Poulsbo Parks and Recreation


Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
To Register
Registration begins as soon as you receive this brochure or see it on the website, and will continue until classes are full
or are canceled due to lack of students.
Registration for programs is ongoing. Online registration is not available.
Please note that some classes fill quickly, so send in your registrations as soon
as possible. Classes may be canceled
if minimum enrollment has not been met
five business days before class start date.
Please note that some checks are payable to
the instructor.
City Parks & Trails
Special Events and
Family Activities
Table of Contents
Sales Tax
As you read through this brochure, several
recreation programs and trip selections will
now have sales tax added to the price. This
is a recent update by the state to programs
offered through park and recreation departments.
Refund/Credit Policy****
Preschool Programs
Learn and Grow Preschool 8-12
Youth Programs
After School Activities
Sports, Sailing
Summer Camps
Adult Programs
Fitness, Sports & Sailing 34-43
Senior Programs &
To reserve one of two community sign
boards; or a room at the recreation center or
a shelter facility at Raab Park, Liberty Bay
Park or Nelson Park, call the Parks and Recreation Office at 360-779-9898. A reservation
fee is charged for sign and facility rentals.
Round Up for Recreation
This is a fee-reduction/scholarship program,
which you, the community, can support with
The building is located at 19540 Front Street
in Poulsbo. Monday-Thursday:
8am-6:30pm Friday
If weather is questionable, please call the Recreation Center at 360-779-9898 before traveling to a parks & recreation sponsored program
to confirm that the program and staff are available.
Facility Reservations and
Community Sign Boards
People with disabilities are welcome to participate in classes and activities. If you have
any special needs related to participating in an
activity, please contact the Parks & Recreation
office at 360-779-9898 (TTY/TDD at 360-7791483).
Recreation Center Hours
North Kitsap Community Pool
General Information
The department may cancel classes that
do not meet minimum enrollment and refunds
(or credits) will be issued. You may withdraw
at any time up to five working days prior to the
first day of class or program. Your payment,
less an administrative fee of $5, will be applied
as credit towards future programs. There will
be no credit given to a patron who withdraws
from a program with less than 5 days unless
someone else is found to take that place.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Any time you register for a program and
want to give a little back to your community in
need, just “round up” your payment amount
and we’ll put it into the fund. A space has
been provided for you on the registration form
on page 3.
For instance, if a gymnastics class costs
$35, you could round up the payment to $40.
$5 would then go into the Round Up for
Recreation fund. Thank you for helping.
There are 3 easy ways to register for programs:
Mail In
Mail registration form
& check to:
Poulsbo Parks &
200 NE Moe Street
Poulsbo, WA 98370
Phone or Fax
Walk In
Drop off your form & payment to
Parks & Recreation Office
19540 Front Street, Poulsbo
Register by phone
by calling
360.779.9898 and
using a Credit
Card; or fax to:
M-Th 8:00 am-6:30 pm
Fri 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Please print
Parent/Guardian or Primary account holder information
Adult Last Name:________________________First Name:_________________
City, State
Phone: (c) _________________(h)_________________(w)____________________
Credit Card payment -
Visa /
Mastercard /
Discover /
Card #_________________________________Exp Date______3 digit code_____
WAIVER OF LIABILITY: ALL participants or guardians are requested to sign the following release.
I/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to &
from the activities and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the
City of Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Department, park supervisors, instructors and persons
transporting myself or my/our child for any claim arising out of any injury to myself or my/our
child. PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: I grant full permission to use any photographs, videotapes,
motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this program promotion of the Poulsbo Parks
and Recreation. STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: The City will not tolerate harassment of any kind
that is made by employees or patrons towards employees or patrons. Harassment is defined as
verbal or physical conduct that demeans or shows hostility or aversion toward another person. If
a participant does not agree with the decision, an appeal to the Mayor is the final option.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
City Parks
Poulsbo’s Urban Forestry Program
The 7-member appointed Poulsbo
Tree Board consists of arborists, nursery and landscape professionals, and
citizens, all volunteering their time.
They contribute to Poulsbo’s attractiveness and vitality through proper
tree management.
Meetings are held on the second
Monday of every other month beginning in January, 7 pm at City Hall. Citizen participation from inside or outside
of the city is welcomed. Up-to-date
information and agendas can be found
at http://www.cityofpoulsbo.com/
The Poulsbo Trails Day
event will be held on
Saturday, June 2. Please
watch the website for
updated information
after May 1.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
City Parks
Poulsbo city parks are open year around, and posted hours are
“dawn-to-dusk”. For information about the city parks, including rentals and
facilities available, call Parks and Recreation at 360-779-9898.
1 College Marketplace Ball Fields
* Undeveloped
Betty Iverson Kiwanis Park
* Open play areas
* An accessible playground
* A picnic shelter and BBQs
2 Poulsbo’s Fish Park
* 26.25 acre piece on Dogfish Creek
* Nature park including habitat 10 Forest Rock Hills Park
restoration & interpretive signage
* Playground
* Trails, boardwalk and viewing * Trails and picnic areas
11 Hattaland Park
3 Nelson Park
* Open space
* A picnic shelter with tables (avail- * Benches, trails, ponds, wetlands
able for private rental)
* Restrooms, benches, BBQ grills 12 Centennial Park
* Playground
* Pergolas, Picnic tables, trails
* Nelson Family farmhouse (care-
* Footbridges over Dogfish Creek
taker’s residence)
* The Martinson Cabin Museum, 13 Wilderness Park
operated by the Poulsbo Historical * Trails
14 Austurbruin Park
4 American Legion Park
* Playground
* Trails, Playground, Restrooms
* Picnic areas and trails
5 Muriel Iverson Williams Waterfront
Park (formerly Liberty Bay)
* Kvelstad Pavilion (available for private rental)
* Restrooms, picnic areas, and a great view of Liberty Bay
* A boardwalk that takes walkers to American Legion Park
6 Net Shed Vista
* Liberty Bay viewing area
* Picnic tables and benches
7 Lions Park
* Two tennis courts
* Restrooms and picnic areas
* Playground
15 Frank Raab Park
* Community P-Patch and Youth Gardens
* A picnic shelter (available for private rental)
* Playground and playfield
* Stage, restrooms
* Horseshoe pits & sand volleyball court
* Full sized basketball court
* 1/3 mile walking trail
* A leash free area for dogs
* Skate Park
Poulsbo Park and Recreation
8 Oyster Plant Park
* A viewing pier and picnic tables
* Small boat launch
The appointed Poulsbo Parks &
Recreation Commission meets the 4th
Monday of every other month beginning
in February; 7:00 pm in the City Council
chambers. Please check our website
for updated meeting information. The
public is welcome!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Special Events & Family Activities
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Special Events & Family Activities
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Preschool Programs
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Preschool Programs
Mommy & Me Movement
4 wks
Michelle Mendoza of the Dance Within
Studio. This class is best for moms of infants in a wearable sling and toddlers up
to age 4; prenatal mothers also welcome.
Moms with non-walking babies please bring a
baby sling and a blanket. Dance Within Studio,
May 4-25
Jun 22-Jul 13
10-11a 10-11a
Keiki Hula (Hula for Little Ones)
4 wks
Bernie Robinson. This beginning class
will introduce Hawaiian hula dancing in basic movements and choreography. Children
ages 3-8 will experience culture, language
and music. Recreation Center.
May 15-Jun 5 Jun 19- Jul 10 1-2p
4 wks
Dance with Me-Movement and Music Sara Milov of InMotion Performing Arts
Studio. This instructor-led class is for parents
and children ages 1-3 ½, using music, props,
and instruments to explore movement. A great
way to introduce your child to dance with the
comfort of a familiar face. InMotion Dance Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue Tue Apr 17-May 8
May 22-Jun 12
Fairy Tale Ballet $45
4 wks
Sara Milov of InMotion Performing Arts
Studio. Calling all would-be princesses and
ballerinas, ages 3-6. Spend each week exploring different fairy tale stories though music
and dance. Basic ballet movement, story and
props will bring each story to life. Tights, leotard & ballet shoes are recommended – not
color or style specific. InMotion Dance Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue Tue Apr 17-May 8
May 22-Jun 12
Dance to the Beat:
Kids Hip Hop 4 wks
Mandy Williams. Does your 5-7 year old
love to dance around your living room? Or does
he or she just love to run and play, and you
wonder where all of that energy comes from?
Hip hop dance is the perfect outlet where your
kids can direct their abundant energy and also
develop enhanced motor skills, while having
lots of fun! Mandy Williams has taught hip hop
for four years and loves working with kids to
help them progress in dance and develop into
confident individuals. No class on May 28. InMotion Dance Studio, Poulsbo.
Mon Apr 16-May 7 5-6p Mon May 21-Jun 18 5-6p www.cityofpoulsbo.com/parks
Kindermusik® Up In the Sky
4 wks
Judy Lawrence. Music and movement
classes for children ages 1-5, accompanied
by an adult. This session’s story is Someone
Bigger, about a boy who wants to take over
the reins of the family kite. After class, read
it at home, then grab a scarf or handkerchief
and imitate the up and down crouching, reaching, and running associated with flying a kitejust like the boy in our story. Your family guide
includes activities you can easily incorporate
into your day to reinforce our counting and
color-learning activities in class.
Home kit includes a three-bell jingle instrument, CD,
and family guide (includes the class story
Someone Bigger). A materials fee of $16 is
payable to the instructor at class. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 10-May 1
Creative Messy Painting $49
6 wks
Colleen Doeleman. This class is designed for children ages 2½ years and older
(and their parents or grandparents) who wish
to explore the world of creative colors while
making a mess! Your little loved ones will get a
chance to create many fun messy art projects,
while satisfying their natural curiosity and stimulating their imaginations. Painting is a fun and
wonderful way to express creativity and imagination, while building self-esteem. Spring projects include Mother’s Day gifts, Father’s Day
gifts, and much more. A supply fee of $30
per session is payable to the instructor at
the first class.
Parent/caregiver participation is required
and day care and home school children are
encouraged to join in on the fun. Recreation
Center Kitchen.
Apr 27-Jun 1
Drop-ins for Creative Messy Painting
Drop-ins for these classes are for those
older students with a no-school day who have
younger siblings already enrolled in Creative
Messy Painting. Please enroll older siblings
ASAP to ensure that class supplies will be
available. An additional supply fee of a few
dollars may apply.
Apr 27-Jun 1
$15 per child, per class.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Cabin Fever
Come join other parents and preschoolaged children during a time to run around and
just be a kid. You are welcome to play on our
climbing equipment or bring your own toys to
the padded “big room” at the Recreation Center. P.S. The parents are the supervisors;
food/drinks are not allowed in the big room.
Please call for dates and times. Fee: $3 per child sales tax $ .26
Storybook Cooking $3.26
4 wks
Laura Rencher. Children ages 3-5 will
enjoy this class as we explore the world of
cooking through storybooks. Each week we
will listen to a fun story and then use the story’s theme to create our cooking project. In
addition to cooking, we will also make a craft
and participate in a game or activity. This is a
great way to introduce your child to cooking
without having to worry about cleaning up your
kitchen. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Wed May 9 -30 10-11a
Nature Adventure 4 wks Laura Rencher. This is an opportunity
for preschoolers or homeschoolers and their
parent or adult friends to learn about nature. Class is geared mostly for preschoolers but
last time many older siblings enjoyed the class
too. Explore the forest, ponds, streams, and
meadows of Poulsbo’s Fish Park with Naturalist Laura Rencher. You will be guided through
hands-on activities and sensory exploration. All participating family members must
be registered. Poulsbo’s Fish Park.
Mon Jun 4-25 10-11a Baby and Me Yoga $60 4 wks
Well Being Yoga. Take time to connect
peacefully with your little one and reconnect
with yourself. This class splits its time between restorative yoga for new parents and
yoga playtime for baby. Each class also allows time to build community among a group
of like-minded parents. A workshop consisting
of four sessions for babies 2 months to precrawling. Well Being Yoga, Poulsbo.
Apr 30-May 21
Sports Shorts - Sports for Tots
Pre-school Sports
Laura Rencher. This program is designed
to inspire an interest and introduction to physical sports for ages 3-6. Are you ready to let
the kids burn some energy through games and
activities? Children will have an opportunity to
explore basic concepts of sports and develop
skills like kicking, throwing, and hitting. We
will practice skills for development into soccer, t-ball, soccer and basketball, as well as
develop social skills such as taking turns, following directions and playing with others. Most
classes are held rain or shine. No class on
July 3. Basketball- Vinland Elem; TeeBall &
Soccer-Raab Park, Poulsbo.
Basketball 5 wks
Age 3 Thu May 10-Jun 7 4:50-5:20p $44
Age 4/5 Thu May 10-Jun 7 5:30-6:15p $52
Gr K-1st Thu May 10-Jun 7 4-4:45p $52
Dusty Bottom Tee Ball 5 wks
Age 3 Tue May 8-Jun 5 4:30-5p $44
Age 4/5 Tue May 8-Jun 5 5:15-6p $52
Summer Soccer 4 wks
Age 3 Tue Jun 26-Jul 24 4:30-5p
Age 4/5 Tue Jun 26-Jul 24 5:10-5:55p
Age 5/6 Tue Jun 26-Jul 24 6-6:45p
4 wks
Laura Rencher. Children ages 1½ to 2½
will have an opportunity to explore basic concepts of sports and develop skills like kicking,
throwing, and hitting. We will explore movement through games and activities, as well as
develop social skills such as how to take turns
and follow directions. Recreation Center Gym.
Wed 10
May 9-30 11:30a-12n
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Preschool Programs & Camps
Summer Magic
4 classes / 2 classes
Preschool Staff. Summer Magic is a
weekly “summer camp” designed for children
ages 3-5 years old. This is a great way for
preschoolers to meet new friends and have
fun during the summer. Each 2-hour class
includes circle time, art activities, music and
movement, story time, snack and social interaction. Recreation Center Preschool Room.
$65 per session*
* Week of Jul 2&3 $32.50
Jun 25-28
Jul 2 & 3*
Jul 9-12
Jul 16-19
Jul 23-26
Jul 30-Aug 2
Aug 6-9
Aug 13-16
Going Camping
4th of July Fun
At the Farm
If You Give A Pig A Pancake (Laura Numeroff Books)
In the Ocean
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
Pirates Ahoy
Silly Dr. Seuss
Summer Creative Painting Camp
Colleen Doeleman. This class is designed for school age students who wish to
create unique art projects while they explore
the world of creative painting. You will enjoy
learning color basics while you stimulate your
creative imagination. You will have the opportunity to select from unusual painting materials
as you create exciting art projects fashioned
from a selection of artist materials that will be
available to you during class. A supply fee of
$35 per student is payable to the instructor
at the first class. Tue-Fri Jun 26-29
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun
11; only $72!
Preschool Ballerina Camp: Fairy Tale Ballet! 4 classes
InMotion Performing Arts Studio Staff.
Kids ages 3-5, join us for fairy tale mania! Our
days will be filled with the Creative Movement
class, introducing the fundamentals of ballet
along with special ballerina crafts, guest performers and snack time. So grab your best
ballerina clothes and come join in. Space is
limited so don’t wait to enroll, we expect to fill
up! Each camper should bring their own
snack, juice will be provided. Tights, leotard & ballet shoes are recommended – not
color or style specific. InMotion Dance Studio, Poulsbo.
Jul 23-26
9:30-11:30a $85
Aug 13-16
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior, only $75!
4 classes
Ballerina Camp: Cinderella and Friends
InMotion Performing Arts Studio Staff.
Kids ages 6-8 will spend each camp focusing
around a different ballet (Cinderella, Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, etc.) Dancers will
work on the fundamentals of ballet along with
special crafts, guest performers, story and a
snack. Space is limited so don’t wait to enroll,
we expect to fill up! Each camper should
bring their own snack, juice will be provided. Ballet shoes required. InMotion dance
Studio, Poulsbo.
Jul 23-26 9:30-11:30a
Aug 13-16 9:30-11:30a
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior, only $75!
Nature Day Camp 4 classes
Must have completed 1st grade: Perfect for
older siblings during Summer Magic!
Laura Rencher. Explore the outdoors by
learning about birds, insects, spiders, and
mammals as we explore the ponds, meadows,
forests and streams. We will learn about bird
adaptations, discover the life cycle of insects
and amphibians, and investigate predator/
prey relationships of mammals. We will play
games, make crafts, and go on adventures.
Meet at Nelson Park; Camp will be held at
Nelson Park and Fish Park. M-Th
Aug 20-23 9a-12p $109
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Aug 6:
only $72!
Preschool Nature Day Camp
4 classes
Laura Rencher. Kids ages 4-6 will explore the outdoors by learning about birds,
insects, spiders, and mammals as we explore
the ponds, meadows, forests and streams.
