March 2005 - Maytag Commercial Laundry
March 2005 - Maytag Commercial Laundry
commercial From the Dependability People Volume 47 Number 1 Maytag-equipped coin store does four times the business with no increase in utility costs! Owners Denise and Buddy Amoroso BIG-LOAD ® Maytag washers are ‘big hit’ in Baton Rouge 2 B uddy Amoroso had been look- Things began looking up in late oil refining operations. Amoroso invited ing for a prime location to 2004 when Amoroso noticed a For Sale George Pierce of Pierce Commercial build a new self-service com- sign on an older coin laundry in a free- Laundry Distributors, the Maytag com- mercial laundry in the Baton Rouge, standing building along busy Evangeline mercial laundry distributor serving the Louisiana area for a number of years. “I street on the north side of Baton Rouge area, to tour the old coin store with own apartment buildings that have near a large industrial area that includes him. “I’ve known and done business coin-operated equipment in them and the laundry equipment has made me good money. I often thought a well-run coin laundry store would be an attractive business to be in,” he said. The challenge was to find a good location that was affordable. He also was concerned about the relentless rise in utility costs. “One thing I learned was that, in this area, new coin laundries are required to install a two-inch water line and pay a $58,000 sewer impact fee even before they can get a building permit,” he said. “This was discouraging.” This is “before” view of the 3,000 sq. ft. Evangeline coin laundry in Baton Rouge before the new owners removed all the old laundry equipment and replaced the units with energy-saving Maytag commercial washers and dryers. “It’s amazing to see the difference between the old and the new,” said Buddy Amoroso. 3 Relying on the experience of Pierce, the store owners installed a mix of 12 ENERGY STAR®-qualified Maytag® Commercial high efficiency front-load washers, priced at $1.50 a load; 8 35-lb. Maytag washers at $3.25; 4 50-lb. Maytag washers at $4.50; and 2 80-lb. washers at $6.25. All of the washers feature Super Cycle, which gives customers the option of adding coins to boost cleaning power for heavily soiled wash loads. Super Cycle costs an extra 25 Buddy Amoroso put his trust in George Pierce (left), the Maytag commercial distributor serving the area. “George has the experience to do a quality job, so I relied on him and it has paid off,” said Amoroso. The two are shown with one of the two Maytag 80-lb. multi-load washers in the store. with the Pierce family for years. I trusted had been allowed to run down for a George to give me some straight advice number of years. “It wasn’t very pretty on the matter,” Amoroso recalled. to look at,” said Amoroso. “But it had The upshot is that the two of them agreed the location had excellent poten- To announce the major changes, the owners distributed thousands of door hangers and advertised in area newspapers. Store volume has quadrupled since the changes were made. 4 “As best I can determine, we’re doing about four times as much business as the older store, and we’re doing this increased volume without any increase in the cost of utilities.” —Buddy Amoroso the size (3,000 sq. ft.) to meet my expected needs, plus, and this is the cents per load on the 12 front-load good part, since it was already operating washers, and 50 or 75 cents on the as a coin-laundry I wouldn’t have to pay multi-load washers. There are 12 30-lb. the sewer and water fees, which right Maytag multi-load stack dryers at 8 min- away put me $58,000 ahead of the utes for 25 cents, and two 75-lb. Maytag game.” dryers at $2.50 for 35 minutes. Working with Pierce, Amoroso pur- “I struggled with the recommenda- chased the coin laundry and the free- tion to put so many multi-load washers standing building. He closed the store in the coin-store, especially the 80-lb size for three weeks, and completely gutted but they’ve been a big hit with cus- the building. In the process, he upgrad- tomers,” said Amoroso. He also had diffi- ed the mechanical systems and installed culty with the recommendation on pric- all-new Maytag energy-saving Maytag ing, since the vend prices George Pierce commercial laundry equipment. “It’s suggested were higher than the compe- amazing to see the difference between tition in the area. “George was persua- tial. The store itself had only about half the old and the new,” said Amoroso. sive, however, and I’m glad I went along of its older washers and dryers in operat- “We’re very proud of what we’ve been with him. I’ve had few complaints from ing condition, and the store’s interior able to do here.” customers about the vend prices.” The store features low-maintenance ceramic floor tile. The 30-lb. Maytag stack dryers are priced at 25 cents for 8 minutes, while the 75-lb. dryers are $2.50 for 35 minutes. 