500 swo $0 $5,040 $167 $135 $55 $750 $3,433 $500 $0 $6,289 - - - Expenses Promotional items New “finding a doctor rack card, other items as needed Office Administration 2014- overdue to large filing cabinet purchased and new cell phone for staff Office Administration 2014-includes office supplies, cell phone, mileage, postage and petty cash Cell phone I Mileage 2015- separated from Office Administration expense Office Administration 2015- Includes office supplies, postage and petty cash CASPR (Conference) membership and conference costs, in Niagara Falls this year Fundraising Expenses for Seducing Dr. Know and Centurion bike race - $166 $135 $55 $3,433 $500 $2 000 $1,000 $1 .000 Budget Notes: income For municipal funding anticipating same level of support as in 2014 Fundraising revenue continued committee events: Feb2015 Seducing Dr. Know & June 2015 Centurion bike race Visits Physicians & Students Promotional Items Pmject Coordinator sis,ooo $6,789 $166 $135 $55 $500 $500 $3 433 $2,000 $0 $4,289 $166 $135 $55 $3,433 $500 SD $4,639 $166 $135 $55 $500 $250 $3,433 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Iflsf5J0b{iI(Wädo $7,500 57.500 $7,500 I$Z5.5OO1$8Z’boO $22,500 ..$10.000 $21,000 ..$15,000 IPbIJl%1 ..—.,,..,.—,,...,—,——.—,—..——. 3fbbb 4b?o 4dt ORILLIA & PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION COMMITTEE 2015 Budget Medical Schools Job fair rtft Rural Medtcal Week! Rural Retreat Day r sztuuuix$a3ool , Fundraisina Revenue Total’”,,. Casino Rama Grants ROMP Reimbursement Rama First Nation - .:Ramàra. Sevem OroMedonte OfllHa ‘Revenue MUnicipalftv Fuiidlng • , L Page 23 of 251 $70,480 $8,500 $2,000 $1,620 $2,000 $2,500 $41,200 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 $3000 $73, 00 0 $26,000 $2,500 $0 so $12,000 $5,000 $2,500 smooo sic coo 2015 Budget Page 24 of 251 ,rilI’i.on.-mnlonte - FWIa • nnlanl PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Orilliat ea%r ik Oce Conrwr/t7 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Page 25 of 251 On!’ 0.00’- flnlOfl[t• - PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OriIha’a GOAL 2: Identify and partner retiring physicians with newly recruited physicians to take over practice Result: Successful in partnering one newly recruited physician with a retiring physician GOAL 1: Recruit 3 family physicians and support hospital in recruitment of orthopedic surgeon Result: Successful in recruiting 2 family physicians and assisting in the recruitment of orthopedic surgeon 2014 GOALS AND RESULTS Page 26 of 251 orillia.cin, mrd”nt rama • rmara PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Oriiliaea - - %J *%f 54:: p GOAL 3: Build public awareness on how to find a local family physician Result: Developed and widely distributed 5,000 information rack cards MoneySense Magazine 2014 Best Places to Live Orillia’s best ranking improved access to family physician GOAL 4: Initiate fundraising to augment municipal funding Result: Held successful “Seducing Dr Zeus” event at the Orillia Public Library, participation in Centurion Bike Race total raised $17,000 2014 GOALS AND RESULTS Page 27 of 251 or’IILa.c,n, m)ntL•-rama • nnura.stvcrn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OrlIIlaea GOAL 6: Continue participation with Simcoe County Recruiters Group Result: Attended quarterly meetings I ongoing sharing of needs and potential recruits GOAL 5 Conduct outreach events to introduce new family physicians and assist residents to sign up to a family physician Result: In collaboration with Health Care Connect, held 10 outreach events in Orillia, Oro-Medonte, Severn Rama, and Ramara 2014 GOALS AND RESULTS Page 28 of 251 iII,a.c,n,-mrdoott-rama • nrmn wvvrn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Orillia — • 19% of local family doctors and 23% of specialists are over age 60 (2012 survey) a Provincial delays and a cap on the number of new family physicians allowed to join Family Health Teams • Continued budget challenges Provincial, Municipal • Loss of $15,000 funding from Casino Rama Wellness Grant Program • Provincial government cancellation of the annual Health Professionals Recruitment Tour OUR CHALLENGES Page 29 of 251 onflta.aro- medcrntt-ranu • evcrn PHYSICIAN AECRUITMENT & AEENTION OriIIiarei cto .1 -“ • Continue participation with Simcoe County Recruiters Group • Continue Community Outreach Activities • Fundraising goal $25,000 • Continue to identify family physicians retiring within the next 2-3 years • Recruit 3 family physicians to partner with retiring family physicians 2015 GOALS Page 30 of 251 )nccraml.r3mara. w.rln PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Oriiiiaa • Creating additional employment —direct and indirect • Increased residential and commercial tax base • Purchasing goods and services in the community • Over $5 million in Real Estate activity in 2014 • One physician provides $1 million per doctor/per year to the local economy (University of Guelph, Lauzon Study 2013) Local Economic Impact of a Physician Page 31 of 251 oriflia.c,n mcd )nL” rama nmjrt PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION Ori1liara • Work with Health Care Connect to increase awareness and assist residents to roster with a family physician - - - • Work with Simcoe County Recruiters Group: to discuss short, medium, and long term needs share potential recruitment contacts participate in continuing education on timely subjects by guest speakers Working Together Page 32 of 251 orI!IIa-crFrtrcjonkrarna. mmara.hnrrn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OriIIia*8 r ..aaflF { 7- • Follow-up to ensure that patients are registering • All unattached patients given “finding a local family physician checklist” • 13% to 17% not attached to a family physician • Approximately 600 visits per month After-Hours Clinic Visits Page 33 of 251 cwiIlia.’,n,-m nli,ntt.ram • flnura • Mvcrn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OrlIIla’a - - - - — -7s • April 1/13 to March 31/14 total of 52,922 visits: 37,097 from Orillia, Severn & Ramara 5,850 from Oro-Medonte/Barrie remainder were from out of our funding area 3,000 residents did not have a family physician and were given the “finding a local family physician checklist” OSMH —Emergency Dept. 0 Page 34 of 251 oriIli.uitnedonw nina. inmara • PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & REtENTION Orilliat tilt, A3T i’ • Respecting the budget challenges currently faced by the Township of Severn, the Orillia & Area Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee is requesting continued support in the amount of $12,000 as granted in previous years . Your investment in the future of our community Our Request Page 35 of 251 oriUu.oii mnitrntcrama. nnura %ncrn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OrilIiaa With your help, this will become a reality. Our vision is to ensure that through planning, every person in our community has access toa family physician. Page 36 of 251 wi IIia.on -n,ediinterana. nrnara severn PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT & RETENTION OriIIiai s I’ F-3 COUNTY OF SIMCOE MARKET SURVEY -251 surveys (mcI 13 on-line & 7 municipal) -37 locations rec’d. (90 initial) I) Please tell us about your household: (please circle the appropriate answer) a) Please indicate your age group: Count Percent Response 9 3.6% Under 14 59 23.5% 15-24 50 19.9% 25-44 43 17.1% 45-54 55-64 38 15.1% 52 20.7% 65+ b) How many live in your household that are under 18 7 Count Percent Response 83 34.3% o 34 14% 48 19.8% 2 3 32 13.2% 26 4 10.7% 10 5 4.1% 5+ 9 3.7% c) Is there anyone over 55 living in your household (not including spouse)? Count Percent Response 84 33.5% Yes 167 66.5% No 2) Do You Own A Car? Percent Response 64.1% Yes No 35.9% Count 161 93 3) Would you like to see a transit system for Adjala-Tosorontio, Clearview, New Techumseth, Oro-Medonte, Ramam, Severn, Tay, Tiny? Response Yes No Undecided Percent 94.4% 2% 3.6% Count 237 5 9 Page 37 of 251 4) Where would you like to see transit service provided? Response Alliston Tottetham Beeton Orillia Baffle Brechin Lagoon City Throughout New Tecumseth All over Ramara Lafontaine Beaverton Midland New Lowell Newmarket Penetanguishene Stayner Clearview Collingwood Ridge Road Toronto Angus Bradford GO Cookstown Cumberland Beach Rama All Over Tiny Wasaga Beach CedarPoint Lafontaine Rd Loretto Oro-Medonte Victoria Harbour Washago Atherly Bayshore Village Creemore Doctors offices Everett Highway 12 Hospital Lake Daliymple Lisle Old Barrie Road 55 45 44 29 25 20 16 14 9 9 8 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Page 38 of 251 4) Where would you like to see transit service provided? Response Ore Station Schomberg Val Harbour Waubaushene 1 8th Concession Ajax Banks Beach Concession 10 Blue Mountain Resort Bolton Bramshott Area Caledon CFB Bordon Coidwater Coopers Falls Each Library Everywhere in Tay GO Highway 9 & 400 GO Station grocery stores GIA Hawkstone Highway26 Honda I-lorseshoe Valley Rd Line7 Line9 main streets Mikes Variety North Bay Out of Town Palgrave Perkinsfield Port McNicoll Post Office Shanty Bay Shopping Simcoe County Thorton Uphill West Shore Whitby William & Winfield Woodville 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Page 39 of 251 would you, or anyone in your household, use public transit per week: Count Percent 22 9.8% 39 17.3% 30 13.3% 15 6.7% 18 8% 1.3% 3 51 22.7% 42 18.7% 2.2% 5 5) How often Response Once Twice 3x 4x 5x 6x Daily Weekly Once/month 6) Additional Comments: I have degenerative lower discs in my back. I can walk a block comfortably and then the pain starts. Would you consider pick up at the end ofeach street along the Lakeshore an Option? There are days in the winter when I don’t want to drive. As long as you can get me to OdIlia downtown where I can transfer to another bus to take me to work then it would be something I would consider using. Also on days when hubby is late and I want to visit Orillia I could grab the bus on the weekend. Will there be more than one pickup/drop off time? I think it has to work like the City ofOrillia buses with a regular schedule so that the community will know when and where and be more convenient. The past it hasn’t worked as it was too expensive S 10 one way! and not enough time to get to the pickup time and then find a way home again. Great idea. I would probably use transit more in winter We need public transit for person who no loner are able to drive, eg. Over 80 years Would we have to pay more for off-route trips? If so, how much? My son would use it everyday, once he finds a job I suspect many would like to see transportation available but cost would be big issue as well as reliability. Could lily wife and I go to Orilfia and back for under $20 A main reason for people moving our of this area is because of lack of transportation. They get older and perhaps don’t drive so therefore must move where there is transportation available. Think would be a great service for young and older or anyone for that matter This service is badly needed in our community. Good luck. Two retirees one car. Local conveniences. Too far to walk. - Good idea for transit in Ramam Township Page 40 of 251 6) Additional Comments Transit would be great for people with no way to Orillia. It would because of all the job opportunities I think that a transit service would be a great idea for all the people that don’t have a car for there is no transit in Brechin Transit = less impaired drivers. Less cars on the road. Less fossil fuel burning. Tmnsit...The only way to travel environmentally without a bicycle We need some kind of public transportation especially for elderly who can’t drive anymore This town need buses here badly. It’s a dead town I would gladly discontinue using my car for reliable bus service Brechin could then be connected to Orillia and Toronto. Eg. Son in Toronto could take public transit to Brechin to visit As more and more people in the Lagoon City get older and will no longer be able to drive, it will be necessary to have public transit