Parks And Trails Brochure
Parks And Trails Brochure
Valley Oak Park RO AD I EL D DO Department Administration ST RE ET RM AN 1 To E&N Trail Dog Off-Leash Area ST B ER M i l ls R TR Brechin Boat Ramp nd la Isla Newcastle Park (Provincial Park) FN YO CIT OA D ES R LOOK FOR THE GEONANAIMO LOGO AT EACH PARK ENTRANCE AND IN THE PARKS BROCHURE, INDICATING IT AS A GEO-PARK. YOU WILL FIND POINTS OF GEOLOGICAL INTEREST WITH INTERPRETATIVE SIGNS AND ADVICE ON WHERE FURTHER INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND. City of Nanaimo Parks & Trails | Nanaimo It 's a Lifestyle COMMUNITY GARDEN WILDLIFE SPORT FIELD PLAYGROUNDS FISHING TRACK AND FIELD WATER PARK BOAT RAMP LACROSSE DOG PARK GYM / FITNESS AREA VOLLEY BALL POOL KAYAKING PLACE OF INTEREST ARENA SWIMMING PARKING SKATE PARK DIVING SEA PLANE TERMINAL PEDESTRIAN ROUTES GOLF FERRY TERMINAL INTERPRETIVE CONTENT DISC GOLF MARINA PICNIC AREA HORSE SHOES WASHROOM SHELTER LAWN BOWLING PR OM EN ADE ST Pioneer Plaza AN CH W AY DR Cameron Island Nanaimo’s harbour and commercial boat basin is a favourite T MIN A AU L DS RO AD OA D RD K AN DO VE RR D WA L DB Y RO AD C IT (Walley Creek Trail) Morningside Park Rocky Point Park Eagleview Park Neck Point Park Pi LA VE. per 3 Lagoon Islands (Shack Islands) s Lagoon Trail Distance 1.6km AY HIGHW CL Underpass CANA one River Millst Lion's Great Bridge Canoe Georgia Park Harbour Spirit Square Swy-a-Lana Lagoon Maffeo Sutton Park 2 Frank Ney statue Pedestrian Fishing Pier Crabbing, Fishing, Harbour Experience TR A NS C AN HIG AV E. Lion's Concert Pavilion side Ferry to Gabriola Island Pearson Park DA HIG HWAY - T ERMINAL AVENUE ST EET destination for boaters. The 4km Harbourside Walkway, Swy-a-lana Lagoon, fishing and walking piers and Maffeo Sutton Park combine as the most popular destination for recreation in the city. Visiting Vessel Pier DO DU W HI D AD RO T STR Catherine Gisborne Park Sealand Park Hammond Bay IFF FRON 7 W AY LE GeoNanaimo Self-guided Tour TENNIS Cenotaph Broadway Icarus-Sechelt ST Gabriola Island VIEW POINTS NA CA Mudge Island COMMUNITY CENTRE L STR EE RD Groveland Park Harry Wipper Park NE W D o dd Narrows CURLING ST OR Boat Basin Foot Ferry to Protection Island BEACH ACCESS CHAPE CH Stairs Lost Lake TRAN S Court House TRANS-CANADA TRAIL PARK Bastion Seabold Rotary Park Lost Lake Park Commercial Street: Convention Centre, Shopping, Arts, Dining. R CHU For example, if a building is a 10 minute walk from a particular spot, it is 800 metres away. F Joan Point Park “80 metres = one minute of walking time” Shopping Centre WHAR 800m “10 minute walk” THE STANDARD MEASURE FOR WALKING DISTANCE IS: D PEDESTRAIN ROUTES: Pipers Park Port Theatre Amphitheatre McGregor Park Saxer Park Lewis Carmanah Arbutus Parkway N NSO BE AY UM W Trail Distance 1.8km Harbourfront RON R Legend 6 MUSE Cable Bay Trail CAME OA D McGirr Park Malibu Linley Valley (Cottle Lake) Park Pipers Lagoon Park BASTION AR AN D M Planta Park TER RN CO L MC GI RR Kerry Lane IVE McKinnon BA NI Rutherford Park DICKINSON RD Trail Distance 1 Km HA M Jesse Island Kanaka Bay S DR Roxanne o To G Nanaim MO Duke Point To Tsawwassen AN AI COSmugglers Park MM ERC IAL ST ND Cottle Lake Robins