2016: 1st Quarter - Northwest Commission
2016: 1st Quarter - Northwest Commission
February 2016 A newsletter of the Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning & Development Commission’s Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) In This Issue SBA Seeking Input on Certification of WOSB & EDWOSB 10 Step Approach to Government Contracting -STEP 3: Getting Your DUNS Number Using NECO, Navy Electronic Commerce Online NWC PTAC Counselor receives CVE Certification SAM Registration/Renewal Reminder Upcoming National Events The NW Commission on Social Media Upcoming Regional Events Success Story: Zacherl Motor Truck Sales, Inc. Post Job Openings to RecruitMilitary.com Volume 6, Number 1 SBA Seeking Input on WOSB/EDWOSB Certification In a December issue of the Federal Register, the Small Business Administration (SBA) published an “advance notice of proposed rulemaking” regarding the certifications of Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Economically Disadvantaged Woman-owned Small Business (EDWOSB). The posting consists of two parts - the first acknowledges the statutory changes established by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (2015 NDAA), particularly those that eliminate the selfcertification authority for WOSB and EDWOSB set-asides. The second, longer component is a lengthy series of questions that serve to articulate the many problems that SBA faces in implementing a fair and accessible certification program for WOSB/EDWOSB. The SBA states that it intends to draft regulations to address the statutory change, but “seeks to understand what the public believes is the most appropriate way to structure a WOSB/EDWOSB certification program”. Public comment is being taken through February 16, 2016. Read the SBA’s notice, including instructions for submitting comments, at: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-1218/pdf/2015-31806.pdf. Resources: http://www.aptac-us.org/news/sba-seeking-input-on-certification-of-wosb-and-edwosb/ http://smallgovcon.com/uncategorized/wosb-certification-sba-seeks-public-comments/ “10 Step Approach to Government Contracting”: Step 3 – Getting Your DUNS Number “DUNS” stands for Data Universal Numbering System. The DUNS number is a unique nine-digit identification code and is issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). It remains with the company location to which it has been assigned even if it closes or goes out of business. Assignment of a DUNS number is free for all entities required to register with the federal government by a regulatory agency. This The Northwest Commission PTAC, includes federal contractors, prospective government vendors and which serves as a Procurement applicants, and recipients of federal grants. Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), is funded in part through a cooperative agreement from the Currently, a DUNS number is required if a company wishes to register as a federal contractor in the System for Award Management (SAM). Department of Defense (DOD) through a program that is administered by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). The content of any written materials or verbal communications of the PTAC does not necessarily reflect the official views of or imply endorsement by DOD or DLA. Your Northwest Commission PTAC Team: Cris Pierce Government Contracting Manager crisp@northwestpa.org Robyn Young Government Contracting Specialist robyny@northwestpa.org Melissa Becker Government Contracting Specialist melissab@northwestpa.org Visit our website: http://northwestpa.org/government -contracting/ Your PTAC Team Instructions for obtaining a DUNS number Web registration: Go to http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform and select “Begin the DUNS Search/Request Process”. Next select country, and “Continue”. This will bring you to the Government iUpdate homepage. Select “Continue to Government iUpdate”. From here, you can choose the option to “Find DUNS or Request New DUNS”. Follow the steps to provide the requested information about your business or organization. Within 24-48 hours, you will receive your DUNS number via email. You will need to provide the following data to obtain a DUNS number: Legal Name Doing Business As (DBA), or other name by which your organization is commonly recognized Physical Address, City, State and Zip Code Mailing Address (if separate) Telephone Number Contact Name NAICS Code (Line of Business) Number of Employees at your location Headquarters name and address (if there is a reporting relationship to a parent corporate entity) Annual Revenue Number of Employees Making changes to your DUNS profile If there are ever any changes to the data listed above, you will need to contact D&B to update your company’s profile. You can do this by calling the D&B help desk or by using the D&B “iUpdate” online system. You must first register in the iUpdate system in order to submit any changes via the online webform. From the Government iUpdate homepage, select START NOW below “Register to use iUpdate!”, and follow the steps to complete your registration. (L to R) Melissa Becker, Government Contracting Specialist; Robyn Young, Government Contracting Specialist; Cris Pierce, Government Contracting Manager _______ Follow the Northwest Commission on social media: The help desk for D&B can be reached at 1-866-705-5711 for any questions or concerns. Continue to follow the series “10 Step Approach to Government Contracting” in upcoming issues of PTAC Talk. The next step will cover registering in the System for Award Management (SAM) and the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS). Doing Business with the Navy: Using “NECO”, Navy Electronic Commerce Online NECO – www.neco.navy.mil – is a website provided as a public service by the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) procurement automation branch in Mechanicsburg, PA. According to the NECO homepage, “NECO is your link to the world of Navy