We will learn about bird adaptations, discover
the life cycle of insects and amphibians, and
investigate predator/prey relationships of
mammals. We will play games, make crafts,
and go on adventures. Meet at Nelson Park;
Camp will be held at Nelson Park and Fish
Aug 13-16 9:30-11:30a
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 30;
only $74!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Preschool Programs & Camps
Storybook Cooking Camp 3 classes Laura Rencher. Ages 3-5. Come join us
as we explore the world of cooking through
storybooks. Each day we will listen to a fun
story and then use the story’s theme to create our cooking project. In addition to cooking,
we will also do a craft and a game or activity. Recreation Center Kitchen. M/T/W Jul 16-18 10-11a $53 Early Registration discount!! – Signup by July
2; only $43!
2 classes
Little Rancher’s Horse Camp: Introduction to Horses and Farm Animals Stephanie Ryan. Calling all Little Wranglers,
grab your boots and jeans and mosey on up to
The Ryan Ranch to saddle up. Children ages
3-5 will help with the care of the ponies and
other farm animals. Each day they will ride
(with a lead line and a hands-on instructor),
feed the farm pets, garden, participate in an
art activity and have a snack. Instructor Stephanie Ryan has been teaching horsemanship
for over twenty years and is a Washington
state certified teacher K-8. Sign up for one
session or both. Space is limited. Ryan Ranch,
Jul 10-11
Jul 17-18
Mini Camp for Mini Gymnasts
3 classes
Kris Goodfellow & Gymnastics Staff.
Three days of gymnastics fun! This camp is
for boys and girls ages 4-6 with little or no
gymnastics experience. Camp will cover tumbling, balance beams, bars, vault, rings and a
small art project. A snack will be provided.
Please make sure we are aware in advance
of campers with special needs or food allergies. Sign up for one camp or all. Recreation Center Gym.
T/W/Th Jun 26-28
T/W/Th Aug 21-23 1:30-3:30p
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior; only $62!
Preschool Sports Camp: Intro to
3 classes
Laura Rencher. A mini sports camp for
your mini athlete. Campers ages 4 -6 will
learn the basics of basketball, soccer, track,
and tee-ball. We will practice running, throwing, hitting, catching and kicking through the
use of fun activities and games. We will also
make a craft and have a snack. Raab Park,
unless rain; then local elementary school.
T/W/Th Jul 10-12 9-11a $69
M/T/W Aug 6-8 9-11a $69
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior, only $59!
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior, only $79!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Parent -Tot
Kris Goodfellow (M)/ Sheila Moore(Th). Children ages 18-36 months and their parents
will work on their motor skills in a safe and playful environment. This class is child led and
loosely structured allowing parents and tots access to all gymnastics equipment for lots of fun
and exploration. Parent participation is required and siblings are not allowed to participate
unless they are registered for the class. No class on May 28.
5/21-6/18 5/24-6/14
$32 / 4 wks $32 / 4wks
$28 /3 wks
Tumbling Tots: Age 3 Kris Goodfellow. Students will be introduced to the basic skills of gymnastics. Focus is
on developing coordination, strength, balance and flexibility. We will also develop social skills
such as how to take turns, how to follow directions and how to work with others. This is a fully
structured class. Parent participation is encouraged if necessary. No class on May 28 or
June 14.
$39 / 4 wks
$39 / 4 wks
$39 / 4 wks
$31 / 3-wks
Kindergym: Ages 4-6 Kris Goodfellow. Students will be introduced to basic tumbling skills, balance beam & bar
work, vaulting technique, rings and rope. Class focus is on coordination, strength and spatial
awareness. No class on May 28 or June 14.
$49 / 4 wks
$49 / 4 wks
$49 / 4 wks
$43 / 3 wks
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Kindergym II: Ages 4-6
Kris Goodfellow. Gymnastics for students who have already completed several Tumbling
Tots or Kindergym classes and are ready for a more advanced class. Students will need to have
mastered several basic skills. This class is similar to beginning gymnastics but caters to the
younger gymnast. Instructor permission required.
Wed Wed 10-10:45a
$49 / 4 wks
$49 / 4 wks
Kindergym II students are encouraged to register for the Beginning Gymnastic classes or camps for the
Beginning Gym: Ages 6-12
Kris Goodfellow. Students will be introduced to basic tumbling skills, balance beam & bar
work, vaulting technique, rings and rope. Class focus will be on strength, flexibility and confidence building.
$49 / 4 wks
$49 / 4 wks
$43 / 3 wks
Intermediate Gym: Ages 6-12
Kris Goodfellow. Building on skills learned in the beginning class. Students need to know
all body positions, backward rolls and cartwheels.
$49 / 4 wks
$43 / 3 wks
Advanced Gym: Tue-Age 8 & up; Wed-Age 5-8
Kris Goodfellow. This class is for the serious gymnast who has completed several intermediate classes and has mastered a 3-second handstand. Instructor permission is required.
No class July 4.
$49 / 4 wks
$49 / 4 wks
Summer Session (all ages)
$43 / 2 wks
$43 / 3 wks
Private Gymnastics
Our gymnastics staff is available for private instruction. Hourly rates vary. For more information please see the front desk or call 360-779-9898.
Mini Camp for Mini Gymnasts
3 classes
Kris Goodfellow & Gymnastics Staff. Three days of gymnastics fun! This camp is for
boys and girls ages 4-6 with little or no gymnastics experience. Camp will cover tumbling, balance beams, bars, vault, rings and a small art project. A snack will be provided. Please make
sure we are aware in advance of campers with special needs. Sign up for one or both. Recreation Center Gym.
T/W/Th Jun 26-28
T/W/Th Aug 21-23 1:30-3:30p
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by 2 weeks prior; only $62!
Gymnastics Camp: Ages 6-11
Kris Goodfellow & Gymnastics Staff. This 2-day camp packs a full session of gymnastics
into 4 hours of gymnastics. Work on tumbling, bars, beam, vault and rings. Includes gymnastics,
dance and conditioning for strength and flexibility. Campers need to bring a water bottle and
a snack. Recreation Center Gym.
Jun 27 & 28 9:30-11:30a
Jul 11 & 12 9:30-11:30a
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by 2 weeks prior; only $48!
Intermediate & Advanced
Jul 18 & 19 9:30-11:30a
Aug 15 & 16
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by 2 weeks prior; only $48!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Middle School & High School Gymnastics 5 wks
NKHS coach Kris Goodfellow and
Kingston HS Coach Sheila Moore will work
with girls in 6th-11th grade who have little or
no experience but want to participate on the
high school teams this winter, or those girls
who were on the team last year and want to
build on their skills. This is the only time the
WIAA allows high school coaches to coach
off-season. Coach time is volunteered. Class
cost covers gym rental and insurance. Please
call and leave a message for Kris or Sheila
(360.779.9898) if you have any questions.
Registration is through Parks and Recreation; deadline to register is June 20. Class
will be cancelled if a minimum of 8 registrations has not been received by that date. Once
minimum has been met, drop-ins will be accepted for $20 per class. The drop-in fee must
be paid and waiver signed by the parent at
the Parks and Recreation office prior to class.
Class held at Zero Gravity Athletics.
Jun 25-Jul 23 2-4p $52
Private Gymnastics
Our gymnastics staff is available for private
instruction. Hourly rates vary. For more information please see the front desk
or call 360-779-9898.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Programs
Art on August Afternoons: Wed, Aug 1, 8, &
15, 3-4p. Children ages 4-8. Create beautiful
art projects, such as hand puppets, wooden
toys and more. Free! All materials will be provided. Please call the library for more information.
Poulsbo Library Children’s and Family Programs
The Poulsbo Branch of the Kitsap Regional Library is located at 700 Lincoln Rd NE in
Poulsbo. For more information on their programs, please call them at (360) 779-2915, or
visit their website at www.krl.org. All programs
are free. The library will be closed on Mon,
May 28, Wed, Jul 4 & Mon, Sep 3.
Storytimes: Stories, songs, puppets and
flannel board tales for children ages infant-6
years. Spring storytime programs run Apr
9-Jun 1; Summer storytime programs run Jun
26-Aug 17. * Spring only; special programs
will be offered during the summer. **Special programs on Jul 17 & 31.
Babies (1-18 mo) Tue 1p
Toddlers (18 mo-3 yrs) 10:30a AND 11:30a
Wed Preschool (3-5 yrs) 10:30a AND 11:30a **
Tue Preschool (3-5 yrs) 10:30a AND 11:30a. *
Fri Pajama (2-6 yrs) Mon Teens Read this Summer! Summer Reading kicks off for teens Sat,
Jun 9, 10a to 5p. All teens are welcome to
come in, sign up and get started reading the
books they WANT to read. Read for ten hours
to earn a prize paperback book for sure and a
ticket to the Kitsap County Fair while supplies
last. Any teen reading 100 hours or more this
summer will also earn a custom designed tshirt.
Check us out at www.krl.org for Teen Events at
the Poulsbo Library All Summer Long!
7p *
Summer Reading Program: Opening DayJun 9, 10a-5p. “Dream Big – Read” at the
Poulsbo Library this summer. Read or be read
to for ten hours this summer and receive a free
paperback book! Sign up any time, starting
Jun 9; Special “Goodie Bags” will be given to
those that sign up during the Jun 9 opening
day event. Reading Buddies: Fri, Jun 29-Aug 17,
10:30a.. Bring your preschool or young school
age child to the Poulsbo Library to meet with
their special teen “Reading Buddy”. Our “Big
Kids” will share books, stories and puzzles
with your young children and show them how
much fun reading can be! Legos at the Library: Thu, Jul 12-Aug 16,
2-3:30p. Children ages 4-10. Drop in Lego
building using buckets of Legos. Join us each
Thursday for a Legopalooza!
Teens Volunteer @ the Library
Poulsbo library is looking for a few good
teens to assist with all kinds of programs and
events this summer. We’re looking for Reading Buddies, Summer Reading Event Greeters, Craft Program Assistants, and more. If
you are interested, come to our Teen Volunteer Orientation on Thu, May 31 at 4p or email
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Teen Volunteer Interns Wanted!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation seeks
dedicated teen volunteers to assist our professional instructors with youth programs.
Interns will gain valuable work experience
while earning community service hours.
Qualified youth will be age 13 or older; enjoy
children; have a positive and enthusiastic attitude; have an interest in arts, crafts, sports
and other recreational activities; be dependable and a positive role model. Interns will
need to make a time commitment that will
vary depending upon the season. Spring session could be 1-4 hours per week for up to 5
weeks; summer session could include weekly
camps and a commitment of 2-20 hours for
an entire week. For more information, call
Kris Goodfellow at 360-779-9898. Applications are available at www.cityofpoulsbo.com.
Youth Programs
Raab Park Youth Garden
This summer join WSU Master Gardeners and Poulsbo Garden Club Volunteers
on Mondays from 10:30a to 12:30p at Raab Park Children’s Garden for garden and
craft activities. Plant, harvest and make take-home craft items. One or more adults
must accompany each group of children and a $1 donation is requested.
The purpose of the garden is to involve children, families, and the public in learning about sustainable organic gardening. Each week the children help us grow and
harvest our vegetables for the Fishline Food Bank in Poulsbo. No program Jul 2.
Jun 25-Stepping Stones & Seed Planting Come make your own garden stepping stone.
Bring a disposable pie or cake pan and beads,
tiles, shells or stones to make a design in the
concrete. Plant some nasturtium seeds and go
on an Explore the Garden hunt.
Jul 30-Plants & How We Use Them
Learn about the many plants in Raab
Garden. Not all of them are for eating! Make
a Seed and Bead necklace. Munch a bit from
the Garden Tasting Tray and make a garden
banner by “pounding” a flower.
Jul 9-Soil, Worms & Sprouting Seeds
Find out what is in a seed. Make a seed
sprouting experiment to take home. Construct
a newspaper pot and plant a seed for your
home garden. Meet Mr. Worm in the worm
Aug 6-Sunflowers, Birds, & Garden Wildlife
Look for evidence of birds and other animals in the garden. See what the bees are up
to and feed the birds. Make a bird feeder and
create sunflower art to take home.
Jul 16-Butterflies & Ladybugs
Learn how insects help our garden and go
on a Bug Safari. Release some ladybugs in
the garden. Make a butterfly print and an egg
carton caterpillar to take home.
Aug 13-Pacific Northwest Plants & Their
Join members of local First Nation groups
to learn about native plants and how they were
used long ago and are still being used today.
July 23-Planting in Unbelievable Containers
What can you do with an old boot or a single
left over garden glove? Miss Jill can help you
grow a plant in it! Bring your own container or
use one of ours to make a garden planter to
take home. Help construct a Fairy Garden.
Aug 20-Wonderful Messy Art Day
To celebrate another season in Raab Garden, come to our last presentation of the year
for Art in the Garden. Put your handprint on
the garden shed. Spray paint a garden banner
to take home. Make a necklace. See what is
on the Mystery Table and make your own special treasure from what is there.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Programs
Music Composition Class
6 wks
Alina Haws. Singers and songwriters
ages 6 to 13 will look at the elements of
songwriting (lyrics, melody, accompaniment,
etc). As a class and in small groups, we’ll
write a few songs of our own. We will analyze
how other composers set up their songs and
model a few compositions after a few different
composers. At the end of the session, we’ll record our songs and have our own CD’s to take
home! Recreation Center Preschool Room.
Beginning Guitar
Private Acoustic or Electric Guitar lessons, designed for beginners ages 8 and
older, will teach the FUNdamentals of guitar
including reading music notation, tablature,
basic chords and strumming techniques.
Lessons run for 4 week, and are 30 minutes
long. Lessons will be scheduled between 4
and 6 pm. Limited to four students, so sign up
early. Students will need to bring their own
guitars in good working condition. We have
FUN and home practice increases success.
Get schooled in cool…start learning some
wicked sweet guitar! A $9 materials fee is
payable to the instructor at the first session. This will include picks and a music book
with CD. Lesson dates may be subject to
change. Recreation Center.
4 wks
Apr 10-May 1
Apr 12-May 3
Jul 10-31
Jul 12-Aug 2
Acting Class for Musical Theater
6 wks
Alina Haws. Kids ages 8 and up will
pick 2-3 different Broadway songs and do
a short scene for each, including singing, a
few lines and choreography. In class, we will
work on stage presence, developing a character, learning simple choreography, dancing and singing at the same time, and confidence. Recreation Center Gym/Kitchen.
Apr 19 - May 24
Community Youth Choir $44
6 wks
Grades K- 6 Alina Haws. Does your child love to sing?
Your child will enjoy singing with their friends
while learning about quality music and teamwork. This class will teach confidence through
practice and will inspire them to love and
learn music. We will sing everything from a
few classical songs to the latest contemporary songs! Each session concludes with a
performance; spring performance will be held
during the last class.
Recreation Center
Apr 16- May 21 4:30-5:15p
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Apr 16- May 21 5:15-6p Cheer/Hip Hop $44
5 wks
Meghan Ottomano and Hava Criss.
This is not just another “Pop, Lock and Drop
it” class for kids ages 6-12. In this program,
participants will learn how to move fluidly to
the rhythm of popular G-rated songs while
acquiring cheer technique. This includes projecting your voice, learning a variety of jumps
and cheer stunts and how to distribute your
weight evenly while dancing. Meghan is a
co-captain of the NKHS Cheer Squad. Hava
is a district champion Hip Hopper. They are
choreographers at KCMT and have taught
and performed together for the past 5 years.
Recreation Center Gym.
Apr 14- May 12
Beginning Irish Dance $38
6 wks
Jenny Kolln, Rowan Fae Irish Dancers. Ages 5 and up. New dancers will learn
the FUNdamentals of Irish dance, basic steps
and beginning dances (solo and group).
Dancers who wish to continue beyond their
first lessons will refine technique while adding more steps and dances to their repertoire.
One Saturday class may be held per session
for make-ups and a list of dates will be handed out at the first class. A materials fee of
$10 is due to instructor at the first class.
InMotion Performing Arts Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue Tue Apr 10-May 15 4:30-5:10p May 22-Jun 26 4:30-5:10p Intermediate Irish Dance
6 wks
Instructor permission required.
Jenny Kolln, Rowan Fae Irish Dancers. Combining softshoe and hardshoe in one
class, dancers who have performed all four
beginning-level steps will increase proficiency
of Irish dance technique and continue to master more complicated steps and dances. One
Saturday class may be held per session for
make-ups and a list of dates will be handed
out at the first class. A materials fee of $10
is due to instructor at the first class. InMotion Performing Arts Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue Tue Apr 10-May 15 5-6:30p May 22-Jun 26 5-6:30p $182
Youth Programs
Irish Dance- Performance Prep
4 wks
Jenny Kolln, Rowan Fae Irish Dancers. As Rowan Fae prepares for our annual
grand performance at the Kitsap Arts and
Crafts Fair, everyone is welcome to join us.
We invite dancers of all ages and stages, Irish
instrument dabblers, costumers, storytellers
and stage crew assistants; we need you all to
be a part of our grand Ceili. There is nothing
more Irish than friends gathering to share their
love of the dance, the music and the culture.
Sláinte! Location to be determined.
Beginner Performance Prep
Jul 3-24
Jul 3-24
Intermediate Performance Prep
Basic Belly Dance 4 wks Christine Swanson. The ancient art of
Middle Eastern dance is for all shapes, sizes
and fitness levels. We’ll use veils, finger cymbals, and learn basic moves and choreography. Be beautiful and fit just as you are! Perfect for middle school and high school girls
ages 11 – 17. The Dance Within Studio.