available or people will be required to move into larger cities Brechin and Lagoon City has no taxi or bus service to major shopping areas or to Rama Casino at the present time. Transit connections to GO bus service would be vital Brechin is known to be out of touch, very remote and cut off from everything. Very bad for real estate attraction and property values. Highway 12 in winter, the 400 in Barrie, can be very bad for passenger cars. Bus service (other company) offers only goes to college, Fluntsville etc, times not good. We need an option here. Thank you for considering this need. As a Lagoon resident for the past three years, people and friends visit this area really enjoy it but are not willing to make any move because we have no transit in area for work or shopping. I pay for cabs everyday to get to work. It costs SI 6.00 each way. ft would really be help to get some bus service out here. With only one car at our home some one is always stuck Good luck I would spread the word to all my friends This would give opportunity to people students etc to have rooms in country Page 41 of 251 6) Additional Comments: The previous transit system didn’t last long enough. Hopeftuly this one does. Would be a great service to provide transportation on an affordable level for people to commute to and from larger communities to meet there needs Very important Hard to get to Barrie and Orillia for hospital appointments What would be the round trip cost? Would need to run into evening to be worth it. Then students could ride. It would be nice to have something going from New Lowell to Angus/Stayner Transportation need to other towns It would be very beneficial for people to get around the community and have the ability to get to town and complete daily chores I think it’s a great idea. We have lots of older people and younger people in this area Transit would help us get into town. Please make it happen great idea - I think it would be a great idea. We could shuttle people from town and less pollution and the one that don’t drive will be able to go to town Jam a Métis. They dmve me for KIMO in Barrie. I thank them very much. - Do you have a bus? It would be helpifil in Lafontaine. (Fwm someone who lives in Penetanguishene) Connections to Bradford GO would be an added benefit to the whole community Some kind of transport is needed between Tottenham and Alliston, everyday if possible Although everyone in my household has a car, a public transit route would still be beneficial to the community Can’t imagine how it would serve the needs of our community. Where would it drop people off? Weekly trips to Walmart? Curious to see how this would serve the community. Towns are hardly large enough to bus around. Maybe buses between towns only with bike racks. We don’t need public transportation. The residents here are fine commuting by car and taxi. Desperately needed Page 42 of 251 6) Additional Comments: This is a given and a huge requirement for people of all ages. Re: Employment, Re: Medical needs, etc A transit system would be good because before I had a car I would bike from town to town There are a number of senior citizens who live in New Tecumseth that I’m sure could use affordable transit. Also would benefit middle aged or younger residents for finding work and getting to and from Transit for our youth (without cars) and our Seniors would be welcomed. Critical for those without their own vehicles. To enable youth to find and travel to part-time jobs or after school activities. I work at a busy company in Beeton. It takes forever for someone to get a cab. Also people who don’t drive have difficulty getting to work outside of town with no car teens especially - A lot of people would benefit. It’s a small town. Lots don’t drive and we all don’t need cars to get from Beeton to Zehrs in Alliston. Its polluting for no reason. We need public transportation for shopping in Alliston A bus to Barrie and/or Newmarket would be beneficial for both work. Cabs being the only other transportation our of town cost over $60 to go Newmarket and back. Just want to see elders struggling, to get somewhere I want a bus A bus service from in town to other is needed, re: Beezon to Alliston to Tottenham. Also shoold meet Greyhound or GO bus This would serve very beneficial and I know a lot of people who would use this Good to access services I don’t drive so a bus service would be very helpful for me ifmy wife would pass away. It would give me my freedom to get around hospital, grocery store, walmart. I would like a transit service to Wal-mart My husband and I only have one car. He uses it during the week. It is possible to live in Beelon with no car but it is about time to address public transit issue To help kids and adults who work in Alliston. To help kids get home after school activities. There is NO late bus home from high school. No way for teens to get to part-time jobs. Page 43 of 251 6) Additional Comments: My in-laws have no car and children work. Need transport for shopping food dr appt, gift buying, banking, visiting friends, attending events. For elderly to promote independence, activity and social life - - Great idea only if accessible for all citizens Great idea Many kids will waLk from Beeton to Tottenham via road or steam train tracks. It is unsafe. Drunk Driving between towns is also a problem My son doesn”t drive and would live public transportation. Other than me driving him to the GO I think it would be cool Good luck Seniors and kids need this I think it’s great idea for transportation in this town We need bus very bad This transit service would help everyone in the area to commute easier to their work and/or school of choice and help youth get work who don’t have opportunities for being driven or working in the town they live. We moved to the county to get away from the transit but that went up our street every 30 mins don’t want one back! - Do not require this service now but would use it if available. Especially in the future. I think transit services would be very beneficial to the New Tec area for many reasons: reduces the amount of cars on the road, therefore lowering risks of accidents and amount of pollution. People without cars have a reliable source of transportation to work, and drunk people have a safe ride home without the risk of having to drive. We have needed a bus sooo..badly for quite some time. I wish you much success. I have just moved to Alliston & it is very difficult to go anyplace other than shopping for food and medical appointments without any transportation We need a bus system here, with all the new houses that have and are going up lots of these new people come from the city and we find it very isolating that we have no connection to places nearby. We had a bus system a few years back. I was disappointed to see the town not willing to finance something is greatly needed taking a taxi is so expensive not everybody can afford such an expense. Please consider adding New Tecumseth to your Transit Services. Page 44 of 251 6) Additional Comments: A transit service would only sustain itseLf if it covered Ban-ie & Newmarket on a scheduled basis. People in Alliston pay as much asS 150 to go to Toronto to a thneral or medical appointment If anyone Doubts anything I’ve written, I’m willing to swear on a Bible about what I’ve said. HELP!!! I’m held prisoner in this town without any chance to move about freely and reasonably. County of Simcoe Survey results verified by APEX MILLENNIUM, I 7A Rose Park Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4T I PS © Métis Transportation Ltd 2014 and cannot be used without written permission Page 45 of 251 SEVERN MARKET SURVEY 8 surveys (including 2 on-line) -3 locations reed. (19 initial) - 1) Please tell us about your household: (please circle Ihe appropriate answer) a) Please indicate your age group: Count Percent Response 0% Under 14 0 15-24 1 % 1 25-44 % 45-54 % 2 55-64 % 3 % 65+ b) How many Response 0 1 2 3 4 5 5+ live in your household that are under IS? Percent Count 3 % 0% 0 3 % 0% 0 1 % 0% 0 0% 0 c) Is there anyone over 55 living in your household (not including spouse)? Percent Count Response 50% 4 Yes 50% 4 No 2) Do You Own A Car? Percent Response % Yes % No 3) Would you Response Yes No Undecided Count 6 1 like to see a transit system for the entire Township of Severn? Percent Count 50% 4 0 0% 4 50% Page 46 of 251 4) Where would you like to see transit service provided? Response Cumberland Beach 3 1 Brarnshott Area 1 Orillia 1 Washego West Shore 5) How often Response Once Twice 3x 4x 5x Daily WeekLy would you, or anyone in your household, use public transit per week: Count Percent 1 % % 0 0% 0 0% % 0% 0 6) Additional Comments: This would give opportunity to people students etc to have rooms in country The previous transit system didn’t last long enough. Hopefully this one does. © Métis Transportation Ltd 2014 and cannot be used without written permission Page 47 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 48 of 251 F-4 Page 49 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 50 of 251 G-1 CHEQUE REGISTERS FOR DECEMBER 2014 Cheque #‘s 1-Dec 2-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 15-Dec 18-Dec 10503 13212 13248 13272 13273 13278 TO TO TO TO TO TO $937.90 $268675.29 $107,902.24 $74123.73 $3,510,188.71 $466108.45 10503 13245 13271 13272 13277 13414 Total cheque registers $4,427,936.32 Total void cheques $0.00 Total amount $4,427,936.32 Void cheques OCWA Contract $19,127.68 J!E #55551 TOTAL RESOLUTION $4,447,064.00 Page 51 of 251 Ministry of Energy Ministére de (‘Energie Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre 4h 4e Floor, Hearst Block 900 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Tel.: 416-327-6758 Fax: 416-327-6754 étage, èdiflce Hearst 900, we Bay Toronto ON M7A 2E1 Tel. : 416 327-6758 T&ec. :418327-6754 J-1 Ontario MC-2014-2459 December 12, 2014 His Worship Mike Burkett Mayor 1024 Hurlwood Lane PD Box 159 RR4 Orillia ON L3V 6J3 Dear Mayor Burkett, Please accept my sincere congratulations on your recent election victory. I wish you much success in your role and I look forward to continuing a strong working relationship with your municipality on our shared priorities and interests. The Ontario government is committed to building a cleaner energy system in a way that respects communities. The collective success of our municipalities is critical to the success of the province of Ontario. Municipalities have made it clear that they want a stronger voice and the government has taken steps to make that happen. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an overview of the initiatives Ontario’s government is taking to give municipalities more information and control around local energy planning. Regional Planning One of our highest priorities is continuing to implement Ontario’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP). The LTEP reflects the most comprehensive consultation and engagement process the Ministry of Energy has ever undertaken and balances five principles that will guide future decisions: cost-effectiveness, reliability, clean energy, community engagement, and an emphasis on conservation and demand management before building new generation. Regional electricity planning and siting is a key feature of the LTEP. The cornerstone of regional electricity planning is an open exchange of information and engagement with municipalities, Aboriginal communities, stakeholders and members of the general public. In Ontario, this will include better community outreach, early and often, while providing local governments and communities a greater voice in the planning and siting of energy infrastructure. - ./cont’d Page 129 of 251 -2- Improvements to regional electricity planning processes will support implementation of the 2013 LTEP. As outlined in the LTEP, regional plans will promote the principle of Conservation First while also considering other cost-effective solutions such as supply, transmission and distribution investments. Changes introduced by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in 2013 formalized the regional planning process by ensuring that transmitters, distributors, the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) and the Independent Electricity Systems Operator (IESO) work closely to identify solutions for regional electricity needs and encourage greater municipal involvement and public participation. To make sure their voices are heard, municipalities will be asked to actively participate in electricity planning and siting activities. There are 21 electricity regions in Ontario (see the IESO’s Planning Regions map at, each of which will be assessed every five years, or sooner if needed. Planning is already underway in nine of the 21 regions and planning in the remaining 12 regions will begin over the next few years. This is your opportunity to work directly with the OPA, key electricity stakeholders and the public to contribute to planning and identify the right solutions for your communities. I encourage you to visit the OPA website at www.powerauthority.on.calpower planning/regional-planning to learn more about current and upcoming regional planning processes. Large Renewable Procurement In June 2013, I directed the OPAto replace the Large Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program with a new competitive procurement process to allow for the consideration of future contract awards for cost-efficient and well-supported projects. I asked the OPA to work with municipalities and Aboriginal communities to help identify appropriate siting requirements for renewable energy projects. The new Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) process will provide municipalities with a stronger voice going forward and additional opportunities to participate in the development of renewable energy projects. The process includes an initial Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to qualify applicants, followed by a Request for Proposals (RFP) to evaluate projects, which can only be proposed by qualified applicants. We remain committed that this LRP will require developers to take into account local needs and considerations before contracts are offered. Engagement activities in LRP are intended to initiate early relationship-building between developers and municipalities, and provide an early opportunity for municipalities to advise of local needs and considerations to inform project design. cont’d Page 130 of 251 -3As part of the OPA’s extensive outreach activities to inform the development of the LRP, it developed preliminary sets of RFQ stage evaluation criteria and possible RFP stage components. These and other related materials were discussed with a wide variety of stakeholders and communities since August 2013. Outreach activities remain an important element of our work. The OPA has completed the RFQ stage of the LRP, which qualified applicants based on their ability to meet a set of mandatory requirements focused on past development experience and financial capability. Only qualified applicants will be eligible to participate in the upcoming RFP. The qualified applicant list is available on the CPA website at On November 17, 2014, the CPA posted the draft RFP and contract for public review and comment on their website until December 19, 2014. Engagement is central to the draft RFP: municipal and community engagement are proposed as mandatory requirements, with additional rated criteria available to developers that further engage and receive municipal council support and/or municipal benefit agreements for a proposed project. For latest updates on the LRP program, please visit the OPA’s website at www.power The government is committed to achieving its renewable energy targets, while ensuring that municipalities have a stronger voice in future renewable energy development. Proponents interested in developing a project under the LRP will be engaging with municipalities to take local needs and considerations into account. For projects that are currently under development, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change’s Renewable Energy Approval process requires developers to ensure multiple opportunities for local communities to provide input during the planning and approvals process for wind, solar and bioenergy projects. A minimum of two public meetings must be held about these proposed projects. The Class Environmental Assessment for Waterpower Projects allows proponents to assess the potential effects to the environment using best available information in order to make an informed decision about how or whether a project should proceed. This process also includes opportunities for community and municipal input. Municipal Energy Plans In the 2013 LTEP, the province committed to putting conservation first. Putting conservation first means ensuring conservation is the first resource considered before building new generation and transmission facilities, wherever cost-effective. Conservation is the cleanest and cheapest energy resource and it offers consumers a way to reduce their energy bills. ./cont’d Page 131 of 251 -4To continue our efforts to put conservation first, our government is supporting local community energy planning and engaging municipalities through the Municipal Energy Plan (MEP) program. Launched in 2013, the MEP program supports municipalities’ efforts to better understand their local energy needs, develop plans to meet their goals, and identify opportunities for energy efficiency and clean energy. MEPs will help municipalities: • assess the broader community’s energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; • identify opportunities to conserve, improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG • emissions; • consider impact of future growth and options for local clean energy generation; and • support local economic development. This past summer, I announced that Ontario would begin accepting MEP applications on an ongoing basis for two funding streams: • Development of a New Municipal Energy Plan: Successful applicants will receive 50 per cent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $90,000. • Enhancement of an Existing Energy Plan: Successful applicants will receive 50 per cent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $25,000. I encourage municipalities to apply to the MEP Program. You can review the program guidelines and application form at You can also get answers to any questions you might have by email at Broader Public Sector Energy Reporting and Conservation and Demand Management Planning A regulation ( 1 /elaws_src_regs_rl 1 397_e.htm) came into force January 1, 2012 that requires broader public sector (BPS) organizations, such as municipalities, to report on the energy consumed and greenhouse gas emissions in their facilities on an annual basis starting July 1, 2013 and to develop a five-year energy conservation and demand management plan (CDM) for their facilities starting July 1, 2014. Under the regulation, broader public sector organizations must make their annual energy reports and five-year energy CDM plans publically available on their websites and in hard copy. Public agencies will need to post five-year energy CDM plans starting in 2014. Plans must be updated every five years beginning in 2019. In 2014, 90.5 per cent of municipalities reported their annual energy use and 77 per cent indicated they have developed a five-year CDM plan. This compares to 93 per cent of all broader public sector organizations submitting their annual energy report and 82 per cent indicating they have developed a conservation and demand management plan. ./cont’d Page 132 of 251 -5- The Ministry of Energy is currently consulting on proposed amendments to the regulation. These proposed changes are intended to simplify the reporting process for BPS organizations, improve the quality of the data being submitted and ensure continued reporting. The Ministry posted a plain language description of the proposed changes on the Environmental Registry on November 26, 2014 for a 45 day public comment period. The Environmental Registry can be found at The comment period will end on January 10, 2015. I encourage you as head of council to ensure your municipality meets the requirements of this regulation. In addition to helping municipalities manage their electricity use and costs, energy reporting and conservation plans will also inform the Ontario government about energy use in the broader public sector and help Ontario to develop and enhance policies and programs in the future. The Ministry of Energy has made the energy consumption data submitted by broader public sector organizations in 2013 publicly available on Ontario’s Open Data website at Energy East On October 30, 2014, TransCanada PipeLines Limited filed its application with the National Energy Board (NEB) to develop its proposed Energy East pipeline, which would carry Alberta crude oil across Ontario into Québec and onward to New Brunswick. The project would have a total length of approximately 4,500 kilometres, with about 2,060 kilometres of natural gas pipeline converted to oil service and an additional 104 kilometres of new build oil pipeline in Ontario. As currently proposed, the project involves converting, from natural gas to oil service, the portion of the TransCanada Mainline that runs across the prairies and Northern Ontario to North Bay and on to Cornwall. In addition, there would be new oil pipeline construction in Alberta, Ontario (east of Cornwall), Québec and New Brunswick. The NEB is currently reviewing TransCanada’s application to determine the completeness of the filing. The NEB expects to complete its review no later than the second quarter of 2015, at which point it will issue a Hearing Order. The Hearing Order will detail the NEB’s regulatory process and timelines. The NEB will then have 15 months to complete the hearing and provide its recommendations to the Federal Cabinet which will have three months to review and make the final determination. The people of Ontario have important interests at stake in the proposed Energy East project and the province intends to intervene in the NEB’s regulatory process. Given the significance of TransCanada’s proposal and to ensure Ontarians have the opportunity to express their views, I’ve asked the OEB to complete a report, and to engage with municipalities, First Nation and Métis communities, stakeholders and the public to ensure this project is safe for the people of our province, the environment, and beneficial for our economy. ./cont’d Page 133 of 251 -6We initiated the OEB process to hear directly from communities. In addition, the technical experts engaged by the OEB will help inform Ontario’s position on critical matters such as pipeline safety, environmental impacts, and impacts of Energy East on Ontario’s natural gas consumers. The province’s perspective on Energy East is that the reliability of Ontario’s natural gas supply and ensuring the public safety of Ontarians are nonnegotiable issues. The second round of meetings with the same parties will proceed over a 2 week period beginning in mid-January 2015. The OEB provides regular updates on its website regarding community meetings. At this time, the expectation is that the OEB’s final report on Energy East will be available in the late first quarter of 2015. I believe that these initiatives and activities demonstrate the Ontario government’s sincere desire to work with municipalities on energy issues. We have made important changes to increase the role of municipalities in the development of energy projects so that, together, we can fulfill the vision of the 2013 LTEP. Once again, please accept my congratulations and best wishes for a successful term of office. Sincerely, .x,. Bob Chiarelli Minister Page 134 of 251 J-2 CANADA POSTES POST CANADA From anywhere.. to anvne - De partout. jusqu’a vous -- December 19, 2014 ( Mr. Mike Burkett, Mayor Township of Severn P0 BOX 159 1024 HURLW000 LANE OR) WA ON L3V 6J3 DEC 23 2014 Z) Notice