Electronic Business Opportunities”. Its purpose is to provide information that NAVSUP deems relevant to the Department of the Navy community, NW Commission PTAC Counselor Receives CVE Certification PTAC Counselor Robyn Young recently completed courses to become a Certified Verification Counselor by the Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE). CVE manages the process by which VeteranOwned Small Businesses and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses become verified in order to qualify for Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) setasides. The CVE Training is developed for those who provide the Veteran community with education and services needed to complete the Veteran’s First Contracting Program application at www.VetBiz.gov. Robyn completed several hours of training to earn her certification. Her name is now included on the list of certified counselors on the VetBiz.gov website. Congratulations, Robyn! The PTAC takes pride in serving our U.S. Veteran business owners. A REMINDER: SAM registration and renewal is FREE PTACs across the nation, along with our national association known as the Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC), are working together to make small businesses award that there is never any cost to register in SAM, and free help is available for those who need it. its industry partners, and the public. (Use of NECO does not provide access to all Federal, Department of Defense (DOD), or Department of the Navy procurement opportunities). NECO contains a listing of active Synopses, Requests for Proposal (RFPs) and Requests for Quote (RFQs) made available by the participating Command/Activities. Navy and Marine Solicitations are accessible online for supplies, services and materials. NECO also links to FBO. Vendors can use NECO to search for opportunities and to bid electronically on NECO solicitations. The site is free to use. Registration is required to submit bids, and registered companies can receive daily emails with procurement opportunities that match their Vendor profile. A Vendor must have an active DUNS Number and CAGE Code in order to register with NECO. Searching for opportunities A Vendor may search for a Synopsis on the “Search Synopsis” page or for Solicitations on the “Business Opportunities” page of the NECO site. The “Search Synposis” function allows Vendors to search both Active and Archived Synopses. The database consists of Presolicitation Notices and Modifications posted as well as Award Notices, Sources Sought Notices, Special Notices, Justification & Approval Notices, Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources Justification Notices, Combined Presolicitation/Solicitation Notices, Foreign Government Standards and Sales of Surplus Property. Search for synopses by Keyword, Solicitation Number, Type of Synopsis, NAICS Code, Set-Aside Code, and/or Date Range. Search results will be categorized by FSG (Federal Supply Group). TIP: If you are searching by Solicitation number, make sure you only enter letters and numbers. Do not use hyphens. Use the “Business Opportunities” link to locate a solicitation. Enter the Solicitation number, excluding hyphens, and click “Search”. A Summary of the Solicitation will appear. To view ‘Business Opportunities Detail,’ which includes any uploaded documents, click the highlighted Solicitation number (right side of screen). Vendor Registration From the NECO homepage, select “Register with NECO”. When registering, Vendors may choose to receive Daily Procurement Offerings of Solicitations as they are posted to NECO. Vendors may choose specific Commands/Sites from which they wish to receive Notices and select appropriate Federal Supply Groups. (Check out our Nov. 2015 issue of PTAC TALK to read an article that includes information and resources for determining your company’s codes.) A note: NECO generalizes full FSC/PSC codes by using the FSG, or Federal Supply Group, which is only the first two digits of FSCs for supplies and only the first letter of PSCs for services. The first step in government contracting, System for Award Management (SAM), is the primary supplier database for the U.S. Federal government, collecting, validating and storing data from suppliers and then making that data available to various government acquisition agencies. A business MUST be registered in SAM to sell to the federal government. PTACs are here to help with new registrations as well as renewals and updates. Some APTAC members teamed up to create a very useful SAM video with helpful hints and information – check it out HERE. Upon completion of NECO Vendor Registration, a Vendor will receive an email with a link to create a password. Passwords are encrypted, so they can only be reset, not retrieved. Multiple company personnel can register under the same CAGE Code and DUNS Number in order to receive the Daily Procurement Offerings as long as the email addresses are different. Bidding online Be sure to read over the entire solicitation and any amendments and/or attachments. A Vendor may submit their bid/quote online through the system, which is then forwarded to the appropriate buying activity for submission. Awardees are notified via email. Upon submitting a bid, you are provided the option of viewing a printable Bid Confirmation. A message will pop-up stating, “Successfully Submitted”. An email will be forwarded to you for confirmation of receipt. You may contact the Help Desk for a verbal Bid Confirmation; however, the Help Desk cannot view bids or contracts. For more information on navigating, registering and bidding in NECO, read the NECO Vendor User Manual at www.neco.navy.mil/press/neco_guide.pdf. The NECO Help Desk (800-503-6326) provides technical and navigational support 8am to 5pm daily, Monday through Friday EST. …And contact us at the PTAC if we may assist you in seeking areas of opportunity with the Navy. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Upcoming National Events: Spring ’16 National Small Business Federal Contracting Summit Date: March 16-17, 2016 Location: Washington, DC Event website: https://uswcc.org/events/nationa l-small-business-federalcontracting-summit-spring-2016/ Jointly hosted by The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce and The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce. This event features an agenda that includes: Increased focus on assuring small business federal contractors secure our fair The Northwest Commission PTAC will be regularly contributing to the Northwest Commission’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Keep notified of news, events and topical information by following the Northwest Commission at https://www.facebook.com/nwcommission and https://twitter.com/nwpa_commission. ______________________ Upcoming Regional Events: Cybersecurity 101 for Manufacturers in Erie Business Seminar Date: February 16, 2016 Time: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Location: Knowledge Center – 5240 Knowledge Parkway, Erie Offered by the Northwest Industrial Resource Center (NWIRC) for Erie businesses. NWIC has invited an expert panel to discuss topics including: Legal perspective--preventing and responding to cyber-attacks; When shop share of federal contracting (taxpayer) dollars Access to federal agencies and prime contractors (see the list of agencies and prime contractors who have confirmed at the event website) Timely education and information on current trends, opportunities and threats to small business contractors Legal education important for teaming, joint ventures and related topics Connections to potential teaming and joint venture partners Taking new ground – setting a course for the future with specific FY 2016 objectives Influence on The Hill — connecting votes to action for our congressional leaders A registration fee applies. Visit the event website for location, agenda, and registration details. DLA Land & Maritime’s Training Knowledge Opportunity (TKO) Seminar Date: March 23-24, 2016 Location: Columbus, OH Event website: http://www.dscc.dla.mil/News/Ev ents/tko/register.aspx The TKO Seminar is a session on teaching vendors how to start doing business with the Defense Logistics Agency. Vendors will be informed on how to find open solicitations, how to submit a quote through the DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS), the procedures for viewing & downloading drawings, and how to use Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) to get paid. There will also be topics of discussion on Alternate Offers, Source Approval Requests, Breakout Program, and the Parts Purchase or Borrow Program. floor data needs enterprise level security; Link between cybersecurity and cybercrime; You’ve been hacked—now what? For details and registration, visit http://www.nwirc.org/events/cyber/. Registration deadline: 2/11/16. Email bjoyce@nwirc.org for additional information or questions. Doing Business with the DLA Training Workshop Date: February 24, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. - noon Location: Northwest Commission, 395 Seneca Street, Oil City, PA 16301 This free session will cover the basics of doing business with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the agency of the Department of Defense that provides the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and other federal agencies with nearly 100 percent of the consumable items needed to operate. The PTAC will discuss how and what DLA buys and provide attendees with basic knowledge on how to use the agency’s internet bid board systems (“DIBBS”) and technical data folders (“c-Folders”) to find opportunities and bid on solicitations. This is a good workshop for manufacturers and machine shops to learn about potential areas of opportunity with the DLA. Cosponsored by the Clarion University Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Oil Region Alliance and the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce. For more information or to register for this FREE seminar, please contact Cris Pierce at crisp@northwestpa.org, 814-677-4800 ext 102, or register online here. How to Become a PA COSTARS Supplier Training Workshop Date: March 8, 2016 Time: 9:30 a.m. – noon (Sign-in starting at 9 a.m.) Location: Benson Memorial Library, 213 North Franklin Street, Titusville, PA 16354 Cosponsored by Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce along with the Gannon University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and the Titusville Community Development Agencies. This workshop will discuss the COSTARS program. “COSTARS” is the Commonwealth of PA’s cooperative purchasing program that provides suppliers and local procurement units and state-affiliated agencies a tool to find and do business with each other. For more information or to register, contact Cris Pierce at crisp@northwestpa.org, 814-677-4800 x 102. Online registration opening soon at http://nwpaptac.ecenterdirect.com/Conferences.action?CenterID=1. All sessions are held at DLA Land and Maritime, located in Columbus, Ohio free of charge. The only cost you may incur is lodging, food and transportation. For more information and to register, visit http://www.dscc.dla.mil/News/Ev ents/tko/register.aspx. 26th Annual Government Procurement Conference Date: April 6, 2016 Location: Washington, DC Event website: https://www.fbcinc.com/e/procur ement/ The conference includes educational sessions, procurement matchmaking, and a dynamic exhibitor showcase. Participating firms will have the benefit of marketing their products/services to procurement representatives and small business specialists from government agencies. There is a registration fee for this event. For more information and to register, visit https://www.fbcinc.com/e/procur ement/ U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Forum & Expo Date: May 23-25, 2016 Location: Atlanta, GA Event website: http://smallbusinessconference.e