Wed Apr 18-May 9 2:30-3:30p
Wed May 23-Jun 13 2:30-3:30p www.cityofpoulsbo.com/parks
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Programs
Stranger Danger Class
Sketching and Drawing II 6 wks
Brad Pugh. Continue developing your
drawing and sketching expertise with an in
depth exploration of the fundamentals you
have gained in the previous class. We will
do exercises to broaden & sharpen your skills
in pencil, pen & ink. We will also explore the
use of charcoal, pastels and washes. Vinland
Elem. Art Room or Recreation Center.
Mon Apr 16-May 21 5:15-6p $51
Creative with Clay
2 classes
Cynthia Levenstein of Rosie Creek
Pottery Studio, Suquamish. This two-part
series is a low pressure opportunity to play
three dimensionally and explore form, design
and structure. In the first class we will build
with low fire clay using pinch, coil and sculpture methods to make objects and vessels.
The following Saturday, we’ll explore glazing
options for our bisque fired pieces. For ages
7-12. A supply fee of $20 is payable to the
instructor at the first class of each session.
Rosie Creek Pottery Studio, Suquamish.
Apr 14 & 21
Apr 21
Apr 28
9-10:30a AND
Apr 28
May 5
9-10:30a AND
Bully Buster Class Sponsored and taught by UKO Karate
School. Give your child, age 7 to 13 the skills
to deal with bullies. We will learn four verbal
strategies for verbal attacks, the importance
of good manners, emotional control, the difference between intentional and unintentional bullies, the importance of standing up for
yourself, when to take action, types of actions
that can be taken, the appropriate level of response for actions, and the importance of talking to parents. We will also talk and practice
fighting distance, targets, and strikes that can
be used if you must defend yourself. We will
try to stuff all this into a 1 hour class! Recreation Center.
Sat Apr 28 20
4-5p $10 per family
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Sponsored and taught by UKO Karate
School. Help protect your children, ages 6-12,
with this Stranger Danger Class. We will cover
React, Release, and Run, Danger Zone, Body
Language, the one technique that can stop
the bad guy from choosing you 95% of the
time. We will practice how to get out of grabs,
kicks and striking techniques, how to yell and
what to yell. We also talk about how a bad
guy might try to fool you, your intuition muscle,
target areas that can be hit, and much more. Students will also receive a 60 minute DVD on
Stranger Danger. Recreation Center.
Sat May 12 4-5p $10 per family AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS
After School Archery 5 wks
Brian Goodfellow. This archery class
will be geared towards teaching beginning archers ages 8 & older in a safe environment.
Students will learn the fundamentals of archery, including the nine steps to the ten ring
and parts of the bow and arrow. The class will
also strive to promote ideas that are important in life as well as archery, such as good
sportsmanship, safety, and a desire to better
oneself in whatever one does. Students will
need to provide their own recurve bow, 3
arrows and a wrist guard. Info on where to
purchase will be available at registration.
Vinland Elementary.
May 3-31
After School Hip Hop $67
5 wks
Hava Criss. This is not just another “Pop
Lock and Drop it” class for kids ages 6-12.
In this program, participants will learn how to
move fluidly to the rhythm of popular G-rated
songs. Hava is a district champion Hip Hopper and choreographer for KCMT. Poulsbo Elementary.
Apr 18-May 16 3-3:45p
After School Arts & Crafts $34
3 wks
Denise Johnson (Vinland & Poulsbo)
or Brad Pugh (Wolfle). Come and join the fun
as students are introduced to a variety of art
and craft projects. All fun types of creative expression! Material fees are included.
K-5th at Vinland
Apr 18-May 2 May 16-30 K-5th at Poulsbo Elem
Apr 19-May 3 May 17-31 K-5th at Wolfle
Apr 18-May 2 May 16-30 3-3:45p 3-3:45p $38
3-3:45p 3-3:45p $38
3-3:45p 3-3:45p $38
Youth Programs
After School Hula Dance 4 wks
Bernie Pualei Robinson. K-5th grade.
This after-school hula class includes learning
basic hula steps and motions. A simple hula
will be taught during each session. Students
will learn Hawaiian culture, music and dance
from teacher Bernie Robinson who was born
and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, and has been
teaching hula for about 20 years. Students
should bring water. Optional fee of $10 for
CD and notebook. Vinland Elementary.
Apr 24-May 15
May 22-Jun 12
After School Introduction to Irish
Dance 4wks
Jenny Kolln, Rowan Fae Irish Dancers.
K-5th grade. Come learn the FUNdamentals
of Irish dance, including basic steps and Ceili
dances (group folk dances). We will begin with
basic dance concepts that lead to beginning
Irish dance steps. Ceili dances focus on patterns and team-work rather than particular
steps. No special dance shoes are required.
Wear comfortable clothing.
K-5th at Poulsbo Elem
May 8-29 3-3:45p $38
Apr 10-May 1 3:50-4:20p
K-5th at Wolfle
4 wks
After School Introduction to Karate UKO Karate School. This is a beginning 4-week course in Karate. Students
will learn how to punch, 3 types of kicks, 5
blocks, and 6 stances used in Karate. We
also discuss important Karate attitudes like,
paying attention, practice to improve, mastery, never giving up, good manners, and
more. Come in clothes loose enough for
exercise. No class May 28.
K-5th at Poulsbo Elem
Apr 16-May 7 4-4:45p $22
May 14-Jun 11 4-4:45p $22
K-5th at Vinland
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Sports
Summer Archery & Open Range
Teens- don’t miss out on our great
dance classes listed in the adult dance
4 wks
Self Defense for Woman and Children Dorie Stein. Gain discipline and movements
for practical self defense. Students learn
calming techniques, tips for everyday physical
protection and practical application. This class
could save your life. Those who are injured
or disabled are encouraged to participate.
No class May 19. The Dance Within Studio,
Sat Apr 14-May 5 1-2p Sat Jun 2-23
1-2p $52
Self Defense for the College Freshman
Mike Cain. Sending your child off to college or letting them move out on their own
can be a scary thought for any parent. Your
child will learn how to protect themselves in
this informative class taught by martial arts instructor, Mike Cain. Class includes hands-on
instruction in how to defend against choking,
punching, grabbing and pushing. No hard hitting or throws. You will learn about pressure
points, joint locks and practical application for
self defense. There is controlled contact as
you learn the various moves. Recreation Center Fitness Room.
Jun 2
Aug 4
12-2p 12-2p
Archery $35
5 wks
Brian Goodfellow. This archery class will
be geared toward teaching beginning archers
ages 8 & older in a safe environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of archery,
including the nine steps to the ten ring and
parts of the bow and arrow. The class will
also strive to promote ideas that are important in life as well as archery, such as good
sportsmanship, safety, and a desire to better
oneself in whatever one does. Students will
need to provide their own recurve bow, 3
arrows and a wrist guard. Info on where to
purchase will be available at registration.
Vinland Elementary.
May 3-31
5-6p $67
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
3 wks
Brian Goodfellow. This archery class will
be geared toward teaching beginning archers
ages 8 & older in a safe environment. Students will learn the fundamentals of archery,
including the nine steps to the ten ring and
parts of the bow and arrow. The class will also
strive to promote ideas that are important in
life as well as archery, such as good sportsmanship, safety, and a desire to better oneself
in whatever one does. All Archery Equipment provided by 4H. Raab Park.
Beginning class
Jun 7-21 Jul 5-19
4-4:45p 4-4:45p
Open Range- Experienced shooters welcome
Jun 7-21
Jul 5-19
5-6p 5-6p
Thunderbolts Track
This fun-filled and focused club is open to
all kids, ages 7-14, interested in learning the
fundamentals of track and field, while at the
same time learning lifetime habits of physical
fitness, goal-setting, and keeping a positive attitude. Our coaches offer a fun and nurturing
environment which also provides a competitive edge for young athletes. Events include
middle and long distance running, sprints, long
jump, standing broad jump, hurdles, soft javelin, one home track meet and Hershey meet
qualifier. No class on May 28. Poulsbo Middle School Track.
Apr 18 –Jun 6 6-7:30p
More than one child in your immediate family signing up for Thunderbolts? Take $10 off each additional registration!
Hershey Track Meet Event!
Wednesday, June 6th!
Ages 7-14 can compete; only ages 9-14 can
advance to next Hershey’s meet.
Kitsap residents have the opportunity to
compete in the Hershey’s local track meet!
The event will be held on Wednesday, June
6th, at North Kitsap High School stadium. All
competitors can compete in 3 events; either
2 field events and 1 running event OR 2 running events and 1 field event. Relays are considered a running event. Events include: 50,
100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 meter runs, a 4 x 100
relay, standing long jump and softball throw.
Register at Poulsbo Parks and Recreation prior to
the meet OR
Registrations will be taken on site, starting 4:30p.
Events start promptly at 5:30p, Wed, Jun 6th! Participation is free!! Rain-out makeup date is Friday, June 8th!
Volunteers needed!!! Please call Joe at 360-7311938 if you have a couple hours to spare for this
great community event!
Youth Sports
Ryan Ranch
Horse Camp
Est. 1992
This summer enroll your kids in a fun
and exciting horsemanship program.
Ages 6 and up
Western riding
Riding every day!!!
Educational curriculum
Horses and equipment provided
2012 Camp Schedule
Monday through Thursday
9am until Noon daily
Boots with a small heel required
Release of Liability form must be
signed on the first day of camp
Session 1
6 wks
Beginners & Intermediate/Advanced
Alex Kerson. Our fencing program for
ages 10 & up continues to grow as our students gain in skills and knowledge. We offer
Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced classes!
The instruction and conditioning is excellent!
Learn the Greco method of “Kipnis/Burch”.
Understand the ancient art of swordplay by
learning the basic movements of parries and
attacks. Build your confidence and mental discipline through fencing. Progress at your own
speed. You must have your own gear. Experienced fencers welcomed! Poulsbo/Kingston
Beginners: 5:30-7p
Intermediate/Advanced: 7-9p
Apr 10-May 17
May 22-Jun 28 $89
Jul 10-Aug 16
Equipment starter kits are available on the Internet.
Approximate costs for foil, chest protector, glove
and helmet is $140.
Find a mistake?
It is our policy to include something for everyone. Since some people like to find errors,
we regularly include a few in our publications
to meet this need.
Session 2
June 25,26,27,28
July 9,10,11,12
Session 3
Session 4
July 16,17,18,19
July 23,24,25,26
$225 per student
Limited to 12 students per class
Classes fill up quickly!
Visit our website:
Stephanie Ryan 360-394-3685
23185 Rhododendron Ln NW
Poulsbo, WA 98370
Email: ryanranch@comcast.net
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Sports
Coaches, Coaches, Coaches!
It’s never been more important! Families, community, and individuals joining together for our young people.
In order to be successful, youth sports
programs need caring, compassionate adults
who are willing to devote some of their limited
time to the kids. You don’t have to be an expert
on the sport of choice! We have lots of helpful
resources, including people that are willing to
help you help our kids enjoy themselves.
This is quality time for our young people.
They are practicing physical and mental skills,
interacting with their peers and adults in a
healthy atmosphere, and learning the ability to
compete towards a goal as a team and as an
individual. Call Joe at Parks and Rec, 7311938, for more information on this valuable opportunity.
Recycle previously purchased Purple and
Gold Jerseys! If you have a purple and gold
jersey used in the Parks and Rec basketball
program that is still in good condition (no tears,
numbers clearly visible, and clean), you can
turn them in for a $5.00 credit. Also, if you
wish to purchase a used jersey, the cost is
Interested in being a Basketball Official?
For all people interested in refereeing
youth basketball, please contact Joe Schiel at
Basketball: Spring Recreational
Boys and Girls Grades 3-8
Our Spring Basketball program is expanding!! We will now have opportunities for boys
and girls starting at 3rd grade! Poulsbo Parks
and Recreation is taking signups for all athletes,
with teams hitting the courts in late March as
they form. Games will start mid-April. Spring
basketball games will be jointly conducted
with SKYAA, a South Kitsap youth organization. There will be divisions for 3/4th; 5/6th and
7/8th graders. Officiated games are played
during weekday evenings in NK and SK gyms. Fee: $89
sales tax: $7.65
Total: $96.65
NK Reversible Jersey, if needed: Fee: $23.02
sales tax: $1.98
Total: $25
Coaches needed! NK, CK, Bainbridge Island gyms.
Game dates: Mon-Thu Apr 23 -Jun 7
Volleyball: Spring Girls Recreational
League! Grades 5-9
To our community adults that have
played volleyball in the past – this will be
our 6th season, and the response has been
fantastic! Great training, very positive atmosphere for the girls to compete, and they are
getting the preparation they need to compete
for their school teams! We need you, the
adults, with some volleyball experience
and energy to help teach our young ladies
this exciting sport. Games will be officiated
by regulation officials. Practices and games
will be weekdays, Mon-Thu. We are offering
volleyball through Poulsbo Parks and Recreation, drawing players from the NK, BI, and
CK areas. There will be 8 games per team
starting late April and going through Jun 8th.
There will be 5/6th and 7-9th grade divisions. There could be some travel required to
gyms in Central Kitsap and BI. Practices will
start late March/early April, or as soon as your
team forms!
Weekday evenings
Fee: $95 Sales tax: $8.17
Late Mar-June 8
Total: $103.17
Basketball: Fall County Recreational
Girls Grades 3-8; Boys Grades 3-6
Registration starts in August!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation is taking
signups for all athletes, with teams hitting
the courts as they form after school starts. Games will start in late Sept. Fall basketball
games will be jointly conducted with SKYAA,
a South Kitsap youth organization. There
will be 3/4th and 5/6th divisions for boys and
girls, and 7/8th girls only. Officiated games are
played during weekday evenings Sept-Nov 23
in NK and SK gyms. Fee: $89 sales tax: $7.65 Total: $96.65
NK Reversible Jersey, if needed: Fee: $23.02
sales tax: $1.98 Total: $25
Basketball: Fall County Boys Boys Grades 7-8
Registration starts in August!
Get your first league session in now with
games on Sundays in Poulsbo area gyms. 8
games which includes an end of season tourney Oct 13/14th. Normal schedule will be two
games per day. Team Release Forms and
fees must be submitted prior to Sep 10!
Sep 16-Oct 14 Team fee: $455.80 sales tax: $39.20 Total: $495
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Sports
Western Washington Girls Basketball
Girls Grades 5-11
Registration starts in August!
Prepare your team for your school season!
The league will play normal HS rules, 20-minute halves, double headers each Sunday to
provide game training for your team. There
will be divisions for HS JV Girls (9/10/11) and
MS Girls (5/6 & 7/8). Team Release forms
and fees must be submitted prior to Sep
Sep 23-Nov 11
10 games which includes an EOS tourney Nov
Team fee: $547.88 sales tax $47.12 Total: $595
Volleyball: Fall Girls Recreational League
Girls Grades 5-9
Registration starts in August!
Coaches and Interested Adults needed!
Fall volleyball through Poulsbo Parks and
Recreation, drawing players from the NK and
CK areas. There will be 8 games per team
starting late September and going through
Nov. 16. There will be 5/6th and 7-9th grade
divisions. There is some travel required to
gyms in Central Kitsap. Practices will start
early Sept, or as soon as your team forms!
Weekday evenings
Fee: $95 Sales tax: $8.17
Sep-Nov 16
Total: $103.17
NKHS Sail Racing Team: Fall and
NK Girls & Boys Grades 8-12
Coach Matt Mikkelborg. Sponsored
by Poulsbo Parks and Recreation and the
Olympic Sailing Foundation. Matt will coach
the Fall Singlehand Sailing with practices
after school, Tue-Thu, 2:30-5:30p, with optional regattas on weekends. Some previous sailing experience required.
The spring season team will be competing Doublehand and Team Racing, sailing
primarily in FJ’s and Vanguard 15’s. Practice is Mon-Thu, 2:30-5:30p with competition
most weekends. No previous sailing experience required. The fall season is for
building skills in single-handed sailing and
racing in Bytes and Lasers. Some fund-raising participation may be required of all team
members. Port of Poulsbo.
Fall team sailing:
T/W/Th Sept-Oct 2:30-5:30p
Spring team sailing:
Feb-May 2:30-5:30p
Home and away regattas most Saturdays and
some Sundays.
For more information on high school sailing visit: www.highschoolsailingusa.org and
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
KYSS: Kitsap Youth Summer Symphony
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation seeks
dedicated teen volunteers to assist our professional instructors with youth programs.
Interns will gain valuable work experience
while earning community service hours.
Qualified youth will be age 13 or older; enjoy
children; have a positive and enthusiastic attitude; have an interest in arts, crafts, sports
and other recreational activities; be dependable and a positive role model. Interns will
need to make a time commitment that will
vary depending upon the season. Spring session could be 1-4 hours per week for up to 5
weeks; summer session could include weekly
camps and a commitment of 2-20 hours for
an entire week. For more information, call
Kris Goodfellow at 360-779-9898. Applications are available at www.cityofpoulsbo.com.