Den Brandon Island OAD YR BA Duke Point Ferry Terminal n el LA R Wardropper Park Sugarloaf Mountain Park D erlan d C h a n TU Woodstream Park Departure Bay Mallard Lake UP RE BA YR OA D RO AD D IEL HF RT NO Departure Bay Ferry Terminal E Kenwill P DE Centennial Park Departure Bay Beach Protection Island abrio 3 Departure Bay OA D Kinsman Park Newcastle Island 2 C ROOLW AD O O TH DI RE ME C R PL Southhampton EC RO SS RD BA YR RD RO AD BR E Staffordshire AY R D SD May Richards Bennett Pioneer Park Home to many of the city’s festivals and community events. There is a great feel to this open space overlooking the water. It offers great relaxation, swimming, a playground and a pavilion for those summer night concerts. Come here to enjoy the sunshine or to find a shade tree to enjoy the great outdoors. HW AY STE WA RT A VE. (2.2 KM Queen Elizabeth II Promenade Park Wal kwa TO D EPA RTU RE B AY F ERR Y) AVE Mark Bay (Echo Bay) Keighley RT Trail Distance 0.9km Orchard Circle HIGHW AY AP ND RIV Cathedral Grove Brookwood Park Country Club The E & N Trail U Beach Estates ParkRE B OR Public Works (Trail Distance 8.0km) DEPA ER F IVE ROS EHI LL e X IEU LAB RD TH MARY ELLEN DR. RK WAY T stl RD M N CR FF ERI annel Beban Artificial Turf Fields D ROA LA Salal RU DR ISLAND UP AI M O PA NS nd Ch AN E Long Lake AL AN MT BEN SO sla 3 1 RI V 3 TR ST tle I OA D RD Underpass Barney Moriez Park NUE ay 3. 5km N e w ca s Davies Lane DO R R NO D LL WE ME BRY DEN Wa l k w T E V AN ROAD ISL Underpass RO AD STEWA RT A VE DA RY R 1 Oliver Woods Park Lakeview Park Loudon Park And Walkway U -CO Beban Park Overpass Y WA GH UM ON ca HE NT ON ROAD EL TH EN AD N RO GTO LIN Welcome To Nanaimo Sign CK nt RD Diver Lake RO AD Green Lake Everest Drive LAG EN D Brackenwood ON Nor thumb Parksville O ur fro 8 UN HIN bo ES Hospital DU ST GE GT ON ST . Ha r MIN A AVENUE L BO DIN OR RD WA D GE NT 1 AD RO Bob-O-Link ESCENT ST BU SH 2 Beaufort Park y To H o r s e s h o e B a y LD OO Fe r r HO ce 2 Playground Mansfield Caledonia Park TER w Trail Distance 2.5km an D ist BO XW GL WO W TO WA LL ST Ne Underpass To Trail ay kw .0km) Pa r 0 (Trail JIN ST RTH E SIT o yT JACKSON ROAD Gallows Point Park il Tra Th e BUTTERTUBS DR. e rr Biggs & Jack Point Park BIGG S AR L IN Theresa Terrace LA BIE UX OT R D ST . EL ON GT AR H 3R D 2N DS T. Hawthorne tF Pirates Park AN ROAD MAUGH Park LIN LE Y ROAD HA RM AC W Underpass 3 Diver Lake (Trail Distance 2.4km) ES Park IA H AV E. Maffeo Sutton Park tion RO AD 2 Pro t e c O i AD RS WA K Fo o Harbourfront Walk From McGregor Park Plaza To Brechin Boat Ramp Trail Distance 3.5km RO RD Buttertubs Marsh Conservation Area N ST F o o t F e r r y To McGregor Park Plaza MC M ILL AN 9 e R iver llston E. Bowen Park FRON T Pacific Estuary Conservation Program Northfield Park D BOWEN ROA CO MO X Deverill Square Park D ROA CEDAR FITZW T ST ALBER Nanaimo Harbour Pawson T RO N S X ST AD LTO CO MI IDEAU L R 4 STREE P T IRW IN ST 1 E PINE ST. MACHLEARY ST. IA BO TR OA D ST 4 TO R NI AV E WE VIC ST D ILLIAM D WA R ST HS NT VE SE D MA KI R CED AR HWA Y HIG DU KE PO INT OL HO NU Robins Park Knowles Larry Mcnabb Sport Zone Nanaimo Ice Centre PA RK AV E Camcrest M CANADA H IGH TRANS HA