nergy.gov/ This event will feature plenaries, educational workshops, a large Exhibit Hall, and business matchmaking sessions. Over 600 attendees will represent all levels of Federal, state, and local government agencies, the small business community, large/prime contractors, and many more! Registration fee applies. For full details and registration, visit the OSHA Compliance & Frequently Asked Questions Business Seminar Date: Monday, March 14, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. to noon Cost: $20 Location: Northwest Commission, 395 Seneca Street, Oil City, PA 16301 If OSHA were to show up at your door today, would you be prepared for an inspection? Are you certain that you are doing everything possible to minimize workplace accidents and injuries? If you are unsure or answered ‘no’ to either of these questions, this seminar is for you! Speaker, Mark Harmon, will provide answers to your compliance questions and will discuss recent changes to OSHA’s recordkeeping rule. Offered by the Clarion University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and co-sponsored by the NWC PTAC. Registration for this event is required. For more information or to register, please contact the Clarion University SBDC at (814) 393-2060, sbdc@clarion.edu. Or register online at: http://web.clarion.edu/sbdc/training/classes/BusinessSkillsWorkshops/2 016-03-14OSHA.asp. Resources for Veteran-Owned Businesses Business Seminar Date: Friday, March 18, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. to noon Location: Clarion University SBDC -- Gregory Barnes Center, 330 North Point Drive, Suite 100, Clarion PA 16214-3873 Hosted by the Clarion University Small Business Development Center (SBDC), this event will include presentations by the Northwest Commission and North Central Commission PTACs, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the SBDC. Topics will cover: Pursing the government marketplace and the resources available thru the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC); the Northwest Commission's Veterans Initiative program; SBA's Veteran’s Advantage Loan Program and other SBA resources for Veterans; SBDC resources available for entrepreneurs and small business owners. For more information or to register for this FREE seminar, please contact the Clarion University SBDC at (814) 393-2060, sbdc@clarion.edu. Online registration at: http://web.clarion.edu/sbdc/training/classes/BusinessSkillsWorkshops/2 016-03-18Veteran.asp. official event website at http://smallbusinessconference.e nergy.gov/. RESOURCE: Stay informed of federal agency outreach events for small business by visiting the Federal OSDBU Interagency Council’s OUTREACH CALENDAR. How to Become a PA COSTARS Supplier Training Workshop Date: April 23, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. to noon Location: Erie County, Edinboro University This workshop will discuss the COSTARS program and the steps involved in becoming a Supplier in the program. “COSTARS” is the Commonwealth of PA’s cooperative purchasing program that provides suppliers and local procurement units and state-affiliated agencies a tool to find and do business with each other. For more information or to register, contact Robyn Young at robyn@northwestpa.org, 814-677-4800 x 130. Online registration opening soon at http://nwpaptac.ecenterdirect.com/Conferences.action?CenterID=1. Keep up-to-date on our 2016 PTAC-sponsored events by visiting our NW Commission PTAC events webpage throughout the year. Success Story: Zacherl Motor Truck Sales, Inc. A local family-owned business continues to branch out and grow its roots regionally after successfully partnering with the Northwest Commission Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Clarion-based Zacherl Motor Truck Sales blossomed with regional municipalities and townships after the company became COSTARS approved. COSTARS is a Pennsylvania program designed to streamline the buying process for Pennsylvania government entities. Founded in 1940, this local trucking company had a history of fruitful sales through selling vehicles to local and non-local municipalities. After the implementation of COSTARS, municipalities began to embrace the program, leading to the trend of purchasing equipment specifically from COSTARS approved companies. Stephen Kahle, Vice President of Zacherl Motor Truck Sales, said it became clear that, in order to sell trucks to municipalities, as the company had done for all of those previous years, Zacherl Motors needed to become a COSTARS member. “Municipalities began to realize that the COSTARS program made the task of purchasing equipment much easier and more cost effective than the former process of spec’ing, advertising, bidding and awarding contracts,” said Kahle. “We knew that we needed to be involved with COSTARS but we honestly did not know how or where to start the process.” Do you have a Success Story to share? A story about your success in government contracting and how the Northwest Commission PTAC was a part of that success? Contact the PTAC to share your story! The seed of doubt vanished after Kahle attended a COSTARS presentation offered by the Northwest Commission PTAC. In 2013, Zacherl Motor Truck Sales was accepted and approved as a responsible bidder for the COSTARS-25 municipal work trucks contract. Shortly after, the company started seeing an increase in contacts and quotes. “After advertising our COSTARS approval on our website, we quickly started receiving requests for quotes from customers,” Kahle said. “Our success in making COSTARS happen at our company was all made possible after meeting and working with Cris Pierce and Robyn Young of the Northwest Commission PTAC.” For information regarding how to become a COSTARS Supplier--or any other aspect of state, local or federal government contracting--contact the PTAC office. ________________________________ 395 Seneca Street Oil City, PA 16301 814-677-4800 www.northwestpa.org/government-contracting