1 wk Ages 8-18 or as arranged with Camp
Lara Moore, Camp Director. KYSS provides an affordable and fun playing opportunity for young musicians of all experience levels in a summer day-camp setting. Students
participate in full symphony orchestra, sectionals, chamber music groups, and special topics workshops, culminating in a final evening
concert. Professional local musicians lead
ensembles and workshops, and experienced
high school volunteers act as camp counselors and sectional leaders. Special topics workshops this year may include music theory and
composition, conducting, and improvisational/
popular styles, all of which will be showcased
in the final concert.
Students will be placed in groups/chair
positions based on information provided by
private or school teachers. Ad hoc auditions
are open to any player who would like to be
considered for advanced placement or to perform a concerto movement at the final concert.
Concert attire is the camp T-shirt,
which is free with early registration. The
sooner students register, the sooner we can
determine how many ensembles to have
and what repertory to play. Questions may
be emailed to Lara Moore at violazul@gmail.
com. Gateway Fellowship Church, Poulsbo.
Jul 30- Aug 3 11a-4p $167 Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 16;
only $157!
Additional T-Shirts $20
KYSS-Beginning Strings Circus Camp – Spring Break
3 classes
Bob Webb. Did you ever want to run away
and join the circus? Campers will learn how
to juggle, ride a unicycle, and walk on a large
ball. Mr. Webb runs the BRATS program at
Breidablik and has many years of experience
with the Circus arts. Campers will need to
bring a snack and a water bottle. Bike helmets and wrist guards are recommeneded
but not necessary. Breidablik Elem.
Apr 2-4 9a-12n 1 wk
Lara Moore, Camp Director. For absolute beginners, age 6 and up, on stringed instruments, or for players with less than a few
months of experience who want to review the
very basics. Concert attire is the camp Tshirt, which is free with early registration. The sooner students register, the sooner we
can determine how many ensembles to have
and what repertory to play. Questions may
be emailed to Lara Moore at violazul@gmail.
com. Gateway Fellowship Church, Poulsbo.
Jul 30- Aug 3 11:30a-2p $137
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul
16; only $127!
Additional T-Shirts $20
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
KCMT Musical Theater Workshop 1 wk
Kitsap Musical Children’s Theatre. Ages
7-14. Last summer’s camp was so much fun!
Don’t wait to register for this summer’s camp,
as space is limited! Campers will have a blast
while being instructed in different acting techniques, choreography, and vocal warm-ups as
they prepare a fantastic musical production. Camp will culminate in a full musical performance open to families and the public on our
beautiful Raab Park Stage, Fri, Jul 20 or on
Fri, Aug 17 at 6p. You will be amazed at what
your camper can do in one week! For more
information, go to www.kcmt.org. Join us and
learn why KCMT’s summer drama camp is so
popular! A mandatory parent meeting will
be one week prior to camp for more complete details and camp paperwork. Please
dress for the weather; bring a sack lunch,
snack and water bottle each day. Raab
Park, Poulsbo. Irish Dance Performance & Kingston
4th of July Parade Camp
Jenny Kolln. Ages 7-14. Join us for a
week of fun learning Irish dance steps and Ceili
dances (group folk dances). We will culminate
camp with a performance on July 3rd (time to
be determined) at Kingston’s Tiny Town stage
AND dance in the Kingston July 4th Parade!
(Parents are welcome to join us in the parade
with purchase of T-Shirt, too.) Black ballet or
jazz shoes are recommended. Tennis shoes
will be worn for the parade. A supply fee of
$14 is payable to the instructor at the first
class for the Rowan Fae T-Shirt.
M-Th + Jun 25-28 & Jul 2 10a-12p
M-Th + Jun 25-28 & Jul 2 10a-12:30p
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun
11; only $87!
M-F Jul 16-20 9a-3p $167
M-F Aug 13-17 9a-3p $167
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 2; only
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
Dance! Dance! Dance! Camp
1 wk
InMotion Dance Staff. Ages 6-14. This
week’s worth of dance is designed for the
beginner or experienced dancer. Students
will learn choreography, basic technique and
terminology while being exposed to various
styles of dance - Hip Hop to Hula, Contemporary to Musical Theatre. Each day will provide a glimpse of different dance styles in a
workshop environment rotating instructors and
styles. Come join the fun learning some new
moves and improving your flexibility and overall strength. Campers will end the week with a
performance for family and friends on Fri at 6
p. Please come in comfortable clothes that
allow for movement, dance shoes or bare
feet. Campers should bring a water bottle
and snack each day. InMotion Dance Studio.
Mon-Fri Jul 23-27 12n-4p $139
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 9; only
Kids World Dance 1 wk Giselle McMillen. Experience the world
with dance, art, games, and tastes from many
regions of the world. Students age 6-11 learn
culture, movement, geography and choreographed dance. Kids will travel the world
right in their own town! A $10 material fee
is payable to The Dance Within Studio the
first day of camp. The Dance Within Studio,
M-F Jun 25-29 11a-12p $57
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun 11;
only $47!
Special Needs World Dance Camp 1 wk
Giselle McMillen. Kids with challeng-
es will move, stretch and learn dances from
around the world. Students will experience
culture, movement, geography and dance.
Parents may be asked to stay if necessary. The Dance Within Studio, Poulsbo.
M-F Jul 23-27 11a-12p $68
M-F Aug 20-24 11a-12p $68
Early Registration discount!! – Signup two weeks
prior; only $58!
Belly Dance Camp Various instructors. Girls age 11 and up.
The ancient art of Middle Eastern dance is for
girls of all shapes, sizes, fitness levels. We’ll
use veils, finger cymbals, swords, and canes,
basic moves and choreography. Be beautiful
and fit just as you are! The Dance Within Studio, Poulsbo.
M-Th Jul 9-12 11a-12:30p $69
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun
25; only $59!
Sewing & Quilt Camp
sic and movement style that evolved from the
largest film industry in the world. In this class
for girls age 6-11, you will experience the
dance, costumes, make up and action. We
will create our own Bollywood dance & movie
scene! A $10 material fee is payable to The
Dance Within Studio the first day of camp.
The Dance Within Studio, Poulsbo.
M-F Jun 25-29 12-1p $57
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun 11;
only $47!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
4 classes
Joleen Aitchison. This camp, for ages
8 and up, will cover sewing basics for both
hand and machine sewing and will emphasize
the skills needed to construct simple projects.
Topics covered will include introduction to the
sewing machine, stitches, seam finishing,
hand sewing and finishing techniques. Students will need to provide their own sewing machine. Most materials provided, an
additional materials list will be provided
at registration. Campers need to bring a
snack and a water bottle. M-Th Aug 20-23 9a-12n $122
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Aug 6;
only $112!
Creative Writing Camp
4 classes
Carmi Soifer. Designed to develop and
support students, age 8 and up, imaginative
writing of poetry, plays, fiction and non-fiction,
this program encourages students to challenge themselves technically and artistically
through guided daily writing workshops, oneon-one instruction feedback, group editing
sessions, and creative presentations of their
work. Campers need to bring a snack and a
water bottle. Local elementary school.
M-Th Aug 13-16 9a-12n $99
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 30;
only $89!
Bollywood Movie Star Camp 1 wk Spanish Camp
Michelle Mendoza. Bollywood is a mu-
4 classes
4 classes
Julieta Vitullo. Ages 6-12. In this camp,
kids will learn Spanish through games, drama,
puppetry, songs, poems and dance. Images
and mimicry will be used instead of mechanical translations so that kids can have fun while
actually absorbing the language and producing it. This is a full-immersion Spanish camp!
Kids need to bring their own lunch. Local
elementary school.
M-Th Aug 6-9 10a-12:30p $129
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul
17; only $119!
Youth Camps
“The Cat on the Yoga Mat” Kids Camp
Well Being Yoga Staff. Get in touch
with your Seussical side and learn yoga too!
Each day of this three day camp will focus
on a different Seuss story through yogic reenactment, games, art, music and a theme
related healthy organic mini meal. Students
ages 5-9 will exercise their bodies and minds
while exploring the yogic themes embodied in
the Seuss story characters. Well Being Yoga,
Summer Circus Camp 4 classes
Bob Webb. Ages 8 & up. Did you ever
want to run away and join the circus? Campers will learn how to juggle, ride a unicycle,
and walk on a large ball. Mr. Webb runs the
BRATS program at Breidablik and has many
years of experience with the Circus arts.
Campers will need to bring a snack and a
water bottle. Bike helmets and wrist guards
are recommend but not necessary. Breidablik Elem.
T/W/Th Aug 14-16 2-5p
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul
31; only $115!
Jun 25-28 9a-12n $79
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun
11; only $69!
Nature Day Camp The full camp package: Poulsbo Community Pool’s Afternoon Swim Camp!
4 classes
Must have completed 1st grade
Have a younger child? See our Summer Magic program running at the same time!
Laura Rencher. Explore the outdoors
by learning about birds, insects, spiders, and
mammals as we explore the ponds, meadows,
forests and streams. We will learn about bird
adaptations, discover the life cycle of insects
and amphibians, and investigate predator/
prey relationships of mammals. We will play
games, make crafts, and go on adventures.
Meet at Nelson Park; Camp will be held at
Nelson Park and Fish Park.
Aug 20-23 9a-12p $109
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Aug
6, only $72!
Turn any of our half-day specialty camps
into the full day camp experience by adding
the Poulsbo Pool’s afternoon swim camp from
noon to 5, Mon-Thu. Let us know and we will
make sure your camper gets dropped off at
the pool for an afternoon of swimming fun.
Register for your half-day specialty camp at
Parks & Rec first, and then take your receipt
to the pool to receive a discounted rate for the
following dates of swim camp at the Poulsbo
Community Pool. For children registered
in one of the following camps: Adventure
Arts & Crafts, or Jump Rope Camps.
Jul 9-12
Jul 16-19 12n-5 12n-5p Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
Adventure Camp 4 classes
Alex Kerson & 4H certified instructor. Robin Hood & Jack Sparrow…do those
names sound exciting to you? Spend some
time learning the art of fencing and archery.
For ages 8-14. Be exposed to the ancient art
of swordplay by learning the basic movements
of parries and attacks. Build your confidence
and mental discipline through fencing, and increase your focus and concentration through
archery. Other fun activities will be included
in this camp for the brave and strong. Students can bring their own equipment or
use equipment provided. Poulsbo Middle
Jul 16-19 9a-12n $129
M-Th Jul 16-19
1-4p $129
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jul 2, only
Add 5 more hours of fun with Poulsbo Pool’s afternoon camp for $85. Register at the Poulsbo
Arts & Crafts Camp
4 classes
Denise Johnson (July); Brad Pugh (August). Come join the fun as students are introduced to clay, painting, batik, and other fun
types of creative expression. Campers ages
8 & up. will create a variety of art and craft
projects. All supply fees included. Poulsbo
Middle School Art Room.
Jul 9-12
9a-12n $129
M-Th Jul 23-26 9a-12n $129
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 weeks
prior, only $119!
Add 5 more hours of fun with Poulsbo Pool’s afternoon camp for $85. Register at the Poulsbo
Jump Rope Camp
4 classes
BI Rope Skippers. Come learn to jump
rope with the Bainbridge Island Rope Skippers! For children age 6-12 of all abilities.
Jump rope is great for fun and fitness. Jumpers will learn rope tricks, games and rhymes
for both single rope and double dutch. Cost
includes a rope for each jumper and a daily
snack. Camp teachers are jumpers from
the Bainbridge Island Rope Skippers’ Senior
Team, who have won many national and international medals. They have jumped all over
the world, and would love to share jump rope
with you! Local school.
Jul 9-12 1-4p $125
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun 25;
only $115!
For preschool Gymnastics Camps, please
turn to the Gymnastics section.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Gymnastics Camp
2 classes Kris Goodfellow & staff. This 2-day
camp for ages 6-11 packs one full session of
gymnastics into 4 hours of gymnastics. Work
on tumbling, bars, beam, vault and rings. Includes gymnastics, dance and conditioning
for strength and flexibility. Campers need to
bring a water bottle and a snack. Recreation
Center Gym.
Jun 27 & 28 9:30-11:30a
Jul 11 & 12 9:30-11:30a
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 wks
prior; only $48!
Intermediate & Advanced
Jul 18 & 19 9:30-11:30a
Aug 15 & 16
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 wks
prior; only $48!
Viking Boys Tennis Camp
4 classes
Boys going into Grades 9-12 in Sept 2012
If you are interested in playing tennis,
or learning more about it, the North Kitsap
Varsity Tennis Coach, Jay DeVries, will
be holding a 4-day camp after school in early June. There will be basic instruction, skill
work, games and chances to compete in
matches against other athletes at your skill
level. The camp will be limited to the first
24 athletes that sign up. Register at Poulsbo
Parks and Recreation. NKHS Tennis courts.
Jun 4-7
1 wk
Thunderbolts Summer Track Camps
Greg Chapman. This fun-filled and focused camp is open to all kids ages 6-14 who
are interested in learning the fundamentals of
track and field. Five days of running, jumping and throwing through drills and games that
teach fitness and the fundamentals of sprints,
middle and long distance running, cross country, long jumping, javelin throwing, hurdles and
relays. The camp will finish with a camp track
meet on Friday. North Kitsap High School
M-F Jun 25-29 9a-3p $109
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun
8; only $99!
Youth Camps
ACE Tennis Camps
Summer Karate Camp
1 wk
UKO Karate. This will be a fun and energetic exposure to martial arts for ages 6-12!
There will be exercise, Karate kicks, punches,
and blocks. We’ll talk about important Karate
attitudes like paying attention, practicing to
improve, mastery, never giving up, good manners, and more. We will also have some fun
with foam nunchaku and martial art activities. Please come in comfortable clothes that allow for movement. Local elementary school.
Jun 25-29 10-11a $62
Jul 9-13 10-11a $62
Lacrosse Summer Camp!
Boys and Girls, Going into Grades 3-8 Sept
Come and find out what all the fun is about!
This is the perfect opportunity to learn about
the fastest game on two feet and to improve
one’s lacrosse skills. The camp is offered by
the North Kitsap Lacrosse Club and will cover
the skills of lacrosse - catching, throwing, cradling, checking, play of the game, rules, etc.
Individual skill work, drills and team competitions will be an integral part of the camp. The
camps are open to all regardless of residency.
Registration is through Poulsbo Parks and
Recreation, with registration fees paid to the
City of Poulsbo. The registration deadline
is Fri, Jun 15. Refundable deposits of $75
for use of boy’s equipment (stick, helmet,
pads and gloves) or $75 for use of girl’s
equipment (goggles and stick) should be
paid to North Kitsap Lacrosse. All players
must provide their own mouthguard and
cleats. Camp will be held on NK area fields.
For further information, contact Jean
Bowden at jbowden@nklax.org or 206-7157664 or Kathy Loveless at kathy@nklax.org or
Mon-Fri Jun 25-29
$85 plus a $75 refundable equipment deposit (see
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Jun 8;
only $75!
Learn the game! Improve your game!
Parks & Recreation Staff. Great course
for the summer outdoor months!! Beautiful
sunshine and a lot of fun on the courts! Beginner and Intermediate level tennis camps
will be held at NKHS and KHS tennis courts
this summer. The training will focus on fundamentals of the game as well as individual techniques for service, volley, and game strategy.
Beginners: Intermediate:
Ages 7-12 Ages 9-15 10a-12n
NKHS Jun 25-29
Jul 2,3,5,6
Jul 9-13
Jul 16-20
Jul 23-27
Jul 30-Aug 3
NKHS Aug 6-10
NKHS Aug 13-17
Early Registration discount!! – Signup 2 wks
prior; only $78/69!
Volleyball for our 5-8th grade girls!
Peter Luong. Coach Peter will run this
end of summer training session to prep for
school volleyball or start your skills development for next season! Course will include 5
days of training, using 2 hours per day to get
the most jump for your buck! Classes will be
held in NK area gyms.
5/6th grade girls: 10a-12n; 7/8th grade girls: 1-3p
M/W/F Aug 20, 22, 24 & T/Th Aug 28, 30
Fee: $99
Early Registration discount!! – Signup by Aug 3;
only $89!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Youth Camps
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
is proud to present
7/16 - 7/20 Days: M-F
9am - 12pm
ages 5-7
Location: North Kitsap High School JV Baseball Field, 1780 NE Hostmark
7/16 - 7/20 Days: M-F
9am - 3pm
ages 7-12 $134/$141*
Location: North Kitsap High School JV Baseball Field, 1780 NE Hostmark
8/6 - 8/10 Days: M-F
9am - 12pm
ages 5-7
Location: Wolfle Elementary, 27089 Highland Rd. NE – Kingston
8/6 - 8/10 Days: M-F
9am - 3pm
ages 7-12 $134/$141*
Location: Wolfle Elementary, 27089 Highland Rd. NE – Kingston
7/9 - 7/13 Days: M-F
9am - 12pm
ages 5-7
Location: Kingston Middle School, 9000 NE W. Kingston Rd.
7/9 - 7/13 Days: M-F
9am - 3pm
ages 7-12
Location: Kingston Middle School, 9000 NE W. Kingston Rd.