of Address Changes Occurring at the Orillia Post Office Canada Post 15 currently reviewing the delivery network and we have observed that many routes within the Municipality of Orillia and the surrounding areas must be reduced in order to create an efficient and balanced network. This will bring various changes within the area. In order to complete this task, we will need to change postal codes within your respective region. We will also wish to bring in official municipality names as well as civic (911) addressing. We have estimated that approximately 6400 customers will be affected by a postal code change and/or civic addressing along with a possible municipal name change. The municipalities affected are as follows: • • • • • Severn 2617 addresses Kawartha Lakes 494 addresses Oro-Medonte 1317 addresses Orillia 162 addresses Ramara Township 1816 addresses ‘ Please note: To maintain or recognize historic community names, Canada Posts requests a written council re5olution and a description of the boundaries for any community being recognized in order to support this decision. All affected customers will receive advanced notification about their address change in writing which will include: • The anticipated start date of the new address —April 2015. • Assurance to customers that Canada Post will continue delivering mail bearing the old address, including Municipality name, for a period of one year ending in April of 2016. • Instructions on how to pick up tree, postage-paid Notice of New Address cards which will assist our customers with notifying their correspondents of their new address. Page 135 of 251 CANADA POSTES POST CANADA From anywhere.. Dc par tout... to anyone jusqu’a wous Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions 01 Comments regarding this address change. I also plan to contact your municipal office within the next few weeks to ensure all of your questions have been answered. Best regards, Chris F Smith Delivery Planner I Canada Post 705-333-5080 na da p www.postesca nad a. Ca Page 136 of 251 K-1 County of Simcoe Clerks Department 1110 Highway 26, Midhursi, Ontario LOL 1XO COVNIYVF SlrvlcJE Main Line (705) 726-9300 Toll Free (866) 893-9300 Fax (705) 725-1285 December 16, 2014 Mayors and Council of County of Simcoe Municipalities Dear Mayor and Council: RE: Appointments - County of Simcoe Affordable Housing Advisory Committee In January of 2014 County Council approved a recommendation to adopt a 10 year affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy for the County of Simcoe. County Council further approved the establishment of an Advisory Committee that would assume the lead role in developing and overseeing an implementation plan, for the consideration of Committee and Council that would achieve the objectives set out in the strategy. This Advisory Committee held its first meeting in May 2014. A copy of the full 10 year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy document can be viewed under Social Housing on the County of Simcoe website at In accordance with the Terms of Reference, this Committee’s composition is comprised of six (6) municipal representatives (based on geographic areas of the County), and six non-municipal members that were selected based on expertise rather than geographic location. As it is now the start of a new Council term, the County is requesting that the Mayors and Deputy Mayors of the geographic regions (identified below) collaborate and put forward the name of a Committee representative who will represent their collective area on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The representative may be either an elected official or a municipal staff member. For tailored solutions to local challenges, municipal representatives should liaise where applicable with local housing committees and the municipalities they represent. The following are the municipal areas of representation: • One (1) representative for East Simcoe, representing the Townships of Oro-Medonte, Ramara and Severn; • One (1) representative for North Simcoe representing the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene, and the Townships of Tay and Tiny: • One (1) representative for South Simcoe, representing the Towns of Sradford West Gwiliimbury, Innisfil, and New Tecumseth, and the Townships of Essa and AdjaIa-Tosorontio; • One (1) representative for West Simcoe, representing the Towns of Collingwood and Wasaga Beach and the Townships of Clearview and Springwater. As per the Terms of Reference, the cities of Barrie and Orillia have also been asked to each appoint one representative from their municipality to sit on this Committee. Page 1 of 2 Page 137 of 251 Mayors and Deputy Mayors Simcoe County Municipalities December 16, 2014 Page 2 To help ensure the timely appointment of members to this Committee, we kindly ask that you give this mailer your consideration and submit the name of a representative to the County of Simcoe Clerk’s Department by January 61h, 2015. Thank you for your participation in this initiative. Yours truly, Brenda Clark County Clerk C: Clerks of Simcoe County Municipalities T. Talon, General Manager of Social and Community Services C. Kytayko, Director of Social Housing Page 138 of 251 Sharon Goerke From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Flynn, Amanda <> December-18-14 3:03 PM Anita Dubeau (; Barry Burton; Basil Clarke; French, Bill; Rawson, Bill; Brian Saunderson (; Brian Smith (; Chris Vanderkruys; Allen, Don; Little, Doug; Cornell, George; Marshall, Gerry W; Gord McKay Gord Wauchope (; Hughes, Harry; James Leduc; Jamie Smith (; John ODonnell; Judith Cox; Lynn Dollin; Small Brett, Mary; Mike Burkett; Mike Ross (; Nina Bifolchi (; Hough, Ralph; Milne, Rick; Rob Keffer; Macdonald, Sandie C; Sandra Cooper; Warnock, Scott; Walma, Steffen; Dowdall, Terry Clark, Brenda; Alison Thomas; Andrea Fay; Barb Kane; Bonnie Sander; Cindy Anne Maher; Doug Irwin; Doug Luker; Holly Bryce; Janice McKinnon; John Daly; Karen Fraser Pamela Fettes; Rebecca Murphy; Sara Almas; Sharon Goerke; Twyla Nicholson County of Simcoe Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Letter re Affordable Housing Representative 2015-2018.pdf - Mayors and Deputy Mayors Simcoe County Member Municipalities Please find attached a letter regarding the County’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The attached letter has been sent (via e-mail) to the Municipal Clerk of each member municipality with a request to circulate the letter to their Mayor and Council. However, we feel it may be helpful to provide some further clarification regarding the process for putting forth the names of representatives for this Committee. As per the Terms of Reference1 this Committee is comprised of one representative from each of the four geographic areas of the County. These geographic areas are outlined in the attached letter. The representative for each geographic area may be either an elected official or a member of municipal staff. Committee membership also includes one representative from the City of Barrie and one representative from the City of Orillia. There are also 6 non-municipal members on this Committee representing the public, private and non-profit sectors. Those individuals were appointed in 2014 and their appointments have been renewed by County Council for the upcoming term. The letter attached is asking that the Mayors and Deputy Mayors of each of the four geographic areas of the County (as outlined in the letter) collaborate and put forward the name of one individual who will represent their (collective) geographic area; the County is not seeking a representative from each municipality within the respective geographic area but rather one representative for each geographic area. Municipalities are also not being asked to officially appoint the representative. We ask only that each municipality forward to the County Clerk’s Department by January G, 2015, an e-mail/letter confirming the name of the representative selected in order that the representatives can be formally appointed to the Committee at the January 1 3 Council meeting. Should you have any questions regarding the process, please do not hesitate to contact either Brenda Clark, County Clerk, or myself. Amanda Flynn Deputy Clerk County of Simcoe, Clerk’s Department 1 Page 139 of 251 COL’,vrv or - County of Simcoe Clerk’s Department 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario LOL 1XO — SIrkrcoE-;k Main Line (705) 726-9300 Toll Free (866) 893-9300 Fax (705) 725-1285 December 16, 2014 Mayors and Council of County of Simcoe Municipalities Dear Mayor and Council: RE: Appointments - County of Simcoe Affordable Housing Advisory Committee In January of 2014, County Council approved a recommendation to adopt a 10 year affordable housing and homelessness prevention strategy for the County of Simcoe. County Council further approved the establishment of an Advisory Committee that would assume the lead role in developing and overseeing an implementation plan, for the consideration of Committee and Council that would achieve the objectives set out in the strategy. This Advisory Committee held its first meeting in May 2014. A copy of the full 10 year Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Strategy document can be viewed under Social Housing on the County of Simcoe website at In accordance with the Terms of Reference, this Committee’s composition is comprised of six (6) municipal representatives (based on geographic areas of the County), and six non-municipal members that were selected based on expertise rather than geographic location, As it is now the start of a new Council term, the County is requesting that the Mayors and Deputy Mayors of the geographic regions (identified below) collaborate and put forward the name of a Committee representative who will represent their collective area on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The representative may be either an elected official or a municipal staff member. For tailored solutions to local challenges, municipal representatives should liaise where applicable with local housing committees and the municipalities they represent. The following are the municipal areas of representation: • One (1) representative for East Simcoe, representing the Townships of Oro-Medonte, Ramara and Severn; • One (1) representative for North Simcoe representing the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene, and the Townships of Tay and Tiny; • One (1) representative for South Simcoe, representing the Towns of Bradford West Swillimbury, lnnisfil, and New Tecumseth, and the Townships of Essa and Adjala-Tosorontio; • One (1) representative for West Simcoe, representing the Towns of Collingwood and Wasaga Beach and the Townships of Clearview and Springwater. As per the Terms of Reference, the cities of Barrie and Orillia have also been asked to each appoint one representative from their municipality to sit on this Committee. Page 1 of 2 Page 140 of 251 Mayors and Deputy Mayors Simcoe County Municipalities December 16, 2014 Page 2 To help ensure the timely appointment of members to this Committee, we kindly ask that you give this mailer your consideration and submit the name of a representative to the County of Simcoe Clerk’s Department by January 6th, 2015. Thank you for your participation in this initiative. Yours truly, Brenda Clark County Clerk C: Clerks of Simcoe County Municipalities T. Talon, General Manager of Social and Community Services C. Kytayko, Director of Social Housing Page 141 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 142 of 251 K-2 December 22, 2014 To: Mayor and Councillors This letter is regarding the gravel section of Fairgrounds Road (North of Warminster Road and North of Thorburn Road). The road is a health and safety concern for local residents due to years of neglect. The potholes are many and large. Driving on this road is dangerous as a driver could lose control and go into the ditch, or worse, into an oncoming vehicle. Not all vehicles drive at a snails pace for the condition of the road even though they may be driving at the legal speed limit. Another concern is the damage caused to vehicles driving daily on this road. The cost of repairs is exorbitant. The gravel is inadequate and when graded the road is back to pot holes, sometimes within an hour. This section of road does not meet the Ontario minimum standard. This has been an ongoing issue for the past seven years. Complaints to the Township Office, Ward 3 Councillor and Road Superintendent have not resulted in any improvements or repairs. We understand that our road is not included in the 2015 budget This is totally unacceptable. We need immediate action in the way of gravel, ditching, culvert installation and hard top resurfacing. We have enclosed a petition of signatures of dissatisfied residents and taxpayers. We would ask that our request be dealt with and included in the 2015 Budget. Thank you u.