WAY LIB UR TO N Chase River Estuary Park AD RO E OO MO STA R Crystal Brook D Petroglyph Park (Provincial) NU 4T HS T T EE Connaught / Railway Park TR ver TW Miners Cottage Valley Oak Park EP KW AY se R i Colinwood OA Airport (13.5km) 5T The Pa N M WACK Y EOW Cha R ROAD H ST TENT Rotary Serauxmen Stadium Bowl Nanaimo Aquatic Centre EA VE Brannen Lake D OA ER UC r TURN DA HIGHWAY Serauxmen Sports Fields b S BR Sa on Creek AR OP JINGLE POT D Nova e Ri ve RD ES Harewood Centennial Park W 2 Evergreen Kinette ROAD TRANS CANA LL AD e RO s Lak OT a t h e r EP C L G JIN Cariboo D IM MI ist Janes Park Colliery Dam Park HAREWOO THE N A N A 4 OD LAKES RD D ROA Nort h Elaine Hamilton Park Morrell Sanctuary RO AD NANAIMO SION uth N EXTE So ail ay Tr rkw W RO EST AD W O to n D E 1.0 Welcome To Nanaimo Sign D RIV Country Hills City Reservoir OO RD Richards Marsh Park Kilometre Reservoir Park MIN ES BA Ranch View 0 RE W HA NA Harewood Mine Reservoir Trail Distance 6.0km Westwood Lake Park Trans-Canada Trail Continues CIN - Multi-purpose rooms - Community police station Marie Davidson BMX Track WE Westwood Lake Cinnabar Valley - Two gymnasiums - Preschool room - Wellness room D To Waterfront & Downtown Oliver Woods Community Centre Gyro Sports Fields Field House Fair Grounds Equestrian Centre 5 JIN GL EP Hawthorne Park D XR IEU LAB RO AD D OT R Nanaimo Ice Centre WA LL OA D Taylor Place Park E LA CE ON Nanaimo Aquatic Centre RIV EP HA MM LIF GER RIN BE LVD B E Outdoor Classroom Featuring a variety of outdoor exercise equipment. ST LD NU TU AR YD Pitch’n Putt DAW ES WI Outdoor Wellness Park D AV E Participark R RD NC BOWEN ROA D RY R H SA Millstone Nature Trail HF ST D Buttertubs Marsh 3 Beban Artificial Turf Fields RT ET RE BIR IRD IA Bowen West LL MI TH ES Tennis Community Garden OLIVE Serauxmen Stadium Lawn Bowling EN ROAD BOW Tree House Playground - lookout towers - bridges - spider web climbing structure and more RR D Serauxmen Sportsfields Baseball & Soccer Centennial Building Beban House OLIVER ROAD WA K Miners Cottage RIV ER Larry McNabb Sport Zone Oliver Woods Park Cliff McNabb Arena Frank Crane Arena Beban Pool Beban Social Centre & Auditorium 1 Altrusa Playground NO Rotary Bowl Park w ay Trail Beban Park ST ON E Vancouver Island University Bowen Park Rotary Field House NS TE Larry McNabb Sport Zone y Harbourside Playground Nanaimo Yacht Club Foot Ferry to Newcastle Island © Printed 2013 250.756.5200 Be sure to pick up these useful City of Nanaimo parks publications Great for cyclists of all abilities. The brochure provides information for commuters, casual riders and those just getting the hang of it. t /FDL1PJOU1BSL - one of the more popular park locations with incredible ocean view backdrops. There are a number of sites within the park that make for perfect wedding spots IPXFWFS'JOO#FBDIJTUIFNPTUBDDFTTJCMF t #PXFO1BSLXFEEJOHTJUFTJODMVEFUIF"NQIJUIFBUSFOFBS the duck pond, the Rhododendron Garden which is full bloom in early spring in front of the waterfalls. For the gathering afterwards, there are two covered shelters available. t 1JQFST-BHPPO - another one of Nanaimo’s most picturesque XBUFSGSPOUQBSLTPõFSJOHBnBUHSBTTZBSFBGPSFBTZBDDFTT perfect for smaller weddings. Annual Park Events Doggies! 