7/30 - 8/3 Days: M-F
9am - 12pm
ages 5-7
Location: Poulsbo Middle School, 2003 Hostmark St.
7/30 - 8/3 Days: M-F
9am - 3pm
ages 7-12
Location: Poulsbo Middle School, 2003 Hostmark St.
7/23 - 7/27 Days: M-F
9am - 3pm
ages 7-12 $134/$141*
Location: North Kitsap High School JV Baseball Field, 1780 NE Hostmark
* Program Price for Non-Residents
The North Kitsap School District does not sponsor this event and the North Kitsap School District assumes no responsibility for it.
In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, the North Kitsap School District shall be held harmless from any cause of
action filed in court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees and
judgments or awards.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Where Does Your Recreation
Dollar Go?
The parks and recreation program is fee
based, so every time you pay a fee for a
recreation class, the fee goes right back
into the community.
Where does it go?
.....The instructor
.....Payroll taxes
.....The facility
.....State excise taxes; and
.....A 30% administrative fee that helps
keep your parks and recreation department open and functioning by providing staff, program information and advertising.
Making Sense of Retirement 1 class
Financial advisor Glenn Anderson of
Edward Jones. During this seminar, you’ll
learn more about the five basic questions you
should ask yourself as you prepare for retirement, the options you can use now to save,
and how time can help or hurt your retirement
goals. Edward Jones office, 19032 Jensen
Way, Poulsbo. Tue Apr 24
6-7p $10
George & Jan Bahr are offering dance
classes at Pearson Elementary!
Beginning Ballroom Dance: Facility
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation has
rooms to rent within its walls! There
are two multi-purpose spaces - one is
a classroom with a small kitchen attached, while the other one is the fitness
room. The rooms rent for $10-$25 per
hour plus sales tax, and are available
around the recreation class schedule.
Please give us a call at 360-779-9898
for more information.
Rental of the community room
at the Poulsbo Library is currently
done through the Library by calling
360.779.2915, ext 5; or PLMeetingRoomBookings@krl.org.
The room
is located on the bottom level of the library, and can host from 10 to 100 people. Please give them a call for more
information and availability.
Foxtrot, Waltz and Swing
7 wks George & Jan Bahr. Learn Ballroom dance
skills that will give you confidence on the
dance floor. The beginning class will teach
you the basic steps and turns. No class May
28. Pearson Elem Gym.
Beginning Latin Dance: Rumba, Cha Cha and Tango
7 wks
George & Jan Bahr. Learn skills that will
give you confidence to dance to the exciting
Latin rhythms. The beginning class will teach
you the basic steps and turns. No class May
28. Pearson Elem Gym.
Mon Apr 16-Jun 4
East Coast Swing Dance
4 wks
George & Jan Bahr. This Swing dance
class will start with beginning Swing steps for
the first two lessons and continue with intermediate steps for the last two lessons. This
is the fun dance that everyone wants to learn!
Pearson Elem Gym.
Jul 9-30
West Coast Swing Dance
4 wks
George & Jan Bahr. This is a different
dance than the East Coast Swing. West Coast
Swing is generally danced to slower music and
can be a very sensual dance. The class is 4
weeks long and consists of 2 beginning and 2
intermediate lessons. It is recommended that
you have a partner and some previous dance
instruction/experience. Pearson Elem Gym.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Apr 16-Jun 4
Jul 9-30
Adult Programs
Educated Feet Dance Classes
The following classes are taught by Sheila Phillips, certified Swing, Latin & Ballroom instructor. Unless noted, all classes
are located at InMotion Studio. All classes
open to teens & adults. No partner necessary!! PLEASE wear shoes that leave no
black marks!! Register with Poulsbo Park &
Rec, 360.779.9898 by Tuesday prior. Minimum class size - 12. Take your educated feet
to monthly Saturday dances Sheila hosts on
Bainbridge Island! http://www.educatedfeet.
East Coast Swing
4 wks
This is the most versatile of all the dances
from 50’s Rock and Roll, Big Band, Rhythm
and Blues, Country and a variety of today’s
music. Take both series and learn rhythm
patterns to slow, medium & fast tempos.
Easy to learn and will definitely get your feet
moving! Different patterns taught each series.
Register by prior Tue, 4/17 & 5/15.
Apr 19-May 10
May 17-Jun 7
Cross Step Waltz
6:30-7:30p 6:30-7:30p
4 wks
A more modern version of the popular
slow Waltz, Cross-Step Waltz is easy to learn
yet endlessly innovative, satisfying for both
beginners and the most experienced dancers. It travels and rotates like traditional waltz
but the addition of the cross-step opens up
a wide range of playful yet gracefully flowing
variations. Romantic and elegant, it has an
easy to hear 1-2-3 rhythm pattern. Register
by prior Tue, 4/17.
Apr 19-May 10
Sizzling Salsa $40
4 wks
The name “salsa” correctly describes
the flavor of this dance: hot! A spicy mixture
danced to rhythmic Afro-Caribbean & Latin
American beats, it evokes an irrepressible
zest for life! Lots of fun spins, sharp movement
and crisp turns. Club style Salsa, energetic,
passionate and the most popular Latin dance
today! Different patterns taught each series.
Take your moves to the live Salsa music event
at Island Center Hall on Saturday, Jun 16!
Register by prior Tue, 5/15 & 6/26. No class
Jul 5.
May 17-Jun 7
Jun 28-Jul 26
Argentine Tango
4 wks Presently the most popular form of Tango,
this is a dance filled with passion and dramatic
styling. It involves wonderful interpretation and
interplay between partners and has elegant
footwork. Basics & beyond. Register by
prior Tue, 6/26. No class Jul 5.
Jun 28-Jul 26
Dance Workshops
Learn and/or refresh favorite patterns in
the two most popular dances…Swing & Salsa!
Partners recommended but not mandatory.
These 90-minute workshops include beginning-intermediate level instruction and plenty
of practice time with instructor assistance.
Pre-registration with Poulsbo Park & Rec is
required. No on-site registration. Register
by Tue, 8/7.
East Coast Swing This is the most popular version of Swing,
a 6 count, single Lindy danced to medium &
fast tempos. Just in time for the Sock Hop &
ice cream social at Island Center Hall on Saturday, Aug 11!
Aug 9
The hottest Latin dance today! A spicy
mixture with lots of fun spins, sharp movement
and crisp turns. Salsa evokes an irrepressible
zest for life! Club style Salsa, energetic and
Aug 9
Adult Ballet I
6 wks / 12 classes
Ronda Miller. Strengthen your core
and increase your flexibility! This ballet class
will focus on strength building and flexibility
through basic ballet technique. Each class will
include exercises at the barre, floor work, port
de bra and some center barre work. All levels
are welcome. Exercise attire and ballet shoes
are strongly recommended. No class Jul 2 &
4. Kingston Community Center.
Apr 16-May 23
Jun 4-Jul 18
Jul 23-Aug 29
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Beginning Hula The Dance Within Studio
Owner Michelle Mendoza helps women primarily, of all ages and sizes, to celebrate their
own dance within, with international dance
styles that emphasize body acceptance, core
health and outrageous fun. All classes are
provided in a positive environment by teachers who are well trained and ready to work with
all fitness levels. All classes are held at The
Dance Within Studio, 19043 Front St, Poulsbo.
Barefoot Zumba for Adult Women 4 wks
Elizabeth Taileur. International music
and movement from around the world explode in this dance fitness program. This low
to medium impact class has a specific focus
of providing movement for all fitness levels,
focusing on core health, and safe movement
to protect joints, back, and knees. For safe
movement, students are encouraged to wear
thin soled workout shoes or no shoes at all.
No class May 28.
Mon Apr 16-May 7 7:30-8:30p $52
Mon May 14-Jun 11 7:30-8:30p $52
Basic Belly Dance
4 wks
Christine Swanson. The ancient art of
Middle Eastern dance is for all shapes, sizes
and fitness levels. We’ll use veils, finger cymbals, and learn basic moves and choreography. Be beautiful and fit just as you are!
Wed Apr 18-May 9 2-3p Wed May 23-Jun 13 2-3p Tribal Fusion Belly Dance
4 wks
Katelyn Burnheart. Described as an
ethereal, almost American gothic, earthy belly
dance style that fuses other dance forms into
its own unique feel. Experience tribal fusion’s
unique fashion, learn the moves and a choreographed dance. Recommended for girls
14 and up. Students will have the option of
participating in a local dance showcase for
National Dance week.
Fri Apr 13-May 4 6:30-7:30p Fri May 18-Jun 8 6:30-7:30p
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
4 wks
(formerly Hula for Health) Bernie Pualei Robinson.
your mind and body while learning dances of
Hawai’i. Hula basic steps will be taught as
well as a new hula during each session. For
those who enjoy the Hawaiian culture, music
and dance, Bernie Robinson creates a fun,
low-impact aerobic exercise class. Bernie
was born and raised in Honolulu and has been
teaching traditional hula for about 20 years.
Her halau (school) of hula has performed at
many venues throughout Kitsap, Clallam, and
Jefferson counties as well as in the greater
Seattle area. Wear comfortable clothes (no
long skirts) and bring water. A $10 supply
fee for CD and notebook are payable to the
instructor at the first class. InMotion Performance Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue May 1-22 Tue May 29-Jun 19 Tue Jul 3-24 Tue Aug 7-28 11a-12p 11a-12p 11a-12p 11a-12p Beginning Guitar $43
4 wks
Private Acoustic or Electric Guitar lessons, designed for beginners ages 8 and
older, will teach the FUNdamentals of guitar
including reading music notation, tablature,
basic chords and strumming techniques. Lessons run for 4 weeks, and are 30 minutes long.
Lessons will be scheduled between 4 and 6
pm. Limited to four students, so sign up early.
Students will need to bring their own guitars
in good working condition. We have FUN
and home practice increases success. Get
schooled in cool…start learning some wicked
sweet guitar!
A $9 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the first session.
This will include picks and a music book with
CD. Lesson dates may be subject to change.
Recreation Center.
Apr 10-May 1
Apr 12-May 3
Jul 10-31
Jul 12-Aug 2
Botanical Drawing 7 wks
Mon Apr 16-Jun 4 7-9:30p $129
Kathleen McKeehen. Beginning with
measurement techniques, observational skills,
and the unique requirements of botanical art,
this class teaches use of line to accurately
portray plant subjects, then moves on to understanding light’s effect on form and use of
shading for three-dimensionality. While focusing on plants, skills acquired apply to any
realistic drawing effort, and are an excellent
preparation for learning botanical watercolor.
All levels welcome! Supplies are minimal
and inexpensive; a supply list is available
at registration. No class May 28. Recreation
Center Kitchen.
Adult Programs
7 wks
Fundamentals of Watercolor Painting
Beginning Botanical Watercolor Workshop 3 classes
Kathleen McKeehen. This workshop
will provide an overview and practice with the
important basics for botanical painting, including measurement, drawing, and preparing the
painting surface; understanding how lighting
reveals form; using flat and graded washes;
applying dry-brush technique; and color mixing processes. Students will work with simple
subjects such as eggs or mushrooms to gain
confidence in wash and dry-brush use, and
then move on to a larger, more complex botanical subject, the green pepper. Those who
have already taken the longer Botanical Illustration class can use this workshop to apply
the techniques they learned to a complete
botanical subject and a finished piece. Cost
of materials can be minimized by purchasing small amounts of necessary paints, paper, etc. from instructor. Recreation Center
Mon Jul 2-16 Mon Aug 6-20 6:30-9p $59
6:30-9p $59
Dana Marrs. Transparent watercolor pigments can capture light like no other medium. Join instructor Dana Marrs to learn or
review the fundamental techniques needed
to paint beautiful watercolor paintings in the
style that you like. Great for beginners; perfect for intermediates. All our explorations of
techniques will use new reference materials.
Materials not included; a supply list is
available at registration. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 19-May 31 12:30-2:30p
7 wks
Watercolor Magic with Marine Life
Dana Marrs For those with previous
watercolor experience, this class will provide an opportunity to paint more regularly
and explore new techniques using wonderful
sea creatures as subjects. We will review
our watercolor techniques from wet-in-wet,
charging with color, washes, and making texture. We will schedule a day of painting at
the Marine Science Center as a class celebration. Materials not included. Recreation
Center Kitchen.
Apr 19-May 31 10a-12p
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Sketching and Drawing II 6 wks
Brad Pugh. Continue developing your
drawing and sketching expertise with an indepth exploration of the fundamentals you
have gained in the previous class. We will do
exercises to broaden & sharpen your skills;
pencil, pen & ink. We will also explore the use
of charcoal, pastels and washes. No class on
May 28. Vinland Elem Art Room or Recreation
Mon Apr 23-Jun 4 6:30-8p Introduction to Painting $75
6 wks
Brad Pugh. Oil, watercolors, acrylic…
where do I start? This class can help you
answer those questions. The basic of each
medium will be explained with technique and
materials for each. Expect to settle on a medium and create a work during the class session. Materials will be decided on at first
class and a materials list will be handed
out. Participants will need to purchase
supplies by the second class. No class on
May 28. Recreation Center or Vinland Elem
Art Room.
Mon Apr 23-Jun 4 12-2p Wed Apr 25-May 30 6:30-8p $75
Pottery classes by Rosie Creek Pottery Studio, Suquamish.
Instructors Lisa Salisbury, Elida
O’Brien and Joe O’Brien bring you 50 years
of Pottery teaching experience of all age levels
from University to Grade School. They have
Masters Degrees and State of Washington
Teaching Certificates. They will show you how
to design, throw, and decorate better pots as
well as fabricate hand-built vessels and sculptural forms, and have a great time doing it! All
classes will be held at Rosie Creek Pottery
Studio in Suquamish.
8 wks
This class covers the basics of slab building, pinch pots and coil building, and will give
you the skills to explore this fun area of ceramics. The success-oriented projects for the term
include a garden sculpture, a slab lamp and a
large coil built pot (TBD). You’ll be amazed at
how quickly the class will fly by and it is recommended that you take the class more than
once to further your repertoire of forms building on these fundamentals. A materials fee of
$25 for 25# of clay and firing costs is payable to the instructor at the first class. No
class Apr 18 & Jul 4. Class limit-6 students.
8 wks
Our beginning wheel classes will teach
you the basics of working on the potter’s
wheel. You’ll learn how to center and make
bowls and mugs. More experienced students
can incorporate wheel-thrown and hand-built
elements to their work. All students will trim
and glaze their work for the term. This class
will fly by and it is recommended that you take
the class more than once to further your repertoire of forms building on these fundamentals.
A materials fee of $25 for 25# of clay and
firing costs is payable to the instructor at
the first class. Class is limited to 6 students.
No class July 3.
Apr 24-Jun 12
Jun 19-Aug 14
Glazing Workshop
4 wks
This class will offer specialized instruction
in both low temperature (06-02) and mid-range
(cone 4-6) glazing. An intermediate knowledge of ceramics is required and each student
must have a selection of their own bisqued
ware (10-20 pieces) that they can glaze. We
will experiment with glaze applications, color
treatments, drawing and will load and fire the
kilns. At the first class you will need your
pots and a sketch book. The class cost includes glazing and firing. Class is limit-6.
Jun 2-23
Not Your Grandma’s Quilting: Handbuilding & Sculpting for Beginners Apr 25-Jun 13 Jun 20-Aug 15 Throwing on the Wheel
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Piecing with Precuts
4 wks
Joleen Aitchison. Precut fabrics – charm
pack, jelly roll, layer cake – are becoming increasingly popular choices for creating stunning quilt tops, taking the guesswork out of
color coordination and simplifying the cutting.
The instructor will share techniques for using
precuts. Each student will have the opportunity
to complete the tops for four beautiful projects
quickly and easily. Resources for purchasing
precuts and machine quilting will also be provided. A materials fee of $15 is required for
the first class. Additional purchases may
be required to complete projects. Please
bring your own sewing machine, thread,
scissors, etc. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Wed Tue
Apr 25- May 16 11:30-1p Jun 19-Jul 10
Adult Programs
Knitting 101 & Support 4 wks
For beginning and on-going knitters.
Kathy Loveless. Do you spend a lot of
time waiting for your kids at soccer games,
swimming lessons, baseball? Knitting is a
great craft you can do with those free moments here and there. Enjoy learning to knit
and increase your skills at your own pace. If
you want to learn how to knit, want help with
a project you’re having trouble with, or just
want to sit and knit with a friend, this class is
for you! Materials not included in class fee.
First time knitters can get a supply list from
the Recreation Center; on-going students
should bring their own projects. Recreation
Center Kitchen.
May 9-30 9:30-11a
Intro to Using Your Digital Camera
Mark VanHuis. Do you know how to use
the different settings and functions on your
Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera? This
class will help you understand what the different settings are for your camera. Bring your
camera and camera manual. Recreation
Center Kitchen or Poulsbo area school.
Apr 25
Sat Apr 28 6-9p 12-3p Basic Digital Photography
4 wks
Mark VanHuis. This class will help you
take your camera off of the automatic settings
and teach you the basics of manual exposure,
white balance and a more in-depth look at the
different settings on your camera. This course
will require some practice in between sessions. Students will need their DSLR camera, camera manual and a small notepad
and pen or pencil to keep in their camera
bag. Recreation Center Kitchen or Poulsbo
area school.