-..-$c— RA. icC- 32&-ijç R2 cci( U’) U —S tk 9o5 323 —911’ Page 143 of 251 . Page 144 of 251 0 1C In I. Jh c N I k C ¼ S I L )\ Page 145 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 146 of 251 Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Ministère des Richesse naturelles et des Forêts Midhurst District Office 2284 Nursery Road Midhurst, ON LOL 1XO Tel; 705-725-7500 Fax; 705-725-7584 Bureau de district Midhurst 2284, rue Nursery Midhurst, ON LOL 1XO 705-725-7500 Tél: Téléc: 705-725-7584 K-3 r—i a I’I(:) December 18, 2014 Township of Severn 1024 Hurlwood Lane Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 - L. Attention: Sharon Georke Township Clerk - Subject: Applications to release reservations continued in Lots 76 & 77 Registered Plan 976 in the County of Simcoe. Being part of Lot 23 Concession 5 in the Geographic Township of Matchedash. To Whom it May Concern: We have received applications from Eric and Catherine Berge to release the following clause “Saving, Excepting and Reserving ten per cent of the acreage hereby granted for roads, and the right to lay out the some where the Crown or its officers may deem necessary” contained in the original Crown grant for Lots 76 & 77 Plan 976. In order for this Ministry to consider the applications we need to know whether the Township of Severn Council is of the opinion that, the present and future needs for roads in the area have been adequately provided for and they approve of the release. The Township at this time has also the option of assuming the road by passing a by-law or assuming the dedication, If the Municipality assumes the dedication MNR will consider it a common and public highway. As a common public highway, the ownership vests in the municipality, pursuant to section 262 of the Municipal Act. The municipality is then free to dispose of it in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. Please advise of the Township of Severn Council position regarding the above request. Yours truly, Clifford VanKoughnett A/Lands and Waters Technical Specialist Midhurst District cc. Andrew Zyp Page 147 of 251 Page 148 of 251 K-4 December21, 2014 Severn Township Mayor and Council, We would like to draw to your attention, the continuing deterioration of Wilson Point Road North and South. We are hoping that the repair and resurfacing of Wilson Point Road, North to South, can take place within the capital expenditures budget, planning and projects for 2015. A number of years ago, this road surface was ideal, even for roller blading. Today it is full of pot holes, loose gravel, torn asphalt and heaves. Some areas of this stretch of roadway are not in as dire shape as others, but as a whole, considering the number of full times residents residing here and using the road year round, we think it’s obvious that it needs to be repaired before it deteriorates further It is our understanding that Severn Township has a mandate to have as many roads paved in the township as possible. ctf inn El sh uld cci,/iAc 4 Ac as/%// ,ai,,ñy. We believe it would be quite difficult to find a paved road within the township that is in as bad shape as this section (other than Cunningham Crescent), but also realize that this section of Wilson Point will require a much more detailed and expensive repair We appreciate Mayor and Council taking into consideration our request. Sincerely, Residents of Wilson Point I /1t• A 1 , VP;. \EA. Page 149 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 150 of 251 L-1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HELD IN THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 1024 HURLWOOD LANE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. Chair Judith Cox Members Ian Crichton Jane Dunlop Ron Stevens Mark Taylor Donald Westcott ABSENT: Member Mike Burkeft STAFF: Director of Planning & Development Andrew Fyfe Clerk Sharon Goerke Recreation Co-ordinator Patricia Harwood (part of meeting) Chief Administrative Officer Henry Sander PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Chair Cox called the meeting to order. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF “NIL” PUBLIC MEETINGS Public Meeting with respect to Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Drive. MOTION PD121814-01: — 4069 Digby Moved by Member Westcott and seconded by Member Stevens that an Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for 4069 Digby Drive be approved; AND FURTHER THAT the Clerk be directed to prepare a Draft Zoning By-law for consideration of Council. CARRIED 1 Page 151 of 251 December 18, 2014 Public Meeting with respect to Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Line. MOTiON PD121814-02: — 1591 Dunns Moved by Member Dunlop and seconded by Member Crich ton that an Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for 1591 Dunns Line be approved; AND FURTHER THAT the Clerk be directed to prepare a Draft Zoning By-law for consideration of Council. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Plan By Design with respect to Locke Parkland Development. MOTION PD 121814-03: Moved by Member Stevens and seconded by Member Westcott that a presentation of Plan By Design with respect to the Locke Parkland Development be received; AND FURTHER THAT Plan By Design be requested to supply estimated costs for consideration during 2015 budget deliberations. CARRIED REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for information) Building Report for the Month of November 2014. By-law Enforcement Report for the Month of November2014. SPCA Statement of Pound Services for the Month of November 2014. Planning Report No. P14-059, 12/0911 4, with respect to a Housekeeping Amendment— 4069 Digby Drive. Planning Report No. P14-060, 12/08/14, with respect to Zoning By-law Amendment— 1591 Dunns Line. MOTION PD121814-04: Moved by Member Westcott and seconded by Member Stevens that the following Reports from Officials be received as information: (a) Building Report for the month of November 2014; (b) By-law Enforcement Report for the month of November 2014; 2 Page 152 of 251 December 18, 2014 (c) SPCA Statement of Pound Services for the month of November 2014; (d) Planning Report No. P14-059, 12109/14, with respect to an Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment 4069 Digby Drive; and (e) Planning Report No. P14-060, 12/08/14, with respect to an Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment 1591 Dunns Line. — — CARRIED REPORTS FROM OFFICIALS (for direction) Planning Report No. P14-062, 12/10/14, with respect to Fencing Subdivision (Golfview Estates) & Goldstein Road. MOTION PD121814-05: — North Ridge Phase I Moved by Member Stevens and seconded by Member Westcott that Planning Report No. P 14-062, dated December 10, 2014, with respect to fencing for the North Ridge Phase I Subdivision and Goldstein Road be received; AND FURTHER THAT the requirement for the installation of fencing along the northerly limit of Phase I of the North Ridge Subdivision be waived, subject to the installation of signage indicating the property boundary; AND FURTHER THAT Simcoe Estates Ltd. be advised that the Township of Severn is still prepared to accept an alternative design for the fence to be installed to the rear of 3354, 3358 and 3362 Goldstein Road which is required; AND FURTHER THAT all associated costs are to be paid by Simcoe Estates Ltd. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE (for in formation) Ontario Municipal Board, 11/27/14, with respect to an Appeal Decision —3152 Muskoka Street. MOTION PD121814-06: Moved by Member Westcoff and seconded by Member Stevens that a Notice from the Ontario Municipal Board, dated November 27, 2014, with respect to a Decision of an Appeal for 3152 Muskoka Street be received as information. CARRIED 3 Page 153 of 251 December 18, 2014 CORRESPONDENCE (for direction) Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre, 12/02/1 4, with respect to Increasing Access to Business Support Services Across Simcoe County. MOTION PD121814-07: Moved by Member Taylor and seconded by Member Dunlop that a letter from the Greater Barrie Business Enterprise Centre, dated December 2, 2014, with respect to Business Support Services be received; AND FURTHER THAT Ms. Schlichter be invited to the January 8, 2015 Council Meeting to discuss this matter further. CARRIED Discussion with respect to January Planning & Development Committee Meeting & February Corporate Services Committee Meeting. MOTION PD121814-08: Moved by Member Westcoff and seconded by Member Stevens that the January Planning & Development Committee Meeting be cancelled; AND FURTHER THAT the February Corporate Services Committee Meeting be rescheduled to February 18, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. CARRIED Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital, 12/15/14, with respect to the Official Opening of a Satellite Cancer Clinic. MOTION PD121814-09: Moved by Member Crichton and seconded by Member Taylor that the following be authorized to attend the Official Opening of the Satellite Cancer Clinic at the Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital on January 12, 2015, with expenses: Councillor Stevens Councillor Westcott Councillor Dunlop Mayor Burke ft Deputy Mayor Cox CARRIED 4 Page 154 of 251 December 18, 2014 Washago Community Centre Corporation, 12/1 5/1 4, with respect to the Replacement of the Hall Flooring. MOTION PD121814-10: Moved by Member Dunlop and seconded by Member Taylor that a letter from the Washago Community Centre Corporation, dated December 15, 2014, with respect to replacement of the hall flooring be received; AND FURTHER THAT the Community Centre be directed to obtain two additional quotes for further consideration. CARRIED Association of Municipalities of Ontario with respect to 2015 Councillor Training. MOTION PD121814-1 1: Moved by Member Stevens and seconded by Member Crichton that the following members of Council be authorized to attend a Workshop 2015 Councillor Training 101 to be held in Orillia on January 30, 2015, with expenses: Councillor Westcott — CARRIED UNLISTED ADDITIONS “NIL” CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA Motion to close the meeting to the public. MOTION PD121814-12: Moved by Member Westcott and seconded by Member Stevens that this meeting be and it is hereby now closed to the public pursuant to the Municipal Act, 5.0. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 239. (2), for the purpose of considering: (a) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and (b) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED - CONFIDENTIAL — 5 Page 155 of 251 December 18, 2014 Motion to reopen the meeting to the public. MOTION PD121814-13: Moved by Member Dunlop and seconded by Member Taylor that this meeting be and it is hereby now reopened to the public. CARRIED Reports from Officials Confidential Planning Report No. P14-061, 12/10/14, with respect to Fill Control By-law 1324 Stockdale Road. - MOTION PD121814-14: Moved by Member Crichton and seconded by Member Taylor that Confidential Planning Report No. P14-061, dated December 10, 2014, with respect to the Fill Control By-law 1324 Stockdale Road be received; AND FURTHER THAT upon receipt of an additional deposit from the applicants, Township staff seek legal assistance from the Township Solicitor with regard to the administration of fill controls for land known municipally as 1324 Stockdale Road. — CARRIED Chief Administrative Officer with respect to 1921 Ellis Road. MOTION PD121814-15: Moved by Member Stevens and seconded by Member Westcoft that discussion with respect to snowplowing in the vicinity of 1921 Ellis Road be received; AND FURTHER THAT the property owner be advised that the driveway located on municipal property will be required to be lowered to an appropriate level to allow proper snowplowing and snow clearing to be completed. CARRIED Correspondence • “NIL” 6 Page 156 of 251 December 18, 2014 ADJOURNMENT — 8:45 p.m. MOTION PD121814-16: Moved by Member Stevens and seconded by Member Westcott that this meeting be and it is hereby now adjourned. CARRIED Sharon R. Goerke Clerk Judith Ccx Chair 7 Page 157 of 251 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HELD IN THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 1024 HURLWOOD LANE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: STAFF: Chair Judith Ccx Members Mike Burkett Ian Crichton Jane Dunlop Ron Stevens Donald Westcott Director of Planning & Development Andrew Fyfe Clerk Sharon Goerke Recreation Co-crdinator Pat Harwood Chief Administrative Officer Henry Sander Chair Taylor advised those in attendance that there are two public meetings called this evening in accordance with the Planning Act with respect to proposed developments within the municipality. The Chair advised that the purpose of public meetings are to inform and provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions or express views with respect to development proposals. In accordance with By-law No. 2007-1 53, members of the Planning & Development Committee are here to observe and listen to comments. The Chair advised that the format of the public meetings will be as follows: 1. The Township Planner will generally explain the purpose and details of the application; 2. Next, the applicant will present any further relevant in formation; 3. Next, the public will be permitted to ask questions and express views on the proposal and then the public portion of the meeting will be closed; and 4. Next, members of the Committee will be given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification on the proposal. The Chair advised that at the conclusion of the meeting the applicant and if required Township staff, will be given the opportunity to respond to the questions and comments received. After the public meeting is concluded, this Committee will consider the application with due regard to the presentations and views expressed this evening. The Committee will then do one of three things: 8 Page 158 of 251 December 18, 2014 (1) (2) (3) recommend the application be approved by Township Council at a future meeting, or deny the application, or defer the application pending further reports from Township staff - Chair Cox advised that if Township Council decides in favour of the application by adopting this Committee’s recommendation, members of the public who have provided oral submissions or written objections but disagree with the decision may appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, as entitled under the Planning Act. If individuals wish further notification of this application, please record your name, address and telephone number on the appropriate list located at the rear of the Council Chambers. PUBLIC MEETING NO. I The Chair requested the Township Planner to explain the intent and purpose of the Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for 4069 Digby Drive. The Planner advised those in attendance that the purpose of the application is to amend By-law No. 2010-65 as it applies to property described as Part Lot 1, Concession 1, Registered Plan 51 R-14480, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of North Orillia, now in the Township of Severn from the Light Industrial (Ml) Zone to the Light Industrial Exception Six (M1-6) Zone. The rezoning will restore the permitted uses allowed under the former Township of Orillia Zoning By-law and recognize the historical industrial use of the subject lands for a saw mill. The Planner advised that notice of this application was given in accordance with the Planning Act on November 28, 2014 and the following correspondence has been received: Planning Report No. P14-059, 12109114 Background County Official Plan: Township Official Plan: Existing Township Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Legal Description: Municipal Address: Rural & Agriculture Settlement Employment Area Light Industrial Exception (Ml-6) Zone Light Industrial Exception Six (Ml-6) Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan 51R- 14480, Parts 2 and 1, geographic Township of North Orillia, now in the Township of Severn 4069 Digby Drive 9 Page 159 of 251 December 18, 2014 This rezoning will restore the permitted uses allowed under the previous “General Industrial Exception Three (M2-3)” Zone which applied to the land under the former Township of Orillia zoning by-law by recognizing the historical industrial use of the subject lands for a saw mill. The subject land has been the home of the Bass Lake Sawmill for decades. Over the years, a number of residential lots have been severed off the property and developed. The Locke subdivision is currently under development to the rear of the sawmill property. The location of the subject property can be seen in the key map on Appendix 1 and an aerial view is provided in Appendix 2. In August of 2010, Council passed By-law No. 2010-65, the Township’s new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. This replaced the zoning by-laws of the former Townships of Drillia, Medonte, Matchedash, Tay and the Village of Coldwater. At that time the previous site-specific zoning in the former Township of Orillia Zoning By-law was renumbered from M2-3 to Ml -6, but it appears that the associated text was inadvertently left out of the body of the By-law. As a result, the land was effectively un zoned. It is proposed to insert provisions for the M1-6 into the text of the By-law. As the historical use has become surrounded with residential use, the long-term compatibility and viability of the site for a sawmill should be considered. Therefore it is recommended that some of the permitted uses in the standard “Light Industrial” (Ml) zone be carried forward to enable a future transition to a less intrusive use. Because of the traffic issues associated with the adjacent residential uses and the quality of the entrances from Digby Drive onto Highway 12, only uses which are not expected to create an increase in traffic are recommended. Consideration of a residential use would have to be preceded by an Official Plan Amendment as the property is currently designated as employment lands. A draft by-law is attached as Appendix 3 for Committee’s consideration which includes the proposed list of permitted uses for the Light Industrial Exception Six (Ml -6) Zone for the subject lands. Subject to the comments received at the public meeting, and any additional submissions from circulated agencies and departments, and any further review that Planning Committee may seek, Staff supports this proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law. 10 Page 160 of 251 December 18, 2014 Financial Impact There are no external costs associated with the proposed zoning by-law amendment. Appendix 1 /7- 0’ — S ‘4’, a I c4 oe& 14t 9— PC10 — 40 c ci, C. ‘1: — C’,. — — .J -. 1-j Nf?jscxa 5v 11 Page 161 of 251 December 18, 2014 Appendix 2 12 Page 162 of 251 December 18, 2014 Appendix 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2015-xx BEING A ZONING BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE CHARACTER, LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES ON CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED AS PART OF CONCESSION 1 PART LOT 1, REFERENCE PLAN SiR- 14480, PARTS 2 AND 1, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF NORTH ORILLIA, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (4069 DIGBY DR.) WHEREAS the matters hereinafter set out comply with the Official Plan in effect for the Township of Severn; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn deems it advisable to amend the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, as they apply to those lands described as Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan SiR- 14480, Parts 2 and 1, geographic Township of North Orillia, now in the Township of Severn, municipally known as 4069 Dighy Dr.; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Section 8.5.1 entitled “Exceptions to Light Industrial (M1-6) Zone” of Zoning By-law No. 201 0-65, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following Table: Exception By-law Location Schedule M1-6 2014-XX Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan 51 R14480, Parts 2 and 1, North Orillia F-i Special Provisions Permitted Uses Restricted to a sawmill, planning mill, building supply outlet/yard, bakery, business or professional office, contractor’s establishment, custom workshop, self-storage facility._service_establishment. 13 Page 163 of 251 December 18, 2014 2. THAT Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended to give effect to the foregoing, but Zoning By-law No. 201 0-65, as otherwise amended, shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect save as same may be otherwise amended or herein dealt with. 3. THAT subject to the provisions of the PlanningAct, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, this By-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn. By-law read a first and second time this day of By-law read a third time and finally passed this , day of 2015. , 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK The Chair inquired if the applicant or his/her representative had anything to add to the presentation? There were no comments from the applicant. The Chair inquired if there were any persons present who had either questions or comments on the application? The Chair requested that those providing comments on the application please rise, state their name and address and spell their last name for the minutes. The Chair also advised that the names and addresses of those individuals who speak at the meeting will appear in the meeting minutes which are public documents. John Hollebek, resident of 4043 Digby Drive, addressed the Committee and inquired if the property could be used as a sawmill as it is not used as a sawmill at the present time. • The Planner advised that there is an existing sawmill on the property and products are being processed from off site materials. The Chair inquired if there were any further information which staff or the applicant may wish to provide? 