8BUDIGPSUIFTFDPNNVOJUZFWFOUT t 'PSTQFDJmDEBUFTSFGFSUPXXXOBOBJNPDB t $PODFSUJO1BSLT4FSJFT - Watch for these concerts during the TVNNFSNPOUITBU#PXFO1BSL"NQIJUIFBUSFBOE.BõFP Sutton Park. Pack a picnic and enjoy a free concert in one of our picturesque parks. t -JGFHVBSETPOEVUZBU8FTUXPPE-BLF+VOFUP"VHVTU Watch for special aquatic events throughout the season including aquacise classes. t $BOBEB%BZ+VMZBU.BõFP4VUUPO1BSL+PJOJOUIF community celebrations at Nanaimo’s signature event park. t 3JWFST%BZ4FQUFNCFSBU#PXFO1BSL#SJOHZPVSGBNJMZBOE friends to learn about the important role rivers play in our environment and how we can all work together to protect them. t 4BMVUFUPUIF$PIP/PWFNCFSJO#PXFO1BSL$FMFCSBUFUIF success of the Millstone River rehabilitation and side stream QSPKFDUBOEXJUOFTTUIFSFUVSOPGUIF$PIP t 8JME'PPET'FTUJWBMBOE&BSUI%BZ$FMFCSBUJPO"QSJMJO #PXFO1BSL5BLFUIFUJNFUPSFnFDUPOUIFFOWJSPONFOUBOE MFBSOXBZTUPMJWFHSFFOFSBOEQFTUJDJEFGSFF-PDBMFYQFSUT also share their knowledge about cooking with wild plants. t 1JOLTJOUIF1BSLBOE/BUJPOBM5SFF%BZ - September DFMFCSBUFXJUIVTUIFHSFBUCFOFmUTUSFFTQSPWJEFUPVTBMM While dogs on leash are XFMDPNF JO BMM $JUZ PG /BOBJNP parks OPUF /05 QMBZHSPVOET PS TQPSUT öFMET , there are nine officially designated dog offleash parks in Nanaimo plus additional pilot sites. Please be sure to read and become familiar with the rules posted at the entrances to the dog off leash areas. Nanaimo’s successful dog off leash park system is the result of a strong working relationship between parks staff and the public. Please feel free to contact staff with your concern and comments as this important part of our parks system continues to grow. Dog off leash Parks #FCBO%PH1BSL - this park is probably the most popular off leash area and is fully fenced and centrally located. #FBVGPSU1BSL - this centrally located park is partially fenced, TIBEFECZNBUVSFTUSFFTBOEIBTBnBUFBTJMZBDDFTTJCMF terrain. %JWFS-BLF1BSLUIJTMBSHFTQPSUTmFMEPõFSTMPUTPGSPPNGPS your dog to run and play. $PMMJFSZ%BN1BSL - the upper lake area is open to dog owners. 8FTUXPPE-BLF1BSL - the dirt road running beneath the power lines on the southern side of Westwood Lake is open to off-leash canines. $BCMF#BZ5SBJMMPDBUFEJOTPVUI/BOBJNPOFBS$FEBSUIJT has a natural character for active dogs and owners. 7 *OWFSNFSF#FBDI - located in north Nanaimo, this area is accessed by stairs. 4U(FPSHF3BWJOF1BSLUIJTTNBMMnBUHSBTTZBSFBBUUIF top of the park is suitable for smaller dogs. /PSUIöFME1BSLCFIJOE7JTJUPS*OGP,JPTL - this is a fully fenced dog off leash area conveniently located along the Parkway Trail. $IFDLXXXOBOBJNPDB for new pilot sites and additional off-leash information. Spray Parks … 1 Deverill Square Park 2 )BSFXPPE$FOUFOOJBM1BSL %FQBSUVSF#BZ$FOUFOOJBM1BSL It 's a L ifestyle Bus and Bike Routes Some picture perfect sites to consider… 'PSPWFSZFBST1BSLT3FDSFBUJPOBOE$VMUVSFIBTCFFOPõFSJOH B '3&& TVQFSWJTFE QMBZHSPVOE QSPHSBN $IJMESFO BHFT BSF invited to stop by one of the selected neighbourhood parks for TPNFTVQFSWJTFEHBNFTBOEDSBGUT$IJMESFOTJYBOEVOEFSNVTU attend with a parent or caregiver. Host parks change annually so be sure to check out the current activity