May 2-23
Are You Thinking About Writing a
4 wks
Kathryn Keve. This 4-week series covers
essential steps to consider: getting organized,
writing exercises to improve clarity and style,
and questions about purpose and publishing
options. A good way to meet other writers!
As an avid reader, an incurable editor/proofreader, photographer and graphic designer,
instructor Kathryn Keve offers “the works” for
writers. Please check out her website: www.
keveoriginals.com and see “BookWorks”.
Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 12-May 3
6:30-8p $64
Writing Fiction with Character(s) 3 wks
Carmi Soifer. Do you long to see your characters come alive on the page? Do you want to
see the story tell itself though character, action
and dialogue? This class will help you make
your characters fresh and full-bodied. Through
experiential exercises, we’ll see and listen to
our characters as they carry the structure of
the story. This course is open to those involved
in any form of fiction or related writing (play,
screenplay, memoir), as well as would-be writers. Carmi Soifer, M.Ed., was Artist-in-Residence at Rocky Mountain National Park and
is an experienced community teacher eager
to share her knowledge. Recreation Center.
7-8:30p $63
2 wks
Carmi Soifer. This class will help you
enter the art of haiku by gaining an understanding of modern English-language haiku.
as well as some aesthetics from the traditional
Japanese. The emphasis is on your own writing-how to take two images and let a spark
light between them, how to work with season
words and emotion, how to non-judgmentally
approach each moment. Participants will
find themselves looking at life’s moments in
a new way as we learn to “sketch from life”
and take in the spring season. The class is
experiential and fun, and is open to anyone.
Carmi Soifer, M.Ed. is an award-winning poet with a passion for the handson art of haiku.
Recreation Center.
May 2 & 9
5-6:30p Poetry From Within
3 wks
Carmi Soifer. Would you like to bring
out the poet in you in a safe and caring environment? Do you want to write from deep
spirit, in a way that communicates your own
truth? Are you interested in stretching and
learning through craft? In this class, the emphasis is on fun. You’ll discover things you
never thought you’d say, and ways you never
thought to say them. Through exercises and
examples, we’ll build craft, tune in to deep
sources within, and learn to expand through
our writing. “Poetry From Within” is appropriate for every level of poet and would-be poet.
Carmi Soifer, M. Ed. is an award-winning poet who is eager to share the
warmth of poetry. Recreation Center.
May 2-16
May 16 & 23
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Spanish Conversation!
It’s In Your Genes: Introduction to Genealogy
5 wks
Joleen Aitchison. How familiar are you
with your family history? Is there something
you’ve always wanted to know? This course
will provide the beginning genealogist with the
basic tools needed for effective family history
research. Topics covered will include commonly used forms and terminology, useful internet
sites and techniques, evaluating information,
and on-site research. The final week will be a
hands-on research session. A materials fee
of $5 is payable to the instructor at the first
class. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Thu Apr 26-May 24 6:30-8p $65
The Continuum of Care: From Full Independence to the Last
6 wks
Betty Herman. This interactive course
will include information, stories and problem
solving for class members who are monitoring or assisting parents in the aging process,
watching out for themselves as they age or
looking at what needs to be in place for a disabled adult/child who will outlive their parents.
If you are asking yourself, “Where do I begin?,” this is the class for you! Martha & Mary
Nursing Home.
Apr 17-May 22
L’aventure Française Conversational
10 wks
Myriam Mullen. For intermediate-advanced
adult students who want to learn more! Students will be involved in French conversation that includes reading and discussion of
stories. Conversational exercises will further
your understanding of French grammar as you
build confidence in speaking this beautiful language, and will allow students to further their
abilities. Come prepared to have a great time!
No class May 28. NKHS Classroom.
Apr 16-Jun 25
6-7:30p $115
L’aventure Française: Conversation for
Travel 7 wks
Romaine Kroon. Are you planning a trip
to a French-speaking country? This class will
teach you the conversational skills needed to
make your trip more enjoyable. The emphasis
will be on travel-related vocabulary and conversation. No class May 9. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 18-Jun 6
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
8 wks / 6 wks
Susan Wise. Acquire Spanish conversation skills for travel or work through games,
music, and the PBS telenovela Destinos.
Susan is a former bilingual teacher with a degree in Hispanic Studies from the University
of Salamanca, Spain. (Contact Susan at sjwise333@comcast.net for a test to determine
your level.) No class May 28. Spring classes:
NK High School; Summer classes: Recreation
Center, Poulsbo.
Spanish Conversation 1: is for beginners
and people who want to refresh rusty memories.
Apr 9-Jun 4 6:30-7:45p
Spanish Conversation 2: takes you beyond
beginner’s Spanish, using regular and irregular verbs in the Present Tense.
Apr 10-May 29 6:30-7:45p
Spanish Conversation 3: eases you into using the Simple Past Tenses.
Apr 11-May 30 6:30-7:45p
Spanish Conversation 4: expands your confidence using Past Tenses, introducing the Future Tense and Subjunctive Mood.
Thu Apr 12-May 31 6:30-7:45p
Jul 10-Aug 14
Jul 11-Aug 15
Summer Spanish A (Levels 1-2): Art, poetry,
crafts and music will inspire our conversation
in the Present Tense.
Summer Spanish B (Levels 3-4): Art, poetry,
crafts and music will inspire our conversation
in the Present, Past and Future Tenses.
Italian Language and Cuisine for the
Curious Traveler 6 wks
Instructor Ashlee Redfern lived in Italy
for 8 years, traveling, studying and graduating
from the Università di Firenze (Florence), then
returned to the Pacific Northwest and earned
a TESOL certification from Seattle University’s
S-TESL program. She has taught English in
Italy and Italian in the USA over the past 10
years. Her Italian Language courses are specifically designed for Curious Travelers and
Continuing Learners with the end goal of conversation—basic grammar, useful vocabulary
and colloquialisms will be tools for gaining
confidence in speaking this musical and romantic language. Ashlee recently started Italian Inspirations, a business that offers in-home
Italian Dinner Experiences, Cooking Lessons,
Translations & Consulting—Read her blog at
www.italian-inspirations.com or find Italian Inspirations on Facebook for updates on local
Italian and/or Foodie events.)
Adult Programs
Italian Language Intensive “Dalla A alla
Zeta” Basic grammar and useful phrases for the Curious Traveler.
For anyone interested in traveling to Italy
or in exploring the language and culture from
home, this full-immersion format offers basic
grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to help enable the speaker to ask for
information, to communicate needs, to understand simple directions and to gain knowledge
about Italian culture, customs and geography
while learning to speak and having fun! A supply fee of $20 per session is payable to the
instructor at the first class. No class Jul 3.
Poulsbo Elementary.
Apr 3-May 8
May 15- Jun 19
Jun 26-Aug 7
Continuing Italian Language “Dalla A alla
For students that have completed an Italian
Language Fundamentals course or that have
studied Italian in the recent past.
Continue building upon the foundation you’ve
got; let’s really get speaking! Have fun while
delving deeper into grammar, vocabulary and
conversation. This course is conversationbased and will help the speaker develop all
four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. A supply fee of $20 per session is payable to the instructor at the first
class. No class Jul 3. Poulsbo Elementary.
Apr 3-May 8
May 15- Jun 19
Jun 26-Aug 7
5-6p 5-6p
The Mark in Olympia with Chef Lisa Scott
Each month, there will be an opportunity
for a small group of Italian Students to attend
a special lunch at The Mark in Olympia. Specific dates TBA—information will be provided
during the language courses. A grown-up field
trip that offers an enriching culinary experience featuring an authentic Italian menu by
Chef Lisa, who uses traditional recipes with local organic ingredients to recreate dishes that
will make you feel like you’re on vacation in
Italy. Wine presentation, cultural anecdotes,
recipe discussion, and full-immersion language experience—practice ordering in Italian without the fear of getting the wrong thing!
This is organized during the class, with all fees
collected by the instructor.
Astrology 101
8 wks
Introduction to Psychological Astrology
Mitchell Lopate, M.A.T. Want to learn
about the fascinating concept of astrology—
and why everyone’s birthday is unique and
special to their life? Ever REALLY wonder
“if the stars DO hold the secrets about you?”
Would you like to TRULY know how to discover your strengths and talents—and be able to
develop and promote them? The 12 signs of
the zodiac and the astrological chart wheel are
a Mandala of Life! Mental health therapists,
social counselors, academic advisors, physicians, business managers, and human potential specialists study and incorporate principles
of astrological psychology into lifestyles and
practices in order to become more effective
and successful, and personally aware of human relationships. So do parents, teens, and
young adults! With psychology, the symbols of
astrology, and mythology’s gods and goddesses, the course explores ways that our personalities, self-image, needs, goals, abilities, and
strengths and weaknesses can be realized
and mastered. Come explore your OWN special gifts and abilities (and maybe some you
never knew!). The planets and stars of the
zodiac are the Motivators and Role Models
of society—and they have YOUR Life Story
to tell you, regardless of age! Fee includes
workbook. Location TBD.
Apr 19-Jun 7
Got Ghosts? Part 1
1-day workshop
Ages 16 & older.
Neil McNeill. What are they, how do you
deal with them, and where do you find them? Separate the fact from the fiction, and find
out what science has to say in this fun class
that takes a peek under the proverbial bed
sheet! Learn the scientific methods, theories,
and techniques of real paranormal investigation, and take part in your own investigation of
an actual haunted historic home! This 9-hour
one-day class is taught by well-known paranormal educator Neil McNeill. Port Gamble
Conference Room.
Class hours: 9a-noon, lunch break, 1p-4p, dinner
break, site investigation starts about 6p.
May 19
Jul 7
Aug 25
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Raab Park Community Garden
(The P-Patch)
The Raab Park Community Garden (The
P-Patch) is a partnership between the WSU
Extension Kitsap Master Gardener Program
and the Poulsbo Parks and Recreation Department. The P-Patch has 42 sunny garden
plots available in two sizes: 10’ x 20’ plot for
$45 per year and 10’ x 10’ plot for $35 per year.
Poulsbo residents receive a $5 discount.
Gardeners must use organic gardening
practices, products and materials. Information
on organic gardening will be provided. Produce may not be sold but may be shared or donated to a food bank. Gardeners are responsible for signing a “Gardener’s Agreement” and
providing their own hand tools, seeds, plants,
organic fertilizers and/or compost. They are
also required to contribute six (6) hours of
community work in the garden’s common areas. There are wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels
and hoses to use. Water is included.
Plots are being rented now! The garden
year typically starts Apr 1. An orientation will
be held at the Recreation Center in Poulsbo
on Sat, Apr 14 from 10a-12n. The first work
party will be Sat, Apr 21. For information, call
Parks and Recreation, 360-779-9898.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Programs
Gayle Larson has been an urban vegetable
gardener in the Pacific NW for 15 years. A
Certified Professional Horticulturist, she
teaches vegetable gardening locally and at
Edmonds Community College. Through her
business, Dancing Raven Design, she offers
edible garden design, coaching and consultation services.
Workshop Gardening
2 classes
Gayle Larson, Certified Professional
Horticulturist and Edible Garden Coach.
Learn the basics or hone your gardening skills
in this 2-day course. Topics covered include
garden planning and design, soil preparation
and testing, plant selection, synthetic-free
fertilization and pest management, irrigation
and harvest tips. Students will start seeds to
take home for their own gardens. Bring a sack
lunch and your edible gardening questions! A
$10 materials fee is due at the first class
payable to Gayle Larson and provides for
potting soil, containers and seeds, as well
as informational handouts. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 14 & 21 10a-4:30p
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Grow
Your Own Salad Bowl! 1 class
Gayle Larson, Certified Professional
Horticulturist and Edible Garden Coach.
Learn what vegetables you can plant together
in one container to harvest complete salads!
Students will plant and take home their own
Salad Garden Bowl. Plants and materials
provided. Recreation Center Kitchen.
Apr 17 6-8:30p
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Grow
Your Own Herb Garden Bowl! 1 class
Gayle Larson, Certified Professional
Horticulturist and Edible Garden Coach.
Put together your own herb garden! Learn
what to do to keep it happy and providing you
with fresh herbs year-round. Students will
plant and take home their own Herb Garden
Bowl. Plants and materials provided. Recreation Center Kitchen.
May 10 6-8:30p
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Tips and
Tricks for Terrific Tomatoes 1 class
Gayle Larson, Certified Professional
Horticulturist and Edible Garden Coach.
Learn the tricks and techniques successful
gardeners use to ripen tomatoes and peppers
in our chilly NW summers. Topics include: timing, varieties, protection from the weather &
disease and harvesting tips. Rec Center.
May 22 6-8p
Organic Vegetable Gardening: Container Gardening 1 class
Gayle Larson, Certified Professional
Horticulturist and Edible Garden Coach. No
room for a garden plot? You can still grow lots
of great veggies on your patio or deck in containers! Learn what to look for in a container,
what kinds of soil to use and which vegetables
to choose. You’ll be surprised at what you
can grow in a small space! Recreation Center
Jun 5 6-8p
Summer Pruning
Late summer is a great time to do pruning on fruit trees as well as woody trees and
shrubs. Join Bess Bronstein, ISA Certified
Arborist, city arborist Kevin McFarland
and the Poulsbo Tree Board to learn what
type of pruning you can do to improve your
plant’s health and structure during the warmer
months. Class will be held at Austurbruin Park. Sunday, July 15
1:30-3:30 pm
Small Animal Massage Free!
3 wks
Janice Hill. Bring your dog and come
learn the benefits of hands-on massage techniques for your pets. This class will teach you
the basics of Swedish massage strokes for
use on cats and dogs in order to provide soothing and healthy massage. Massaging your cat
or dog can improve their circulation, help with
their immune system, balance their muscles,
improve their muscle strength, help avoid injury, lower blood pressure, and deepen your
relationship with your animal. Learn when to
massage and when not to massage, what signals your animal is giving you, and how to read
their feedback during the massage. Students
will learn how to adapt techniques for cats, but
please do not bring cats to class. Participants will need to bring a towel or pad for
your dog to lie on. Significant others may
attend the class at no additional charge.
Recreation Center Kitchen.
Tue Apr 17-May 1 6:30-7:30p $38
Tue Jul 10- 24 6:30-7:30p $38
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Fitness & Sports
The Recreation Center is a great place to enjoy fitness classes. The fitness room is
air conditioned with a padded floor and large mirrors. Locker rooms and showers are
also available. Bring a water bottle and a towel and/or exercise mat for abdominal floor
Purchase a punch card for use in all classes: 10 classes/$50; 15 classes/$65. Drop In:
$6. City residents receive a discount on punch cards.
Tighten &
Tone (Lori)
Tighten &
Tone (Lori)
5:30-6:30 p
TNT – Tighten ‘N Tone+ Lori Whiting, ACE. This class will help
to define and tone muscles and speed up
your metabolism using resistance bands and
dumbbells. Core conditioning exercises will
help shape and define your physique and
strengthen back muscles. We’ll finish with
stretching to increase flexibility and relaxation,
and breathing to relieve stress. All levels welcome.
Yoga Basics+
Lori Whiting, ACE. A revitalizing mind/
body workout designed to increase flexibility
and strength through yoga postures, using
yoga blocks and straps to modify postures and
focusing on proper alignment. We’ll work on
balance and use breathing and relaxation for
stress relief. All levels welcome.
Emily Kerr. Gain greater flexibility and
strength in this 60-minute yoga class. We will
focus on basic yoga postures, correct alignment, and proper breathing techniques in a
non-intimidating and fun environment. Yoga is
something that is great to do as your primary
form of exercise, but it is also a perfect pairing for other fitness activities and sports that
you may enjoy. Join us weekly as we learn
more about how yoga fits into our lives and
about how our mind and body work together.
Students will need to provide their own yoga
mat and block, if desired. Yoga straps will be
Ed Woods. This class will include the
Hatha yoga concepts of poses (asanas) in a
format of: breathing, stretches, flow from one
pose to another (vinyasa), and poses held
for various lengths of time followed by a final
relaxing period at the end of class (savasana). The purpose of the yoga class is to improve physical fitness, core strength, balance,
posture, and flexibility. Alternative poses will
be recommended to reduce discomfort when
necessary, and elements of the eight limbs of
yoga will be introduced as the class progresses.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Fitness & Sports
Weight Room
The Recreation Center offers separate
weight room and cardiovascular equipment
for the community’s use. There are various
weight lifting machines including a Hoist V-5
multi-station machine with leg press attachment; a Powertec multi-station machine using
free weights, and a Parabody Safety Squat
Rack with Lat and Row attachments. We also
have a Vision Fitness running machine and
a Precor Elliptical. Youth 16 years or older
may use the weight room with a waiver
signed by their parent.
$29/mo for individuals/$3 drop in.
$49/family/mo (All prices include 8.6% sales tax)
The Community Recreation Center has two
fully enclosed courts available for play on a
reservation or walk-in basis. Courts may be
reserved on a first come basis two days in
advance during prime time hours, or day of
play by phone or in person. Court time can
be scheduled Mon-Thu 8a-7p, and Fri 8a-5p.