5 Two of the store’s employees, Store Manager Diane Smith (left), and Attendant Lionel Deplush are proud to be a part of the renovated store put together by Denise and Buddy Amoroso. After several months of operation, laundry and load up the machines and business by appealing to commercial Amoroso said the business has grown get a lot of laundry done in a hurry for a accounts in the area. The store already beyond his expectations. “As best I can very affordable price. It’s great for them, does laundry for several small businesses determine, we’re doing about four times and it’s great for my business because I’m in the neighborhood, including thrift as much business as the older store, and using a lot less water and energy to wash clothing stores and barber and beauty we’re doing this increased volume with- and dry the bigger loads.” shops. out any increase in the cost of utilities. Most of the store’s customers come This means four times the business with the fully attended Evangeline Maytag- from a two-mile radius, which includes no increase in utility expense. That’s an equipped coin store offers both dry dozens of large apartment complexes. To incredible story.” cleaning and drop-off laundry service. attract new customers, Amoroso distrib- The attendants live in the area “and they uted thousands of door hangers and new Maytag washers and dryers for the do a great job keeping things spotless advertised with inserts in area newspa- savings. “I’m amazed at how many cus- and orderly,” said Amoroso. Drop-off pers at a cost of $175 per thousand. The tomers come in and walk directly to the laundry is priced at $1 a pound. He store offers customers a coupon to dry big-load machines. They bring in lots of hopes to build up the drop-off laundry up to 20 pounds of laundry free on a first Amoroso cites the efficiency of his 6 Open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, In selecting equipment for the store, the owners decided to go with a mix that included 15 Maytag multi-load washers. “The bigload washers are proving to be very popular with our customers, so I’m glad I made the investment,” said Amoroso. visit to the coin store. The Maytag Mix: The air-conditioned store features snack and soda machines and a lounge area with television. There are no video games to keep the focus on the laundry operations. The floor is low-maintenance ceramic tile, with attractive decorating on the walls, plus plenty of windows at the front of the store for security and to bring in natural lighting. “I’m very pleased with my remodeled and re-equipped store,” said Amoroso. “It took me a while to get into the coin-store business, but with the help of George 12 ENERGY STAR®-qualified Maytag® Commercial Neptune® washers at $1.50 a load ($1.75 with Super Cycle) 8 35-lb. Maytag washers at $3.25 a load ($3.75 with Super Cycle) 4 50-lb. Maytag washers at $4.50 a load ($5.00 with Super Cycle) 2 80-lb. Maytag washers at $6.25 a load ($7.00 with Super Cycle) 12 2 30-lb. Maytag multi-load stack dryers at $0.25 for 8 minutes 75-lb. Maytag dryers at $2.50 for 35 minutes Pierce and his staff, I’m off to a great start.” 7 Grab your share of the savings! Factory Rebates up to 300 $ on select Maytag coin-store laundry models and sizes ® Hurry! Limited Time Offers 8 150 200 150 100 $ $ $ $ REBATE REBATE REBATE REBATE Offer valid May 1 to July 31, 2005 MODEL MFR35MCAVS* 300 $ REBATE Contact your area Maytag Commercial Laundry distributor to place your order today! 150 $ REBATE MFR50MCAVS* MFR80PDAVS MDG76PCBWW/S MFR50PDAVS MFR50PDATS MDG50PCCWW* MLG32PDBWW/S/Q* MLG31PCBWS* MLG33PDAWW/S** MFR35PDATS MFR35PDAVS MFR25PDATS MFR25PDAVS MDG30PCCWW/Q* REBATE AMOUNT $300 $300 $300 $200 $200 $200 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $100 $100 $100 *Limited to inventory on hand. **Available to ship in 3rd Quarter. In Canada, see you distributor for rebates. 9 Dress your store for success! Put the power of the Maytag® brand to work in your operation Maytag® Equipped Laundry Back-Lit Window Sign Order No. CL226 WESTOWN COIN DROP-OFF SERVICE AVAILABLE WESTOWN COIN EQUIPPED G EQUIPPED WESTOWN COIN Ol’ Lonely® Circle Wall Clock Order No. CL640 M A Y T A G EQUIPPED WESTOWN COIN Maytag® Equipped Laundry Custom Exterior Signs A variety of custom exterior signage is available — call for details. 10 For pricing and ordering information, contact your area Maytag Commercial Laundry distributor. Find your distributor at ' You re Covered! The Industry's Best Warranty M aytag-equipped coin store owners now have one more thing to smile about. Maytag’s best-in-the-industry fiveyear warranty program covers all parts on most new Maytag® commercial laundry models including: ■ Maytag® Commercial high-efficiency front-load washers and high-efficiency front-load stack washer/dryers ■ Maytag® Commercial top-load washers ■ Maytag® Commercial coin-operated multi-load washers ■ Maytag® single-load dryers and Commercial stacked dryers ■ Maytag® Commercial coin-operated multi-load dryers and Maytag Dependable Care® Commercial multi-load stacked dryers For complete warranty details, visit the Maytag Commercial website at: 11 Maytag Commercial Products 403 W. 4th St. N. Newton, Iowa 50208 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Peace of mind! The industry’s strongest warranty continues. See the details, page 11. NEWTON, IA PERMIT NO. 1 Factory Rebates Up to $300 on Select Maytag® Washers and Dryers details, pages 8-9. See See page 2. commercial Published four times a year by Maytag for owners of Maytag commercial laundry equipment in the United States, Canada and foreign countries. For further information or address changes, write Commercial Publications, Maytag, 403 W. 4th St. N., Newton, Iowa 50208. Phone 641-787-8254. Copyright 2005 Printed in U.S.A.
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