guide or call 250 756 5200 for location details. Volunteers in Parks Good to know … Do you love our community parks and want to give back? There are a number of ways you can get involved through our ‘Volunteer in Parks’ ( VIP) programs. t 1BSL8BSEFOT If you visit a park on regular basis already, UIJTNJHIUCFBHSFBUSPMFGPSZPV t *OWBTJWF1MBOU3FNPWBM8PSL1BSUJFT Join one of our TDIFEVMFEXPSLQBSUJFTPSPSHBOJ[FZPVSPXOKPJOMJLFNJOEFE people in the great outdoors for a great workout, good company and good cause. t/FJHICPVSIPPE1MBZHSPVOE*OTUBMMBUJPOT Do you have a lot of little ones in your neighbourhood? Get together with your neighbours and create a place for them to hang out. t #FBVUJöDBUJPO Plant boulevard trees and beautify traffic DJSDMFTBOEVOEFSEFWFMPQFEQBSLMPUT$PNNVOJUZHBSEFOT can also be developed under VIP. Please keep the following in mind when using our trails and parks so everyone can enjoy their visit: No SMOKING - Nanaimo’s parks, beaches, playgrounds and city managed public spaces are smoke free. t 1MFBTFLFFQZPVSEPHCJHPSTNBMMMFBTIFEBUBMMUJNFTJOPVS parks, unless visiting a designated off leash dog park. t ,FFQSJHIU, pass on the left, and say hello when passing others. t 1MFBTFQVUVTFEEPHHJFCBHTJOHBSCBHF cans provided. This helps keep harmful bacteria from entering our waterways and keeps our trails litter free. t 1MFBTFLFFQEPHTPOBTIPSUMFBTI when passing other park users. t *GZPVBSFXFBSJOHIFBEQIPOFT, please be aware of your surroundings especially on our multi-use trails (E&N & Parkway) t 5BLFOPUIJOHCVUQIPUPT; leave nothing but footprints. t 1BDLJUPVU. Please help us reduce costs and keep our parks beautiful by packing out your trash t 'FFEJOHJTGPVM. The wildlife doesn’t need handouts to survive. In fact, when you feed them it can cause overcrowding and disease. t 1PSUBCMF##2TBSFQFSNJUUFEJOQJDOJDBSFBT&9$&15EVSJOH '*3&#"/4XJUIUIFFYDFQUJPOPGQSPQBOF##2TXIJDIBSF permitted at all times). t 5IFDPOTVNQUJPOPGBMDPIPMJTQSPIJCJUFE Public Art /BOBJNP XBT EFDMBSFE B $VMUVSBM $BQJUBM JO BOETJODFQVCMJDBSUIBTQMBZFEBMBSHFSPMF in the fabric of our park and trail and recreational system. 1VCMJD"SUJTDSFBUFECZBSUJTUTGPSQVCMJDMZWJTJCMF sites. It increases the sense of place and animates our parks. Nanaimo has many QFSNBOFOU QJFDFT TVDI BT UIF 1BDJmD 4BJMT PO the Harbour font Walkway and wall hangings in our pools and arenas. Several temporary pieces are displayed seasonally such as street banners and outdoor art in Maffeo Sutton Park and essentially create outdoor art galleries in the parks. More information about public art in Nanaimo, please look at UIF POMJOF JOWFOUPSZ BOE $PNNVOJUZ 1MBO GPS 1VCMJD "SU BU XXXOBOBJNPDB C I T Y This is a bride - to - be planning tool must have if you are considering a wedding ceremony in one of our picturesque parks. Free Summer Playground Program - July & August $PNNVOJUZ (BSEFOT BSF XJEFMZ SFHBSEFE BT QPTJUJWF BNFOJUJFT that create a safe and healthy recreational activity within communities. They allow for local food production and can CFDPNFBHBUIFSJOHQMBDFJOBOFJHICPVSIPPE"MUIPVHIUIFSF are several gardens within the city limits, Nanaimo Parks, 3FDSFBUJPO BOE $VMUVSF DVSSFOUMZ IBT GPVS DPNNVOJUZ HBSEFOT on park property and more