Cancellations must be made at least four
hours in advance. No black-soled shoes
or street shoes are allowed on the courts.
$8 per hour or a 10-hour punch card for $70. (All
prices include 8.6% sales tax).
Racquets and balls available for rent for $1 per hour.
Wally ball
A fast game of volleyball on a racquetball court, this game is for 6-8 people, and is
gaining interest and participation in the area.
Reservations are made similar to racquetball,
by calling in a reservation for a court and the
equipment. A complete set of rules is also
Fees: $10 per hour/or $85 for 10 hours. (All prices
include 8.6% sales tax).
CPR/First Aid
For information on countywide CPR
classes, call the County CPR Hotline at (360)
Utilize healing yoga poses to manage
health challenges by reducing symptoms and
restoring balance to the body and mind. Therapeutic Yoga is a holistic, natural and effective way to manage pain and rehabilitate injuries. Appropriate for all levels. All workshops
will be held at Well Being Yoga, Poulsbo.
Yoga Basics Workshop
1 class
Well Being Yoga Staff. We will go over
basic Yoga principles and asanas (postures)
and pranayama (breathing). Learn how to develop a safe and rewarding Yoga practice that
works for you. Find out for yourself why so
many people are drawn to Yoga, and explore
the physical and mental benefits of this ancient art. You will also learn how to work with
possible injuries you may have or how to avoid
them. If you are new to Yoga or would like to
review the basics, sign up for this workshop
and find out how Yoga can change your life!
Dress comfortably in layers; refrain from a
large meal beforehand.
Apr 21 May 26 10-11:30a
Mythic Yoga Workshop
1 class
Kat Wolff. Connect through yoga to mythic stories from around the world. Integrate the
wisdom of these stories into your life and your
practice. Connect with others on a journey to
self discovery. This is a class for mixed level
yogis (Beginner to Intermediate) willing to let
their imagination guide them into a magical
and enlightening workshop.
Apr 28
4 wks
De-Stress – Saturday Beginning Yoga
Judy Gunther. A wonderful way to destress at the end of the week. Yoga improves
flexibility, strength, concentration, posture,
breathing, and weight control. Its techniques
are over 5,000 years old. Men and women of
all ages can benefit from this ancient method!
Sat Sat Apr 14- May 5 10-11a Jun 2-23 10-11a Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Fitness & Sports
Beginning Hula The Dance Within Studio
Owner Michelle Mendoza helps women
primarily, of all ages and sizes, to celebrate
their own dance within, with international
dance styles that emphasize body acceptance, core health and outrageous fun. All
classes are provided in a positive environment
by teachers who are well trained and ready to
work with all fitness levels. All classes are held
at The Dance Within Studio, 19043 Front St,
Barefoot Zumba for Adult Women
4 wks
Elizabeth Taileur. International music
and movement from around the world explode
in this dance fitness program. This low to medium impact class has a specific focus of providing movement for all fitness levels, focusing
on core health, and safe movement to protect
joints, back, and knees. For safe movement,
students are encouraged to wear thin soled
workout shoes or no shoes at all. Teens and
adults welcome. No class May 28.
Mon Apr 16-May 7 7:30-8:30p $52
Mon May 14-Jun 11 7:30-8:30p $52
Basic Belly Dance
4 wks
Christine Swanson. The ancient art of
Middle Eastern dance is for all shapes, sizes
and fitness levels. We’ll use veils, finger cymbals, and learn basic moves and choreography. Be beautiful and fit just as you are! Teens
and adults welcome.
Wed Apr 18-May 9 2-3p Wed May 23-Jun 13 2-3p Tribal Fusion Belly Dance
4 wks
Katelyn Burnheart. Described as an
ethereal, almost American gothic, earthy belly
dance style that fuses other dance forms into
its own unique feel. Experience tribal fusion’s
unique fashion, learn the moves and a choreographed dance. Recommended for girls
14 and up. Students will have the option of
participating in a local dance showcase for National Dance week.
Fri Fri 46
Apr 13-May 4 6:30-7:30p May 18-Jun 8 6:30-7:30p
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
4 wks
(formerly Hula for Health) Bernie Pualei Robinson.
your mind and body while learning dances of
Hawai’i. Hula basic steps will be taught as
well as a new hula during each session. For
those who enjoy the Hawaiian culture, music
and dance, Bernie Robinson creates a fun,
low-impact aerobic exercise class. Bernie
was born and raised in Honolulu and has been
teaching traditional hula for about 20 years.
Her halau (school) of hula has performed at
many venues throughout Kitsap, Clallam, and
Jefferson counties as well as in the greater
Seattle area. Wear comfortable clothes (no
long skirts) and bring water. A $10 supply
fee for CD and notebook are payable to the
instructor at the first class. InMotion Performance Studio, Poulsbo.
Tue May 1-22 Tue May 29-Jun 19 Tue Jul 3-24 Tue Aug 7-28 11a-12p 11a-12p 11a-12p 11a-12p Sahm Bo Dahn $43
4 wks
Bernie Pualei Robinson. Sahm Bo Dahn
is a modern Korean exercise movement that
incorporates laughter, Asian philosophy, and
stretches to improve flexibility, balance, and
strength. Students are led through a series
of exercises (similar to yoga) to stretch (especially good for arthritic joints); stimulate the
circulation of the body; and tone the body.
This fun, gentle form of exercise is taught by
Bernie Robinson who brings it to us from Honolulu, Hawai’i. Bernie was trained by Master
Sahm Bo Dahn teacher, Sue Yashima, who is
originally from Korea. Sahm Bo Dahn is extremely popular with the people of Hawaii who
at all ages (oldest known is 94 years old) participate to keep fit and stimulate their minds.
Students should wear loose, comfortable
clothing (yoga clothes are good), bring a
yoga mat, towel (to put over mat) and water. Recreation Center.
Tue May 1-22 9:30am-10:30a $43
Tue May 29-June 19 9:30am-10:30a $43
Tue July 3-July 24 9:30am-10:30a $43
Tue Aug 7-Aug 28 9:30am-10:30a $43
4 wks
Self Defense for Women and Children
Dorie Stein. Gain discipline and movements for practical self defense. Students
learn calming techniques, tips for everyday
physical protection and practical application. This class could save your life. Those who are
injured or disabled are encouraged to participate. The Dance Within Studio, Poulsbo.
Sat Apr 14-May 5 1-2p Sat Jun 2-23
1-2p $52
Adult Fitness & Sports
Self Defense for the College Freshman
Mike Cain. Sending your child off to college or letting them move out on their own
can be a scary thought for any parent. Your
child will learn how to protect themselves in
this informative class taught by martial arts instructor, Mike Cain. Class includes hands-on
instruction in how to defend against choking,
punching, grabbing and pushing. No hard hitting or throws. You will learn about pressure
points, joint locks and practical application for
self defense. There is controlled contact as
you learn the various moves. Recreation Center Fitness Room.
Jun 2 Aug 4
12-2p 12-2p
12-2p 12-2p
6 wks
Beginners & Intermediate/AdvancedAge 10
& up
Alex Kerson. Our fencing program continues to grow as our students gain in skills
and knowledge. We offer Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced classes! The instruction and conditioning is excellent! Learn the
Greco method of “Kipnis/Burch”. Understand
the ancient art of swordplay by learning the
basic movements of parries and attacks. Build
your confidence and mental discipline through
fencing. Progress at your own speed. You
must have your own gear. Experienced fencers welcomed! Poulsbo/Kingston schools.
Beginners: Intermediate/Advanced: Tu/Th
will be a women’s league and a men’s
league. Info will be posted on the
City’s sports webpage as we get closer to the season!
Mike Cain. Learn how to protect yourself
in this informative class taught by martial arts
instructor, Mike Cain. Class includes hands-on
instruction in how to defend against choking,
punching, grabbing and pushing. No hard hitting or throws. You will learn about pressure
points, joint locks and practical application for
self defense. There is controlled contact as
you learn the various moves. We will definitely
work within your physical limitations. Recreation Center Fitness Room.
Apr 28
Aug 11
Team volleyball for Adults! There
Self Defense Workshop for Seniors
Coming in December 2012!
Apr 10-May 17
May 22-Jun 28 Jul 10-Aug 16
Equipment starter kits are available on the Internet.
Approximate costs for foil, chest protector, glove
and helmet is $140.
Slowpitch Softball: Adult Mixed Teams!
Modified USSSA Slowpitch on North Kitsap fields. This a great recreational league,
bringing many fun people out for sport. USSSA mixed rules apply; even numbers of women and men must be on the field at all times. Capable kids can play with their parents.
Some practice and scrimmage dates will be
available starting Jun 4. NO smoking. NO alcohol. Good Sportsmanship. 20 teams, 12
games minimum. Games will be double-headers, and will be played weekday evenings until
dark. North Kitsap High School Softball fields.
Deadline to register: June 15.
Weekday games: Jul 2- Aug 10 Team fee: $595.00 sales tax: 51.17 Total:
Individuals seeking a team, we’ll build a team:
$55.24 sales tax: 4.76 Total: $60
Basketball: 30+ Adult Open Gyms
Sundays except holidays
Fees are paid at the gym.
Do you have time for Sunday evening
basketball? Our Open Gym is geared for our
30+yr-olds, but those 18 years & older may
participate. Everyone plays! Pick up games
go continuously from 6-8p. Good sportsmanship is required. Poulsbo area gyms (normally
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
$2 drop-in
Fitness & Sports
Road Race 101 5 wks
Michelle Woodward. You’ve thought
about it and now it’s time to make your move.
Road Race 101 is a race prep class designed
to help you get ready for the 2012 Viking Fest
Road Race! (5 miles). This 5-week class is
designed for the beginner to intermediate
walker and runner interested in learning how
to start training for a road race. Apr 10 meeting will be in the Recreation Center Kitchen;
other class locations TBA.
Introductory Meeting:
Apr 10
Regular session:
Apr 17-May 15
9:30-10:30a $48 North Olympic Discovery Marathon
(NODM) & the Seattle Rock-n-Roll
Marathon: Half Marathon 8 or 11 wks
Michelle Woodward. Completing a half
marathon can be a very empowering and
even life-changing experience! If you’ve
ever thought about running one and just don’t
know how to get started, then this class is for
you. Class will meet weekly on Tuesdays to
discuss training schedules and progress with
a group run scheduled for Sunday mornings.
This is your opportunity to achieve your goal
of a marathon while learning about fitness,
nutrition and physiology. You’ll work with local
marathoner and coach Michelle Woodward,
who has completed 7 marathons, including
Boston, numerous half marathons, both road
and trail, as well as one ultra marathon. She’s
run the Seattle Half Marathon in November for
the last seven years in a row. It’s a great way
to be fit and ready for the summer. Completing the marathon is the icing on the cake...the
training is where it’s at!
Participants will receive a daily schedule to follow that moves them from day one
right to the final day at the marathon. Runners, walkers, and joggers are all welcome. Group workouts will be two times per week. First class will meet at the Recreation Center;
other class locations TBA. Tue Apr 10-Jun 19 6-7p AND
Sun Apr 15-Jun 17 8-9a NODM* 8 weeks only
Seattle Rock n Roll 11 weeks$121
*If you are training for the NODM you should
have at least three weeks of base training in
before starting the program. The NODM marathon is on Sun, Jun 3 & the Rock-n-Roll Marathon is Sat, Jun 23. Participants will need to
register on their own. Registration can now be
done online athttp://nodm.com/ and athttp://
www.rocknrollmarathon.org/. These races
both sold out last year, so please register
early to save money and insure your spot! 48
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Adult Adventure & Sports
Adult Sailing Classes US Sailing Small Boat Sailing courses for
beginners and intermediates
US Sailing Certified Instructor. The
best way to learn how to sail is in a fun and
responsive centerboard dinghy. If you have
always wanted to learn how to sail or perhaps
improve your skills and gain confidence, we
have a class for you. This U.S. Sailing certified course is for sailors ages 17 and older. It
will include a swim test and capsize recovery
practice in the pool and sailing time in 14-foot
Lido, F.J. or Laser 2 class centerboard dinghies. Each class will be both beginner and
intermediate level and will include man-overboard drills, docking, weather and other skills
useful for sailing any size boat. Register early,
as class size is limited. Participants must
provide their own Coast Guard approved
lifejackets. These classes are also appropriate for the intermediate sailor to brush up on
Session 1: Jul 9-21
Session 2:
Jul 23-Aug 4
Session 3:
Aug 6-18
Mon, Jul 9
NK Pool 6:30-8:30p
Mandatory swim test/capsize drill.
Tue/Thu, Jul 10, 12, 17, 19 5:30-8:30p
Sat, Jul 14 & 21
Port of Kingston, Dock C
Mon, Jul 23
NK Pool 6:30-8:30p
Mandatory swim test/capsize drill.
Tue/Thu, Jul 24, 26, 31, Aug 2 5:30-8:30p
Sat, Jul 28 & Aug 4
Port of Kingston, Dock C
Mon, Aug 6
NK Pool 6:30-8:30p
Mandatory swim test/capsize drill.
Tue/Thu, Aug 7, 9, 14, 16 5:30-8:30p
Sat, Aug 11 & 18
Port of Kingston, Dock C
Summer Instructor Employment
Our sailing program uses US Sailing
certified instructors for their summer camps.
Those instructors routinely come from our sailing team and our community. If you are interested in teaching summer camps, and have,
or have the desire to, complete the US Sailing instructor qualifications, please call Joe at
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Senior Programs
Tours offered by Kitsap Tours - for
Poulsbo Parks & Recretaion AARP Driving Course 2 classes
Ken Meadows. AARP presents their
Driver Safety program. The eight-hour course
is taught in two, four-hour sessions spanning
two days. This class is designed as a refresher for motorists age 50 and older. Subjects
include physical changes of the maturing
driver, and how those changes may be compensated. Course material covers updated
driver knowledge and skills, and gives an opportunity for participants to identify individual
problem areas and apply information that is
needed to improve their behavior as drivers.
There is no road driving. Class certificates
are given to those who complete the class.
Insurance companies may award a premium
discount of 10-30%. Classes fill quickly, so
sign up soon at the Recreation Center. Bring
a sack lunch each day. Poulsbo Fire Dept.
Tue/Wed May 8/9 10a-2:30p
Tue/Wed Jul 10/11 10a-2:30p
Fees (Please make check payable to AARP):
$12 AARP Members; $14 Non-Members
Self Defense Workshop for Seniors Mike Cain. Learn how to protect yourself in this informative class taught by martial arts instructor, Mike Cain. Class includes
hands-on instruction in how to defend against
choking, punching, grabbing and pushing. No
hard hitting or throws. You will learn about
pressure points, joint locks and practical application for self defense. There is controlled
contact as you learn the various moves. We
will definitely work within your physical limitations. Recreation Center Fitness Room.
Apr 28
Aug 11
12-2p 12-2p
Looking for trip drivers!
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation is looking
for a few good volunteer drivers for our senior
excursions. Driving our 15 passenger van
requires a standard WA State driver’s license
and subsequent training by staff.
If you’re interested in having fun while
your expenses are covered, this is a volunteer job for you! Please email Mary McCluskey at mmccluskey@cityofpoulsbo.com or
call 360-779-9898 for an application.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Locally owned Kitsap Tours offers the
following tours through Poulsbo Parks
& Recreation. All travel is in a 14 passenger luxury mini coach with easy step
entrance, high back leather seats, large
viewing windows, audio/video system and
a guide and driver. Your guide is also a
photographer and happy to help you capture some great photos along the way!
Historic Port Townsend - Thursday, April 26
9am – 5pm $89 + $7.65 sales tax
$96.65 Immerse yourself in the history of this
beautiful seaside town. Step aboard our
luxury mini coach and relax as we take the
scenic drive to Port Townsend. We’ll be
greeted by a knowledgeable step-on guide
who will provide us with an historic driving
tour of downtown and uptown with its Victorian architecture and fascinating past.
We’ll visit the Jefferson County Historical
Society Museum and the Rothchild House
will open for our private group. Lunch will
be at Sweet Laurette’s in Uptown ($6-$15)
known for their local, sustainable and savory
food! The afternoon continues with a guided
tour (bus and walking) of Fort Worden and
will include a visit to the Commanding Officer’s Quarters Museum. This will be a history packed day. Lunch with individual
checks. Price includes transportation,
driver and guides and all entrance fees.
Hood Canal Loop - Thursday, May 24 10am – 5pm $89 + $7.65 sales tax
Circle Hood Canal, Washington’s fjord-like
arm of the Salish Sea. Enjoy a private tour of
Alderbrook Resort and learn about its wonderful history. Lunch will be in the restaurant
as a group ($14 - $25) followed by a one hour
scenic boat tour on spectacular Hood Canal.
Our tour will continue along the shore of
Hood Canal with stops at Hood Canal Winery for a wine tasting and Hama Hama Oysters for a private tour and sampling! We’ll
return to Poulsbo by way of the world’s longest floating bridge over tidal salt water – the
Hood Canal Bridge. Lunch with individual
checks. Price includes transportation,
driver and guides, tours and samplings.