14 Page 164 of 251 December 18, 2014 There were no further comments from staff or the applicant. As there were no further comments on this application, the Chair declared the public portion of the meeting closed at 7:06 p.m. The Chair inquired if members of the Committee required further clarification of the application or had any further comments. Member Dunlop inquired if the business will be able to carry on as it is today. • The Planner advised that the rezoning is to recognize the current use which can carry on. (See Resolution No. PD12181401) PUBLIC MEETING NO. 2 The Chair requested the Township Planner to explain the intent and purpose of the Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for 1591 Dunns Line. The Planner advised those in attendance that the purpose of the application is to amend By-law No. 201 0-65 to rezone property described as Part Lots 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Severn, municipally known as 1591 Dunns Line as follows: 1. To rezone the severed lands under Application for Consent B-i 7-14 (Myers I Watson) from the Agricultural (AG) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone to recognize the reduced lot size and reflect the intended residential use of the lands. The Planner advised that notice of this application was given in accordance with the Planning Act on November 28, 2014 and the following correspondence has been received: Planning Report No. P14-060, 12l08l14 Background County Official Plan: Township Official Plan: Existing Township Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Legal Description: Municipal Address: Agricultural and Rural Rural (see below) Agricultural (AG) Rural Residential (RR) West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte 1591 Dunns Line 15 Page 165 of 251 December 18, 2014 This application will rezone the severed lands under application for consent B-i 7-14 (Myers I Watson) from the Agricultural (AG) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone to recognize the reduced lot size and reflect the intended residential use of the lands. This Zoning By-law Amendment is needed to fulfill a condition of provisionally approved application for consent B-i 7-14 (Myers I Watson). The applicant received approval to sever a portion of the property for a new residential lot having frontage of approximately 91 .Sm (300 ft.) on Dunns Line and area of approximately 0.8 ha (2 acres). The retained lands would have an area of approximately 13.4 ha (33 acres) and frontage of approximately 100.5 m (331 ft.). The “parent lands’, 1607 Dunns Line (a portion of the proposed severed lands) was previously merged on title with 1591 Dunns Line (the subject lands) (Appendix i). The severance is conditional upon the newly created parcel being rezoned to reflect its frontage and lot area. A discussion of the various planning documents that have bearing on this application follows. Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 Limited residential development is permitted in rural areas. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, as amended, January 2012 Direction is not provided with regard to zoning or classification of individual properties. The creation of the lot by Consent was based on its abilities to satisfy the applicable provincial policies, particularly the criteria for the creation of an “infill” lot. County of Simcoe Official Plan, 2007 Section 3.6.7 “In rural areas, uses permitted are those listed in 3.6.6 plus highway commercial, institutional, residential lots created by consent, country recreational facilities to a maximum of 40 lots and rural business parks.” Therefore, “rural lots permitted by consent are recognized” as a permitted use. Section 3.6.11 “In rural areas, country residential development through subdivision by Plan, rather than consent, is preferred. However, lots may be created by consent according to the following guidelines: a) Lots should be restricted in size in order to conserve other lands in larger blocks for agricultural or environmental purposes. Consent lots should be developed to an approximate maximum size of one hectare, except where larger sizes may be suitable because of environmental constraints or design considerations. 16 Page 166 of 251 December 18, 2014 b) The number of lots on the grid road system should be restricted in order to maintain the rural character and road function and to avoid strip development. c) In geographic areas set out in local official plans, provision may be made for residential lots larger than one hectare where required for servicing purposes, environmental considerations, or to maintain established lot and development patterns. The proposed consent would result in a lot which is similar in size to neighbouring parcels and would be an improvement on the previously existing lot pattern; in terms of preserving agricultural potential. Township of Severn Official Plan Section 8.2 New Lots By Consent The proposed severance satisfies the applicable direction provided in Section 8.2.1 General Criteria for Consents regarding, road frontage, environmental impacts, etc.. Those policies provide for the consideration of different types of Consents, including “Technical Severances”. The request for severance was originally initiated in order to address the merging of two parcels, 1607 and 1519 Dunns Line, when they came into common ownership through the provisions of a will which was intended to convey ownership of 1591 to the grand daughter pending the grandson reaching the age of majority. As the grand-daughter received ownership of 1607 through the provisions of the will, the abutting parcels were merged although that was not the intent of the will. As the two abutting properties were clearly in separate ownership and existed as separate parcels prior to 1975, but were subsequently merged on title due to common ownership of abutting parcels (the “changes in the Planning Act” which the text refers to), it would appear that the “re-splitting” of the original lot configuration the proposed should be considered to be a ‘Technical Severance” under the Township’s Consent policies. This policy would seem to be clearly directed at situations such as this application where previously separate parcels where merged through changes to the Planning Act. However, a strict reading of the policy as written would seem to disqualify the recreation of the previous lot lines as the merger was not the result of a purchase, but a transfer by Will. Thus it appears that although the technical severance policies are supportive of the intent of the recreating the previous lot configuration, reliance on this provision may be subject to challenge. In reviewing the proposal, it appeared that creation of a residential 17 Page 167 of 251 December 18, 2014 lot fronting on Dunns Line and leaving the balance of 1591 merged with 1607 would more closely reflect the intent of the policy environment which is to minimize disruptions to the character of rural areas and preserve the potential of prime agricultural lands for agricultural production. The area of the proposed lot contains Class 5-7 agricultural land, with only the rear portion being considered to be “prime agricultural lands. As this approach would address the needs of the applicant, they brought forth the subject application. Section B8.2.6 of the Township’s Official Plan indicates that the creation of a new infilling lot in the Rural designation may be permitted if the proposal meets the test of an infilling lot by being located between two existing residences on the same side of the road separated by not more than 150 metres, a lot has not been created from the original parcel since 1994 and that the proposed lot conforms to MDS calculations. In this case, the proposed lot is considered infilling as the application satisfied the policies of the Official Plan. Township of Severn Zoning By-law 2010-65 The property is currently zoned Agricultural (AG) under Township of Severn Zoning By law 2010-65. The Minimum Lot Area in the AG Zone is 40 ha and the Minimum Lot Frontage is 60 m. Therefore, the proposed severed parcel is undersized for the AG Zone, given that it is intended to be a residential lot. Due to the size and intended use of the proposed severed lot the Rural Residential (RR) is felt to be appropriate, the lot will exceed the minimum frontage and area requirements for a new lot within the RR Zone. Subject to the comments received at the public meeting, and any additional submissions from circulated agencies and departments, and any further review that Planning Committee may seek, Staff supports this proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law. Financial Impact There are no external costs associated with the proposed zoning by-law amendment. 18 Page 168 of 251 December 18, 2014 Appendix 1 I —a— C ) V \‘ •a I a— 4 _6 Appendix 2 F / 0 0 S 2 t C, .o — C •< 0 ..a S S 19 Page 169 of 251 December 18, 2014 Appendix 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 201 5-XX BEING A ZONING BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE CHARACTER, LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES ON CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED AS PART OF WEST PART LOT 19 & 20, CONCESSION 14, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (1591 DUNNS LINE) WHEREAS the mailers hereinafter set out comply with the Official Plan in effect for the Township of Severn; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn deems it advisable to amend the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, as they apply to those lands described as West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte, municipally known as 1591 Dunns Line; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Schedule “B-4” of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended by changing the Zone Classification on certain lands described as West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Severn, from the Agricultural (AG) to the Rural Residential (RR) in accordance with Schedule “1” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. THAT Zoning By-law No. 201 0-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended to give effect to the foregoing, but Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect save as same may be otherwise amended or herein dealt with. 20 Page 170 of 251 December 18, 2014 3. THAT subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, this By-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn. By-law read a first and second time this day of By-law read a third time and finally passed this , day of 2015. ,2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK SCHEDULE “1” AS PART OF WEST PART LOT 19 & 20, CONCESSION 14, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN S oumo’° 0 €9 ‘A U. 21 Page 171 of 251 December 18, 2014 to be rezoned from Agricultural (AG) to the Rural Residential (RR). This is Schedule i’ to By-law No. 2015-XX 2015 Passed the day of , MAYOR CLERK The Chair inquired if the applicant or his/her representative had anything to add to the presentation? There were no comments from the applicant. The Chair inquired if there were any persons present who had either questions or comments on the application? The Chair requested that those pro v/ding comments on the application please rise, state their name and address and spell their last name for the minutes. The Chair also advised that the names and addresses of those individuals who speak at the meeting will appear in the meeting minutes which are public documents. There were no comments from the public. The Chair inquired if there were any further information which staff or the applicant may wish to provide? There were no further comments from staff or the applicant. As there were no further comments on this application, the Chair declared the public portion of the meeting closed at 7:10 p.m. The Chair inquired if members of the Committee required further clarification of the application or had any further comments. Member Stevens advised that this application was straight forward and he was in support of the rezoning. (See Resolution No. P0121814-02) 22 Page 172 of 251 O-1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2015-01 BEING A ZONING BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE CHARACTER, LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES ON CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED AS PART OF CONCESSION I PART LOT 1, REFERENCE PLAN 51 R- 14480, PARTS 2 AND 1 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF NORTH ORILLIA, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (4069 Digby Drive) WHEREAS the matters hereinafter set out comply with the Official Plan in effect for the Township of Severn; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn deems it advisable to amend the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, as they apply to those lands described as Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan SiR- 14480, Parts 2 and I, geographic Township of North Orillia, now in the Township of Severn, municipally known as 4069 Digby Drive; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Section 8.5.1 entitled “Exceplions to Light Industrial (M1-6) Zone’ of Zoning By-law No, 2010-65, as amended! is hereby further amended by adding the following Table: Exception By-law Location Schedule M1-6 2015-01 Concession 1 Part Lot 1, Reference Plan 51R14480, Parts 2 and 1, North Orillia F-i Special Provisions Permitted Uses Restricted to a sawmill, planning mill, building supply outlet/yard, bakery, business or professional office, contractor’s establishment, custom workshop, sell-storage facility, service establishment. 