in the planning stage. They include: 5IF#FBVGPSU1BSL$PNNPOTMPDBUFEBU#FBVGPSU1BSL 4NVHHMFST1BSLPO1SPUFDUJPO*TMBOE - managed by DIGS Douglas Island Garden Society #FCBO6SCBO(BSEFO4PDJFUZ#6(4 NBOBHFECZUIF7*&9 MPDBUFEBU#FCBO1BSL 1BXTPO1BSL NBOBHFECZ/0$"/BOBJNP0ME$JUZ Station) H A R B O U R Wedding Brochure Community Gardens Destination Playgrounds Nanaimo boasts a lot of great playgrounds, but there are a few that are considered ‘EFTUJOBUJPOT’. These include: "MUSVTB1MBZHSPVOE$FOUSBMMZMPDBUFEJO#FCBO1BSLPO #PXFO3PBE*UIBTUXPQMBZ[POFTGPSEJõFSFOUBHFTBQBWFE cycling route for those learning how to get around on two wheels, covered picnic tables and one of Vancouver Island’s largest climbing structures. )BSCPVSTJEF1MBZHSPVOE - Located at Maffeo Sutton Park, this nautical themed playground is located on the waterfront. 0MJWFS8PPET1MBZHSPVOE - Located on the grounds of Oliver 8PPET$PNNVOJUZ$FOUSFJO/PSUI/BOBJNP5IFSFBSFUXP EJTUJODUQMBZ[POFTXJUIXPPEFOQMBZTUSVDUVSFTBEJTDTXJOH and a climbing web. %FWFSJMM4RVBSF1BSL - Located in south Nanaimo, this park has a multi-purpose sport court, a universally accessible playground, picnic facilities and water park elements (seasonal). T H E Getting married in one of Nanaimo’s beautiful parks is an ideal way to start a lifetime together. Like any park use, wedding ceremonies can impact our environment and other park visitors’ FYQFSJFODF GPS UIFTF SFBTPOT UIFSF BSF B GFX FTUBCMJTIFE guidelines in place to help you plan for a picture perfect celebration. t For more information and to obtain an event permit call 250 756 5200 and speak to our outdoor spaces allocations clerk. PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURE Weddings in Parks Provides a great overview of the rules for this popular game. :PVMMBMTPmOEBDPVSTFNBQBOE BTDPSFDBSE$IFDLPVUPOFPG /PSUI"NFSJDBTQSFNJFSEJTDHPMG DPVSTFTUPEBZ Parks And Trails Brochure Bowen Disc Golf Welcome to our Parks and Trails... Some of Nanaimo’s greatest assets are its parks and USBJMT8JUIPWFSIFDUBSFTPGQBSLMBOEBOE QSPUFDUFEPQFOTQBDFPWFSLJMPNFUSFTPGUSBJMT BOEPWFSQMBZHSPVOETUIF$JUZPG/BOBJNPPõFST residents and visitors many wonderful opportunities UPFOKPZUIFNBHOJmDFODFPGOBUVSFDPNCJOFEXJUI amenities added through development. Enjoy the many parks by participating in various activities like walking, hiking, cycling roller blading, wildlife viewing, beachcombing, picnicking and NPSF5BLFUJNFUPEJTDPWFS/BOBJNPTFYDFQUJPOBM beauty, unique characteristics and charm. Take time UPFYQMPSFZPVSQBSLTBOEUSBJMT City of Nanaimo Park Hours g g October to March ..................................6 am to 11 pm April to September ..................................6 am to Dusk Water / Spray Parks %FWFSJMM4RVBSF8BUFS1BSL%FQBSUVSF#BZ,JXBOJT 8BUFS1BSL.BOTmFME4QSBZ1PPM g June to September ................................. 9 am to 8 pm )BSFXPPE.JOJOH$PNNVOJUZ1BSL g June ................................................................3 pm to 8 pm g July to September ................................... 9 am to 8 pm For more details about our 200+ parks g Visit and use the key words 1"3,44&"3$) For further information, contact City of Nanaimo Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture 250.756.5200