Senior Programs
Hurricane Ridge & Dungeness River
Audubon Center
Thursday, June 21, 9am – 5pm
$89 plus $7.65 sales tax $96.65 June is still early spring at Hurricane
Ridge so we hope to see the Avalanche
Lilies at this most beautiful outlook in the
Olympic National Park. We start our day
with a tour of the Dungeness River Audubon Center in Sequim followed by lunch at
Alderwood Bistro, known for their delicious
locally sourced, fresh and local offerings
($10 - $18). On to Hurricane ridge where
wildflowers and wildlife are almost guaranteed! You’ll have the option of a short
guided walk or just soaking up the beauty
at the Visitor Center. Transportation,
tours and entrance fee included. Lunch
with individual checks.
Senior Trips & Excursions
To reserve a space on a trip, you may
come to the Recreation Center or mail in your
registration as soon as you receive your brochure. Telephone reservations may be made,
using a credit card for payment, beginning
Wed, April 11. Fees usually include transportation and ferry, with admission and
lunch on your own. Trips fill up quickly, so
get your reservation in soon. Waiting lists
will be formed for all trips filled. No credit
will be issued prior to the trip UNLESS
your place can be filled.
The departure and return point for all
trips is the Recreation Center. Most trips
are in a passenger van (minimums vary/
maximum 14 participants) or occasionally
in a full size bus (minimum 30-35/maximum 44 participants). Please be aware that
sometimes our trips run a little behind schedule due to traffic issues, ferry schedules and
other uncontrollable situations. Please plan
accordingly. Also, these trip descriptions are
as up-to-date as possible as of the print date
of this catalog. Occasionally something will
change slightly. We will alert passengers if
we feel like the change will modify the trip in
any way; otherwise, we will go with any minor
Walking Assessment:
1) Limited walking, but most is on flat
terrain or indoors.
2) Medium walking, including some
outdoor situations or possible uneven
3) Quite a bit of walking, but most
should be on hard surfaces.
Watson Greenhouse and Nursery and
Pt. Defiance Drive 2
Wed, Apr 11
sales tax $1.97 Total $24.97
Watson’s originally began as a U-pick
vegetable operation in 1974, which was strictly
a family affair. A 14 x 14 ft. greenhouse structure was built, and a few houseplants were
grown. When it became too crowded, another
was built...and then another. Things expanded
from there, until a major remodel built a 32,500
sq. ft. beautiful glass and steel greenhouse
from Belgium. The new structure and space
has allowed Watson’s to offer an extended
gift line, garden art and additional gardening
products and plants. Watson’s grows the majority of the annual plants, planters and hanging baskets they sell. After visiting Watsons,
we’ll stop by the Tacoma Waterfront for lunch
at Katy Downs Tavern and Eatery; and then
enjoy the 5-mile drive through Pt. Defiance
Park. Fee includes transportation; lunch
and shopping are on your own.
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2
Tue, Apr 17 7:45a-6:30 p
$69 sales tax $5.93 Total $74.93
Everything is coming up tulips! With the
fairly mild winter we’re just now getting out of,
the hope is that Mother Nature is ready with
some beautiful blooms. This year we’ve set up
some new and fun things to do in the valley.
First we’ll pick up our navigator and tour guide
from the WSU Discovery Garden, who will
join us on our full-sized charter bus (please
meet at St. Olaf’s Catholic Church on Caldart Ave). After complementary cookies and
coffee and a tour of their garden, we’re off for
a 3-hour tour of the tulip fields while hearing
a running commentary about the area’s tulip
industry, bird migrations, agricultural industries, and numerous other facts regarding our
unique valley. We will stop at Roozengaarde
Display Garden with its 3 acres of 300,000
bulbs and then after lunch proceed to Tulip
Town with its numerous shops and displays.
Lunch will be at the Kiwanis Salmon BBQ
at a cost of $12 adult or $10 senior plate.
If you are not a salmon eater, please feel
free to bring a brown bag lunch. Fee includes charter bus transportation, ferry,
tour guide and admission to both gardens.
Lunch is on your own.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Senior Programs
Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens
Walking Tour and Coupeville 3
Tue, May 1
sales tax $3.35
Total $42.35
What a great time to visit a local garden
and nursery, close by on Whidbey Island.
Meerkerk Gardems were founded by Ann
and Max Meerkerk in the early 1960’s with 13
acres. The Meerkerks began hybridizing rhododendrons and collecting unique specimens
of rhododendrons, flowering trees and conifers. They planted the first five acres, known as
the “Secret Garden” as a miniature arboretum.
We’ll have a walking guided tour today, taking
in some of the 53 acres of inspirational woodland gardens and a forest preserve which offer
over 5 miles of trails to breathe in the serene
beauty and nature. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and cool weather clothing. Umbrellas are available. The trails are
a combination of good crushed gravel, mulch
and grass, and are partially ADA accessible.
After the tour we’ll head to the quaint town
of Coupeville for lunch and browsing before
heading home. This quiet farming community
still reflects the character of a frontier seaport.
Fee includes transportation, ferry and tour;
lunch is on your own.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Visitor Center
Thu, May 10
$25 sales tax $2.15
At the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Visitor Center, you’ll find stories of work that is
improving lives from Seattle to South Africa.
The Visitor Center is the place at the foundation where everyone is invited to learn about
work being done around the world to help all
people live healthy, productive lives. In the galleries and on the guided tour, you’ll be able to
find out more about the people who make up
the foundation—the Gates family, employees,
grantees and those who benefit from the work,
and learn about some of the world’s toughest
challenges, both locally and globally. After the
tour, we’ll head over to the Seattle Center to
view the exhibits for Celebrating Century 21,
which will explore Seattle’s 1962 World’s Fair
and considers its impact on the Seattle of today. The exhibit includes components from
the Hagley Museum and Library’s exhibit Centuries of Progress: American World’s Fairs,
1853-1982, along with numerous artifacts,
photographs and media documents from the
1962 World’s Fair selected from the collection
of the Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI).
Fee includes transportation, ferry and tour;
lunch is on your own.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Castaway Getaway…Murder Lunch
Wed, May 16
$69 sales tax $5.93 Total $74.93
Join us for an afternoon of interactive
murder mystery, lunch and mayhem for the
kick-off party for the upcoming Fantasy Castaway Getaway Weekend, a retro celebration
reminiscent of that old television show about
your favorite Castaways. We’ll walk on the
Bainbridge ferry to an awaiting Argosy ship,
about two blocks from the ferry terminal. We’ll
join a “2.5 Hour Tour” aboard the Royal Argosy with Captain Skippy, GingerAnne, and
Gil Egan! All patrons are encouraged to interact with the mystery, set each other up as
suspects, dress as their favorite castaway or
just wear your favorite beach attire! But watch
your backs, you may end up leaving in handcuffs! Costumes are encouraged, but certainly
not required! Fee includes transportation,
ferry, cruise and lunch.
Marvin Hamlisch’s American
Songbook 2
Sat, Jun 2
$72 sales tax $6.19 Total $78.19
There will be lots of toe-tapping today!
Join the popular and famous Marvin Hamlisch
and the Orchestra for a concert filled with hits
from the American Songbook. From Broadway’s best to jazz standards, Hamlisch leads
the music that’s kept our nation singing for decades and throughout the 20th century. We’ll
stop for a yummy lunch prior to the show. Fee
includes transportation, ferry and show;
lunch is on your own.
King Tut & Celebrating Century 21
Mon, Jun 4
$53 sales tax $4.55 Total $57.55
Step into one of history’s most treasured
stories in Tutankhamun: The Golden King
and The Great Pharaohs, at the Pacific Science Center at the Seattle Center. The exhibition features more than 100 objects from
King Tut’s tomb and ancient sites representing
some of the most important rulers throughout
2,000 years of ancient Egyptian history. With
more than twice the number of artifacts than
the original Tut exhibit that toured in the 1970s,
many of these objects have never toured in the
United States before this exhibit. Come faceto-face with the largest image of King Tut ever
unearthed - a 10-foot statue of the pharaoh
found at the remains of the funerary temple of
two of his high officials. See authentic objects
from King Tut’s tomb including jewelry, furniture and ceremonial items, as well as the boy
king’s golden sandals - created specifically
Senior Programs
for the afterlife and covering his feet when his
mummified remains were discovered in 1922
by British explorer Howard Carter. The IMAX
movie is not included with the ticket price, but
can be purchased separately, space permitting. After King Tut, we’ll head over to the Seattle Center for lunch at the Food Court, and
then to view Celebrating Century 21, which
will explore Seattle’s 1962 World’s Fair and
considers its impact on the Seattle of today.
Numerous artifacts, photographs and media
documents from the 1962 World’s Fair will be
on display. Fee includes transportation, ferry and show ticket; lunch is on your own.
Please sign up by May 1.
Charter Bus!
Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility and
Renewable Energy Center 2
Tue, Jun 12
$49 sales tax $4.21 Total $53.21
Today we’ll head east to someplace new!
Located near Ellensburg in Kittitas County,
PSE’s second wind facility — Wild Horse Wind
and Solar Facility – has 149 turbines spanning
across 10,000 acres. The facility can generate up to 273 megawatts of electricity, enough
to serve more than 80,000 homes. Wild Horse
came on line in December 2006, and was
expanded in 2009. Wild Horse benefits the
surrounding community by creating jobs and
providing leasing income for landowners. Wild
Horse also contains the Pacific Northwest’s
largest solar-power array. Today we’ll have
a program that involves a presentation and
driving tour. Fee includes bus transportation and tour; lunch is on your own at the
Bar 14 Ranch House Restaurant. Please
park and meet the bus at St. Olaf’s Catholic
Sinatra Lunch Cruise 2
Thu, Jun 28
$64 sales tax $5.50 Total $69.50
Only Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson
can rival Frank Sinatra for biggest-selling solo
artist of all time. His jazz-influenced singing
remained internationally renowned whatever
whims, fashions or innovations were introduced by new generations. In a solo career
that included over 70 albums and hundreds
of singles, from the late-30s until the mid-90s,
Sinatra remained universally loved even as
rock, pop and electronic musical styles were
invented and widely popularized. Come join
the group as we walk on the Bainbridge ferry
to sit back, relax, enjoy, and even sing-a-long.
Their Executive Chef will prepare a wonderful seated-served lunch on board the Royal
Argosy for this memorable afternoon. Fee includes transportation, ferry, cruise, lunch.
Les Misérables at the 5th Avenue
Theater 1
Thu, Jul 5
$109 sales tax $9.37 Total $118.37
Les Miserables, (translated variously from the French as The Miserable , The
Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Wretched
Poor, or The Victims), is an 1862 French novel
by author Victor Hugo and is widely considered
one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth
century. It follows the lives and interactions
of several French characters over a 17-year
period in the early nineteenth century, starting
in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion. The novel focuses on the struggles
of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience
of redemption. It examines the nature of law
and grace, and expatiates upon the history of
France, architecture of Paris, politics, moral
philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion,
and the types and nature of romantic and
familial love. The story is historical fiction because it contains factual and historic events.
Les Miz takes place in the nineteenth century;
the only “revolution” depicted is the June Rebellion, a student uprising. There will be time
for lunch (on your own) before the show. Fee
includes transportation, ferry and show.
Puget Sound Express
Wed, Jul 11
$99 sales tax $8.51 Total $107.51
This classic trip never gets old! Come join
us as we take a daylong cruise on the Glacier
Spirit out of Port Townsend. This tour combines orca watching with an on-board naturalist, and a tour of the beautiful San Juan
Islands. We’ll visit the popular town of Friday
Harbor for shopping, island cuisine, and sightseeing. Fee includes transportation and
cruise. Lunch and shopping is on your
Sequim Lavender Festival 2
Fri, Jul 20
$20 sales tax $1.72 Total $21.72
Celebrate Lavender®..The largest lavender event in North America!...Seven splendid
lavender farms on tour!...And one fantastic
street fair in downtown Sequim! The Sequim
Lavender Growers Association invites you to
experience the fragrance and splendor of this
amazing herb. Each farm is distinctive, reflecting the vision of its owner and the surrounding
environment. Farmers share their techniques
for cultivating, harvesting, drying and using
lavender. U-pick lavender is offered at each
farm, plus workshops, demonstrations, craft
artists, music, food and beverages. Fee includes transportation. Lunch and shopping
is on your own. There is no fee to visit the
16th annual
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Senior Programs
Tillicum Village/Blake Island Cruise
Sun, Jul 22
$89 sales tax $7.65
Total $96.65 Your adventure today begins on a Kitsap
Harbor Tours boat from Bremerton to Blake
Island. The boat trip over to the island has live
narration. Tillicum staff greets you with steaming mugs of clams and nectar while you take
in the amazing view of Mt. Rainier, the city
skyline and Puget Sound. Take time to wander
into the longhouse foyer and gather round the
fire where you can watch whole salmon being
cooked on cedar stakes over an alder-wood
fire in the traditional Northwest Coast Indian
Style. Staff will lead you into the longhouse
where you take a seat for the performance and
your fabulous buffet meal. The new 25-minute
show keeps to the authenticity of the Coast
Salish tribes, while simultaneously bringing
dramatic 21st century video film effects to a
live theater set. If you haven’t experienced
this in the past, now is the time! Fee includes
transportation, boat ride, meal, show.
Charter Bus!
Diablo Lake Boat Tour
Thu, Aug 2 6:15a-6p
$79 sales tax $6.79 Total $85.79 Join us on a charter bus as we venture to one
of the prettiest drives in Western Washington.
The North Cascades Institute, in partnership
with Seattle City Light and North Cascades
National Park, is offering interpretive tours of
the fascinating natural and cultural history of
the Upper Skagit Valley. This tour offer explorations of Diablo Lake aboard the historic Alice
Ross III and lunch at the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center. Learn about the
natural and cultural history of the area, view
glacier-clad peaks and tree-topped islands,
hear stories about the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project and enjoy the deep-blue waters of
glacier-fed Diablo Lake. Please sign up by
June 30. Fee includes bus transportation,
ferry, tour and lunch. Please meet at St.
Olaf’s Catholic Church.
Lake Crescent Lodge 2
Tue, Aug 7
$23 sales tax $1.97 Total $24.97
As the summer winds down, there is still
time to enjoy an outing in our closest national
park. In the midst of trees and water, sits historic Lake Crescent Lodge. It is located west
of Port Angeles, and in the heart of the park. We’ll drive leisurely to the park and enjoy
lunch in their restaurant. If you want to walk
up to Marymere Falls, it is about ½ mile on a
trail. We’ll also stop by SunnyFarms in Sequim. Fee includes transportation. Lunch
is on your own. 54
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation
Queen of Seattle 1
Thu, Aug 16
$69 sales tax $5.93 Total $74.93
Relive the days of the 1890’s Alaska Gold
Rush when fortune seekers journeyed from
Seattle to the Klondike and paddle wheelers
plied the waters of the Yukon River. Blending the past and present, your narrated cruise
aboard the largest steam powered paddle
wheeler west of the Mississippi, will include
fun and historical information about this period
in Seattle history. As we circle the shores of
Lake Union, we will view the houseboat communities including the houseboat used in the
film “Sleepless in Seattle”, Gasworks Park,
the ship canal areas, and under draw bridges
that will open as we pass thru. On the return
leg you will be entertained with a live Klondike Cabaret Show and Steam Calliope performance. Fee includes transportation, ferry
and cruise. Lunch is on your own.
Deception Pass Boat Tour and
La Conner 2
Tue, Aug 21
$57 sales tax $4.90 Total $61.90
Deception Pass is one of the most photographed and visited places in Washington
State! We’ll first stop in the seaside town of La
Conner to browse and enjoy lunch. Then onto
Deception Pass, where we’lll be treated to a
unique ride on a seated open deck boat and
enjoy a 360 degree unobstructed view as we
pass through the waters of Deception Pass.
Captain Brett is a U.S. Coast Guard certified
captain who loves to share this exciting and
picturesque setting with you. Look for wildlife
such as bald eagles, seals, porpoises and
maybe an occasional whale. Learn the tales
of characters who navigated these waters and
the splendor of this National Historic Landmark. Fee includes transportation, ferry
and boat tour. Lunch is on your own.
New Day Northwest and Pike Street
Market 2
Wed, Aug 29
$25 sales tax $2.15 Total $27.15
This has proven to be a very popular destination for the group. New Day Northwest is a
talk show with a live studio audience at King 5
TV. Join Margaret Larson and various guests;
authors, musicians, fitness and health experts,
celebrities and sports stars as we celebrate
what’s great about the Northwest. We won’t
know the topics of the show until the date gets
closer. After the early taping, we will travel
over to the Pike Street Market for some lunch
and shopping before heading home. Fee includes transportation and ferry; lunch and
shopping on your own.
North Kitsap Community Pool
Poulsbo Parks & Recreation Staff:
(360) 779-9898
Parks & Recreation Director:
Mary McCluskey
Administrative Assistant:
Pat Hightower
Recreation Programmers:
Joe Schiel & Kris Goodfellow
Preschool Coordinator:
Amy McCollum
Preschool Assistant:
Andrea Austin, Pam Raymond
Alyson Howe
Recreation Center:
19540 Front Street, Poulsbo
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation

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