2. THAT Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended to give effect to the foregoing, but Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect save as same may be otherwise amended or herein dealt with. 3. THAT subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, this By-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn. By-law read a first and second time this t day of January, 2015. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 801 day of January, 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK Page 173 of 251 This Page Has Been Intentionally Left Blank Page 174 of 251 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN O-2 BY-LAW NO. 2015-02 BEING A ZONING BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE CHARACTER, LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES ON CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED AS PART OF WEST PART LOT 19 & 20, CONCESSION 14, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (1591 Dunns Line) WHEREAS the mailers hereinafter set out comply with the Official Plan in effect for the Township of Severn; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Severn deems it advisable to amend the provisions of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, as they apply to those lands described as West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte, municipally known as 1591 Dunns Line; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Schedule “B—C of Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended by changing the Zone Classification on certain lands described as West Part Lot 19 & 20, Concession 14, geographic Township of Medonte, now in the Township of Severn, from the Agricultural (AG) to the Rural Residential (RR) in accordance with Schedule 1” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. THAT Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, is hereby amended to give effect to the foregoing, but Zoning By-law No. 2010-65, as otherwise amended, shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect save as same may be otherwise amended or herein dealt with. 3. THAT subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, this By-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporalion of the Township of Severn. By-law read a first and second time this 81h day of January, 2015. By-law read a third time and finally passed this gth day of January, 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK Page 175 of 251 SCHEDULE 1 AS PART OF WEST PART LOT 19 & 20, CONCESSION 14, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE, NOW IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN 1 - to be rezoned from Agricultural (AG) to the Rural Residential (RR). This is Schedule 1’ to By-law No. 2015-02 Passed the 61h day of January, 2015 MAYOR CLERK Page 176 of 251 O-3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2015-03 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAMARA WITH RESPECT TO THE PROVISION OF THE SUPPLY OF WATER SERVICES WHEREAS the Public Utilities Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter P.52, Section Ii provides that the Municipality may supply water to owners or occupants of land beyond the limits of the Municipality, and may enter into a contract for the supply of water; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an Agreement to provide water services to portions of the Township of Ramara; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. That the Township of Severn enter into an Agreement in the form of Schedule “A attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. That the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation an Agreement between the Township of Severn and the Township of Ramara in the form of Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. That By-law No. 1994-142 be and it is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this gth day of January, 2015. By-law read a third time and finally passed this gth day of January, 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK 1 Page 177 of 251 SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW No. 2015-03 WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN (hereinafter called Severn Township) AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAMARA (hereinafter called “Ramara Township”) WHEREAS the Municipal Act, SO. 2001, Chapter 25, Sections 20(1) and 20(2) its provides that a municipality may enter into agreements with any municipality outside boundaries for any matter which all of them have the power to provide within their own boundaries; AND WHEREAS the Township of Ramara requires the provision of water services to a portion of their municipality; e AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an Agreement to provid the water services to Ramara from the Washago Water System; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: Water Supply 1. 2. 3. 4. Water That Severn Township hereby agrees to supply water from the Washago terms and the t to subjec tants inhabi its to resale for hip Towns a Ramar to System conditions contained herein. inhabitants That Ramara Township agrees that it may re-sell water supplied to its (17) een sevent to the only pursuant to this Agreement for domestic use connections within its municipality. Ramara Township shall advise Severn to ensure Township of any additional connections to the water system in order water rates. annual the with that additional payments are received in accordance point of That Severn Township agrees to provide a meter chamber at the to the system its t connection in order to allow Ramara Township to connec Muskoka end of rly southe the at Washago Waler System at a point located Street in Severn Township. chamber are the That the parties hereto agree that the meter, valve and meler cted for the constru system distribution the that and hip property of Severn Towns a Ramar ty of purpose of supplying water to Ramara Township is the proper Township. 2 Page 178 of 251 5. 6. That the parties hereto agree that the valve located in the said meter chamber is to be operated exclusively by Severn Township, its agents or employees. That Ramara Township agrees to maintain its distribution system within the corporate limits of Severn Township to the meter chamber and is responsible for all required permits and inspections under applicable legislation. 7. That Severn Township agrees to notify Ramara Township of any abnormal amounts of water going through the meter chamber in order to rectify a possible leakage on the Ramara portion of this service. 8. That Ramara Township will be notified quarterly on water usage. Payment of Water Rates 9. That Ramara Township agrees that it is annually responsible for payment of rates and charges for the provision of water services in accordance with the Township of Severn’s Watermastewater Sustainability Studies as established by Council. 10. 1,2015 and are That the annual rates shall become effective as of January 30th 3l of each calendar year and September payable semi-annually on March while this Agreement is in force and effect. 11. That Ramara Township agrees that it is annually responsible for payment of all amendments to the rates and charges as deemed necessary by Severn Township Council. 12. That Severn Township shall provide thirty (30) days written notice of the Water/Wastewater Sustainability Rates and any amendments thereto. Interruption of Water Service 13. That Severn Township will use its best efforts to provide an uninterrupted continuous supply of water. However, Ramara Township acknowledges that the supply of water may be discontinued temporarily if necessary to ensure the integrity of the system for whatever reason. 14. That in accordance with Severn Township’s policies, Ramara Township shall be given immediate notice of any interruption in service. Ramara Township shall be responsible for advising their residents of the interruption of service. Inspection of Water Service 15. That Severn Township and Ramara Township shall be responsible for inspections of the water service in accordance with applicable legislation. 16. That if an adverse test is received from either party, immediate notice shall be given to the respective municipality of the adverse testing. Each respective municipality shall be responsible for giving notice to its residents of the adverse water testing. Term of Agreement 17. That this Agreement shall come into force and effect upon execution by both 1st day of January, 2015 and shall remain in force and effect parties on the annually thereafter, subject to amendments to the rates, unless either party serves on the other a thirty (30) day notice in writing of its intent to terminate this Agreement on or before the 151 day of June in any year. 3 Page 179 of 251 IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as follows: By the Corporation of the Township of Severn on the day of 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK By the Corporation of the Township of Ramara on the day of 2014. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAMARA MAYOR CLERK Page 180 of 251 Q-1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN BY-LAW NO. 2015-04 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE PROCEEDINGS OF A COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE STH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015 AND TO AUTHORIZE THEIR EXECUTION WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 5.0. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 5.(3), provides that a Municipal power, including a Municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges, shall be exercised by By-law unless the Municipality is specifically authorized to do so otherwise; AND WHEREAS certain actions of Council do not require the enactment of a specific By-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 That subject to Paragraph 3. of this By-law, the proceedings of the abovereferenced Council Meeting, including all Resolutions, By-laws, Recommendations, Adoptions of Committee Reports and all other motions and mailers decided in the said Council Meeting are hereby adopted and confirmed, and shall have the same force and effect, as if such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-law. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all such documents, and to direct other officials of the Township of Severn to take all other action, that may be required to give effect to the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1. of this By-law. 3. That nothing in this By-law has the effect of conferring the status of a By-law upon any of the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1 of this By-law where any legal pre-requisite to the enactment of a specific By-law has not been satisfied. 4. That any Member of Council who complied with the provisions of Section 5. of the Municipal Conflict of lntemstAct, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.50, respecting the proceedings of the Council Meeting referred to in Paragraph 1. of this By-law shall be deemed to have complied with said provisions in respect of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this &h day of January, 2015. By-law read a third time and finally passed this &h day of January, 2015. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEVERN MAYOR CLERK Page 251 of 251